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This photograph shows Bill Campbell's store on Walnut St. north of the railroad tracks in Galena. It is likely that the man standing on the porch is Bill Campbell. Hank Campbell, Bill's father ran a shoe making business in his home. It it possible…

This photograph shows the Galena gristmill in southern Galena.

If you can tell us tell us more about this mill, please contact the library at 740-965-3901 or

This is a postcard of the Galena Creamery in Galena, Ohio

If you can identify the man standing in front of the door on the left and/or the man standing near the porch on the right, please contact the library at 740-965-3901 or

This photograph shows Helen Campbell sitting on the Yankee Street bridge that crosses over Little Walnut Creek.

If you would like to tell us more about this photograph, please contact the library at 740-965-3901 or

This photograph shows a picture of a covered bridge over Big Walnut Creek. The description on top is unable to be read.

If you have more information about this photo, please contact the library at 740-965-3901 or

This photograph shows the covered bridge east of Galena, and the original house where the Utley house was standing. The small house was used by Price, the undertaker.

This is a picture of the Methodist Church in Galena, Ohio.
The parsonage is the building on the right.

If you would like to tell us more about this church, please contact the library at 740-965-3901 or

This photograph shows the Methodist Church in Galena when leaves are on the trees.

If you would like to tell us more about this church, please contact the library at 740-965-3901 or

This photograph shows younger children outside the Galena school building gathered for a picture.

If you can identify the students in this photograph, please contact the library at 740-965-3901 or

This photograph shows six seated women in the Galena Methodist Church dressed in black. Looking at them are seated children. The women are identified, left to right, as Ellie Weber, Edna Ranck, Eva McCaughey, Bertha Campbell, Rhetta Johnson, and…
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