Life on the Ohio Frontier: A Collection of Letters from Mary Lott to Deacon John Phillips 1826-1846

Life on the Ohio Frontier (p. 1)


Life on the Ohio Frontier (p. 1)


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[corresponds to front cover of Life on the Ohio Frontier]


A Collection of Letters


Mary Lott


Deacon John Phillips

Life on the Ohio Frontier (p. 2)


Life on the Ohio Frontier (p. 2)


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Community Library

Sunbury, Ohio
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Life on the Ohio Frontier (p. 5)


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Life on the Ohio Frontier (p. 6)


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[corresponds to Map: NORTHWEST TERRITORY]
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A Collection of Letters


Mary Lott


Deacon John Phillips








Baltimore 1994

Life on the Ohio Frontier (p. 8)


Life on the Ohio Frontier (p. 8)


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Copyright @ 1994 by Jacqueline Lois Miller Bachar

Permission to reproduce the contents in any

form must be secured from the author.

[Editor's Note: The address that appears on this page of the book is no longer valid.
Purchase information should be emailed directly to the author at the email address listed below.]

Please direct all correspondence and book orders to:

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Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 94-77122

Published for the author by

Gateway Press, Inc.

1001 N. Calvert Street

Baltimore, MD 21202

Printed in the United States of America


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Life on the Ohio Frontier (p. 11)


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"Once more, I lift my pen to let you know that through the mercy of Him

that never sleeps nor slumbers, we are all alive and in common health."

Mary Lott
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[corresponds to Table of Contents]






Letter - October, 1826 23

Letter - February 5, 1827 28


Letter - July, 1829 33

Letter - August 7, 1829 35

Making Linen Fabric 39

Making Wool Fabric 40

Letter - December 13, 1829 42


Letter - March 22, 1830 46

Letter - 3 May 1830 50

Letter - July 30, 1830 53

Letter - September 29, 1830 56


Letter - April 10, 1833 57

Letter - July 10, 1833 61

Letter - Oct, 1833 64

Family Group Sheet - Russell Family 67

Letter - December 25, 1833 68

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Life on the Ohio Frontier (p. 14)


[page 14]

[corresponds to page x of Life On The Ohio Frontier]

Letters From Ohio


Letter - February 2, 1834 71

Letter - July 20, 1834 74

Letter - August, September, 1834 77

Letter - November, 1834 80


Letter - August, 1835 83

Letter - April 21, 1836 85

Letter - July 10, 1836 90


Letter - February 12, 1837 93

Letter - May 15, 1837 97

Letter - June 4, 1837 101

Letter - November 26, 1837 102


Letter - March 5, 1838 106

Letter - January, 1840 109

Letter - March 29, 1840 113

Letter - 1842/43 115

Letter - September 10, 1843 116


Final Letter - March 27, 1846 118
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[page 15]

[corresponds to page xi of Life On The Ohio Frontier]

Obituary - John Phillips 120

Death Dates 121


Family of Zephaniah Lott 122

Lott Cemetery Records 123

Family of Francis Phillips 125

Family of Edward Williams 127

Williamsville Cemetery Records 129

Will of Henry Lott 132

Decline of Executorship - Mary Lott 134

Inventory 135

Will of Mary Lott 137

Will of Anson Williams 138



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[page 16]

[corresponds to Foreward of Life on the Ohio Frontier]


My original family research began with Deacon John Phillips my

grandfather, 8th generation, and his descendants. A copy of a Phillips

family Bible record showed that John had a sister Mary who married a

Lott. Subsequent research indicated that although John and Mary had the

same father, they probably had different mothers. Therefore, I began to

explore Mary's life in hopes of learning more about John through her.

The letters included in this book have been compiled from copies

of the originals found in the Lackawanna Historical Society, written by

Mary Lott to her brother John Phillips in Pennsylvania, over a period of

twenty years. It is not known how the letters, originally in the

possession of Hildah Phillips Brown were acquired. She had researched

the family of Deacon John Phillips, our common ancestor, over a period

of thirty - five years from about 1935 up to her death on February 17,


In order to more easily identify individuals and family members

mentioned within the letters, Hildah made hand-written copies

apparently to use as a note taking tool. She added the surnames of

those that she identified, made many notes, and used the various clues

mentioned within to further her research. After Hildah's death, her

papers were given to the Lackawanna Historical Society in Scranton,


While visiting Scranton for my research, I went through

Hildah's voluminous collection and found the reprints. Although the

whereabouts of the originals is unknown, the copies remain in the

possession of the Lackawanna Historical Society.

Some of the letters are difficult to read and the writing is often

illegible. Some parts of them have blank spaces where Hildah

apparently could not read Mary's handwriting. In some cases she has

tried to decipher a word, following it with a question mark where she

was uncertain of accuracy. The letters are often long and with no

punctuation or paragraphs. Many are missing. In her letter of July 10,

1833, Mary refers to the fact that she has received 42 letters from John, so

we can assume she wrote at least that number in response.

In preparing the letters for publication, I have made some minor

changes for ease of readability and understanding. I made paragraphs

where there were none, shortened sentences, added punctuation. I was
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[page 17]

[corresponds to page xiii of Life On The Ohio Frontier]

very careful, however, to do so in a way that would not affect the

meaning or tone expressed by Mary. I made no attempt to correct

grammatical errors except where not to do so would lead to confusion. I

have corrected spelling errors except in cases where the error added a

certain charm. I have also added in brackets, "Ed. Note:" to explain

historical references and other items of clarification.

Where words are omitted or illegible, I have made additions for

easy understanding. These words have been put in brackets. In instances

where words are omitted or illegible, and the meaning is not clear

enough for me to make additions, I have shown an ellipsis. (... ) The

surnames added by Hildah are in brackets also to separate them from

surnames mentioned by Mary Lott in her writings. I have confirmed,

where possible, the accuracy of these additions. In some cases, I have

added surnames found during my research. These are also in brackets.

I did additional research in Delaware County, Ohio; Genesee

County, New York; and Luzerne, Lackawanna and Wyoming Counties,

Pennsylvania. This was done by mail and through the LDS Family

History Center. I also visited the NSDAR Library and the National

Archives in Washington, D. C. for further research.

Most of the people mentioned in Mary's letters are my relatives.

I am a grand-daughter, 8th generation, of John Phillips and am

descended through Samuel Miller who married Susannah, daughter of

John Phillips, and their son Stephen Miller who married Mary

Chamberlain. Others Mary refers to are great -aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.

In reading Mary's letters, I became very fond of her. I was struck

by the strong religious faith she expressed. I was taken with her courage

and inner strength in a time of hardship and adversity. I was saddened

by her expressions of family longing and the ultimate fact of her facing

the future alone.

I came to the decision to publish this wonderful collection of

letters because I hoped that individuals might learn about family

connections mentioned in the letters. Although I have attempted to

identify individuals and show family relationships, this is not meant to

be an inclusive family geneology. A future book is planned which will

provide more details. Rather, I hope that readers will use the facts

contained within to further explore their links. I also wanted others,

family or not, to share the thoughts and feelings of one for whom my
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[corresponds to page xiv Life On The Ohio Frontier]

affection grew and who might otherwise remain forgotten. I know that I

will not forget aunt Mary Lott.

Mary Lott
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[corresponds to Acknowledgements]


I wish to thank Maryellen Calemmo, Executive Director, and

the Board of Trustees of the Lackawanna Historical Society, Scranton,

Pennsylvania for giving me permission to publish the letters of Mary

Lott. Special appreciation to Assistant Director Mary Ann Moran, for all

of her assistance. Thanks also to Marilyn Cryder, Historian, Delaware

County Historical Society, Delaware, Ohio for contributing the brief

history of Delaware county. Appreciation to Lynn Bellucio of the Le Roy

House, LeRoy Historical Society, LeRoy, New York for permission to

publish the information from the Williams family bible. A special thank

you to my husband Paul Bachar Jr. who drew the maps and illustrations,

and who enthusiastically helped to search archives and cemeteries in

order to find my family. Finally, to Hildah Phillips Brown who started

the search over sixty years ago - many thanks.
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[corresponds to Introduction]


Brief History of Delaware County

In 1803, Ohio was the first state organized from the Old

Northwest Territory and it had only three counties. Delaware County,

located in what was the subdivision of the U.S. Military District was

created from Franklin county in 1808. At the time of Delaware's creation,

Ohio was on the frontier; Indians were living within county borders,

and other tribes were frequent visitors right up to 1830.

The area was covered with forests. Settlers from Pennsylvania,

New York, New Jersey, and New England coming into the territory

established their homes in natural clearings and had to immediately set

about clearing the timber. The first houses were one room log cabins and

it was many years before substantial ones were built.

Kingston Township was organized in 1813. The land was rolling,

and the soil good for farming. There were no villages within the borders

of Kingston then, nor are there any now. The township was sparsely

populated and the main occupation was farming and is still.

Game and fish were plentiful. There were wild grape vines and

fruit trees. Honey and maple syrup was the major source of sugar, and

salt was collected from salt wells. All other necessities were grown by

the population. Franklinton, now Columbus, was the closest village

where settlers could take their grain to mills to be ground into flour.

Luxuries such as coffee and tea, were brought overland from the east

and were very expensive.

In 1842, the Methodist church established Wesleyan University,

which attracted students from all over the state. The main road from

Columbus to Sandusky ran through Kingston, so there were stage

coaches on a regular schedule. By 1850, with the coming of the railroad,

Delaware County became a flourishing area. One of the county's famous

sons became a well known General during the Civil War. He was

William Stark Rosecrans, born in Kingston in 1819 and related to the

Rosecrans family mentioned in Mary Lott's letters.

Marilyn Cryder

Historian, Delaware County Historical Society
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[corresponds to Map: BOUNDARIES OF DELAWARE COUNTY IN 1820]

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[corresponds to unnumbered page]

Family History

There is very little known about Mary Phillips Lott. No other

records have been found which can help us understand more about her.

Her parents also have remained in the shadows. It is necessary therefore

to combine probability with clues and facts that have emerged.

Mary Phillips Lott, born circa 1782, was the daughter of Francis

Phillips born 29 July, 1720 in W. Greenwich, Rhode Island and a mother

whose name has been lost to history. Her brother John Phillips, born in

1752 was the only known child of Francis, and his first wife, Demis

Aylesworth born 22 January, 1725 in E. Greenwich, Rhode Island. It is

probable that Demis, daughter of Arthur and Mary Franklin died by the

date of her father's will dated 1761, since her son John Phillips name was

included, hers was not. No record of her death has been found.

It is possible that Francis, who died probably in Luzerne County,

Pennsylvania had been married two or possibly three times due to the

apparent age differences of his children. Francis was 32 years old when

John was born and would have been 62 years old at Mary's birth and 66

years old at his son Cornwell's birth. Although today it would be

considered unusual, there are many past recorded instances of children

being born to fathers of this age. Mary refers to such an instance in her


There has been no death or probate record found for Francis.

Nor does the family Bible show his date of death. Several deeds from

Luzerne County refer to land previously owned by Francis Phillips as

"now deceased." Since the deeds were written in 1788, his probable

death date has been established as having occurred by then.

During that period children could be raised by their widowed

mothers unless property ownership was involved. Since women could

make no legal decisions nor own property, the law required a guardian

to be appointed when the child reached a certain age. There is a Luzerne

County court record of 1796 showing that Gilbert Carpenter was

selected as a guardian for Mary Phillips who was "a minor over the age

of fourteen."

Although no further record has been found of any sale or

transfer of property for any children of Francis Phillips, Mary makes

reference in her letters to being separated from her brother John and
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[page 23]

[corresponds to page xix of Life On The Ohio Frontier]

other family members as a child. She also refers to her hope that

settlement will be reached for the heirs of the 'sufferers." [Ed. note: This

was a term used to describe people that were owners of property under the

Connecticut Land Company with whom Pennsylvania was disputing such

ownership. The Wyoming Valley of Pennsylvania was then Westmoreland

County, State of Connecticut, and Francis Phillips was a land owner under the

Connecticut Company.] Although deeds exist showing the sale of land

formerly owned by Francis Phillips, none are in the name of Gilbert

Carpenter. It is possible that the property she refers to in her letters

remained in dispute and eventually went to the state of Pennsylvania.

The Phillips Family

The family Bible, now in the possession of the Lackawanna

Historical Society, shows according to the cover page, that it was

purchased by John Phillips in 1803. His birth date is recorded as 24

December, 1751, old calendar; the new calendar date is 4 January, 1752.

There are pages missing, but there is a handwritten notarized copy of

the missing bible pages dated 1957 which shows that Francis also had

other children: Francis, Zacheous, Thomas, Mary, Cornwell. There are no

birth dates shown, but probable dates have been established by census

records. Mary's age has also been established by a reference to it in one

of her letters, as well as census records.

In 1800, in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, Mary's brother

Cornwell Phillips, "a minor above the age of fourteen," was also

appointed a guardian, John Marcy. This would make Cornwell's

birthdate circa 1786. As was the custom, children were often sent to live

with other family members, or bound to others. It is unknown where

Mary was raised, but as was also the custom of the time, her mother

probably remarried and may have moved out of the area with Mary.

Perhaps Mary was sent elsewhere and Cornwell stayed in the county to

live with his guardian. Cornwell was living in the county in 1817 until

he sold his land in 1828. He eventually took his wife and children to

LeRoy, Genesee County, New York to work on the farm of Anson

Williams, an apparent relative who later removed to Ohio.

More is known about John who was a veteran of the

Revolutionary War. In his Pension file, #S7308, a deposition was given

for the purpose of obtaining the pension and he was apparently asked

how he knew the date of his birth. He said that "my sister told me." It is

unknown if the sister he referred to was Mary, but since she was his only

apparent sister, it can be assumed she was the one to whom he referred.
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[page 24]

[corresponds to page xx of Life On the Ohio Frontier]

Since the government required proof of facts for pension requests, and

since it was the custom to record important dates in family Bibles, it can

also be assumed that Mary must have provided as proof the information

from the family Bible of Francis Phillips. Two Bibles were listed in the

Lott inventory after the death of Mary's husband Henry, suggesting

perhaps that one was the Phillips family Bible.

It is not known where Francis Phillips was living during his

early manhood. John's pension record shows that he was born in

(Carmel), Beekman, Dutchess County, New York. There is no record of

his father Francis residing there. It is possible that he was living in

Dutchess County, New York as a tenant farmer, since owning land in

that state was made practically impossible by the wealthy landowners. It

is also possible that Francis was off fighting Indians, because there is a

record of a Francis Phillips at the battle of Kittaning, Pennsylvania in

1751. Then again, he may have been living with some of the Aylesworth

family members in Dutchess County, New York until he left in 1771 to

become part of the Connecticut Land Company.

According to Connecticut Land Company records, Francis was

in Pennsylvania as early as 1771. Later in 1781 he sold land to his son

John. John had married Mary Chamberlain 20 January, 1771. His first

three daughters were born in Pownal, Bennington County, Vermont

where he joined the militia in 1776. His fourth daughter was born in

Pennsylvania in the fort that John was defending. His two sons were also

born in Pennsylvania where John spent the rest of his life.

John became Justice of the Peace in Pittston, Pennsylvania in

1791 and was also on the roads committee, and the committee to

purchase land for the county courthouse. He was one of the original land

owners in Pittston and was considered a wealthy landowner, owning

thousands of acres. Over the years he made many gifts of land to his

children and grandchildren. He became a deacon of the First Baptist

Church in Abington. He married twice after the death of his first wife

Mary and lived to the age of 94.

The Lott Family

Hendrick Lott, son of Zephaniah Lott and Else Van Pelt was born

in 1773 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania where his christening was

recorded as 24 April, 1774 at the Reformed Netherlands Dutch Church,

Southampton. Zephaniah Lott joined the Bucks County militia and

fought in the Revolutionary War. In about 1791, he moved his family to
Life on the Ohio Frontier (p. 25)


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[page 25]

[corresponds to page xxi Life On the Ohio Frontier]

Mehoopany, Wyoming County, where he resided until 1817 when he

and his wife, with some of his children, removed to Delaware County


There is no record of the date or place of Mary Phillips marriage

to Henry Lott. There is a Henry Lott on the 1800 and 1810 Luzerne

County Pennsylvania census, but it is not known if that is Henry or his

father's brother Henry. It is revealed in Mary's letters that they were

living in Stafford, Genesee County, New York prior to their move to

Ohio. There is no other record of their time in New York State.

Nothing is known of Mary's brother Thomas. In her first letter, it

is clear that Thomas travelled with Mary and Henry to Ohio, but the fact

of where he lived prior to the voyage is unknown. In Mary's will, he is

referred to as Thomas Simmons. If that is his middle name, or if he is the

child of a different marriage remains a mystery. According to the 1840

Delaware County, Ohio census, he was older than Mary, so perhaps he

was a stepbrother.

Henry's grave in the Porter Cemetery in Delaware County, Ohio

is marked, but the location of Mary's grave and the grave of her brother

Thomas is unknown.

The Williams Family

Anson Williams was born 16 October, 1781, the son of Edward

Williams, born in Wales, and Jemimah Wright, who were married in

1767. Anson was the eighth of fourteen children.

He married Mary More who died in childbirth 15 April, 1811,

probably in New York state. There were three children of this marriage;

Calley (or Sally), Jemimah, and Jerrad Sanford. Anson married second

circa 1811, Hannah Phillips, born 1792 in New York and who, according

to one source, had resided in Pennsylvania. Although there has been no

record found, it appears that Hannah was related to Mary and John

Phillips. In her letters, Mary refers to Hannah as her relative, and Anson

is referred to as brother Anson. Cornwell Phillips and his family also

moved from Pennsylvania to live and work on Anson's farm.

In the copy of the Williams family bible, it states that Anson was

a tavern owner in Cherry Valley, New York. He became an original

owner of land through the Holland Land Company and is listed as a
Life on the Ohio Frontier (p. 26)


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[page 26]

[corresponds to page xxii of Life On the Ohio Frontier]

buyer in 1809. He was in LeRoy, Genesee County, New York in 1815

when he and his wife Hannah purchased land. He was owner of several

properties in LeRoy where he resided until 1836 when he removed to

Delaware County, Ohio. His brother John had preceded him to Delaware

County several years earlier.

He and Hanna had seven children and when they went to

Ohio, they took all their married and unmarried children with them. He

had purchased one thousand acres of land and planned a town called

Williamsville. He was considered a wealthy man and at his death left a

great deal of property to his family. He died 28 March, 1847 and is buried

in the Williamsville Cemetery in what is now Orange Township. Hannah

went to live with her daughter Rebecca and died in 1851. She is also

buried in Williamsville Cemetery.

Their son John More Williams lived on the family property until

1859 when he and his family moved to Liberty Township where they

lived until his death in 1899.


In her will Mary Lott left fourteen acres of land to her friend

Robert Wells and ten acres to Isaac Dayton Tanner or Tayner, the bound

boy she had raised as her own. On 20 November, 1848, Robert sold the

land to James Stark, the executor of Mary's will. Isaac apparently kept

the land until 9 December, 1850 when he also sold it to James Stark. He

was then living in Sandusky County, Ohio.
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[corresponds to unnumbered page]


I am none disappointed in the country. You know, I never expected to like it as

well as New York State.

October 8, 1826

Direct to Kingston, Delaware Co, Sunbury Post Office, Ohio

To-John Phillips, Abington, Pennsylvania

To My Dear Brother and Sister,

I once more lift my pen to let you know we are yet in the land of

the living, while many are now with the Pale Nation of the Dead. My

time is so short I have to write as the man that takes it, Mr. Giles, is to

start in a few hours. I hardly know how to begin, but I hope you will see

him. He has almost promised me to go there, but I first must tell you, we

arrived here the 4th of July. We came from Buffalo [New York] to

Portland [Ohio] on the steam boat; had good luck, was two days and

two nights on water, but we had a very tedious journey from there in

consequence of rain and new roads. We found it about 100 miles. [Ed.

note: Portland is now Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio]

Henry's [Lott] and Thomas' [Phillips] eyes was very bad all the

way and have been ever since. Henry's are some better, but with sorrow

I must tell you that poor Thomas has untimely lost one of his and can see

very little with the other. We have reason to fear he will lose that. His

health is very poor. He is not able to do scarce a chore. Father and

mother [Lott] have been much out of health two weeks; father with

rheumatism in his knees and mother with sore eyes. They send their love

to you. My health has been better since I have been here than it had been

for two years. What would be done if it was not, I can't say, for the old

people live in a room alone. [Ed. note: The Phillips family bible indicates

that there was a brother named Thomas. In Mary's will, however, Thomas is

referred to as Thomas Simmons. No other records have been found which can

explain this. Simmons may be a middle name or he may be a half-brother or

step-brother from another marriage. Since the bible is the only record to date, we

will assume that he in fact was Thomas Phillips.]

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[page 28]


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[page 29]

[corresponds to page 25 of Life On the Ohio Frontier]

We live in an old house of his brother Leonard's [Lott] about a

quarter of a mile from them. I go every day once or twice and get their

victuals, and do their work up, do their washing and baking. You may

ask what did they do before I come? Could I see you, I could tell you the

whole story, but can now say bad enough.

Henry was much disappointed, but I was none. You know the

word was, he was to go on or others would have father's farm, if we

would come and take care of them, but we found it very different. It is

true, we might have went on his farm, but it lies in a back - by place

destitute of either roads or water and would cost almost as much to put

it in repair as to clear new and we find their daughter calculates on

having all at their decease.

They have lived joining them ever since they have been in this

country, but the neighbors say, and I have reason to believe, the old

people have done more for them than they could do for themselves. They

live helpless many years. Mother has done their sewing, knitting, and the

greatest part of their washing till about two years. But they now say they

are... They wish they had time to take care of the old people, but I shall

always have time as long as I have strength, and neither wish, nor expect

any property. They all appear very kind and friendly as yet; and all Sally

[Lott Carney ] does is write. Father says he never met with such a

daughter before, and truly I think he may ... , for the rest can find but

little time or otherwise, what you and I would call but little heart, for I

could make as many excuses as they was I disposed ...

We have bought fifty acres of entirely new land joining

Leonard's.[Lott] Got two log rooms raised, the bigness of our old rooms

in Stafford; [Genesee County, New York] got a well dug and mostly

stoned; two or three acres chopped, but when we shall get in our house

we can't say. For Henry is not very able to work in consequence of his

eyes and our money most run out and fifty-nine dollars of our money we

hold for we have not ... and don't know when we shall, but, however, I

am not concerned but there will be some way provided the few days I

have to stay. There is good provision plenty.

I am none disappointed in the country. You know, I never

expected to like it as well as New York State. The inhabitants appear very

friendly and meetings handy of almost all kinds, though no particular

revivals of religion at present.
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[corresponds to page 26 of Life On the Ohio Frontier]

Poor old uncle Rosencrans [Daniel, married to Thankful Wilcox]

is yet living. [Ed. note: This name is also spelled Rosencranse, Rosencranze.,

Rosencranze, and Rosecrans.] He come to see me the next day after I

arrived and met me with all the affection of a parent. He lives two miles

from here. He often visits me which is a great consolation to me, for he

always feels bound for the Kingdom, and says he is ready and willing

whenever Jesus calls. His wife and daughters are all gone; he has but

three sons living. They also received me as the tenderest of brothers. You

must write a word to the poor old man when you write to me, which I

hope will be soon. My anxiety to hear from all of you I can't express.

I have not heard a word since last March. I have not heard from

Elizabeth or Hannah [Phillips Williams] though I have wrote twice.

[Ed. note: Elizabeth may be the mother of Deborah Doud Phillips, Cornwell

Phillips wife.] I received a letter from Harriet [Trumbull] and Robert

[Wells] last Friday. Harriet's husband and Robert had been sick with the

fever the greater part of the summer, but was recovering. Our love to

brother Cornwell and his family. Tell him I should [have] wrote, but I

don't know how to direct, but he must write to me. My love to Mary;

[Phillips Hewitt] tell her I seen Lavina [Hewitt Russell] when I moved.

They was all well. I have wrote to them and expect an answer. My love

to each child and grandchild. Accept the same yourselves. The man is

waiting, so must close. [Ed note: Lavina is the daughter of Mary Phillips

Hewitt and Isaac Hewitt. and grand-daughter of John Phillips.]

Your affectionate sister, Adieu. Mary Lott

Dublin Core


Life on the Ohio Frontier: A Collection of Letters from Mary Lott to Deacon John Phillips 1826-1846


Kingston Township--Ohio--Delaware County
Porter Township--Ohio--Delaware County


The Foreward and Introduction to Life on the Ohio Frontier: A Collection of Letters from Mary Lott to Deacon John Phillips 1826-1846, as well as the first letter included in the book, dated October 8, 1826, are presented here. These pages provide a local and historical context for the many letters written by Kingston Township resident Mary Lott to her brother John as she faced the challenges of frontier living.


Jacquline Lois Miller Bachar


Gateway Press, Inc.














Jacquline Lois Miller Bachar, “Life on the Ohio Frontier: A Collection of Letters from Mary Lott to Deacon John Phillips 1826-1846,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 9, 2025,

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