Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 1)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 1)


[page 1]

[corresponds to front cover of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 2)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 2)


[page 2]

[corresponds to inside front cover and cover page of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]



of the


Charged in the County

of Delaware

for the year

Eighteen hundred and twenty seven.

United States


Virginia Military

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 3)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 3)


[page 3]

[corresponds to blank page and unlabeled page 1 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

Rates of taxation for the year Eighteen hundred

and twenty seven

For State purposes one and one half mill upon the

Dollar of valuation. For Canel purposes one and one

half mill upon the dollar of valuation. For county

purposes four and one half mills upon the dollar of

valuation. For School purposes one half of one mill

upon the dollar of valuation. For Road purposes

three mills upon the dollar of valuation. For Con=

cord Township three fourths of one mill upon the dol=

lar of valuation. For Delaware Township three fourths

of one mill upon the dollar of valuation. For Genoa

Township three fourths of one mill upon the dollar of val=

uation. For Harlem Township two mills upon the

dollar of valuation.

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 4)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 4)


[page 4]

[corresponds to blank page and unlabeled page 2 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

Number and description of Townships

No. 1 Berkshire. 4 Township in the 17. Range

" 2 Berlin 4 Township in the 18. Range

" 3 Bennington 6 Township in the 16. Range

" 4 Concord Fractional Townships 3 and 4. 20. Range

and surveys numbered 2547. 2546. 2545. 2897.

3005. 2989. 2992. 3384. 3003. 1573. 2642. 1421. 6998. 3006.

2997. 2995. 2996. 2989. 5314. 2365. 2990. 2673. & 1441. 2991.

1621.[crossed out] 4989. 5364. 12342. 12321.

" 5 Delaware. North half of the 4 Townships & the South half

of the 5 Township 19 Range

" 6 Genoa. 3- Township in the 17. Range

" 7 Harlem 3-Township in the 16 Range

" 8 Harmony 7 Township & Fractional Township 8. & the

east half of Township 7. in the 17. Range.

" 9 Kingston. Township in the 17. Range & the east half

of Township 5. in the 17. Range. [crossed out]

" 10 Liberty. 3. Township & the South half of Township 4. in

the 19. & a part of the 3. quarter of the 3. Township 18. Range

" 11. Marlborough. 7. Township & north half of the 6.

Township in the 19. Range.

" 12. Oxford. 6. Township in the 18. Range.

" 13. Orange. 3 Township in the 18 Range.

" 14 Peru. 6 Township in the 17. Range.

" 15 Radnor. 5. 6. & 7. Townships in the 20 Range.

" 16. Sunbury. 4. Township in the 16. Range.

" 17. Scioto. Surveys No. 5868. 5869. 4068.2993. 5447.

4267. 2994. 4266. 6031. 3007. 5326. 3696. 1493. 5499.

5500. 5502. 5501. 4065. 4070, 3402. 3008. 3511. 835..

" 18. Thompson. Surveys No. 3150. 3021. 675. 3020. 5750.

1931. 6199. 5873. 6161. 12559. 5075. 7023. 6129. 6162. 6136.

6540. 6138. 6134. 5095. .
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 5)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 5)


[page 5]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 3 and blank page of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

Number and Description of Townships

No. 19. Troy. North half of 5. Township and the

South half of the 6. Township in the 19. Range.

" 20. Westfield. 7. Township in the 18. Range.

and the west half of 7. Township in the 17. Range.

" 21. Brown. 5. Township in the 18. Range.

" 22. Porter.5. Township in the 16. Range.
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 6)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 6)


[page 6]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 1 Berkshire Township being Township No. 4 in the 17th Range United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Atherton Rufus 17 4 1 95 477

Armstrong David 17 4 1 50 85

same 17 4 4 136 626

Abbot Charles 17 4 4 197 473

Bable Peter 17 4 4 116 159

Brown Ezekiel 17 4 4 128 307

Brown John S. 17 4 4 111 66

Billington Seth 17 4 4 100 205

Bennett Stephen R. 17 4 2 165 452

Brown Thomas heirs 17 4 2 87 455

Bockover George 17 4 2 58 79

Byxbe Moses 17 4 2 162 195

Cowles Leonard H 17 4 2 100 171

Carpenter Eleazer 17 4 2 41 112

Carpenter Samuel 17 4 1 3 5

Culver John 17 4 1 81 167

Carpenter Robt & Chas 17 4 1 237 569

same 17 4 1 132 226

Clark Deborah 17 4 1 50 85

Carpenter Gilbert Jr 17 4 1 134 624

Carpenter Daniel 17 4 1 24 42

Carey Stephen 17 4 4 65 134

Carpenter Elizabeth 17 4 4 206 438

Carpenter Moses 17 4 4 100 274
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 7)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 7)


[page 7]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 5 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Township Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Carpenter William 17 4 4 75 611

same 17 4 4 50 103

Carpenter Benjamin 2nd 17 4 4 250 1377

Carpenter Henry 17 4 4 5 14

Carpenter Benjamin 17 4 4 1 1/2 207

Carter Rufus 17 4 1 100 171

Cowles Leonard H 17 4 4 100 260

Carpenter Gilbert Junr 17 4 1 30 31

Dustin Nathan 17 4 4 50 68

same 17 4 4 50 68

Domigan Enoch 17 4 4 112 544

Dunham Jonathan 17 4 2 75 129

Fulton Elijah 17 4 2 191 523

Fuller Hiram A. 17 4 2 99 170

Fisher George 17 4 1 114 534

Felkey Jacob 17 4 1 75 77

French Charles 17 4 4 40 82

Grist John B. 17 4 1 125 300

Gregory James 17 4 2 175 1079

same 17 4 2 150 256

Gregory David 17 4 2 50 86

Gamble John H 17 4 2 100 171
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 8)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 8)


[page 8]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Township Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Higbee Joseph 17 4 3 4000 6850

Hodgden Henry 17 4 2 100 362

Hoskins Jeremiah 17 4 2 96 132

Havens Jesse 17 4 2 53 73

Heddins Isaiah 17 4 1 85 87

Hoge James 17 4 4 185 381

Howland Samuel 17 4 1 65 111

Jones Joanna 17 4 2 120 205

Jones James 17 4 2 60 123

Jones Leonard 17 4 1 236 485

Jones Crocker 17 4 4 5 14

Johnes Francis C. 17 7 7 22 71

Kilpatrick Ephraim 17 4 2 87 999

Loofborough John 17 4 2 48 82

Loofborough Ebenezer 17 4 2 48 66

Landon Samuel 17 4 1 223 459

Loop Christian 17 4 1 81 137

Loop George 17 4 1 50 85

Longshore David 17 4 1 67 115

Landon David 17 4 4 148 355

Leonard John B 17 4 4 50 85

Leonard Samuel 17 4 4 103 247
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 9)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 9)


[page 9]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 7 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Township Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

McClary Silas C. 17 4 2 5 377

same 17 4 2 50 34

Manville James 17 4 1 84 173

Murphey James 17 4 1 29 60

McLean Lauchlin 17 4 1 179 429

Marcy Zebulon 17 4 1 115 197

Myers Lawrence 17 4 4 119 285

Myers William 17 4 4 118 284

Moore James 17 4 4 160 329

Myers Betsey 17 4 4 9 219

Norton John L 18 5 4 4000 6850

Nelson William A. 17 4 4 50 85

Newberry Adonis 17 4 1 8 16

Osborn Ralph 17 4 2 100 205

Osterhout Palatiah 17 4 1 35 60

Olney Washington 17 4 1 114 234

same 17 4 2 2 4

Parks Amos 17 4 2 10 27

Patterson Lucy Ann 17 4 2 100 205

Prince Joseph 17 4 2 150 1066

Prince David 17 4 2 225 1270

Prince David & Joseph 17 4 2 200 274

Plumb Ichabod 17 4 2 186 582
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 10)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 10)


[page 10]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 8 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Township Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Patrick Joseph 17 4 1 150 258

same 17 4 1 9 18

Parks Amos 17 4 1 67 125

Pringle Daniel 17 4 4 73 148

Pierce Arzal 17 4 4 100 137

Perfect Thomas 17 4 4 150 205

Perfect James 17 4 4 83 170

Pettibone Milo D 17 4 1 31 51

Quick Rhoda 17 4 4 35 73

Royce Nijah 17 4 2 186 1260

same 17 4 2 50 137

Roloson, Nathaniel 17 4 2 46 48

Roloson Joseph 17 4 2 37 51

Roberts James 17 4 1 237 519

Randal Edward 17 4 4 50 103

Robbarts Jeremiah 17 4 4 30 41

Roberts Hezekiah 17 4 1 15 21

Steward Ezra 17 4 2 200 342

Sherman David T. 17 4 2 1 264

Still Oliver 17 4 2 96 99

Skeels Catharine 17 4 1 58 140

Skeels Esther 17 4 1 15 36

Smilie [Smiley] James 17 4 1 120 205

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 11)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 11)


[page 11]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 9 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Township Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Slack Henry 17 4 4 105 416

Slack Ezekiel 17 4 4 70 105

Scovell Hurlburt 17 4 4 69 166

Thrall Timothy L 17 4 2 1 214

Tharp James 17 4 2 50 68

Taylor Benjamin 17 4 1 75 153

Utley Amos 17 4 1 231 475

Vansickle Peter 17 4 2 115 275

same 17 5 3 125 258

Vroman Adam 17 4 2 2 21

Vanloon Nicholas 17 4 4 100 205

Vanloon Jacob 17 4 4 50 68

Wildman Daniel 17 4 1 97 200

Young Thomas 17 4 4 29 60

Young Andrew & Elijah 17 4 4 70 144
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 12)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 12)


[page 12]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 10 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Township Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names In What Town Value Including Buildings

Bennett Sanford S Sunbury 60

Same " 300

Chase & Taylor " 15

Collins Jedidiah " 30

Same " 50

Carpenter Henry Zoar 60

Same "

Copeland Eleazer " 80

Campbell Chester " 75

Carpenter Elizabeth " 10

Carpenter Benjamin " 6

Dustin Nathan 20

Hendricks Priscilla 80

Hendricks Marlay 7

Larkins Joseph E. 40

Same 20

Same 50

Larkins Stephen V. R. 30

Same 45

Lane Lemuel 20
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 13)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 13)


[page 13]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 11 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Township Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names In What Town Value Including Buildings

McClelland Geo. W. Zoar 150

Morris John " 10

Myers Lawrence Sunbury 16

Same " 6

Same 12

Same 21

Same 12

Same 10

Same 12

Same 30

Same 12

Same 16

Same 200

Same 15

Myers William 6

Same 12

Same 6

Same 170

Same 20

Same 12

Same 18

Same 18

Same 18

Same 18

Same 80

Rodgers Hezekial T. 50

Same 25
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 14)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 14)


[page 14]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 12 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Township Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names In What Town Value Including Buildings

Searl Sally Sunbury 40

Same 10

Smith William P. Zoar 30

Same " 100

Vansycle Peter 10

Vansycle John 10

Wheeler James 50

Young Andrew 10
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 15)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 15)


[page 15]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 13 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Armstrong David 2 80 4 32

Atherton Rufus 2 80 2 16

Abbot Charles 2 80 5 40

Adams Hazzard 1 40 1 8

Brundige Caleb 4 32

Bidlack Philemon 2 16

Bennett Sanford S. 1 40 1 8

Brown Ezekiel 3 120 2 16

Brown Thomas J. 1 40 1 8

Bockover Jacob 2 16

Bigelow Stephens 1 40 3 24

Brown John S. 3 120 4 32

Bennett Gregory 1 40 1 8

Carpenter Samuel 1 8

Carpenter Robt & Charles 4 160 8 64

Collins Jedediah 1 40 2 16

Carpenter John 1 40 1 8

Carpenter William 2 80 2 16

Carpenter Daniel J 4 32

Carpenter Benjamin 1 8

Campbell David 1 40 3 24

Carey Stephen 1 40 4 32

Collum David 2 16

Carter Rufus 4 32

Crawford J. P. 1 40

Carpenter Gilbert 2 80 5 40

Carpenter Benjamin 2d 3 120 8 64

Carpenter Moses 2 80 5 40

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 16)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 16)


[page 16]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 14 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Culver Edward 1 40 5 40

Carpenter Ann 1 8

Dustin Nathan 2 80 7 56

Domigan Enoch 3 120 2 16

Dust Nancy 3 24

Dunham Jonathan 2 81 5 40

Fisher George 1 40 5 40

Ferver Peter 1 40 1 8

Fuller Hiram A. 2 80 2 16

Felkey Jacob 2 16

Grist John B. 2 80 5 40

Gregory James 2 80 4 32

Gaylord George A. 1 40

Gregory David 2 80 2 16

Hendrick Alvenus 1 40 1 8

Hodgden Henry 1 40 5 40

Heading Isaiah 2 50 1 8

Havens Jesse 4 32

Howland Samuel 1 8

Jones Joanna 1 40 4 32

Jones Zetoles 3 120 9 72

Jones James 2 80 2 16

Johnes Francis C. 2 80 5 40

Jones Crocker 1 8
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 17)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 17)


[page 17]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 15 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Kilpatrick Ephraim 2 80 5 40

Kilpatrick John 2 80 2 16

Landon Henry 1 40 6 48

Landon George 1 40

Longshore David 3 120 3 24

Loop George 1 40 3 24

Leonard John 2 80 2 16

Lewis David 2 80 2 16

Leonard Samuel 2 80 4 32

Larkins Stephen V. R. 1 8

Larkins Joseph 3 24

Landon David 2 80 5 40

Lytle James 1 40 1 8

Linscot Rufus K. 1 40 2 16

Murphy James 1 40 2 16

Manville George 1 40 5 40

McLean Allen 3 120 4 32

Myers Lawrence 2 80 3 24

Morris John 2 16

Moore Isaac 4 32

Moore James 1 40 4 32

Myers Betsey 2 16

McClary Silas C. 1 8

Maring Andrew 2 16

Newbury Benjamin 1 8

Nelson John 1 40 1 8

Nelson William A. 2 80 3 24
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 18)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 18)


[page 18]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 16 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Osterhout Peletih 1 40 2 16

Osterhout Gideon 1 8

Pierce Arzal 1 40 6 48

Parks Amos 2 80 3 24

Perfect James 1 40 6 48

Prince David 7 280 5 40

Prince Joseph 2 80 4 32

Perfect Thomas 2 80 5 40

Patrick Joseph 2 80 13 104

Plumb Ichabad 2 80 9 72

Pringle Daniel 1 40 2 16

Pringle Benjamin 5 40

Patterson Lucy Ann 1 40 2 16

Pike John 3 24

Quick Benjamin 1 8

Roberts James 2 80 5 40

Rogers Hezekiah T. 1 8

Royce Nijah 3 120 1 8

Roberts Jeremiah 1 40 3 24

Roloson Joseph 4 32

Rosecrans Jacob 3rd 2 16

Rose James 2 80 2 16

Randall Edward 2 16

Sheeks Michael 1 40 2 16

Skeel Esther 1 40 1 8

Searl Sarah 1 8
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 19)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 19)


[page 19]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 17 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Smith Jeremiah 1 40 3 24

Strouden Aaron 3 24

Shelton Selah 1 80 1 8

Scovell Harlbut 4 32

Steward Ezsa 9 360

Steward William 1 40 5 40

Steward Solomon 2 16

Slack Henry 2 80 8 64

Smilie James 2 80 2 16

Still Oliver 2 80 3 24

Styree Joseph T. 1 40 1 8

Sylvester Joel 1 40

Torrance John 3 120 2 16

Throll Timothy L. 1 40 1 8

Tharp James 1 40 2 16

Utley Jared 2 16

Utley Amos 3 120 10 80

Vanloon Nicholas 2 80 2 16

Vanloon Matthias 2 80 3 24

Vanloon Jacob 2 80 3 24

Vroman Adam 1 8

Vansycle Garret 2 16

Vanfleet George 4 32

Webb J. L. & co. 1 40

Wheeler Thomas 2 80 3 24

Weeks John 2 16
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 20)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 20)


[page 20]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 18 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.1 Berkshire Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Williams James 1 8

Wildman Daniel 3 120 3 24

Young Elijah 2 80 1 8

Young Thomas 3 24

Young Morgan 1 40 3 24

Young Andrew 3 24

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 21)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 21)


[page 21]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 19 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 2 Berlin Township being Township No. 2 in the 18th Range United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Armstrong Jesse 18 4 4 13 64

Same 18 4 4 50 103

Alley Thomas G. 18 4 4 29 40

Adams Samuel 18 4 4 43 89

Adams Elias &

Francis 18 4 4 52 107

Armstrong John 18 4 2 666 2/3 685

Benton Samuel 18 4 4 51 175

Bickerton Richard 18 4 1 200 342

Byxbe Hannah 18 4 1 50 86

Barker Orlando H. 18 4 1 123 411

Same 18 4 2 70 96

Bockover George 18 4 1 335 459

Brandy Sarah 18 4 2 2 3

Byxbe Moses 18 4 1 168 186

Same 18 4 2 436 448

Same 18 4 2 30 32

Caulkins Roswell 18 4 4 197 530

Constant Silas 18 4 4 152 312

Cummings Joshua 18 4 4 61 84

Caulkins Ithiel 18 4 4 1 4

Caswell Wilber 18 4 4 4 216

Same 18 4 4 25 34

Cummingham Barnet 18 4 2 94 129
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 22)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 22)


[page 22]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 20 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 2 Berlin Township Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Cunningham Barnet 18 4 2 50 68

Cronkleton Joseph 18 4 1 300 574

Cowgill Morris 18 4 1 122 367

Chandler Stephen 18 4 1 135 185

Cowgill George 18 4 2 67 1/2 92

Dickerman Benoni 18 4 4 65 89

Same 18 4 4 318 1089

Delano Phillip 18 4 4 73 151

Drake Jacob 18 4 1 6 1/2 234

Dunham Harlock 18 4 1 50 52

Same 18 4 1 6 1/2 18

Dunham Silas 18 4 1 80 110

Eaton James 18 4 1 134 480

Eaton David 18 4 1 152 260

Eaton Joseph 18 4 1 287 492

Same 18 4 2 104 105

Same 18 4 2 67 1/2 68

Same 18 4 2 43 44

Emerson Luke 18 4 2 100 103

Felkey Samuel 18 4 1 123 211

Felkey Daniel 18 4 2 50 52

Fenley John 18 4 2 62 85

Finley David 18 4 2 95 97

Finley David 2nd 18 4 2 62 85
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 23)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 23)


[page 23]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 21 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 2 Berlin Township Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Garinger Jacob 18 4 1 114 150

Hoadley Philo 18 4 4 21 115

Same 18 4 4 84 460

Same 18 4 4 100 103

Hyatt David M. 18 4 4 200 411

Heaverlo Barnet 18 4 1 75 103

Hyde Andrew 18 4 1 108 148

Hyde Salma 18 4 1 50 68

Haskins Jeremiah 18 4 1 50 52

Heaverlo Andrew 18 4 1 100 137

Harris & Eaton 18 4 2 818 841

Same 18 4 2 93 96

Same 18 4 2 65 67

Harter Joseph 18 4 2 31 32

Janes John 18 4 4 100 274

Same 18 4 4 100 342

Janes Harry 18 4 4 107 367

Johnson John 18 4 1 99 203

Johnson George 18 4 2 50 52

Lewis Florilla 18 4 4 100 274

Lewis Chester

Lewis Joseph &

Armstrong Jesse 18 4 4 18 49

Lewis David 18 4 4 52 142

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 24)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 24)


[page 24]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 22 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 2 Berlin Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Lewis Chester 18 4 4 103 282

Lewis Joseph 18 4 4 75 205

Lewis Harlow 18 4 4 204 769

Lewis John 18 4 4 103 282

Lewis Florilla 18 4 4 6 12

Lewis John 2nd 18 4 4 75 103

Same 18 4 4 76 208

Lee Josiah 18 4 1 57 97

Loofborough Ebenezer 18 4 1 22 60

Same 18 4 1 64 66

Loofborough John 18 4 1 57 156

Same 18 4 1 59 81

May Asa 18 4 1 77 132

Martin Andrew 18 4 2 56 77

Nettleton Hiram 18 4 4 95 326

Nettleton Daniel 18 4 4 150 411

Same 18 4 4 50 68

Newell Elisha 18 4 1 62 120

Pierce Joshua W. 18 4 4 40 82

Parks Hugh 18 4 2 1/2 3

Rouse John 18 4 1 100 105

Roloson Nathaniel 18 4 1 108 111

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 25)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 25)


[page 25]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 23 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 2 Berlin Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Roloson John 18 4 1 77 1/2 105

Roloson Joseph 18 4 1 13 18

Richie Polly 18 4 2 36 25

Ryant John 18 4 4 72 1/2 151

Same 18 4 4 69 141

Sherwood Nathan 18 4 4 115 395

Sherwood Lewis 18 4 4 60 123

Scott Asa 18 4 4 223 611

Smith William 18 4 1 300 822

Smith Alwood 18 4 1 100 171

Still Oliver 18 4 1 90 93

Sacket Elijah 18 4 2 195 267

Shaw William 18 4 2 12 1/2 18

Strain William 18 4 2 1 3

Sprague Pardon 18 4 2 25 34

Thompson Alfred 18 4 4 83 170

Thompson Samuel 18 4 4 50 103

Taylor James 18 4 3 4000 2740

Thrall & Blanchard 18 4 2 70 60

Welch George 18 4 4 24 33

Walton Andrew 18 4 4 25 34

Waters Charles 18 4 4 180 616

Wallace Daniel 18 4 4 100 137

Wallace Norman 18 4 4 25 34

Wells William 18 4 2 666 2/3 685

Williams Thomas 18 4 4 13 1/2 24

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 26)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 26)


[page 26]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 24 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 2 Berlin Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Yates John 18 4 2 2 5

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 27)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 27)


[page 27]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 25 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.2 Berlin Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Adams Samuel 1 40 4 32

Adams Francis J. 5 40

Adams Elias 1 40 5 40

Arnold Stephen 1 40 4 32

Armstrong Jesse 2 16

Alley Thomas G. 1 40 2 16

Andrews Timothy 2 80 1 8

Bockover George 5 40

Buel Jeremiah 1 40 2 16

Benton Samuel 1 40

Blanchard Michael 1 8

Byxbe Ebenezer 1 40

Cowgill Morris 1 40 1 8

Cowgill George Junr 2 80 3 24

Chandler Stephen 1 40 5 40

Cummins George W. 1 40 3 24

Caulkins Ithiel 0 2 16

Caulkins Lovewell 4 32

Cunningham Barnet 4 32

Cronkleton Joseph 2 80 4 32

Dunham Silas 1 40 3 24

Delano Phillip 3 24

Dickerman Benoni 9 72

Dickerman Jasper 1 40 2 16

Drake Jacob 1 40 1 8

Dunham Harlock 1 40 5 40

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 28)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 28)


[page 28]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 26 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.2 Berlin Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Emerson Luke 1 40 4 32

Eaton James 2 80 2 16

Eaton David 2 80 1 8

Eaton Bathsheba 1 40 3 24

Finley David 1 40 1 8

Felkey Daniel 2 80 2 16

Finley John 1 40 2 16

Finley David Jr 1 40 2 16

Felkey William 2 16

Felkey Samuel 1 40 1 8

Garringer Jacob 1 40 3 24

Hyde Andrew 2 16

Hyde Salma 1 40 2 16

Hardin Thomas 2 80 2 16

Heaverlo James 4 32

Hoadley Philo 2 80 1 8

Himrod Andrew 2 80 2 16

Hulbert James 1 40 3 24

Heaverlo Andrew 2 80 3 24

Janes Harry 1 40 4 32

Johnson John 3 120 2 16

Jones Robert 1 40 3 24

Loofborough John 3 120

Lewis John 2nd 3 120 7 56

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 29)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 29)


[page 29]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 27 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.2 Berlin Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Lewis Harlow 3 120 11 88

Lee Oliver 3 24

Lewis David Jr 3 24

Lewis Florilla 5 40

Lee Priscilla 4 32

May Hiram 4 32

Myers Elias 1 40 1 8

Myers Samuel 1 40 1 8

Myers John 2 80 1 8

Nettleton Daniel 3 120 6 48

Nettleton Hiram 1 40 4 32

Newell Elisha 2 16

Ryant John 1 40 6 48

Rust Lemuel S. 6 240 8 64

Rouse John 2 80 6 48

Rose Henry M. 2 16

Roloson John 2 80 3 24

Roloson Jacob 1 40 2 16

Strain Robert 2 16

Shaw Samuel 2 80 4 32

Sherwood Lewis 3 24

Scott Ebenezer 1 40 4 32

Steward Vinol 1 40 4 32

Scott Thomas J. 6 48

Smith William 2 80 8 64

Smith Alwood 2 80 4 32

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 30)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 30)


[page 30]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 28 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.2 Berlin Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Sacket Elijah 2 80 4 32

Twining Jennette 5 40

Thompson Alfred 4 160 10 80

Throll Daniel 2 16

Thompson Samuel 2 80 6 48

Way Elinda 3 24

Waters Charles 2 80 3 24

Wallace Daniel 4 32

Waterman John 1 40 2 16

Yates John 1 40 1 8

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 31)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 31)


[page 31]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 29 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 3 Bennington Township being Township No. 6 in the 16th Range United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including Houses

Ayres Thomas 16 6 2 185 1/2 255

Same 16 6 2 100 103

Barnaby Stephen 16 6 2 100 68

Same 16 6 3 50 34

Butters Alfred 16 6 3 105 101

Beard V. & R 16 6 1 100 68

Beard Charles 16 6 1 50 34

Barber & Davis 16 6 1 100 68

Bush John 16 6 1 3 2

Crane Abner 16 6 2 50 51

Crane David D. 16 6 2 80 110

Cornish Alanson 16 6 3 44 44

Carpenter John W. 16 6 1 100 68

Chew Meredith 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Cross Joseph 16 6 1 1 1

Canada John 16 6 3 70 96

Cornish Alanson 16 6 3 20 30

Denman Andrew 16 6 2 200 274

Denman Christopher 16 6 2 94 129

Same 16 6 3 92 1/2 126

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 32)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 32)


[page 32]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 30 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 3 Bennington Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including Houses

Dutton David 16 6 3 80 110

Dwinnell Susanna 16 6 3 93 3/4 127

Same 16 6 3 121 1/2 125

Davis Isaac 16 6 3 45 47

Dayton Johnathan 16 6 3 50 34

C. Same Roloson 16 6 3 134 1/4 92

Same 16 6 3 50 51

Same 16 6 3 96 99

Same 16 6 3 105 109

Same 16 6 3 65 67

Same 16 6 3 124 128

Same 16 6 3 100 68

Same 16 6 3 103 70

Same 16 6 3 3 2

Same 16 6 3 27 18

Edgar Thomas 16 6 2 213 1/4 292

Same 16 6 2 100 68


Edgar William 17 6 11

Frazee Ebenezer W. 16 6 2 130 177

Frost Jonathan 16 6 1 100 68

Gardner James Jr 16 6 1 21 14

Same 16 6 1 46 32

Gillet Orrison 16 6 3 40 27

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 33)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 33)


[page 33]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 31 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 3 Bennington Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including Houses

Hance William 16 6 3 20 16

Hance Thomas 16 6 2 124 170

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 2 29 20

Same 16 6 3 19 26

Same 16 6 3 99 102

Same 16 6 3 39 39

Same 16 6 3 8 6

Howard Joseph 16 6 3 97 65

Hoar Lucy 16 6 3 30 25

Harrison Joseph 16 6 3 125 103

Same 16 6 3 67 55

Same 16 6 3 77 105

Hance Thomas 16 6 2 22 51

Hilbourn Hezt 16 6 1 80 55

Lawrence Reader 16 6 3 100 137

Lookes Alison C. 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Lawson John 16 6 1 100 68

Mason Edward 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 5 4

Same 16 6 1 17 12

Monday John 16 6 2 71 48

Moorehouse Stephen 16 6 2 201 137

Same 16 6 2 117 81
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 34)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 34)


[page 34]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 32 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 3 Bennington Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including Houses

Meeker Ambrose 16 6 3 100 68

Manville George 16 6 1 100 68

Moss Daniel 16 6 1 100 68

Noe Robert 16 6 2 200 274

Price John 16 6 1 100 68

Page Samuel 16 6 3 114 156

Same 16 6 3 74 1/2 102

Pettibone Milo D 16 6 3 29 29

Same 16 6 3 20 20

Roloson Cornelius 16 6 3 100 137

Same 16 6 3 63 1/2 44

Robinson John 16 6 1 200 137

Rodgers Amos 16 6 1 50 34

Salter Thomas 16 6 2 200 280

Same 16 6 2 1422 1642

Shearman Peleg T. 16 6 3 173 166

Same 16 6 3 50 48

Shearman Alden 16 6 3 100 96

Stoddard David 16 6 3 103 71

Sprague Stephen 16 6 1 100 68

Steinback John 16 6 2 50 68
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 35)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 35)


[page 35]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 33 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 3 Bennington Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including Houses

Swan Gustavus 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Sprague Pardon 16 6 1 93 64

State of Ohio 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 3 10 7

Same 16 6 3 62 1/2 65

Sprague Festus 16 6 1 6 4

Same 16 6 1 10 7

Taylor James 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Same 16 6 1 100 68

Vining Jonas 16 6 3 64 62

Vining Calvin 16 6 1 50 34

Vining Luther 16 6 3 37 38

Vandnzer Abraham 16 6 1 50 34

Williams William 16 6 3 73 50

Wyllis Henry B. 16 6 2 50 68

Same 16 6 2 100 68

Woodruff Benjamin 16 6 2 114 78

Wilson Elias 16 6 3 100 137

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 36)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 36)


[page 36]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 33 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 3 Bennington Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including Houses

Wilson Olive 16 6 3 152 208

Wilson Enos 16 6 3 47 33

Westbrook Leonard 16 6 3 126 121

Williams Jeremiah 16 6 1 50 34

Wildman Daniel 16 6 1 49 34

Same 16 6 1 69 48

Wilson David 16 6 3 60 62

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 37)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 37)


[page 37]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 34 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.3 Bennington Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Ayres Thomas 1 40 5 40

Ashley Harry 2 80 2 16

Butters Alfred 2 80 6 48

Barber John 3 24

Bennett Josiah S. 1 40 3 24

Bard Reuben 2 16

Bard Charles 4 32

Barber Hallet 3 24

Barnaby Stephen 1 80 4 32

Culver William 1 40 2 16

Culver Thadius 2 16

Carpenter John 4 32

Davis Isaac 2 80 3 24

Denman Christopher 1 40 5 40

Dwinnell Stephen 1 40

Dewey Daniel N. 1 8

Davis Samuel 3 24

Frost William 3 24

Gillet Orrison 4 32

Harrison Joseph 1 40 5 40

Haas John 3 24

Haas Josiah 2 16

Hance Thomas 3 120 7 56

Hance William 2 80 2 16

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 38)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 38)


[page 38]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 35 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.3 Bennington Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Kightlinger George 3 24

Keneda John 2 80 1 8

Knowls Seth 4 32

Loveland David 4 32

Marsh James 2 16

McNames Amos 4 32

Morehouse Ebenzer 1 40 3 24

Mecker Enoch 3 24

Morehouse John 6 48

Miller Daniel 2 16

Morse Daniel 2 80 2 16

Noe Robert 1 40 4 32

Page Samuel 2 80 6 48

Perdue John 3 120 3 24

Price John 1 40 2 16

Roloson Cornelius 1 40 6 48

Shearman Thomas 3 24

Shearman Peleg T. 2 80 6 48

Shearman Alden 1 40 5 40

Sheldon William 3 24

Skinner David 2 16

Sprague Stephen 4 32

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 39)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 39)


[page 39]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 36 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.3 Bennington Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Towner Leonard 1 8

Vining Luther 3 24

Vining Jonas 2 80 7 56

Vining Calvin 3 24

Westbrook Leonard 1 40

Wilson Elias 1 40 4 32

Wilson David 2 80 15 120

Whitaker Annis 2 80 4 32

Wilson Enos 6 48

Williams Jeremiah 2 16

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 40)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 40)


[page 40]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 37 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 4 Concord Township being fraction Township No. 3 and 4 in the 20th Range United States Military and Surveys numbered 2992.3387.3003.1573.1421.6998.3006.2997.2995.
2996.2989.5314.2365.2990.2673.1441.2547.2546.2545.2897.3005.2989 & 2642 in the Virginia Military District

Lands and Houses

Owners Names Org Qty Original Proprietors Acres Value Including House

Anderson Isaac 1100 Wm Groghan 15 11

Beers David 1100 Wm Groghan 80 164

Beakley John 666 2/3 Uriah Springer 108 333

Cole James 1100 Wm Groghan 40 82

Crosby Sidnor 400 Sidnor Crosby 212 286

Duval William 1100 Wm Groghan 40 55

Freshwater Christopher 1200 C. Baldwin 126 217

Green Robert 250 250

Hill Joseph 1200 C. Baldwin 120 247

Hill George Same Same 120 247

Hill John A. Same Same 55 75

Same 65 Walter Dunn 65 89

Hill Stephen Jr. 1200 C. Baldwin 120 164

Hill Stephen Same Same 310 625

Hinton Seaborn 1100 Will Groghan 88 181

Hill Stephen 666 2/3 John Phillips 92 127

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 41)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 41)


[page 41]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 38 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 4 Concord Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names Org Qty Original Proprietors Acres Value Including House

Johnson Charles 1000 P. Talbert & others 1000 685

Jeffries Isaac 1140 Isaac Jeffries 1140 1171

Same 800 Same 800 1635

Same 726 726 746

Kessler John 1070 John Phillips 120 205

Marsh Joel 1200 C. Baldwin 60 62

Mathews James 400 Sidnor Crosby 60 41

Maize Mary 100 Robert Means 60 123

Mellington Otes 666 2/3 John Phillips 110 151

Macumber Jeremiah Same Same 215 1/4 293

Parker Thomas 666 2/3 Thomas Parker 666 2/3 912

Pettibone Milo D. 666 2/3 John Phillips 249 1/2 341

Same 400 Sidnor Crosby 128 180

Roberts Daniel 1100 Wm Craghan 60 82

Robinson Asa Same Same 150 103

Rae Jeremiah Same Same

Randal Alvan 100 Robert Means 40 82

Smart Joseph 1100 Wm Groghan 150 292

State of Ohio 174 Same 174 238

Same 666 2/3 Peter Talbot 666 2/3 456

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 42)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 42)


[page 42]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 39 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 4 Concord Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names Original Proprietors Acres Value Including Houses

Sullivant Lucas U. Springer 558 1721

Same Lewis Thomas 970 5322

Same Phillip Slaughter 1000 3082

Same Robt Cooper 888 2433

Same Same 889 2436

Same Same 889 2436

Same James Brodus 616 844

Same 300 400

Same 200 300

Same 200 290

Spong Samuel John Phillips 100 165

Tyree Isaac 166 1/2 175

Wilkins John Jr 1330 1600

White Simpson &

Caleb Hill Wm Croghan 75 51

Wolford Jacob John Phillips 262 1/2 415

Watts John John Scott 340 932

Wright Moses Hincha Gilliam 199
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 43)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 43)


[page 43]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 40 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 4 Concord Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Beakley Samuel 20 4 4 104 1/2 585

Barker Abner 20 4 1 300 925

Cryder Henry 20 4 4 100 1111

Same 20 4 4 150 411

Same 20 3 1 200 548

Carson Samuel 20 3 1 146 400

Croghan William 20 4 1 15 31

Same 20 4 1 32 66

Same 20 4 1 40 230

Same 20 4 1 84 288

Christie James jr 20 4 1 300 416

Clark Jonathan 20 4 1 19 26

Same 20 4 1 33 45

Harmar Josiah 20 4 1 400 1233

Jackson Henry 20 4 4 22 38

Kyle Hugh P. 20 4 1 100 137

McCowen Joseph 20 4 4 100 205

Means Robert 20 4 4 400 548
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 44)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 44)


[page 44]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 41 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 4 Concord Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Nourse Gabriel 20 4 4 31 42

Oller John 20 4 4 89 1/2 524

Riley John 20 4 4 100 205

Root Sylvester 20 4 1 54 74

State of Ohio 20 4 1 8 11

Spong Samuel

Vanhorn Isaac 20 4 1 100 137

Williams Hosea 20 4 1 35 48

Same 20 4 1 46 79

Same 20 4 1 39 53

Same 20 4 1 28 39

Same 20 4 1 92 126

Same 20 4 1 46 79

Wason Mains 20 4 1 85 174

Same 20 4 1 68 139

Same 20 4 1 30 111

Same 20 4 1 16 55

Same 20 4 4 69 95

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 45)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 45)


[page 45]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 42 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 4 Concord Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names In What Town Value Including Buildings

Cryder Michael S. Sullivent 160

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 6

Same " 1

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 10

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 36

Same " 12

Same " 12

Same " 16

Hull Benjamin " 4

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 46)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 46)


[page 46]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 43 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.4 Concord Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Arthur Charles 1 40 4 32

Bradford Joseph 1 40 2 16

Bard Bennett 1 40 1 8

Ball Rachel 3 120 3 24

Beakley Samuel 1 40 3 24

Cole James 2 80 2 16

Cryder Michael S. 2 80 2 16

Coberly George 3 120 5 40

Carson Samuel 2 80 3 24

Cryder Henry 4 32

Dearth John 1 40

Devall Daniel 1 8

Devall William 1 40 1 8

Eversole Abraham 2 80 3 24

Evans Edward 4 32

Everett Samuel 2 80

Freshwater Christopher 2 80 2 16

Hinton William 1 40 2 16

Hinton Seaborn 7 56

Hill Stephen 2 80 4 32

Hill John A. 1 40 1 8

Hill Stephen Jr 1 40

Hill George 1 40 4 32

Hill David 3 24

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 47)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 47)


[page 47]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 44 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.4 Concord Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Hill Joseph 2 80 2 16

Jackson Henry 2 80 2 16

Mathews James 1 40 4 32

Maize John 3 24

Maize Mary 1 40 1 8

Marsh Joel 1 40 2 16

Millington Lansing 1 40 3 24

Macumber Jeremiah 2 80 16 128

Madding John 1 40

McCauley John 2 80 3 24

Oller Jacob 2 80 1 8

Oller John 3 120 2 16

Parks Hugh 1 40 1 8

Ramsey John 2 80 1 8

Roe Jeremiah 2 80 3 24

Rogers William 1 40 1 8

Robinson Asa 2 80 5 40

Roberts Daniel 2 80 3 24

Randall Alvan 2 16

Spong Samuel 1 40

Smith Jacob B. 2 80 2 16

Smith Stephen 1 8

Smart Joseph 1 40 4 32

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 48)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 48)


[page 48]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 45 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.4 Concord Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Thomas Jane 1 40 1 3

Ubank Thomas 1 40

Umble Martin 4 32

Walling John 3 120 5 40

Wallford Jacob 1 40 5 40

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 49)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 49)


[page 49]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 46 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 5 Delaware Township being the North half of township No 4 and the South half of

township No. 5. in the 19th Range of the United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Avery Frederick 19 5 3 118 404

Arrison John 19 4 2 100 68

Arrison Samuel 19 4 2 100 68

Arrison Jeptha 19 4 2 200 137

Same 19 4 2 200 137

Arnold Rezin 19 4 2 100 68

Butter Thomas 19 5 3 100 548

Beebe Francis 19 5 3 100 493

Byxbe Moses 19 5 3 600 2055

Same 19 5 3 104 319

Same 19 5 3 125 685

Same 19 5 3 1405 1925

Same 19 5 4 3 41

Same 19 5 4 27 233

Same 19 5 4 7 3/4 649

Same 19 5 4 7 3/4 82

Same 19 5 4 4 3/4 32

Byxbe & Baldwin 19 5 4 6 1/2 33

Same 19 5 4 34 3/4 142

Same 19 5 4 10 41

Same 19 5 4 10 41

Same 19 5 4 10 1/2 41

Same 19 5 4 10 1/2 41

Same 19 5 4 9 1/4 37

Same 19 5 4 194 1595
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 50)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 50)


[page 50]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 47 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 5 Delaware Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Byxbe & Baldwin 19 5 4 165 904

Same 19 5 4 123 337

Same 19 5 4 88 241

Same 19 5 4 41 281

Same 19 5 4 85 233

Same 19 5 4 98 236

Same 19 5 4 128 701

Same 19 5 4 108 444

Same 19 5 4 100 205

Same 19 5 4 100 137

Same 19 5 4 100 137

Same 19 5 4 100 171

Same 19 5 4 150 153

Same 19 5 4 102 105

Same 19 5 4 98 101

Same 19 5 4 100 103

Same 19 5 4 100 103

Same 19 5 4 100 137

Same 19 5 4 108 111

Same 19 5 4 11 55

Baldwin & Ross 19 5 4 4 44

Baldwin Jesse 19 4 2 933 1/3 640

Bickerton Richard 19 4 2 100 68

Chamberlin Justus 19 5 3 222 608

Carpenter Ira 19 5 4 8 33
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 51)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 51)


[page 51]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 48 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 5 Delaware Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Dayton Jonathan 19 4 2 300 205

Dudley Ambrose 19 4 2 666 2.3 456

Same 19 5 4 250 343

Davis Evan 19 5 3 74 203

Elliott John & Daniel 19 4 2 400 411

Hays Sophia 19 5 4 124 680

Havens Horatio P. 19 5 4 14 19

Harter Andrew 19 4 1 244 836

Jamison Robert 19 4 1 460 1860

Joy Wilder 19 5 4 112 230

Jones Samuel 19 4 2 300 205

King & Barrett 19 5 3 100 205

Kooken James 19 4 1 100 1485

Lamb Reuben 19 5 4 75 205

Same 19 5 4 5 68

Same 19 5 4 8 33

Little Nathanel W. 19 5 4 103 247
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 52)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 52)


[page 52]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 49 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 5 Delaware Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

McCutcheon Alexr 19 5 3 125 685

Same 19 5 4 112 153

Meeker Forrest 19 4 1 524 4289

Miller Catharine 19 5 4 115 315

Martin Jacob 19 4 2 100 105

Same 19 4 2 100 105

Murray Elias 19 5 4 8 1/2 51

Meeker William 19 5 4 1/4 2

Osborn James 19 5 3 150 411

Potter Edward 19 5 3 46 79

Powell Joseph 19 4 1 100 548

Phillips Jesse C. 19 5 4 2 27

Reynolds George 19 5 3 206 706

Robison Millin 19 5 4 33 1/2 358

Same 19 5 4 1 3/4 9

Same 19 5 4 11 1/2 90

Smith Josiah M. 19 5 3 57 234

Sterrett David 19 5 3 134 505

Sweetser Delight 19 5 4 124 1380

Spalding Noah 19 5 4 8 33

Sprague Parden 19 5 4 5 27

Shotwell Joseph 19 4 2 100 68
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 53)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 53)


[page 53]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 50 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 5 Delaware Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Storm George 19 5 4 1/2 11

Tuller Bela N. 19 4 1 212 1162

Tuller Holcomb 19 4 1 10 55

Talmage Benjamin 19 4 1 2250 9247

Williams Abraham 19 5 3 314 1675

Weiser Frederick 19 4 1 100 342

Worline Samuel 19 5 4 99 543

Worline Isaac 19 5 4 99 543

Worline Albright 19 5 4 100 548

Worline Daniel 19 5 4 100 548

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 54)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 54)


[page 54]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 51 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 5 Delaware Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names In What Town Value Including Buildings

Allen & Moses Delaware 600

Agard Salmon " 100

Albright Gottleib " 125

Butler Thomas " 700

Byxbe Moses " 30

Same " 25

Same " 25

Same " 25

Same " 25

Same " 400

Same " 30

Same " 40

Same " 40

Same " 40

Same " 40

Same " 1200

Same " 60

Same " 1000

Same " 50

Same " 50

Same " 60

Same " 60

Same " 42

Same " 43

Same " 40

Byxbe & Baldwin " 75

Same " 30

Same " 30
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 55)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 55)


[page 55]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 52 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 5 Delaware Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names In What Town Value Including Buildings

Byxbe & Baldwin Delaware 60

Same " 30

Same " 60

Same " 30

Same " 100

Same " 60

Same " 60

Same " 80

Same " 100

Same " 40

Same " 40

Same " 30

Same " 30

Same " 22

Same " 23

Same " 22

Same " 23

Same " 56

Same " 36

Same " 60

Same " 30

Same " 75

Same " 100

Bowe Erastus " 75

Barrell Elisha & Co. " 1825

Same " 50

Same " 20

Same " 30

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 56)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 56)


[page 56]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 53 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 5 Delaware Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names In What Town Value Including Buildings

Covel Calvin Delaware 50

Cowles Leonard H. " 900

Same " 1100

Same " 50

Same " 100

Carpenter Ira " 200

Same " 30

Same " 30

Drake & Griswold " 2000

Dopson Electa " 300

Drake Jacob " 160

Same " 50

Dunbaugh Jacob " 40

Davis John " 40

Same " 30

Evans Richard " 125

Edwards Edward " 10

Finch Giles " 30

Gorton Sophia " 200

Hills James H. " 700

Hughs Joseph S. " 16

Same " 500
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 57)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 57)


[page 57]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 54 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 5 Delaware Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names In What Town Value Including Buildings

Hughs James Delaware 60

Hinton Otho " 350

Holbrook John " 800

Same " 150

Hays Sophia " 830

Kilbourn Eunice " 1500

Kilbourn Hezekiah " 600

Kensil Jacob " 75

Lamb Reuben " 1600

Same " 175

Little William " 600

Same " 1600

Same " 45

Same " 200

Little Nathaniel W. " 600

McDowell Abram J. " 100

Messenger Gideon J. " 600

Murray Elias " 50

Manson William " 400

Parish Orris " 100

Same " 300
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 58)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 58)


[page 58]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 55 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 5 Delaware Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names In What Town Value Including Buildings

Pettibone Milo D. Delaware 30

Same " 1300

Rigour Henry " 425

Same " 200

Ross John " 125

Reed David " 360

Rheam Samuel " 40

Sweetser Delight " 76

Same " 50

Spalding Noah " 1000

Same " 600

Sprague Pardon " 1200

Same " 20

Smith Henry " 500

Smith Solomon " 500

Storm George " 800

Storm John " 600

Smith Sarah " 100

Spalding Franklin " 80

Swinnerton William " 100

Tuller Bela N. " 400

Vining Elem " 125

Vandeman Henry " 300
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 59)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 59)


[page 59]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 56 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 5 Delaware Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names In What Town Value Including Buildings

Wasson Thos.& Mains Delaware 110

Williams Hosea " 800

Williamson Francis " 50

Same " 150

Walker Anthony " 300

Welch Asahel " 160

White Bethuel " 215

Welch Frederick C. " 230

Weber Adam " 30

Wright Moses " 120

Welch George " 50

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 60)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 60)


[page 60]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 57 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.5 Delaware Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Allen Benjamin F. 2 80 7 56

Agard Salmon 3 120 3 24

Albright Gottleib 1 40 3 24

Avery Frederick 10 80

Burrough Thos 3 24

Brown Levi 1 40 1 8

Bebee Francis 4 160 2 24

Butler Thomas 1 8

Brush Platt 1 40

Ball Allen 1 40 1 8

Boynton Charles 1 40 3 24

Ball Benjamin E. 2 80 4 32

Bierce Winslow 1 40 9 72

Byxbe Moses 2 16

Cowles Leonard H. 1 40 4 32

Carpenter Ira 1 40 1 8

Covell Calvin 2 80 2 16

Chamberlin Justice 2 80 9 72

Durphy Ebeneser 2 80 5 40

Davis Evan 1 40 6 48

Gorton Silas C. 5 40

Griswold Ezra 1 8

Howard Joseph 1 8

Hills James H. 1 40 2 16

Hinton Otho 1 8

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 61)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 61)


[page 61]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 58 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.5 Delaware Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Hays Sophia 2 16

Howard Caleb 1 8

Hayward Timothy 2 80 2 16

Harter John 2 80 2 16

Harter Andrew 3 120 6 48

Havens Horatio P 1 8

Joy Wilder 1 40 18 144

Jamison Robert 7 280 11 88

Jones Thomas 2 16

Kooken James 3 24

Kelly Jonathan 1 40 4 32

Kensil Jacob 1 8

Lamb Reuben 1 40 2 16

Lampson John 1 40 3 24

Little William & Co. 1 40 2 16

Meeker William 1 8

Mansur William 1 8

Miller Minor W. 1 40 7 56

Moore Sidney 2 80 2 16

McCutchion Alex 1 40 3 24

McClure William 1 40 2 16

McCoy Robert 1 40 3 24

Meeker Benjamin 2 16

Meeker Forrest 4 160 14 112

Nafus Jonathan 4 32
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 62)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 62)


[page 62]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 59 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.5 Delaware Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Osborne James 3 120 5 40

Pettibone Milo D. 1 40 1 8

Picket Charles H. 1 40 2 16

Patten Edward 1 8

Pontius Adam 2 80 4 32

Powell Joseph 2 80 3 24

Reynolds Thos 1 40 5 40

Rice John 2 16

Rigour Henry 1 40 1 8

Root A. & S. 1 40 10 80

Rogers Alexander 2 80 2 16

Ross John 2 16

Spalding Micah 2 16

Sprague Pardon 1 40 1 8

Spalding Noah 1 40 2 16

Storm John 1 8

Storm George 1 40 1 8

Smith Solomon 1 8

Sweetser Flavia 1 8

Spalding Franklin 1 8

Sweetser Delight 1 40 5 40

Smith George M. 1 40

Smith Francis 1 40

Thompson Moses 2 80 3 24
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 63)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 63)


[page 63]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 60 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.5 Delaware Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Vining Elem A. 2 80 1 8

Vining Elem 2 80 1 8

Vanbrimer Jonathan 2 80 4 32

Vandeman Henry 1 8

Webb Joseph L & Co. 1 8

Welch Aaron 1 40 2 16

Worline Samuel 3 120 4 32

Walling John 1 40 1 8

Wasson Thos & M. 1 40

Welch Asahel 1 40 1 8

Welch Frederick C. 2 16

Williams Hosea 1 8

Warline Albright 2 80 5 40

Warline David 1 40 3 24

Warline Abraham 2 80 4 32

Williams Thomas 1 40 4 32

Weiser Frederick 3 120 8 64

Williams Abraham 3 120 13 104

Williams & Walker

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 64)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 64)


[page 64]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 61 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 6 Genoa Township being township No. 3 in the 17th Range of the United States Military Lands Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Armstrong John 17 3 4 371 508

Bennett Elisha 17 3 4 33 56

Bennett Henry 2d 17 3 4 65 111

Bartholomew Benjn 17 3 4 540 1110

Bennett Elisha 17 3 4 130 267

Bennett Henry 17 3 4 35 144

Carter Jonas 17 3 1 175 959

Curtiss John 17 3 1 180 1336

Cox William 17 3 1 112 614

Curtiss Marcus 17 3 1 272 2463

Carpenter Elisha S. 17 3 1 100 274

Clauson Daniel 17 3 1 46 79

Copeland Eleaser 17 3 1 81 167

Clauson Richard 17 3 2 18 25

Campbell Chester 17 3 2 178 244

Campbell David 17 3 2 50 68

Decker John 17 3 4 124 170

Decker Richard 17 3 4 41 56

Edwards Elijah 17 3 2 50 68

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 65)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 65)


[page 65]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 62 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 6 Genoa Township Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Goldsbary Sylvanus 17 3 2 196 267

Garrard Jeptha D. 17 3 2 500 685

Goodwin Alanson 17 3 2 100 137

Hall William 17 3 1 180 986

Hough Sylvester 17 3 1 197 740

Hills Timri 17 3 1 74 101

Harrold John 17 3 4 235 645

Hogeland James 17 3 4 75 103

Jones James 17 3 1 39 65

Keeler Diadatus 17 3 1 147 301

Linnabary Joseph 17 3 1 80 164

Lane Daniel 17 3 1 108 307

Linnabary Henry 17 3 1 20 41

Lindenberger John 17 3 2 80 110

Moreton Henry 17 3 4 195 199

Mullen Thomas 17 3 4 88 151

McLeod John 17 3 4 512 1403

Murray William 17 3 4 372 1274

Munn Stephan B. 17 3 2 532 1099

Same 17 3 2 532 1098

Same 17 3 2 270 365

Same 17 3 2 270 365

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 66)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 66)


[page 66]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 63 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 6 Genoa Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Pelton Johnson 17 3 1 100 548

Philbrick Joseph 17 3 2 137 188

Pinney John H 17 3 2 50 68

Pinney Sylvester 17 3 2 20 27

Preston James 17 3 2 50 68

Parker James 17 3 3 4000 8220

Roberts John 17 3 1 106 581

Same 17 3 1 133 364

Rutherford John 17 3 1 1 1

Rodgers Philemon 17 3 1 46 79

Rodgers Byxbe 17 3 1 7 16

Roberts Hesekiah 17 3 1 406 2225

Roberts William J 17 3 2 50 68

Smith David 17 3 1 188 1030

Smith Alexander 17 3 1 182 1018

Smith Ralph 17 3 1 88 455

Smith William 17 3 1 58 318

Sebring Elizabeth 17 3 4 100 103

Sheeks Christopher 17 3 4 90 185

Smith Samuel 17 3 4 270 185

Sebring Obadiah 17 3 4 100 240

Sebring Josiah 17 3 4 75 205

Sebring Francis 17 3 4 72 197

Sebring Phebe 17 3 4 30 68
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 67)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 67)


[page 67]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 64 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 6 Genoa Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Sullivant Lucas 17 3 2 300 685

Teets Abraham 17 3 4 50 34

Vanfleet George 17 3 2 50 68

Vandorn Gilbert 17 3 4 24 26

Williams Hosea 17 3 1 49 67

Williams William 17 3 1 114 625

Williams Mary 17 3 1 191 132

Williams Thomas 17 3 1 131 718

Weeks Barak 17 3 1 100 205

Same 17 3 1 36 197

Same 17 3 2 53 73

Weeks Gilbert 17 3 1 36 197

Same 17 3 2 53 73

Wells Abraham 17 3 2 60 55

Young Andrew 17 3 2 50 68

Same 17 3 2 21 29

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 68)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 68)


[page 68]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 65 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.6 Genoa Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Bennett Henry 1 40 2 16

Bennett Isaac 1 40 2 16

Bennett Elijah 1 40 1 8

Bennett Elisha 1 40 1 8

Carpenter James 3 24

Carter Jonas 1 40 5 40

Carter Lewis 1 40

Curtiss John 2 80 7 56

Cox William 3 120 3 24

Curtiss Marcus 3 120 15 120

Carpenter Elisha L. 1 40 2 16

Copeland Eleazer 2 80 4 32

Clauson John 2 16

Clauson Daniel 2 80 3 24

Clauson Richard S. 2 16

Clauson Jacob 2 16

Clauson John 1st 2 80 2 16

Chever Nathan 6 48

Decker Elisha 2 80 1 8

Decker John 1 40 1 8

Decker Richard 1 40 1 8

Eagleberger Albright 1 40 1 8

Edwards Eli 3 24

Goldsburg Sylvanus 6 48

Gardner Marguis 5 40

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 69)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 69)


[page 69]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 66 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.6 Genoa Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Hough Sylvester 2 80 6 48

Hogeland James 2 80 2 16

Hall William 6 48

Jenkins David 2 80 1 8

Keeler Diadatus 3 120

Lyman Oliver 1 8

Linnabary Joseph 2 80 4 32

Linnabary William 2 16

Lane Daniel 2 80 3 24

Missner John 1 8

Mahaffey Mathew 2 80

McLeod John 2 80 6 48

McCutcheon 2 80 1 8

Mullin Thomas 1 40 4 32

Mullin John 1 40 3 24

Miller Eleanor 3 24

Philbrick Joseph 1 8

Pitt John 3 120 2 16

Pelton Dolly 2 80 2 16

Pinney Comfort 3 24

Preston James 1 40 1 8

Roberts Hezk Estate 2 80 5 40

Roberts Hezekiah 4 32
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 70)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 70)


[page 70]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 67 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.6 Genoa Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Roberts John 2 80 4 32

Rutherford John 1 8

Roberts M. 3 24

Smith William 2 80 3 24

Smith Daniel 1 8

Sebring William 1 40 1 8

Sebring Francis 2 16

Sebring Josiah 1 40 3 24

Sebring Obediah 2 80 2 16

Sheeks Elizabeth 1 40 1 8

Sharp Cornelius 2 80 6 48

Sebring Elizabeth 2 80 1 8

Sheeks Nicholas 1 40

Smith Alexander 2 80 4 32

Smith Polly 2 16

Smith Ralph Estate 2 80 2 16

Shaw Sargent 4 32

Teets Abraham 2 16

Tippe Conrad 2 80 2 16

Vantasel Margaret 2 16

Vantasel Henry 2 16

Woolever David 3 24

Weeks Lucy 3 24

Weeks Barak 2 80 2 16

Williams Thomas 3 120 4 32

Williams William 2 80 7 56
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 71)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 71)


[page 71]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 68 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.6 Genoa Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Wells Abraham 1 40 3 24

Wells Bazel 2 16

Rogers Byxbe Jr. 3 24

Rogers Philemon 5 40

Rogers Byxbe 4 32

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 72)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 72)


[page 72]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 69 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 7 Harlem Township being township No. 5 in the 16th Range of the United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Adams John 16 3 3 79 162

Adams David 16 3 5 97 137

Adams Evy 16 3 3 50 68

Adams John 2nd 16 3 3 163 336

Archer Lord E. 16 3 4 50 68

Adams Evy 16 3 3 50 68

Adams Rulif 16 3 2 55 1/2 75

Same 16 3 2 55 1/2 75

Archer Lord E. 16 3 4 33 32

Budd Nicholas 16 3 3 51 86

Budd John Jr. 16 3 3 165 340

Budd Eli 16 3 3 100 205

Budd John 16 3 3 125 258

Budd William 16 3 3 100 205

Byxbe Moses 16 3 3 505 1037

Same 16 3 3 206 423

Billings James 16 3 3 86 162

Budd Benjamin 16 3 4 100 1 37

Same 16 3 4 50 68

Bennett Daniel 16 3 3 165 226

Bell John 16 3 3 100 171

Cook Benajah 16 3 3 395 812

Cook Benajah S. 16 3 3 125 258

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 73)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 73)


[page 73]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 70 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 7 Harlem Township Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Clark Elijah 16 3 3 11 23

Cockrell Elizabeth 16 3 2 74 101

Same 16 3 2 40 55

Cockrell Edward 16 3 2 50 68

Culhbert Thos 16 3 2 1000 1027

Collins Jedediah 16 3 1 99 68

Davidson Benjamin 16 3 3 100 205

Dixon Ambrose 16 3 4 14 19

Same 16 3 4 18 25

Delashmut Elias S. 16 3 4 4 5

Evans John 16 3 4 100 137

Fancher William 16 3 3 250 514

Same 16 3 3 50 103

Fancher William Jr. 16 3 3 150 308

Fancher Samuel 16 3 3 150 608

Fancher Henry 16 3 3 138 284

Fairchild Benjamin M. 16 3 3 175 359

Fairchild Sherman 16 3 3 152 312

Green Nathaniel 16 3 2 625 636

Herrick Septimus 16 3 3 55 114

Harris William & Thos. 16 3 3 75 129

Same 16 3 4 60 82

Hatch Jonathan 16 3 4 68 93

Hatch Nathaniel 16 3 4 60 82
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 74)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 74)


[page 74]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 71 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 7 Harlem Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Hatch Waterman 16 3 4 50 68

Hatch Barney 16 3 4 50 68

Hanover John 16 3 4 200 274

Jones William 16 3 2 20 27

Jones Samuel 16 3 2 80 110

Kelly Henry 16 3 2 500 514

Keeler Diadatus 16 3 2 35 36

Lytle William 16 3 4 46 63

Same 16 3 4 41 56

Same 16 3 4 36 52

Linnabary Joseph 16 3 2 26 36

Lamb Reuben 16 3 3 250 377

Macomber Jeremiah 16 3 4 34 47

Main John 16 3 4 90 123

Macomber Jeremiah 16 3 4 29 40

Myers Lawrence 16 3 2 37 51

McLeod John 16 3 4 10 14

Same 16 3 4 36 49

Same 16 3 4 30 41

Needles Archibald C. 16 3 4 100 137
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 75)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 75)


[page 75]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 72 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 7 Harlem Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Porterfield Robert 16 3 4 200 274

Patrick Joseph 16 3 1 100 68

Pettibone Hector D. 16 3 1 400 411

Roberts John 16 3 4 30 41

Steward James 16 3 3 50 68

Sawyier Nathaniel 16 3 4 200 274

Selden Charles 16 3 2 900 925

State of Ohio 16 3 4 11 16

Same 16 3 4 5 7

Thompson Joseph C. 16 3 2 120 123

Turner James 16 3 2 128 127

Taylor James 16 3 4 200 274

Same 16 3 4 200 274

Same 16 3 4 100 137

Same 16 3 4 100 137

Same 16 3 4 200 274

Same 16 3 4 300 411

Same 16 3 4 100 137

Taylor & Kirk 16 3 4 200 274

Same 16 3 4 200 274

Unknown Owner 16 3 1 2016 2071

Same 16 3 4 35 48

Same 16 3 4 10 14

Same 16 3 4 89 122
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 76)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 76)


[page 76]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 73 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 7 Harlem Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Vansycle John 16 3 1 60 41

Williamson John 16 3 1 6 4

Wickizer Abraham 16 3 4 300 411

Wickizer Conrad 16 3 4 100 137

Wildman Daniel 16 3 4 32 44

Williamson John 16 3 1 1319 1355

Williams William 16 3 2 175 176

Same 16 3 4 20 27

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 77)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 77)


[page 77]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 74 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.6 Harlem Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Adams David 2 80 3 24

Adams David Jr. 1 40 2 16

Adams John Q. 2 80 4 32

Archer Lord E. 1 40 4 32

Adams John 5 40

Adams Rulif 5 40

Adams Evy 3 24

Budd John Jr. 3 120 6 48

Budd Eli 1 40 1 8

Budd William 4 160 3 24

Billings James 1 8

Budd Benjamin 2 80 3 24

Budd Nicholas 2 80

Bennett Daniel 2 80 8 64

Blance Elem 1 40 1 8

Bennett Ira 1 40 2 16

Clark Elijah 1 40 2 16

Cook Benajah S. 1 40 4 32

Cook Benajah 3 120 3 24

Clark John 3 24

Cockrell Edward 1 40 2 16

Cockrell Elizabeth 1 40 2 16

Dixon Ambrose 1 40 6 48

Davidson Benjamin 5 48

Dilley Deriel J. 2 16

Fancher William Jr. 1 40 4 32

Fancher Samuel 1 40 5 40
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 78)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 78)


[page 78]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 75 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.6 Harlem Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Fin George 2 80

Firby Amos 2 80 3 24

Fancher Henry 3 24

Fairchild Benj ell 4 160 12 96

Fairchild Sherman 2 80 4 32

Fancher William 3 120 6 48

Herrick Septimus 1 40 3 24

Hatch Jonathan 3 24

Hatch Nathaniel 4 32

Hatch Waterman 4 32

Hanover John 2 80 3 24

Harris William 3 120 2 16

Harris Thomas 1 40 2 16

Hatch Alfred 3 24

Johnson Harris 1 40 1 8

Jones William 3 24

Jones Samuel 3 24

Jones Samuel Sr. 4 32

Linnabary Joseph 4 32

Larned William 3 24

Medford Charles 2 80 3 24

Needles Arch. C. 2 80 3 24

Rogers James 2 16
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 79)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 79)


[page 79]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 76 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.6 Harlem Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Smith Caleb 1 8

Spurgeon Amos 3 120 3 24

Stewart James 4 32

Wickizer Abraham 1 40 2 16

Wickizer Conrad 1 40 2 16

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 80)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 80)


[page 80]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 77 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 8 Harmony Township being township No. 7 and Fractional Township No. 8 in the 16th Range and the east

half of township No. 7 in the 17th Range of the United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Antill Edward 17 7 1 50 34

Same 17 7 2 200 137

Same 17 7 2 200 137

Armstrong John 17 7 4 21 14

Alward Samuel 16 7 2 200 137

Same 16 7 2 200 137

Ambler Peter 16 7 2 300 205

Buck Edmund 16 7 2 86 71

Buck Gideon 17 7 1 23 19

Bohn & Slinghuff 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Bush Lewis 17 7 4 15 15

Same 17 7 4 7 7

Same 17 7 4 16 16

Bartlett Jesse 16 7 2 100 68

Same 16 7 2 100 68

Same 16 7 2 100 68

Beale N. & Jas. Taylor 16 7 4 55 37

Beard John 17 7 1 50 37

Same 17 7 1 50 60

Collins Benjamin 17 7 1 45 47

Cole Stephen 17 7 4 100 68

Collins Jedediah 17 7 4 49 33
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 81)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 81)


[page 81]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 78 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 8 Harmony Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Collins Jedediah 17 7 4 19 19

Same 17 7 4 10 10

Collins Daniel H. 17 7 4 76 77

Same 17 7 4 100 103

Same 17 7 4 74 77

Canada Asher 16 7 2 71 48

Carver Addison 16 7 2 29 20

Collins John A. 17 7 4 13 9

Doughty Stephen 17 7 4 60 62

Same 17 7 4 25 26

Ellison Andrew 17 7 4 150 203

Fleming Isaac 17 7 4 45 47

Gray Ebenezer 17 7 1 50 41

Gibbs Caleb 16 8 4 100 68

Same 16 8 4 100 68

Same 16 8 4 200 137

Gontor John 17 7 4 12 8

Gawings John 16 7 2 100 68

Hubble Shadrack 17 7 4 42 43

Same 17 7 1 5 5

Hance Thomas 17 7 1 50 34

Hayes Newton 16 7 2 50 34

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 82)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 82)


[page 82]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 79 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 8 Harmony Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Hutt Nimrod 17 7 4 100 68

Hubble Shadrack 17 7 1 27 22

Same 16 6 2 37 25

Hull James 17 7 1 20 14

Jones David 17 7 1 50 34

Kingman Joseph 16 7 2 8 1/2 59

Kerr John 17 7 1 50 41

Keller Samuel 16 7 2 300 205

Leeman Nathaniel 17 7 1 50 50

Lawrence Joseph 16 8 3 64 44

Leonard Byron 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Little William 16 7 4 300 205

Martin Benjamin 17 7 1 30 20

Messenger Madison 16 8 3

Massara Lyons 16 7 2 63 43

Meeker David 16 6 2 8 23

Messinger Madison 17 7 1 28 19

McClary Silas C. 16 8 3 275 188

Mason Edward 16 8 3 39 26

Same 16 8 4 20 14

Same 16 8 3 61 42

Mills Peter 17 7 4 22 14

Moore Emery 17 7 4 59 41

Montgomery Samuel 17 7 4 100 103

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 83)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 83)


[page 83]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 80 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.8 Harmony Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Montgomery Samuel 17 7 4 100 103

Same 17 7 4 13 13

Myers Lawrence 17 7 4 11 7

Same 17 7 4 44 31

Milton John 16 7 4 70 48

Same 16 7 4 70 48

Same 16 7 4 60 41

Munn Stephen B. 16 7 4 100 68

Moore Emery 16 7 2 100 68

McConica James 17 7 4 60 41

Same 17 7 4 24 16

McClary Silas C. 16 7 2 100 68

Parker Thomas 17 7 4 300 205

Parker Tho./Accomac/ 17 7 4 25 17

Patton John 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 200 137

Patrick Joseph 16 8 4 49 33

Same 16 8 4 89 61

Same 16 7 2 100 68

Pettibone Milo D. 16 7 2 50 34

Pettibone Hector D. 16 7 2 65 44

Pierce John 17 7 1 33 27

Quinn James 17 7 4 200 137

Reed Nathan 16 8 4 300 205

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 84)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 84)


[page 84]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 81 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH

No. 8 Harmony Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Ruff John 16 7 2 200 137

Same 16 7 2 200 137

Same 16 7 2 200 137

Roloson Cornelius 16 7 2 100 68

State of Ohio 16 7 2 100 68

Same 16 8 3 64 44

Same 16 8 3 36 24

Same 17 7 4 110 75

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 200 137

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Stinar William 16 7 2 80 55

Stephen A. heirs of 17 7 1

Spiker Peter 16 8 4 62 43

Smith Jacob 16 8 4 100 68

Same 16 8 4 100 68

Stovenow Frederick 16 7 2 200 137

Salter Thomas 16 7 4 100 68

Smith George 16 7 4 38 27

Taylor James 16 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 1 50 51

Same 17 7 1 50 34

Same 16 7 4 200 137

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 85)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 85)


[page 85]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 82 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 8 Harmony Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Taylor James 16 7 4 200 137

Same 16 7 4 200 137

Same 16 7 4 200 137

Same 16 7 4 200 137

Same 16 7 4 200 137

Same 16 7 4 100 68

Same 16 7 4 100 68

Same 16 7 4 19 13

Same 16 7 4 45 31

Trittle David 17 7 4 16 11

Talbert Silas 17 7 1 17 14

Thomas Sally 16 7 2 35 24

Taylor & Robinson 16 7 4 200 137

Taylor Obediah 17 7 4 88 60

Vanhorn Isaac 17 7 1 72 49

White Paul 17 7 1 100 70

Walker Alexander 16 8 4 100 103

Worthington Thomas 16 8 4 113 1/2 155

Worthington James T. 16 7 4 30 20

Same 16 7 4 30 20

Same 16 7 4 40 27

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 86)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 86)


[page 86]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 83 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.8 Harmony Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Buck Edmund 3 120 3 24

Birns George 2 80 3 24

Creamer William 1 40 2 16

Carter William 2 16

Collins Benjamin 1 40 4 32

Davis William 4 32

Doughty Stephen W. 4 32

Doughty Stephen 3 24

Foss Timothy 4 32

Geaunt John 1 40 2 16

Gardner Marquis 1 40 3 24

Heading Samuel 2 16

Hubble Shadrack 2 80 3 24

Kingman Joseph 1 40 7 56

McCrara James 4 32

McCracken Charles 1 40 1 8

McConica James 3 24

Nutt Ashley C. 3 24

Pierce Taban 4 32

Stinar William 2 80 5 40

White Paul 1 40 3 24

Walker Alexander 2 80 3 24

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 87)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 87)


[page 87]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 84 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 9 Kingston Township being township No. 5 in the 17th Range United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Anway George Jr. 17 5 4 136 233

Anway James 17 5 4 59 101

Atherton Rufus 17 5 1 150 205

Anderson James 17 5 1 83 114

Anderson Samuel 17 5 1 100 103

Blackman Ira 17 5 4 100 240

Benedict Benjamin 17 5 4 150 251

Bartlett Abner 17 5 4 33 1/2 45

Brown John 17 5 4 173 296

Beach Israel 17 5 4 100 103

Carney James 17 5 1 156 214

Curtis Carlos 17 5 4 134 322

Coykendall Harmon 17 5 4 30 52

Carney Thomas 17 5 4 160 219

Carney James 17 5 4 50 85

Carter Jonas 17 5 4 18 37

Drake Elias 17 5 4 50 85

Elderkin Lathrop 17 5 2 290 310

Esdell Edward 17 5 4 1 4

Finch Isaac 17 5 1 112 1/2 15

Finley William 17 5 1 77 105
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 88)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 88)


[page 88]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 85 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 9 Kingston Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Finley Samuel 17 5 1 100 103

Finch Daniel 17 5 1 53 92

Same 17 5 4 53 92

Gold William 17 5 4 100 205

Gaston William 17 5 1 122 126

Gaston James 17 5 1 119 3/4 122

Hess George 17 5 4 189 322

Hillman Mary 17 5 4 21 36

Hodgden Rich. H. 17 5 4 117 200

Hall John 17 5 4 42 73

Same 17 5 4 60 82

Hestwood John 17 5 1 127 130

Kerr John 17 5 4 115 1/2 158

Same 17 5 4 235 403

Lott Leonard 17 5 4 109 150

Lott Joseph 17 5 1 59 81

Lott John 17 5 1 25 34

Lott Zephaniah 17 5 1 154 211

Little William 17 5 2 200 137

Miesner George 17 5 4 3/4 4
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 89)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 89)


[page 89]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 86 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 9 Kingston Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

McLaughlin Alex 17 5 4 143 1/4 243

McMurray John 17 5 2 80 55

Miller John 17 5 2 591 607

Patrick Joseph 17 5 4 47 81

Page William 17 5 1 170 233

Potter Gilbert 17 5 1 105 108

Potter Joseph 17 5 1 154 211

Porter Jonah 17 5 1 77 105

Painter George 17 5 2 360 247

Pettibone Milo D. 17 5 2 100 103

Rosecrans Daniel 17 5 4 91 218

Rosecrans Abraham 17 5 4 93 192

Rosecrans Jacob C. 17 5 4 108 222

Rosecrans Jacob 17 5 4 104 178

Richards Cornelius 17 5 4 100 205

Rosecrans Isaac 17 5 1 100 137

Stanbery Jonas 17 5 1 100 101

Same 17 5 1 101 102

Same 17 5 1 101 102

Same 17 5 1 96 97

Same 17 5 1 91 92

Same 17 5 1 102 103

Same 17 5 1 27 27

Same 17 5 1 98 99

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 90)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 90)


[page 90]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 87 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 9 Kingston Township Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Stanbery Jonas 17 5 1 84 85

Sharp & Boyd 17 5 1 156 214

Stark James 17 5 4 100 240

Stark Almon 17 5 4 138 237

Salter Thomas 17 5 3 3646 2501

State of Ohio 17 5 2 160 160

Taylor Daniel 17 5 4 72 148

Taylor Nathan 17 5 4 50 86

Taylor Ira 17 5 4 50 68

Todd William H. 17 5 2 1724 1760

Vansycle John 17 5 4 185 316

Vansycle Peter 17 5 4 235 563

Same 17 5 1 50 68

Same 17 5 3 125 258

Vansycle Cornelius 17 5 1 52 71

Vanemons Johns 17 5 2 100 103

Wynkoop Garret

White William 17 5 1 100 103

White David 17 5 1 120 123

White John 17 5 1 286 301

Wigton Thomas W. 17 5 1 102 140

Waldron Cornelius 17 5 4 50 34

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 91)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 91)


[page 91]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 88 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.9 Kingston Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Anway James 1 40 5 40

Anway George Jr. 2 80 2 16

Anway George 1 40 5 40

Anderson Samuel 3 24

Benedict Benjamin 6 48

Bartlett Abner 2 16

Brown John 2 80 6 48

Blackman Ira 1 40 3 24

Brown Valentine 2 80 4 32

Beach Israel 1 40 2 16

Carney Thomas 2 80 4 32

Chase Eliphalet 3 120 2 16

Chase John 1 40 1 8

Chase Susan 1 40 1 8

Coykendall Harmon 2 80 2 16

Curtis Carlos 2 80 5 40

Carney James 4 32

Craig James 1 40 1 8

Decker Moses 2 16

Drake Elias 4 32

Estall Edward 1 40 1 8

Findley Samuel 2 16

Finch Isaac 2 80 3 24

Findley William 1 40 3 24

Finch Ira 5 40
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 92)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 92)


[page 92]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 89 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.9 Kingston Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Gould William 2 80 3 24

Gaston William 2 80 3 24

Gaston James 1 8

Hall John 3 120 2 16

Hodgden Rich. H. 1 40 2 16

Hodgden Charles 3 24

Hess George 3 120 11 88

Hestwood John 1 40 1 8

Killpatrick Halse 1 40 1 8

Lott Leonard 2 80 4 32

Lott Henry 1 8

Lott Zephaniah 1 8

Lott Joseph 2 80 2 16

Miesner George 2 16

McMurray John 1 40 3 24

Porter Jonah 2 80 2 16

Potter Gilbert 1 40 2 16

Page William Jr. 1 40 1 8

Page William 6 48

Rosecrans Jacob 2 80 3 24

Richards Cornelius 2 80 3 24

Rosecrans Abraham 2 80 4 32

Rosecrans Jacob C. 2 80 3 24

Rosecrans Daniel 2 80 1 8
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 93)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 93)


[page 93]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 90 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No.9 Kingston Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Rosecrans Dan. Jr. 2 80 2 16

Rosecrans Isaac 3 120 4 32

Rogers Amos 1 40

Readman Reuben 1 40 2 16

Steward White 1 40 7 56

Stark Almon 2 80 3 24

Stark James 1 40 8 64

Taylor Nathan 3 120 2 16

Taylor Ira 7 56

Taylor Daniel 2 80 7 56

Taylor Obediah 2 16

Tainer John 4 32

Vandwender Cornelius 2 16

Vansycle Cornelius 3 24

Vansycle Peter 3 120 7 56

Vansycle John 3 120 7 56

White William 1 40 2 16

White David 1 40 2 16

White John 2 80 6 48

Woodcock Cornelius 4 32

Wigton Thos W. 1 40 3 24

Waldron Cornelius 8 64

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 94)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 94)


[page 94]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 91 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 10 Liberty Township being township No. 3 and the South half of Township No 4 in
the 19th Range and a part of

the 3rd quarter of the 3d township in the 18 Range of the United States Military

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Andrews Timothy 19 3 4 107 147

Blinn John 19 4 4 80 219

Bradley Ira 19 3 4 5 14

Bartholemew Benj 19 3 4 100 308

Buel David 19 3 4 170 666

Bacon Anna 19 3 4 50 48

Barker Simeon 19 3 4 33 1/3 90

Same 18 3 3 30 205

Barker Peter 19 3 4 33 1/3 90

Same 18 3 3 73 500

Carpenter Ira 19 4 3 100 68

Same 19 4 3 25 18

Collins Stephen 19 4 3 200 137

Same 19 4 3 70 48

Cole Ichabod 19 4 4 100 171

Carpenter James 19 4 4 200 645

Clark Charles 19 4 4 207 567

Crookshank George 19 4 4 500 1199

Cronkleton William 19 4 4 200 685

Cronkleton Samuel 19 4 4 200 685

Cronkleton Joseph 19 4 4 200 685

Case Ralph 19 4 4 85 233

Same 19 3 4 633 741
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 95)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 95)


[page 95]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 92 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 10 Liberty Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Case Martin 19 3 4 65 426

Case Nathan 19 3 4 60 82

Case George 19 3 4 50 137

Case Titus 19 3 4 50 137

Case Watson 19 3 4 50 48

Case Ira 19 3 4 200 137

Cellar Thomas 19 3 1 430 1644

Cellar Robert N 19 3 1 470 1644

Cellar John F 19 3 1 458 1644

Cellar George 19 3 1 500 1644

Cellar James 19 3 1 511 1644

Cellar Joseph 19 3 1 480 1644

Carpenter Hannah 19 3 1 370 1096

Carson Samuel 19 3 2 909 1867

Carpenter Nathan 19 3 4 100 137

Clark David 19 3 4 100 103

Clark Harvey 19 4 3 100 103

Dunham Jonathan 19 4 3 65 45

Dixon Miron 19 3 4 20 55

Fenley Samuel 19 3 3 606 356

Goodrich Ebenser 18 3 3 39 467

Same 19 3 4 70 192

Gillus James 19 3 1 400 1370

Gorton Silas C. 19 4 3 39 37

Gillett Elijah 19 3 4 50 171

Goddard Moses 19 3 4 148 406

Goodrich Timothy 19 3 4 100 137

Griswold John 19 3 4 100 274
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 96)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 96)


[page 96]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 93 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 10 Liberty Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Hamilton Archibald 19 4 3 100 103

Hardin Isaac 19 4 4 47 pt 81

Humphrey Lemuel 19 3 4 7 3/8 92

Humphrey Dorcas 19 3 4 97 133

Humphrey Aaron C. 19 3 4 20 27

Hills Willard 19 3 4 30 62

Hinton Seaborn 19 3 4 60 1105

Hall Thomas B 19 4 3 35 24

James Thomas 19 3 2 1564 2143

Joslin Jonas 19 3 4 105 308

Kilbourn Hezekiah 19 4 4 73 249

Lawrence John B. 19 3 4 105 144

Myers William 19 4 3 100 68

Munro Lemuel F. 19 4 4 120 411

McKinnie Josiah 19 3 1 400 1096

Moses Salmon 19 3 4 33 1/2 45

Morgan Daniel 19 4 4 147 1/2 201

Noble Jonathan 19 3 4 100 137

Noble James 19 3 4 33 45

Same 19 3 4 115 158
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 97)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 97)


[page 97]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 94 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 10 Liberty Township Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Patten William 19 4 3 50 68

Same 19 4 3 106 145

Powers Lucy 19 4 4 73 249

Pinney Abner P. 19 3 4 100 137

Pinney Abner H. 19 3 4 100 323

Parker James 19 3 4 200 274

Same 19 3 4 100 137

Same 19 3 4 100 259

Same 19 3 4 100 103

Perry William 19 3 4 22 31

Payne Chas. C. 19 3 4 41 55

Pierce James 19 3 4 50 48

Richardson Ralph 19 4 4 100 342

Rathbone John 19 4 3 2000 1370

Riley John 19 4 3 100 137

State of Ohio 19 4 3 200 139

Sweetser William 19 4 4 100 171

Stanborn Chas 19 4 3 370 250

Stanborn Jonas 19 4 4 890 2439

Stanborn Jonas & Wm 19 3 3 3087 9006

Suan & Shannon 19 4 4 248 1027

Same 19 4 4 125 171

Starling Linn 19 4 4 247 677

Sage Joseph 19 3 4 118 163

Stovne John 19 4 3 100 68
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 98)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 98)


[page 98]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 95 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 10 Liberty Continue Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Thomas David 19 4 3 50 34

Same 19 3 4 215 884

Thomas James 2nd 19 4 3 100 103

Thomas James 19 3 4 40 55

Taylor James 19 3 4 1000 685

Tuller Roswell 19 3 4 80 209

Tuller Sarah 19 3 4 40 55

Same 19 3 4 52 142

Thomas Abel 19 3 4 33 65

Tillinghast Pardon 19 4 3 100 103

Welch Bildad 19 4 3 100 60

Same 19 4 3 9 6

Welch Frederick C. 19 4 3 50 34

Welch Isaac 19 4 4 100 308

Wiley J. C. 19 4 4 33 114

Waggoner John 19 3 1 30 82

Watson William 19 3 4 85 308

Welch Isaac 2nd 19 4 3 50 68

Zimmerman Henry 19 4 4 25 50

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 99)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 99)


[page 99]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 96 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 10 Liberty Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Arrison Jeptha 1 8

Andrews Timothy Jr 2 80 2 16

Andrews Timothy 4 32

Burrell James 3 24

Bartholomew Benj 4 32

Butterfield James 4 32

Bartholomew Milton 1 40 3 24

Buell Philaster G. 4 32

Bradley Ira 1 8

Buell Horace J. 2 80 5 40

Bacon Anna 2 16

Beardman Jeremiah 2 16

Blinn John 1 40 2 16

Bruce Anslum 2 80 2 16

Cruikshank George 3 120 7 56

Carpenter James 8 64

Cole John 2 80 2 16

Cellar Robert M 1 40 3 24

Cellar John F 2 80 2 16

Cellar George 1 40 3 24

Cellar James 1 40

Cellar Joseph 1 40 1 8

Cellar Thomas 1 40 4 32

Cellar Joseph 1 40 1 8

Case Watson 1 40 4 32

Carpenter Nathan 1 40 11 88

Case Timothy 2 16

Case Roswell 3 24

Case Martin 1 40 5 40
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 100)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 100)


[page 100]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 97 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 10 Liberty Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Crippen John 2 80 1 8

Cope Joseph 2 80 2 16

Cromwell Peter 2 80 3 24

Case Titus 2 80 7 56

Case Ralph 2 80 12 96

Clark Samuel 1 40 6 48

Clark Charles 1 40 9 72

Cronkleton Samuel 1 40 3 24

Cronkleton Mary 2 80 6 48

Cole Ichabod 1 40 4 32

Clark David 1 40 2 16

Dutcher John B. 2 16

Dixon Miron 2 80 2 16

Fisher Mary 2 16

Gillis Jeremiah 2 16

Gillis James 2 80 6 48

Goodrich Price 4 32

Goodrich Ebenezer 1 40 6 48

Gardner Josephine 1 40 3 24

Holbrook Barak 1 40 3 24

Hardin John 1 40 3 24

Hardin Samuel 1 40 3 24

Hyde Joseph 2 16

Humphrey Dorcas 1 40 6 48

Humphrey Lemuel 2 80 4 32

Humpling Aaron C 1 40 2 16

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 101)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 101)


[page 101]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 98 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 10 Liberty continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Hills Willard 4 32

Hall Thomas B. 1 40 4 32

Hardin James 8 66

Hamilton Archibald 2 80 1 8

Harter Andrew 2 80 3 24

Hardin Isaac 1 40 5 40

Joslin Jonas 6 48

King Pompey 2 80 1 8

Lowry Andrew 2 80 3 24

Lowry John 1 40 1 8

Munro Leonard 1 40 1 8

Munro Lemuel F 1 8

Morgan Daniel 2 80 1 8

Moses Salmon 1 40 6 48

McKinnie Josiah 4 160 5 40

Noble John 6 32

Pasea Stoddard 1 40 2 16

Powers Lucy 4 32

Payne Anslin 1 40 1 8

Parks Jotonathan 3 24

Payne Eber C. 2 80 5 40

Pinney Abner P. 2 16

Pinney Abner H 1 40 2 16

Patten William 1 40 5 40
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 102)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 102)


[page 102]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 99 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 10 Liberty continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Patten Isaac 4 32

Roderick Jacob 3 120 2 16

Thomas James 1 40 1 8

Tuttle Almon 1 40 1 8

Thomas Poley 1 40 1 8

Thomas Salmon 2 16

Tuller Rosewell 5 40

Thomas James 2 80 2 16

Travis Robert 1 40 3 24

Welch Isaac 2 80 6 48

Waggoner John 3 24

Zimmerman Henry 1 8

89 3560 307 2456
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 103)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 103)


[page 103]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 100 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 11 Marlborough Township being township No. 7 and the North half of Township No
6 in the 19th Range of the United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Aldrich Josiah 19 7 4 40 55

Armstrong John H 19 7 3 46 36

Same 19 7 3 90 63

Same 19 7 3 300 205

Andrews Ebeneser 19 7 2 200 276

Same 19 7 2 60 82

Brundige William 19 7 4 155 625

Brundige Nathaniel 19 7 4 150 411

Same 19 7 3 47 1/3 147

Same 19 7 3 3 16

Brown Henry 19 7 3 296 406

Barber John 19 6 2 100 103

Casey Robert 19 7 3 1000 3625

Clark Elihu 19 6 1 4 8

Case Best Barber & Ely 19 6 2 2000 1435

Campbell Robert 19 6 1 1032 2120

Campbell Samuel 19 6 1 1850 2505

Case John 19 6 1 50 68

Case Thomas F 19 6 1 20 27

Same 19 6 2 30 21

Same 19 6 2 50 36

Case Farrin 19 6 2 140 175

Same 19 6 1 21 29

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 104)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 104)


[page 104]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 101 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 11 Marlborough Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Case Farin 19 6 2 50 36

Coldren Nehemiah 19 7 4 166 147

Curran Joseph 19 7 4 80 110

Drake William S. 19 7 2 100 792

Same 19 7 3 49 33

Davis Silas 19 6 1 38 52

Dodds Andrew 19 7 1 100 103

Dunkleberger Frederick 19 7 4 40 55

Femie Daniel 19 7 4 11 15

Gillett Joseph Jr 19 6 2 263 167

Gillett Joseph 19 6 2 652 667

Gillett Amasa 19 6 2 202 138

Gillett Orcamus 19 6 2 100 68

Hull Nathaniel 19 7 3 93 255

Same 19 7 1 26 51

Same 19 7 3 35 96

Same 19 7 4 59 81

Same 19 7 4 16 17

Same 19 7 1 65 61

Hamar Jacob 19 7 4 96 139

Joy Solomon 19 6 1 50 86

Justus Elisabeth 19 7 4 63 86
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 105)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 105)


[page 105]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 102 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 11 Marlborough Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Justice Elisabeth 19 7 4 140 192

Jones John 19 7 3 120 411

Same 19 7 2 100 276

Kirk David 19 6 1 16 19

Kirk George 19 7 4 83 114

McLaughlin Alex 19 7 3 153 210

Same 19 7 1 31 63

McCay Jesse 19 7 4 160 219

Miller Philip 19 7 4 86 82

Mattox Christopher 19 7 4 160 219

McWilliams Samuel 19 7 4 160 219

Munson Mishall 19 7 4 40 55

Moses John 19 7 4 100 137

Moses Jacob 19 7 4 160 166

Moreton Joseph 19 7 3 384 1/4 266

Plumb Merlin 19 6 1 50 68

Porter Elijah 19 7 3 51 171

Phipps Jacob 19 7 4 83 114

Pettibone Hector D 19 7 3 95 130

Rich George 19 7 4 80 110

Reed Horace 19 6 1 200 411

Russell Daniel L. 19 6 1 93 3/4 137

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 106)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 106)


[page 106]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 103 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 11 Marlborough Township Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Sharp William T. 19 6 1 60 164

Smith James 19 6 1 50 68

Shaffer John C. 19 7 1 70 192

Stroud Andrew 19 7 1 110 301

Shaffer Henry 19 7 3 169 656

Spalding Noah 19 7 1 100 103

State of Ohio 19 7 1 100 103

Same 19 7 1 29 60
[crossed out]

Smith Henry 19 6 1 131 179

Taylor Joel 19 5 1 62 58

Same 19 6 2 238 163

Tarboss Isaac 19 7 6 160 219

Unknown Owner 19 7 3 190 128

Vanhorn Thomas 19 7 3 35 96

Worline John 19 6 1 820 959

Welch Aaron 19 7 3 129 85

Same 19 7 4 149 204

Wilcox Hiram 19 7 3 95 1/3 592

Same 19 7 4 129 353

Wyatt Samuel D. 19 7 3 40 310

Same 19 7 3 76 203

Wyatt Nathaniel 19 7 3 70 192

Wyatt Ann 19 7 3 80 1019

Wilcox Jehiel 19 6 2 100 205

Same 19 7 4 40 55

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 107)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 107)


[page 107]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 104 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 11 Marlborough Township Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Woodward William 19 7 3 264 181

Wesson Joseph 19 7 4 103 141

Welchans John 19 7 4 50 68

Welch Dennis 19 6 1 20 27

Welch David 19 6 1 30 41

Williams Benjamin 19 7 4 160 219

Wilcox Phinchs B 19 6 1 1 2

Same 19 6 1 25 34

Welch Luthur 19 6 1 48 68

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 108)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 108)


[page 108]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 105 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 11 Marlborough Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names Value Including Blds.

Brown Thomas 6

Same 10

Brundige Nathaniel 8

Same 16

Kilbourn James 8

Same 24

Same 18

Same 15

Same 12

Same 8

Same 8

Same 10



Munro Alonso




Same 10
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 109)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 109)


[page 109]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 106 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 11 Marlborough Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names Value Including Blds.

Scribner Samuel


Same 10

Spalding Micah 16

Unknown Owner 32

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 110)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 110)


[page 110]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 107 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 11 Marlborough Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Ayres Catharine 2 16

Brundige Elisabeth 2 80 5 40

Birges David 6 48

Barber John 2 16

Brundige John 2 80 8 64

Crawford Paul 1 40 1 8

Curran Joseph 2 80 6 48

Cummins Francis 2 16

Case Farin 2 80 17 136

Case Thomas 1 40 5 40

Case John N 2 16

Davis Silas 2 16

Drake William S. 8 320 13 104

Gillett Joseph 1 40 3 24

Gillett Joseph 2 16

Gillett Amasa 1 40 2 16

Hull Luff S. 1 8

Hull Nathaniel 6 48

Jones John 3 120 3 24

Justice Elisabeth 2 80 3 24

McCartney William 2 16
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 111)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 111)


[page 111]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 108 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 11 Marlborough Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Myers Jacob 1 40 1 8

Miller Thomas 2 16

Munson Marshall 2 80 6 118

Moses John 3 120 4 32

Moses Henry 1 40 1 8

Mattox Isaiah 1 40 1 8

Miller Philip 1 40 2 16

Mattox Christopher 3 120 2 16

Olmsted Aurora 1 40 2 16

Plumb Merlin 2 16

Phipps Jacob 1 40 5 40

Reed John 1 40 3 24

Russell John 1 40 2 16

Russell D.L. 1 8

Smith James 2 16

Sharp William 2 80 7 56

Spalding Abel 2 16

Scribner Samuel 1 40 5 40

Scribner Salmacius 1 40 1 8

Shaver Henry 2 80 8 64

Smith David 1 40 1 8

Search John 1 40 3 24

Strong Andrew 1 40 2 16

Shaver John A 1 40 2 16

Taylor Joel 2 80 10 80
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 112)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 112)


[page 112]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 109 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 11 Marlborough Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Tarboss Isaac 1 40 9 72

Welch Dennis 1 8

Welch David 1 40 2 16

Worline John 2 80 4 32

Worline Jacob 2 80 3 24

Welch Luther 1 40 3 24

Wyatt Nathaniel 2 80 6 48

Welchans John 2 80 3 24

Wesson Joseph 1 40 10 80

Williams Samuel W. 1 40 2 16

Wilcox Hira 2 80 2 16

Wyatt Samuel D. 2 80 3 24

Wilcox Jehial 2 80 4 32

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 113)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 113)


[page 113]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 110 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 12 Oxford Township being the 1st 2nd & 3rd Quarters of the 6th township in the
18th range and the 2nd quarter of the 6th Township and 18th Range of the United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Aldrich Timothy 18 6 2 117 160

Aldrich William 18 6 2 51 52

Aldrich Isaiah 18 6 2 56 38

Bishop Elisha 18 6 2 98 1/3 169

Clark Elihu 18 6 2 53 73

Clark James 18 6 2 122 126

Foust Henry 18 6 2 50 52

Same 18 6 2 25 36

Foust David 18 6 2 50 52

Foust Abraham 18 6 2 65 111

Hite Michael 18 6 2 200 274

Jones Robert 18 6 2 200 362

Jones Daniel 18 6 4 813 558

Kirk David 18 6 2 25 34

Knapp Cyrus 18 6 2 75 75

Lewis George 18 6 2 1620 1665

McWilliams James 18 6 4 261 165
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 114)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 114)


[page 114]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 111 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 12 Oxford Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Olds Ezra 18 6 2 75 155

Pugh David 18 6 4 262 166

Potter Amos 18 6 4 103 105

Remson Henry 18 6 2 210 137

Rathbone John 18 6 3 4000 2740

Riley John 18 6 4 125 129

Riley Henry 18 6 4 200 205

Stanbery Jonas 18 6 2 818 836

Smith Chloe 18 6 2 50 52

Schencki William F 18 6 4 333 656

State of Ohio 18 6 4 129 89

Winsor Adin 18 6 2 150 256

Whipple Reuben 18 6 4 103 105

Same 18 6 4 916 607

Wilson Samuel 18 6 4 658 314

Waters Hugh 18 6 4 148 203

Wolf Henry 18 6 4 98 134

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 115)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 115)


[page 115]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 112 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 12 Oxford Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Aldich Timothy 3 24

Aldich Isaiah 1 40 3 24

Brown Robert 6 48

Bishop Elisha 2 80 2 16

Cole Calvin 1 40 7 56

Cleveland Silas H 4 32

Cleveland Jedediah 4 32

Cole Joel 8 64

Chadwick Joseph 1 40 2 16

Crooks George 4 32

Clark Isaac R. 4 32

Claypool William 3 120 3 24

Claypool George 1 40 2 16

Clark Elihu 1 40 6 48

Dennis David 1 40 1 8

Foust Henry 3 24

Forrester Peter 2 16

Foust Abraham 1 40 4 32

Jones Robert 1 40 3 24

Kirk George 4 32

Knapp Cyrus 1 40

McWilliams James 4 160 3 24

McGonigle Joseph 1 40 1 8
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 116)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 116)


[page 116]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 113 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 12 Oxford Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Olds Ezra 2 80 1 8

Phelps Levi 2 16

Potter Alva 1 40 1 8

Russell James 2 16

Russell Syorell 2 16

Riley Henry 2 80 1 8

Riley John 1 40 2 16

Slack John 2 80 2 16

Smith Simeon 1 40 5 40

Smith Elisha 7 56

Smith Nehemiah 4 32

Shearman John 1 40 3 24

Slack Ralph 2 80 2 16

Shoemaker Adam 4 32

Smith Elijah 1 40 8 64

Waters Hugh 1 40 6 48

Winsor Adin 3 120 10 80

Wornstaff Daniel 1 40 2 16

Wing Abner 1 40 3 24

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 117)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 117)


[page 117]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 114 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange being Township No 3 in the 18th range United States Military Lands
except much of the 3rd quarter ashes west of the Whetstone River

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Incl. House

Black Dave 18 3 1 106 290

Black Marshall 18 3 1 100 362

Barrows Nathaniel W. 18 3 1 196 670

Barrows Orrin 18 3 1 90 308

Bennett Isaac 18 3 1 61 85

Bennett James 18 3 1 55 75

Bile Samuel 18 3 4 50 205

Beach Samuel 18 3 2 66 113

Barker Simon 18 3 2 66 90

Bennett Henry 18 3 1 114 195

Campbell Chester 18 3 1 75 282

Clark Satchel 18 3 1 80 276

Chambers Cyrus 18 3 1 80 192

Campbell David 18 3 1 15 82

Case Truman 18 3 2 50 83

Canine John 18 3 2 100 137

Cummins John 18 3 2 50 88

Cummins Joshua 18 3 1 110 188

Cummins Waters 18 3 1 50 85

Cline Henry 18 3 2 50 103

Dudley Ambrose 18 3 1 860 2302

Dewolf James 18 3 2 300 666

Same 18 3 2 220 301

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 118)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 118)


[page 118]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 115 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Dewolf James 18 3 3 3700 7903

Eaton Stephen S. 18 3 2 157 269

Ferson James 18 3 1 88 301

Ferson Samuel 18 3 1 88 301

Ferson John 18 3 1 44 151

Ferson Paul 18 3 1 44 151

Fancher Joshua A 18 3 2 50 85

Fenner Jeremiah 18 3 2 20 46

Gooding George 18 3 2 250 514

Same 18 3 3 50 103

Goodrich John 18 3 2 15 136

Gooding Gamaliel 18 3 2 100 205

Griswold Ezra 18 3 2 137 234

Humphrey Lemuel 18 3 2 51 69

Johnson John 18 3 2 84 115

Kingon Samuel 18 3 2 100 171

Loch Jesse 18 3 4 50 205

Ludlow Israel 18 3 1 610 562

McLeod Thomas 18 3 1 50 119

Maynard Moses 18 3 2 276 567
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 119)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 119)


[page 119]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 116 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Nettleton John 18 3 1 58 171

Pool Simeon 18 3 2 325 556

Patterson Samuel 18 3 1 122 257

Patterson David 18 3 1 84 201

Pettibone Milo D. 18 3 1 65 221

Pinney Levi 18 3 2 66 113

Roberts David Jr 18 3 2 46 79

Reed Thomas 18 3 2 90 153

Reed Horace 18 3 4 1900 3904

Root Sylvester 18 3 2 50 103

Sachet Milton 18 3 1 220 603

Smith Daniel 18 3 1 80 274

Sullivant Lucas 18 3 1 55 75

Same 18 3 1 55 190

Same 18 3 1 210 575

Same 18 3 1 140 384

Smith P. Jenkins 18 3 4 2000 4110

Sheets P. Nelson 18 3 1 66 110

Stanberry Recompense 18 3 2 213 364

Taylor Washington 18 3 2 50 69

Thomas David 18 3 2 34 69

Thompson William 18 3 2 195 401

Topping John 18 3 2 100 205

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 120)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 120)


[page 120]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 117 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Topping [illegible] 18 3 2 67 138

Tinkham Joseph 18 3 1 75 282

Vroman Adam 18 3 1 10 21

Vining William 18 3 2 51 69

Same 18 3 2 200 411

Wilcox Phineas B. 18 3 2 95 196

Wells Chester 18 3 2 133 278

Williams William F. 18 3 2 136 230

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 121)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 121)


[page 121]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 118 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle

Barrows Nathaniel W. 3 120 5 40

Barrows Orrin 1 40 6 48

Black Marshall 2 80 5 40

Black George W. 5 40

Black Nathan 2 16

Bennett James 1 8

Bennett John 2 16

Bennett Isaac 2 16

Bennett Henry 2 80 1 8

Bile Samuel 1 40 1 8

Clark Satchel 4 32

Campbell Chester 2 16

Cummins Joshua Jr 4 32

Chambers Cyrus 7 56

Case Truman 6 48

Canine John 4 160 7 56

Cummins John 2 16

Cummins Waters 4 32

Eaton Stephen S. 1 40 4 32

Ferson John 9 72

Ferson Paul 1 40 7 56

Ferson Samuel 5 40

Ferson James 7 56

Faulkner Thomas 2 80 2 16

Faulkner Joshua Jr 2 80 4 32

Gooding George 3 120 19 152
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 122)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 122)


[page 122]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 119 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle

Goodrich Price 6 48

Joslin James 1 40 1 8

James William 3 120 40 320

Johnson John 1 8

Kingon Samuel 1 40 7 56

Loch Prince 3 24

McCloud Thomas 1 8

Nettleton John 1 40 3 24

Norton Lucy 4 32

Patterson Samuel 4 32

Patterson David 5 40

Peel Joseph 4 32

Reed Thomas 2 80 3 24

Roberts Henry 1 8

Roberts David 2 16

Sacket Guy 2 80 2 16

Smith George N 1 40 1 8

Sacket Milton H. 4 160 2 16

Smith George N. 1 40 1 8

Sacket Milton H. 4 160 2 16

Skeel Nelson 1 40 4 32

Tinkham Joseph 1 8

Tinkham Abel 3 24

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 123)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 123)


[page 123]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 120 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle

Williams Edward 1 40 3 24

Williams William F. 3 24

Williams Horace 1 8

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 124)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 124)


[page 124]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 121 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Township being Township No 6 in the 17th Range US Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Agard Noah 17 6 3 59 60

Benedict Aaron 17 6 1 96 132

Benedict Adin S. 17 6 1 33 45

Benedict Reuben 17 6 1 180 247

Benedict Martha 17 6 1 43 56

Benedict William 17 6 1 101 138

Buck Andrew 17 6 1 99 136

Bunker Isaac 17 6 1 362 1/2 248

Champlin Jesse 17 6 3 101 138

Chase John 17 6 3 63 64

Clark Jonathan 17 6 3 100 68

Dagget Otis 17 6 3 62 1/2 64

Dagget Israel 17 6 3 64 88

Dayton Jonathan 17 6 3 757 515

Dillingham Micajah 17 6 1 50 36

Dillingham John 17 6 1 95 66

Devoy David 17 6 4 144 1/4 119

Eaton Isaac 17 6 3 77 105

Eaton Joseph 17 6 3 86 59

Eaton David 17 6 3 84 56

Edgar William 17 6 4 2841 2335

Edgar Alexander 17 6 4 312 321

Earl Nathaniel 17 6 1 53 73

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 125)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 125)


[page 125]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 122 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Earl Amos 17 6 1 50 36

Flemming Henry 17 6 3 246 337

Flemming Isaac 17 6 3 182 124

Flatt Jonathan 17 6 3 52 71

Same 17 6 3 52 54

Gidley William 17 6 1 74 51

Gardner Robert 17 6 1 50 34

Gardner John 17 6 1 153 1/2 158

Hale Mathew 17 6 3 100 68

Heaverlo Barnet 17 6 3 134 92

Heaverlo Stapleford 17 6 3 66 45

Heaverlo William 17 6 3 166 1/2 79

Keese John 17 6 1 33 45

Keene Joseph 17 6 1 100 137

Keene Hannah 17 6 1 100 137

Keene Hannah 2nd 17 6 1 200

Lee Asa 17 6 2 84 58

McLaughlin Nicolas 17 6 3 61 42

Mosher Gershom 17 6 1 40 27

Osborn Daniel 17 6 1 44 61

Osborn David 17 6 1 389 533

Potter Asahel 17 6 3 94 97

Potter A [crossed out]
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 126)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 126)


[page 126]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 123 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Root Lenoz 17 6 3 75 75

Root Spafford 17 6 3 50 34

Riley John 17 6 3 50 34

Randolph James F. 17 6 4 135 185

Same 17 6 4 149 204

Same 17 6 4 150 205

Russell Richard 17 6 1 123 169

Redman James 17 6 1 147 101

Smith Isaac 17 6 3 182 124

Sacket Augustine 17 6 3 100 137

Smith Solomon S. 17 6 3 84 115

Smith Jira 17 6 1 166 227

Sharp & Boyce 17 6 1 140 96

Stanburg Jonas 17 6 1 200 137

Same 17 6 1 200 137

Same 17 6 1 100 68

Thatcher John 17 6 3 47 64

Same 17 6 2 30 21

Vandevener Jacob 17 6 3 117 160

Vanderzer Abraham 17 6 3 117 121

Wright William 17 6 3 64 66

Whipple Reuben 17 6 3 100 103

Same 17 6 3 14 38

Whipple Barton 17 6 4 79 3/4 64

Wood Daniel 17 6 1 33 45

Same 17 6 1 80 110

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 127)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 127)


[page 127]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 124 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names In What Town Value Including Blds.

Clark Nathan Napoleon 6

Dagget Israel " 3

Same "
Same 18

Eaton Joseph 5

Flemming Isaac " 4

Files Solomon B 5

Flemming Henry 4

Hale Mathew 4

Kilbourn James 10

McMillin John 6

Murphy James 4

McCutcheon John 4

Osborn Daniel

Root Orlin 4

Thatcher George 6

Willard Dustin 5

Williams Edward 5

Whipple Reuben 15

Whipple & Kilbourn 24

Same 24

Same 20

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 128)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 128)


[page 128]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 125 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names In What Town Value Including Blds.

Whipple & Rilbourn Napoleon




Same 24

Same 24

Same 24

Same 24



Same 3




Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 129)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 129)


[page 129]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 126 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Agard Noah 1 40 2 16

Benedict Martha 5 40

Benedict John 3 24

Benedict Aain 1 40 2 16

Benedict Aaron L 1 40 2 16

Benedict William 3 120 7 56

Benedict Reuben 1 40 5 40

Buck Andrew 6 48

Cole John 7 280 9 72

Carpenter Abney 3 24

Clark Nathan 1 40 4 32

Champlin Jesse 2 80 5 40

Dagget Otis 3 24

Dillingham John 3 120 7 56

Dillingham Micajah 1 40 4 32

Dutton David 5 200 10 80

Earl Nathaniel 4 32

Earl Amos 7 56

Eaton Joseph 4 32

Eaton David 1 40 1 8

Flemming John 4 32

Flemming Isaac 2 80 2 16

Flemming William 1 40 3 24

Flemming Henry 2 80 2 16
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 130)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 130)


[page 130]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 127 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Gardner John 1 40 7 56

Gardner Robert 6 48

Gidley William 2 80 4 32

Hale Mathew 1 40 3 24

Heaverlo Barnet 2 16

Heaverlo Stapleford 1 8

Haverlo William 5 40

Kune Joseph 1 40 6 48

Lancaster Benjamin 1 40 2 16

Lee Asa 2 80 2 16

McLaughlin Nicolas 1 8

Morehouse Stephen 2 80 12 96

Morehouse Daniel 1 8

Morehouse Caleb 5 40

Morehouse James C. 4 32

Osborn Aaron 1 40 1 8

Osborn David 2 80 6 48

Potter Asahel 3 120 7 56

Russel Richard 2 80 7 56

Randolph Cornelius 2 80 1 8

Randolph James 5 40

Root Lenas 6 48

Root Stafford 5 40

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 131)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 131)


[page 131]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 128 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Riley Joseph 1 40 6 48

Smith Ira 2 80 6 48

Sacket Augustine 1 40 2 16

Steinbeck John 2 80 7 56

Thatcher Jonathan 2 80 3 24

Vanawender Jacob 5 200 3 24

Vanduser Alonso 3 120 10 80

Whipple Barton 2 16

Wood Daniel 3 120 10 80

Whipple Reuben 2 80 7 56

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 132)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 132)


[page 132]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 129 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Township being Townships No 5.6.& 7 in the 20th Range of the US Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Adams Elijah 20 6 2 200 411

Barry Lawrence 20 7 3 100 177

Same 20 7 3 100 172

Same 20 7 3 100 274

Same 20 7 3 100 117

Same 20 7 3 100 171

Boyd William 20 5 1 200 342

Byxbe & Dayton 20 5 4 2596 3557

Cryder Henry 20 7 3 118 122

Crattey Robert 20 7 3 100 103

Cox John 20 6 4 94 137

Same 20 6 4 114 156

Cox Joseph 20 6 4 59 81

Same 20 6 4 59 81

Chidlow Mary 20 6 4 100 171

Campbell Duncan 20 6 4 250 171

Cadwallader David 20 6 4 50 82

Same 20 7 4 100 103

Cooper Samuel 20 5 1 165 520

Cronkleton Joseph 20 5 1 200 274

Chase Juda 20 5 4 100 205

Cadwallader John 20 6 4 55 32

Claypool Abraham 20 6 3 300 660

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 133)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 133)


[page 133]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 130 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Dayton Jonathan 20 7 3 200 548

Same 20 7 3 200 173

Same 20 7 3 100 171

Same 20 7 3 100 171

Same 20 6 1 3000 2055

Same 20 7 4 3037 2080

Davis David 20 6 2 200 342

Same 20 6 2 100 205

Davis Elisabeth 20 6 3 100 274

Dungan Thomas 20 6 3 100 103

Same 20 6 3 100 205

Davis James 20 6 3 100 137

Dildine Ralph 20 5 1 240 411

Dunlap Joseph 20 5 1 290 996

Same 20 5 1 910 1558

Dudley Ambrose 20 6 2 200 342

David Sylvanus 20 5 1 100 205

Flemming Henry C 20 6 3 100 205

Foos John 20 6 4 100 68

Foos Valentine 20 6 4 50 64

Same 20 6 1 50 51

Fillian Nancy 20 5 4 150 44

Gallant James 20 5 1 125 171

Hardy Elisha 20 6 1 825 848

Hinton Seaborn 20 6 3 15 15

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 134)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 134)


[page 134]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 131 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Hushaw Philip 20 5 1 200 342

Herbert Benjamin 20 5 1 100 171

Hull Benjamin 20 5 4 100 171

Jones David G. 20 6 4 90 353

Jones Thomas 20 6 4 100 171

Jenkins Isabella 20 6 4 100 171

Same 20 5 4 100 240

Jones John B 20 6 4 80 107

Jones Elisabeth 20 6 4 51 32

Jones John 20 6 4 133 364

Jones Thomas 20 6 4 55 32

Keplar Abraham 20 6 2 73 200

Keplar Mary Ann 20 6 1 50 68

Same 20 6 4 50 82

Kyle Hugh 20 6 4 100 171

Karshner Jacob 20 6 2 100 171

Ludwick Thomas 20 6 4 100 137

Morehouse Samuel 20 6 1 75 51

McIntosh Lachum 20 6 2 310 479

Same 20 6 2 200 548

Same 20 6 2 200 548

Same 20 6 2 200 616

Same 20 6 2 100 308

McHenry James 20 5 2 100 171

Same 20 5 2 100 308

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 135)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 135)


[page 135]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 132 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

McHenry James 20 5 2 100 274

Same 20 5 2 100 308

Minter Valentine 20 6 4 100 171

Morton Thomas 20 6 4 82 140

Munter John Jr. 20 5 1 100 171

McKinnie John 20 5 1 339 581

Same 20 5 1 346 356

McKinnie Robert 20 5 1 213 364

McSwain Robert 20 5 4 200 548

Moore Christopher 20 6 4 50 34

Munday Presley 20 6 3 88 151

Mason Samuel 20 7 3 120 126

Pugh Elisabeth 20 7 3 122 84

Pugh David 20 6 2 100 240

Same 20 6 4 50 34

Same 20 6 4 100 68

Same 20 6 4 50 58

Same 20 6 4 50 34

Same 20 6 4 100 137

Same 20 6 4 100 103

Same 20 6 4 100 103

Same 20 6 4 50 34

Same 20 6 4 123 126

Same 20 6 4 123 126

Same 20 6 4 123 126

Same 20 6 4 123 126

Patten Robert 20 6 3 300 822

Perry Robert 20 6 3 75 205

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 136)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 136)


[page 136]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 133 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Perry Henry 20 6 4 100 171

Same 20 5 1 100 171

Pendry William 20 5 1 125 171

Philips John 20 5 2 100 205

Pettibone Hector D. 20 6 3 80 82

Same 20 6 3 75 77

Pettibone Milo D. 20 6 4 58 39

State of Ohio 20 6 3 10 10

Sulivant Lucas 20 6 4 42 29

Same 20 6 4 50 34

Salter Thomas 20 6 4 100 171

Strong Daniel 20 5 1 100 171

Smith Sarah 20 5 1 3 5

Smith Samuel W. 20 5 1 97 166

Smith Henry 20 5 1 100 68

Taylor Obed 20 5 1 200 274

Talbert John 20 6 2 100 103

Same 20 6 2 100 103

Same 20 6 2 100 240

Taggart Joseph 20 6 3 100 171

Taggart Jos (Trustee) 20 6 3 100 103

Wasson Mains 20 6 2 27 74

Wason James 20 5 1 200 342

Wood Stephen 20 7 3 100 68
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 137)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 137)


[page 137]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 134 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Watson Joseph 20 6 3 50 137

Watkins William 20 6 4 30 41

Same 20 6 4 20 27

Woefley Mary 20 6 4 100 171

Watkins Watkin 20 6 4 100 137

Watkins John 20 6 4 100 171

Warren Thomas 20 6 4 114 195

Warren Robert 20 6 4 100 171

Same 20 6 4 50 86

Watkins Roger 20 6 4 123 126

Unknown Owner 20 6 2 100 168

Same 20 6 2 100 103

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 138)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 138)


[page 138]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 135 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle

Adams Elijah 2 180 6 48

Boyd William 3 120 9 72

Cooper Samuel 4 160 3 24

Cummins James 2 80 3 24

Conkleton John 2 16

Chidlaw Mary 1 40 1 8

Cox John 2 80 4 32

Cox Joseph 1 40 3 24

Cadwallader John 4 32

Cratty Samuel 1 40

Cratty Robert 4 32

Cadwallader David 2 80 4 32

Campbell Duncan 2 80 1 8

Crow George 1 40 3 24

Davis David 2 80 1 8

David Sylvanus 1 40 1 8

Dunlap Joseph 4 160 10 80

Dildine Ralph 3 120 12 96

Davis John C 1 40 2 16

Davis John 1 40 1 8

David David 2 80 3 24

Davis Robert 1 40 8 64

Evans Edward 2 80 1 8

Evans John 1 40 2 16

Fillian Nancy 3 120 3 24
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 139)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 139)


[page 139]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 136 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Flemming Henry C. 2 80 4 32

Fairchild George 2 16

Foos Valentine 2 80 3 24

Foos Jesse 1 40 1 8

Foos John 1 40 5 40

Flemming James 2 16

Gallant Mary 2 80 8 64

Griffiths David 1 40 2 16

Humphreys John 1 40 2 16

Herbert Benjamin 1 40 5 40

Henshaw Philip 2 80 4 32

Hardy Joseph T. 1 40 6 48

Irwin James 1 40 2 16

Jones John R 1 40 1 8

Jones John P 2 80 6 48

Jones David E 2 80 4 32

Jones John 1 40 3 24

Jones Thomas 3 120 5 40

Jones John 2 80 3 24

Keplar Benjamin 3 120 2 16

Kyle Hugh 2 80 4 32

Keplar Abraham 1 40 1 8

Lawrence David 1 40 4 32

Lloyd David 2 16
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 140)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 140)


[page 140]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 137 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle

Ludwick Thomas 2 80 6 48

McIlvain Robert 3 120 5 40

Minter John Jr 2 80 1 8

Minter John 2 80 6 48

McKinnie John 2 80 3 24

McKinnie Robert 2 80 2 16

Munday Presley 2 80 3 24

Marckley Aaron 2 80 5 40

Marckley Daniel 5 40

Marckley Esra 2 80 3 24

Moon [Moore] Christopher 2 80 3 24

McKinnie James 2 80 1 8

Morton Thomas 1 40 2 16

Nixon James 1 40 4 32

Phillips John 2 80 3 24

Perry Henry 6 240 8 64

Puch Elisabeth 2 80 2 16

Perry Robert 3 120 4 32

Perry Mary 2 80 6 48

Perry David 2 80 3 24

Peterson Daniel 2 80 2 16

Rodman John 1 40 1 8

Russell Hanson 1 40 1 8

Scribner Elias 2 80 7 56

Strong Horrace 1 40 4 32

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 141)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 141)


[page 141]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 138 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle

Taylor Obed 2 80 2 16

Thomas John E. 2 80 2 16

Waddle Alexander 2 80 1 8

Warrren Robert 2 80 6 48

Warren Thomas Jr 2 16

Warren Thomas 1 40 5 40

Watkins Evan 1 40 5 40

Wason James 2 80 7 56

Wason William 1 40

Wigle John 2 16

William Margaret 2 80 2 16

Watkins Watkin 3 120 4 32

Wolfley Mary 1 40 4 32

Williams Morgan 1 40 4 32

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 142)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 142)


[page 142]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 139 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 Sunbury Township being township No 4 in the 16th Range of the US Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Alexander Samuel 16 4 2 40 55

Alexander John 16 4 2 10 14

Bensley James 16 4 2 18 19

Beard Thomas 16 4 2 130 222

Bensley John 16 4 2 60 82

Carpenter Robert 16 4 2 235 241

Carpenter Samuel 16 4 2 77 132

Carver Addison 16 4 3 96 164

Cockrell Peter 16 4 4 65 178

Carpenter Lyman 16 4 4 50 103

Doty John H. 16 4 3 80 137

Edwards Eli 16 4 4 50 103

Edwards David 16 4 4 50 103

Fisher George 16 4 2 150 205

Finch Daniel 16 4 2 132 271

Galpin Ebenezer 16 4 2 95 130

Ginn John 16 4 4 86 236

Ginn James 16 4 3 101 138

Huff Owen 16 4 3 101 138

Huff James 16 4 3 58 103

Hanville John 16 4 3 50 68
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 143)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 143)


[page 143]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 140 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 Sunbury Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Howard Joseph 16 4 4 750 2312

Jones Francis C 16 4 3 372 620

Same 16 4 3 572 608

Same 16 4 3 20 21

Jones James 16 4 2 75 51

Jones Nathaniel 16 4 2 64 132

Lawrence Ephraim 16 4 2 214 440

Leake John 16 4 4 100 274

Lewis Robert 16 4 4 272 559

Lewis Robert Jr 16 4 4 50 103

McCoy Mary 16 4 2 90 185

Morrison Henry 16 4 3 128 219

Osborn David 16 4 2 138 237

Ogden Silas 16 4 3 100 171

Patrick Norman 16 4 3 17 29

Place John 16 4 2 32 33

Perfect William 16 4 2 200 274

Perfect John 16 4 2 50 68

Patrick Norman 16 4 2 69 95

Same 16 4 2 70 68

Same 16 4 3 36 49

Pierce Orange 16 4 3 101 173

Pierce Silas 16 4 3 81 111

Perfect Thomas 16 4 4 195 601

Roberts John 16 4 4 100 274

Rose Isaac H. 16 4 4 50 103

Rose Silas 16 4 4 60 103
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 144)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 144)


[page 144]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 141 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 Sunbury Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Ridgway William 16 4 4 86 236

Rogers Samuel 16 4 3 60 103

Stanberry Recompense 16 4 3 228 390

Spinning Isaac 16 4 2 1110 1902

Smith Isaiah M 16 4 2 118 122

Swallow Jacob 16 4 3 105 179

Smith William P 16 4 2 100 103

Thomas Michael 16 4 2 60 103

Thrasher Elisha 16 4 3 100 171


Taylor Nathan 16 4 2 120 82

Vandorn Gilbert 16 4 4 395 1082

Same 16 4 4 200 342

Vandorn Aaron 16 4 4 333 1/3 685

Wade Jonas 16 4 3 400 411

Same 16 4 3 200 205

Same 16 4 3 50 51

Same 16 4 3 50 51

Same 16 4 3 400 411

Same 16 4 3 400 411

Walker Cornelius 16 4 4 80 137

Williamson John 16 4 4 1105 3406

Walker Obediah 16 4 2 175 240

Wyrick George 16 4 2 87 119

Williamson John 16 4 2 200 411
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 145)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 145)


[page 145]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 142 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 Sunbury Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Young Jacob L. 16 4 3 50 68

Young Cornelius 16 4 3 25 34

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 146)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 146)


[page 146]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 143 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 Sunbury continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle

Bensley John 2 80 1 8

Bensley James 2 80 1 8

Bard Thomas 1 40 1 8

Burnett William 4 32

Butt Basil 1 40 2 16

Carver Samuel 1 40 2 16

Carver Addison 1 40 4 32

Cockrell Peter 2 80 1 8

Dota John H 1 40 4 32

Dunham Daniel 3 24

Edwards Thomas 2 16

Edwards Eli 3 24

Fine Fredrick 2 80 3 24

Finch Daniel 2 80 2 16

Ginn John 2 16

Greatraks Oliver 2 80 1 8

Gilpin Ebenzer 2 80 1 8

Ginn James 2 80 5 40

Howe Eber A 2 16

Huff James 4 32

Hanville John 6 48

Huff Owen 1 40 3 24

Jones Nathaniel 2 80 1 8
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 147)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 147)


[page 147]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 144 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 Sunbury continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Leake John 2 80 4 32

Lewis Robert 1 40 5 40

Lewis Robert Jr 1 8

Morrison Henry 1 8

McPill John 1 40

Northrup Harrington 5 40

Northrup John 3 24

Ogden Silas 1 40 1 8

Pray John 2 16

Patrick Norman 2 80 4 32

Perfect John 3 120 3 24

Perfect Middleton 2 80 3 24

Perfect William 1 40 3 24

Place John 1 40 2 16

Pierce Milton 1 40 2 16

Price Silas 6 48

Price Orange 1 40 5 40

Rose Isaac H. 1 40 3 24

Ridgeway William 2 80 1 8

Roberts John 1 8

Rutter Edmond 1 40 1 8

Swallow Jacob 4 32

Thatcher Elisha 4 32
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 148)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 148)


[page 148]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 145 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 Sunbury continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Thomas Mordecai 4 32

Vandorn Gilbert 3 120 8 64

Walker Alexander 3 24

Williamson John 1 40 4 32

Whitney Horace 2 16

Walker Cornelius 2 16

Young Jacob L. 3 24

Young Cornelius 4 32

Young Christian 2 16

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 149)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 149)


[page 149]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 146 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 17 Scioto Township being Survery Numbers 5868.5869.4068.2993.5447.4267.2994.4266.6031.

5095.3007.5326.3696.1493.5499.5500.5502.5501.4065.4070.3402.3008.3511. 835ac Sirgma
Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names Org Qty Orig Proprietors

Bagley Thomas 145 2/3 Thomas M Bagley

Same 1000 Wm B. Bunting

Ball Sachel 1120 E. Rickman

Bell Jesse Same Same

Bean George 860 Wm Groghan

Black William Same Same

Beard John 593 John Beard

Camron Samuel N 966 2/3 E. Gill

Crawford James W. Same Same

Crattey John 666 2/3 Wm Croghan

Crattey William Same Same

Carr Solomon 860 Same

Carr Amos Same Same

Dilsaver Michael 700 Gill & Mapie

Dodas William C. 1120 E. Rickman

Drumgood Edward 1500 E. Drumgood

Flannigan James 1120 E. Rickman

Gallant William 966 2/3 E. Gill

Graham John Richd 666 2/3 Wm Crogham

Same Same Same

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 150)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 150)


[page 150]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 147 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 17 Scioto Continued

Lands and Houses

Owners Names Org Qty Orig Proprietors Acres

Graham John Rich 1087 John Graham 580

Graham John W C Same Same 467

Hoskins Richard 966 2/3 E. Gill 150

Hushaw Philip Same Same 259

Same 1120 Same 100

Hodsden Stephen 400 John Clark 100

Hamlin Nathaniel 860 Wm Croghan 125

Jones John M. 966 2/3 E. Gill 300

Lawrence Joseph 666 2/3 Wm Croghan 263

Ligget James 860 Same 150

McCune James 966 2/3 E. Gill 150

Massie Henry 200 H Massie 120 1/2

Mason John G. 1110 Stols Mason 1110

Means Robert 1000 Robert Means 1000

Same 800 Same 800

Same 800 Same 800

McCune James 400 John Clark 200

Newhouse Anthony 1120 E. Rickman 145

North Zachariah 700 E. Gill 52

Osborn Ralph 860 Wm Croghan 106
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 151)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 151)


[page 151]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 148 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 17 Scioto Continued

Lands and Houses

Owners Names Org Qty Orig Proprietors

Payne Benjamin 700 E Gille

Paul James 1200 E. Richman

Same 500 John Barrett

Porter William 1120 E. Richman

Radford William 590 John Graham

State of Ohio 1358 Robert Evans

Same 1120 E. Richman

Smith Joseph P. 400 John Clark

Starling Lyne 671 Jarvin Miller

Same 640 Same

Shoup David 966 2/3 E. Gill

Smith Stuart Same Same

Stephen Nancy Same Same

Tyler Richard Same Same

Tyler Samuel Same Same

Williams Joseph 700 Same

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 152)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 152)


[page 152]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 149 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 17 Scioto Continued

Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Bean George 1 40 5 40

Black William 7 280 10 80

Beakley John 3 120 2 16

Cratty William Jr 1 40 2 16

Crattey James 1 40 2 16

Crattey William 1 40 3 24

Crattey John 2 80 3 24

Clemmons John 2 80 6 48

Camron Samuel N. 3 120 2 16

Crawford James W. 1 40 2 16

Carr Amos 3 120 3 24

Carr Solomon 2 80 3 24

Carr Benjamin 1 40

Dilsaver Michael 2 80 3 24

Decker Joseph 3 24

Dodds William C 2 80 2 16

Dodds James 2 80 3 24

Dodds Joseph 1 40 1 8

Evans John 1 40 1 8

Evans Thomas 1 40 2 16

Fleming Mathew 1 40 2 16

Flanigan James 1 40 6 48

Ferris Joshua 2 80 3 24

Gallant William 2 80 2 16
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 153)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 153)


[page 153]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 150 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 17 Scioto Continued

Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Hoskins Richard 4 160 9 72

Hodsden Stephen 1 40 2 16

Hamlin Charles H. 1 40 2 16

Hamlin Nathaniel 2 80 3 24

Hamlin John 2 80 2 16

Harper Jacob 1 40 2 16

Jones John M 1 40 4 32

Ligget James 2 80 7 56

Lawrence Joseph 2 80 3 24

McKune James 3 120 4 32

Mason Peter 4 32

Newhouse Anthony 2 80 7 56

Newhouse John 1 40 1 8

Porter William Jr 2 16

Porter William 1 40 2 16

Stephen Nancy 1 40 1 8

Shoup David 2 80 3 24

Smith Sarah 2 80 1 8

Smith Joseph P. 2 80 1 8

Said Jesse 3 120 4 32

Tyler Edward 2 80 3 24

Tyler Richard 2 80 5 40

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 154)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 154)


[page 154]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 151 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 17 Scioto Continued

Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Warrington John 1 40 1 8

Williams Dorothy 1 40 2 16

Wyle Robert 1 40 2 16

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 155)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 155)


[page 155]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 152 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 18 Thompson Township being Survey Numbers
7023.6129.6162.6136.6540.6128.6124.5095. Virginia Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names Org Qty Orig Proprietors

Brough John 400 Ches Morehead

Bowdish Samuel 2000 Jonathan Clark

Bowdish Elijah Same Same

Baum & Perry 1000 Same

Same 2000 Same

Same 2666 2/3 Same

Same 1645 Same

Bedinger Henry 800 H. Bedinger

Cooke Justin H. 400 Chas Mouhead

Cochran James 2666 2/3 Lou Clark

Crawford James N. Same Same

Carter William 1062 1/2 Wm Carter

Crouse John 823 John Crouse

Dilsaver John B. 2666 2/3 Jon Clark

Evans Thomas 6267 B. Claiborne

Fields Roswell 2666 2/3 Jon Clark

Harrison Cuthbert 100 Cuthbert Harrison

Hurd John 2666 2/3 Jon Clark

Hurford Henry 300 H. Massie

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 156)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 156)


[page 156]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 153 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 18 Thompson Continued

Lands and Houses

Owners Names Org Qty Orig Proprietors

Herr John 407 Taggart & others

Same 250 John Kerr

Landon Davis 1000 Jon Clark

Landon Cyre Same Same

Linsley Simeon 2666 2/3 Same

McLaughlin Alexr 444 J Tagggart & Others

Same 418 Same

Miller Jesse 280 Wm Pelham

Root Sylvester 800 H. Bedinger

Russell Daniel 2000 John Clark

Russell Joseph Same Same

Russell Hanson Same Same

State of Ohio 400 John Baird

Same 1062 1/2 Wm Carter

Same 666 2/3 I Taggart & Others

Same 100 Same

Same Same Same

Same 666 2/3 Same

Swartz Jacob 2666 2/3 Jon Clark

Stroud Samuel 800 H. Bringer

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 157)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 157)


[page 157]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 154 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 18 Thompson Continued

Lands and Houses

Owners Names Org Qty Orig Propritors

Tyler Samuel 2666 2/3 Jon Clark

Tipton John & Joseph 300 H. Massie

Weaver Samuel Same Same

Same & John & George Same Same

Walker Anthony 200 Rice Haggart

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 158)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 158)


[page 158]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 155 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 18 Thompson Continued
Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Bridge Bezaleel 2 80 2 16

Bowdish Elijah 1 40 6 48

Cochran James 2 80 3 24

Clark John 1 40 1 8

Cuberly Joseph 1 40 1 8

Dilsaver John 2 80 3 24

Dilsaver John B 1 40 3 24

Field Roswell 2 80 7 56

Hoskins John 3 120 6 48

Hurd John 2 80 2 16

Linsley Henry 2 80 4 32

Landon Cyre 2 80 8 64

Landon Darius 3 120 5 40

Marckley John 3 120 2 16

Minlen Cyrus 2 80 1 8

Russell John 3 24

Russell Daniel 2 80 1 8

Russell Joseph 2 80 6 48

Swartz Daniel 1 40 1 8

Swartz Jacob 2 80 6 48

Shoup Sebastian 1 40 2 16
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 159)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 159)


[page 159]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 156 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 18 Thompson Continued
Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Tyler Samuel 2 80 4 32

Waters Israel 1 40 10 80

Weaver Samuel 2 80 2 16

Weaver John 2 80 2 16

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 160)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 160)


[page 160]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 157 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 19 Troy Township being the North Half of the 5th township and the South half of
the 6th township in the 19th Range of the United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Aldrich Arnold 19 5 1 50 103

Byxbe Moses 19 5 1 220 603

Same 19 5 1 1377 2829

Cole Joseph 19 6 4 408 1797

Cline Henry 19 6 4 147 252

Crawford Oliver 19 6 3 160 219

Downing Samuel 19 6 3 160 219

Downing Andrew 19 6 3 115 170

Dix David 19 6 4 250 685

Duncan John 19 6 4 80 137

Foust David 19 6 4 26 33

Feaster George 19 6 4 40 55

Gill Thomas 19 5 1 125 171

Giffin George 19 6 3 160 219

Giffin John 19 6 3 117 160

Same 19 6 3 160 219

Hinton William 19 6 3 160 219
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 161)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 161)


[page 161]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 158 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 19 Troy Continued

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Hinton William 19 6 3 60 82

Hughs Joseph S. 19 6 3 160 219

Hinton Levi 19 6 4 81 111

Lytle William 19 6 4 262 1/2 718

Main Perez 19 5 1 45 123

Same 19 6 4 42 44

Mason Stephen B. 19 5 1 1139 2340

Martin Benjamin 19 5 1 50 68

Same 19 5 1 160 219

Same 19 6 4 80 110

Main Timothy 19 5 1 121 166

Same 19 6 4 100 137

Main Lyman 19 5 1 145 199

Main Sabeus 19 5 1 152 208

Main John 19 5 1 178 244

Same 19 6 4 80 110

Same 19 6 4 135 277

Main Eleazer 19 6 4 163 559

Main Jonas 19 6 4 76 1/2 130

Martin Henry 19 6 4 208 356

Norris James 19 6 4 75 103

Porter Robert 19 5 2 2000 1370

Porter William 19 5 2 2000 1370
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 162)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 162)


[page 162]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 159 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 19 Troy Continued

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Reed William 19 6 3 160 219

Sweetser Flavice 19 5 1 78 214

Taylor Homer 19 6 4 17 23

Taulman Harmenius 19 6 4 200 685

Terboss David 19 6 4 263 720

Vanleir Master & Wm 19 6 4 262 359

Wasson Mains 19 6 3 45 49

Weiser Frederick 19 5 1 100 274

Worline Adam 19 5 1 50 103

Wilcox Ira 19 5 1 54 148

Williams Elijah 19 5 1 56 77

Wilson John 19 6 4 181 248

Wilson Samuel 19 6 4 276 756

Wolf John & Samuel 19 6 4 149 204

Worline Henry 19 6 4 192 1/2 330

Wolf Daniel 19 6 4 20 27

Williams James 19 6 4 69 118

Worline John 19 6 3 108 148

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 163)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 163)


[page 163]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 160 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 19 Troy Continued
Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Aldrich Solomon 2 80 2 16

Aldrich Arnold 1 8

Carter Mary 1 40 3 24

Cole Joseph 1 40 8 64

Cline Henry 2 80 7 56

Dix David 2 80 8 64

Downing Samuel 2 80 5 40

Feaster George 1 40 1 8

Forest David 1 40 1 8

Gill Thomas 2 80 2 16

Gilpin Eli 2 80 4 32

Hinton William 2 80 3 24

Hinton Levi 4 32

Joy Solomon 1 40 3 24

Jones Elisabeth 1 40 4 32

Luellen Phillip 1 40 5 40

Main Jonas 1 40 5 40

Main Timothy 2 80 11 88

Main Lyman 1 40 4 32

Main John 2 80 8 48

Martin Benjamin 2 80 15 120

Main Sabeers 2 80 11 88
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 164)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 164)


[page 164]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 161 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 19 Troy Continued
Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Martin James 1 40 3 24

Main Eleasor 3 24

Main Perez 2 80 1 8

Main Thomas 2 16

Morris James 1 40 6 48

Rine Cyrus 2 80 2 16

Reed William Jr 1 40 2 16

Reed William 2 80 2 16

Stratton Isaac 1 40 4 32

Sweetser Earl 1 40 1 8

Terboss David 3 120 3 40

Thompson James 2 16

Taylor Homar R. 1 40 2 16

Williams Elijah 1 40 1 8

Wilson John 1 40 11 88

Worline Catharine 1 40 3 24

Wolf John 2 80 4 32

Willey Peter 2 80 2 16

Willey Henry 3 120 5 40

Worline Adam 1 40 3 24

Weiser Frederick 2 80 4 32

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 165)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 165)


[page 165]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 162 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 20 Westfield Township being township No 7 in the 18th Range and the west half of township

No 7 in the 17 Range of the United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Aldrich Timothy Jr 18 7 4 72 123

Anway George 17 7 2 68 47

Bierce Winslow 18 7 2 30 21

Baylor Walker 18 7 1 100 68

Same 18 7 1 100 103

Boude Thomas 18 7 1 51 88

Same 18 7 1 67 64

Same 18 7 1 39 34

Black Esther 18 7 4 96 132

Baird John 17 7 2 300 204

Baylor Walker 17 7 2 100 68

Cutshall Daniel 18 7 2 100 68

Creighton William 18 7 1 100 103

Collins John A. 18 7 2 99 66

Donaher John G. 18 7 1 100 103

Danforth Joshua 17 7 2 100 68

Elliott Elisabeth 18 7 4 126 173

Elliott John 18 7 4 120 205

Same 18 7 4 90 155

Earl Daniel 17 7 2 69 48
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 166)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 166)


[page 166]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 163 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 20 Westfield Continued

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Ells Edward 17 7 2 53 48

Same 17 7 2 15 15

Same 17 7 2 7 7

Foust John 18 7 4 70 96

Gray Ebenzer 18 7 1 400 411

Gray Thomas E. 17 7 2 54 56

Same 17 7 2 19 20

Gorton Silas C. 17 7 2 75 77

Huffman Joseph 17 7 2 100 68

Hill Nathaniel 18 7 1 100 103

Same 18 7 2 70 48

Howard Caleb 17 7 2 100 104

Same 17 7 2 100 103

Hill James 18 7 1 100 137

Same 17 7 2 29 21

Howard Caleb 17 7 2 100 103

Same 17 7 2 47 64

Kilbourn Hezekiah 17 7 2 100 68

Loup George 18 7 2 100 68

Martin Benjamin 18 7 1 44 60

Myers Martha 18 7 4 100 137

Mann Gideon 18 7 1 100 137

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 167)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 167)


[page 167]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 164 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 20 Westfield Continued

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

McAllister John 18 7 2 1 2

Millikan John 18 7 2 100 68

McClary Silas C. 18 7 1 240 158

Musser Daniel 18 7 4 90 153

Mitchel David 18 7 4 40 55

Murray Richard 18 7 2 100 68

Main John 18 7 2 100 68

Same 18 7 2 100 68

Meeker William 18 7 1 60 41

Price Stephen 18 7 1 100 68

Patrick Joseph 17 7 2 34 36

Same 17 7 2 70 73

Same 17 7 2 100 105

Pettibone Milo D. 17 7 2 178 174

Patterson John 17 7 2 100 103

Pettibone Hector 18 7 1 17 20

Pettibone Milo D. 17 7 2 25 26

Price John 17 7 2 32 22

Rhodes Dudley W. 18 7 1 100 103

Same 18 7 1 100 103

Ross John 18 7 1 9 15

Same 18 7 1 15 21

Stearns Isaac 18 7 2 100 68

Shaw Jonathan 18 7 2 100 68

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 168)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 168)


[page 168]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 165 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 20 Westfield Continued

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Shaw Jonathan 18 7 1 100 103

Shaw John 18 7 1 100 103

Shaw John Jr 18 7 1 100 103

State of Ohio 18 7 2 200 137

Same 17 7 2 100 68

Same 17 7 2 100 68

Same 17 7 2 100 68

Sprague Pardon 17 7 2 98 105

Same 17 7 2 69 48

Same 18 7 1 38 52

State of Ohio 17 7 2 31 22

Same 17 7 2 200 160

Tomlinson Joseph 17 7 2 75 77

Trindle James 18 7 4 150 258

Taylor William 18 7 4 50 86

Tuttle David 17 7 2 81 84

Williams Hosea 18 7 1 40 55

Same 17 7 2 100 104

Same 17 7 2 12 12

Same 17 7 2 2 3

Wilson John 17 7 2 2 1

Wheeland George 18 7 1 100 103

White Israel 18 7 4 100 171

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 169)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 169)


[page 169]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 166 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 20 Westfield Continued
Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Aldrich Timothy 1 40 4 32

Armstrong Joshua 2 80 2 16

Baker Ebenezer 2 16

Black Esther 1 40

Cooke David 4 32

Camp Benjamin 8 64

Clark William 3 24

Cutshall Daniel 1 40 4 32

Conklin Abraham 1 40 1 8

Conklin Jacob 2 80 3 24

Elliott John 1 40 5 40

Elliott Elisabeth 1 40 3 24

Foust John 6 48

Goodhue Josiah 8 64

Mann Gideon 6 48

Musser Daniel 2 16

Musser Daniel Sr 2 80 1 8

Mitchell David 1 40 3 24

Olds Benjamin 2 80 2 16

Peake Daniel 1 40 3 24

Payne [illegible] 4 32

Place Sulivant S. 1 40 4 32

Parsons Daniel 1 40

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 170)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 170)


[page 170]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 167 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 20 Westfield Continued
Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Patee Henry 1 40 7 56

Porterfield John 1 40 4 32

Smith Ebenezer 1 40 4 32

Smith Simeon 1 40 1 8

Shaw Jonathan 3 120 3 24

Shaw John Jr 1 40 4 32

Shaw John 2 80 8 64

Trindle James 3 120 3 24

Tibbits Thomas 4 32

Tillorson William B. 3 24

Washburn Miles 2 16

Washburn Henry 3 24

Washburn Zias B. 1 40 2 16

White Nancy 1 40 4 32

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 171)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 171)


[page 171]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 168 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 21 Brown Township being township No 5 in the 18th Range of the US Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Byxbe & Baldwin 18 5 3 1650 1490

Same 18 5 3 1244 1279

Burroughs Thomas 18 5 1 100 90

Baker Jacob Sr 18 5 1 114 160

Same 18 5 1 104 130

Cunningham Hugh 18 5 2 200 342

Cunningham Barnet 18 5 3 50 51

Cunningham William 18 5 3 50 51

Campbell David 18 5 3 250 342

Cowgill Thomas 18 5 1 100 250

Daggett Israel 18 5 1 100 150

Dodds Joseph 18 5 1 100 75

Eaton Isaac 18 5 1 100 250

[illegible] L.

Gaylord Eleazor 18 5 1 100 180

Griffiths Anthony L. 18 5 1 100 75

Lee Hugh 18 5 3 170 292

Lee James 18 5 3 170 292
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 172)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 172)


[page 172]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 169 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 21 Brown Continued

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Longwell James 18 5 1 100 150

Longwell Ezekiel 18 5 1 100 120

Leonard Joseph 18 5 1 100 70

Leonard Nancy 18 5 1 100 60

Same 18 5 1 100 75

Leonard Benjamin 18 5 1 100 40

Leonard Lenos 18 5 1 100 40

Flemming Isaac 18 5 1 100 75

Findley Andrew 18 5 1 100 75

Findley David F. 18 5 1 100 125

Findley Robert 18 5 1 100 150

McMasters Benjamin 18 5 1 100 100

Norton John L. 18 5 4 4000 6850

Oliver William 18 5 1 100 90

Robinson Millin 18 5 3 76 104

Randolph Nathan F. 18 5 1 100 90

Rice John 18 5 1 100 60

Rathbone John 18 5 2 4000 5480

Storm George 18 5 3 24 33

Smith Josiah M. 18 5 3 300 514

Strain Alexander 18 5 3 150 258

Sacket Elijah Jr. 18 5 3 50 68
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 173)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 173)


[page 173]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 170 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 21 Brown Continued

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Thurston Daniel G. 18 5 1 100 250

Thurston Joseph 18 5 1 100 100

White James 18 5 1 100 90

Same 18 5 1 100 90

White George 18 5 1 100 100

Waters John 18 5 1 100 100

Waters Bazel 18 5 1 100 120

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 174)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 174)


[page 174]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 171 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 21 Brown Continued
Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Bruce Daniel 5 40

Conklin Samuel 2 16

Cunningham Sarah 2 80 3 24

Cunningham William 2 80 3 24

Cowgill Thomas 2 80 4 32

Dagget Israel 3 24

Dickens Walter 1 40 1 8

Eaton Isaac 2 80 2 16

Findley Andrew 1 40 2 16

Gaylord Eleazor 4 32

Kensler John 1 40 1 8

Longwell Ezekiel 1 40 6 48

Leonard Genos 4 32

Lee Hugh 2 80 4 32

Lumbard Elizabeth 5 40

McMasters Benjamin 3 24

Palmer John 3 120 3 24

Root Genos 1 40 1 8

Root Joel 1 40 1 8

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 175)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 175)


[page 175]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 172 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 21 Brown Continued
Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Salmon John 1 40 1 8

Smith Josiah C. 2 80 10 80

Sacket Elijah 1 40 1 8

Strain Andrew 2 80 3 24

Thurston Daniel G. 3 120 4 32

Thurston Joseph 2 16

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 176)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 176)


[page 176]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 173 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 22 Porter Township being township No 5 in the 16th Range of the US Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Anway Abraham 16 5 2 175 144

Collins John A. 16 5 3 200 205

Clark James 16 5 2 139 190

Davis John Capt 16 5 3 300 308

Davis John 16 5 3 50 75

Duane William 16 5 3 150 103

Davis [illegible] 16 5 3 150 154

Edgar & Stanburg 16 5 2 900 925

Garrard Joptheh D. 16 5 2 900 1232

Holmes & Rainey 16 5 4 4000 2740

Harris Daniel 16 5 1 2000 1370

Jones Joshua 16 5 3 400 273

Lindenberger Christopher 16 5 2 100 137

Lindenberger George 16 5 2 91 125

Lindenberger Ebenzer 16 5 2 275 282

Lindenberger John 16 5 2 100 103
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 177)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 177)


[page 177]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 174 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 22 Porter Continued

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Mason Edward 16 5 2 160 219

Same 16 5 3 66 2/3 90

Same 16 5 3 50 51

Same 16 5 2 375 378

Same 16 5 3 200 205

Mendinhall Joel G. 16 5 3 300 308

North Caleb 16 5 3 450 308

Porter Robert 16 5 3 1050 1080

Pike Gebulon 16 5 2 375 378

Root Sylvester 16 5 1 400 274

Smith James E. 16 5 1 1600 1096

Sproat James 16 5 3 100 103

Spear James 16 5 2 291 299

Sprague Festus 16 5 2 100 137

Stark James 16 5 3 133 182

Winkoop Garret 16 5 3 400 274

Wells James 16 5 2 92 126

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 178)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 178)


[page 178]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 175 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

No. 21 Brown Continued
Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Anway Abraham 1 8

Broad George 2 80 1 8

Clark James 1 40 2 16

Culver William 2 16

Culver John 2 16

Hopkins Abraham 1 40 2 16

Lyndenburger Chris 1 40 5 40

Miller Abraham 3 24

Mason Edward 2 80 3 24

Mendinhall Joel G. 2 80 3 40

Meeker James 1 40 1 8

Place Peleg 5 40

Place Reuben 2 80 5 24

Place Isaac 1 40 4 32

Perdue James 1 40 4 32

Point Daniel 2 80 3 24

Sturdivent Marshall 4 32

Spear James 12 96

Wells Isaac 3 24

Williamson John 5 40

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 179)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 179)


[page 179]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 176 of Tax Duplicate, 1827, Delaware County OH]

The Several Jornals of the foregoing Townships in this Duplicate brought forward

Township Land Value Houses Value Town Lots Horses Value Cattle Value

1 15448 1/2 38407 2273 172 6880 406 3248

2 14129 25392 99 3940 288 2304

3 11687 11374 42 1680 201 1608

4 20623 40766 473 68 2720 138 1104

5 16033 3/4 49040 36424 103 4120 295 2360

6 15280 39022 83 3320 226 1808

7 16126 21953 62 2480 180 1440

8 12531 9127 18 7210 72 576

9 15006 1/4 17686 85 3400 236 1888

10 24054 53889 89 3560 307 2456

11 15764 1/2 25979 635 74 2460 225 1800

12 11906 1/2 10564 38 1520 146 1168

13 15675 34067 39 1560 228 1824

14 11271 10193 507 73 2920 259 2072

15 25269 36091 144 5760 308 2464

16 11902 1/3 22148 48 1920 155 1240

17 18275 29156 83 3320 148 1184

18 13660 22670 44 1760 93 744

19 13546 1/2 22055 59 2360 183 1464

20 7373 7447 33 1320 130 1040

21 15302 21076 28 1120 86 688

22 16072 2/3 13874 16 640 68 544

339939 561976 40312 1500 60000 4378 35024

The State of Ohio } I Solomon Smith County Auditor of said county certify that
the foregoing is a correct duplicate of the taxes charged on property

Delaware County ss: } Subject to taxation within said county for the year eighteen
hundred and twenty seven that the footings of the several articles

subject to taxation in said county are correct as above noted and that the taxes
charged thereon amounts for State purposes to three [crossed out] two thousand and

fourteen [crossed out]^ nine hundred and fourteen dollars eighty three cents and
eight miles; for county and School purposes to four thousand four hundred and
eighty five dollars five cents and

nine mills; for road purposes to two thousand two hundred and eighty five dollars
eighty seven cents and five mills: for township purposes to two

hundred and six dollars fifty one cents and two mills: amounting together to nine
thousand eight hundred and ninety two dollars twenty eight

cents and four mills In witness whereof I have hereunto set my name and official
signature this first day of August A.D.1827 Solomon Smith

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 180)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 180)


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Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827 (p. 181)


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Dublin Core


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827


Tax Records--Delaware County--Delaware--Ohio--1827


1827 Tax Duplicate for Delaware County, OH. This book is located at the Delaware County Records Center at 2079 US 23 North PO Box 8006 Delaware Ohio, 43015


Tax payers of Delaware County, Ohio













Tax payers of Delaware County, Ohio, “Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1827,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 10, 2025,

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