Dedication Program of Ervin F. Carlisle School
Dedication Program of Ervin F. Carlisle School (p. 1)
[page 1]
[corresponds to front cover of Carlisle School Dedication Program]
April 28, 1957
[photo of Carlisle School]
Architects-- Galen F. Oman and Earl F. Cleland, Columbus, Ohio
General Contractor-- The Knowlton Company, Bellefontaine, Ohio
Cost-- $12,000, site; $396,000, building; $17,500, furniture, etc.
Number of rooms-- 13 classrooms, combination gym and auditorium, kitchen, clinic
room, library, administrative suite, teachers' lounge, and appropriate main-
tenance and storage rooms.
Type of building-- A two-story building lying just outside of the Delaware Corpora-
tion limits.
Superintendent of Schools-- David R. Smith
Board of Education--
Charles E. Peebles, President
Robert Burns, Vice President
James Collord
Harry Humes
Paul Kissner
Date ground was broken-- July 11, 1955
Date building was opened for school-- September 3, 1956
[corresponds to front cover of Carlisle School Dedication Program]
April 28, 1957
[photo of Carlisle School]
Architects-- Galen F. Oman and Earl F. Cleland, Columbus, Ohio
General Contractor-- The Knowlton Company, Bellefontaine, Ohio
Cost-- $12,000, site; $396,000, building; $17,500, furniture, etc.
Number of rooms-- 13 classrooms, combination gym and auditorium, kitchen, clinic
room, library, administrative suite, teachers' lounge, and appropriate main-
tenance and storage rooms.
Type of building-- A two-story building lying just outside of the Delaware Corpora-
tion limits.
Superintendent of Schools-- David R. Smith
Board of Education--
Charles E. Peebles, President
Robert Burns, Vice President
James Collord
Harry Humes
Paul Kissner
Date ground was broken-- July 11, 1955
Date building was opened for school-- September 3, 1956
Dedication Program of Ervin F. Carlisle School (p. 2)
[page 2]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 2 of Carlisle School Dedication Program]
Custodian: William P. Curtis
Maintenance Supervisor: Wilbert Gruber
Bus Drivers: Harry Davis, Mike Bevan, Hayes Belt, Herbert Mitchell, Orville Tossey
Cafeteria: Mrs. Raney Wynkoop, Manager; Mrs. William P. Curtis, Head Cook;
Mrs. Donald Murphy, Mrs. Edwin Starling, Cooks; Mrs. Lester G. Klee,
Clerk; Mr. Neil Shadle, Supervisor
Nurse: Mrs. Elda Jones
Special Teacher: Mrs. Carolyn G. White, Religious Education
Supervisors: Mrs. Stephen Lance, Music; Miss Dorothy Whitted, Curiculum
Superintendent of Schools: Carl L. Hopkins
Front row, left to right: Mrs. Evelyn Wood, Mrs. Melford McIntyre, Mrs. George
T. Blydenburgh, Mrs. Hugh M. Macmillan, Mrs. Merlin Reid, Mrs. Albert Suthers
Back row: Miss Juanita Randolph, Mrs. Eugene Ross, Miss Lyla Evans, Leonard
A. Brubaker, Principal, Mrs. Ellis Halley, Mrs. Charles E. Thompson, Mrs. Charles
W. Hall
Richard Sherman, President Mrs. Arthur Ten Eyck, Secretary
Mrs. Frank E. Thompson, Vice President Edwin Monks, Treasurer
Paul Kissner, President George Gauthier
Harry Humes Merle Law
Eugene Peebles Mrs. K. C. Virtue, Clerk
[corresponds to unlabeled page 2 of Carlisle School Dedication Program]
Custodian: William P. Curtis
Maintenance Supervisor: Wilbert Gruber
Bus Drivers: Harry Davis, Mike Bevan, Hayes Belt, Herbert Mitchell, Orville Tossey
Cafeteria: Mrs. Raney Wynkoop, Manager; Mrs. William P. Curtis, Head Cook;
Mrs. Donald Murphy, Mrs. Edwin Starling, Cooks; Mrs. Lester G. Klee,
Clerk; Mr. Neil Shadle, Supervisor
Nurse: Mrs. Elda Jones
Special Teacher: Mrs. Carolyn G. White, Religious Education
Supervisors: Mrs. Stephen Lance, Music; Miss Dorothy Whitted, Curiculum
Superintendent of Schools: Carl L. Hopkins
Front row, left to right: Mrs. Evelyn Wood, Mrs. Melford McIntyre, Mrs. George
T. Blydenburgh, Mrs. Hugh M. Macmillan, Mrs. Merlin Reid, Mrs. Albert Suthers
Back row: Miss Juanita Randolph, Mrs. Eugene Ross, Miss Lyla Evans, Leonard
A. Brubaker, Principal, Mrs. Ellis Halley, Mrs. Charles E. Thompson, Mrs. Charles
W. Hall
Richard Sherman, President Mrs. Arthur Ten Eyck, Secretary
Mrs. Frank E. Thompson, Vice President Edwin Monks, Treasurer
Paul Kissner, President George Gauthier
Harry Humes Merle Law
Eugene Peebles Mrs. K. C. Virtue, Clerk
Dedication Program of Ervin F. Carlisle School (p. 3)
[page 3]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 3 of Carlisle School Dedication Program]\
(Eugene Ross, Director; Miss Betty Hays, Accompanist)
1 2
Oh Beautiful for spacious skies O beautiful for pilgrim feet
For amber waves of grain Whose stern, impassioned stress
For purple mountain majesties A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Above the fruited plain Across the wilderness:
America! America! America! America!
God shed His grace on thee, God mend thine every flaw,
And crown thy good with brotherhood Confirm thy soul in self-control,
From sea to shining sea! Thy liberty in law.
3 4
O beautiful for heroes proved O beautiful for patriot dream
In liberating strife, That sees beyond the years
Who more than self their country loved, Thine alabaster cities gleam
And mercy more than life. Undim'd by human tears.
America! America! America! America!
May God thy gold refine, God shed his grace on thee,
Till all success be nobleness, And crown thy good with brotherhood
And every gain divine. From sea to shining sea.
*INVOCATION The Rev. Louis E. Campbell
Minister, First Presbyterian Church
MUSICAL SELECTIONS Carlisle School Pupils
Bells Above the Chapel Polish Folk Tune
Spring Has Come Swiss Folk Song
(Mrs. Stephen Lance, Director)
Superintendent, Delaware City Schools
President, Carlisle School PTA
DEDICATORY PRAYER The Rev. Robert Fichter
Professor of Religion, Ohio Wesleyan University
Principal, Carlisle Elementary School
ADDRESS: Our Common Responsibility Dr. Arthur S. Flemming
President, Ohio Wesleyan University
MUSICAL SELECTIONS Willis High School Choral Ensemble
American Panorama Williams
One God Arr. Ringwald
(Miss Eliza Plum, Director; Jeanne Felts, Accompanist)
*BENEDICTION The Rev. Ben King
Pastor, Souls Haven Community Church
*Indicate audience standing.
Carlisle School will be open for inspection from 3:30 to 4:40.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 3 of Carlisle School Dedication Program]\
(Eugene Ross, Director; Miss Betty Hays, Accompanist)
1 2
Oh Beautiful for spacious skies O beautiful for pilgrim feet
For amber waves of grain Whose stern, impassioned stress
For purple mountain majesties A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Above the fruited plain Across the wilderness:
America! America! America! America!
God shed His grace on thee, God mend thine every flaw,
And crown thy good with brotherhood Confirm thy soul in self-control,
From sea to shining sea! Thy liberty in law.
3 4
O beautiful for heroes proved O beautiful for patriot dream
In liberating strife, That sees beyond the years
Who more than self their country loved, Thine alabaster cities gleam
And mercy more than life. Undim'd by human tears.
America! America! America! America!
May God thy gold refine, God shed his grace on thee,
Till all success be nobleness, And crown thy good with brotherhood
And every gain divine. From sea to shining sea.
*INVOCATION The Rev. Louis E. Campbell
Minister, First Presbyterian Church
MUSICAL SELECTIONS Carlisle School Pupils
Bells Above the Chapel Polish Folk Tune
Spring Has Come Swiss Folk Song
(Mrs. Stephen Lance, Director)
Superintendent, Delaware City Schools
President, Carlisle School PTA
DEDICATORY PRAYER The Rev. Robert Fichter
Professor of Religion, Ohio Wesleyan University
Principal, Carlisle Elementary School
ADDRESS: Our Common Responsibility Dr. Arthur S. Flemming
President, Ohio Wesleyan University
MUSICAL SELECTIONS Willis High School Choral Ensemble
American Panorama Williams
One God Arr. Ringwald
(Miss Eliza Plum, Director; Jeanne Felts, Accompanist)
*BENEDICTION The Rev. Ben King
Pastor, Souls Haven Community Church
*Indicate audience standing.
Carlisle School will be open for inspection from 3:30 to 4:40.
Dedication Program of Ervin F. Carlisle School (p. 4)
[page 4]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of Carlisle School Dedication Program]
Mr. Ervin F. Carlisle, after whom this school is named, had an outstand-
ing career in education and community service. Mr. Carlisle, after a long illness,
passed away at his home at the age of 46.
Mr. Carlisle's civic activities spanned all his years here since his graduation
from the Ohio Wesleyan University in 1931, when he came to Willis High School
as football coach and teacher. Possibly his foremost civic achievement was his chair-
manship of the City Charter Commission that promoted the city charter form of
government. This resulted in a successful election and the eventual hiring of Dela-
ware's first city manager.
From 1931 until 1934, Mr. Carlisle served as football coach and teacher.
In 1934 he became principal of Willis High School and in 1937 received his M.A.
degree from the Ohio State University.
He served as acting superintendent of the Delaware City Schools while the
present superintendent, David R. Smith, was in service during the war years. Mr.
Carlisle was instrumental in the establishing and operation of a defense training school
here during the early years of the World War II.
Mr. Carlisle left his school position in 1945 to enter the insurance business.
Because of his valuable school experience and since he was needed, he agreed to run
and was elected to the Board of Education in 1949. He served as president in 1953.
His willingness to serve kept Mr. Carlisle very busy. He served as director
of ushers at the Asbury Methodist Church for more than 15 years.
While serving as chairman of the industrial division of the Community
Chest, he developed the payroll deduction plan which greatly contributed to the
success of the campaigns.
Mr. Carlisle headed the school division of the Jane M. Case Hospital ex-
pansion campaign. He also served as chairman of industry in several Red Cross
drives. Mr. Carlisle was the founder of the Youth Recreation Center, active in
Boy Scout work, and was chairman for several years for the Scout financial drive.
Mr. Carlisle was a past director of the Chamber of Commerce. He was
president of the Delaware Development Corporation which assisted in bringing new
industries to Delaware. He was a member and past director of the local Kiwanis
Club. He was also a member of Hiram Lodge Number 18, F. and A. M. and the
Elks and Moose Lodges.
It is only fitting that this new school, dedicated to the service of young
people, is named the Ervin F. Carlisle School. Mr. Carlisle's life like the school
was dedicated to both young and old in education and service. He was a dedicated
man, unselfish to the end.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of Carlisle School Dedication Program]
Mr. Ervin F. Carlisle, after whom this school is named, had an outstand-
ing career in education and community service. Mr. Carlisle, after a long illness,
passed away at his home at the age of 46.
Mr. Carlisle's civic activities spanned all his years here since his graduation
from the Ohio Wesleyan University in 1931, when he came to Willis High School
as football coach and teacher. Possibly his foremost civic achievement was his chair-
manship of the City Charter Commission that promoted the city charter form of
government. This resulted in a successful election and the eventual hiring of Dela-
ware's first city manager.
From 1931 until 1934, Mr. Carlisle served as football coach and teacher.
In 1934 he became principal of Willis High School and in 1937 received his M.A.
degree from the Ohio State University.
He served as acting superintendent of the Delaware City Schools while the
present superintendent, David R. Smith, was in service during the war years. Mr.
Carlisle was instrumental in the establishing and operation of a defense training school
here during the early years of the World War II.
Mr. Carlisle left his school position in 1945 to enter the insurance business.
Because of his valuable school experience and since he was needed, he agreed to run
and was elected to the Board of Education in 1949. He served as president in 1953.
His willingness to serve kept Mr. Carlisle very busy. He served as director
of ushers at the Asbury Methodist Church for more than 15 years.
While serving as chairman of the industrial division of the Community
Chest, he developed the payroll deduction plan which greatly contributed to the
success of the campaigns.
Mr. Carlisle headed the school division of the Jane M. Case Hospital ex-
pansion campaign. He also served as chairman of industry in several Red Cross
drives. Mr. Carlisle was the founder of the Youth Recreation Center, active in
Boy Scout work, and was chairman for several years for the Scout financial drive.
Mr. Carlisle was a past director of the Chamber of Commerce. He was
president of the Delaware Development Corporation which assisted in bringing new
industries to Delaware. He was a member and past director of the local Kiwanis
Club. He was also a member of Hiram Lodge Number 18, F. and A. M. and the
Elks and Moose Lodges.
It is only fitting that this new school, dedicated to the service of young
people, is named the Ervin F. Carlisle School. Mr. Carlisle's life like the school
was dedicated to both young and old in education and service. He was a dedicated
man, unselfish to the end.
Dublin Core
Dedication Program of Ervin F. Carlisle School
Ceremonies--Elementary Schools--Ervin F. Carlisle--City of Delaware--Ohio
Dedications--Elementary Schools--Ervin F. Carlisle--City of Delaware--Ohio
Schools--City of Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio
Dedications--Elementary Schools--Ervin F. Carlisle--City of Delaware--Ohio
Schools--City of Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio
This is the Dedication program of the Ervin F. Carlisle Elementary School in the City of Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio. The dedication program contains a photo of the faculty and staff.
Dedication Committee of the Ervin F. Carlisle Elementary School
April 28, 1957
Still Image
Dedication Committee of the Ervin F. Carlisle Elementary School , “Dedication Program of Ervin F. Carlisle School,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 14, 2025,