Tri-Conference Program
Tri-Conference Program (p. 1)
[corresponds to front cover of Tri-Conference Program]
[photo of Gray Chapel]
Gray Chapel-Ohio Wesleyan University
[photo of Gray Chapel]
Gray Chapel-Ohio Wesleyan University
Tri-Conference Program (p. 2)
[corresponds to inside of front cover of Tri-Conference Program]
Tri-Conference Program (p. 3)
[corresponds to unlabeled page 1 of Tri-Conference Program]
of the
West Ohio
North-East Ohio Annual
of the
Methodist Episcopal Church
SEPTEMBER 6 to 12, 1927
of the
West Ohio
North-East Ohio Annual
of the
Methodist Episcopal Church
SEPTEMBER 6 to 12, 1927
Tri-Conference Program (p. 4)
[corresponds to page 2 of Tri-Conference Program]
Foreword ........................................ 3
Announcements ................................... 4
Delaware and Methodism ......................... 5-6
Tri-Conference Joint Sessions ................. 7-8-9
Ohio Annual Conference ......................... 10
North-East Ohio Conference ..................... 11
West Ohio Conference ........................... 12
Woman's White Cross, Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary
Societies ...................................... 13
Laymen's Meeting ............................... 14
Junior Laymen's Conference ..................... 15
Deaconess Conference ........................... 16
Foreword ........................................ 3
Announcements ................................... 4
Delaware and Methodism ......................... 5-6
Tri-Conference Joint Sessions ................. 7-8-9
Ohio Annual Conference ......................... 10
North-East Ohio Conference ..................... 11
West Ohio Conference ........................... 12
Woman's White Cross, Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary
Societies ...................................... 13
Laymen's Meeting ............................... 14
Junior Laymen's Conference ..................... 15
Deaconess Conference ........................... 16
Tri-Conference Program (p. 5)
[corresponds to page 3 of Tri-Conference Program]
THIS program is the culmination of the first attempt
in America to hold three Methodist Episcopal Con-
ferences at the same time and place. No amount
of effort has been spared to make this event memorable.
The Conference Program Committees of the West Ohio,
the Ohio, and the North-East Ohio Conferences, the Presi-
dent of Ohio Wesleyan University, the three district super-
intendents and four entertaining pastors have been organized
into one committee with Bishop Theodore S. Henderson,
resident Bishop, as Chairman. The program presented
herewith is the work of that committee.
The invitation of the trustees of Ohio Wesleyan to the three
conferences to hold their sessions in Delaware was first
approved by Bishop Henderson who in turn presented the
matter to the Area Council with recommendations that the
invitation be accepted. The Chamber of Commerce, and
all churches of Delaware united unanimously in supporting
the invitation to the Annual Conferences in September 1926.
As a result of this action, the city of Delaware has been
organized into one General Entertainment Committee with
the President of the Chamber of Commerce as its Chairman.
There are eight sub-committees. Through this central
organization plans have been formulated for the entertain-
ment of the three Annual Conferences, the Laymen's Asso-
ciations, the Junior Laymen's Associations and the Women's
It is the sincere desire of all who have had a share in the
arrangements thus far, to make this the first Tri-Conference
session of the Methodist Episcopal Churches of Ohio a
Karl P. Meister
Secretary and Treasurer of the Program and
General Entertainment Committees.
THIS program is the culmination of the first attempt
in America to hold three Methodist Episcopal Con-
ferences at the same time and place. No amount
of effort has been spared to make this event memorable.
The Conference Program Committees of the West Ohio,
the Ohio, and the North-East Ohio Conferences, the Presi-
dent of Ohio Wesleyan University, the three district super-
intendents and four entertaining pastors have been organized
into one committee with Bishop Theodore S. Henderson,
resident Bishop, as Chairman. The program presented
herewith is the work of that committee.
The invitation of the trustees of Ohio Wesleyan to the three
conferences to hold their sessions in Delaware was first
approved by Bishop Henderson who in turn presented the
matter to the Area Council with recommendations that the
invitation be accepted. The Chamber of Commerce, and
all churches of Delaware united unanimously in supporting
the invitation to the Annual Conferences in September 1926.
As a result of this action, the city of Delaware has been
organized into one General Entertainment Committee with
the President of the Chamber of Commerce as its Chairman.
There are eight sub-committees. Through this central
organization plans have been formulated for the entertain-
ment of the three Annual Conferences, the Laymen's Asso-
ciations, the Junior Laymen's Associations and the Women's
It is the sincere desire of all who have had a share in the
arrangements thus far, to make this the first Tri-Conference
session of the Methodist Episcopal Churches of Ohio a
Karl P. Meister
Secretary and Treasurer of the Program and
General Entertainment Committees.
Tri-Conference Program (p. 6)
[corresponds to page 4 of Tri-Conference Program]
General Headquarters for the three conferences are established in Gray Chapel.
Everything pertaining to the entertainment of the Annual Conferences, the Laymen's
Associations, the Women's Day, the Deaconess Day, and Junior Laymen's Associations
will be cared for by one general committee.
All registrations and room assignments except those of the Junior Laymen will be
made there.
All rooms outside of hotels will rent for 50 cents per person per night with a minimum
charge of $1.00 per room.
Breakfast in the homes is optional with the hostess. The rate is 25 cents.
Settlement for rooms and meals should be made by each individual with the hostess.
Meals, morning, noon, and night, will be served in Monnett and Austin Halls; lunch
and dinner in the churches.
Persons rooming in Monnett or Austin will secure tickets in advance for meals there
with the privilege of exchange for special banquets.
All arrangements for committee or public meetings, places of holding the same and
equipment should be referred to the general headquarters for assignment, to avoid
Unlimited parking of autos is permitted on all Delaware streets. Special space with
protection is provided for those who wish it.
The Conference Post Office is in Gray Chapel basement. Mail for all conferences
will be distributed there.
Information desks have been established in Gray Chapel, St. Paul's Church, and
William Street Church.
Local and long distance telephone booths will be found in the three places mentioned
above. The Western Union branch office is in Gray Chapel.
All material for the press should be handled through the office of Douglass W. Miller,
North Hall.
General Headquarters for the three conferences are established in Gray Chapel.
Everything pertaining to the entertainment of the Annual Conferences, the Laymen's
Associations, the Women's Day, the Deaconess Day, and Junior Laymen's Associations
will be cared for by one general committee.
All registrations and room assignments except those of the Junior Laymen will be
made there.
All rooms outside of hotels will rent for 50 cents per person per night with a minimum
charge of $1.00 per room.
Breakfast in the homes is optional with the hostess. The rate is 25 cents.
Settlement for rooms and meals should be made by each individual with the hostess.
Meals, morning, noon, and night, will be served in Monnett and Austin Halls; lunch
and dinner in the churches.
Persons rooming in Monnett or Austin will secure tickets in advance for meals there
with the privilege of exchange for special banquets.
All arrangements for committee or public meetings, places of holding the same and
equipment should be referred to the general headquarters for assignment, to avoid
Unlimited parking of autos is permitted on all Delaware streets. Special space with
protection is provided for those who wish it.
The Conference Post Office is in Gray Chapel basement. Mail for all conferences
will be distributed there.
Information desks have been established in Gray Chapel, St. Paul's Church, and
William Street Church.
Local and long distance telephone booths will be found in the three places mentioned
above. The Western Union branch office is in Gray Chapel.
All material for the press should be handled through the office of Douglass W. Miller,
North Hall.
Tri-Conference Program (p. 7)
[corresponds to page 5 of Tri-Conference Program]
It is a great thing for a church when it begins to have shrines that
symbolize the faith and heroism of the fathers. Delaware is such a
When a committee of preachers was sent from the Ohio Confer-
ence sitting at Urbana, to decide whether Delaware would be a good
place to start a college, like Caleb and Joshua of old they came
back with a favorable report. But when they came to pay for the
livery rig which they had used it was found that only one among
them had money enough to meet it. Their poverty did not daunt
them, however, and they persuaded the Conference, whose members
were as poor as themselves, to embark in the adventure.
The building in which the school was started is the frame struc-
ture immediately behind the college library. Here for fifty years
William G. Williams taught Greek, and here until the erection of
Merrick Hall, L. D. McCabe with Celtic fire and daring taught
At 294 North Sandusky Street one sees the home of Edward
Thomson, the first president of the university, and afterward Bishop
of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was a descendant of the
poet Thomson who wrote "The Seasons". Around his name many
traditions gathered, for he strangely gripped the imagination of the
At 57 Oak Hill Avenue is the home of President Frederick
Merrick, where he wore out the carpet by his bedside praying for
the Ohio Wesleyan University. He was a New England Presby-
terian Puritan touched with the old-fashioned Methodist fire, and
the combination of granite and heat made an extraordinary character.
The central building on campus is Gray Chapel, the money
for which was for the most part raised by President James W.
It is a great thing for a church when it begins to have shrines that
symbolize the faith and heroism of the fathers. Delaware is such a
When a committee of preachers was sent from the Ohio Confer-
ence sitting at Urbana, to decide whether Delaware would be a good
place to start a college, like Caleb and Joshua of old they came
back with a favorable report. But when they came to pay for the
livery rig which they had used it was found that only one among
them had money enough to meet it. Their poverty did not daunt
them, however, and they persuaded the Conference, whose members
were as poor as themselves, to embark in the adventure.
The building in which the school was started is the frame struc-
ture immediately behind the college library. Here for fifty years
William G. Williams taught Greek, and here until the erection of
Merrick Hall, L. D. McCabe with Celtic fire and daring taught
At 294 North Sandusky Street one sees the home of Edward
Thomson, the first president of the university, and afterward Bishop
of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was a descendant of the
poet Thomson who wrote "The Seasons". Around his name many
traditions gathered, for he strangely gripped the imagination of the
At 57 Oak Hill Avenue is the home of President Frederick
Merrick, where he wore out the carpet by his bedside praying for
the Ohio Wesleyan University. He was a New England Presby-
terian Puritan touched with the old-fashioned Methodist fire, and
the combination of granite and heat made an extraordinary character.
The central building on campus is Gray Chapel, the money
for which was for the most part raised by President James W.
Tri-Conference Program (p. 8)
[corresponds to page 6 of Tri-Conference Program]
Bashford, in small sums and with great difficulty, before the days
when people became accustomed to giving liberally to education.
One evening in the gloaming President Bashford, pointing to its
beautiful tower, said to a professor, "Every stone in that building
represents a prayer." The chapel auditorium was the scene of the
marvelous evangelistic meetings among the students that Bashford
in his simple and unforced fashion was accustomed to conduct. And
here also he gave the great monthly lectures that are outstanding
memories among the old students.
As an illustration of the love in which the college has been held
by its children may be mentioned the portrait of Browning, by
Moscheles, which hangs in the library reading room. Dr. Frank
W. Gunsaulus saw it in Europe, and was told by one who knew
Browning that he deemed it the best portrait of the poet in existence.
For what price could it be purchased? asked Gunsaulus. The answer
was, "A thousand dollars." "Pack it up," said he, "and ship it to
the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware." And after that he
went out and earned the money to pay for it by lecturing.
Gunsaulus' own wonderful portrait, by Nyholm, the Swedish artist,
hangs near it in the reading room.
The old church which stood on the site of the present William
Street Church is the place where the two college friends, Gunsaulus
and Bishop McDowell, felt so profoundly the grip of the evangelistic
The Methodist Conferences of Ohio elect the majority of the trus-
tees of the Ohio Wesleyan University, and hence can determine its
policy. The college is a sacred trust that has been handed down to
them by the great men of the past.
Of national interest to lovers of temperance is the fact that in
the old William Street Church was first organized the Women's
Christian Temperance Union, a society that, under God, has been
one of the most powerful influences in driving out the legalized saloon.
Bashford, in small sums and with great difficulty, before the days
when people became accustomed to giving liberally to education.
One evening in the gloaming President Bashford, pointing to its
beautiful tower, said to a professor, "Every stone in that building
represents a prayer." The chapel auditorium was the scene of the
marvelous evangelistic meetings among the students that Bashford
in his simple and unforced fashion was accustomed to conduct. And
here also he gave the great monthly lectures that are outstanding
memories among the old students.
As an illustration of the love in which the college has been held
by its children may be mentioned the portrait of Browning, by
Moscheles, which hangs in the library reading room. Dr. Frank
W. Gunsaulus saw it in Europe, and was told by one who knew
Browning that he deemed it the best portrait of the poet in existence.
For what price could it be purchased? asked Gunsaulus. The answer
was, "A thousand dollars." "Pack it up," said he, "and ship it to
the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware." And after that he
went out and earned the money to pay for it by lecturing.
Gunsaulus' own wonderful portrait, by Nyholm, the Swedish artist,
hangs near it in the reading room.
The old church which stood on the site of the present William
Street Church is the place where the two college friends, Gunsaulus
and Bishop McDowell, felt so profoundly the grip of the evangelistic
The Methodist Conferences of Ohio elect the majority of the trus-
tees of the Ohio Wesleyan University, and hence can determine its
policy. The college is a sacred trust that has been handed down to
them by the great men of the past.
Of national interest to lovers of temperance is the fact that in
the old William Street Church was first organized the Women's
Christian Temperance Union, a society that, under God, has been
one of the most powerful influences in driving out the legalized saloon.
Tri-Conference Program (p. 9)
[corresponds to page 7 of Tri-Conference Program]
Tuesday--September Sixth
12 Noon--Luncheon, Preachers Chorus...................Presbyterian Church
Mr. Harold S. Clase, Director
Mrs. Harold S. Clase, Pianist
Dr. Vernon H. Wagar, Organist
5:30 P.M.--Banquet, Rural Life Associations of the Three Annual Confer-
ences, St. Paul's Church.
Addresses: Bishop Theodore S. Henderson,
Dr. M. A. Dawber
Prof. E. L. Tetreau
Banquet, Veterans of All Wars ..........................G. A. R. Hall
7:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel,......Bishop Theodore S. Henderson, D.D., LL.D.,
Music, Preachers Chorus..........................Harold S. Clase, Director
Invocation.......................Dr. C. S. Gee, Pastor Presbyterian Church
Address of Welcome.............Bruce C. Burgess, President of the Delaware
Chamber of Commerce
Response ...............................Bishop Joseph F. Berry, D.D., LL.D.
Address, "Christian Education", Bishop William F. McDowell, D.D., LL.D.
Wednesday--September Seventh
12:30 Noon--Inter-Conference Theological Seminary Luncheon, Reformed
2:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel...........................Dr. John W. Hoffman,
President Ohio Wesleyan University, Presiding.
Music ...............................................Preachers Chorus
Address......."Religious Education," Prof. Walter S. Athearn, Ph.D.,
Dean Boston University School of Religious Education.
4:00 P.M.--Bishop Joseph F. Berry, Presiding.
Lecture................Dr. T. R. Glover, M.A., LL.D., Public Orator,
St. John's College, Cambridge, England.
5:30 P.M.--Educational Banquet.....Mt. Union, Ohio Northern, Baldwin
Wallace, Ohio Wesleyan, Asbury and other colleges, Edwards
The Rev. S. K. Mahon, D.D., Toledo, ......................Toastmaster
Speaker........Hon. Charles F. Miller, State Superintendent of Public
Instruction, Indianapolis, Indiana.
7:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel...............................Dr. A. E. Smith,
President Ohio Northern University, Presiding.
Music ...............................................Preachers Chorus
Address............................."Christian Education and Reform,"
Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes, D.D., LL.D., Chicago.
Tuesday--September Sixth
12 Noon--Luncheon, Preachers Chorus...................Presbyterian Church
Mr. Harold S. Clase, Director
Mrs. Harold S. Clase, Pianist
Dr. Vernon H. Wagar, Organist
5:30 P.M.--Banquet, Rural Life Associations of the Three Annual Confer-
ences, St. Paul's Church.
Addresses: Bishop Theodore S. Henderson,
Dr. M. A. Dawber
Prof. E. L. Tetreau
Banquet, Veterans of All Wars ..........................G. A. R. Hall
7:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel,......Bishop Theodore S. Henderson, D.D., LL.D.,
Music, Preachers Chorus..........................Harold S. Clase, Director
Invocation.......................Dr. C. S. Gee, Pastor Presbyterian Church
Address of Welcome.............Bruce C. Burgess, President of the Delaware
Chamber of Commerce
Response ...............................Bishop Joseph F. Berry, D.D., LL.D.
Address, "Christian Education", Bishop William F. McDowell, D.D., LL.D.
Wednesday--September Seventh
12:30 Noon--Inter-Conference Theological Seminary Luncheon, Reformed
2:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel...........................Dr. John W. Hoffman,
President Ohio Wesleyan University, Presiding.
Music ...............................................Preachers Chorus
Address......."Religious Education," Prof. Walter S. Athearn, Ph.D.,
Dean Boston University School of Religious Education.
4:00 P.M.--Bishop Joseph F. Berry, Presiding.
Lecture................Dr. T. R. Glover, M.A., LL.D., Public Orator,
St. John's College, Cambridge, England.
5:30 P.M.--Educational Banquet.....Mt. Union, Ohio Northern, Baldwin
Wallace, Ohio Wesleyan, Asbury and other colleges, Edwards
The Rev. S. K. Mahon, D.D., Toledo, ......................Toastmaster
Speaker........Hon. Charles F. Miller, State Superintendent of Public
Instruction, Indianapolis, Indiana.
7:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel...............................Dr. A. E. Smith,
President Ohio Northern University, Presiding.
Music ...............................................Preachers Chorus
Address............................."Christian Education and Reform,"
Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes, D.D., LL.D., Chicago.
Tri-Conference Program (p. 10)
[corresponds to page 8 of Tri-Conference Program]
Thursday--September Eighth
10:30 A.M.--Gray Chapel...............Bishop Joseph F. Berry, Presiding.
Joint Session of the Ohio, the West Ohio and North-East Ohio Conferences
for the consideration of World Service.
Address......Dr. R. E. Diffendorfer, Secretary Board of Foreign Missions.
Address...................Dr. W. S. Bovard, Secertary Board of Education.
2:30 P.M.--Rev. J. C. Bickel, D.D., Columbus, Presiding.
Music ...................................................Preachers Chorus
Address ................................."The Church and State Education"
Rev. J. C. Baker, D.D., Pastor First M.E. Church, Urbana, Ill.
4:00 P.M.--Bishop William F. McDowell, Presiding.
Lecture .................................................Dr. T. R. Glover
5:30 P.M.--Theological Seminary Banquets
Drew, Episcopal Church.
Boston, Reformed Church.
Garrett, St. John's Church.
7:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel............................Dr. William H. McMaster,
President Mt. Union College, Presiding.
Music ....................................................Preachers Chorus
Address,........................"Christian Education in Methodist History"
Bishop Warren A. Candler, D.D., LL.D., M.E. Church South
Friday--September Ninth
2:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel..................Rev. E. A. Brown, Akron, Presiding.
Address ........................."Christian Education and the Social Order"
Dr. G. Brownley Oxnam, Boston University School of Theology
4:00 P.M.--Bishop Luther B. Wilson, Presiding.
Address ...................................................Dr. T. R. Glover
5:30 P.M.--Edward Gymnasium..........................Father and Son Banquet,
Dr. E. H. Cherrington, Toastmaster.
Address .................................."Paying the Price"--Branch Rickey,
Vice-President and Business Manager St. Louis Cardinals Baseball Club.
7:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel...................Joint Meeting Ministers and Laymen,
Dr. A. B. Storms, President Baldwin Wallace College, Presiding
Music ......................................................Preachers Chorus
Address ........................."Christian Education and Spiritual Rebirth"
Bishop Theodore S. Henderson.
Thursday--September Eighth
10:30 A.M.--Gray Chapel...............Bishop Joseph F. Berry, Presiding.
Joint Session of the Ohio, the West Ohio and North-East Ohio Conferences
for the consideration of World Service.
Address......Dr. R. E. Diffendorfer, Secretary Board of Foreign Missions.
Address...................Dr. W. S. Bovard, Secertary Board of Education.
2:30 P.M.--Rev. J. C. Bickel, D.D., Columbus, Presiding.
Music ...................................................Preachers Chorus
Address ................................."The Church and State Education"
Rev. J. C. Baker, D.D., Pastor First M.E. Church, Urbana, Ill.
4:00 P.M.--Bishop William F. McDowell, Presiding.
Lecture .................................................Dr. T. R. Glover
5:30 P.M.--Theological Seminary Banquets
Drew, Episcopal Church.
Boston, Reformed Church.
Garrett, St. John's Church.
7:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel............................Dr. William H. McMaster,
President Mt. Union College, Presiding.
Music ....................................................Preachers Chorus
Address,........................"Christian Education in Methodist History"
Bishop Warren A. Candler, D.D., LL.D., M.E. Church South
Friday--September Ninth
2:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel..................Rev. E. A. Brown, Akron, Presiding.
Address ........................."Christian Education and the Social Order"
Dr. G. Brownley Oxnam, Boston University School of Theology
4:00 P.M.--Bishop Luther B. Wilson, Presiding.
Address ...................................................Dr. T. R. Glover
5:30 P.M.--Edward Gymnasium..........................Father and Son Banquet,
Dr. E. H. Cherrington, Toastmaster.
Address .................................."Paying the Price"--Branch Rickey,
Vice-President and Business Manager St. Louis Cardinals Baseball Club.
7:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel...................Joint Meeting Ministers and Laymen,
Dr. A. B. Storms, President Baldwin Wallace College, Presiding
Music ......................................................Preachers Chorus
Address ........................."Christian Education and Spiritual Rebirth"
Bishop Theodore S. Henderson.
Tri-Conference Program (p. 11)
[corresponds to page 9 of Tri-Conference Program]
Saturday--September Tenth
11:00 A.M.--Gray Chapel, Joint Meeting of Laymen's Associations and Junior
Laymen's Associations with the Three Annual Conferences.
2:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel................................Hon. Chas. H. Lewis,
Former Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, Presiding.
Music ....................................................Preachers Chorus
Address......."The Relation of the Rural Church to the Life of the Nation"
Dr. C. J. Galpin, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
4:00 P.M.--Dr. Rollin H. Walker, Delaware, Presiding.
Lecture ..................................................Dr. T. R. Glover
5:30 P.M.--Social Service Banquet .......................St. Mary's School
Speaker .......................................Dr. James M. Yard, of China
7:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel..........Senator Frank B. Willis of Ohio, Presiding
Music ....................................................Preachers Chorus
Address.........."Christian Education and Church Educational Institutions"
Dr. Thomas H. Lewis, President of the General Conference of the
Methodist Protestant Church.
Sunday--September Eleventh
10:30 A.M.--Gray Chapel, Morning Worship in charge of Dr. F. C. Anderson
and Rev. L. E. Rush.
Sermon ............................................Bishop Joseph F. Berry
Music Asbury and Grace Church Choirs
2:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel...................Bishop Joseph F. Berry, Presiding
Music ....................................................Preachers Chorus
Ordination Address ................................Bishop Luther B. Wilson
Ordination of Elders and Deacons.
Consecration of Deaconesses.
7:30 P.M.--Pageant...................................."The Tides of India"
Director ................................Mrs. Lydia G. Deseo, Chicago, Ill.
Manager .................................Prof. L. B. McNabb, Delawaere Ohio
Saturday--September Tenth
11:00 A.M.--Gray Chapel, Joint Meeting of Laymen's Associations and Junior
Laymen's Associations with the Three Annual Conferences.
2:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel................................Hon. Chas. H. Lewis,
Former Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, Presiding.
Music ....................................................Preachers Chorus
Address......."The Relation of the Rural Church to the Life of the Nation"
Dr. C. J. Galpin, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
4:00 P.M.--Dr. Rollin H. Walker, Delaware, Presiding.
Lecture ..................................................Dr. T. R. Glover
5:30 P.M.--Social Service Banquet .......................St. Mary's School
Speaker .......................................Dr. James M. Yard, of China
7:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel..........Senator Frank B. Willis of Ohio, Presiding
Music ....................................................Preachers Chorus
Address.........."Christian Education and Church Educational Institutions"
Dr. Thomas H. Lewis, President of the General Conference of the
Methodist Protestant Church.
Sunday--September Eleventh
10:30 A.M.--Gray Chapel, Morning Worship in charge of Dr. F. C. Anderson
and Rev. L. E. Rush.
Sermon ............................................Bishop Joseph F. Berry
Music Asbury and Grace Church Choirs
2:30 P.M.--Gray Chapel...................Bishop Joseph F. Berry, Presiding
Music ....................................................Preachers Chorus
Ordination Address ................................Bishop Luther B. Wilson
Ordination of Elders and Deacons.
Consecration of Deaconesses.
7:30 P.M.--Pageant...................................."The Tides of India"
Director ................................Mrs. Lydia G. Deseo, Chicago, Ill.
Manager .................................Prof. L. B. McNabb, Delawaere Ohio
Tri-Conference Program (p. 12)
[corresponds to page 10 of Tri-Conference Program]
The One Hundred and Sixteenth Session
of the
St. Paul's Church
Delaware, Ohio
September 6th to 12th, 1927
Bishop Joseph F. Berry, D.D., LL.D. Secretary, Rev. J. G. Laughlin
Tuesday--September Sixth
2:00 P.M.--Bishop Joseph F. Berry, D.D., LL.D., Presiding.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
Memorial Service ........................Sermon: Rev. James W. Blair
Organization of Conference.
Wednesday--September Seventh
8:30 A.M.--Devotional Address.................Bishop Joseph F. Berry
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business.
12:00 Noon--Adjournment.
Thursday--September Eighth
8:30 A.M.--Devotional Address .................Bishop Joseph F. Berry
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
10:30 A.M.--Joint Session of the Three Annual Conferences of Ohio in Gray Chapel.
10:30 A.M.--White Cross Association and Luncheon.............Presbyterian Church
1:30 P.M.--Joint Meeting of the W.F.M.S. and W.H.M.S.,
William Street Church.
4:30 P.M.--Reception for all Methodist Women,.....................Monnett Campus.
Friday--September Ninth
8:30 A.M.--Devotional Address ............................Bishop Joseph F. Berry
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
12:00 Noon--Adjournment
Saturday--September Tenth
8:30 A.M.--Devotional Address ............................Bishop Joseph F. Berry
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
11:00 A.M.--Joint Session of the Junior and Senior Laymen's Associations with the
Three Annual Conferences of Ohio in Gray Chapel.
Sunday--September Eleventh
9:00 A.M.--Conference Love Feast ..........................Dr. P. L. Mark, Leader
Morning Worship in charge of Dr. E. K. Johnson and Rev. R. O. McRae
10:30 A.M.--Sermon............................Bishop Luther B. Wilson, D.D., LL.D.
Music St. Paul's Choir
Monday--September Twelfth
8:30 A.M.--Devotional Address ..............................Bishop Joseph F. Berry
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
12:00 Noon--Adjournment
1:30 P.M.--Conference Business
The One Hundred and Sixteenth Session
of the
St. Paul's Church
Delaware, Ohio
September 6th to 12th, 1927
Bishop Joseph F. Berry, D.D., LL.D. Secretary, Rev. J. G. Laughlin
Tuesday--September Sixth
2:00 P.M.--Bishop Joseph F. Berry, D.D., LL.D., Presiding.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
Memorial Service ........................Sermon: Rev. James W. Blair
Organization of Conference.
Wednesday--September Seventh
8:30 A.M.--Devotional Address.................Bishop Joseph F. Berry
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business.
12:00 Noon--Adjournment.
Thursday--September Eighth
8:30 A.M.--Devotional Address .................Bishop Joseph F. Berry
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
10:30 A.M.--Joint Session of the Three Annual Conferences of Ohio in Gray Chapel.
10:30 A.M.--White Cross Association and Luncheon.............Presbyterian Church
1:30 P.M.--Joint Meeting of the W.F.M.S. and W.H.M.S.,
William Street Church.
4:30 P.M.--Reception for all Methodist Women,.....................Monnett Campus.
Friday--September Ninth
8:30 A.M.--Devotional Address ............................Bishop Joseph F. Berry
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
12:00 Noon--Adjournment
Saturday--September Tenth
8:30 A.M.--Devotional Address ............................Bishop Joseph F. Berry
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
11:00 A.M.--Joint Session of the Junior and Senior Laymen's Associations with the
Three Annual Conferences of Ohio in Gray Chapel.
Sunday--September Eleventh
9:00 A.M.--Conference Love Feast ..........................Dr. P. L. Mark, Leader
Morning Worship in charge of Dr. E. K. Johnson and Rev. R. O. McRae
10:30 A.M.--Sermon............................Bishop Luther B. Wilson, D.D., LL.D.
Music St. Paul's Choir
Monday--September Twelfth
8:30 A.M.--Devotional Address ..............................Bishop Joseph F. Berry
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
12:00 Noon--Adjournment
1:30 P.M.--Conference Business
Tri-Conference Program (p. 13)
[corresponds to page 11 of Tri-Conference Program]
Sixteenth Annual Session
of the
Gray Chapel
Delaware, Ohio
September 6 to 12, 1927
Bishop William F. McDowell, D.D., LL.D. Secretary, Dr. F. I. Johnson
Tuesday--September Sixth
2:00 PM--Bishop William F. Mc Dowell, D.D., LL.D., Presiding
Memorial Service
Sermon ..................................................Dr. Frank G. Fowler
Communion Service
Organization of Conference
Wednesday--September Seventh
8:30 A.M.--Devotions..............................Bishop William F. McDowell
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
10:30-10:40 A.M.--Recess
12:00 Noon--Adjournment
Thursday--September Eighth
8:30 A.M.--Devotions..............................Bishop William F. McDowell
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
10:30 A.M.--Joint Session of the Three Annual Conferences of Ohio in Gray Chapel
10:30 A.M.--White Cross Association and Luncheon..........Presbyterian Church
1:30 P.M.--Joint Meeting of the W.F.M.S. and W.H.M.S.
William Street Church
4:00 P.M.--Reception for all Methodist Women..............Monnett Hall Campus
Friday--September Ninth
8:30 A.M.--Devotions................................Bishop William F. McDowell
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
10:30-10:40 A.M.--Recess
12:00 Noon--Adjournment
Saturday--September Tenth
8:30 A.M.--Devotions................................Bishop William F. McDowell
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
11:00 A.M.--Joint Session of the Junior and Senior Laymen's Associations with the
Annual Conferences in Gray Chapel
12:00 Noon--Adjournment
Sunday--September Eleventh
9:00 A.M. Conference Love Feast ..................Dr. Austin Philpott, Leader
10:30 A.M.--Morning Worship in charge of Dr. F. C. Anderson and Rev. L. E. Rush
Sermon.........................................Bishop Joseph F. Berry, D.D., LL.D. Asbury and Grace Church Choirs
Monday--September Twelfth
8:30 A.M.--Devotions...........................Bishop William F. McDowell
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
10:30-10:4 A.M.--Recess
12:00 Noon--Adjournment
1:30 P.M.--Conference Business
Sixteenth Annual Session
of the
Gray Chapel
Delaware, Ohio
September 6 to 12, 1927
Bishop William F. McDowell, D.D., LL.D. Secretary, Dr. F. I. Johnson
Tuesday--September Sixth
2:00 PM--Bishop William F. Mc Dowell, D.D., LL.D., Presiding
Memorial Service
Sermon ..................................................Dr. Frank G. Fowler
Communion Service
Organization of Conference
Wednesday--September Seventh
8:30 A.M.--Devotions..............................Bishop William F. McDowell
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
10:30-10:40 A.M.--Recess
12:00 Noon--Adjournment
Thursday--September Eighth
8:30 A.M.--Devotions..............................Bishop William F. McDowell
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
10:30 A.M.--Joint Session of the Three Annual Conferences of Ohio in Gray Chapel
10:30 A.M.--White Cross Association and Luncheon..........Presbyterian Church
1:30 P.M.--Joint Meeting of the W.F.M.S. and W.H.M.S.
William Street Church
4:00 P.M.--Reception for all Methodist Women..............Monnett Hall Campus
Friday--September Ninth
8:30 A.M.--Devotions................................Bishop William F. McDowell
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
10:30-10:40 A.M.--Recess
12:00 Noon--Adjournment
Saturday--September Tenth
8:30 A.M.--Devotions................................Bishop William F. McDowell
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
11:00 A.M.--Joint Session of the Junior and Senior Laymen's Associations with the
Annual Conferences in Gray Chapel
12:00 Noon--Adjournment
Sunday--September Eleventh
9:00 A.M. Conference Love Feast ..................Dr. Austin Philpott, Leader
10:30 A.M.--Morning Worship in charge of Dr. F. C. Anderson and Rev. L. E. Rush
Sermon.........................................Bishop Joseph F. Berry, D.D., LL.D. Asbury and Grace Church Choirs
Monday--September Twelfth
8:30 A.M.--Devotions...........................Bishop William F. McDowell
9:00 A.M.--Conference Business
10:30-10:4 A.M.--Recess
12:00 Noon--Adjournment
1:30 P.M.--Conference Business
Tri-Conference Program (p. 14)
[corresponds to page 12 of Tri-Conference Program]
Fifteenth Annual Session
of the
William Street M.E. Church
Delaware, Ohio
September 6 to 12, 1927
Bishop Luther B. Wilson, D.D., LL.D. Secretary, Dr. Valourous F. Brown
Tuesday--September Sixth
2:00 P.M.--Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, Bishop Luther B. Wilson, D.D., LL.D
3:00 P.M.--Roll Call
3:30 P.M.--Memorial Sermon...............................Rev. Jacob A. Hoffman
4:30 P.M.--Organization and Statistical Session
Wednesday--September Seventh
8:30 A.M.--Conference Session
10:00 A.M.--Cabinet Address
10:30-10:40 A.M.--Recess
11:00 A.M.--Vote on Conference Boundary
11:45 A.M.--Devotions .................................Bishop Luther B. Wilson
2:00-4:00 P.M.--Retired Ministers Association..............Sunday School Room
William Street Church
6:30 P.M.--Annual Meeting Preachers Relief Society
Thursday--September Eighth
8:30 A.M.--Conference Session
10:15 A.M.--Devotions...................................Bishop Luther B. Wilson
10:30 A.M.--Joint Session of three Annual Conferences of Ohio ......Gray Chapel
10:30 A.M.--White Cross Association and Luncheon............Presbyterian Church
1:30 P.M.--W.F.M.S. and W.H.M.S...........................William Street Church
4:00 P.M.--Reception for all Methodist Women................Monnett Hall Campus
5:30 P.M.--Banquet West Ohio Ministers Wives Association..William Street Church
Friday--September Ninth
8:30 A.M.--Conference Session
10:30-10:40 A.M.--Recess
11:45 A.M.--Devotions ..................................Bishop Luther B. Wilson
Saturday--September Tenth
8:30 A.M.--Conference Session
10:45 A.M.--Devotions ..................................Bishop Luther B. Wilson
11:00 A.M.--Joint Session of the Junior and Senior Laymen's Associations with the
Three Annual Conferences, Gray Chapel.
Sunday--September Eleventh
9:15 A.M.--Conference Love Feast ...............................Dr. J. F. Hoffman
10:30 A.M.--Conference Sermon...........................Bishop William F. McDowell
Morning Worship, charge of Rev. F. Howard Callahan and
Dr. H. E. Armacost
2:30 P.M.--Joint Ordination
Monday--September Twelfth
8:30 A.M.--Conference Session
1:30 P.M.--Reading of Appointments and Adjournment, Bishop Luther B. Wilson
Fifteenth Annual Session
of the
William Street M.E. Church
Delaware, Ohio
September 6 to 12, 1927
Bishop Luther B. Wilson, D.D., LL.D. Secretary, Dr. Valourous F. Brown
Tuesday--September Sixth
2:00 P.M.--Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, Bishop Luther B. Wilson, D.D., LL.D
3:00 P.M.--Roll Call
3:30 P.M.--Memorial Sermon...............................Rev. Jacob A. Hoffman
4:30 P.M.--Organization and Statistical Session
Wednesday--September Seventh
8:30 A.M.--Conference Session
10:00 A.M.--Cabinet Address
10:30-10:40 A.M.--Recess
11:00 A.M.--Vote on Conference Boundary
11:45 A.M.--Devotions .................................Bishop Luther B. Wilson
2:00-4:00 P.M.--Retired Ministers Association..............Sunday School Room
William Street Church
6:30 P.M.--Annual Meeting Preachers Relief Society
Thursday--September Eighth
8:30 A.M.--Conference Session
10:15 A.M.--Devotions...................................Bishop Luther B. Wilson
10:30 A.M.--Joint Session of three Annual Conferences of Ohio ......Gray Chapel
10:30 A.M.--White Cross Association and Luncheon............Presbyterian Church
1:30 P.M.--W.F.M.S. and W.H.M.S...........................William Street Church
4:00 P.M.--Reception for all Methodist Women................Monnett Hall Campus
5:30 P.M.--Banquet West Ohio Ministers Wives Association..William Street Church
Friday--September Ninth
8:30 A.M.--Conference Session
10:30-10:40 A.M.--Recess
11:45 A.M.--Devotions ..................................Bishop Luther B. Wilson
Saturday--September Tenth
8:30 A.M.--Conference Session
10:45 A.M.--Devotions ..................................Bishop Luther B. Wilson
11:00 A.M.--Joint Session of the Junior and Senior Laymen's Associations with the
Three Annual Conferences, Gray Chapel.
Sunday--September Eleventh
9:15 A.M.--Conference Love Feast ...............................Dr. J. F. Hoffman
10:30 A.M.--Conference Sermon...........................Bishop William F. McDowell
Morning Worship, charge of Rev. F. Howard Callahan and
Dr. H. E. Armacost
2:30 P.M.--Joint Ordination
Monday--September Twelfth
8:30 A.M.--Conference Session
1:30 P.M.--Reading of Appointments and Adjournment, Bishop Luther B. Wilson
Tri-Conference Program (p. 15)
[corresponds to page 13 of Tri-Conference Program]
of the
Woman's White Cross Association and the Woman's Home
and Foreign Missionary Societies
of the
Methodist Episcopal Church
September 8th, 1927
Delaware, Ohio
10:30 A.M.--White Cross Association ................Presbyterian Church
Address ...................."Methodism's Ministry of Christian Healing"
Bishop Theodore S. Henderson
1:30 P.M.--Joint Meeting .........................William Street Church
Woman's Home Missionary Society .........Mrs. W. H. C. Goode, Presiding
Song Service ..................................................Ray Mohr
Reports from Conferences...............Ohio, West Ohio, North-East Ohio
Solo ................................................Mrs. E. K. Johnson
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society.......Mrs. O. N. Townsend, Presiding
Reports from Conferences...............Ohio, West Ohio, North-East Ohio
3:00 P.M.--Address.................................."Spiritual Rebirth"
Rev. L. C. Wright, D.D., Pastor
Epworth Euclid Church, Cleveland, Ohio
"Enter into his gates with Thanksgiving
And into his courts with praise."
4:00 P.M.--Reception for all Methodist Women.........Monnett Hall Campus
of the
Woman's White Cross Association and the Woman's Home
and Foreign Missionary Societies
of the
Methodist Episcopal Church
September 8th, 1927
Delaware, Ohio
10:30 A.M.--White Cross Association ................Presbyterian Church
Address ...................."Methodism's Ministry of Christian Healing"
Bishop Theodore S. Henderson
1:30 P.M.--Joint Meeting .........................William Street Church
Woman's Home Missionary Society .........Mrs. W. H. C. Goode, Presiding
Song Service ..................................................Ray Mohr
Reports from Conferences...............Ohio, West Ohio, North-East Ohio
Solo ................................................Mrs. E. K. Johnson
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society.......Mrs. O. N. Townsend, Presiding
Reports from Conferences...............Ohio, West Ohio, North-East Ohio
3:00 P.M.--Address.................................."Spiritual Rebirth"
Rev. L. C. Wright, D.D., Pastor
Epworth Euclid Church, Cleveland, Ohio
"Enter into his gates with Thanksgiving
And into his courts with praise."
4:00 P.M.--Reception for all Methodist Women.........Monnett Hall Campus
Tri-Conference Program (p. 16)
[corresponds to page 14 of Tri-Conference Program]
Friday--September Ninth
10:00 A.M.--West Ohio Lay Electoral Conference...........Reformed Church
Ohio Lay Electoral Conference..........................St. Mark's Church
North-East Ohio Lay Electoral Conference.............Presbyterian Church
1:45 P.M.--Joint Session of the West Ohio, the Ohio, and the North-East
Ohio Laymen's Associations.........................William Street Church
Address "Personal Spiritual Life"..........................Walter Frazer
President of the Pittsburgh Laymen's Association.
Address "The Christian Layman and His Time".............Geo. L. Morelock
Executive Secretary of the Laymen's Work of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, South.
4:00 P.M.--All Laymen will join to hear Dr. T. R. Glover.....Gray Chapel
5:30 P.M.--Father and Son Banquet......................Edwards Gymnasium
Toastmaster........................................Dr. E. H. Cherrington
Address, Branch Rickey, Vice President and Business Manager, St. Louis
Cardinals Baseball Club.
7:30 P.M.--Joint Meeting Ministers and Laymen...............Gray Chapel
Music .................................................Preachers Chorus
Address,...................................Bishop Theodore S. Henderson
Saturday--September Tenth
8:30 A.M.--West Ohio Conference Laymen's Association, Reformed Church
Ohio Conference Laymen's Association................St. Mark's Church
North-East Ohio Conference Laymen's Association, Presbyterian
11:00 A.M.--Joint Session of all Laymen's Associations, Junior Laymen's Asso-
ciations and the Three Annual Conferences ..............Gray Chapel
Friday--September Ninth
10:00 A.M.--West Ohio Lay Electoral Conference...........Reformed Church
Ohio Lay Electoral Conference..........................St. Mark's Church
North-East Ohio Lay Electoral Conference.............Presbyterian Church
1:45 P.M.--Joint Session of the West Ohio, the Ohio, and the North-East
Ohio Laymen's Associations.........................William Street Church
Address "Personal Spiritual Life"..........................Walter Frazer
President of the Pittsburgh Laymen's Association.
Address "The Christian Layman and His Time".............Geo. L. Morelock
Executive Secretary of the Laymen's Work of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, South.
4:00 P.M.--All Laymen will join to hear Dr. T. R. Glover.....Gray Chapel
5:30 P.M.--Father and Son Banquet......................Edwards Gymnasium
Toastmaster........................................Dr. E. H. Cherrington
Address, Branch Rickey, Vice President and Business Manager, St. Louis
Cardinals Baseball Club.
7:30 P.M.--Joint Meeting Ministers and Laymen...............Gray Chapel
Music .................................................Preachers Chorus
Address,...................................Bishop Theodore S. Henderson
Saturday--September Tenth
8:30 A.M.--West Ohio Conference Laymen's Association, Reformed Church
Ohio Conference Laymen's Association................St. Mark's Church
North-East Ohio Conference Laymen's Association, Presbyterian
11:00 A.M.--Joint Session of all Laymen's Associations, Junior Laymen's Asso-
ciations and the Three Annual Conferences ..............Gray Chapel
Tri-Conference Program (p. 17)
[corresponds to page 15 of Tri-Conference Program]
of the
North-East Ohio Conference
West Ohio Conference
Ohio Conference
Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church
Delaware, Ohio
September 9-10-11, 1927
CONFERENCE THEME: "Christ First and Christ Forever"
Friday Morning
9:00-12:00--Registration and Assignment of Delegates
Friday Afternoon
Mr. William N. Murray, President, North-East Ohio Conference, Presiding
2:00-2:15--Song Service lead by Rev. O. A. Cheek
2:15-2:45--Devotional Address......................Dr. Rollin H. Walker
Department of English Bible, Ohio Wesleyan University
2:45-3:15-"The Junior Layman and Prayer"
"The Junior Layman and the Bible"
"The Junior Layman and His Chum"
Three ten minute addresses by three Conference Presidents
Mr. Boyd C. Kohler, West Ohio Conference
Mr. Paul Peed, Ohio Conference
Mr. William N. Murray, North-East Ohio Conference
3:15-3:30--Song Service
3:30-4:00--Address.........................President William H. McMaster
Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio
4:00-4:15--Closing Period
Friday Evening
5:30--Father and Son Banquet.........................Edward's Gymnasium
Toastmaster, .....................................Dr. E. H. Cheerington
Speaker, Mr. Branch Rickey, Vice President and Business Manager, St. Louis
Cardinals' Baseball Club
7:30--Joint Meeting with Senior Laymen.......................Gray Chapel
Saturday Morning
8:30-8:45--Devotional Service
8:45-9:30--Address, "The Junior Layman Program"...Bishop Theodore S. Henderson
9:30-10:45--Business in Separate Sessions
11:00-12:00--Joint Session of the Junior Laymen with the Annual Conferences and
the Senior Laymen's Conferences..............................Gray Chapel
Saturday Afternoon
2:00--Inter-Conference Field Meet in charge of Mr. George Gauthier, Director of
Athletics, Ohio Wesleyan University.
Saturday Evening
7:30--Joint Meeting of Junior Laymen..........................Asbury Church
Speaker to be announced
Sunday Morning
10:30--Junior Layman's Church Service.........................Asbury Church
Rev. Otto Scott Steele, Presiding
Sermon.........................................Bishop Theodore S. Henderson
Conference Chief Counsellors
North-East Ohio .....................Rev. Otto Scott Steele, Delaware, Ohio
West Ohio ..............................Rev. R. E. Scully, Cincinatti, Ohio
Ohio................................Rev. Frank B. McIntosh, Granville, Ohio
of the
North-East Ohio Conference
West Ohio Conference
Ohio Conference
Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church
Delaware, Ohio
September 9-10-11, 1927
CONFERENCE THEME: "Christ First and Christ Forever"
Friday Morning
9:00-12:00--Registration and Assignment of Delegates
Friday Afternoon
Mr. William N. Murray, President, North-East Ohio Conference, Presiding
2:00-2:15--Song Service lead by Rev. O. A. Cheek
2:15-2:45--Devotional Address......................Dr. Rollin H. Walker
Department of English Bible, Ohio Wesleyan University
2:45-3:15-"The Junior Layman and Prayer"
"The Junior Layman and the Bible"
"The Junior Layman and His Chum"
Three ten minute addresses by three Conference Presidents
Mr. Boyd C. Kohler, West Ohio Conference
Mr. Paul Peed, Ohio Conference
Mr. William N. Murray, North-East Ohio Conference
3:15-3:30--Song Service
3:30-4:00--Address.........................President William H. McMaster
Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio
4:00-4:15--Closing Period
Friday Evening
5:30--Father and Son Banquet.........................Edward's Gymnasium
Toastmaster, .....................................Dr. E. H. Cheerington
Speaker, Mr. Branch Rickey, Vice President and Business Manager, St. Louis
Cardinals' Baseball Club
7:30--Joint Meeting with Senior Laymen.......................Gray Chapel
Saturday Morning
8:30-8:45--Devotional Service
8:45-9:30--Address, "The Junior Layman Program"...Bishop Theodore S. Henderson
9:30-10:45--Business in Separate Sessions
11:00-12:00--Joint Session of the Junior Laymen with the Annual Conferences and
the Senior Laymen's Conferences..............................Gray Chapel
Saturday Afternoon
2:00--Inter-Conference Field Meet in charge of Mr. George Gauthier, Director of
Athletics, Ohio Wesleyan University.
Saturday Evening
7:30--Joint Meeting of Junior Laymen..........................Asbury Church
Speaker to be announced
Sunday Morning
10:30--Junior Layman's Church Service.........................Asbury Church
Rev. Otto Scott Steele, Presiding
Sermon.........................................Bishop Theodore S. Henderson
Conference Chief Counsellors
North-East Ohio .....................Rev. Otto Scott Steele, Delaware, Ohio
West Ohio ..............................Rev. R. E. Scully, Cincinatti, Ohio
Ohio................................Rev. Frank B. McIntosh, Granville, Ohio
Tri-Conference Program (p. 18)
[corresponds to page 16 of Tri-Conference Program]
of the
Combined Annual Conference Deaconess Boards representing the
North-East Ohio, West Ohio and Ohio Annual Conferences
First Baptist Church
Delaware, Ohio
Friday, September 10, 1927
Rev. N. E. Davis, Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Hospitals, Homes and
Deaconess Work, Presiding.
Morning Session--9:30 A.M.
Devotional Service...........................Mrs. E. J. Rogers, Columbus, Ohio
Report of the General Conference Commission on Deaconess Work Relative to
Deaconess Legislation..................................Rev. N. E. Davis
Consideration of problems in Relation to Annual Conference Deaconess Boards.
Round Table Discussion of Deaconess Problems..........Miss Alice P. Thatcher,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Afternoon Session--2:00 P.M.
St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church
Meetings of respective Annual Conference Deaconess Boards, places to be determined:
North-East Ohio........................................Rev. J. R. Jacobs, Chairman
West Ohio..............................................Rev. H. J. Jewett, Chairman
Ohio...................................................Rev. L. C. Sparks, Chairman
The regular business incident to the Annual Conference Deaconess Board will be
transacted in each meeting.
Evening--Banquet--5:30 P.M.
Toast Mistress.............Mrs. W. H. C. Goode, National President W.H.M.S.
Invocation................................................Rev. J. R. Jacobs
Reports from Deaconess Institutions,..........conducted by Rev. N. E. Davis
Address .................................."The Deaconess' Educational Work"
Miss Bertha Barber, Aurora, Illinois.
Address ..................................."The Deaconess and the Hospital"
Rev. J. A. Diekmann, D.D., Bethesda Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio
Songs...................................Miss Helen L. Rink, Cleveland, Ohio
Address......................."Deaconess Response to Persistent Human Needs"
Mrs. Luella M. Evelisizer, West Side Community House, Cleveland, O.
of the
Combined Annual Conference Deaconess Boards representing the
North-East Ohio, West Ohio and Ohio Annual Conferences
First Baptist Church
Delaware, Ohio
Friday, September 10, 1927
Rev. N. E. Davis, Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Hospitals, Homes and
Deaconess Work, Presiding.
Morning Session--9:30 A.M.
Devotional Service...........................Mrs. E. J. Rogers, Columbus, Ohio
Report of the General Conference Commission on Deaconess Work Relative to
Deaconess Legislation..................................Rev. N. E. Davis
Consideration of problems in Relation to Annual Conference Deaconess Boards.
Round Table Discussion of Deaconess Problems..........Miss Alice P. Thatcher,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Afternoon Session--2:00 P.M.
St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church
Meetings of respective Annual Conference Deaconess Boards, places to be determined:
North-East Ohio........................................Rev. J. R. Jacobs, Chairman
West Ohio..............................................Rev. H. J. Jewett, Chairman
Ohio...................................................Rev. L. C. Sparks, Chairman
The regular business incident to the Annual Conference Deaconess Board will be
transacted in each meeting.
Evening--Banquet--5:30 P.M.
Toast Mistress.............Mrs. W. H. C. Goode, National President W.H.M.S.
Invocation................................................Rev. J. R. Jacobs
Reports from Deaconess Institutions,..........conducted by Rev. N. E. Davis
Address .................................."The Deaconess' Educational Work"
Miss Bertha Barber, Aurora, Illinois.
Address ..................................."The Deaconess and the Hospital"
Rev. J. A. Diekmann, D.D., Bethesda Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio
Songs...................................Miss Helen L. Rink, Cleveland, Ohio
Address......................."Deaconess Response to Persistent Human Needs"
Mrs. Luella M. Evelisizer, West Side Community House, Cleveland, O.
Tri-Conference Program (p. 19)
[corresponds to inside of back cover of Tri-Conference Program]
The Independent Print Shop
Delaware, Ohio
The Independent Print Shop
Delaware, Ohio
Tri-Conference Program (p. 20)
[corresponds to back cover of Tri-Conference Program]
[photo of Grace M.E. Church]
Grace M.E. Church
William Street
M.E. Church
[photo of William Street M.E. Church]
[photo of St. Paul M.E. Church]
St. Paul M.E. Church
[photo of Asbury M.E. Church]
Asbury M.E. Church
[photo of Grace M.E. Church]
Grace M.E. Church
William Street
M.E. Church
[photo of William Street M.E. Church]
[photo of St. Paul M.E. Church]
St. Paul M.E. Church
[photo of Asbury M.E. Church]
Asbury M.E. Church
Dublin Core
Tri-Conference Program
Churches--Ohio--Delaware County--Delaware
Conferences--Methodist Episcopal Churches--Ohio
Conferences--Methodist Episcopal Churches--Ohio
This book contains the program of the Ohio, West Ohio, and North-East Ohio Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church held in Delaware, Ohio.
Committee Chairman Bishop Theodore S. Henderson; Tri-Conference Program
The Independent Print Shop, Delaware, Ohio
Sep 1927
Still Image
Committee Chairman Bishop Theodore S. Henderson; Tri-Conference Program, “Tri-Conference Program,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 14, 2025,