Powell's Golden Days 1997
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 1)
[page 1]
[corresponds to cover of Powell's Golden Days]
POWELL'S Golden Days
JUNE 1997
[corresponds to cover of Powell's Golden Days]
POWELL'S Golden Days
JUNE 1997
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 2)
[page 2]
[corresponds to inside cover labeled page 2 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
June 13, 1997
Dear Neighbors,
Thank you for joining us for Powell's Golden Days. Over the
last 50 years, Powell has changed from a quiet country crossroads
town to one of Central Ohio's fastest-growing and most popular
bedroom communitities. Powell is special to those of us who live
here. While it offers its increasing number of residents easy access
to all of the amenities of a major metropolitan area, it retains a
little bit of that small-town atmosphere that caused us to move
here. We invite you to enjoy both sides of Powell this weekend,
and to return frequently to watch us finish building our commu-
Bill Nolan [signature]
Bill Nolan
P.O. Box 1028
page 2
[corresponds to inside cover labeled page 2 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
June 13, 1997
Dear Neighbors,
Thank you for joining us for Powell's Golden Days. Over the
last 50 years, Powell has changed from a quiet country crossroads
town to one of Central Ohio's fastest-growing and most popular
bedroom communitities. Powell is special to those of us who live
here. While it offers its increasing number of residents easy access
to all of the amenities of a major metropolitan area, it retains a
little bit of that small-town atmosphere that caused us to move
here. We invite you to enjoy both sides of Powell this weekend,
and to return frequently to watch us finish building our commu-
Bill Nolan [signature]
Bill Nolan
P.O. Box 1028
page 2
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 3)
[page 3]
[corresponds to labeled page 3 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
To The Powell Community
On Memorial Day just a year ago, I came to the
Village of Powell as the new Police Chief. From the
first day, it was obvious to me that the landscape here
changes daily. Construction workers comprise one of
the largest groups of those working in town. Many of
our residents are successful business owners and cor-
porate leaders from elsewhere in the Columbus met-
tropolitan area. Beautiful large upscale residential de-
velopments create a pleasant environment even for the
passerby. The flashing four-way stop at the center of
town gave little forewarning of the traffic that flows
through each day. Our antique stores and restaurants
draw visitors from afar. When I wonder about life in
the early California mining towns during the gold rush,
I compare life today in Powell. Our rapid development
creates a similar atmosphere of excitement.
A 1947 photograph of the first village mayor and
council sparked my interest for a Powell Golden Days
celebration. In Clayton, Ohio, where I was police chief
before coming to Powell, the mayor organized a com-
munity picnic held in the park every August. The
Mayor and council members cooked on the barbecue
grills and the churches sold baked goods. The county
elected officials came out to meet the community. We
had live entertainment and pony rides for the kids.
The police cars and fire trucks were on display. Three-
legged sack races and children's games were part of
this five hour event. I thought a picnic in the park
would be a great way to celebrate Powell's fiftieth year
of incorporation.
Powell's mayor, Bill Nolan, and the council gave
the approving nod and the planning began. Still rela-
tively new to town, I made a few calls and wrote a few
letters to expand the interest. The village staff brought
forth many names and suggestions of how to get
started. During our first meeting of ten or twelve vol-
unteers, I offered up the Clayton picnic type event, or
maybe something bigger. The group chose bigger! Af-
ter much discussion and planning, we settled on a three
day event spreading from Murphy's Party Barn through
town to the North Park. Resources for the event came
from cash contributions from business and personal
sponsorships, volunteer labor and services, and staff
support from your local government.
From day one, this event has been committee
driven. We never elected officers and the subcommit-
tee leaders and members were drafted for the most
part. Our members represent civic groups, business,
government, and indi-
vidual volunteers with a
united commitment to
this special event. We have
looked back at Powell's
history long before the in-
corporation, to our
present, and toward our
future. This milestone rec-
ognition has given us the
great opportunity to hear
first-hand accounts from
those living in Powell fifty
years ago. The Powell
Commemorative Booklet is
a self-portrait of our com-
munity: those who live here, work here, or have per-
sonal ties. This celebration reflects our community
extending beyond the corporation lines.
I am personally grateful to the very talented and
resourceful members of the Powell Golds Days Com-
mittee. A special thanks to the elected and appointed
government officials of the Village of Powell, Liberty
Township, and Delaware County. Remembering that
this is a community event, I would like to thank the
Powell community for its contribution in resources and
Gary Vest [signature]
Gary Vest, Chair
Powell 50! Celebration Committee
page 3
[corresponds to labeled page 3 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
To The Powell Community
On Memorial Day just a year ago, I came to the
Village of Powell as the new Police Chief. From the
first day, it was obvious to me that the landscape here
changes daily. Construction workers comprise one of
the largest groups of those working in town. Many of
our residents are successful business owners and cor-
porate leaders from elsewhere in the Columbus met-
tropolitan area. Beautiful large upscale residential de-
velopments create a pleasant environment even for the
passerby. The flashing four-way stop at the center of
town gave little forewarning of the traffic that flows
through each day. Our antique stores and restaurants
draw visitors from afar. When I wonder about life in
the early California mining towns during the gold rush,
I compare life today in Powell. Our rapid development
creates a similar atmosphere of excitement.
A 1947 photograph of the first village mayor and
council sparked my interest for a Powell Golden Days
celebration. In Clayton, Ohio, where I was police chief
before coming to Powell, the mayor organized a com-
munity picnic held in the park every August. The
Mayor and council members cooked on the barbecue
grills and the churches sold baked goods. The county
elected officials came out to meet the community. We
had live entertainment and pony rides for the kids.
The police cars and fire trucks were on display. Three-
legged sack races and children's games were part of
this five hour event. I thought a picnic in the park
would be a great way to celebrate Powell's fiftieth year
of incorporation.
Powell's mayor, Bill Nolan, and the council gave
the approving nod and the planning began. Still rela-
tively new to town, I made a few calls and wrote a few
letters to expand the interest. The village staff brought
forth many names and suggestions of how to get
started. During our first meeting of ten or twelve vol-
unteers, I offered up the Clayton picnic type event, or
maybe something bigger. The group chose bigger! Af-
ter much discussion and planning, we settled on a three
day event spreading from Murphy's Party Barn through
town to the North Park. Resources for the event came
from cash contributions from business and personal
sponsorships, volunteer labor and services, and staff
support from your local government.
From day one, this event has been committee
driven. We never elected officers and the subcommit-
tee leaders and members were drafted for the most
part. Our members represent civic groups, business,
government, and indi-
vidual volunteers with a
united commitment to
this special event. We have
looked back at Powell's
history long before the in-
corporation, to our
present, and toward our
future. This milestone rec-
ognition has given us the
great opportunity to hear
first-hand accounts from
those living in Powell fifty
years ago. The Powell
Commemorative Booklet is
a self-portrait of our com-
munity: those who live here, work here, or have per-
sonal ties. This celebration reflects our community
extending beyond the corporation lines.
I am personally grateful to the very talented and
resourceful members of the Powell Golds Days Com-
mittee. A special thanks to the elected and appointed
government officials of the Village of Powell, Liberty
Township, and Delaware County. Remembering that
this is a community event, I would like to thank the
Powell community for its contribution in resources and
Gary Vest [signature]
Gary Vest, Chair
Powell 50! Celebration Committee
page 3
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 4)
[page 4]
[corresponds to labeled page 4 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Festival Activities June 13-15, 1997
Activities locations: The stage sponsors:
Powell North Park, the downtown business Meijer The Powell Business Association
district and Murphy's Party Barn Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers/
Tim Horton's
The presenting sponsors:
The Bank
The Delaware County Bank & Trust Kroger WNCI 97.9
Member FDIC Not too hard...not too lite.
The Van-Dells Rock & Roll Revue, sponsored by Byron Johnson's Music of the Night, sponsored
Fireside Forest Industries, Inc., Krieger Jeep/ by the Delaware County Bank and Trust.
Eagle, Lintek, Inc., and National City Bank.
Noteorius, 7 member top 50/variety band,
Arnette Howard & The Creole Funk Bank, sponsored by The Powell Sertoma Club.
sponsored by Dick Ruhl Ford Sales, Inc.
The Cardinal Quartet, sponsored by Hill, Hill &
Central Ohio Symphony Orchestra performs Allison and Mount Carmel Health and Wellness
pops and light classics, sponsored by Premier Center at Wedgewood.
Bank and Trust and Your Financial
Community, Inc. Olentangy Mens' Chorus, sponsored by The
Keebler Company.
Strand 3, a jazz/pops guitar duo, sponsored by
Kay Hopper, DDS and National City Bank. The Worthington Chorus performing tunes
from Broadway to movies themes, sponsored by
Haverford Quartet, a string quartet performing United Magazine.
classica and show tunes, sponsored by
Murphy's Party Barn.
Powell Summer Arts Festival, artists compete Center of Science and Industry, sponsored by
for best of show, sponsored by The Greater Wedgewood Medical Office Building.
Powell area Chamber of Commerce.
Crowning of the King & Queen, Prince &
Chester Cheetah, sponsored by Frito-Lay, Inc. Princess, sponsored by Powell Pediatricians of
West Central Pedistrics.
Children's Face Painting, spoonsored by Powell
Grace Brethen Church.
Childrens's Play area, sponsored by Mowry
Chiropractic Health Services and Nabisco
Brands, Inc.
page 4
[corresponds to labeled page 4 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Festival Activities June 13-15, 1997
Activities locations: The stage sponsors:
Powell North Park, the downtown business Meijer The Powell Business Association
district and Murphy's Party Barn Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers/
Tim Horton's
The presenting sponsors:
The Bank
The Delaware County Bank & Trust Kroger WNCI 97.9
Member FDIC Not too hard...not too lite.
The Van-Dells Rock & Roll Revue, sponsored by Byron Johnson's Music of the Night, sponsored
Fireside Forest Industries, Inc., Krieger Jeep/ by the Delaware County Bank and Trust.
Eagle, Lintek, Inc., and National City Bank.
Noteorius, 7 member top 50/variety band,
Arnette Howard & The Creole Funk Bank, sponsored by The Powell Sertoma Club.
sponsored by Dick Ruhl Ford Sales, Inc.
The Cardinal Quartet, sponsored by Hill, Hill &
Central Ohio Symphony Orchestra performs Allison and Mount Carmel Health and Wellness
pops and light classics, sponsored by Premier Center at Wedgewood.
Bank and Trust and Your Financial
Community, Inc. Olentangy Mens' Chorus, sponsored by The
Keebler Company.
Strand 3, a jazz/pops guitar duo, sponsored by
Kay Hopper, DDS and National City Bank. The Worthington Chorus performing tunes
from Broadway to movies themes, sponsored by
Haverford Quartet, a string quartet performing United Magazine.
classica and show tunes, sponsored by
Murphy's Party Barn.
Powell Summer Arts Festival, artists compete Center of Science and Industry, sponsored by
for best of show, sponsored by The Greater Wedgewood Medical Office Building.
Powell area Chamber of Commerce.
Crowning of the King & Queen, Prince &
Chester Cheetah, sponsored by Frito-Lay, Inc. Princess, sponsored by Powell Pediatricians of
West Central Pedistrics.
Children's Face Painting, spoonsored by Powell
Grace Brethen Church.
Childrens's Play area, sponsored by Mowry
Chiropractic Health Services and Nabisco
Brands, Inc.
page 4
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 5)
[page 5]
[corresponds to labeled page 5 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Downtown Merchants' Sidewalk Sale, Lady Luck Show Truck, sponsored by
sponsored by The Powell Business Association. Anheuser Busch, Inc.
Fathers' Day Chicken Dinner, sponsored by Outdoor Movie under the stars, sponsored by Olentangy Rotary Club. sponsored by Fifth Third Bank and
Pepsi Cola Bottling Company.
Free Chiropractic screening, sponsored by Oreo Cookie Stacking Contest,
Mowry Chiropractic Health Services. sponsored by Nabisco Brands, Inc.
Martin-Perry Historic Homestead Tours,
sponsored by Powell-Liberty Historical Society. Pancake Breakfast, sponsored by Powell-Liberty Historical Society.
Hot Air Balloon Launch, sponsored by Larry
Coolidge Realtors and Teddy B. Griffin -Re/ Peddlers Day downtown craft show,
Max Winners. sponsored by The Powell Business
Third Annual Ice Cream Social, sponsored by Various caricature artists, balloon
Powell-Liberty Historical Society. sculptors, face painting and clowns,
sponsored by Frito-Lay, Inc. and The
Whitehouse Bistro.
Karate Demonstration, sponsored by the World's Biggest Radio, sponsored by
Wellness Company. WNCI 97.9.
Kroger Antique Truck and Hot Air Balloon, Zoo Animals, sponsored by The
sponsored by The Kroger Company. Columbus Zoo.
King and Queen
Pat Chambers Haywood and her husband,
Marvin, were both born in 1947 and have been
chosed to be the queen and king of this Golden Days
celebration. Though born in Columbus, Marvin
came to Powell in seventh grade and completed his
education at the Powell School. Both he and Pat
graduated from Olentangy High School. You could
call them "high school sweethearts".
Pat was born and raised in the village. She recalls
that their class was the last eighth grade at the
"Monument on the Hill". Pat went on to Capital
University and later returned to Powell as a substi-
tute teacher for a short time, with her second grade
teacher having become principal! "It was fun,! Pat
Marvin's home here in Powell was quite unique.
His family lived in the downstairs of the 1882 school
building on S. Liberty Street, and he remembers the
blackboards still being on the wall on the second
floor! That space had not
been converted into
family living quarters, but
he and his siblings
enjoyed playing there.
Pat and Marvin have
three children and now
live in the Clintonville
area of Columbus. We are
pleased they returned to
their hometown to serve
as queen and king.
A princess and prince
were also chosen. Born in
1997 to parents living in
Powell, they are
Mackenzie Baumgartner
and Jacob Fisher.
[photo: Pat and Marvin Chambers]
page 5
[corresponds to labeled page 5 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Downtown Merchants' Sidewalk Sale, Lady Luck Show Truck, sponsored by
sponsored by The Powell Business Association. Anheuser Busch, Inc.
Fathers' Day Chicken Dinner, sponsored by Outdoor Movie under the stars, sponsored by Olentangy Rotary Club. sponsored by Fifth Third Bank and
Pepsi Cola Bottling Company.
Free Chiropractic screening, sponsored by Oreo Cookie Stacking Contest,
Mowry Chiropractic Health Services. sponsored by Nabisco Brands, Inc.
Martin-Perry Historic Homestead Tours,
sponsored by Powell-Liberty Historical Society. Pancake Breakfast, sponsored by Powell-Liberty Historical Society.
Hot Air Balloon Launch, sponsored by Larry
Coolidge Realtors and Teddy B. Griffin -Re/ Peddlers Day downtown craft show,
Max Winners. sponsored by The Powell Business
Third Annual Ice Cream Social, sponsored by Various caricature artists, balloon
Powell-Liberty Historical Society. sculptors, face painting and clowns,
sponsored by Frito-Lay, Inc. and The
Whitehouse Bistro.
Karate Demonstration, sponsored by the World's Biggest Radio, sponsored by
Wellness Company. WNCI 97.9.
Kroger Antique Truck and Hot Air Balloon, Zoo Animals, sponsored by The
sponsored by The Kroger Company. Columbus Zoo.
King and Queen
Pat Chambers Haywood and her husband,
Marvin, were both born in 1947 and have been
chosed to be the queen and king of this Golden Days
celebration. Though born in Columbus, Marvin
came to Powell in seventh grade and completed his
education at the Powell School. Both he and Pat
graduated from Olentangy High School. You could
call them "high school sweethearts".
Pat was born and raised in the village. She recalls
that their class was the last eighth grade at the
"Monument on the Hill". Pat went on to Capital
University and later returned to Powell as a substi-
tute teacher for a short time, with her second grade
teacher having become principal! "It was fun,! Pat
Marvin's home here in Powell was quite unique.
His family lived in the downstairs of the 1882 school
building on S. Liberty Street, and he remembers the
blackboards still being on the wall on the second
floor! That space had not
been converted into
family living quarters, but
he and his siblings
enjoyed playing there.
Pat and Marvin have
three children and now
live in the Clintonville
area of Columbus. We are
pleased they returned to
their hometown to serve
as queen and king.
A princess and prince
were also chosen. Born in
1997 to parents living in
Powell, they are
Mackenzie Baumgartner
and Jacob Fisher.
[photo: Pat and Marvin Chambers]
page 5
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 6)
[page 6]
[corresponds to labeled page 6 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
1997 Festival Activities .................................4
Chapter I, Circa 1947 ....................................7
Chapter II, Glimpses of the Past ........................12
Chapter III, The Early Years ............................21
Chapter IV, Today and into the Future ...................36
The Celebration's Sponsors ..............................41
The Celebration's Committee .............................43
[photo : The lodge building as it is today; note the original "I.O.O.F."
lettering which has been preserved. Downstairs is angelica's
Delicatessen & Cafe. The former lodge hall upstairs has been
remodeled into a large banquet and meeting room, where
many business and civic groups meets, including the Powell
Village Council.]
ON THE COVER: The Independent Order of
Odd Fellows Building, circa 1900, courtesy of
Herman Mason, who has family members present in
the photograph.
The Powell I.O.O.F. Lodge #465 was chartered
September 29, 1870, and originally met in a building
which stood on the northwest corner of Liberty and
Olentangy Streets (it was later destroyed by fire). In
1880. a lot was purchased on the southwest corner
of the intersection a 2 story building was
constructed for $1,600. The upstairs was used for
lodge meetings and other community events. The
downstairs served as the community grocery.
The ladies' branch of the lodge was chartered
May 18, 1888, and was known as the Liberty
Rebekah Lodge #247. Both lodges were very active
and had many members for a number of years. As
the members aged, died, moved or dropped out,
membership dwindled. Younger people were not
attracted to lodge work. In 1995, the building was
sold and the few remaining Odd Fellows consoli-
dated with Delaware's Olentangy Lodge #53. The
Rebekahs, having no place to meet, consolidated
with the Delaware Rebekah Lodge #198 on March
17, 1996.
Copyright ? 1997 by the Powell-Liberty Historical Society, 103 E.
Olentangy St., Powell OH 43065, (614) 848-6210 - all rights
reserved. The society, founded in 1986, has made considerable effort
to be as accurate as possible. The Commemorative Booklet
Committee of The Powell 50! Golden Days Celebration has
endeavored to document, record and distribute the information contained
herein. Your comments and donations of memorabilia are encouraged and can be
directed to the Society.
Published for the Powell 50! Golden Days Celebration by Three Fifty
Six, Inc., 30 W. Olentangy St., P.O. Box 937, Powell, Ohio 43065-
0937, (614) 848-5038
page 6
[corresponds to labeled page 6 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
1997 Festival Activities .................................4
Chapter I, Circa 1947 ....................................7
Chapter II, Glimpses of the Past ........................12
Chapter III, The Early Years ............................21
Chapter IV, Today and into the Future ...................36
The Celebration's Sponsors ..............................41
The Celebration's Committee .............................43
[photo : The lodge building as it is today; note the original "I.O.O.F."
lettering which has been preserved. Downstairs is angelica's
Delicatessen & Cafe. The former lodge hall upstairs has been
remodeled into a large banquet and meeting room, where
many business and civic groups meets, including the Powell
Village Council.]
ON THE COVER: The Independent Order of
Odd Fellows Building, circa 1900, courtesy of
Herman Mason, who has family members present in
the photograph.
The Powell I.O.O.F. Lodge #465 was chartered
September 29, 1870, and originally met in a building
which stood on the northwest corner of Liberty and
Olentangy Streets (it was later destroyed by fire). In
1880. a lot was purchased on the southwest corner
of the intersection a 2 story building was
constructed for $1,600. The upstairs was used for
lodge meetings and other community events. The
downstairs served as the community grocery.
The ladies' branch of the lodge was chartered
May 18, 1888, and was known as the Liberty
Rebekah Lodge #247. Both lodges were very active
and had many members for a number of years. As
the members aged, died, moved or dropped out,
membership dwindled. Younger people were not
attracted to lodge work. In 1995, the building was
sold and the few remaining Odd Fellows consoli-
dated with Delaware's Olentangy Lodge #53. The
Rebekahs, having no place to meet, consolidated
with the Delaware Rebekah Lodge #198 on March
17, 1996.
Copyright ? 1997 by the Powell-Liberty Historical Society, 103 E.
Olentangy St., Powell OH 43065, (614) 848-6210 - all rights
reserved. The society, founded in 1986, has made considerable effort
to be as accurate as possible. The Commemorative Booklet
Committee of The Powell 50! Golden Days Celebration has
endeavored to document, record and distribute the information contained
herein. Your comments and donations of memorabilia are encouraged and can be
directed to the Society.
Published for the Powell 50! Golden Days Celebration by Three Fifty
Six, Inc., 30 W. Olentangy St., P.O. Box 937, Powell, Ohio 43065-
0937, (614) 848-5038
page 6
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 7)
[page 7]
[corresponds to labeled page 7 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
The Powell Speedway
The coming of racing to the area caught the
attentiion of surrounding residents in the 1940s.
(See related "Glimpses of the Past," page 18 and The
Columbus Dispatch article on the next page.)
Races began at the Powell Speedway in 1947
with motorcycles, Offenhausers, and midget race
cars. There were also daredevil shows. The grand-
stand, which remained from the property's previous
use as The Delaware County Fairgrounds, was
removed around 1950.
[photo: Motorcycle races at Powell Speedway, late 1940s.]
Virginia Hess, who lived with her husband
just east of the track, recalls a humorous story:
"The dust created by the racing cars was very
thick-like the dust bowls out west. We had a cow
who ate the dusty grass that made her milk a tan
color instead of white. Even after straining the
milk, it still was not white. This is a true story-
believe it or not!"
page 7
[corresponds to labeled page 7 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
The Powell Speedway
The coming of racing to the area caught the
attentiion of surrounding residents in the 1940s.
(See related "Glimpses of the Past," page 18 and The
Columbus Dispatch article on the next page.)
Races began at the Powell Speedway in 1947
with motorcycles, Offenhausers, and midget race
cars. There were also daredevil shows. The grand-
stand, which remained from the property's previous
use as The Delaware County Fairgrounds, was
removed around 1950.
[photo: Motorcycle races at Powell Speedway, late 1940s.]
Virginia Hess, who lived with her husband
just east of the track, recalls a humorous story:
"The dust created by the racing cars was very
thick-like the dust bowls out west. We had a cow
who ate the dusty grass that made her milk a tan
color instead of white. Even after straining the
milk, it still was not white. This is a true story-
believe it or not!"
page 7
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 8)
[page 8]
[corresponds to labeled page 8 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
12 - A T H E C O L U M B
The dove of peace--carrying
corporation signs instead of olive
branches--has settled at Powell.
Come Monday night the
Powell Community Booster Club
will celebrate the ending of the
"battle of neighbors" and launch
a new golden era which promises
to bring street lights, fire de-
partment equipment and flourish-
ing business to the Delaware
County village of about 350 resi-
Which is just an around about
way of saying Powell is preparing
to become an incorporated village
Feb. 17. Behind the fact is a
story of turmoil ending in peace,
of dissension bringing progress.
The "battle" started last spring
over the Powell Speedway's plans
to open an auto race track at the
site of the old Powell Fair-
Nearby residents, recalling
clouds of dust raised in bygone
years at the same site, started
circulating petitions opposing the
establishment of the new track.
Other residents, including many
businessmen, viewed the proposed
track as a potential source of
revenue for the village. They re-
fused to sign the petitions.
Petition circulators then con-
ceived a new idea of attack. They
decided to incorporate the vil-
lage, thinking the track could be
barred if the village were incor-
In a counter move, those favor-
ing the track organized the
Booster Community Club to op-
pose incorporation of the village.
Then a startling thing hap-
pened. Or rather two startling
1. Leaders of those opposing
the track did an about face.
They learned the track would
be operated as a "big time"
track. They dropped their op-
position to the track.
2. The Booster Club also did
an about face. It decided the
village should incorporate for
its own good.
J. H. Plummer, grocer and fin-
nancial secretary of the club, and
W. F. Bayles, retired telegrapher
and chairman of the club's ad-
visory board, Saturday, told about
the "on again off again Finnigan"
moves and the reasons behind the
ultimate actions.
"We got to rubbing elbows
with each other, exchanging
ideas. We decided to incorporate
for a number of reasons. For one
thing, we'll get more return from
the taxes we pay. We'll be in a
better position to promote the
growth of the village. We'll be
better able to co-operate with
those who may want to build
homes here or locate new busi-
nesses here."
The Booster Club got behind
the circulation of petitions for
the incorporation of the village.
Another group started petitions
opposing incorporation. When the
smoke cleared, those for incor-
poration numbered 134, those op-
posing 30.
The Booster Club raised $400
to finance the campaign and meet
expenses of incorporating. On
Oct. 19, three agents of the club--
Eugene Hess, Harry Weinstock
and H. O. Kline--presented the
petitions and plat of the village
to the Delaware County commis-
sioners, asking that a charter be
On Dec. 19 the commission is-
sued the charter which becomes
effective Feb. 17.
The successful incorporation
campaign came on the heels of
an earlier and even more bitter
controversy which found Powell
in the thick of a fight over con-
solidation of schools in several
townships including Liberty in
which Powell, Hyatts and Lewis
Center are located.
Some favored the consolidation.
Others opposed it. Eggs of some
vintage were splattered over
some farm homes. There were
other acts of maliciousness. The
fight ended last spring when the
consolidation was ordered.
Don Mack, an insurance man
who lives near Powell, recalled
the bitterness of the fight.
Newly elected officers of the
Powell Community Booster Club
who will be installed Monday
night are pictured here along
with corporation limit signs
which will be erected after the
village's incorporation becomes
effective Feb. 17. The signs
were painted personally by W.
F Bayles, 71-year-old retired
telegrapher and chairman of the
club's advisory board, second
from the right in the picture.
Officers pictured, left to right,
are: Dr. Kenneth O. Stark,
dentist, re-elected president;
Col. O. H. Gibson, World War
II veteran and superintendent
of Powell schools, vice president;
Eugene Hess, merchant, re-
elected recording secretary;
Harold Plummer, grocer, finan-
cial secretary; Fred Reeves,
grocer, treasurer; Mr. Bayles,
chairman of the advisory board,
and Harry Weinstock, garage-
man, advisory board member.
$50 street repair
$900 street lighting
$150 garbage removal
page 8
[corresponds to labeled page 8 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
12 - A T H E C O L U M B
The dove of peace--carrying
corporation signs instead of olive
branches--has settled at Powell.
Come Monday night the
Powell Community Booster Club
will celebrate the ending of the
"battle of neighbors" and launch
a new golden era which promises
to bring street lights, fire de-
partment equipment and flourish-
ing business to the Delaware
County village of about 350 resi-
Which is just an around about
way of saying Powell is preparing
to become an incorporated village
Feb. 17. Behind the fact is a
story of turmoil ending in peace,
of dissension bringing progress.
The "battle" started last spring
over the Powell Speedway's plans
to open an auto race track at the
site of the old Powell Fair-
Nearby residents, recalling
clouds of dust raised in bygone
years at the same site, started
circulating petitions opposing the
establishment of the new track.
Other residents, including many
businessmen, viewed the proposed
track as a potential source of
revenue for the village. They re-
fused to sign the petitions.
Petition circulators then con-
ceived a new idea of attack. They
decided to incorporate the vil-
lage, thinking the track could be
barred if the village were incor-
In a counter move, those favor-
ing the track organized the
Booster Community Club to op-
pose incorporation of the village.
Then a startling thing hap-
pened. Or rather two startling
1. Leaders of those opposing
the track did an about face.
They learned the track would
be operated as a "big time"
track. They dropped their op-
position to the track.
2. The Booster Club also did
an about face. It decided the
village should incorporate for
its own good.
J. H. Plummer, grocer and fin-
nancial secretary of the club, and
W. F. Bayles, retired telegrapher
and chairman of the club's ad-
visory board, Saturday, told about
the "on again off again Finnigan"
moves and the reasons behind the
ultimate actions.
"We got to rubbing elbows
with each other, exchanging
ideas. We decided to incorporate
for a number of reasons. For one
thing, we'll get more return from
the taxes we pay. We'll be in a
better position to promote the
growth of the village. We'll be
better able to co-operate with
those who may want to build
homes here or locate new busi-
nesses here."
The Booster Club got behind
the circulation of petitions for
the incorporation of the village.
Another group started petitions
opposing incorporation. When the
smoke cleared, those for incor-
poration numbered 134, those op-
posing 30.
The Booster Club raised $400
to finance the campaign and meet
expenses of incorporating. On
Oct. 19, three agents of the club--
Eugene Hess, Harry Weinstock
and H. O. Kline--presented the
petitions and plat of the village
to the Delaware County commis-
sioners, asking that a charter be
On Dec. 19 the commission is-
sued the charter which becomes
effective Feb. 17.
The successful incorporation
campaign came on the heels of
an earlier and even more bitter
controversy which found Powell
in the thick of a fight over con-
solidation of schools in several
townships including Liberty in
which Powell, Hyatts and Lewis
Center are located.
Some favored the consolidation.
Others opposed it. Eggs of some
vintage were splattered over
some farm homes. There were
other acts of maliciousness. The
fight ended last spring when the
consolidation was ordered.
Don Mack, an insurance man
who lives near Powell, recalled
the bitterness of the fight.
Newly elected officers of the
Powell Community Booster Club
who will be installed Monday
night are pictured here along
with corporation limit signs
which will be erected after the
village's incorporation becomes
effective Feb. 17. The signs
were painted personally by W.
F Bayles, 71-year-old retired
telegrapher and chairman of the
club's advisory board, second
from the right in the picture.
Officers pictured, left to right,
are: Dr. Kenneth O. Stark,
dentist, re-elected president;
Col. O. H. Gibson, World War
II veteran and superintendent
of Powell schools, vice president;
Eugene Hess, merchant, re-
elected recording secretary;
Harold Plummer, grocer, finan-
cial secretary; Fred Reeves,
grocer, treasurer; Mr. Bayles,
chairman of the advisory board,
and Harry Weinstock, garage-
man, advisory board member.
$50 street repair
$900 street lighting
$150 garbage removal
page 8
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 9)
[page 9]
[corresponds to labeled page 9 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
B U S D I S P A T C H Sunday, February 9, 1947
"In some instances disinter-
ested residents found themselves
smack in the middle of the con-
troversy with a neighbor on one
side of him insisting he go one
way and a neighbor on the other
side insisting he go the other.
"If one side learned that the
other side had got a man to sign,
the other side would then send a
woman to the home of the man
to try and get her signature and
offset the signature of the hus-
Mr. Mack will preside as mas-
ter of ceremonies at the Monday
night celebration of the Booster
Club which will be held at the
Methodist Church in the form of
a banquet and installation of new
officers for the year.
Club members are enthusiastic
about the future prospects of
Powell as an incorporated village.
Agents of the club who pre-
sented the petition for incorpora-
tion will determine whether
not a special election will be held
to elect village officials--a mayor,
council, treasurer and other of-
Efforts will be made to induce
industry and new business to lo-
cate in the village and commu-
nity, club members said. Aid will
be given persons seeking home
sites in the village. The village,
laid out in 1876 and still without
street lights, will get street lights
and other modern facilities.
Thus, out of turmoil and dis-
sension, a new Powell is to arise.
The club behind the new Powell
vouches for this. It has a slogan:
"Let's go, Powell."
Notice of
Petition for
of Village
Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of
October, 1946 there was presented to the Board of
County Commissioners of the County of Delaware,
State of Ohio, a petition signed by 134 electors
residing within the following described territory in
the County of Delaware, State of Ohio, to-wit:
(An extensive legal description of the village
And representing that said territory has been
laid off into village lots, plats of which territory so
laid off have been acknowledged and recorded as is
provided with respect to deeds, or have been sur-
veyed and platted by an engineer or surveyor who
has certified thereon under oath to the correctness
of the same and which are recorded as is provided
with respect to deeds and that said territory within
said proposed corporation embraces also adjacent
territory not laid off into lots.
That this territory above described does not
embrace within its limits the grounds or improve-
ments of any county or city infirmary; that the
number of inhabitants now residing in said territory
is 306; and praying therein that the said territory
may be organized into a village to be named "Village
of Powell", which petition is now on file in the office
of the Auditory of Delaware County; and designating
the undersigned to act as agents of the petitioners, as
required by law.
Said Board of Commissioners has fixed Decem-
ber 19, 1946 at 2:00 o'clock P.M. as the time for
hearing said petition at the office of the Board of
County Commissioners in Delaware, Ohio.
Petition signatures were: E. Eugene Hess, H.O. Kline,
and H. Weinstock.
Formerly the Powell Businessmen's Association,
the Powell Community Booster Club was the
impetus for Powell's incorporation on February 17,
The Worthington News, dated December 26,
1946, reported: "Delaware County Commissioners
voted unanimously for the incorporation of Powell,
following the hearing and consideration of a petition
from residents... The petition was signed by 134
citizens of the proposed area who favored the
incorporation, while a remonstrance against the
proposal was signed by 34." It continued: "The
practice of being conservative, impartial and dealing
justice at all times, should result in creating and
preserving the harmony among the citizens which is
necessary for the future success of the village."
[photo: First Officers of Powell Corporation, July 8, 1947, Bottom
row, left to right: H. Weinstock, council; H.A. Bishop, clerk;
W.F. Bayles, mayor; A.P. Askins, council; Ethel Crist, council.
Top row: F.M. Reeves, treasurer; J.H. Plummer, council; Wm.
M. Muladore, marshal; D.C. Canfield, council; E.E. Hess,
page 9
[corresponds to labeled page 9 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
B U S D I S P A T C H Sunday, February 9, 1947
"In some instances disinter-
ested residents found themselves
smack in the middle of the con-
troversy with a neighbor on one
side of him insisting he go one
way and a neighbor on the other
side insisting he go the other.
"If one side learned that the
other side had got a man to sign,
the other side would then send a
woman to the home of the man
to try and get her signature and
offset the signature of the hus-
Mr. Mack will preside as mas-
ter of ceremonies at the Monday
night celebration of the Booster
Club which will be held at the
Methodist Church in the form of
a banquet and installation of new
officers for the year.
Club members are enthusiastic
about the future prospects of
Powell as an incorporated village.
Agents of the club who pre-
sented the petition for incorpora-
tion will determine whether
not a special election will be held
to elect village officials--a mayor,
council, treasurer and other of-
Efforts will be made to induce
industry and new business to lo-
cate in the village and commu-
nity, club members said. Aid will
be given persons seeking home
sites in the village. The village,
laid out in 1876 and still without
street lights, will get street lights
and other modern facilities.
Thus, out of turmoil and dis-
sension, a new Powell is to arise.
The club behind the new Powell
vouches for this. It has a slogan:
"Let's go, Powell."
Notice of
Petition for
of Village
Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of
October, 1946 there was presented to the Board of
County Commissioners of the County of Delaware,
State of Ohio, a petition signed by 134 electors
residing within the following described territory in
the County of Delaware, State of Ohio, to-wit:
(An extensive legal description of the village
And representing that said territory has been
laid off into village lots, plats of which territory so
laid off have been acknowledged and recorded as is
provided with respect to deeds, or have been sur-
veyed and platted by an engineer or surveyor who
has certified thereon under oath to the correctness
of the same and which are recorded as is provided
with respect to deeds and that said territory within
said proposed corporation embraces also adjacent
territory not laid off into lots.
That this territory above described does not
embrace within its limits the grounds or improve-
ments of any county or city infirmary; that the
number of inhabitants now residing in said territory
is 306; and praying therein that the said territory
may be organized into a village to be named "Village
of Powell", which petition is now on file in the office
of the Auditory of Delaware County; and designating
the undersigned to act as agents of the petitioners, as
required by law.
Said Board of Commissioners has fixed Decem-
ber 19, 1946 at 2:00 o'clock P.M. as the time for
hearing said petition at the office of the Board of
County Commissioners in Delaware, Ohio.
Petition signatures were: E. Eugene Hess, H.O. Kline,
and H. Weinstock.
Formerly the Powell Businessmen's Association,
the Powell Community Booster Club was the
impetus for Powell's incorporation on February 17,
The Worthington News, dated December 26,
1946, reported: "Delaware County Commissioners
voted unanimously for the incorporation of Powell,
following the hearing and consideration of a petition
from residents... The petition was signed by 134
citizens of the proposed area who favored the
incorporation, while a remonstrance against the
proposal was signed by 34." It continued: "The
practice of being conservative, impartial and dealing
justice at all times, should result in creating and
preserving the harmony among the citizens which is
necessary for the future success of the village."
[photo: First Officers of Powell Corporation, July 8, 1947, Bottom
row, left to right: H. Weinstock, council; H.A. Bishop, clerk;
W.F. Bayles, mayor; A.P. Askins, council; Ethel Crist, council.
Top row: F.M. Reeves, treasurer; J.H. Plummer, council; Wm.
M. Muladore, marshal; D.C. Canfield, council; E.E. Hess,
page 9
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 10)
[page 10]
[corresponds to labeled page 10 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: July 17, 1948, Street Lighting Ceremony: Gov. Thomas J. Herbert
lauded residents for recent advancements at the "switch-throwing"
ceremony when Powell received its first street lights.]
Johnny Jones, long-time writer for The
Columbus Dispatch, wrote in July 1948:
"The latest town to acquire street lighting
is the village of Powell which is fast
becoming known as a very wide awake
community. It is located in the pretty
dividing heights between the Olentangy
and Scioto valleys." He continued: "It's
strange how people like to go down a street
and say: 'I remember when they turned on
the lights.'" There are those today who still
Donna Lawrence,
who served for many
years on the village
council recalls: "The
governor came. I can
still see his shock of
white hair, and we
closed off the streets and
had a street dance with
speeches and a big
party. When they
turned on the light,
little Powell wasn't dark
anymore. it had light
like a big city."
[photo: With the old Powell Methodist Church in the background, a
crown estimated at 5000 gathered for the festivities.]
page 10
[corresponds to labeled page 10 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: July 17, 1948, Street Lighting Ceremony: Gov. Thomas J. Herbert
lauded residents for recent advancements at the "switch-throwing"
ceremony when Powell received its first street lights.]
Johnny Jones, long-time writer for The
Columbus Dispatch, wrote in July 1948:
"The latest town to acquire street lighting
is the village of Powell which is fast
becoming known as a very wide awake
community. It is located in the pretty
dividing heights between the Olentangy
and Scioto valleys." He continued: "It's
strange how people like to go down a street
and say: 'I remember when they turned on
the lights.'" There are those today who still
Donna Lawrence,
who served for many
years on the village
council recalls: "The
governor came. I can
still see his shock of
white hair, and we
closed off the streets and
had a street dance with
speeches and a big
party. When they
turned on the light,
little Powell wasn't dark
anymore. it had light
like a big city."
[photo: With the old Powell Methodist Church in the background, a
crown estimated at 5000 gathered for the festivities.]
page 10
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 11)
[page 11]
[corresponds to labeled page 11 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Page Six THE WORTHINGTON NEWS -- WORTHINGTON, OHIO Thursday, July 15, 1948
Speeches, Band Music, Fireworks, Dancing, Movies, Refreshments-Bring The Family-
Come On Over-Join In The Fun and Helps Us Celebrate
[columns 1 and 2]
Compliments Bells
Powell Speedway Groceries Meats
FAST - CLEAN Confectionery
Fire Proof Construction Co. Best Wishes
800 West Third Ave. Powell, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
UN. 1126 UN 1127
Compliments of Congratulations
"Electroweight" Sharp - Canfield
Trademark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off Hardware
Scales Also From
Powell's Only Mfg. Perry and McMannus
Congratulations Compliments
Gabels Milk Co. from
COMPLETE DAIRY PRODUCTS The Newest Addition To Powell
We Serve Your Works Pool Room
RED & WHITE STORE Open Evenings
7 P.M. - 12 P.M.
AUTO REPAIRS Ralph Kirkham
Weinstock Motor Sales FARM FENCING
C. C. Robinson Co. F. W. Sloter Co.
Columbus, Ohio GA. 6444 GA. 6464
Mt. Air Swimming Pool
25? and this ad good for one swim by children
under 10 with suits on ready to go in.
Friday, July 16 to Tuesday, July 20 Powell Community
Good from Noon till 7:00 P.M. Boosters Club
Picnic Grounds, 3 Mi. N. of Worthington WE
on Olentangy River BOOST POWELL
Courtesy Aubern Shroyer Funeral Home,
4221 N. High St.
Westwater Supply Co. S. M. Flickinger Co.
150 N. Third St. We Serve
Columbus, Ohio Your
We Serve YOur
The Your Local Paint Service Center
Ohio Public Services Co. Powell Coal Company
[columns 3 and 4]
"Bishops" Congratulations
RADIO REPAIR SERVICE Powell Farmers Exchange
Compliments Congratulations
of Jacks Print Shop
Plummers PRINTING and
Confectionery MAGAZINES
BE SURE WITH PURE Congratulations
OIL and GAS Wil-Sta Homestead
Weinstock Motor Sales Wm. WILCOX
- Powell -
Delaware Milk Co. Rarick Poultry Farm
and FR. 2-5805
Frank M. Johnson Congratulations
Shade & Fruit Tree Care Holly Bros.
Member Columbus Landscape Ass'n. A New Business In Powell
Fr. 2-5669
DiNovo Bros. Compliments
We Serve Your We Serve Your
Palmer - Donavin
Manufacturing Co. Liberty Township Sportsman
Columbus, Ohio Club
Best Wishes
To Compliments
Your F. O. Schoedinger Co.
Evans Bros.
Candy Co.
Delaware, Ohio
We Serve Your Powell Stores
page 11
[corresponds to labeled page 11 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Page Six THE WORTHINGTON NEWS -- WORTHINGTON, OHIO Thursday, July 15, 1948
Speeches, Band Music, Fireworks, Dancing, Movies, Refreshments-Bring The Family-
Come On Over-Join In The Fun and Helps Us Celebrate
[columns 1 and 2]
Compliments Bells
Powell Speedway Groceries Meats
FAST - CLEAN Confectionery
Fire Proof Construction Co. Best Wishes
800 West Third Ave. Powell, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
UN. 1126 UN 1127
Compliments of Congratulations
"Electroweight" Sharp - Canfield
Trademark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off Hardware
Scales Also From
Powell's Only Mfg. Perry and McMannus
Congratulations Compliments
Gabels Milk Co. from
COMPLETE DAIRY PRODUCTS The Newest Addition To Powell
We Serve Your Works Pool Room
RED & WHITE STORE Open Evenings
7 P.M. - 12 P.M.
AUTO REPAIRS Ralph Kirkham
Weinstock Motor Sales FARM FENCING
C. C. Robinson Co. F. W. Sloter Co.
Columbus, Ohio GA. 6444 GA. 6464
Mt. Air Swimming Pool
25? and this ad good for one swim by children
under 10 with suits on ready to go in.
Friday, July 16 to Tuesday, July 20 Powell Community
Good from Noon till 7:00 P.M. Boosters Club
Picnic Grounds, 3 Mi. N. of Worthington WE
on Olentangy River BOOST POWELL
Courtesy Aubern Shroyer Funeral Home,
4221 N. High St.
Westwater Supply Co. S. M. Flickinger Co.
150 N. Third St. We Serve
Columbus, Ohio Your
We Serve YOur
The Your Local Paint Service Center
Ohio Public Services Co. Powell Coal Company
[columns 3 and 4]
"Bishops" Congratulations
RADIO REPAIR SERVICE Powell Farmers Exchange
Compliments Congratulations
of Jacks Print Shop
Plummers PRINTING and
Confectionery MAGAZINES
BE SURE WITH PURE Congratulations
OIL and GAS Wil-Sta Homestead
Weinstock Motor Sales Wm. WILCOX
- Powell -
Delaware Milk Co. Rarick Poultry Farm
and FR. 2-5805
Frank M. Johnson Congratulations
Shade & Fruit Tree Care Holly Bros.
Member Columbus Landscape Ass'n. A New Business In Powell
Fr. 2-5669
DiNovo Bros. Compliments
We Serve Your We Serve Your
Palmer - Donavin
Manufacturing Co. Liberty Township Sportsman
Columbus, Ohio Club
Best Wishes
To Compliments
Your F. O. Schoedinger Co.
Evans Bros.
Candy Co.
Delaware, Ohio
We Serve Your Powell Stores
page 11
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 12)
[page 12]
[corresponds to labeled page 12 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
The following chapter is devoted to recollections of member of The Powell-Liberty
Historical Society with a focus on
life 50 years ago. They appeared in the Olentangy Valley News and are
reproduced with its permission for the
unifying quality they offer this commemorative booklet.
Canfield Hardware Store was
place to be in spring by Jean Kirkham
Hey, Don, my truck's parked at the 'mill'. Throw in a
100 pounds of calf meal and 50 of chick feed. I'm going to
Pernal's for a haircut."
"Don, I need two
pounds of six-penny
"Lucile, I'm here to
pay my light bill."
"What can I give my
kids for Christmas? I see
you have Ingersol
watches, harmonicas,
pocket knives, sleds and
wagons. Oh, yes, there's
a doll my little girl
would love."
So it was on a typical
day in the Sharp and
Canfield Hardware
Store, 50 years ago.
In spring, there were
hand plows, manual
cultivators, seeders,
hoes, spades and shovels
on the covered porch.
Inside were 30 gallon
crocks of seed corn,
several varieties of
beans, peas and other
large seeds.
Stacks of seed
potatoes and onion sets
were nearby. Each was
weighted out to fulfill the
customer's needs. Small
seeds, such as lettuce,
tomato, carrots, spinach
and beets, were weighted
in one-eighth or one-
quarter ounce units. At
that time, almost every
home had a garden which supplied the
family's vegetables for the entire year.
[photo: Canfield's Hardware eventually
was sold so the Canfields could
open a Sohio station, which was
located where the gazebo now
can be found.]
In 1921 Julian E. sharp and son-in-law, Donald
Canfield, bought the Scott Brothers Hardware and
established a business which served the Powell community
and much of southwestern Delaware County.
After Mr. Sharp's death in 1943, Lucile Sharp Canfield
(Don's wife) began working full-time in the store. Full-
time meant opening at 7:30 a.m. and closing at 9 p.m.
Serving the public meant long hours and also keeping a
great variety of wares available. Don spent one day each
week going from wholesale house to wholesale house in
Columbus to keep the store well-stocked.
The hardware building is now occupied by Powell
Village Antiques on the northeast corner of Olentangy
and Liberty streets.
The mill referred to in the first sentence is now Powell
Day Care Center. It was built by H.E. Sharp as a flour mill.
Canfield converted it to a warehouse for all kinds of
Tuxedo animal feeds.
He delivered several hundred pounds of the products
each week to the surrounding farms. Some of the feeds
were bagged in cotton prints which were used to make
aprons, towels and even dresses.
The barbershop, known as Pernal's, was owned and
operated by Pernal Askins for many years. He was a
brother of Craig Askins, a lifelong resident of this area.
In 1948, the hardware was sold so that the Canfields
could establish a new business. They built a Standard Oil
station on the opposite corner (where the gazebo and park
are now.)
Again Lucile worked every day with Don, except
Sunday when she served as church organist in the Powell
United Methodist church, a position she filled for more
than 40 years.
In 1955, because of their poor health, the Canfields
leased the station to Melvin and Luthella (Poodle)
Morgan. The Morgans continued in the business until
Jean Kirkham is a lifelong resident of Powell and has been a
piano and vocal teacher in the community for 50 years. She is
the daughter of Lucile and Don Canfield.
page 12
[corresponds to labeled page 12 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
The following chapter is devoted to recollections of member of The Powell-Liberty
Historical Society with a focus on
life 50 years ago. They appeared in the Olentangy Valley News and are
reproduced with its permission for the
unifying quality they offer this commemorative booklet.
Canfield Hardware Store was
place to be in spring by Jean Kirkham
Hey, Don, my truck's parked at the 'mill'. Throw in a
100 pounds of calf meal and 50 of chick feed. I'm going to
Pernal's for a haircut."
"Don, I need two
pounds of six-penny
"Lucile, I'm here to
pay my light bill."
"What can I give my
kids for Christmas? I see
you have Ingersol
watches, harmonicas,
pocket knives, sleds and
wagons. Oh, yes, there's
a doll my little girl
would love."
So it was on a typical
day in the Sharp and
Canfield Hardware
Store, 50 years ago.
In spring, there were
hand plows, manual
cultivators, seeders,
hoes, spades and shovels
on the covered porch.
Inside were 30 gallon
crocks of seed corn,
several varieties of
beans, peas and other
large seeds.
Stacks of seed
potatoes and onion sets
were nearby. Each was
weighted out to fulfill the
customer's needs. Small
seeds, such as lettuce,
tomato, carrots, spinach
and beets, were weighted
in one-eighth or one-
quarter ounce units. At
that time, almost every
home had a garden which supplied the
family's vegetables for the entire year.
[photo: Canfield's Hardware eventually
was sold so the Canfields could
open a Sohio station, which was
located where the gazebo now
can be found.]
In 1921 Julian E. sharp and son-in-law, Donald
Canfield, bought the Scott Brothers Hardware and
established a business which served the Powell community
and much of southwestern Delaware County.
After Mr. Sharp's death in 1943, Lucile Sharp Canfield
(Don's wife) began working full-time in the store. Full-
time meant opening at 7:30 a.m. and closing at 9 p.m.
Serving the public meant long hours and also keeping a
great variety of wares available. Don spent one day each
week going from wholesale house to wholesale house in
Columbus to keep the store well-stocked.
The hardware building is now occupied by Powell
Village Antiques on the northeast corner of Olentangy
and Liberty streets.
The mill referred to in the first sentence is now Powell
Day Care Center. It was built by H.E. Sharp as a flour mill.
Canfield converted it to a warehouse for all kinds of
Tuxedo animal feeds.
He delivered several hundred pounds of the products
each week to the surrounding farms. Some of the feeds
were bagged in cotton prints which were used to make
aprons, towels and even dresses.
The barbershop, known as Pernal's, was owned and
operated by Pernal Askins for many years. He was a
brother of Craig Askins, a lifelong resident of this area.
In 1948, the hardware was sold so that the Canfields
could establish a new business. They built a Standard Oil
station on the opposite corner (where the gazebo and park
are now.)
Again Lucile worked every day with Don, except
Sunday when she served as church organist in the Powell
United Methodist church, a position she filled for more
than 40 years.
In 1955, because of their poor health, the Canfields
leased the station to Melvin and Luthella (Poodle)
Morgan. The Morgans continued in the business until
Jean Kirkham is a lifelong resident of Powell and has been a
piano and vocal teacher in the community for 50 years. She is
the daughter of Lucile and Don Canfield.
page 12
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 13)
[page 13]
[corresponds to labeled page 13 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Penny Candy was popular at
Plummer's Confectionery
by Evalyn Plummer Anderson
In the village of Powell 50 years ago there were three
grocery stores to serve the area.
The nearest town to shop was 10-12 miles to
Worthington, Delaware or 20 miles to Columbus.
Graceland was the first shopping center to come to the
area, but in 1947 Graceland was still farm land. The three
grocery stores to serve Powell and the surrounding area
were Clara Bell's Reeves Red & White and Plummer's
The owner usually lived in rooms behind the store and
the family was expected to help.
The typical store had a pot-bellied stove for heat and
hang down type of incandescent lights.
Rest rooms were non-existent. Running water came
from a well or cistern. Windows were high to let in
light and hot air out. Screen doors in front and back let
fresh air in to circulate with help of fans. In mid-summer,
hanging sticky ribbons with flies were not uncommon.
There was usually a big ball of string up high hanging
down to tie packages of meat, etc. You told the grocer what
you wanted and he got it down off the shelf for you. Those
who lived in the village walked to the store daily or sent
the children. The children might have a few pennies
change to choose candy from the penny candy case.
Farmers in the country drove into town. Many times
the men brought the list and while the grocer filled the
order the men visited, gossiped or solved the problems of
the world.
The stores were stocked with canned goods, but only
one brand of an item, fresh meats, (lunch meat sliced by
hand), produce in season, cereals, milk, ice cream, and
soaps like Fels-Naptha, Lifebuoy, Camay, Ivory and penny
Also available was gloves, caps, socks, yellow tablets,
pencils, crayons, sewing thread. Patent medicines like
aspirin, Ex-Lax, Hadacol, Elixir, cough syrup, Vapor rub,
iodine, bandages, adhesive tape (not Band-Aids).
At Plummer's you could get Shell gas and oil as well as
ice for the ice box. Ice Cream cones were two dips for a
nickel. They had two tables so you could sit and eat a
chocolate sundae while your order was being filled. Soda
pop came in 6-oz. bottles such a coca-cola, 7-up, orange,
grape and root beer.
In 1947 stores had not changed much for many years
due to the great Depression and then World War II. But in
the next 10 years things changed rapidly. Stores started to
remodel and put in central heating and air-conditioning
and open shelving so customers could serve themselves.
Reeves and Plummer's remodeled in 1950. Gone were
the gas pumps and ice house. Added was magazines,
greeting cards, costume jewelry, watches, home perma-
nents, band-aids, baby gifts, pot pies and frozen vegetables,
warm nuts by the pound, pop by the carton, packaged ice
cream, 45 RPM records, more school supplies, toys and
Later they added work pants, shirts, underwear, flannel
shirts, blue jeans, straw hats, yard goods, sewing notions,
paint, license plate
agency and they still
had Penny Candy!
By the mid-'50s
super markets were
being built rapidly
and people were
beginning to get
second cars and the
family general store
was finding it hard
to compete. People
liked having a
choice of brands to
choose from and
serving themselves.
The Mom and Pop
type general stores
as I knew them
were the forerunner
of the big super
markets of today.
But there is no
such thing as Penny
[photo: Harold Plummer and Melvin Morgan sit
at Plummer's Confectionery in 1941.]
Walter and Eliza
Weaver ran the
grocery "on the
corner" for many
years. Ben and
Clara Bell bought it in 1946. They had two sons, Donald
and Victor. Ben died in 1948. Clara continued to run the
store and later married Lanny Landstrum. Clara stayed in
the store until 1985.
These owners did not live in the back of the store.
Fred and Rhe Reeves and son Mac came to town in
1937 and opened the Red and White store. The Reeves did
live behind the store for awhile, and remodeled it at least
once before closing in 1973.
Harold and Elsie Plummer came to town in 1941 and
opened Plummer's Confectionery. They had two daughters
Evalyn and Carol and they all lived in the back rooms of
page 13
[corresponds to labeled page 13 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Penny Candy was popular at
Plummer's Confectionery
by Evalyn Plummer Anderson
In the village of Powell 50 years ago there were three
grocery stores to serve the area.
The nearest town to shop was 10-12 miles to
Worthington, Delaware or 20 miles to Columbus.
Graceland was the first shopping center to come to the
area, but in 1947 Graceland was still farm land. The three
grocery stores to serve Powell and the surrounding area
were Clara Bell's Reeves Red & White and Plummer's
The owner usually lived in rooms behind the store and
the family was expected to help.
The typical store had a pot-bellied stove for heat and
hang down type of incandescent lights.
Rest rooms were non-existent. Running water came
from a well or cistern. Windows were high to let in
light and hot air out. Screen doors in front and back let
fresh air in to circulate with help of fans. In mid-summer,
hanging sticky ribbons with flies were not uncommon.
There was usually a big ball of string up high hanging
down to tie packages of meat, etc. You told the grocer what
you wanted and he got it down off the shelf for you. Those
who lived in the village walked to the store daily or sent
the children. The children might have a few pennies
change to choose candy from the penny candy case.
Farmers in the country drove into town. Many times
the men brought the list and while the grocer filled the
order the men visited, gossiped or solved the problems of
the world.
The stores were stocked with canned goods, but only
one brand of an item, fresh meats, (lunch meat sliced by
hand), produce in season, cereals, milk, ice cream, and
soaps like Fels-Naptha, Lifebuoy, Camay, Ivory and penny
Also available was gloves, caps, socks, yellow tablets,
pencils, crayons, sewing thread. Patent medicines like
aspirin, Ex-Lax, Hadacol, Elixir, cough syrup, Vapor rub,
iodine, bandages, adhesive tape (not Band-Aids).
At Plummer's you could get Shell gas and oil as well as
ice for the ice box. Ice Cream cones were two dips for a
nickel. They had two tables so you could sit and eat a
chocolate sundae while your order was being filled. Soda
pop came in 6-oz. bottles such a coca-cola, 7-up, orange,
grape and root beer.
In 1947 stores had not changed much for many years
due to the great Depression and then World War II. But in
the next 10 years things changed rapidly. Stores started to
remodel and put in central heating and air-conditioning
and open shelving so customers could serve themselves.
Reeves and Plummer's remodeled in 1950. Gone were
the gas pumps and ice house. Added was magazines,
greeting cards, costume jewelry, watches, home perma-
nents, band-aids, baby gifts, pot pies and frozen vegetables,
warm nuts by the pound, pop by the carton, packaged ice
cream, 45 RPM records, more school supplies, toys and
Later they added work pants, shirts, underwear, flannel
shirts, blue jeans, straw hats, yard goods, sewing notions,
paint, license plate
agency and they still
had Penny Candy!
By the mid-'50s
super markets were
being built rapidly
and people were
beginning to get
second cars and the
family general store
was finding it hard
to compete. People
liked having a
choice of brands to
choose from and
serving themselves.
The Mom and Pop
type general stores
as I knew them
were the forerunner
of the big super
markets of today.
But there is no
such thing as Penny
[photo: Harold Plummer and Melvin Morgan sit
at Plummer's Confectionery in 1941.]
Walter and Eliza
Weaver ran the
grocery "on the
corner" for many
years. Ben and
Clara Bell bought it in 1946. They had two sons, Donald
and Victor. Ben died in 1948. Clara continued to run the
store and later married Lanny Landstrum. Clara stayed in
the store until 1985.
These owners did not live in the back of the store.
Fred and Rhe Reeves and son Mac came to town in
1937 and opened the Red and White store. The Reeves did
live behind the store for awhile, and remodeled it at least
once before closing in 1973.
Harold and Elsie Plummer came to town in 1941 and
opened Plummer's Confectionery. They had two daughters
Evalyn and Carol and they all lived in the back rooms of
page 13
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 14)
[page 14]
[corresponds to labeled page 14 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
the store until 1946, when they moved into a new house
next door.
The store was remodeled in 1950. Harold died in 1955
and Elsie continued running the store with daughter
Evalyn and her husband Andy Anderson. The store closed
in 1973.
Evalyn Plummer Anderson moved to Powell with her parents
when she was 10 years old. She graduated from Powell High
School, married her high school sweetheart and raised four
children in the small community atmosphere.
She and Andy remained an active part of the community
until they moved near Delaware in 1990.
Powell's first police chief was
good will ambassador by Donna Lawrence
The village of Powell was incorporated in 1947 and the
mayor was appointed along with the Village Council.
Then came the big decision as to who would be
appointed Village Marshal. The council chose my father,
William (Bill) Muladore for the job. He held this office
until his death in 1962.
Prior to the incorporation of the village, Guy Butcher
was the constable of all of Liberty Township including
Powell. at that time, the village had no street lights, no fire
department, no Del-Co Water and very few bathrooms --
mostly just the
little out-house at
the end of the
In 1948 the
council appointed
Gene Hess as
Deputy Marshal.
It should be
remembered that
at this time no
training was
required -- in
other words, you
trained on the
I think my
father was chosen
because he was
tall, strong and
had many friends
in the town.
(This always
helps!) He also
had a terrific
personality and
sense of humor.
He never
backed off from
those he couldn't
charm into
behaving, so his
reputation of
[photo: Bill Muladore was Powell's first
Village Marshal.]
being fair but tough helped.
He was known as the "ambassador of good will of
Powell." He knew every adult, child, dog and cat among
the 350 residents of the town.
His duties consisted of directing traffic at the four
corners, watching at the bottom of the hill where the
school was located (the site of Powell Center today) to
make sure no child went into the street, cooling the
tempers of an occasional domestic battle and keeping quiet
about the participants.
On Saturday nights, the Powell Race Track was open
and the town buzzed with traffic.
With the whine of the race cars warming up and the
voice of the announcer, my father, along with the county
sheriff's department, kept law and order.
Dad, with his uniform pressed, his badge on his chest,
white shirt starched and ironed by Mama, stepped high. I
was so proud of him.
In later years, a co-worker of my son, learning that he
was from Powell, wanted to know if "that gray-haired old
so and so" was still Marshal there. My son told him he
was referring to his grandfather who had died several
years earlier. The man proceeded to tell my son of an
incident in the late 1950s.
This man and a friend had gotten drunk one night and
decided it would be fun to drive to Powell and ring the bell
in the Methodist Church. This was at 2 a.m. on a summer
night and naturally woke up a lot of people.
The two men thought this was so much fun, they
decided to do it again an hour later.
As the story goes, the co-worker opened the church
door just enough to reach in and pull the bell rope. When
he pulled, he pulled on the "gray-haired so and so's
The co-worker reported, "That old man turned me
every way but loose."
When I started to write this history, I didn't think it
would be a sort of eulogy to my father.
He's been gone for 35 years, and I still have people say
to me, "Remember when old Bill did this or said that?"
Pretty good for a small-town cop!
Donna Lawrence, a former village councilwoman, has lived
in Powell most of her entire life.
page 14
[corresponds to labeled page 14 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
the store until 1946, when they moved into a new house
next door.
The store was remodeled in 1950. Harold died in 1955
and Elsie continued running the store with daughter
Evalyn and her husband Andy Anderson. The store closed
in 1973.
Evalyn Plummer Anderson moved to Powell with her parents
when she was 10 years old. She graduated from Powell High
School, married her high school sweetheart and raised four
children in the small community atmosphere.
She and Andy remained an active part of the community
until they moved near Delaware in 1990.
Powell's first police chief was
good will ambassador by Donna Lawrence
The village of Powell was incorporated in 1947 and the
mayor was appointed along with the Village Council.
Then came the big decision as to who would be
appointed Village Marshal. The council chose my father,
William (Bill) Muladore for the job. He held this office
until his death in 1962.
Prior to the incorporation of the village, Guy Butcher
was the constable of all of Liberty Township including
Powell. at that time, the village had no street lights, no fire
department, no Del-Co Water and very few bathrooms --
mostly just the
little out-house at
the end of the
In 1948 the
council appointed
Gene Hess as
Deputy Marshal.
It should be
remembered that
at this time no
training was
required -- in
other words, you
trained on the
I think my
father was chosen
because he was
tall, strong and
had many friends
in the town.
(This always
helps!) He also
had a terrific
personality and
sense of humor.
He never
backed off from
those he couldn't
charm into
behaving, so his
reputation of
[photo: Bill Muladore was Powell's first
Village Marshal.]
being fair but tough helped.
He was known as the "ambassador of good will of
Powell." He knew every adult, child, dog and cat among
the 350 residents of the town.
His duties consisted of directing traffic at the four
corners, watching at the bottom of the hill where the
school was located (the site of Powell Center today) to
make sure no child went into the street, cooling the
tempers of an occasional domestic battle and keeping quiet
about the participants.
On Saturday nights, the Powell Race Track was open
and the town buzzed with traffic.
With the whine of the race cars warming up and the
voice of the announcer, my father, along with the county
sheriff's department, kept law and order.
Dad, with his uniform pressed, his badge on his chest,
white shirt starched and ironed by Mama, stepped high. I
was so proud of him.
In later years, a co-worker of my son, learning that he
was from Powell, wanted to know if "that gray-haired old
so and so" was still Marshal there. My son told him he
was referring to his grandfather who had died several
years earlier. The man proceeded to tell my son of an
incident in the late 1950s.
This man and a friend had gotten drunk one night and
decided it would be fun to drive to Powell and ring the bell
in the Methodist Church. This was at 2 a.m. on a summer
night and naturally woke up a lot of people.
The two men thought this was so much fun, they
decided to do it again an hour later.
As the story goes, the co-worker opened the church
door just enough to reach in and pull the bell rope. When
he pulled, he pulled on the "gray-haired so and so's
The co-worker reported, "That old man turned me
every way but loose."
When I started to write this history, I didn't think it
would be a sort of eulogy to my father.
He's been gone for 35 years, and I still have people say
to me, "Remember when old Bill did this or said that?"
Pretty good for a small-town cop!
Donna Lawrence, a former village councilwoman, has lived
in Powell most of her entire life.
page 14
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 15)
[page 15]
[corresponds to labeled page 15 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Farming has changed greatly
as Powell area developed
by Craig Askins
I started farming in the late 1920s with dairy cattle
being my first interest. I also sold Golden Guernsey milk.
Later, when consumers demanded less butterfat in
their milk, we changed from Guernsey cows to Holsteins
which produced less butterfat and considerably more
pounds of milk per cow. We were paid per 100 pounds of
milk, and when the butterfat was taken out, we lost
We took our dairy cows across the Powell Road to
pasture and back each day. This would be impossible now.
In the '30s and '40s every farm had a flock of chickens. In
fact, in those days our chickens gave us more income than
the dairy.
It was in the mid-1940s that I changed my 1894
barn from loose housing to a stanchions barn. In
the early '40s, I changed from horse power to
tractor power.
Horses have always been a part of my life, so it
was a sad day when I sold my last team of horses to
Jim Brown. Jim was well known and well loved
around Powell for many years. After graduating
from Powell High School in 1912, he drove the
horse-drawn school wagon and later the first
motorized school bus in the state in 1917.
Farming was a four-year rotation of crops: corn,
wheat and two years of hay. Over the years, grain
was hauled to Lewis Center and Kile for sale. We
quit cutting wheat and oats with the grain binder in
the early 1940s and used a combine. After years of
farming, as a hobby I enjoyed using an 1888 steam
engine to run a stationary thresher to harvest
In our home we used the wood and cook stove
with the warming closet above. The Round Oak
heater was used in the living room. This was the
"Cadillac" of heaters.
Our community was made up mostly of farmers,
so 4'H clubs were important. All of our four
children were 4-H members. My wife, Marguerite,
and I were advisers.
The church was important in our lives as well.
The old building still stands in the center of Old Powell.
Congregations then would number 40 to 50 people. We
knew everyone.
Today, the Powell Methodist Church serves 400 to 500
people each Sunday morning. In those days, we always
addressed our minister as "Reverend". I am sorry that
today (I'm included), it is just Lou.
Our school building stood in old Powell with 40 to 50
students in high school and 120 in the first eight grades.
H.O. Gibson was our superintendent. His widow is my
One day as I took off in my '38 chevy for Bill Stack's
blacksmith shop, I decided to count the dairy farms
between my farm and Powell. In 1-1/2 miles, there were
six farms: Joe Brown, Earl Clemons, Jack Tuller, the Zinn
farm, Pearl Drumheller and mine. Today, there are just
two dairy farms between Powell and Delaware.
Arriving at the four corners, there was no light, no stop
signs and no traffic. My old friend, Bill, the town marshal,
was standing there.
So I stopped to say hello. When I started to turn left to
continue on my way, Bill said, "Craig, hold out your hand
so people will know which way you are going". Then came
that characteristic laugh.
[photo: Craig Askins rides on an old McCormick Grain Binder,
drawn by his Belgian horses.]
This is the way it was for me 50 years ago. I believe
farmers have stayed in business because they work 12 to
16 hours a day, plus holidays, when the work needs to be
done and the weather requires it.
Craig Askins came as a boy from Oklahoma in 1918. He
lived in the home of his parents until his recent death. The
barn he used has framework from a barn built for the 1894
World's Fair in Chicago. In the 1970s, he bought a team of
registered Belgian mares and raised and sold their offspring
at the Eastern States Draft Horse Show for many years.
page 15
[corresponds to labeled page 15 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Farming has changed greatly
as Powell area developed
by Craig Askins
I started farming in the late 1920s with dairy cattle
being my first interest. I also sold Golden Guernsey milk.
Later, when consumers demanded less butterfat in
their milk, we changed from Guernsey cows to Holsteins
which produced less butterfat and considerably more
pounds of milk per cow. We were paid per 100 pounds of
milk, and when the butterfat was taken out, we lost
We took our dairy cows across the Powell Road to
pasture and back each day. This would be impossible now.
In the '30s and '40s every farm had a flock of chickens. In
fact, in those days our chickens gave us more income than
the dairy.
It was in the mid-1940s that I changed my 1894
barn from loose housing to a stanchions barn. In
the early '40s, I changed from horse power to
tractor power.
Horses have always been a part of my life, so it
was a sad day when I sold my last team of horses to
Jim Brown. Jim was well known and well loved
around Powell for many years. After graduating
from Powell High School in 1912, he drove the
horse-drawn school wagon and later the first
motorized school bus in the state in 1917.
Farming was a four-year rotation of crops: corn,
wheat and two years of hay. Over the years, grain
was hauled to Lewis Center and Kile for sale. We
quit cutting wheat and oats with the grain binder in
the early 1940s and used a combine. After years of
farming, as a hobby I enjoyed using an 1888 steam
engine to run a stationary thresher to harvest
In our home we used the wood and cook stove
with the warming closet above. The Round Oak
heater was used in the living room. This was the
"Cadillac" of heaters.
Our community was made up mostly of farmers,
so 4'H clubs were important. All of our four
children were 4-H members. My wife, Marguerite,
and I were advisers.
The church was important in our lives as well.
The old building still stands in the center of Old Powell.
Congregations then would number 40 to 50 people. We
knew everyone.
Today, the Powell Methodist Church serves 400 to 500
people each Sunday morning. In those days, we always
addressed our minister as "Reverend". I am sorry that
today (I'm included), it is just Lou.
Our school building stood in old Powell with 40 to 50
students in high school and 120 in the first eight grades.
H.O. Gibson was our superintendent. His widow is my
One day as I took off in my '38 chevy for Bill Stack's
blacksmith shop, I decided to count the dairy farms
between my farm and Powell. In 1-1/2 miles, there were
six farms: Joe Brown, Earl Clemons, Jack Tuller, the Zinn
farm, Pearl Drumheller and mine. Today, there are just
two dairy farms between Powell and Delaware.
Arriving at the four corners, there was no light, no stop
signs and no traffic. My old friend, Bill, the town marshal,
was standing there.
So I stopped to say hello. When I started to turn left to
continue on my way, Bill said, "Craig, hold out your hand
so people will know which way you are going". Then came
that characteristic laugh.
[photo: Craig Askins rides on an old McCormick Grain Binder,
drawn by his Belgian horses.]
This is the way it was for me 50 years ago. I believe
farmers have stayed in business because they work 12 to
16 hours a day, plus holidays, when the work needs to be
done and the weather requires it.
Craig Askins came as a boy from Oklahoma in 1918. He
lived in the home of his parents until his recent death. The
barn he used has framework from a barn built for the 1894
World's Fair in Chicago. In the 1970s, he bought a team of
registered Belgian mares and raised and sold their offspring
at the Eastern States Draft Horse Show for many years.
page 15
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 16)
[page 16]
[corresponds to labeled page 16 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Idea of incorporation meant
changes for Powell by Virginia Hess
[photo: Gene Hess helped create
the first "police car" for
the then new village of
I was asked to contribute
an article for "Glimpses of the
Past' that included my late
husband, Eugene "Gene"
Hess, and myself.
First, just a little personal
note for those who did not
know us 50 years ago. Gene
and I both came to Powell in
the spring of 1932. He came from Columbus and I moved
with my folks from Dublin.
We met in 1933. I gradu-
ated from the old Powell
school in 1934. We were
married in 1935 and lived in
Powell until his death in 1985.
I now live in Delaware.
As the old town of Powell
began to "come alive" after
World War II, the Powell
Business Men's Association
was formed and the idea of
incorporation was discussed.
Gene led the movement for
the incorporation and he and
two other men, Harry
Weinstock and H.O. Kline,
were in favor of this and the
incorporation became a reality
in February 1947.
It was not necessary to
have a governing body
consisting of a mayor, council
members, clerk, treasurer and
a marshal. Frank Bayles was the first mayor, and Bill
Muladore was appointed at the first marshal.
In December 1948, council appointed Gene as deputy
marshal. He served in this role while he owned and
operated a small plant where he made scale equipment.
Some kind of a police car was needed so Gene, being
handy with tools and machinery, made "Powell Police"
signs and fastened them on the side of his "sedan
delivery" car. The signs could be easily taken off or put on
as needed by the use of snaps. He had red flashing light
and I believe a siren, as he was also a volunteer fireman.
The "sedan delivery" car he used was similar in size to
the small minivans of today. Gene served as deputy
marshal for 14-1/2 years until the pressure of his business
forced him to resign in Apri 1962. He remained on the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
In the November election of 1958, I ran for clerk-
treasurer of the village, was elected, and held that office
for 10 years. John Kirkham was mayor during this time,
and we had a village solicitor from Columbus, Fred
Campbell, who kept us doing things legal.
The council met in the north room of the low brick
building at the northwest corner of Liberty and Olentangy
streets. During the years when I served as clerk-treasurer,
many changes took place. Powell had grown a little, but
nothing compared to the last few years.
I would never have imagined that the small quiet town
of Powell, the crossroads of liberty and Olentangy streets,
and between two beautiful rivers, would now be near city
My congratulations to Powell on the 50th anniversary
of the incorporation. I am very glad Gene and I had a part
in the beginning.
Virginia Hess is longtime member of Powell United Method-
ist Church.
Life was much different for
Powell teens 50 years ao
by Don Bell
Fifty years ago Powell was not a suburb of Columbus; it
was a tiny country village. The nearest town of any size
was Worthington; Columbus was 15 miles away. This
created problems for teen-agers. The main mode of
transportation was the bicycle, but a couple of the gang
had old clunkers to ferry the rest of us around for special
occasions. There were not many two-car families so
borrowing the family car was not something done on a
page 16
[corresponds to labeled page 16 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Idea of incorporation meant
changes for Powell by Virginia Hess
[photo: Gene Hess helped create
the first "police car" for
the then new village of
I was asked to contribute
an article for "Glimpses of the
Past' that included my late
husband, Eugene "Gene"
Hess, and myself.
First, just a little personal
note for those who did not
know us 50 years ago. Gene
and I both came to Powell in
the spring of 1932. He came from Columbus and I moved
with my folks from Dublin.
We met in 1933. I gradu-
ated from the old Powell
school in 1934. We were
married in 1935 and lived in
Powell until his death in 1985.
I now live in Delaware.
As the old town of Powell
began to "come alive" after
World War II, the Powell
Business Men's Association
was formed and the idea of
incorporation was discussed.
Gene led the movement for
the incorporation and he and
two other men, Harry
Weinstock and H.O. Kline,
were in favor of this and the
incorporation became a reality
in February 1947.
It was not necessary to
have a governing body
consisting of a mayor, council
members, clerk, treasurer and
a marshal. Frank Bayles was the first mayor, and Bill
Muladore was appointed at the first marshal.
In December 1948, council appointed Gene as deputy
marshal. He served in this role while he owned and
operated a small plant where he made scale equipment.
Some kind of a police car was needed so Gene, being
handy with tools and machinery, made "Powell Police"
signs and fastened them on the side of his "sedan
delivery" car. The signs could be easily taken off or put on
as needed by the use of snaps. He had red flashing light
and I believe a siren, as he was also a volunteer fireman.
The "sedan delivery" car he used was similar in size to
the small minivans of today. Gene served as deputy
marshal for 14-1/2 years until the pressure of his business
forced him to resign in Apri 1962. He remained on the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
In the November election of 1958, I ran for clerk-
treasurer of the village, was elected, and held that office
for 10 years. John Kirkham was mayor during this time,
and we had a village solicitor from Columbus, Fred
Campbell, who kept us doing things legal.
The council met in the north room of the low brick
building at the northwest corner of Liberty and Olentangy
streets. During the years when I served as clerk-treasurer,
many changes took place. Powell had grown a little, but
nothing compared to the last few years.
I would never have imagined that the small quiet town
of Powell, the crossroads of liberty and Olentangy streets,
and between two beautiful rivers, would now be near city
My congratulations to Powell on the 50th anniversary
of the incorporation. I am very glad Gene and I had a part
in the beginning.
Virginia Hess is longtime member of Powell United Method-
ist Church.
Life was much different for
Powell teens 50 years ao
by Don Bell
Fifty years ago Powell was not a suburb of Columbus; it
was a tiny country village. The nearest town of any size
was Worthington; Columbus was 15 miles away. This
created problems for teen-agers. The main mode of
transportation was the bicycle, but a couple of the gang
had old clunkers to ferry the rest of us around for special
occasions. There were not many two-car families so
borrowing the family car was not something done on a
page 16
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 17)
[page 17]
[corresponds to labeled page 17 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
regular basis. A passenger train did stop at the depot about
1:00 pm on weekdays and you could ride to Columbus by
rail. However, there was no scheduled train to bring you
back, so other arrangements had to be made. Hitchhiking
was one method. It was safe then.
The focal point of the teen-ager was the school and its
activities. Sports, music, plays and moneymaking projects
to finance the yearly educations trip kept us very busy.
Dating was mostly to attend school functions. After school
and on weekends we would hang out at the corner store,
playing the jukebox, at six plays for a quarter, or trying to
win free games on the pinball machine. We would also
plan some devious entertainment such as our
hub cap game. A group of us would sit at the
corner and when a car would pull away form the
stop sign, we would throw an old hub cap along
side the car and yell that hub cap had fallen
from the wheel. One of us would pick it up and
just when the driver, who had stopped, was
reaching for it, the designated returnee would
take off running at top speed. Needless to say,
there were some great reactions from the drivers.
In the summer most of the young people
would work on the area farms baling hay, etc., or
at some local business. Of course, there were
always jobs at the Powell Speedway on weekends.
In our spare time we played baseball and softball
usually in a league in Delaware. We won the
championship in softball in 1948. In addition, we
also collected scrap metal and newspapers in
order to buy football uniforms. Since Powell High
School was too small for football, we formed our
own team, well equipped, and played teams from
other areas. We did not do well, but we looked
good. Our jerseys had the names of local mer-
chants on them. In the fall most of the guys
hunted on the large farms of the surrounding
area. These areas no longer exist as they are
covered with houses. In the winter we went
sledding at Devil's Back Bone (now Liberty
Parkway) or ice skating at Cox's Pond which is
now Old Pond Lane in Deer Run development.
Sometimes we would pile into a car and head for
Worthington for spaghetti at Ann-Ton's or a hamburger
and shake at The Dales, which was owned by two
practical-joking brothers. At that time a club sandwich at
Ann-Ton's was 65 cents. There were not McDonalds or
Burger Kings and we never heard of pizza. The only fast-
food restaurant was White Castle and the nearest one was
located at Arcadia and High in the north end of Colum-
bus. Notice -- there is no mention of television or
computers. There weren't any!
Dating then, as now, was a big part of a teen-agers' life.
Girls talked about boys and boys talked about girls! Most
dating was to attend school functions like dances, hay
rides or basketball games. Away basketball games were
good because you could ride the bus with your girl and did
not need a car! A big date would mean a movie in
downtown Columbus at one of the first run theaters and a
stop to eat on the way home. Of course, there were the
drive-in theaters on Riverside Drive and Kingman Hill
south of Delaware. Money to finance dates was just as
hard to come by then as today. Things like movies and
food did not cost as much, but you didn't make much
either. There were a lot of double dates due to transporta--
tion problems. Those who did not have cars available did
not date much.
Halloween was a great time in Powell. We usually
started our activities in August. I'll not talk of the things
we did, since I'm not sure of the statute of limitations in
these cases. Trick or treat did not mean candy bars and
bubble gum, but apples and homemade cookies. The
Businessmen's Association started a big Halloween Party
[photo: Powell High School Cheerleaders and Basketball Team, 1945-
46. Don Bell is pictured third from left in middle row.]
held at the school in an attempt to keep down the mis-
chief. It provided an outlet, but also brought more teen-
agers into town. One ruse we liked to pull was when we
saw the town constable, we would run as if we had been
up to something just to see if he would chase us. I'm not
sure if he was playing our game or we were playing his
game! But it kept all of us busy.
Being a teen-ager in the late '40s, especially in a small
village, was quite different than being a teen'ager today.
There were no drugs, no vandalism as we know it today,
no robberies, and no TV. We really never did much, but it
was a wonderful time.
The Bell family moved to the Powell area in 1936. Don Bell
graduated from Powell High School in 1949. His mother,
Clara, now deceased, ran the store on the corner from 1946
until 1985. Don now lives in Reynoldsburg with his wife Mary.
They have two grown children. Don is retired from the
Whitehall School System where he "taught teen-agers" for 33
page 17
[corresponds to labeled page 17 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
regular basis. A passenger train did stop at the depot about
1:00 pm on weekdays and you could ride to Columbus by
rail. However, there was no scheduled train to bring you
back, so other arrangements had to be made. Hitchhiking
was one method. It was safe then.
The focal point of the teen-ager was the school and its
activities. Sports, music, plays and moneymaking projects
to finance the yearly educations trip kept us very busy.
Dating was mostly to attend school functions. After school
and on weekends we would hang out at the corner store,
playing the jukebox, at six plays for a quarter, or trying to
win free games on the pinball machine. We would also
plan some devious entertainment such as our
hub cap game. A group of us would sit at the
corner and when a car would pull away form the
stop sign, we would throw an old hub cap along
side the car and yell that hub cap had fallen
from the wheel. One of us would pick it up and
just when the driver, who had stopped, was
reaching for it, the designated returnee would
take off running at top speed. Needless to say,
there were some great reactions from the drivers.
In the summer most of the young people
would work on the area farms baling hay, etc., or
at some local business. Of course, there were
always jobs at the Powell Speedway on weekends.
In our spare time we played baseball and softball
usually in a league in Delaware. We won the
championship in softball in 1948. In addition, we
also collected scrap metal and newspapers in
order to buy football uniforms. Since Powell High
School was too small for football, we formed our
own team, well equipped, and played teams from
other areas. We did not do well, but we looked
good. Our jerseys had the names of local mer-
chants on them. In the fall most of the guys
hunted on the large farms of the surrounding
area. These areas no longer exist as they are
covered with houses. In the winter we went
sledding at Devil's Back Bone (now Liberty
Parkway) or ice skating at Cox's Pond which is
now Old Pond Lane in Deer Run development.
Sometimes we would pile into a car and head for
Worthington for spaghetti at Ann-Ton's or a hamburger
and shake at The Dales, which was owned by two
practical-joking brothers. At that time a club sandwich at
Ann-Ton's was 65 cents. There were not McDonalds or
Burger Kings and we never heard of pizza. The only fast-
food restaurant was White Castle and the nearest one was
located at Arcadia and High in the north end of Colum-
bus. Notice -- there is no mention of television or
computers. There weren't any!
Dating then, as now, was a big part of a teen-agers' life.
Girls talked about boys and boys talked about girls! Most
dating was to attend school functions like dances, hay
rides or basketball games. Away basketball games were
good because you could ride the bus with your girl and did
not need a car! A big date would mean a movie in
downtown Columbus at one of the first run theaters and a
stop to eat on the way home. Of course, there were the
drive-in theaters on Riverside Drive and Kingman Hill
south of Delaware. Money to finance dates was just as
hard to come by then as today. Things like movies and
food did not cost as much, but you didn't make much
either. There were a lot of double dates due to transporta--
tion problems. Those who did not have cars available did
not date much.
Halloween was a great time in Powell. We usually
started our activities in August. I'll not talk of the things
we did, since I'm not sure of the statute of limitations in
these cases. Trick or treat did not mean candy bars and
bubble gum, but apples and homemade cookies. The
Businessmen's Association started a big Halloween Party
[photo: Powell High School Cheerleaders and Basketball Team, 1945-
46. Don Bell is pictured third from left in middle row.]
held at the school in an attempt to keep down the mis-
chief. It provided an outlet, but also brought more teen-
agers into town. One ruse we liked to pull was when we
saw the town constable, we would run as if we had been
up to something just to see if he would chase us. I'm not
sure if he was playing our game or we were playing his
game! But it kept all of us busy.
Being a teen-ager in the late '40s, especially in a small
village, was quite different than being a teen'ager today.
There were no drugs, no vandalism as we know it today,
no robberies, and no TV. We really never did much, but it
was a wonderful time.
The Bell family moved to the Powell area in 1936. Don Bell
graduated from Powell High School in 1949. His mother,
Clara, now deceased, ran the store on the corner from 1946
until 1985. Don now lives in Reynoldsburg with his wife Mary.
They have two grown children. Don is retired from the
Whitehall School System where he "taught teen-agers" for 33
page 17
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 18)
[page 18]
[corresponds to labeled page 18 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Murphy's was THE place to
be on Saturday Night
by Willmoe Murphy
My husband, Charles (Chuck) Murphy loved auto and
motorcycle racing, when he returned from World War II
service. he talked his father Herman (Shy) Murphy into
looking for ground on which to build a raceway. They
finally settled on the Delaware County Fair Grounds,
where the horse race track was still visible and the
grandstands stood facing south along state Route 750.
[photo: Daredevil races once were the rage at the Powell Speedway.]
Land abstracts document the 100-plus acres of ground
purchased by the Murphy family was part of 4,000 acres
deeded by President John Adams to James Parker, with the
deed executed April 24, 1800.
It took several months to grub out the under brush,
remove the old building leaving only the large exhibition
barn. This building approaching 100 years old is still
standing and currently operates as Murphy's Party Barn
and Catering.
Shy and Chuck Murphy along with several Columbus
businessmen formed the American Racing Association
Inc. in 1946. It aligned with the American Automobile
Association and the American Motorcycle Association, at
that time the two top governing bodies of the motor racing
world, and joined the NASCAR Racing circuit.
This type of auto racing was something new in this
area, especially on a half-mile dirt tract. It was distinctive
from the paved 2-1/2-mile Speedway at Indianapolis. Their
desire was to have a first-class operation. After the racing
was under way, one sports writer from the Star newspaper
wrote "Powell Speedway is the only place to be on
Saturday night, arrive early and picnic.
Sports editor Robert Hooey wrote, "Your first glimpse
of this new venture will tell you that here's a perfect
raceway from a spectator's viewpoint. It's almost a saucer,
with short straightaways and long sweeping curves
which have a width of 90 fee. From the standpoint
of the racer, this track is a honey, no laying off on
those curves, just wind-er-up all the way around."
My husband insisted on a severely banked track,
making it unnecessary to cut down on the speed of
the straightaways. Jim Lamb of AAA, the fellow
who ran the show in Indianapolis each Memorial
Day, was quoted as saying, "after viewing the Powell
Speedway, it's my frank opinion a new world's
record for a half-time dirt track will be set here this
The opening race on June 29, 1946, featured
some of the famous Indianapolis drivers: Joey
Chitwood, Walt Ader, Spider Webb, Bill Holland, Lee
Wallard and Elbert Booker. Wilbur Shaw, manager
of the Indianapolis Speedway, was on hand to cut
the ribbon.
They raced for a estimated crown of 25,000. Cars
were parked all over the acreage. General admission
(standing) was $1.25; bleacher seats $2 and reserved
seats $2.50.
Newspaper clippings from our family scrapbooks
feature daredevil and thrill shows held at Powell
Speedway. Joey Chitwood and his 20 "hell drivers"
performed auto and mtorcycle stunts. Eddie
"Lucky" Zalucki, the most fearless daredevil-
speedster of the "new crop" of drivers (Post World War II"
also performed. We even had a rodeo contest, the circle
"M" rodeo featuring movie actor Art Mix.
Eventually the track was paved and featured stock car
racing. The track has not been abandoned. Today, area
sports car clubs can be found using the track for this
gymkhana races. The old Powell Speedway has even
hosted the 105-mile Ohio State Championship Bicycle
Race. It has been a test track and used for numerous TV
commercials and advertisements.
As use of the race track began to diminish, we concen-
trated on picnics and catering. Powell Pancake Day is one
of our favorites as so many of the area people join in to do
a good job, have fun and raise money for the Powell-
Liberty Historical Society. We hear many interesting
stories from the older locals. One gentleman, reminiscing,
said when he was a boy he raced his horse on the dirt
track and boasted of coming in second, but then added,
page 18
[corresponds to labeled page 18 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Murphy's was THE place to
be on Saturday Night
by Willmoe Murphy
My husband, Charles (Chuck) Murphy loved auto and
motorcycle racing, when he returned from World War II
service. he talked his father Herman (Shy) Murphy into
looking for ground on which to build a raceway. They
finally settled on the Delaware County Fair Grounds,
where the horse race track was still visible and the
grandstands stood facing south along state Route 750.
[photo: Daredevil races once were the rage at the Powell Speedway.]
Land abstracts document the 100-plus acres of ground
purchased by the Murphy family was part of 4,000 acres
deeded by President John Adams to James Parker, with the
deed executed April 24, 1800.
It took several months to grub out the under brush,
remove the old building leaving only the large exhibition
barn. This building approaching 100 years old is still
standing and currently operates as Murphy's Party Barn
and Catering.
Shy and Chuck Murphy along with several Columbus
businessmen formed the American Racing Association
Inc. in 1946. It aligned with the American Automobile
Association and the American Motorcycle Association, at
that time the two top governing bodies of the motor racing
world, and joined the NASCAR Racing circuit.
This type of auto racing was something new in this
area, especially on a half-mile dirt tract. It was distinctive
from the paved 2-1/2-mile Speedway at Indianapolis. Their
desire was to have a first-class operation. After the racing
was under way, one sports writer from the Star newspaper
wrote "Powell Speedway is the only place to be on
Saturday night, arrive early and picnic.
Sports editor Robert Hooey wrote, "Your first glimpse
of this new venture will tell you that here's a perfect
raceway from a spectator's viewpoint. It's almost a saucer,
with short straightaways and long sweeping curves
which have a width of 90 fee. From the standpoint
of the racer, this track is a honey, no laying off on
those curves, just wind-er-up all the way around."
My husband insisted on a severely banked track,
making it unnecessary to cut down on the speed of
the straightaways. Jim Lamb of AAA, the fellow
who ran the show in Indianapolis each Memorial
Day, was quoted as saying, "after viewing the Powell
Speedway, it's my frank opinion a new world's
record for a half-time dirt track will be set here this
The opening race on June 29, 1946, featured
some of the famous Indianapolis drivers: Joey
Chitwood, Walt Ader, Spider Webb, Bill Holland, Lee
Wallard and Elbert Booker. Wilbur Shaw, manager
of the Indianapolis Speedway, was on hand to cut
the ribbon.
They raced for a estimated crown of 25,000. Cars
were parked all over the acreage. General admission
(standing) was $1.25; bleacher seats $2 and reserved
seats $2.50.
Newspaper clippings from our family scrapbooks
feature daredevil and thrill shows held at Powell
Speedway. Joey Chitwood and his 20 "hell drivers"
performed auto and mtorcycle stunts. Eddie
"Lucky" Zalucki, the most fearless daredevil-
speedster of the "new crop" of drivers (Post World War II"
also performed. We even had a rodeo contest, the circle
"M" rodeo featuring movie actor Art Mix.
Eventually the track was paved and featured stock car
racing. The track has not been abandoned. Today, area
sports car clubs can be found using the track for this
gymkhana races. The old Powell Speedway has even
hosted the 105-mile Ohio State Championship Bicycle
Race. It has been a test track and used for numerous TV
commercials and advertisements.
As use of the race track began to diminish, we concen-
trated on picnics and catering. Powell Pancake Day is one
of our favorites as so many of the area people join in to do
a good job, have fun and raise money for the Powell-
Liberty Historical Society. We hear many interesting
stories from the older locals. One gentleman, reminiscing,
said when he was a boy he raced his horse on the dirt
track and boasted of coming in second, but then added,
page 18
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 19)
[page 19]
[corresponds to labeled page 19 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
"there were only two horses in the event." Another area
man pointed out the location in the barn where he
received first prize in a second-grade art exhibit.
Over the years we have had many memorable events.
During one birthday celebration, Grand Ol Opry's
"Minnie Pearl" and Troupe entertained. An international
company, entertaining a group of businessmen from
Japan, requested a farm family meal. The old barn has
hosted numerous celebrity theme parties and several
honoring the late Ohio State University Coach Woody
Hayes. We even had a helicopter land in our yard during a
storn with none other than Joel Douglas, son of Kirk
Douglas, on board who was in Ohio searching for movie
sites. One company hosted visitors from more than 80
countries. There have been church services, Easter egg
hunts, wedding receptions, dog shows and auctions (plus
our valued regulars who visit every year). Murphy's Party
Barn is still owned and operated by members of the
Murphy family.
Willmoe Murphy is owner and operator of Murphy's Part
Barn and Picnic Grounds.
The way it was: 1947 by Louise Cornish
Powell was a peaceful, quiet village when it was
incorporated in 1947. Frank Bayles became our first
mayor. There were unpaved streets, no street lights and
very little traffic. The population was around 350, the
number you needed to incorporate. The houses on
Olentangy Street, mostly now businesses and antique
shops, were family homes with many children playing on
the sidewalks and in the streets. Children and teen-agers
enjoyed swimming at the Shawnee Hills Swimming Pool,
skating on the Scioto River and even on South Liberty
Street. Sledding on Powell Road was popular, too, but not
down the big hill! The young people attended school right
here in the village and walked East Olentangy Street,
crossed the clapboard bridge, and climbed the hill to the
brick school building. The school building was later torn
down and Powell Center located there.
March 11, 1947, voters of the new Union School
District--comprised of Hyatts, Powell and Orange
districts--voted upon a special $268,000 bond issue for
construction of a centralized high school. The present
schools would remain as elementary schools. On May 15
the union school bond issue failed by 29 votes. The vote
carried in all areas except Powell. The Powell Village vote
was 42 for, 137 against.
The Union Board resubmitted the levy Nov. 8, 1947,
and it again failed by a great margin in Powell. It seems
the Powell voters did not want to loose their local school.
Eventually it passed, but not in 1947.
Concern in Powell, and elsewhere, was for lack of
housing for the returning World War II veterans. Several
new homes were built in Powell, including houses ordered
from the Sears catalog to build yourself. According to the
Delaware Gazette (July 30, 1947), the average five-room
house cost $7,000 to $7,900.
Another concern was the shortage of many food items.
Rationing of food, gasoline, tires and shoes had just ended
but shortages remained. President Truman started a drive
Oct. 2, 1947, to get people to use less wheat, meat, poultry
and dairy products in order to free more grain for Europe.
President Truman said, "People can either support
conservation or resign themselves to a further spread of
communism in Europe." Truman stated that American
must not fail to help feed starving Europe, which had been
devastated by the war (Delaware Gazette, Oct. 2, 1947).
The Powell Methodist Church held a special Memorial
Day program. The "Memorial Flag Rites" honored
veterans. All servicemen and their families were invited to
attend this service including interested community
members. The program included vocal numbers and
instrumental music. The
Rev. Eldridge Holland, a
veteran of ETO in World
War II, and Lt. Col. H.H.
Gibson, veteran of the
Pacific area and the
occupational forces in
Japan, were speakers.
The Girl Scouts con-
ducted the flag ceremony
and the Boy Scouts
participated as well. The
Memorial address was
delivered by the Rev.
Russell E. Bayliff.
Even though World
War II was over and the
veterans finally home
again, the community still
had their victory gardens
and shortages. As there
was not TV, people
listened to their radios.
Once in a while they
went to the movies to see
Marilyn Monroe, Judy
Garland, Bob Hope, Bind
Crosby and Red Skelton.
But most of all, they just
enjoyed each other.
[photo: Skating on S. Liberty Street:
Velma Lou and Louis Andrews.]
Louise Cornish, a lifelong Powell resident, taught school for
35 years. She was a founding member of the Powell-Liberty
Historical Society, is its historian, and serves as a member of
the Commemorative Book Committee for Powell's Golden
Days celebration. She also serves on the Village Historic
page 19
[corresponds to labeled page 19 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
"there were only two horses in the event." Another area
man pointed out the location in the barn where he
received first prize in a second-grade art exhibit.
Over the years we have had many memorable events.
During one birthday celebration, Grand Ol Opry's
"Minnie Pearl" and Troupe entertained. An international
company, entertaining a group of businessmen from
Japan, requested a farm family meal. The old barn has
hosted numerous celebrity theme parties and several
honoring the late Ohio State University Coach Woody
Hayes. We even had a helicopter land in our yard during a
storn with none other than Joel Douglas, son of Kirk
Douglas, on board who was in Ohio searching for movie
sites. One company hosted visitors from more than 80
countries. There have been church services, Easter egg
hunts, wedding receptions, dog shows and auctions (plus
our valued regulars who visit every year). Murphy's Party
Barn is still owned and operated by members of the
Murphy family.
Willmoe Murphy is owner and operator of Murphy's Part
Barn and Picnic Grounds.
The way it was: 1947 by Louise Cornish
Powell was a peaceful, quiet village when it was
incorporated in 1947. Frank Bayles became our first
mayor. There were unpaved streets, no street lights and
very little traffic. The population was around 350, the
number you needed to incorporate. The houses on
Olentangy Street, mostly now businesses and antique
shops, were family homes with many children playing on
the sidewalks and in the streets. Children and teen-agers
enjoyed swimming at the Shawnee Hills Swimming Pool,
skating on the Scioto River and even on South Liberty
Street. Sledding on Powell Road was popular, too, but not
down the big hill! The young people attended school right
here in the village and walked East Olentangy Street,
crossed the clapboard bridge, and climbed the hill to the
brick school building. The school building was later torn
down and Powell Center located there.
March 11, 1947, voters of the new Union School
District--comprised of Hyatts, Powell and Orange
districts--voted upon a special $268,000 bond issue for
construction of a centralized high school. The present
schools would remain as elementary schools. On May 15
the union school bond issue failed by 29 votes. The vote
carried in all areas except Powell. The Powell Village vote
was 42 for, 137 against.
The Union Board resubmitted the levy Nov. 8, 1947,
and it again failed by a great margin in Powell. It seems
the Powell voters did not want to loose their local school.
Eventually it passed, but not in 1947.
Concern in Powell, and elsewhere, was for lack of
housing for the returning World War II veterans. Several
new homes were built in Powell, including houses ordered
from the Sears catalog to build yourself. According to the
Delaware Gazette (July 30, 1947), the average five-room
house cost $7,000 to $7,900.
Another concern was the shortage of many food items.
Rationing of food, gasoline, tires and shoes had just ended
but shortages remained. President Truman started a drive
Oct. 2, 1947, to get people to use less wheat, meat, poultry
and dairy products in order to free more grain for Europe.
President Truman said, "People can either support
conservation or resign themselves to a further spread of
communism in Europe." Truman stated that American
must not fail to help feed starving Europe, which had been
devastated by the war (Delaware Gazette, Oct. 2, 1947).
The Powell Methodist Church held a special Memorial
Day program. The "Memorial Flag Rites" honored
veterans. All servicemen and their families were invited to
attend this service including interested community
members. The program included vocal numbers and
instrumental music. The
Rev. Eldridge Holland, a
veteran of ETO in World
War II, and Lt. Col. H.H.
Gibson, veteran of the
Pacific area and the
occupational forces in
Japan, were speakers.
The Girl Scouts con-
ducted the flag ceremony
and the Boy Scouts
participated as well. The
Memorial address was
delivered by the Rev.
Russell E. Bayliff.
Even though World
War II was over and the
veterans finally home
again, the community still
had their victory gardens
and shortages. As there
was not TV, people
listened to their radios.
Once in a while they
went to the movies to see
Marilyn Monroe, Judy
Garland, Bob Hope, Bind
Crosby and Red Skelton.
But most of all, they just
enjoyed each other.
[photo: Skating on S. Liberty Street:
Velma Lou and Louis Andrews.]
Louise Cornish, a lifelong Powell resident, taught school for
35 years. She was a founding member of the Powell-Liberty
Historical Society, is its historian, and serves as a member of
the Commemorative Book Committee for Powell's Golden
Days celebration. She also serves on the Village Historic
page 19
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 20)
[page 20]
[corresponds to labeled page 20 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Fond memories of home
by Sherry Carmichael
Dorothy closed her eyes, clicked her ruby heels and
fervently chanted, "There's no place like home!" As a
product of that very good year 1946, and a sixth genera-
tion to live in Powell and Liberty Township, I have read
with interest and nostalgia the "Glimpses of the Past"
articles. I will forever be grateful that the small town
environment of Powell afforded me a wonderful, healthy,
free and secure childhood.
Buried beneath present day Powell Center are the
remains of Powell School, once known as "the Monu-
ment on the Hill." This institution opened its doors for
the 1911-12 school year and graduated six pupils, my
grandmother, Florence Gardner, being one of them. At
that time, it was purported as one of only three schools in
[photo: Powell Cemetery, circa 1910.]
the state of Ohio, which included 12 grades under one
roof. The consolidation of Powell, Hyatts, Orange and
Berlin schools to form Olentangy High School in 1953
allowed me eight years at Powell School before graduating
to high school at Olentangy. My daughter's attendance at
Powell School rounded our four generations there before it
was razed in 1976. Living only four houses from the
school, it was not only central to my education buy my
year-round playground as well.
I remember how freely we rode our bikes or walked the
roads and streets to town, often accompanied by a tail
wagging dog, sans pooper-scooper or leash. There were
daily trips to the post office, for mail and local news
(gossip, if you will!) Clarence Dulin, postmaster when I
was a teen-ager, often teasingly held an anticipated letter
until all other mail had been sorted, occasionally making
me late for a singing lessons at Jean Kirkham's. We might
need some bread from Clara's or fresh meat from Reeves
Red & White. And oh, the penny candy at Plummer's
Trading post! We kids spent a life time deciding what to
buy with our nickel or dime!
There was no need for security systems or even locked
doors during my childhood. Neighbors looked out for one
another. When we took vacations, neighbors Ginny and
Gene Hess would keep an eye on the house. With no lack
of respect intended, town marshal Bill Muladore was
affectionately known to me as "Mikey," in whose home I
spent many over-nights with his granddaughters.
If our moms couldn't find us at the school playground,
they would simply cup their hands to their mouths and
yell toward the woods. The woods was owned by someone
in far off Columbus, but it "belonged" to us! We
were the ones who used and roamed it. We often
had the poison ivy to prove it! The woods is now home
to Olentangy Ridge development. It sports a lovely
little "lake" with a spouting fountain in the middle.
That "lake" was a farm pond that watered my great
grandfather's dairy herd and afforded many happy
house of fishing and skating. In those days, it
spouted nothing more than cattails where turtles and
snakes hid from poking sticks and bare feet.
At the turn of the century, the old Powell
Methodist Church building was moved from South
Liberty Street to its present location on the north
side of West Olentangy Street. At that time, it
received an addition, stained glass windows, and its
unique steeple decoration of a hand with finger
pointing to Heaven. Within its walls, the deepest
emotions of a town were witnessed from birth, to
rebirth, to death. I really miss hearing its bell, calling
the town to remember the Lord's day, or ringing out
the happiness of a wedding or tolling for a dearly
departed one.
I remember Memorial Day parades ending in the
graveyard. The days were warm with the promise of
summer and life, a contradiction of sorts. We Girl Scouts
and 4-H'ers held bouquets of peonies to place at a
veteran's grave, and the grass was soft and spongy. It
seemed a little creepy to be standing on top of someone.
But now I love to visit that beautiful old graveyard, to
peruse its stones, and I wish there was still room for me to
be buried among my ancestors.
But not yet! Fifty years is not such a long time. Powell
and I have a lot more living to do and a celebration to
attend as well! Congratulations, Powell. There IS no place
like home!
Sherry Carmichael is a sixth-generation resident of the
Powell area. She is actively involved in the Powell-Liberty
Historical Society, also giving walking tours of Powell and
leading children's programs. She will be a guest speaker at
Powell's Golden Days opening ceremony.
page 20
[corresponds to labeled page 20 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Fond memories of home
by Sherry Carmichael
Dorothy closed her eyes, clicked her ruby heels and
fervently chanted, "There's no place like home!" As a
product of that very good year 1946, and a sixth genera-
tion to live in Powell and Liberty Township, I have read
with interest and nostalgia the "Glimpses of the Past"
articles. I will forever be grateful that the small town
environment of Powell afforded me a wonderful, healthy,
free and secure childhood.
Buried beneath present day Powell Center are the
remains of Powell School, once known as "the Monu-
ment on the Hill." This institution opened its doors for
the 1911-12 school year and graduated six pupils, my
grandmother, Florence Gardner, being one of them. At
that time, it was purported as one of only three schools in
[photo: Powell Cemetery, circa 1910.]
the state of Ohio, which included 12 grades under one
roof. The consolidation of Powell, Hyatts, Orange and
Berlin schools to form Olentangy High School in 1953
allowed me eight years at Powell School before graduating
to high school at Olentangy. My daughter's attendance at
Powell School rounded our four generations there before it
was razed in 1976. Living only four houses from the
school, it was not only central to my education buy my
year-round playground as well.
I remember how freely we rode our bikes or walked the
roads and streets to town, often accompanied by a tail
wagging dog, sans pooper-scooper or leash. There were
daily trips to the post office, for mail and local news
(gossip, if you will!) Clarence Dulin, postmaster when I
was a teen-ager, often teasingly held an anticipated letter
until all other mail had been sorted, occasionally making
me late for a singing lessons at Jean Kirkham's. We might
need some bread from Clara's or fresh meat from Reeves
Red & White. And oh, the penny candy at Plummer's
Trading post! We kids spent a life time deciding what to
buy with our nickel or dime!
There was no need for security systems or even locked
doors during my childhood. Neighbors looked out for one
another. When we took vacations, neighbors Ginny and
Gene Hess would keep an eye on the house. With no lack
of respect intended, town marshal Bill Muladore was
affectionately known to me as "Mikey," in whose home I
spent many over-nights with his granddaughters.
If our moms couldn't find us at the school playground,
they would simply cup their hands to their mouths and
yell toward the woods. The woods was owned by someone
in far off Columbus, but it "belonged" to us! We
were the ones who used and roamed it. We often
had the poison ivy to prove it! The woods is now home
to Olentangy Ridge development. It sports a lovely
little "lake" with a spouting fountain in the middle.
That "lake" was a farm pond that watered my great
grandfather's dairy herd and afforded many happy
house of fishing and skating. In those days, it
spouted nothing more than cattails where turtles and
snakes hid from poking sticks and bare feet.
At the turn of the century, the old Powell
Methodist Church building was moved from South
Liberty Street to its present location on the north
side of West Olentangy Street. At that time, it
received an addition, stained glass windows, and its
unique steeple decoration of a hand with finger
pointing to Heaven. Within its walls, the deepest
emotions of a town were witnessed from birth, to
rebirth, to death. I really miss hearing its bell, calling
the town to remember the Lord's day, or ringing out
the happiness of a wedding or tolling for a dearly
departed one.
I remember Memorial Day parades ending in the
graveyard. The days were warm with the promise of
summer and life, a contradiction of sorts. We Girl Scouts
and 4-H'ers held bouquets of peonies to place at a
veteran's grave, and the grass was soft and spongy. It
seemed a little creepy to be standing on top of someone.
But now I love to visit that beautiful old graveyard, to
peruse its stones, and I wish there was still room for me to
be buried among my ancestors.
But not yet! Fifty years is not such a long time. Powell
and I have a lot more living to do and a celebration to
attend as well! Congratulations, Powell. There IS no place
like home!
Sherry Carmichael is a sixth-generation resident of the
Powell area. She is actively involved in the Powell-Liberty
Historical Society, also giving walking tours of Powell and
leading children's programs. She will be a guest speaker at
Powell's Golden Days opening ceremony.
page 20
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 21)
[page 21]
[corresponds to labeled page 21 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[map: 1875 map of southern half
of Liberty Township.]
Early Powell
The first settlement in what is now the
Powell area was in 1813. It was called
Middlebury, named for some of the settlers
who hailed from Middlebury, Connecticut. In
the 1830s people called the area Hall Corners
for Thomas Hall who operated a store at the
"four corners". It was 1856 when the area
became Powell. Residents wanted to honor
the man, Judge Thomas Powell from Dela-
ware, who helped to secure a post office for
the town. In 1876, Asa Gordon Hall surveyed
and platted the town.
The Powell
"With the building of the Columbus and
Toledo Railroad, Powell made some preten-
sion toward becoming a town." (from History
of Delaware County and Ohio, 1880.) Service
began in 1876. the Depot was located on the
[photo: The Powell Depot, circa 1910.]
page 21
[corresponds to labeled page 21 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[map: 1875 map of southern half
of Liberty Township.]
Early Powell
The first settlement in what is now the
Powell area was in 1813. It was called
Middlebury, named for some of the settlers
who hailed from Middlebury, Connecticut. In
the 1830s people called the area Hall Corners
for Thomas Hall who operated a store at the
"four corners". It was 1856 when the area
became Powell. Residents wanted to honor
the man, Judge Thomas Powell from Dela-
ware, who helped to secure a post office for
the town. In 1876, Asa Gordon Hall surveyed
and platted the town.
The Powell
"With the building of the Columbus and
Toledo Railroad, Powell made some preten-
sion toward becoming a town." (from History
of Delaware County and Ohio, 1880.) Service
began in 1876. the Depot was located on the
[photo: The Powell Depot, circa 1910.]
page 21
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 22)
[page 22]
[corresponds to labeled page 22 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: Olentangy Ave. Looking East Powell O.
THEN: The "blue Goose," located
just east of the tracks.]
west side of the tracks, near present-day Nancy's
Fabrics (140 W. Olentangy Street). Passenger
service was discontinued almost 50 years ago, but
in the early days, there were places for travelers
coming for business or pleasure to eat and spend
the night. The "Blue Goose" served food. It stood
at the entrance drive of Powell Structural Sys-
tems, just east of the railroad tracks. "The Kibbey
House," currently The Delaware County Bank,
was a boarding house and livery. The Bank
restored the building to its 1890s style.
[photo: NOW: Looking east of the
tracks today toward the
"four corners".]
[photo: THEN: The Kibbey House.]
[photo: NOW: The Delaware
County Bank, 22 S.
Liberty Street.]
page 22
[corresponds to labeled page 22 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: Olentangy Ave. Looking East Powell O.
THEN: The "blue Goose," located
just east of the tracks.]
west side of the tracks, near present-day Nancy's
Fabrics (140 W. Olentangy Street). Passenger
service was discontinued almost 50 years ago, but
in the early days, there were places for travelers
coming for business or pleasure to eat and spend
the night. The "Blue Goose" served food. It stood
at the entrance drive of Powell Structural Sys-
tems, just east of the railroad tracks. "The Kibbey
House," currently The Delaware County Bank,
was a boarding house and livery. The Bank
restored the building to its 1890s style.
[photo: NOW: Looking east of the
tracks today toward the
"four corners".]
[photo: THEN: The Kibbey House.]
[photo: NOW: The Delaware
County Bank, 22 S.
Liberty Street.]
page 22
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 23)
[page 23]
[corresponds to labeled page 23 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Early Powell Homes
[photo: THEN: Laney/Stark home.]
From the History of Delaware County
and Ohio, 1880: "the Village of Powell for
a new place and a railroad village, too,
contains some very handsome residences."
[photo: NOW: Lane Interiors,
84 W. Olentangy Street.]
[photo: Case Ave. Looking West Powell O.
Case Avenue looking west.
These homes still stand with
undeveloped land still remaining.]
page 23
[corresponds to labeled page 23 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Early Powell Homes
[photo: THEN: Laney/Stark home.]
From the History of Delaware County
and Ohio, 1880: "the Village of Powell for
a new place and a railroad village, too,
contains some very handsome residences."
[photo: NOW: Lane Interiors,
84 W. Olentangy Street.]
[photo: Case Ave. Looking West Powell O.
Case Avenue looking west.
These homes still stand with
undeveloped land still remaining.]
page 23
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 24)
[page 24]
[corresponds to labeled page 24 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: THEN: Sharp/Canfield home.]
[photo: NOW: Private residence, 80 E. Olentangy Street]
[photo: THEN: Martin-Perry
House, 103 E. Olentangy
Street, Pictured are Mary
Martin and daughters,
The 1889 farm house was "saved" in
1986 from razing because caring citizens
felt it was important to save a piece of
Powell's early history. The Martin-Perry
House (named for the only two families
who lived in the house) is home to the
Powell-Liberty Historical Society.
page 24
[corresponds to labeled page 24 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: THEN: Sharp/Canfield home.]
[photo: NOW: Private residence, 80 E. Olentangy Street]
[photo: THEN: Martin-Perry
House, 103 E. Olentangy
Street, Pictured are Mary
Martin and daughters,
The 1889 farm house was "saved" in
1986 from razing because caring citizens
felt it was important to save a piece of
Powell's early history. The Martin-Perry
House (named for the only two families
who lived in the house) is home to the
Powell-Liberty Historical Society.
page 24
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 25)
[page 25]
[corresponds to labeled page 25 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
The Post Office
[photo: Claude Gardner served as Post Master in the
early 1920s. Note the magazines available at
his confectionery and print shop.]
[photo: Built as a bank
in the late
1800s, the
became a post
office in 1925.
(Note: the
famous old
safe from the
bank is stored,
waiting for a
new home.)
Years ago, a post office was frequently part of
another business. Powell Post Office, established in 1857,
was often found in a grocery or hardware store. For over
a century, 16 W. Olentangy Street has been home to a
variety of businesses. It is easily recognizable from early
photos and is a location fondly remembered by many
who enjoyed seeing the tree next to it lighted at Christ-
mas. The post office at 15 S. Liberty Street served the
community from 1973 until the new post office on Grace
Drive was built in 1989.
[photo: View of the interior of an early post office.]
[photo: NOW: The current post office at 40 Grace Drive is planning an
expansion in 1997.]
page 25
[corresponds to labeled page 25 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
The Post Office
[photo: Claude Gardner served as Post Master in the
early 1920s. Note the magazines available at
his confectionery and print shop.]
[photo: Built as a bank
in the late
1800s, the
became a post
office in 1925.
(Note: the
famous old
safe from the
bank is stored,
waiting for a
new home.)
Years ago, a post office was frequently part of
another business. Powell Post Office, established in 1857,
was often found in a grocery or hardware store. For over
a century, 16 W. Olentangy Street has been home to a
variety of businesses. It is easily recognizable from early
photos and is a location fondly remembered by many
who enjoyed seeing the tree next to it lighted at Christ-
mas. The post office at 15 S. Liberty Street served the
community from 1973 until the new post office on Grace
Drive was built in 1989.
[photo: View of the interior of an early post office.]
[photo: NOW: The current post office at 40 Grace Drive is planning an
expansion in 1997.]
page 25
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 26)
[page 26]
[corresponds to labeled page 26 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
The Schools
[photo: "Public School," 1882, photographed
in 1909, now is used as an office building.]
One-room school houses preceded
the first multiple grade school build-
ing, still standing at 77 S. Liberty
Street. It was built in 1882, used later
as a home, and now as an office
building. Those attending the new
school, the "Monument on the Hill,
built in 1911 and used until 1973,
traveled to school in a horse-drawn
school bus and later in the state's first
motorized school bus. That school was
located where Powell Center now
stands on E. Olentangy Street. it was
torn down in 1977.
[photo: "New School building," 1911,
often called "Powell School."]
The schools in southern Delaware
County consolidated and formed the
Olentangy Local School system in
1953. Currently, the Village Academy
operates a private school in the village.
The closest public school presently
serving the community is Wyandot
Run Elementary School, which opened
in 1993, and is located just north of
the village.
page 26
[corresponds to labeled page 26 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
The Schools
[photo: "Public School," 1882, photographed
in 1909, now is used as an office building.]
One-room school houses preceded
the first multiple grade school build-
ing, still standing at 77 S. Liberty
Street. It was built in 1882, used later
as a home, and now as an office
building. Those attending the new
school, the "Monument on the Hill,
built in 1911 and used until 1973,
traveled to school in a horse-drawn
school bus and later in the state's first
motorized school bus. That school was
located where Powell Center now
stands on E. Olentangy Street. it was
torn down in 1977.
[photo: "New School building," 1911,
often called "Powell School."]
The schools in southern Delaware
County consolidated and formed the
Olentangy Local School system in
1953. Currently, the Village Academy
operates a private school in the village.
The closest public school presently
serving the community is Wyandot
Run Elementary School, which opened
in 1993, and is located just north of
the village.
page 26
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 27)
[page 27]
[corresponds to labeled page 27 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: Liberty Township School
transportation: horse-
drawn (1911) and
motorized (1917). Seen
here is Anna Taylor.]
Louise Cornish: "I remember that the
teachers here gave you the best start in life
that anyone could have. They certainly
were dedicated." Her brother, Willard
Andrews, an accomplished inventor, who
traveled all over the world for a large
company, always took the opportunity to
proudly tell people he was from Powell,
Ohio, and spoke highly of his education at
Powell School. He also always carried
buckeyes to share with the world.
[photo: Powell High School classroom,
early 1900s.]
page 27
[corresponds to labeled page 27 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: Liberty Township School
transportation: horse-
drawn (1911) and
motorized (1917). Seen
here is Anna Taylor.]
Louise Cornish: "I remember that the
teachers here gave you the best start in life
that anyone could have. They certainly
were dedicated." Her brother, Willard
Andrews, an accomplished inventor, who
traveled all over the world for a large
company, always took the opportunity to
proudly tell people he was from Powell,
Ohio, and spoke highly of his education at
Powell School. He also always carried
buckeyes to share with the world.
[photo: Powell High School classroom,
early 1900s.]
page 27
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 28)
[page 28]
[corresponds to labeled page 28 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: A Seventh Day Adventist Church, built
shortly after 1900, was located in the
village. It is currently Great Expectations
Travel, 55. E. Olentangy Street.]
The Methodist church has played a
significant role in the Powell area for many
years. The 1859 building, presently standing
at 50 W. Olentangy Street, was moved to its
present location from S. Liberty Street in
1902. Church membership has paralleled the
growth of the community having gone from
approximately 100 in 1880 to nearly 700 in
1997. Today, there are approximately ten
churches serving the Powell area.
[photo: the "old" Powell
Methodist church,
Standing at 50 W.
Olentangy Street since
[photo: The "new" Powell United Methodist
Church, completed in 1990. The
congregation celebrated its 175th
anniversary in 1996. It is located at
825 E. Olentangy Street.
page 28
[corresponds to labeled page 28 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: A Seventh Day Adventist Church, built
shortly after 1900, was located in the
village. It is currently Great Expectations
Travel, 55. E. Olentangy Street.]
The Methodist church has played a
significant role in the Powell area for many
years. The 1859 building, presently standing
at 50 W. Olentangy Street, was moved to its
present location from S. Liberty Street in
1902. Church membership has paralleled the
growth of the community having gone from
approximately 100 in 1880 to nearly 700 in
1997. Today, there are approximately ten
churches serving the Powell area.
[photo: the "old" Powell
Methodist church,
Standing at 50 W.
Olentangy Street since
[photo: The "new" Powell United Methodist
Church, completed in 1990. The
congregation celebrated its 175th
anniversary in 1996. It is located at
825 E. Olentangy Street.
page 28
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 29)
[page 29]
[corresponds to labeled page 29 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Dr. Talley
[photo: Dr. Talley's home still sits at 35-37 W. Olentangy Street.]
[photo: Dr. Charles F. Talley]
Dr. Charles F. Talley opened an office in his
home in Powell in 1896, having practiced medicine
in Hyatts for 10 years previously. He served on the
boards of Jane Case Hospital (now Grady Memorial)
and Grant Hospital. He also served in the state
legislature. Well known as a diagnostician and
consultant, he served the Liberty Township commu-
nity for nearly 50 years.
Charley Lawrence, a life-long township
resident, remembers: "Dr. Talley delivered the
four oldest children in our family (there were
seven). They were all delivered at home, no
charge." Donna
Lawrence remembers
her mother-in-law,
Anna, telling the story
of Lucy Talley, "Uncle
Doc's wife," canceling
medical bills if she knew
a family couldn't pay.
Dr. Talley, noticing this
one day, said: "My golly,
Mommy, we can't bring
them all into the world
The Delaware County
Fairgrounds (in Powell)
Dr. J.c. Campbell leased 12 acres of fields
(including a half mile track) and 10 acres of woods
just west of his home for use as the Delaware
County Fairgrounds from
1909 through 1937. The arts and crafts building
[image: From a 1909 Fair program:
What About Powell:
It is 14 miles north of Columbus
on the H. V. Ry.
Has a population of 300.
Built four new houses this year.
Build a large mill.
Has two grocery stores, one hard-
ware store and a bank.
Livery and feed stable.
Has excellent telephone
page 29
[corresponds to labeled page 29 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Dr. Talley
[photo: Dr. Talley's home still sits at 35-37 W. Olentangy Street.]
[photo: Dr. Charles F. Talley]
Dr. Charles F. Talley opened an office in his
home in Powell in 1896, having practiced medicine
in Hyatts for 10 years previously. He served on the
boards of Jane Case Hospital (now Grady Memorial)
and Grant Hospital. He also served in the state
legislature. Well known as a diagnostician and
consultant, he served the Liberty Township commu-
nity for nearly 50 years.
Charley Lawrence, a life-long township
resident, remembers: "Dr. Talley delivered the
four oldest children in our family (there were
seven). They were all delivered at home, no
charge." Donna
Lawrence remembers
her mother-in-law,
Anna, telling the story
of Lucy Talley, "Uncle
Doc's wife," canceling
medical bills if she knew
a family couldn't pay.
Dr. Talley, noticing this
one day, said: "My golly,
Mommy, we can't bring
them all into the world
The Delaware County
Fairgrounds (in Powell)
Dr. J.c. Campbell leased 12 acres of fields
(including a half mile track) and 10 acres of woods
just west of his home for use as the Delaware
County Fairgrounds from
1909 through 1937. The arts and crafts building
[image: From a 1909 Fair program:
What About Powell:
It is 14 miles north of Columbus
on the H. V. Ry.
Has a population of 300.
Built four new houses this year.
Build a large mill.
Has two grocery stores, one hard-
ware store and a bank.
Livery and feed stable.
Has excellent telephone
page 29
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 30)
[page 30]
[corresponds to labeled page 30 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
remains today as Murphy's Party Barn. The
Campbell home was separated into two homes
many years ago.
[photo: THEN: Dr.
home on W.
Street, now
[photo: NOW: Milano's Florist, 173 W.
Olentangy Street]
[photo: NOW: The
Manor at
Grove, 147 W.
Olentangy Street.]
The Fire Department
[photo: Liberty Township's first
1955. FIRST
ROW, left to right:
Donald Tuller,
Dick Kirkham,
Andy Anderson,
Bill Muladore,
Chief Fred Reeves,
Gene Hess.]
[photo: Township fleet, late 1960s, in front of first fire station, 44
N. Liberty Street.]
page 30
[corresponds to labeled page 30 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
remains today as Murphy's Party Barn. The
Campbell home was separated into two homes
many years ago.
[photo: THEN: Dr.
home on W.
Street, now
[photo: NOW: Milano's Florist, 173 W.
Olentangy Street]
[photo: NOW: The
Manor at
Grove, 147 W.
Olentangy Street.]
The Fire Department
[photo: Liberty Township's first
1955. FIRST
ROW, left to right:
Donald Tuller,
Dick Kirkham,
Andy Anderson,
Bill Muladore,
Chief Fred Reeves,
Gene Hess.]
[photo: Township fleet, late 1960s, in front of first fire station, 44
N. Liberty Street.]
page 30
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 31)
[page 31]
[corresponds to labeled page 31 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
The passage of a
bond issued in 1948
provided moneys for the
first outfitted truck,
coats, boots, helmets, and
also the purchase and
remodeling of a building.
George Sharp's Pure Oil
filling station pumps
were torn down, and his
garage was remodeled,
with oil furnace, toilet,
shower and stalls for two
trucks added. Now The
Grove Produce and Fine
Foods, it served the fire department until the new
station was built in Liberty Township in 1990. The
department has grown from 13 volunteers to 21 full-
time and 19 part-time firefighters. John Bernans is the
current Fire Chief. Powell was and continues to be
served by The Liberty Township Fire Department
[photo: New fire station, 7761 Liberty Road.]
Police Department
Prior to the incorporation, law and order in
Powell was handled by a constable who covered all of
Liberty Township. The first village marshal was
named in 1947, followed by a deputy marshal the next
years. (See "Glimpses of the Past", page 14 and 16.)
[photo: FIRST ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Officer Kareem Kashmiry,
Lt. Steve Hrytzik, Chief Gary Vest, Officer Ken Hiltz, Officer
Ron Clark. SECOND ROW: Sgt. Randy Wilson, Officer
Eric Mueller, Officer Lonnie Campbell, Officer Steve Pate,
Officer Chris Morgan, Officer Chris Diehl.]
John Pendleton, still a village resident, served
ten years as marshal, from 1963-73.
At that time, Village Council eliminated the
desgintion of marshal. Since then, there has
been a Police chief with deputy police. Cur-
rently, there are 13 full-time and three part-time
officers, including one lieutenant and two
sergeants, serving under Chief Gary Vest. The
Department has five cars.
[photo: Powell Police Officer Lonnie Campbell]
page 31
[corresponds to labeled page 31 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
The passage of a
bond issued in 1948
provided moneys for the
first outfitted truck,
coats, boots, helmets, and
also the purchase and
remodeling of a building.
George Sharp's Pure Oil
filling station pumps
were torn down, and his
garage was remodeled,
with oil furnace, toilet,
shower and stalls for two
trucks added. Now The
Grove Produce and Fine
Foods, it served the fire department until the new
station was built in Liberty Township in 1990. The
department has grown from 13 volunteers to 21 full-
time and 19 part-time firefighters. John Bernans is the
current Fire Chief. Powell was and continues to be
served by The Liberty Township Fire Department
[photo: New fire station, 7761 Liberty Road.]
Police Department
Prior to the incorporation, law and order in
Powell was handled by a constable who covered all of
Liberty Township. The first village marshal was
named in 1947, followed by a deputy marshal the next
years. (See "Glimpses of the Past", page 14 and 16.)
[photo: FIRST ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Officer Kareem Kashmiry,
Lt. Steve Hrytzik, Chief Gary Vest, Officer Ken Hiltz, Officer
Ron Clark. SECOND ROW: Sgt. Randy Wilson, Officer
Eric Mueller, Officer Lonnie Campbell, Officer Steve Pate,
Officer Chris Morgan, Officer Chris Diehl.]
John Pendleton, still a village resident, served
ten years as marshal, from 1963-73.
At that time, Village Council eliminated the
desgintion of marshal. Since then, there has
been a Police chief with deputy police. Cur-
rently, there are 13 full-time and three part-time
officers, including one lieutenant and two
sergeants, serving under Chief Gary Vest. The
Department has five cars.
[photo: Powell Police Officer Lonnie Campbell]
page 31
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 32)
[page 32]
[corresponds to labeled page 32 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: THEN: Sharp and Canfield Hardware served the
community from 1921 to 1948. Pictured are Don
Canfield, Jean Canfield Kirkham (as a child),
and Julian "Peck" Sharp.
[photo: NOW: Powell Village Antiques, 8 N. Liberty Street.]
[photo: THEN: Violet's Confectionery, 1937 to 1941, and Plummer's
Confectionery, 1941 to 1973. Note the Violets' home-made tractor
and the visible bowl, gravity-feed gas pumps.]
[photo: NOW: Powell Antique Mart, 26 W. Olentangy Street.]
"You'll be AHEAD with a CHEVROLET!"
Weinstock Motor Sales, in business from 1929 to 1951.
(Picture reproduced from 1938 ink blotter.) The building
today is not part of Powell Liberty Mall, 22 N. Liberty Street.]
Louise Cornish: "anytime you bought a
new car, you took it down the Powell Hill.
[Powell Hill is E. Olentangy Street or Rt. 750
as it approaches the Olentangy River and Rt.
315.] If it would go up the hill with no
trouble, you bought." The grade of the hill
was much steeper then. Louise also recalls
that there were once about five gas stations in
Powell. Today there are none within the
village limits, the last one discontinuing
gasoline sales in 1996.
page 32
[corresponds to labeled page 32 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: THEN: Sharp and Canfield Hardware served the
community from 1921 to 1948. Pictured are Don
Canfield, Jean Canfield Kirkham (as a child),
and Julian "Peck" Sharp.
[photo: NOW: Powell Village Antiques, 8 N. Liberty Street.]
[photo: THEN: Violet's Confectionery, 1937 to 1941, and Plummer's
Confectionery, 1941 to 1973. Note the Violets' home-made tractor
and the visible bowl, gravity-feed gas pumps.]
[photo: NOW: Powell Antique Mart, 26 W. Olentangy Street.]
"You'll be AHEAD with a CHEVROLET!"
Weinstock Motor Sales, in business from 1929 to 1951.
(Picture reproduced from 1938 ink blotter.) The building
today is not part of Powell Liberty Mall, 22 N. Liberty Street.]
Louise Cornish: "anytime you bought a
new car, you took it down the Powell Hill.
[Powell Hill is E. Olentangy Street or Rt. 750
as it approaches the Olentangy River and Rt.
315.] If it would go up the hill with no
trouble, you bought." The grade of the hill
was much steeper then. Louise also recalls
that there were once about five gas stations in
Powell. Today there are none within the
village limits, the last one discontinuing
gasoline sales in 1996.
page 32
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 33)
[page 33]
[corresponds to labeled page 33 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Businesses have changed with the time and con-
tinue to do so. The business community today is repre-
sented by The Powell Business Association and the
Greater Powell Area Chamber of Commerce.
[photo: Powell Flour Mill, operated by Henry E. Sharp,
is now the Powell Day Care Center, 36 N. Liberty Street.]
[photo: This log cabin was the dwelling of a former slave, George
Washington Berry, who lived to be approximately 100 years
old. The cabin was moved from the Stanbery farm on W.
Powell Road to 71 W. Olentangy Street, now on property
owned by Early Days Antiques. It was used as a two-car
garage by Leonard Kirkpatrick.]
[photo: THEN: The Red and White Grocery Store operated
from 1937 until 1970. Meetings were held about the
store for the Knights of Pythius, the Powell Community
Booster Club and the Powell Sportsmen's Club.]
[photo: 1947 May/June calendar]
[photo: NOW: Recipe Express, 21 W. Olentangy
Street. the upstairs is vacant now.]
page 33
[corresponds to labeled page 33 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Businesses have changed with the time and con-
tinue to do so. The business community today is repre-
sented by The Powell Business Association and the
Greater Powell Area Chamber of Commerce.
[photo: Powell Flour Mill, operated by Henry E. Sharp,
is now the Powell Day Care Center, 36 N. Liberty Street.]
[photo: This log cabin was the dwelling of a former slave, George
Washington Berry, who lived to be approximately 100 years
old. The cabin was moved from the Stanbery farm on W.
Powell Road to 71 W. Olentangy Street, now on property
owned by Early Days Antiques. It was used as a two-car
garage by Leonard Kirkpatrick.]
[photo: THEN: The Red and White Grocery Store operated
from 1937 until 1970. Meetings were held about the
store for the Knights of Pythius, the Powell Community
Booster Club and the Powell Sportsmen's Club.]
[photo: 1947 May/June calendar]
[photo: NOW: Recipe Express, 21 W. Olentangy
Street. the upstairs is vacant now.]
page 33
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 34)
[page 34]
[corresponds to labeled page 34 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
"Work and Play"
[photo: Powell Walking Society, 1912, photographed on what is
thought to be the Orange Road Bridge.]
[photo: Jacob Peter Sellers, shoeing a horse, circa 1906.]
[photo: Powell Baseball Club, 1909.]
[photo: Powell young people ready for trip to
the Shawnee Hills Swimming Pool,
mid-1930s. ROW 1, left to right:
Louise Andrews, Don Holly, Ivah
ROW 2: Alice Perry, Leonna Holly,
Velma Lou Andrews, Jean Perry.]
Outdoor movies were shown on the north side
of the hardware store at the "four corners" by local
merchants in the 1930s. Names of sponsors flashed
by before the movies began. Mostly westerns were
shown, but films like"Jane Eyre" ran yearly. Stores
sold pop, ice cream and candy, while people brought
chairs and blankets to view the free event. It discon-
tinued with World War II and gas rationing.
page 34
[corresponds to labeled page 34 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
"Work and Play"
[photo: Powell Walking Society, 1912, photographed on what is
thought to be the Orange Road Bridge.]
[photo: Jacob Peter Sellers, shoeing a horse, circa 1906.]
[photo: Powell Baseball Club, 1909.]
[photo: Powell young people ready for trip to
the Shawnee Hills Swimming Pool,
mid-1930s. ROW 1, left to right:
Louise Andrews, Don Holly, Ivah
ROW 2: Alice Perry, Leonna Holly,
Velma Lou Andrews, Jean Perry.]
Outdoor movies were shown on the north side
of the hardware store at the "four corners" by local
merchants in the 1930s. Names of sponsors flashed
by before the movies began. Mostly westerns were
shown, but films like"Jane Eyre" ran yearly. Stores
sold pop, ice cream and candy, while people brought
chairs and blankets to view the free event. It discon-
tinued with World War II and gas rationing.
page 34
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 35)
[page 35]
[corresponds to labeled page 35 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: High School Girls Basketball Team, 1920-21.]
[photo: Bill Slack, village blacksmith, from
approximately 1920-1940.]
The O'Shaughnessy Dam
The O'Shaughnessy Dam was completed about 1928.
The dam flooded 800 acres of land. Homes, the Oller Church,
and a portion of Scioto Village were moved, and an eight-mile
reservoir was established. The Portland Cement used to make
the concrete for the dam was shipped to Powell by rail and
hauled to the dam site, some by horse and wagon. Stone came
from the Stansbury Quarry on the Scioto River, near the
current site of the Columbus Zoo.
I 1988, an Olentangy Valley News reporter wrote: "The
dam is a central Ohio landmark. Its classic style and cascad-
ing waters have been the subject of photog-
raphers' and artists' renderings. Its form
allows sailing upstream and fishing down-
stream." The bridge over the dam was
widened with some restoration undertaken
and re-opened in 1992.
[photo: Before the reservoir flooded the site, this bridge
crossed the Scioto River at Powell Road. It
connected with Powell Road in Shawnee Hills.]
[photo: Construction of the O'Shaughnessy Dam, about 1924.]
page 35
[corresponds to labeled page 35 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
[photo: High School Girls Basketball Team, 1920-21.]
[photo: Bill Slack, village blacksmith, from
approximately 1920-1940.]
The O'Shaughnessy Dam
The O'Shaughnessy Dam was completed about 1928.
The dam flooded 800 acres of land. Homes, the Oller Church,
and a portion of Scioto Village were moved, and an eight-mile
reservoir was established. The Portland Cement used to make
the concrete for the dam was shipped to Powell by rail and
hauled to the dam site, some by horse and wagon. Stone came
from the Stansbury Quarry on the Scioto River, near the
current site of the Columbus Zoo.
I 1988, an Olentangy Valley News reporter wrote: "The
dam is a central Ohio landmark. Its classic style and cascad-
ing waters have been the subject of photog-
raphers' and artists' renderings. Its form
allows sailing upstream and fishing down-
stream." The bridge over the dam was
widened with some restoration undertaken
and re-opened in 1992.
[photo: Before the reservoir flooded the site, this bridge
crossed the Scioto River at Powell Road. It
connected with Powell Road in Shawnee Hills.]
[photo: Construction of the O'Shaughnessy Dam, about 1924.]
page 35
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 36)
[page 36]
[corresponds to labeled page 36 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
1947 to 1997
The current village population is 4500 in
an area of approximately three square
miles. The village is projected to reach a
population of 5,00 in 2000, thus
obtaining the designation of city.]
Staff -- village of
Powell, 1997
Bucy, Finance Director; Stephen Lutz,
Village Manager; David Betz, Planning
& Development Director.
SECOND ROW; Robert Schutz, Public
Service Director; Doug Wenzel, Building
Commissioner; and Gary Vest, Police
[photo: 1997 Powell Village council
FRONT ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Ronald Hoover, Richard Cline, Jack
Laming. BACK ROW: Mayor William Nolan, Mark Klein, David
Chambers and George Kaitsa.]
page 36
[corresponds to labeled page 36 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
1947 to 1997
The current village population is 4500 in
an area of approximately three square
miles. The village is projected to reach a
population of 5,00 in 2000, thus
obtaining the designation of city.]
Staff -- village of
Powell, 1997
Bucy, Finance Director; Stephen Lutz,
Village Manager; David Betz, Planning
& Development Director.
SECOND ROW; Robert Schutz, Public
Service Director; Doug Wenzel, Building
Commissioner; and Gary Vest, Police
[photo: 1997 Powell Village council
FRONT ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Ronald Hoover, Richard Cline, Jack
Laming. BACK ROW: Mayor William Nolan, Mark Klein, David
Chambers and George Kaitsa.]
page 36
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 37)
[page 37]
[corresponds to labeled page 37 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Powell at the Crossroads
by David Betz, Village Development Director
Planning for the Village of Powell has consis-
tently provided themes which the community has
developed and repeatedly adopted after much
community debate. Master plans were created in
1974, 1988 and 1995. All three master plans in-
volved creating a community centered around
enhancing the original village core, allowing growth
to occur in a managed program of development
while preserving the natural features of the area for
future residents to enjoy. During this time, Powell
has certainly been at the crossroads.
Figuratively, the crossroads have experienced
tremendous pressure as the whole central Ohio
region exploded in new growth. A challenge has
been to preserve the natural environment which is a
major reason Powell is so popular. Delaware County
has especially been hit hard because of its location in
an area offering good access to downtown. Addition-
ally, the natural features people look for when
seeking a new place to live are found on this upland
plateau. Situated between the two major rivers off
central Ohio, the Scioto River to the west and the
State Scenic Olentangy River to the east, Powell has
been ripe for the suburban growth that has occurred.
Tributaries to the Olentangy River which flow
through the village create a sense of naturalness and
open spaces, a recurring theme in planning the area.
Dedicated open space and natural scenic preserves
have been retained through the development pro-
cess. Although development has occurred in the
village, it has been done in a managed way. Pres-
sures from those who live and work in the village
have created the community Powell is today. The
[photo: Typical scene in 1997 --
New construction almost everywhere!]
balancing act of managing growth
is continuing.
In reality, the crossroads of
Powell exist at the center of the
village known as the "four cor-
ners". Historically, this part of
town was the gathering place for
community events for the village
of 350 people before the growth
trend started in the late 1970s.
Even the original master plan of
page 37
[corresponds to labeled page 37 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Powell at the Crossroads
by David Betz, Village Development Director
Planning for the Village of Powell has consis-
tently provided themes which the community has
developed and repeatedly adopted after much
community debate. Master plans were created in
1974, 1988 and 1995. All three master plans in-
volved creating a community centered around
enhancing the original village core, allowing growth
to occur in a managed program of development
while preserving the natural features of the area for
future residents to enjoy. During this time, Powell
has certainly been at the crossroads.
Figuratively, the crossroads have experienced
tremendous pressure as the whole central Ohio
region exploded in new growth. A challenge has
been to preserve the natural environment which is a
major reason Powell is so popular. Delaware County
has especially been hit hard because of its location in
an area offering good access to downtown. Addition-
ally, the natural features people look for when
seeking a new place to live are found on this upland
plateau. Situated between the two major rivers off
central Ohio, the Scioto River to the west and the
State Scenic Olentangy River to the east, Powell has
been ripe for the suburban growth that has occurred.
Tributaries to the Olentangy River which flow
through the village create a sense of naturalness and
open spaces, a recurring theme in planning the area.
Dedicated open space and natural scenic preserves
have been retained through the development pro-
cess. Although development has occurred in the
village, it has been done in a managed way. Pres-
sures from those who live and work in the village
have created the community Powell is today. The
[photo: Typical scene in 1997 --
New construction almost everywhere!]
balancing act of managing growth
is continuing.
In reality, the crossroads of
Powell exist at the center of the
village known as the "four cor-
ners". Historically, this part of
town was the gathering place for
community events for the village
of 350 people before the growth
trend started in the late 1970s.
Even the original master plan of
page 37
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 38)
[page 38]
[corresponds to labeled page 38 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
1974 indicated the need to improve the streets,
sidewalks and other public facilities in the four
corners area. The 1995 master plan includes a close
examination of the old village area and recommen-
dations from that VillageScape plan will begin
implementation in July of 1997. Rebuilt streets,
paver sidewalks, historic style street lighting and
street furniture will revitalize the crossroads and
provide a community character reflecting the flavor
of an historic village. Private investment into
properties is encouraged and recommendations for
these improvements are provided within the
VillageScape Plan. A combines public/private
partnership is needed and being encouraged for
implementation of this plan.
Another major recommendation of the Compre-
hensive Plan is the creation of a Village Green at or
near the "four corners" to provide for public facili-
ties such as a village hall, open space, parking, a
pavilion for outdoor events and a possible commuter
rail station. A positive vote of the community
realized the purchase of a 12 acre site in the center
of town on which to create this Village Green.
Planning for all of the public uses on this property
has begun, with implementation to begin in 1998.
A community vision statement was created with
the 1995 Powell Comprehensive Plan. This statement
reflects the community's feeling about the present
day village and what it should be like in the future:
"The Village of Powell is a small, rural, Greenbelt
town, located off the beaten path, along the west bank
of the scenic Olentangy River valley, in southern Dela-
ware County.
. Residential neighborhoods spread along the valley
wall, north and south of Powell Road. Other neigh-
borhoods are clustered close to the original village,
thereby saving valuable farmland and protecting
natural resources as a "green" edge.
. Natural vegetation is preserved in Powell, and tree-
lined parkways and pedestrian scaled village streets
punctuate the natural landscape.
. Civic design is important in this community. Stone
and white rail fence lines recall the agricultural
heritage of the village, along with barns and farm-
steads which have been preserved through the
village's land trust. Monuments and markers,
commemorating locally significant personages and
historic places, are located throughout the commu-
nity, and the town's public art program has enriched
the public places where community events are held.
. The Village's open space system consists of reserved
natural areas, community entrance gateways which
shape primary roadways and slow through-traffic,
neighborhood parks, a community recreation center
and park, a non-traditional town center green and
historic cemetery.
. Bikeways and walkways provide access and connec-
tions from residential areas to the open space system
and the town center, and other nearby destinations.
. The historic town center, with its mix of uses, has
been renovated and provides many enjoyable social,
shopping activities and business offices along tree-
lined village streets and new walkways. Its underly-
ing scale -- pedestrian scale, narrow streets, ver-
nacular architecture -- has been extended to new
town center housing nearby. Public parking is
provided in the town center where municipal offices
are located along with the town's commuter rail
transit station.
. Powell provides an excellent setting in which to live
and work. The community truly is a protected
respite from the outside region, and many residents
conduct professional businesses from their homes,
using tele-commuting technology."
Powell Comprehensive Plan
Adopted December 20, 1995
It can be said that this vision statement has
been a consistent theme of all three master plans.
The 1974 Plan indicated much more growth within
the area than that which has occurred, undoubt-
edly because of changing sentiment about the
effects that type of growth would have on the
community. The 1988 Plan indicated that same
planning boundary and laid the groundwork for a
community much larger in size than that of the
present village. The 1995 Plan, however, is a more
visionary document which provides a framework
for decision making based upon the six component
recommendations within the plan: achieve the
identity of a rural greenbelt town; redevelop the
town center; institute an access management
page 38
[corresponds to labeled page 38 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
1974 indicated the need to improve the streets,
sidewalks and other public facilities in the four
corners area. The 1995 master plan includes a close
examination of the old village area and recommen-
dations from that VillageScape plan will begin
implementation in July of 1997. Rebuilt streets,
paver sidewalks, historic style street lighting and
street furniture will revitalize the crossroads and
provide a community character reflecting the flavor
of an historic village. Private investment into
properties is encouraged and recommendations for
these improvements are provided within the
VillageScape Plan. A combines public/private
partnership is needed and being encouraged for
implementation of this plan.
Another major recommendation of the Compre-
hensive Plan is the creation of a Village Green at or
near the "four corners" to provide for public facili-
ties such as a village hall, open space, parking, a
pavilion for outdoor events and a possible commuter
rail station. A positive vote of the community
realized the purchase of a 12 acre site in the center
of town on which to create this Village Green.
Planning for all of the public uses on this property
has begun, with implementation to begin in 1998.
A community vision statement was created with
the 1995 Powell Comprehensive Plan. This statement
reflects the community's feeling about the present
day village and what it should be like in the future:
"The Village of Powell is a small, rural, Greenbelt
town, located off the beaten path, along the west bank
of the scenic Olentangy River valley, in southern Dela-
ware County.
. Residential neighborhoods spread along the valley
wall, north and south of Powell Road. Other neigh-
borhoods are clustered close to the original village,
thereby saving valuable farmland and protecting
natural resources as a "green" edge.
. Natural vegetation is preserved in Powell, and tree-
lined parkways and pedestrian scaled village streets
punctuate the natural landscape.
. Civic design is important in this community. Stone
and white rail fence lines recall the agricultural
heritage of the village, along with barns and farm-
steads which have been preserved through the
village's land trust. Monuments and markers,
commemorating locally significant personages and
historic places, are located throughout the commu-
nity, and the town's public art program has enriched
the public places where community events are held.
. The Village's open space system consists of reserved
natural areas, community entrance gateways which
shape primary roadways and slow through-traffic,
neighborhood parks, a community recreation center
and park, a non-traditional town center green and
historic cemetery.
. Bikeways and walkways provide access and connec-
tions from residential areas to the open space system
and the town center, and other nearby destinations.
. The historic town center, with its mix of uses, has
been renovated and provides many enjoyable social,
shopping activities and business offices along tree-
lined village streets and new walkways. Its underly-
ing scale -- pedestrian scale, narrow streets, ver-
nacular architecture -- has been extended to new
town center housing nearby. Public parking is
provided in the town center where municipal offices
are located along with the town's commuter rail
transit station.
. Powell provides an excellent setting in which to live
and work. The community truly is a protected
respite from the outside region, and many residents
conduct professional businesses from their homes,
using tele-commuting technology."
Powell Comprehensive Plan
Adopted December 20, 1995
It can be said that this vision statement has
been a consistent theme of all three master plans.
The 1974 Plan indicated much more growth within
the area than that which has occurred, undoubt-
edly because of changing sentiment about the
effects that type of growth would have on the
community. The 1988 Plan indicated that same
planning boundary and laid the groundwork for a
community much larger in size than that of the
present village. The 1995 Plan, however, is a more
visionary document which provides a framework
for decision making based upon the six component
recommendations within the plan: achieve the
identity of a rural greenbelt town; redevelop the
town center; institute an access management
page 38
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 39)
[page 39]
[corresponds to labeled page 39 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
program; achieve a balance of land use mix; shape
a small town economic development program; and
limit village services.
The Village of Powell is certainly at a cross-
roads. Implementing public improvements through
the VillageScape and Village Green
will continue to preserve and
enhance the four corners and old
village area. Preserving green open
spaces as development occurs by
keeping density low and preserv-
ing tree stands and fence rows will
continue the community character
people look for when seeking a
new place to live. Enhancing the
system of parks and pathways,
providing the basic services for the
community, and promoting com-
munity events will continue to
increase the sense of community
the residents and businesses work
so hard to preserve. The crossroads
point in all directions. The Village
of Powell is heading in the right
direction by balancing the new
growth with continued improvement of the heri-
tage of what continues to be the nicest community
in Central Ohio.
page 39
[corresponds to labeled page 39 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
program; achieve a balance of land use mix; shape
a small town economic development program; and
limit village services.
The Village of Powell is certainly at a cross-
roads. Implementing public improvements through
the VillageScape and Village Green
will continue to preserve and
enhance the four corners and old
village area. Preserving green open
spaces as development occurs by
keeping density low and preserv-
ing tree stands and fence rows will
continue the community character
people look for when seeking a
new place to live. Enhancing the
system of parks and pathways,
providing the basic services for the
community, and promoting com-
munity events will continue to
increase the sense of community
the residents and businesses work
so hard to preserve. The crossroads
point in all directions. The Village
of Powell is heading in the right
direction by balancing the new
growth with continued improvement of the heri-
tage of what continues to be the nicest community
in Central Ohio.
page 39
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 40)
[page 40]
[corresponds to labeled page 40 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
page 40
[corresponds to labeled page 40 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
page 40
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 41)
[page 41]
[corresponds to labeled page 41 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Business Sponsors
Airtouch Cellular
American Electric Power
Amy's Designs
Angelica Delicatessen
Auto Assets, Inc
Barrett Mortgage Services, Inc.
Blackburn and Associates Marketing
B.O.O.K.E.M. Entertainment/Promotions/Productions
Building Systems Integration, Inc.
Byron Johnson's Music of the Night
Cards For You...And Gifts Too
Century 21 Roger C. Perry, Ltd. -- Jaon Perez, Realton
W.R. Cochran Industrial Electric Co.
Colonial Fireplaces, Inc.
Columbus Zoo
Larry Coolidge, Realtors
Countryside Construction
The Delaware County Bank and Trust
Delaware County Sheriff's Office -- Sheriff, Al Myers
Delco Water
F. DelGreco Cement Contractor, Inc.
DHI Cooperative, Inc.
D & L Services, Inc.
Early Day'sAntiques --Crol Wallace and Vince
Edsall and Associates
Fifth Third Bank
Fireside Forest Industries, Inc.
Frito-Lay, Inc.
The General Insurance Agency, Inc.
Carl Gioffre Concrete Construction, Inc.
Grady Memorial Hospital
Robert Green Insurance Agency
Green Meadows BP -- John Quinn, owner
Teddy B. Griffin -- RE/MAX Winners
Hickory House Restaurant
Hill, Hill and Allison Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Christopher B. Houts, M.D.
David Ison Law Office
Keebler Company
Kimberly's 14K
Krieger Jeep/Eagle
Kevin Knight and Company
The Kroger Company
Tamara M. Kuhlmann, O.d. Powell Eye Care
Lane Interiors
Lapcraft, Inc.
Learning Unlimited
Liberty Child Care, Inc.
Liberty Hills Property Owners Association
Liberty Township Fire Department
Lintek, Inc.
The Map Store
Deborah Martin, County Commissioner
McGowan Building -- 83 E. Olentangy
[column two]
Milano Florist of Powell
Kenneth J. Molnar, Attorney at Law
Mowry Chiropractic
Mount Carmel Health & Wellness Center
Murphy's Party Barn
Nabisco Brands, Inc.
Nancy's Fabrics
National City Bank
National Realty
Nissan North
Olde Village Grill
Olentangy Rotary Club
Olentangy Swim Association, Inc.
O.S.U. Family Practice of Powell
Paragon Management Associates, Inc.
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company, Columbus, Ohio
Dr. Roger Plummer, D.D.S.
Powell Area Chamber of Commerce
The Powell Business Association
Powell Family Medicine -- Dr. Peter Hucek and Dr.
Robert Dawkins
Powell Grace Brethern Church
The Powell Pediatricians of West Central Pediatrics
Powell Road Self Storage
Powell Sertoma Club
Powell Structural Systems
Powell Subway
Powell Veterinary Clinic
Premier Bank and Trust
Recipe Express Catering
Ralph Renninger -- HER Realtors
Dick Ruhl Ford Sales, Inc.
Rutherford Funeral Home
Saturday's Sports Club/Don Antonios Pizza
WR Shepherd Inc.
Southern Delaware County Realtors Association
Speedy Sign-A-Rama, USA
Target Stores
Teale Fine Homes -- Lew Teale and Jerry Keyser
Three Fifty Six, Inc.
Torchia Sales and Marketing
Trucco Concrete Co., Inc.
Trustworthy Hardware
United Dairy Farmers
United Magazine
Belinda Waite -- State Farm Insurance
Wedgewood Golf and Country Club
Wegewood Medical Office Building
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers/Tim Horton's
The White House Bistro
Wiliams and Associates Realty, Inc. -- Jeff Dunahue
Wyandot Lake Amusement and Water Park
Jeffrey R. Yocca Builder, Inc.
Your Financial Community, Inc.
page 41
[corresponds to labeled page 41 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Business Sponsors
Airtouch Cellular
American Electric Power
Amy's Designs
Angelica Delicatessen
Auto Assets, Inc
Barrett Mortgage Services, Inc.
Blackburn and Associates Marketing
B.O.O.K.E.M. Entertainment/Promotions/Productions
Building Systems Integration, Inc.
Byron Johnson's Music of the Night
Cards For You...And Gifts Too
Century 21 Roger C. Perry, Ltd. -- Jaon Perez, Realton
W.R. Cochran Industrial Electric Co.
Colonial Fireplaces, Inc.
Columbus Zoo
Larry Coolidge, Realtors
Countryside Construction
The Delaware County Bank and Trust
Delaware County Sheriff's Office -- Sheriff, Al Myers
Delco Water
F. DelGreco Cement Contractor, Inc.
DHI Cooperative, Inc.
D & L Services, Inc.
Early Day'sAntiques --Crol Wallace and Vince
Edsall and Associates
Fifth Third Bank
Fireside Forest Industries, Inc.
Frito-Lay, Inc.
The General Insurance Agency, Inc.
Carl Gioffre Concrete Construction, Inc.
Grady Memorial Hospital
Robert Green Insurance Agency
Green Meadows BP -- John Quinn, owner
Teddy B. Griffin -- RE/MAX Winners
Hickory House Restaurant
Hill, Hill and Allison Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Christopher B. Houts, M.D.
David Ison Law Office
Keebler Company
Kimberly's 14K
Krieger Jeep/Eagle
Kevin Knight and Company
The Kroger Company
Tamara M. Kuhlmann, O.d. Powell Eye Care
Lane Interiors
Lapcraft, Inc.
Learning Unlimited
Liberty Child Care, Inc.
Liberty Hills Property Owners Association
Liberty Township Fire Department
Lintek, Inc.
The Map Store
Deborah Martin, County Commissioner
McGowan Building -- 83 E. Olentangy
[column two]
Milano Florist of Powell
Kenneth J. Molnar, Attorney at Law
Mowry Chiropractic
Mount Carmel Health & Wellness Center
Murphy's Party Barn
Nabisco Brands, Inc.
Nancy's Fabrics
National City Bank
National Realty
Nissan North
Olde Village Grill
Olentangy Rotary Club
Olentangy Swim Association, Inc.
O.S.U. Family Practice of Powell
Paragon Management Associates, Inc.
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company, Columbus, Ohio
Dr. Roger Plummer, D.D.S.
Powell Area Chamber of Commerce
The Powell Business Association
Powell Family Medicine -- Dr. Peter Hucek and Dr.
Robert Dawkins
Powell Grace Brethern Church
The Powell Pediatricians of West Central Pediatrics
Powell Road Self Storage
Powell Sertoma Club
Powell Structural Systems
Powell Subway
Powell Veterinary Clinic
Premier Bank and Trust
Recipe Express Catering
Ralph Renninger -- HER Realtors
Dick Ruhl Ford Sales, Inc.
Rutherford Funeral Home
Saturday's Sports Club/Don Antonios Pizza
WR Shepherd Inc.
Southern Delaware County Realtors Association
Speedy Sign-A-Rama, USA
Target Stores
Teale Fine Homes -- Lew Teale and Jerry Keyser
Three Fifty Six, Inc.
Torchia Sales and Marketing
Trucco Concrete Co., Inc.
Trustworthy Hardware
United Dairy Farmers
United Magazine
Belinda Waite -- State Farm Insurance
Wedgewood Golf and Country Club
Wegewood Medical Office Building
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers/Tim Horton's
The White House Bistro
Wiliams and Associates Realty, Inc. -- Jeff Dunahue
Wyandot Lake Amusement and Water Park
Jeffrey R. Yocca Builder, Inc.
Your Financial Community, Inc.
page 41
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 42)
[page 42]
[corresponds to labeled page 42 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Individual & Family Contributors
Andy and Evelyn Anderson, Elsie Plummer
Soni, Ernie, Taz and Nat Avey
Michael Bean
Marjorie Bennett
Jim and Ruth Berger
David Betz and Buddy
The Richard Brahm Family
Earl Burke
Buck, Karen and Amelia Caldwell
Robert and Barbara Cape
Stanley and Sharon Carmichael
Kim, Karen, Nick and Joe Cellar
David, Jamie, Megan and Brooke Chambers
Richard, Nora, Caitlin and Patrick Cline
The Thomas W. Coffey Family
Louise Cornish
Judy Cruse and Family
Joanna and Aaron Docie
Michael, Ann, Michael and Lauren Egan
Daniel and Lisa Ellis
Chuck and Chryssa Gartner
Ron Gerwig and Jo Cornish-Gerwig
The Bill and Linda Hanby Family
Lou, Judy, Ally and Samantha Hassel
Roger and Eleanor Hawk
Virginia Hess
Robert Hewitt
Dave and Wilma Hiss
Ronald and Danielle Hoover
Dan and Joan Hoy and Family
George and Sharyl Kaitsa
Richard A. King
Jean C. Kirkham
Mark, Mary, Kelly, Kara and Laura Klein
Tom and Debbie Kleven
Jack, Beth and Kyle Laming
John, Mary and Karen Lane
Charles and Donna Lawrence
Jean and David Luckhaupt
[column two]
Steve Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Luzio and Family
Janet, Bruce, Christopher and Ian Macnichol
The Doug Maehl Family
A. Herman Mason
The Mattinson Family -- John, Judy, Jason and
Adam and Susan Montemarano and Family
Jim, Teri, Scott and Jeff Morgan; Luthella Morgan in
memory of chief Melvin Morgan
Larry, Phyllis, Andy and Katy Nentwich
Bill and Alicia Nolan
David Noll
Mike, Diana, Eric and Kelly O'Brien
Shayne and Debbie Pendleton
Frank and Darla Poston
Scott and Paula Raymond
Ralph, Kim, Charlotte, Chelsea Renninger
Dave, Patti and Daniel Robinson
Peter and Catherine Rogers
Mark, Karen and Kelsi Ross
Jim and Debbie Scartz
David, Wendy, and Candice Schlaegel
Bob, Val and Krischelle Schutz
corey, Holly and Jackie Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. David Starner
Andrea and Amy Sweazy
Bob and Betty Tierney
Rose Tyler
Larry and Wendy Tyree
Larry and Jane VanFossen
Gary, Pamela and Luke Vest
The Vickers -- John, Erin, John and Will
Bill and Marty Watson
John and Sharon Werner
Dan and Terry Wiencek
Bob, Carole and Amy Wilhelm
John Wright and Family
Marya and James Young
page 42
[corresponds to labeled page 42 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Individual & Family Contributors
Andy and Evelyn Anderson, Elsie Plummer
Soni, Ernie, Taz and Nat Avey
Michael Bean
Marjorie Bennett
Jim and Ruth Berger
David Betz and Buddy
The Richard Brahm Family
Earl Burke
Buck, Karen and Amelia Caldwell
Robert and Barbara Cape
Stanley and Sharon Carmichael
Kim, Karen, Nick and Joe Cellar
David, Jamie, Megan and Brooke Chambers
Richard, Nora, Caitlin and Patrick Cline
The Thomas W. Coffey Family
Louise Cornish
Judy Cruse and Family
Joanna and Aaron Docie
Michael, Ann, Michael and Lauren Egan
Daniel and Lisa Ellis
Chuck and Chryssa Gartner
Ron Gerwig and Jo Cornish-Gerwig
The Bill and Linda Hanby Family
Lou, Judy, Ally and Samantha Hassel
Roger and Eleanor Hawk
Virginia Hess
Robert Hewitt
Dave and Wilma Hiss
Ronald and Danielle Hoover
Dan and Joan Hoy and Family
George and Sharyl Kaitsa
Richard A. King
Jean C. Kirkham
Mark, Mary, Kelly, Kara and Laura Klein
Tom and Debbie Kleven
Jack, Beth and Kyle Laming
John, Mary and Karen Lane
Charles and Donna Lawrence
Jean and David Luckhaupt
[column two]
Steve Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Luzio and Family
Janet, Bruce, Christopher and Ian Macnichol
The Doug Maehl Family
A. Herman Mason
The Mattinson Family -- John, Judy, Jason and
Adam and Susan Montemarano and Family
Jim, Teri, Scott and Jeff Morgan; Luthella Morgan in
memory of chief Melvin Morgan
Larry, Phyllis, Andy and Katy Nentwich
Bill and Alicia Nolan
David Noll
Mike, Diana, Eric and Kelly O'Brien
Shayne and Debbie Pendleton
Frank and Darla Poston
Scott and Paula Raymond
Ralph, Kim, Charlotte, Chelsea Renninger
Dave, Patti and Daniel Robinson
Peter and Catherine Rogers
Mark, Karen and Kelsi Ross
Jim and Debbie Scartz
David, Wendy, and Candice Schlaegel
Bob, Val and Krischelle Schutz
corey, Holly and Jackie Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. David Starner
Andrea and Amy Sweazy
Bob and Betty Tierney
Rose Tyler
Larry and Wendy Tyree
Larry and Jane VanFossen
Gary, Pamela and Luke Vest
The Vickers -- John, Erin, John and Will
Bill and Marty Watson
John and Sharon Werner
Dan and Terry Wiencek
Bob, Carole and Amy Wilhelm
John Wright and Family
Marya and James Young
page 42
Powell's Golden Days 1997 (p. 43)
[page 43]
[corresponds to labeled page 43 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Powell's Golden Days
Soni Avey Village of Powell
Amy Baker Powell Chamber of Commerce
John Bernans Liberty Township Fire Dept.
David Betz* Village of Powell
Cheryl Bucy Village of Powell
Earl Burke* Volunteer
Caroline Clabaugh Olentangy Valley News
Larry Coolidge* The Powell Business Association
Louise Cornish* Powell-Liberty Historical Society
Aaron Docie* Murphy's party Barn
Jean Drascentis Hickory House
Ross Fleming* Powell Antique Mart
Lou Hassel* Life Pulse Communications
Virginia Hess* Powell-Liberty Historical Society
Joan Hoy* Angelica Delicatessen
Stephen Hrytzik Village of Powell
Patty Kendzic Volunteer
Jerry Keyser* The Powell Business Association
Charles F. Lawrence* Powell-Liberty Historical Society
Donna Lawrence* Powell-Liberty Historical Society
Stephen Lutz* Village of Powell
[column two]
Leanne Marks Powell This Week
Debbie Martin County Commissioner
Adam Montemarano* The Kroger Company
Phyllis Nentwich Wedgewood Medical Building
Nancy Newkirk Village of Powell
David Noll Delaware County Bank
Mike O'Brien Powell Sertoma
Vince Prosnik Powell Rotary
Michael Raia Profiles of Central Ohio/M.D.R.
& Assoc.
Ralph Renninger HER Real Estate
Cathy Rogers Volunteer
Robert Schutz Village of Powell
Susan Sutherland Delaware County Health Depart-
Steve Underwood Village of Powell
Gary Vest* Village of Powell
Carole Wilhelm* Powell-Liberty Historical Society
Gary Winand Powell Chamber of Commerce
Marya Young* Premiere Bank
*Denotes presence in photograph, above.
page 43
[corresponds to labeled page 43 of Powell's Golden Days, June 1997]
Powell's Golden Days
Soni Avey Village of Powell
Amy Baker Powell Chamber of Commerce
John Bernans Liberty Township Fire Dept.
David Betz* Village of Powell
Cheryl Bucy Village of Powell
Earl Burke* Volunteer
Caroline Clabaugh Olentangy Valley News
Larry Coolidge* The Powell Business Association
Louise Cornish* Powell-Liberty Historical Society
Aaron Docie* Murphy's party Barn
Jean Drascentis Hickory House
Ross Fleming* Powell Antique Mart
Lou Hassel* Life Pulse Communications
Virginia Hess* Powell-Liberty Historical Society
Joan Hoy* Angelica Delicatessen
Stephen Hrytzik Village of Powell
Patty Kendzic Volunteer
Jerry Keyser* The Powell Business Association
Charles F. Lawrence* Powell-Liberty Historical Society
Donna Lawrence* Powell-Liberty Historical Society
Stephen Lutz* Village of Powell
[column two]
Leanne Marks Powell This Week
Debbie Martin County Commissioner
Adam Montemarano* The Kroger Company
Phyllis Nentwich Wedgewood Medical Building
Nancy Newkirk Village of Powell
David Noll Delaware County Bank
Mike O'Brien Powell Sertoma
Vince Prosnik Powell Rotary
Michael Raia Profiles of Central Ohio/M.D.R.
& Assoc.
Ralph Renninger HER Real Estate
Cathy Rogers Volunteer
Robert Schutz Village of Powell
Susan Sutherland Delaware County Health Depart-
Steve Underwood Village of Powell
Gary Vest* Village of Powell
Carole Wilhelm* Powell-Liberty Historical Society
Gary Winand Powell Chamber of Commerce
Marya Young* Premiere Bank
*Denotes presence in photograph, above.
page 43
Dublin Core
Powell's Golden Days 1997
Celebrations--Village of Powell--Ohio
History--Liberty Township--Delaware County--Ohio
Jubilees--Village of Powell--1947-1957
Village of Powell--Liberty Township--Delaware County--Ohio
History--Liberty Township--Delaware County--Ohio
Jubilees--Village of Powell--1947-1957
Village of Powell--Liberty Township--Delaware County--Ohio
Booklet commemorating the Village of Powell's Golden Celebration Days 1947-1997.
Powell-Liberty Historical Society
Three-Fifty-Six, Inc.; Powell, OH
Gary Vest, Celebration Committee Chair
Still Image
Powell-Liberty Historical Society, “Powell's Golden Days 1997,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 10, 2025,