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Mr and Mrs Will C. Daily #23

Edwin and Chas Daily, with

ourselves, at the Daily

home 824 E. Platte Ave.

Colorado Springs


May 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 - 1924.

Front of picture:

Mr Mrs Will Daily - Charles and Edwin Wheatons

May 5 we drove from Laramie

Wyoming to Estes Park, Colo.

via Fort Collins, Cal. #28

A wonderfully scenic trip all

the way from Laramie.

First long grade up and I saw

treeless hills with the wind

blowing a gale, soon coming


We spent May 5th night

in Estes Park. Drove on into

Rocky Mt Nat'l Park morning

of 6th.

This scene is at the junction

of the Ft Collins and Loveland

roads into the park.

There is a bridge and I am

just in front of our…

Front of picture:

Rocky Mt Park beyond Estes

Entrance to beautiful

Rocky Mt National Park

Colo. We drove a few miles

up - hoping to see some

big game.

Fifteen deer were feeding

just back of where we

parked, only the day…

Hotel in Estes Park

There are many hotels there

but this is the big one, so

beautifully nestling at

the foot of the big mountains,

with evergreens for a

background. Thousands

of tourists visit this Park

every year. Many…

In Virgin Mountains north St Thomas Nevada

This scene was taken

after we left Wellton Ariz.

Feb. [crossed out] Jan 27 - '26

The shacks are the homes

of the natives.

Then is a mine in the side

of a moutain nearby, and

the Southern Pacific spur

from Phoenix runs…

A typical Sante

Fe workmans

home. These were

found all along

the Sante Fe of

adobe mostly.

Note the Mexican


Street scene in Jaurez, Mexico.

Taken on our "stop over" in El Paso,

Texas, Dec., night of 23rd.

Mexicans selling strange looking

foods in street in front of me.

Bad looking neighbor town, - a

disgrace to civilization.

A little…

Near Hodgdensbunk [Hodgenville] and

Buffalo, Ky - the lovely

Memorial in memory of

Abraham Lincoln, whose

very, very humble one

room cabin home is

within the fine building.

This was about April 1

1923 - when we were on…
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