Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program

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Official Program




Kilbourne, Ohio

Saturday, June 26, 1976
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Eden Cornet Band


Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Clay, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jumper
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Presbyterian Church, Kilbourne, Ohio


Methodist Church, Kilbourne, Ohio
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Kilbourne History

In this age of plenty, it is somewhat difficult to realize what

straits the pioneers were subjected to in their everyday living. They

often had to pay 60 cents a pound for coffee and when cash was short,

parched corn or burnt potatoes served as a substitute. Calico was 40

and 50 cents a yard, and if the wife and daughters were able to

obtain one calico dress a year, they deemed themselves fortunate. Sugar

was manufactured from their own "camps" and when sold brought from

4 to 6 cents a pound. Those who raised wheat sold what was not used

at home at a market in Zanesville for 37 to 50 cents a bushel. They

eventually found a better market at Sandusky, where the wheat was sold

for $1.00 a bushel. But with the building of the railroads the markets

were brought closer to their homes.


The township had the benefit of one railroad--Cleveland, Co-

lumbus, Cincinnati plus Indianapolis or Bee Line, which passes through

the western part of the township. It was the first railroad built through

Delaware County and was of considerable benefit to the country by

bringing the best markets closer to Leonardsburg. A railroad bed was

built in the township by the Springfield, Mt. Vernon and Pittsburg

R.R. Co., but was never completed. It was to be known as the "Black

Diamond" Railroad. According to reports, parts of the old road bed

can still be seen on different farms in the township, and the abutments

for the railroad on Alum Creek are still standing.

Leonardsburg or Eden Station, which was located six miles north

of Delaware and laid out by S. G. Caulkins, was called Leonardsburg,

for A. Leonard, the first merchant. He also built a grain warehouse

and was the first Postmaster. He was succeeded a few years later in

the Post Office Department by A. R. Livingston.


The village of Eden was surveyed and land laid out by Isaac Eaton,

for the proprietors Isaac Leonard and Daniel Thurston, who owned

the land. The location of an eligible site for the village was chosen at

the crossing of the road running east and west and one running north

and south along the creek.

A log cabin built by John Finley was the first house and the

first frame dwelling was built by Wm. Williams. This type of archi-

tecture caused quite a stir in the community and soon the little town

could boast of several frame buildings. Many houses are still standing

including the first cabin.

Joseph Leonard was the first merchant in Eden. In 1838 Williams

and Loofbourrow opened a store and created competition. In 1830

Ezekiel Longwell built a sawmill on Alum Creek within the limits of

the village. Lumber had been rather scarce before the building of this
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mill and rather difficult to obtain. Later Longwell's mill was repaired

by William K. Thrall who also built a grist mill in connection with it.

About 1830 a blacksmith shop was opened by C. Thrall.

It was 21 years after the first settlement before there was a post-

office in the township. In 1838 the Government commissioned Kilbourne

Thrall as postmaster and called the office Kilbourne.

A little later a tavern was opened by Seymour Scott, the first

in the village. S. Scott carried on a spinning and carding factory in

the community.

A blacksmith ship stood on land across from the Reggie Langford

property; also, one was situated on the property across from the

Methodist Church.

Hattie Elmore and Grace Marie Bell ran a restaurant which

was located across from Schirtzinger's grocery and behind the old

Parish House. A boarding house was located in the home where Helen

Conger formerly lived. Ray Blain and Wes Ott owned a saw mill.

A funeral home run by Ed Wilcox was formerly located where

the Methodist parsonage is located. A grocery operated by Jim Myers

and later Gene Richardson was located where Reeder's store and the

postoffice is now located. Jim and Bob Leonard owned a grocery store

for several years, and it was taken over by Bob Leonard and operated

for many years until finally the doors were closed in 1969. This store

was located on Route 521 in Kilbourne. It was formerly owned by

Smith and Butters.

A tile factory was located in Kingston Township on State

Route 521 at about the old Shively place. The barn can still be seen

from the road. A creamery was operated in Eden for many years

until the advent of modern milking handling caused its closing. It

stood behind the old K. P. hall. Don Scott, Haywood Neville and

Russell Waldron operated a garage for many years and it continued in

operation until about 1973 when Russell Waldron retired and the

garage was sold.

Two doctors who served the community were: Dr. Stickney and

Dr. H.C.Crane. Both were old fashioned practitioners. Dr. Stickney

lived in the house which now belonds to Thurman Trimble: while

Dr. Crane lived in the former Frank Link home. Perhaps of the two

doctors, Dr. Crane has remained the best remembered of the two,

perhaps because of his fiery personality. He was a remarkable man in

many ways and also a very well educated man. He practiced for 46

years and died in 1947. After his death, a tombstone was erected over

his grave on which was enscribed the words as follows: "A book

wise wight, a shining light right well he could have been. But missed

the mark, alas, the dark about him has closed in." This memorial to

Dr. Crane was spearheaded by the Knights of Pythias in Kilbourne,

and the money raised by asking $1.00 per person to help pay for the

monument and inscription.

Kilbourne has changed a lot since the days of its founding.
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The businesses which once flourished here have vanished, except a

grocery store, and Kilbourne has become mostly residential. The old

iron bridge on Howard Road was replaced by an iron bridge; later a new

and higher bridge replaced this because of Alum Creek Resevoir.

There is only one church left now in Kilbourne, the Kilbourne

United Methodist Church on Route 521. The old Presbyterian Church

was closed and is now a meeting place for the Knights of Pythias

Lodge, while the old K. P. Building is now privately owned. Roads

in the township have been greatly improved and gone are the horse

and buggy which used to bring the people to town or to church on

a quiet Sunday. These have been replaced by the automobile and

motorcycle. Some feel that this is progress, and yet others wonder in

these days of shortages and soaring prices, if the old days in Kilbourne

were perhaps better.



The Kilbourne Bicentennial Committee wishes to acknowledge

and thank all persons who supplied information and pictures and all

others who helped make this booklet possible.

Information was also obtained from the Delaware County 1880

History and the Ohio Historical Society library.

A copy of this booklet will be placed in the library of the

Delaware County Historical Society.

Gene Leonard
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The township's early schools were of the crudest type; for the

buildings were small one-roomed houses, built of logs with a great

fire place at one side. As these schools were few and far between,

many hardships were endured by the pupils, such as walking several

miles over bad roads through woods and fields in all kinds of weather.


The Leonardsburg School

This school was identified as No. 11. This was a frame building

which stood on the west side of the village on an alley running south

from the main street. This building was preceded by two earlier ones.

This building is now the second story of a little barn on Mrs. Bert

Potter's place. The last teacher here was Nellie Mc Creary.

The Elm Valley School

This was a frame building, now gone, that stood at the northeast

corner of old Rt. 42 and the Reed Road, just across from Everett

Griffith's place. This was District 9. The last teacher there was Carrie

Lewis in 1915-16.

The Brushwood School

This school building, down only a few years, stood at the

northwest corner where the township road intercepts State Rt. 521

at Glenn T. Sheets' place. No. 3 district was composed predominently

of Irish families and traditionally had an Irish Catholic teacher.

Big Run School

A brick building,still standing on the west side of the Bowtown

Road just south of Walter Humes' place, and owned by him. This

was preceded by a frame building. The brick building was built in 1877

by Thomas Humes at a cost of $547. The brick for this building,

and for the house occupied by our honored guest tonight, were burned

in a field up the road just a few hundred feet. School was held in

this District 2 right up until centralization. The last teacher was Stella


Westover School

This brick building stood on the north side of Rt. 36-37 on the

lot where Kenneth Nutt's house is being remodeled. On the records

this was District 4, but was known to many as the English School.

The last teacher in 1915-16 was Rose Reinard. This building was sold

and razed shortly after it went out of use. Occassionally Berlin Township

pupils attended here.

Roanoke School

This frame building stood about 2 miles south of Kilbourne

on the west side of County Road 10 on the corner of Altea Yarhouse's

farm where it joins the farm of Howard Heinlen. There was a maximum

of eight families in District 7, so for many years the enrollment was too

small to warrant hiring a teacher and pupils were transported, many

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times to Big Run. It is doubtful if this school was used any in the

1900's. The frame of the building was moved and for 50 years has been

a part of a farm storage building on the Walter Humes farm.

Bowers School

Located on lower Hogback road and identified as District 8,

this frame building has been incorporated into the residence of Tom

Jones. No school had been held in this district for several years prior

to centralization, probably not later than 1910.

Reed School

Located east of Kilbourne on County Rd. 65, south of the road,

almost opposite the telephone exchange building. This district was No. 5

and had enough pupils for a school only part of the time. This frame

building, long ago removed, was used as late as 1905-06, perhaps

a little later.

McMaster School

A frame building is still standing and in use for farm storage

on the north side of the road between the old McMaster premises and

the Giehl farm. It was not in use for several years before centralization.

This was known as "No. 1" district. Built in 1874, Ben and Lyman

McMaster lent money at 8% to finish the building.

Eden Special School

This was District No. 6 until 1875. On the financial records

under date of February 16, 1875, is written "Sub-District No. 6 having

been set apart and constituted a "Village District" by the Law of

1873 and complied with requirements of said law, the township treasurer

drew no funds for said district". Apparently under this law a district

became more self-growing, having not only their own directors but

their own clerk and treasurer, the funds being allocated to them directly

from the county auditor. This district was "Special" anyway because

it had the most pupils, had two one-room buildings and two teachers

some of the time. High school level subjects were offered to the more

advanced students at times. Most of you remember the old storage

shed west of this building that was smaller and older of the Eden

Special buildings. The newer and better building is now owned by Mr.

Herrell (used by Ray Blain for a store for a long time). When in use

they were located on the big lot just west of the Presbyterian Church.

Joint Districts

(White Kingston Township: Township Line School)

Located on the east side of 3B's & K Road on Lester Waldron

farm. This brick building is still standing. Both Brown and Kingston

Township pupils attended. Financial records show that the Brown

Township Board regularly paid tuition to the Kingston Township

Board for their pupils. Even after the Brown children came to the new

centralized school, this school was maintained.

In 1950 Brown School consolidated with Ashley and formed

Elm Valley. The last class graduated in 1963.
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In 1962, Elm Valley was consolidated with Radnor and Scioto

Valley and formed the Buckeye Valley Schools. In 1964 the first class

was graduated from Buckeye Valley.

Centralization among schools is a nation-wide movement and

is constantly being adopted in new localities. What it means to every

boy and girl in Brown Township can readily be seen in the difference

between conditions today and several years ago. Our school has sur-

mounted many difficulties since opening, but is now going strong

and asks the hearty cooperation of every person young or old within

its reach.

The centralization movement in Brown Township was probably

boosted most by Mr. E. E. Ray, District Superintendent. Upon February

second, ninteen fifteen, the Township voted on the adoption of the

movement and also the appropriation of a certain sum of money for

the construction of a suitable building. The result of the election

showed a majority of about fifteen or twenty votes in favor of the

issue together with an appropriation of thirty-five thousand dollars.

In May, 1916, the Board of Education composed of Mr. A. U.

Humes, Mr. Joseph Wornstaff, Mr. Fred Plunket, Mr. Charles Sheets,

and Mr. Howard Cowgill laid the plans for the proposed building.

To these men belong the credit of the construction of this splendid

building, which is the pride of every Brown Township man, woman

and child. The Messrs. Cahill and Armstrong a Cleveland firm, were

engaged as architects. Owing to difficulties of transportation and other

causes the building was not completed until March 17, 1917.

The school sessions were temporarily opened in September 1916,

in the two rooms owned by Mr. Homer Feasel, and the Knights of

Pythias Hall, also the township hall and the two old school buildings,

with the expectation that our new building would be finished about the

first of November. However our anticipation failed to materialize, and

not until March 17, 1917 did we find ourselves located in our present

home, which is the first fireproof school building in Delaware County.

[image of family]
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Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 10)



The history attaching to this subdivision of Delaware County

really begins about 1804 with the discovery of salt in the vicinity,

although the first permanent settlement within the present boundaries

of the township extends back no farther back than 1817. Brown

Township is a division of the county that is replete with historical

interest. Originally it occupies the central portion of the county, and

and later the north central portion lying in range 18, and by United

States survey is township 5.

It is bounded on the north by Oxford Township, the east by

Kingston, on the south by Berlin, on the west by Delaware and Troy

and is (in area) a full township. When Brown Township was organized

cannot be determined. The area was entered by settlers as early as

1809 but the first permanent settlement came along eight years later.

In those days townships were created by a county commissioner's court,

and the records for the years between 1822 and 1831 have been lost

or destroyed. It is believed the township was set up between, 1822

and 1816. But all that is known is that it was not a township before

1822, and was one in 1831.

The first man known to have lived within the boundaries was

Erastus Bowe who came here with his wife and two children from

Vermont around 1809. A settlement was made in the extreme southwest

corner. He built a cabin and called his place Bowetown, though it

was never laid out as a town, or populated except by Bowe and

his family. He remained here but a short time, soon moving to Delaware.

Daniel G. Thurston is recognized as the first permanent settler

in Brown Township, moving from Berlin Township (which at that

time was Berkshire Township). He had settled in that region with his

family upon his arrival in the county in 1810 from Clinton New York.

His settlement was located on the Delaware Sunbury Pike. He worked

in a grist mill near his home until he moved into Brown Township

seven years later, where he had to start his pioneer life over again.

He soon had logs cut for a cabin. A few days later the cabin

was raised, the clapboards placed on for a covering, and a floor

added to the building. His new home was located on the "salt section,"

as it was then called. Shortly after his locating Mr. Gorham moved

in, but after a business failure left and was lost sight of. Isaac Eaton

erected a cabin a little north of Mr. Thurston's. Iasaac Eaton and

Isaac Thurston were for several years the only settlers in the present

limits of Brown Township.

The children of Daniel Thurston were Harriet, who first married

Dr. Monroe, and after his death, Dr. John Loofbourrow. Mary

married Israel Wood. Joseph married in 1826 a daughter of B. F.

Loofbourrow. Elizabeth married Ralph Longwell. Sarah first married

Lyman Thrall, and after his death, Andrew Thrall a brother. Phoebe

married William K. Thrall. Norton married a Miss Jones. Vinal

married a Miss Plant. Eunice married Norton Harden. Fannie married
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H. Walker. Samuel married and had eight children, and Barbara

married William Livingston. The total number in the family as of

1880 was 287.


Among the attractions which brought the first permanent settler

to the township was the salt lick, which was discovered in the northeast

quarter of the area by United States survey agents. The salt lick was

well known to the Indians in the area, and supplied their needs for

years before the white man entered the territory. A reservation was

made by the United States of 4,000 acres and deeded to the State

of Ohio for Educational purposes. It was called the Salt Reservation.

Some years later, perhaps 1804 or 1805 Dr. John Loofburrow

moved into what is now Berkshire Township. He was from Virginia

and located on what afterward became the Eckelberry farm. After a short

time he sold out and moved to the Durham farm, lying just east

of Alum Creek on the Delaware Sunbury Pike. Here he lived and

practiced his profession for many years. He had with him his old

faithful man "Friday" Oko Richey. When Dr. Loofburrow learned

from some friendly Indians where they obtained their salt with his

servant and a few of the Indians, he made a visit to the locality,

which he found only about five miles to the north, and just "up

creek" from his own settlement. He and Oko procured large iron

kettles, built furnaces and commenced the manufacturing of salt. Al-

though a very slow process, they produced sufficient quantities to partial-

ly supply the inhabitants, and thus, very soon became noted salt


After some twelve years, this salt business was investigated by

other parties who thought they saw and enterprise of untold wealth.

In 1817 Daniel G. Thurston, who had come to Berlin Township

from Clinton, New York, moved into Brown Township. He became

interested in the salt lick with two partners, James Eaton and Steven

Gorham. The men went to Columbus, and succeeded in securing

from the state a contract, leasing to them 1,000 acres of land adjacent

to the 300 around the salt reservation for a term of twelve years.

The provisions of this contract with the state were, that the contrac-

tors should bore to the depth of at least 200 feet, unless salt water

in paying quantities was sooner reached. They were to leave the well

tubed with good copper tubing at the expiration of their lease. Loof-

burrow now withdrew from the business, and soon after moved to


The contractors at once commenced boring for salt, and west

to a depth of 480 feet failing to find even salt water in paying quan-

tities. They then notified the state authorities, who in turn reported

to Congress, and that August body ordered the salt reservation to

be surveyed and sold. In November of 1826 lots of 100 acres each

were sold to the highest bidder.
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Imigrants came, and soon the entire salt reservation was settled.

Among the first were Benjamin McMasters, who lived in the township

until 1851, Andrew Finley, J. Fleming, Zenas Leonard, James, George,

and Ralph E. Longwell, S. Harlow, Charles Cowgill, John Kensill

and others with such influx of immigration the township was rapidly



On December 31, 1966 the Brown Presbyterian Church in

Kilbourne reached the end of its long history. The last worship services

were held on Christmas Day. It had been without a resident minister

for nearly 20 years. Ministers designated as stated supply have served

the congregation in the past two decades. There were 60 members

on the rolls when the church closed.

Brown Presbyterian Church was organized in March 1831 at

the home of Daniel G. Thurston, a pioneer settler in Brown Township.

The first minister of the church was Ahab Jenks who came to Ohio

in 1820 and was a supply minister for the church for 16 years. Services

were held in a log house about half a mile north of Kilbourne on land

now owned by Henry Sheets.

Nearly 200 persons participated in a three-day centennial cele-

bration in 1931. After extensive improvements were made to the building

in 1943, through the generous gift of an annonymous donor, a re-

dedication service was held in October 1944. More improvements were

made in later years.

The question of slavery at one time divided the congregation,

but the two groups were later reunited. Much of the dissension cen-
tered around the fact that Samuel Walker, one of the elders of the

Brown Presbyterian Church, was the conductor for the Underground

Railroad. The slaves were picked up in Africa, Orange Township, and

taken to Benidict's station in Morrow County. Among slaves who were

hidden in Walker's haymow, was George Harris of Uncle Tom's Cabin


With the closing of this church, an era of common Christian

effort spanning several generations of people and over 135 years of

time, ended. Some of the descendents of early members who are still

living in or near the Kilbourne area are: the George Sheets family,

the Harold Sheets family, Francis Kunze, Ronald Coyner, Howard

Cleland, Louise Sheets (of Sunbury), Albert Stegner, Lester Waldron

and Richard Leonard.

One of the later ministers in the church was Rev. James Ver-

burg, now deceased. Although he did not reside in Kilbourne, he was

a well-remembered and well-liked figure in the community.
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The Methodist Church of Kilbourne was organized in 1828 at

the home of Daniel G. Thurston, who lived in the village. There were

seven charter members: Mr. Thurston and wife, his son Joseph and

his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Phoebe Thrall, and Mr. and Mrs. Zenas

Leonard. This group held their first meetings in different homes and

it is presumed that they were conducted by circuit riders.

The first church building was erected from lumber furnished by

George Leonard. It is believed that the first pastor after the church

was built was Rev. William Godman. This same preacher was in charge

of the circuit, which probably included a number of churches, and

probably included Cheshire. It was assumed that he was a student at

Ohio Wesleyan, which was organized the same year the church was

built. Records indicate that Jake Petit was the carpenter for the church.

In 1858 the front of the church was built by David Hodgden,

with lumber again furnished by George Leonard. The small rooms

built on the front of the church were erected during the pastorate of

C. R. Edgington in 1907. Much of the upkeep of the church for the

past 50 years had been in the hands of the Ladies Aid Society of the


For 35 years the Ladies Aid Society met in the homes of the

members. Dues were ten cents a quarter. In 1935 the society purchased

a house in which the Elmore family had lived for many years, to serve

as a Parish House. Maud Pugh Norris was responsible for the idea of

purchasing the house--she was president of the society at that time. In

later years the name of the Ladies Aid was changed to the Women's

Society of Christian Service, and in 1972 the name became the Kil-

bourne United Methodist Women.

In 1942, on July 5th, a special service was held commemorating

the building of the first church. Mrs. Charles Humes was the chairman

of the committee. At this service 100 Hymnals were dedicated. Many

of these hymnals were bought by members and former members and

friends in loving memory of departed family members and friends. Mr.

Mason of Columbus, who was pastor between 1910 and 1914, was

present along with Rev. John Pfahler, the pastor. As O. D. hough was

prominent in the building of the church, it was though fitting that Dr.

Rollin H. Walker of Ohio Wesleyan University, and a grandson of

Mr. Hough, should preach the memorial sermon. A Communion ser-

vice was also held. After a basket dinner served at the parish house,

a brief history of the church was read by Mrs. Harry Jumper, and

Mr. Mason talked about his experiences here thirty years ago. After

this Mrs. Charles Humes read a list of the preachers who had served

the Methodist Church in Kilbourne since 1890. They were as follows:

The first pastor, as previously mentioned, was Rev. William

Godman. A. J. Lyone served the church for two years after his gradu-

ation from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1854, and later became presi-

dent Elder of the Mansfield District. He had many warm friends in
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this community and his last appearance in this church was to conduct

the funeral service of Samuel White. It is known that a man by the

name of Bainum was pastor in 1860 and there were two preachers in

the 1870's by the names of Bell and Pollock. In the '80s there was a

minister named T. H. D. Harold, and there was also an Ohio Wesleyan

student named Patterson, followed by Mr. Ruddick. In 1890 the church

was served by student pastors such as Strother, C. C. Kennedy, and

George W. Gross, who graduating from Ohio Wesleyan in 1894, be-

came a missionary in China for the church and afterwards was named

Bishop of the church in China. He was followed by L. E. Lingell, who

later went to India as a missionary. The next minister was O. L. Gris-

wold. Mr. McClellan followed him, then in 1900 C. W. Kennedy came

to us and served two years.

He was followed by James E. Koonz; then came J. A. Currier. In

the fall of 1906 at student named J. J. Neighbor was appointed. After

six weeks, he became ill with typhoid fever and Ohio Wesleyan author-

ities sent him to his home in the east. In December of that year,

Robert C. Edgington became the pastor and served until after his

graduation in 1908. Then F. T. Cartwright served part of a year, fol-

lowed by Perry S. Neldon. Rev. Charles Mason served the church for

four years, from 1910 to 1914; for the next five years H. H. Crimm

served. Then for two years Rev. E. G. Crowin was the minister; Mr.

Flenner was here for a year; H. T. Daugharty for one year and George

Raines for two years. Then came A. F. Felts. Rev. W. M. Brackney,

who was a member of the Ohio Conference, moved to Delaware and

served the church from 1929 to 1932. After him came William Dun-

ning, who was the first resident pastor in the parsonage. He served

for four years.

In 1936 Rev. George Langford was assigned to Kilbourne, and

served nearly five years. Rev. Langford, now disceased, will long be

remembered in the community for his devoted work in the community

and church. The next minister was John Pfahler, who served in 1941

until he was called into the army. Professor Albert Suthers of Ohio

Wesleyan also filled the pulpit. N. E. Davis worked here during the

summer months. Then Maurice Kidder was appointed to the charge,

and in June the Conference appointed Rev. Howard Lee associate

pastor. He and his wife lived in the parsonage at Kilbourne. Rev.

Kidder also was associated with Ohio Wesleyan University and was the

Religious Education Director for the Y.M.C.A.

Ministers following Rev. Kidder were: Robert Fichter, a pro-

fessor at Ohio Wesleyan, from 1949-1951; John Strout, from 1951-

1953; the Rev. O. E. Haueter for the years 1953-1956, and Rev Howard

Velzey, 1956-1958, a student at Ohio Wesleyan. Rev. Velzey compiled

a history of the Kilbourne Methodist Church. Many facts and infor-

mation about the church would never have been available except for

him. During the later years of the church, an extension of the history

of the church was compiled by John S. Humes, and the church is

much indebted to him for this.
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Following Rev. Velzey, was a student at Ohio State, Charles

DeVillbliss, 1958-1959, followed by Dwight Burkam, a graduate of

Ohio Wesleyan who served in the pulpit during the years 1959-1961.

Next came David Shoots, 1961-1963, who was the first minister to

serve the church while enrolled at the new Methodist Theological

School at Stratford. Rev. James Kane assumed his duties in 1963.

He is a well-remembered figure in the community and served until

1967. Gary Smith was assigned to the Kilbourne Church in 1967. He

was attending the Theological School and served the church unil 1969.

The next two ministers were: Harold Roberson, from 1969-1971, and

Ken Baillis, from 1971-June 1975. The present minister is James Law-

ley, who assumed his duties as minister of the church in 1975.

In 1964 the Methodists began to feel the need for a larger and

more efficient church building. On October 12th of that year a com-

mittee was appointed at the official board meeting to survey the mem-

bers regarding some kind of building program. Response indicated that

a new building was favored by a large majority and building plans

were then presented to the members. Following this, a site for the new

church was chosen and the present brick church was built, facing State

Route 521 in Kilbourne. This was later landscaped, and presents an

attractive picture. Many members of the church and interested persons

were instrumental in helping furnish the church. Bernhard Gephart,

although not a member of the church, offered to plan and install the

heating system; much inside carpentry work was done by William E.

Sheets, and electrical and plumbing work was done by Walter Humes,

Sr. and Robert Wells. All of these men furnished their time and tal-

ents free of charge, charging only the wholesale cost of material.

On October 23, 1966, the new church was consecrated. District

Superintendent Henderson was present for the ceremonies, marking the

achievements of the past and pointing to the tasks of the future for

the Methodist Church in the Kilbourne community.

When the new Methodist Church was built, the need for the old

building, which had served the community for so many generations,

was gone. It was torn down, together with the old Parish House, and

the space thus gained in now used as a parking lot for the new church.

The bell from the tower of the old church that had rung out

for so many years calling people to worship, was moved to the site of

the new church, along with the bell which had been removed from

the old Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian bell, being smaller, was

mounted and stands in front of the new church.

Many descendants of the original founders and early members

of the Methodist Church are living in the Kilbourne or Brown Town-

ship area today. Some of them are: the Thurstons, Leonards, Hattens,

Sheets, Humes, Jumpers, Flemings, Roofs and many more.
Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 16)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 16)


[page 16]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 16 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]


U.S. Post Office in small towns are not big imposing structures

with polished metal. There are no computer equipped sorting machinery

no copying machines in the lobby; some hardly have any lobby!

But these small offices are grass-root community centers very close

to the people. Stepping into a small town Post Office is like taking

a step backward into a period of time when life moved at a slower

pace. The furnishings reflect a picture of the rural past. The people

are accommodating. Many of the small town Post Offices are more

than just a place to buy stamps and money orders and pick up mail.

They seem to specialize in "extra" services that you could never

get in city post offices.

This is especially true with the Kilbourne Post Office. In 1837

the government commissioned C. M. Thrall postmaster at the village

of Eden and called the office Kilbourne. Before that, residents received

their mail at Berkshire and Delaware. The office was opened 21 years

after the first settlement in the Township.Kilbourne has had 19 post-

masters in 129 years. The most recent postmaster, Clayton Reeder,

served 36 years and retiring May 1, 1976. During most of his term

as postmaster he opened and operated a general store along with the

post office.

To many residents the post office served as place to keep

up on the local gossip while waiting for the mail to arrive and be

sorted. Many sporting events, world and state problems, were solved

to the liking of those waiting for mail delivery. Clayton's wife, Loma,

helped sort mail and wait on customers in the store. Since sellign

the store business, the post office has been moved to the front of the

building and the old combination lock boxes replaced with key boxes.

A touch of old style post office still exists, as many of the

local residents still gather to visit and solve the problems of the day

while waiting for the mail to arrive or be sorted. For many of the

Kilbourne residents, the post office represents the last remaining landmark

of Old Eden (Kilbourne) and holds fond memories of their childhood

life in the Village. Postmasters from 1837 to 1976 are:

Coton M. Thrall--October 9, 1837

William K. Thrall--Janurary 27, 1849

George P. Deyo--May 27, 1853

John Davidson--February 22, 1855

Davis A. Colum--March 2, 1857

Alexander McCoy--May 14, 1857

George W. Hipple--September 6, 1875

Waymon Perfect--June 28, 1877

Delia A. Knapp--May 11, 1885

Henry J. Jarvis--July 26, 1889

Heber B. Knapp--April 4, 1893

Hugh B. McKay--May 3, 1897

Ella Moore--February 14, 1899
Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 17)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 17)


[page 17]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 17 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]

Ella Porter--June 6, 1900

Maggie McClaren--November 27, 1900

Miss Fanny J. Smith--October 29, 1923

Joseph Richardson--February 12, 1936

Miss Blanch Sperling--July 21, 1940

Clayton Reeder--November 10, 1941

Herb Hammond--1976-


Our pioneers needed, grist mills and saw mills to help bring

their standard of living up to that which they had been accustomed

in the East. Zanesville, Chillicothe, and Millwood were too far away,

so they turned to the power in our own streams. Big Walnut, Alum

Creek, Olentangy, Whetstone, and Scioto were used. Leatherwood

Run, Turkey Creek, Big Run, Sugar Run, Horseshoe Run, Bokes

Creek, Mill Creek, Fulton's Creek, Sugar Creek, Culver's Run, Spencer's

Run, Ducan's Run and Rattlesnake Creek--all of these streams had

one or more mills along their banks and the smaller of these streams

were not to be despised as far as power was concerned.

Every mill in the county could have told us many stories of

the trails and hard labor that brought them into existence and kept

them going. Some of these stories would be romantic. More would

be tragic. Down by the Old Mill Stream doesn't mention the day

the dam started to leak and the workmen rushed in, sometimes in

deep cold water trying to forestall a big break. Nor does it record

that of two men in a boat, attempting to "shoot the dam" at Cole's

Mills during high water, only one survived; nor that Mr. Cole himself,

while superintending repairs, fell into the vortex of the leak and was

spewed out below against a sunken tree top with sufficient force to

dislocate an arm. On the other hand, things could not always have

been so rough. At one place the road leading to a ford and the mill

that stood by it was known as "Lover's Lane." Maybe that old

mill could grind out a song.

The saw and grist mill in Kilbourne (Eden) stood on the creek

bank just north of the bridge. It was rebuilt and enlarged by William

Kilbourne Thrall in 1832. An Atlas shows it was owned by Abbot

and Barnes in 1866. The dam substructure was revealed when the new

bridge was built in 1959-1960. A saw mill near the mouth of Longwell

Run, just above the old Terrell covered bridge, was replaced after the

flood of 1959.

There was a saw and grist mill where Delaware-Sunbury Road

crossed Alum Creek near by a dangerous ford. It was built by Alexander

Hall in 1808. After 1810 it was operated by Daniel G. Thurston.

It was often used to grind corn for the Indians. Another saw and grist

mill was located on Big Run, on the east side of Old State Road,

near Berlin Township House on the property of J. Eaton.
Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 18)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 18)


[page 18]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 18 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]


Communication to other places was very limited in Kilbourne.

There were two very small telephone companies, namely the Citizen

and the Mutual. The Citizen switchboard was operated by Iola Ebenhack

and Bessie Luke Blain. Ray Blain was the proprietor of the Citizen

Company, and Ella and Jim Myers of the Mutual Company. The

territory south of what is now State Route 521 was tended by Ray

Blain, and that north of 521, by Jim Myers. If a long distance call

was to be made, one company would relay it to the other and the

distance of fifteen or twenty miles would be covered provided that

the line could be wrested from two gossiping persons. In those days

party lines had a maximum of ten families on one line. Much sharing

was the necessity of the day.

These two businesses of communication thrived from about

the years 1910-1923. After 1923 larger corporate companies formed,

and began to take over the small privately owned companies.

Since then, many companies have merged with General Telephone

Company, eliminating private owners.

The Kilbourne Mutual Company was governed by a constitution

and by-laws, some of which are listed below.

Section 4 The capital stock of said company shall be share of $25.00

per subscriber to be paid in as directed by executive board, and invested

in telephone lines and equipment.

Article VIII No person will be allowed to take down receivers for

the purpose of listening to conversation or messages.

Article X Subscribers will not be allowed to become more than three

months in arrears for their current bill.

It is easy to see that changes in rules and regulations have taken

place since the day of the privately owned telephone company!


Kilbourne is believed to be the site of the first Grange Hall

built in Ohio. It was erected at Kilbourne in 1874 by Josiah and I.

N. Humes for use by Flora Grange which had been organized on January

12, 1874. The building is now the Brown Township hall, and is used

by Kilbourne Grange. Grange historians say that there are no records

in the offices of the Ohio State Grange to show that there was any

other Grange hall built prior to 1874. Kilbourne Grange (formerly

Berlin) first met in a Baptist Church near Ft. Cheshire. Later, meetings

were held in a building built by the Grange at Berlin Station with

the store below and a Grange Hall above. The Grange was reorganized

in the little red schoolhouse near T. R. Smith's home on Sunbury

Road. After the center of membership shifted to Brown Township

the Grange met in the township hall. In 1948 the name was changed

from Berlin to Kilbourne to avoid confusion in names and localities.

Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 19)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 19)


[page 19]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 19 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]


Reeder's Store and Post Office

Seeds, plants, garden equipment, gasoline,

soft drinks, candy, misc.

KILBOURNE, OHIO Phone 524-2121

Good Luck and a prosperous Bicentennial!

The Farmers Savings Bank Co.

2 West High Street Ashley, Ohio 43003


Free Estimates and Fully Insured

A Roof for Every Building

Phone 524-3515 6337 State Rt. 61 Sunbury, Ohio


Yarhouse - McCombs - McCarty

524-2402 595-7033 362-5522

Aluminum Siding--Electrical--Remodeling--Garages

5605 East State Rt. 37, Delaware, Ohio
Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 20)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 20)


[page 20]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 20 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]



32 Spring Street Delaware, Ohio

Phone 363-1991

"B" FRYMAN Real Estate

15 West Central Avenue Delaware, Ohio

Phone 363-1211

We have one purpose--to courteously and efficiently serve

you in all your real estate needs.




Serving Kilbourne and Delaware County since 1899

Route 521 (25 Kilbourne Road) Delaware, Ohio

Phone 363-5081


37 North Sandusky Street Delaware, Ohio

William L. Link, Realtor, 369-5271

Branson Spring, 369-3843 Bob Faller, 369-7035

Office Phone: 363-1359
Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 21)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 21)


[page 21]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 21 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]




Two Full-Service Locations for your convenience:

Downtown--46 North Sandusky Street

Georgetowne Centre--30 Troy Road, 363-1233




Every Night is Family Fun Night

Larry and Barb Opel, owners Phone 369-9970

A. P. Schirtzinger's

Little Giant Store

State Route 521 (5660 Kilbourne Road) Kilbourne, Ohio


FARM SUPPLIES (Hay and Staw)


Lincoln-Mercury...and Toyota

1100 South Hamilton Road Columbus, Ohio 43227


Business: 868-0300 Home: 369-8373
Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 22)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 22)


[page 22]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 22 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]

Hanrahan-Pletcher Funeral Home

John P. Hanrahan--Dale E. Law--William W. Pletcher

78 West William Street Delaware, Ohio

Phone 369-7215



Corner Union and Winter Street Delaware, Ohio


Phone 362-0951, 548-6860

Graham & Trimble Insurance Co.



44 Spring Street, Delaware, Ohio, Phone 369-6711

20 West High Street, Ashley, Ohio, Phone 747-4343





Radnor, Ohio: 595-2373 Delaware, Ohio: 369-1901
Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 23)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 23)


[page 23]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 23 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]


5605 East State Rt. 37, Delaware, Ohio

Complete Catering Service for All Occasions

Seafood Buffet--Thursday night

Smorgasbord--Friday, Saturday nights and Sunday

Open daily 11:00 a.m. Phone 548-7880



133 East Winter Street, Delaware, Ohio

Shop Phone 369-4092

363-0682 369-3223




Helping you help yourself


Delaware County



Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 24)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 24)


[page 24]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 24 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]

Teek's Furniture carpet appliances TV

Complete Interior Decorating Service Available

Better quality furniture costs less at Teele's in Delaware


57 North Sandusky Street Phone 362-5771






34 South Sandusky Street, Delaware, Ohio

Phone 363-3011



6875 State Route 61 Business: 524-4363 Home: 524-2822

Business and Residential Trash Collection

Engine Rebuilding (any gas type)

Auto and Truck repair Tractor repair

Farm Equipment Rebuilding and Welding

Electrical Maintenance and additions


McDONALD'S of Delaware


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 25)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 25)


[page 25]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 25 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]

Compliments of

Bennett Brown Funeral Homes


92 North Sandusky Street Delaware, Ohio Phone 362-1611


Big Walnut Skate Club

[photo of "DOCTOR ELDOONIE MAGIC MEDICINE"] For information

concerning engagements

Phone (614) 524-2297.

[image] The Kilbourne, Ohio Official

Program for Bicentennial

Day was set in phototype

and printed by:


5561 Howard Road

Delaware, Ohio 43015

Phone (614) 524-4013
Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 26)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 26)


[page 26]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 26 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]

Patron's List





















Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 27)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 27)


[page 27]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 27 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]


Bridge Abutment built 1853, (bridge not built).


Alum Creek Bridge, Kilbourne, Ohio
Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 28)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 28)


[page 28]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 28 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]


Early Kilbourne area Automobile


Early Kilbourne area Automobile
Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 29)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 29)


[page 29]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 29 of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]


Methodist Parsonage--Funeral Home


Delaware Avenue, Kilbourne, Ohio
Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 30)


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program (p. 30)


[page 30]

[corresponds to back cover of Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program]



Dublin Core


Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program


Brown Township--Delaware County--Ohio
Kilbourne Bicentennial Day--Brown Township--Delaware County--Ohio
Local history--Village of Kilbourne--Delaware County--Ohio


This program features gray-scale photographs and typed text of the history of the unincorporated community of Kilbourne, Ohio, and its bicentennial celebration. The program book is located in the Delaware County District Library's Collection, Delaware County, Ohio.


The Kilbourne Bicentennial Committee









Still Image





The Kilbourne Bicentennial Committee, “Kilbourne Bicentennial Day Program,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 10, 2025,

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