Landing at the Grand Canyon
Landing at the Grand Canyon
We landed at the
Grand Canyon the
morning of Mch 23.
Breakfasted at hotel
El Tovor, and started
sightseeing immediately
afterward, first taking
the ten mile drive along
the run, in company
with a lot of other tourists.
At the ten mi. end of that
trip we left the Pierce-
Arrow and mounted
mules for the Hermit
Trail - called a two days
trip. Our guides name
was Herman Moore -
My mules name was
"Rambler", The guides are
all ex cowboys - all nicknamed
Hip Boots was Shermans nickname
Grand Canyon the
morning of Mch 23.
Breakfasted at hotel
El Tovor, and started
sightseeing immediately
afterward, first taking
the ten mile drive along
the run, in company
with a lot of other tourists.
At the ten mi. end of that
trip we left the Pierce-
Arrow and mounted
mules for the Hermit
Trail - called a two days
trip. Our guides name
was Herman Moore -
My mules name was
"Rambler", The guides are
all ex cowboys - all nicknamed
Hip Boots was Shermans nickname
Dublin Core
Landing at the Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon--Arizona--Early 20th century
Ohio--Delaware County--Sunbury--History--Early 20th century
Personal narratives--American--Early 20th century
Photography--Stereographs--United States--Early 20th century
Travel--United States--Arizona--Cocovino County--Mohave County--Early 20th century
Ohio--Delaware County--Sunbury--History--Early 20th century
Personal narratives--American--Early 20th century
Photography--Stereographs--United States--Early 20th century
Travel--United States--Arizona--Cocovino County--Mohave County--Early 20th century
We landed at the
Grand Canyon the
morning of Mch 23.
Breakfasted at hotel
El Tovor, and started
sightseeing immediately
afterward, first taking
the ten mile drive along
the run, in company
with a lot of other tourists.
At the ten mi. end of that
trip we left the Pierce-
Arrow and mounted
mules for the Hermit
Trail - called a two days
trip. Our guides name
was Herman Moore -
My mules name was
"Rambler", The guides are
all ex cowboys - all nicknamed
Hip Boots was Shermans nickname
Grand Canyon the
morning of Mch 23.
Breakfasted at hotel
El Tovor, and started
sightseeing immediately
afterward, first taking
the ten mile drive along
the run, in company
with a lot of other tourists.
At the ten mi. end of that
trip we left the Pierce-
Arrow and mounted
mules for the Hermit
Trail - called a two days
trip. Our guides name
was Herman Moore -
My mules name was
"Rambler", The guides are
all ex cowboys - all nicknamed
Hip Boots was Shermans nickname
Daisy E Green Wheaton
early 1900s
Daisy Wheaton Stereographs
Still Image
Daisy E Green Wheaton, “Landing at the Grand Canyon,” Delaware County Memory, accessed January 9, 2025,