Browse Items (465 total)

  • Collection: Daisy Wheaton Stereographs

Apr, 19-

Bidding Hatchards, Mrs

Porter and Miss Mary Simpson

goodby in the Riverside

Tourist Camp. But, we

lingered at San Bernardino

again at Riverside then back

to San Bernardino 'til

April 21-waiting to

get into Arizona…

Aug 27, '24

The night previous we

spent in Milford, Ill-

From Mrs Porters home

on Sheridan Road-

Highland Park Ill

we drove straight down

thru the heart of Chicago.

Stopped in Lincoln Park

to look around as hadnt


Mr and Mrs Adelbert Wheaton and

daughter-Aleen and Aunt

Augusta Wheaton.

May 25-'24

Taken on our way home by

Reo house car.

Front of card:

Adelbert Wheaton's- Champaign, Ill.

The last photograph of the

Hatchards and Wheatons together

as friend Tom dropped dead

in their Winnipeg Apt Sept.

26-1925 This photo taken

Aug 26-'25. in front of Mrs.

Porters sons home, Highland

Park, Ill.

Mrs Porter was…

Front of Postcard:

Picturesque View of the Falls, Sioux Falls, S.D.

Back of Postcard:

These are very good of the falls.


Daytona 4-14-09

My dear Im

so afraid you are

sick as Ive not

had a letter now

for 4 or 5 days.

Hope though Ive had Mrs. C. M. Wheaton

my worry for Sunbury,

nothing and that …

Front of picture:

On detour out of St Thomas

Tourist Camp at San

Bernardino where we

spent several days

waiting for Arizona

to lift the quarantine

and permit Calif. motorists

to cross her border.

April 12-13-14-15-16-20

and 21.

Front of…

At San Bernardino

Feb. 25, 1921

Mr, Mrs Thomas Hatchard;

Joe Torbill, Mrs.Laurence,


"Orange Show"

decorations on main

St, with old "Greyback"

Mt [illegible] showing

at end of St, seemingly, the

25 mi. away.…

This scene soon after

we had gotten over the

summit of Mt Eagle,

Tenn. Mt Eagle road

was notoriosly bad at

that time.

It took a long time to

reach the summit, where

we spent a night.

Up there mother remarked

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