Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community
Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community (p. 1)
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Compiled by Carlton Burrer June, 1983 [hand written on right]
Early Delaware County -- Sunbury and Community
As we pause to remember the 175th anniversary of the establishment
of Delaware County as a separate political subdivision of the State
of Ohio, consideration should be given as to the conditions which
existed in 1804 and to the life style of the people and the hardships
the people endured in those early days.
First of all, as we travel about the towns and countryside, observation
should be made as to the contour of the land and try to visualize how
it must have been before the roads were laid out and improved. Consider
how it was possible to cross the various streams of water, on foot or
by horse and buggy before bridges were built and the roadways graded
to make the approaches gradual and easy to maneuver. Notice that the
Public Square and the bordering streets, Columbus, Cherry,Vernon and
Granville occupy nearly all the naturally level land in the Village
of Sunbury. As originally laid out by the Myers brothers in 1816,
Morning, North, Evening and South streets formed the boundaries of
the Village. Even these close-in streets, while the plat looked good
on paper, [word crossed out] parts of the streets could not be used because of the
irregularities in the land surface. It is to be noted that South St.
was never [underlined] used.
During the early years there was on open stream and valley extending
from north of what is now Harrison St. east of its junction with Otis
St. which ran in a southwesterly direction, past the north side of the
Masonic Temple, under the Veterinary Clinic at N. Vernon St., past the
north side of Dr. Livingstons house, under the intersection of Morning
and N. Columbus Sts., through the front yard of Ronald Wilson, under
the house adjacent thereto; on underneath the new Cemetery Entrance
and West Cherry St., where it discharged into Prarie Run. When N. Vernon
St. was first extended to Harrison St. a stone culvert had to be
constructed to permit the water to flow under the new extention. As
recently as 1939 an open stream and ravine went, north east to south
west, through the center of the field where the Sunbury Playground
was constructed. The waterway originated northeast of East Cherry
St. continued SW under Granville St., through the low ground south of
the Telephone Equipment building, under S. Vernon St., on under S.
Columbus St near Frakes garage, through the Nestle Co. property where
it emptied into Prarie Run.
Considerable grading had to be done when the Railroad was built in
1873 and Letts Ave. did not connect with South Columbus St until the
underpass was installed several years later. The Granville St underpass
was not installed untill the late 1920s and all the traffic had to
cross over [underlined] the railroad tracks for quite a number of years.
The early expansion of the Village took place when there were nothing
but dry dusty streets in the summer, and icy, rutted and muddy streets
during the rest of each year. Certain areas in the Public Square were
soft and swampy during parts of the year. Of course there were no
telephones until the late 1800s -- communication along the railroad was
by telegraph -- there was no electricity until about 1906. In the late
1800s a group of private citizens, among them John Longwell, Elias
Kimball, Al Williams, Nelson Ramsey and Dr. Gerhardt had a large gas
[corresponds to unnumbered page 1]
Compiled by Carlton Burrer June, 1983 [hand written on right]
Early Delaware County -- Sunbury and Community
As we pause to remember the 175th anniversary of the establishment
of Delaware County as a separate political subdivision of the State
of Ohio, consideration should be given as to the conditions which
existed in 1804 and to the life style of the people and the hardships
the people endured in those early days.
First of all, as we travel about the towns and countryside, observation
should be made as to the contour of the land and try to visualize how
it must have been before the roads were laid out and improved. Consider
how it was possible to cross the various streams of water, on foot or
by horse and buggy before bridges were built and the roadways graded
to make the approaches gradual and easy to maneuver. Notice that the
Public Square and the bordering streets, Columbus, Cherry,Vernon and
Granville occupy nearly all the naturally level land in the Village
of Sunbury. As originally laid out by the Myers brothers in 1816,
Morning, North, Evening and South streets formed the boundaries of
the Village. Even these close-in streets, while the plat looked good
on paper, [word crossed out] parts of the streets could not be used because of the
irregularities in the land surface. It is to be noted that South St.
was never [underlined] used.
During the early years there was on open stream and valley extending
from north of what is now Harrison St. east of its junction with Otis
St. which ran in a southwesterly direction, past the north side of the
Masonic Temple, under the Veterinary Clinic at N. Vernon St., past the
north side of Dr. Livingstons house, under the intersection of Morning
and N. Columbus Sts., through the front yard of Ronald Wilson, under
the house adjacent thereto; on underneath the new Cemetery Entrance
and West Cherry St., where it discharged into Prarie Run. When N. Vernon
St. was first extended to Harrison St. a stone culvert had to be
constructed to permit the water to flow under the new extention. As
recently as 1939 an open stream and ravine went, north east to south
west, through the center of the field where the Sunbury Playground
was constructed. The waterway originated northeast of East Cherry
St. continued SW under Granville St., through the low ground south of
the Telephone Equipment building, under S. Vernon St., on under S.
Columbus St near Frakes garage, through the Nestle Co. property where
it emptied into Prarie Run.
Considerable grading had to be done when the Railroad was built in
1873 and Letts Ave. did not connect with South Columbus St until the
underpass was installed several years later. The Granville St underpass
was not installed untill the late 1920s and all the traffic had to
cross over [underlined] the railroad tracks for quite a number of years.
The early expansion of the Village took place when there were nothing
but dry dusty streets in the summer, and icy, rutted and muddy streets
during the rest of each year. Certain areas in the Public Square were
soft and swampy during parts of the year. Of course there were no
telephones until the late 1800s -- communication along the railroad was
by telegraph -- there was no electricity until about 1906. In the late
1800s a group of private citizens, among them John Longwell, Elias
Kimball, Al Williams, Nelson Ramsey and Dr. Gerhardt had a large gas
Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community (p. 2)
[page 2]
[corresponds to page 2]
well drilled in Nelson Ramsey's pasture field (Sunbury Playground)
found some gas and had lines laid to their homes and to the Blakely-
Williams Department Store at Cherry and Vernon Sts. The supply only
lasted a short time and the pocket filled with water. Small quantities
would bubble up through the water and build up pressure enough in the
large (8 or 9 inch) well pipe so that light could be had for skating
parties held on the pond in the wintertime. By the 1920s even that
small quantity failed. Another, smaller well was drilled just east of
N. Columbus St. on the north side of North St. hoping to find gas to
fuel the engines at the Mill. That venture was also un-successful.
Internal combustion engines fueled by natural gas, kerosene or light
oil have been available only since the early 1900s so that except for
[word crossed out] large and ponderous steam equipment all work to get jobs done had
to be by man-power, or by the use of horses, mules or oxen. Earth and
gravel or stone had to be moved by hand-shovel or by horse drawn, man
controlled, slip-scrapers. Any material moved more than a few feet had
to be shoveled into horse or mule drawn, iron-tired wagons. Dump-wagons
were developed so that the sides or bottom could be released and then
would have to be chained or clamped back into place for each load.
Considering all the physical labor involved it is easy to understand
why it took so many years to get large projects completed, particularly
the extensive grading needed to lay the large tile and move the earth
from the high spots to cover the tile and fill the ravines. By 1911
the finish grading had been done and most of the streets paved. This
writer can remember heavy paving bricks laid by hand on the old 3C
highway between Sunbury and Galena and in areas within Sunbury. It
involved teams of men,down on their knees laying two, three or even
four courses of the brick from one side of the roadway to the other
on a piece-work basis; back and forth all day, with few pauses between
courses to rest. Just imagine anyone being willing, or able, to do
such work today.---With all the power tools and equipment we now have
is is difficult for us to imagine how hard it must have been to fell
the trees, cut them, and finish them into suitable boards, planks
timbers and lath, to erect the structures which were so well put
together; all by hand, so many years ago. Even the foundation stones
had to be/quarried, moved by wagon or sled to the site, then cut to the
desired shapes and laid; all by hand hammers and chisels. Even the
bricks which were used to build houses and chimneys were often formed,
dried, and baked from native clay found at the building site. Iron nails
to hold the planks and boards in place in those old, but solid, frame
houses, were forged by hand, sometimes locally.
When the Farmers Bank building was erected in Sunbury in 1872, all
the stone was quarried along Big Walnut Creek. Large blocks were
hauled and deposited on the north side of the Public Square. A crew
of Italian stone cutters was brought in to cut and shape the stone
into the various sizes, shapes an designs; even to the round columns,
fluted pilasters and finials as called for in the architects plans.
A decorative pedestal for the peak of the frontal design was even
sculpted from a single, [word crossed out] large piece of stone and hoisted to
the top of the finished structure. Just recently when trenches were
dug to lay wires for new lights along the walks on the Square, a
quantity of the spalls and stone chips from this project were thrown
along the north walk
up to the top of the ground ^ . Several of the these were picked up and
compared with stone saved from the original building. They matched
exactly. Trenching in other areas of the Square failed to expose
any similar stone.
[corresponds to page 2]
well drilled in Nelson Ramsey's pasture field (Sunbury Playground)
found some gas and had lines laid to their homes and to the Blakely-
Williams Department Store at Cherry and Vernon Sts. The supply only
lasted a short time and the pocket filled with water. Small quantities
would bubble up through the water and build up pressure enough in the
large (8 or 9 inch) well pipe so that light could be had for skating
parties held on the pond in the wintertime. By the 1920s even that
small quantity failed. Another, smaller well was drilled just east of
N. Columbus St. on the north side of North St. hoping to find gas to
fuel the engines at the Mill. That venture was also un-successful.
Internal combustion engines fueled by natural gas, kerosene or light
oil have been available only since the early 1900s so that except for
[word crossed out] large and ponderous steam equipment all work to get jobs done had
to be by man-power, or by the use of horses, mules or oxen. Earth and
gravel or stone had to be moved by hand-shovel or by horse drawn, man
controlled, slip-scrapers. Any material moved more than a few feet had
to be shoveled into horse or mule drawn, iron-tired wagons. Dump-wagons
were developed so that the sides or bottom could be released and then
would have to be chained or clamped back into place for each load.
Considering all the physical labor involved it is easy to understand
why it took so many years to get large projects completed, particularly
the extensive grading needed to lay the large tile and move the earth
from the high spots to cover the tile and fill the ravines. By 1911
the finish grading had been done and most of the streets paved. This
writer can remember heavy paving bricks laid by hand on the old 3C
highway between Sunbury and Galena and in areas within Sunbury. It
involved teams of men,down on their knees laying two, three or even
four courses of the brick from one side of the roadway to the other
on a piece-work basis; back and forth all day, with few pauses between
courses to rest. Just imagine anyone being willing, or able, to do
such work today.---With all the power tools and equipment we now have
is is difficult for us to imagine how hard it must have been to fell
the trees, cut them, and finish them into suitable boards, planks
timbers and lath, to erect the structures which were so well put
together; all by hand, so many years ago. Even the foundation stones
had to be/quarried, moved by wagon or sled to the site, then cut to the
desired shapes and laid; all by hand hammers and chisels. Even the
bricks which were used to build houses and chimneys were often formed,
dried, and baked from native clay found at the building site. Iron nails
to hold the planks and boards in place in those old, but solid, frame
houses, were forged by hand, sometimes locally.
When the Farmers Bank building was erected in Sunbury in 1872, all
the stone was quarried along Big Walnut Creek. Large blocks were
hauled and deposited on the north side of the Public Square. A crew
of Italian stone cutters was brought in to cut and shape the stone
into the various sizes, shapes an designs; even to the round columns,
fluted pilasters and finials as called for in the architects plans.
A decorative pedestal for the peak of the frontal design was even
sculpted from a single, [word crossed out] large piece of stone and hoisted to
the top of the finished structure. Just recently when trenches were
dug to lay wires for new lights along the walks on the Square, a
quantity of the spalls and stone chips from this project were thrown
along the north walk
up to the top of the ground ^ . Several of the these were picked up and
compared with stone saved from the original building. They matched
exactly. Trenching in other areas of the Square failed to expose
any similar stone.
Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community (p. 3)
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The Villages and country side have always been fortunate in having
good palatable water. Big and Little Walnut Creeks and Prarie [Prairie] Run
are fed with many springs, as were the streams which ran through the
town of Sunbury. Private wells could usually be dug or drilled and
clear, sweet water found near the surface. This good water is one of
the elements responsible for the growth of the area from its earliest
days. In recent years it must be acknowledged and credit given to the
assistance The Nestle Company has presented; financially, as well as
by providing use of its tools, personnel and equipment; when needed, in
the development of the Sunbury water programs. Many will remember the
very long dry spell experienced in 1953 when the water table dropped
so far that the Water Plant wells gave out, springs dried up and all
the little pools of water. above the dam in Big Walnut were channeled
by men with hand shovels to permit as much to drain into the pumping
station inlets as could possibly be coaxed into the system.
Being about to give up with no rain in sight, it was noticed that
water was flowing in Little Walnut [underlined] Creek from just above the
Cheshire road on south. Local farm tank truck haulers were recruited, the new
Fire Department Pumper and some small portable units were pressed into
service and The Nestle Co, which was using raw milk at the time, diverted
their large tankers, as they could be spared, and the water brigade began.
A conveniently accessible pool in the creek was located and the crisis
was at once averted until the rains came. Believe it or not, we pumped
and hauled water from that one pool for several days and were unable
to pump it dry. The story has been told that, at one time, one of the
farms along Little Walnut Creek had an artesian well which flowed
continuously the year around. From our experience there must have been
several of them working at the time.
Two other elements which helped in the growth of the community, were
the many perches of good stone along Big Walnut Creek and the fine
stands of trees of many varieties suitable for building purposes and
for firewood.
Another favorable feature in the development of Sunbury was that it
was laid out at the intersection of two expanding trade routes and
was sited far enough away from other large centers so that it became
a convenient overnight stop-over point, back in the stage coach era.
The surrounding land was mostly fertile for farming and for the grazing
of livestock. With the influx of many industrious people:-tradesmen,
farmers, dairymen, growers of livestock, builders and merchants, the
future of the villages and community was assured.
***The Beginning, Development and Growth of the Mill & Light Plant***
There is one necessity common to all living creatures---everyone and
every thing must eat [underlined] on a regular basis...The more primitive the environ-
ment the more difficult it was, and the more time had to be spent,
to find and prepare food for existence. Basic requirements have always
been--food and shelter[underlined]. As new settlers began to arrive and virgin
territory was opened, people began to band together to pool their
efforts and assets, to secure easier and more comfortable living. With
flowing streams at hand, those individuals mechanically inclined, set
about harnessing the available water-power to perform the onerous
tasks of sawing wood and grinding grain.
[corresponds to page 3]
The Villages and country side have always been fortunate in having
good palatable water. Big and Little Walnut Creeks and Prarie [Prairie] Run
are fed with many springs, as were the streams which ran through the
town of Sunbury. Private wells could usually be dug or drilled and
clear, sweet water found near the surface. This good water is one of
the elements responsible for the growth of the area from its earliest
days. In recent years it must be acknowledged and credit given to the
assistance The Nestle Company has presented; financially, as well as
by providing use of its tools, personnel and equipment; when needed, in
the development of the Sunbury water programs. Many will remember the
very long dry spell experienced in 1953 when the water table dropped
so far that the Water Plant wells gave out, springs dried up and all
the little pools of water. above the dam in Big Walnut were channeled
by men with hand shovels to permit as much to drain into the pumping
station inlets as could possibly be coaxed into the system.
Being about to give up with no rain in sight, it was noticed that
water was flowing in Little Walnut [underlined] Creek from just above the
Cheshire road on south. Local farm tank truck haulers were recruited, the new
Fire Department Pumper and some small portable units were pressed into
service and The Nestle Co, which was using raw milk at the time, diverted
their large tankers, as they could be spared, and the water brigade began.
A conveniently accessible pool in the creek was located and the crisis
was at once averted until the rains came. Believe it or not, we pumped
and hauled water from that one pool for several days and were unable
to pump it dry. The story has been told that, at one time, one of the
farms along Little Walnut Creek had an artesian well which flowed
continuously the year around. From our experience there must have been
several of them working at the time.
Two other elements which helped in the growth of the community, were
the many perches of good stone along Big Walnut Creek and the fine
stands of trees of many varieties suitable for building purposes and
for firewood.
Another favorable feature in the development of Sunbury was that it
was laid out at the intersection of two expanding trade routes and
was sited far enough away from other large centers so that it became
a convenient overnight stop-over point, back in the stage coach era.
The surrounding land was mostly fertile for farming and for the grazing
of livestock. With the influx of many industrious people:-tradesmen,
farmers, dairymen, growers of livestock, builders and merchants, the
future of the villages and community was assured.
***The Beginning, Development and Growth of the Mill & Light Plant***
There is one necessity common to all living creatures---everyone and
every thing must eat [underlined] on a regular basis...The more primitive the environ-
ment the more difficult it was, and the more time had to be spent,
to find and prepare food for existence. Basic requirements have always
been--food and shelter[underlined]. As new settlers began to arrive and virgin
territory was opened, people began to band together to pool their
efforts and assets, to secure easier and more comfortable living. With
flowing streams at hand, those individuals mechanically inclined, set
about harnessing the available water-power to perform the onerous
tasks of sawing wood and grinding grain.
Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community (p. 4)
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Mills began to be installed at locations where satisfactory flow
could be obtained, by building dams to impound the water or where
there was sufficient natural fall created by a bend in the stream,
to divert part of the flow into a man-made new channel where the
speed or pressure of the water could be made to turn a wheel and
thus create plentiful and cheap power.
Mills began to be constructed along Alum creek and Big and Little
Walnut. One enterprising family in Galena, the Carpenters, secured
land for a mill-race just north of the juncture of Big Walnut and
Little Walnut Creeks. Since the flow and level of Big Walnut was
higher than that of Little Walnut a wonderfully fast and reliable
race was created for use. The Carpenters had built and operated mills
in the Wyoming Valley area of Pennsylvania before coming here.
Business must have prospered for the John Jacob Burrer family in
the stone cutting profession and in the family tavern and store.
He had brought his family from Germany on a sailing vessel to
Sunbury via New York,with a stop-over to visit a brother who lived
in Medina County Ohio and a short period in Delaware, where a son,
John Edward was born. In 1857 he had purchased a log cabin in Sunbury,
located on E. Cherry St. near the new Cemetery entrance. It is now
designated as #44 and has been shingled on the outside so that the
logs do not show. The house is still standing and is occupied. Court
House records indicate that it was built in 1802 [underlined]---before Delaware
County was formed or the Village of Sunbury laid out. The last three
of John Jacobs children were born there in 1857, '59 & '63. The old
cabin and family home on lot #19 was transferred out of the family
name to A.D. Gammill in September 1901.
In August 1857 John Jacob ^ purchased a plot of land along Big Walnut
creek from John Knox as a 'Stone Purchase' and later he became a
partner with Henry Fleckner in the operation of a Stone Quarry. John
J's. oldest daughter married Mr. Fleckner and they lived in what is
now #10 N. Walnut St. which is on the Sunbury-Licking Township line
at the end of East Cherry St. At that time it was far outside the
corporation limits of Sunbury. The house and barn are still standing
and the property forms the west bank of the Big Walnut Valley.
About ten years after purchasing the log cabin as a home for his
young family, he purchased lot #44 from Cornelius Wilcox. This was
(and is) the first lot north of the Hopkins House on the west side
of the Public Square in Sunbury. On it he built a stone building
with a stone-walled and roofed cellar underneath for use as a tavern
and store. It is understood that light lunch and other refreshments
were available there for travellers and those attending the livestock
sales being conducted periodically on the Public Square in the early
days. No doubt the bidding became more spirited after refreshments.
By 1871, John Jacob's eldest son was 23 years of age (he was 7 when
they came from Germany) and the father and son, Gottlieb Jacob,
purchased from Henry and Sarah Boyd the old 'Bailey' water-powered
flour and 'grist' mill, which had been built in 1848, and was located
down in the creek valley bottom-land behind Harry Fleckners barn.
The flow in the creek had been diverted further upstream into a
pond and there was a 'right-of-way' through John Knox land for a
[corresponds to page 4]
Mills began to be installed at locations where satisfactory flow
could be obtained, by building dams to impound the water or where
there was sufficient natural fall created by a bend in the stream,
to divert part of the flow into a man-made new channel where the
speed or pressure of the water could be made to turn a wheel and
thus create plentiful and cheap power.
Mills began to be constructed along Alum creek and Big and Little
Walnut. One enterprising family in Galena, the Carpenters, secured
land for a mill-race just north of the juncture of Big Walnut and
Little Walnut Creeks. Since the flow and level of Big Walnut was
higher than that of Little Walnut a wonderfully fast and reliable
race was created for use. The Carpenters had built and operated mills
in the Wyoming Valley area of Pennsylvania before coming here.
Business must have prospered for the John Jacob Burrer family in
the stone cutting profession and in the family tavern and store.
He had brought his family from Germany on a sailing vessel to
Sunbury via New York,with a stop-over to visit a brother who lived
in Medina County Ohio and a short period in Delaware, where a son,
John Edward was born. In 1857 he had purchased a log cabin in Sunbury,
located on E. Cherry St. near the new Cemetery entrance. It is now
designated as #44 and has been shingled on the outside so that the
logs do not show. The house is still standing and is occupied. Court
House records indicate that it was built in 1802 [underlined]---before Delaware
County was formed or the Village of Sunbury laid out. The last three
of John Jacobs children were born there in 1857, '59 & '63. The old
cabin and family home on lot #19 was transferred out of the family
name to A.D. Gammill in September 1901.
In August 1857 John Jacob ^ purchased a plot of land along Big Walnut
creek from John Knox as a 'Stone Purchase' and later he became a
partner with Henry Fleckner in the operation of a Stone Quarry. John
J's. oldest daughter married Mr. Fleckner and they lived in what is
now #10 N. Walnut St. which is on the Sunbury-Licking Township line
at the end of East Cherry St. At that time it was far outside the
corporation limits of Sunbury. The house and barn are still standing
and the property forms the west bank of the Big Walnut Valley.
About ten years after purchasing the log cabin as a home for his
young family, he purchased lot #44 from Cornelius Wilcox. This was
(and is) the first lot north of the Hopkins House on the west side
of the Public Square in Sunbury. On it he built a stone building
with a stone-walled and roofed cellar underneath for use as a tavern
and store. It is understood that light lunch and other refreshments
were available there for travellers and those attending the livestock
sales being conducted periodically on the Public Square in the early
days. No doubt the bidding became more spirited after refreshments.
By 1871, John Jacob's eldest son was 23 years of age (he was 7 when
they came from Germany) and the father and son, Gottlieb Jacob,
purchased from Henry and Sarah Boyd the old 'Bailey' water-powered
flour and 'grist' mill, which had been built in 1848, and was located
down in the creek valley bottom-land behind Harry Fleckners barn.
The flow in the creek had been diverted further upstream into a
pond and there was a 'right-of-way' through John Knox land for a
Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community (p. 5)
[page 5]
[corresponds to page 5]
'tail-race' to carry the run*off from the water wheel back into the
creek further down stream. This Mill Property contained a little over
26 acres of land, in addition to the right-of-way, and $3500.00 was
paid for it, the buildings and machinery. Mr. Boyd had previously
purchased the 'Van Sickle' mill from his brother Jacob Boyd and had
moved the machinery from it to the 'Bailey' mill. The 'Van Sickle' mill
was the first in Trenton Tonship. It was built by John Van Sickle in
1835 and was situated one half mile north-east of Sunbury on Big Walnut.
It had a 'brush' dam for water diversion and it was later replaced with
one built out of planks. He sold it to E.M. Condit who operated it from
1855 to 1862 and then sold it to Jacob Boyd. Judge F.B. Sprague, who
came from Delaware, later bought into the partnership with the Burrer
father and son, he having had experience in in the milling business.
Mr. Sprague had certified the mill purchase agreement as Justice of the
Peace on June 16, 1871.
With business rapidly increasing it soon became evident that the flow
of water in the creek was not sufficient to operate the mill the year
around to take care of the demand. It was determined that the mill and
its machinery should be moved into the Village and steam power be pro-
vided to run it. In 1875 foundations were laid for a new building and
boiler-room to be built. The building was frame construction and the
boiler-room was of stone to be fireproof. The building site was in the
north-east corner of N. Columbus and North Streets. Mr. Samuel Shriver
Gammill had moved his saw-mill from Kingston Township and it occupied
the other one-half of the land between N. Columbus St. and N. Vernon St.
on the north side of North St. Mr. Gammill also operated a Hoop factory
in connection with the saw mill.
Agreement had been reached with Mr. Gammill that he would supply the
wood-slabs/and sawdust to burn in the new boilers, and he would construct
the frame building for the mill. A|very tall and large, round chimney, or
smoke stack had to be erected on a heavy stone base to assure that
burning wood-embers would not spread over nearby structures.
The son, Gottleib Jacob (known to everyone as 'Jakie') had become
enamored of Mr. Gammill's daughter, Amy Ann, and they were getting
married. Mr. Gammill therefore, also agreed to build a house for them
to live in, on the south side of Morning St., on in-lot #4 across from
the mill. All this was accomplished and the mill was moved from the
creek into Sunbury.
At that time the small stream and ravine still existed, down through
the saw-mill property and alongside the new mill. A tile was laid and
covered over with dirt and stone fill but for many years whenever there
was a hard rain, water would exceed the capacity of the tile and flow
into the mill basement and into the bucket-type elevator 'boots' and
plug up the flow of grain in the mill. One can imagine the mess this
[word crossed out] would make, especially if water remained in the basement for an
hour or more. A large steam engine was purchased in Mt. Vernon and
shipped by rail to Sunbury. The new railroad trestle over Big Walnut
creek was then unuseable so the heavy engine had to be unloaded on
the south side of the Croton Road where the stone quarry loading
winches were located, moved down the hill on heavy wagons or sleds,
forded across the creek just north of where the new bridge is now
located, by horse, mule or oxen teams; and on in to the new mill
engine room.
[corresponds to page 5]
'tail-race' to carry the run*off from the water wheel back into the
creek further down stream. This Mill Property contained a little over
26 acres of land, in addition to the right-of-way, and $3500.00 was
paid for it, the buildings and machinery. Mr. Boyd had previously
purchased the 'Van Sickle' mill from his brother Jacob Boyd and had
moved the machinery from it to the 'Bailey' mill. The 'Van Sickle' mill
was the first in Trenton Tonship. It was built by John Van Sickle in
1835 and was situated one half mile north-east of Sunbury on Big Walnut.
It had a 'brush' dam for water diversion and it was later replaced with
one built out of planks. He sold it to E.M. Condit who operated it from
1855 to 1862 and then sold it to Jacob Boyd. Judge F.B. Sprague, who
came from Delaware, later bought into the partnership with the Burrer
father and son, he having had experience in in the milling business.
Mr. Sprague had certified the mill purchase agreement as Justice of the
Peace on June 16, 1871.
With business rapidly increasing it soon became evident that the flow
of water in the creek was not sufficient to operate the mill the year
around to take care of the demand. It was determined that the mill and
its machinery should be moved into the Village and steam power be pro-
vided to run it. In 1875 foundations were laid for a new building and
boiler-room to be built. The building was frame construction and the
boiler-room was of stone to be fireproof. The building site was in the
north-east corner of N. Columbus and North Streets. Mr. Samuel Shriver
Gammill had moved his saw-mill from Kingston Township and it occupied
the other one-half of the land between N. Columbus St. and N. Vernon St.
on the north side of North St. Mr. Gammill also operated a Hoop factory
in connection with the saw mill.
Agreement had been reached with Mr. Gammill that he would supply the
wood-slabs/and sawdust to burn in the new boilers, and he would construct
the frame building for the mill. A|very tall and large, round chimney, or
smoke stack had to be erected on a heavy stone base to assure that
burning wood-embers would not spread over nearby structures.
The son, Gottleib Jacob (known to everyone as 'Jakie') had become
enamored of Mr. Gammill's daughter, Amy Ann, and they were getting
married. Mr. Gammill therefore, also agreed to build a house for them
to live in, on the south side of Morning St., on in-lot #4 across from
the mill. All this was accomplished and the mill was moved from the
creek into Sunbury.
At that time the small stream and ravine still existed, down through
the saw-mill property and alongside the new mill. A tile was laid and
covered over with dirt and stone fill but for many years whenever there
was a hard rain, water would exceed the capacity of the tile and flow
into the mill basement and into the bucket-type elevator 'boots' and
plug up the flow of grain in the mill. One can imagine the mess this
[word crossed out] would make, especially if water remained in the basement for an
hour or more. A large steam engine was purchased in Mt. Vernon and
shipped by rail to Sunbury. The new railroad trestle over Big Walnut
creek was then unuseable so the heavy engine had to be unloaded on
the south side of the Croton Road where the stone quarry loading
winches were located, moved down the hill on heavy wagons or sleds,
forded across the creek just north of where the new bridge is now
located, by horse, mule or oxen teams; and on in to the new mill
engine room.
Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community (p. 6)
[page 6]
[corresponds to page 6]
The father, John Jacob Burrer and his son Heinrich (Henry) both died
in 1874 while the mill was still at the creek. Gottlieb Jacob (Jakie)
now 26 years old was made Executer of John Jacob, leaving the mother,
Barbara Catherine a widow at the age of 54, daughters Frederika and
Nannie, two additional sons John Edward and Frank aged 20 and 12 ^ at
home and unmarried. The move into Sunbury was successful, however, and
with a much more accessible location and reliable power at hand to
drive the mill stones, there was plenty|for everyone to do. The community
began to grow rapidly. The Farmers Bank had been organized in 1872, the
railroad was completed; the Enterprise (first newspaper) started, the
brick school house built, on the hill (corner of Harrison & N. Vernon
Sts), all in 1973. In 1974 the Rome Grange #741 was organized. In 1875
a Protestant Episcopal church was organized in Galena. From 1875 through
1891 many new organizations and associations were formed in the comm-
In 1892 the Sunbury Co-Operative Creamery was formed and a building
was constructed on the east side of S. Columbus St., near the rail-
road and Depot. This meant that the farmers had a convenient cash
market for their milk and cream, and butter could be locally produced
and sold in quantity. Mr. Kimball Sedgwick was named secretary & manager.
By 1886 machinery had become available to process wheat into white
flour, by means of matched sets of steel rollers; and by the use of
proper screens and sifters various parts of the wheat, oats, rye and
barley could be separated out in the grinding process for livestock
feed and other uses. This meant that to be competetive, a major expan-
sion was necessary at the mill. The French mill-stones or 'buhrs' were
retained for cracking corn and making meal but the mill structure had
to be expanded. At the same time 6 large and tall bins were constructed
for the storage of grain for both processing and reshipment. At that
time the engine room was not expanded since the steam engine and boiler
could handle the added load. Anyone familiar with roller mills and the
manufacture of white flour will understand the amount of line shafting,
belts, pulleys, clutches and spouting required in such an undertaking.
The conversion was completed, however, and a new era began in the
milling business in the Sunbury community. An exact accounting of the
sequence of events which followed during the next 15-20 years is not
recorded, but can be summed up as follows;- While associated with the
father and the boys under the name of 'Sprague & Burrer' Mr. Sprague
was a Justice of the Peace, but upon being appointed Probate Judge in
the County, he soon gave up his interest in the milling business and
the enterprise continued for a time as 'Burrer Brothers'.
After white flour became available, the 'tavern' aspect of the store
and tavern on the Public Square was dropped and ovens installed in the
building to operate as a Bakery, thereby promoting the marketing of the
new 'White Loaf Flour,'as the product was named. John Edward, having
learned the milling business, became interested in the bakery. Frank
continued on full time in the mill with his brother Jakie. Frank never
married but Jakie and his wife Amy Ann started to raise a family of
their own in the house across from the mill. Their first born child
(March 7, 1886) was given the name of Sprague, after the early partner,
and the middle name Gammill from his maternal grandfather. Then followed
4 more boys, all within a period of 8 years.
[corresponds to page 6]
The father, John Jacob Burrer and his son Heinrich (Henry) both died
in 1874 while the mill was still at the creek. Gottlieb Jacob (Jakie)
now 26 years old was made Executer of John Jacob, leaving the mother,
Barbara Catherine a widow at the age of 54, daughters Frederika and
Nannie, two additional sons John Edward and Frank aged 20 and 12 ^ at
home and unmarried. The move into Sunbury was successful, however, and
with a much more accessible location and reliable power at hand to
drive the mill stones, there was plenty|for everyone to do. The community
began to grow rapidly. The Farmers Bank had been organized in 1872, the
railroad was completed; the Enterprise (first newspaper) started, the
brick school house built, on the hill (corner of Harrison & N. Vernon
Sts), all in 1973. In 1974 the Rome Grange #741 was organized. In 1875
a Protestant Episcopal church was organized in Galena. From 1875 through
1891 many new organizations and associations were formed in the comm-
In 1892 the Sunbury Co-Operative Creamery was formed and a building
was constructed on the east side of S. Columbus St., near the rail-
road and Depot. This meant that the farmers had a convenient cash
market for their milk and cream, and butter could be locally produced
and sold in quantity. Mr. Kimball Sedgwick was named secretary & manager.
By 1886 machinery had become available to process wheat into white
flour, by means of matched sets of steel rollers; and by the use of
proper screens and sifters various parts of the wheat, oats, rye and
barley could be separated out in the grinding process for livestock
feed and other uses. This meant that to be competetive, a major expan-
sion was necessary at the mill. The French mill-stones or 'buhrs' were
retained for cracking corn and making meal but the mill structure had
to be expanded. At the same time 6 large and tall bins were constructed
for the storage of grain for both processing and reshipment. At that
time the engine room was not expanded since the steam engine and boiler
could handle the added load. Anyone familiar with roller mills and the
manufacture of white flour will understand the amount of line shafting,
belts, pulleys, clutches and spouting required in such an undertaking.
The conversion was completed, however, and a new era began in the
milling business in the Sunbury community. An exact accounting of the
sequence of events which followed during the next 15-20 years is not
recorded, but can be summed up as follows;- While associated with the
father and the boys under the name of 'Sprague & Burrer' Mr. Sprague
was a Justice of the Peace, but upon being appointed Probate Judge in
the County, he soon gave up his interest in the milling business and
the enterprise continued for a time as 'Burrer Brothers'.
After white flour became available, the 'tavern' aspect of the store
and tavern on the Public Square was dropped and ovens installed in the
building to operate as a Bakery, thereby promoting the marketing of the
new 'White Loaf Flour,'as the product was named. John Edward, having
learned the milling business, became interested in the bakery. Frank
continued on full time in the mill with his brother Jakie. Frank never
married but Jakie and his wife Amy Ann started to raise a family of
their own in the house across from the mill. Their first born child
(March 7, 1886) was given the name of Sprague, after the early partner,
and the middle name Gammill from his maternal grandfather. Then followed
4 more boys, all within a period of 8 years.
Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community (p. 7)
[page 7]
[corresponds to page 7]
As this second generation grew and became able to work in the mill,
John E. and Frank began to look for other locations to continue their
profession. In 1893 John Edward married Margaret, the daughter of Remolus
Hyatt who lived in a log cabin just north of Sunbury. (this cabin was
torn down recently to make room for the erection of the DeVore Funeral
Home at that location).
Jakie and John purchased a mill in Centerburg and Uncle John and
Margaret moved there to make 'Tip Top' flour. Uncle Frank secured a
mill in Westerville, moved there and spent the rest of his life there.
Soon thereafter the Sunbury operation name was changed to:- G.J. Burrer
& Sons, a title which continued for many years. Sprague, the eldest boy
was killed in an accident while playing in the mill when he was only
10 years of age. The Townley-Ports Scrap Book, available at the Community
Library, describes this happening in detail, calling it 'A Horrible
Accident', with a date of Aug. 6, 1886. Little Sprague had been reading
a story-book at the time the third child was born on June 6, 1886. The
hero in the book was Paul Parker which became the name of the new-born.
In volume #111, page 73 Delaware Co. Recorders Office, is a Quit Claim
Deed, signed by all living survivors of John Jacob Burrer, transferring
the south 60 ft. of Lot #44 (the Store & Bakery) to J. W. Barker. It had
been used by the family from 1867 to 1899. Uncle Parker Burrer remembered
going there to Uncle John and Aunt Maggie's bakery as a small boy, and
bringing home 6 large loaves of bread for a quarter. Their daughter, Esther
the oldest of five children raised, passed away in Columbus June 6, 1983
at the age of 89 and laid to rest with her mother in Oak Grove Cemetery in
Delaware where they had spent the last years of life.
In volume #74, page 380 Gottlieb Jacob and his wife Amy Ann conveyed
to Louisa Catherine (Mrs. Henry Fleckner), his aunt, the Boyd (Bailey)
mill property on Dec. 1, 1879, the mill machinery having been moved
into Sunbury in 1875.
********The Light Plant********
By 1906 Karl Ormond Burrer had graduated from Denison University and
obtained his masters degree in Electrical Engineering, having spent his
youth working around the mill with his father, uncles, and three brothers.
He had been spending his summers,when not in school or teaching, at the
mill. Jakie and the boys considered that in the evenings when it became
too dark to operate the mill, there would still be 'a head of steam' in
the boiler which could be profitably used to generate electricity.
While at Denison, Karl had helped to 'wire' the new Science Hall and
had therefore, become familiar with method of enclosing the wires and
devices in rigid, iron condit, as was then recommended for use in areas
involving explosive dust.
Accordingly they proceeded to purchase a small generator (or 'Dynamo'),
as they were then called, and connected it with a long drive belt to
the steam engine in a fashion so that the dynamo could be operated
with or without running the mill. At first, lights were installed
only in the mill and Jakie's house across the street. The lights
at night
worked and the new system was a success but was operated only ^ until
pressure went down in the boiler. Soon the people at the Methodist
Church, across from the mill, on N. Columbus St. thought it would
be nice to have the new lights and the 'boys' were glad to accomodate.
From then on, others wanted the service and there was no\turning back....
[corresponds to page 7]
As this second generation grew and became able to work in the mill,
John E. and Frank began to look for other locations to continue their
profession. In 1893 John Edward married Margaret, the daughter of Remolus
Hyatt who lived in a log cabin just north of Sunbury. (this cabin was
torn down recently to make room for the erection of the DeVore Funeral
Home at that location).
Jakie and John purchased a mill in Centerburg and Uncle John and
Margaret moved there to make 'Tip Top' flour. Uncle Frank secured a
mill in Westerville, moved there and spent the rest of his life there.
Soon thereafter the Sunbury operation name was changed to:- G.J. Burrer
& Sons, a title which continued for many years. Sprague, the eldest boy
was killed in an accident while playing in the mill when he was only
10 years of age. The Townley-Ports Scrap Book, available at the Community
Library, describes this happening in detail, calling it 'A Horrible
Accident', with a date of Aug. 6, 1886. Little Sprague had been reading
a story-book at the time the third child was born on June 6, 1886. The
hero in the book was Paul Parker which became the name of the new-born.
In volume #111, page 73 Delaware Co. Recorders Office, is a Quit Claim
Deed, signed by all living survivors of John Jacob Burrer, transferring
the south 60 ft. of Lot #44 (the Store & Bakery) to J. W. Barker. It had
been used by the family from 1867 to 1899. Uncle Parker Burrer remembered
going there to Uncle John and Aunt Maggie's bakery as a small boy, and
bringing home 6 large loaves of bread for a quarter. Their daughter, Esther
the oldest of five children raised, passed away in Columbus June 6, 1983
at the age of 89 and laid to rest with her mother in Oak Grove Cemetery in
Delaware where they had spent the last years of life.
In volume #74, page 380 Gottlieb Jacob and his wife Amy Ann conveyed
to Louisa Catherine (Mrs. Henry Fleckner), his aunt, the Boyd (Bailey)
mill property on Dec. 1, 1879, the mill machinery having been moved
into Sunbury in 1875.
********The Light Plant********
By 1906 Karl Ormond Burrer had graduated from Denison University and
obtained his masters degree in Electrical Engineering, having spent his
youth working around the mill with his father, uncles, and three brothers.
He had been spending his summers,when not in school or teaching, at the
mill. Jakie and the boys considered that in the evenings when it became
too dark to operate the mill, there would still be 'a head of steam' in
the boiler which could be profitably used to generate electricity.
While at Denison, Karl had helped to 'wire' the new Science Hall and
had therefore, become familiar with method of enclosing the wires and
devices in rigid, iron condit, as was then recommended for use in areas
involving explosive dust.
Accordingly they proceeded to purchase a small generator (or 'Dynamo'),
as they were then called, and connected it with a long drive belt to
the steam engine in a fashion so that the dynamo could be operated
with or without running the mill. At first, lights were installed
only in the mill and Jakie's house across the street. The lights
at night
worked and the new system was a success but was operated only ^ until
pressure went down in the boiler. Soon the people at the Methodist
Church, across from the mill, on N. Columbus St. thought it would
be nice to have the new lights and the 'boys' were glad to accomodate.
From then on, others wanted the service and there was no\turning back....
Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community (p. 8)
[page 8]
[corresponds to page 8]
So much happened around the mill and light plant during the twenty
years following generation of the first electricity that to try to
describe the events and put them on paper 'boggles the mind'. The
mill business continued to grow with more and more farmers raising
grain as a cash crop. Livestock and fine horses were being raised and
shipped out of the area. Cream stations were set up at strategic
collection points thruout the community and payments were made in gold [underlined]
picked up at the Bank. Butter was made at the creamery and shipped by
railroad in tubs and in 1 pound packages. Ice had to be cut at the
creek and stored in ice houses to keep the butter solid and sweet in
shipment. Even hay[underlined] was purchased from the farmers and stored in a large
barn along the railroad for shipment.
Additional storage bins had to be erected by another addition to the
mill and cleaning and automatic weighing installed so that the various
types of grain could be used or held for shipment when market prices
were most favorable. New buildings had to be built, one called the
'oyster shell house', the 'flour shed', the 'feed shed' the 'dynamo room',
the 'shack' for electrical supplies and the 'barn', first to house the
horses and wagons, with a hay mow overhead, and later to house the
trucks as they came into use. During the harvest season the mill would
be running all day to make flour and commercial feed products and
continue on into late night and early morning to receive the farmer's
crops, clean the grain and haul it, by wagon or truck, on down to the
railroad to be loaded into waiting box cars on the siding. The box cars
had to have a^ small openings sealed with heavy, reinforced paper so
that small grains would not leak out during shipment. Some of the cars
were in such bad shape when received that they could not be used and
were ordered
replacements ^ . They had to be loaded and moved out within a certain time
or 'demurrage' would be charged by the railroad. The same would be true
on incoming shipments of matrials such as oyster shells or winter wheat
sometimes needed for flour making.
Along with all the mill activity, work was progressing to string wires
around over town and poles set, where needed, to distribute the new
'electricity' as fast as the houses could be wired. It is ^ fact that
Mrs. Kimball, the banker's wife wanted the electricity ^ to run her
water pump. She already had the finest gas fixtures available for lights.
Blakely-Williams Store and other places of business had gas lights and
some small heating stoves but most wanted the electricity too. A few
families had washing machines operated by gasoline engines but|wanted
them converted to electric motors. O.W.Whitney had a water pump with
a long handle on it and a large pressure tank in the basement of his
new house across the street from the mill, and it was one of the boy's
jobs to pump up the pressure each day after school. John Longwell who
lived in the big yellow house on Lot #1 (N.Vernon at Morning St.,) in
Sunbury, had a large, open-top, lead, water tank in his attic. It was
enclosed in a wooden box, with sawdust for insulation, to prevent
freezing in winter time. He had a filtered, double cistern for water
supply, and a hand pump in the basement with a gauge to tell when the
attic tank was full. When it was electrified, a float operated switch
had to be installed to make the system automatic and keep the tank
from overflowing. All the early plumbing in that house was lead.
According to most recent information [word crossed out] the tank is still
there but no longer in use, of course. There may be others who had
the same arrangement.
[corresponds to page 8]
So much happened around the mill and light plant during the twenty
years following generation of the first electricity that to try to
describe the events and put them on paper 'boggles the mind'. The
mill business continued to grow with more and more farmers raising
grain as a cash crop. Livestock and fine horses were being raised and
shipped out of the area. Cream stations were set up at strategic
collection points thruout the community and payments were made in gold [underlined]
picked up at the Bank. Butter was made at the creamery and shipped by
railroad in tubs and in 1 pound packages. Ice had to be cut at the
creek and stored in ice houses to keep the butter solid and sweet in
shipment. Even hay[underlined] was purchased from the farmers and stored in a large
barn along the railroad for shipment.
Additional storage bins had to be erected by another addition to the
mill and cleaning and automatic weighing installed so that the various
types of grain could be used or held for shipment when market prices
were most favorable. New buildings had to be built, one called the
'oyster shell house', the 'flour shed', the 'feed shed' the 'dynamo room',
the 'shack' for electrical supplies and the 'barn', first to house the
horses and wagons, with a hay mow overhead, and later to house the
trucks as they came into use. During the harvest season the mill would
be running all day to make flour and commercial feed products and
continue on into late night and early morning to receive the farmer's
crops, clean the grain and haul it, by wagon or truck, on down to the
railroad to be loaded into waiting box cars on the siding. The box cars
had to have a^ small openings sealed with heavy, reinforced paper so
that small grains would not leak out during shipment. Some of the cars
were in such bad shape when received that they could not be used and
were ordered
replacements ^ . They had to be loaded and moved out within a certain time
or 'demurrage' would be charged by the railroad. The same would be true
on incoming shipments of matrials such as oyster shells or winter wheat
sometimes needed for flour making.
Along with all the mill activity, work was progressing to string wires
around over town and poles set, where needed, to distribute the new
'electricity' as fast as the houses could be wired. It is ^ fact that
Mrs. Kimball, the banker's wife wanted the electricity ^ to run her
water pump. She already had the finest gas fixtures available for lights.
Blakely-Williams Store and other places of business had gas lights and
some small heating stoves but most wanted the electricity too. A few
families had washing machines operated by gasoline engines but|wanted
them converted to electric motors. O.W.Whitney had a water pump with
a long handle on it and a large pressure tank in the basement of his
new house across the street from the mill, and it was one of the boy's
jobs to pump up the pressure each day after school. John Longwell who
lived in the big yellow house on Lot #1 (N.Vernon at Morning St.,) in
Sunbury, had a large, open-top, lead, water tank in his attic. It was
enclosed in a wooden box, with sawdust for insulation, to prevent
freezing in winter time. He had a filtered, double cistern for water
supply, and a hand pump in the basement with a gauge to tell when the
attic tank was full. When it was electrified, a float operated switch
had to be installed to make the system automatic and keep the tank
from overflowing. All the early plumbing in that house was lead.
According to most recent information [word crossed out] the tank is still
there but no longer in use, of course. There may be others who had
the same arrangement.
Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community (p. 9)
[page 9]
[corresponds to page 9]
It is very obvious that, with all the increased activity, help had
to be recruited to take care of the demand. Some still living can
remember when the mill had to be operated 'around-the-clock', especially
when Herbert Hoover was director of Belgian Relief and small mills
all/around the country were ensisted into making flour to be shipped
overseas. A few years ago, someone who had lived in Sunbury when the
mill was in its heyday, was at Palo Alto California visiting the Hoover
'Peace Tower'. They noticed some colorfully embroidered, linen, flour
sacks and were surprised to find ^ prominently displayed, bearing the
State of Ohio Seal and the legend--Sunbury Mills, The Famous White Loaf
Roller Flour, G. J. Burrer & Sons, Sunbury, Ohio. Request was made to
have a commercial phographer make and send to Sunbury a color negative
of the sack. The curator was kind enough to have this done and sent
along a copy of the letter describing the situation in Belgium at the
time of the relief effort, and how, in appreciation for the food sent,
the Belgian women had chosen some of the must colorful of the thousands
of sacks sent, embroidered the features thereon and sent them to Mr.
Hoover as a memorial to the great national effort.
Hazel M. Davidson came to work in the mill office in 1919 and continued
there until 1945. She then moved with the office to the Sunbury Elevator
after the corporation, G. J. Burrer Mill and Elevator Co. was formed.
In 1949 she then moved to The Galena Brick Co., until retirement. She
has helped this writer to make a listing of those who have worked at the
mill and light plant from time to time. Miss Davidson had been preceeded
by--Grace Domigan and Eleanor Huston, both of whom were teachers and
came to the mill in spare time; Bill Fontanelle, Earl Snow, Robert
Sherbourne, Harry Snow, Rev. Schneider, Jesse Doane Sr., Clarence
Stockwell, Marion Park, Hoyt Whitney, Bill Whitney (Hazel told that Bill
had trouble because of the excessive dust; Bill Fontanelle told him to
try a big chew of tobacco and that would help. It did--(it made him sick
and he never returned), Vada Edwards, Sterling Grove, Dale Bailey,
Wright Wormell, Mr. Schoenlaub, Callie Piper (Hallie Day's father),
Clarence Cross and Lester Cross.
After WW I, before electric lines were extended out into the countryside,
the family became central ohio distributor for the Lalley Light Co of
Detroit Mich. Headquarters was in Sunbury with branch offices and
display rooms on N. Sandusky St. in Delaware, and on the old High St.,
viaduct, north of the Union Station in Columbus. Lalley Light was
in competition with Delco, both of them making 32 Volt, DC systems.
Lines of 32 V appliances were available for use with them; Vacuum
Sweepers, Fans, Washing Machines, Irons and toasters. The Light Plants
were purchased in Car-load lots direct from the factory and many
were sold and installed, ^ as far away as Marysville and Urichsville.
The houses and outbuildings had to be wired with very heavy wire
because of the low voltage, and on laundry and ironing day, the plants
had to be run continuously to supply enough current. Westinghouse came
out with a 110 Volt system about the time lines were being built out
into the country. That killed the farm light plant business. This
writer can recall going ^ the [three letters crossed out] Ohio State Fair for a week each year
holding demonstration of Light Plants and helping in a tent, baking
biscuits and bread, to extoll the quality of White Loaf Flour. Going
to the fair ^ had ceased to be an attraction.
The power plant at the mill was expanded three times to keep up with
addition of milling machinery and electrical generating capacity.
[corresponds to page 9]
It is very obvious that, with all the increased activity, help had
to be recruited to take care of the demand. Some still living can
remember when the mill had to be operated 'around-the-clock', especially
when Herbert Hoover was director of Belgian Relief and small mills
all/around the country were ensisted into making flour to be shipped
overseas. A few years ago, someone who had lived in Sunbury when the
mill was in its heyday, was at Palo Alto California visiting the Hoover
'Peace Tower'. They noticed some colorfully embroidered, linen, flour
sacks and were surprised to find ^ prominently displayed, bearing the
State of Ohio Seal and the legend--Sunbury Mills, The Famous White Loaf
Roller Flour, G. J. Burrer & Sons, Sunbury, Ohio. Request was made to
have a commercial phographer make and send to Sunbury a color negative
of the sack. The curator was kind enough to have this done and sent
along a copy of the letter describing the situation in Belgium at the
time of the relief effort, and how, in appreciation for the food sent,
the Belgian women had chosen some of the must colorful of the thousands
of sacks sent, embroidered the features thereon and sent them to Mr.
Hoover as a memorial to the great national effort.
Hazel M. Davidson came to work in the mill office in 1919 and continued
there until 1945. She then moved with the office to the Sunbury Elevator
after the corporation, G. J. Burrer Mill and Elevator Co. was formed.
In 1949 she then moved to The Galena Brick Co., until retirement. She
has helped this writer to make a listing of those who have worked at the
mill and light plant from time to time. Miss Davidson had been preceeded
by--Grace Domigan and Eleanor Huston, both of whom were teachers and
came to the mill in spare time; Bill Fontanelle, Earl Snow, Robert
Sherbourne, Harry Snow, Rev. Schneider, Jesse Doane Sr., Clarence
Stockwell, Marion Park, Hoyt Whitney, Bill Whitney (Hazel told that Bill
had trouble because of the excessive dust; Bill Fontanelle told him to
try a big chew of tobacco and that would help. It did--(it made him sick
and he never returned), Vada Edwards, Sterling Grove, Dale Bailey,
Wright Wormell, Mr. Schoenlaub, Callie Piper (Hallie Day's father),
Clarence Cross and Lester Cross.
After WW I, before electric lines were extended out into the countryside,
the family became central ohio distributor for the Lalley Light Co of
Detroit Mich. Headquarters was in Sunbury with branch offices and
display rooms on N. Sandusky St. in Delaware, and on the old High St.,
viaduct, north of the Union Station in Columbus. Lalley Light was
in competition with Delco, both of them making 32 Volt, DC systems.
Lines of 32 V appliances were available for use with them; Vacuum
Sweepers, Fans, Washing Machines, Irons and toasters. The Light Plants
were purchased in Car-load lots direct from the factory and many
were sold and installed, ^ as far away as Marysville and Urichsville.
The houses and outbuildings had to be wired with very heavy wire
because of the low voltage, and on laundry and ironing day, the plants
had to be run continuously to supply enough current. Westinghouse came
out with a 110 Volt system about the time lines were being built out
into the country. That killed the farm light plant business. This
writer can recall going ^ the [three letters crossed out] Ohio State Fair for a week each year
holding demonstration of Light Plants and helping in a tent, baking
biscuits and bread, to extoll the quality of White Loaf Flour. Going
to the fair ^ had ceased to be an attraction.
The power plant at the mill was expanded three times to keep up with
addition of milling machinery and electrical generating capacity.
Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community (p. 10)
[page 10]
[corresponds to page 10]
When Natural Gas was piped into Sunbury, a 2 cylinder, 25 HP and a
3 Cyl, 35 HP, vertical, stationary gas engines were installed, one on
each end of a main line-shaft, in the enlarged engine room. An open-top
concrete 'pool' was constructed to permit cooling water to be circulated
with a spray system to cool the new engines. They were connected to the
main drive-shaft in such a manner as to permit either or both of them
to power a new generator separate from, or together with, the mill. This
system then permitted electricity to be furnished to midnight, and
later^ , for 24 hour service.
The late Joseph Landon told the story that when he was a boy living
with his father and mother, (Mr. & Mrs. John Landon), he became very sick
late at night. The local doctor was afraid to move him and called a
specialist to come up on the night train from Columbus. The trouble
was diagnosed as acute appendicitis and the appendix could burst at any
time. The specialist said that if a good strong light could be obtained
they would operate right there on the kitchen table. Mrs. Landon told
her husband to call 'Jakie' to see if he would start-up the light plant.
Jakie did, the operation was successful and the boy's life was saved.
After a few more years an additional natural gas engine and belt driven
generator had to be installed. It was a larger two cylinder unit, 60 HP,
made by Westinghouse. Not long after that a 90 HP, semi-diesel, Anderson
Oil engine was installed, together with a direct-connected generator and
a large switchboard so that the outputs of all three generators could be
combined when necessary. Each of these internal combustion engines had
to be started by using compressed air to start them rotating, before the
fuel supply was turned on. There was no[underlined] way to start them by hand.
Whenever a leak would develop in the large ^ storage tank, or in one of
the lines leading to it, a separate small engine driven compressor had
to be started and wait for sufficient pressure to be built up.
This was the last major expansion and by this time a full-fledged
system was in operation, with each customer on a separate meter, with
monthly billings and 24 hr. service. A new Utility Company, The Suburban
Power Co had been formed with headquarters in Utica, Ohio. Their purpose
was to buy up small generating plants across the country, establish
appliance stores and extend electrical service into the rural areas.
An offer was made to the mill ownere which seemed satisfactory and in
1926 all the equipment and the electrical distribution system was
turned over to them. The Columbus & Southern Ohio Elec. Co built a
high tension line from Westerville to Centerburg and the Sunbury
system was soon connected to it. The Westinghouse and the Anderson
engines being no longer needed were dismantled and moved for service
After World War I was out of the way, attention at the mill was given
to the development of ^ line of specialized feeds for poultry, cattle and
hogs. A small laboratory was set up and formulas worked out for products
under the name of Burco Feeds. Feed grinding and mixing equipment was
installed and a new phase of the business was under way. Trucks were
now becoming available and a chain-driven, solid tired 'Republic' was
purchased, the horses and wagons disposed of and the space in the barn
used for the trucks and for storage of commercial feed. With faster
transportation available, flour could now be delivered to stores in
Delaware, Ashley and Mt. Vernon. Soon thereafter a 2 1/2 ton Packard[underlined]
truck was acquired. It was one of the first series without[underlined] chain-drive.
The Columbus Body Works made an alweather cab for it, and even though
it had hard rubber tires, it was a 'jewel' and everyone wanted to drive it.
[corresponds to page 10]
When Natural Gas was piped into Sunbury, a 2 cylinder, 25 HP and a
3 Cyl, 35 HP, vertical, stationary gas engines were installed, one on
each end of a main line-shaft, in the enlarged engine room. An open-top
concrete 'pool' was constructed to permit cooling water to be circulated
with a spray system to cool the new engines. They were connected to the
main drive-shaft in such a manner as to permit either or both of them
to power a new generator separate from, or together with, the mill. This
system then permitted electricity to be furnished to midnight, and
later^ , for 24 hour service.
The late Joseph Landon told the story that when he was a boy living
with his father and mother, (Mr. & Mrs. John Landon), he became very sick
late at night. The local doctor was afraid to move him and called a
specialist to come up on the night train from Columbus. The trouble
was diagnosed as acute appendicitis and the appendix could burst at any
time. The specialist said that if a good strong light could be obtained
they would operate right there on the kitchen table. Mrs. Landon told
her husband to call 'Jakie' to see if he would start-up the light plant.
Jakie did, the operation was successful and the boy's life was saved.
After a few more years an additional natural gas engine and belt driven
generator had to be installed. It was a larger two cylinder unit, 60 HP,
made by Westinghouse. Not long after that a 90 HP, semi-diesel, Anderson
Oil engine was installed, together with a direct-connected generator and
a large switchboard so that the outputs of all three generators could be
combined when necessary. Each of these internal combustion engines had
to be started by using compressed air to start them rotating, before the
fuel supply was turned on. There was no[underlined] way to start them by hand.
Whenever a leak would develop in the large ^ storage tank, or in one of
the lines leading to it, a separate small engine driven compressor had
to be started and wait for sufficient pressure to be built up.
This was the last major expansion and by this time a full-fledged
system was in operation, with each customer on a separate meter, with
monthly billings and 24 hr. service. A new Utility Company, The Suburban
Power Co had been formed with headquarters in Utica, Ohio. Their purpose
was to buy up small generating plants across the country, establish
appliance stores and extend electrical service into the rural areas.
An offer was made to the mill ownere which seemed satisfactory and in
1926 all the equipment and the electrical distribution system was
turned over to them. The Columbus & Southern Ohio Elec. Co built a
high tension line from Westerville to Centerburg and the Sunbury
system was soon connected to it. The Westinghouse and the Anderson
engines being no longer needed were dismantled and moved for service
After World War I was out of the way, attention at the mill was given
to the development of ^ line of specialized feeds for poultry, cattle and
hogs. A small laboratory was set up and formulas worked out for products
under the name of Burco Feeds. Feed grinding and mixing equipment was
installed and a new phase of the business was under way. Trucks were
now becoming available and a chain-driven, solid tired 'Republic' was
purchased, the horses and wagons disposed of and the space in the barn
used for the trucks and for storage of commercial feed. With faster
transportation available, flour could now be delivered to stores in
Delaware, Ashley and Mt. Vernon. Soon thereafter a 2 1/2 ton Packard[underlined]
truck was acquired. It was one of the first series without[underlined] chain-drive.
The Columbus Body Works made an alweather cab for it, and even though
it had hard rubber tires, it was a 'jewel' and everyone wanted to drive it.
Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community (p. 11)
[page 11]
[corresponds to page 11]
By 1927 a new pancake flour had been developed and was packaged in
small quantities for sale in stores. These new products received
favorable acceptance in the area. Business in the mill continued to
be good until the world-wide depression struck in 1929. In the early
1930s a local farmers co-operative group was formed and they built
the Condit and Sunbury grain elevators. After a short period it was
determined that the community could be better served if the co-operative
and the mill owners joined and formed a corporation. It was called
the G. J. Burrer Mill & Elevator Co with Karl O. Burrer as its President
and Manager. The elevator in Mt. Liberty was acquired. A new office
was set up in the Sunbury Elevator and used as operating headquarters.
The office at the mill was closed, and it was operated as a branch.
This new arrangement proved to be satisfactory for a few years but as
communications began to improve and national advertising by the large
midwest producers took effect, the products/of Pillsbury, Ralston-Purina
and others began to appear in the stores locally. Farmers no longer
brought their 'grists' to the mill to be ground but sold their grain
for cash and purchased flour and allied products in the stores. As this
the large gas engines
trend continued to grow ^ ran less and it became more economical
to use individual electric motors to do occasional specialized jobs.
Finally it was agreed that the mill had become a liability to the stock-
holders and the land, buildings and machinery were sold into other
hands for dismantling and disposal. With the corporation manager
1944 in
having been injured in ^ an accident at the Sunbury elevator, it was
agreed that, since he would be no longer able to continue actively in
the business, the remaining assets were sold to the newly formed Delaware
County Farm Bureau. Mr. Parker Burrer retained the old Centerburg mill
for other use. It had not made 'Tip Top' flour for several years.
Thus the era of the old mill and power plant is ended. Part of the land
is now occupied by the Creme Corner and the balance by the True Value
Hardware/Napa Auto Parts building. The lot which contained the Tavern-
Store-Bakery passed through the hands of J. W. Barker, C. A. Root, R. J.
Gelston & O. K. Baker and Richd Glesencamp,(as service station owners),
to The Lawson Co at this writing. All the activity associated therewith
is now past history.
Credit should be given to the fact that, under the section discussing
early water-power mills along Big Walnut Creek, The Gaylord Mill was
really the first[underlined]; but not[underlined] in Trenton Township. It was built by Nicholas
Manville in 1810 on Big Walnut near its juncture with Rattlesnake Creek.
It was then[underlined] in Sunbury[underlined] Township, as was the Village of Sunbury when it
was laid out by the Myers brothers in 1816. Ownership of this mill
passed to a Major Strong in 1817 and to Eleazor Gaylord. It was known
for many years as the 'Gaylord' mill but,of course, never made white
flour. In 1816 Mr. William Myers (brother of Lawrence Myers) operated
a Tannery, just across the creek and to the north-west of this first
[corresponds to page 11]
By 1927 a new pancake flour had been developed and was packaged in
small quantities for sale in stores. These new products received
favorable acceptance in the area. Business in the mill continued to
be good until the world-wide depression struck in 1929. In the early
1930s a local farmers co-operative group was formed and they built
the Condit and Sunbury grain elevators. After a short period it was
determined that the community could be better served if the co-operative
and the mill owners joined and formed a corporation. It was called
the G. J. Burrer Mill & Elevator Co with Karl O. Burrer as its President
and Manager. The elevator in Mt. Liberty was acquired. A new office
was set up in the Sunbury Elevator and used as operating headquarters.
The office at the mill was closed, and it was operated as a branch.
This new arrangement proved to be satisfactory for a few years but as
communications began to improve and national advertising by the large
midwest producers took effect, the products/of Pillsbury, Ralston-Purina
and others began to appear in the stores locally. Farmers no longer
brought their 'grists' to the mill to be ground but sold their grain
for cash and purchased flour and allied products in the stores. As this
the large gas engines
trend continued to grow ^ ran less and it became more economical
to use individual electric motors to do occasional specialized jobs.
Finally it was agreed that the mill had become a liability to the stock-
holders and the land, buildings and machinery were sold into other
hands for dismantling and disposal. With the corporation manager
1944 in
having been injured in ^ an accident at the Sunbury elevator, it was
agreed that, since he would be no longer able to continue actively in
the business, the remaining assets were sold to the newly formed Delaware
County Farm Bureau. Mr. Parker Burrer retained the old Centerburg mill
for other use. It had not made 'Tip Top' flour for several years.
Thus the era of the old mill and power plant is ended. Part of the land
is now occupied by the Creme Corner and the balance by the True Value
Hardware/Napa Auto Parts building. The lot which contained the Tavern-
Store-Bakery passed through the hands of J. W. Barker, C. A. Root, R. J.
Gelston & O. K. Baker and Richd Glesencamp,(as service station owners),
to The Lawson Co at this writing. All the activity associated therewith
is now past history.
Credit should be given to the fact that, under the section discussing
early water-power mills along Big Walnut Creek, The Gaylord Mill was
really the first[underlined]; but not[underlined] in Trenton Township. It was built by Nicholas
Manville in 1810 on Big Walnut near its juncture with Rattlesnake Creek.
It was then[underlined] in Sunbury[underlined] Township, as was the Village of Sunbury when it
was laid out by the Myers brothers in 1816. Ownership of this mill
passed to a Major Strong in 1817 and to Eleazor Gaylord. It was known
for many years as the 'Gaylord' mill but,of course, never made white
flour. In 1816 Mr. William Myers (brother of Lawrence Myers) operated
a Tannery, just across the creek and to the north-west of this first
Dublin Core
Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community
Delaware County--Berkshire Township--Ohio
Sunbury--Ohio--19th century--20th century
Sunbury--Ohio--19th century--20th century
Carleton Burrer's brief history of early Delaware County and Sunbury was written upon the 175th anniversay of the establishment of Delaware County. The growth and development of the Village of Sunbury, and the evolution of the Burrer's flour mill and light plant are also discussed.
Local Historian Carleton Burrer; Sunbury, Ohio
June 1983
Local Historian Carleton Burrer; Sunbury, Ohio, “Early Delaware County Sunbury and Community,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 9, 2025,