The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 1)
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And how they were in 1938
When Sunbury Lions Club originated
FDR was in the White House in Washington, all of us were working
our way out of the Great Depression precipitated by the 1929
Stock Market Crash. The REA was building lines to supply elec-
tricity to farm properties too widely separated to be served
economically by regular Power Companies. The WPA was installing
Water and Sewer Systems in small towns and municipalities too small
to afford them otherwise. World War II had not yet started--even
in Europe. The Three C's Highway did not by-pass Sunbury & Galena,
and The Hoover Dam and Reservoir, with the resulting dislocations,
was not yet in consideration. I-71 and The Alum Creek Reservoir &
Camp-Ground were far in the future. Sunbury & Galena did have a busy
and well operated Railroad with two passenger trains daily,
north & south, freight trains mixed in between schedules, a full
time station and telegraph operator providing reliable service
between Cleveland, Akron and Columbus. Sunbury boasted a storage
and distribution system to provide an excellent supply of water
to all homes and businesses. Partly because of this facility The
Nestle Co. maintained their plant here and has been a most valuable
source of employment in this area. Many fine families have come to
this area and have worked for the development of this community
since The Company acquired the old Sunbury Co-Operative Creamery
Co. in 1919.
The Big Walnut Consolidated School System had not yet been envis-
aged. Sunbury, Galena, Center Village, Berlin, Kilbourne, Orange, Hyatts,
(Bellpoint & Ostrander)
Ashley and Radnor, ^ separately comprised the Delaware County
Educational System and competition between them was fierce at all
[corresponds to unnumbered page 1]
And how they were in 1938
When Sunbury Lions Club originated
FDR was in the White House in Washington, all of us were working
our way out of the Great Depression precipitated by the 1929
Stock Market Crash. The REA was building lines to supply elec-
tricity to farm properties too widely separated to be served
economically by regular Power Companies. The WPA was installing
Water and Sewer Systems in small towns and municipalities too small
to afford them otherwise. World War II had not yet started--even
in Europe. The Three C's Highway did not by-pass Sunbury & Galena,
and The Hoover Dam and Reservoir, with the resulting dislocations,
was not yet in consideration. I-71 and The Alum Creek Reservoir &
Camp-Ground were far in the future. Sunbury & Galena did have a busy
and well operated Railroad with two passenger trains daily,
north & south, freight trains mixed in between schedules, a full
time station and telegraph operator providing reliable service
between Cleveland, Akron and Columbus. Sunbury boasted a storage
and distribution system to provide an excellent supply of water
to all homes and businesses. Partly because of this facility The
Nestle Co. maintained their plant here and has been a most valuable
source of employment in this area. Many fine families have come to
this area and have worked for the development of this community
since The Company acquired the old Sunbury Co-Operative Creamery
Co. in 1919.
The Big Walnut Consolidated School System had not yet been envis-
aged. Sunbury, Galena, Center Village, Berlin, Kilbourne, Orange, Hyatts,
(Bellpoint & Ostrander)
Ashley and Radnor, ^ separately comprised the Delaware County
Educational System and competition between them was fierce at all
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 2)
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sporting events. George Walker's field, which was to become The
Sunbury Playground as an early project of the Sunbury Lions Club,
was lying un-used in 1938, a rough undeveloped field with an open
waterway extending diagonally across it. The field had been used
in earlier years by Nelson Ramsey, and perhaps others, as a pas-
ture for horses.
****Businesses Around The Square and In The Area in the Year 1938****
The ground floor of the K. of P. Building contained a small sandwich
shop and soda fountain in the western one-third, a movie theater
occupied the center portion and the Sunbury Savings & Loan had
expanded its offices into the eastern one-third. At that time the
SS&L still occupied the adjacent, stone front building. D. C. Hoover
our first Lions Club President lived next door to the east and had
a rear door from his kitchen and a walkway to a rear door in the
SS&L building for convenient access between the two, he being the
Secretary and Board Chairman of the institution for many years.
Ralph R.(Kinky)Clark lived and operated his barber shop in the
house adjacent to the Bank.
The old stone Farmers Bank Building occupied part of the lot
where the present BancOhio facility stands. All the stone for
the original building was obtained from quarries along Big Walnut
Creek, hauled to and piled on the north side of the Public Square
where it was cut and dressed according to the blue-prints prepared
for the purpose, then erected into a complete edifice.
The Sunbury News and Whitney Ins. offices occupied a two story
frame building adjacent to what is now Whitney Ins. Agency ^ oper-
ated by Lion Bob Morris. The present Ins. Ofc. was, in 1938
occupied by the original Sunbury Grille with a doorway opening
into what had been for many years, Charlie Budd's Pool Room
immediately to the east. The pool tables had been removed and
[corresponds to unnumbered page 2]
sporting events. George Walker's field, which was to become The
Sunbury Playground as an early project of the Sunbury Lions Club,
was lying un-used in 1938, a rough undeveloped field with an open
waterway extending diagonally across it. The field had been used
in earlier years by Nelson Ramsey, and perhaps others, as a pas-
ture for horses.
****Businesses Around The Square and In The Area in the Year 1938****
The ground floor of the K. of P. Building contained a small sandwich
shop and soda fountain in the western one-third, a movie theater
occupied the center portion and the Sunbury Savings & Loan had
expanded its offices into the eastern one-third. At that time the
SS&L still occupied the adjacent, stone front building. D. C. Hoover
our first Lions Club President lived next door to the east and had
a rear door from his kitchen and a walkway to a rear door in the
SS&L building for convenient access between the two, he being the
Secretary and Board Chairman of the institution for many years.
Ralph R.(Kinky)Clark lived and operated his barber shop in the
house adjacent to the Bank.
The old stone Farmers Bank Building occupied part of the lot
where the present BancOhio facility stands. All the stone for
the original building was obtained from quarries along Big Walnut
Creek, hauled to and piled on the north side of the Public Square
where it was cut and dressed according to the blue-prints prepared
for the purpose, then erected into a complete edifice.
The Sunbury News and Whitney Ins. offices occupied a two story
frame building adjacent to what is now Whitney Ins. Agency ^ oper-
ated by Lion Bob Morris. The present Ins. Ofc. was, in 1938
occupied by the original Sunbury Grille with a doorway opening
into what had been for many years, Charlie Budd's Pool Room
immediately to the east. The pool tables had been removed and
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 3)
[page 3]
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individual tables and chairs installed to facilitate the serving
of meals. Our Lions Club had its first dinner meetings there in
late 1938. In the next business room to the east, Garnet Edwards
Hettinger operated a beauty shop. Root's Department Store, on the
corner, was owned and operated by C. A.(Chan)Root. He and Mrs.
Root lived in the 'penthouse' apartment on the second floor. Chan
was a Charter Member of Lions Club and a real community booster.
The north one-third of the old two-story Blakely-Williams build-
ing at the north end of the east side of the Public Square was
occupied by C. C. Welch (groceries) and Henry Beaver (meats)
separately, under the name 'Red & White Store'. Henry and C. C.
were both Charter Members and C. C. became our second President.
The south two-thirds of the R-W Bldg. and the whole second floor
was occupied by The Sunbury Electric Shop operated by C. S. Burrer
and his Mother. This old building contained a 'rope-driven', hand
powered, freight elevator which extended from the basement to the
second floor. This building was destroyed by fire in 1956.
The next building toward the south, now owned by Glenn Evans a
Lions Club Past president, was occupied by The Little Shop with
Louise Sheets as proprietor. The next building housed the U. S.
Store (a grocery) which in 1940 became a 5 & 10 Cents store. In
the same two story building with a center entrance-way and stair
way to the second floor apartments was Anderson's Drug Store. R. P.
or 'Doc' Anderson as most people knew him, was a very popular man
in the community. He acquired considerable property in the area
during his lifetime, was one of the organizers of the Sunbury
Savings & Loan and one of its Directors until his death in 1940.
He was a member of Sparrow Lodge of Masons and a Charter member
of the Lions Club. One of the early Kroger Stores occupied the
[corresponds to unnumbered page 3]
individual tables and chairs installed to facilitate the serving
of meals. Our Lions Club had its first dinner meetings there in
late 1938. In the next business room to the east, Garnet Edwards
Hettinger operated a beauty shop. Root's Department Store, on the
corner, was owned and operated by C. A.(Chan)Root. He and Mrs.
Root lived in the 'penthouse' apartment on the second floor. Chan
was a Charter Member of Lions Club and a real community booster.
The north one-third of the old two-story Blakely-Williams build-
ing at the north end of the east side of the Public Square was
occupied by C. C. Welch (groceries) and Henry Beaver (meats)
separately, under the name 'Red & White Store'. Henry and C. C.
were both Charter Members and C. C. became our second President.
The south two-thirds of the R-W Bldg. and the whole second floor
was occupied by The Sunbury Electric Shop operated by C. S. Burrer
and his Mother. This old building contained a 'rope-driven', hand
powered, freight elevator which extended from the basement to the
second floor. This building was destroyed by fire in 1956.
The next building toward the south, now owned by Glenn Evans a
Lions Club Past president, was occupied by The Little Shop with
Louise Sheets as proprietor. The next building housed the U. S.
Store (a grocery) which in 1940 became a 5 & 10 Cents store. In
the same two story building with a center entrance-way and stair
way to the second floor apartments was Anderson's Drug Store. R. P.
or 'Doc' Anderson as most people knew him, was a very popular man
in the community. He acquired considerable property in the area
during his lifetime, was one of the organizers of the Sunbury
Savings & Loan and one of its Directors until his death in 1940.
He was a member of Sparrow Lodge of Masons and a Charter member
of the Lions Club. One of the early Kroger Stores occupied the
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 4)
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next building further south, known as the Haller Building. Eddie
Haller operated a bowling alley in the basement for a time. This
Kroger store was managed by Carl Perry who was a Lions Club Char-
ter member and became one of its Past Presidents. Notice of his
early and untimely death is indicated elsewhere in this publica-
tion. Harold Stone's Barber Shop adjoined the Haller building.
'Stoney', as he was affectionately called by everyone was Mayor
of Sunbury for the longest, continuous period of years in its
history. ^ occupied that position when the streets of the Village
were paved in 1911. V & M Williamson had a Chevrolet dealership
in the next building with a cement block service garage located
across the private alley to the rear. At the time they discontinued
operations, theirs was reputed to be the oldest Chevrolet Agency
in the central Ohio area. The two-story brick building with cast-
iron support post in the entry way had been known for many years
as the Strong's Hardware building, with living quarters overhead.
In 1938 there was an alleyway between the Strong Hdwe and the old
frame building which originally housed Charlie Granger's Pool
Room and short-order restaurant. Jim and Mary Fravel operated
the restaurant in the south part of the building and might have
looked after the pool room in the north part. What was known as
the Casteel Building, where the Sunbury News is now located (in
1988), the first story had a cut-stone wall with thick door ways
at sidewalk level which supported a frame double, second floor
for living quarters. F. Lamont Kempton, a Lion Charter Member
operated a barber shop in the northernmost sidewalk level room.
Larue and Marge Stith had a filling station and garage at the S,
E. corner of this building, facing the intersection of Granville
and S. Vernon Streets. It must be remembered that in 1926, all
the business buildings with a few living quarters above, situated
[corresponds to unnumbered page 4]
next building further south, known as the Haller Building. Eddie
Haller operated a bowling alley in the basement for a time. This
Kroger store was managed by Carl Perry who was a Lions Club Char-
ter member and became one of its Past Presidents. Notice of his
early and untimely death is indicated elsewhere in this publica-
tion. Harold Stone's Barber Shop adjoined the Haller building.
'Stoney', as he was affectionately called by everyone was Mayor
of Sunbury for the longest, continuous period of years in its
history. ^ occupied that position when the streets of the Village
were paved in 1911. V & M Williamson had a Chevrolet dealership
in the next building with a cement block service garage located
across the private alley to the rear. At the time they discontinued
operations, theirs was reputed to be the oldest Chevrolet Agency
in the central Ohio area. The two-story brick building with cast-
iron support post in the entry way had been known for many years
as the Strong's Hardware building, with living quarters overhead.
In 1938 there was an alleyway between the Strong Hdwe and the old
frame building which originally housed Charlie Granger's Pool
Room and short-order restaurant. Jim and Mary Fravel operated
the restaurant in the south part of the building and might have
looked after the pool room in the north part. What was known as
the Casteel Building, where the Sunbury News is now located (in
1988), the first story had a cut-stone wall with thick door ways
at sidewalk level which supported a frame double, second floor
for living quarters. F. Lamont Kempton, a Lion Charter Member
operated a barber shop in the northernmost sidewalk level room.
Larue and Marge Stith had a filling station and garage at the S,
E. corner of this building, facing the intersection of Granville
and S. Vernon Streets. It must be remembered that in 1926, all
the business buildings with a few living quarters above, situated
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 5)
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between the Blakely-Williams frame structure on the north (which
contained a three foot thick, stone firewall along its south
side) and the old brick, Strong Hdwe to the south, all being of
frame construction and very old, caught fire one night and
burned to the ground. There was no way to save the structures
since at that time all that was available was a man-power operated
fire pumper and the only water available was from a cistern on
the east side of the Public Square. The owners of the various
properties so destroyed, banded together and hired a contractor
to come on the scene and erect new brick structures according
to each owners requirements. I understand, on good authority,
that 'Rudy' Burrer, a respected banker in the Village was given
the responsibility of co-ordinating the new construction project
between the individual owners and the contractor, Mr. Ray Hopper
of Delaware, Ohio. Believe it or not, there is no indication
handed down to date of any serious problems, financially or other-
wise, in this obviously loose-knit operation.
In 1938 the Sunbury Post Office was located in the brick building
at 75 E. Cherry Street across the alley from the rear of the
Blakely-Williams building. Mr. Carroll Williamson was Postmaster.
The first structure west of S. Vernon St on the south side of the
square was a frame dwelling. The next was the residence of Otis
(Pete) Baker and connected office and exchange of The Ohio Central
Telephone Co. Mr. Baker, with his wife Lulu had come to Sunbury in
1904 to be maintenance man and local manager of the system. His
younger son, Darwin Baker was a Lions Club Charter Member.
The brick structure to the west and next to the alley, provided
quarters for The Delaware County Mutual Ins. Co., founded in 1877,
in the eastern one-half while the western half was occupied by
Strosnider & Wilson Funeral Directors. A. D. Strosnider was Presi-
[corresponds to unnumbered page 5]
between the Blakely-Williams frame structure on the north (which
contained a three foot thick, stone firewall along its south
side) and the old brick, Strong Hdwe to the south, all being of
frame construction and very old, caught fire one night and
burned to the ground. There was no way to save the structures
since at that time all that was available was a man-power operated
fire pumper and the only water available was from a cistern on
the east side of the Public Square. The owners of the various
properties so destroyed, banded together and hired a contractor
to come on the scene and erect new brick structures according
to each owners requirements. I understand, on good authority,
that 'Rudy' Burrer, a respected banker in the Village was given
the responsibility of co-ordinating the new construction project
between the individual owners and the contractor, Mr. Ray Hopper
of Delaware, Ohio. Believe it or not, there is no indication
handed down to date of any serious problems, financially or other-
wise, in this obviously loose-knit operation.
In 1938 the Sunbury Post Office was located in the brick building
at 75 E. Cherry Street across the alley from the rear of the
Blakely-Williams building. Mr. Carroll Williamson was Postmaster.
The first structure west of S. Vernon St on the south side of the
square was a frame dwelling. The next was the residence of Otis
(Pete) Baker and connected office and exchange of The Ohio Central
Telephone Co. Mr. Baker, with his wife Lulu had come to Sunbury in
1904 to be maintenance man and local manager of the system. His
younger son, Darwin Baker was a Lions Club Charter Member.
The brick structure to the west and next to the alley, provided
quarters for The Delaware County Mutual Ins. Co., founded in 1877,
in the eastern one-half while the western half was occupied by
Strosnider & Wilson Funeral Directors. A. D. Strosnider was Presi-
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 6)
[page 6]
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dent and a Director of The Farmers Bank, and Ronald F. 'Doc'
Wilson was a Lions Club Charter Member, and a very active promoter
and worker in the development of The Sunbury Playground.
To the west of the alley was the Sunbury Motors Co. adjoining the
Irwin Hdwe. & Furniture Co. Bldg. which extended to the next alley.
This complex of buildings started with the Wheaton Brothers as a
hardware and farm equipment store. Charles Wheaton had the first
automobile in the community and from that experience there devel-
oped an early auto agency.
Bordering the alley, in 1938 was a two-story building made out of
glazed tile, shaped similar to concrete blocks. On the ground floor
Arthur Boston operated the 'Snipe-Town' grocery, no one has said
where the name originated. Dr. Hodge Wilson (no relation to Ronald)
had a dental office on the second floor. The last structure before
Columbus St. was the old Joel Letts residence which had been con-
verted into doctor's offices in the basement with medical clinic
facilities above, by Dr. G. Y. Swickard, a Lions Club Charter
Member. Tom Heston Sr. is reported to have been the operator of
the Sohio Station on the corner of Granville and S. Columbus St.
Hosea C. Hopkins used the Hopkins House as his residence and
rented out individual rooms. He would also assist Strosnider &
Wilson on Ambulance-runs and in conducting funerals.
Otis K. Baker converted the Gelston's Bakery/Burrer's Store and
Tavern building to operate as a Service Station and garage on the
lot just north of the Hopkins House. The next two buildings north
were used for residences, while the third house, (at one time the
residence of Lawrence Myers, one of the founders of the town of
Sunbury,) was the office and residence of Dr. W. B. Carpenter.
The building at the corner of Columbus & Cherry streets was occu-
pied by Wayne's (Feazel) Super Service.
[corresponds to unnumbered page 6]
dent and a Director of The Farmers Bank, and Ronald F. 'Doc'
Wilson was a Lions Club Charter Member, and a very active promoter
and worker in the development of The Sunbury Playground.
To the west of the alley was the Sunbury Motors Co. adjoining the
Irwin Hdwe. & Furniture Co. Bldg. which extended to the next alley.
This complex of buildings started with the Wheaton Brothers as a
hardware and farm equipment store. Charles Wheaton had the first
automobile in the community and from that experience there devel-
oped an early auto agency.
Bordering the alley, in 1938 was a two-story building made out of
glazed tile, shaped similar to concrete blocks. On the ground floor
Arthur Boston operated the 'Snipe-Town' grocery, no one has said
where the name originated. Dr. Hodge Wilson (no relation to Ronald)
had a dental office on the second floor. The last structure before
Columbus St. was the old Joel Letts residence which had been con-
verted into doctor's offices in the basement with medical clinic
facilities above, by Dr. G. Y. Swickard, a Lions Club Charter
Member. Tom Heston Sr. is reported to have been the operator of
the Sohio Station on the corner of Granville and S. Columbus St.
Hosea C. Hopkins used the Hopkins House as his residence and
rented out individual rooms. He would also assist Strosnider &
Wilson on Ambulance-runs and in conducting funerals.
Otis K. Baker converted the Gelston's Bakery/Burrer's Store and
Tavern building to operate as a Service Station and garage on the
lot just north of the Hopkins House. The next two buildings north
were used for residences, while the third house, (at one time the
residence of Lawrence Myers, one of the founders of the town of
Sunbury,) was the office and residence of Dr. W. B. Carpenter.
The building at the corner of Columbus & Cherry streets was occu-
pied by Wayne's (Feazel) Super Service.
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 7)
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**** Other businesses off the Square****
On N. Columbus, at North Street, Burrer Milling Co., in 1938, was
producing and distributing livestock feeds, and only occasion-
ally making White Loaf flour. The generation of electricity for
the Village had ceased and the facilities sold to the Central
Utilities Service Co. in 1926. Further north, on Rainbow Ave.
Lloyd Brake and Lee Howard had established a garage and sold
Studebaker automobiles. At the corner of High St. and the Croton
Rd., Ralph H. Clark operated Clark's Furniture Store.
At Rainbow Ave. & High St, Harry Lake operated a machine shop and
garage. Charles & Wilma Ward had a store and specialized in Home
Made Ice Cream in a two-story building called "The Point".
South on S. Columbus St. V. M. Greene built a brick building
and operated a Ford Auto Agency. Clark Tractor Sales sold farm
equipment and machinery south of the Ford Agency. A little fur-
ther south, across the street was Lee's Market.
On E. Granville St. Emmet (Tobe) Feasel operated a Sohio Service
station and next beyond was the Sunshine Feed Store. Across the
street, and up a hill, was George Walker's Hay Barn and beyond
that was the old Sunbury Manufacturing Co. building.
John Williamson & Son sold farm machinery on Harrison St. where
the Sunbury I. G. A. now stands. Also, at 52 Rainbow Ave., Owen
Meredith had an International Tractor Agency, and at 102 Rainbow
Ave., Ghent's Greenhouse was in operation. At 63 N. Vernon St.,
Charles Johnson operated a shoe repair shop, and at 157 South
Vernon Street, Sunbury Lumber Co. was in business, with H. O.
Reece, a Lions Club Charter Member, as Manager.
Cloice E. Barton and Fairland Farms (H. P. & Russell Miller)
were both in the wholesale and retail milk (dairy) business.
The Town Hall was then, as now, a busy place with the Village
Offices, the Jail, and the Fire Department on the first floor.
[corresponds to unnumbered page 7]
**** Other businesses off the Square****
On N. Columbus, at North Street, Burrer Milling Co., in 1938, was
producing and distributing livestock feeds, and only occasion-
ally making White Loaf flour. The generation of electricity for
the Village had ceased and the facilities sold to the Central
Utilities Service Co. in 1926. Further north, on Rainbow Ave.
Lloyd Brake and Lee Howard had established a garage and sold
Studebaker automobiles. At the corner of High St. and the Croton
Rd., Ralph H. Clark operated Clark's Furniture Store.
At Rainbow Ave. & High St, Harry Lake operated a machine shop and
garage. Charles & Wilma Ward had a store and specialized in Home
Made Ice Cream in a two-story building called "The Point".
South on S. Columbus St. V. M. Greene built a brick building
and operated a Ford Auto Agency. Clark Tractor Sales sold farm
equipment and machinery south of the Ford Agency. A little fur-
ther south, across the street was Lee's Market.
On E. Granville St. Emmet (Tobe) Feasel operated a Sohio Service
station and next beyond was the Sunshine Feed Store. Across the
street, and up a hill, was George Walker's Hay Barn and beyond
that was the old Sunbury Manufacturing Co. building.
John Williamson & Son sold farm machinery on Harrison St. where
the Sunbury I. G. A. now stands. Also, at 52 Rainbow Ave., Owen
Meredith had an International Tractor Agency, and at 102 Rainbow
Ave., Ghent's Greenhouse was in operation. At 63 N. Vernon St.,
Charles Johnson operated a shoe repair shop, and at 157 South
Vernon Street, Sunbury Lumber Co. was in business, with H. O.
Reece, a Lions Club Charter Member, as Manager.
Cloice E. Barton and Fairland Farms (H. P. & Russell Miller)
were both in the wholesale and retail milk (dairy) business.
The Town Hall was then, as now, a busy place with the Village
Offices, the Jail, and the Fire Department on the first floor.
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 8)
[page 8]
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The Community Hall with its stage and drop curtain was used for
local activities on the second floor, and Sparrow Lodge #400,
F & A M owned and used the third floor.
Just north of Galena on the 3Cs Highway, John W Shults operated
a business selling electrical appliances and hardware as part of
the Sunbury-Galena Community of merchants.
It may be that some business or professional entity has been over-
looked in this compilation of enterprises active in 1938 and if so
this writer begs to apologize for any omission.
It would have been impossible to assemble the information contained
in this presentation in the length of time allotted without having
at hand the Sesquicentennial book "Sunbury-Founded in 1816" which
was prepared in 1966, and the microfilm record of "The Sunbury News"
for the year of 1938, available at Community Library. Also conversations
with many local Senior Citizens in the area during the past week,
brought forth much valuable historical information which is contained
Respectfully submitted by:-
Carleton S. Burrer
Amateur historian.
[corresponds to unnumbered page 8]
The Community Hall with its stage and drop curtain was used for
local activities on the second floor, and Sparrow Lodge #400,
F & A M owned and used the third floor.
Just north of Galena on the 3Cs Highway, John W Shults operated
a business selling electrical appliances and hardware as part of
the Sunbury-Galena Community of merchants.
It may be that some business or professional entity has been over-
looked in this compilation of enterprises active in 1938 and if so
this writer begs to apologize for any omission.
It would have been impossible to assemble the information contained
in this presentation in the length of time allotted without having
at hand the Sesquicentennial book "Sunbury-Founded in 1816" which
was prepared in 1966, and the microfilm record of "The Sunbury News"
for the year of 1938, available at Community Library. Also conversations
with many local Senior Citizens in the area during the past week,
brought forth much valuable historical information which is contained
Respectfully submitted by:-
Carleton S. Burrer
Amateur historian.
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 9)
[page 9]
[corresponds to unnumbered page 9]
Short Illness Is Fatal to Sunbury Store Manager
Funeral for Carl R. Perry, 38, was
held in the Wilson chapel Sunday
afternoon with the Rev. Hugh Ash
of Xenia in charge of the service.
Mr. Perry died shortly before mid-
night Wednesday in Doctor's hospi-
tal where he had been a patient
since suffering a cerrebral hemmorr-
hage while at work in the Sunbury
Kroger store early Saturday morn-
ing, Dec. 20. 1948 ['1948' handwritten]
Carl became affiliated with the
Kroger store during his high school
days. On graduation from Sunbury
high school in 1928 he was associated
with Kroger stores in Mt. Vernon
and Delaware for a short time and
has managed the Sunbury branch
the past eighteen years.
Sunbury Council President
He served on the village council
one term, was president of that
group at the time of his death and
was re-elected last fall. Carl was
a charter member of Sunbury Lions
club and a past president.
Carl is survived by his widow,
Mrs. Barbara Perry; his mother,
Mrs. Iva Perry of the home; five
sisters, Mrs. Louise Day and Mrs.
Marie McWhirt of Columbus, Mrs.
Eva Gutridge of Chicago, Mrs.
Dorothy Owen of Sunbury and Miss
Gladys Perry of the home; four
brothers, Paul and Walter of Co-
lumbus, Lester and Robert of Sun-
Burial was made in Sunbury
cemetery by the Wilson Funeral
Home. Pallbearers, were Hap
Howard of Columbus, Ted Bennett
of Alexandria, Don Perfect, Tom
Lang, Carlton Burrer and Hoyt
Whitney. Members of Sunbury
Lions Club were honorary pall-
[photo captioned "Carl Perry"]
The above photo of Carl was
taken recently while he was at work
in the Sunbury Kroger store.
[corresponds to unnumbered page 9]
Short Illness Is Fatal to Sunbury Store Manager
Funeral for Carl R. Perry, 38, was
held in the Wilson chapel Sunday
afternoon with the Rev. Hugh Ash
of Xenia in charge of the service.
Mr. Perry died shortly before mid-
night Wednesday in Doctor's hospi-
tal where he had been a patient
since suffering a cerrebral hemmorr-
hage while at work in the Sunbury
Kroger store early Saturday morn-
ing, Dec. 20. 1948 ['1948' handwritten]
Carl became affiliated with the
Kroger store during his high school
days. On graduation from Sunbury
high school in 1928 he was associated
with Kroger stores in Mt. Vernon
and Delaware for a short time and
has managed the Sunbury branch
the past eighteen years.
Sunbury Council President
He served on the village council
one term, was president of that
group at the time of his death and
was re-elected last fall. Carl was
a charter member of Sunbury Lions
club and a past president.
Carl is survived by his widow,
Mrs. Barbara Perry; his mother,
Mrs. Iva Perry of the home; five
sisters, Mrs. Louise Day and Mrs.
Marie McWhirt of Columbus, Mrs.
Eva Gutridge of Chicago, Mrs.
Dorothy Owen of Sunbury and Miss
Gladys Perry of the home; four
brothers, Paul and Walter of Co-
lumbus, Lester and Robert of Sun-
Burial was made in Sunbury
cemetery by the Wilson Funeral
Home. Pallbearers, were Hap
Howard of Columbus, Ted Bennett
of Alexandria, Don Perfect, Tom
Lang, Carlton Burrer and Hoyt
Whitney. Members of Sunbury
Lions Club were honorary pall-
[photo captioned "Carl Perry"]
The above photo of Carl was
taken recently while he was at work
in the Sunbury Kroger store.
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 10)
[page 10]
[corresponds to unnumbered page 10]
The following excerpts relate to the origin of The Sunbury Lions
Club and its reported activities during the calendar year 1938.
Other items of special community interest of the period are also
included in this presentation.
Jan. 5 -The Mast-Head lists O. W. Whitney and Bill Whitney, Editors.
-Village Officials--J. R. VanDivort, Mayor; Bertha Huddlestun
Clerk; Frank Stelzer, Marshall ($75.00 per month).
-Homer Lott, Chmn, Delaware County Commissioners
-H. R. Fisher, Supt. at Sunbury; C. C. DeLong at Harlem; J. M.
Ruffner at Galena; and G. M. Buell at Berlin schools.
-Dr. J. H. Gerhardt died; Strosnider & Wilson funeral directors.
-V. & M. Williamson, car dealers purchased first two Certificates
of title issued by Delaware County under new car title law.
-Business ads this issue--Blakely & Williams Store, C. C. Welch
(groceries) Henry Beaver (meats); Clarks Furniture Store;
Sunbury Savings & Loan; Bostons Snipe-Town Store; G. J. Burrer
Co., Sunbury & Condit; Whitney Ins Agency-Phones 26 & 76;
V&M Williamson Auto Sales; Kroger Stores; Roots Department
Store; Lees Food Market; Garnets Beauty Shop; Sunshine Feed
Store; Sunbury Lumber Co. Ph 17; Irwin Hdwe. Co; A.L. Strider
Ins.; Sunbury Motors Co.; Lloyd Brake, Used Cars $25.00 to
$150.00; Clark Furniture Store, Appliances-Grunow, Norge &
Kelvinator; Clarence Clark to sell Hudson cars-S. Columbus St.;
Brake-Howard Motor Sales, Dodge-Plymouth-3C Highway &
Rainbow Ave; V. M. Green Ford Sales, S. Columbus St.; Andersons
Drug Store; John Williamson & Son; Sunbury Electric Shop.
-28th Annual Statement Sunbury Savings & Loan-D. C. Hoover, Secy.,
Howard Cring, Asst., J. W. Furry, Leland Fisher, E. B. Dustin,
-Dr. Noah Gorsuch chosen President of The Galena Bank.
-A. D. Strosnider chosen President of The Farmers Bank, Sunbury.
-Earl M. French, Auditor-Delaware county.
-Burnie Day-Supt of Sunbury Water Plant since completed in 1925.
-Movie, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, with Walter Huston & Una Merkel
at K. of P. Hall Theater.
Apr 6 -SUNBURY MERCHANTS TO ORGANIZE CLUB--Fifteen Sunbury merchants
attended a meeting last week to formulate plans for a per-
manent business organization in the Village. Every merchant
and professional man in town is urged to attend a meeting in
the Town Hall Council Room one week from tonight.
H. P. Irwin, C. A. Root and Dr. Walter R. Williams were named to
a committee to contact Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions Clubs and
present their plans for organization. Representatives from
these clubs have been here in an effort to organize in the
-Walter Lenhart, Ralph H. Clark and Henry Beaver were named
to call on business houses to see what is desired in the
way of free entertainment this summer. Both of these committees
will report at the next meeting. Merchants plan to join a
national organization or form a local club in the near future
and urge every merchant to come to the council room next
[corresponds to unnumbered page 10]
The following excerpts relate to the origin of The Sunbury Lions
Club and its reported activities during the calendar year 1938.
Other items of special community interest of the period are also
included in this presentation.
Jan. 5 -The Mast-Head lists O. W. Whitney and Bill Whitney, Editors.
-Village Officials--J. R. VanDivort, Mayor; Bertha Huddlestun
Clerk; Frank Stelzer, Marshall ($75.00 per month).
-Homer Lott, Chmn, Delaware County Commissioners
-H. R. Fisher, Supt. at Sunbury; C. C. DeLong at Harlem; J. M.
Ruffner at Galena; and G. M. Buell at Berlin schools.
-Dr. J. H. Gerhardt died; Strosnider & Wilson funeral directors.
-V. & M. Williamson, car dealers purchased first two Certificates
of title issued by Delaware County under new car title law.
-Business ads this issue--Blakely & Williams Store, C. C. Welch
(groceries) Henry Beaver (meats); Clarks Furniture Store;
Sunbury Savings & Loan; Bostons Snipe-Town Store; G. J. Burrer
Co., Sunbury & Condit; Whitney Ins Agency-Phones 26 & 76;
V&M Williamson Auto Sales; Kroger Stores; Roots Department
Store; Lees Food Market; Garnets Beauty Shop; Sunshine Feed
Store; Sunbury Lumber Co. Ph 17; Irwin Hdwe. Co; A.L. Strider
Ins.; Sunbury Motors Co.; Lloyd Brake, Used Cars $25.00 to
$150.00; Clark Furniture Store, Appliances-Grunow, Norge &
Kelvinator; Clarence Clark to sell Hudson cars-S. Columbus St.;
Brake-Howard Motor Sales, Dodge-Plymouth-3C Highway &
Rainbow Ave; V. M. Green Ford Sales, S. Columbus St.; Andersons
Drug Store; John Williamson & Son; Sunbury Electric Shop.
-28th Annual Statement Sunbury Savings & Loan-D. C. Hoover, Secy.,
Howard Cring, Asst., J. W. Furry, Leland Fisher, E. B. Dustin,
-Dr. Noah Gorsuch chosen President of The Galena Bank.
-A. D. Strosnider chosen President of The Farmers Bank, Sunbury.
-Earl M. French, Auditor-Delaware county.
-Burnie Day-Supt of Sunbury Water Plant since completed in 1925.
-Movie, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, with Walter Huston & Una Merkel
at K. of P. Hall Theater.
Apr 6 -SUNBURY MERCHANTS TO ORGANIZE CLUB--Fifteen Sunbury merchants
attended a meeting last week to formulate plans for a per-
manent business organization in the Village. Every merchant
and professional man in town is urged to attend a meeting in
the Town Hall Council Room one week from tonight.
H. P. Irwin, C. A. Root and Dr. Walter R. Williams were named to
a committee to contact Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions Clubs and
present their plans for organization. Representatives from
these clubs have been here in an effort to organize in the
-Walter Lenhart, Ralph H. Clark and Henry Beaver were named
to call on business houses to see what is desired in the
way of free entertainment this summer. Both of these committees
will report at the next meeting. Merchants plan to join a
national organization or form a local club in the near future
and urge every merchant to come to the council room next
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 11)
[page 11]
[corresponds to unnumbered page 11]
Wednesday night.
Apr 13 -Notice to attend meeting at 8:00 PM--
Representatives from the Delaware Rotary Club will attend
and explain the details of joining a Rotary Club.
Apr 20 -25 merchants attended a meeting with seven members of Delaware
Rotary Club and their Dist. Gov. Harold Covault of Youngs-
town. Everyone voiced need of club here.
WPA will pay for all labor and part of material. Village
bonded indebtedness very low at this time. New streets
were paid off several years ago.
Arranged by Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Co., Merrill
Peters in charge. Sponsored by Galena PTA. John W Shults,
Galena Appliance Dealer furnishing appliances and prizes
for the school.
-O. W. Whitney announces candidacy for State Senator again
after Democratic landslide wiped him out two years ago. He
had previously served three consecutive terms.
-High School Honor Roll--Seniors; Emma Longshore, Betty
Morris, Clara Nuckles, Beatrice Paul, Emily Reynolds,
Elain Sherfy, Frances Williamson.--Freshman Roll-Claribel
Gallogly, Merna Hoover, Sherrill Link and Maxine Roof.
Mar 23 -Irwin Hdwe. celebrates 10th Anniversary--
-Merchants are neglecting to collect Sales Tax as required
by recent law.
Mar 30 -Sales Tax Stamps now available to local merchants at The
Farmers Bank. No longer required to make trips to Delaware
or to Columbus to obtain them.
Apr 27 -Sunbury merchants will meet in council Room tonight to
complete plans for organizing a ROTARY Club. Members of
Delaware club will attend to help Sunbury form their
organization. Complete details will be discussed and all
invited to join. D. C. Hoover, C. A. Root and Ronald Wilson
are named for the membership committee.
-Sunbury businesses to start regular summer hours.--Open
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings.
May 04 -Larue Stith purchased the 3Cs Service Station in north
end of Sunbury. Larue and his brother Henry own and
operate a service station at the S. E. corner of the Sunbury
-Sanitary Sewers are to cost Sunbury $24,000.00 out of a
total cost of $114,000.00
-Mrs. C. M. Wheaton died in Pasadena, California. She was a
sister of Vachel Green of Ford Motor Sales. C. M. Wheaton
died in Pasadena twelve years ago.
-A Water Contract has been entered into with Nestle Milk
Products Co.
[corresponds to unnumbered page 11]
Wednesday night.
Apr 13 -Notice to attend meeting at 8:00 PM--
Representatives from the Delaware Rotary Club will attend
and explain the details of joining a Rotary Club.
Apr 20 -25 merchants attended a meeting with seven members of Delaware
Rotary Club and their Dist. Gov. Harold Covault of Youngs-
town. Everyone voiced need of club here.
WPA will pay for all labor and part of material. Village
bonded indebtedness very low at this time. New streets
were paid off several years ago.
Arranged by Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Co., Merrill
Peters in charge. Sponsored by Galena PTA. John W Shults,
Galena Appliance Dealer furnishing appliances and prizes
for the school.
-O. W. Whitney announces candidacy for State Senator again
after Democratic landslide wiped him out two years ago. He
had previously served three consecutive terms.
-High School Honor Roll--Seniors; Emma Longshore, Betty
Morris, Clara Nuckles, Beatrice Paul, Emily Reynolds,
Elain Sherfy, Frances Williamson.--Freshman Roll-Claribel
Gallogly, Merna Hoover, Sherrill Link and Maxine Roof.
Mar 23 -Irwin Hdwe. celebrates 10th Anniversary--
-Merchants are neglecting to collect Sales Tax as required
by recent law.
Mar 30 -Sales Tax Stamps now available to local merchants at The
Farmers Bank. No longer required to make trips to Delaware
or to Columbus to obtain them.
Apr 27 -Sunbury merchants will meet in council Room tonight to
complete plans for organizing a ROTARY Club. Members of
Delaware club will attend to help Sunbury form their
organization. Complete details will be discussed and all
invited to join. D. C. Hoover, C. A. Root and Ronald Wilson
are named for the membership committee.
-Sunbury businesses to start regular summer hours.--Open
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings.
May 04 -Larue Stith purchased the 3Cs Service Station in north
end of Sunbury. Larue and his brother Henry own and
operate a service station at the S. E. corner of the Sunbury
-Sanitary Sewers are to cost Sunbury $24,000.00 out of a
total cost of $114,000.00
-Mrs. C. M. Wheaton died in Pasadena, California. She was a
sister of Vachel Green of Ford Motor Sales. C. M. Wheaton
died in Pasadena twelve years ago.
-A Water Contract has been entered into with Nestle Milk
Products Co.
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 12)
[page 12]
[corresponds to unnumbered page 12]
May 18 -Plans for a National Service Club were abandoned and an
effort is being made to organize a Sunbury Merchants Club.
Jun 08 -----A VILLAGE PLAYGROUND-----The FFA Assn. proposes
constructing a Village Playground in or near Sunbury.
June 22--Crowds are jamming parks for free movies.
-Mayor Stone instructs Marshal Stelzer--'TO ENFORCE SPEED LAWS'
Charter being held open for new members. Club open to all
Business and Professional men in Sunbury. Other officers
are: K.O.Burrer, H.O.Reese and Ronald Wilson, V. Presidents,
K.E. Barhill, Secy.,Henry Beaver, Treas., C.S.Burrer, Lion
Tamer, C.A.Root, Tail Twister, C.C.Welch, Dr. Walter H.
Williams, H.D.Kempton and Bill Whitney, Directors.
H.N.Walter Spec. Rep. of the national club directed the
forming of this club. A Supper Meeting will be held at 6:45
at The Sunbury Grille. Plans are made for Charter Night
Sept 28th. Members joining are: C.A.Root, Dr. G.Y.Swickard,
D.C.Hoover, D.E.Simkins, K.E.Barnhill, Darwin Baker, Henry
Beaver, C.C.Welch, K.O.Burrer, R.F.Wilson, Z. Monbarren,
Carl Perry, H.O Reese, O.W.Whitney Jr., C.S. Burrer, H.R.
Fisher, H.D.Kempton, O.W.Whitney, Dr. Walter R. Williams,
P.W.Stith and Bill Whitney.
Merchants and businessmen of Sunbury have taken a step
forward by organizins a Lions Club. This Village has long
needed a business-mens organization, and the forming of this
club is bound to promote Sunbury interests better, and weld
the business-men even closer together than they have ever
been before. Success of this venture depends on its members
and the interest they take in the club. We congratulate the
men starting this organization and are looking forward to
hearing the new Lions roar for many good things in this
Sep 07--Sheriff raids nudist camp along Alum Creek northwest of here
Sunday morning. Members were playing volley ball while
officials spied on them. Adults were fined $200.00 each.
--O.W.Whitney Jr. opens law office here.
--Sunbury Fall Festival planned, H.D.Kempton, CHMN.
Sep 21--Lions club Charter Night Banquet to be September 28th at
Sunbury High School Auditorium, with Esther McCormick and
her Home Ec. Girls providing the food. Wives are invited.
C.C.Welch, Darwin Baker and Henry Beaver to arrange program.
Oct 05--130 Attend Lions club Charter Night---Lions and wives from
Mansfield, Fredericktown, Newark, Columbus, Bluffton,
Tiffin, Ashland and Westerville. Forrest L. Steinman of
Lions International presented the Charter to D.C.Hoover,
club president. Lion O.W.Whitney as toastmaster, called on
the many distinguished guests, among them, Judge Myers of
The Ohio Supreme Court, Dr. Schrontz of Newark, Past Dist.
Gov; Joe Ray, Pres., and Jim Engel, Secy. of the Columbus
club; A.E. Bogen of Columbus; Past Dist. Gov. Ed Lape of
Bluffton; State Secy.; C.W. Schwartz of Akron, Zone Dir; and
Hal Walter, Int. Rep. of Akron. Members of the Fredericktown
[corresponds to unnumbered page 12]
May 18 -Plans for a National Service Club were abandoned and an
effort is being made to organize a Sunbury Merchants Club.
Jun 08 -----A VILLAGE PLAYGROUND-----The FFA Assn. proposes
constructing a Village Playground in or near Sunbury.
June 22--Crowds are jamming parks for free movies.
-Mayor Stone instructs Marshal Stelzer--'TO ENFORCE SPEED LAWS'
Charter being held open for new members. Club open to all
Business and Professional men in Sunbury. Other officers
are: K.O.Burrer, H.O.Reese and Ronald Wilson, V. Presidents,
K.E. Barhill, Secy.,Henry Beaver, Treas., C.S.Burrer, Lion
Tamer, C.A.Root, Tail Twister, C.C.Welch, Dr. Walter H.
Williams, H.D.Kempton and Bill Whitney, Directors.
H.N.Walter Spec. Rep. of the national club directed the
forming of this club. A Supper Meeting will be held at 6:45
at The Sunbury Grille. Plans are made for Charter Night
Sept 28th. Members joining are: C.A.Root, Dr. G.Y.Swickard,
D.C.Hoover, D.E.Simkins, K.E.Barnhill, Darwin Baker, Henry
Beaver, C.C.Welch, K.O.Burrer, R.F.Wilson, Z. Monbarren,
Carl Perry, H.O Reese, O.W.Whitney Jr., C.S. Burrer, H.R.
Fisher, H.D.Kempton, O.W.Whitney, Dr. Walter R. Williams,
P.W.Stith and Bill Whitney.
Merchants and businessmen of Sunbury have taken a step
forward by organizins a Lions Club. This Village has long
needed a business-mens organization, and the forming of this
club is bound to promote Sunbury interests better, and weld
the business-men even closer together than they have ever
been before. Success of this venture depends on its members
and the interest they take in the club. We congratulate the
men starting this organization and are looking forward to
hearing the new Lions roar for many good things in this
Sep 07--Sheriff raids nudist camp along Alum Creek northwest of here
Sunday morning. Members were playing volley ball while
officials spied on them. Adults were fined $200.00 each.
--O.W.Whitney Jr. opens law office here.
--Sunbury Fall Festival planned, H.D.Kempton, CHMN.
Sep 21--Lions club Charter Night Banquet to be September 28th at
Sunbury High School Auditorium, with Esther McCormick and
her Home Ec. Girls providing the food. Wives are invited.
C.C.Welch, Darwin Baker and Henry Beaver to arrange program.
Oct 05--130 Attend Lions club Charter Night---Lions and wives from
Mansfield, Fredericktown, Newark, Columbus, Bluffton,
Tiffin, Ashland and Westerville. Forrest L. Steinman of
Lions International presented the Charter to D.C.Hoover,
club president. Lion O.W.Whitney as toastmaster, called on
the many distinguished guests, among them, Judge Myers of
The Ohio Supreme Court, Dr. Schrontz of Newark, Past Dist.
Gov; Joe Ray, Pres., and Jim Engel, Secy. of the Columbus
club; A.E. Bogen of Columbus; Past Dist. Gov. Ed Lape of
Bluffton; State Secy.; C.W. Schwartz of Akron, Zone Dir; and
Hal Walter, Int. Rep. of Akron. Members of the Fredericktown
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 13)
[page 13]
[corresponds to unnumbered page 13]
Club expressed their appreciation in having the opportunity
to sponsor our club. The new club meets each 2nd and 4th Wed.
evenings. Lions assenbled, gave a big hand to C.C.Welch,
Henry Beaver and Darwin Baker for the fine evening.
--Lions Club to participate in the Fall Festival, week-end of
October 6th.
Nov 16-Merchants Tuesday night show at High School to be in Techni-
Nov 23-Dr. Hans Spiro opens office in George Strong house.
Nov 30-F.C.Murphy speaks to Lions Club meeting in Sunbury Grille.
Dec 07- New Street Lights being installed by Cols & Sou Elec Co.
Councilman Lamont Kempton presented a plan proposed by the
Lions Club to construct a public playground. K.E.Barnhill
and C.C.Welch, club members, explained that the club wished
to obtain land and construct the playground with the help
and support of Village Council. Council voted unanimously
to give its moral support to this movement. Action was also
taken by Council to provide assistance to the Village Volun-
teer Firemen and the Lions Club in staging the annual "Christ-
mas for Every Family" drive in this community.
-Lt. Col. H.H.VanKirk of near Condit will speak to members of
Lions club Wed, Eve. Dec. 14 at their supper meeting in the
Sunbury Grille. The Lions Club has assumed sponsorship of the
Sunbury Boy Scout Troop.
and more toys if we are to bring Christmas into every home
in the community this year" is the plea of the Volunteer
Fireman and the Lions club members who are directing the
Community Christmas this year. Old toys, games, dolls and
anything will be accepted for this drive. Bring the items
to the east side door of the Town Hall as soon as possible.
Money is needed to purchase food and clothing for the Christ-
mas Baskets. Cash donations have been received from-Sunbury
Village, Mrs. Louise Sedgwick, M/M Lamont Kempton, M/M C.A Root,
M/M D.C Hoover and Dr. and Mrs Walter Williams. The boys would
like to add your name to the list next week. Leave your dona-
tions with Lamont Kempton. "You will not be solicited but
your donations will be most appreciated", says Mr Kempton.
Firemen and Lions are working every night at their shop in
the Town Hall
------LIONS CLUB TO SPONSOR DANCE****Sunbury Lions Club is
sponsoring a Christmas Dance in the Ford Building on Monday
evening December 26th. Allan Hale and his band will play for
the dancing from 9:00 to 12:30. The public is invited.
Purchase tickets at Andersons Drug Store or from Lions Club
members. One dollar per couple.
Dec 21 -Crowd expected for Lions Club Dance---Advance ticket sales
for the dance Monday night, Dec 26th,point to a crowd of
nearly 100 couples to enjoy the evening in the Greene-Ford
building on south Columbus Street. "Proceeds from this dance
will help finance a Public Playground in Sunbury" according
to Lions club members. Lions from several neighboring towns
and cities have made reservations for the dance.
-News item----Mr and Mrs Harold Kintner have moved to Mansfield
where he is employed by The Ohio Oil Company.
[corresponds to unnumbered page 13]
Club expressed their appreciation in having the opportunity
to sponsor our club. The new club meets each 2nd and 4th Wed.
evenings. Lions assenbled, gave a big hand to C.C.Welch,
Henry Beaver and Darwin Baker for the fine evening.
--Lions Club to participate in the Fall Festival, week-end of
October 6th.
Nov 16-Merchants Tuesday night show at High School to be in Techni-
Nov 23-Dr. Hans Spiro opens office in George Strong house.
Nov 30-F.C.Murphy speaks to Lions Club meeting in Sunbury Grille.
Dec 07- New Street Lights being installed by Cols & Sou Elec Co.
Councilman Lamont Kempton presented a plan proposed by the
Lions Club to construct a public playground. K.E.Barnhill
and C.C.Welch, club members, explained that the club wished
to obtain land and construct the playground with the help
and support of Village Council. Council voted unanimously
to give its moral support to this movement. Action was also
taken by Council to provide assistance to the Village Volun-
teer Firemen and the Lions Club in staging the annual "Christ-
mas for Every Family" drive in this community.
-Lt. Col. H.H.VanKirk of near Condit will speak to members of
Lions club Wed, Eve. Dec. 14 at their supper meeting in the
Sunbury Grille. The Lions Club has assumed sponsorship of the
Sunbury Boy Scout Troop.
and more toys if we are to bring Christmas into every home
in the community this year" is the plea of the Volunteer
Fireman and the Lions club members who are directing the
Community Christmas this year. Old toys, games, dolls and
anything will be accepted for this drive. Bring the items
to the east side door of the Town Hall as soon as possible.
Money is needed to purchase food and clothing for the Christ-
mas Baskets. Cash donations have been received from-Sunbury
Village, Mrs. Louise Sedgwick, M/M Lamont Kempton, M/M C.A Root,
M/M D.C Hoover and Dr. and Mrs Walter Williams. The boys would
like to add your name to the list next week. Leave your dona-
tions with Lamont Kempton. "You will not be solicited but
your donations will be most appreciated", says Mr Kempton.
Firemen and Lions are working every night at their shop in
the Town Hall
------LIONS CLUB TO SPONSOR DANCE****Sunbury Lions Club is
sponsoring a Christmas Dance in the Ford Building on Monday
evening December 26th. Allan Hale and his band will play for
the dancing from 9:00 to 12:30. The public is invited.
Purchase tickets at Andersons Drug Store or from Lions Club
members. One dollar per couple.
Dec 21 -Crowd expected for Lions Club Dance---Advance ticket sales
for the dance Monday night, Dec 26th,point to a crowd of
nearly 100 couples to enjoy the evening in the Greene-Ford
building on south Columbus Street. "Proceeds from this dance
will help finance a Public Playground in Sunbury" according
to Lions club members. Lions from several neighboring towns
and cities have made reservations for the dance.
-News item----Mr and Mrs Harold Kintner have moved to Mansfield
where he is employed by The Ohio Oil Company.
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 14)
[page 14]
[corresponds to unnumbered page 14]
Dec 29 -More than 100 couples attended the Lions Club Dance in
the Ford building Christmas night. The large hall was
turned into a beautiful ball room with Christmas decorations
-Sunbury Volunteer Firemen and Lions Club members wish to
thank those listed for their contributions to the Christmas
Fund. Mrs. Louise Sedgwick, M/M F.Lamont Kempton, M/M C.A.
Root, M/M D.C.Hoover, Dr & Mrs W.H.Williams, Mrs Maud Horlocker,
M/M Perle Stockwell, E.C.Teut, M/M Burt Armstrong, Mrs Ger-
hardt, M/M C.C.Welch, M/M Glenn Hoover & Sons, Miss Leta
Curtis, M/M J.R.VanDivort, M/M Glenn Farris, M/M Henry Beaver,
FFA Boys, a friend, M/M Lee Colvin, Zhonta Camp Fire Girls,
John Edminster, L.A.Compton, Burrer Milling Co.,Miss Dora
Beattie, M/M Art Boston, and Miss Alice Johnson. The club
thanks anyone donating toys and clothing and The Sunbury News
for their help in making this Christmas for the Needy a success.
More than thirty bushel baskets and a truck load of toys were
distributed in this community by Sunbury Fireman & Lions to
make possible their aim of "Christmas In Every Home". Nearly
everything in the way of toys, dolls, games, sleds, wagons
and clothing were made-over by firemen who filled Santa's
Pack and sent him over the community on Christmas Eve. Both
Firemen and Lions directed this operation. Clifton Miller
helped remodel toys and Mrs Howard Cring assisted in dressing
dolls that meant Christmas to many little girls. The News
Photographer failed in his attempt to bring you a picture
of Santa's packs. The east room of the Town Hall was so
filled with Christmas that he had to climb up on top of the
'Jail Cage' for a picture &'fumbled the shot'[underlined]. Baskets of
fruit were taken to the sick.
---**Illness fatal to Sunbury Phone Man***
Otis L.(Pete) Baker,64,died at his home here early Sunday
evening after an illness of more than a year. Mr Baker came
here in 1904 as maintenance man for the telephone company
and held that position until a year ago when he retired
because of ill health. Pete had been able to be around town
some since, but became critically ill Thursday. Sunbury
business places closed for an hour Tuesday afternoon during
the funeral in the Strosnider & Wilson Chapel. The Rev. W.E.
Hayden of Radnor conducted the service. Burial was made in
Sunbury Cemetery. Pall bearers were: H.W.Stone, R.P.Ander-
son, Arthur Boston, Herbert Irwin, Merle Williamson and O.W.
Whitney. Mr.Baker is survived by his wife Lulu, two sons,
Owen of Coshocton and Darwin of the home. One sister, Mrs.
Daisy Post of near Croton.
---News Item***M/M Alfred Fivaz of Washington,D.C.,Dr.& Mrs.
W.(Bill)Fivaz and son of Fulton, N.Y.,M/M Ernest Fivaz of
Chicago, Robert Fivaz of New York City, Helen and Annette
Fivaz of Columbus are spending the holidays with their par-
ents M/M E.Fivaz of Sunbury. (Note) Mr. E. Fivaz came to
Sunbury about 1924 and brought the secret formula, by memory,
for the manufacturing of Nestle Baby Food at the Nestle Milk
Products Co. Plant here. He and his wife were French speaking
Swiss. Their four youngest children attended Sunbury schools.
Ernie and Bob were both active in High School sports. All the
family were a fine addition to our community. The youngest
daughter married Hal Roberts raised a fine family and they
continue to reside in Sunbury. Mr.Roberts managed the Galena
[corresponds to unnumbered page 14]
Dec 29 -More than 100 couples attended the Lions Club Dance in
the Ford building Christmas night. The large hall was
turned into a beautiful ball room with Christmas decorations
-Sunbury Volunteer Firemen and Lions Club members wish to
thank those listed for their contributions to the Christmas
Fund. Mrs. Louise Sedgwick, M/M F.Lamont Kempton, M/M C.A.
Root, M/M D.C.Hoover, Dr & Mrs W.H.Williams, Mrs Maud Horlocker,
M/M Perle Stockwell, E.C.Teut, M/M Burt Armstrong, Mrs Ger-
hardt, M/M C.C.Welch, M/M Glenn Hoover & Sons, Miss Leta
Curtis, M/M J.R.VanDivort, M/M Glenn Farris, M/M Henry Beaver,
FFA Boys, a friend, M/M Lee Colvin, Zhonta Camp Fire Girls,
John Edminster, L.A.Compton, Burrer Milling Co.,Miss Dora
Beattie, M/M Art Boston, and Miss Alice Johnson. The club
thanks anyone donating toys and clothing and The Sunbury News
for their help in making this Christmas for the Needy a success.
More than thirty bushel baskets and a truck load of toys were
distributed in this community by Sunbury Fireman & Lions to
make possible their aim of "Christmas In Every Home". Nearly
everything in the way of toys, dolls, games, sleds, wagons
and clothing were made-over by firemen who filled Santa's
Pack and sent him over the community on Christmas Eve. Both
Firemen and Lions directed this operation. Clifton Miller
helped remodel toys and Mrs Howard Cring assisted in dressing
dolls that meant Christmas to many little girls. The News
Photographer failed in his attempt to bring you a picture
of Santa's packs. The east room of the Town Hall was so
filled with Christmas that he had to climb up on top of the
'Jail Cage' for a picture &'fumbled the shot'[underlined]. Baskets of
fruit were taken to the sick.
---**Illness fatal to Sunbury Phone Man***
Otis L.(Pete) Baker,64,died at his home here early Sunday
evening after an illness of more than a year. Mr Baker came
here in 1904 as maintenance man for the telephone company
and held that position until a year ago when he retired
because of ill health. Pete had been able to be around town
some since, but became critically ill Thursday. Sunbury
business places closed for an hour Tuesday afternoon during
the funeral in the Strosnider & Wilson Chapel. The Rev. W.E.
Hayden of Radnor conducted the service. Burial was made in
Sunbury Cemetery. Pall bearers were: H.W.Stone, R.P.Ander-
son, Arthur Boston, Herbert Irwin, Merle Williamson and O.W.
Whitney. Mr.Baker is survived by his wife Lulu, two sons,
Owen of Coshocton and Darwin of the home. One sister, Mrs.
Daisy Post of near Croton.
---News Item***M/M Alfred Fivaz of Washington,D.C.,Dr.& Mrs.
W.(Bill)Fivaz and son of Fulton, N.Y.,M/M Ernest Fivaz of
Chicago, Robert Fivaz of New York City, Helen and Annette
Fivaz of Columbus are spending the holidays with their par-
ents M/M E.Fivaz of Sunbury. (Note) Mr. E. Fivaz came to
Sunbury about 1924 and brought the secret formula, by memory,
for the manufacturing of Nestle Baby Food at the Nestle Milk
Products Co. Plant here. He and his wife were French speaking
Swiss. Their four youngest children attended Sunbury schools.
Ernie and Bob were both active in High School sports. All the
family were a fine addition to our community. The youngest
daughter married Hal Roberts raised a fine family and they
continue to reside in Sunbury. Mr.Roberts managed the Galena
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated (p. 15)
[page 15]
[corresponds to unnumbered page 15]
for several years and became a Director in The Delaware
County Bank before retirement. Annette is still active
in support of 'Friends of Community Library' and has been
responsible for the operation of its 'Thrift Shop' in the
historic 'Hopkins House' prior to the commencement of its
Restoration process.
*Here follows a listing of businesses in Sunbury at the end of 1938*
Roots Department Store O.K.Baker Service Station
Garnets Beauty Shop Waynes(Feasel) Super Service
Clover Farm Store The Sunbury Savings & Loan
Blakely & Williams Market Delaware Co. Mutual Ins Co.
(C.C.Welch & Henry Beaver) Sunbury Grille
Andersons Drug Store Whitney Insurance Agency
The Kroger Grocery Co. A.L.Strider Insurance
V&M Williamson Auto Sales Strosnider & Wilson
Lee Colvin's Grille Chas Johnson Shoe Shop
Jim Fravel's Place Brake-Howard Auto Sales
Stiths Service Station Sunbury Lumber Company
Sunbury Motors Co. Charles Ward 'The Point'
Boston's Grocery Dr. G.Y.Swickard Clinic
Sunbury Electric Shop Sunshine Feed Store
Irwin Hardware Co. E.Feasel Sohio Service
The Farmers Bank C.E.Barton Dairy
(Member FDIC) Marpes Beauty Shop
Sunbury Post Office The Sunbury News
(Carroll Williamson,P.M.) Clark's Furniture Store
Fairland Farm Dairy Clark's Tractor Sales
(H.P.& R.W.Miller) V.M.Greene Ford Sales
Tom Heston Sohio Station Lee's Market
Burrer Milling Co. The Hopkins House
*News of interest from 1916[underlined] Issues reprinted in 1938[underlined] Sunbury News*
-C.M.Wheaton is building an Auto Show Room next to his store-
-C.M.Wheaton & Co report the automobile business in "On the BOOM".
Last week they delivered a new Studebaker to the Overturf brothers,
and Fords to G.L.Armstrong, Dr.Furniss, F.C.Murphy, H.C.Hopkins
and to W.E.Loar.
-O.W.Whitney has purchased Fred D.Baker's interest in The Sunbury
News. Baker becomes Postmaster--Job vacated by Whitney.
-D.C.Hoover of Miami, Florida visits his mother Mrs. Minnie Hoover.
-Supt. Milton Utley is 'shining around town' in a new Dodge car.
*The information used in this article was assembled from microfilm
record of back issues of The Sunbury News on file at Community
Library, Sunbury, Ohio by:-
Carleton S. Burrer
Charter Member & Past President
The Sunbury Lions Club.
[corresponds to unnumbered page 15]
for several years and became a Director in The Delaware
County Bank before retirement. Annette is still active
in support of 'Friends of Community Library' and has been
responsible for the operation of its 'Thrift Shop' in the
historic 'Hopkins House' prior to the commencement of its
Restoration process.
*Here follows a listing of businesses in Sunbury at the end of 1938*
Roots Department Store O.K.Baker Service Station
Garnets Beauty Shop Waynes(Feasel) Super Service
Clover Farm Store The Sunbury Savings & Loan
Blakely & Williams Market Delaware Co. Mutual Ins Co.
(C.C.Welch & Henry Beaver) Sunbury Grille
Andersons Drug Store Whitney Insurance Agency
The Kroger Grocery Co. A.L.Strider Insurance
V&M Williamson Auto Sales Strosnider & Wilson
Lee Colvin's Grille Chas Johnson Shoe Shop
Jim Fravel's Place Brake-Howard Auto Sales
Stiths Service Station Sunbury Lumber Company
Sunbury Motors Co. Charles Ward 'The Point'
Boston's Grocery Dr. G.Y.Swickard Clinic
Sunbury Electric Shop Sunshine Feed Store
Irwin Hardware Co. E.Feasel Sohio Service
The Farmers Bank C.E.Barton Dairy
(Member FDIC) Marpes Beauty Shop
Sunbury Post Office The Sunbury News
(Carroll Williamson,P.M.) Clark's Furniture Store
Fairland Farm Dairy Clark's Tractor Sales
(H.P.& R.W.Miller) V.M.Greene Ford Sales
Tom Heston Sohio Station Lee's Market
Burrer Milling Co. The Hopkins House
*News of interest from 1916[underlined] Issues reprinted in 1938[underlined] Sunbury News*
-C.M.Wheaton is building an Auto Show Room next to his store-
-C.M.Wheaton & Co report the automobile business in "On the BOOM".
Last week they delivered a new Studebaker to the Overturf brothers,
and Fords to G.L.Armstrong, Dr.Furniss, F.C.Murphy, H.C.Hopkins
and to W.E.Loar.
-O.W.Whitney has purchased Fred D.Baker's interest in The Sunbury
News. Baker becomes Postmaster--Job vacated by Whitney.
-D.C.Hoover of Miami, Florida visits his mother Mrs. Minnie Hoover.
-Supt. Milton Utley is 'shining around town' in a new Dodge car.
*The information used in this article was assembled from microfilm
record of back issues of The Sunbury News on file at Community
Library, Sunbury, Ohio by:-
Carleton S. Burrer
Charter Member & Past President
The Sunbury Lions Club.
Dublin Core
The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated
Sunbury Lions Club--History
Sunbury Lions Club--History
Carleton Burrer's history of the origin of the Sunbury Lion's Club and a description of what the communities of Galena and Sunbury were like at the time of the club's establishment in 1938. Mr. Burrer describes each of the businesses located on the Town Square in 1938, and includes excerpts from the 1938 edition of the Sunbury News.
Local Historian Carleton Burrer; Sunbury, Ohio
Local Historian Carleton Burrer; Sunbury, Ohio, “The Sunbury and Galena Communities and how they were in 1938 when Sunbury Lions Club Originated,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 9, 2025,