Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 1)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 1)


[corresponds to front cover]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 2)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 2)


[Page 2]

[corresponds to front matter]

Berkshire Township

Township Allen McLean

Sunbury Ohio


H Hodgson Com 24th Feb
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 3)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 3)


[Page 3]

[corresponds to front matter]

Record Book of

Berkshire Township

No. 2 [line]

W W Ramsdell

William W Ramsdell

Township Clerk

To the

In the year of our Lord one

thousand eight hundred

and twenty three [line]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 4)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 4)


[Page 4]

[blank page]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 5)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 5)


[page 5]

[blank page]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 6)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 6)


[page 6]

[blank page]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 7)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 7)


[page 7]

[corresponds to page 1 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record of Marks in B.T.S.

[two lines]


Oliver Still's Mark. a crop. Slit. an upper bit

off and in the Left ear. and an under bit in the Right

[two lines]

Nijah Royce Mark. a swallow fork in the Right

ear and a slit in the end of the left Jan 23, 1807

[two lines]

Joseph Prince's Mark. a crop off the left ear and

two slits in the same and an under bit ^ out of the right

March 13th 1807

[two lines]

John Murphy's Mark a crop off the Right ear

and two slits in the same March 23 1807 entered

for Joseph Lewis

[two lines]

James Gregory's Mark a half crop off the Right

ear. and slit in the left. Jan 19th 1809

[two lines]

David & Joseph Prince's Mark a slit in the end of

Right ear an under bit out of the same Nov 26th 1808

[two lines]

Ichabod Plumb's Mark half crop off the upper

side of the Left ear March 27th 1809

[two lines]

David Gregory's Mark a crop off the left

Ear and a half crop off the upper side of the Right

[two line]

James S Gregory's Mark a crop off the left ear

and a slit in the same Dec. 1st 1810

Transferred March 30th 1834 to [illegible] P [illegible]

[two lines]

Jeremiah Haskins Mark a swallow fork in the Left

ear and slit in the end of the Right March 4th 1812

[two lines]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 8)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 8)


[Page 8]

[corresponds to page 2 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record of Marks in B. T. S.

[two lines]

David Lewis Mark a crop off the Right

Ear a slit in the Stamp and slit in the Left

July 4th 1820

[two lines]

Thomas J. Brown's Mark a crop off the right

ear [four words crossed out] Jan 19th 1809

Transfered to C. H. Wells April 19, 1859 [crossed out]

[two lines]

Thomas Wheeler's Mark a crop off the Right Ear

and a slit in the left Aug 22 1823

[two lines]

Henry Hodgden's Mark a crop off the left

Ear March 31st 1821

[two lines]

Phineas P O'Dell's Mark a swallow fork in

each ear Nov 4th 1821

[two lines]

John Patterson's Mark a crop off the

Left ear and a slit in the Right. Nov 2 1821

Transfered Oct 13th 1845 to Lyman [illegible]

James Jone's Mark a crop off the Left Ear

and a half crop off the under side of the Right

March 2nd 1822

[two lines]

David T Sherman's Mark a crop off the

Right ear and an upper bit out of the Left

Nov 14th 1822

[two lines]

Major Manter's mark is a square crop

off left ear and two slits in the stump

Dec 19th 1822

[two lines]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 9)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 9)


[Page 9]

[corresponds to page 3 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record of Marks in B. T. S.

Benjamin Pringle's Mark a crop of the

Right ear and swallow for in the same [two short vertical lines]

May 30th 1823

[two lines]

Jesse Haven's Mark a slit in the Right

Ear a half penny in the inner side of the same

June 7th 1823

[two lines]

William W Ramsdell's Mark a crop off

the right ear June 13th 1823

[two lines]

x [three dashes]

Samuel Whitney's Mark a half crop off the

upper side of the right ear Aug 25th AD 1823

[two lines]

Ezra Steward's Mark a Square crop of

the right ear and a slit in the Stump

March 16th AD 1824 Transfered to C. W. Wells

April 19 1859 W. P Frost J.P.

[two lines]


Stephen R Bennetts Mark, a crop off

the Right ear, and a half crop off the upper

Side of Left. March 20th AD 1824.

[two lines]

Ephram Kilpatric's Mark a crop off

the Left Ear & two happenys [sic halfpennies] of the right ear one of

them upper the other on the under side of the Ear [four dashes]

Dec 17th AD 1824

[two lines]

Joseph Roloson's Mark a slit in the end

of each ear & an under bit out of each ear

Jan 24th AD 1825

[two lines]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 10)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 10)


[Page 10]

[corresponds to page 4 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record of Marks in. B. T. S.

[two lines]

Solomon Stewarts [sic Steward] mark a slanting ^ crop off the under

side of the right ear March 3rd AD 1825


Adam Vroman Mark a swallow fork in the

right ear & an under bit out of the same March 3rd

AD 1825


Hiram A Fullers Mark a slit in the

end of the left ear March 7th AD 1825


John Kilpatricks Mark is a crop off the

left ear and a hole in the right. Sept 12th 1825

[dashed line]

Timothy L Thralls Mark is a half crop off

under side of the right ear June 2nd 1826

[dashed line]

Israel Beachs Mark is a squa-

re crop off from each ear

Dec 12th - AD 1825

[dashed line]

David Lewis, 3rd & David W. Lewis,s

Mark is a sq^uare crop off from the

right ear and a swallow fork in the

left Feb 13th AD 1827

[dashed line]

Rufus Carter,s mark is

a half crop off from the

under side of the left ear

Feb. 20th 1827

AD 1825


Hiram A Fullers Mark a slit in the

end of the left ear March 7th AD 1825


John Kilpatricks Mark is a crop off the

left ear and a hole in the right. Sept 12th 1825

[dashed line]

Timothy L Thralls Mark is a half crop off

under side of the right ear June 2nd 1826

[dashed line]

Israel Beachs Mark is a squa-

re crop off from each ear

Dec 12th - AD 1825

[dashed line]

David Lewis, 3rd & David W. Lewis,s

Mark is a sq^uare crop off from the

right ear and a swallow fork in the

left Feb 13th AD 1827

[dashed line]

Rufus Carter,s mark is

a half crop off from the

under side of the left ear

Feb. 20th 1827
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 11)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 11)


[Page 11]

[corresponds to page 5 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record of Marks B. T. S.

John Polman,s Mark is

a square crop off from the

right ear & an upper bit out

of the same Feb 26 AD 1827


Apr Wm. G. Vansickle,s mark

2nd is a half crop from the under

1827 side of the left and a slit

in the right


April Isaiah Vanloon,s mark

2nd 1827 is a square crop of from each

ear and a slit in each

[two lines]

April 9th 1827 Gilbert Carpenters Mark is a Crop of the Right

Ear and upper bit and under bit in the [word crossed out] Same

[two lines]

April 9th 1827

Lymon Carpenters Mark is a Slope of the upper

Side of the Right Ear

[two lines]

April 9 1827 Eleazer Carpenters Mark is a hole thrue

Each Ear and crop of the Left

[two lines]

April 23 1827

Edward L Randles mark is a hole thrue the Right Ear


April 23 1827 John Dirsts mark is a square crop

of the Left Ear and a Swallow fork in the Same

May 2nd 1827 Joseph T Styer's mark is

a half-crop out of the upper side of the

Right Ear
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 12)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 12)


[Page 12]

[corresponds to page 6 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

David T. Sherman took the oath of Office as

House appraiser May 7th AD 1823 by order of the

Trustees Wm W Ramsdell T.S.C.


June 7th 1823 Jeremiah Haskins & David

Gregory were elected Magistrates for B.T.S.


Jeremiah Haskins Commission for Justice

bears date June 21st AD 1823


David Gregorys Commission for Justice

bears Date July 31st AD 1823


June 7th 1823 James S. Gregory appointed constable

by the Trustees. Then took the oath of office and

entered bale


At an election held in the Township of Berkshire

April 5th AD 1824 The following persons were

elected for the ensuing year


For Trustees, Jeremiah Haskins. Moses Decker.

and David Gregory and were qualified


For Treasurer Silas C. M. Clary qualified

and entered Bale of one Thousand Dollars


For Constable Henry Hodgden qualified and

entered bale of one Thousand Dollars

For Lister and appraiser Henry Hodgden


[two lines]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 13)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 13)


[Page 13]

[corresponds to page 7 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

For Supervisors first road District Hiram

A Fuller qualified. For second road District

James Gregory. qualified. For Third road District

Jonathan Dunham Jr. qualified


For Appraiser David T Sherman, qualified,


For Township Clerk William W. Ramsdell,



For Fence Viewers Thomas J Brown, qualified.

George Plumb, qualified.


For Overseers of the poor Nijah Royce

qualified. and Selah Shelton

Atteste William W. Ramsdell

T. S. C. B. S. T. S.

[two lines]

At a meeting of Trustees on the first Monday

of March 1824 for the purpose of settling with

the Township and transacting other Township

business Ichabod Plumb supervisor of the first

Road District return'd his duplicate work'd

out in full. David Gregory supervisor of second

Road District reported a delinquency of one Dol-

lor and twenty cents for which he is accountable.

Jonathan Dunham Supervisor of the third Road

District reported his duplicate worked out

in full. These reports accepted by the Trustees

Atteste W. W. Rumsdell [sic Ramsdell] T.S C. B.T.S.

[two lines]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 14)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 14)


[Page 14]

[corresponds to page 8 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

Resolved that the boundaries of the Road

^District For the ensuing year be as follows viz.

First Road District commencing at the

north line of the Township on the Cuyahoga

state Road thence South to the east & west

Road thence east on sd Road to the Township

line & west to the west line of Nijah Royces

Lot, 2nd District commencing at the east & west

road thence South to the Township line

& East on the road leading to Zoar to the

line of Township. The 3rd District commencing

at the west line of Nijah Royce's lot thence

west to the Township line [dashes]

Resolved that Ichabod Plumb be allowed

five Dollars & twenty five cents for plank

furnished by him for little walnut Bridge

and an order issued accordingly [dashes]

These resolutions recorded by order of the Trustees

Atteste William W. Ramsdell T.S.C.B.T.S.

[two lines]

To the Constable of Berkshire Township you

are herby commanded to Notify Daniel

Reagan and all his family to depart from

this Township forthwith. That he may not be-

come a Resident of sd Township and this shall

be your warrant for so doing Given under my

hand this 13th day of May 1824

Levied May 14th AD 1824, by Nijah Royce

H Hodgden Constable fees 50 Overseer of the Poor

A True copy Wm W Ramsdell. T.S.C.B.T.S.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 15)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 15)


[Page 15]

[corresponds to page 2 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

To Henry Hodgden Constable of Berkshire

Township Delaware County, Ohio [dashes]

You are hereby commanded to Notify Benjamin

Ramsey if he be found in your Township to depart

forwith out of the Township and keep out, that

he may not become a resident of sd [d superscripted] Township

and further if he should not depart the rigidity

of the law in every respect may be put in full

force against him

Signed Nijah Royce Overseer of

Feby 23rd 1825 Sd [d superscripted] Township

Served Feb [y superscripted] 25 by reading

Henry Hodgden Constable

Constable Cost 15 cts

Atteste William W Ransdell T.S.C.

[two lines]

To Henry Hodgden Constable of Berkshire Town-

ship Delaware County Ohio [dashes]

You are hereby commanded to Notify Aaron

Throwden if he be found in your Township to

depart forthwith out of the Township and

keep out that he may not become a Residentes

of Sd [d superscripted] Township

Berkshire Feb [y superscripted] 24th 1825

Signed Nijah Royce Overseer of

Sd [d superscripted] Township

Served Feb [y superscripted] 25th by Reading

Const Cost 20 cts Henry Hodgden Const

Atteste William W Ramsdell T.S.C.

[two lines]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 16)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 16)


[page 16]

[corresponds to page 3 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

At a meeting of the Trustees of Berkshire Town

ship on the first Monday in March 1825 for

the purpose of settling with the Township & trans

acting other Township business Jeremiah Haskins

Moses Decker & David Gregory. Trustees were present

Jonathan Dunham jr [superscripted] supervisor of the third Road

District returned his duplicate work'd out in full

Hiriam A Fuller supervisor of the first Road District

return'd his duplicate work'd out in full

James Gregory returned his duplicate work'd out, except

one Dollar & thirty two cents for which he is account

able. The above reports accepted by the Trustees.

Silas C M Clary [sic McClary] Treasurer Reported the amount

in the Treasury to be Thirty Dollars two cents

which report was accepted by the Trustees

Agreed that the bounds of Road Districts be the same

as in 1824 [dashes]

Agree also that David Prince receive a credit of

seventy eight cents to apply on his road tax the ensui

ng year that Jonathan Dunham Jr receive a credit

of forty cents for the use of a plough on the public

highways. That William W. Ramsdell be allowed nine

ty cents for stationary and other services rendered the

Township as clerk to offsett against so mutch of his

road tax returned delinquent in part for 1824 [dashes]

Timothy L Thrall presented a bill of repairing plough

& scraper which was accepted & offsett against so

much of his road Tax returne'd delinquent in part

for 1824. Paid an order of twenty five cents in favor

of William W Ramsdell for mending scraper in 1823

Pay an order in favor of Ichabod Plumb for six Dollars
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 17)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 17)


[Page 17]

[corresponds to page 4 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

and twelve cents for plank furnished by him

for little walnut Bridge 1822


William W. Ramsdell T,S,C,

[two lines with dashes]

At an Election held in the Township of Berkshire

April 4th AD 1825 the following ^ persons were Elected and quali

-fied to the following offices the ensuing year viz

For Trustees Jeremiah Haskins David Gregory and Joseph

Prince. For Supervisors 1st Road district David

Prince. 2nd Road district Thomas Wheeler. and 3d

Road district Jeremiah Haskins. For Township Clerk

George Plumb. For Overseers of the poor David T Sherman

and Adam Vroman. For Constable Henry Hodgden and

gave bonds of five hundred dollars Stephen .R. Bennett

bale. For Appraiser Ichabod Plumb. For Lister and

Appraiser Henry Hodgden. For fence Viewers Ezra Steward

and Ephraim Kilpatrick. For Treasurer Silas C McClary

and gave bonds of five hundred dollars James S. Gregory



George Plumb, T,C,

[two lines]

[following paragraph crossed out]

At a meeting of the Trustees of Berkshire Town

ship on the first Monday of March 1826

Jeremiah Haskins ^Supervisor of the third District returned his Duplicate worked

out in full.

[end of crossed out paragraph]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 18)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 18)


[Page 18]

[corresponds to page 5 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

At a meeting of the Trustees of Berkshire

Township on the first Monday of March

1826 for the purpose of Settling with the

Township and Transacting other Township bus

iness. Jeremiah Haskins David Gregory and

Joseph Rince [sic Prince] Trustees Jeremiah Haskins

Supervisor of the third Road District retur

ned his Duplicate worked out in full

Thomas Wheeler ['returned' crossed out] Supervisor of the [word crossed out] 2nd Road

District ^ returned his Duplicate worked out except $2.27 for which he

is accountable. ^ Issued Order No. 1 on the Township Treas

urer in favor of Henry Hodgden four dollars & eighty

six cents. Resolved that the Township Treasurer is

authorized to purchase a book for a record book

for the purpose of keeping Treasurers Records

Ordered that Henry Hodgden be authorized

to procure a new Scraper for the Township.

Issued Order No. 2 in favor of Ichabod Plumb

77 1/2 cents


George Plumb T.C.


At an Election held in the Township of Berkshire

April 3rd 1826 the following persons were Elected

for the year ensuing.


For Trustees David Gregory Stephen Cary [sic Carey] and Amos

Utley and qualified.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 19)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 19)


[Page 19]

[corresponds to page 6 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

For Treasurer Samuel Leonard qualified and gave

bonds of Five Hundred Dollars


For Constables Henry Hodgden qualified and entered bale

five hundred Dollars Benjamin Pringle qualified and

entered bale of Four hundred Dollars.


For Township Clerk George Plumb qualified.


For Supervisors David Prince qualified Thomas [illegible]

-ler qualified Jeremiah Haskins qualified Sanford S

Bennett qualified John J Brown. James Lytle ^ George Gaylord

George Fisher qualified Joseph Patrick


For Overseers of Poor Ichabod Plumb qualified

Benjamin Carpenter 2nd


For Fence Viewers George Manville qualified and

David Landon.


Atteste George Plumb T.C.

[two lines]

At a meeting of the Trustees of Berkshire Township

on the 12th day of April 1826 it was resolved to distr

ict the Township for school in the following order

1st The first district to include all householders in the

Township of Berkshire West of Little Walnut Creek

excepting Benjamin Pringle Widow Dirst John Morris

and William Nelson who shall be attached to the third

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 20)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 20)


[Page 20]

[corresponds to page 7 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

2nd The second district is bounded as follows Commen

-cing at the south west corner of Moses Carpenters farm

thence East along the Township line till it intersects

the road ['The' crossed out] leading Marcus Curtis' thence following the

same road ['leading' crossed out] to Big Walnut Creek thence foll

-owing the creek North to the South East corner of

David Landons farm thence West to the Higby Section

so called thence South along the line of Higby Section

to the place of beginning.

3rd The third district is bounded as follows comm

-encing at the South West corner of William Nelson's

farm thence East to the centre of the Section thence

North on said line to the North West corner of Charles

Carpenters farm thence West to Little Walnut Creek

thence South to the place of beginning.

4th The fourth district is bounded as follows com

-mencing at the North West Corner of Rufus Carter

farm thence East to the North West Corner of

Robert Carpenters farm thence North on the centre

line of the Section to the North line of Berkshire Townsh

-ip thence West along the Township line to the North

West Corner of Amos Utleys farm thence south to

the place of beginning.

5th The fifth district is bounded as follows commenci

=ng at the North East Corner of Amos Utleys farm

East on the Township line to the North East Corner

Berkshire Township thence South on the Township

line to the North East Corner of Charles Carpenters farm

thence West to the centre of the Section thence North on

said centre line to the place of beginning.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 21)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 21)


[Page 21]

[corresponds to page 8 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

6th The sixth district is bounded as follows commencing

['corner of Charles Carpenters' crossed out]
at the North West corner of James Roberts farm thence

South on the Centre line of the Section to David Landons

South West Corner thence East to big Walnut Creek thence

following up the said Creek to where the Township line

Crosses the said Creek thence North on the Township line

to the North East Corner of Charles Carpenters farm thence

West to the place of beginning.

7th The seventh district ['is divided as follows' crossed out] includes all

the Township of Berkshire East of Big Walnutt Creek

Excepting Benjamin Carpenter 2nd.


Names of householders in the Several School Districts in the

Township of Berkshire 1st District James Jones John

R Gamble Hiram A Fuller David Prince Ichabod Plumb

Joseph Prince Henry Hodgden Silas C McClary Adam

Vroman Ephraim Kilpatrick John Kilpatrick Nijah

Royce Stephen R Bennett David T Sherman Selah

Shelton Timothy L Thrall Jeb McCumber James

Gregory David Gregory William Steward Ezra Steward

Thomas Wheeler Soloman Steward Zelotus Jones Joanna

Jones Lucy A Patterson Thomas J. Brown Major

Manter Jonathan Dunham jr Jeremiah Haskins

Jesse Havens James Tharp Joseph Roloson Oliver

Still Nathaniel Roloson Israel Beach [line]

2nd District Moses Carpenter Morris Moore He^nry Slack

James Rose Stephen Cary James Carpenter James Lytle

Benjamin Quick George Vanfleet Joseph Larkins James

Larkins[crossed out] Williams Israel Eastwood James Roff Stephan

R Larkins Nathan Dustan Simon Chester Benjamin

Carpenter Gideon McMullan Abraham Carpenter

William Carpenter Benjamin Carpenter 2nd
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 22)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 22)


[Page 22]

[corresponds to page 9 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]


John S. Brown Ezekiel Brown Herman Smith

Crocker Jones

3rd District William Nelson Thomas Young

Edward Randal Morgan Young Elijah Young

Daniel Pringle Jeremiah Roberts William Roberts

Nicholas Vanloon John B Leonard Jacob Vanloon

Mattias [sic Matthias] Vanloon James Moore Gilbert Carpenter

Amos Parks James Smiley Isaiah Vanloon George

Loop Christian Loop Rufus Carter Eleazer Carpenter

David Longshore Deborah Clark Benjamin Pringle

Widow Dirst John Morris Phineas P Odle [sic O'dell].

4th District Edward Culver Amos Utley George

Fisher Jeremiah Smith Samuel Howland Jacob

Felkey Isaiah Hedings

5th District Joseph Patrick Daniel Wildman Jacob

Rosecrans 3rd Leonard Jones George Manvill [sic Manville] Widow

Manvill [sice Manville] Samuel Carpenter James Murphey

Catharine Culver Samuel Landon Widow Newbury

James Roberts.

6th District Charles Carpenter Caleb Brundige

William Osterhaut Widow Skeels John Grist John

Pray Alverrus [sic Alverus] Hendrick Loughlin M [illegible] Jedediah

Collins Sarah Searls Rufus Atherton Lawrence Myers

Hezekiah T. Rogers Sanford S Bennett David

Pace Besey Myers Gideon Osterhout David Armstrong

Charles Abbot David Landon.

7th District Eleazer Gaylord James Perfect Francis C

Johnes John Downer Samuel Leonard Philemon Bidla

-ck Azel[sic Arzal] Pierce Thomas Perfect Enoch Domigan Betsy

Carpenter Daniel J Carpenter Atteste

George Plumb

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 23)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 23)


[Page 23]

[corresponds to page 10 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

Ordered by the Trustees of Berkshire Township

that when a fine or fines which has been or shall

hereafter be imposed upon any person or persons

who may be residents of Berkshire Township by a just

-ice of the peace for a violation of the laws for the

prevention of immoral practices where the fine or

fines are by law required to be paid into the Town

-ship Treasury for the use of the Township the said

fine or fines may be discharged by labor on the

public road under the direction of the proper supervisor

at the rate of seventy five cents per day and a receipt

from the Supervisor of the district wherein the person

or persons so fined may reside shall be in discharge

of the fine or fines so imposed or any part there of

Provided that all fines that are now due shall be paid

within thirty days from this date and all fines

that may hereafter be imposed shall be paid

within thirty days after the same shall become


June 5th 1826 David Gregory

Atteste George Plumb Stephen Cary [vertical line] Trustees

Township Clerk Amos Utley


July 8th 1826 David Gregory

was elected Justice of the Peace



David Gregory's commission as justice

of the peace for said Township

is dated the twenty second day

of July AD 1826.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 24)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 24)


[Page 24]

[corresponds to page 11 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

State of Ohio Delaware County

[seal with letters JP] To any Constable of Berkshire Township

Greeting Whereas complaint has been

made to us that Dun^ning Lewis Esther

Lewis his wife and David A Lewis are

likely to become a township charge,

This is therefore to command you

to warn them forthwith to depart

the Township. and of this writ ma-

ke legal service and due return

Given under our handes

and seals this 1st day of March 1827

Benjamin Carpenter

Signed Ichabod Plumb

Over-seers of the poor


Served March 3rd 1827

by leaving an attested copy at the

residence of said Lewis with

Esther Long a girl of more than

14 years of age D. Lewis ['not being' crossed out]

and family not being at home


Signeg Henry ['e'crossed out] Hodgden

Fees, Milage 20 cts Service 37 1/2 $0.57 1/2

Attest Thos J. Brown T.S.C.

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 25)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 25)


[Page 25]

[corresponds to page 12 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

[crossed out word] A mee^t^ing of the Trustees of

Berkshire Township on the first

monday in march 1827

was held for the perpose of

settleing with the Township and

transacting other business of the Tow-

nship Stephen Carey Amus [sic Amos] Utley

and David Gregory Trustees

Thomas Wheeler Supervisor of the

2ed Road district returned his

duplicate worked out except

two days work witch he is accou

ntable for, credit for plow bolt

62 1/2 cents. Paid Henry Hodgden

for summoning Township off-

icers to take the necessary oath

of office $1,17 1/4 for paying for

sharpning Plough share $0,25,

for Sommoning Dunning Lewis

and family to Depart the

Township $0,57 1/2. [line]

For Grand Jurors Solomon

Steward and Rufus Atherton

for Petit Jurors Jeramiah

Smith and David Armstro-

ng were selected. [line]

Jeremiah Haskins Superv-

isor of the 3ed Road District

returned his duplicate workd

out in full. Joseph Rolison [sic Roloson]

credit for one days work on the

over worked on road
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 26)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 26)


[Page 26]

[corresponds to page 13 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined]

First Monday in March AD. 1827

Report of the Treasurer is

Twenty one dollars 93 Cents Cash

and six dollars 87 Cents Notes

Total $28,80 cts

Remaining in Treasury [line]

George Fisher Supervisor Debtor

tax two days works, delinquent

for eightteen twenty six

David Prince returned his

duplicate worked out in full

31st March 1827 Thomas Wheelon [sic Wheeler] Cr.

fo two days work performed on

his road


['Stephen Cary' crossed out]

an Election held for the township of Berkshire

April 2nd and the following persons was Elected


Stephen Cary qualified

Amos Ull^e^y [sic Utley] and Icabud [sic Ichabod] Plumb qualified [trustees in left margin]


April 7 1824

Tresuer Samuel Lenard [sic Leonard]qu^a^lified and Gave Bond


Constables Henrey hodgson qualified and Gave Bond

James Parkes quallified and Gave Bond [April 9 vertical in left margin]


Gilbert Carpenter town Clark qualified [line]


Isach Van Loon qualified


Rufus Carter [dashes] quallified


Hiram A fuller apointed By the trustees June 4 1827

and was quallified 6

Solomon Stuard [sic Steward] quallfied [line]

Rufus Artherton [sic Atherton] apointed By the Trustees June 4;1827

James Wheler [sic Wheeler] quallified [verticle line] quallified

[Supervisors verticle in left margin]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 27)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 27)


[Page 27]

[corresponds to page 14 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Frances C Jhones [sic Johnes] qualified Before B Carpenter Esq

J Roleson [sic Roloson] apointed By the trustees June 4th 1827 [dash]

and was quallifeed [illegible] [dashes]

['Samuel Landon' crossed out]

Samuel Landon apointed By the Trustees June 4 1827

and was quallified [Supervisors vertical in left margin]


thomas Wheler [sic Wheeler] apointed By the Trustees June 4 1827 [dashes]

and quallified

Nathen Dusten [sic Dustin] quallified [line] [over seeres of the poor vertical in left margin]


fence vuers

Samuel Whitney qualified

James Moore


Summons Issued June the 4 1827

aganst hiram A fuller Rufus Antherton [sic Atherton] Samuel Landon

Joseph Roleson [sic Roloson] Supervisors and thomis wheler [sic Wheeler] over

Seer of the poor to James Parkes

Returned the 9 Sarved By Reading fees Chargd 0=85 Cents

atest [dashes] Gilbert Carpenter Clark

Berkshire June th 4 [marks] 1827

the Trustees of Berkshire and kingston townships

met and agreed to attoch to the fifth district in

Berkshire township the fifth district in ['Berkshire' crossed out]

kingston township Amos Utley

Ichabod Plumb

Trustees of Berkshire

Jacob Rosecronce [sic Rosecrans]

atest Moses Decker

G. Carpenter Clark [ vertical line] Trustees of kingston


September 12th 1827

thomis perfict [sic Perfect] was apointed Supervisor By the

Trustees in the place of frances C Jhones [sic Johnes] absent

and quallified
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 28)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 28)


[Page 28]

[corresponds to page 15 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Hulbut Scovell was apointed treasure of the 2d School

Destrickt and gave Bonds Dated November the 10 1827


febuary th 2 1828

Hurlbert Scovell was apointed Supervisor of 2d Road

Destrict in the [illegible] of James Wheler [sic Wheeler] Removed

and quallafied Same Day


to the trustees of Berckshire Township whearas

Daniel Finch and Nathaniel Jones have made

application to us to be Set off from the first

Districk for School purpores in Sunbery township

to the fift School Distreck in Bercksire township

we hereby give our concent and approteation this

ninth Day of Feb 1828 Silos odgden

Silos Rose [trustees vertical in right margin]

we the trustees of Berckshire Do agree to

and Consent to the Same Stephen Carey

atest Amos Utley

Gilbert Carpenter Cl [dash] trustees of Berckshire

[three lines]

Lymon Carpenter was opointed treasure of the 3d School Destrict

and Gave Bounds acording to Law with Bail feb 5th 1828

[two lines]

The trustees met on the 3d Day of march 1828

and Selected [word crossed out] the folloing persons for Grand Jurouys,

Joseph Prince thomis wheler [sic Wheeler] Rufus Carter

Gilbert Carpenter Stephen Carey David Landon

Benjaman Carpenter and the following persons for

petet [illegible] Hiram A fuller David Gregory

Joseph Patruck Charles Carpenter Allen mcLane

Amos Utley
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 29)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 29)


[Page 29]

[corresponds to page 16 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

March 3d 1828

James Wheler [sic Wheeler] Supervisor Came for Settlement and [illegible]

find Due to the Township fore Dollers and Eighty [illegible]

Cr By the above


By h Scovell

Hiram A fuller Supervisor Settled in full


ordered By the Trustees that I Pumb [sic Plumb] furnish a

Scraper and the wood work of a plow By the

furst Day of June 1828 in houle or in peart

of a Debt Due the Township form Said Plumb

Settled and paid in full


['The' crossed out] the Reporter of the Truseus of the township

of Berckshire is as follows three Dollers and forty one

Cents Cash and noats including Intrust 16 Dollars

and fore Cents Cr By 2 Dollers and Sixty nine Cent


Icobade Plumb Cr By Bridge planck 60 Cents

paid in full [line]

this will Certify that we Do take Daniel

Rosecrance Daniel Rosecrance Jr and abram Rosecrance

from the 5th School Destrict of Berckshier and kingston

and attach them to Destrict No 3d in kingston

this 11th Day of febuarary 1828 Moses Decker [vertical line] trustees


Isral Porter kingston

Gilbert Carpenter Clark Amos Utley [vertical line] trustees

[line] Stephen Carey of

Icobode Plumb Berckshire

April 7th 1828 this Day Rufus Carter presented his Book

and was even on the Road tax

Hurlbut Scovell presented his acount and wee find Due to

him the Sum of fore Dollers [word crossed out] By 1:50 [illegible]

Soloman Stuart Settled his Book and was even
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 30)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 30)


[Page 30]

[corresponds to page 17 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

feb 9th 1827

[Following paragraph crossed out]

Names of housholders taken off the first School

Destrict in Berkshire township and attached to

furst Destrict [crossed out] ^furst Berlin township

Samuel Conklin Vincent Conklen Widow Conklen

Jesse havens Joseph Bockoven James thorp

Joseph Roloson Jaremiah haskens Jonathon

Dunham Oliver Still John vincent Amos Utley [vertical line] trustees

Gilbert Carpenler Clerk David Gregory

[end of crossed out paragraph]

arased thruw a mestake

Sellled with Isiah vanloon and find C Even

at an election in the township of Berckshire the Seventh

Day of April 1828 the following persons ware elected to fill

the offices anext to there names

trustees Stephen Carey Icobod Plumb and qualified

Allen McLane Sworn

Clerke Gilbert Carpenter Sworn

trusarer thomis J Brown and quallified and and Gave Bond.

Constables henrey Hodgsden and James Murphey

over Seres of the poor thomis wheler [sic Wheeler] and Nathan Dusten [sic Dustin] Sworn

Supervoisars Benjamin Carpenter 2d ^Sworn henry Hodsden Sworn

Jesse havens ^Sworn/Soloman Stuart [sic Steward] thomis young quallified

Daniel wildman Sworn David Landon John Carpenter Sworn

George Loop fence vuers Jarimiah haskens sworn

Lenard Jones

Henry hodgen Gave Bonds Dated April 10th 1828 and Sworn

Amos Utleys Commison as Justece of the peace is

Dated march the 3d 1828
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 31)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 31)


[Page 31]

[corresponds to page 18 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Records of Road Destricts

1st the first Destrict Compeses all the Roads north

of D T Shermens [sic Sherman] South Line & to the west end

of the 2d teer of the Same Lots [dashes]


altered By the trustees to the ^4 Corner March 5th 1832 [underlined]

2d Destrict Composes all the Roads South of D T Shermans

South Line to Little walnet or the Section Line

on the Same teer of Lots as the above

and to the South Line of the Town Ship


3d Destrict Composes all the west teer of Lots in

Section No 2d


4th Destrict Composes all the Roads South of Ezekel

Browns and hoges South Line [illegible]


5th Destrict is Composed of all north from hoges South Line

to the north Line of James Moore and east to the

Sinter of the Section


6th Destrict Containes all the west half of Section No 1


7th Destrict is Composed of all north of mcLanes north Line

and South of the township Line to the Sinter Line of Section No 1


8th Destrict is Composed of all Betwen the north Line of

McLane and Ezekel Browns South Line and the Sinter Line

of the Section and Big Walnet


9th Destrict is Composed all Est of Big walnet except

Benjamin Carpenter 2d
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 32)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 32)


[Page 32]

[corresponds to page 19 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

May 17th 1828

at an election held in the township of Berckshire

and Benjamin Carpenter was elected Justice of the peace


and his ['comission' crossed out] Comission Bares Date ['June the' crossed out]

the Second Day of June one thousand eight hundred

and twenty eight


September 10th 1828 the trustees ^met and apointed

Esra Stuart over Sear of the poor and he exceted

it and was Sworn in to offece


the trustess Selected the 14 Day of october 1828 the

following pearsones for Grand Juror Jaramiah haskens

Nathanel Gregorey [sic Gregory] nathan Dusten [sic Dustin] henrey Carpenter

Daniel wildman henrey Landon pettet Juror [dash]

Ic^hobode Plumb thomis Perfect [illegible]

James Roberts George Landon


H Scovell was elected tresuer of the 2d Destrict in

Berckshire and Gave Bonds for the Same to the

Directors Dated th 21 of Novembe 1828 Decembr

the 2d 1828 G Carpentr [illegible]

[two lines]

March 2th 1829 the trustees met to Settled with the

Supervisors and Settle with thomis J Brown tresuer

and find in his hand the Sum of five Dollers

and forty Cents in Noats and $24=58 Cash
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 33)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 33)


[Page 33]

[corresponds to page 20 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Supervisors [dashes] 1829 March 2th

Settled ^with Benj Carpenter 2d and Due him $1-31

Settled ['Due' crossed out] to Daniel wildman Jr [illegible] even [crossed out]

H Hodgen ['Cr By' crossed out] Settled even 0 00

timothy L Frall [sic Thrall] Cr By Smith work 1=25

Samuel Lenard [sic Leonard] was elected [crossed out]

[following 2 lines crossed out]

March the 5 1832 then Settled with the Treasuerer

and him from the

[end of crossed out lines]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 34)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 34)


[Page 34]

[corresponds to page 21 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

March th 2d 1829

A List of the householders in the 1th School district

in Berckshire township for the year AD 1829

John Nilson [sic Neilson]

Nathaniel Gregory Lucy Ann Wheler [sic Wheeler]

Zelles Jones Selah Shelton

Martha Jones Mager Manter

David Lewis Nathaniel Roloson

David W Lewis John Weeks

Solomon Stuart [sic Steward] Nijah Royce

Ezra Stuart James Clark

William Grigory David Collem [sic Collum]

David Grigory Wm Collem [sic Collum]

James Grigory Ebenezer Landon

Timothy L Thrall Ephream Kilpatrick

John Kilpatrick Adam Vroman

Henrey Hodgen Silas C McClary

Rufus Cowles Joseph Prince

Ichabod Plumb David Prince

George Plumb Hiram A fuller

James Jones David T Sherman

John L Crawford Thomas J Brown
James P Cra^ford Miss Pike

Thomis Dunham Barbra Odle


th 2d

A List of the names of the householders in the 2d

District in Berckshire town ship 1829

Benjamin Carpenter 2d Stephen Carey

William Carpenter George Vanfleet

Benjamin Carpenter Jr Benjamin Quick

Hulbert Scovell Marshal Sturdevant

Moses Carpenter Henrey Carpenter

James Rose Daniel J Carpenter

Henrey Slack Alpheus Begelow [sic Bigelow]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 35)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 35)


[Page 35]

[corresponds to page 22 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Nathan Dusten [sic Dustin] Ezekel Brown

James Williams Croker Jones

Gedean McMillen James Rider

William Sylvester 27

James Carpenter

Mary Carpenter

Abraham Carpenter

John S Brown

Thomis Ayres


A list of housholders in the 3d School Destrict

in Berckshire township [dashes]

Rufus Carter Benjamin Pringle

Gilbert Carpenter Daniel Pringle

Ann Carpenter William Roberts

Lymon Carpenter Amos Parkes

John Carpenter Edward L Randle

David Gamble Joseph T Stieres

Deborah Clark James Smyle

Ann Dust [sic Durst] Jacob van Loon

John Lenard Isaiah V Loon [sic Van Loon]

Cirrus Longshore Nicholas V Loon [sic Van Loon]

John Longshore Mathias V Loon [sic Van Loon]

George Loop Austin Walless [sic Wallace]

James Moore Elijah Young

John Morres Morgen Young

Patrick Murphy Andrew Young

Wm A. Nileson [sic Neilson] Thomis Young

Robert Lucas Isreal Bech [sic Beach]

David Longshore
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 36)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 36)


[Page 36]

[corresponds to page 23 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

4th Destrict

Edward Culver - Amos Utley - Nathaniel Stark

Peter van Sickel - William G van Sickel - Asa vansickel

George Fisher Isaac Moore Aaron [word crossed out]


Samuel Howlen Isah he^adings Jacob felkey

Michel Shekes [sic Sheeks]


5th Destrict [line]

Benjamin Newbery [sic Newberry] almon Stark George Hess

George Manvill [sic Manville] Nathaniel Jones Samuel Carpenter

Nicholas Manvill [sic Manville] William ousterhout John R Curtis

James Murphy Daniel Rosecrance [sic Rosecrans]Jr Isa [illegible]

Lenard Jones Abraham Rosecrance [sic Rosecrans] Jacob Rosecrance [sic Rosecrans]

Daniel Wildman Daniel Taylor Luce taylor

Edward Edsel Joseph Patrick George Misnor

Samuel Landon


6th Destrict

Remanes as it was in to the following Names


at an election held in the township of Berckshire

on the 6 Day of April 1829 the following were

elected to the Severel offeces anexed to there names

Icobade plumb ^Sworn Allen McLane ^Sworn and Benjamin Carpenter 2d [sworn]

trustees and Gilbert Carpenter Clerke Sworne in to office

thomis j Brown tresuer Sworn

Henry Hodgen ^Sworn and William Carpenter Constables Sworn

David Prince and ['Henry Slack' crossed out] Joseph Patrick^Sworn overseres of the poor

David Grigeory ^Sworn [vertical line] and henrey Slack fence viewers
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 37)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 37)


[Page 37]

[corresponds to page 24 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Supervisors James Smeyle [sic Smiley] Sworn

James Murphey Sworn frances C Jhones [sic Johnes] Sworn

Henrey hodegden [sic Hodgden] Sworn & gave bond George van fleet Sworn Sworn

Nathaniel Gregorey [sic Gregory] Jacob Bockeven [sic Bockoven] Sworn

Nathan Dusten [sic Dustin] Sworn -- Lawrence Myers Sworn

William Carpenter Served a notice on the following

persons Binjamin Carpenter H. Hodgen David Prince

Joseph Patrick David Grigory Henrey Slack James

Murphey H Hodgen Nathaniel Grigory Frances C

Jhones [sic Johnes] Jacob Bockoven and Lawrance Myers

as town officers and made Returnes of the

Same G Carpenter Clerk Cost $2=50

June th 13 1829 John keer [sic Kerr] was opointed Supervoisr

of the 8 Destrict By the trustees and Sworn in

to office the Same Day

The Trustees Selected the Jurors for the year 1829

Grand Jurors Pettet Jurors

enock Dumigen [sic Domigan] Rufus Carter

John S Brown James Rose

Nijah Roice [sic Royce] George A Galard

Silas C McClary George van fleet

James Moor [sic Moore] Nathaniel Stark

Rufus Artherton [sic Atherton]

a warant was given by Joseph Patrick over Seer of the poor

to warn Benjamin Brundige of the town Ship of

Berckshire on the 13 Day of october 1829 Served the

Same Day and Returned By H Hogden [sic Hodgden] Const
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 38)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 38)


[Page 38]

[corresponds to page 25 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Berckshire March th1 1830

the trustees met a Cording to Law to Settle with

the Supervoisers and overseeres of the poor [dashed line]

and other bisness of the township

Joseph Patrick over Seor of the poor presented an

Acount for Cloath Baut for John Rose a pauper

to the amount of fifteen Dollers and fifty nine

Cents and one forth al [dashes]

Samuel Landon presented an acount for keeping

John Roses a pauper while Sick and the trustees agreed

to alau him the Sum of teen Dollers [line]

Nathaniel Gregory Supervoiser precented his acount

and Supervoisur and find Even [line]

paid H Hodgden for plank fore Dollers

Settled with Thomis J Brown and find in the Treasury

the Sum of Sixteen Dollers and fifteen Cents

Nathan Dusten [sic Dustin] Supervoiser precented his acount [dash]

and on Settlement find Due to him the Sum of

Nine Dollers and fifty Cents for witch he Got an order

Cr Thomis J Brown paid on N Dusten's [sic Dustin's]order the

Sum of five Dollers and Seventy Six Cents


David Gregory was elected Justice of the peace

in June and recevd this Commision the 15th Day

of July 1829
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 39)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 39)


[Page 39]

[corresponds to page 26 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

at an ellection held in the township of Berckshire

on the fifth Day of [word crossed out] April one thousand eight hundred

and thirty the following persons was elected to

the offices anaxed to there names

hiram A fuller [sworn above fuller] trustee Benjamin Carpenter Sworn

Allen McLane Sworn [vertical line] Gilbert Carpenter Sworn Clerk

Marten Killpatrick [Sworn above Killpatrick] and William Carpenter [sworn above Carpenter] Constab

Thomis J Brown truserir Henry Hodgden ['and a' crossed out]

['Samuel Carver' crossed out] Enoch Dumigen [sic Domigan] [Sworn above Dumigen
] James Tharp [sworn above Tharp] George

fisher Nathaniel Grigorey [Sworn above Grigorey] ['James Murphy' crossed out]

Benjamin Carpenter Jr [Sworn above Carpenter] Jonathan Dunham

Salvester Orcot [sic Orcutt] [Sworn above Orcot] for Supervoisors

Nathaniel Gregory [Sworn above Gregory] and Amos Utley [Sworn above Amos] fence vuers

David Prince and Joseph Patrick overSeors

of the poor [two lines] April 7

Marten Kilpatrick Gave Bonds with Ephream

Kilpatruk [sic Kilpatrick] and Amos parkes Bail in 500 Dotters

April 9 wm Carpenter Gave Bonds with Nathan

Dusten [sic Dustin] Bail in 500 Dollers

Halbert Scovell was eletted Treasuer of the 2d School

District march the 13 1830 and Gave Bond with

A Begelow [sic Bigelow] Bail in 50 Dollers

the Trustees apointed George Landon Supervoisor

in sted of James Murphy elect and he was Sworn

in to office may th 17 1830
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 40)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 40)


[Page 40]

[corresponds to page 27 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

the Trustees of Berckshire and Sunsbery Townships

met May th 29 ^1830 to Devide a Road that runs South on the

Range Line Betwen the 16th and 17 Range begining at the top

of the hill near the Steem mill and Set to the Towship

of Berckshire ^the following Begining at the Road Leding to Johnstown

then South Sixty three Rods to a Stake near the fence on

the east Side of the roade Just By a Little Run

Silas Ogden pater Cocknell Trustees of Sunbery and

Hiram A fuller Allen McLane Trustees of Berckshire.

Samuel Lanard [sic Leonard] was elected Trusuer of the

Seventh Destrict for Schools and Gave Bonds

Dated September th4 1830

October 12th 1830 the Trustees met and Selected

the following persons for Grand Jurors

Lenard Jones Stephen Carey John Carpenter

Henrey Hodgden James tharp William Gregory

Samuel Landon for pettet Jurors

Ezra Stuart [sic Steward] Jonathan Dunham

John B Grist Samuel Lenard [sic Leonard] Moses Carpenter

Settlement with Thos [s superscripted] Brown Township

Treasurer March 7th 1831 and find in the Treasury

five dollars forty five 1/2 cents

$5.45 ['Cr B' crossed out] Recevd 52 Dollers for poor tax

March 7th Settled with Selvester Orcot [sic Orcutt] for work on the Road

and find Due him 3 Dollers to Be apropeated for next

years tax Recvd his Certificat for 3 Dollers

Settled with H Hodgden and find Due to him 2:49

to Be Set to him for next years tax [line]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 41)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 41)


[Page 41]

[corresponds to page 28 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]


Jonathan Dunham [dash] even / [dashes]

N Grigorey Settled and Due him one Doller and Sixty three Cent

George fisher even

Benjamin Carpenter and find Due him one Doller ninty fore cen

$1.94 [underlined]

Dudley Dusten [sic Dustin] Cr By ninety one Cents 0 91

James Tharp Came foreward and Settled and Due the township

one Doller and fifty Cents [dashes] $1.50

April the 4 1831

at an election held in the township of Berckshire on the 4th

Day of April the following pearsons were elected to the

offices anaxed to there names Trustees Robert Carpenter [Sworn above Carpenter]

enock Dumigen [sic Domigan][Sworn above enock] - Benjamin Carpenter [Sworn above Benjamin] [dashes]

Gilbert Carpenter
[Sworn above Gilbert] Clerk Nathan Dusten [sic Dustin] [Sworn above Dusten]
Trusuer [dash]

William Carpenter [Sworn above Carpenter] and Peter Collom [Sworn above Collom] Constables [dashes]

Aseal Ingham [Sworn above Aseal] Gilbert Carpenter
[Sworn above Gilbert] Henrey Hodgden [Sworn above Henry]

Jesse havens [Sworn above Jesse] John Nilson [sic Neilson][Sworn above John] Samuel
[Sworn above Samuel]
Lenard [sic Leonard] James Rose [Sworn above Rose]

Lenard Jones [Sworn above Jones] Jhon Lenard [Sworn above Jhon] Supervoisurs [vertical line]
David Grigory [Sworn above Grigory]

and David Landon [Sworn above Landon] overseres of the poor Lenard Jones [Sworn above Lenard]

and Andrew Young [Sworn above Young] fence vuers [vertical line] Gilbert Carpenter Clerk

4 of April 1831 an order Given to Horres Plumb for 50 Cents

No 1 and one Given to Samuel Whitne [sic WHitney] for 1 Doller & 50 Cents

No. 2

peter Collum was Sworn as Constable and Give

Bond with Henrey Hodsden Bail April 5th 1831

James Smyle [sic Smiley] was ellected Trausuer of the 3d

School Destrict and Give Bond April

wm Carpenter Gave Bond and was Sworn in Constable

April th28 1831
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 42)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 42)


[Page 42]

[corresponds to page 29 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Due to peter Collum for Sarving notices

on the town offerces April 22 1831 [dash] $1.52


Nathan Dusten [sic Dustin] elected trusuer of Berckshire township

April 4th 1831 and Gave Bonds elezer Caplen Bail


Allen McLane was elected Justice of the peace in

march and recevd his Commision March the 26 1831


an order Given to peter Collum ['april' crossed out] may 21 1831 for $1 - 50 No 3


at an election held may 21 1831 Benjamin Carpenter was elected Justice

of the peace and Recevd his Commision the 2d of July

July Baring Date the 2d Day of June 1831


Sept 26th 1831 this day H Scovell Recd an

order for $2.50 for road purposes

$2.50 [underlined] Gilbert Carpenter

Town Clerk


the trustees met on the 5th Day of march 1832

for to Settle with the Supervoisuers

Samuel Lenard [sic Leonard] presented his acount and was even

John Nileson [sic Neilson] presented his acount and ['was even' crossed out] and find due him $1-12

G Carpenter presented his a Count and was even [dash]

A Ingham presented his acount and find Due him

Settled with H Hodgden and find Due to him

A List of Juraman Selected october 1831

Benjamin Carpenter James Moore David Longshore

John S Brown enock Dumigen [sic DOmigan] Rufus Carter

Zelotes Jones David Landon Hiram A fuller

Gilbert Carpenter [line]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 43)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 43)


[Page 43]

[corresponds to page 30 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

October 20th 1831

the Trustees of Berckshire and Berlen townships meet

to Devid the Road that Leeds from the State Road South

that Leeds from Sunbery to Delawer the Road begens ests

of John Rowlason'[sic Roloson] at the Town Line Betwen Berlen and

Berkshier and agree that Berckshire Shall work the Road

South of the State Road one Miled and one forth

atest G Carpenter Clerek [dash and vertical line] Robert Carpenter

Enock Dumegen
[sic Domigan][vertical line] trustees in margin

The Trustees of Berckshire and Genoa meet on the

1831 to Devid the ^road Runing west from the South

est Corner of Moses Carpenters farme to Allum Creek

and Devied it in 80 Rod Seck and Genoa took the furst

and Berckshire the 2d and so on

G Carpenter Cl. [dash] B Carpenter Trustee of Berckshire

and John Curtes and Thompson

Roberts Trustees of Genoa

March th 5 1832 John Lenard Settled as Supervoiser

and was even

Settled with Nathan Dusten [sic Dustin] the Treasueres of

Berckshire Township and find Due him twentifiv

Cents he also Settled Thomis J Browns as treaseures

for the year 1831 = TC = Gilbert Carpenter
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 44)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 44)


[Page 44]

[corresponds to page 31 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

at an election held in the township of Berck

Shire April the 2d 1832 the falloing persons were

elected to the office anaxed to there Names [dash]


Robert Carpenter [Sworn above Carpenter] Nathaniel Gregory [Sworn above Gregory] Benjamin

Carpenter 2d [Sworn above 2d] Gilbert Carpenter Sworn Clerk

Nathan Dusten [sic Dustin] Treausuerer ['Sworn' crossed out] peter Collum

John Dirst [sic Durst] Constables Boath Sworn and Gave Bond

with peter Collum H Hodgden and John

Dirst [sic Durst] with B Carpenter and H Scovell $1000

James Bennet Sworn Moses Carpenter Sworn paid or Settled [underlined]

Thomas perfect Sworn Henrey Hodgden

Jaramiah hoskens Sworn Amos Utley Sworn

John Nileson [sic Neilson] Calob Brundege

Charles Carpenter Sworn

Over Seres of the poor

hulbert Scovell Sworn David Landon Sworn

fence Vuers Lenard Jones Andrew Young Sworn

and David prince

peter Colburn was Sworn to office and Gave Bound.

with Henrey Hodgden Bail in 500 Dollers April 4th 1832
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 45)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 45)


[Page 45]

[corresponds to page 32 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Recepts and expenditures of Berckshiere township

from the 25th Day of May 1831 to the 1st Munday

of April 1832


the amount in Tresueary May 25 1831 $26=56 1/4

Recevd of Wm Carpenter for Stray Cow 00 25 [underlined]

26 81 1/4


paid order to H Hodgden -- 4 50

paid Robert Carpenter 0 75

paid peter Collum 1.50

paid Benjamin Carpenter 2d 4 77 1/2

paid Enock Domigen [sic DOmaigan] 0 75

paid Horres plumb 0 50

paid Gilbert Carpente 0 25

paid Asel Ingham for guid [illegible] 5 75

paid Benjamin Carpenter 2d 7 50

Treasuerer presenting 0 79 [underlined]

27 06 1/2

Ballence agast the Township twenty five cents

G Carpenter Celerk

Hiram A fuller was electted Justice of the peace June

22d and was Commisaned th 5 Day of July 1832

A List of Jurers Selected for the year 1832

James Roberts Nathan Dusten [sic Dustin] John Nileson [sic Nielson]

Joseph prines [sic Prince] James Perfect William Tharp

Amos Utley John H [illegible] Hurlbert Scovell

Thomis perfect
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 46)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 46)


[Page 46]

[corresponds to page 33 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

the Trustees met 4th 1833 [dashes]

to Settle with the Supervisors and other bisness

9 Moses Carpenter Supervoiser Settled even [dashes]

1 James Bonnet Sup [s superscripted] Settled and find even [dashes]

2 Amos Utley Sup [e superscripted] Settled and find even [dashes]

3 Henrey Hodgden Sups Settled and find Due to him ^fore Dollers

and Six Cents to Be aplied to the next years tax


4 Charles Carpenter Supervisor of Distt Settled & found Even

5 Caleb Brundage Supervisor of District Settled & found Even

6 Jeremiah Haskins Supervisor of District Settled & found Even

7 Thomas Perfect Supervisor of District Settled & found Even

8 John Neilson Supervisor of District Settled & found Even

G carpenter Clerk



Records Continued

Berkshire 1st April A.D. 1833 Town Meeting

At this Election ^the following Persons viz. were Elected

1st Trustees [underlined] Nathaniel Gregory qualified

2 -- " -- Benjamin Carpenter 2d qualified

3 -- " -- Joseph Patrick qualified

1 Clerk [underlined] James W Gaylord [underlined] qualified

1 Treasurer [underlined] Nathan Dustin [underlined] qualified

1 Constables Peter Collum qualified

2 -- " -- Moses S Tarrance qualified

1 Overseers of Poor David Armstrong qualified

2. " David Prince qualified

1 Fence viewers Andrew Young qualified

2 " Gilbert Carpenter qualified

3 " [dashes]

1 Supervisors first District Henry Hodgdon qualified

2 - " - - 2nd Dist David Gregory qualified

3 _ " _ 3rd Dist Johnathan Dunham qualified Trustee appointed

4 - " _ _ _ 4th Dist Elam Billington ualified [line]

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 47)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 47)


[Page 47]

[corresponds to page 34 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Record [underlined 3 times]

5 Supervisors 5th District James Tharp - qualified

6th -"-- -- 6th Dist. _ David Longshore - affirmed

7th _ " __ __ 7th - Dist _ John Collins - qualified

8th - " -- -- 8th Dist _ James Perfect - qualified

9th - " -- -- 9th Dist. - Enoch Domigan - qualified


Berkshire April A.D. 1833
I certify the above to ^ correctly

Taken from the Poll Book and all officers legally qualified

Attest J.W. Gaylord. Clerk [underlined]


I Certify that I issued an order for Notification

of the Elect Township officers of Berkshire Township

to Peter Collum then acting Constable of Said Township

which was returned Served according to Law. April 6th 1833 by him

Fees Mileage - $00.75

" Service -- 1.57 1/2

Total 2.32 1/2 [underlined]

Attest J W Gaylord Clerk


I Certify that on the 9th of April 1833 Moses S Tarrance

was qualified for the office of Constable and Gave Bond

in Due form Jointly Signed by himself J S Gregory, & N patrick

and accepted By the Trustees and Filed by me

this 9th April 1833 Attest JW Gaylord Clerk


I Certify that peter ^Collum filed with me his certificate of qualification

together with his Bond accepted by the Trustees Jointly

Signed by himself & Henry Hogdon

this 9th April 1833 attest JW Gaylord Clerk

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 48)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 48)


[Page 48]

[corresponds to page 35 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

October 18th 1833

The Trustees of Berkshire Township

by request of Mr David Campbell, do agree

to detach him from the 3rd School District

and attach him to the 6th School District

attest JW Gaylord


List of Jurors for 1834

Selected by the Trustees Oct 8th 1833

1 Stephen R. Bennett 6 Joseph Patrick

2 James P Crawford 7 Nathaniel Gregory

3 James W Gaylord 8 Benjamin Carpenter 2nd

4 Samuel Peck 9 Caleb Brundage

5 Charles Carpenter 10 Sylvester Orcutt


1834 March 3rd The Trustees of Berkshire Township

met to Settle with Supervisors [illegible] 1834

Dist 1st Henry Hogdon Settled Even

" 2nd David Gregory Settled Even

" 3rd Jonathan Dunham Settled Even

" 4th Elam Billington Settled Even

" 5th James Tharp Settled

" 6th David Longshore Settled Even

" 7th John Collins Settled Even

" 8th James perfect Settled Even

" 9th Enoch Domigan Settled Even
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 49)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 49)


[Page 49]

[corresponds to page 36 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Records of Berkshire Township

At a meeting of the Trustees March 3rd 1834

pursuant to public notice given according to

law for the purpose of considering of and determ

-ining upon the formation of a new school dis-

_trict, it was unanimously agreed upon that there

be a new School district set off in the township of

Berkshire to be known by the name of School dist.

No 8th Berkshire township the Section known by

name of Higby Section or Section 8 ['0' superscript] and So Much

of districts Nos 1 and 3 and will ^include Wm A. and John

Neilson shall be detached from those and attached

to this said district No 8th as prayed for

by petitioners, residents, of said district.

Berkshire March 3rd A.D. 1834 attest JW Gaylord


Notice sent to Auditor for mail March 7th 1834


James Perfect was elected Justice of the Peace

March 3rd. recived his Commission March 29th

bearing date of March 11th and was sworn

into office as the law directs, and gave bond

to the acceptance of the trustees March 31st

A.D. 1834 attest JW Gaylord Township Clerk
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 50)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 50)


[Page 50]

[corresponds to page 37 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Records [underlined]

April 7th 1834 Town Meeting

James W Gaylord was Elected Township Clerk

and was qualified on the same day [dash]

Benjamin Carpenter 2nd Nathaniel Gregory and

Joseph Patrick was Elected Trustees and took

the Oath of office as perscribed by law [dash]

Nathan Dustin was Elected Township Treasuerer

and qualified 10th of April Gave Bonds [illegible]

David W Gaylord. and, Elisha W Doty was

Elected Constables, and qualified. Gave Bonds [illegible]

according to law. to the aceptance of the Trustees

Samuel Bradford & Robert Carpenter

was Elected [2 words crossed out] ^Overseers of Poor and qualified

Alexander Thrall and David Gregory was

Elected Fene Viewers and qualified [dashes]

Supervisors Elected April 7th 1834

1 Henry Hodgdon Elected and qualified Settled Even

2 Geo Shelton [two-letter marks in columns] Even

3 Jeremiah Haskins

4 James Rose

5 Silvester Orcutt

6 E L Randall Even

7 Nic Manville Even

8 Geo A Gaylord Even

9 Charles Armstrong Even

Ja [s superscripted] W Gaylord Clerk
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 51)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 51)


[Page 51]

[corresponds to page 38 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]


Receipts & Expenditures of Berkshire Township for

the last year to wit, from the first day of March 1833

Untill the first day of March 1834


$,cts Receipt 19,75

Receipts Expenditures.

By amount of fines collec- To amount of trustees orders to

-ted and paid over by Justice treasures of School districs 14.20 [underlined]

Campbell [dashes] 2,00 Balance in Treasury Subtract $5.55 [double line]

" By amount of fines collec Credits again By Rcvd

-ted and paid over by money from County Treasur 20.73

A McLane Esqr [dashes] 2,75 do by note of P. Collum Signed

" By amounts collected and by H Plumb & H A Fuller of 2.17 1/2 [underlined]

Paid over by Justice Olds 15,00 [underlined] 22.80 1/2

Total amount of receipts 19,75 add 5.55 [underlined]

28.35 1/2 [double line]

Again Dr to paid order to

The above is a correct P Collum amount of 2.17

abst from the Settlement Bill Subtract $26.18 [double line]

of Mr N Dustin Treasurer as handed by him to the

Trustees and Signed by him April 7th 1834 and

on file in the township Chest attest JW Gaylord



Benj Carpenters Commission bears date of

eighteenth of April A.D. 1834,

and will expire April 18th 1837.

[dashed line]

October 14th A.D. 1834 JW Gaylord C.B.T.

[dashed line] List of Jurors Selected by the

Trustees of Berkshire township for the ensuing year

1 M.W. Miller .4 Joseph Prince .7 Thos Perfect

2 Nathan Dustin .5 Ichabod Plumb .8 Jeremiah Haskins

3 Amos Utley .6 John S Brown .9 Gabriel Bishop

10 Nicholas Manville

11 Stephen Carey
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 52)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 52)


[Page 52]

[corresponds to page 39 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Records Continued

May 16th A.D. 1835 The Trustees of Berkshire

township when met Ordered that the

first Road District shall include the

two East tier of Lots in Section No 2

from the North line of the township so

far south as to include the farms of

T.S. Brown Dec'd and Abram Crane

Attest JW Gaylord T Clerk


Ordered By The Trustees of Berkshire Township

That a New Road district be Erected in Said tow-

-nship, Bounded as follows, to take all roads west

of Little Walnut Bridge (in Zoar or Galena) to S Careys

North line, South to Moses Carpenters South line

and to includeing the roads on the South East

Part of Higby Section; as prayed for in said peti-

-tion which is on file said District will be Known

or designated by No 10th Road district Berksh

April 6th 1835 Attest JW Gaylord C.B.T.


Alteration in School District No 1 Berk. Tow

Petition Dated March 5th 1835 Granted April 6th 1835

School District No 1 Shall include East as far

as the Section line between Nos 2 & 4 and South to

D W Nortons South line and North to the township line

with the Exception of Mrs. Ann Carpenter

Advertisement of the above petition on file

April 6th 1835 [vertical line] Attest JW Gaylord


Recorded June 20th 1835
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 53)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 53)


[Page 53]

[corresponds to page 40 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Records Continued

At a meeting of the Trustees of Berkshire

& Kingston township held in Kingston on the 29th

Day of March 1835 Application being made

pursuant to notice to attach a part of the District

No 4. in Berkshire to Dist No 3 in Kingston township

Ordered that Geo Fisher & Amos Utley including

lots No 1 & 2 in Section No 1 on which they reside

be detached from the 4th School Dist of Berkshire

and attached to Dist No 3rd in Kingston townsp

Signed J Patrick

Attest JW Gaylord N Greogry

Clerk of Wm White

Recorded Berkshire C Richards

June 30, 1835 Township R H Hodgsdon Trustees [vertical in margin]


Distribution of ^Money on Roads

"On the 14th of Oct. 1834 it was agreed upon by

See Notes the Trustees of Berkshire township to appro

on file -priate the Road money then in the township treas

-ury in the following manner to wit,

"On the road from, Zoar to Allum Creek

Ten Dollars [dashes] $10.00

"On the road from J Neilson S to.

allum Creek (West) eight dollars [dashes] 8.00

"On the road from J Haskins to

the Allum Creek road Six dollars [dashes] 6,00

"On the road from J Nielsons to

the widow Young's toward Zoar four dollar 4.00 [underlined]

N.B. No orders ever drawn to the above affect

Total $28.00 [underlined]

June 20th 1835 Attest JW Gaylord C.B.T.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 54)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 54)


[Page 54]

[corresponds to page 41 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Records Continued [underlined]


The trustees of Berkshire & Berlin met on the

9th March 1835 And Ordered, that the County Road

Beginning at the State Road leading from Delaware

to Granville and on the line of Ranges 17 & 18. U.S.M.

Land running thence South on the line between

Said Berkshire & Berlin townships untill it intersects

the County road leading from the Blockhouse

to Little Walnut, do agree and the Same is hereby

divided as follows to wit; the North Part

of Said road as far South as Barnabas Clarks South line

Shall belong to the township of Berkshire & the

remainder of Said road Shall belong to the

township of Berlin

June 20th 1835 Signed N Gregory

A true Copy attest " Benjn Carpenter 2nd [Trustees B. L. T. vetical in margin]

JW Gaylord C.B.T. " Nathaniel Roloson

A H Scott [Trustees Berlin Twsp vetical in margin]


Roads divided

March 22nd 1835 Ordered by the Trustees

of Berkshire & Kingston townships when met

that the road running on the township line

from the State road near Wm J vansickles to the

west line of Said township be divided as follows

viz the township of Berkshire shall include the

New road from the State road one and fourth of

a mile west to open & keep in repair & Continued
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 55)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 55)


[Page 55]

[corresponds to page 42 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Records Continued

and the township of Kingston shall in-

-clude the ballance of said road west

to the township line to open & keep in repair

a true copy, Signed Joseph Patrick

attest JW Gaylord Benjamin Carpenter

C.B.T. B Newbery

B Benedict [Trustees vertical in margin]

June 20, 1835


Receipts and expenditures of Berkshire Township for the last year to wit

from the first day of March 1834 to the 1st day of March 1835


Receipts Expenditures

To paid Trustees order to

School districts No 1 5.60

By money received of Esqr " 2 3.56 1/4

Campbell for School purposes 2.00 " 3 4.00

" do of Esqr McLane 2.75 " 4 0.00

" do of .. Olds 15.00 [underlined] " 5 3.96

$19.75 [underlined] " 6 1.08

" 7 1.04

" 8 0.48 [underline]

By money receid of Coun $19.72 1/4

for 1838
-ty Treasurer for road purposes Treasurers percent .59 [underline]

15.35 20.31 1/2

do for year 1834 [dashes]20.73 [underline] Balance in Treasury 19.75 [underline]

is .56 1/2 [underlined]
$36.08 [underlined]

Dr to paid to B Carpenter

& N Gregory Trustees of

Said township [dashes] 35.00

By money belonging to towns percent 1.08 [underlined]

hip for defraying common expenses Dr to paid on Trus 36.08 [underlined]

one Note Signed G Landon & -tees order to P Col-

and J Patrick [dashes] 4.63 -lum [dashes] 2.17 1/2

one do Signed Plumb & Fuller 2.17 1/2 percent [dashes] .20 [underlined]
$2.37 1/2 [underlined]
6.80 1/2

Due Township out

of Landons Note $4.43 [underlined]

Signed N Dustin

Recorded Jun 20th 1835 Treas


April 5th 1835

A correct abstract

JW Gaylord C.B.T
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 56)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 56)


[Page 56]

[corresponds to page 43 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]


On the 6th of April A.D. 1835

at the Election for township officers in

and for Berkshire Township held at th

ususual place of holding Elections in Said

township on the day above named the

following persons were Elected to the

Several Offices annexed to their names


" 1st J W Gaylord Township Clerk

" 2nd B Carpenter 2nd

" Allen McLane

" Ja [s superscripted] H Plumb Township Trustees

" 3rd M.W. Miller Township Treasurer

" 4th Saml Whitney

" " Wm Carpenter

" " D W Gaylord Constables

" 5th David Gregory

" " Justice T Calhoun Overseer's of Poor

" 6th Leonard Jones

" " David Prince

" " Ezra Steward Fence Viewers

" 7th Henry Hodgdon 1st district

" " Nath'l Gregory 2nd "

" " Barnabas Clark 3rd "

" " Nathan Dustin 4th "

" " Geo Fisher 5th "

" " Wm A Neilson 6th "

" " Joseph Patrick 7th "

" " David Carpenter 8th " Supervisors

see over
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 57)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 57)


[Page 57]

[corresponds to page 44 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]


continue from page 43

" 8th Samuel Raymond 8th District

" 10th Moses Carpenter 10th Supervisors


I certify that I issued an order of

Notification to the township officers

Elect in due tim to S Whitney Constable

who returned Said order in due time

endorsed Served as follows. Served by

Reading on the 13th day of April 1835

all the within named persons except

D Prince. Wm Carpenter, Moses Carpenter,

Leonard Jones & Wm A Neilson and those

by Copy

Fees Service $1.32 1/2 Signed

Mileage .80 [underlined] S Whitney Const

Total $2,12 1/2 [underlined] attest JW Gaylord



The above requisitions of the order of

['Order of' crossed out] Notification was compiled with

in the following manner namely,

J W Gaylord as Clerk by H A Fuller JP qualified

B Carpenter 2nd & Allen McLane as Trus

-tees were qualified by me, James H Plumb

Trustee by H.A. Fuller J.P. Certificat on file

M W Miller as Treasurer by H A Fuller

Certificate & Bond on File

[dashed line]

Continued to Page 45
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 58)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 58)


[Page 58]

[corresponds to page 45 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]


Continued from Page 44

David Prince as Fence Viewer By

H A Fuller J.P. certificate on file Ezra Steward

as Fence viewer Sworn by me and Leon-

-ard Jones refused to serve as Fence

viewer and H Scovell was appointed in

his stead by the trustees on the 5th

day of June and by me Sworn as

the law directs

For Overseer's of Poor Justice T.

Calhoun qualified by H A Fuller

Certificate on file. D Gregory ref-

-used to Serve and the Trustees

appointed Ja [s superscripted] Perfect Esqr in his

stead was qualified by me on th

16th day of May

Constables S Whitney Sworn by H A

Fuller Esqr Certificate and bond on file

Wm Carpenter refused to Serve as Const

and the Trustees appoint in his

stead D W Gaylord qualified by me

and bond on file

Even Supervisors 1st H Hodgdon by H A Fuller

" Settled even 2nd N Gregory by me

" Settled even 3rd B [illegible] by H A Fuller

" Settled even 4th N Dustin by B Carpenter Esq

" 5th Geo Fisher by H A Fuller

" 6th Wm A Neilson by Me
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 59)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 59)


[Page 59]

[corresponds to page 46 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]


" 7th Joseph Patrick by me

" 8th D S Carpenter by B carpenter Esq

ranaway " 9th Saml Raymond by me

Even " 10th Moses Carpenter by N Carpenter Esq

the Certificates of the above [illegible]

is on file, attest JW Gaylord

June 20th 1835 C.B.T.


H A Fuller's Commission as Justice of

the peace bears date June 22nd _ _ 35

and will expire June 22nd _ _ 38

June 25th 1835 attest Ja [s superscripted] W Gaylord C.B.T.


Receipts and Expenditures of Berkshire township

for the last year, to wit: from the first day of March

1835 untill the 7th day of March 1836


Receipts Expenditures


June 2nd AD 1835 $, cts To cash paid on Trustees

By Cash recived on orders ---------- 4, 85

Landon's Note 4, 66 Treasurers percentage 00, 12 1/2

" to cash received for Ballance against Treasury 00. 6 1/2

scraper berd 00. 25 Paid out on Trustees order 3, 00

" to cash received of Treasures percentage 00, 46 1/2 [underlined]

Country Treasurer Total expenditures 8, 50 1/2 [underlined]

for road purposes _ _ 15, 67 [underlined] 20 58 [underlined]

8 50 1/2 [underlined]

Total receipts 20, 58 [underlined] Balnce in Treasury $12 07 1/2 [underlined]

7th March A.D. 1836 M W Miller Treasurer
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 60)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 60)


[Page 60]

[corresponds to page 47 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Records Continued

7th March 1836 the Trustees met to settle with

Township officers [illegible] Nathaniel Gregry [sic Gregory] presented

an account for setting up hand-boards three in

number, in the 2nd road dist,t, which was accepted

and an Order issued accordingly, amount of said

order in $4,00 No,d 1st for 1836 [line]

Alteration and formation of Road districts

1st the Second road district shall commence at the

four Corners of the Old Berkshire Streets, thence

south to John Neilsons, thence across the Higby

Section in an easterly direction to Little Walnut

or the widow Youngs farm, and shall include all

inhabatants on said road, save and except so

much as the possessions of Abram Crane which

farm shall be attach'd to the first district.

2nd The remainder of the said Higby Section which

is not otherwise districted shall be erected into

a new district to be distinguish'd by No 11

3rd It was Resolved by the board of trustees to levy

a township tax to defray township expenses

of the amount of (Blank ______________________)

[dashed line]

List of Jurors Oct 1835

1 Sam Bradford 6 J P Murphy

2 Amos Utley 7 John Carpenter

3 Chas Carpenter 8 D T Sherman

4 Henry Armstrong [crossed out]Hodgden 9 Alexander Thrall

E S Carpenter 10 Geo A Gaylord
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 61)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 61)


[Page 61]

[corresponds to page 48 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Records Continued

On the 4th day of April AD. 1836, at an

Election, held, in and for, Berkshire Township,

the following named persons were duly elected to the offices

prefisced to their names respectively, to wit,


Trustees, Nathaniel Gregory Qualified by township Clerk

Jas. H. Plumb " " H A Fuller

Charles Armstrong " " T Clerk

Clerk, Nathan Dustin " Refused to serve

Constables, Charles Plumb " By H A Fuller

Ja [s superscripted] W Gaylord " By Wm Perfect Esq

Fence viewers, David W Norton " " Township Clerk

Wm A. Neilson " " "

Sidney Landon " " "

Overseers of Saml. Peck " " "

Poor David Prince " " By H A Fuller

Treasurer Miner W Miller " " "

Supervisors Jas Jones " " Refused to serve

2nd Dist. Natl. Gregory " By Tsp. Clerk

3rd " Silas Dunham " " " "

4th " E. S. Carpenter " " B. Carpenter

5th " John Longshore " " Tsp. Clerk

6th " James Tharp " " Tsp. Clerk

7th " V. C. Atherton " " " "

8th " Abdiel Mc Allister " " " "

9th " Bill Welch " " " "

10th " Moses Carpenter " " B. Carpenter

11th " Elisha Barry " " " "

A Correct Copy from the Poll Book JWG. C. B. T.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 62)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 62)


[Page 62]

[corresponds to page 49 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Records Continued

1836 April 6th Order of Notification

Issued; to D W Gaylord constable directed,

and by him returned served by reading with the eccep-

tions of, Wm A. Neilson, E S Carpenter and Ja [s superscripted] Tharp,

who being absent, from home, served by Copy

[illegible] Service Fees $1.42"

Mileage " 1.00" [underlined]

Total $2.42" [underlined]

Dated Berkshire April 15th 1836, and signed D W Gaylord, Const.


April 9th Chas. Armstong Came forward and took the Oath of

Office as Trustee, as the law directs

Nathaniel Gregory was sworn in to office as

Trustee and Ja [s superscripted] H Plumb forwarded certificate

in due time of qualification by H A Fuller Esq.

[dashed lines]

" 15th Nathan Dustin refused to serve as Township

Clerk and Ja [s superscripted] W Gaylord was appointed by the

Trustees in his stead and qualified.

" Cha [s superscripted] Plumb and Ja [s superscripted] W Gaylord Gave Bonds

To the acceptance of the Trustees and ^took the Oath

of Office as Constable befeore Fuller and

Perfect Esq. Certificates and Bonds on

" record and on file


" David W Norton Wm A Neilson and Sedney

Landon, were qualified as fence veiwers

Saml Peck and David Prince as Overseers of Poor

Attest J W Gaylord Clerk B.T.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 63)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 63)


[Page 63]

[corresponds to page 50 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Records Continued

April Miner W. Miller was qualified by

15th. H A Fuller Esq, Certificate and Bond

on record, and on file, (Treasurer)


Nathaniel Gregory, Silas Dunham, John

Longshore, Ja [s superscripted] Tharp, V C Atherton, Abdiel

McAllister, Bill Welch, came and was sworn

into office as supervisors of their respective

Districts by me and Moses Carpenter.

E S Carpenter and Elisha Barry, produced

Certificates of qualification from B Carpenter

Esq all of which is on Record and on

file in this office. [three words crossed out] JWG CBT


James Jones refused to serve as supervisor of

roads, in dist No 1 Berkshire township,

and Joseph Prince was appointed by the

trustees in his stead and ['qualified' crossed out]

['by' crossed out] Refused to Serve also

David was then appointed accept'd &

Constable Plumb served Notification on him

which was returned in due time his Fee 30 cts


11th Oct A. D. 1836 The Trustees selected

For Jurors for the coming year the follow-

-ing named persons_Jesse Havens Ja[s superscripted] Tharp

V C Atherton D.W. Norton Joseph Prince

Rufus Carter R R Arnold and Amos Searls

Attest J W Gaylord C B T
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 64)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 64)


[Page 64]

[corresponds to page 51 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Records Continued

Constables Know all men by these presents that we

Bonds David Armstrong, A A Welch and Ja [s superscripted] W Gaylord

are held and firmly bound unto the State

of Ohio in the sum of Five hundred

dollars, to the payment of which well

and truly to be made, we Jointly and

severally bind ourselves, our heirs exu-

-utors and administrators, firmly by these

presents, as witness our hands and seals [line]

David Armstrong [seal]

Attest A A Welch [seal]

Ja [s superscripted] W Gaylord [seal] [underlined]

The condition of the above Obligation

is such, that whereas the above bound

J W Gaylord was on the fourth day of April

Duly elected a Constable of Berkshire

township in the county of Delaware

now if the said J W Gaylord shall

faithfully and diligently perform all

the duties of his said office of Constable,

then this Obligation shall be void, and

of no effect; Otherwise to remain in full

force and virtue in law. A true Copy

Attest Ja[s superscripted] W Gaylord Clerk [underlined]

Berkshire 18th April A D 1836 [line]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 65)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 65)


[Page 65]

[corresponds to page 52 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Records Continued

Constables Know all men by these presents that we

Bonds and Charles

Plumb are held and firmly bound unto the

State of Ohio in the sum of five hundred

dollars to the payment of which we Jointly and

severally bind ourselves our heirs executors

and administrators, firmly by these presents

and witness our hands and seals [line]


The conditions of the above obligation is such

that wheras the above bound Charles Plumb

was on the fourth day of this month duly elec-

-ted a constable of Berkshire township in

the County of Delaware, now if the said

Charles Plumb shall faithfully and dilli-

-gently perform all the duties of his said

office of Constable then this obligation

shall be void, and of no effect otherwise

to remain in full force and virtue

in law A true Copy [line]

Attest J W Gaylord Clerk B. T.

Berkshire April 18th 1836

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 66)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 66)


[Page 66]

[corresponds to page 53 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

1836 Records Continued

Treasurers Know all men by these presents that, we

Bond Minor W Miller & David Gregory are held

and firmly bound unto Nathaniel Gregory

Ja[s superscripted] H Plumb and Chas. Armstrong Trustees

of the township of Berkshire and their suc-

-cessors in office in the sum of five

hundred dollars for the payment of

which well and truly to be made

We bind ourselves, our heirs executors

and administrators firmly by these pres-

ents, signed with our hands and sealed

with our seals this 31st day of May AD 1836

The condition of the above obligation

is such that wheras the above named

Minor W Miller was on the 4th day of April

last past, duly Elected Treasurer of

Berkshire Township for the current year.

now if the said M W Miller shall faithfully

and truly receive and pay over all moneys

that shall come into his hands for the

Use of the township then the above ob-

-ligation shall be void otherwise to rem

-ain in full force and virtue in law.

We do hereby approve of Minor W Miller [seal]

the above bond [line] David Gregory [seal][underlined]

J H Plumb

N Gregory Trustees Attest J W Gaylord

Clerk B. T.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 67)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 67)


[Page 67]

[corresponds to page 54 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

1836 Records Continued

Pauperism Berkshire Township State of Ohio [illegible]

Records To Cha[s superscripted] Plumb Constable of Berkshire Township

Greeting, whereas complaint has been made

to us overseers of Poor for s.d. township that two

girls V.Z. Lucy & Betsey Brush, have lately come

to reside in the township, who are lawful residents

of another County & township & who if taken sick would

become a township Charge. Now therefor by virtue

of our office you are hereby required to imme-

-diately proceed to warn the afore said Betsy & Lucy

to Depart the township agreeable to an Act of our

Statutes for sick care made and provided-

that they do not gain a residence so as

to become a charge able to s'd Berkshire

Township & of this notice made due service

and Record according to law

Given under our hand this

July 12th 1836. David Prince

Saml Peck

Overseers of the Poor for the township of

Berkshire County of Delaware State of Ohio

Returned served by by Chas Plumb Contsable

Dated July 16th 1836 Signed C Plumb Constable Fees..45cts

A true Copy attest J W Gaylord Clerk B T

16th July AD 1836

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 68)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 68)


[Page 68]

[corresponds to page 55 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Records Continued

Aug 15th The Trustees of Berkshire township met and

1836 erected a new School district to be designa-

-ted by no. 9 Berkshire School districts [dash]

Said District was bounded as follows Beginning

at the N. W. Corner of the Higby Section thence East on

s'd Section line to the East end of B Clark land then South

on s'd line of the East end of the West tiers of lots to the

south line of the township also Including Lewis Smith

farm. attest J W Gaylord Clerk B. T.


January 5th A. D. 1837 A notice reciv'd from H A

Fuller announcing his Resignation as a Justice

of the Peace. Notice was accordingly given to the

Trustees. another Election adv'r'd and Charles Arm-

-Strong was Elected whose commision bears date

of 8th Novr. A. D. 1836 [line] and will expire on

the 8th Novr.[line] A. D. 1839 [lines]

Attest Ja[s superscripted] W Gaylord Clerk


Jan 21st AD 1837 At a meeting of the Trustees of the

Townships of Berkshire & Trenton it was Resolved, that

the 7th School district of Berkshire township be so al-

-tered as ^to Include so much of Trenton township as the

Farm of James Hanville thence North to include

Mrs Gales West Lot Jas Ginns West Lot & [illegible] Hanville

farm thence west to the township line Including

Abdiel McAllister & Geo A & Eleazer Gaylords,

the above meeting was held at the school House near

Owen Huffs Trustees of Trenton Trustees of Berkshire

Silas Ogdon & Amples Barton Charles Armstrong J W Gaylord

N Gregory Clerk
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 69)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 69)


[Page 69]

[corresponds to page 56 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

March 6th A.D. 1837 Records

At a meeting of the Trustees of the

Township of Berkshire held at the Centre

School House on the 6th day of March eighteen

hundred and thirty seven. Resolved that

1st The Roads comprising the 10th Road dist shall

be attach'd to the 4th Dist. and the present

existing 10th dist. is therby vacated, [line]

2.. Mess'rs E Barry, Jacob Collum, and Mr Post, be attatach [d above attatach]

to the 2nd road dist, Said persons residing on the

Old Cyahoga State Road it being deemed expidiet

to attach said road to the 2nd dist. [line]

3rd So much of the sec. as lies West of the Old

Cuyahoga Road is to be erectd into a new

Road Dist to be known by No 10th

4th The balance of the sec East not otherwise dis-

-tricted to be erected into a new dist No. 11.

5th Settled with Bill Welch, James Tharp, N Gregory

, E S Carpenter, Moses Carenter, E Barry, Super's

of Roads and found their respective

accounts Even.

6th Resolved to furnish Scrapers for each and

every Road Dist, [illegilble]

attest Ja[s superscripted] W Gaylord Tsp Clerk
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 70)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 70)


[Page 70]

[corresponds to page 57 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]


A.D. 1837

March 15th The Trustees met and struck

a dividend of the School fund in the

treasury at this date as follows to wit, [underlined]

1st Dist $3.78 cents 9th $0.47 cts

2nd " "2.74_ " to Berlin 78 1/2 "

3rd " "2.61_ " " Kingston 75 1/2"

4th " "1.13_ " [lines]

5th " "0.47_ " Berkshire 15th March

6th " "3.37_ " A.D. 1837

7th " "1.73_ " Attest J W Gaylord

8th " "1.54_" Clerk of Berkshire Tsp


6th March An Order Issued to C Plumb

AD 1837 Constable for services warning

Paupers to depart township of .75ct

one to S Whitney for services as Judge

of Election of the same amount .75

and One to D W Gaylord for service

as Constable for Notifying Township

officers Elect in 1836 to take the oath $2.40

A certificate to N Gregory Supervisor of

2nd Road dist for over work to ans-

-wer on another years work of $1.51

Attest J W Gaylord Clerk of Berkshire

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 71)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 71)


[Page 71]

[corresponds to page 58 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Records Continued

Receipts and Expenditures of Berkshire

township for the last year to wit from the 7th

day of March 1836 to the 6th day of March 1837.

March 7th Receipts Expendit-

AD 1836 By amount remaining in ures

the treasury from 1835.[underlined] 12.21 None

Nov 30th for this

AD 1836 By amt rec'd from Co Treas'r 5.75 Year

Treasurers per centage off is .17 [underlined]

leaves a ballance on this of[underlined] 4.58

March 6th Old amt 12.21 [underlined]

AD 1837 By amt received, 16.79 [underlined]

from B Carpenter Esq fines 20.00

Treasureres percentage .60 [underlined]

Balance on this 19.40

and 16.79 [underlined]

[underlined] Total 36.19 [dbl.underlined]

By amt of Notes in the

hands of the Treasurer

for stray & [illegible] 17.00

and 36.19 [underlined]

Total amts of available funds 53.19 [underlined]

Signed M W Miller Treasurer

dated March 6th 1837

attest, J W Gaylord

Clerk of Berkshire Tsp

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 72)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 72)


[Page 72]

[corresponds to page 59 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]


1837 April 5th An Order of notification

Issued to Holmes Patrick Constable to notify

the township officers Elect. Returned by him

same day served as follows Viz

Trustee on Benj'n Carpenter 2nd as trustee by reading

Cons't " Chas Plumb a constable " "

" " Wm Carpenter" " " Copy

school ex " E Carney & D Gregory as school Exam'rs" "

[illegible] " D C Carpenter " " " " Reading

Fence Viewer " Zelotus Jones as Fence Viewer " "

Clerk " A Utley as Town Clerk " "

Treasurer " M W Miller as Treasurer " "

Sup'rs " Jno Neilson, Geo A Gaylord, and

[Jacob Vanloon as Supervisor by Same

" E S Carpenter Nathaniel Jones and

" Jesse Havens and Jeremiah Buel by Copy

Constable Fees Mileage, .80 cts

copys Services [illegible] 2.47 1/2 [underline]

Total $3.27 1/2 [underline]

Holmes Patrick Constable

Attest Ja[s superscripted] W Gaylord Town Clerk
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 73)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 73)


[Page 73]

[corresponds to page 60 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]


On the 3rd of April 1837 the following

name'd persons came forward and took the

Oath of office as perscribed by law [dash]

For Trustees N Gregory & N Patrick [dash]

" Constable H Patrick

Fence viewers Justus T Calhoun N Gregory

Overseers of Poor C Carpenter P Duel

Supervisors H Hodgdon Bill Welch J Utley

S Orcutt & J Vanloon [dashes]

Certicates of qualification was given in in due

time of the following from Cha[s superscripted] Armstrong

a Justice of the Peace A Utley Clerk [dash]

E S Carpenter N Jones & Geo A Gaylord Sup'rs [dash]

Certificates of Qualification was presented in due time

by B Carpenter a Justice of the Peace as follows
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 74)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 74)


[Page 74]

[corresponds to page 61 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

1837 Records Continued

May 16th Trustees met and ordered

a tax levied to the amount

of one hundred dollars for

poor tax or half mill on the dollar

of the valuation Amos Utley

Attest Clerk

Trustees gave an order to N Gregory

for sixteen dollars and seventy

nine cents to be applied for iron

for road purposes

March 2 1840 N Gregory produced a bill of iron

for $16.78 from H [illegible] Co Dated May 20 1837 which

is to balance the order for iron above noticed

by order of the Trustees D Gregory T C

The following is a list of Jurors chosen

by the Trustees of Berkshire Township

on the 10th day of Oct 1837 to serve the

ensuing year Francis Williams

David Gregory Robert Carpenter

Horace Plumb Nicholas Cook

Charles Armstrong Justice T Calhon

and John S slack [line]

Holmes Patrick Const resigned his

office and the Trustees accepted his

resignation and appointed James W

Gaylord Const Oct 10 1837
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 75)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 75)


[Page 75]

[corresponds to page 62 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Know all men by these presents

That we Miner W. Miller and David

Gregory are held and firmly bound

to the Trustees of Berkshire Township

and their successors in office in the

sum of two hundred dollars for

the payment of which sum we bind

ourselves our heirs, Executors and ad-

ministrators firmly by these presen-

ts signed with our hands and sealed

with our seals this 25 day of May

in the year 1837.

The conditions of this above obligation

are such that if the above named

Miner W Miller shall faithfully

receive and pay over all monies

that may come into his hands for

the use of the Township of Berkshire

then the above obligation is void oth-

=erwise to remain in full force and

virtue in law M W. Miller [seal]

Approved by David Gregory [seal]

Nathaniel Gregory

Norman Patrick Trustees


Trustees Need an order from the County auditor

to open and make a new road commencing

at the road leading from Berkshire to the

bridge on alum creek thence south along

the Range line to the road leading from

Zoar to Alum creek on the south line of the township

March 5th 1838
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 76)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 76)


[Page 76]

[corresponds to page 63 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]


April 2nd 1838 the following persons were

elected to the diferent offices (to wit)

Trustees M.W. Miller B Carpenter 2nd & Robert

Carpenter Township Clk David Gregory

Treasurer Amos Utley overseer of poor

Joseph Patrick and Moses Carpenter

Const Charles Plumb Charles Landon

and Wm Carpenter Fence viewer

Gilbert Carpenter Amos Searl & C V Atherton

Supervisors of highways Eleazer Dunham

Norman Patrick J R Weeks B. Carpenter 2nd

Enoch Domigin [sic Domigan] J. T. Calhoun J. H. Cutler

Jeremiah Hawkins Alex Thrall Jesse Frey

and George Landon [dash]

Trustees settled with the following Supervisors

E. S. Carpenter and gave him a certificate

for 6 1/2 days over work also with Sylvester

Orcutt and gave him a certificate for

one & 1/2 days work also settled with Jared

Utley and Jeremiah Buel and found

their accounts even

Order issued to C Plumb for adver=

=tising Election [dashes] $0.50

One to N. Patrick for services as trustee 3.00

also one to N. Gregory Do 3.00

also one to B Carpenter 2nd do 2.25

One to Amos Utley for servises

as Clk for 1837 2.25

Attest Amos Utley T. Clk
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 77)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 77)


[Page 77]

[corresponds to page 64 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]



April 3rd An order issued to C. Plumb


to notify the township officers Elect to app

jurur & take the necessary oath and returned

by him April 5th served on the within

named officers by reading on all excepting

Enoch Domigin [sic Domigan] & Alex Thrall and on them

by leaving a Copy April 5th 1838

Fees Services $1.75 Charles Plumb

Milage 1.25 Constable

The following officers appeared in due

time and took the oath of office for

Trustees B. Carpenter 2nd M W. Miler

Supervisors E. Dunham, J. Haskins

and Norman Patrick and David

Gregory Clerk April 10th 1838

Attest Amos Utley T. Clk

On the 10th Day of April 1838 Amos

Utley appeared before me and was sworn to

Discharge the duties of Treasurer of Berkshire

Township D Gregory T C B T

The Trustees of Berkshire issued an order to S R Bennett

for Eleven dollars & sixty seven cents on the 2 day of April

1838 A. Utley T. C. B. T
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 78)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 78)


[Page 78]

[corresponds to page 65 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

The four following Orders were handed to me for Record April 10 1838



At a special meeting of the Trustees of

Berksire and Berlin Township holden at the

school house of the ninth school district in

Berkshire it was agreed to attach Jesse

Havens Jacob Backoven and Joseph Roloson

and their property to district number seven

in Berlin Township N. Roloson

March 20th 1838 H James Trustees

Attest D Gregory T.C B.T. N Gregory

B Carpenter

At a special meeting of the Trustees of the township

of Berkshire and Berlin holden at the school house

of the ninth school district in Berkshire Township

it was agreed to attach the following discribed tract

of property situated in Berlin Township to the ninth

school district in Berkshire Township. Beginning

at the North West corner of the Higby section thence

West to the North west corner of [illegible] Stewards land

thence south to the land of Charles Stephens thence

West to Charles Stephens North West corner thence South

so as to include the lands of Charles Stephens and

Lewis Sherwood N Roloson

March 20th 1838 Harry Janes Trustees

N Gregory

Attest D Gregory T.C.B.T. B Carpenter 2nd
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 79)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 79)


[Page 79]

[corresponds to page 66 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]


At a special meeting of the Trustees of Berkshire

and Berlin Townships holden at the school house in

the ninth school district in Berkshire it was agreed

that the new County road on the line of the two

townships shall be divided between the two Townships

as follows (Viz) one half mile on the south End to

Berlin Township the next half mile adjoining to

Berkshire and one half mile on the North End

to Berkshire and the balance supposed to be 142

rods to Berlin N. Roloson

March 20th 1838 Harry Janes Trustees


Attest D Gregory T.C.B.T. B Carpenter 2d


Trustees settled with E S Carpenter supervisor

and gave him a certificate for 6 1/2 days over

work April 2nd 1838

[Dashed line]

On the 13th Day of April 1838 The following certi-

-ficate was made [dash]I Certify that Jesse Frye Justus

T Calhoun & Alexander Thrall came before me

and took the necessary oath of office as supervising

for the districts to which they respectavely belong

within ten days from the first Monday of the

present month Berkshire April 13th 1838

Henry Hodgden T. C.

Atteste D Gregory Clerk
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 80)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 80)


[Page 80]

[corresponds to page 67 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Special session of the Trustees of Berkshire Township

holden at at the school house at the usual place of

holding Elections on the 18th Day of April 1838 present

Benjamin Carpenter 2d Robert Carpenter & Miner W

Miller Trustees- Order that there be five dollars appro

priated for the purchase of planks to repair the bridge

across Little Walnut Creek and the thorough fare near

the creek on the road leading Easterly through Berkshire

to Granville. The money to be appropriated by Alexander

Thrall supervisor of the 1st road Distict in Berkshire Town [mark above town]

Order Issued

Also, That there shall be ten dollars paid out of

the township funds for road purposes to repair the

wall of the bridge over Big Walnut Creek near Gaylords

mills in Berkshire Township to be appropriated by

David ['A' crossed out] Gaylord. The repairs to be made within

30 days of this date. Order Issued May 15, 1838

Also settled with Sylvester Orcut for sustaining

John Blackman a pauper for fifty 2 weeks & making

clothing for said pauper for the time ending April 15

1838. account accepted for $53.55 1/2 and order

issued [dash]

[following paragraph crossed out]

Also appropriated ten dollar for the repair of

Big Walnut creek bridge near Gaylords mills in

Berkshire Township to be expended by David

Gaylord within thirty days after this date.

[end crossed out paragraph]

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 81)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 81)


[Page 81]

[corresponds to page 68 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

[paragraph below crossed out]

Also appropriated five dollars to furnish planks

for Little walnut creek bridge & the bridge over the

thorough fare near, to be expended by Alexander

Thrall supervisor of the first road district in

Berkshire Township

[end of crossed out paragraph]

Also determined to levy a tax of 1/2 mill on the

dollar of valuation for the support of the poor and for

township purposes for the present year

The board adjourned

D Gregory T Clerk

The following certificates were received

I hereby certify that the following named persons

appeared and were by me duly sworn to faithfully

and impartially perform the duties of their respec

tive offices All in the Township of Berkshire Viz.

Appeared 1838 April 7 V C Atherton supervisor

Amos [illegible] fence viewer

9 Robert Carpenter Trustee

10 Enoch Domigan Supervisor

11 Cutler Do

12 George Landon Do

Joseph Patrick Over seer of Poor

Sunbury April 12 1838

C Armstrong J P

[dashed line]

I hearby certify that the following named

persons & were by me duly sworn with ten days

after the Election to faithfully & impartially perform

the duties of their respective offices TC in
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 82)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 82)


[Page 82]

[corresponds to page 69 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Berkshire Township viz.

1838 April 4 Jacob R Weeks supervisor

7 William Carpenter Constable

9 Moses Carpenter Over seer of Poor

Galena April 9 1838

Randall R Arnold J. P.


Treasurer's bonds 1838

Know all men by these presents That we Amos

Atley [sic Utley] and George Fisher are held and firmly bound

to the Trustees of Berkshire Township and their

succesors in office in the sum of two hundred dollars

for the payment of which we bind ourselves our

heirs and representatives firmly by these presents

sealed with our seals this 2d day of May 1838

Whereas said Amos Utley was on the 2nd day

of April 1838 duly Elected Treasurer of Berkshire

Township in Delaware County. Now if the said

Treasurer shall faithfully serve and pay over

according to law all moneys that may come

into his hands for the use of the Township then this

obligation to be void otherwise to be and remain in

full force and virtue in law.

Amos Atley [sic Utley] [seal]

We approve the above bond George Fisher [seal]

Robert Carpenter

M. W Miller Trustees

A true copy of the original

D Gregory T. C.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 83)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 83)


[Page 83]

[corresponds to page 70 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Know all men by these presents that we Amos

Atley [sic Utley] and George Fisher are held and firmly bound

to the State of Ohio in the sum of one thousand dollars

for the payment of which sum we do jointly and

severally bind ourselves our heirs and representatives

Sealed with our seals this 5th day of May in the year


Whereas Said Amos Utley was on the 2nd day

of April in the year 1838 duly Elected Treasurer

of Berkshire Township in Delaware County. Now

if the said Treasurer shall faithfully disburse and

pay over according to law all such school or other

public funds and moneys as shall from time

to time come into his hands for school purposes

then this obligation to be void otherwise to be

and remain in full force

Amos Utley [seal]

George Fisher [seal]

We approval of the above bond

Robert Carpenter

M W Miller Trustees

A true copy of the original

D Gregory T. C.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 84)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 84)


[Page 84]

[corresponds to page 71 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Constables bond 1838

Know all persons whom it may concern

that we Charles Plumb and Henry Hodgden

are held and firmly bound unto the state

of Ohio in the final sum of One thousand dollars

to the payment of which we bind ourselves

our heirs executors and administrators firmly by

these presents if default be made in the condition

following which is that the said Plumb has been

duly Elected to the office of Constable at the

late Township Election for the Township of Berkshire

for the Ensuing year Now if he shall perform

the duties of said office according to law then

this bond to be null and void otherwise to

remain in full force and virtue in law

Signed and sealed this 10th day of April 1838

N. Gregory

Charles Plumb

Henry Hodgden

We do approve the within bond

M W Miller

R Carpenter Trustees

A true copy of the original

D Gregory T. C.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 85)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 85)


[Page 85]

[corresponds to page 72 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

The following is a list of jurors selected by

The Trustees of Berkshire Township on the 9th day

of October 1838 for the Ensuing year (to wit)

Stephen Carey, Norman Patrick, Alexander

Thrall, Amos Searle, Tyler Havens, James Brown

Daniel Vandemark, and Valentine C. Atherton

Attest D Gregory T C

[Dashed line]

October 9th 1838 Order issued by the Trustees for six

dollars in favor of Joseph Patrick overseer of poor

Also order for two dollars in favor of Sylvester Orcutt

for two dollars for sustaining John Blackman a pauper

Attest D Gregory T C

[Dashed line]

Dec 22d 1838 The Trustees issued an order to

Samuel Carpenter for thirty dollars for sustaining

John Blackman a pauper

Attest D Gregory T C

[Dashed line]

Dec 22d 1838 The Trustees issued an order to Henry

Hodgden for one dollar & fifty cents for putting up

guide boards

Attest D Gregory T C

[Dashed line]

The commision of Hurlbut Scovell a justice

of the peace is Dated January 3rd 1839

Attest D Gregory T. C
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 86)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 86)


[Page 86]

[corresponds to page 73 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

On the first Monday in March 1839 B Carpenter

Robert Carpenter and Miner W Miller Trustees met at

the usual place of holding elections

at 10 oclock A M in accordance with the requisitions

of law to settle with Supervisors and attend to all other

business appertaining to the duties of their office

B Carpenter 2d Supervisor of the 4th road District

presented his account for settlement wherein he credited

the whole amount of labor to his hands severally - account

accepted as presented


Jacob R Weeks supervisor of the 11th Road District

presented his account for settlement wherein he credited

all the labor required by law to his hands severally -

Account accepted as presented


Jesse Frey Supervisor of the 10th Road District

^presented his account for settlement wherein ^he accreddited all the labor

of his hands Excepting two & one third days which it appears

the supervisor was unable to collect and was therefore

remitted - the account accepted.

Eleazer Dunham Supervisor of 6th Road

District presented his account for settlement wherein

he accredited all the labor of his hands and charged

two Days work over his tax which was accepted.

James H Cutler Supervisor of the 5th Road

District presented his account for settlement wherein

he credited the labor of all his hands to the amount

charged - which account was accepted
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 87)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 87)


[Page 87]

[corresponds to page 74 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Justus T Calhoun Supervisor of 2d Road District presen

ted his account for Settlement wherein he credited

all his hands the full amount of labor charged the

past year - The account was Accepted

On the 4th day of March 1839 B Carpenter 2d

produced vouchers for nine dollars and fifty cents

in part of ten dollars recd for road purposes

Oct 14 - 1834 the above sum of nine dollars and

fifty cents ^was expended on the Road Dividing the Township of

Berkshire & Genoa Township between farm & Allum Creek

Ordered by the Trustees _ that Barnabas Clarke

and his property be detached from the 11th road

district and allached to the 3d District

The Trustees allowed Samuel Carpenter twelve dollars

over (his contract) for sustaining John Blackman in

Sickness the past year order issued March 4 1839

The trustees adjourned all applications for nine

school districts and for the alteration of old school

districts to the first monday in April next at 8

o clock A.M.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 88)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 88)


[Page 88]

[corresponds to page 75 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Alteration of Road Districts 2-3-& 10

Ordered by the board of Trustees that the

second road district be so altered that the road

from the dwelling house of John Neilson to Little

walnut Creek past the residence of Stiles J Parker

to the crossing of said creek ^near the house of Andrew A Young be attached to said second

district and the old Cuyahoga State road South of John

Neilson shall be [word crossed out] detached from said second

district and said district shall contain all the

persons ^ & the farms on which they live residing in the immediate vicinity thereof

to Elijah Vanaukin inclusive

Adjourned to the 1 Mondy of April

next at 8 oclock A M

Atteste D Gregory T.C.

On the first Monday of March 1839 the 3d

and 10th road districts were so altered that

Barnabas Clarke together with the farm on which

he now resides be detached from the 10th district

and added to the 3d road distrct

Teste D Gregory T C.

The alteration in the 3d & 10th district is recorded

on page 74
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 89)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 89)


[Page 89]

[corresponds to page 76 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]


Berkshire Township Delaware County Ohio

To any Constable of said Township of Berkshire

[illegible] - You are hereby commanded to warn

Naomi Anway and Sally Slack forthwith to

depart the said Township of Berkshire and

of this writ make legal service and due return

to the Clerk of ['B' crossed out] said Township

November 30th 1838

Joseph Patrick

Moses Carpenter

Over seers of poor

The following is endorsed on the back of the writ

Served the within warrant by reading to the with

in named persons

fees mileage 40

service 20 Wm Carpenter

Feby 23, 1839 Constable

The above is a true copy

[illegible] D Gregory

T. C.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 90)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 90)


[Page 90]

[corresponds to page 77 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Treasurer's Report

Balance in the The Treasury on the first Monday

of March 1838 $11.02

Recd [d superscripted] from County Treasurer for support

of poor [dashed line] 89.62


Expenditures from the 1 Monday

of March 1838 to the 1st Monday of March 1839

to wit, Redeemed order to L Orcutt $53.95

" " S R Bennett 11.67

" " J M Gaylord 11.13

" " D W Gaylord 2.40

" " Chas Plumb 3.00

" " " " 11.50

" " A Utley 2.25

" " Joseph Patrick 6.00

Endorsed on L Carpenter's order 2.50

Order to H Hodgden 1.50

Treasurers percentage 2.86


Record Book .50

$100.64 $100.64 [crossed out]

98.26 98.26

$2.38 balance for Township poor

Balance of funds for road purposes in the Treasury

on the 1st Monday of March 1838 $19.29

Received from County Treasurer for roads $24.625

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 91)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 91)


[Page 91]

[corresponds to page 78 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Expenditures for roads

Paid D W Gaylord an order $10.00

" Alexander Thrall " 5.00

Treasurer's per cent 45



15 45

$28.465 Balance in the treasury

for road purposes on this 1st Monday of March


School fund

Balance in treasury on the 1st Monday of March

1838 [dashes] $0.475

Paid F Rosecrans order 0.475


A true copy D Gregory T.C.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 92)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 92)


[Page 92]

[corresponds to page 79 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

April 1st 1839 The Trustees issued the following

discribed orders to wit -

In favor of Joseph Patrick for $14.07 for sustain

-ing John Blackman a pauper for clothing- Blank

Book and his services as overseer of poor in 1838

In favor of D Gregory for $14.56 1/4 for his services as

Township Clerk the past year & monies advanced by him -

for books and Stationary

In favor of Wm [m superscripted] Carpenter Con - for 97 cents for serving

poor persons to leave the Township

In favor of James Manville for $4.75 for medical

services for John Blackman a pauper

For Jason B Carpenter 2d for $3.00 M W Miller $3.00

and Robert Carpenter $2.25 for services as Trustees this

past year

Norman Patrick supervisor of the 8th road district

presented his account for settlement wherein he

had credited all the labor of his district which

account was accepted by the Trustees

Alexander Thrall Supervisor of the 11th road district

presented his account for settlement wherein he

had credited the full amount of labor to all his

hands which was accepted [dash]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 93)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 93)


[Page 93]

[corresponds to page 80 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]


Berkshire Township Delaware County Ohio

To any Constable of said Township Greeting

You are hereby commanded to warn William Wells

with his family to forthwith depart the said Town

ship of Berkshire And of this writ make legal

service and due return to the Clerk of said Town

ship - Given under our hands this 5th day of

January 1839 Joseph Patrick

[dashes] Moses Carpenter

Served this written warrant Over seers of poor

by ['reading' crossed out] a copy read and

left with his wife - Wm [m superscripted] Carpenter

mileage 25 c Constable

fees service 12 1/2

March 25 1839

A true Copy [illegible] D Gregory TC

April 1st 1839 B Carpenter 2d & Miner W Miller

appeared ['before me' crossed out] and took the oath of office as Trustees

and Amos Utley took the oath of office as Township

Treasurer the Ensuing year before me

D Gregory TC

The oath of office was administered to me as Town

ship Clerk for the Ensuing year by H Scovell J.P.

D Gregory

B Carpenter 2d was sworn as supervisor of 4th road distrct

April 4 Wm [m superscripted] Carpenter appeared and took the D Gregory

Oath of office as Con - I produced his bond TC
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 94)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 94)


[Page 94]

[corresponds to page 81 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

April 6 Silas Dunham appeared and was sworn

as Supervisor of 3d road district & Rd Duplicates

April 9 Nathaniel Gregory was sworn as fence viewer

April 8 Rufus Carter sworn as Supervisor of 6th District

April 10 Wm [m superscripted] G Shelton sworn as fence viewer

James P Crawford over seer of poor Charles Plumb

Constable and Jeremiah Buel Supervisor 10th

District were Sworn by H Hodgden Justice of peace

within ten days after the Election according to law

Thomas Perfect Supervisor of 9th District & James Tharp

Supervisor of 5th District were sworn by H Scovell JP

April 20 J. F. Calhoun appeared & was sworn as

fence viewer & D W Norton as Supervisor 2d District

Duplicates for road Districts issued 2-3-10-7-8,5,6,-9 4

1 & 11

April 24 Jos [s superscripted] Jones appeared as was sworn as

the law requires to do the duties of Supervisor of

1st Road District & recd [d superscripted] Duplicate

D Gregory TC
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 95)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 95)


[Page 95]

[corresponds to page 82 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Constables Bond

Know all men by these present That we William

Carpenter Nathan Dustin and John W. Watson

are held and firmly bound to the State of Ohio in

the penal sum of five hundred dollars current mon

ey of the United States the payment of which we

bind ourselves our heirs Executors and administrators

Signed with our hands and sealed with our

Seals dated the 3d day of April 1839

The condition of this obligation is such that whereas

the first named William Carpenter has been

Elected Constable of Berkshire Township and

if the said William Carpenter shall faithfully

pay over all monies that shall come into his

hands by virtue of his said office to the person

or persons lawfully authorized to receive the same

when demanded of him then this obligation to be

null and void otherwise to remain in full force

and virtue in law

Signed sealed Wm Carpenter [seal]

in presence of us John W. Watson [seal]

Nathan Dustin [seal]

The Commission of Henry Hodgden as justice of the

peace is dated February 24th 1837.

D Gregory T.C_
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 96)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 96)


[Page 96]

[corresponds to page 83 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Alteration of School District No 4

On the 1st Monday of March 1839 application

was made by petition of free holders in the fourth

school district to have so much territory of the

third school district added to the fourth that the

fourth district should contain the six first numbered

lots on the west side of section one as laid down

by the survey of Joseph Eaton in his survey Dated

July 1816 And the Trustees not being able to finish

all the business before them on that day adjourned

to the first day of April next following at

8 oclock AM. April 1st at 8 oclock AM

the Trustees met present a full board when it was

proven to the satisfaction of the Trustees that the

intention to present the petition above mentioned

had [illegible] [illegible] at the law required the alter

ation was made as prayed for in Districts 3 & 4

So that the fourth district as altered is bounded

by commencing at the NW corner of lot number

one in Sec 2 at the line dividing the Townships

of Berkshire and Kingston. Thence South on the

line between sections one & two six hundred rods to

the SW corner of lot 6 owned by Geo Loop

Thence East on the S line of Loops Farm 371 rods to

the E End of lot 6. Thence N on the line dividing

lots six hundred rods to the S line of Kingston Town

ship Thence west on the Township line 371 rods to

the place of beginning.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 97)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 97)


[Page 97]

[corresponds to page 84 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Constable's Bond

We Charles Plumb and Henry Hodgden are

held and bound unto the State of Ohio in the sum

of one thousand dollars to be baisd on our goods &

chattels lands & animals if default be made in the

condition following which that the said Charles

Plumb has been duly Elected constable of Berkshire

Township at an Election held on the 1st day of

April 1839 Now if he shall perform the duties

appertaining to the office of Constable according

to law then this bond to be null and void

otherwise to remain in full force and active in

law. Berkshire April 3d 1839

Charles Plumb

Henry Hodgden

Endorsed on the back as


Approved M W Miller

B Carpenter 2d Trustees

A true copy

D Gregory


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 98)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 98)


[Page 98]

[corresponds to page 85 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]


Delaware County Berkshire Township p

To Charles Plumb Constable of said Township


Whereas we the undersigned overseers of

the poor of Berkshire Township have received

information that there has lately come into

said Township a certain man named John

Galpin who is not a resident thereof and

will be likely to become a Township charge

You are therefore commanded forthwith to warn

said John Galpin and family to depart out

of said Township and of this warrant make

service as the law directs.

Given under our hands this 9th day of April

1839 J P Crawford

Allen McLane overseers

of Poor

Served this warrant by having

a copy thereof at the residence

of the within named John Galpin

Berkshire April 10 1839 Charles Plumb

fees Service 12 1/2 Constable

mileage 15

27 1/2

A true copy of the warrant and service as

Endorsed D Gregory TC
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 99)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 99)


[Page 99]

[corresponds to page 86 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

List of Officers Elected April 1st 1839

For Township Trustees B Carpenter 2d - Robert Carpenter

and Miner W Miller

for Township Clerk David Gregory

Treasurer Amos Utley

Constables William Carpenter & Charles Plumb

overseers of Poor Allen McLane James P Crawford

Supervisors, 1st District Wm [m superscripted] G Vansickle 2d David

W Norton 3d Silas Dunham 4th B Carpenter 2d 5th

James Tharp 6th Rufus Carter 7th George Geist

8th George Landen 9th Thomas Perfect 10th Jeremiah [iah above]

Buel 11th Daniel Vandemark

Fence viewers Nathaniel Gregory Wm [m superscripted] G Shelton &

Justus T. Calhoun

Warrant issued to Charles Plumb Con on the 1st

April requiring him to serve the above named

persons to take the oath of office within ten days

thereafter before me or some justice of the peace which

warrant was returned by said Cons Endorsed 'Served this

Summons on the within named officers by reading it

to them April 6th 1839

fees service $1.70 D Gregory

mileage $1.50 Township Clerk

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 100)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 100)


[Page 100]

[corresponds to page 87 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Treasurers Bond

Know all men by these presents that we

Amos Utley and George Fisher of the Town

Ship of Berkshire County of Delaware and

State of Ohio are held and firmly bound to the

Trustees of Berkshire Township and their successors

in office in the sum of two hundred dollars for the

payment of which we bind ourselves our heirs

executors and administrators and assigns firmly

by these presents signed and sealed this 9th

day of April 1839

The condition of the above bond is that the

said Amos Utley was on the first day of the

present month Elected Treasurer of Berkshire

Township for the Ensuing year now if he shall

faithfully receive and pay over all monies

belonging to the Township according to law then

this obligation is to be null and void otherwise

to remain in full force and virtue in law

Signed and sealed in

presence of Amos Utley [seal]

George Fisher [seal]

Accepted by us B Carpenter 2d

M W Miller Trustees
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 101)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 101)


[Page 101]

[corresponds to page 88 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Treasurer's School Bond

Know all men by these present That we Amos

Utley and George Fisher of the Township of Berkshire

County of Delaware & State of Ohio are held and

firmly bound to the State of Ohio in the sum of

two thousand dollars for the payment of which we

bind ourselves our heirs executors administrators and

assigns firmly by these presents signed and sealed

this 9th day of April 1839

The condition of the above bond is that the said

Amos Utley was on the First day of the present

month Elected Treasurer of Berkshire Township for

the Ensuing year now if he shall faithfully execute

and pay over all school monies belonging to the

Township according to law then this obligation to

be null and void otherwise to remain in full

force and virtue in law

Signed & sealed

in the presence of Amos Utley [seal]

George Fisher [seal]

Accepted by us

B Carpenter 2d Trustees

M W Miller
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 102)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 102)


[Page 102]

[corresponds to page 89 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Special Session

At a special meeting of the Trustees of Berkshire

on the 20th Find [April 1939 above Find] present B Carpenter 2d and Miner

W Miller Trustees, to fill vacancies and Transact

other business pertaining to the Township

Ordered that a tax of two mills upon the dollar

of valuation in Berkshire Township be assessed

for Township purposes and to support the poor

the Ensuing year

We the Trustees of Berkshire Township do hereby

appoint David W Norton Supervisor of the

2d Road district. James Jones Supervisor of

1st Road district & Justus T Calhoun fence

viewer to fill vacancies in the said enumerated

offices April 20 1839 M W Miller

[illegible] D Gregory T.C B Carpenter 2d Trustees


On the 8th day of June 1839 The Trustees

issued and order to pay Samuel Carpenter 22

Dollars the balance due him for sustaining John

Blackman a pauper during the year 1838

We the Trustees of Berkshire Township hereby appoint

Robert Carpenter a Trustee of said Township

to fill a vacancy in said office

October 8th 1839

M W Miller Trustees

B Carpenter 2d [underlined]

Sworn as the law requires this Date above D Gregory T C
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 103)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 103)


[Page 103]

[corresponds to page 90 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

On the 8th day of October 1839 The Trustees

appointed the following named individuals as

jurors for the Ensuing year. Hurlbut Scovell,

William G ^Shelton ['Vansickle' crossed out], Joseph Prince, Amos Utley,

Thomas Perfect, Nicholas Manville, Samuel

Peck, Titus J Parker.

October 24th 1839 A special Election for a justice

of the peace was held to elect a successor to C

Armstrong whose commission had Expired [dash]

January 31-1840 Special Election was held

to Elect 2 justices of peace to succeed H Hodg

den & to fill vacancy occasioned by the non

acceptance of his commission by J Clarke

Henry Hodgden's commission as justice of

the peace is Dated February 17th 1840 as per

his report D Gregory T C
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 104)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 104)


[Page 104]

[corresponds to page 91 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

On the 1st Monday of March 1840 the Trustees

of Berkshire Township met at the usual place of holding

Elections to settle with Supervisors and to attend to

all business appertaining to their duties present

Robert Carpenter & Miner W Miller Trustees


David W Norton Supervisor of the 2d Road district

presented his account for settlement wherein he

accredited all the labor due from the individuals

in his district subject to full tax which was



James Jones Supervisor of the first road district

presented his account for settlement wherein

he had credited all his hands the amount of labor

charged Except Peck & John L Fletcher

the charge against Peck was omitted and a balance

found against the supervisor for $1.50 the amount

of Fletchers tax-


Jeremiah Buel Supervisor of the 10th Road district

presented his account for settlement wherein he

had credited all his hands the amount of labor

charged which was accepted


Rufus Carter Supervisor of 6th road district

presented his account for settlement wherein

he had credited to himself the amount of labor

charged Except 75 cts Due from Orson Boston

which was omitted by the Trustees
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 105)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 105)


[Page 105]

[corresponds to page 92 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Daniel Vandemark Supervisor of the 11th

Road district ^presented his account for settlement wherein he had credited the amount

of labor charged Except A W Crane which sum

was remitted in consequence of Crane's Death


On the 2d Day of March 1840 that part of Lot

number 20 that is now owned by Jacob Collum on the

3d Section 4th Township & 17th Range containing 50 A

is detached from Road District Number 10 and

attached to Road district number 11

by order of the Trustees

Order issued to Nathaniel Gregory for Three dollars

and ninety five cent payment for a scraper for road

Order issued to Allen McLane for twelve dollars

and six cents for clothing John Blackman a pauper

the past year

Also for one dollar & fifty cents for services as over

seer of Poor the past year

Also to James P Crawford for seventy five cents

for clothing for John Blackman this past year

Also for one dollar & fifty cents to James P Crawford

for services as overseer of poor the past year

Also to David A Ball ^for seventy five cents as clerk of Election for

Justice of peace on the 31 Jany last

Also to Hulburt Scovell for seventy five cents as

clerk of Election the 24 Octr last

Also to [illegible] Stockman for seventy five cents

as clerk of Election 24 Oct last
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 106)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 106)


[Page 106]

[corresponds to page 93 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

New Road District

Ordered by the Trustees

That there shall be a new road district which

shall be denominated the 12th road district formed

of parts of Districts 1 and two to be described

and bounded as follows - Beginning at the South

line of David T Sherman's lot in Discrict two then

West to the East line of the farm lately owned ^by T L Thrall 160 rods

and East to the East line of Section two_ North on

the State Road from D T Shermans to the North side of a

small bridge are cabins in the road nearly opposite to the

dwelling house of Henry Hodgden including said Hodg

dens House & East to section line - located 160 rods

on the South side of A Vromans house South to the

State road leading from Delaware to Berkshire thence

East including said State road to the section line

at the house of widow A Carpenter

March 2nd 1840 D Gregory T.C.


[Following paragraph crossed out]

A new district that shall be known as district

number 13 described & bounded by beginning at

the line dividing Berlin and Berkshire Townships

at the North line of Jeremiah Haskin's Farm on

which he resides - Thence East to the East side of

the farm lately owned by T L Thrall at the west

line of District 12 - including all the territory


[end of crossed out paragraph]

Order issued to D Gregory for $13.75 for services as

Township Clerk & stationary the past year Ending

March 2 1840
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 107)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 107)


[Page 107]

[corresponds to page 94 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Road District 13

Ordered by the trustees that there be a new

road district formed from parts of the first

and third districts and denominated the

13th District described and bounded as follows

to wit, beginning at the line dividing Berkshire

and Berlin Townships on the South side of the

State road leading from Delaware to Berkshire

Thence East including said road ^& the inhabitants immediately south of the road to the West

line of District 12 North to the North line

of Oliver Still's farm at the NW corner of S2

including so much of the road between Berkshire

and Berlin Township as is attached to Berkshire

thence East to the East line of the West tier of

lots in Section 2

March 2nd 1840 D Gregory T.C.

Application was made to the Trustees to alter

the 1st school district by detaching a part of said

District to Berlin which application was received

and the board adjourned to the first Monday

of April next at 9 o clock AM

Attest D Gregory T.C.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 108)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 108)


[Page 108]

[corresponds to page 95 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Treasurer's Report

Receipts and Expenditures of Berkshire Township

from the 1st Monday of March 1839 to the first Mon

day of March 1840

Balance of road fund in the treasury on the

4th day of March 1839 $28.465

June 5 1839 Recd [d superscripted] from County Treasurer 19.50


March 2 1840 Paid N Gregory an order 3.95

Balance of road money March 2 1840 $44.015


Balance in Treasury for Township and Poor on the

4th March 1839 $2.38

March 30th 1839 Recd [d superscripted] from County Treasurer 30.00

June 15 " " 9.44

July 3 A Smith & Hanc'e's note 27.00

Feby 26 1840 Recd [d superscripted] of County Treasurer 25.00

July 3d 1839 " note D Ports & F Williams 2.56

March 2d 1840 of D Gregory Delinquent fine 2.00



March 4th 1839 Paid T Carpenter $0.625

April 2d " " T Carpenter 26.875

April 2d " " D Gregory 1.50

" " S Carpenter .875

June 20 Paid S Carpenter 5.00

" " S Carpenter 2.00

24th " " S Orcutt 2.00

Feby 28-1840 Paid J Williams 3.00

March 2 " " J Patrick 14.81

56.67 1/- Continued
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 109)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 109)


[Page 109]

[corresponds to page 96 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

March 2 1840 Paid D Gregory $6.25

" " " J P Crawford 1.50

Treasurers percent 2.00


56.67 1/2

66.43 1/2



$31.945 Balance in the Treasury on the 2d Day of

March 1840 A Utley

T Treasurer

Order issued to James Jones for six dollars 87 1/2 cts

March 20th 1840 for bridge plank

Auditors office Delaware County Ohio

21st October 1839

To the Trustees of Berkshire Township: Gentlemen

You are required to cause to be opened and made the

following described ^new County road to wit, Beginning at the

Cuyahoga State road on the line between Sections 2 & 3

near the dwelling house of Melville Beach thence E

on said ^section line 271 Rods to the Bridge over Little Walnut

Creek thence N 67 degrees E 9 Rods 13 Links to the corner of lands

of the late G Carpenter & Cutler thence E on the line

between said Carpenter & Cutler 36 Rods to Road run

ning from Galena to Kingston, The above road was was Es

tablished by the board of Commissioners at their last

June session Sidney Moore A.D.C.

A true copy D. Gregory T.C.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 110)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 110)


[Page 110]

[corresponds to page 97 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

April 6 1840 The trustees issued an order to Allen

McLane for $2.37 1/2 for sustaining John Blackman

a pauper

Attest D Gregory T.C.

April 6 - Order issued to Charles Plum for services

as Con - two years ending this day

Also to B Carpenter 2d for six dollars for

services as trustee and for index boards this past year

Also to Charles Carpenter for $3.81 1/4 for

clothing for John Blackman a pauper
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 111)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 111)


[Page 111]

[corresponds to page 98 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

The following persons were Elected to the offices attached to

these names severally on the 6th Day of April 1840

to wit Robert Carpenter Minor W Miller and Moses Car

penter Trustees of Berkshire Township - David Gregory Township

Clerk - Amos Utley Township Treasurer, John W Loop

and John Cockrain and William Carpenter Constables

Nathan Dustin and Henry Hodgden over seers of poor

Norman Patrick James P Crawford & Charles Arnold

Fence viewers - Charles Plumb Supervisor of 1st Road District

1 District Duplicate issued

Elijah Vanaukin Supervisor of 2d District Duplicate issued

Jacob Bockover Supervisor of 3d District " "

Es S Carpenter " " 4th District " "

Winslow Bierce " " 5th District " "

[George Fisher crossed out] John Domigan Supervisor of 6th District " "

William Hubbard Supervisor of 7th District " "

Charles Armstrong " " 8th District " "

David W. Gaylord " " 9th District " "

Raymond Hults " " 10th District " "

Absalom Ports " " 11th District " "

Henry Hodgden " " 12th District " "

Vinal Thurston " " 13th District " "

[illegible] D Gregory T.C

April 6th 1840

Robert Carpenter M W Miller & Moses Carpenter were sworn

as Trustees before me D Gregory T. C. The oath of office as Town

ship Clerk was administered to me by H. Scovell j.P.

Warrant to notify officers & list issued to Chas Plumb

Apl 11 by C Plumb Con Endorsed served fees Mileage [illegible]

Service 2.00

Warrant [illegible]

[illegible] the Date above D Gregory T. C.

April 8 Henry Hodgden appeared & was sworn as overseer

of poor - also a supervisor of 12th Road district

Apl 9 Charles Plumb was sworn as Supervisor of 1st Road

district. E S Carpenter was sworn as Supervisor of 4th

District by H Scovell J.P. as per certificate Date April 6th
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 112)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 112)


[Page 112]

[corresponds to page 99 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

April 9th Wm [m superscripted] Carpenter appeared and was sworn as

Constable and produced his bond - as follows

$500 [underlined] - Know all men by these presents the we the undersigners

are held and firmly bound unto the State of Ohio in the just

and full sum of five hundred dollars which sum well and

truly to pay we hereby bind ourselves our heirs Executors and

administrators firmly by these presents witness our hands

and seals this 8th Day of April 1840 The condition of

the above bond is such that whereas the first of the under

signers has been Elected of the Township of Berkshire on

the 6th day of April 1840 Now therefore if William

Carpenter the first of the undersigners shall faithfully

perform the duties of his office of Constable for said

Berkshire Township and pay over all monies collected

by him in his office as Constable and which he may bind

to pay as required by law then this bond to be void and of

none Effect otherwise in full force in law

In presence of us- Wm [m superscripted] Carpenter [seal]

John Watson [seal]

E S Carpenter [seal]

A true copy

[illegible] D Gregory T.C.

Endorsed on the above bond

Accepted April 9 1840

Moses Carpenter Trustees

M W Miller
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 113)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 113)


[Page 113]

[corresponds to page 100 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Constable's bond

Know all men by these presents that we John

Cochran George Landen and Charles Woodruff

are held and firmly bound unto the State of

Ohio in the sum of five hundred dollars to the

payment of which well and truly to be made we

jointly and severally bind ourselves our heirs Exec

utors and administrators firmly by these presents

as witness our hands and seals this Eighth day

of April one thousand Eight hundred and forty

The condition of this obligation is such that where

as the above bound John Cochran was on the

sixth instant duly Elected a constable for Berkshire

Township Delaware County. Now if the aforesaid

John Cochran shall faithfully and diligently

discharge all the duties of is said office of Con

stable then this obligation shall be void and of no

Effect otherwise to be and remain in full force

and virtue in law John Cochran [seal]

George Landen [seal]

Attest Clark Woodruff [seal]

Amos W Condit Esq

Endorsed on the back of

the bond - The within bond approved

R Carpenter
M W Miller

Sworn as the law requires on

the 8th April 1840

as per certificate of

A W Condit Justice of peace

Attest D Gregory T.C
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 114)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 114)


[Page 114]

[corresponds to page 101 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

April 10th 1840 Absalom Ports appeared and

was sworn as Supervisor of 11th Road district

April 11 Jacob Bockoven appeared as was sworn as

Supervisor of the 3d road District

Normun Patrick fence viewer and David W Gaylord

Supervisor of 9th road district were sworn by Amos

W Condit as per certificate dated April 9th 1840

April 12th John Loofbowrow [sic Loofburrow] appeared and was

sworn as Constable 13th Vinal Thurston appeared and

was sworn as Superisor of the 13th road district

April 12 Elijah Vanauken supervisor of 2 District

and Raymond Hults Supervisor of 10th District appeared

and were sworn April 15th A Utley appeared &

was sworn as Township Treasurer & produced his bond

& Jas. P Crawford produced certificates from H

Hodgden J. P. that he was sworn as fence viewer

same date April 13th Nathan Dustin was sworn

as over Seer of poor by H Scovill justice of the peace

as per certificate Wm [m superscripted] Hibbard [sic Hubbard] Sup of 7th Dist &

Charles Armstrong Sup of 8th District were sworn April 14th

by A W Condit J P as per certificate

Charles Arnold was sworn as fence viewer April 11th before

H Scovill J P as per certificate
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 115)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 115)


[Page 115]

[corresponds to page 102 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Constable's Bond

Know all men by these present That we John

W Loofbowrow [sic Loofborrow] and James P Crawford are held

and firmly bound to the State of Ohio in the penal

Sum of five hundred dollars for the payment of which sum

well and truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs

Executors and administrators firmly by these present

Signed with our hands and sealed the 10th day of

April AD 1840

The condition of the above bond is that whereas the [word crossed out]

said named John W Loofbowrow [sic Loofburrow] was duly Elected

a Constable for Berkshire Township on the sixth day of

April Inst (1840) And if said John W shall

faithfully and diligently discharge all the duties

of his said office of Constable then the above obligation

is to be void otherwise to remain in full force and

virtue in law. John W Loofbowrow [sic Loofborrow] [seal]

Endorsed on the back J P Crawford [seal]

The within bond and

security is approved by us

M W Miller

R Carpenter Trustees

A true Copy

D Gregory T.C
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 116)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 116)


[Page 116]

[corresponds to page 103 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Treasurer's Bond

Know all men by these presents that we Amos

Utley are George Fisher are held and firmly bound

to the State of Ohio in the Sum of One thousand dollars

for the payment of which sum we do jointly and severally

bind ourselves our heirs and representatives

Sealed with our seals this 13th day of April in the

year one thousand Eight hundred and forty Whereas said

Amos Utley was on the 6th day of April 1840 duly

Elected Treasurer of Berkshire Township in Delaware

County now if the said Treasurer shall faithfully dis

burse and pay over according to law all such school or

other public funds and monies as shall from time to

time come into his hands for school purposes then

this obligation to be void otherwise to be and remain

in full force. Amos Utley [seal]

Signed and sealed George Fisher [seal]

in presence of The written hand

John Fisher Approved

R Carpenter

M W Miller Trustees

A true copy

D Gregory T.C.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 117)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 117)


[Page 117]

[corresponds to page 104 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Know all men by these presents That we Amos Utley

and George Fisher are held and firmly bound to the Trustees

of Berkshire Township and their successors in office in the sum

of five hundred dollars for the payment of which we do

jointly and severally bind ourselves our heirs and repre

sentatives Sealed with our seals this 13th day of April 1840

Whereas said Amos Utley was on the 6th day of April

1840 duly Elected Treasurer of Berkshire Township in

Delaware County and State of Ohio for the Ensuing

year Now if the said Utley shall faithfully receive

and pay over according to law all monies which

shall come into his hands for Township and road

purposes then this obligation to be void otherwise to

be and remain in full force.

Signed and sealed Amos Utley [seal]

In the presence of George Fisher [seal]

John Fisher

The written bond


R Carpenter

M W Miller Trustees

A true copy D. Gregory T.C.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 118)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 118)


[Page 118]

[corresponds to page 105 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Allocation of 1st School District continued

April 6th 1840 at 9 o clock A.M. The Trustees

met pursuant to adjournment adjournment present

Robert Carpenter and M W Miller where the

Applicants produced the following written


I certify that the number of housholders

in the first chool district Berkshire Township

is according to my Estimation Thirty Eight

Henry Hodgden


The undersigned housholders in said district

do grant our consent that Thomas Dunham

Wm [m superscripted] Beddoe and Walter Manter shall be set

off from said district

Ichabod Plumb, Henry Hodgden, [illegible]

Bingham, Clark Brunson, Charles Plumb, Horace

Plumb, Wm [m superscripted] G Vansickle Joshua Gifford

Jonathan Hibbs, D.F Sherman, John M

Frost, Alexander Thrall, A. Vroman, David

Plumb, John L. Fletcher, J.P. Crawford

David Landen Ebenezer Landen J W

Loofbowrow [sic Loofborrow], Elijah Carney, James Jones, 21

We do certify that the number of housholders

in the first school district Berlin Township

amounts to twenty Joseph [illegible]

Benjamin Pratt

N Roloson [illegible]

The undersigned housholders in the above named

x school district do grant our consent That Thomas Dunham
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 119)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 119)


[Page 119]

[corresponds to page 106 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Wm [m superscripted] Beddoe, and Walter Manter shall be attached

to said district

Benjamin Pratt, [two words illegible], Mager [sic Major]

Mantor [sic Manter], Levi Roloson, John Roloson, Jacob

Roloson Silas Dunham, Samuel N Myers, John

G Myers, N Roloson J B Haskins, J Haskins

Jonathan Dunham John Manter 14

And the Trustees being satisfied that a majority

of the housholders has [crossed out] of the districts above men

tioned had signified their willingness to the alter

ation of the school district declares that Thomas

Dunham Wm [m superscripted] Beddoe and Walter Manter with

their property shall henceforward ^be detached from

the first school district of Berkshire Township

and orders record therof to be made

April 6th 1840

Attest D Gregory T.C.

The following is a list of Jurors selected

October 13th 1840, to wit, Wm G Shelton

Joseph Patrick John M Frost Charles

Armstrong Daniel Vandemark George B

Carpenter David C Carpenter Stiles J

Parker D Gregory T.C
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 120)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 120)


[Page 120]

[corresponds to page 107 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Special Session of the Trustees of Berkshire

Township met at the usual place of holding

Elections on the 25th day of April 1840 present

Rober Carpenter M W Miller and Moses

Carpenter Trustees. To take into consideration the

amount of tax to be levied for Township and

poor purposes the present year

Ordered by the board that for Township and poor

purposes there be levied one and a half mills on the

dollar of valuation the present year

Attest D Gregory T.C.

Order issued to Moses Carpenter for $4.00 as over

seer of Poor in 1838. Also $2,25 for judge of

Election one day in 1839 and two days as Trustee

Ending this day Also to M W Miller $4.50

as Trustee ^6-days ending this day Also to Robert Carpenter

for 5 days as Trustee Ending this day Also to D Gregory

as Township Clerk and stationary $8.37 [illegible] Ending this day.

Atest D Gregory T.C.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 121)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 121)


[Page 121]

[corresponds to page 108 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

We the Trustees of Berkshire Township hereby appoint

John Domigan Supervisor of the sixth road district

of Berkshire Township to supply a vacancy in said

district M. W. Miller

April 25 1840 R. Carpenter Trustees

Moses Carpenter

Attest D Gregory T.C.

Sworn the date above & recd [d superscripted] road duplicate

The board then adjourned
D Gregory T.C.

May 22-1840

Order issued to Sylvester Orcutt for $67-32 for

sustaining John Blackman a pauper in full up

to May 9th 1840.

May 28 1840 order issued to Charles Plumb for

three dollars and forty cents for services as Constable

October 13th 1840 order by the Trustees (a full board

being present) That the Township ^Clerk shall not be

required to visit district schools the present schoolyear

Attest D. Gregory TC
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 122)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 122)


[Page 122]

[corresponds to page 109 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

On the 1st Monday of March 1841 The Trustees

of Berkshire Township met at the usual place of

holding Elections at 9 o clock A M present Robert

Carpenter Moses Carpenter and Miner W Miller

Trustees. The ^board organized [illegible] for business. John

Domigan Supervisor of 6th road district Exhibited his

account for settlement wherein he had credited to

himself the amount of labor due from the tax payers

in his district which was accepted [line]

Charles Armstrong Supervisor of 8th road District

Exhibited his account for settlement wherein he had

credited all the hands of his district with the labor

charged to them which was accepted

Elijah Vanauken Supervisor of 2d Road district

Exhibited his account for settlement wherein he had

credited all the hands of his district with the labor

charged to them which was accepted

Order issued to Melville Beach for one dollar and

fifty cents (for iron to put on scraper) payable out of

road funds

Henry Hodgden Supervisor of 12th Road district Exhibited

his account for settlement wherein he had credited all the

hands the amount of labor charged [line] and charged for him

self 2 days extra on our work which was accepted and order

issued for one dollar & fifty cents
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 123)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 123)


[Page 123]

[corresponds to page 110 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Order issued to H Hodgden overseer of poor (for ser

-vices the past year & [illegible] for John Blackman a pauper)

for five dollars

Also to McLean and Sherman for six dollars 12 1/2 cents

for clothing for John Blackman a pauper

Also to Allen McLean for five dollars house rent for

Mrs Kay a pauper

Also to Sylvester Orcutt for forty dollars in part for sustain

ind John Blackman a pauper for the year Ending May

9th 1841

Also to Elijah Vanaukin for one dollar out of road fund

Absalom [illegible] Supervisor of 11th Road district Exhib

ited his account for settlement wherein he had credited

the full amount of labor to his hands as charged

which was accepted

Jacob Bockeven Supervisor of 3d Road district Exhibited

his account for settlement wherein he had credited all

the work of all his hands which was accepted

Order issued to Nathan Dustin overseer of poor for

services the ^year $2,25

Application was made by citizens of the 8th school

district to divide the same which application was re

ceived and continued to the 1st monday of April

next at 9 o clock A. M. the Township Treasurer Exhib

it Ed his accounts for settlement which examined &

found correct - the board then adjourned to the first

Monday of April next at 9 oclock A.M.

D Gregory T.C.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 124)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 124)


[Page 124]

[corresponds to page 111 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

The following is a statement of the receipts and Expendi

-tures of Berkshire Township from the second day

of March 1840 to the first day of March 1841, to wit,

Balance of funds in the Treasury for road purposes

on the 2d day of March 1840 $44 01 1/2

May 27 Recd [d superscripted] of County Treasurer 35 43

$79.44 1/2

7 08 [illegible]

Expenditure of road fund Balance $72.360

Paid James Jones on order $6.87 1/2

Treasurer's percent 21

[dashes] $7.08 1/2


Township ^& poor purposes

Balance in the Treasury on the 2d day of

March 1840 [dashes] $31.94 1/4

May 27th Recd [d superscripted] of County Treasurer 174.48

Feby. 24 1841 Recd [d superscripedt] of County Treasurer 146.78

March 1st " Recd [d superscripted] of H Hodgden 5.62 1/2

$358.82 1/2

Expenditures for Township and

poor purposes $

1840 May 28 Paid D. Gregory on order $ 6.81 1/4

" " " 8 37 1/2

" " " 13.75

" " " 41

" S Orcut " 67.32

" Robert Carpenter 3.75

" ' ' " 2.25

" M W Miller " 4.50

" " " .92

" S Carpenter " 17.00
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 125)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 125)


[Page 125]

[corresponds to page 112 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Paid Charles Plumb on order $5.27

" J P Crawford " .75

" A. McLean " 12.06

" " " 2.37

" " " 1.50

" Wm Carpenter " .97

" Saml Carpenter " 9.12 1/2

" Moses Carpenter " 4.00

" " " 2.25

" Charles Plumb " 3.40

" Cha[ supersccripted] Carpenter 3.81

" N Gregory " 2,02.1/2

" " " 3,36

" H Scovell " 75

" D A Ball 75

" B Carpenter 2d " 6.18

" J W Manville 5.15

" N Patrick 3.49

" C Armstrong 2.25

[illegible] D Ports 2.56 Township ^& poor credits

Treasurer percent 5.95 $ 358.82 1/2

March 1st, 1841 paid H Hodgden 5 00 Expenses 211.49
" " " 1.50 Balance $ 147.34

Treasurer's per cent 16 1/2



Balance in the Treasury for road purposes on the 1st day

of March 1841 $72.36

For township and poor purposes $147.34 cts
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 126)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 126)


[Page 126]

[corresponds to page 113 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

April 5th 1841 at 9 oclock A.M. The Trustees met

pursuant to adjournament present Miner W. Miller

Robert Carpenter, Moses Carpenter Trustees when the

following petition was considered

To the Trustees of Berkshire Township

Your [illegible] legal voters of the Eighth school

district in said Township respectfully request that

south district Extend so far north as to the

centre of lot twenty the balance to be formed

into another district

March 1st 1841

Hiram Carpenter, Daniel Vandemark, Robert

Luddoth, Jared Utley Enos Dar, Alvin

T Belt, Jonathan Maring, J S [illegible]

George W Closson, J R Weeks, Benjamin Emerson

James Rose, John Dirst, Willian H Rose,

Absalom Ports, Jacob Collum John Nielson

Daniel Hoover Joel Cleveland

The board being satisfied that a majority of all

the housholders ['had sig' crossed out] of said school district num-

ber Eight had signed the above petition and that

the intention to present the same had been duly

advertised ordered that the alter in said school

^district be made as prayed for, that part lying north of

the division line on lot 20 shall be Known as

the 8th district and that part that lies South of

Said line shall be Known as school district

number ten
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 127)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 127)


[Page 127]

[blank page]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 128)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 128)


[Page 128]

[corresponds to page 114 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Raymond Hults Supervisor of 10th Road district

Exhibited his account for settlement wherein he had

credited all the labor due from all the hands in his

district and charged 2 days over work praying to be

credited 2 days for next years tax which was accepted


Winslow Bierce Supervisor of 5th Road district Exhib

-ited his account for settlement wherein he had cred

ited all the work to all the hands in his district and

charged charged in addition for superintending the hands

three dollars at 75 cts per day which was accepted and [illegible]


April 5 1841 order issued to James P Crawford for $5.00 for

coffin for Elon Stockwell decd [d superscripted] Also to David A Ball

for 75 cts as clerk of Elections this day also to Moses

Moses Carpenter for $ 1.50 cts. also to Robert Carpenter

$1.50 also to M W Miller $1.50. Also to D Gregory

service as clerk up to this day D Gregory T C

Wm [m superscripted] Hibbirt Supervisor of 7th Road district

produced his acc ount for settlemenl wherein he

he had credited his hands for all the labor due

in his district which was accepted
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 129)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 129)


[Page 129]

[corresponds to page 115 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

The following persons were Elected to the affixed

to their names severally on the 5th day of April

1841, to wit, James P Crawford

Moses Carpenter Trustees

Robert Carpenter

Henry Hodgden Township Clerk

Amos Utley Township Treasurer

Riley Parker Wm Carpenter Saml [l superscripted] Conley (Constables [above]

Daniel Vandemark V C Atherton Overseers of poor

Jas [s superscripted] Jones Nathl [l superscripted] Jones David A Ball Fence viewers

Supervisors-1 District Joseph Prince

2 " Wm [m superscripted] G Shelton

3 " Harvey Johnson

4 " Nathan Dustin

5 Winslow Bierced

6 George Laop [sic Loop}

7 " Nathaniel Jones

8 " James Sharp

9 Enoch Domigan

10 Jerimiah Buel

11 " Jared Utley

12 " A H Humiston

13 " Silas Dunham

Joseph Prince and Horace Plumb received Each an

Equal number of votes for Supervisor in the first

road district the Trustees drew lots for them and

the choice fell on Joseph Prince. who was the declar

ed duly Elected Supervisor of the district aformen

tioned [dash].

Moses Carpenter & Robert Carpenter Trustees & D A Ball

fence viewer severally [illegible] and were sworn as the

law directs April 5 - 1841
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 130)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 130)


[Page 130]

[corresponds to page 116 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

On the 6th day of April 1841 H Hodgden appeared

and was sworn as the law directs to perform the duties of

Township Clerk before me. D Gregory T. C


On the 9th of April 1841 James P Crawford

came before me and ^was sworn as the law requires

to perform the duties of Trustee.

H Hodgden T.C.

Same day Harvey Johnson Winslow Bierce

Joseph Prince appeared and were sworn

according to law to each perform the duties

of Supervisor for their respective districts

by me H Hodgden T.C.


On the 12th day of April 1841 personably came

Jeremiah Buel and sworn as the law re

quired to perform the duties of Supervisor

Henry Hodgden T C


Same day Silas Dunham came before me and

was sworn to perform the duties of supervisor

according to law by me Henry Hodgden T C.


April the 12th 1841 Daniel Van Dermark came

before me and took the oath of office as

Overseer of the the poor before me

Henry Hodgden

On the 13th April 1841 Riley Parker T.C.

came before me and took the oath of

office as constable of Berk shire and [illegible]

his bond of which the following is a copy

see next page


On the 14th day of April

Wm G Shelton as the law requires

to perform the duties of Supervisor

H Hodgden T C
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 131)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 131)


[Page 131]

[corresponds to page 117 of the Berkshire Township Record Book No. 2]

Riley Parker Constable bond

Know all persons by these presents that we Riley

Parker and Elijah Van Auken are held and

firmly bound unto the State of Ohio in the penal

sum of five hundred dollars for the payment

of which we bind ourselves our heirs executors

and administrators firmly by these presents

In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our

names and affixed our seals this 12th day of

April 1841

The condition of this bond is such that whereas the

above bound Riley Parker was duly elected

Constable for Berkshire Township on the fifth day

of April 1841 And if the said Riley Parker

shall discharge all the duties of said office

of Constable according to law then this bond to

be null and void otherwise to remain in

full force and virlue in law

(signed) Riley Parker [S]

( [illegible]) Elijah Vanauken [S]

Endorsed The within approved

Robert Carpenter

Moses Carpenter Trustees

A True copy

Attest Henry Hodgden Clerk [underlined]


On the 14th day of April 1841 Jared Utley who

is elected supervisor of the 11th road district

came before me and was sworn as the law

requires to perform the duties of said office by me

Henry Hodgden Clerk [underlined]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 132)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 132)


[Page 132]

[corresponds to page 118 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Know all men by these presents that we the undersign [ers above undersign]

are held and firmly bound unto the State of Ohio in the

just and full sum of five hundred dollars to which

payment well and to be made we bind ourselves

our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by

these presents signed with our hands and sealed

with our seals and dated the twelfth day of April

AD 1841

The condition of the above obligation is such that

whereas the first named of the undersigners

has been duly elected Constable on the fifth day of

April 1841 [line] Now therefore if the first named

undersignor shall well and truly do and per

form all and singular the duties appertain

ing to the office of Constable aforesaid and

Shall collect pay over and account for all

monies which by law he should do without fraud

or unlawful delay then this obligation to be

void ['otherwise' crossed out] and of none effect otherwise to

remain in full forcse and virtue in law

Signed sealed and delivered the day and year first

above written

In presents of Wm Carpenter [seal]

Edgar Westervelt W Nance [seal]

N Dustin [seal]

Endorsed Approved

Moses Carpenter

Robert Carpenter [Trustees]

A true copy Attest

Henry Hodgden Clerk [underlined]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 133)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 133)


[Page 133]

[corresponds to page 119 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Accompanying the above bond was the following

vis State of Ohio Delaware County [illegible]

It is hereby certified that Wm Carpenter appeared

before me Hurlbut Scovell a Justice of the peace

in and for said County and made ^solemn oath to support the

Constitution of the United States and of this State also

the necessary oath of office as Constable

April 14th 1841 H Scovell Justice of the peace


On the 14th day of April 1841 Amos Utley (who was on

the 5th inst elected Treasurer of Berkshire township)

came before me and was Sworn as the law requires

to perform the duties of Treasurer of Berkshire town

ship by me Henry Hodgden Clerk [underlined]

Also produced the following


Know all men by these presents that we Amos

Utley and George Fisher are held and firmly bound

to the Trustees of Berkshire township & there success

-ors in office in the sum of three hundered

dollars for the payment of which we do joint

ly and Severally bind ourselves our heirs

executors and administrators firmly by

these presents signed with our hands

and Sealed with our Seals this 14th day of

April 1841

The condition of the above Bond is that

that the said Amos Utley was on the 5th inst

elected Treasurer of Berkshire township

for the insuing year now if he shall
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 134)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 134)


[Page 134]

[corresponds to page 120 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

faithfully receive and pay over all monies be-

=longing to said township according to law then

this obligation to be null and void otherwise to

be and remain in full force and virtue in law

Signed in presence of Amos Utley [seal]

Sally Fisher George Fisher [seal]

Endorsed The within bond approved by us

R Carpenter

J P Crawford Trustees

A true copy Attest

Henry Hodgden Clerk [underlined]

Also the following


Know all men by these presents that we

Amos Utley and George Fisher are held

and firmly bound to the State of Ohio in

the penal Sum of one thousand dollars

for the payment of which we do jointly

and severally bind our selves our heirs

executors and administrators Sealed with

our Seals this 16 day of April 1841

Whereas the said Amos Utley was on the

5th Instant duly elected treasurer of

Berkshire township in Delaware County

Now if the said treasurer shall faith

fully disburse and pay over according

to law all such sc^h^ool or other public

funds and money and moneys as

shall from time to time come into

into his hands for school purposes
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 135)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 135)


[Page 135]

[corresponds to page 121 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

then this bond to be void otherwise to be and

remain in full force

Amos Utley [seal]

Signed in the presence George Fisher [seal]

of Sally Fisher

A true copy Attest

Henry Hodgden Clerk


State of Ohio Delaware County [illegible]

Be it remembered that on the 14th day of

April AD 1841 personally appeared the within

V.C Atherton and took the oath to support

the Constitution of the United States and of

this State & also the oath of office of one

of the overseers of the poor for the township

of Berkshire

Taken this 16th day of April AD 1841 before me

Amos W Condit J. P.

A true copy Attest

Henry Hodgden Clerk


On the 16th day of April 1841 Riley Parker

Constable made return of the following war

rant issued by the overseers of poor vis

Delaware County Berkshire township [illegible]

To any Constable of said township Greeting

Whereas we the undersigned overseers of the

poor of Berkshire township have received

information that there have come into

the township a certain poor man and
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 136)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 136)


[Page 136]

[corresponds to page 122 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

and family named Wm Robison and a certain

poor woman and family who are not legal

residents thereof and will likely to become

a township charge you are therefore commanded

forthwith to warn said W Robison and said poor wom

-an ['and' crossed out] Mrs Hadley and their families to depart

out of said township and of this warrant make

legal service as the law directs

Given under our hands and seals this 15th

day of April 1841

V.C. Atherton [seal]

Daniel Vandermark [sic Vandemark][seal]

Issued this on the 16th day of April 1841

by reading the same to Wm Robison the

reputed father of the following children

Also to them named as follows given

to me as follows Robert Robison Joshua

Robison Joseph Robison Also to Mar

garet Hadley and Clara Jane Hadley

Constable fees Mileage 20 Service 150 $170

Riley Parker Constable

A true copy

Attest Henry Hodgden Clerk [underlined]

On the 24th day of April 1841 Amos W

Condit one of the Justice of the peace

for Berkshire township gave verbal no

tice that he had resigned his commis

sion of office
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 137)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 137)


[Page 137]

[corresponds to page 123 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

On the 24th of April 1841 the following certificates

State of Ohio Delaware County [illegible]

Be it remembered that on the 14th day of April

1841 personally came before me Nathaniel Jones

and the oath to support the Constitution of the

United States and also of this State and the

oath of Office as Supervisor and of fecne


Taken before me

Amos W Condit J P

Atrue copy Attest

Henry Hodgden Clerk [underlined]

Same day the foll owing was handed in

State of Ohio Delaware County [illegible]

Personally appeared before me Hurlbut

Scovell a Justice of the peace in and for

Said county Enoch Domigan and was duly

Sworn according to law to perform the duties

of ['Just' crossed out] supervisor for Berkshire township

H Scovell J P

April 12th 1841

Atrue copy Attest

Henry Hodgden Clerk [underlined]

Same day (April 24th) the following certification

was received

State of Ohio Delaware County [illegible]

Be it remembered that on the 14th day of

April 1841 personally appeared James

Sharp and took the necessary oath to sup

port the Constitution of the United States
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 138)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 138)


[Page 138]

[corresponds to page 124 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

and of this state and the necessary oath of office

as Supervisor of the eight district Berkshire


Amos W Condit J P

A true copy Attest

Henry Hodgden Clerk [underlined]

On the 1st day of May 1841 Moses Carpenter Robert

Carpenter and James P Crawford Trustees of

Berkshire township met at the house of Henry

Hodgden to transact township business Henry

Hodgden Clerk present and acting as


Ordered that John Fisher be paid seventy

five cents as Clerk of the township election

in 1840.

Ordered that John M Frost be appointed

Supervisor of the 12th road district in place

of A H Homiston who was elected and refused

to serve

George Loop elected as supervisor of the 6 road

district was excused from serving as

Supervisor and Rufus Carter was appoint

ed as Supervisor of the 6th road district

to fill said vacancy

James Jones Supervisor of the first road ['road'crossed out] dis

trict for the year 1839 ['for' crossed out] produced a receipt

for two dollars from Chas Plumb his successor

in office it being the balance due the township

from said ['township' crossed out] Jones
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 139)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 139)


[Page 139]

[corresponds to page 125 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

James Jones was appointed fence viewer and took

the oath of office

['Scovill' crossed out] C S Carpenter supervisor of the 4th road

district presented his account all settled and

['the' crossed out] balanced

Ordered by the Trustees that there be a tax levied

for township purposes to the amount of one mill

on the dollar of valuation for the current year

Ordered that John W Loofburrow constable be

allowed four dollars twenty cents for notify

ing township officers Adjourned H Hodgden

township [illegible]

On the 8th an order was issued directed to any con

stable of Berkshire township requiring him to forth-

-with notify John M Frost that he was appointed

by the Trustees Supervisor of the 12th road distri

ct and Rufus Carter that he was appointed

by the same suppervisor of the 6th road district

and requiring each of them to be and appear

within ten days of this appointment (May 1st 1841)

before the township Clerk or some justice of the peace

of the township and take the necessary oath of office

which order was returned same day by Riley Parker.

Constable endorsed served by reading to each

of the persons appointed to office fee Mileage 20 -

Service 20 [line]0, 40 H Hodgden T.C.

On the tenth day of May 1841 John M Frost came

and took the oath office as Supervisor of the 12

road district before me H Hodgden T.C.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 140)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 140)


[Page 140]

[corresponds to page 126 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Thomas Palmer Fanny Palmer and Matilda

nolified to depart the township

State of Ohio Delaware Co [illegible]

To any Constabbe of Berkshire township Greeting

Whereas complaint has been made to us Over

seers of the poor for the township aforesaid

that Thomas Palmer Fanny Palmer and

Matilda Palmer who reside in Berkshire

township and have not gained a legal

residence and who are likely to be come a

township charge These are therefore to comma

nd you that you forthwith proceed to warn

Said Palmer to forthwith depart said Berk

=shire township and of this will make

legal Service and due return to the Town

=ship Clerk

Given under our hands and seals this 8th 1841

(Signed) V C Atherton over

D Vandermark [sic Vandemark] seers of

Endorsed recd of this warrant May 18th 1841 the poor

Served by copy on Fanny Palmer copy left at her

residence in the hands of D A Ports of lawful age

Served on Thomas and Matilda Palmer by

reading Service 75 Mileage 15 [line] $090

May 19th 1841 (Signed) Riley Parkes Constable

Recorded May 21st 1841

A true copy Attest

Henry Hodgden Clerk [underlined]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 141)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 141)


[Page 141]

[corresponds to page 127 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

On the 22d day of May 1841 an election held for a

Justice of the to fill the vacancy occasioned by

the resignation of Amos W Condit esq George Landon

was elected

Orders issued by the Trustees on the township

treasurer vis

In favor of Robert Carpenter Trustee for one

days service at extra session May 1st 1841 $0,75

In favor of the same for one day holding election

for Justice of the peace May 22d 1841 75 [underlined]

In favor of Moses Carpenter trustee for one day's

service at extra session May 1 1841 0 75

In favor of the same for one day's service holding

election Justice of the peace May 22d 1841 75 [underlined] 1,50

In favor of J P Crawford trustee for one day's

service at extra session May 1st 1841 $0,75

In favor of the same for one day holding

election for Justice of the peace May 22d 1841 75 [underlined] 150

In favor of Henry Hodgden T.C. for one day

service at extra session May 1st 1841 75

In favor of same for one day atten^ding elec

-tion for Justice of the peace May 22d 1841 75

In favor of the same for making out and

transmitting to the different supervisors

thirteen duplicates and recording eleven pages

of record & one quise of paper 531 [underlined] 681

In favor of Riley Parker Constable for ['war' crossed out]

issuing warrants to notify persons to leave the

township & notify township officers of this ap

pointment by the trustees 300 [underlined]

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 142)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 142)


[Page 142]

[corresponds to page 128 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

In favor of H Scovill Clerk of election May 22 1841

In favor of Sylvester Orcott [sic Orcutt] the balance 75

due him for Keeping John Blakman a pau

per for the year ending May 9th 1841 10 75

The above orders pays off all claims against

the township as far as Known

The Trustees exonerated Rufus Carter from serving

as Supervisor of the 6th road distrcit and appointed

George Fisher as Supervisor of said district who

came before me and look the necessary oath of

office May 27th 1841 H Hodgden T.C.

On the 26th day of May 1841 Wm Carpenter const

made return of the following warrant vis

State of Ohio Delaware County [illegible]

To any Constable of Berkshire township


Whereas complaint has been made

to us Overseers of the poor for the township

aforesaid that George C Coe and fam

=ily are likely to become a township charge

You are hereby required forthwith to

warn said Coe and each member of

his family who resides in said town-

=ship to forthwith depart said town-

ship and of this writ make legal ser

-vice and due return to the Clerk

of said township

Given under our hands & seals this

1st day of May 1841

(Signed) V.C. Atherton Overseer

Daniel Vandermark [sic Vandemark] of the poor
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 143)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 143)


[Page 143]

[corresponds to page 129 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Endorsed Served the within warrant on

George C Coe & Sephera Coe his wife & Frank-

lin Coe George W Coe his sons & Frances Coe

by reading to the whole of the members of

said family on the twentieth day of May 1841

3 Miles 15

Service 125 145 Wm Carpenter

May 20 1841 Constable

A true copy of the warrant and service as en

dorsed Attest Henry Hodgden T.C.

Recorded May 28th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County [illegible]

To any of Berkshire township Greeting

Whereas complaint has been made to us

Overseers of the poor for the township aforesaid

that one Israel Houseworth his wife and fam-

-ily are likey to become a township charge, these

are therefore to require you that you forthwith

proceed to warn said Houseworth his wife and

all ^other members of his family that may be found in said township

of Berkshire to forthwith depart said township

and of this writ make legal Service and due

return to the Clerk of the township

Given under our hands & seals this 8th day

of May 1841

(Signed) V C Atherton Overseers

Daniel Vandermark [sic Vandemark] of the poor

On the 26th day of May 1841 William Carpenter

Constable made ['the' crossed out] return of the warrant

Endorsed as follows vis
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 144)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 144)


[Page 144]

[corresponds to page 130 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Served the within warrant by reading to

Israel Houseworth & Catharen Houseworth his

wife & William Houseworth his Son in presence

of them all by me read

fees Mileage 010 (signed) William Carpenter

Service 75 85 Constable

May 22d 1841

A true copy of the warrant and service as

endorsed Attest Henry Hodgden T.C.

Recorded May 28th 1841

June 14th 1841 order issued by the Trustees to

Nathaniel Jones for four ['years' crossed out] dollars out

of the road funds

June 15th 1841 An order issued for four

dollars to James Sharp Supervisor for the pur

pose of purchasing scraper for the 8th road district

Trustees issued an order to Wm Carpenter

for three dollars & five cents for services

as constable June 14th 1841

July 21 1841 George Landon presented his

commisson as Justice of the peace bearing

date June 17th 1841
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 145)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 145)


[Page 145]

[corresponds to page 131 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

State of Ohio Delaware County [illegible]

To Riley Parker Constable of Berkshire township


Whereas complaint has been made to us over -

seers of the poor for the township aforesaid that

Charles Barnes who [word crossed out] resides in said Berk

Shire township and who has not gained a residence

and who is likely to become a township charge

these are therefore to command you that you

forthwith proceed to warn said Barnes forth

with to depart said township and of this

writ make legal service and due return

to the township Clerk

Given under our hands & seals this 25th Aug


Daniel Vandermark [sic Vandemark][seal]

VC Atherton [seal]

Overseers of poor

Endorsed [line] Served by reading

Service 25 mileage 10 0.35

August 27th 1841 R Parker Constable

Atrue copy of the warrant and service as

endorsed Attest Henry Hodgden T.C.

September 1st 1841

[illegible] 15th Trustees issued an ^order on a certificate

of the Overseers of the poor to Henry Brookens

for twelve dollars in part pay for Keeping

John Blackman a pauper

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 146)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 146)


[Page 146]

[corresponds to page 132 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Lists of Jurors selected by the Trustees

of Berkshire ['to' crossed out] (a full board present)

on the 13th October 1841 vis Alvin T Belt

Minor W Miller Cornelius Moore Nicholas

Cook Nathan Dustin Norman Patrick

Charles Plumb and Joel Cleavland

Ordered that Seventy five cents be paid

to H Hodgden for a book of records for

school purposes

Ordered that there be appropreated (by

the Trustees) twenty five dollars to assist

in building a bridge across little walnut

near [illegible] Young Order issued to Henry Hod

gden out of the road funds

Order issued to Enock Domegan for four

dollars out of the road funds for scraper

for the 9th district

Order issued to Nathaniel Jones for three

dollars in addition to four dollars [word crossed out]

heretofore issued for a scraper for the 7th

road district all out of the road funds

['Or' crossed out] At a meeting of the Trustees of Berk

Shire township a full board being

present Ordered that the Township

Clerk be excused from visiting the dis

trict schools in said township

Berkshire Nov 27th 1841

Attest Henry Hodgden


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 147)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 147)


[Page 147]

[corresponds to page 133 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No.2]

Orders - issued to Moses Carpenter one day's service

as Judge of special election Nov 27th 1841 $1.00

to R Carpenter for one days service as Judge

of special election Nov 27th 1841 1.00

to J P Crawford for one day's service

as Judge of special election Nov 27th 1841 1.00

To A G Bell for one days service as

Clerk of special election Nov 27th 1841 1.00

Henry Hodgden for one day's service as

Clerk of special election Nov 27 1841 1.00



to warn Hugh Wells and family to leave the tp

"Delaware County Berkshire Township Ohio

to any Constable Greeting

Whereas complaint has been made to us

Overseers of the poor of the township aforesaid

that Hugh Wells and family reside in

said township and have not gained a ['legal' crossed out]

residence and who are likely to become a town

ship charge. These are therefore to command

you forthwith to proceed to warn said Wells

and family to forthwith to leave the said town

ship and of this writ make legal service

and due return to the township Clerk

Given under our hands and seals this 10th

Dec 1841

Elizabeth Wells Daniel VanDermark [sic Vandemark]

Clark Wells V C Atherton

Jane Wells Overseers of the poor

Emiline Wells, Isaac Wells Elizabeth Wells second

and Polly Wells
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 148)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 148)


[Page 148]

[corresponds to page 134 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No.2]

Endorsed Served by copy on Hugh

Wells and by reading on the following named

person viz Elizabeth Wells the wife of Hugh Wells,

Clark Wells Jane Wells Emiline Wells

Isaac Wells Elizabeth Wells Polly Wells

their children Dec the 13th 1841

Riley Parker Constable

Mileage 15 cts

Service 2 00

2 15

Recorded Dec 15th 1841

A true copy attest Henry Hodgden Clerk[unerlined]

On the 18th Jany 1842 Riley Parker constable made

return of a warrant as follows viz

State of Ohio Delaware County Berkshire Township [illegible]

To any constable of Berkshire Township Greeting

Whereas we the undersigned overseers of the poor

of Berkshire township have received informa

-tion that there has lately come into said

township a certain man named Moses Tor

rence and family who are not legal residents

of thereof and will be likely to become a town

ship charge. You are therefore commanded

forthwith to warn said Moses Torrence and

family to depart out of said township and

of this warrant make service and due


Given under our hands ['and seals' crossed out] this 30th day of

December 1841 V C Atherton

Daniel Vandermark [sic Vandemark]

Overseers of the poor
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 149)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 149)


[Page 149]

[corresponds to page 135 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No.2]

Endorsed I have served this by reading to the foll

owing named persons Moses Torrence Eliza his

wife William Torrence Mortimore Torrence George Tor

rence & Mary Elizabeth Torrence their children

fees service 150

Mileage 15 Riley Parker constable


Jan 15th 1842

Recorded Jan 18th 1842

A true copy Attest Henry Hodgden T.C.
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 150)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 150)


[Page 150]

[corresponds to page 136 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

On the first monday in March (the 7th) 1842

The trustees viz Moses Carpenter Robert Carpenter

James P Crawford present and Henry Hodg

-den Clerk. Met at the usual place of holding

12 election John M Frost supervisor of the 12th

road distrct all the tax worked out worked

out and due him two dollars and fourty four

cents paid by an order on the township treasurer

2 George Wm G Shelton supervisor of the 2d road

district presented his account as a all bal

anced even to

10 Jeremiah Birch supervisor of the 10th road dis

-trict presented his all paid except N Collum

and T Palmer which the supervisor was exoner

-ated from collection. Credited three days extra

an order issued on the Treasurer for the same $300

1st Dis Joseph Prince produced his act all

worked out and balanced

Winslow Bierce supervisor of the fifth district

presented his act all the tax paid, due him $3,27 [illegible]

8th District Jas [s superscripted] Sharp supervisor presented his

act all the tax worked out or exonerated and

ordered that he have an order for four dol

lars and sixty seven cts, order issued

4 District N Dustin presented his act

all paid balance due him one dollar

and forty five cents paid out of the township fund
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 151)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 151)


[Page 151]

[corresponds to page 137 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No.2]

9th District Enoch Domigan Supervisor pre

sented his act all balanced and due him

two dollars and fifty cents order issued for the same

V.C. Atherton and Daniel Vandermark [sic Vandemark] Overseers of

the presented their account and found due

V.C. Atherton five dollars and sixly eight cents

and to D Vandermark [sic Vandemark] due him four dollars

and fifty cents orders issued for the same

Order issued to Allen Mc [c superscripted] Lean for clothing & [illegible]

furnish John Blackman a pauper to the

amount ten dollars and forty three cents

Order issued to Allen Mc Lean for repairing

and furnish a house for Mrs Mc [c superscripted] Kay a poor

woman seven dollars and fifty cents

Order to Henry Hodgden three dollars

for township chest

Order issued to Riley Parker constable

for warning persons out [crossed out] to depart the

township four dollars and fifteen cents

Order issued to Henry Brookens for

Keeping John Blakeman twenty dollars

Ordered that there be a new road

district No fourteen to include John

athan Maring A T Belt the farm of

A Bigelow in section three Stephen Carey

John and George Slack and the farm of

Wm A Nelson's [illegible]

Ordered that the fourth ^road district shall extend

only the west end of section four

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 152)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 152)


[Page 152]

[corresponds to page 138 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Ordered that the three south tier of lots on

section three be erected into a new road dis

trict called district No fifteen

On application that lots five six seven sixteen seven

-teen eighteen nineteen and the south half of lot twen

-ty be set off from school district No ten to school

district No eight The Trustees were satisfied

that legal notice had been given and that

a majority of the housholders had given

their consent in writing Ordered that the

alteration be made a requested by said

housholders and that hereafter said lots to wit

Lots Nos five, six, seven, sixteen seventeen eighteen

nineteen and south half of lot twenty in the third

section fourth township seventeenth range H S M serving

be and form part of school district No eight

On application that Nathaniel Gregory Henry

Gregory Zelotes Jones Martha Jones and the widow

and heir of David W Norton decd [d superscripted] with their property

in school district No one be set to school

district no eight The Trustees were satisfied

that legal notice has been given and that a

majority of the housholders had signified their

consent in writing to the same Order by the Trus

=tees that said housholders to wit Nathaniel Gregory

Henry ['Ho' crossed out] Gregory Zelotes Jones Martha Jones the

widow and heirs of David W Norton decd [d superscripted] together with

their property be set off from district No one

and henceforth form part of district No eight

Adjourned untill the first monday in April

next at 9 oclock AM to meet at this place

to hear further application for altering & forming school

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 153)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 153)


[Page 153]

[corresponds to page 139 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Ransom Steward and family notified to depart

the township March 10th 1842

Berkshire township Delaware County ohio

To any constable of Berkshire Township Greeting

Whereas complaint has been made to us over

seers of the poor that Ransom Steward and

family reside in said township and has not

gained a residence and are likely to be

come a township charge these are there

=fore to command you forthwith to de

=part[crossed out] proceed to warn said Steward and

family forthwith to depart said township

and of this writ make legal service and

due return to the township Clerk

Berkshire March 7th 1842

V C Atherton

Daniel Vandermark [sic Vandemark]

Overseers of the Poor

Endorsed March 10th 1842 served this writ

by reading to the following persons Ran

som Steward Laura Steward his wife and

Cyrus Steward Esra Steward Mary Steward

Lanford H Steward their children

fees: Mileage ,15 Service 150, $1 65

Riley Parker Constable

Recorded March 10th 1842

A true copy attest

Henry Hodgden Clerk[underlined]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 154)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 154)


[Page 154]

[corresponds to page 140 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

April 4th 1842 Trustees met viz Robert Carpenter

and Jas [s superscripted] P Crawford Henry Hodgden Clerk

Jared Utley supervisor of the 11th present

ed his act balanced settled

George Fisher supervisor of the 6th porsented

his act all worked out and due him

for two days and half superintending more

than his tax order issued on the township Treasurers

two dollars and fifty cents

Ordered by the board of trustees (Jas (P Crawford

in attendance) that the south half of lot eight

in the first tier of lots in section two be sett

off from school district three to school dis

trict No eight

Order issued to Daniel Vandemark overseer of

the poor for advertising and selling John Blackman a

pauper for one dollar and fifty cents

Order issued to V C Atherton overseer of the poor

for one dollar and fifty cents for issuing a warrant

for warning R Steward & family and attending this

sale of John Blackman a pauper and selling Blackman

Order issued to Amos Utley five dollars for service

as treasurer of school treasurer fund

Harvey Johnson supervisor of the 3d road district

made returns all paid even

Order issued to H Brookens for [illegible] dollars

and seventy five the balance due him for keeping

John Blackman a pauper.

Order issued for one dollar and 12 1/2 cents for

costs in the suit Berkshire township against D.A. Ports

on H Hodgden esq docket
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 155)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 155)


[Page 155]

[corresponds to page 141 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No.2]

Order issued to Robert Carpenter trustee for one

dollar and fifty cents for ^services on the first monday in Mar

ch and the first monday in April 1842

Order issued to Ja [s superscripted] P Crawford trustee for

two days services as above one dollar and fifty cts

Order issued to Moses Carpenter one dollar fifty

cents for two ['cents'crossed out] ^days caret as above

Order issued to Henry Hodgden for ['eleven' crossed out and 'nine' written above] dollars

and ['eighteen' crossed out] ^Sixty three cents for services ['for' crossed out] as Clerk and paper

Order issued to Riley Parker for two dollars for

services as Constable

At an election held on monday April 4th 1842

The following persons were elected to the offices

as designated viz

Trustees Moses Carpenter [marks in margin]

Robert Carpenter

Ja [s superscripted] P Crawford

Clerk Henry Hodgden

Treasurer Amos Utley

Assessor David C Carpenter

Constables Lauren M Beach

Samuel B Conly

O M Bennett

Overseers of poor Henry Carpenter

Alexander Thrall

Fenceviewers Joseph Prince

Stephen R Bennett

Nathan Dustin
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 156)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 156)


[Page 156]

[corresponds to page 142 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No.2]

Supervisors 1st District Charles Plumb Duplicut

" 2d " Minor W Miller [two-letter mark followed by a third mark in column]

" 3d " Jacob Bockoven

" 4th " Henry Carpenter

" 5 " Jas H Cutler

" 6 " John Longshore

" 7 " Cornelius Moore

" 8 " George Landon

" 9 " George A Gaylord

" 10 " Bartholomew Adams

" 11 " Jacob R Weeks

" 12 " Alexander Thrall

" 13 " Johnathan Dunham jr

" 14th Alvin T Belt

" 15th George Glass

On the 6th of April 1842 I issued a summon

and ['a' crossed out] gave it to Riley Parker constable to notify the

the aforenamed persons of thus election to of

fice and to appear before me or some justuce

of the peace of the township within ten days

from said election and take the necessary

oath of office with the exception of Moses

Carpenter Robert Carpenter Jas [s superscripted] P Crawford

who were sworn by me April 4th and

Minor W Miller Supervisor of the 2d

road district who was sworn by

me April 5th 1842 H Hodgden T.C

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 157)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 157)


[Page 157]

[corresponds to page 143 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No.2]

On the 8th April 1842 Alexander Thrall

Overseer of the poor elect came before me and

took the necessary oath of office and to support

the Constitution of the United States and that

of the State of Ohio same day he took the

necessary oath of office as Supervisor of

the 12th road district before me H Hodgden T C

On the same day (April 8th Johnathan Dunham jr

came before me and took the oath of office as Super

visor of the 13th road district H Hodgden T.C.

On the same day Lauren M Beach came before me

and took the oath of office as Constable and pre

sented his bond as follows

Know all men by these presents that we Lauren

M Beach and Elijah Vanauken are held and firm

-ly bound unto the State of Ohio in the penal

sum of eight hundred dollars for the payment

of which we bind ourselves our heirs jointly

and severally

Signed and sealed by us this 6th day of April


Whereas the said Lauren M Beach hath been

duly elected and qualified as Constable in

and for the township of Berkshire in the county

of Delaware in said State for the term of

year from the 4th day of April 1842

Now the condition of the above obligation

is such that if the above bound L M Beach

shall diligently and faithfully discharge

the duties of his office of Constable then
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 158)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 158)


[Page 158]

[corresponds to page 144 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No.2]

this obligation to be void and no effect other -

-wise to remain in full force and virtue in law

Lauren M Beach

Elijah Vanauken

Endorsed Approved April the 7th 1842

R Carpenter

J P Crawford Trustees

I certify the above is a true copy

Attest Henry Hodgden T.C.

On the 9th day of April 1842 Riley Parker const

made returns of the Summons to notify township

officers as follows Served by reading in the pres

ence of the within named persons with the

exception of Joseph Prince which I served

by having a copy at his house

April 7th 1842 Riley Parker Constable

fees Mileage $205 Service 240 [dashes] 4,45

same day was returned the following certificate

Galena April 8th 1841

Personally appeared before me the sub

scribes Henry Carpenter and was duly

sworn into office as Supervisor and as

Overseer of the poor Nathan Dustin was

sworn as fence viewer

John Dirst J P

On the 11th April 1842 Jas [s superscripted] H Cutler came

before me and took the oath of office

as Supervisor of the 5th road district

Henry Hodgden J P
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 159)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 159)


[Page 159]

[corresponds to page 145 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No.2]

On the 11th April 1842 Bartholomew Adams

came before me and was sworn to discharge the

duties of Supervisor of the 10th road district

Henry Hodgden T.C.

On the 12th day of April 1842 Jacob R Weeks

came before me and took the oath of office as

Supervisor of the 11th road distrct H Hodgden T.C

On the 13th day of April 1842 Cornelius Moore

came before me and took the oath of office as

Supervisor of the 7th road distrct H Hodgden ['T.C.' above'Hodgden']

Same day Jacob Bockoven came before me

and took the oath of office as Supervisor

of the 3d road district H Henry Hodgden ['T.C.' above'Hodgden']

Same day Amos Utley came before me and

took the oath of office as township Treasurer

and filed the follow his bonds of which

the following is a copy viz

Know all men by these presents that we Amos

Utley and George Fisher are held and firmly bound

to the Trustees of Berkshire township and their suc

cessors in office in the sum of three hundred

dollars for the payment of which we do jointly

and severally bind ourselves our heirs and repre

sentatives sealed with our seals this sixth day of

April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight

and forty two

Whereas said Amos Utley was on the fourth day of

April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight

hundred and forty two duly elected Treasurer
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 160)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 160)


[Page 160]

[corresponds to page 146 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No.2]

treasurer of Berkshire township Delaware County

and State of Ohio Now if the said treasurer shall

faithfully disburse and pay over according to law

all such Township money or other public money

as shall from to time to time come into his hands for

township purposes then this obligation to be

null and void otherwise to be and remain

in full force

Signed in presence of Amos Utley [seal]

John Fisher George Fisher [seal]

George Fisher jr

Endorsed Approved April 13th 1842 by us

A true copy Attest R Carpenter

H Hodgden T.C. J P Crawford Trustees

School Bond

Know all men by these presents that we Amos Utley and

and George Fisher are held and firmly bound unto

the State of Ohio in the sum of one thousand dol

-lars for the payment of such we do jointly and

severally bind ourselves our heirs and Representatives

Sealed with our seals this sixth day of April in the

year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and

forty two.

Whereas said Amos Utley was on the fourth day

of April in the year of our Lord one thousand

eight hundred and forty two duly elected

Treasurer of Berkshire township Delaware

Couny Ohio
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 161)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 161)


[Page 161]

[corresponds to page 147 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Now if the said treasurer shall faithfully dis

burse and pay over according to law all such

school or other public funds and moneys as shall

from time to time come into his hands as for

school purposes then this obligation to be null

and void otherwise to be and remain in full


Signed in presence of Amos Utley [seal]

John Fisher George Fisher [seal]

George Fisher jr

Endorsed the within bond approved April 13

1842 R Carpenter

J P Crawford Trustees

Recorded April 14th 1842

A true Copy Attest

Henry Hodgden T.C.

On the 13th April 1842 I received the following


Know all men by these presents that we Samuel

B Connelly and Henry Carpenter are held and firm

-ly bound unto the State of Ohio in the sum of five hun

dred dollars to the payment of which well and

truly to be made we jointly and severally bind

ourselves our heirs executors and administrators

firmly by these presents as witness our hands

and seals this 9th day of April 1842

The condition of this obligation

is such that whereas the above bound Samuel

B Connelly was on this 4th Instant duly elect

constable of Berkshire Township in this county
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 162)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 162)


[Page 162]

[corresponds to page 148 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

of Delaware

Now if the said Samuel B Connelly shall faithfully

perform and diligently discharge all and the duties

of his said office of constable then this obligation

Shall be null and void and of no effect, other

=wise to be and remain in full force and virtue in law

S B Connelly

Henry Carpenter

Endorsed The within bond by us approved

April 9th 1842

R Carpenter

Moses Carpenter Trustees

Personally came Samuel B Connelly and took the

oath of Constable before me John Dirst J P

April 13th 1842

A true copy Attest

Henry Hodgden T.C.

On the 13th April 1842 I received the following


Know all men by these presents that we Orson

M Bennett and C Abott jr are held and

firmly bound unto the State of Ohio in the

sum of five hundred dollars for the fulfilment

or payment of which we bind ourselves [illegible]

Given under my hand this the 7th day of April


Whereas the said Orson M Bennett hath

been duly elected and qualified as Constable

in and for the township of Berkshire
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 163)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 163)


[Page 163]

[corresponds to page 149 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

and county of Delaware and State of Ohio

for the term of one year from the above mention

ed date [illegible]

Now the condition of the above obligation is such

that if the said O M Bennett doth diligent

=ly and faithfully discharge the duties of said

office as Constable then this obligation to

prove void and of no effect otherwise to

be and remain in full force and virtue

in law [illegible] O M Bennett

Charles Abbott jr

Endorsed We approve the within bond

April 7th 1842 R Carpenter

J P Crawford Trustees

A true copy Attest

Henry Hodgden T.C.

David C Carpenter came before on the

same day (April 13th) and took the oath of of

=fice as township Assessor

On the 13th April 1842 I received the fol

lowing Certificate viz

I do hereby certify that George A Gaylord

and John Longshore were duly sworn according

to law to the office of Supervisor on the 9th

day of April 1842

George Landon J P

Personally appeared George Glass and

took the oath of office as Supervisor before

me April 13th 1842 John Dirst J P
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 164)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 164)


[Page 164]

[corresponds to page 150 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

On the 13th April 1842 Alvin T Belt

came before me and took the the oath of Office as

Supervisor of the 15 road district.

H Hodgden T.C.

Personally appeared George Landon and was

Sworn in the office as supervisor

April 11th 1842 John Dirst J P

On the 13th day of April 1842 I was sworn into

office as township Clerk by John Dirst J P

On th Henry Hodgden T C

On the 14th April 1842 Charles Plumb came

before me and took the oath of office as

Supervisor of the 1st road district

The following certificate was handed me on the

15th April 1842 This is to certify that Orson M

Bennett was sworn to the office of Constable on

the 7th day of April 1842 Also Stephen R

Bennett to the office of fence viewer on the 14th

by me George Landon J.P.

Duplicates made out and forwarded to the following

supervisors viz Charles Plumb supervisor of the

1st road district Minor W Miller of the 2d

Jacob Bockoven of the 3d Henry Carpenter of 4th

Jas[s superscripted] N Cutler of the 5th John Longshore of

the 6th Cornelius Moore of the 7th Goerge

Landon of the 8th George A Gaylord of

the 9th Bartholomew Adams of the 10th
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 165)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 165)


[Page 165]

[corresponds to page 151 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Jacob R Week of the 11th Alexander Thrall

of the 12th Jonathan Dunham jr 13th

Alvin T Belt of the 14th George Glass of the 15th

April 30th 1842 Trustees mit at the school

house near wd Catharine Carpenter to trans

act township business present Moses Car

penter Robert Carpenter James P Crawford

Trustees Clerk Henry Hodgden

Ordered by the Trustees that Joseph Prince

be appointed Fence Viewer

Ordered by the Trustees that there be a township

tax levied for poor purposes of one mill on

the dollar valuation

Ordered that there be allowed to Riley Parker

Constable two dollars and fifty cents for noty

['fing' crossed out] fying township officers

Order issued to Alexander Thrall for five

dollar ['for five dollars' crossed out] for furnishing scra

per for the 12th road district

Order issued for Henry Carpenter for twenty

seven cents out of the road fund

Order issued to Henry Hodgden clerk


Also for seventy five cents for one days services

Order issued for Robert Carpenter Trustee for

one day seventy five cents

Order issued to Moses Carpenter for seventy five cents

for one day attending extra session trustees

Order issued to Jas [s superscripted] P Crawford for seventy

five cents for one day as above
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 166)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 166)


[Page 166]

[corresponds to page 152 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Ordered that the fifteenth road district

shall include the four south tier of lots

instead of three as hereto directed in section

Order issued to George A Gaylord for

($9.00) nine dollars for plank for the bridge

across big walnut near his mill

On the ['16' crossed out] 17th August 1842 the Trustees of

Berkshire township directed the following

to be recorded and a copy sent to George

Glass supervisor of the fifteenth road district

viz Auditor's office Delaware County

11th Aug 1842

To the Trustees of Berkshire

You are required

to cause to be opened and improved the

following described alteration of a county

road established in March 1840 to wit

Beginning in the county road leading

from Galena to Allum Creek through the

Higby Section Section on the line between

lots So 13 & 14 34 rods west of the east line

of said where the road crosses the same

running thence west on said line one

mile and 122 rods to the road on the west

line of Berkshire line of Berkshire town

ship thence south with said road 34

rods and seven links to the old road

By order of the Board of


John F Dunlap by [illegible]

by S Smith Dep
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 167)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 167)


[Page 167]

[corresponds to page 153 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

I certify the foregoing is a true copy

Attest Henry Hodgden T.C.

Sept 15th 1842 Order issued to Sylvester Or

=cot [sic Orcutt] for fifteen dollars in part pay for

keeping John Blackman a pauper

October 11th 1842 Order issued to Moses Carpen

ter for one days service as trustee seventy five

Order issue to Henry Hodgden for four dollars for

services as township clerk

Election held for to elect a justice of the

peace in the place of Henry Hodgden

whose term of office is about to expire

on the tenth of Dec 1842

Henry Hodgden had eighty one votes

and Jefferson Maynard had twenty one vo

Order issued to Robert Carpenter for seven

ty five cents as judge of said election

one to J P Crawford for seventy five cents

as above Rufus Carter for seventy five cents

as judge of said election

to John Dirst for seventy five cents as

clerk of said election James Smiley jr

for seventy five cents as clerk of said election

On the 13th day of December 1842 SB

Conley Constable returned an order issued

by the Overseer of the poor as follows
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 168)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 168)


[Page 168]

[corresponds to page 154 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

To any constable of Berkshire township

On Complaint being made you are hereby com

manded forthwith to notify John A Hastings

and family to depart the said township and

of this will make legal service and due


Given under our hands at Berkshire this 21st

November 1842

Alex Thrall

Henry Carpenter Overseers of Berkshire township [vertically in margin]

Endorsed Served by leaving a certified

copy with John A Hasting this 13th

December 1842 fees service 25 mileage 2 miles - 8.35

S B Connelly Constable

Recorded Dec 13th 1842

A True copy Attest

Henry Hodgden Clerk [underlined]
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 169)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 169)


[Page 169]

[corresponds to page 155 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

March 6th 1843 being the first monday of

said month The Trustees of said township

being present viz Moses Carpenter Robert

Carpenter and J P Crawford Henry Hodg

den Clerk officiating

Ordered that the second road district ex

-tend to the road that lead south from the

center of the township,

12th road district

Alexander Thrall supervisor came and

settled and due him twenty five cents

4th District

Henry Carpenter supervisor came

and settled and balance due him four

dollars and forty cents agreed to be paid

in future tax against him

13 District

Johnathan Dunham jr came and

settled and balance

10th District

B Adams supervisor came and settle

and balanced accounts

7th District

Cornelius Moore Supervisor came and

settled with the trustees and due him

three dollar and twenty five cents and paid

out of the township treasury

8th District

George Landon supervisor settled and

balanced accounts
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 170)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 170)


[Page 170]

[corresponds to page 156 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

3d District

Jacob Bockoven supervisor settled

and a balance due him two dollars and

twenty five ct. for repairing & scraper

5th District

J H Cutler supervisor came and settled

and balanced accounts

9th District

George A Gaylord supervisor came

and settled with the trustees and balance

accounts all the tax being worked out

2d District

M W Miller supervisor came and settled

and all the tax worked out

14th road district

A T Belt Supervisor of 2d district

came and settled accounts balanced

Ordered by the Trustees that there be a new

road district formed out of the fourth dis

trict as follows commencining at little

walnut creek at the line between B Car

penter's and Edgar Westterville's land

thence east to the alley running between

A Bigelow and the school house in Galena

down said alley to the south west corner

of the public square and thence east to the

north east corner of Wm Nance's lot thence

southerdly to the south line of Charles Arnold

town lot from thence west to little walnut

creek, thence down said creek to township

line. The Mill district to be No 16
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 171)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 171)


[Page 171]

[corresponds to page 157 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

H Carpenter and A Thrall Overseers

of poor came and settled with the trus

tees paid H Carpenter & brother for clothing

for J Blackman a pauper fourteen & 25/100

for H Carpenter for his services as Overseer

of the poor two dollars and to A Thrall

for his services two dollars and for

S Orcott [sic Orcutt] for keeping J Blackman thirty


Division of Road district No six

The nort part to be called district No 17

discribed as follows the roads north of

R Carter's corner and the road on the township

line from little walnut creek west to the

Cuyahoga State road and all the territory

north of lot four in said district,
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 172)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 172)


[Page 172]

[corresponds to page 158 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

March 6th 1843 Order issued to C Moore

for three dollars and twenty five cents for [illegible]

[illegible] plane and sharpening

Order issued to J Bockoven for two

& 25/100 dollars for rebuilding scraper

Order issued to H Carpenter & brother

for fourteen & 28/100 dollars for furnishing

J Blackman a pauper with clothing

Order issued to H Carpenter two dollars

for services as Overseer of the poor

Order issued to A Thrall two 25/100

dollars as services as Overseers of poor

and for plank for bridge

Order issed to T Orcott [sic Orcutt] for fifteen dol

-lars for keeping John Blackman

Order issued to T C Connelly for thirty four

cents for warning A Hasting & family out

of the township

Amount of township fund from taxation

for 1843 is $113.16

Order issued to Moses Carpenter for one

day's service as Trustee .75 cts

do to J. P Crawford do .75

do to R Carpenter do .75

To H Hodgden Clk one day's service

and 31 cts for paper 1,06

Note 11th road dis contains lot [illegible]

and the road to the four corners
Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 173)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 173)


[Page 173]

[corresponds to page 159 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

[blank page]

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 174)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 174)


[Page 174]

[corresponds to page 160 of Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2]

Elijah Carney's Ear Mark is a square

crop off the right ear and a swallow

fork in the same Recorded Nov

29th 1837 by me Amos Utley T.C.

Jacob R Weeks mark is a square crop off

the right ear H Hodgdin T. C

May 20 th 1843

August 4th 1852 Wm. N Dyers Mark is a half [underlined]

crop off the under side of each ear [underlined]

S Carver T. C

C. W. Wells mark is a crop

off of the right ear and Slit in the Stump

Transfered from Ezra Steward's

April 19, 1859 W. P. Frost

Tp. Clerk

Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 175)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 175)


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Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 176)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 176)


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Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 177)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 177)


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Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 178)


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 (p. 178)


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[corresponds to back cover]

Dublin Core


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843


Berkshire Corners--Early Settlement--Berkshire Township
Berkshire Corners--Delaware County--Ohio--History
Berkshire Township--Record books--Ohio--1847


Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843 is the record book of the settlement that has become known as Berkshire Corners, located at the intersection of what is now St. Rt. 37 and Galena Rd. The book is a record of some of the settlers' activities such as the election of township officers and the establishment of boundaries for school districts. In addition to providing insight into the social aspects of the settlement, the book includes the names of many of the township's inhabitants, account statements, and a list of the earmarks each man used to distinguish his own cattle from other's held in a common pen.


Berkshire Township Trustees; Berkshire Township, Ohio












Berkshire Township Trustees; Berkshire Township, Ohio, “Record Book of Berkshire Township No. 2 1807-1843,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 10, 2025,

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