Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 1)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 1)


[page 1]

[corresponds to front cover]




A.W. BROWN, Sec'y

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 2)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 2)


[page 2]

[corresponds to inside front cover]

Anno Domini 1927

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 3)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 3)


[page 3]

[corresponds to pages labeled The Metropolitan Casualty

Insurance Company of New York]

Good Faith

Across the face of every policy we issue is the

unwritten endorsement--Good Faith.

Good Faith is the most precious element in all

human association, the priceless foundation of

every worthy business.

Without Good Faith, the clearest contract is but

a scrap of paper: with it, a scrap of paper be-

comes a bond.

Good Faith makes Individuals honorable, Cor-

porations generous, Nations great.

To be just is not enough--Good Faith is better

than its word, standing behind the spirit as well

as the letter of its agreements.

Insurance based only on the written contract

gives literally what is paid for--a minimum.

Insurance written and interpreted in Good Faith

gives more than is bargained for--generous and

understanding treatment.

Behind the policy of a corporation stand the

men who direct its destiny. When the guiding

principle of these men is Good Faith, the cor-

poration becomes an instrument of human


The corporation whose policy is Good Faith

gives the lie to the saying that corporations have

no souls.




J. SCOFIELD ROWE, President.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 4)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 4)


[page 4]

[corresponds to page labeled The Metropolitan Casualty

Insurance Company of New York]

A Sound and Fair Basis

for writing

Check Alteration and Forgery


The recognition of preperred risks has

become a fundamental principle in the

writing of all forms of insurance. Users

of loss-preventive measures are entitled

to discounts in proportion to the degree

of prevention they employ.

The Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Co.

accordingly offers to users of approved

preventive devices, regardless of make, a

graduated scale of discounts from base

rates for Check Alteration and Forgery


Discounts are Substantial

depending upon the effectiveness of the

devices used.

The Metropolitan was the FIRST Com-

pany to give its Preferred Risks these

discounts. The plan, introduced in 1924,

has demonstrated its right to careful

consideration on the part of check

users everywhere and has been accorded

universal approval.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 5)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 5)


[page 5]

[corresponds to page labeled Year Book 1927]

Year Book






Chartered 1874

Home Office . . 55 Fifth Avenue
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 6)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 6)


[page 6]

[corresponds to blank page]
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 7)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 7)


[page 7]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JANUARY 1]

Saturday, JANUARY 1

1st day--364 days to come

Cold and clear

Snow & ice on ground

Mrs. Stevenson buried

Two trips to Johnstown

Cemetery. Jack to

Jas. Taggarts'

Home coming at

Baptist church

Trip to Pitman Farm.

At Mrs Landon's in

the evening

Rev Julian for breakfast
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 8)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 8)


[page 8]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JANUARY 2]

Sunday, JANUARY 2

2nd day--363 days to come

Cloudy with snow

squalls all day

Mr. Waldron died

at Galena

Out to Ward Perfects with

broke down auto box

Then both boys to


started to church but

called back
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 9)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 9)


[page 9]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, January 3]

Monday, JANUARY 3

3rd day--362 days to come

Cloudy, warmer & thawing

Mr. Waldron in casket

Bob White came to room.

Man up to Slife farm.

I at Lily Barcus' in

the evening.

Mrs. Merideth died
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 10)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 10)


[page 10]

[corresponds to pages labeled Tuesday, JANUARY 4]

Tuesday, JANUARY 4

4th day--361 days to come

Cloudy & thawing

Trip to Waldron's

Fire extinguisher dem-

onstration in evening

Mrs. Barker in a few


Mr. Hughs all night
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 11)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 11)


[page 11]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, JANUARY 5]

Wednesday, JANUARY 5

5th day--360 days to come

Waldron funeral

Mrs. Lott to Sunbury

Galena woman to Hospital

Went to Hetties' Maggies

and prayer meeting
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 12)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 12)


[page 12]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, JANUARY 6]

Thursday, JANUARY 6

6th day--359 days to come

Cloudy & colder, icy.

Mrs. Merideth funeral

Ot Young to Dustin farm

at Mrs. Fosters in evening

Mr Hughs & Ashland

people over night
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 13)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 13)


[page 13]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, JANUARY 7]

Friday, JANUARY 7

7th day--358 days to come

Sunshine & little warmer

Hosie's Mother for dinner

[illegible] Hose took her home.

Lodge in evening

Will & Lib called in

the morning
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 14)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 14)


[page 14]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JANUARY 8]

Saturday, JANUARY 8

8th day--357 days to come

Cloudy & warmer

still icy

at Mrs Landon's in

the evening

Rev & Mrs Hayden and

Mary Etta called in

the afternoon

Margaret Taggart in

in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 15)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 15)


[page 15]

corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JANUARY 9]

Sunday, JANUARY 9

9th day--356 days to come

cloudy & thawing

Taggart farm to Delaware

Irene Williams & Leland

for dinner after church

To church in the

evening also at Maggies

and Hetties a little


Erie Pa man over night
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 16)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 16)


[page 16]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, JANUARY 10]

Monday, JANUARY 10

10th day--355 days to come

Clear and colder

Still icy

Hose north of Fargo

At Barcus in evening

Mr Hughs over night

Cora Baily a few minutes
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 17)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 17)


[page 17]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, JANUARY 11]

Tuesday, JANUARY 11

11th day--354 days to come

Snow in morning, icy,

afternoon sunshine

Miss Sherman in casket

at Mrs Fosters in evening

Hattie in a little while

Val Young did not

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 18)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 18)


[page 18]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, JANUARY 12]

Wednesday, JANUARY 12

12th day--353 days to come

Very icy, little warmer

Miss Sherman funeral

Mrs Landon in.

Flick over night. I

at Maggie's and

prayer meeting. Mr

Conner did not come

New U.S. grocery in town
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 19)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 19)


[page 19]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, JANUARY 13]

Thursday, JANUARY 13

13th day--352 days to come

Very icy & cloudy light

snow last night.

Mrs Dr Williards to Mrs

Nitschke's funeral

rain to night, I was at

Lily Barcus' this evening

Prospect man & Mr Hughs

over night.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 20)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 20)


[page 20]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, JANUARY 14]

Friday, JANUARY 14

14th day--351 days to come

Icy all day colder this

evening and snowing

Taggart to Columbus

I went to Maggie's and

prayer meeting. Billy

got his picture taken

for birthday
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 21)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 21)


[page 21]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JANUARY 15]

Saturday, JANUARY 15

15th day--350 days to come

2 [degrees] above zero last night

very cold all day. Hose

to Columbus for Dr Van Houten

then to Delaware for Fosters.

Still icy. To be colder

to night. We did not get

to go to Billy's Birthday

party. At Mrs Fosters

in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 22)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 22)


[page 22]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JANUARY 16]

Sunday, JANUARY 16

16th day--349 to come

Zero last evening

Cloudy and warmer

Went to church, stopped

at Maggies and

Hetties after church.

At Mrs Landon's in

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 23)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 23)


[page 23]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, JANAURY 17]

Monday, JANAURY 17

17th day--348 days to come

beautiful day and

much warmer Went

to Columbus, Hose and I this a.m.

Mrs Foster in. Hose

made trip to Slife place

with man

Amb trip with Strosy

in the evening with

Mrs Wilbur Memolt

Hettie down in the

evening. Wooster man

stayed all night

We got new rug for

front hall

Mr Ulery near New Albany

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 24)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 24)


[page 24]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, JANUARY 18]

Tuesday, JANUARY 18

18th day--347 days to come

Snowed all fore noon

and rained all after-

noon. Tonight-foggy

and still raining

I have a slight cold.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 25)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 25)


[page 25]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, JANUARY 19]

Wednesday, JANUARY 19

19th day-346 days to come

rained all night-

and all day, Snow

gone, and most of

ice. Mr. Ulery in

casket and call to

Dailys'. Have not gone

to church this week.

cooler this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 26)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 26)


[page 26]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, JANUARY 20]

Thursday, JANUARY 20

20th day--345 to come

rained again last

night. cloudy & foggy

Ice gone. Mr Ulerys

funeral, call to Otis

Longshore in Col.

Mr Foster in in af-

ternoon. To church in

the evening and at

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 27)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 27)


[page 27]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, JANUARY 21]

Friday, JANUARY 21

21st day--344 days to come

cloudy & rainy terrible

foggy all day and evening

Daily & Longshore in

caskets. Hose brought

me beautiful boquet

Did not go to Lodge or

church, Hettie and

Mrs Gill in a little

While in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 28)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 28)


[page 28]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JANAURY 22]

Saturday, JANAURY 22

22nd day--343 days to come

rained all day until 4 o'clock

then got colder,

Mrs Landon in this

morning, Daily funeral.

Otis Longshore out to

Gail Longshores. Festus

over, I was down to

Mrs Foster's this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 29)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 29)


[page 29]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JANUARY 23]

Sunday, JANUARY 23

23 day--342 days to come

rained lightly all

day and very icy, could

not get out of the house

Festus here all day

Otis Longshore buried

I wrote letter and card in

the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 30)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 30)


[page 30]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, JANUARY 24]

Monday, JANUARY 24

24th day--341 days to come

beautiful day ice mostly

gone. Hose at Delaware

in the morning and amb

ulance trip for Frank Stelzer

in the afternoon.

At church in the evening

also at Maggies & Hettie's
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 31)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 31)


[page 31]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, JANUARY 25]

Tuesday, JANUARY 25

25th day--340 days to come

Beautiful clear day

Taggart to Columbus

Mrs. Foster & Maggie

here this afternoon

at church in the even-

ing also at Hetties a

little while. Took up

carpet in the north

room. Ot Young visited

Hose in the evening.

Mrs Burrer called in

the afternoon
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 32)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 32)


[page 32]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, JANUARY 26]

Wednesday, JANUARY 26

26th day--339 days to come

Clear cold day. Far -

mers Institute, Both

Speakers stayed with

us, came before we were

up. Trio to Butler farm

Mrs Foster called also

Harvey Allen. I went to

the institute in the

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 33)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 33)


[page 33]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, JANAURY 27]

Thursday, JANAURY 27

27th day--338 days to come

Clear nice day, warmer.

Bess here for dinner.

I went to the institute

in the afternoon,

at Maggies & to church

in the evening.

Baily Mead fixed floor

in the north room.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 34)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 34)


[page 34]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, JANUARY 28]

Friday, JANUARY 28

28th day--337 days to come

Bad day, snow rain

and sleet, I went to

Mrs Lawsons and

spent the day. Hosea

took me and he, Hattie

& Billy came after me.

Lancaster girl here

all night. I did not

go to club at Mrs Sperrys

or to church
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 35)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 35)


[page 35]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JANUARY 29]

Saturday, JANUARY 29

29th day--336 days to come

Cloudy. I went to

Search light reception

at 7 Town Hall, had a

fine time, Went to

Mrs Landon's in the

evening. Afternoon

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 36)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 36)


[page 36]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JANUARY 30]

Sunday, JANUARY 30

30th day--335 days to come

Beautiful day like

spring. Hose to Lester

Hoy's father with Strosy

Then to Mt Vernon for

Potter boy. We took

a ride out the Johns-

town road about 3

o'clock. In the evening

went to church to

Maggies and to Hettie's

Potter boy taken out

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 37)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 37)


[page 37]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, JANUARY 31]

Monday, JANUARY 31

31st day--334 days to come

cloudy, about freezing

4 Lecture course people

came at noon.

The Climax," Mrs Foster

called in the after-

noon. Mr. Hoy and

Potter boy in caskets.

I went to the Lecture

course, Lily and Rosa

did not go. Mr. Hughs

back to night"
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 38)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 38)


[page 38]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, FEBRUARY 1]

Tuesday, FEBRUARY 1

32nd day--333 days to come

Beautiful clear day

not cold. To Columbus

for Mrs Decker. Potter

funeral, chairs from

Potters and Mrs Decker

home near Delaware,

Mrs Landon called this

morning. I did not go

to church this evening.

Cloudy, Mr Darrell over

to charge gas plumbing

"The Climax" people did not go

until noon. Mr Hoy funeral,

chairs from Hoys to Potters

Mr Young & Mr Phillipps

here. I went to church this

evening, rained a little"
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 39)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 39)


[page 39]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, FEBRUARY 2]

Wednesday, FEBRUARY 2

33rd day--332 days to come

Beautiful clear day, not

cold. To Columbus for Mrs

Decker, Potter boy funeral.

chairs from Potters and

Mrs Decker home near Del-

aware. Mrs Landan called

this morning. I did not

go to church this evening

and the good meetings

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 40)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 40)


[page 40]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, FEBRUARY 3]

Thursday, FEBRUARY 3

34th day--331 days to come

Cloudy, rainy and

foggy in forenoon

clear and warm in afternoon. Taggart to

Columbus & Mrs Decker

in casket. I went to

school operetta in the

evening also called at

Hetties in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 41)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 41)


[page 41]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, February 4]

Friday, FEBRUARY 4

35th day --330 days to come

Clear, beautiful day

like summer. Mrs

Decker buried. I got

wall paper for west

room. Mrs Foster

called this afternoon.

Went to Lodge this

evening. Hose over to

[illegible] Perfects at

9 o'clock to hear over


Hose helped with

Bess Hoy.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 42)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 42)


[page 42]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, FEBRUARY 5]

Saturday, FEBRUARY 5

36th day--329 days to come

Cloudy & misty, fogging

in afternoon & evening

Eva & Christine here

all day. we went up to

Maggies & Hetties in

the afternoon. Dell

Brown was found dead

in bed. Hettie called

in the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 43)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 43)


[page 43]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, FEBRUARY 6]

Sunday, FEBRUARY 6

37th day--328 days to come

Nice day partly cloudy.

Mrs Hoy funeral

Trip to Geo Browns

First call to Rily [Riley] Dewitts

I could not go to church.

Mrs Landon called in

the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 44)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 44)


[page 44]

[corresponds to pages labeled Monday, FEBRUARY 7]

Monday, FEBRUARY 7

38th day--327 days to come

Beautiful day. I wash-

ed a few things. Mr

Mead papered the west

room. Hose took man

to Berkshire. I went

to Methodist church

in the evening.

Two Cleveland men

stayed over night.

Hose got a bushel of

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 45)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 45)


[page 45]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, FEBRUARY 8]

Tuesday, FEBRUARY 8

39th day--326 days to come

Nice day partly cloudy.

I cleaned the west room. Claud Smythe

died this morning

in Florida. Dell Brown

was buried. Mrs Landon

called also Lily Barcus.

Hose and I went down

to Smyths. I called at

Mrs Fosters this evening

Hose helped put Mrs

Dug Perfect in her

casket. Had apple

dumplings for dinner.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 46)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 46)


[page 46]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, FEBRUARY 9]

Wednesday, FEBRUARY 9

40th day--325 days to come

Cloudy & warm. Mrs

Dug Perfect buried

We went to Rily [Riley] DeWitts

for chairs. Mrs Barton

finally died, to

Smyths [Smythes] after trip to

Bartons'. I went to

prayer meeting and called at Maggies'
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 47)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 47)


[page 47]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, FEBRUARY 10]

Thursday, FEBRUARY 10

41st day--324 days to come]

light snow last

evening. about freezing

cloudy to day, snowing

very lightly. Mrs Barton

in casket and brought

Claud Smythe from

Union Station. snowing

harder. Mrs Foster

called also Mert Smythe.

11 people from Canton

staid overnight-going

to Califormia. Zanes-

ville man here also.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 48)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 48)


[page 48]

[correponds to page labeled Friday, FEBRUARY 11]

Friday, FEBRUARY 11

42nd day--323 days to come

Snowy & frosty this

morning. Beautiful

clear day. Claud

Smythe Home. Mrs

Barton Buried. Mrs

Landon called. We

went to Galena to see

C. Smythe. Was at

Barcus in the even

ing. Festus Sherbourne

came over.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 49)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 49)


[page 49]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, FEBRUARY 12]

Saturday, FEBRUARY 12

43rd day--322 days to come

beautiful day. Hose and

Strosy to Smythes. Was at

Hetties in the evening.

Mrs Foster called.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 50)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 50)


[page 50]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, FEBRUARY 13]

Sunday, FEBRUARY 13

44th day--321 days to come

rained & sleeted then

icy. Smythe funeral

Mr Chalfant came

from Glenford. Hose

at Monnette [Monnett] Hall in the

evening. I went

to Landons and was

called home
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 51)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 51)


[page 51]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, FEBRUARY 14]

Monday, FEBRUARY 14

45th day--320 days to come

Foggy in the morning

rest of day beautiful

Hose, Hettie & I went to

Columbus. Hose and

Strosy to Cole girl to Wes-

terville. I at Landons

in the evening

Got new curtains for

West room. No Valentines

got rubber matting

for hall also curtains

for west room.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 52)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 52)


[page 52]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, FEBRUARY 15]

Tuesday, FEBRUARY 15

46th day--319 days to come

Partly cloudy but nice

day. Mert Smythe

called in the fore-

noon. Val Young and

wife called. Mrs

Eliza Perfect died

this noon. Mrs Foster

called this afternoon

Mrs Landon called this

evening. I went to church

Pearl Whitney in awhile

I washed a little to day
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 53)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 53)


[page 53]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, FEBRUARY 16]

Wednesday, FEBRUARY 16

47th day--318 days to come

Early this morning, light-

ning, thunder, rain

and a little hail. The

rest of the day sunshiny

and quite windy.

Mr Plum died, Hallie

Cole in her casket

I went to prayer meet-

ing and to Maggies'

Made my west room

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 54)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 54)


[page 54]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, FEBRUARY 17]

Thursday, FEBRUARY 17

48th day--317 days to come

Foggy early this morning

then clearing. Took

my coat dress out to

Ehtel's to fix sleeves.

Put up my new curtains

Maggie, Dr. Leland and

Irene went to see Crotti.

Cole funeral today.

Maggie stayed at Hospital

At Hetties in the evening.

Nellie Wilson and her boys

called this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 55)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 55)


[page 55]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, FEBRUARY 18]

Friday, FEBRUARY 18

49th day--316 days to come

Cloudy and much colder

Aunt Eliza Perfect buried.

I went to Lodge this

evening. Mrs Landon

called to-day.

Marc went to Olive Green.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 56)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 56)


[page 56]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, FEBRUARY 19]

Saturday, FEBRUARY 19

50th day--315 days to come

Cloudy all day and

not quite so cold.

Mrs Foster called

Mr Plum buried

Festus went back to

Delaware. Maggie

came from the Hospital

I went up to see her

in the evening

Man and woman

to Alexandria at

10. P.M. Blowing

and snowing when

he came back

Mrs [erased]
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 57)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 57)


[page 57]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, FEBRUARY 20]

Sunday, FEBRUARY 20

51st day-314 days to come

Snowed all night and

all day, about 24 [degrees] above

zero. Mrs Blakely died

at 1.P.M. this morning

Strosy to casket factory.

I did not go anyplace

to day. too bad.

Methodist meetings

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 58)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 58)


[page 58]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, FEBRUARY 21]

Monday, FEBRUARY 21

52nd day--313 days to come

Cold & Cloudy, thawing

a little, snow on ground

I went to Delaware with

Hosea after Jack. At

Mrs Fosters' in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 59)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 59)


[page 59]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, FEBRUARY 22]

Tuesday, FEBRUARY 22

53rd day--312 days to come

Cloudy, rainy & slushing

I went to Mrs Blakelys

funeral. Hose took

Mr Taggart to Delaware.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 60)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 60)


[page 60]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, FEBRUARY 23]

Wednesday, FEBRUARY 23

54th day-311 days to come

Cloudy then clearing

beautifully. I went

to prayer meeting and

to Maggies & Hetties

Mr Dresback died

Minnie Edwards

called on business
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 61)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 61)


[page 61]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, FEBRUARY 24]

Thursday, FEBRUARY 24

55th day--310 days to come

Beautiful clear day

I washed 3 pairs of

curtains, Minnie

Edwards, Mrs Landon

& Mrs Foster called.

I [word 'went' scratched out] did not to Lecture Course.

Mrs Gelston in a few minutes.

Lecture course people

stayed with us. Three

of them. Frank Conklin's

boy killed at Croton

by train
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 62)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 62)


[page 62]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, FEBRUARY 25]

Friday, FEBRUARY 25

56th day--309 days to come

rained all forenoon

blizzardy snow all

afternoon. Mert Smythe

called. Mr Dustman

painted the hall

floor and stairway.

Hartrum girl buried at

Condit. I went up

to Maggie's but had

to come home on ac-

count of Hosea helping

at chapel.

Quit snowing and got

colder. Hettie called after

supper a little while

Trip to Delaware with

M. W.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 63)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 63)


[page 63]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, FEBRUARY 26]

Saturday, FEBRUARY 26

57th day--308 days to come

Nice day, a little windy

about freezing.

Conklin man from

Croton buried.

I spent the evening

at Mrs Landons'
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 64)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 64)


[page 64]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, FEBRUARY 27]

Sunday, FEBRUARY 27

58th day-307 days to come

Cold & cloudy 24 [degrees] above

zero, Mr Dresback

buried at Kingston

Mrs Landon called

Hose not home for dinner-

I went to Maggies

then to church, Then

called at Hetties

for Johnstown paper.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 65)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 65)


[page 65]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, FEBRUARY 28]

Monday, FEBRUARY 28

59th day-306 days to come

Beautiful day. Snow

gone. Hall rug and

rubber matting down.

Mrs Landon to Delaware

Mrs. Cornell in casket

Mrs Foster called
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 66)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 66)


[page 66]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, MARCH 1]

Tuesday, MARCH 1

60th day--305 days to come

Cold & cloudy.

Mr Dustman finished

floor. Mrs Landon

called, Mrs Cornell

buried. I went to

Mrs Foster's this

evening, then to

Mrs Haley's then to

Lily Barcus'. Miami

people stayed all night
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 67)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 67)


[page 67]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, MARCH 2]

Wednesday, MARCH 2

61st day--304 days to come

Clear & quite cold about

30 [degrees] above zero. Finished

front Hall. Mrs Case

buried. I went to

Maggies' and prayer

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 68)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 68)


[page 68]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, MARCH 3]

Thursday, MARCH 3

62nd day--303 days to come

Beautiful clear day

Hannon girl buried

Mrs Otis Gammill taken

to Case Hospital. I or-

dered two pair of silk

hose from Real Silk

Hose man. J.J. Stark

and McBlayney

called. I went to Mrs

Fosters' in the evening

I washed a few towels

this morning.

Mrs [letter 's' marked out] Hostetter came

this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 69)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 69)


[page 69]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, MARCH 4]

Friday, MARCH 4

63rd day--302 days to come

Beautiful spring day.

Hose and I went to

Columbus. Hose

took Strosy to Jake

Coles'. I got and made

dining room sash

curtains. I went to

chapter in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 70)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 70)


[page 70]

[corresponds to pages labeled Saturday, MARCH 5]

Saturday, MARCH 5

64th day--301 days to come

Warmer today and

partly cloudy. Jack

and Hosea went to

Fredericktown. Maggie

Eva, Christine & Billy

came down in the

afternoon, Mrs Foster

and Mrs Landon call-

ed in the evening

Mrs Gelston in a few

minutes. Mr. Hostetter

still here. It is

raining this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 71)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 71)


[page 71]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, MARCH 6]

Sunday, MARCH 6

65th day--300 days to come

Warm & cloudy. Jim

Foster & Rosa Barcus

called. I went to

church in the

evening. Also went to

Hettie's and got

Johnstown paper.

Mr Taggart & Mr Hostetter

spent part of the evening

with us. Mrs Landon

called today.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 72)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 72)


[page 72]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, MARCH 7]

Monday, MARCH 7

66th day-299 days to come

Warmer cloudy & rainy

Mert Smythe called

I have a cold. Mr

Hostetter still here

Ot Young has a

very bad cold.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 73)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 73)


[page 73]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, MARCH 8]

Tuesday, MARCH 8

67th day--298 days to come

Clear beautiful day.

I was at Bess' for

dinner. Then went

to Delaware with

Mert Smythe, was

at Mrs Landons in

the evening. I have

a hard cold.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 74)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 74)


[page 74]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, MARCH 9]

Wednesday, MARCH 9

68th day--297 days to come

Clear nice day. My cold

a little better. I

sent my old carpet

away for new rugs.

Mr Hostetter had a

meals meeting in the

North room today.

Mrs Landon & Pearl

Whitney called to day.

I was at Landon's this

evening. Lulu Baker

in a while. I did

not go to prayer meeting

on account of my cold.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 75)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 75)


[page 75]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, MARCH 10]

Thursday, MARCH 10

69th day--296 days to come

Beautiful warm

sunshiny day

Jack & Hose to Colum-

bus, then Mr Hostetter

and Hose to Galena

and Delaware. Mrs.

foster called this mor-

ning. My cold still

getting better. House

almost full last night.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 76)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 76)


[page 76]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, MARCH 11]

Friday, MARCH 11

70th day--295 days to come

Beaautiful spring day.

Mr Hostetter left. I

went to Johnstown chap-

ter in the evening

with Pearl Whitney.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 77)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 77)


[page 77]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, MARCH 12]

Saturday, MARCH 12

71st day--294 days to come

Beautiful warm day.

Hose and Strosy went

to Columbus in the

forenoon. I went up

to Hettie's in the

evening, Mrs Foster

called this afternoon
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 78)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 78)


[page 78]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, MARCH 13]

Sunday, MARCH 13

72nd day--293 days to come

raining this mor-

ning and rained

very hard in the

afternoon. I went

to Redwood cemetery

with Hosea to set

device for Mr. Van Tassel.

Did not go to church

to night.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 79)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 79)


[page 79]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, MARCH 14]

Monday, MARCH 14

73rd day--292 days to come

Cooler and cloudy all

day. Mr Hostetter from

Delaware, Kendallville

Man back also Mr

Whitford & wife back

Mrs Lawson called this

evening, I was down to

Mrs Landons this even-

ing. We changed floor

coverings on Bob Whites

room to day. I washed

a few things. Leland

called for petitions.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 80)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 80)


[page 80]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, MARCH 15]

Tuesday, MARCH 15

74th day--291 days to come

Clear beautiful day

washed a little.

Val Young here

alos Mrs Whitford

Mr Hostetter left.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 81)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 81)


[page 81]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, MARCH 16]

Wednesday, MARCH 16

75th day--290 days to come

Clear beautiful day.

washed woodwork in

front hall. Did not

go to prayer meeting

as Hosea had to go

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 82)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 82)


[page 82]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, MARCH 17]

Thursday, MARCH 17

76th day--289 days to come

partly cloudy and

rained a little.

I washed and ironed

north room curtains.

I was at Maggies a lit-

tle while. Hettie came

down in the evening.

I was at Mrs Fosters

this afternoon. Leland

brought in 3 petitions.

quite warm for this

time of year.

Mert Smythe called
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 83)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 83)


[page 83]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, MARCH 18]

Friday, MARCH 18

77th day--288 days to come

Cloudy and slightly

rainy all day. got

ready to go to the Aid Soci-

ety but did not get to go.

Mrs Landon called. Mrs

Alden from Columbus waited

an hour here. I went to

Lodge in the evening

and later spent the

evening at Mrs Kimballs'.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 84)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 84)


[page 84]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, MARCH 19]

Saturday, MARCH 19

78th day--287 days to come

Cloudy & very rainy

Val Young & wife in a

few minutes

I went to Hetties

and up to see Billy

a little while.

Hose took accident

people to Case Hospital

Rany girl. Festus

over. I sat up until

1.10 a.m. waiting with

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 85)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 85)


[page 85]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, MARCH 20]

Sunday, MARCH 20

79th day--286 days to come

very rainy all day.

Festus called also

Bessie. I went to

church this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 86)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 86)


[page 86]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, MARCH 21]

Monday, MARCH 21

80th day--285 days to come

Cold and rainy.

cleaned one cupboard

Mrs Foster called.

I spent the evening

at Mrs Landons'

Minnie Edwards

called on business
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 87)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 87)


[page 87]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, MARCH 22]

Tuesday, MARCH 22

81st day--284 days to come

Cold & damp. C. Roots

store & Krogers burned

at 5. a.m. Mrs S. L.

Rosecrans & Mrs Hixon-

baugh called during

the fire. Wilson Ed-

wards was here.

I went to Hettie's this

afternoon and to Mrs

Fosters this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 88)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 88)


[page 88]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, MARCH 23]

Wednesday, MARCH 23

82nd day--283 days to come

Nice day, bright.

I went to see Lily

Barcus this after-

noon. Mrs Joslin

called. I went

to Maggies and

with her to Baptist

Basement to dinner

and to hear Rev

Fitch speak. Wilson

Edwards and Mert

Smythe called this

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 89)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 89)


[page 89]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, MARCH 24]

Thursday, MARCH 24

83rd day--282 days to come

Very nice day. Mrs

Perry & Mrs Landon in.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 90)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 90)


[page 90]

[corresponds to pages labeled Friday, MARCH 25]

Friday, MARCH 25

84th day--281 days to come

Nice day, Mrs Lawson

spent the day.

Festus came over.

I went to Club at

Mrs Gills', I called

at Mrs Landons,

Hose took H. DeWitt

to L. Mc Masters.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 91)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 91)


[page 91]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, MARCH 26]

Saturday, MARCH 26

85th day--280 days to come

rained a little last

night, nice day today

but blustery. I went

to Hetties and to

Maggies in the

evening. Did not get

to go to Ashly O.E.S.

convention. Hose took

Taggart to Delaware

Ot Young came in

a while
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 92)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 92)


[page 92]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, MARCH 27]

Sunday, MARCH 27

86th day--279 days to come

Cold and cloudy

rained and snow-

ed a little. Four

people from Cleveland

who broke down in

Galena got rooms

and stayed all night. Ot Young

came in awhile

I went to church.

Glee club sang.

Fine audience.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 93)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 93)


[page 93]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, MARCH 28]

Monday, MARCH 28

87th day--278 days to come

Beautiful day.

Washed some towels.

Mrs Foster in a while

I went down to see

Lily Barcus.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 94)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 94)


[page 94]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, MARCH 29]

Tuesday, MARCH 29

88th day--277 days to come

Beautiful day. I washed

some curtains and

cleaned little front

room. Hosea put

wicker porch swing
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 95)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 95)


[page 95]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, MARCH 30]

Wednesday, MARCH 30

89th day--276 days to come

Cloudy day, rained

a little. Mrs Perry

swept up stairs. Mrs

Annett buried at C.

Village. Mrs Landon

called a while. I went to prayer meet-

ing and after wards

to Maggies.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 96)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 96)


[page 96]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, MARCH 31]

Thursday, MARCH 31

90th day--275 days to come

Beautiful day. Mrs

Closson funeral.

Hose and [illegible]

gone all day. I washed

4 pairs of curtains
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 97)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 97)


[page 97]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, APRIL 1]

Friday, APRIL 1

91st day--274 days to come

Rainy day. Hose & I

went to Columbus. Got

new rug for sitting

room. Hettie, Maggie

Irene, Leland & Billy

called. I went to

Lodge this evening

Et Granger buried.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 98)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 98)


[page 98]

[corresponds to page marked Saturday, APRIL 2]

Saturday, APRIL 2

92nd day--273 days to come

Raw cold day Eva

Frank & Christine

here but not for

dinner. Daisy Smythe

here twice. Mrs Gill

spent the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 99)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 99)


[page 99]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, APRIL 3]

Sunday, APRIL 3

93rd day--272 days to come

Nice day a little cool.

I went to see Lily Barcus

today. Called at Hettie's

and Maggie's then

went to church this

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 100)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 100)


[page 100]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, APRIL 4]

Monday, APRIL 4

94th day--271 days to come

Nice day. Hose helped

bury Mrs Runnels. at

Rich Hill. Mrs Landon

called a while. Mrs

Foster spent the after-

noon. I was at Mrs

Landon's in the

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 101)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 101)


[page 101]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, APRIL 5]

Tuesday, APRIL 5

95th day--270 days to come

Rained hard last

night. Today fairly good.

I went to Mrs Foster's in

the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 102)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 102)


[page 102]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, APRIL 6]

Wednesday, APRIL 6

96th day--269 days to come

Nice day, a little windy

We cleaned the north

room downstairs. I washed and ironed

the curtains and put

them up. Dr. Gerhardt

called. Hose took Arthur

sherbourne's. First call to

Mrs Collins. I went

to the annual Mission-

ary entertainment at

the Baptist church.

First went to Maggies

Hettie called to day
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 103)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 103)


[page 103]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, APRIL 7]

Thursday, APRIL 7

97th day--268 days to come

Nice day, Mrs Collin's

in casket. Hagamans

to Delaware, Traveling

Man to Delaware. I called

at Mrs Landon's then up

to Hetties.

Mrs Foster in.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 104)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 104)


[page 104]

[corresponds to pages labeled Friday, APRIL 8]

Friday, APRIL 8

98th day--267 days to come

rained hard last

night. Today cleared

up and nice. Hose

and I went to Col-

umbus. Strosy & Hose

took Mrs Collins to Big

depot to ship her to

Cleveland. Hose and I

called on Lily Barcus.

Mrs Foster called a few

minutes. I spent the

evening at Mrs. [illegible]

Got my radium silk

dress to day.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 105)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 105)


[page 105]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, APRIL 9]

Saturday, APRIL 9

99th day--266 days to come

Nice day but cool.

Lecture course girls

stayed with us. Hose

took Pearl Engle's suit

case up home. I went

out to Zella Knoders [Knoderer]

in the afternoon and

to Lecture course in the

evening. Called at Het-

ties a little while in

the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 106)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 106)


[page 106]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, APRIL 10]

Sunday, APRIL 10

100th day--265 days to come

Nice day, a little windy

Mrs Mariott died

Lecture course girls

stayed until Monday

morning. I went to

Hetties and Maggies

then to church after-

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 107)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 107)


[page 107]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, APRIL 11]

Monday, APRIL 11

101st day--264 days to come

Nice day, washed some

towels. Had three teeth

taken out. Hosie's

mother came. Mrs

Foster called. Mrs

Mariott in casket.

Hose took Mrs Harry Hall

to Lutie Ketcham's
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 108)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 108)


[page 108]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, APRIL 12]

Tuesday, APRIL 12

102nd day--263 days to come

Nice day. I went to

see Lily Barcus

Hettie called awhile.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 109)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 109)


[page 109]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, APRIL 13]

Wednesday, APRIL 13

103rd day--262 days to come

Nice day. Hose took

Mr Taggart to Mt Vernon

in the evening. I did

not go to prayer meet-

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 110)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 110)


[page 110]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, APRIL 14]

Thursday, APRIL 14

104th day--261 days to come

Nice day. Chauncey

Root's sale. I went

to Delaware with

Mert Smythe. Dore

Moore stayed all

night. Made two

Pequot sheets.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 111)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 111)


[page 111]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, APRIL 15]

Friday, APRIL 15

105th day--260 days to come

Cloudy day. Hose and

Jack went to Columbus

Students came in

last night. They were

being initiated.

I washed 6 new pillow

cases & 14 towels. I went

to Chapter this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 112)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 112)


[page 112]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, APRIL 16]

Saturday, APRIL 16

106th day--259 days to come

Cloudy in fore noon

rained about noon.

Hosies mother we took

her to Johnstown,

Brought new rug

home Mrs Wilcox

in casket.

I went to Hetties in

the evening, took her

some pie plant.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 113)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 113)


[page 113]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, APRIL 17]

Sunday, APRIL 17

107th day--258 days to come

Easter, beautiful day

Hose helped at

Mrs Wilcox funeral.

I went to Easter exer-

cises at Baptist church.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 114)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 114)


[page 114]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, APRIL 18]

Monday, APRIL 18

108th day--257 days to come

Cloudy & windy

rained about 3. o'

clock, Dr & Mrs Hart

stayed all night.

rained in the

evening. I washed

quite a little.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 115)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 115)


[page 115]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, APRIL 19]

Tuesday, APRIL 19

109th day-256 days to come

Beautiful warm day.

80 [degrees] ferenheit

Hose put up side

screen door. Smythes

sale. Val Young came.

Mrs Foster called

in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 116)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 116)


[page 116]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, APRIL 20]

Wednesday, APRIL 20

110th day-255 days to come

Cooler today & partly

cloudy. Hose spaded

part of the garden &

set out onions and I

planted lettuce seed.

I went to see Lily Barcus

called at Hetties and

Maggies, then went to

prayer meeting.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 117)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 117)


[page 117]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, APRIL 21]

Thursday, APRIL 21

111th day--254 days to come

Cloudy & windy still a

little cooler. Hose, Het-

tie and I went to Colum

bus this forenoon. We

exchanged our new rug

for an axminister [axminster] and

a larger one, got [illegible]

kid [illegible]. I went to

Mrs Landons this even-

ing. Hettie down a little

while. Mrs. Foster called
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 118)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 118)


[page 118]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, APRIL 22]

Friday, APRIL 22

112th day-253 days to come

Cloudy & cold, spit snow

Four Granville boys

came to stay until Mon-

day. Pearl Whitney & Wm.

took Hettie and I to Dan-

ville Chapter. snowed

hard this evening on

our way home inch of

snow on ground.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 119)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 119)


[page 119]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, APRIL 23]

Saturday, APRIL 23

113th day--252 days to come

Still cold snow melted

I took my dress out to

Zella Knoder [Knoderer]. Went to

Gospel services this even-

ing. Also went to Hetties

and Maggies'
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 120)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 120)


[page 120]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, APRIL 24]

Sunday, APRIL 24

114th day--251 days to come

Cold. Hose helped at

Mr Albertus Smith

funeral. Festus called

today. I went down to

see Lily Barcus.

went to the Gospel

services this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 121)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 121)


[page 121]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, APRIL 25]

Monday, APRIL 25

115th day--250 days to come

partly cloudy, a little

warmer. I washed some

towels and Hose took

Jack to Columbus. I took

some rhubarb up to Dr.

Gerhardts. he is in bed

with a cold.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 122)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 122)


[page 122]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, APRIL 26]

Tuesday, APRIL 26

116th day--249 days to come

rained last night,

cloudy & windy today

I spent the day at Fish-

er's and they brot me

home. Hose waited

3 hrs in Del--for Jack.

I spent the evening

at Mrs Landons'.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 123)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 123)


[page 123]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, APRIL 27]

Wednesday, APRIL 27

117th day--248 days to come

rained this morning

cleared up and this

afternoon nice. Mrs

Perry swept my upstairs

Hose took Mr Taggart to

Mt Vernon. Mrs Foster

called. I wrote Hosie's

mother a letter.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 124)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 124)


[page 124]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, APRIL 28]

Thursday, APRIL 28

118th day--247 days to come

Beautiful clear day.

I cleaned sitting

room windows.

Hose took Mrs Kimball

to the Springs. I went

to Delaware with Mert

Smythe and her mother.

In the evening I

went to Hetties and Maggies.

I made an apron

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 125)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 125)


[page 125]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, APRIL 29]

Friday, APRIL 29

119th day--246 days to come

rained last night

and off and on all

day. Mrs Foster called

Hettie also called. I

went to Lily's and

Mrs Landon's Mrs

Lawsen came and I

came home.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 126)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 126)


[page 126]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, APRIL 30]

Saturday, APRIL 30

120th day--245 days to come

Nice day, cold wind.

Mrs Foster called a

few minutes, Telephone

girl from Col-waited

here for F. Wilke to

come after her. Hose

took Jack home, waited

for 8.50 train for Fagan

He did not come, but

Festus came back with

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 127)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 127)


[page 127]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, MAY 1]

Sunday, MAY 1

121st day--244 days to come

Beautiful clear day, warmer.

We went to Bellpoint and

O. Shaughessay Dam. Eve

Frank & Christine called

this afternoon. I went to

see Lily Barcus. Did not

go to church as Hosea

had to go with Mr Stros-

nider to bring Wayne Bocko-

ver home.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 128)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 128)


[page 128]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, MAY 2]

Monday, MAY 2

122nd day--243 days to come

Nice day, washed a few

things. Mrs Foster called

Hettie and Maggie here

in the evening. Mag-

gie and I went down

to see Lily Barcus and

Wayne Bockover.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 129)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 129)


[page 129]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, MAY 3]

Tuesday, MAY 3

123rd day--242 days to come

Nice day but cloudy. I

got 2 pair real silk hose

today. washed French

doors this P.M. also

pictures. Planted, radish

peas and beets seeds to-

day. Went up to Hettie's

this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 130)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 130)


[page 130]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, MAY 4]

Wednesday, MAY 4

124th day--241 days to come

Nice day, quite warm.

Wayne Bockover bur-

ied, we went to his fun-

eral. I went to Maggies

and the annual church

meeting. Clayton baby

buried at Croton.

Severe electrical storm

last evening with some

rain. Struck Budd's

and E.e. White's house.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 131)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 131)


[page 131]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, MAY 5]

Thursday, MAY 5

125th day--240 days to come

Nice clear day. Hose and I

went to Col. to get a hat

for myself. Mrs Landon

called also J.J. Stark.

I was at Mrs Fosters a

few minutes. It is

raining this evening.

Hosea took Strosy to Galena.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 132)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 132)


[page 132]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, MAY 6]

Friday, MAY 6

126th day--239 days to come

Nice day, warmer, Hosea

& Strosy & Elizabeth went

to Columbus. Mrs Landon

called also Maggie and

Hettie. I went to Lodge

this evening. Swept

the big north back room.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 133)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 133)


[page 133]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, MAY 7]

Saturday, MAY 7

127th day--238 days to come

Beautiful day, Hose & I

went to Col to pick out a

rug again. Mildred Gel-

ston went as far as Wes-

terville with us. Lily Barcus

is a little better. I called

at Mrs Landons this P.M.

I also took rhubard up

to Hetties this evening.

Berkley Hills Calif. people

stayed with us last even-

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 134)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 134)


[page 134]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, MAY 8]

Sunday, MAY 8

128th day--237 days to come

Rained hard all

forenoon, fine this

afternoon, Hose and I

went to Granville about

12 o'clock. I went to

church this evening

called at Maggies

a little while.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 135)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 135)


[page 135]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, MAY 9]

Monday, MAY 9

129th day--236 days to come

Nice warm day. I

washed a little. Mrs

Landon, Mrs Foster called

a little while. Parsons

moving in new store
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 136)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 136)


[page 136]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, MAY 10]

Tuesday, MAY 10

130th day--235 days to come

rain & wind at 4.o'clock

very windy all day.

no rain. Mrs Foster

and Mrs Landon

called. Mrs Evarts was

buried today. Parsons

started their grocery

today. I called on them

I was at Hetties this

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 137)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 137)


[page 137]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, MAY 11]

Wednesday, MAY 11

131st day--234 days to come

Cold, cloudy & misting

Mr Ramey plowed our

big garden. I helped at Mission circle at

Callie Gorsuchs'

In the evening went

to Maggies and prayer-

meeting. Mr. Conner

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 138)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 138)


[page 138]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, MAY 12]

Thursday, MAY 12

132nd day--233 days to come

Cold and cloudy all

day. Hose spaded flower

garden. Mrs Landon

and Mrs Foster called.

I went out to Zella's to try

on my dress. Maggie

came down and we

went down to Perle [illegible]

They were not at home

and we called at Mrs

Landons. Washed a little

cut out some pink crepe

I went to see Lily Barcus

this afternoon. She is a

little better. Mrs Dave

Chase died at O. Green.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 139)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 139)


[page 139]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, MAY 13]

Friday, MAY 13

133rd day--232 days to come

Cloudy all day, warmer.

planted my flowers

in the little garden.

Mrs Landon called.

I went up to Hetties this

evening. It rained

hard this evening.

Four women here from

Girard over night, one

man from Columbus.

Blanch Perfect died today

also Mrs Jerry Cole.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 140)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 140)


[page 140]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, MAY 14]

Saturday, MAY 14

134rd day--231 days to come

rained all forenoon

clearing & windy in

afternoon. Sowed more

nasturtium seeds.

Maggie and I went up

to see Blanch Perfect.

Two St Petersburg men

stayed over night.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 141)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 141)


[page 141]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, MAY 15]

Sunday, MAY 15

135th day-230 days to come

Cloudy & colder a little

misty. Blanch Perfect

buried also Mrs Chase.

Hose took Mr Fagan to

Delaware and brought

Jack back. I was

down to see Lily Barcus.

Not getting along very

well. Florence Beum there.

I wrote to Clara. Did not

go to church as Hose had

to go away. It is rain-

ing and blowing hard

this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 142)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 142)


[page 142]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, MAY 16]

Monday, MAY 16

136th day--229 days to come

Cold and rainy

I went out to Zella Kno-

derers again. Mrs Lan-

don had me write off

some pieces for Memorial

Day. Mrs Foster called.

Defiance man stayed

all night. Mrs Cole

buried. Four W. Va

people stayed over night.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 143)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 143)


[page 143]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, MAY 17]

Tuesday, MAY 17

137th day--228 days to come

Beautiful day until

3 o'clock then cloudy

and a little misty

We went to Worthington

for plants. Maggie went

with us. I was at Hetties

a little while this even-

ing. fixed my porch

boxes today. Washed a

few towels. Got a few

plants from Closson
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 144)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 144)


[page 144]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, MAY 18]

Wednesday, MAY 18

138th day--227 days to come

rained hard all fore-

noon & part of afternoon.

I spent 2 hrs after dinner

at Mert Smythes. Mrs

Beum called. I was

at Mrs Landon's a few

minutes. I went to

Maggies then to prayer-

meeting, but had to

come home as Hosea

had to go away.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 145)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 145)


[page 145]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, MAY 19]

Thursday, MAY 19

139th day--226 days to come

rained hard last night

and off and on all day

today. I made some crepe

underwear. Hose went with

Strosy to put Mrs Mann

in casket.

Festus came over this

evening. Bob White

partly trimmed two of our

trees. I called on Lily

Barcus this P.M. found

her some better. I was

at Mrs Fosters this

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 146)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 146)


[page 146]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, MAY 20]

Friday, MAY 20

140th day--225 days to come

beautiful day. I wash-

ed a little. I went out

to Zella Knoderers and

got my dress. Mrs Landon

and Hettie called in

the evening. I did not go

to Lodge but went to the

play (senior) Fred Bale

called a little while aso

Anna Moore. Hosea help

ed bury Mrs Joe Mann.

I made up some more

crepe underwear.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 147)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 147)


[page 147]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, MAY 21]

Saturday, MAY 21

141st day--224 days to come

Beautiful day. very

warm over 80 degrees. Mrs

Landon called also

Elliott & Bessie. Mrs

Beum Sat on the porch

awhile. Hose took 3

students to Delaware

at 9.30 in the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 148)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 148)


[page 148]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, MAY 22]

Sunday, MAY 22

142nd day-223 days to come

Cloudy & warm.

I went to Baccalaurate

sermon in the evening

Mrs Landon called
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 149)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 149)


[page 149]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, MAY 23]

Monday, MAY 23

143rd day--222 days to come

rain most all day.

I washed [illegible] sheets and

other things. Set out

astor plants. I went to

Delaware with Mert

Smythe and her mother.

Called at Mrs Landons

and Lily Barcus'. Went

to commencement in

the evening. Hose helped

with Mrs Chandler in

the afternoon.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 150)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 150)


[page 150]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, MAY 24]

Tuesday, MAY 24

144th day--221 days to come

rained this mor-

ning. Clear this P.M.

Raining hard this

evening. Mrs Landon

and Mrs Foster called

Hose went to Chandler

funeral, also got the

big garden ready for

planting. Four over

night-so far. Got Hose

mother's plants for Dec-

day. called at Hetties
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 151)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 151)


[page 151]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, MAY 25]

Wednesday, MAY 25

145th day--220 days to come

rained hard most of

day. I washed some.

I set out tomato plants

and snapdragon plants

planted more lettuce, peas,

radishes & onions & beets.

Mrs Perry cleaned up

stairs. Got a letter from

Mary saying they were

coming down tomorrow

and stay over Decoration

day. Got new flag pole.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 152)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 152)


[page 152]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, MAY 26]

Thursday, MAY 26

146th day--219 days to come

Cooler & bright. I called

at Mrs Ramseys after

dinner. Calvin and

family called in

the machine on the

way out home. Mrs

Marble called. Mrs

Lawson spent the evening

for I could not go to

initiation work at

Chapter. Hose & Jack

went Mt Vernon. I

called to see Lily Barcus.

I set out 12 tomato

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 153)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 153)


[page 153]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, MAY 27]

Friday, MAY 27

147th day--218 days to come

Clear nice day. I set

out some glad" bulbs.

Hettie and I went

to Delaware Chapter

on the bus. Hosea

came after us."
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 154)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 154)


[page 154]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, MAY 28]

Saturday, MAY 28

148th day--217 days to come

['Fairly' crossed out] Nice day. Hose

went after his mother

at 5 o'clock. Met him

at White School house.

Mrs McGarvin came for

over Decoration. I went to

Johnstown on a trip with

Hosea. rained in the

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 155)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 155)


[page 155]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, MAY 29]

Sunday, MAY 29

149th day--216 days to come

rained very hard un-

til 11. o'clock. Memorial

services at the Hall. I

did not go as all but

Irenes' were here for fam-

ily dinner. stayed

until 5.o'clock. Then

Mary & Margaret came

back and called.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 156)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 156)


[page 156]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, MAY 30]

Monday, MAY 30

150th day--215 days to come

Nice day. Maggie and

I went to cemetery to

decorate graves. Calvin

called on their way

home. Hosea's mother

and I called at

Barcus'. I was at

Hetties in the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 157)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 157)


[page 157]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, MAY 31]

Tuesday, MAY 31

151st day-214 days to come

Nice day. Mrs Foster

called. also Joe Stark.

Hose had a trip to Col-

umbus. I spent the

evening at Barcus. Mert and

Lo Smythe called in

the afternoon
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 158)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 158)


[page 158]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, June 1]

Wednesday, June 1

152nd day-213 days to come

Nice day. I washed

a little. finished up

with garden and

flowers. I went to

prayer meeting in

the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 159)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 159)


[page 159]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, June 2]

Thursday, June 2

153rd day--212 days to come

Fore noon nice. I went

to Delaware this morning

at 7 o'clock with Hose

to take Jack to Hocking

Valley. I went to Dela-

ware this P.M. with

Mert & Lo Smythe. Hose

went after Jack at 12.30 P.M.

Hosies' mother & I went

to Mrs Landons this

evening. It is raining.

Hettie called a little

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 160)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 160)


[page 160]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, JUNE 3]

Friday, JUNE 3

154th day--211 days to come

rained this morning

I washed quite a little

I went to Chapter in

the evening. Mrs

Foster called in the

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 161)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 161)


[page 161]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JUNE 4]

Saturday, JUNE 4

155th day--210 days to come

Stormed terribly this

morning, near a cyclone

This afternoon fine.

I went down to see

Lily Barcus. Hettie

called a little while

I went up to her house

to get the Johnstown

paper. Hose took Jack

home at 10.3-0 o'clock

this P.M.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 162)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 162)


[page 162]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JUNE 5]

Sunday, JUNE 5

156th day-209 days to come

Beautiful day. a

little cool. Mrs Law-

son spent the day

here. Rosa Barcus

called. Hosea gone

all day with Stros-

nider. Festus called

a little while. Elyria

people came
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 163)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 163)


[page 163]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, JUNE 6]

Monday, JUNE 6

157th day-208 days to come

Nice day. Mrs Foster

called in the mor-

ning. Made new

pillow slips. Mrs

Dr. Williams was here

a little while and

Hosea took her to Dell

Traceys. Maggie and

Hettie called in the

evening. Hose and I

went to Columbus. I got

my dark rim glasses.

also new ring (diamond)
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 164)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 164)


[page 164]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, JUNE 7]

Tuesday, JUNE 7

158th day--207 days to come

Nice day. We celebrated

out O.E.S. Annivers-

ary this evening

Mrs Thew, Junior Whit-

ney and Mrs Landon

called. After Lodge, Hettie

Dr G. Leland, Irene, Frank

Christine & Eva called.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 165)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 165)


[page 165]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, JUNE 8]

Wednesday, JUNE 8

159th day--206 days to come

Beautiful day. I went

to Maggie's and prayer-

meeting in the even-

ing. Mrs Hopkins and

I went to see Lily Barcus

this afternoon. Washed

quite a wash this

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 166)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 166)


[page 166]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, JUNE 9]

Thursday, JUNE 9

160th day--205 days to come

Beautiful day. We

took Hosea's mother to

Centerburg this after

noon. Pearl Dwinnell

went with us.

Hettie called this even-

ing. I was at Mrs Landon's and Mrs

Foster's this evening.

Mrs Burrer called a

few minutes.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 167)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 167)


[page 167]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, JUNE 10]

Friday, JUNE 10

161st day--204 days to come

Beautiful warm day

hard shower in the

afternoon. I called to see

Lily Barcus in the

afternoon, went up to

Hetties' in the even-

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 168)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 168)


[page 168]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JUNE 11]

Saturday, JUNE 11

162nd day--203 days to come

beautiful day.

Hose to Westerville

in the morning.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 169)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 169)


[page 169]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JUNE 12]

Sunday, JUNE 12

163rd day--202 days to come

Nice day, quite cool

I went to Lily Barcus

in the afternoon and

to Children's Day in

the evening. also

called at Maggies'

Daisy Wheaton called

a few minutes.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 170)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 170)


[page 170]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, JUNE 13]

Monday, JUNE 13

164th day--201 days to come

Cold and cloudy. I

washed a little

Mrs Landon and

Hettie called. I was Lily Barcus a little

while in the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 171)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 171)


[page 171]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, JUNE 14]

Tuesday, JUNE 14

165th day--200 days to come

rained hard most of

last night. Today

cold and cloudy. Mrs

Foster called.

Maggie and I spent

the evening with

Mrs Mann and Daisy.

Mr Clark & E. St Louis

people stayed over night.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 172)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 172)


[page 172]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, JUNE 15]

Wednesday, JUNE 15

166th day--199 days to come

Nice day a little cool.

I spent the day at

Bess'. Aunt Jennie

had a reception for

the Vice President

Dawes. In the evening

I called a few min-utes at Hetties and

Maggies then went

to prayer meeting.

six over night
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 173)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 173)


[page 173]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, JUNE 16]

Thursday, JUNE 16

167th day--198 days to come

Beautiful day but cool.

Hose went to Columbus

with Dr Gorsuch. I

planted marigold seeds

and went to Hetties

in the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 174)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 174)


[page 174]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, JUNE 17]

Friday, JUNE 17

168th day--197 days to come

Cold & cloudy. I made

a sheet & finished

my princess slips.

I went to see Lily Barcus

then went to Chapter

in the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 175)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 175)


[page 175]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JUNE 18]

Saturday, JUNE 18

169th day--196 days to come

Cold cloudy & rainy.

rained all last night.

I made a sheet. Called

at Mrs Foster's this

evening. Mr Condit

blacked the stove today

Los Angeles people are

staying over night.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 176)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 176)


[page 176]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JUNE 19]

Sunday, JUNE 19

170th day--195 days to come

Nice day. We drove

to Utica then I went

to Hetties and to church
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 177)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 177)


[page 177]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, JUNE 20]

Monday, JUNE 20

171th day--194 days to come

Nice day. I washed

quite a little wash.

I called a lily's in

the early evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 178)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 178)


[page 178]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, JUNE 21]

Tuesday, JUNE 21

172nd day--193 days to come

Nice day but very

windy, rained and

blowed in the

evening. Hosea

and Jack went

to Mt Vernon in the

evening. Maggie

spent the evening

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 179)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 179)


[page 179]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, JUNE 22]

Wednesday, JUNE 22

173rd day--192 days to come

quite warm, nice

day. I went to Hettie's

and prayer meeting.

called at Maggies

a few minutes after

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 180)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 180)


[page 180]

[correpsonds to page labeled Thursday, JUNE 23]

Thursday, JUNE 23

174th day--191 days to come

nice cool windy day.

I washed some.

Amb trip to Grant

Hospital with some

Greeks. Mrs Work

in casket. I spent

the evening at Mrs


Today commenced

wiring the house a

little. sign
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 181)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 181)


[page 181]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, JUNE 24]

Friday, JUNE 24

175th day--190 days to come

cloudy this morning

clearing & cold today.

Still wiring. Mrs

Foster called, also

Irene, Wm & Leland

brought a few cherries.

I called at Barcus.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 182)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 182)


[page 182]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JUNE 25]

Saturday, JUNE 25

176th day--189 days to come

nice in the morning

then very windy. Eve

Frank & Christine spent

the day here, Hettie

called also. We got

our electric light

on sign. Some Cleve-

land people are stay-

ing here to night.

blew and rained hard

about 8.P.M.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 183)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 183)


[page 183]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JUNE 26]

Sunday, JUNE 26

177th day--188 days to come

clear and cold. Hose

helped Strosy with

Mrs Workman. Hose

went to [illegible]

and traded tires. They

were busy so he did

not wait. I went to

Hetties' in the evening

for Johnstown paper.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 184)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 184)


[page 184]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, JUNE 27]

Monday, JUNE 27

178th day--187 days to come

Beautiful day a little

cool. I made my good

slips today. Hose

took Jack to Colum-

bus. Mrs Foster called

I went up to Maggies

this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 185)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 185)


[page 185]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, JUNE 28]

Tuesday, JUNE 28

179th day--186 days to come

Clear beautiful day.

Hose went to Norwalk.

Two Mrs Fosters called.

I made a pink

crepe nightgown. I

called at Lilys' in

the evening

Leland, Irene & Wm

brought 4 qts of cherries

Mrs Landon called

this P.M.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 186)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 186)


[page 186]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, JUNE 29]

Wednesday, JUNE 29

180th day--185 days to come

Clear nice day. very

warm 90 [degrees]. I canned

4 qts of cherries.

Hettie called this

evening. 4 people are

staying over night.

Daisy Wheaton spent

the evening

four more people

came later.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 187)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 187)


[page 187]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, JUNE 30]

Thursday, JUNE 30

181st day--184 days to come

Clear and very warm

92 [degrees]. House full last

night. I called this

evening at Fosters and

Pearl Dwinnells.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 189)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 189)


[page 189]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JULY 2]

Saturday, JULY 2

183rd day--182 days to come

Still very warm. I

went on the bus to

Mt Vernon, met Eva

Frank & Christine then

We went to Cleveland.

Had a fine time

there. Rained hard ['f' crossed out]

at home.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 190)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 190)


[page 190]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JULY 3]

Sunday, JULY 3

184th day--181 days to come

Much cooler. We came

back from Cleveland

House full this evening

Mabel Brevoort buried

to day.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 191)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 191)


[page 191]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, JULY 4]

Monday, JULY 4

185th day--180 days to come

Still cool. I washed

some towels. I went

to Lily Barcus this

evening. Mrs Kim-

ball called here

a while. Hose took

Mrs Sims to Galena.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 192)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 192)


[page 192]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, JULY 5]

Tuesday, JULY 5

186th day--179 days to come

A little cool. I went to

Hetties in the evening

Maggie also came.

Mrs Foster called.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 193)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 193)


[page 193]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, JULY 6]

Wednesday, JULY 6

187th day--178 days to come

Cool. Hose and I went

to Columbus, got my

blue voile dress. I went

to Maggies and prayer

meeting in the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 194)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 194)


[page 194]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, JULY 7]

Thursday, JULY 7

188th day--177 days to come

rained hard last

night. I washed some

towels to day. Four Akron

people stayed overnight

Hose' mother and I

went to Lily Barcus'

this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 195)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 195)


[page 195]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, JULY 8]

Friday, JULY 8

189th day--176 days to come

Beautiful cool day

Hose and I went to

Whitters today at

Mansfield. The

House full last

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 196)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 196)


[page 196]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JULY 9]

Saturday, JULY 9

190th day--175 days to come

Still cool. I washed

towels and pillow

cases. Hoses' mother

went over to Sher-

mans this P.M. I

called at Fosters

and Barcus'.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 197)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 197)


[page 197]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JULY 10]

Sunday, JULY 10

191th day--174 days to come

Nice day this a.m.

Rained hard this

evening. Elliott

& Bess spent the

afternoon here.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 198)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 198)


[page 198]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, JULY 11]

Monday, JULY 11

192nd day--173 days to come

very warm. Hosie's

mother came back

from Shermans'. I

went up to Hetties

in the evening and

took my shoes to

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 199)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 199)


[page 199]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, JULY 12]

Tuesday, JULY 12

193rd day--172 days to come

very warm. Hose his

mother and I went

to Mt Pleasant cem-

etery. I went over to

Andersons and took a

facial treatment.

I went to Lily Barcus

in the evening. Mr.

Conns' barn burned

this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 200)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 200)


[page 200]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, JULY 13]

Wednesday, JULY 13

194th day--171 days to come

Very warm. I made

my blue voile dress

mostly. Mrs Foster

called. I went to

Maggies & to prayer

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 201)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 201)


[page 201]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, JULY 14]

Thursday, JULY 14

195th day--170 days to come

Cooler with hard show-

ers. Mrs Landon called.

I was at Hetties a few

minutes on my way

to Welch's store.

Hose and Jack went

to Mt Vernon. I have

6 over night. Got

new electric sweeper.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 202)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 202)


[page 202]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, JULY 15]

Friday, JULY 15

196th day--169 days to come

Cooler. I called on

Lily Barcus. Then

went to chapter
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 203)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 203)


[page 203]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JULY 16]

Saturday, JULY 16

197th day--168 days to come

Nice and cool. We

took Hosie's mother

home, got oven in

Johnstown. Hose

Mrs Kimball & I went

to Delaware Springs

Sanitarium to see Mrs.

Williams. I went up

to Hetties in the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 204)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 204)


[page 204]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JULY 17]

Sunday, JULY 17

198th day--167 days to come

quite cool. I went

riding with

Daisy Wheaton and

her mother. Called

at Maggies and

went to church in

the evening.

Restaurant woman

came for a week.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 205)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 205)


[page 205]

[correponds to page labeled Monday, JULY 18]

Monday, JULY 18

199th--166 days to come

Still cool. Hose and

I went to Columbus. I

got green voile dress

and white muslin one.

Hettie called this

evening. I was at

Mrs Fosters and

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 206)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 206)


[page 206]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, JULY 19]

Tuesday, JULY 19

200th day--165 days to come

Nice day. I washed

7 sheets. Mr Wagner

was killed by the

train. Hose made 4

trips. Lester Grove

brot his machine in.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 207)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 207)


[page 207]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, JULY 20]

Wednesday, JULY 20

201th day--164 days to come

Cool day. I went to

Maggies and prayer

meeting. Mrs Foster

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 208)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 208)


[page 208]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, JULY 21]

Thursday, JULY 21

202nd day--163 days to come

Nice day. Hose to

London & Layfaette.

I called at Barcus
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 209)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 209)


[page 209]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, JULY 22]

Friday, JULY 22

203rd day--162 days to come

Nice cool day

I was at Hettie's

in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 210)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 210)


[page 210]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JULY 23]

Saturday, JULY 23

204th day--161 days to come

quite cool. Earl

Gaylord was buried.

Bessie Perfect and

Maggie called

this morning.

Mrs Lawson called

this evening. I was

at Lily's a few

minutes. Festus

came over. 5 people

besides Festus here,

Cora Wilson called

a while
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 211)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 211)


[page 211]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JULY 24]

Sunday, JULY 24

205th day--160 days to come

Cool. Man found

murdered. I went to

church and to Maggies

Mrs Landon called
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 212)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 212)


[page 212]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, JULY 25]

Monday, JULY 25

206th day-159 days to come

Nice day. I am not

well, stomach out of

order. Hose has been

gone most of the day. Mrs Foster

called. I was at

Lily Barcus this

evening. Mrs Gel-

ston called a few

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 213)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 213)


[page 213]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, JULY 26]

Tuesday, JULY 26

207th day--158 days to come

Nice day. cloudy. We

got early dinner and

went to Delaware, Bell-

point, O. Shaughnessy

& Griggs dam. got

home at 1.30.

rained a hard shower

at 6.30 this evening

I was up at Hetties

a while. Mildred

Gelston called
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 214)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 214)


[page 214]

corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, JULY 27]

Wednesday, JULY 27

208th day--157 days to come

Warm day. Ironed

a few pieces. Mrs

Edwards & Mrs Schneider

called. I went to

Maggie's and prayer

meeting this evening.

also called on Mrs

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 215)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 215)


[page 215]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, JULY 28]

Thursday, JULY 28

209th day--156 days to come

Warm day. quite

windy in the after-

noon. I went to Lily

Barcus in the evening.

rained this evening

Four people from Mich

and Ind. stayed over

night. Mrs Foster

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 216)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 216)


[page 216]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, JULY 29]

Friday, JULY 29

210th day--155 days to come

Still warm. cut out

my green voile dress

I went to Mrs Landons

this evening. Maggie

came down this

evening. Real silk Hose

man here.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 217)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 217)


[page 217]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, JULY 30]

Saturday, JULY 30

211th day--154 days to come

rained most all day.

I went to Lily Barcus'

in the evening

Hose and Jack went

to Walhonding
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 218)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 218)


[page 218]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, JULY 31]

Sunday, JULY 31

212th day--153 days to come

beautiful day.

Mrs Dr. Williams died

I went to Hettie's and

to church.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 219)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 219)


[page 219]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, AUGUST 1]

Monday, AUGUST 1

213th day--152 days to come

Nice day, got cooler

Hosie went down

for his mother to

go to the funeral.

Mrs Foster & Mrs Landon

called. I washed a

little. Strosy called.

No one over night.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 220)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 220)


[page 220]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, AUGUST 2]

Tuesday, AUGUST 2

214th day--151 days to come

beautiful cool day.

Mrs Williams funeral.

we went, Hosea was a

pall bearer. Mrs Landon

called twice. Hettie called.

I was at Mrs Fosters'

in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 221)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 221)


[page 221]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, AUGUST 3]

Wednesday, AUGUST 3

215th day--150 days to come

Cloudy and cool. Hose

and Jack went to Mt

Gilead. Val Young here

last night. I went to

Hetties and prayer

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 222)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 222)


[page 222]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, AUGUST 4]

Thursday, AUGUST 4

216th day--149 days to come

Nice day. I was up

at Irene's for dinner.

At Lily Barcus in

the evening.

about finished

my dress.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 223)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 223)


[page 223]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, AUGUST 5]

Friday, AUGUST 5

217th day--148 days to come

Nice cool day. I helped

in the afternoon at

Community Hall for

evening Chapter ban-

quet. In the evening

Hosea's mother and I

went to Chapter.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 224)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 224)


[page 224]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, AUGUST 6]

Saturday, AUGUST 6

218th day--147 days to come

Nice day. Hosea's mohter

went home. Hose

went Magnetic S.

with Mrs Kimball

Elliott & Pearl Whit-

ney called. Festus

came over in the

evening. I went up to

Hettie's. canned

2 pts of berries
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 225)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 225)


[page 225]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, AUGUST 7]

Sunday, AUGUST 7

219th day--146 days to come

Rained a hard show-

er at 5.a.m. cooler to

day. Hose took

Festus back. I did not

go to church this evening

Rose Barcus & Mert Smythe

called this P.M.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 226)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 226)


[page 226]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, AUGUST 8]

Monday, AUGUST 8

220th day--145 days to come

Monday warm. 5 gas

men came. I was at

Lily Barcus in the

evening. Mrs Mann

called a little while
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 227)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 227)


[page 227]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, AUGUST 9]

Tuesday, AUGUST 9

221st day--144 days to come

Much cooler. Hose took

Jack to Columbus. gas

man gave us gallon of

berries. I bought 1 gal

of Luna Coe Patrick.

Mrs Foster called this

afternoon. I went up

to Maggies this evening

canned 4 qts of berries
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 228)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 228)


[page 228]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, AUGUST 10]

Wednesday, AUGUST 10

222nd day--144 days to come

Cool day. I went to

prayer meeting in

the evening. I canned

4 qts of berries and

made 4 glasses of Jelly.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 229)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 229)


[page 229]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, AUGUST 11]

Thursday, AUGUST 11

223rd day--143 days to come

Still cool. Christine

called on her way to

Johnstown. Came

down from Millersberg

I called at Mrs

Fosters' in the

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 230)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 230)


[page 230]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, AUGUST 12]

Friday, AUGUST 12

224th day--141 days to come

warm. I spent the

day at Lawsons.

Mrs Landon called

a little while.

Alice, Jack & Mary

A. called on their

way home from

eastern trip.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 231)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 231)


[page 231]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, AUGUST 13]

Saturday, AUGUST 13

225th day--140 days to come

Cloudy & warm. Mrs Foster called this

morning. I was at

Lily Barcus' awhile

this evening. Four

people from Miami,

Fla. here this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 232)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 232)


[page 232]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, AUGUST 14]

Sunday, AUGUST 14

226th day--139 days to come

rainy in the

morning. Hose took

Doan's [Doanes] up in the country.

Then we went to Gran-

ville for a ride. Hose

went after Doans [Doanes]. I

went up to Hetties,

and Hose took two

colored men to Del-

aware, Bill Hixenbaugh

called a little while
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 233)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 233)


[page 233]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, AUGUST 15]

Monday, AUGUST 15

227th day--138 days to come

quite cool. Mrs

Foster called. I washed

some. Hose took

woman to Magnetic S.

In the evening I went

to Landons. Elliott

and Bess called

this P.M.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 234)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 234)


[page 234]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, AUGUST 16]

Tuesday, AUGUST 16

228th day--137 days to come

Cool day. Hose and Jack

went to Utica & Walhonding.

I canned a few beets.

Hettie here this evening

I was at Lily Barcus

a little while this

evening. Mrs Gus

Irwin died.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 235)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 235)


[page 235]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, AUGUST 17]

Wednesday, AUGUST 17

229th day--136 days to come

Cool, rained a little.

Mrs Foster called. Hosie

at Edith Condit funeral.

I went to prayer meet-

ing. 5 Wheeling people

stayed over night.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 236)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 236)


[page 236]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, AUGUST 18]

Thursday, AUGUST 18

230th day--135 days to come

Still cool, rained a

little. I canned beets

& got pickles & black-

berries, washed 9

towels. I was Hetties'

in the evening.

Fri Aug 19.

Still cool. Mrs Foster

called, Daisy Wheaton

a few minutes. I canned

beets & pickles, made jam and

jelly. At Lily's in evening

Sat Aug 20, Still cool

rained last night. Irene

Leland & Billy called.

House full to night
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 237)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 237)


[page 237]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, AUGUST 23]

Tuesday, AUGUST 23

235th day--130 days to come

Sun Aug 21

beautiful day, much warmer

Hose to Magnetic S. and we

both went to Quaker town

with boy. Rose Barcus & Mildred

called also Hixenbaugh.

Mon Aug 22. Nice day

Hose & I went to Col - and

took Mert along. I was at

Maggies in the evening

Maggie and Dr came home

from Beulah Beach

Tuesday Aug. 23

cloudy. I washed quite

a washing, rainy this

evening. I was at Lilys

a little while. Mrs Foster

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 238)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 238)


[page 238]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, AUGUST 20]

Saturday, AUGUST 20

232nd day--133 days to come

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 239)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 239)


[page 239]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, AUGUST 21]

Sunday, AUGUST 21

233rd day--132 days to come

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 240)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 240)


[page 240]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, AUGUST 26]

Friday, AUGUST 26

238th day--127 days to come

quite cool. Hettie

called in the

evening. I went

to call at Fosters

12 guests at the

House last night
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 241)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 241)


[page 241]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, AUGUST 19]

Friday, AUGUST 19

231st day--134 days to come

Jas. E. Wilson Julian



Clem Boyds



W.C. Bale Calvins




Mrs Hopkins


Mrs B. Boyd.


Blanch Coyner

Mrs Mann

Mrs Benns

Dr. Harter
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 242)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 242)


[page 242]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, AUGUST 24]

Wednesday, AUGUST 24

236th day--129 days to come

quite cool. I went

to Hetties & prayer meet-

ing this evening.

Hosea is cutting

weeds today. Two

Cleveland men

are here this even-


Mrs McAllister and

Jessie Sheldon call-

ed on the porch.

Hose went to O. Green

and Condit this a.m.

I washed a quilt
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 243)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 243)


[page 243]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, AUGUST 25]

Thursday, AUGUST 25

236th day--128 days to come

Still cool. I was at

Mrs Landons this after-

noon and Mrs Fosters

this evening.

First ripe tomato

to day. Bucyrus

man here to night.

Real Silk hose man

here also.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 244)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 244)


[page 244]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, AUGUST 22]

Monday, AUGUST 22

234th day--131 days to come

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 245)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 245)


[page 245]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, AUGUST 31]

Wednesday, AUGUST 31

243rd day--122 days to come

quite warm. Hose

and I went to the

state fair in the

afternoon. I was

at Lily Barcus in

the evening.

Cleveland men

here to night
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 246)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 246)


[page 246]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, AUGUST 28]

Sunday, AUGUST 28

240th day--125 days to come

Still cold. No preaching

today. I was at

Hetties to night.

Hose & Strosy in Col-

umbus at Mrs Pikes
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 247)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 247)


[page 247]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, AUGUST 29]

Monday, AUGUST 29

241st day--124 days to come

Cool. Hose went to

Walhonding. I washed

front windows and

front door. I was

at Daisy Wheaton's

this evening. Florida

people here this evening

Mrs Foster called today
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 248)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 248)


[page 248]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, SEPTEMBER 3]

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 3

246th day--119 days to come

Warm. I was at

Maggies in the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 249)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 249)


[page 249]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, AUGUST 27]

Saturday, AUGUST 27

239th day--126 days to come

Still cold. I washed

qutie a big wash.

Called at Lily Barcus

in the evening.

Wooster man here

over night. House is

full to night.

Hose and Ot went to

Chambers and got a

few peaches.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 250)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 250)


[page 250]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, SEPTEMBER 1]

Thursday, SEPTEMBER 1

244th day--121 days to come

Warm day. Maggie

here this evening

Ky people here over

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 251)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 251)


[page 251]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, SEPTEMBER 2]


245th day--120 days to come

very warm. Hose and

Jack went to State Fair

I went to Chapter in

the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 252)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 252)


[page 252]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, AUGUST 30]

Tuesday, AUGUST 30

242nd day--123 days to come

Warmer, Hose gone

all day to Mrs Pike funeral

Covington people here

over night. Maggie

here to night to

spend the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 253)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 253)


[page 253]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, SEPTEMBER 4]


247th day--118 days to come

A little cooler Festus

here a little while.

Hose and Strosy at

Cross' in the evening

I was at Lily's a little

while. Rosa called

here a few minutes.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 254)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 254)


[page 254]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday,SEPTEMBER 5]


248th day--117 days to come

Cool. I washed quite

a little. Eva & christine

here a while, then

we went to Hetties

and to Maggies to call

I canned 2 qts of

peaches. Rosa Barcus

called and she and I

to see Mrs Mann.

Minnie Edwards made

a business call.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 255)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 255)


[page 255]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 6]

Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 6

249th day--116 days to come

warm. I ironed some

today. Mrs Landon and

Mrs Foster called. I

was at Lily Barcus to-

night. Hose gone all

day with Mr Strosnider
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 256)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 256)


[page 256]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 7]

Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 7

250th day--115 days to come

warm. rained this

afternoon, also wind.

Mrs Foster called. I

was at Mrs Landons

this evening. finished

my green voil dress.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 257)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 257)


[page 257]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, SEPTEMBER 8]

Thursday, SEPTEMBER 8

251st day--114 days to come

Nice day, warm.

Hose and I took alarm

clock to Delaware to get it

repaired. I was at Hetties

in the evening. Mr

Conner over night

I canned a pt of to-

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 258)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 258)


[page 258]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, SEPTEMBER 9]


252nd day--113 days to come

Warm, a little rainy

I washed some.

Mrs Foster here this

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 259)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 259)


[page 259]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, SEPTEMBER 10]

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 10

253rd day--112 days to come

Cooler. Hose and Jack

went to Galena & Utica.

I was at Mrs Fosters in

the afternoon and to

Lily's a little while in

the evening. It rained

awful hard about

8.30 P.M.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 260)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 260)


[page 260]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, SEPTEMBER 11]

Sunday, SEPTEMBER 11

254th day--111 days to come

beautiful cool day.

Hose and I were at

Leland Fishers about

2 hrs after dinner.

Forest Moore called this

afternoon. I went

to Maggies and to

church this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 261)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 261)


[page 261]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, SEPTEMBER 12]

Monday, SEPTEMBER 12

255th day--110 days to come

Warm, Hose went to

Delaware. In the evening

I was at Mrs Landons.

It rained hard in

the night.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 262)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 262)


[page 262]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 13]

Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 13

256th--109 days to come

very warm. Whitie

put our electric shocks

on. I was at Hetties

this evening. I am

canning tomatoes

every day.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 263)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 263)


[page 263]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 14]

Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 14

257th day--108 days to come

very warm. Hose and I

took Hose's mother and

went to the Newark Fair

In the evening I went

up to Maggies to see

Clara. She is here for

a few days.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 264)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 264)


[page 264]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, SEPTEMBER 15]

Thursday, SEPTEMBER 15

258th day--107 days to come

Still very warm. Clara

here for dinner.

Nell Wilson and

Daisy Cox called in

the afternoon also

Mrs Foster a few

minutes. I canned

9 pts of tomatoes.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 265)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 265)


[page 265]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, SEPTEMBER 16]

Friday, SEPTEMBER 16

259th day--106 days to come

Warm. Hose gone al-

most all day. I washed

and ironed and

made most all the

beds. Mrs Foster called

a while this afternoon

I went to Chapter this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 266)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 266)


[page 266]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, SEPTEMBER 17]

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 17

260th day--105 days to come

Very warm. I washed &

canned tomatoes.

Hose with Strosy. In

the evening I was at

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 267)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 267)


[page 267]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, SEPTEMBER 18]

Sunday, SEPTEMBER 18

261st day--104 days to come

rained, much cooler.

Hose gone all day with

Strosy. I went to church

in the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 268)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 268)


[page 268]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, SEPTEMBER 19]

Monday, SEPTEMBER 19

262nd day--103 days to come

Cool day. Hose and

I went to Columbus

in the fore noon.

I was at Mrs Foster

in the evening.

I washed in the

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 269)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 269)


[page 269]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 20]

Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 20

263rd day--102 days to come

Cool day. I ironed.

I was at Hetties and

Maggies in the

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 270)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 270)


[page 270]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 21]

Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 21

264th day--101 days to come

Wednesday cool. Bap-

tist association

commenced. I

went a while in

the early afternoon

Paid for my compact

Helped serve 6 o clock

banquet at Com-

munity Hall. Enter

tained two men

from association

over night
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 271)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 271)


[page 271]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, SEPTEMBER 22]

Thursday, SEPTEMBER 22

265th day--100 days to come

Still cool. I went to

meeting Thursday

afternoon & Thursday

evening. Mrs

Landon and Mrs

Foster called a

little while.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 272)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 272)


[page 272]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, SEPTEMBER 23]

Friday, SEPTEMBER 23

266th day--99 days to come

little warmer. We

put a new window

in the clothes clos-

et today.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 273)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 273)


[page 273]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, SEPTEMBER 24]

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 24

267th day--98 days to come

Nice day. I was at

Mrs Landon's in the

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 274)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 274)


[page 274]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, SEPTEMBER 25]

Sunday, SEPTEMBER 25

268th day--97 days to come

beautiful warm

day. Mrs Lawson

was here all day

Festus here most

all day
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 275)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 275)


[page 275]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, SEPTEMBER 26]

Monday, SEPTEMBER 26

269th day--96 days to come

partly cloudy. I wash-

ed quite a washing.

Mrs Foster called.

I was at Hetties in

the evening.

I canned more toma-

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 276)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 276)


[page 276]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 27]

Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 27

270th day--95 days to come

Nice and warm.

Ethel Hagaman fixed

my coat dress over

to day. I was at Lily Barcus

this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 277)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 277)


[page 277]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 28]

Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 28

271st day--94 days to come

I spent the day at

Bess' and we went

up to see Aunt Jennie.

Made my window cur-

tain. Hettie here in

the evening. I went

to Maggies and prayer

meeting. It rained

hard this afternoon

and evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 278)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 278)


[page 278]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, SEPTEMBER 29]

Thursday, SEPTEMBER 29

272nd day--93 days to come

warm & cloudy. Burgles

at Roots this morning.

Baily Mead called.

I was at Mrs Fosters

this evening.

Rained hard again

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 279)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 279)


[page 279]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, SEPTEMBER 30]

Friday, SEPTEMBER 30

273rd day--92 days to come

Warm day. We went

to Johnstown to Pump-

kin show. Mrs

Foster called in the

late afternoon.

Baily Mead papered

and painted the

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 280)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 280)


[page 280]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, OCTOBER 1]

Saturday, OCTOBER 1

274th day--91 days to come

very warm. Bess

called a few minutes

Geo Alexander here

from Westerville.

I was at Lily Barcus

a while this evening

Second coat of paint

on closet.

Daisy Smythe and

Joe Stark called in

the afternoon.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 281)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 281)


[page 281]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, OCTOBER 2]

Sunday, OCTOBER 2

275th day--90 days to come

very warm nice day

Hose gone most all

day with Strosnider.

I called a few min-

utes at Maggies then

went to church and

heard the 4 girls talk

on their trip to Granville.

Bob White went to

Dresden, still keeps

his room.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 282)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 282)


[page 282]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, OCTOBER 3]

Monday, OCTOBER 3

276th day--89 days to come

Nice day. Hose and

Jack went to Col-

umbus. I was at

Hetties in the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 283)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 283)


[page 283]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, OCTOBER 4]

Tuesday, OCTOBER 4

277th day--88 days to come

beautiful day. Hose

and I went to Colum-

bus and got a new

mattress. I was at Het-

ties in the evening

Mrs Ramsey & Mrs

Parsons called in

the evening. Got

new window shade

in the new window
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 284)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 284)


[page 284]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, OCTOBER 5]

Wednesday, OCTOBER 5

278th day--87 days to come

beautiful day. I

went to Maggie's

and church in

the evening. Mission

ary picture man

did not come to

show pictures
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 285)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 285)


[page 285]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, OCTOBER 6]

Thursday, OCTOBER 6

279th day--86 days to come

beautiful day, very

warm. Mrs Foster

called a little while

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 286)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 286)


[page 286]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, OCTOBER 7]

Friday, OCTOBER 7

280th day--85 days to come

Friday cloudy, rained

last night also

today hard. Mrs

Foster called a

little while. Hettie

called. I did not

go to Chapter.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 287)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 287)


[page 287]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, OCTOBER 8]

Saturday, OCTOBER 8

281st day--84 days to come

quite cool but nice

day. I washed a

little. I was at

Mrs Fosters and Lily

Barcus this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 288)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 288)


[page 288]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, OCTOBER 9]

Sunday, OCTOBER 9

282nd day--83 days to come

Cool nice day. Festus

Sherbourne, Tom Williams

Eva, Frank, Christine

Maggie & Mr & Mrs Bale

called in the after-

noon. Rosa Lily and I

went to the cemetery.

I went to Maggies and

to church in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 289)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 289)


[page 289]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, OCTOBER 10]

Monday, OCTOBER 10

283rd day--82 days to come

beautiful day. I washed

some. Hose gone all

day to Williamson

boy funeral. I went

to club at Mrs Cornells'.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 290)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 290)


[page 290]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, OCTOBER 11]

Tuesday, OCTOBER 11

284th day--81 days to come

nice cool day. I am

making my green to-

mato pickles. Aunt

Jennie died this

evening. Mrs Foster

and Mrs Landon

called a while. Val

Young is here.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 291)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 291)


[page 291]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, OCTOBER 12]

Wednesday, OCTOBER 12

285th day--80 days to come

rainy and windy

getting colder. I

made 6 qt green to-

mato pickles. Hose

and Strosy in Colum-

bus. In the evening I

went to Hetties then to

prayer meeting.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 292)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 292)


[page 292]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, OCTOBER 13]

Thursday, OCTOBER 13

286th day--79 days to come

cold and rainy. Mrs

Foster called. Hose

and Jack went to

Union Station for

Mr Brown.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 293)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 293)


[page 293]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, OCTOBER 14]

Friday, OCTOBER 14

287th day--78 days to come

cloudy & clearing.

Calvin and Clare

came for Aunt Jennie's

funeral. I went out to

Bess' to see Warren

and wife and Calvin

Hunt and wife, then

to Aunt Jennies funeral.

I went to Millersburg

to Eva's from the funeral.

Hosie went down for

his mother this mor-

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 294)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 294)


[page 294]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, OCTOBER 15]

Saturday, OCTOBER 15

288th day--77 days to come

Beautiful day. I am

at Millersburg. Chris-

tine took me all

over town in auto.

We went out to Mt Hope

to Eugene's and Marys'

then to football between

Millersburg & Wadsworth.

In the evening to a pict-

ure show.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 295)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 295)


[page 295]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, OCTOBER 16]

Sunday, OCTOBER 16

289th day--76 days to come

cold. Eva, Frank and

Christine went to

church. I stayed

home and got dinner.

In the afternoon we

went to Dover and

in the evening to


Orlo Clark died this

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 296)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 296)


[page 296]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, OCTOBER 17]

Monday, OCTOBER 17

290th day--75 days to come

Nice day and I

came Home. Have

been busy since.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 297)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 297)


[page 297]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, OCTOBER 18]

Tuesday, OCTOBER 18

291st day--74 days to come

cold and windy.

Hettie called. I wash-

ed quite a little.

In the evening I went

to Mrs Fosters and Lily's
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 298)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 298)


[page 298]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, OCTOBER 19]

Wednesday, OCTOBER 19

292nd day--73 days to come

cold and not quite as

windy. Mrs Foster

called. I went to

Hetties and prayer-

meeting. Orlo Clark

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 299)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 299)


[page 299]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, OCTOBER 20]

Thursday, OCTOBER 20

293rd day--72 days to come

Beautiful day. Hose

and I went to Columbus

to Boston sale. I got

two pairs of blankets

Mrs Landon called

a few mintues.

Hosie's mother and

I spent the evening

at Mrs Landons.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 300)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 300)


[page 300]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, OCTOBER 21]

Friday, OCTOBER 21

294th day--71 days to come

beautiful day.

Hettie and Maggie

called a little

while before Chapter

then we all went

Hosie's mother went

to Aid Society.

I washed two

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 301)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 301)


[page 301]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, OCTOBER 22]

Saturday, OCTOBER 22

295th day--70 days to come

Beautiful day.

I was at Mrs Landons

after dinner, and

at Lily's in the

evening. [illegible] &

Toledo people are

here this evening

they were in an

automobile accident.

Mrs Gill called

this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 302)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 302)


[page 302]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, OCTOBER 23]

Sunday, OCTOBER 23

296th day--69 days to come

Beautiful day.

Festus S. came

over to spend the

day. Lily & Rose

Barcus called in

the evening and we

went to church. Mr

and Mrs Stark called

in the afternoon
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 303)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 303)


[page 303]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, OCTOBER 24]

Monday, OCTOBER 24

297th day--68 days to come

Beautiful day.

I went to Lecture Course

in the evening.

Lily & Rose also

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 304)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 304)


[page 304]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, OCTOBER 25]

Tuesday, OCTOBER 25

298th day--67 days to come

Beautiful day. I

washed a little.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 305)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 305)


[page 305]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, OCTOBER 26]

Wednesday, OCTOBER 26

299th day--66 days to come

Beautiful day.

Hosea's mother and I

went to Mrs Kemptons

to King's Daughters-

meeting and in

the evening to Maggies

and prayer meeting.

Mrs Foster called a

little while
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 306)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 306)


[page 306]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, OCTOBER 27]

Thursday, OCTOBER 27

300th day--65 days to come

Beautiful day. We

made pear butter.

Mrs Della Wilcox

buried this P.M.

I was at Hetties

this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 307)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 307)


[page 307]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, OCTOBER 28]

Friday, OCTOBER 28

301st day--64 days to come

Beautiful day. I went

to Club at Faith Condit.

Leland drove Dr. Ger-

hardt Essex.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 308)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 308)


[page 308]

[corresponds to pages labeled Saturday, OCTOBER 29 and Sunday, OCTOBER 30]

Saturday, OCTOBER 29

302nd day--63 days to come

Beautiful day. I

was at Lily Barcus

in the evening

Bess called a

little while
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 309)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 309)


[page 309]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, OCTOBER 30]

Sunday, OCTOBER 30

303rd day--62 days to come

Beautiful day but

getting cloudy.

Five transient

people here over night.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 310)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 310)


[page 310]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, OCTOBER 31]

Monday, OCTOBER 31

304th day--61 days to come

Beautiful warm day

partly cloudy. I

washed a little

Mrs Barker, Mrs

Landon, Lily & Rosa

called and we

went to Halloween

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 311)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 311)


[page 311]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, NOVEMBER 1]

Tuesday, NOVEMBER 1

305th day--60 days to come

Beautiful day. Hosea

took his mother to

Westerville to Bale's

I went up to Gerhardts

to see Billy. In the

evening I was at

Fosters' and Barcus'.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 312)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 312)


[page 312]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, NOVEMBER 2]

Wednesday, NOVEMBER 2

306th day--59 days to come

Rained last night

and some today. a

little cooler.

I was at Maggies

and prayer meeting

Billy better and

gone home.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 313)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 313)


[page 313]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, NOVEMBER 3]

Thursday, NOVEMBER 3

307th day--58 days to come

Beautiful cool day.

I washed a little.

Went to Mrs Landon's

this afternoon and to

Mrs Kimballs this

evening. Dr Gerhardt

called a few mintues

Got a letter from

Hosea's mother.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 314)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 314)


[page 314]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, NOVEMBER 4]

Friday, NOVEMBER 4

308th day--57 days to come

rained last night-

cold and quite windy

today. Mr Frazier com-

menced fixing our

rooms today. Mrs

Foster called this af-

ternoon. It rained

quite a little to night

I did not go to Chapter

as Hosea went with

Strosy to take Mrs. Jim

Granger to the Hospital
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 315)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 315)


[page 315]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, NOVEMBER 5]

Saturday, NOVEMBER 5

309th day--56 days to come

Nice day in forenoon.

In the afternoon hard

snow squalls. We got

a bu of apples from Peel.

Hose and Frazier still

working on rooms.

Festus came over 5

others over night. I was

up to Hetties. It is freezing

cold to night.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 316)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 316)


[page 316]

[corresponds to pages labeled Sunday, NOVEMBER 6]

Sunday, NOVEMBER 6

310th day--55 days to come

Hard freeze last night

very cold and windy

today, but bright and

sun shiny. Hosea's

mother came back

today. I went to

Maggie's and to church

this evening. Festus

here this P.M.

Bob White called

to tell us he is leaving

for Dresden.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 317)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 317)


[page 317]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, NOVEMBER 7]

Monday, NOVEMBER 7

311th day--54 days to come

Beautiful day, warmer

I went to [illegible] trial

in the afternoon

Frazier finished


Bob White moved to

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 318)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 318)


[page 318]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, NOVEMBER 8]

Tuesday, NOVEMBER 8

312th day--53 days to come

Tues. damp and

cloudy. I was on the

election board all

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 319)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 319)


[page 319]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, NOVEMBER 9]

Wednesday, NOVEMBER 9

313th day--52 days to come

Cloudy, quite nice

Letten put gas in

fixed over room.

Mrs Landon called

also Mrs Clark.

I went to Maggies

and to church Got

wall paper at Welchs
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 320)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 320)


[page 320]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, NOVEMBER 10]

Thursday, NOVEMBER 10

314th day--51 days to come

foggy and damp.

Mr Dustman is

papering hall and

room. I washed

Bob Whites curtains
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 321)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 321)


[page 321]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, NOVEMBER 11]

Friday, NOVEMBER 11

315th day--50 days to come

very warm. Mr Dustman

finished papering

and painting the

room and Hall

Hosea's mother went

home. Mrs Stark

and Mrytle Smythe

called. I went to Het-

ties and to church

this evening. We bought

bedstead & springs from

Wheatons today.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 322)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 322)


[page 322]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, NOVEMBER 12]

Saturday, NOVEMBER 12

316th day--49 days to come

very windy in the

night and much

colder today. I was

at Hettie's this P.M

and at Daisy Wheatons

this evening. Mertyl

Smythe called this P.M

Brot over bedstead and

springs this morning.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 323)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 323)


[page 323]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, NOVEMBER 13]

Sunday, NOVEMBER 13

317th day--48 days to come

Beautiful clear day

quite cold. We took

a ride to Delaware, Strat-

ford & to Westerville home.

Mr & Mrs Stark, Rosa, Lily

and Maggie and Mrs

Landon called then we

went to church.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 324)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 324)


[page 324]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, NOVEMBER 14]

Monday, NOVEMBER 14

318th day--47 days to come

A little shower this mor-

ning. Afterwards a beautiful

day. Hose and I went

to Columbus. Bess came

home with us. We got

a rug, pillows, curtain

blinds, rubber matting,

dresser and chair. I was

down to see Mr Foster

this evening, then

went to church.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 325)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 325)


[page 325]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, NOVEMBER 15]

Tuesday, NOVEMBER 15

319th day--46 days to come

Partly cloudy. warm

Mrs Foster called this

P.M. Carl Olinger brot

our dresser & chair

Val Young & Marion

man here over night

I was at Maggies and

to church. it rained a

little this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 326)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 326)


[page 326]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, NOVEMBER 16]

Wednesday, NOVEMBER 16

320th day--45 days to come

rainy all day

Mrs Landon called

I made a pair of cur-

tains. and went

to Lily Barcus in

the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 327)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 327)


[page 327]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, NOVEMBER 17]

Thursday, NOVEMBER 17

321st day--44 days to come

rained all last

night, then sleeted

and snowed and

melted all day.

colder this evening

and stopped snowing.

Hettie called a while

this evening. I went

up to hear Judge Allen

talk at auditorium

Two Canton boys

here tonight.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 328)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 328)


[page 328]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, NOVEMBER 18]

Friday, NOVEMBER 18

322nd day--43 days to come

Beautiful day. I went

to union services of

Aid and Missionary

Societys at church.

Mr [illegible] talked. I

did not get to go to Lodge

or church in the evening

Elliott called
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 329)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 329)


[page 329]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, NOVEMBER 19]

323rd day--42 days to come

Beautiful day. Mrs Foster

Elliott & Bess called. I

was at Mrs Landons

and at Maggies

in the evening.

Called at Hetties for

the paper but did not

get it.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 330)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 330)


[page 330]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, NOVEMBER 20]

Sunday, NOVEMBER 20

324th day--41 days to come

Nice day. Mrs Landon

Rosa & Lily called

and we went to church

in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 331)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 331)


[page 331]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, NOVEMBER 21]

325th day--40 days to come

rained a little in

the night. today cloudy

and not very clear.

Hose and Strosy leave

to to Union Cemetery to

bury Mrs Marble

I was at Mrs Fosters

this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 332)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 332)


[page 332]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, NOVEMBER 22]

Tuesday, NOVEMBER 22

326TH day--39 days to come

Cloudy and threat-

ening. I was at

Maggies, Hetties

and Lily Barcus

this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 333)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 333)


[page 333]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, NOVEMBER 23]

Wednesday, NOVEMBER 23

327th day--38 days to come

Cloudy and warm

I went to prayer

meeting in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 334)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 334)


[page 334]

[corresponds Thursday, NOVEMBER 24]

Thursday, NOVEMBER 24

328th day--37 days to come

rained and blew

last night. Hose

got up at 3 o'clock

and took 4 colored

people to Columbus.

We had a family

dinner at Maggies.

We were all there.

Clara gave us a

bread board and

Bridge lamp for

Christmas. I went

back up to Maggies this

evening. Christine and

Margaret came home with me.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 335)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 335)


[page 335]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, NOVEMBER 25]

Friday, NOVEMBER 25

329th day--36 days to come

Beautiful day. Calvin

Clara & Mary here for

dinner. Margaret Chris-

tine, Frank & Eva called

on their way home from

Columbus. In the

evening we went to Mrs

Sperrys to Club. Each one

took a guest. Had a fine

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 336)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 336)


[page 336]

[corresponds to pages labeled Saturday, NOVEMBER 26]

Saturday, NOVEMBER 26

330th day--35 days to come

Warm, Rained hard

this forenoon. Beautiful

this afternoon. I went

up to Hetties to see Calvins

off. Mert Smythe and Mother

took me to Delaware.

Minnie Edwards called

I was at Mrs Fosters a

while. Hettie and Billy

called a little while
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 337)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 337)


[page 337]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, NOVEMBER 27]

Sunday, NOVEMBER 27

331st day--34 days to come

rained all day. Hose

and I took a ride in

the afternoon. In the

evening I was at

Barcus'. 7 people

stayed over night
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 338)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 338)


[page 338]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, NOVEMBER 28]

Monday, NOVEMBER 28

332nd day--33 days to come

Rained all night

last night. Hose

Mert & went to Col-

umbus this morning

I got some of my

Christmas presents.

also challie for a new

comfort. I was at

Mrs Landon's this

evening. Louise Sheets

called a little while
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 339)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 339)


[page 339]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, NOVEMBER 29]

Tuesday, NOVEMBER 29

333rd day--32 days to come

rained and blew

hard in the night

To Day warm and beau-

tiful. Mrs Foster called

a little while. Hose

and Jack went to

Mt Vernon. Akron peo-

ple here tonight.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 340)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 340)


[page 340]

[corresponds to pages labeled Wednesday, NOVEMBER 30]

Wednesday, NOVEMBER 30

334th day--31 days to come

Horrid day, just

poured and rained

all day. Irene and

Billy spent the

day here. In the

evening I went to

K. Of P. dinner and

dance. House

almost full
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 341)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 341)


[page 341]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, DECEMBER 1]

Thursday, DECEMBER 1

335th--30 days to come

Nice day quite cold.

Mrs Landon, Pearl

Whitney, Mrs Foster

and Mrs Parsons

called in the after

noon. In the evening

I was Hetties and

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 342)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 342)


[page 342]

[corresponds to pages labeled Friday, DECEMBER 2]

Friday, DECEMBER 2

336th day--29 days to come

Cold, partly cloudy.

I went to Chapter

this evening. Cen-

terburg was there
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 343)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 343)


[page 343]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, DECEMBER 3]

Saturday, DECEMBER 3

337th day--28 days to come

Nice bright day

quite cold. In the

afternoon I was at

the Bozarrk at Blakely

Stern. In the evening I

was at Lily Barcus' a

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 344)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 344)


[page 344]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, DECEMBER 4]

Sunday, DECEMBER 4

338th day--27 days to come

Clear beautiful cold

day. Hose and I

went to see Claude

Stewart in the

afternoon. I went

to church in the

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 345)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 345)


[page 345]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, DECEMBER 5]

Monday, DECEMBER 5

339th day--26 days to come

Nice day not quite

so cold. Hose and

Jack in Columbus.

Mrs Foster called

this afternoon. I was

at Hetties this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 346)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 346)


[page 346]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, DECEMBER 6]

Tuesday, DECEMBER 6

340th day--25 days to come

cloudy. Hose and

Strosy at Mrs Rine-

harts'. Lecture course

people (3) here. We

bought 2 bu of po-

tatoes form Page-

town woman.

I went to Lecture course

this evening

Mrs Rosecrans died

this morning.

Pearl Whitney

called this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 347)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 347)


[page 347]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, DECEMBER 7]

Wednesday, DECEMBER 7

341st day--24 days to come

cloudy and rainy

a little this morning

Hosea & Strosy went to

Newark. Mrs Gelston

called. In the even-

ing I went to see

Betty Fairfax
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 348)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 348)


[page 348]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, DECEMBER 8]

Thursday, DECEMBER 8

342nd day--23 days to come

Terrible wind storm

last night. Today

10 degrees above zero and

very windy. Mrs

Landon & Mrs Fos-

ter called. In the

evening I went to

Maggies and to Mis-

sionary playlet in

the Baptist basement
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 349)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 349)


[page 349]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, DECEMBER 9]

Friday, DECEMBER 9

343rd day--22 days to come

A little warmer.

Grace Rosecrans brot

home. I was at

Mrs Foster's in the

evening. Toledo people

here all night

I made mince meat

to day. I was over

to see Daisy W. and

Mrs Mann this

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 350)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 350)


[page 350]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, DECEMBER 10]

Saturday, December 10

344th day--21 days to come

Much warmer. Some

snow flurries. today

I was at Lily Bar-

cus a while this

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 351)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 351)


[page 351]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, DECEMBER 11]

Sunday, DECEMBER 11

345th day--20 days to come

rained last night

today dark cloudy and

a little rainy

I went to Mrs Landons

in the evening then

to the Baptist church to

see Dr. Kirby's pictures

on the screen
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 352)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 352)


[page 352]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, DECEMBER 12]

Monday, DECEMBER 12

346th day--19 days to come

Cloudy & Threatening

I was at Grace

Rosecrans funeral

In the evening

very foggy. Hosea

worked hard all

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 353)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 353)


[page 353]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, DECEMBER 13]

Tuesday, DECEMBER 13

347th day--18 days to come

Rained all last night

to day cloudy & threaten

ing, warm. started

in rainy and

has rained most

all day. Irene, Wm &

Leland called a few

minutes this afternoon.

I was at Hetties this

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 354)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 354)


[page 354]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, DECEMBER 14]

Wednesday, DECEMBER 14

348th day-17 days to come

Beautiful day. I

was at Maggies and

prayer meeting in

the evening. Hosea

helped bury Mr Hall

in Newark.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 355)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 355)


[page 355]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, DECEMBER 15]

Thursday, DECEMBER 15

349th day--16 days to come

Cloudy & rainy today.

Hosea helping to

bury Pierce baby.

Delineator woman

here today.

I went to the P.T.A.

meeting to hear

the children speak.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 356)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 356)


[page 356]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, DECEMBER 16]

Friday, DECEMBER 16

350th day--15 days to come

Much colder last

night. Stormy this

morning. Hose and

I went to Columbus

there out to Mussers'

Took their presents

out. In the evening

I went to O.E.S. Instal

ation. Hettie called

this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 357)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 357)


[page 357]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, DECEMBER 17]

Saturday, DECEMBER 17

351th day--14 days to come

Clear & bright not

so cold. I was at

Lily Barcus in

the evening.

John Stelzer had

his acution sale.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 358)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 358)


[page 358]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, DECEMBER 18]

Sunday, DECEMBER 18

352nd day--8 days to come

Cloudy & so cold

I did not go to

church in the evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 359)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 359)


[page 359]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, DECEMBER 19]

Monday, DECEMBER 19

353rd day--12 days to come

Cold. I was at

Hetties in the after-

noon & at Mrs

Fosters in the

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 360)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 360)


[page 360]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, DECEMBER 20]

Tuesday, DECEMBER 20

354th day--11 days to come

Nice weather cold.

Miss [illegible]

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 361)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 361)


[page 361]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, DECEMBER 21]

Wednesday, DECEMBER 21

355th day--10 days to come

Cold but very nice

weather. Mrs Henry

Miller called in

the afternoon

I was at Maggies

and prayer meeting

in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 362)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 362)


[page 362]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, DECEMBER 22]

Thursday, DECEMBER 22

356th day--9 days to come

fine day. Mrs

Foster called in

the evening. Hose

and I have quite

bad colds
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 363)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 363)


[page 363]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, DECEMBER 23]

Friday, DECEMBER 23

352nd day--13 days to come

beautiful cold

day. Hosea and

Jack at Utica

and Newark

I was at Hetties' in

the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 364)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 364)


[page 364]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, DECEMBER 24]

Saturday, DECEMBER 24

358th day-7 days to come

Beautiful clear

day like spring

I was at Lily

Barcus a little while

this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 365)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 365)


[page 365]

[corresponds to page labeled Sunday, DECEMBER 25]

Sunday, DECEMBER 25

359th day--6 days to come

Beautiful Christmas

Day. Miss [illegible]

left this morning

after spending 10 days

here. Hose and I

went way south

of Bexley this after

noon to see old

Brown farm and

Driving Park. I was

at Christmas exercises

this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 366)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 366)


[page 366]

[corresponds to page labeled Monday, DECEMBER 26]

Monday, DECEMBER 26

360th day--5 days to come

Beautiful clear

day. Hose and I

was Elliotts annual

Christmas Dinner

Carrie & Mary & Charly

Armstrong called

in the afternoon

In the evening I

was at Mrs Fosters a

little while. Hose

brot Lehman girl to

bus. and Mrs Snow

to Johnstown
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 367)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 367)


[page 367]

[corresponds to page labeled Tuesday, DECEMBER 27]

Tuesday, DECEMBER 27

361st day--4 days to come

Beautiful clear day

I went to Maggie's

and to church this

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 368)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 368)


[page 368]

[corresponds to page labeled Wednesday, DECEMBER 28]

Wednesday, DECEMBER 28

362nd day--3 days to come

cloudy. Hosea, Mert

and I went to

Columbus and to

Market. X X X X X X X

It is raining this

evening. I was at

Mrs Fosters tonight
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 369)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 369)


[page 369]

[corresponds to page labeled Thursday, DECEMBER 29]

Thursday, DECEMBER 29

363rd day--2 days to come

cloudy. not very cold.

I was at Joe Starks

and Hetties this

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 370)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 370)


[page 370]

[corresponds to page labeled Friday, DECEMBER 30]

Friday, DECEMBER 30

364th day--1 day to come

very foggy this mor-

ning. Hose and Jack

went to Columbus

this morning. Mrs

Foster called this

afternoon. Festus

came over. It

started to rain at 3. this

afternoon and is still

raining. slowly.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 371)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 371)


[page 371]

[corresponds to page labeled Saturday, DECEMBER 31]

Saturday, DECEMBER 31

365th day--Last day of the year
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 372)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 372)


[page 372]

[corresponds to blank page labeled Cash Account]

Cash Account

Received Paid


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 373)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 373)


[page 373]

[corresponds to blank page labeled Cash Account]

Cash Account

Received Paid


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 374)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 374)


[page 374]

[corresponds to blank page labeled Cash Account]

Cash Account

Received Paid


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 375)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 375)


[page 375]

[corresponds to blank page labeled Cash Account]

Cash Account

Received Paid


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 376)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 376)


[page 376]

[corresponds to blank page labeled Cash Account]

Cash Account

Received Paid


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 377)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 377)


[page 377]

[corresponds to blank page labeled Cash Account]

Cash Account

Received Paid


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 378)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 378)


[page 378]

[corresponds to page labeled Summary]


Received Paid

On hand January 1...

January .....













Balance to New Account..
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 379)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 379)


[page 379]

[corresponds to page labeled Addresses]


O.F. Borcus 379 Torrence Road

Leonard Utley Powell

Bertha Riggs

Rutland Heights


Joe Landon

185 E. Longview Ave

Chas Griste

248 N. Warren Ave

Ray Utley.

1641 [crossed out] Minnesoto Ave


H. W. Brevoort

10119 Adams Ave

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 380)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 380)


[page 380]

[corresponds to page labeled Addresses]


Mrs Clara Knox

1631 Cleveland Ave. Col -
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 381)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 381)


[page 381]

[corresponds to page labeled Addresses]


[blank page]
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 382)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 382)


[page 382]

[corresponds to page labeled Insurance]


Rate Issue Name of Company
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 383)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 383)


[page 383]

[corresponds to page labeled Expiration]


Policy No. Amount Premium Expires
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 384)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 384)


[page 384]

[corresponds to page labeled Insurance


Rate Issue Name of Company
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 385)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 385)


[page 385]

[corresponds to page labeled Expiration]


Policy No. Amount Premium Expires
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 386)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 386)


[page 386]

[corresponds to page labeled Special Data]

Special Data

[blank page]
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 387)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 387)


[page 387]

[corresponds to page labeled The Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Company of New York]

The Metropolitan Casualty

Insurance Company of New York



Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer


F. L. Carlisle & Co., Inc., New York


62 William Street, New York


President, New England Power Association, Boston


President, East River Savings Bank, New York


President, Knott Hotels, Inc., New York


President, Lincoln-Alliance Bank, Rochester, N. Y.


President, Northeastern Power Corp., New York




Pres., Stromberg-Carlson Tel. Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y.


Pres., Insurance Management Corp., Huntingdon, Pa.


President, Central Mercantile Bank, New York


Pendleton & Pendleton, Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y.




Schoellkopf, Hutton & Pomeroy, Buffalo, N. Y.


Sage, Wolcott & Steele, Rocher, N. Y.


Treasurer, The Todd Co., Rochester, N. Y.


Secy. & Treas., Agricultural Ins. Co., Watertown. N. Y.


Vice-President, J. G. White & co., Inc., New York


President, Agricultural Insurance Co., Watertown. N. Y.
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 388)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 388)


[page 388]

[corresponds to page labeled The Metropolitan Casualty

Insurance Company of New York]

[handwritten: Mrs Adamson

Grandville, O]

The Metropolitan Casualty

Insurance Company of New York

The Metropolitan writes the following


Automobile Protection

Liability, Property Damage, Collision, Plate Glass.

Accident and Health

Blanket Residence Protection

Burglary, Theft, and Larceny, Glass Breakage, Liability,

Water Damage, Damage by Aircraft or Automobile.

Burglary Lines

Residence Burglary, Theft and Larceny, Mercantile Safe

Burglary, Mercantile Open Stock Burglary, Paymaster

Robbery, Messenger Robbery, Office and Store Robbery

(Hold-up), Bank Burglary and Robbery, Safe Seposit

Box for Banks (Burglary and Robbery), Safe Deposit

Box for Individuals (Burglary and Robbery), Highway

Robbery (Personal Effects).

Workmen's Compensation


Blanket Fidelity (Industrial and Mercantile),Blanket

Fidelity (Bankers), Employees' Fidelity, Public Official,

Fiduciary and Judicial, Contracr, Bank Depository,

Bankers' and Brokers' Blanket, License and Permit, Lost

Securities, Completion and Lien, Mortgage Guarantee,

Installment Note Guarantee, Certified Hotel Guest.

Liability Lines

Owners', Landlords' and Tenants, Elevator Public,

Theatre Public, Contractors' and Manufacturers' Public,

Owners' and Contractors' Contingent, Teams Public,

Sports Public, Products Public, Employers', Property

Damage, Hospital, Druggists', Physicians' and Dentists'.


Plate Glass, Sprinkler Leakage, Water Damage, Check

Alteration and Forgery


Through arrangements made with the AGRICULTURAL INSUR-

ANCE COMPANY of Watertown, N. Y., Metropolitan Agents

are able to furnish their Clients with these additional lines:

Automobile--Fire and Theft

Residence--Loss of Use or Rental Value. Golfers--Fire and

Transportation. Residence--Tornado. All Sports--Fire

and Transportation.

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 389)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 389)


[page 389]

[corresponds to page labeled The Metropolitan Casualty

Insurance Company of New York]

The Metropolitan Casualty

Insurance Company of New York

Blanket Fidelity Insurance


Mercantile and Industrial


This new advanced form of insurance

was inaugurated by The Metropolitan

Casualty Insurance Company in 1925 and

has the following advantages:

1. All employees are covered at

inception of policy.

2. New employees are covered from

moment of employment.

3. Change Notices" are no longer


4. Inadvertent omissions are no

longer possible.

All employees are bonded all the time.

This broad coverage is based upon the

Company's Flexible Rating Plan, which

recognizes the varying conditions of mod-

ern business--never before considered.

The universal adoption of a convenient

Flexible Rating Plan similar to that

inaugurated by The Metropolitan in 1925

tells its own story."
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 390)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 390)


[page 390]

[corresponds to page labeled The Metropolitan Casualty

Insurance Company of New York]

The Metropolitan Casualty

Insurance Company of New York


INSURANCE is foresight and prudence applied

to the uncertainties of human life.

METRO-SURANCE is super-insurance from

which all uncertainties have been eliminated.

METRO-SURANCE affords the maximum of

protection against the carelessness of humanity,

the accidents of activity, the catastrophes of

nature by the enlightened "Good Faith" of

its dealings.

Insurance against casulaties marks a long up-

ward step in man's rise from savagery to civil-


METRO-SURANCE is insurance raised to new

levels of service, security and foresightedness.

Insurance, man's collective effort toward

warding off the blows of fate, is the best

friend of the helpless child, of the defense-

less woman - and of the strong man in his

hour of need.

METRO-SURANCE believes in "paying with a

smile"--its contracts are the clearest that words

can devise--then it writes "Good Faith" across

the face of every policy.

Insurance, the co-operative modern method of

mitigating misfortune, is based on the certainty

that prompt aid with be vitally needed at some

time in every man's life.

METRO-SURANCE believes that in emergencies

"he gives twice who gives quickly," and places

its reputation for "Good Faith" high above any

narrow technical interpretation of its policies.

METRO-SURANCE, by its unfaltering adherence

to the principle of dealing with its public in

"Good Faith", has acquired and holds the great-

est of all insurance assets, an army of satisfied

Policy Holders.

Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 391)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 391)


[page 391]

[corresponds to inside back cover labeled Anno Domini 1928]


The Diary Publishing Corporation 529-549 West 42nd Street New York
Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 392)


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927 (p. 392)


[page 392]

[corresponds to back cover]

Dublin Core


Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927


Hopkins House--Ohio--Sunbury
Hopkins, Roberta B--1871-1945--Journal
Myers Inn--Ohio--Sunbury


1927 journal of Roberta Hopkins, owner of the Hopkins House, a boarding house located on the Town Square in Sunbury, Ohio. Mrs. Hopkins wrote her 1927 entries in a blank daily journal published by the Bishop Insurance Agency of Centerburg, Ohio. Her daily entries generally include a statement about the weather, the names of people who visited her and those whom she visited, and the names of deceased persons at whose burials her husband, Hosea, assisted. Some entries include descriptions of her daily household activities. The reader should be aware that the printed pages between August 19 and September 4 do not appear in the correct order in the original.


Roberta B. Hopkins; Sunbury, Ohio














Roberta B. Hopkins; Sunbury, Ohio, “Roberta Hopkins' Diary 1927,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 8, 2025,

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