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  • Collection: Daisy Wheaton Stereographs

One summer day-probably

June, 1929 up

Canyon, in a cosy nook

where we enjoyed a home

prepared luncheon.

"Bud" Smith, the chauffeur

and photographer on this


Left to right, Mother Mann,

"Sister" Hatchard, Janet…

Will and Inah Knox, beside

the grave of "Uncle" Zane

Wilson in Monrovia (in pencil) early


Early Feb. 1929 (crossed out) ^1930

The rock on which

we stand and sit is

beside the rock on

which the cross is

planted on Rubidoux

Feb 26, 1921

Taken sometime during

the winter of 1934. The year

we had several picnics and


This is James Simpsons ("Uncle

Jim") lovely home in Santa

Monica, Calif., where "sister"

Hatchard and "sister" Mary

Simpson were then…

A happy picnic party of

1934-at Big Pines, one of

Los Angeles Co's playgrounds-

You go up Cajon Pass pretty far,

coming to the Big Pines road

on your left, following the latter, up

up, to about 7200 ft elevation.

where this camp…

Going down Cathedral

Stairs on Hermit Trail.

I can only compare it

with a lot of Cathedral

or church spires together,

with a trail made in

their sides, down among

them. Looking at

this scene from below

it, no one…

One of the eastern

girls and a guide

perched on a rock

rim. Mch. 23-1921

Shermans feet at left

[illegible] Corner Daisy Wheaton,

Miss Keys (New York)

two "T.B." nurses from

a New Mexico Sanitorium,

Priscilla Borrows, N.H.

Conn. and the other guide.

The lunches are sent

by the hotel.…

This scene shows a

large party returning

from a night down in

the Canyon-where we are

bound for. Theres a

shelter house just out

of sight near the right

upper corner. Just

around the next bend

is an immense flat…

Our home in Pasadena

from Nov 20, 1928 to Apr

29, 1929 when, both sick, we

moved our belongings to Los

Angeles where good friend

Mrs Levi R. Smith secured

an apartment for us in The

Chatham Apt Building where

she had been for…
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