Leaving for Milwaukee
Dublin Core
Leaving for Milwaukee
Ohio--Delaware County--Sunbury--History--Early 20th century
Personal narratives--American--Early 20th century
Photography--Stereographs--United States--Early 20th century
Travel--United States--Wisconsin--Early 20th century
Personal narratives--American--Early 20th century
Photography--Stereographs--United States--Early 20th century
Travel--United States--Wisconsin--Early 20th century
I bought a book giving
Indian day history of this
port of Wis. The very first day [crossed out] time
Chas. and I walked down to the boat
landing, carrying the book in my
hand, an Indian stepped beside
me and reached for my book
saying "I show you my grandfather".
He turned to Yellow Thunder.
In the show this young Indian
man was quite highly honored,
and a sketch of his family history
was given by the white chief.
This pow wow place was the pow wow
place of the Winnebago Indians for
centuries. It is a natural ampitheatre;
rim one side, other sides all high
banks. There were various Indian
camps about Kilbourne City which
we visited. The one where this was
taken was across the rim and at the
right. Many Ind's were there, the
women making and selling lockets
beadwork etc. "Silver Tongue"
the splendid tenor singer from Northern
California was camped there.
Had a quiet Sabbath day in K.C. This
photo was taken Monday 24th in the
fornoon as we were leaving for
Milwaukee. Went as far as car would
go that day - Hatchards going on to [illegible]
[illegible] for camping on farm a couple of
[illegible] out. Mr H. not mechanic runing of 25th and we
Left side of page:
were hauled into town where car was repaired.
Perfectly beautiful country - lakes
Indian day history of this
port of Wis. The very first day [crossed out] time
Chas. and I walked down to the boat
landing, carrying the book in my
hand, an Indian stepped beside
me and reached for my book
saying "I show you my grandfather".
He turned to Yellow Thunder.
In the show this young Indian
man was quite highly honored,
and a sketch of his family history
was given by the white chief.
This pow wow place was the pow wow
place of the Winnebago Indians for
centuries. It is a natural ampitheatre;
rim one side, other sides all high
banks. There were various Indian
camps about Kilbourne City which
we visited. The one where this was
taken was across the rim and at the
right. Many Ind's were there, the
women making and selling lockets
beadwork etc. "Silver Tongue"
the splendid tenor singer from Northern
California was camped there.
Had a quiet Sabbath day in K.C. This
photo was taken Monday 24th in the
fornoon as we were leaving for
Milwaukee. Went as far as car would
go that day - Hatchards going on to [illegible]
[illegible] for camping on farm a couple of
[illegible] out. Mr H. not mechanic runing of 25th and we
Left side of page:
were hauled into town where car was repaired.
Perfectly beautiful country - lakes
Daisy E. Green Wheaton
early 1900s
Daisy Wheaton Stereographs
Still Image
Daisy E. Green Wheaton, “Leaving for Milwaukee,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 10, 2025,