A Hundred Years
A Hundred Years (p. 1)
[page 1]
[corresponds to front cover of A Hundred Years]
[photo of Gray Chapel]
A Hundred Years
[corresponds to front cover of A Hundred Years]
[photo of Gray Chapel]
A Hundred Years
A Hundred Years (p. 2)
[page 2]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 2 of A Hundred Years]
A Hundred Years.......of Service
[photo of trees and bridge]
"Our Heritage and Our Dreams Are the Ramparts We Watch."
Class of 1911.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 2 of A Hundred Years]
A Hundred Years.......of Service
[photo of trees and bridge]
"Our Heritage and Our Dreams Are the Ramparts We Watch."
Class of 1911.
A Hundred Years (p. 3)
[page 3]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 3 of A Hundred Years]
The world crisis of today presents a challenge unrivalled in the
annals of history. Creative and constructive Christian leadership is the
most vital need of every nation.
Colleges such as Ohio Wesleyan University have ever met such chal-
lenges and must meet them even more effectively today and tomorrow.
Ohio Wesleyan University completes the first century of service in
1942. The record of these years is unique in the quality and extensiveness
of leadership produced.
Proud of the heritage of the past and realizing the needs of today,
Ohio Wesleyan leaders are designing a forward movement for the univer-
sity. The second hundred years must be greater than the first. Young
men and young women of dynamic personality and moral character
must be trained to serve their age.
Early pioneers of faith, sacrifice, courage and devotion made possible
the founding of Ohio Wesleyan. Investments of time, talents and re-
sources now will preserve foundations already laid and build for tomorrow.
The Opportunity is Yours
[corresponds to unlabeled page 3 of A Hundred Years]
The world crisis of today presents a challenge unrivalled in the
annals of history. Creative and constructive Christian leadership is the
most vital need of every nation.
Colleges such as Ohio Wesleyan University have ever met such chal-
lenges and must meet them even more effectively today and tomorrow.
Ohio Wesleyan University completes the first century of service in
1942. The record of these years is unique in the quality and extensiveness
of leadership produced.
Proud of the heritage of the past and realizing the needs of today,
Ohio Wesleyan leaders are designing a forward movement for the univer-
sity. The second hundred years must be greater than the first. Young
men and young women of dynamic personality and moral character
must be trained to serve their age.
Early pioneers of faith, sacrifice, courage and devotion made possible
the founding of Ohio Wesleyan. Investments of time, talents and re-
sources now will preserve foundations already laid and build for tomorrow.
The Opportunity is Yours
A Hundred Years (p. 4)
[page 4]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of A Hundred Years]
Contribution to the World
Ohio Wesleyan has more than nineteen thousand living graduates and former
students. The occupations of nearly thirteen thousand are known to the uni-
[chart depicting occupations of OWU alumni- each symbol represents 200]
[1 symbol] [1 symbol] [1 symbol] [1 symbol] [1 1/4 symbol] [1 1/2 symbol]
[2 1/2 [4 1/4 [5 symbols] [20 symbols] [12 symbols] [28 symbols]
symbols] symbols]
A study of the most recently published volume of "Who's Who in America"
was published in the November 4, 1939 issue of SCHOOL AND SOCIETY. All
colleges having fifteen or more graduates listed in "Who's Who" are rated according
to the number of their graduates named in that volume. In the Liberal Arts College
group Ohio Wesleyan is one of the first five, in company with Amherst, Oberlin,
Wesleyan, and Williams.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of A Hundred Years]
Contribution to the World
Ohio Wesleyan has more than nineteen thousand living graduates and former
students. The occupations of nearly thirteen thousand are known to the uni-
[chart depicting occupations of OWU alumni- each symbol represents 200]
[1 symbol] [1 symbol] [1 symbol] [1 symbol] [1 1/4 symbol] [1 1/2 symbol]
[2 1/2 [4 1/4 [5 symbols] [20 symbols] [12 symbols] [28 symbols]
symbols] symbols]
A study of the most recently published volume of "Who's Who in America"
was published in the November 4, 1939 issue of SCHOOL AND SOCIETY. All
colleges having fifteen or more graduates listed in "Who's Who" are rated according
to the number of their graduates named in that volume. In the Liberal Arts College
group Ohio Wesleyan is one of the first five, in company with Amherst, Oberlin,
Wesleyan, and Williams.
A Hundred Years (p. 5)
[page 5]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 5 in A Hundred Years]
"Our Heritage..."
"There is no Methodist College in Ohio. There is no state in the country
which has more need for such a college." This challenge was read to the North
Ohio Conference in September, 1840.
Little more than a year later, under the leadership of the Reverend Adam
Poe, the Methodist pastor in Delaware, one hundred and seventy-two towns-
people had subscribed $9,000 which which to launch such a college. The Man-
sion House, an inn which stood near a white sulphur spring, was purchased.
A special charter for the founding of a university was granted by the Ohio
State Legislature on March 7, 1842. The Preamble reads:
"The Ohio and North Ohio Methodist Conferences are determined upon establishing
an extensive university ... to the support of which they are pledged to use their
utmost efforts ... this university is forever to be conducted on the most liberal prin-
ciples, accessible to all religious denominations ..."
Twenty-nine students enrolled in the new college for the first term. Although
this was only about one-fourth as many students as had been expected, although
the first four instructors waited long periods for their pay, never a doubt arose
in the minds of those Christian pioneers that the school would succeed. They
knew before undertaking the venture that it would mean sacrifice, but they were
not daunted. The full measure of their dreams could be realized only in the
establishment of a Christian college. Keenly aware of this need, they were
willing to give much of the little which they possessed to see Ohio Wesleyan grow.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 5 in A Hundred Years]
"Our Heritage..."
"There is no Methodist College in Ohio. There is no state in the country
which has more need for such a college." This challenge was read to the North
Ohio Conference in September, 1840.
Little more than a year later, under the leadership of the Reverend Adam
Poe, the Methodist pastor in Delaware, one hundred and seventy-two towns-
people had subscribed $9,000 which which to launch such a college. The Man-
sion House, an inn which stood near a white sulphur spring, was purchased.
A special charter for the founding of a university was granted by the Ohio
State Legislature on March 7, 1842. The Preamble reads:
"The Ohio and North Ohio Methodist Conferences are determined upon establishing
an extensive university ... to the support of which they are pledged to use their
utmost efforts ... this university is forever to be conducted on the most liberal prin-
ciples, accessible to all religious denominations ..."
Twenty-nine students enrolled in the new college for the first term. Although
this was only about one-fourth as many students as had been expected, although
the first four instructors waited long periods for their pay, never a doubt arose
in the minds of those Christian pioneers that the school would succeed. They
knew before undertaking the venture that it would mean sacrifice, but they were
not daunted. The full measure of their dreams could be realized only in the
establishment of a Christian college. Keenly aware of this need, they were
willing to give much of the little which they possessed to see Ohio Wesleyan grow.
A Hundred Years (p. 6)
[page 6]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of Monnett Hall]
One of the earliest buildings
to be erected, houses upper-
class women.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of Monnett Hall]
One of the earliest buildings
to be erected, houses upper-
class women.
A Hundred Years (p. 7)
[page 7]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 7 in A Hundred Years]
Our Heritage
A circuit rider sold his horse and walked that he might make a contribution
to the college. A president sold his home to provide the initial gift for a fund
with which to build a chapel. Year by year loyal students and alumni made
contributions; believers in education with a Christian emphasis built their lives
into each new structure.
As the student body increased, a larger chapel was needed, and Gray Chapel
was given by David S. Gray as a memorial to his father. To meet another great
need of the institution, Charles Elihu Slocum started the fund for the library
that bears his name. The Monnett family contributed to the building of Monnett
Hall; Anna Sanborn Clason gave money toward the building of Sanborn Hall;
and the Edwards family contributed to the gymnasium.
Professor Hiram Perkins, together with his wife and sister, gave the savings
of a life time for the building and endowing of Perkins Observatory.
The gift of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Edgar made possible the acquisition of
Edgar Hall. The Selby brothers, Pearl, Mark, Homer and Roger, as a memorial
to their father, Mr. George Selby, contributed funds for the erection of Selby
The newest building on the campus is Stuyvesant Hall, the beautiful home
of freshman women. This was the generous gift of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stuyvesant. After
the death of Mr. Stuyvesant, Mrs.
Stuyvesant, in memory of her hus-
band, installed the carillon tower with
its beautifully toned chimes.
[photo of Selby Stadium]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 7 in A Hundred Years]
Our Heritage
A circuit rider sold his horse and walked that he might make a contribution
to the college. A president sold his home to provide the initial gift for a fund
with which to build a chapel. Year by year loyal students and alumni made
contributions; believers in education with a Christian emphasis built their lives
into each new structure.
As the student body increased, a larger chapel was needed, and Gray Chapel
was given by David S. Gray as a memorial to his father. To meet another great
need of the institution, Charles Elihu Slocum started the fund for the library
that bears his name. The Monnett family contributed to the building of Monnett
Hall; Anna Sanborn Clason gave money toward the building of Sanborn Hall;
and the Edwards family contributed to the gymnasium.
Professor Hiram Perkins, together with his wife and sister, gave the savings
of a life time for the building and endowing of Perkins Observatory.
The gift of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Edgar made possible the acquisition of
Edgar Hall. The Selby brothers, Pearl, Mark, Homer and Roger, as a memorial
to their father, Mr. George Selby, contributed funds for the erection of Selby
The newest building on the campus is Stuyvesant Hall, the beautiful home
of freshman women. This was the generous gift of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stuyvesant. After
the death of Mr. Stuyvesant, Mrs.
Stuyvesant, in memory of her hus-
band, installed the carillon tower with
its beautifully toned chimes.
[photo of Selby Stadium]
A Hundred Years (p. 8)
[page 8]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 8 in A Hundred Years]
The names mentioned here are of those whose gifts are represented in build-
ings. Many, many others have contributed generously. But money has not
been the only important contribution to this university; if that were so, Ohio
Wesleyan would be only brick and wool and stone, not the living spirit that
holds the love and loyalty of thousands of men and women. Lives have been
given as freely as money. Long years of devoted service in the classroom have
been chiefly rewarded by the affection of students and the knowledge that it
was all a part of the building of the Kingdom of God, not only in Delaware,
but around the world.
The roster of those who have thus nobly served is too long to be printed
here, for countless are the people who have become a part of the growth of Ohio
Wesleyan University, projecting their influence into thousands of young lives--
into the future of America.
Throughout these first one hundred years, Ohio Wesleyan University has
been recognized for the excellence of its scholastic achievement and its conse-
crated Christian living. Its leaders have consistently realized that the highest
type of academic training and the building of Christian character cann, and
should, go hand in hand.
Ohio Wesleyan has contributed eminent leadership to every important field
of endeavor in American life. In law, politics, medicine, journalism, art, music,
and in international relations, its graduates have distinguished themselves.
Those trained in the sciences have helped to make every-day life more comfort-
able, more safe, more worth living.
Others have gone forth to teach in the nation's schools and colleges, per-
petuating the best within themselves in the lives of those whom they taught.
A distinguished group has served the church in a notable way, as bishops, min-
isters, and lay leaders. Still others have become missionaries, spreading the
gospel of Christ to the far ends of the earth. Many have written articles and
books that have inspired and influenced our thinking.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 8 in A Hundred Years]
The names mentioned here are of those whose gifts are represented in build-
ings. Many, many others have contributed generously. But money has not
been the only important contribution to this university; if that were so, Ohio
Wesleyan would be only brick and wool and stone, not the living spirit that
holds the love and loyalty of thousands of men and women. Lives have been
given as freely as money. Long years of devoted service in the classroom have
been chiefly rewarded by the affection of students and the knowledge that it
was all a part of the building of the Kingdom of God, not only in Delaware,
but around the world.
The roster of those who have thus nobly served is too long to be printed
here, for countless are the people who have become a part of the growth of Ohio
Wesleyan University, projecting their influence into thousands of young lives--
into the future of America.
Throughout these first one hundred years, Ohio Wesleyan University has
been recognized for the excellence of its scholastic achievement and its conse-
crated Christian living. Its leaders have consistently realized that the highest
type of academic training and the building of Christian character cann, and
should, go hand in hand.
Ohio Wesleyan has contributed eminent leadership to every important field
of endeavor in American life. In law, politics, medicine, journalism, art, music,
and in international relations, its graduates have distinguished themselves.
Those trained in the sciences have helped to make every-day life more comfort-
able, more safe, more worth living.
Others have gone forth to teach in the nation's schools and colleges, per-
petuating the best within themselves in the lives of those whom they taught.
A distinguished group has served the church in a notable way, as bishops, min-
isters, and lay leaders. Still others have become missionaries, spreading the
gospel of Christ to the far ends of the earth. Many have written articles and
books that have inspired and influenced our thinking.
A Hundred Years (p. 9)
[page 9]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 9 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of people walking out of Gray Chapel]
The heart of university
activity. Here are held
the daily chapel services,
lectures, concerts and
other assemblies.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 9 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of people walking out of Gray Chapel]
The heart of university
activity. Here are held
the daily chapel services,
lectures, concerts and
other assemblies.
A Hundred Years (p. 10)
[page 10]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 10 in A Hundred Years]
Our Heritage
Today Ohio Wesleyan has more than fifteen hundred students
from twenty-eight states and four foreign countries. They are
young people of good character, proven ability, and serious in
their desire to acquire an education where the emphasis is on Christian char-
acter-building as well as intellectual and physical development.
There are one hundred and twenty-five men and women on the teaching
and administrative staff. These leaders of today's students are consecrated to
the Christian ideal and have been carefully chosen because of proficiency in their
respective fields and their interest in personalized education with a Christian
Ohio Wesleyan University is fully accredited by all rating bodies, Founda-
tions and graduate schools of America. A chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, national
honorary society, was established on the Delaware campus in 1907.
Beginning with one building -- the Old Mansion House, now Elliott Hall,
Ohio Wesleyan has acquired buildings and grounds imposing in appearance and
great in value. The university is now housed in seventeen buildings on three
campuses. Property of various kinds has been added to the holdings through
the years, so that today the assets of Ohio Wesleyan have a book value of
And so Ohio Wesleyan has continued to grow, to influence, and to serve,
throughout its first one hundred years. The needs of yesterday have been
met. Now comes tomorrow -- with greater needs and greater opportunities.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 10 in A Hundred Years]
Our Heritage
Today Ohio Wesleyan has more than fifteen hundred students
from twenty-eight states and four foreign countries. They are
young people of good character, proven ability, and serious in
their desire to acquire an education where the emphasis is on Christian char-
acter-building as well as intellectual and physical development.
There are one hundred and twenty-five men and women on the teaching
and administrative staff. These leaders of today's students are consecrated to
the Christian ideal and have been carefully chosen because of proficiency in their
respective fields and their interest in personalized education with a Christian
Ohio Wesleyan University is fully accredited by all rating bodies, Founda-
tions and graduate schools of America. A chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, national
honorary society, was established on the Delaware campus in 1907.
Beginning with one building -- the Old Mansion House, now Elliott Hall,
Ohio Wesleyan has acquired buildings and grounds imposing in appearance and
great in value. The university is now housed in seventeen buildings on three
campuses. Property of various kinds has been added to the holdings through
the years, so that today the assets of Ohio Wesleyan have a book value of
And so Ohio Wesleyan has continued to grow, to influence, and to serve,
throughout its first one hundred years. The needs of yesterday have been
met. Now comes tomorrow -- with greater needs and greater opportunities.
A Hundred Years (p. 11)
[page 11]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 11 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of President Burgstahler]
Herbert John Burgstahler, eighth president of Ohio Wesleyan University, came to its leadership
well prepared to conserve all that his predecessors had achieved, and lift the university to greater
heights of influence and service.
Dr. Burgstahler served prominent pastorates of the Methodist Church most acceptably before
being called to the presidency of Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. During his twelve years
(1927-1939) as president of Cornell College, the institution enjoyed outstanding prosperity, the
endowment was substantially increased, new buildings were erected and many of the older build-
ings reconditioned, and its educational program greatly advanced.
He is widely known as a leading educator, administrator, and public speaker. His presidency
bespeaks a new and better day for Ohio Wesleyan.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 11 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of President Burgstahler]
Herbert John Burgstahler, eighth president of Ohio Wesleyan University, came to its leadership
well prepared to conserve all that his predecessors had achieved, and lift the university to greater
heights of influence and service.
Dr. Burgstahler served prominent pastorates of the Methodist Church most acceptably before
being called to the presidency of Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. During his twelve years
(1927-1939) as president of Cornell College, the institution enjoyed outstanding prosperity, the
endowment was substantially increased, new buildings were erected and many of the older build-
ings reconditioned, and its educational program greatly advanced.
He is widely known as a leading educator, administrator, and public speaker. His presidency
bespeaks a new and better day for Ohio Wesleyan.
A Hundred Years (p. 12)
[page 12]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 12 in A Hundred Years]
What does the world need most in this catastrophic hour? Fear, confusion,
and insecurity harass the minds of men the world around.
The imperative for the world today and tomorrow is Christian statesmen--
high-minded men and women who have character, who are moved by Christian
motives to serve, who believe that God is at the helm, that human personality
is sacred and that ultimately Christian ideals and standards will abide in the
Ohio Wesleyan has a century prepared such men. Its record of alumni
leadership in the world is amazing. Its contribution of such leadership tomorrow
will be even greater because of superior educational standards and techniques.
This education will be purposed to inspire young men and women to live nobly,
sacrificially, and creatively for their age. Future facilities, as those of the past,
will be selected for their thorough scholastic abilities, proven teaching qualities,
and their definite interest in personalizing education.
The new century of Ohio Wesleyan must be greater than the last if we are
to fulfill the hopes and dreams of those noble men who laid its foundations.
This will require greater income, freeing the university of debt, reconditioning
buildings, adding new equipment, building a dormitory for men, and in general
improving the financial structure of the university.
We who believe in Christ-centered education will build with vision as great,
and sacrifice as vicarious and daring, as did our forebears. The investments of
money and self now will insure the preparing of world leaders who will preserve
the hard won standards of today's life and will help build the world of tomorrow
according to the program of the Master of menn.
Permit me to express my deep appreciation to all who have cooperated so
loyally in the past. With God's help, we together, will begin the new century
with assurance of increasing success.
H. J. Burgstahler
[corresponds to unlabeled page 12 in A Hundred Years]
What does the world need most in this catastrophic hour? Fear, confusion,
and insecurity harass the minds of men the world around.
The imperative for the world today and tomorrow is Christian statesmen--
high-minded men and women who have character, who are moved by Christian
motives to serve, who believe that God is at the helm, that human personality
is sacred and that ultimately Christian ideals and standards will abide in the
Ohio Wesleyan has a century prepared such men. Its record of alumni
leadership in the world is amazing. Its contribution of such leadership tomorrow
will be even greater because of superior educational standards and techniques.
This education will be purposed to inspire young men and women to live nobly,
sacrificially, and creatively for their age. Future facilities, as those of the past,
will be selected for their thorough scholastic abilities, proven teaching qualities,
and their definite interest in personalizing education.
The new century of Ohio Wesleyan must be greater than the last if we are
to fulfill the hopes and dreams of those noble men who laid its foundations.
This will require greater income, freeing the university of debt, reconditioning
buildings, adding new equipment, building a dormitory for men, and in general
improving the financial structure of the university.
We who believe in Christ-centered education will build with vision as great,
and sacrifice as vicarious and daring, as did our forebears. The investments of
money and self now will insure the preparing of world leaders who will preserve
the hard won standards of today's life and will help build the world of tomorrow
according to the program of the Master of menn.
Permit me to express my deep appreciation to all who have cooperated so
loyally in the past. With God's help, we together, will begin the new century
with assurance of increasing success.
H. J. Burgstahler
A Hundred Years (p. 13)
[page 13]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 13 in A Hundred Years]
"...And Our Dreams"
The American people face new opportunities and new responsibilities.
On many sides the democratic, and even the Christian way of life is being chal-
lenged. If the spiritual ideals of our nation are to persist, they must be given
new support and greater encouragement. Our educational institutions must
continue to pursue the truth, to cherish the good, and to teach young people
to live happy, worthwhile lives.
The world's greatest need is for really Christian education, the kind of
education for which Ohio Wesleyan has stood for one hundred years; the kind
of education we want to give in a better way to more young men and women
in the days and years to come.
Just as Ohio Wesleyan has produced great leaders in the past, so must it
produce even greater leaders in the future. The courage and daring of the
pioneer must be made to live again.
During the first hundred years those who had faith in the development of
a greater Ohio Wesleyan, brought that faith to fulfillment by a sacrificial spirit
and unselfish generosity. There is a need that men and women today have the
same kind of faith and determination that Ohio Wesleyan may continue to go
[corresponds to unlabeled page 13 in A Hundred Years]
"...And Our Dreams"
The American people face new opportunities and new responsibilities.
On many sides the democratic, and even the Christian way of life is being chal-
lenged. If the spiritual ideals of our nation are to persist, they must be given
new support and greater encouragement. Our educational institutions must
continue to pursue the truth, to cherish the good, and to teach young people
to live happy, worthwhile lives.
The world's greatest need is for really Christian education, the kind of
education for which Ohio Wesleyan has stood for one hundred years; the kind
of education we want to give in a better way to more young men and women
in the days and years to come.
Just as Ohio Wesleyan has produced great leaders in the past, so must it
produce even greater leaders in the future. The courage and daring of the
pioneer must be made to live again.
During the first hundred years those who had faith in the development of
a greater Ohio Wesleyan, brought that faith to fulfillment by a sacrificial spirit
and unselfish generosity. There is a need that men and women today have the
same kind of faith and determination that Ohio Wesleyan may continue to go
A Hundred Years (p. 14)
[page 14]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 14 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of OWU campus]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 14 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of OWU campus]
A Hundred Years (p. 15)
[page 15]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 15 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of Stuyvesant Hall and Stuyvesant]
Located on the Davies Campus,
houses the 250 freshman women.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 15 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of Stuyvesant Hall and Stuyvesant]
Located on the Davies Campus,
houses the 250 freshman women.
A Hundred Years (p. 16)
[page 16]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 16 in A Hundred Years]
And Our Dreams
Alumni and other friends of Ohio Wesleyan have agreed that
the Centennial Anniversary is an appropriate time to register anew
their devotion and their faith, and to make a furthur investment in
the future of the university. At the threshold of its second century, they are
resolved that it shall have the material means to carry on its work in the finest
possible way. As an embodiment of their good will and confidence, they have
determined to establish a centennial fund of a million dollars minimum.
The program is already under way. The announcement of the plan brought
a challenge-gift of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; other substantial
gifts followed. The spirit of generosity and of sacrifice still endures. By the
united efforts of friends of the college, the goal set will be accomplished. Loyalty
and devotion will not fail.
With the minimum sum of one million dollars added to the present assets,
the financial status of the university will be strengthened greatly. This rep-
resents the beginning of the forward program of the university for the new
To provide a centennial celebration worthy of the university, and to see
that all friends and alumni have an opportunity to help make the Centennial
Fund of a minimum of one million dollars a glorious reality, careful plans have
been made. Dr. William Frederick Bigelow, alumnus and trustee, has been chosen
as Centennial Fund Chairman. Cooperating with him as financial counsellor
and executive director of the movement is Dr. J. Wesley Miller.
The Centennial Fund is endorsed by the North-East Ohio and Ohio Con-
ferences of the Methodist Church. Bishop H. Lester Smith of the Cincinnati
Area is serving as chairman of the church division of the campaign.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 16 in A Hundred Years]
And Our Dreams
Alumni and other friends of Ohio Wesleyan have agreed that
the Centennial Anniversary is an appropriate time to register anew
their devotion and their faith, and to make a furthur investment in
the future of the university. At the threshold of its second century, they are
resolved that it shall have the material means to carry on its work in the finest
possible way. As an embodiment of their good will and confidence, they have
determined to establish a centennial fund of a million dollars minimum.
The program is already under way. The announcement of the plan brought
a challenge-gift of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; other substantial
gifts followed. The spirit of generosity and of sacrifice still endures. By the
united efforts of friends of the college, the goal set will be accomplished. Loyalty
and devotion will not fail.
With the minimum sum of one million dollars added to the present assets,
the financial status of the university will be strengthened greatly. This rep-
resents the beginning of the forward program of the university for the new
To provide a centennial celebration worthy of the university, and to see
that all friends and alumni have an opportunity to help make the Centennial
Fund of a minimum of one million dollars a glorious reality, careful plans have
been made. Dr. William Frederick Bigelow, alumnus and trustee, has been chosen
as Centennial Fund Chairman. Cooperating with him as financial counsellor
and executive director of the movement is Dr. J. Wesley Miller.
The Centennial Fund is endorsed by the North-East Ohio and Ohio Con-
ferences of the Methodist Church. Bishop H. Lester Smith of the Cincinnati
Area is serving as chairman of the church division of the campaign.
A Hundred Years (p. 17)
[page 17]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 17 in A Hundred Years]
Liquidation of the Mortgage Indebtedness $ 200,000
Liquidation of Floating Debt 50,000
Dormitory for Freshman Men 250,000
Reconditioning and Modernization of Campus Buildings,
and Added Equipment 100,000
Additional Endowment, Emergency and Alumni Funds 400,000
[photo of Perkins Observatory]
Containing the fifth largest microscope in
the world, is used both by Ohio Wesleyan
University and Ohio State University.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 17 in A Hundred Years]
Liquidation of the Mortgage Indebtedness $ 200,000
Liquidation of Floating Debt 50,000
Dormitory for Freshman Men 250,000
Reconditioning and Modernization of Campus Buildings,
and Added Equipment 100,000
Additional Endowment, Emergency and Alumni Funds 400,000
[photo of Perkins Observatory]
Containing the fifth largest microscope in
the world, is used both by Ohio Wesleyan
University and Ohio State University.
A Hundred Years (p. 18)
[page 18]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 18 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of Sanborn Hall]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 18 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of Sanborn Hall]
A Hundred Years (p. 19)
[page 19]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 19 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of Lynch]
GRETCHEN LYNCH, chosen as the rep-
resentative woman by the student
body, is president of the Women's
Student Government Association.
[photo of Zink]
HARRY ZINK, voted by his fellow
students as the most representative
man on the campus, is student body
[corresponds to unlabeled page 19 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of Lynch]
GRETCHEN LYNCH, chosen as the rep-
resentative woman by the student
body, is president of the Women's
Student Government Association.
[photo of Zink]
HARRY ZINK, voted by his fellow
students as the most representative
man on the campus, is student body
A Hundred Years (p. 20)
[page 20]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 20 in A Hundred Years]
And Our Dreams
The ancient prophet has said, "Without vision, the people perish."
Ohio Wesleyan leaders and friends have vision. They also have faith. Their
vision and faith will bring the realization of the Centennial Fund, which means
the financial strengthening of the structure and program of the university.
With all working together this can be accomplished.
The worth-whileness of the Ohio Wesleyan program is evidenced by the
character of its students -- those of yesterday, those of today, and (can we
doubt it?) those of tomorrow, for whom we would build now. Look into the faces
of the two students pictured on the opposite page.
In the faces of these students are both the revelation and the promise of
the greatness of Ohio Wesleyan. To help maintain the Ohio Wesleyan type of
Christian education for such as these is the privilege and the opportunity of
every alumnus and friend of the institution. Success is the campaign for the
Centennial Fund of a minimum of one million dollars will be insurance that Ohio
Wesleyan's second century of service to young men and women will be even greater
than that of the first century. Devotion, sacrifice, and daring just now will bring
rich dividends in the future.
Will you meet the challenge?
[corresponds to unlabeled page 20 in A Hundred Years]
And Our Dreams
The ancient prophet has said, "Without vision, the people perish."
Ohio Wesleyan leaders and friends have vision. They also have faith. Their
vision and faith will bring the realization of the Centennial Fund, which means
the financial strengthening of the structure and program of the university.
With all working together this can be accomplished.
The worth-whileness of the Ohio Wesleyan program is evidenced by the
character of its students -- those of yesterday, those of today, and (can we
doubt it?) those of tomorrow, for whom we would build now. Look into the faces
of the two students pictured on the opposite page.
In the faces of these students are both the revelation and the promise of
the greatness of Ohio Wesleyan. To help maintain the Ohio Wesleyan type of
Christian education for such as these is the privilege and the opportunity of
every alumnus and friend of the institution. Success is the campaign for the
Centennial Fund of a minimum of one million dollars will be insurance that Ohio
Wesleyan's second century of service to young men and women will be even greater
than that of the first century. Devotion, sacrifice, and daring just now will bring
rich dividends in the future.
Will you meet the challenge?
A Hundred Years (p. 21)
[page 21]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 21 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of stone in Gray Chapel reading "CHRIST THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE"]
Delaware, Ohio
[corresponds to unlabeled page 21 in A Hundred Years]
[photo of stone in Gray Chapel reading "CHRIST THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE"]
Delaware, Ohio
Dublin Core
A Hundred Years
Alumni--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware County--Ohio
Celebrations--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware County--Ohio
Centennials--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware County--Ohio
Fundraising--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware County--Ohio
Trustees--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware County--Ohio
Celebrations--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware County--Ohio
Centennials--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware County--Ohio
Fundraising--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware County--Ohio
Trustees--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware County--Ohio
The Ohio Wesleyan University booklet in celebration of its 100th Anniversary is also a petition for donations to help to keep the University growing.
Alumni and Trustees; Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware County, Ohio
President: H.J Burgstahler
Still Image
Alumni and Trustees; Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware County, Ohio, “A Hundred Years,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 12, 2025,