Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 1)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 1)


[page 1]

[corresponds to front cover of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 2)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 2)


[page 2]

[corresponds to inside front cover (L) and unlabeled page 1 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Blank Books.

Office Supplies.

31-39 E. Gay St.,



1070 East



Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Aug 9 I P Appleton Mt Vernon O.

" E L Wilson Sunbury O

Aug 20 Miss Geogia Foster Sunbury O

Joseph Hopkins & wife Johnstown

W A Harris Mansfield O

F N Derreaux Columbus O

Parker Burris Sunbury O.

Aug 21 Orville Barcus Sunbury O

" " F S Alexander Chicago

" " Burn L. Foster Westerville O.

W. W. Stevenson Mansfield O

Andrew Harris Millersburg

Thos Sanburn Galian O

Albert Saurer Millersburg

Wm. W. Frawlor Millersburg O

Harvey Lautenschloges O

E. E. Hoover Galion O

Frederick W. Hamm Millersburg Ohio

Thos J Bulfoud Worthington

Ida Wood Sunbury

Ethel Wood Sunbury

C. H. Wilson Sunbury
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 3)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 3)


[page 3]

[unlabeled page 2 (L) and unlabeled page 3 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


August 24

C W Beard Maringo O

Rose E. Brown " "

J.D.S. Reily Lima O

F. C. Waddell Mt Vernon O

W J Halter Mr Vernon O

S. Potter Delaware O

M Meredith Radnor O

Geo Conrad Columbus O

F.R. Owen Delaware

I.A. Lenahan Cols. O

C D Huff Johnston O

F. C. Waddell Mt Vernon O

L Levitt Toledo

William W. Fouler Millersburg O

R Riegle Clev

L. H. McLain Delaware

Geo R Deyer Cleveland

Mr & Mrs. Englor Columbus

C. E. Wolf Cleveland

W H Grimm Cleve O

F. N. Sanderson Delaware O.

Janus Lewis " "

[lined out] Jonstown P


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


August 24

Winfield Werling Delaware O

Fred Nichols Col O.

James McGuire Mansfield O

August 25 1905

Dora Moore Calin

Frank Sperks Sunbury O

J F. Davis Malta O.

J W. Culvin Westerville

W C Marshall Cols O

H. F. Fisher Columbus O.

Aug 25 Randolph Burrer Sunbury

Chris Hare Columbus

F.H.P. Howard Columbus

August 26

John Deshlis C O

Ed Hoover Gallion O

Ed Stone Gallion O

Will Riley Centerburgh O

Aug 26 Paul J Lanburn [crossed out] Centerburg

P H. Hopkins Johnston O.

C. E. Puasbig

Jene Peasley
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 4)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 4)


[page 4]

[unlabeled page 4 (L) and unlabeled page 5 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


August 28

A Harrrison Columbus O

Thos Daily & Wife Plain City O

V Hleoliville Mt. Vernon O.

Claude Jackson Sugar Grove O.

Claude Zeigler Gilisonville d

Aug. 28, 1905

A J Basse Cleveland

Acwest Agt Phillips UTC Show

L. Hills Delaware O

Fawn Ramsy & Friend

J W Hyatt Col. O

H B Barnes Cleveland

W J Walton Mt Vernon O

Jno McCarty Delaware

J.N. Hoyt "

J D Neely Lima O

Wm. Foster Westerville O

Geo W Stewart Lima

Aug 28 Earl Van Ankin Col.

Miss Joni Lekin [crossed out]



Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


August 31

Henry Hicks Centerburgh Ohio

J W Mafield Sunbury O

T Driscall Fridappolis

M. Kuter Columbus O.

W F Waldran City

J D Stone Sunbury RFD

D.A. Syler Dayton O.

Sept 1st 05

J Farrow Cleveland O

R.L. Seeds Columbus O

Lloyd L Vandriht Citi

F.E. Mcwilliams Johnstown O

C A Parsons

James Gorkle Centerburg

Clarence Grista Centerburg

Geo Clansing & Wife Delaware O.

Michal OCormich

F Wooks Columbus

E.M. Nicholas "

Mr P O. Woloner

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 5)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 5)


[page 5]

[unlabeled page 6 (L) and unlabeled page 7 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


O Rose Chicago Il

Mr Ray Piatt Johnstown

E H Harman Columbus O

Earl Pugh Columbus O

Mr. Etoyer Rhoder

Sept 3 05 Jos George Foster

Jay Guild Centerburg

Ralph John Sunbury

L.W. Dudley Marengo, O.

H.A. Hunter

Thos Daily & Wife Plain City O

F.W. Hanger Howard O

J D S Neely Lima O

H O Brien Lima O.

Thos J Bulford Worthington O

9/5/05 Otto Nusbaum Cols O

Mr Clayton P Schnider

Mr Clayton E. Schneider Gahana O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


September 5th 1905

C G Shapp Springfield O.

Otto Nusbaum Cols O

E H Seachrist Middle Branch. O.

Sept. 6th 1905

Mr F.O. Ryder Del. O.

Mr T J Toth Berlin O

Bill Jones Del Ohio

Phillip's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co.

5. C.G. Phillips

5. Mrs. Phillips

12. Pearl Phillips

12. Alice Grenier

1. H.N. Sutton

1. Mrs. Suttton

1. Frances Sutton

14 F.W. Spear

14 F.W. Spear

8 H.A. Johnson

F D Wiseman Detroit

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 6)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 6)


[page 6]

[unlabeled page 8 (L) and unlabeled page 9 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Sep 6th

Hodge Wilson Sunbury Ohio

Mr. G. Turley Delaware

W C Diven Delaware O

Mr Zock Freeman Genoa

A.B. Louis Albon O

R Ruzile Cedar

Thos R Shaw Lima O

B Frank Young Westerville O

J R Cordery Columbus O

T J Driscall Indianapolis

W J Walters Mt Vernon O

W.C.Grimm Delaware O

Henry K Johnson Batavia O

Henry Wick New York

Geo Aldrich Youngstown

Leon Risley "

H Plealflesh Columbus O

Ed Crowford [crossed Out]

Miss Edna Ponfare

Joh William Langbre Gay Lenghregdian William Langhrey [In Left Margin]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Sep 9th

Ed Trout Cichhill

F.W. Hanger Howaard O

Miss Geogia Foster

Alexander Billman Cuya Falls Ohio

Sept 10 Hamakichi Suzaki Delaware Ohio

" Tokio Japan

September 11 05

J E Ackerman Westerville O

Nora Belle Lake

Sept 12 05

Mr and Mrs A.T. Jones Centerburg

L P Kendrick Westerville O

L. Hm Lain Delaware

W.J. Walter Mr Vernon O

G B Thomas Hinton O

W. J. Miller Cols. O

Sept 15

H H Ginp Columbus O

J D Stone Sunbury O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 7)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 7)


[page 7]

[unlabeled page 10 (L) and unlabeled page 11 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


September 14th 1905

F.H. Thorpe Columbus O

AE Dirn Cincinnati O

W F Waldron Sunbury O

W.N. Sharp Mansfield O

Edna Confare Berkshire O

H OBrien Lima L. Sunday Sept 12 1905

M.J. Cassidy Cleveland

Daniel Trimmor Mt Liberty

Chas E Davis Radnor Ohio

Geo Rhoads Johnstown Ohio

G McNeal Lima O

Oat Wesline

L Utley

J Huber

H Pamin

J V Farver

C H Campliam Ashley

Sept 15 Blimcr Critchfield

A J Basse Cleveland

V.H. Colville Mt Vernon O.

Geo Conrad columbus O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Sept 26 C.C. Hughs Utica Ohio

John Balin Columbus

J J Mezger Richmond In

Sam Shockley Columbus O

Edna Confare City

M L Warner Wooster

Geo A Dyer Jeals O

27 A.R. Henderson Columbus O.

W J Alhire Cols. O.

A J Marshall Bellvue O

J N Myers Akron

W J Young Mansfield O.

Milo E Dean Cleveland O

J.N. Forcils Centerburg O

O S Skinner Col O

Chas Tenlick Tippecanue City O

Wm A Sihott Mt Vernon

Rose Hatcher East Liberty O

E.W. Conover East Liberty O

T. LeLeont Richfield

Lheman Chu Mt Vernon

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 8)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 8)


[page 8]

[unlabeled page 12 (L) and unlabeled page 13 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


September 29 1905

Sep 29 W.P. Robinson Delaware

Leona Beery Westerville

Elian Dill Westerville

Kathryn Buck Westerville

Lizzie Buck Westerville

L B William Wheeling W Va

O.C. Congil Delaware O.

Marie A. Davis Delaware Ohio

Cecyl Money Ostrander O.

Carne M Hewhouse Ostrander O.

Elwood Cowgill Delaware Ohio

C. L. Borden Croton Ohio

M Machiliss Columbus O

Sept 30 1905

Miss Edna Confare Sunbury O

Sept 30 San Lanling Centerburg Ohio

Mr Matchliss Columbus Ohio

Oct 1 Geo Smith Washington Ohio

O G Deeim Col

H.J. Mcknight Toledo O

Howard Maher O G Tol Co


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


October 2 1905

O.V.Selders Toledo O.

W P. Chew Urbana O

Jos Perason Johnstown O

N.B. Huddleston Centerburg O

Otto Nusbaum Cols O.

W.J. Walter Mt Vernon O.

J H Brittain Columbus O

Geo Jones

4th A R Anderson Columbus O

Cilia Confare City

E E Wolf Cleveland

John H Harting Lima Ohio

F P Deresh Circleville

C Lewis Hare Col O

W John Hogle City

Mr Cris Hare Col Ohio

Edson Williams Delaware

Miss Edna Confare City

Mr Clayton A Schneider Gahanna

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 9)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 9)


[page 9]

[unlabeled page 14 (L) and unlabeled page 15 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


F S Dablinar Lima O

Fay Decker Columbus O

J W Walters "

H L Perkins "

Miss Celia Confare City

Miss Edna Confare City

C M Anderson Cols O

B F Whipps " "

Gaus Shurtz Columbus

H P Colflesh Columbus Oct 9

V. H. Colville Mt Vernon O.

John A. Cone Delaware O.

C. C. Smith " "

J. H. Hartmess Lime O

B W Hough Delaware O.

W J Sailr Cols O

Geo McKiver Crooksville

J E Ward Mt Vernon O.

C Wayan DC

W.M. Itamate Bellfontaine

W M Riley Centerburg O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Miss E Criss Lima O

W.H.Thomas & Wife & fm Millersburg O

C.E. Larrywell Ashley O.

A W Willanks Chgo

J E Ward Mt Vernon O

Miss Edna Confare City

Israel Confare City

Dick Aiderson Centerville Ohio

Telephone Boys two Sat Eve

M W Sicks Westerville O


16th John Harling Maria Stein O

Frank Mooney Columbus O

16 Chas Hopwood Columbus

Gus Sternbuger Dayton O

E E Hoover Galion O

Ges Nelson Indianapolis

Miss Confare City

Mr South Worthington O.

W Covier Delaware O

McRing Sch

C G Fox CATCRR Millersburg O

H. N. Litus " " Brink Laver O

Ed Kuhn " " Millersburg O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 10)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 10)


[page 10]

[unlabeled page 16 (L) and unlabeled page 17 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


N. Whimy Toledo O

Chris C Whimy Toledo O

Gilbert A. Eldridge Crawfordsville Ind

Harry W. Crist Delaware O

O W Schultz Richmond Ind

F. W. Hamm Millersburg O.

Thursday Oct. 19 1905

Benj. W. Moses Jerusalem

Harrey Latershloger Millersburg Ohio

Wandway Col O

C Brown Marneville O

O. W Schultz Richmond Ind

Miss Edna Confare Sunbury Ohio

A Sinn Delaware O.

Benj Moses left

Wednesday Oct 25 1905

Mr. Clayton E Schnider Gahana O

Edward Confare


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Mr Benj W Moses

Dayton Ohio

19 Clover St.

Harry Plsolfles Columbus O Oct 23

My Dear Benj

V. H. Colville Mt. Vernon O.

R. B. Baius Cleveland O.

E W Shoemaker Columbus O.

W C Ginn Delaware O.

W M Tippett Col

E G Crox Millersburg O

Ed Kuhn " "

H. N. Litus Brinkhaven O.

Wm W Fowler Millersburg O.

F. W. Hamm " "

Harrey Latershloger " "

Oct 25 Celia Confare City

L. Hill Delaware O.

Westrich Cleveland

Gw Adyer Nelson

T E Lamf Col

Andrew Hamm Millersburg O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 11)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 11)


[page 11]

[unlabeled page 18 (L) and unlabeled page 19 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


J M Pearson Johnstown

M Meredith Radnor O

B N Woodburn Newark O

S C Larney Chicago

Rita Swanson Cols O.

Jno C LeFevre Springfield O

Thomas Pimlen Columbus O

Granger Eatin Alexander Ind

William Godak

Greenville Pa

C. P. Hanna & Wife St Louis

Theodore Moose Columbus O

S R Migton Crooksville O

W H Daire Cleveland

A G Brikl Zanesville O

A W Miaden Toledo

C W Kemgin Delaware O

F R McGoin Col O

F S Albin Cleveland O

W J Spring Mfno


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Wednesday Nov 1 1905

E S Anderson U. S. Tel. Co.

A J Boussr Cleveland

A R Henderson Columbus O.

G M Miller Neward O.

C F France Toledo O

W A Doenle Tiffin O.

Nov 3 E. S. English Delaware Ohio

Otto Nusbaun Ohio

J Wood Col O.

4 W. A. Browne Col O

G McNeal Lima O

C Monroe

Sam Jones Sunbury O

J E Covert Galway NY

Mr Ralph Mask

Celia Confare City

J O Chis City

Jos M C Curdy Ashley O

Nov 7 R S Seeds Birmingham P

F. E. Stalder Toledo O

M Sholiam Cinte O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 12)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 12)


[page 12]

[unlabeled page 20 (L) and unlabeled page 21 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Sam Hopkins Prop.

November 9 1905

Ed K Clark Mason O

T Kannerer Louisville Ky

B. D. Converse Col O

J S Marquis Pgh

Frank Krell Cols O

Nov 11 05 Miss Edna Confare

Mrs Cecil Confare Nov 12 1905

Mr Howard Mahon Columbus O

Mr Phipps

Mr Frank Mooney Columbus O

Mr Hopwood Columbus O.

Nov 13

H P Colflesh Columbus Nov 13

C H Blair Delaware

G O Stump Gfertin

Mr. Nell Harding

Mr. Barit Critfield Johnstown

Mr. Herris

G E Gordon Pittsburg Pa


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


C C Hughes VLiba O

B. M. Critchfid Mt Vernon O

A S Marklanie Sidney O

Miss Celia Confare City Nov. 19

Miss Edna Confare

Edna Confare

Mr S E Confare Sunbury Ohio

V. H. Colinlle Mt Vernon O. Nov 21st

Geo A Dyer Cols

Chet V. Spivey Rusfivitte Ind

Jno R Hughes Costolia

J.R. Oeegl Mansfield O

C. F. Smith Springfield O

234 Dakota Ave

Mr. Frank Mooney Columbus O

Mr. Charley Hopwood Hawks Ave No. 34

Ralph Shaw Cardington O.

Mr Charley Hopwood Hawks

Mr Clayton

Mr. Frank Mooney

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 13)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 13)


[page 13]

[unlabeled page 22 (L) and unlabeled page 23 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Sam Hopkins prop

Monday Nov 27 1905

H P Colflesh Columbus O

Geo H Keppel Wooster Ohio

Wesley P Lund Cols

Chas F Barston New York

Miss Celia Confare Nov 28 1905

Edna Confare

Miss Edna Confare City

Celia Confare City

A C Pricent Cleveland

S P Bonelh Columbus O

J Martinio " "

Cecil Confare Powell O

D F Fay Cols O

G. W. Crawford Newark O

G McNeal Lima Ohio

W F Jolley Cols O

W E DeRango Cols O

J H Curburgh Toledo

Miss Edna Confare


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Sam Hopkins

N W Hamilton Pittsburg Pa

A L Williams Delaware

C H McLaughlin Plymouth O

G W Hamilton Dayton O

Louis Johnson Cin

F M Green Eaton O

L. T. Hough Delaware O

Harvey McIntire Butler O

Geo Mc Intire Butler O

Frank Ford Cols O

Ed B Moore Newark O

W E Rauch Huntington Ind

Miss Celia Confare City

Wm Harding Johnstown Ohio

Edw Linahau Cols Ohio

Edward Greenberger Cleveland Ohio

J S Freeman

J W Duncan Cedar Rapids Ind

Harvey H Cole Sunbury

Paul Miller Toledo Ohio

E A. Patterson Zanesville

A E Andrews Lodi O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 14)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 14)


[page 14]

[unlabeled page 24 (L) and unlabeled page 25 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Mr & Mrs David Kerts

Green Camp Ohio

Monday Dec 11 1905

Sam Hopkins prop

H B Williams Cols O

C M Hohnor Detroit

Celia Confare City

B. Hedges Conesville O

E D Sheets Delaware O

S F Truxall " "

W J Curry Baltimore Md

D L Cline Cleveland O

S C Lancy Chicago

F B Robinson [illegible] Ne

S. F. Chase Mt. Vernon, Ohio

H D Hessey Delaware O

A Jones "

Chas Raacland "

H Sang "

T. Price "

C C Cowgill "


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Miss Celia Confare

J E Cekum

December 19 1905

J E Whiteman Fostoria O

Grrd L Cowles Columbus Ohio

12-23 S A Sanding Centerburg O

F A Shaw columbus O.

12-25 S. P. Bonelli Columbus

Joseph Mortoccio Do

Jany 1st 06

Dec 26 05

W H Harding

N. B. Huddleston Centerburg O

J. S. Edwards Sunbury O

E. D. Manville Delaware O

L S Condit Sunbury O

Miss Celia Confare City

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 15)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 15)


[page 15]

[unlabeled page 26 (L) and unlabeled page 27 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Dec 30 05 Carrie A. Wilson Sunbury O.

" Jennie R. Wilson " "

Ivy M Fetley " "

Mr & Mrs J W. Condit Condit O

Fenton Condit " "

F C. Murphy Sunbury O

H M Moore Delaware O

Tony Gohl Centerburg

1/1 06 J. W. Culver Hassx N.Y.

H.C. Moore Spencer O

E B Dustin Peerless O

W J Pollock Delaware Ohio

Jan 1st 06 W H Harding Abrahaus Houys L.

" 2nd Chas Pence Hillsboro O.

Otto Nusbaum Cols O.

J N Myers Akron

S C sanig Chicago

Jno Olney Delaware

L Levitt Toledo

J Walters Mt Sterling

T J Nettleton Constantia

Wm Prorrir Jr.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Miss Edna Confare City

Samnnie Dan Hopkins

Sunbury Ohio Delaware County

Berkshire Township Sunbury

Dave O Connor Sunbury [crossed out]

H Fleckner "

J Culver "

Anne Harris "

Ed Parnien Jr "

Claude Smith Galena

Joe Stark Sunbury

Clem Allen "

Aug 1 06 Mrs. C O Markel Wooster Ohio

H.W. Stone "

Bill Miller "

W. H. Matticks Columbus

C Martin Celina

D B Noyes Toledo

Ed Conyne Clevland

L. E. York Barnesville O.

M. J. Condit Columbus O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 16)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 16)


[page 16]

[unlabeled page 28 (L) and unlabeled page 29 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Chas E Standes Apple Creek O

N L Garrison Columbus O

9-06 W.F. Kercher Cols. O.

J D Wintermute Marion O

W.A Howald Cols. O.

R Ruzile Clev O

Wm Posser Jr City

Geo T. Lowin Cleveland O

Mrs [crossed out]

Mr Carl E Smckard Conesville Ohio [In right border]

V.H. Colville Mt Vernon O

Sam Parane Hopkins

Sunbury Ohio

W & Below Mt Vernon O

C L Davis Cols O

W J Mason Wayne O

A W Mercer Gambier

F S Gugn Johnstown

D.F. Whipps Cols Ohio

N J Sailor Cols O

John Hamwerel Toledo O

C.W. McKingie Delaware O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


1/23 Wamomson & Bay

1/23 Olewagner Columbus O

C. L. Murphy Gallo

Miss E

Miss Edna Confare Sunbury Ohio [In left border]

1/24 E. L. Shaffer Mr. Liberty O.

Joe Jorling Cinti

Oscar Sterrett Leipsic

Thomas Casteel Leipsic

Jalin Ridell Delaware O

A W Meader Toledo

Ely Chesbin Toledo

J. S. Walters Mt. Sterling O.

Ths Nettelon Constantia

Travis Ford Columbus O

Mrs Sam Hoskins

R. C. Steinruck Mansfield O.

L. S. Darr Warsaw O.

Loll Norn Toledo O

J.P. Martindell Somerfield O

M A Perso Fostoria O

Walt Mack Chicago

Samuel Damp [In right border]
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 17)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 17)


[page 17]

[unlabeled page 30 (L) and unlabeled page 31 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


M. J. Casserly Cleveland

E. B. Baker Sugar Creek O.

Celia Confare City

James Dingham Col

J. N. Hendershott Leroy O.

Jan 31 Cit. Tel. Co.

George Rhoads

Will Evans

Will Cramer

Orville Cramer

Ross Farmer

Howard Farmer

Miss Edna Confare City

R H Ramdell Cols

A. L. Bakin Lancaster

L. G. Hatoulem Dayton Ohio

Chas E. Stinelln Apple Creek O

J S Tenessman Cleve O

J W. Culver Westerville

H B Barnes

C. E. Wolf Cleveland

Arthur Mill Zanesville O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Frank Moyer Chicago Ill

Miss Celia Confare City

Haew Brown Cols O

T.J. Kammerer Louisville

G W. Rhoads Delaware Ohio

H M Wright Toledo O

C G Reynolds Cols. O.

F. A Lidderwood Rochester NY

C S Stephen Cols. O.

Monday February 12 1906

W H Harding O

V. H. Colille Mt. Vernon O.

L. T. Hough Delaware Ohio

D.A. Grubb Wadsworth O

Tuesday February 13

F. B. Alberts Fredircktown

Jess Rinhart " "

N P Linnell Cleveland

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 18)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 18)


[page 18]

[unlabeled page 32 (L) and unlabeled page 33 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Wednesday Feby 14th

Robt E. Harrison Massilon

E M Dentore Defiance

John Galagan Adriare M

C T Gibson Troy O

Feb 14 1906 C C Hughs Utica Ohio Bridal Chamber

Theo. Hammerd Toledo O

F. E. Stalder Toledo

S A Sashing Centerburg O

W C Bock Columbus O.

Miss Edna Confare City

Miss Celia Confare City

Miss Edna Confare City

B Frank Young Philo

O. S. Bmons Chi

Rall Avery Delaware

W J Saile Cols

C. W. Adams Richwood O

C. C. Van Sant Cols

J. J. Hannop "

L Ramick Niles O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Feb. 22 1906 "Hopkins Hotel"

Miss Celia Confare City

Miss Celia Confare City

Miss Lalah Price Jonstown O

J D Heukle Delaware O

F. A. Forgrave Columbus O.

Miss Edna Confare City

C M Hicks Centerburg

Miss Edna Confare

W G Green Condit O

W. H. Cramer Johnstown O

R. L. Hewitt Westerville O

F. E Ackman Westerville O

Celia Confare City

L Loadi Confare City

V. H. Colville Mt. Vernon O.

J W Williams Col O

F. P. McLead Col. O.

J. B. Javett Cols. O.

C H Rudy Massillon

J. H. Farmer Newark O

Alexe H Colham Cincinnati O

Mr J Cover

H L Oreugh

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 19)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 19)


[page 19]

[unlabeled page 34 (L) and unlabeled page 35 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Thursday March 1st 1906

Sam Hopkins Prop.

Sam Hopkins Prop

Mr. Fred McClean Marion O.

[J. H. Farmer Chicago Ill [Telephone Boys]

[O. C. Crawmer Clay. Sick. O.

[W H Cramer Cleveland O

[C. R. Farmer New york

[W. T. Evans St Louis Mo

[G W Rhoads New York

Miss Edna Confare Chicago Ill

Mr Clayton E Schneider Westerville

Miss. Celia Confare New York City

Edna Confare Sunbury Ohio

C C From [crossed out]

Geo W Miller Columbus. O.

Wm Bell Wooster O

March 6 O C Crommer Johnstown Ohio

H. Stiesrath Iowa City Iowa

G W Deyarmin Mansfield

W M Laryhlin Zanesville


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss.


Thursday March 1st 1906

Edna Confare

Friday March 9 1906

Celia Confare N. Y. City

S A Laoling Centerburg O

Chas T Sheldon Cincinnati O

J. W. Culver Westerville

Geo. A. Brown New Holland, O

C. E. Schaad Crestline, O

C. O. Campbell Ashland Ohio

March Sunday March 11 1906

D Charlie R. Farmer New York

D William H Cramer New York

H. M. Wright Col

E. S. Brne Strneyhtrslle

Miss. Cecilia Confare City

Mr. Harry Gibbons City

Waldo Walker City

A W Niason Seefner

O Baker Delaware O

C Justus Ohio

F A English Crestline O

Bennett Myers Groveport O

R L Williams Delaware

Miss Celi Confare

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 20)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 20)


[page 20]

[unlabeled page 36 (L) and unlabeled page 37 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss



Harry Bristol Syracuse N.Y.

Miss Cecelia Confare Sunbury O

F. A. Forgrave Columbus O.

W H Hamling Johnstown O

March 17 1906 Miss Celia Confare City

George Rhodes March 17 1906 left Sunbury

March 18 C. R. Farmer New York City

W. T. Evans New York City

Mr Harry Selfridge Galopli [crossed out]

Monday 19 1906 Mr Harry Selfrige Gallipolis O.

A F Burdoin Cleveland O.

N W Hamilton Dayton O

George Allder Johnstowe Ohio

J Farrow Cleveland Ohio

J N Culver Westerville

W J Hughs Johnstown O

M B Kannon Johnstown O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Mr Sam Hopkins prop.

Sam Hopkins Sunbury, O

Miss Edna Confare Sunbury Ohio

T O Fruman Jackson Mich

Allen H Fetzer Delaware O

Roy C Huber Columbus O.

Rg Raymond " "

Room 4 and 5

Jay Paryboon Detroit

Miss Celia Confare City

Charlie R. Farmer New York City

W. T. Evans " " "

Miss Celia Confare

Geo H Keppel Wooster O

T. W. Craig Chgo

3/28 D. H. Gradfield Toledo O

E M Denton Colo.

J J Metzger Richmond Ind

H B Garver

30 C. E. Granger City

March 30 H I Colflesh Columbus O

Miss Celia Confare City

31 Geo. C. L. Southworth Gambier

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 21)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 21)


[page 21]

[unlabeled page 38 (L) and unlabeled page 39 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


March 2 1906 "Register Hire"

J W Scott Delaware O

C A McClelland Delaware O

A L Jacobs Columbus

Frank Wilson Mt. Vernon

Sup Jr E C Tobey Waldo O

R. B. Suley Col. O.

Geo. M. Bell Roofing Dresdin Ohio

March 4

Edw Leuaken

G B Thomas Marrion O

Glenn Haley Sunbury Ohio

Miss Celia Confare City

J. H. Menill Cols, O.

April 3 Harry P Colflesh Columbus O

E W Fompkins & wife " "

A L William Delaware


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


C E Granger & Fomiby City

Max Ludwig Columbus

C. R. Farmer New Yorker

W T Evans New Yorker

W C Shell Col. O.

A Lennan Detroit

Celia Confare City

Edna Belle Granger City

C D Pendon Cols O

H B Williams Cols O

A J Highland Lancaster O

A Wollin Granville

Dr John Rudolph Monroe Mich

Mrs Irene Rudulph " "

Chas Faye " "

Jas. A. Reed Msse O

Jas A. Rel

5/ C Z Martin Cleveland

A. J. Bentz Ashland O.

J W Hoyt Delaware

G. E. Shearer Richmond Ind

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 22)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 22)


[page 22]

[unlabeled page 40 (L) and unlabeled page 41 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


W G Baunbrett Cols

Mr Bart Bardinekan Cols O

H. W. Ranson Mt. Vernon O.

A L Jacobs Cols

W. E. Hark Pittsburg

Miss Edna Confare City

A P McCready Cleveland O

R. Ely Cahill St. Louis Mo.

Geo Patterson Colo O.

A L Barton Lancaster

F. A. Forgrave Cols. O.

W. E Koon Cols O.

B C Metzer Delaware O

F P Hall Cols. O

J N Williams Col

April 24 06

W. I. Williams Col

Miss Edna Confare City

Miss Delia Alfonso

Miss Eleanor Marie Hopkins

Sunbury Ohio


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Alonzo Fisher

O Ed Lure

April 22 1906

C. R. Farmer New Yorker

W T Evans " "

Miss Celia Confare City

Gin Stemberger Dayton O.

Laurel V. Stone Conneaut, O.

N P Linnell Cleveland

M C Saller Columbus O

A L Markland Sedny O

Miss Edna Confare City

W H Crinn Cleve O

George Allder Johnstown Ohio

B Taylor Wooster O

Miss Cecelia Confare

W A Harris Mfld

G McNeal Lima Ohio

C Monroe "

J H Undward Cols O

A L Jacobs Cols O

J. S. Eilemiller

M E Martin Mansfield O

J. H. Farmer Col

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 23)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 23)


[page 23]

[unlabeled page 42 (L) and unlabeled page 43 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


J B Seatherman Centerburg

A. E. Orsborn Columbus

R H Koepff Cleveland

Geo H Keppel Wooster O

5/3/06 Otto H. Nusbaum Cols. O.

F. B. Riddlebarger Oxford Mass

C W Lauffer Columbus O

N J Sailer Cols O

May 5 Delaware base ball Team

Jno. O. LeFevre Springfield, Ohio

F. L. Cowles Cols O

J W Cooper Indianapolis Ind

Fred Forgrave Cols. O.

W. A. Harris Mansfield Ohio

J B Leatherrman Centerburg O



Mr Harry Gibbons Wheeling W V

P McHugh


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


May 12 J. M. Czar Chicago

" 14 G. C. Fishman West Salim O.

" 14 J. W. Singer Gambier O

A W Meader Toledo

A L Jacobs Cols O

J W Shepherd Columbus O

Harrry Orring Cleveland

15 E. M. McConinck Gallipolis O

Celia Confare City

C. G. Selby Columbus O

S Fairchild Westerville O

B S Harris Columbus O

G M Justice Pgh. Pa.

Glenn Freeman Columbus Ohio

Louis Marting Delaware Ohio

Miss Barr " "

Rex Vanderere " "

Fanny Paris " "

Ruth Rissler Lancaster "

Edna Belle Granger "

Celia Confare City

Mr Salter Shicks Westerville O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 24)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 24)


[page 24]

[unlabeled page 44 (L) and unlabeled page 45 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


N P Pond Rochester N. C.

Mrs N P Pond "

Edward Stauder Chauffer "

Edna Belle Granger

Miss Edna Confare City

Ed Dean Cols O.

F P Duesbach Circleville O

F. W. Leece Akron O.

Suartello Evenbrogeer "

H. C. Mitchell Mt Vernon

S. G. Turner Mt Vernon

W G Gower Mt Vernon

Geo. B. Kelly Mt Vernon

G. W. Rhoads

W. W. Vaugham Cardington

A Eeleurtis

Jay Paneyborn Detroit

J. H. Schooler Parryton

Ed Thompson Jr. Delaware O

C. A. McClelland Delaware, Ohio

Fred Rowland " "

J. W. Scott Marion, Ohio


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


5/20 R. C. Holden [illegible]

John E. Walker Dayton

Miss Cha Clarence Newark O.

Mr Walter Shicks Westerville Ohio

Mr Otis Sherban " "

Miss Edna Confare City

W E Rauch Huntington Ind.

J. M. Asheiur Cols O

A L Jacobs Cols O

A E Stevens and wife Col O

J. W. Tilton Newark O

L. F. Hough Sunbury O

W P Robinson and Co Delaware Ohio

Paul Lehman]

W A Sands] Lehmans

W A Sherrlam] Orchestra

E C Kershaw] Columbus O.

James Lynn New York

Arch C. McClurr San Francisco Cal

Miss Mary Lexan New York

Mrs Harnnont [crossed out]

Miss Hazel Marie Schwind Cleveland Ohio

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 25)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 25)


[page 25]

[unlabeled page 46 (L) and unlabeled page 47 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Monday 29 1906

A L William Delaware O

May 31 1906

Chas E. Foor Wife & New Albany O.

A M Dodderer Delaware O

June 1 C C Hughs Utica O

A E Hedges Chigo Ill

J J Gould

Miss Edna Granger

J Ochs Cinti

W H Sidebottom Columbus O.

C H Burwell Columbus O

H B Williams Cols O

O F. Sweitzen Cleveland

E H Hanian Cols

E. Pugh Col.

Fred Rowland left June 4 1906

J A Vandegiff Cols O.

N P Linncee Cleveland


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


E. J. Hobart & wife Worthington O.

J Kohl Cols O

Geo Abernethy Columbus

Miss Celia Confare Sunbury O.

S Potter Delaware

M Meredith Radnor O

F A Smalley Columbus O

C C Sterling G Rapids O

H M Wright Toledo O

J. G. Pratt Raymond O

June 4 1906 Clinton Dresback Johnstown O.

Guy Green Johnstown Ohio

W Harry Borders Harlem Ohio

Edna Granger Sunbury O

Charles Borden Sunbury Ohio

A Jacobs Colo

Miss Celia Confare City

E. L. Walkup Fleiter Bros Show

H. D. Good City

J. J Luke "

Burrell Myers Groveport O

Ed Lenahan Cols O

A. P. Fin Marysville

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 26)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 26)


[page 26]

[unlabeled page 48 (L) and unlabeled page 49 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Edna Granger Sunbury O

T Ceny Spgfld O

W R Harris Columbus

R. A Herbert Cleveland

E L. Shaffer Mt. Liberty O.

Frank Bainett New Fort

H Potee Jr Cols O

A Louis Akron, O.

H L. Clark Millersburg

L McDounough Mt Vernon

R. J. Gordon Boston

Miss Edna Confare City

R T VanRifan Mt. V O

Miss Cecelia Confare City

Mr. Perry Gorden Columbus O.

Jessie Clauson Centerburg Ohio

Burt Armstrong Delaware

W. N. Ronider So Bend

F E Wilson Rogers

William Lewis Cols O

E Granberger Cleveland


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sunbury Ohio June 21 1906

Miss Cecelia Confare City

V L Garrison Columbus Ohio

W. J. Longworth Delaware Ohio

W. J. Saile Cols O

J F Auschetz Cleveland O.

Thurston Moore Delaware

Mr & Mrs C A.McAlliston Columbus O.

Robert K. McAlliston " "

Mrs J. B. Sheldon & Son " "

R. J. Hedden Columbus O

W Harris Mt Vernon O

S W Fowler Chicago Ill

A D Hall Cleveland

A L Baker Lancaster

Geo R. Nicodman Zanesville, O.

G. W. Rhoads Col. O.

A L Jacobs Cols O

Geo Spurgeon Millersport O

M. K. Cleven St. Marys O.

G. N. Claner Lancaster O

G Dinni

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 27)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 27)


[page 27]

[unlabeled page 50 (L) and unlabeled page 51 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


June 25 1906 Please Register

Mr Carl E Swickard Mansfield Ohio

June 26 1906

J. W. Scott Mann Ohio

C G Selby Columbus

A. R. Henderson "

W. S. Unks Toledo O

R H Koepff Cleveland O

Edw Lenahan Cols O

Chas E. Studer Apple Creek O

Frank O. Nusbaum Col's, O.

Ed K Clark Marrion O

Ed Roosvelt Ashley O

T. A. Wells Bellpoint O

H W. Simpson Delaware O.

W. J. Miller Cols. O.

Samuel Hamilton Cols O

O F Sweitzen Cleveland

W Harrison Col & Finl


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sam Hopkins Prop

June 29 1906

Celina Confare City

Eland Setty Col, O.

A. Ginn Delaware

O W Zehring Cleveland

B. P. Horan Col's O.

Miss Edna [crossed out]

Miss Edna Confare City

Mr Will Maddox Columbus Ohio

Mrs Henry " "

Miss Edna Granger City

Jod Dauss Mt Vernon

C. A. Flack Bloomville O

E D Sheets Delaware O

William Lewis Columbus O

W. H. Cook Galion O

Claude Setty Columbus O

C C Craft Cols O

A. D. Good City

J. J. Luke "

W. R Pulfard Ashley

M L Warirer Wooster O

Geo H Kepfell Wooster O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 28)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 28)


[page 28]

[unlabeled page 52 (L) and unlabeled page 53 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


July 5 1906 Please Register

J T Abbott Cols O

S A Sanburg Centerburg O.

Geo Clausing & Wife Delaware Ohio

Darlene Duckworth Delaware Ohio

Edna Granger Sunbury Ohio

Eleanor Darre Hoss friend [left margin]

T B. Miles Salem O

Sheridan Johnstown Westerville

Celia Confare City

John Hauling [crossed out]

John Haughlin [crosses out] Ashley

Edna Confare Sunbury, O

Josephine Lake City

Will Harding Johnstown Ohio

Mr Jam Jones Galena O

Will Evens Johnstown O

G. W. Rhouds Columbus

Darline Duckworth Delaware

Edna Confare Berkshire Ohio


Edna Granger Sunbury O.

[left margin: Eleanor Marie Hopkins]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sam Hopkins Prop

M C Sallu Columbus O

F. A. McAllister Delaware O.

F. L. Turlin Columbus

E H Fry Columbus

R. D. Koepft Cleveland

Hav C Townsend Lancaster O

Edw Lenaham Cols Ohio

C. W. Arthur Detroit

Jno A. Nicholson Des Moines Io

F A Smalley Cols Ohio

Edna Confare City

Mr Tom Babcock Maringo O.

N. M Grown Wheat O

J. T. Moore Marysville O

Mr. John Bewart Maringo O.

John George Mt Vern O

Stanley Moore Centerbury Ohio

George Rhodes Columbus O.

W W Dauss Mt Vernon

C. J. Reed Columbus O

J W Cochran Toledo

Arthur Tarrshire Columbus O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 29)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 29)


[page 29]

[unlabeled page 54 (L) and unlabeled page 55 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


1906 July 20 W H Goff Broadway O

L B Goff " "

Rodney Disinger Lancaster Ohio

Ray Disinger Lancaster "

Claude Getty Centerburg O.

Burt Holland Mt Gilied O.

July 20 E B Moore Newark Ohio

J W Cochran Toledo O.

Miss Edna Confare city

Carl Swickard Westerville Ohio

Purl Little Marion Ind

July 28

Mr John M. Evain Utica Ohio

Mrs John M Evans Utica Ohio

Mr. R. E. Wolf Lancaster O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Miss Cecelia Confare City

W. H. Rice Delaware, O

Miss Cecelia Confare July 22 1906

Mr. Kim Sedwick and Wife

Elizbeth "

Rowland "

Mrs. Odis Kimbill Sunbury O

Miss Mary Perfect Marysville

Mr. Ray Disinger Lancaster O. 1906 July 23

W H Harris Mansfield O

C W Clark Cols

A L Jacobs Cols

Ray Disinger Banges O.

Peter Kinnear Columbus O.

July 24th S C Townsend Lancaster O

J E. Barker Worthington O

Mac Barcus C. N. Tel Co.

D W Ackinson Westerville O

Fred Snyder C N Tel Co

J Cateral

L S. Crown

Edw L Smith Cleveland O

H. R. Hale columbus Ohio

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 30)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 30)


[page 30]

[unlabeled page 56 (L) and unlabeled page 57 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Cols Photo Co

July 25 1906 Edw Lenahan Cols O

Chas. E. Studer Apple Creek O.

Rob Koepff Cleveland

G E Larrjay Cols

C H. Leonard Delaware O

R H Dairs Cleveland

C H. Thance New York

Lamuel Stevens Columbus

S A Sarling Centerburg O

A Coyer wife & child Kinnley He.

Ray B. Bishop Centerburg O

F. P. Housholder Utica, O.

R F Lindsley Mansfield O

27 W J Saile Cols O

N Culver Chi

J. F. William & Daughter Cols.

Mr Robert Nuton C. N. Tel Co

Carl Swickard Westerville O.

H. B. L Granville


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sam Hopkins Prop.

Dr. S. J. Rigdon Delaware

Miss Cecelia Confare City

W W Davis Mr Vernon

Sylvia F. Wolfe Johnstown

Effie Wolfe " "

Fannie Tyler " "

C S Reynolds Cols O

B R Ryan Millersburg, O.

Jas. M. Cobb Clev. O.

W Ailyurg

J. T. Sylvester Sabina O

B V Leas & Wife Del

J. A. Vandegriff Cols O

Geo. F. Mooney " "

Aug 6th 1906

H B Williams Cols O

W J Curry Batte Md

C. A. Flack Bloomville O

R H Koepft Cleveland O

Edw Lenahan Cols O

F B Shafer Cols O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 31)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 31)


[page 31]

[unlabeled page 58 (L) and unlabeled page 59 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


F A Smalley Cols O

8/11 H E. Burris Columbus O

B. Williams Columbus O

W. Young Westerville, O

J. V. [illegible] Delaware O

John Mead Delaware

Edw Lenahan Cols O

W. W. Bond Columbus, O

L Rosnick Niles O

J. W. Scott Marion O.

C. A. McClelland Delaware, O

John Mead Delaware, O.

R J Heddica Col. O

S McKee Cols O

J T Moore Marysville O

H C Hopkins City

C W McCoy Cleve

J W. Williams Col

Mr Richard


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Ra Bafeveh Marengo O

A. F. Bundain Cleveland, O.

Glenn Haley Sunbury Ohio

H E Warner Reading, Mich.

R S. Vaughn Waldo O.

J. R. Levy Delaware, O.

B. F. Whipps Cols O

M Edwards Det

U Edwards "

John Jewell Westerville Ohio

H Richards Cols Ohio

Sheridan Westervill

Porter Johnston Westervill Ohio

W H Switzer Defiance O

Chas Klefinger Dayton O.

Sept 7 1906 Miss Georgia Fostio Con

C. N. Tel. Co.

Carl Swirckard Westerville O

Paul Bouchie Kentucky

Elias Barcus Worthington O

Bob Newton Columbus O

John Cattrel Columbus


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 32)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 32)


[page 32]

[unlabeled page 60 (L) and unlabeled page 61 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sunbury Ohio Sept. 9 1906

Celia Confare City

H. P. Colflesh Columbus O

Miss Edna Confare Berkshire

E. M. Hickham Delaware O

Wm W Wells Delaware O

W W Daufs Mt Vernon O

S R Greig Waunegan Ills

C W. Arthur Detroit

Herbert A Mason Columbus O.

Sept 11th 1906

Otto Kusbaum Cols. O.

Geo A Deyer " "

C Lears Cleveland Ohio

S C Riddle Delaware

W. C. Magae Granville O

Nyleouchot Versailles, O.

Sep 12/06

Doc King Col

T D Wisenian Detroit

J Farrow Cleveland O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sept 12 1906

Celia Confare

G. W. Crawford Newark O

J. C. Barker Worthington, O.

John Cattrel Col O

Elias Barcus Worthington Ohio

John Cottrel Columbus Ohio

Miss Edna Confare Berkshire Sept 16

C. M. Kellism Columbus, O.

Frank O. Nusbaum Cols. O.

J A Sauderman New Holland O

Glenn Haley Sunbury Ohio

W. C. Magiee Cniclet O [Cincinnati]

D. E. Scott Marion, Ohio

A Smith Marion Ohio

M Holland Marion Ohio

P McHugh Marion Ohio

Edw Lenahan Cols

R I McCauley Cols, O.

Chas. E. Strides Apple Creek O

Celia Confare City

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 33)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 33)


[page 33]

[unlabeled page 62 (L) and unlabeled page 63 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss



J.C. Miller Col. O.

N J Corichot Versaills O.

A. Corson Cleveland

R. S. VanSickle Col. O.

Sept 23, 06

D B. Grubb & wife Mt Vernon, O.

L. G. Stinwell and wife " " "

Wendell W. Stillwell " " "

Madalices Stillwell " " "

Ruth R. Stillwell " " "

W.B. Lennson & Wife New Carlisle O.

W.C Maydl Condit O

H B Williams Cols O

F WcVean Detroit Mich

S Potter Delaware O

M Meredith Radnor O

Geo Cleveland

E.S. Mendenhall

Wossamison Columbus O

Glenn Haley


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Bill Laughery Columbus

J T Abbott Cols O

H.C. White Canton O

E L Westwood Wheeling W Va

F Trundship Cleve O

1906 Sept 27 Celia Confare

William Prosser Jr. Sunbury O

Cecelia Confare City

Georgia Foster

C. Green Johnstown O.

& Lady

Earl Hewette Marengo O.

and Lady

Joe J. Harris Sparta Ohio

and Lady Love

Wm M Riley Centerburg O

Hughes Cleveland O


E J Harshfield Yellow Springs O

Oct 1 1906 E R Beatty

Celia Confare City

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 34)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 34)


[page 34]

[unlabeled page 64 (L) and unlabeled page 65 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Oct 1st 06

N.J Curry Butts, MA

W. H. Stintz Mansfield

Dwight L. Gupp Mt Vernon O.

J.S. McCrackin " "

R J McCauley Cols. O.

H.P. Resch Canton, O.

Grant McNeal Lima O

Carl Monroe "

Carl [crossed out]

A. Graham Cleveland, O

Allen H Feker Galion O

Miss Celia Confare City

Miss Cox

Wm Davis Mt Vernon

D.C. Harr Indpls

Ea. K Clark Marion

Edd M Rosevelt Ashley O

T Nettleton Berkshire

Mike Hollench Sunbury

Mr C E Swickard Westerville


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Oct 6 1906 Saturday

R.J. Huddleston Cols O.

Oct 8 1906

E.W. Shoemaker Cols, O

Geo F Shurtz Columbus O

T.P. Sturgeon "

A. Alford Fremont, O

Miss Celia Confare City

H.R. Stokes Dit O

Geo A Deper Cleveland O

Irwin M Koch Cincinntie

F B. Riddleberger Oxford Mass

W.G. Swain Cols O

H. McQuillan Mansfield, O

GHm Celure Granville

Frank O Nusbaum Cols O

Miss Edna Confare Wednesday Oct 17 1906

Mr Bob Newton

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 35)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 35)


[page 35]

[unlabeled page 66 (L) and unlabeled page 67 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sunbury Ohio Oct 16 1906

C W Clark Cols O.

Miss Celia Confare City

Liz Stampf Westerville, O.

Dave Cindert " "

Brooks Flelctur Cleveland

H P Harrison Col.

Edw Lenahan Cols O

A G. Son Louisville Ky

J L Brown Delaware

Celia Confare Sunbury Ohio

Chas E Studer Apple Creek Ohio

Miss Edna Confare Berkshire O

Wm H Pierce Hillsborro O.

Ross I McCauley Cols O

Silas Parraf Wooster O.

G.W. Rhoads Columbus O

D E Scott

Mr Carl Swickard of Primrose City


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sam Hopkins Prop

Miss Celia Confare

Cecelia Confare City

Delsie Butcher Mt Vernon

B T Main " "

Rev. J. W. James Sunbury

Josie Doufs Mt Vernon

10/22 Geo. W. Campbell Columbus O.

V.M. Harris Columbus O.

Geo Patterson Cols O

W. J. Sailor Cols O

C D Trimble " "

Miss Edna Confare City

Ross J McCauley Columbus O.

W.A. McLaughlin Zanesville

C M Leonard Delaware, O

F.F. Green & Wife Columbus, O.

Miss Grace Greene " "

Mrs Belle Stark Odell, Ill.

H. Leland Nichol Columbus, O.

J B Lindley Mansfield O

G Wallenstain Cinti O

J.W. James City

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 36)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 36)


[page 36]

[unlabeled page 68 (L) and unlabeled page 69 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


S.B. Wagner New York

L P Lewis Cols, O.

Mr Clark " "

S.G. Hirm Cols

Miss Cecelia Confare City

Frederick Barns Col O

William Prosser Jr.

Miss Edna Confare City

J. Skeels Sunbury O

Miss Edna Confare

Mr C E Swickard Conesville O.

Miss Edna Confare Berkshire

Miss Edna Foster Sunbury Ohio

Mr Roy D Cross & Wife Chil [crossed out]

Leroy Dorr Cross


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Oct. 27 1906

Miss Cecelia Confare City

E M Binnrock Cols O

J.W. James Sunbury, O.

R Belford Caldwell O

J.C Reichelderfer Del Ohio

Carl Swickard Conesville Ohio

James J Hill Johnstown O

T D Uehdil Centerburg O

H W " "

Lewis Eabins "

Walter Shicks Westerville Ohio

M Cobin Columbus

Gilbert A Eldridge Crawfordsville Ind

Nov 2 1906

Otto Nusbaum Cols. O.

W.J. Marthe

Jos J. Zipperer " "

E. C. Payne Conesville Ind

Bob Newton

Nov 3 Mr Ross Farmer Columbus Ohio

A Bittman Ohio

C.O. Waynes Bradford Pa

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 37)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 37)


[page 37]

[unlabeled page 70 (L) and unlabeled page 71 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sunbury O Nov. 12. 1906

C.W. Arthur Det.

Brent Armstrong

John W Williams Columbus

S.G. Him Cols

11/9/06 R.P. Skinner Pomroy O.

Cecelia Confare City

Ross S McCauley Columbus O.

J.F. Davis Matta O.

Jas Stewart Piqna O

W.F. Wieland Mt Gilead, O.

D. Watrons Delaware, O.

R K Carnthus Col, O.

S H Coulter Bucyrus, O

Patric McHugh Sunbury O.

Mr A D Smith Bellfountain O

W J Walton Columbus O.

C M Leonard Delaware O

Chas. E. Studer Apple Creek O.

O.F. Wisner Apple Creek O

Geo H Steppel Wooster O

Mrs Ira Lanthrey Johnstown O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Miss Celia Confare City

G H Goodrich Toledo, O.

E Lenahan Cols. O

Chas Tenrick Tipp City O

A N Decker Warensburg O

H Bond Cintio

L.S. Ward Lisbon, O

L.M.Turney Toledo O

Monday November 19 1906

H.J.Saile Cols O

W A Archer Newark Ohio

M Debuam Suffolk Virginia

E B Baker Sugar Creek O

C T Gibson Troy Ohio

Ross I McCauley Columbus O

E.D. Findlay Pbgh

W J Lingworth Delaware

C.F. Sherry Cortland O

H L Pettet Col O

Mr Tom Babcock Marengo Ohio

E B Baker Sugar Creek O

J.B. Dollison Cambridge Ohio

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 38)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 38)


[page 38]

[unlabeled page 72 (L) and unlabeled page 73 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Nov 24 1906 Max Myers Pes. Mich.

Thomas Babcock Marengo

Nov 25 J.W. James Sunbury, O.

J T Abbott Cols O

W.W. Daugherty South Bend, Ind.

S Braunschurign Philadelphia

B.L. Engus & Wife Columbus O

Mr. South Worthington Ohio

11/27 R C Holden Cinti O

James Brooks Des Mones Ia

Herbert S Baker San Francisco Cal.

C W Young Mason City Ia

Miss Edna Confare Berkshire Ohio

Mr Chauncey Confare Columbus O

W. Va. [crossed out]

29 L J Williams & wife Sunbury O

O.P. Welton & " Mt Vernon "

E.A. Furniss & " Galena "

Mrs Nitochlire & son Columbus "

John Landon & wife &son Sunbury

M Arigory & wife " "

Grover Garrison Jo. O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


11/29 James Cockwill & wife Sunbury, O.

H.W. Bradshaw & wife Sunbury, O.

" Mrs C.N. Van Houten Sunbury O.

" Marjorie P. Laraba Centerburg Ohio

" Altye M. Cooke Centerburg "

" Elina F. Faraba "

" Josephine Mattews "

Wm Barnez Riley "

Aaron Higgins "

Lillian Higgins "

Russell Higgins "

R M Hasson "

A.W. Brown "

Elmer Bell "

W.F. Kern & Wife Manhattan Nev.

L.A. Hill & Wife Columbus, O.

Clifford Hill " "

E Em McKinley Dayton, O.

F.O. Nusbaum Cols O

Miss Cecelia Confare City

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 39)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 39)


[page 39]

[unlabeled page 74 (L) and unlabeled page 75 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


W.W. Daugherty Versailles Ohio

C.A. Confare Columbus Ohio

G. Garrison Johnstown O.

Miss Katie Mas Bear

Dec 2 Mr C.E. Swickard Conesville Ohio

Dec 2 Mr. William Prosser Jr. City

Miss Blance Rose Berkshire, O.

J E Brown Cols O

J M Tobias Cols

J R [illegible] Col O

Miss Edna Confare City

Dec 11 Mr South Worthington O.

James Albert Patterson Columbus O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Dec 5

James Pace Sunbury Ohio

P.A. Dire Col. O

L.V. Uncaphis Marion O

1906 Ross I McCauley Cols. O.

Dec 6 C.M. Davis Cols

Dec 6 Otto Nusbaum Cols

AO Mr. Scott Marion Ohio

E.E. McGuire Centerburg, O.

Dec 7 Harry Whitford

Dec 7 Miss Pinney Columbus O

Dec 8 Mr J. Holland New York

A.P. Scott Marion

Mr Denison Delaware

George Cleveland Cheshire

Commissioner Potter Delaware

Mr Larimore Col

Gus Irwin Sunbury

Jesse Gifford Westerville O

O. Mitchell Niles Mich.

G L Drake Columbus O

Chas. E. Stnder Apple Creek O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 40)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 40)


[page 40]

[unlabeled page 76 (L) and unlabeled page 77 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


O [illegible] Cols O

[illegible] Cleveland

B E. Poste columbus O

W.T. Kurt Dayton

Herbert A. Mason Col O

Mrs Mable Domigan " "

A J Walters Adrain Mich

C. T. Wissinger Col O.

J.W. Kufe & Wife Newark, O.

Mr Thomas Babcock Marengo O

S Robt [illegible] Centerburg O

Hosie Hopkins & wife

Gordon Parish Columbus

James Wilson Penn.

Irene Wilson State Road

Thomas Babcock Marengo

John E. Lortz Columbus O

T.J Kannserer Louisville Ky

Miss Edna Confare Berkshire

Dec 14 Miss Pinney Columbus O

Grover Garrison Johnstown

Jr. Valentine Auburn

A Thompson


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


12/24 E M Brunbach Cols O

Mr Thompson Delaware

A L Bekin Lancaster

J E Bronn cols O.

Ira Cearne Johnsotwn O

Gus Omylar Col O

H C. Hopkins & wife City

H.D. Goodmon Toledo O

C A McClelland Delaware Ohio

J H Dyer & (1) Columbus O

Floyd Walter Circleville O

Ross I McCauley Columbus, O.

H D Goodman Toledo O

Went Fetzer Galion O

Frank Dilswer Richwood Ohio

Margie Dilswer " " "

Madge Dilswer " " "

Dora Dilswer " " "

B.A. McGrimis Mansfield O

C D Huff Columbus O

H R Berkstrover Cols O

Chas. E. Sturdes Apple Creek O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 41)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 41)


[page 41]

[unlabeled page 78 (L) and unlabeled page 79 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


1/9-1907 R C. Halden Cincinnati

S.K. Haslam New Vienna O

John Riddle Delaware O

S L Brake Col

Ed Leonard Chesterville

HC Conard "

J Galloway Marysville O

P.K Reynolds Lancaster, O.

H R Vance cols O

H Bristol Syracuse N.Y.

F.H.Zake N.Y.

Mr Flick Johnstown

Fred Simson Johnstown

Jan 13 David Chase Olive Green

W.D. DeRanyo Cols

S.G. Rood Detroit

HB Williams Cols O

Jan 14 B Rae Kinney Mt Vernon

Rid Jones "

Clyde Wesver "

Dick Wert "


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Jan 14 Harry Gresling Mt Vernon

E N Mukel "

Jesse Gifford Westerville O

O R smith Des Moins Ia

WO Burkholder Mt Vernon O

15 Ed K. Clark Marion O

Stanley K Hirech "

Harley Shoemaker Ashley O

Mr Love Poy Col

Mr A. Whippls Col

Homer Doty Millersburg O

Scott Vaunatta Greenwidh O..

M S Warner Wooster O

S A Scaling Centerburg O

J N Kugan D

F.W. Arnold Columbus, O

R F Clark Fredericktown O

R. Ely Cahill St Louis Mo

H M Hamilton

J.A. Dawes Columbus O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 42)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 42)


[page 42]

[unlabeled page 80 (L) and unlabeled page 81 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


19 E.C. Turley Delaware O

L Murphy Condit, O.

F.B. Morehouse Killbourne O

Glenn Haley The Columbus Dry Good Co.

P L Bowen No Lewisburg O

O A Leach Columbus, O.

J A Harris Mansfield O

O.F. Sweitzer Cleveland O

L E Myers Canton O.

E B Sewall Jr. Cols O

I S Watts Portland Mo.

P N Dustin Centerburg

B.L. Smoots Centerbury O

J.C Wolfinger Canton O

Sewes Centerburg

G. Marion Columbus

Robert Rust Columbus

H.P. Fairchild Buffalo N.Y.

Mont. H. Ferr Wabash

Frank Shanahan Delaware

A.A. Josten Columbus, O.

J.P. Harn St Louis

H McJudy Columbus O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


J T Abbott Cols O

T L Atkinson Toledo

George Rich Cleveland

Fred Simpson Johnston

A D Hall Cleveland

Auton F Gorse Cleveland, O.

W.W. Lymean Rochester N.Y.

Floyd Watts Circleville O

P C Barnes Cols O

J C. Giesen Kilbourn O

Frank Stamets Des Moines Ia.

President Roosevelt Washington D.C.

F.A. Derthick Maulua O.

Miss Silvia Shaw Danville O.

Grayce Smoots Centerburg O.

Mrs. W. S. Miller Centerburg

H.S. Howard Columbus Ohio

G Haley North Jr Columbus Dry Good Co

Eleanor Russell Danville Ohio Knox Co.

G H. McClure Greenville O Dry Co

Haymond Rerfect Condit O

and Wife " "

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 43)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 43)


[page 43]

[unlabeled page 82 (L) and unlabeled page 83 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Feb 4 T.H. Shipman Cleveland

Theo. Hammerd Toledo O

A L Baker Bancoster

A R Marhias Cols O

Chas. E. Sturdon Apple Creek O.

Mr Lyre Coln Feb 6th

R. Ely Cahill St Louis Mo

J M Galley

J P Williams Clev. O

Harry Welch Toledo, O 4/7/07

Ols Baker Lucinda Pa

M S Telephone Co [In left border]

Feb 7 P. Williams Cleode Ohio

V S Sherlock " "

F Howe Norwalk O

E. Aeumerman " "

H. Anderson Sandusky "

A. Gallagher Clyde "

Jas Campbell Bellevue "

Geo Greenhoe Vermillion "

V. Leiby Milan Ohio

Jono Bell Westerville, O

H.C. Green US Tel Co

Jason Nettleton


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


J Farrow Cleveland Ohio

M L Warner Wooster Ohio

Geo H Kippel Wooster O

Calc Leanorer Delaware

Mr Cuter Col

H. Wilson City

J.B Haugh Columbus O

G McNeal Lima O

O. Mitchell Niles Mich.

F E Batterhill New Phila O.

E B Sewell Jr Cols O

Chas Stevens Mt Vernon O

Miss Goldie Fuller Sunbury Ohio

F B Morehouse Kilbourne

J. Adams Cols O

J N Walker

V.C. Long Worthington O.

S L Drake Col O

M Toff

C L Martin Delaware O

J T Davis Col

P H Pingally Bellefontaine

M.V. Hubbell Toledo O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 44)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 44)


[page 44]

[unlabeled page 84 (L) and unlabeled page 85 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


H.H Herbeckor Sunbury O

T.W. McClure Cols Ohio

Floyd Watts Circleville

C N Davis Cols. O.

H. L. Smoot Cols

W.M. Brown Canton

J.N. Sullivan Columbus Ohio

S H Coulter Bucyrus O

M.G Living Frederickton O

A.A. Josten Columbus O.

L North Circleville

C L Cooper Omaha Neb

W A Harris Mansfield O

Fred W Sculley Detroit

H.E. Faught Cols O

W.J. Roseburgh Detroit Mich

Jon Waterman Forrest O

N.J. Curry Baltimore Md

W J Longworth Delaware O

R.B. Boon Lexington O.

Ross J McCauley Columbus O

G N Kisecken Do

J A Vandegriff Cols O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


James F. O'Dannell Cleveland, O.

W.F. Ikius Olsond O.

S L Drake Cols O

A H Taft do

G.E. Leonard Norwalk O

G H McClure Greenville O

J.W. Kirkpatrick Chgo

C W Clark Cols O

S Crouse Col O.

Tho D Pofharn Fredericktown O

Neil Fravel Col. O.

Thomas Nettleton Cheshire

M L Warner Wooster O

C H Seward Delaware O

S A Darling Centerburg O

Fls Ball Westerville O.

3/18 W G Williaman Col O

A H Mattlison N. Adams Mass

Drins Delaware

Jno C LeFsone Springfield

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 45)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 45)


[page 45]

[unlabeled page 86 (L) and unlabeled page 87 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


[blank page]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss



Dawn Butte Jason

18 L. Moore Delaware

G F Faggart Delaware

A.P. Scott Marion

19 F.L. Magill Centerburg O

S L Drake Cols. O.

O.F. Wisner Apple Creek O

F B Thomas Marion O.

B.A McGinnis Mansfield O

H. Welch Toledo, O
I.H.W. Colunbus. O
3/20 Floyd Watts Circlevile

3/21 H.S. Warwick Columbus, Ohio with L-W. Co.

Jason Gifford Westerville O

Albert Dolder Columbus O

Chas. Kemery Columbus O.

Gus Carrole Marion O

R A Shaw Columbus O

H Garrison Columbus O

Mr and Mrs Orin S. Bacon Jr. Canandaigua, N.Y.

3/25 H A Laurimon Cols

3/25 J. McMan Gambier O.

3/25 H.W. Fish Columbus, O.

Ross I McCauley Columbus O.

John Doe Centerburg

[illegible] NY
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 46)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 46)


[page 46]

[unlabeled page 88 (L) and unlabeled page 89 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


30th John L Dickey Coshocton, O

Gain Danitt Johnstown Pa

M.P. Davis Cols. O.

D F Fay Do

S L Drake Do

C A Wilson London O

April 3

Frank Ganes Columbus O

Mrs Heitzle " "

Ray Repp " "

Chas E Studer Apple Creek O

Dave Whitman Cleveland

O.H.Eggert Toledo Ohio

W H Craig Springfield O

R Ely Cahill St Louis Mo

G.T. Stone toledo

M.R.Findley New Concord Ohio

Fred Scott A.R.E. Marion

J.L.Sylvester Sabina O

Olive M. Weld Alloona, Pa.

C R Beaty E.L.

G E Phillips Cleveland Ohio


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Olive M. Weld Alloina Pa

Harriette M. Jonus Cleveland

C.F. Brinker Cols O.

Wm S. Roath Akron Ohio

L. Beard California

Mrs Rose Bowen Westerville

C O Campbell Ashland, O.

G E Phillips Cleveland Ohio

H B. Riddlebarger Mansfiled, O

J.W. James City

Ross I McCauley Cols O.

Bert Wilson Col O.

H E Jains Toledo O

A L Baker Lancaster

Geo T Shurtz Columbus O

A L. Krebs Columbus O.

F.H. Hinson Canton O.

M. A. Lee Jamestown N.Y.

Mr Criss Hacere, Pa

L L Kinchad Mt Vernon Ohio

G H Goodard P.K.

G H McClure Greenville

Thos Carroll Marion

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 47)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 47)


[page 47]

[unlabeled page 90 (L) and unlabeled page 91 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


April R. Confare Worthington O

" C H Seward Delaware, O

J N Murray Columbus O

J T Lawson Delaware O

Earl R [illegible] Philadia

James Brooks De Moines Ia

Erwin Embich Lancaster O.

H Fitzer Galion O

4/21 Arch W. Smith Delaware Ohio

C.W.McKinzie Delaware O.

H. Waterson Delaware, O.

C.J. Hites Mt Vernon O

D.W. Holmes Indp

Ross I McCauley Cols O.

Ira D. Bale West Jefferson O

A J White Delaware

J L Davis Cols Ohio

J.S. [illegible] Chicago

D W Short Westerville O

M.J.Taylor Marengo, O.

Ralph E Ayers Marengo O

J.L.Wilson Marion O.

Ernest Lloyd "


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


H B Williams Cols O

S L Drake Cols O

T C Garfield Cleveland O

4/29 Floyd Watts Circleville

4/30 Arch W. Smith Delaware Ohio

Glenn Haley

H K Doolittle Gambier O

F.E. Parker Gambier O

Chas Benedict Mt Vernon

Chas. Smith Cleveland

T E Burnside Westerville O.

Miss Grace Felrows Col. O.

Chas. E. Studer Apple Creek O.

Geo Getner Col. O.

Mrs E.W. Webster Centerburg

D N Short Westerville

H.C. Wellcome Cols.

Wm Piper Mansfield Ohio

A E Piper Mansfield Ohio

G.M. Healy City

D N Short Westerville, O.

Wm Wells Delaware

F.A.Mcallister "

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 48)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 48)


[page 48]

[unlabeled page 92 (L) and unlabeled page 93 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


May 4th J.L. Wilson Marengo, O.

G A McDermitt Johnstown, Pa

W E Ranch Huntington Ind.

J Richart Columbus O

C.F. Biggs " O

G K Ellison Croton

C B Hamer Bellefontaine O

S. Rautgong Dayton O

F. J Merigold Columbus, O.

Ross I McCauley ` Columbus O.

G W Keppel [illegible] O

J [illegible] Delaware O.

M S. Warner Wooste O

O.G. Baker Pgh. Pa

S. Kinder Delaware O

D.J. Hull Nebunce O

E.C. Payne Dayton O

Jessie Gifford Westerville O

G.C. McRato Phila Pa

Frank J. Mengold Cols.

D F Fay do

W C Shill Col O.

F. W. Knod Dolingo O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


C F Drake Cols O.

D.S. Lloyd Marengo O

J.C. Reicheldeyer Del. Ohio May 14

Frank M. Bemis Columbus O.

A D Hall Cleveland

Malorsky Teboahl Penne Cal

Wm H Pince Hillsbore O.

J. Shult Delaware O.

W J Curry Batts Md

F J Cutchfield Cols O

S.M. Kink Bengholz O

B O Secrist [illegible] O

E W Tompkins Cols

J.W. Sigler Mt Vernon O

C S [illegible] Waverly O.

J B. Jewett Columbus

Edw Linhau Cols O

F Friendship Cleve O

wm Rosy Ashley O

C.E. Bradley

H M Wright toledo O

G E Phillips Cleveland Ohio

Fred W Smilley Detroit

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 49)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 49)


[page 49]

[unlabeled page 94 (L) and unlabeled page 95 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


aka Wyman

J.H. Higgins Dayton O

K G Bomelle Cleveland

F S Cony Spgfld O

S L Drake Cols

Jim L. Lawson Delaware

C.F. Biggs Columbus, O.

T.H. Gimon Canton O.

Walter Wechl Dalton O.

C J Bricker Orville O

5-29-7 C W Williams Cols, O


5.29-07 John C. Reichelderfer Del Ohio

5-30-07 George Rich Cleveland

Jas. F. Sipe Chgo

Jas Lin Delaware

M. Lin "

Miss Ross "

Arch McClerns "

H.G. Morgan Delaware Ohio

5/30/07 Harrie Hughs Delaware - O D. H. S. '04

Fred Andrue Domigan Del O D.H.S. '04

L M Shively Del Ohio

T. D. Peters Ohley W.V.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


W D Jacques Columbus, O.

Roy D Grissinger Mt. Vernon O

T G O'Neil Cols. Ohio

F.O. Padgett Delaware, O.

J.C. Vollbecht Cols. O.

Jno O. Klein " "

J Adams " "

Chas. E Studer Apple Creek O

L H Murray So Charleston O.

A. R. Chance Alliance O

Wm Stumps Mansfield O

C.W. McKinzie Delaware O.

O.G. Baker Pgh. Pa

C.P. Reddrop Chgo

Ira D Bate West Jefferson O

Geo. G. Ebner Col. O.

Lawyer Cupp & wife Texas

Mrs Grace Keesin Chicago Ill

R.J. Harrsom Mt Vernon O

R F Clark Mt Vernon

R Mohoffey Mt Vernon

M E Martin Mansfld O

C.E. Ransom Mt Vernon O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 50)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 50)


[page 50]

[unlabeled page 96 (L) and unlabeled page 97 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


June 10 J Cattrell Col O

C.F. Barstow New York

C D Tinnble Cols, O.

Harry K Ford Gambier O

Carl Beeler Mt Gilead O.

A P Hind

S A Darling Centerburg O

6/14 E F. Switzer Cleveland O.

R R Bogandics Colubus O

W.W Geach Chg.

6/15 A Wallier Columbus, O.

Geo Wymer Mount Vernon, O.

& wife Mt. Vernon O.

H B Williams Cols O

J.M. Williams East Liberty O.

6/20 Ross I McCauley Columbus O.

James Brooks Des Moines

6/24 J T Lawson Delaware O.

S L Drake Cols O

O T Beu

6/4 Geo. G Ebner Col. Ohio


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Miss Hehnis Sunbury O

E B Brooks Cin

Miss Halloran Del

M.W. Miller Canal Winchester Ohio

S.D. Boyd Millersburg Ohio

J R Cordray Columbus O

C G Witt Washington C H

M F Prentice Marion O

W.J. Saila Cols O

W.J. Gelain Indpls Ind

C.W Darling Col. O

Mrs J.B. Shelden Col O

James J Hill Johnstown O

H Doty Millersburg O.

T.S. Doty " "

F J Cutchfield Columbus O.

7/4 Fred P Zimpfer " "

Clarce Stevens " "

Roy Repp " "

7/5-07 E.C. Roberts Columbus O

Edna Uiltsie Delaware O

Henry Lacy Delaware O.

C W Dokes Cols O

Dick Doup Centerburg

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 51)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 51)


[page 51]

[unlabeled page 98 (L) and unlabeled page 99 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


July 9th F S Green Johnstown

E A Pratt "

F Green "

C R Johnson Thornville Ohio

R S Drake Cols O

H D Pearson Toledo O

O W Bartlett Wash. C. H

Ira F. Eberh Col. Ohio

July 10 S Crouse Co O

Chas. Thomas Col O

M S. Warrier Wooster O

F W Williams Delaware O

Elliott B.J. Gambier O.

L M Shively Del O

Arthur Hambly Gambier O

J. Paul Long Centerburg O

Mrs Hicks " "

Howland Pakier " "

Miss Van Horn " "

Ed Dever Mt Vernon O

Ralph Vale " " "

Dr Walker " " "

R.T. Hedden Col. O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


F.O. Yarl Cleveland O

Clark C. Doughty Columbus Ohio

L.A. Lewis " "

N A Hughes Pittsburg Pa

A U McGee Auiburn N Y

H D Goodmore Delaware

Fritz Jacobs Sunbury O

W J Berkshire Citi

Ross J McCauley Columbus O.

D J Hull Urbana O

E Snyder Delaware O

T L Atkinson Toledo

July 18, 07 W.E. Gorsuch Chicago Ill

P. Wright Mansfield O

" 19th C.W. Hoover & wife Newark O

Mrs. Martha O Brien "

Frank Sylvester & Daughter " "

Miss Evelyn Sylvester Marysville O

C E Sheets Det

W.J. Saila Cols

A.A Graham Mt Vernon

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 52)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 52)


[page 52]

[unlabeled page 100 (L) and unlabeled page 101 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sunday Sept. 4 Rose Desmond Sandusky O.

Sept 4 Dorthy Donaldson Sandusky O.

Nov 20 1910 Sandusky, O.

Sept 4 Henny Loive Columus O

" " Ward D. Coffman Warsaw O.

Samuel Dane Hopkins

Sunbury Ohio

Deb Hopkins

Delaware County

Sammie Dane Hopkins

Sunbury, Ohio

Delaware County

Sammie Dane Hopkins

Sunbury, Ohio

Delaware County


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Saturday July 27, 1907

C.W. Hoover & wife Newark

J.C. Yingut Cleveland

A P Beckwith Warren O

F A Lewis

L A King Springfield

C A Robt

F W Sill Detroit

L.P.Harmon St Louis Md

C.D.Hall " " "

August 2nd 1907

Mr Oaks & Wife Col

Monday Aug. 5th 1907

A. A. Graham Mt Vernon O.

J H Zimmerman So Bend

Thursday Aug 6

A W Niellet Cols

G.E. McKeever Crooksville O

G L Drake Cols O

G C Ruchelderfer Aug 6 07 Del. O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 53)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 53)


[page 53]

[unlabeled page 102 (L) and unlabeled page 103 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


T L Attman Toledo O

O.F. Douglas Columbus O

A S Marklana Sidney O

Aug 8 1907 Geo H Keppel Worster O

8/9 Alto Nusbaum Cols O

Geo D Fuller do

G Warner Chillicotte, O

G E Philips Cleveland Ohio

Chas T Pickington Columbus

L.A. Warren Columbus, O.

D A Grubb Wadsworth O

S L Drake Cols O

J Farrow Cleveland O

H F Burdoin Cleveland, O.

G C Hartsock Honia O

Roland White Dayton O

Glick Carey Piqua Ohio

Rolland Collins

D E Grover


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sifert Moon

Aug 26 C R Stauffer Columbus, O.

A W Niellet " "

O G Baker Akron, O.

Rolema White Dayton O

J C Watson St Louis

C N Davis Cols O

A.W. Ross Cols O.

Aug 28 C.M. Cyrus Chicago, Ill.

J.H. DzBoue Granville O.

C.C. Rector Columbus O

H N Collins Columbus O

C D Trimble " "

Ralph Shaw Cardington, O.

F A Smalley Cols O.

J H Pugh Columbus O

O W Miller Mansfield

Ralph Shaw Cardington, O.

D L Drake Cols

J.J. Phillips & wife Delaware

L M Shively Delaware Ohio

Richard Wlale Dayton O

C W Webster Columbus O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 54)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 54)


[page 54]

[unlabeled page 104 (L) and unlabeled page 105 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sept 6 07 Arthur Billman Chicago

R.G. Fergusson Elmira N.Y.

" 9 07 C.L.Simomons Delaware O.

F.R. Mayer "

Adam E. High "

Geo. Shafffer "

Frank Shea "

Laon Hoppins Sunbury Ohio

Dr. Ira F Ebert Columbus, O.

C M Oakes Wife Cols O

T L Atkinson Col.

14 Sidney M Sheets Sunbury

T.L. Everett Columbus

Geo H Kapiel Wooster O

R F Gones Sells Oliver Typerwriters

V.P. Utley & Wife Westerville, O

Sept 27 Harriett Hughes Delaware O.

" " Marie Wylie Delaware O

" " John H Demson Delaware O.

" " F.A. Domigan Delaware O.

" " J H Buck Delaware O.

" " L E Dailey N.Y. City

" " Louise Bounris Chgo Ill


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sept 6 Dr J. R Frovinger Findlay

1907 Mrs Dr J. R Frovinger Findlay

Sept 19 W.C. Ebenhack Chillicothe

Ale Sattsgaver Cambridge, O

Gain C Dermitt Johnstown Pa

Sep 24-07 H.O. Corr Delaware O.

H.E. Williams Chgo.

C A Danner Wheeling W Va

Sept 24 A.S. Vance Col. O.

W.L. Quay Galion, O.

J B Marris columbus O.

Wept 26 W.C. Ebenhack Chillicothe, O.

J.A. Vandegiff Cols O.

Sept 27 Florence Purnell St Petersburg Pa

Florence Stoneburner Delaware

" " Nelle Blackledge Delaware

V.C. Utley & Wife Westerville, O

J L Garver Richmond Ind

Geo Smith Washington C H O

Sep 30 W.A. Boggs Mt Vernon O.

C.H. Carpenter Columbus O

Hassins Nigh Findlay O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 55)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 55)


[page 55]

[unlabeled page 106 (L) and unlabeled page 107 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


S L Drake Cols O

J.R. Clark Mt Gilead O.

J.C. Shipley Alexandria

Frank Welsei Grainville O.

W E Ranch Columbus Ohio

C W. Oakes Cols O

George Rich Cleveland

J R Clark Mt Gilead

N W Calhoun East Liverpool, Ohio

O.M. Hayden Findlay O.

C.M.Kellison columbus, O

John Stevenson Richmond O.

H.M.Wright Toledo O

J.W Onmu Marysville O

W.J. Gilvin Indpls

Miss Lucile Campbell

Forman G Turner

Geo. E. Mitchell [illegible]

Miss G. Gower

Gro. B. Kelly

M L Gillen Adrian Mich

L. [illegible] Detroit

W.M. Wright Detroit


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Charles W. Cookson Troy O

S L Drake Cols O

J V Liesinvang St Louis

G R Bissell Columbus, O.

Helen Percy Bissell " "

Guy Bissell Columbus, O.

Mr & Mrs C H Carpenter Cols

Miss Gray Quebec Canada

Mr H. Van Gilder Cols O

G C Burgess Cleveland

F B.Riddleberger Mansfield, O

D F Fay Cinati

O.F. Sweitzer Cleveland

Geo N James Chgo

H H Bonnette Cleveland O

W A Harvin Mansfield O

Miss Olive Roberston

Miss Mabel Ackland

Miss Marie Smith Mozart Concert Company

Glenn R. Kershner

Edward Steil

H P Harrison Col.

G.M. Hayden Findlay O.

C. G. Nigh " "

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 56)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 56)


[page 56]

[unlabeled page 108 (L) and unlabeled page 109 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Oct 22

1400 BC. J.W.Frew

N.J Curry Batto Md

R Rimson Mt Vernon

F.R. Ackerman Utica

Thomas Babcock Marengo

Joe Hopkins Sunbury O.

A.P Vogt Laurence


Fred F. Ferris So Bend Ind

Oct 28 1907

Wm H Wentz Marretta O.

N E McCurdy Johnston

J Boyd Tiffin O

A.J.N. Hayden Findlay O.

Chas E Studer Apple Creek O

Geo H Keppel Wooster O

C M Leonard Delaware, O

Arthur Debalt & Wife Col

E.A Hendrickson N Y City

J. Rosam " "

Bell Barley [illegible]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


J.N Davis Col O

DocVan Houten Col O

A D Trosniden "

Geo [illegible] Col O

J.W Kenney Decatur, Mich

W. L Warner Wooster O

Otto Nusbaum Cols O

Dr Ira F. Ebert " "

C.H. Bxley Newark, O

L B Chandler Col O

Jas. F. Sipe Chgo

Geo Pate Cina O

H W Williams Dayton O

S G Hinn cols O

J.C McIntosh Calcutta

Frank Black Lewis Center

R.P. McCoy Woodgrove O.

F.D White South Bend Ind

T.D.Gast Cleveland O

D.H. Johnson Col O

G E [illegible] "

P J Sammells "

John W Williams Cols O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 57)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 57)


[page 57]

[unlabeled page 110 (L) and unlabeled page 111 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


R.J Gallagher Cols O.

W. A Harris Mansfield O

L H Hughes P of L

C.D. VanHoriter City

R.D. Babcock "

R.J. Ranson "

D F. Fay Cinti O

Chas.E. Studer Apple Creek O

Chas. W. Parsell Reynoldsburg, O

Geo D Mitcalf Nuler Wiss

C.N. Goodrich Belleville O

N. Marble Sunbury O

W. Dohner West Milton O

E.C. Irvine

Wm [illegible] Columbus Ohio

N.J. Sailer Cols O

R.J. Gallagher Cols O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Thanksgiving Day

11/28 Ora Elder Crestline O

Nov 28 /07 J.W. James Sunbury, O.

A E Diesene Columbus O

Geo R. McNutt

C W Stivers Columbus O.

Rolond White Dayton O

M.L. Wenger Columbus O.

W C Diven Del O Dec 4

John Pervitt Cal Dec 3

E D [illegible] Marysville

Kuler Col Dec 5

Neus Baun Col 5

C.C VanSaint Columbus Ohio

E Arnend Sandusky

T.B. Robinson Toledo

L J. Hawk Centerburg O

C N Leonard Delaware O

F Friendship Cleve O

J.J. Strasser Cols O

G H Goodrich O.K.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 58)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 58)


[page 58]

[unlabeled page 112 (L) and unlabeled page 113 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


12-12 C.J Turley Delaware O

12/12 J G Einbury Cols O

J R. Lontz Cols O

J.H.Ewing Findlay Ohio

12/23 N.Marble Sunbury [illegible] Ohio

2/2 Wm M Riley Centerburg O

Robert Hasson "

C D Mann Col O

12/27 Gurl W. Horn Gambier O

C L. Little Detroit

W J [illegible] Col O

1/6/08 S.H. Boggs Col, O

C W Henderly Lanc O

1/7 W H. Delfray Galion Ohio

R L. Seeds Cols O

N K Davis Cleveland

Ralph Bingharn Phila

R.M. McMillen Bellfoutain O.

Jas N Mahaffey columbus O

J O Raney "

D.E. Chambers Mansfield O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Eli Perkins

Jan 5 Wc & Harding Johnstown

S A Scarling Centerburg O

Ed Ley Holdt Cleveland O

N. Marble Sunbury

Kuter Jan 15 1908

William Wilson Sunbury

James Pace

E B More Newark O.

W.J. Geluin Indpls Ind

O.F Wisner Apple Creek, O.

Jan 18 Dr Ira F Ebert Columbus O.

R.J. Harrison Mt Vernon O

Wm McRoberts Delaware, O.

D.J. Hull Urbana, O.

Chas C Kiss Fostoria O Room 1

W.V. Bradfield Mt Liberty O

N I. Yerkes Phila

23 N Marble Sunbury

23 Le Mooney Columbus

Chas E Studer Apple Creek O.

Lee Tidd Columbus O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 59)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 59)


[page 59]

[unlabeled page 114 (L) and unlabeled page 115 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Williams Col

Davis Glenmary

Whips Col

Jan 27 S. Larimore Col

Ed Thompkins Delaware

F.C. Hassenpflug Cinti

28 Frank Mooney Col O

W T Clark " "

K A Frick Bellefoutain

C M Leonard Delaware O

S T Lewis Cols O

W W Geach Cleg

[illegible] Asbury Del

Blind Trio Concert Cor

A.C. Fulurman

B.F. Williams West Salem O


N.V. Riddle Ashland Ohio

Chas Bach Cleveland O

Geo A Doyer do

Jasper Van Horn Centerburg O

S A [illegible] " "


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Milton Utley & wife Sunbury

Geo Utley & wife Condit

James Pace & wife Condit

Will Condit & wife Condit

Blake Havens & wife cheshir

Miss Havens Cheshir

Irene Wilson State Road

William Willars

C G Thomas Delaware O

J H Fritz Wooster O

Theo Hammerel Toledo O

Chas Teneick Dayton Ohio

J H. Eddy Mansfield

Frank Ryan Chicago Ill

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 60)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 60)


[page 60]

[unlabeled page 116 (L) and unlabeled page 117 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook [1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


C.F.Lawrence Cincinti O.

C M Leonard Delaware, O

W.G.Olmstead Cols O

W E Perkins Spfld O

John H. Fintz Wooster O.

Mr and Mrs Oaks Col

E Wallen Oshkosh Wis

C.M.Burckhart Circleville O.

O W Nutter Cols.

A B Calhoun Chgo

E C Payne Dayton O

J. Numburg Chicago

N T Shan Columbus O

Frank Ford Columbus

W.J. [illegible] [illegible]

H.J.Hartman Cleveland

C G Thomas Delaware O

Chas S Druggun Col O

C.M.Leonard Delaware O

C M Leonard Delaware O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


2-15 C O Turley Delaware O

2/17 E S Caylon Canton O

Jno.W.Mahaffey Columbus O

H Harter Toledo O

W A Humm Cleveland

G W Appel Wooster O

Chas.E.Stutler Apple Creek, O.

J.B.Sollison Cambridge O

W A Showeu Dayton O

Clyde Richardson Mansfield O

G.M.Lemmon Wooster

W.P.Philliam Delaware, O.

Wm Harris MtVernon Feb 21

W.H.Whitford Cols.

Ella Walker Krenzle "

J H Nagel "

John F Pickel "

Feb 24-08

E Arnsied Sandusky O

G F Clover Cols O

John Hewett Col

D.Offenberg Col. O.

W.N.Porter " "

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 61)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 61)


[page 61]

[unlabeled page 118 (L) and unlabeled page 119 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Feb 27 Nimfred Altwater Columbus Ohio

H Seurey Newark O

C Jhust Circleville

W.A.M Laryhlin [illegible]

H.C.Hopkins Canal Hoover O

C E Benighn Washington C H Ohio

Mar 2 Roy Reyes Fredericktown Ohio

Merril Wait Chestervile Ohio

Joseph Snyder Dayton O.

E.R. Hughes Columbus

Frank Ryan Chicago Ill.

John Brown Chicago Ill

Mar. 28

1908 Miss Marie Hopkins Johnstown Ohio


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Dr Williams Sunley March 3rd

Chas. S. Pilkington Columbus

C M Leonard Delaware, O

George Rich Cleveland

A D Strosnider City

G B Thomas [illegible] O

3/5 G.E.Gilliland Grinnell Ia.

W.C.Long Worthington O.

S Franks Millersburg O.

R.M.McMillen Bellefontaine O

John C. Stratan Orleans Ind

H.H.Stamets Col O

C.W.Cisnell Manis O

Jno W.Mahaffey Columbus O

A.Sinn Delaware O

Jos Ray Washington D.C.

L Maynard Custar O

E L Shaffer Mt.Liberty O.

March 12 N.Marble City O

A.A.Graham Mt Vernon O

T F Hyall Cleveland

S H Johnson Cols, O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 62)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 62)


[page 62]

[unlabeled page 120 (L) and unlabeled page 121 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Pan Handle Team Columbus O

Ross Fenner Mgr. "

T.N.Fragll Ops "

Paul J. Ford "

C.E.Jones "

E O Holycross "

D.J.Hull [illegible]

D.W. [illegible] Inaplo

W.J.Sailer Cols O

Chas E Studer Apple Creek O

Edw Kennedy Fremont Ohio

W A Showell Dayton O

Jos.W.Smith Columbus

Theo. Hammerel Toledo O

H.W.Conger Newark O

D C Woodward Columbus, O

E.A.Craig Chicago

R.J.Ramson MtVernon O

Harry Binn " " "

E.Ramson " " "

Chas S Druggan Col, O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


G.R.Eusnuiger Cols. O.

John G. Thoma Pittsburg Pa

Harley Baker Col O.

O.L.Kendell Piqua O.

R E Bormey St Louis

Miss Lucy Lee Boston, Mass





J W Bobb

W.V.Mitchell Galion Ohio

Jno.W.Mahaffey Columbus O

O F. Sweitzen Cleveland

M L Warner Wooster O

E J C Harting La Rue O

N B McGreen Col O

E W Watts Indpls

J.E.Brown Cols O.

W.H.Writford "

D.E.Kemper LaRue, O.

E McGuire Centerburg

L H Murray St Louis Mo

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 63)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 63)


[page 63]

[unlabeled page 122 (L) and unlabeled page 123 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Apr N.Marble Sunbury

5 O B Gast Prospect O.

E Walzer Cleveland

April 7 08

C.F.Barston Columbus Ohio

C G Richardson Columbus O.

James Brooks Des Moines Ia

Samuel Graber Hildersburg O

G.T.Lehman Columbus O

H L Pettit Red Bird Coffee

S A [illegible] Centerburg O

J Farrow Cleveland O

Thos Harker Indiapolis

Chas S Driggs Col O.

Robt. A. Gorsuch Delaware O

4.10-08 W.H.Matticks Pittsburgh

Ralph W. Greener Delaware O

O S Wright Col O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Apr Mary Linn Delaware

Ada Markel "

Lloyd Swearinger "

10 C.L.Kendell Col

10 Harley Baker Col O.

C S Wright Col O

10 R.J.Ramson Mt Vernon

R.D.Babcock City

N.S.Yerkes Phila

J.H.Brokaw Chicago

H.B.Purlee Indianapolis Ind

Jno.W.Mahuffey Columbus O

E H Craw Cols

13 H.O.Core Delaware O.

F A Smalley Cols O

14 Geo H Keppel Wooster O

F D Reynolds Detroit Mich

E.B.Moore Newark O

Chas E Studer Apple Creek O

15 M C Lang Worthington O

Theo. Hammerel Toledo O

Harley Parker Col O.

W.A. Henson Adrian Mich

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 64)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 64)


[page 64]

[unlabeled page 124 (L) and unlabeled page 125 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Mrs Sam Hopkins

Miss Mary Brener Bloomville O

C.E.Anderson Elkhart Ind

S Franks Millsburg O

4/21 Hugh B Meloy Washington D C

J B Dalton Pittsburg

W A Showell Dayton O

O.F.Sweitzer Cleveland O

4/22 D Meyer Cinti

4/23 S H Garrett Cleveland O

M L Mauer Wooster O

J S Adams Col O

4/25 N E Hoyes Columbus

S A Harding Centerburg O

Mrs J R Irvine Fredericktown O

J.R.Irvine " " "

A D Adams Boston

N.H Davis Cleveland

O D Young Pgh.

Ernest Waters Columbus O

Floyd Watts Cols

O N Lindsey Mansfield O

J.J.Kinsell Columbus O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Lee Hill Columbus

W M Dulin Dayton O

A.L.McCrady Cleve

E A Merkel Mansfield O

B Rae Kenney Burton O

Guy McDonald Prospect O.

F.B.Riddleberger Mansfield, O

Jno.W.Mahaffey Columbus O

[illegible] CoO

F S Green Johnstown O

E A Merkel Mansfield O

Guy McDonald Prospect O.

Frank P. Goble Dublin

August W. Weber Dublin O

W.Stilwell Millersburg O

[illegible] Chicago

S P Smith Cleveland O

Ralph Shaw Cardington O

C.A.Brown Fredericktown

J.B.Brown Fredericktown

J R Boveen Buffalo

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 65)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 65)


[page 65]

[unlabeled page 126 (L) and unlabeled page 127 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


5/8 C.J.Norris Akron O

5/10 Chas S Drygan Col. O.

F.J.VanSickle Columbus O

C B Beneman Columbus O

W.A.Merkel Mansfield O.

J.L.Swinehart Bliss Col. Col O

Chas.E.Studer Apple Creek O.

E C Payne Dayton O

G Schnellman Cleveland

F.Jaffa Cleveland, O.

W E Ranch Huntington Ind.

L.C.Stule Columbus, Ohio

C M.Ramey Col. O

Chest Druggan Col O.

R.J.Gallagher Cols O

P N Wardson Cols O

C.N.Plesinger Westerville O

Elsie A Barr W.Middletown O

A.S.Kerster Westerville O

Myrtle Karg "

Elz Evans "

Flora Swans "

L J Kistel "


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


L.P.Gooper Westerville O

Daisy May Clifton Westerville O.

Louella M. Smith Columbus Ohio

Mary Hall Dayton Ohio

Lulu G. Bookwalter Westerville Ohio

Jessie L. Coppock Dayton Ohio

Gutchen Doll Gypsum Colo.

R.K.Stuley Dayton O

Ana Hiss Detroit

M.O.Titers Westerville Wash

Fred W Fansher Dayton Ohio

Josephine McDonald Westerville Ohio

Maude Alice Hanawalt Westerville, O.

F A Hanawalt Westerville N. D.

B H Martin Zanesville O

J T Abbott Cols O

G C Burgess Cleveland

M L Warner Wooster O

C.B.Beneman Columbus O

Paul Aelveph

C.M.[illegible] Toledo, O.

R.C.McCammon Westerville O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 66)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 66)


[page 66]

[unlabeled page 128 (L) and unlabeled page 129 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


A P Shoemaker Piano Tuner Col O.

E.W.Shoemaker Col O

E. Gilliland Iowa

S S Woodruff Columbus O

G.W. Amann Galion O

J E Brown Columbus O

Chas H Quinly Chila

G McNeal Lima

O L Kendell Col

Georgia E. Pavey Leesburg, O.

Thomas R. Barrett Leesburg O.

Harrell Hughs Delaware O. May 30-08

F.A.Domingan Columbus, O.

E.H Dempsey Columbus O

Geo.S.Meyer Westerville, O.

G W Amann Galion O

Frank Wells

O S Wright Col O

J.A.Vandegriffe Cols O

W H Miller Newark O

W H Harding Johnstown O

Joe Tefla "

J T Abbott Cols


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Louis Herman Cinti O.

J Berger Mfd

Chas S Druggan Col O

June 3rd J C Brown Columbus O.

G H Garrett Cleveland

Thiadore Roosevelt Cols.

D C Huddleson Col O

David A Liggitt Rushsylvania O

D W VanAntweep Dowogiac

J.P.Martindell Columbus O

T D Gast Cleveland O

J.W.James Sunbury,O.

Harry Onirg Cleveland

D.J.Hull Urbana O

E S Walzu Cleveland O.

Samuel Hamilton Cols

H.M.Wright Toledo O

J B Nicholas Phila

F.W.Lingo Col. O.

Geo Schott Col O

C E Frank Mansfield O

W J Manson Warren O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 67)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 67)


[page 67]

[unlabeled page 130 (L) and unlabeled page 131 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Modest Disbennett Broadway

Clarence Goff Broadway

J E Brown Columbus

J.L.Thompson Westerville O

A.M.Bright Columbus O.

C A [illegible] Columbus O.

O.C.Kingman Delaware O

M L Warner Wooster O

Lewis P Schaus & wife Newark O

Ora L Kendell Columbus O.

Harley Baken Coluimbus O.

H.W.Folger Cit

S A Darling Centerburg O

W J Guinn Stoutsvill O

J.W.Patterson Delaware O.

G.W.Cory Columbus

Geo Brishee " "

J.E.Brown " "

John M Gast Prospect O

Jno. W Mahaffey Cols. O

S H Krum

R Parker Columbus


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


S Wood Columbus

6/30 W.C.Diven Delaware

Mr Drugan Columbus

C.E.Harrison Massillon O.

7-1-08 J D Shultz Delaware O.

G.W.Amann Galion O

A.P.Jones Columbus O.

J Wolf Detroit Mich

W.B.Wedge Millersburg O

W J Sarle Cols O

7-3 08 E L Shaffer Mt Liberty, O.

July 4st 1908

4-08 N Marble Sunbury Ohio

Geo Meyer Westerville O

Ed [illegible] Westerville O

O S Wright Col O

Ed Powell Radnor Ohio

Louis E McCarty Delaware Ohio

Ethel C Hudspeth Delaware Ohio

Helen Chariton Columbus Ohio

July 4/08 Ora L Kendell Col Ohio

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 68)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 68)


[page 68]

[unlabeled page 132 (L) and unlabeled page 133 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Frank Wells Westerville

F Frundship Cleveland O

Geo H Keppel Wooster O

Chas E Studer Apple Creek O.

G McNeal Lima O

Lew Pool Lima O

H.P.Resch Canton, O.

Wm R Barker & Driver Col O

Marie Rewerb Ciaty

C.P.Rainey Columbus, O.

7/11 08 W.J.Engle Millersburg O

7/12/08 Ed McWade Ostrander, O.

T.B.Corbin Kenton, O.

H B Williams Cols

Frederick Barnes Col. O.

S. Davis Columbus

Geo A Dyer Cleveland O

J.W.Patterson Delaware O.

J. Grossman Cleveland O

M S Warner Wooster O

E H Dempsey Cols O

W J [illegible] Mansfield O

W A McLaughlin Zanesville O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


P.H.Perry Radnor O

A B [illegible] Hamilton Ohio

H.P.Babbs Cols O.

C F Carrell " "

Ed Rork Kalamazoo Silo Co Mich

C M [illegible] Col

J E Hall Cambridge Ohio

D Shult Delaware O.

Wm Cowan Chgo

Ols Baker Akron O

Mary Lightner Westerville O

Pearl Downing Westerville O

7/27 J Cottrell Col O

Ike Hill Sin

G G Bradley St Paul, Minn

O F Wisner Apple Creek O

Hary A Bolin New Lexington Ohio

C E Frank Mansfield

Joe [illegible] New York N.Y.

F. A. Carpenter City

Geo. G. Meyer Westerville, O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 69)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 69)


[page 69]

[unlabeled page 134 (L) and unlabeled page 135 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Frank Welk Westerville

Anna Gibson Westerville

Nora Horlocker Westerville

July 29 O L Kendell Col Ohio

F W Sill Detroit

O M Foster Cols

W.J.Sailey Cols O

J E Lanus Cols


Miss Mary Root Sunbury O.

8/3 A.L.Kendall Newark O.

J.H.Renick Columbus O

W.A.High & wife Canton O

C E Bell Columbus O

Isaac R Hill New York O.

Lusien Meyer Cininnati O

forward Mail Bellefontaine O

% Hotel Ingalls

R S Green E.Liverpool O.

J.Cline Cols O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Aug 7

Chas Moshier Canaton O.

Clyde Dean " "

Wm Nicely " "

J.D.Shulton Delaware O.

John Hopkins [illegible]

P.L.Dodd " "

J L Hoffman Col. O.

M Rauh [illegible]

Jno. W Mahaffey Col O

Van Dengen " "

Kriker " "

Fred W Sculley Detroit

M L Warner Wooster O

J K Strait Phila Pa

T W Shirrick Utica

P T Boren Woodstock O

C Reddrof Chgo

Kenter Columbus August 13th

S H Garrett Cleveland

S.D.Lincoln Indinapolis

Robt F Barlett Mt Gilead O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 70)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 70)


[page 70]

[unlabeled page 136 (L) and unlabeled page 137 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Billy Nooney Detroit Mich

Fred Simons Fredericktown

Frank Radler Reading Pa

N.S.Davis Cleveland

Geo. S. Singer Cardingtown Ohio

wife " "

two daughters " "

Mrs Sanderson Children Home Mansfield Ohio

D M Cupp Sunbury

Frank K Kirtz Mt Vernon O

B.P.Benton Delaware O

J.R.Bova Buffalo

Arthur J Perfler N.Y.City

Aug 28

J.S.Price & Wife Springfield Ohio

F E Columbo Columbus O

J A Bowncher Col O

J. Buffington Col O.

H.J.Walker Granville, O.

Aug 29 C L Kendell

Aug 30 H.H.Ensmingen & wife Cols. O.

Chas E Studer Apple Creek


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sept 1 L.S.Evans Newark, O.

L Stein Cleveland O.

Sept 3 Miss L.S.Edans Newark O

G Muker & Wife Cols "

Miss Eunice James " "

O A Ross Cleve

J E Brown Cleveland

Geo H Keppel Wooster O

[September 2nd 1908

[Wedding at Baptist Church

R D Bibcock City

G Healey Urbana O

[Landin Orchestra] [in left border]

[Mabel Gunn Columbus O.

[Mabel M Gares Columbus O

[Helen G Poling Columbus O

Mr Erwin & wife Fredo

L D Ensey Portland Oregan

Marguerite Wilson Panal Dover

T.D.Yost Cleveland

W H Thomas Millersburg

W B Ward Fostoria O

Red Haymen C N Teledo

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 71)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 71)


[page 71]

[unlabeled page 138 (L) and unlabeled page 139 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


M L Wainer Wooster

O Davis Cols O.

W O Millet Cols O

Wm A Bargar Columbus O.

Jno W Mahaffey Col O

W.V.Milchell Galion Ohio

E J McMahon Columbus

A D Howard Columbus

A.Y. " "

F A Smalley "

W.W.Wills & Friend Delaware O

H J Waiken Granville, O.


Benton Childers Worthington

Rev J.W.James Sunbury, O.

Arthur Eldindge Boston

J D Shultz Delaware O.

B [illegible] Mt Gilead O

Jas.O Twin New York

L Jacobs Columbus, O.

Miss Veva [illegible] Mt Vernon O

" Frances Tigginan " " "

Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sept 25 Ore L Kendall Columbus

Sept 25 Harley Baker Columbus

Sept 25 Frank Well Westerville

O S Wright Columbus O

Elmer [illegible] Centerburg O

P.W. [illegible] Morengo O

G.W. [illegible] Centerburg, O

C.A.Meeker New York

C.G.Fansler Urbana

Sept 29 Otto Nusbaum Cols O

9/30 Lawrence Crafts Toledo O

F M Green Eaton Ohio

Oct 9 C T Gibson Troy O

Samuel Hopkins Sunbury Ohio

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 72)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 72)


[page 72]

[unlabeled page 140 (L) and unlabeled page 141 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Funeral of Mrs Stockwell Oct 1st 1908

John S Watson Columbus O.

Mrs J S Watson " "

Mr Mrs Ward Sanovy Penna

Miss Iva Watson Columbus O

Mrs S H Rouse " "

Mrs W H Johnson " "

Miss Etta Doggitt " "

Mrs A Amicon " "

1908 Oct 1st Mrs L F Beach " "

E B Dowers Cols O

J W Cross Delaware O

Frank Wells Westerville

Oct 3 H.J.Wainer Granville, O.

C N Leonard Delaware O

F B Riddleburger Mansfield

V F Garrison Columus O

Chas.S.Pickington Columbus

Fred W Sculley Detroit

Wm Wells & Friend Delaware O

J.F.Hayner Columbus O

G C Burgess Cleveland

C.E.Wharton Kenton O

Oct 16 Bird E Frost Delaware Ohio

W.R.Howald Delaware O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


J E Brown Columbus O

C.F. Barston "

L Meyer Cinti

C.D.James Clyde

C P Selic Cleveland O

Oct 17 H.J.Walker Granville, O.

J Edward N.Y.C.

A Edward " "

D.W.Greene Urbana

John H. Schaffner Delaware O.

W E Ranch Huntington Ind

C M Leonard Delaware O

C P McVey Indianapolis Ind

Wm H Lamb Batimore O

J W White " "

John Gregg Sunbury O

O S Wright Subury O

Oct 21 O L Kendell Col Ohio

W.B. Sherwood Ashley O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 73)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 73)


[page 73]

[unlabeled page 142 (L) and unlabeled page 143 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Oct 21 1908 Wednesday Ball at K.P.Hall

D.B.Johnson Blanchester O

Oct 22 M.B.Turnir Quincy Ill.

Jno.W.Mahaffey Cols Ohio

P.J.VanSickle Columbus O

R W Goff Topeka Kan

W B Jones Detroit

A E Kimberly Col. O.

Chas E Studes Apple Creek O

E L Walker Cleveland

R. W Feris Cols. O.

A E Kimberly Col. O.

J D VanRiper Bay City NY

C M Leonard Delaware, O

F.W.Thomas Columbus O.

C M Sopen Balto Md

H.C.Irvin Marion O

H M Wright Toledo O

L.R.Hiltin N.J.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


10/29 J Cattrell Col O

10/29 H McKenzie " "

A L Bradley St Paul

J.M.Collins Columbus, O.

W.C.Abbey Ohio

Oct 31st last day of Month of 1908

Sunbury Delaware Co Ohio

C E Shirn Cols O.

W.J.Shirla Cols O

F.C.Schaekel Findley

H Garrison Columbus O

C.C.Penney Columbus, O.

Nov 9 ] Cleare and fair today raine not

1908 ] in sight yet very dry

Jno.N.Mahaffey Col. O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 74)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 74)


[page 74]

[unlabeled page 144 (L) and unlabeled page 145 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss



Nov 9

Elbert Toland ] Toland Italian Boys

Karl ]

Giuseppe ]

Giovani ]

Giuseppe ]

Aurelio ]

Nov 10

1908 Gon

Os Liles Belle Center O

12 W.A.Pinsel [illegible] Ohio


O.F Wisner Apple Creek .O.

15 C A Springer Columbus O

{illegible] Dale Pent Pencil Club Col O.

J.B.Perlstein N.Y.C.

J D Shult Delaware O.

18 Geo H Reppel Wooster O

C.E.Frank Mansfield O

Hie Blayney Sunbury O

J.A.Biddle MtGilead O

J R Bover Buffalo

G A Sawyer Upper Sandusky O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Nov 1908

19 Thursday the Lecture at K.P.Hall

Alfred Ellison Anderson Indiania

20 E.W.Tsuay Columbus, O.

Chas E Studer Apple Creek O

M.M.Culf Franklin O

C W Leonard Delaware O

J B Landocor Centerburg O

A H Reynolds do "

L Herman Cinti "

Local #103 A.F.M. Kenigles Orchestra [left border]

[ W R Togg Cols

[ Roy Ress "

[ Mrs Ella Kenigles Col.

[ Ruth Bennett "

[ Mrs Allie Wilson "

[ Miss Dairy Ervin "

[ Miss Kate T Arnold "

26 Thanks Giving day 1908

27 to day

" E.W.Shoemaker Col. O

" Ed Dean Cols

" H C Henry Marion O

28 J.B.Galloway Marysville O

28 L.T.McClure Louisv Ky.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 75)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 75)


[page 75]

[unlabeled page 146 (L) and unlabeled page 147 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


1908 Nov 28

28 J.H.Long Canton, O.

Wm Cowan Chicago

29 Sunday N.Marble

30 last day of Nov 1908

T.O.Yast Cleveland O

Geo Bishop Condit

W.W.Collins Clevd

Dec 1st J.M.Collins Columbus, O.

E.C.Payne Dayton O

" 3rd J.T.Riley Cincinnatti

M L Warner Wooster O

R.W.Ferris Cols, O.

A.K.Myattway Tabor, Iowa

B.E.How Marion Ohio

G W Burnstine Cinti O

4 N.J.Saile Cols O

Wm Kuebler Cols O.


P.Wright Mansfield

9th H B Barnes Clevel

Geo H Dyer City

Vrilon Tucker Dayton

Mary Boot Sunbury


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Dec 7 George Rich Cleveland

B [illegible] [illegible]

10th A.L.Kendall Westerville O.

Roy R Arnold Oswego N.Y.

Geo W Thrush Columbus O

W.J.Gelinn Indpls Ind

H.C.White Canton O

Sunday Morning

13 Dec 13 1908

14 Monday Morning Faire and Cold

15 Tuesday

" B E Snow Mansfield

16 A G Ranch O

19 John A. Ringold Cincinnati

J D Shultz Delaware O

W E Ranch Chicago

W M [illegible] Dayton O

21 Monday Morning Clear and Cold

21 Packard NY

22 Chas E Studer Apple Creek

12/22 08

23 W S Short Sidney O

W Z Booker Columbus O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 76)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 76)


[page 76]

[unlabeled page 148 (L) and unlabeled page 149 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Dec 24 1908

24 Thursday Cloudy little Raine

Harley Baker Col O.

O S Wright " "

Ore Kendall " "

25 Christmas day Sunbury Ohio

26 no snow but cold

" Jewes Left for Centerburg this Eve at 4

28 W.H.McGervey Xenia O.

29 C.D. Trimble Cols. O,,

F.R.Couils Cols, O.

30 Thursday

31 J A ODowd Delaware O

Friday the last day of 1908

M S Warner Wooster O

Jan 2 Samuel C Hill Columbus O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Jan 1st 1909 Clear and Cold

2 Same " "

5 S R Greig Warekegan Ills

8 Chas.J.Puetzman Columbus O.

9 Cold and Cloudy to day

9 Ivan H Blackman ] Village Singers

H L Baxter ]

C A Foote ]

J.J.Odbert ]

Miss Anna Smith ]

10 Troop Gone to Washington DC

11th governes day in Columbus

Snowed all day Bad day

12 Snowed 6 inches deep last night

13 Snowed to day and Cold

15 Wm M Riley Centerburg O

16 J.A.Vandegriff Cols O

19 F W Stoll Marion O

" J W McCleary " "

W.C.Heff Johnstown

C.G.Selby Cols. O.

19 Chas E Studer Apple Creek O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 77)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 77)


[page 77]

[unlabeled page 150 (L) and unlabeled page 151 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


20 Jan Sunbury Ohio

1909 P Wright Mansfield O

20 S Essilburn Wooster Ohio

21 A.E.Runner Columbus O

F Friendship Cleveland

22 H.B.Bluestone Syracuse NY

23 W B Westfield [illegible]


24 Sunday

25 S A Darling Centerburg O

" C.O.Donnian Delaware "

" C J Slough Galina Ohio

" R.H.Dalan N-Lewisburg O

25 Frank F. Carter Pittsburg Pa.

" F J Traynor Mt Vernon Ohio

24 C. S. Cochran Mt Vernon Ohio

G S Marks Cint

C.E.Amaday Mt Vernon O

E L Shaffer Mt Liberty, O.

J H McNutt Inedina

28 F D Felt Bellenue O

F M Green Eaton O

W.F.Williamson West Liberty O

J.W.Culland Cols. O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


1909 1st Feb Sunbury Ohio

This is Institute day for Farmers

S P Blough Columbus

G E [illegible] "

G.R.Welsit "

W.D.Zinn Philippi

2 J.F.Gordon Jamestown, O.

2 E V Allen Optician New York

2 J.M.Collins Columbus, O.

2 A.G.Nors Louisville Ky.

2 Closed for one year from date above 1909

" Chas [illegible] Bellevue O

3 C B Frost Johnstown

3 Ed. Brown Johnstown

3 John N Laird Marysville O

3 Frank Armstrong Delaware O

3 G H Goodrich O.K.

3 Geo H Keppel Wooster O

4 L.E.Dowdell Valparaiso, Ind.

F.W.Fobes Mt Vernon O.

A H Compton Chgo

F.B.Reddleburger Mansfield, O

F.R.Wilson Cols O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 78)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 78)


[page 78]

[unlabeled page 152 (L) and unlabeled page 153 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Dale Hopkins Sunbury Ohio [Left Margin]

Sunbury Feb 6th 1909

Saturday noon Clouday

J.H.Zimmerman So.Bend

P N Windsor Cols O

Ed Thompson Del

F. Larimore Col

Robert Babcock Marengo

Hodge Wilson St.P.

Gann Darling Centerburg

Godfrey Gross Jackson Center O

A J Hyatt Cols Ohio

J U Boyer Marion O

R. W McCleain Col

Ed McGuire Centerburgh

R P. Anderson City


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


[blank page]

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 79)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 79)


[page 79]

[unlabeled page 154 (L) and unlabeled page 155 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Feb Sunbury Ohio 1909

16 Please Regester

G.W.Awam Galion Ohio

Chas E Shuder Apple Creek

W Such Cinti O

Geo A Dyer Cleveland O

17 Rev. James Sunbury O

17 N. Marble Sunbury O

" Rev. Julian Columbus O.

" Miss Dunning Columbus O

" Mr Lazaras Worthington O.

" McClain Delaware O.

" Mr Chers Columbus O

Mr McCommon Columbus O.

Mr Colfleash Stratford O.

Mr J. Geddis Sunbury O.

Mr. S. Brooks Sunbury O.

Mr. F. Ford Columbus O.

R Celsard Elyria O

19 V Noble Worthington O

Sueues Bill

19 N.N. Kurst Cols O.

W B Jones Delmont

C W Snyder Mt Vernon

D W Holmes Ind


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Please Regester

P.T Dolan Cols

A J Smith Fullon O

C G Thomas Delaware

J.H. Julian Columbus

John N. Laird Marysville O

H B Barnes Clevl

C B Frost Johnstown O

Chas Franklin Columbus O

J T Abbott " " "

S P Johnson " " "

M L Warner Wooster O

G J Derthick & Wife Anderson Ind.

J H Randolph Zanesville O.

Miss Blanche Huiman Columbus O

Mrs E W O Kenizel " "

Roy Repp " "

26 Paul Lehman " "


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 80)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 80)


[page 80]

[unlabeled page 156 (L) and unlabeled page 157 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


March 1st 1909

Please Regester

J.M. Collins Columbus, O.

H N Hartes Toledo, O.

S A Darling Centerburg O

A.L. Wilkier Fredericktown O

G.W. Jeffries Mt Vernon O

A.H. Sniortz Canton O.

March 4 09

Mr & Mrs Galisbury

" " Earl "

Maryane & Etta

Ruth & Kathryn

Edward & Harry

Henry Kohn Dayton O

G.A. Weldon Mansfield O

J.O. Feenan Delaware, O.

A.C Worboys "

James Brooks Des Mornes Ia

P.L. Wilkin Fredericktown O

E J Case Granville O

James Webb Johnstown


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Please Regester

Fred Helmuth Plain City Ohio

C B Giston Cinti O

Mar 7 Earl H. Fletcher Lyndonville Vt.

F.C. Shonyo "

J.E.Wolfe Johnstown

P.H. Dolan Cols

T L Yast Cleveland O

J B Clark Orrivlle O

B.F. Whipping Cols Ohio

C G Thomas Delaware

J.P. Martindell Columbus O.

O C Pierce Logan, O

H.P. Jeffers Columbus, O.

G W Hamilton Dayton O

Geo. Ross Hopkins Baltimore, Md.

Frank Ford Columbus O

B Kendall Westerville, O.

A Houch Cir

Eily Miller Col O

May 12 Ralph Ling Centerburg O.

J A Laney Bulter O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 81)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 81)


[page 81]

[unlabeled page 158 (L) and unlabeled page 159 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


March 15 1909

Please Register

Chas E Studer Apple Creek

C.E. Frank Mansfield, O

St Patrick

March 17 Geo A Dyer Cleveland O

C.H.Wilson Sunbury, O

Jesse Gifford Westerville O

C P Ellis Cleveland

17 Sam Hopkins Mayor of Sunbury

N.Marble Both at Columbus

O B Shafer Columbus Ohio

M Merdith Radnor O

S. Potter Delaware


George Brown Mount Vernon O

G W Bemes Shelby O

Jesse Gifford Westerville O

J.H. Cline Columbus O

Walter Marsh London O

G.M. Gneeney Urbana

R D Nolan Marengo O

L.L. Schofield Zanesville O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Please Regester

March 1909

C.V. Suter Toledo

C G Thomas Delaware O

J A O Dowd Marion O

G C Burgess Cleveland

J N Fitz Harris Saginaw Mich

Monroe Markley Denver Colo.

G.O. Casher Columbus

M L Warner Wooster O

C O Campbell Ashland O.

D.V. Colville Newark O

R Howard

27 Z D [illegible] Lewis Center

" G D Wosk Galena O

" [illegible] Gorsuch Galena O

Mr V Myers- Homer O

F.C. Shonyo Lyndonville Vt.

John Westrick Ottawa, O.

J W James Sunbury, O

H A Stevenson Kenton O

W S Short Sidney O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 82)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 82)


[page 82]

[unlabeled page 160 (L) and unlabeled page 161 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Please Register

Apr 1st 1909

J.M. Collins Columbus, O.

W.G.Jones Quincy Ill

Joe Dilclive Columbus

Ed Genger Columbus O

S Riester Galion O

P.D. Converse Plain City O

C G Thomas Delaware O

J.W. James Sunbury O.

S Frenks Millsby O

F A Norris Coshocton O

C M Ramie Cols

Wm McRoberts Delaware O

Eugene Jackson Toledo

C M Leonard Delaware O

M L Barrett Cols O

Joe Dillir Cols O

E B Hukill W C H O

J M Richy Delaware O

H.M. Marriott " "

S Esselburn Wooster Ohio

Geo.S. Meyer Westerville Ohio


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Please Regieter Apr 11 1909

13 Chas E Studer Apple Creek

14 S.J. Tracy Cin O.

14 Clear and Cold today

15 Jess Gettis Sunbury O

" Chester

" Fred Simons Fredericktown O.

15 Frank Radler Reading Pa.

Zachariah Burch Kalamazoo

W C Marshall Cols

D.W.Oastor Belliville O.

A F Davey Columbus, O

H B Williams Cols O

C G Thomas Delaware O

Geo A Dyer Cols O

H Brooks Columbus

C.M. Nicholas "

W J Savage "

J.W. James Sunbury O.

M S Warner Wooster

S.C. Mames with Warner Westerville

R.W. Kitrells Columbus

C.E.Lyle Columbus

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 83)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 83)


[page 83]

[unlabeled page 162 (L) and unlabeled page 163 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Apr 24 1909

24 Please Register fine morning

Chas McFadden Col O.

R M Trayer Cain-In Rocs

Monday 4-26-09

Lusien Meyer Cinc

J.T.Embry Cols O

F.C.Easton Columbus O.

Chas Tensick Dayton O

28 Edward Rork Kalamazoo Mich

J G Orleans Norwood Ohio

J F Strait Dayton O

E.M. Nichols Columbus

W.J. Savage "

F.S. Brooks "

A W Vaughn Elmira

[illegible] Miller [illegible]

May 1st Saturday 1909 Cold and Sam Weather

S A Darling Centerburg

W.H. VanHorn Centerburg O.

D.L. Fowler Centerburg O

Frank L. Tydings Mt Vernon O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Please Register

J.M. Collins Columbus, O.

C M Leonard Delaware O

Miss Bessie Leonard Delaware, O

Joe Dulchive

4 Sam Bonelli Orchestra Columbus O.

" Paul C. Lehman " "

" Fred P. Gimpfer at the dance

6 A.E. Ruman Columbus

6 W N Allen Chgo

O Nusbaumn Cols O

R M [illegible] Marion O

H.C. Hobbs Akron O

Roger Titus Cleveland, O

Chas E Studer Apple Creek

A Sinn Delaware O

Walter Tuttle Columbus O.

Jno P FitzGerald Columbus O

S.M. Greene Urbana

C.H. Forshey Perless O

J D Shult Delaware O

L L Vandegreft Cinti

F.M. Dollison Cols O

M L Warner Wooster

S C Mann Westerville

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 84)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 84)


[page 84]

[unlabeled page 164 (L) and unlabeled page 165 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


3/21/9 F.R. Ackland Bristol England

21 Chas N. Bryson Columbus O.

22 C A Reynolds Columbus O.

22 C.C. Whitney Toledo O

22 N. Marble Sunbury

Viston Tucker Dayton O.

R H Karpss Clev O

L A [illegible] Dayton Ohio

[illegible]Young Millersburg O

May 27 1909

W C Marshall Columbus O

H B Barnes Cleve

H.J.Hartman Cleveland

Guy Dolen Juitin Oxford Ohio

Anna Maria DeMilita Columbus O

Mrs. Mable [illegible] Columbus O

Prof. G. DeMilita "

R.J.Gallagher Cols O.

J A Vandegriff Cols O.

L M Marian "

F L Rinehart Mt Liberty O

D W Van Antwerp Dowagive M


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


6/3 Herb Benlyn Fredricktown

" J B Stude " "

H.H. Lininger Galion O

C.E. White Leroy N.Y.

F.R. Welch & Wife

Chas R Studer Apple Creek

6/9/09 O C Pierce Logan O

S J Stewart Col O

Cloud Garce

6/12 A.P.Kidwell Mulhall OK

Elsie do do

Florence do do

M L Warner Wooster O

Dan Duzenbry Westerville

J.S. Brown

A J Clarke Cols

H.W. Cook Cols.

Geo H Dyer "

J Wood Cols O

Harvey Claypool Ashley O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 85)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 85)


[page 85]

[unlabeled page 166 (L) and unlabeled page 167 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


17 June

18 Sanford Smith Cols, Ohio

18 Geo S.Ewing Cols Ohio

G C Scott Col O

G McNeal Lima O

G D Moyer " "

F L Rinehart Mt Liberty O

O J Munson Toledo O

M.E. Miller Columbus O

Frank Swickard Westerville O.

L P Kendrick Col O.

A.E. Whitney Seddia Mo

A.A. Whitney & Wife Mt Gilead O

Mr C.C. Smith do

J.E. Lortz Columbus O

L C Akisen Columbus


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Wm Wenbt Col

Clois Kassley Mansfield, O.

7 Chas E Studer Apple Creek O.

G F Cloon Cols O.

H A Campbell Columbus O

R.N.Litten Mt Vernon

T H. McVay Chg

Chas E Holnus Cligago

W C Marshall Cols

O.S. Harbert Bellefontain O.

M L Warner Wooster O

D Duzenburg with Warner Westerville O

C J Miller Toledo Ohio

Dayuer " "

E.J. Walton Mt Vernon O

J.E. Wolfe Johnstown O

I.V. Lyons Columbus O

H B Williams Cols

W T Frye Urbana

7/19 J Cattrell Col O

M E Miller Col O

Frank Snickard Westerville O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 86)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 86)


[page 86]

[unlabeled page 168 (L) and unlabeled page 169 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Jul 22

J [illegible] Col O

W.P.Harding Johnstown O

J.F.Stoller Galion O

H G Phinney Cols O.

J.S.Loner Shelleyville Ind.

H M Meyer Cinti O

D.L.Hughes Clyde, Ohio

Ray Bennett Marion O.

and Wife " "

J. Stallen Galion O

T. M. Sherwood Sidney O

R D Bateoeh Cleveland O

L B Gill " "

A D Slough Delaware O.

H H Stamets Col O

N S Davis Cleveland

F W Sill Detroit

B V Thompson Zanesville O

W.T.Swick Ada O

L.L.Vandegriff Cinti


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


July 27 Charles R. Cary and wife Millersburg O

" " Ira H. Crum wife & child Columbus, O

Chas Longael Ashley O

H.Cox & wife Columbus, O

H.P. Weef Col. O

F T Proctor Msld O

S.A.Smith Cols O

H.Cox & wife Columbus Ohio

Ray Searls & wife Berkshire Ohio

George Hess Stratford

E D Sheets Delaware O

O.W.Crane & wife Newark O

H H Jones Castalue O


C E Lippincott Sidney O

W P Chew Urbana O

H M Wright Toledo O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 87)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 87)


[page 87]

[unlabeled page 170 (L) and unlabeled page 171 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


M L Warner Wooster

W L Lago with Norner Westerville

T W Knter Col

Judge Overturf & wife Del

H.C.Lyon Wellsville Ohio

Charles Ufferman Delaware O

C W Williams Cols. O

F A Gilbert Tidioute Pa.

H Morrison Pgh Pa

J.J.Hartman Cleveland

D W Davis Rutland Vt.

Geo Dudley

[illegible] Edwards One week

Reni Stone Kingston O

Art Taylor Kingston O

John Williamson Condit

R G Prettyman Marian O.

J.M.Collins Columbus

Ursula Parker Indianapoles

Siend Fitgerold Crient O.

Ray Bonnett Marion

and Driver Delaware


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sept 1st 1909


H.C.Moore Spencer, Ohio

F.F.Carter Cols O.

Sept 6th 1909

D B Grubb & wife Mt Vernon, O.

H.Spitzer & Sister

Geo H Keppel Wooster O

M L Warner Wooster

S C Marian with Warner Westerville

Harry McMarnis Wooster O

John F Carlisle & wife Columbus, O.

9/10/9 C W Williams Cols, O

J U Boyer Marion O

J A Walter Millersburg O

G W Beiner Shelby O

H B Williams Cols


Thos H Clark Col O.

W.J.Longsworth Cleveland O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 88)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 88)


[page 88]

[unlabeled page 172 (L) and unlabeled page 173 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sammie D.H. Sunbury O

C E Millers Cols O

Sammie D.H. Sunbury, O.

Frank Sidlow Delaware
Columbus O County

Mrs Floid Hartman & wife

D.B.Stone Detroit

L.E.Debolt Richwood

C.D.Kinnard Mt. Vernon

James Hopkins Johnstown Ohio

Feb 6 1921

Joseph Allen Hopkins Johnstown Ohio

Feb 6 1921

Mrs Mary Elizapeth Hopkins

Johnstown Ohio

Feb 6, 1921


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Miss Georgia Foster G. Ohio

Mrs Mae Duncan Pitt. Pa

D.J.Babson Cardington

W.J.Binkhart "

A E Curtis "

David Sheltan H.B.

H M Saxbe Urbana O

H W Rock " "

9/14 D B Burns Cols

Sep 16th 1909

Dr P.Beardslee Ottawa

Mrs. C. Davenport Ottawa

Wm, Davy Tipacanoe, City

Sept 17 Mrs Frank Paige Johnstown O

Mr & Mrs J.E.Wolfe Johnstown, O.

W M Marten Indplis

D M Hover Morenia O

Sept 23 1909

Hod Lenman Wooser O.

Ed Thompson Delaware O

J.A.Vandegriff Cols O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 89)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 89)


[page 89]

[unlabeled page 174 (L) and unlabeled page 175 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sept. 24/1909

Wm Bradford Indplo Ind.

Ethel Beery Columbus, O.

Hazel Stockdale Delaware O

Pearl Short New York N.Y.

Teck Hoskins Yellow Budd O

Wilma Foster Westerville

Hazel Christopher Westerville

Sam Johnson Denver Col.

John Brown Chicago Ill.

Dr T.E.Cowgill Delaware O.

Mayme Cralty Delaware O.

Mrs T.E.Cowgill Delaware O.

Haus Wagner Pittsburg Pen

S A Smith Cols O

C A Parker Cols O

D.O'Connor Urbana O

Mr&Mrs C.H.McAlliston Col O

Lucien Meyer Cinti

R.N.Laton Mt Vernon

Chas E Studer Apple Creek O

H Davis Delaware O

D D Jones Delaware

F B Riddleburger Mansfield


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


1909 J S Adams and Drive Col O

E S [illegible] Cleveland

F.M.Shrroan Detroit

H.J.Hartman Cleveland

H H Gillingham Ravenna O

Taybe Stackdale O

D.W.Evans Columbus O.

J.E.Snyder Cinti O

Oct 5th Mr&Mrs Hopkins at Columbus today

E R Beaty Col. O.

E J Walton Mt Vernon O

M L Warner Wooster O

Quintin Mann with Warner Westerville O

H H Miller Del. O.

L.J.Gardner Del O

10 A.L.Kendall Westerville O

O.G.Knoske Delaware O

J O Raney Cols. O

John N. Laird Marysville O

R.W.Purdan " " "

D E Hainlan Cleveland O

J W Jolley Mansfield O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 90)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 90)


[page 90]

[unlabeled page 176 (L) and unlabeled page 177 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


P H Dolan Cols

T.J.Wood Columbus O

Mrs N J Wood "

Mrs H D Westvelt "

C.N.Kisecker Dayton O.

Oct 14 E A Carnes Mt Vernon O

" " Els Kent " " "

16 S.B.VanFossen Cols. Ohio

19 Went to Columbus today N M

" G R Kremes Pontiac Mich

" N F Freye Mt Vernon O

19 C T Gibson Troy Ohio

J.A.Davis Malta O

D.W. Davis Columbus O.

H.J.Mcknight Toledo, O

G.L.Shideler N.Y.

B.F.Reese Salamaneu N J

C.S.James Clyde, O.

W.H.Pratt Marengo O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Monday Oct 25

G S Frambes & Wife Col. O.

Ino Garhart Columbus O

E F Armstrong Pittsburg Pa

Jake Shorts Clyde O.

D O Sites Cols O

27 Tuesday

27 P.B.Yockey Xenia O.

31 W.R.Conaway Cardington, Ohio

J P Abbott Cols O

Nov 1 M Hindman Iberia O

Nov 2 J.B.Jewett Cols, O.

F D Mornice Phila Pa

O W Lawson Columbus

W S Pollock Delaware O

Sammie Dane Hopkins Sunbury, Oh

Delaware O

W.F.Bryant " "

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 91)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 91)


[page 91]

[unlabeled page 178 (L) and unlabeled page 179 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Wednesday Nov 3th 1909

New rules today, Every Man

Please Register dont fail!

E.J.Foote Phila Pa.

Carl H. Murray Dayton

C C Tuttle Toledo

G.T.Stone "

G.T.Shoney Toledo

Roberta appears to have returned to this ledger in 1921 and 1922 to use the empty

space on this page to list the names of plants and the dates that she planted them

as well as the dates that livestock were born.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Roberta appears to have returned to this ledger in 1921 and 1922 to use the empty

space on this page to list the names of plants and the dates that she planted them

as well as the dates that livestock were born.
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 92)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 92)


[page 92]

[unlabeled page 180 (L) and unlabeled page 181 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss

DATE Thursday Nov 4th 1909.

4 N. Marble

W. Kempton

4 R. Babcock Marengo

[illegible] Wooster O
R. E. [illegible] Westerville

P.N. Hoyt Delaware

4 Tim Webb Condit

S.P. Deeds Circleville, O

S.J. Gardner Delaware O

F.L. Gardner

5 Sam Hurt today

J N Hoyt Delaware O

Thomas H Clark Col O

L Conover Dayton O

B F Whipps Col Ohio

Sue Kessie Col O

Mrs. D. B. Farnsworth Col O

[illegible] Col Ohio

B.F. Kessie Raton, N. M.

[unlabeled page 180 (L) and unlabeled page 181 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss

DATE Friday Nov 5th 1909.

Nov 16 Samuel. C. Hill Cols O

[illegible] Worthington [illegible]

E.C. Baker Columbus

[illegible] Goodrich [illegible]

E.C. Payne Dayton, O

[illegible] [illegible]

James Brooks Dem Ia

R. H Tracy Granville O

W. E. [illegible] " "

E. [illegible] " "

John Westrick Ottawa O

D. W. Riser Centerburg O

G A Purdy Centerburg O

J C Ullery St Louis MO

L L [illegible]& wife Des Moines Ia

Otto Creason Anderson Ind

[illegible] E Studer Apple Creek O

P N Winston Buffalo NY

R. B. Patton Columbus O

James F. [illegible] Chicago

S A Smith Cols O

Carl [illegible] Col O
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 93)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 93)


[page 93]

[unlabeled page 182 (L) and unlabeled page 183 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Saturday, November 27, 1909

Chas A Parker Cols O

Albert Crane & wife Peerless, O.

Mrs W. Day Delaware O

W.H Wilson Condit O

Hodge Wilson "

Mrs Geo Irwin Sunbury

Louis Herman Cinti

F J VanSickle Columbus O

W.C.Steinbower " "

F C Hassanfling Cinti

W H Lamb Baltimore

Col. Perry Cols

Johns Glick Lancaster

D Fanner Balt O

John Grigg City


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Sunday, November 28, 1909

Jan 7 1908 Maude Brown Washington

D B Burns Cols

Calvin Wilson Cleveland

R M Shutre Mann O

Dec 2 1909

M L Warner Wooster O

R.E.Andrix with Warner

E.W.Shoemaker Cols O.

Dec 4 N. Marble Sunbury

R.B.Patton Columbus O

[illegible] Delaware

[illegible] [illegible]

Wm.B.Clark Col. O.

H B Barnes Clevd

F M Green eaton Ohio

S. Turley Delaware Ohio

O E. Thomson Erie Pa

J.S.Brown Delaware Ohio

H.M.Piper Detroit Mish

9th December 1909

Geo.B.Scrogin Cinti O.
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 94)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 94)


[page 94]

[unlabeled page 184 (L) and unlabeled page 185 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Monday, November 9 1909

F.W.Kerr Endicott NY

12-17 Lalnorm Dutch Saber Delaware

12-17 Fitzgernold J N. Cleveland

S.S.Jacoby Columbus

Dec 14 F.B.Andrews Chicago, Ill.

Dec 17 Jn.J.Harrington Defiance O

Dec 20 J.W.Pritchett Columbus O

G C Scott Columbus O.

C R Daily Canal Fulton O

[illegible] Cols O

Wm Wells Delaware O.

C A Resch Canton O.

Chas E Studer Apple Creek

J S Elliott Coshocton O

C.A.Parker Columbus O

Harry Perkins Columbus O

Venice R Scott Columbus O

H B Williason "

M L Warner Wooster Ohio

S C Mann with Warner Westerville

W B [illegible] Williamsport Ind


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Tuesday, November 28, 1909

Mr Marshall Columbus Ohio

Johnson Drain Co Johnstown

James Stewart Piqua O

O.F.Elden Centerburg O

E A Beatty Cardington O

E.C.Payne Dayton O

1/12/10 D B Burns cols

Max M. Meyers Columbus Ohio

Sam Hamilton Cols

F D Felt [illegible]

Rev Dulian Columbus Jan 23rd

Preached Marbles


Sunday 1-3 o'clock
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 95)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 95)


[page 95]

[unlabeled page 186 (L) and unlabeled page 187 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Wednesday, November 10, 1909

W.J.Chamberlain Hudson O

Solomon Johnson Stryker Ohio

B S Homes Richd. Va.

A.B.Couse Portland Ore

H O [illegible] Wooster

L.R.Hincock Galena

Chas E. Studer Apple Creek Ohio

Roberta appears to have returned to this ledger in 1921 and 1922 to use the empty

space on this page to list the names of plants and the dates that she planted them

as well as the dates that livestock were born.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Roberta appears to have returned to this ledger in 1921 and 1922 to use the empty

space on this page to list the names of plants and the dates that she planted them

as well as the dates that livestock were born.
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 96)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 96)


[page 96]

[unlabeled page 188 (L) and unlabeled page 189 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Dale Hopkins Sunbury, Ohio [in left border

J H Hopkins

Joseph Hopkins


Joseph Hopkins Sunbury Ohio


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Saturday, November 12, 1909

Robert C. Rankin Delaware, Ohio

Robt Dowls " "

1-31-1910 C.L.Hamod Columbus O.

W T Hudson "

W.W.Dourn Pittsburg Pa.

C.E.Frank Mansfield O

2/4/10 Frank M. Sheeran Detroit

Feb 7 1910 Frank Ford

Joseph H Hopkins

C W K Cauberg Columbus O

H.S.Fickes Pgh Pa

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 97)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 97)


[page 97]

[unlabeled page 190 (L) and unlabeled page 191 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


W E Rauch Columbus O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


H.O.Lermon Wooster, O.

E L Grauer Pittsburg

P. Hart Nuacaslle Pa

Hopkins Hotel

H O Lermon

January 26, 1910

[illegible] N.Y.

J.A.Shaw Ashley O

E.C.Sipe " "

[illegible] Col O

Jan 27 1910

Max M Meyers Col O

H Randolph Zanesville O

Hopkins Hotel

E Jackson Toledo

Feb 7 1910

P N Windsor Bufflo N Y

S.Crousey Col O

R.W.Kittrell Columbus

C J Finch Indianapolis Ind

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 98)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 98)


[page 98]

[unlabeled page 192 (L) and unlabeled page 193 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


2/9 Wm Larimore & wife Daughter Col O

C O Turley Del. O.

Max M Meyer Col O.

February 12th 1910


Feb 8th

Ols Baker Akron O

C B Frost Johnstown O

Mr. Rolla Bear Johnstown O

Dr. Theo Hammerel Toledo O

A A Wright Columbus

H.J.Hartman Cleveland

B H Ford Ashley

2/23 E W Shoemaker Col O

M L Warner Wooster

J.C.Lurllen Ashley O

H Lobdell "

L " "

D.U.Rhodabeck "

2-25 C.O.Turley Delaware O

W Banning New York City

I'm Ann


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


C V Roberts Chicago

C B Frost Johnstown

W J Longworth Cleveland O

J Stevenson Columbus

J.M.Collins Columbus, O.

B H Martin Zanesville

Harles Toledo O

H B Williams Cols O

J W Covert Jr Phila

A H Baker Lancaster

J.W.Swabb Kokomo Ind.

C Mclelellan Troy

A F Barston Columbus O

2/8 C Q Turley Delaware O

Sam Burman


March 9 1910

Meyers Max M Col. O.

Mar 14 1910

H.O.Lemmon Wo

[illegible] T Shurtz Colum

T.S Brelsford Colum

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 99)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 99)


[page 99]

[unlabeled page 194 (L) and unlabeled page 195 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


J B Lough Dayton O

Chas E Studer Apple Creek

B P Snyder Millersburg O

Victor Tucker Brookville O

H.M.Huntsburger Mt Vernon O

W.M.Morris Col O

E R Geiselman Chgo

Will O Bannon Granville O.

C.W.Moore Newark O.

M.U.Vaughan Columbus O.

W T Frye Urbana O

J Stevenson Col O

Lucon Meyer Cinti

W C Traelout Col

O M Atraihout

M Atraihout

J R Gardner

R J Daneman

D Shelton NB St Louis

Sheltze H.B. " "

Short Columbus


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


R G. Dickerson Lewis Center

H.R.Ickes Canton Ohio

C.E.Frank Mansfield O

D.R.Myers Mfld O.

Geo Haymen Cols

[illegible] Vogh Centerburg Ohio

Mexico City Mexico

Mr and Mrs G A Borden Columbus O

Mr Roy Don Cross Sunbury Ohio

J. Mahoney Delaware O

Roy Nottingham " "

J E Hall Fleming Pa

H B Williams Manpoie O

F G Gross Lima O

M.J.Harrington Defiance O.


J W Loren Coshocton O

Mr Peugelly Delaware

Mrs & M Peugelly "

W G Cleveland Cols O

Clarence C Clemens Harrisburg Ohio

Harry Briggs Pataskala Ohio

J Cattrell Col O

C.E.Longwell Ashley O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 100)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 100)


[page 100]

[unlabeled page 196 (L) and unlabeled page 197 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


R N Staniland Dayton, O.

A.L.Kendall Westerville O

F.A.Smith Akron O

A.Sinn Delaware

H.P.Rasch Canton O.

Chas E Studer Apple Creek

R D Boeveh Sunbury


R. Ramson

L.Z.Cline Sunbury O

E.L.Poster Del, O

Edna Foster Sunbury O

T.S Brelsford Columbus O

D W Van Antwerp Dowagic

C.E.Hiles Westerville O

R.L.High Galia

J Camon Washington

Jas Donybus Cols O.

F Asrahani Columbus o.

C.S.Frerhwater Marysville O

Clarence Chniu Harrisburg O.

H Earl Lewellen McArthur O.

C.C.Wilcox Syracuse, N.Y.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


G A Longwell Cleveland

J M Yarnall Coshocton O.

Geo Spurgeon Millersport O

L Roy Repputchin Columbus O

John F. Pickel " "

Leon Duck Worthall Delaware

Frankie Elmer Wells Frin Corners Ohio

Gladys B. Gurway Cin

Margurite Milligan New York N.Y.

J Stevenson Col O

Geo Spurgeon Millersport O

Max M Myers Columbus O.

J B Sturdevant & Mrs Sturdevant St Louis

H H Miller Delaware O.

Mrs. H.H. Miller " "

Mr E.B.Miller Kilbourne "

Herbert P Sheets Sunbury

Ols Baker Akron O

A L Baker Lancaster

J A Parrish Cols Ohio

J.A. Vandegaff Cols O

L. H. McLain Urbana
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 101)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 101)


[page 101]

[unlabeled page 198 (L) and unlabeled page 199 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Dale Hopkins Sunbury Ohio [left border]

H.M.Wright Toledo O

A.Krummert Columbus, O

J S Shults Delaware O.

R H Baker Johnstown O

Ray Borneir [illegible]

Evan George Cleveland, O

J.W.DeGong Cambridge O

H N Fremerton Combridge O

Victor Truker Brookville

G H Longwell Cleveland

N.C.Welch Cinc O

A M Van Sickle Cleveland O

Geo S Meyer Westerville O.

Ed. Dempsey " "

H W Benson Columbus

A.R.Sheets Delaware

H W McKee Cols O.

W B White " "

C.E.Weatherby & wife Ostrander O

H.O.Lemmon Wooster O.

H.I.Brungart Columbus O

G McNeal Lima O

P.N.Seeds MtVictory O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Mrs. G.H.Hodgen Columbus O.

Miss Mary McAllister Marysville O.

Will " " "

W.C. " Columbus O

S.A. " Centerburg

S A Darling Centerburg

Lester " "

George Stelts Mansfield O.

Chas Sinkey Croton O.

Miss T. Kessie Columbus O.

Mrs E B Gault Sunbury "

C.W.Stump Delaware O

W.O.Miles Columbus Ohio

C P Watson & Wife Dayton O

Martha H Watson Byesville O.

S. Howe Bonar Moundsville W Va.

Miss Zoa M Frost Johnstown O.

L.Roy Repp Columbus, O.

John Pickel " "

B.F.Whipps Cols Ohio

J A Parrish Cols Ohio

Jas A. Uhl Millersburg, O.

Wm N Craw " "

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 102)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 102)


[page 102]

[unlabeled page 200 (L) and unlabeled page 201 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Mahlon Hostetler Sugar Creek

Jul 7 Mrs A C McKinley Bangs

" Mrs D.H.Bell Bangs

" Mrs I.W.Critchfield "

" Mr and Mrs F F Cain Bangs O

" Miss Wanda Huffman Laurelville O

" Mrs W H Wright Bangs

" Mrs L.V.Babbs Bangs Ohio

" Mrs C.C.Crider Bangs Ohio

" Mrs. Grace L Mack Bangs Ohio

" Miss Faye Bell Bangs Ohio

" Mrs L W Spielman Bangs Ohio

Mrs O.L.Carell Bangs

D G Borham Cols O

S.M.Greene Urbana O.

T S Brelsford Columbus

W J Longworth Cleveland O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Eugene Jackson Toledo

H.M.Piper Detroit Mich

J.H.Brook Mansfield, O.

B.M.Swiehart Col. Ohio

H.S.Murphey Mohawk Vil O.

A K Neer Cols

July 20 F.R.Vorgtly Piqua, O.

A Neer Cols

Ray Bonnette Marion, O

29 B M Deitriek Mantua

G N Longwel Cleveland

J.A.Brodbee Col O

E.J.Rosenauer Cleveland

P T Bowen Woodstock O

Rose Desmond Galena

Dorthy Donaldson Galena Ohio

B B Zucker Cleveland O.

J B Smith DeGraff O

R.W.Kitsell Cols.

Chas J. Hemenway Cleveland O

J F Hemenway Cleveland O

Chas E. Shealis Harrisburg

S O Preston Newark

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 103)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 103)


[page 103]

[unlabeled page 202 (L) and unlabeled page 203 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Andrew L Ellett Jr. Cinti O

Thomas West Cols O.

Frank Borger Col Ohio

Roy Rupp Cols

Sickel "

E Smith Jr Detroit

W N Cairns Columbus

J N Arnold Newark O

B L Schurman Sunbury O

" " New Castle Md

M T Gaven Canton O

J A Vandegriff Cols O

H.E.Benell Minneaplis Minn

Bill Dahl "

H B Williams Cols O

Wednesday September 28 1910

F.R.Voegtly Piqua Ohio

J N Reed Canton O

10/4-1910 H.O.Corr Delaware O

C.C.Deuman Centerburg O

A C Kingman Delaware O

F.E.Staldor Toledo


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


A M Sutton Dayton O.

R.G.Darling Columbus O.

N A Weledge Chicago

E H Farulurau Cleve O

F B Hubbard Sterling Ill

W E Thell Columbus O

O.C.Kingman Delaware O

J A Sachs Pgh

10/11/10 J.E.Rice Mansfield O

10/12/10 H.M.Piper Mansfield Ohio

10/12 W A Harris Mansfield O

10/13 Harry Rex Canton Ohio

10/13 R A Stephenson Cinc

A F McKay Della O

G McNeal Lima O

P W Seeds Mt. Victory O

C W James Cleveland O

J B Wilson Centerburg O

Geo W.W.Bee Cols O

J.F.Chamden Cleveland O

W.E.Wiemer Newark O

Edw. F. Celso Boston

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 104)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 104)


[page 104]

[unlabeled page 204 (L) and unlabeled page 205 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Thursday November 18 1909

J.M.Collins Columbus, O.

H.O. Lemmon Wooster O.

J K Lincoln & wife Delaware O

G.C. Scotts Cols O.

Sam Hamilton Cols. O

R E Weidner Milwaukee

Geo. E Yonger Mt Vernon Ohio

Chas E Studer Apple Creek

C M Leonard Delaware, O.

R C Dickerson Lewis Center O

H.I. Brungart Columbus, O.

J Shaffer Columbus O

C.E. Rusler Cols O.

Dwight Roberts Sunbury O

Robt. E. Bonney St Louis Mo.

I.S.Walter Delaware O.

W B White Cols O

J.E.Stephens Covington Ky

C G Selby Columbus O

F.B. Williams Delaware O

Harry W Crist " "

E A Rutter " "

A J White " "


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


J R Taggart Delaware O.

R C Dickerson Lewis Centr

H. Yarnell Del O

W P Smart Del O

N.A. Spaulding Delaware Ohio

Chas G Rose Delaware

Orton G Lea Delaware, Ohio

J.W. Pfiffner Delaware Ohio

Homer Blackledge Delaware, Ohio

Harry Gallant Delaware "

Winfield Warline " "

C A Jones " "

Mr & Mrs B W Hough " "

Mr & Mrs W H Bodurtha "

Fred Dustman Del O.

W F Whittier Delaware O

Thomas E Lamp Columbus O

E S Walzer Cleveland O

Arthur Mill Zanesville O.

Wilby White Columbus O

1/3/10 Mc D Thompson Minford Cruse O

B H Martin Zanesville

Wm T Kinslow Orville O

J.L. Righter "

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 105)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 105)


[page 105]

[unlabeled page 206 (L) and unlabeled page 207 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Lewis B. Houck Mt Vernon Ohio

[illegible] Chgo

[illegible] [illegible]

J D Shults Delaware O.

W Cushman & wife Chicago

Nov 12th 1910 Borchers Minstrels

Wm Church Col O

Carl Witke Jr

Warren Gee Church J. City

Charles [illegible]

Frank Drown

H Borchus Jr. Grogan

E Siefert

D C Smith

A.C. Hoffner N.Y.

Elmer Trautman

Robt. Starchman

Bob Carlzdafner

Paul A Harbig Col. O

J.E. Prautman Paris, France

J C Meyers Findley O

Robt. Starchman


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Nov 1910

S.G. Garlogh Springfield

Roy Repp Columbus O Both
Rev Bennett Columbus Ohio

Nov 24 J Blevins Troy O

J.C. Steckel " "

Chas Kelley " "

Mr. Clyde Payne Delaware Ohio

Mrs Clyde Payne Delaware Ohio

Mr. Herrold Haugh Defiance Ohio

Mrs Herrold Haugh Defiance Ohio

Blevens J Troy O

Steckel J C

Kelley C.J

J.W. Reading Delaware O.

Ray Bonnett Delaware O

G.W. Burner M.D. Appleton O

S. Rothchild Columbus O.

L P Kendrick Col O

W H Dairs Cleveland

C.E. [illegible] Fredricktown O

Miss Lillian May Kauser Delaware O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 106)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 106)


[page 106]

[unlabeled page 208 (L) and unlabeled page 209 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Dec 8/10 James E Rice Mansfield O

Walthena Brown Chicago

& Bay Choir

N E Rauch Columbus Ohio

J H McIntire Columbus O.

Frank Ryan Chicago Ills

Ed Dustin Sunbury

Harry Gellauch Delaware O

H J McKnight Toledo O.

J.M. Collins Columbus, O.

A Rauch O

John Mooney Phila Pa

W Miller Newark Ohio

S.M. Greene Urbana

Royal McCaughey Panama

G A Sutton & Wife Dayton O

L Ray Repp Columbus O

[illegible] Pickel " "

K.N.Martindale Hamilton O

Frank Blackford [illegible] O

G.C. Houskeeper Bowling Green O

C E Williams Cols O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


1911 Cloudy day

Jan 2 1911 C J Slogh Galena O

Jan 3 J W Watkins Radnor O

Jan 4 J C Switckheimer Delaware Ohio

1-3-11 Thos Whitt Centerburg O

F.J. Kanode Cols O

Frank Buck Mt Vernon O.

A.F. Harris Columbus O.

H D Shoemaker Piano Tuner 222 N18th Cols O.

H L Rick Fulton Ill

J Cattrel Col O

C L Clemans Col O

W C Clemans " "

C S Fredwater Marysville O.

John Miller Sunbury

Wm Wilson "

M B Plant Cincinnati O

Chas Nelley Delaware O

W.G. Forsyth Alexander

J Stevenson Col O

Jan 25 1911

W.M. McDonald Columbus O

Chas. M. Laynus

A H Klein Toledo

G.T. Stone

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 107)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 107)


[page 107]

[unlabeled page 210 (L) and unlabeled page 211 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


F D Irigas Columbus O

I W Harris Plain City, O.

Feb 1st J.M. Collins Columbus, O.

D Watsons Delaware, O.

Feb 2d 1911

R A Stephenson [illegible] O

B.F. Johnson Warren O

Chas F Grolley Boston

V.V. Rogers

H A Williams Cols O

S.K. Mardis Cols, O.


L.H. Masteller Cols, O.

G S Longwell Cleveland

2/8 1911 E B Moore Newark O

2/10 C W Wagan Chgo Ills

2/10 Frank [illegible] Newark O

Feb [illegible] Col O

Theo [illegible] Toledo O

S Meyer [illegible]

Feb 15 J M Collins Columbus O

H M Wright Toledo

P W Seek Mt Victory O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


2-16-11 Frank Buck [illegible] O

H G [illegible] Toledo

F.N.R. Redfern Adelphi, O.

Thomas Wiggins City

Frank Colewood Centerburg O.

Bob Button Centerburg O.

Sooky Button Centerburg O.

Betsy Bobbins Centerburg O.

Mrs B. Milford " "

Rose Milford Centerburg O

Polly Dooler Centerburg O

Ike Hopper Centerburg O

Kyle (Ky) Brantford Centerburg Ohio

Mr. J. Blake Sheriff Centerburg O

Charles Bolivar Messmore Meadville O

Rev F.B. Willis Zeiktown Rome

Thomas Wiggins City

A L Baker Lancaster

H.K. Doolittle Gambier O

Clair J. Dial Gambier Ohio

R B Johnston Cols. O.

2/24/11 John F. Pickel Columbus O

L Roy Repp " "

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 108)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 108)


[page 108]

[unlabeled page 212 (L) and unlabeled page 213 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Feb 1911 G C Hamm Pontiac Ill

Carl Mayhew Columbus

R.C. Holden Ciniti O.

C H Chapman Cleveland

D B Gary Zanesville O

Geo. C. Rheinfrank Mt Vernon Ia

P B Noble Columbus O

C C Cushing " "

Fuguwick " "

J.L. Bevins Homer

Mch 1 J.M. Collins Columbus O.

C.H. Masteller Cols. O.

Geo. S. Meyer Westerville, O.

" 2 J W Headley Marion O

J.A. Vandegriff Cols O

" 11 Andrew L Elliott Jr. Cinti O

A Packard [illegible]

" 13 F.E. Dutoit Columbus O

Theo N. Reeb Cols. O.

C N Davis Cols O

Maurice I McQueen Ft Wayne In

W.J. Longworth Cleveland O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Mch 15 J.M. Collins Columbus O.

Frank Kline Fredericktown O

Chas E Studer Apple Creek O.

F B Reid Ashley

R A Callander Delaware O.

R.N. Walsh Col. O.

F A Gilbert Tidioute Pa

G H Goodrich O.K.

H.J. Sluitt Cleveland

Thio Hammerel Toledo O

J H Stearns Msfld

C Showhauer Celina O

C Waack N.Y.C

V A Smits Col. O.

[illegible] " "

A E Heinthelman Akron O

W E Hoyer Columbus

M T Garen Canton O

F B Reid Ashley

A J Smith Fulton O

W H [illegible] Columbus O

E.R. Murphy Lancaster O

J T Donahur Warren O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 109)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 109)


[page 109]

[unlabeled page 214 (L) and unlabeled page 215 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


12 J.M. Collins Columbus, O.

S.M. Greene Urbana, O.

Elmer Hattie Milan Mich

W.H. Pollock Del. Ohio

4/16/11 [illegible] M.Mead Delaware, Ohio

4/17/1911 J Cattrell Col O

O B Shafer Columbus O.

F. Simpson Johnstown O

J.B. O Conner " "

Da C J Spring Centerburg O

4/24/11 C H Hoddard Indpls Ind.(Dinner)

J.W. Collins Columbus O.

Z Emory Delaware O

R M Duvall New Springtown O

Geo. A. Borden Columbus Ohio

B.F.Barker " "

B E Litt Fredericktown

H B Landon & Daughter Westerville O

J P McIntyre Cols O.

A M Sutton Dayton O

H G Amick Galina O

E B Moore Newark O

A M Sweeney Columbus


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Harry H Keadey Centerburg O.

Jochs Cinti

Chas E Studee Apple Creek

C G Shafer Col Ohio

G H Langwell Cleveland

Z Emery Delaware Ohio

J G Hogland " "

W S Polloch Delaware Ohio

May 18/11

Franc Ziegler The Ziegler-Howe

Chas. T. Howe Concert Co.

Bertha S. Howe Columbus

Jesse Worthington Ohio

Chas. Hunter Ohio

May 19th 11

R S VanSickle Wife & Daughter Col. O

W.H. Snook Paulding O.

Arthur L Ruben Cols

Geo A Shaw Marengo

B.L Stark Mt Gilead

A.C. Ramsay Jacobsburg Ohio

M.C. Ramsay West Union Ohio

G.B.Lewis West Union Ohio

C.M. Kendall " " "

Mr Wm Comich Wooster, O
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 110)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 110)


[page 110]

[unlabeled page 216 (L) and unlabeled page 217 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


E.B. Melendy Mt. Vernon, O.

W.P. West Chgo

H.J. Heltman Westerville O.

[illegible] Dayton, Ohio

Sailor S. Wilson Columbus O

5/31 F B Reid Ashley O

R H Berry Cols O

Chas W. Friedgen Cleveland O

H.O. Lemmon Wooster O

H.A. Tonguett Marion, O.

W.D. Tyler Wooster

Chas E Studee Apple Creek O.

W E Butte Newark, O.

F.E. Dutroit Cols O

Alex Neville Osco Ill

Frank Roof S O.

Mr and Mrs C.R.Maxwell Cols, O.

W P Smart Delaware O

G N Morehouse Delawae O.

J A Vandegriff Cols O

E.J.Willer "

W.J. Dishe [illegible] O

W.G. Millegan " "

A.E.Brooks Cols. Ohio

G H Morehouse Delaware O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


6/20 J.A. Biddle Columbus O

6/21 R.M. Avery Delaware O.

G H Langwell Cleveland

6/26/11 G H Morehouse Delaware O

Wm G Emrich Cols

7/3/11 G H Morehouse Delaware O.

T [illegible] New York

7-6 Z Emery Delaware O

R.H. Willhide St Louis Mo

7/10/11 J.P. Blackledge Delaware O.

7/10/11 G.B. Blackledge Delaware O.

7/11/11 H C Dollison Meadville Pa

Mr & Mrs C H McAllister Columbus O.

Mrs Jessie B Sheldon & Son " "

Abe Samuel " "

W.E. Borkman "

S.M. Greene Urbana

L Ronnick Niles O

N H Davis Cleveland

H.S.Wyly Col.

R.L. Jones Uitica Ohio

C B Raymond Wapakoneta Ohio
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 111)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 111)


[page 111]

[unlabeled page 218 (L) and unlabeled page 219 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss



Geo H. Lowden Columbus, O.

J.K.Wynn Indplis Ind.

July 27 T.H.Tuite Delaware

D Watrous Delaware

H.O.Lemmon Wooster O

A.U. Steenrod Wheeling W Va

July 27 E M Reed Delaware O

July 28 Sam Paul and wife Columbus

" 31 J.F. Lellie Pasadena Cal.

Harry Bock Delaware Ohio

Curtes Magill Powell Ohio

G H Longwell Cleveland

W.J. Rowland Columbus, O.

Jas Hughes Cols O

Y A Graham Mt Vernon Ohio

Aug 8-11 Ed. S. Crawl Col

Aug 8 C J Slough Columbus O

" J W Wakins Radnor O

" J C Swickheimer Delaware O

N.W.Vaughan Cardling

[illegible] Hines Caledonia

R.C. Gallahue Marion Ohio


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Aug 9 James A. Wing Mt Vernon

Sam Bristow Topeka Ka

Theo Vogelsberg London O

H.P. Hank Cols O

F M R Snyder Pgh. Pa

M. Weiss Cleveland O.

W E Lanmeek Cols. O.

R.D. Fifield Cleve. O.

Aug 14 A.W. VanDervort Wilmington O

M.M. Dray Cortland, O

Aug 16 D. Watrous Delaware O

Aug 17 E M Kindle U.S.Geol Survey.

P.V. Roundy U.S.Geol Survey

P A Bungart [illegible] O

A.L. Inn Delaware O.

C.G Rose Delaware O.

C.E.Hinton Montpelier O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 112)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 112)


[page 112]

[unlabeled page 220 (L) and unlabeled page 221 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


August 1911

20 Mrs C.O. Markel Wooster Ohio

22 F B Reid Ashley

24 Dr A P Taylor

& Wife Columbus, O

25 Miss Etidorhpa Creighton Worthington O

26 E D Beene

& Wife Hardy Nebr

S A Stewart Columbus O

W Workman Mt Vernon O

S.A Stewart Col. O

Chas E Studer Apple Creek

D J.T. Potter Canton O

J.M. Collins Columbus O.

A.U. Steenrod Wheeling W Va

D Watrous Delaware O.

T H Tuite " " "

Wilson Winter Circleville, O.

Ken Romig Uhrichsville O

D B Williams Delaware O

J.A. Slaughter City


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


8/4 J N Weiss Cleveland O.

M Weiss

C J Baldwin Granville O

J.C. Smith Columbus O.

W J Longworth Delaware O

J Q Vandegriff Cols O.

J.M. Collins Columbus O.

D R Linnabary Westerville

Frank Keck Cols

W J Kendall Cols

F.O. Rausou Spgfld, O.

Sept 8 H.O.Lemmon Wooster O

R.H.Ulain [illegible] O

J.T.Perry [illegible]

J.B. Crockett Detroit, Mich.

C D Terry Dicatur Ills

R H Biggs Columbus

M D Warner Wooster

John Bevens Westerville

J.E. Ward Mt Vernon O

H G Harvey Kalamazoo

Frank Roof Sunbury

H E Rauch Columbus Ohio

left margin Jac. Hopkins [illegible]Sunbury Ohio
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 113)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 113)


[page 113]

[unlabeled page 222 (L) and unlabeled page 223 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


R P Moody Amanda, Ohio

F A Gilbert Oliver NY

Dale Hopkins Sunbury Ohio

Dale Hopkins Sunbury Ohio

Dale Hopkins Sunbury Ohio Delaware County


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Wild Bill

October 12 J.W. Hedrick Mt Gilead

Mrs. C.A. McAllister Columbus, O.

H.A. McAllister Grand Forks, North Dakota

Mr.& Mrs. Robert McAlister Isle of Pines N.J.

L. Zeigar Canton O

Geo H Keppel Wooster O

Oct 19

R.A. Stephenson Cin. O.

O H Taylor Cols O.

P Waack N Y

A King Columbus O.



10.23 Lyman R. Mears Dresden O.

Chas E Studer Apple Creek O.

Mr & Mrs C.A. McAllister Columbus O.

W C. McAllister

Mrs Jeaice B. Sheldon

C D Trimble Cols O

Chas Watson Delaware O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 114)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 114)


[page 114]

[unlabeled page 224 (L) and unlabeled page 225 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Oct 27 A. Lynn Columbus O.

W.M McDonald W. Alexander Pa

Chas. M. Jaynes Columbus, O

C H Scanlan Medina O

R L Scanlan "

Oct 30 H.B. Lamon Westerville O

F H Winter Crooksville, O

J.B.Summer San Antonio Tx

Nov 2 B.M. Derthick Mantua O

D. Shelton St Louis

C W Callmon Columbus

T R Smith Delaware

W.C Wood Cleveland, O.

J N Weiss Cleveland Ohio

Chas Kelley Troy Ohio

John Stickel " "

Jes Blevins " "

W J Longworth Delaware O

P.W. Gage Delaware O

W.A.H. Coday Chicago

E A Mueller Cinti O

Chas B Studer Apple Creeke

F.C. Higley Delaware


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


F A Hoffman [illegible] Pa

Joseph N. Weiss Cleveland Ohio

J J Reid Lebanon O

A A Steenrod Wheeling W Va.

E S Munch Zanesville

W.S. Varney Boston Mass.

N.A. Bolman Cincinnati

F.C. Hegley Delaware O

Hon Geo Meyer Westerville

Chas Clark Denver Colo

Thomas Moore Cols

K E Panner Centerburg O

A K Nun Cols

W.A. Stevens Massillon O

Geo. W. [illegible] Lou. Ky

J.C. Moyer Findlay Ohio

Chas A Rich Indianapolis

Chas. E. Studer Apple Creek O

Geo Meyer Westerville

Chas Clark Denver

Mr & Mrs C.A. McAllister Columbus O.
Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 115)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 115)


[page 115]

[unlabeled page 226 (L) and unlabeled page 227 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


W H Scriber Mt. Vernon, O.

Chas Harting " "

Floyd Hubbs " "

J J Gary New Lexington O.

Geo S Lentz [illegible] O

M.C. Thomas Mingo O.

Robt A. Crawford Coshocton, O

E.V Prescott Toledo O

Geo N. Isaac Col O.

J A Dearch Marietta O

L.A. [illegible] [illegible] Ind

J W. Frazier Uhrichsville, O.

H E Lake Johnstown O

A.E. Blayney Chicago

C H Cline Rushsylvania O

H.C. Green U S Tele Cor

L.G. Finlay Cleve.

C H Watson Delaware O

H M Wright Toledo

S W [illegible] Cleveland

H.O. Lemmon Wooster O

W. V. Walton Medina, Ohio


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


W.R. Kissick Cleveland Ohio

A H Hutchington Canton

J V Richardson Zanesville O

Cls McLean Bellifontaine

W W Bonnell Columbus O.

Mr. and Mrs J.C. Frye Portland

Frank Frye "

Virginia Frye "

Esther Frye "

R J Howard Cinti O

W J Keenan "

Phil Kimble Fostoria O

T.C. [illegible] Columbus Ohio

J M Reed Crestline O

A A Howitz Clev. O.

2/2 R.A. Stephinson Cin O

E.H.Mitchell Columbus O

H R West Uhrichsville O

F. B. Ashton Bellefontaine O

G.A. Weinig Endicott NY

J F Chambers Cintini O

Chas Horting Minneapolis Minn

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 116)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 116)


[page 116]

[unlabeled page 228 (L) and unlabeled page 229 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Feb 6 James Moore Cini

Fred Ferris So Bend

S J Whelen Canton O

Fred Jones Sciota O

B H Martin Zanesville

T.G. Graham Johnstown

N.E. Rauch Columbus Ohio

M. Dalton Athens O

2/13 W E Barich Columbus Ohio

J G Lumsden Detroit Mich

Chas E Studer Apple Creek O.

H.L. Seif Canton, O.

J.J. Caine Columbus O

Will B. Winter Summersville Fla.

Will B. Rain Red Cloud Ark

R Waack N.Y.C.

J.H Hasbert Bryan O

2/26/12 Chas. J. Gordon C.H.Tel.Co

C.F. Harper " " " "


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Mch 1 W.E. Kemp Pittsburgh Pa

J A Slaughter Mansfield O.

Chas Clam Denver Colo

J M [illegible] Cols O

Spring Is. Here Springfield Ohio

C D Lynn Cols O

R.M. Shuter Marion, O

John H. Wilson Westerville Ohio

Samuel Matheolo Paris France

Christopher Columbo Genoa Italy

Hm Penn Shilla Pennsylvania

Mell Warner Wooster O

John Barins Westerville

H S Williams Canton O.

[illegible] Toledo O

R V Bud Croton O

Willis James Canton O

J.H. Stephens Columbus O

H O Lemmon Wooster O.

C F Renner Delaware, O.

R.B. Foster Chi Ill

W J Howard Cols O

4-8-1912 Wm Webber Monessen Pa

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 117)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 117)


[page 117]

[unlabeled page 230 (L) and unlabeled page 231 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


C Snyder Apple Creek O

Lewis Orndoff Westerville O.

Walter Glaze Westerville O

A K Dezell NY

A.C. Bickel Gambier O.

Chas E Studer Apple Creek

B.A. McGuinnis Mansfield O

J M Moody Columbus O

S.M. Greene Urbana

R.H. Biggs Columbus O

Vaughn Fuller Galena O

Joe Weiss Sunbury O

Geo R Damon Cols O.

Joshia Adams Posycorners O

Jerry Jackson Jamesville O

Theo. Hammerel Toledo O

C O [illegible] Delaware

D [illegible] Washington C.H.

R G Dickerson Lewis Center O

John Bowers with Warner Westerville

M L Warner ` Wooster O

W.J. Longworth Delaware O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


C.A. Morrison Delaware Ohio

C.E. Kitsmiller do do

E S Waley Cleveland

April 24 4 pm C P Magill Condit O

Apr.16. Newton E. Ballmer Wash. D.C.

Joseph Weiss E. Cleveland O

J.C. Whitefind Maus Told

Apr 16 A S Quintard Washington D.C.

Apr.27 Misses Elizabeth & Sadie Weiss Columbus

Fred G Bale Westerville

J.R.Moyer Findlay Ohio

T G Haisley [illegible]

[illegible] Dayton Ohio

May 2 J C. Reichelderfer Delaware Ohio

G B French Canton O

Louis Bram Phila

R.L. Lewis Glouster O

J R Griffis Cleveland O.

W.C. Rayner "

J T Abbott "

May 9 R L Lewis Glouster O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 118)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 118)


[page 118]

[unlabeled page 232 (L) and unlabeled page 233 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


5-6-12 Mrs & Mr Wm Welber Sunbury Ohio

J Sutton Delaware O.

C E Studer Apple Creek

Curtis R Magill Condit Ohio

Edyth Phillips]

Myrte Phillips]

Helen Neilson]
Tompkins, Hope of Man
Mrs Allen]

Jessie [illegible]

Earl "]

Homer Cowgill]

Charles Spencer]

Dave Wortz]

C.O. Allen Jr]

D Seyel Columbus O.

L Steves Cleveland

F.N. Devereaux Columbus O

Chas. H. Flueckiger Cleveland O.

John Bowers with Westerville O

M L Warner Wooster O

N.C. Welch Cin O

E.P.Russell & Wife Col O.


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Rudolph Purger] The

Mrs D C Abbott] Ziegler - Howe

Charles T. Howe] Orchestral Club

Chas Hunter] Columbus Ohio

Gurtan Bruder]

P C Davis

J F [illegible] Hudson Mich

E.E. Henshey Columbus O

A M Huffman Cols O

G.B.Rousseau Pgh.

G E Magmelo U S Tel Co

P Money U S Tel Co

N B Huddelston Cols O

S Segel Columbus O

C E Heinz Cinti

C J Hall Los Angeles

H H Bonnette Cleveland

C E Cam Hilliard O

M B Kasser Johnston

N Crawford "

H.O. Lemmon Wooster O.

Bluton Childes Col O

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 119)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 119)


[page 119]

[unlabeled page 234 (L) and unlabeled page 235 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


H.A. Lynn Canandaigua N.Y.

E H Forester Canton O.

Geo Paul Columbus O

C O Stetler Cols

D. Howitz Toledo O

Curtis R Magill Condit O.

[illegible] Columbus

C O Campbell Ashland O.

W P Prichard Delaware O

P.M. Cantric Greencastle Pa

D.B. Helm Shady Grove Pa

Mell S Warner Wooster O

John Barners with Warner Westerville

Geo G Crose [illegible] Mich

Frank Holt Marengo

Frank Julian Marengo

Bentin Childers Worthington O.

G.A. Landis Mt Vernon O.

T B Mowrer Col. O.

B. F Knox Mt Vernon O

6/20 W C Marshall Columbus O

C.C.Whartenby Zanesville O

Mrs D.S. Grube Delaware O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


[illegible]Farland N Y

J.C. Nolfe Johnstown

C Athey Central [illegible]

G.K. Sillaugh

Hadassah H. Johnson Columbus O

Harry Gallant Delaware Ohio

S J Lewis Columbus

R A Stephenson Cin O

7/4 Pearl Long Delaware Ohio

7/4 M S Warner Wooster

Joh Bowers with Warner Westerville O

R J Woodley Cols. O

Chas. D. Dumas U S Tel. Co.

Joseph N White

[illegible] Coffey Columbus O

F W Boyle [illegible] O.

G.T. West Tiffin O.

Louis Silvestin Italia

7/26 R.B.Foster Col O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 120)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 120)


[page 120]

[unlabeled page 236 (L) and unlabeled page 237 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


N. Speckman Coshocton

E J Mitchell Columbus O

F.A. Phelps Columbus

H.W. Boyle Oxford O

Chas E. Studer Apple Creek

C.R. Magill Sunbury O

R G Dickerson Lewis Center

Mr & Mrs A.L. Percy Philadelphia

J W Pittengel Marion Ind

Mrs Shartte Columbus O

W.A. Lovett Newark O.

8-5-12 H.F. Hansberger Ashley, O.

S.T. Price Linden Hts. O.

Wm L Landis Decatur Ill.

M Rhumard Cleveland Ohio

M S Warner Wooster O

John Bevens with Warner Westerville

L.C.Close Cleveland O

Mrs J.B. Sheldon & Son Columbus O

C.H. McBride [illegible] Ill

W Barney Riley Ottawa Ont Can


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


J.J. Barringer Osborn Ohio

Curtis R Magill City

Joseph Muss Col. O.

Geo T Fishwick Cinti O

W.R. Lovett Newark O

Gill Shustle Cols, O.

8-20 F B Reid Ashley

Aug 22d R.A.Stephenson Cin O

Sol. Klein Toledo, O

Wm Palmer Centerburg

Aug 24 E D Sheets Sunbury

J F. Gamble Hudson, Mich.

Chas E Studer Apple Creek

" 30 A.J. Malmsberry Beloit Ohio

" 30 L.G. Malmsberry Beloit Ohio

" 30 Paul E Myers " "

30 Clark Myers " "

Cyrus Whinery Beloit Ohio

T G Graham Johnstown Ohio

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 121)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 121)


[page 121]

[unlabeled page 238 (L) and unlabeled page 239 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


E J McMahon Columbus, O.

Sep 4 J K Lincoln Delaware O

" C.O. Domigan " "

A Boyer Indpls Ind

M L Kaener Wooster O

W.H. Icenhower Wash C H O.

Gw W Caldwell Columbus Ind

John J Calwell do

Ross Gw Calwell do

Thos V Wilson do

Sept 12 F.B. Reid Ashley Ohio

F.L. Scott Milan Penn.

9/16 Frank Ford Cols. O

Sept 16/12 Otto.H. Kohler Canton O.

Sept 17/12 Otto H. Kohler Canton O.

Norwood Grant[ Col. O.

Ed Hall[

Harry Selby[

Walter Coleman[ Columbus, O.

Mrs. Hall[

Mr Ewing[


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


B M Allen Col O.

Jas. F. Sipe Cinti

Otto. H. Kohler Canton O.

J.A. Grimes Toledo O.

R.D. Jones Col. Ohio

J. Knapp "

Miss M. Essex Cols, Ohio.

W H Francisco & Wife Coldwell N J

Mrs Elizabeth Francisco Coldwell N J

G. Thomas Sewickley Pa.

J.J. Baringer Osborn Ohio

W H Lamb Baltimore

F M Lamb "

John W White "

D.T Thomas[ Chicago

J W Turner[ Glee

O.H. Dixon[ Club

G Henry[

L Meyer N Y


Sammil [illegible]

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 122)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 122)


[page 122]

[unlabeled page 240 (L) and unlabeled page 241 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


12/2 Harry Talbert Canton O

Strickland Lillian Bellevue

C R Taggart Newbury Oh

H Lemon Galion O

1-4-13 L.S. Boudrau Cheshire J

Jan 14 E C Bartley Col O C.U.T.Co.

" " W R Ellis " " " " " "

" " J A Poston " " " " " "

" " J. Singleton " " " " " "

" " W Smith " " " " " "

" " J Schorr " " " " " "

" " H E Washington " " " " " "

Jan 17 [illegible] Yookam Cols O

Jan 20 H.W. Hill Puleski N.Y.

1-22 C A Bettler Akron O

O F Ehrenfield Tiffin O

Samuel Danl Hopkins Sunbury Ohio

W J Longworth Delaware O

Frank Shenkle Mineral City O

Feb 13 D C Maxwell Lexington O

Smith Dawson Ohio

Sammil Hopkins Sunbury Ohio


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


2/3 W A Marshall

W S Pollock Delaware O

O W Peters Marietta O

J.H. Fisher Cleveland O

E.L. Overdorf Seville O

O B Shafer Columbus Ohio

W J Longworth Delaware O

W H Ford Delaware O

Geo W. Cring Condit O.

S R Roemrich Det

Mr Arthur Love Pgh Pa

Mrs " " " "

Mr G.L. McNemry " "

Mrs " " " "

M S. Warner Wooster

Harold Smith with Warner Westerville

E H Mitchell Columbus

O H Mitchell

Eleanor Marie Hopkins

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 123)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 123)


[page 123]

[unlabeled page 242 (L) and unlabeled page 243 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Mar 8/22 R. Derickson Lima O

David Poulton

Homer Poulton

Aug 26 1915 J.C. Fleming Cardington Ohio

J H Fisher Cleveland

J D. "

Sammil Hopkins Sunbury Ohio


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


Miss Edna Confare Berkshire O.

Theo. Hammerel Toledo O.

J.K. White Cols O

C.S. Philpi " "

W.M. White Cales O

F.J. Hall " "

Fred Lewis Col. O.

Dale Hopkins

J.A.D. Hopkins Sunbury Ohio

April 7 1913 Monday

Chas. R. Nolan Dublin Ireland

L.D. McElroy Columbus, O.

Sammie Hopkins Sunbury O.

J.W. Thomas Cincinnati

4-21-13 A. Lynn Columbus O

F.W. Whitney " "

J H Randolph Zanesville O

Marie Hopkins

Dale Hopkins

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 124)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 124)


[page 124]

[unlabeled page 244 (L) and unlabeled page 245 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


June 4/27 C M Leonard Delaware, O

E E Shupe Orville O

Eula M Shryock Mansfield, O.

F.E. Knox Cols O.

F.I. Stillinger Col's. O.

H A Laurinore Cols

W S Pollock Delaware O

B.B. Williams Frederick Town

T D Brown Ankeny Town Ohio

F L Rinehart Mt Vernon Ohio

Wm Stumps Mansfield O

Mr Thompson Columbus O

Wm Vickroy " "

S.W. Magille Jr Condit O

Dan Chase Maringo O

M M Chipman [illegible]

W C. Lawrence Cleveland

J.S. Brown Delaware O.

H.E. Zimmerman Columbus, O.

6/27 O B Shafer " "

Jas Dunlap " "

Jas Dunlap " "


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


7/5 Roy H Baysinger Wadsworth O

7/7 W D Slough Delaware, O.

7/9 W S Pollock do

J H Randolph Zanesville O.

H M Wright Toledo O

B.L. McElroy & family Delaware O

Geo. W. Morgan Phila Pa

Y.F. Gunbee [illegible] Mich

B.Z. McGinn Mansfield O

F W [illegible] Detroit

H J Robinson & Wife Sadoms Ills

W C Robinson & Wife " "

W R Miller & Wife " "

Two Miss Miller " "

Two Miss Robinson " "

Cullen Zost " "

Walter Wolf Columbus O

Carl Ball " "

J.H. Longley " "

W S Fallock Delaware O.

J. J. Sanford Delaware O.

Floyd Iverson

Stony & Clark Piano Co A.A Stire

Columbus O.

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 125)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 125)


[page 125]

[unlabeled page 246 (L) and unlabeled page 247 (R) of Hopkins House Daybook 1905-1913]


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


R. Bird Canton O.

Carl Hoff Johnstown O

Paul Neff " "

M [illegible] Washington DC

R P Cronin Pgh Pa

B S Cols O

T E Murray Cols O

Harry Davis Lima O

Darwin Butte Johnstown O

Frank E Dock Springfield Ohio

F B Peters Cin O.

H.M. Wright Toledo O

Geo Harter Indianapolis

Sammie Hopkins S. O.

C H Rutter Columbus O

J.W. Hetzler Tippecanoe City

John H Rohia " "

E J Stand " "

C Hard " "

L W Huddleston Kingston O.

B D Hills Columbus

C. C. Hills

C.G. Longwell Ashley O


Money, Jewels and other Valuable Packages must be placed in the Safe in the Office, otherwise

the Hotel will not be responsible for any loss


[inside back cover]

Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 126)


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913 (p. 126)


[page 126]

[corresponds to back cover of Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913]

[Back cover of book]

Dublin Core


Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913


Hickok, Wild Bill--1837-1876
Hopkins, Hosea C--1870-1952
Hopkins House--Sunbury--Ohio
Hopkins, Roberta B--1871-1945
Myers Inn--Ohio--Sunbury


This is one of the Hopkins House's Day Books (Hotel Registers) that spans the years 1905-1913. Entries include the guests' signatures and their cities of origin.


Roberta B. Hopkins; Sunbury, Ohio















Roberta B. Hopkins; Sunbury, Ohio, “Hopkins House Day Book 1905-1913,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 9, 2025,

Output Formats