World Wide Games
World Wide Games (p. 1)
[page 1]
[corresponds to front cover of World Wide Games]
[images of pine trees with labeled games on them]
[corresponds to front cover of World Wide Games]
[images of pine trees with labeled games on them]
World Wide Games (p. 2)
[page 2]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 2 of World Wide Games]
Ancient and traditional games that have been played and
enjoyed for centuries by people all over the world.
Distinctive and attractive additions to your home.
Made of durable fine-grained hardwoods, sturdily constructed
for rugged use, with a warm natural finish that becomes more
beautiful with use.
Fun for the whole family, from children to grandparents.
[image of ornament]
Instructions included with all games. These games are not available
in stores. Order your Christmas gifts now from:
[corresponds to unlabeled page 2 of World Wide Games]
Ancient and traditional games that have been played and
enjoyed for centuries by people all over the world.
Distinctive and attractive additions to your home.
Made of durable fine-grained hardwoods, sturdily constructed
for rugged use, with a warm natural finish that becomes more
beautiful with use.
Fun for the whole family, from children to grandparents.
[image of ornament]
Instructions included with all games. These games are not available
in stores. Order your Christmas gifts now from:
World Wide Games (p. 3)
[page 3]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 3 of World Wide Games]
An old North American Indian game of
skill played from Canada to Mexico.
It was originally carved from bone, the
spear a sharpened rib and the rings
were steak bones. [image of game]
[images instructing how to play game]
To play, swing rings up in an arc and
try to spear them in the air. See who
can catch the most rings in 10 tries.
Each ring counts 1 point, the triangle
counts 10 points. It is easy to improve
your skill with practice.
Pommawonga rings are of hard maple, spear and
triangle are of other hardwoods, mostly black
walnut, and game is fastened together with
braided cord.
Postpaid $1.75
[corresponds to unlabeled page 3 of World Wide Games]
An old North American Indian game of
skill played from Canada to Mexico.
It was originally carved from bone, the
spear a sharpened rib and the rings
were steak bones. [image of game]
[images instructing how to play game]
To play, swing rings up in an arc and
try to spear them in the air. See who
can catch the most rings in 10 tries.
Each ring counts 1 point, the triangle
counts 10 points. It is easy to improve
your skill with practice.
Pommawonga rings are of hard maple, spear and
triangle are of other hardwoods, mostly black
walnut, and game is fastened together with
braided cord.
Postpaid $1.75
World Wide Games (p. 4)
[page 4]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of World Wide Games]
Box Hockey
An exciting and noisy
game - for all ages.
[images of game]
Box Hockey is an exciting and noisy game for 2 to 4 persons.
Each has a stick which he holds in one hand and attempts
to hit the puck through the goal to his left. A point is scored
when the puck is knocked through the goal.
Box Hockey is sturdily built with sides and ends of walnut, bottom
of 5-ply hardwood board. It contains 4 walnut sticks and 2 hardwood
The box measures 18 x 60 inches when open and folds to 18 x 30.
It has strong hinges and fasteners and leather handles so that it
makes an excellent carrying case for other games. All games except
Kicket and Marble Football fit inside Box Hockey.
F.O.B. Delaware, Ohio $16.00
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of World Wide Games]
Box Hockey
An exciting and noisy
game - for all ages.
[images of game]
Box Hockey is an exciting and noisy game for 2 to 4 persons.
Each has a stick which he holds in one hand and attempts
to hit the puck through the goal to his left. A point is scored
when the puck is knocked through the goal.
Box Hockey is sturdily built with sides and ends of walnut, bottom
of 5-ply hardwood board. It contains 4 walnut sticks and 2 hardwood
The box measures 18 x 60 inches when open and folds to 18 x 30.
It has strong hinges and fasteners and leather handles so that it
makes an excellent carrying case for other games. All games except
Kicket and Marble Football fit inside Box Hockey.
F.O.B. Delaware, Ohio $16.00
World Wide Games (p. 5)
[page 5]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 5 of World Wide Games]
Mexican Balero
[image of game]
This game of skill is probably famil-
iar to tourists who have traveled in
Mexico. Players develop skill at
catching the ball in the cup and real
experts can try to catch the ball on
the peg at the other end.
[images showing how to play the game]
One person may play alone or try an exciting
relay with a Balero for each team. Player must
catch ball in cup before he passes Balero to
next person in line.
Balero is turned from Hard Maple and is a golden
honey color. (7 1/2 inches long)
Postpaid: $1.00
[corresponds to unlabeled page 5 of World Wide Games]
Mexican Balero
[image of game]
This game of skill is probably famil-
iar to tourists who have traveled in
Mexico. Players develop skill at
catching the ball in the cup and real
experts can try to catch the ball on
the peg at the other end.
[images showing how to play the game]
One person may play alone or try an exciting
relay with a Balero for each team. Player must
catch ball in cup before he passes Balero to
next person in line.
Balero is turned from Hard Maple and is a golden
honey color. (7 1/2 inches long)
Postpaid: $1.00
World Wide Games (p. 6)
[page 6]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 of World Wide Games]
[image of game]
Hindu Pyramid
Hindu Pyramid Puzzle was developed in a Hindu Temple
in India where it was used for the mental discipline of
young priests. The object is to shift all the blocks from
the center peg to one of the outside pegs. Always place
a smaller block on top of a larger one and move only
block at a time. One individual studies this out alone.
Each of the seven blocks is a different hardwood. Base is 3 x 9
inches. Puzzle is sent flat to prevent breakage. Just put the
pegs into holes in the base.
Postpaid $1.50
Nine Block
This old-time American puzzle was formerly
known as the piano puzzle because the object
is to move the "piano" (largest block) from
one corner of the room to another by shifting
furniture (smaller blocks). Nine Block Puzzle
will keep a persistant person working over
an hour.
The blocks are made of heavy black walnut, 1/2 in.
thick. They fit into a wooden box measuring
about 6 1/2 x 8 inches.
Postpaid $2.00
[image of game]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 of World Wide Games]
[image of game]
Hindu Pyramid
Hindu Pyramid Puzzle was developed in a Hindu Temple
in India where it was used for the mental discipline of
young priests. The object is to shift all the blocks from
the center peg to one of the outside pegs. Always place
a smaller block on top of a larger one and move only
block at a time. One individual studies this out alone.
Each of the seven blocks is a different hardwood. Base is 3 x 9
inches. Puzzle is sent flat to prevent breakage. Just put the
pegs into holes in the base.
Postpaid $1.50
Nine Block
This old-time American puzzle was formerly
known as the piano puzzle because the object
is to move the "piano" (largest block) from
one corner of the room to another by shifting
furniture (smaller blocks). Nine Block Puzzle
will keep a persistant person working over
an hour.
The blocks are made of heavy black walnut, 1/2 in.
thick. They fit into a wooden box measuring
about 6 1/2 x 8 inches.
Postpaid $2.00
[image of game]
World Wide Games (p. 7)
[page 7]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 7 of World Wide Games]
For 4 to 8 players
Easily learned and
fun for all ages.
[image of game]
Kicket, a fast exciting game for 4 to 8 persons, is similar to
table polo or soccer. A wooden ball is dropped in the middle
and players on each side, holding the rods, try to hit the
ball through the goal at their left.
Kicket is a large game (18 x 41 inches) with sides and ends of
black walnut, and a tough bottom of 5-ply hardwood board. The
rods are of birch and black walnut.
F.O.B. Delaware, O. $20.00
[image of family playing the game]
Radnor Road, Delaware, Ohio
[corresponds to unlabeled page 7 of World Wide Games]
For 4 to 8 players
Easily learned and
fun for all ages.
[image of game]
Kicket, a fast exciting game for 4 to 8 persons, is similar to
table polo or soccer. A wooden ball is dropped in the middle
and players on each side, holding the rods, try to hit the
ball through the goal at their left.
Kicket is a large game (18 x 41 inches) with sides and ends of
black walnut, and a tough bottom of 5-ply hardwood board. The
rods are of birch and black walnut.
F.O.B. Delaware, O. $20.00
[image of family playing the game]
Radnor Road, Delaware, Ohio
World Wide Games (p. 8)
[page 8]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 8 of World Wide Games]
Adi Board
Adi, an ancient game for two persons,
is played on the African Gold Coast
today just as it has been for hundreds
of years. Indoors people play Adi on
game boards carved from wood, but when
outside, they dig holes in the ground
and use Adi seeds from the Aditi bushes
as counters.
Adi is one of an ancient family of games
played in Africa, Asia and the islands
of the Pacific. The histories and in-
structions for these games may be found
in the book "Count and Capture" which
we give with each Adi Board.
[image of people playing the game]
[image of the game]
We suggest that you try Adi first because it is
easy to learn from written instructions and can
be played by children as young as 6 or 7.
Adi Board is a solid block of thick black walnut
or cherry lumber with a warm natural finish and
will last for generations. It measures 6 x 23 inches.
Marbles and "Count and Capture" book included.
Postpaid: $5.00
Additional copies of "Count and Capture" book may be
obtained from Cooperative Recreation Service, Inc.,
Delaware, Ohio at 50? each.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 8 of World Wide Games]
Adi Board
Adi, an ancient game for two persons,
is played on the African Gold Coast
today just as it has been for hundreds
of years. Indoors people play Adi on
game boards carved from wood, but when
outside, they dig holes in the ground
and use Adi seeds from the Aditi bushes
as counters.
Adi is one of an ancient family of games
played in Africa, Asia and the islands
of the Pacific. The histories and in-
structions for these games may be found
in the book "Count and Capture" which
we give with each Adi Board.
[image of people playing the game]
[image of the game]
We suggest that you try Adi first because it is
easy to learn from written instructions and can
be played by children as young as 6 or 7.
Adi Board is a solid block of thick black walnut
or cherry lumber with a warm natural finish and
will last for generations. It measures 6 x 23 inches.
Marbles and "Count and Capture" book included.
Postpaid: $5.00
Additional copies of "Count and Capture" book may be
obtained from Cooperative Recreation Service, Inc.,
Delaware, Ohio at 50? each.
World Wide Games (p. 9)
[page 9]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 9 of World Wide Games]
Adi Table
Adi is now so popular that we have
developed a fine piece of furniture for
your living room with Adi carved into
the table top. It is a large (9 1/2 x 30 in.)
solid block of black walnut 2 inches
thick with a beautiful hand-rubbed nat-
ural finish. There is a small drawer for
marbles; and the legs are black wrought
iron. Two persons play at the Adi table.
Marbles and "Count and Capture" book
Limited Quantity.
F.O.B. Delaware, Ohio $15.00
[images of game and children playing the game]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 9 of World Wide Games]
Adi Table
Adi is now so popular that we have
developed a fine piece of furniture for
your living room with Adi carved into
the table top. It is a large (9 1/2 x 30 in.)
solid block of black walnut 2 inches
thick with a beautiful hand-rubbed nat-
ural finish. There is a small drawer for
marbles; and the legs are black wrought
iron. Two persons play at the Adi table.
Marbles and "Count and Capture" book
Limited Quantity.
F.O.B. Delaware, Ohio $15.00
[images of game and children playing the game]
World Wide Games (p. 10)
[page 10]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 10 of World Wide Games]
Bonum Board Scoop Golf
This is now a combination paddle on which one may
play two games.
Bonum Board apparently originated in the United States
around 1880, when the paddles were decorated by wood
burning. Bonum Board is easy to learn, just catch the
ball in the holes with the highest scores. One person
may play alone or a small group may take turns to see
who gets the most points.
[photos of game]
Scoop Golf is on the reverse side. Play golf
rules for LOW score. Count the number of
tosses required to catch ball in hole number
1, then try for hole number 2, and on around
the "course" of nine holes.
Paddles are 14 inches long, made of 3-ply hard-
wood board, have cherry or walnut handles and
hard maple balls. Green numbers are printed on
both sides of paddles.
Postpaid $1.50
[corresponds to unlabeled page 10 of World Wide Games]
Bonum Board Scoop Golf
This is now a combination paddle on which one may
play two games.
Bonum Board apparently originated in the United States
around 1880, when the paddles were decorated by wood
burning. Bonum Board is easy to learn, just catch the
ball in the holes with the highest scores. One person
may play alone or a small group may take turns to see
who gets the most points.
[photos of game]
Scoop Golf is on the reverse side. Play golf
rules for LOW score. Count the number of
tosses required to catch ball in hole number
1, then try for hole number 2, and on around
the "course" of nine holes.
Paddles are 14 inches long, made of 3-ply hard-
wood board, have cherry or walnut handles and
hard maple balls. Green numbers are printed on
both sides of paddles.
Postpaid $1.50
World Wide Games (p. 11)
[page 11]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 11 of World Wide Games]
Chinese Friends
[image of game]
Two persons play Chinese Friends, each having
two men on the board at the start. All men are two
colors. By placing one man on the board at each
turn, player tries to sandwich opponent's men.
Sandwiched men are turned over, making them the
same color as the capturer. Men are added until
board is full. Player with the most men of his color
turned up wins game.
Playing field is silk screened on a 3-ply hardwood
board about 12 inches square. 64 men are two-color
Postpaid: $1.50
Korean Yoot
[image of game]
Yoot is an ancient game of Korea and is still a
popular game in that country, especially for two
weeks around New Year's Day. It can be played
by 2, 3, or 4 persons, also teams. Each player
has four men which move around the board to
home, moves being determined by 4 throwing
Playing field is silk screened on a 3-ply hardwood
board about 12 inches square. White birch Yoot sticks
are marked on one side by woodburning and then hand
rubbed with a natural finish.
Postpaid: $1.50
WORLD WIDE GAMES Radnor Road, Delaware, Ohio
[corresponds to unlabeled page 11 of World Wide Games]
Chinese Friends
[image of game]
Two persons play Chinese Friends, each having
two men on the board at the start. All men are two
colors. By placing one man on the board at each
turn, player tries to sandwich opponent's men.
Sandwiched men are turned over, making them the
same color as the capturer. Men are added until
board is full. Player with the most men of his color
turned up wins game.
Playing field is silk screened on a 3-ply hardwood
board about 12 inches square. 64 men are two-color
Postpaid: $1.50
Korean Yoot
[image of game]
Yoot is an ancient game of Korea and is still a
popular game in that country, especially for two
weeks around New Year's Day. It can be played
by 2, 3, or 4 persons, also teams. Each player
has four men which move around the board to
home, moves being determined by 4 throwing
Playing field is silk screened on a 3-ply hardwood
board about 12 inches square. White birch Yoot sticks
are marked on one side by woodburning and then hand
rubbed with a natural finish.
Postpaid: $1.50
WORLD WIDE GAMES Radnor Road, Delaware, Ohio
World Wide Games (p. 12)
[page 12]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 12 of World Wide Games]
The Japanese game of Gomoku or Gomoku-Narabe is
centuries old. Similar games are O-Mok in Korea and
the very ancient "Go" in China which dates back to
2256 B.C.
Two persons may play Gomoku and the object is to
get five marbles in a row in any direction while pre-
venting your opponent from doing the same with his
In Japan the game is played with black and white
stones which are placed at the intersection of verti-
cal and horizontal lines. However, we use marbles
instead of stones and have drilled holes where the
intersections of the lines would be. On this board,
the stones or marbles can't slide around, but will
remain where they are placed.
[images of game]
Board measures about one foot
square with 13 rows of 13 holes.
Marbles and instructions are
Postpaid: $3.00
[corresponds to unlabeled page 12 of World Wide Games]
The Japanese game of Gomoku or Gomoku-Narabe is
centuries old. Similar games are O-Mok in Korea and
the very ancient "Go" in China which dates back to
2256 B.C.
Two persons may play Gomoku and the object is to
get five marbles in a row in any direction while pre-
venting your opponent from doing the same with his
In Japan the game is played with black and white
stones which are placed at the intersection of verti-
cal and horizontal lines. However, we use marbles
instead of stones and have drilled holes where the
intersections of the lines would be. On this board,
the stones or marbles can't slide around, but will
remain where they are placed.
[images of game]
Board measures about one foot
square with 13 rows of 13 holes.
Marbles and instructions are
Postpaid: $3.00
World Wide Games (p. 13)
[page 13]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 13 of World Wide Games]
World Wide Games Kit
In answer to many requests we have assembled
this collection of games that will provide recre-
ation for 24 persons or more at one time. The Box
Hockey folds into a sturdy case for storing and
carrying the other 14 games.
We recommend this kit for families where lots of
children gather for fun, for recreation leaders,
county agents, 4-H clubs, churches, school social
rooms, hospitals, community centers, camps....
[images of box with games]
1 Box Hockey, also serves as carrying case $16.00
A - Ancient Table Games
1 Adi Board (African) 5.00
1 Gomoku (Japanese) 3.00
1 Chinese Friends 1.50
1 Korean Yoot 1.50
B - Games of Skill
2 Pommawonga at $1.75 3.50
2 Mexican Balero 1.00 2.00
2 Pic-E-U-Nee Ping Pong 1.00 2.00
2 Bonum Board-Scoop Golf 1.50 3.00
C - Puzzles
1 Hindu Pyramid Puzzle 1.50
1 Nine Block Puzzle 2.00
Total Value $41.00
(F.O.B. Delaware, Ohio)
[corresponds to unlabeled page 13 of World Wide Games]
World Wide Games Kit
In answer to many requests we have assembled
this collection of games that will provide recre-
ation for 24 persons or more at one time. The Box
Hockey folds into a sturdy case for storing and
carrying the other 14 games.
We recommend this kit for families where lots of
children gather for fun, for recreation leaders,
county agents, 4-H clubs, churches, school social
rooms, hospitals, community centers, camps....
[images of box with games]
1 Box Hockey, also serves as carrying case $16.00
A - Ancient Table Games
1 Adi Board (African) 5.00
1 Gomoku (Japanese) 3.00
1 Chinese Friends 1.50
1 Korean Yoot 1.50
B - Games of Skill
2 Pommawonga at $1.75 3.50
2 Mexican Balero 1.00 2.00
2 Pic-E-U-Nee Ping Pong 1.00 2.00
2 Bonum Board-Scoop Golf 1.50 3.00
C - Puzzles
1 Hindu Pyramid Puzzle 1.50
1 Nine Block Puzzle 2.00
Total Value $41.00
(F.O.B. Delaware, Ohio)
World Wide Games (p. 14)
[page 14]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 14 of World Wide Games]
Ping Pong
Play ping pong
by yourself!
Be an individualist!
See how many times you can bounce the ping
pong ball back and forth across the miniature
net on this siamese twin-type paddle.
New and different! Postpaid $1.00
[images of game]
Marble Football
Your football team is a huddle
of marbles at your end of the
field. Make a touchdown by
rolling marbles down a ramp
until they knock the "football"
into your opponent's end zone.
Size: 20 x 43 inches.
Green field has silk screened
white numbered yard lines and
end zones. Bottom fits into sides
and ends. Marbles and 4 ramps
furnished. Instructions included.
F.O.B. Delaware $10.00
[images of game]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 14 of World Wide Games]
Ping Pong
Play ping pong
by yourself!
Be an individualist!
See how many times you can bounce the ping
pong ball back and forth across the miniature
net on this siamese twin-type paddle.
New and different! Postpaid $1.00
[images of game]
Marble Football
Your football team is a huddle
of marbles at your end of the
field. Make a touchdown by
rolling marbles down a ramp
until they knock the "football"
into your opponent's end zone.
Size: 20 x 43 inches.
Green field has silk screened
white numbered yard lines and
end zones. Bottom fits into sides
and ends. Marbles and 4 ramps
furnished. Instructions included.
F.O.B. Delaware $10.00
[images of game]
World Wide Games (p. 15)
[page 15]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 15 of World Wide Games]
You will find an order blank with this catalog
for your convenience.
All games will be sent postpaid inside conti-
nental U.S., with the exception of Kicket, Box
Hockey, Marble Football, Adi Table and the
World Wide Games Kit which will be sent Rail-
way Express Collect.
Write for special rates on quantity orders.
Do you want future ads and information? Just
send us a postcard and we will put you on our
permanent mailing list.
industry located three miles west
of Delaware, Ohio, operated by
Warren and Mary Lea Bailey.
[images of ornament and pine trees]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 15 of World Wide Games]
You will find an order blank with this catalog
for your convenience.
All games will be sent postpaid inside conti-
nental U.S., with the exception of Kicket, Box
Hockey, Marble Football, Adi Table and the
World Wide Games Kit which will be sent Rail-
way Express Collect.
Write for special rates on quantity orders.
Do you want future ads and information? Just
send us a postcard and we will put you on our
permanent mailing list.
industry located three miles west
of Delaware, Ohio, operated by
Warren and Mary Lea Bailey.
[images of ornament and pine trees]
Dublin Core
World Wide Games
Business--Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio
Business--World Wide Games--Delaware--Ohio
History--Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio
Promotional Materials--World Wide Games--Delaware--Ohio
Business--World Wide Games--Delaware--Ohio
History--Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio
Promotional Materials--World Wide Games--Delaware--Ohio
This brochure details the products of the World Wide Games Company, located near the the city of Delaware, Ohio. The brochure includes instructions for playing each game.
Business Owners Warren and Mary Lea Bailey; World Wide Games
Still Image
Business Owners Warren and Mary Lea Bailey; World Wide Games
, “World Wide Games,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 10, 2025,