Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 1)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 1)


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Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 2)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 2)


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Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 3)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 3)


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Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... G.F. Foster

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Center

3. What is your occupation? ........ Physician

4. How old are you? .......... 41 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, G.F.Foster

Attest,....CH Lyman ......Examining Committee

Dated,Sept 16, 1891.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... C.F. Galvan [Galpin]

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Center

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 21 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, C.F. Galpin

Attest,....CH Lyman ......Examining Committee

Dated,Sept 16, 1891.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Frank Swartwood

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Center

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 34 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, Frank Swartwood

Attest,....CH Lyman......Examining Committee

Dated,Sept 16, 1891.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 4)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 4)


[page 4]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Joseph Walker

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Center

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 22 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Joseph Walker

Attest,....CH Lyman, Ex Com ......Examining Committee

Dated,Sept 16, 1891.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... R.B. Weiant

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Township

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 31

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, R.B. Weiant

Attest,....[illegible] ......Examining Committee

Dated, Oct 1 [illegible] 1891.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... E.L. Trout

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 29

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, E.L. Trout

Attest,..........Examining Committee

Dated, Oct [illegible], 1892.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 5)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 5)


[page 5]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... W.B. Blayney

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 62

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, W.B. Blayney

Attest,..........Examining Committee

Dated, nov 21st, 1891.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... E.C. Waldron

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 31

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, E.C. Waldron

Attest,..........Examining Committee

Dated, Oct 1, 1892.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... W.B. Dwinnell

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston T.P.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 23 years of age

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ Ans no Sir

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Ans yes Sir

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Ans yes Sir

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Ans yes Sir

Signature of Petitioner, W.B. Dwinnell

Attest,....A.C. Williamson ......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 6th 1892.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 6)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 6)


[page 6]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Wm Mantor

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Central

3. What is your occupation? ........ Laborer

4. How old are you? .......... 28 years of age

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes Sir

Signature of Petitioner, Wm Mantor

Attest,....A.C. Williamson ......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 20th 1892.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... F.E. Waldron

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Centre

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 28 years old

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no Sir

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes "

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes "

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ I am

Signature of Petitioner, F.E. Waldron

Attest,....A.C. Williamson ......Examining Committee

Dated, March 26th 1892.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... O.S. Wilcox

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Center

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 34 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ I do

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, O.S. Wilcox

Attest,....F.P. McVey ......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 21 1892.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 7)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 7)


[page 7]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Geo Sander [Saunders]

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit Ohio

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 28 years old

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Geo Saunders

Attest,....E.C. Waldron ......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 25th 1893.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Jonas Lee

2. Where do you reside? ......... Potter [Porter] O

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 28 Yr old

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, Jonas Lee

Attest,....E.C. Waldron ......Examining Committee

Dated, Sept 23rd 1893.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... W.C. Matthews

2. Where do you reside? ......... Potter [Porter] O

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 22 yr old

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, W.C. Matthews

Attest,....E.C. Waldron ......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 16th 1893.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 8)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 8)


[page 8]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... W.S. Cook

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Ct.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ I do

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ I am

Signature of Petitioner, W.S. Cook

Attest,....W.B. Dwinnell ......Examining Committee

Dated, Apr 14th 1894.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... A. Manter

2. Where do you reside? ......... Berkshire P.O.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 25 yr

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, Adolphus Mantor

Attest,....E.C. Waldron ......Examining Committee

Dated, Sep 8th 1894.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... W.W. Clark

2. Where do you reside? ......... Berkshire

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 29 yr
5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, W.W. Cark [Clark]

Attest,....E.C. Waldron ......Examining Committee

Dated, Sept 15th 1894.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 9)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 9)


[page 9]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Alferd [Alfred] Clark

2. Where do you reside? ......... Stantontown

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 27

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no sir

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes sir

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes sir

Signature of Petitioner, Alferd Clark

Attest,....W.B. Dwinnell ......Examining Committee

Dated, Sep 29th 1894.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Robert Blackelge

2. Where do you reside? ......... Poter [Porter] Township

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 44 yr

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Robert Blackledge

Attest,....W.B. Dwinnell ......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 1st 1894.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.E. Barton

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kilbourne

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 22

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no sir

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes sir

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes sir

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes sir

Signature of Petitioner, J.E. Bartun

Attest,....W.B. Dwinnell ......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb. 2d 1895.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 10)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 10)


[page 10]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... C.A. Vansicle

2. Where do you reside? ......... Berkshire

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 34

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, C.A. Van Sickle

Attest,....[illegible] Waldron W.B. Dwinnell ......Examining Committee

Dated, 25th May 1895.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... A.D. Lott

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston T.P.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 44

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no sir

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes sir

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes sir

Signature of Petitioner, A.D. Lott

Attest,....W.B. Dwinnell ......Examining Committee

Dated, Aug 24th 1895.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J. Patrick

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 29

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no sir

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, John Patrick

Attest,....W.B. Dwinnell ......Examining Committee

Dated, Aug 24th 1895.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 11)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 11)


[page 11]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.C. Blayney

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Township

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 39 yr

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.C. Blayney

Attest,....W.B. Dwinnell ......Examining Committee

Dated, October 19th 1895.

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... B.A.H. Drake

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Cen

3. What is your occupation? ........ Mecannic

4. How old are you? .......... 60 yr

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, B.A.H. Drake

Attest,....R.B. Weiant W.B. Dwinnell ......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 1st 1895.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Frank L. Johnson

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Center

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 29 yr

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Frank L. Johnson

Attest,....E.C. Waldron F.P. McVey ......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 12th 1896.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 12)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 12)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Wm H Foresythe

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kilbourne P.O.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 54 yr

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, William H Forsyth

Attest,....E.C. Waldron F.P. McVey......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 25th 1896.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... W M Lott

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kilbourne

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 39 yrs

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Wm Lott

Attest,....E.C. Waldron F.P. Mcvey ......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 1st 1896.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Aaronn Webb

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Ct

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 39 yr

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Aaron Webb

Attest,....F.P. McVey W.B. Dwinnell.....Examining Committee

Dated, February 8th 1896.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 13)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 13)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... W.A. Pitman

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston T.P.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... Age 31 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . I am

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ I do

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ I am

Signature of Petitioner, W.A. Pitman

Attest,....B.F. Chandler ......Examining Committee
Harvey Hupp

Dated, March 28th 1896.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Oswell S. Foster

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Center

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... age is 26 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Oswell S. Foster

Attest,....B.F. Chandler ......Examining Committee
F.P. McVey

Dated, June 14th 1896.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Wilson A. Forsythe

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston T.P.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... My age 21 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Wilson A. Forsyth

Attest,....B.F. Chandler ......Examining Committee
F.P. McVey

Dated, June 14 1896.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 14)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 14)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... M. Rider

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston T.P.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... Forty four

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, M. Rider

Attest,....A.C. Williamson ......Examining Committee
F.P. McVey

Dated, June 20th 1896.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... A.H. Benedict

2. Where do you reside? ......... Stantontown

3. What is your occupation? ........ School Teaching

4. How old are you? .......... Twenty Two

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, P.H. Benedict

Attest,....B.F. Chandler ......Examining Committee

Dated, nov 28 1896.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... W.E. Davy

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Tow

3. What is your occupation? ........ Saw milling

4. How old are you? .......... Age 34

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, W.E. Davy

Attest,....R.B. Weiant ......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 26 1896.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 15)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 15)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.F. Parthemore

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Tows.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... Age 27

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.F. Parthemore

Attest,....R.B. Weiant ......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec. 26 1896.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Wm. Webb

2. Where do you reside? ......... Hilliar

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... Age 35

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Wm. Webb

Attest,....R.B. Weiant ......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 26, 1896.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Joseph Hopkins

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Tows.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... Age 32

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Joseph Hopkins

Attest,....R.B. Weiant......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan. 2 1897.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 16)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 16)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... E.M. Benton
Porter Tow
2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston ^Centre

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... Age 40

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Ed M. Benton

Attest,....R.B. Weiant......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 20th 1897.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.B. Potts

2. Where do you reside? ......... Cingston Center

3. What is your occupation? ........ Carpenter

4. How old are you? .......... 40

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.B. Potts

Attest,....R.B. Weiant......Examining Committee

Dated, March, 10th 1897.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... W.A. Addams

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Tows.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Sawmilling

4. How old are you? .......... 25

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, W.A. Adams

Attest,....R.B. Weiant ......Examining Committee

Dated, April 24 1897.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 17)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 17)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Montie E. Sheets

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kilbourn

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 28

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, Montie E Sheets

Attest,....R.B. Weiant ......Examining Committee

Dated, June 26th 1897.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... F.E. Davy

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Saw milling

4. How old are you? .......... 31

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, F.E. Davy

Attest,....R.B. Weiant ......Examining Committee

Dated, Aug 21st, 1897.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... R.F. Bennett

2. Where do you reside? ......... Peerless

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 32

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, R.F. Bennett

Attest,....R.B. Weiant ......Examining Committee

Dated, Oct 9th, 1897.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 18)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 18)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... James Meeker

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 30

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, James Meeker

Attest,....R.B. Weiant ......Examining Committee

Dated, Oct 9th 1897.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Bert Roberts

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Bert Roberts

Attest,....R.B. Weiant ......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec. 4th 1897.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? .........

2. Where do you reside? ......... Jonas R. Kave

3. What is your occupation? ........ Kilbourne

4. How old are you? .......... Farming. Age 29 yrs

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Jonas R. Kave

Attest,....Wm Mantor ......Examining Committee

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 19)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 19)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... William F. Potts

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Center. Ohio.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Jeweler

4. How old are you? .......... 27. (Twenty Seven)

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no.

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes.

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes.

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes.

Signature of Petitioner, W.F. Potts

Attest,....Wm. Mantor ......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Frank A. Strakney

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kilbourne P.O.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Physician

4. How old are you? .......... 48 yrs

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ I do

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ I am [crossed out]yes

Signature of Petitioner, Frank A. Strakney

Attest,.... ......Examining Committee

Dated, May 14, 1898.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Fred R. Keller

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Center

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 37

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Fred R. Keller

Attest,....Wm. Mantor ......Examining Committee


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 20)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 20)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Chas E. Stith

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ day Laborer

4. How old are you? .......... 30 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Charley E. Stith

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, July 16th 1898. O.S. Foster


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.L. Parthemore

2. Where do you reside? ......... Maringo

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 37 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.L. Parthemore

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee
B A H Drake

Dated, Oct 1st 1898.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... George Webb

2. Where do you reside? ......... Centerburg

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 35 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, George Webb

Attest,....B.F. Chandler W.A. Forsythe......Examining Committee

Dated, Oct 8th 1898.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 21)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 21)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Chas Utley

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Center. O

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 30 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Chas Utley

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee
Harvey Hupp

Dated, Nov 12th 1898.

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Frank H. Rowe

2. Where do you reside? ......... Centerberg [Centerburg]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 36 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Frank Rome

Attest,....B.F. Chandler R. Blackledge......Examining Committee

Dated, ...............18....


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Lewis Downs

2. Where do you reside? ......... Centerberg,[Centerburg] O

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farm Laboring

4. How old are you? .......... 33 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Louis Downs

Attest,....B.F. Chandler Robert Blackledge......Examining Committee

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 22)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 22)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.C. Vancickle [VanSickle]

2. Where do you reside? ......... East Liberty

3. What is your occupation? ........ Merchant

4. How old are you? .......... 48 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.C. VanSickle

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee
F. Parthemore



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Wm. J. Blackledge

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kilborn [Kilbourne]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 21 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Wm. J. Blackledge

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee
F. Parthemore

Dated, June 17th 1899.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... John Lane

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 62

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, John Lane

Attest,....R.B. Weiant ......Examining Committee

Dated, July 8 1899.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 23)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 23)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Chas L Swick

2. Where do you reside? ......... Pearless

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 24 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Charles L. Swick

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, July 29 1899.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.H. Overton

2. Where do you reside? ......... Pearless

3. What is your occupation? ........ Teamster

4. How old are you? .......... 21 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.H. Overton

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Thomas Wigdon [Wigton]

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Center

3. What is your occupation? ........ Mecanic

4. How old are you? .......... 45 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Thomas I. Wigton

Attest,.... ......Examining Committee

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 24)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 24)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... John L. Main

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kilborn [Kilbourne]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 41 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, John L. Main

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee
BAH drake

Dated, May 28 1900.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... C.B. Pumphrey

2. Where do you reside? ......... Fargo

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 26 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, C.B. Pumphrey

Attest,...B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee
J.F. Parthemore

Dated, Oct 13th 1900


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... William Vining

2. Where do you reside? ......... Fargo

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 34 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, William Vining

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee
F. Parthemore

Dated, Oct 27 1900
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 25)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 25)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... C.L. Hutchisson

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kilborn [Kilbourne]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 38 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, C.L. Hutchisson

Attest,....B.F. Chandler T.I. Wigton......Examining Committee

Dated, July 27 1901.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Miles Browning

2. Where do you reside? ......... Porter T.P.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 36 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Miles Browning

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Frank Carns

2. Where do you reside? ......... East Liberty

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 22

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, F.H. Carnes

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 26)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 26)


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... F.B. McCay

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 22 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, F.B. McCay

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Clement L. Blane [Blain]

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston T.P.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 39 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . as far as I know

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Clement L. Blain

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, March 8th 1902.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Lester Cook

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston T.P.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 22 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ I do

Signature of Petitioner, Lester Cook

Attest,.... .....Examining Committee


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 27)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 27)


[page 27]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... E.J. Vining

2. Where do you reside? ......... Fargo

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 42 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, E.J. Vining

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, May 17th 1902.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... O.W. Whitney

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, O.W. Whitney

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, June 7th 1902.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... C.E. Steward

2. Where do you reside? ......... Meringo [Marengo]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Laborer

4. How old are you? .......... 39 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, C.E. Steward

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, June 28 1902.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 28)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 28)


[page 28]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... B.W. Westbrook

2. Where do you reside? ......... Meringo [Marengo]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 28 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, B.W. Westbrook

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, June 28 1902.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... F.D. Phillipps

2. Where do you reside? ......... Pagetown

3. What is your occupation? ........ Merchant

4. How old are you? .......... 27

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, F.D. Phillips

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, June 28 1902.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... L.E. Smith

2. Where do you reside? ......... Meringo [Marengo]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 49 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, L.E. Smith

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, June 28, 1902.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 29)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 29)


[page 29]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Dart L. Chase

2. Where do you reside? ......... Meringo [Marengo]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Livery

4. How old are you? .......... 24

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Dart L. Chase

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, June 28 1902.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Charley Potts

2. Where do you reside? ......... Meringo [Marengo]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Drayman

4. How old are you? .......... 40

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Charley Potts

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, June 28 1902.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Robr W. Whitney

2. Where do you reside? ......... Clinton T.P./Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 57

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, R.W. Whitney

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Sept 11 1902.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 30)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 30)


[page 30]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Edwin Saunders

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 42 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Edwin Saunders

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... D. E. Bennett

2. Where do you reside? ......... Meringo [Marengo]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Blacksmith

4. How old are you? .......... 23 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, D.E. Bennett

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.W. Morehouse

2. Where do you reside? ......... Meringo [Marengo]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Merchant

4. How old are you? .......... 57

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.W. Morehouse

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 31)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 31)


[page 31]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.S. Hinderlong

2. Where do you reside? ......... Woodbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 42 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.S. Hinderlong

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... F.A. Carpenter

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 32 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, F.A Carpenter

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... B.M. Frost

2. Where do you reside? ......... Meringo [Marengo]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Blacksmithing

4. How old are you? .......... 35 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, B.M. Frost

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Thomas Wigton
Dated, Dec 20 1902.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 32)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 32)


[page 32]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Ben Overturf

2. Where do you reside? ......... Porter T.P.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 38

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Ben Overturf

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 3 1903.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... G.L. Clark

2. Where do you reside? ......... Meringo [Marengo]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 22 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, G.L. Clark

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 7 1902.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... M.K. McCay

2. Where do you reside? ......... Olive Green

3. What is your occupation? ........ Teaching School

4. How old are you? .......... 21 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, M.K. McCay

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 7 1903.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 33)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 33)


[page 33]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.L. Wilcox

2. Where do you reside? ......... Olive Green

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.L. Wilcox

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 7 1903.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... T.L. Cook

2. Where do you reside? ......... Marion O.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Steam and Hot water prsur


4. How old are you? .......... Twenty one

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, T.L. Cook

Attest,....R.N. Weiant......Examining Committee

Dated, August 22 1903.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.W. Brerry[Berry]

2. Where do you reside? ......... Marengo

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... Fifty Two

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.W. Berry

Attest,....O.L. [illegible]......Examining Committee

Dated, Sept 19 1903.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 34)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 34)


[page 34]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Andrew L. Main

2. Where do you reside? ......... Porter T.P.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 35 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

except Rupture
6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Andrew L. Main

Attest,.... ......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.C. Chase

2. Where do you reside? ......... Olive Green

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 49 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Are you saloon keeper no
bartender or profecianal [professional]

Signature of Petitioner,

Attest,....J.C. Chase......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 19th 1904.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Cor Beardsley

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury R.D. #8

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 39 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ no

Signature of Petitioner, C. Beardsley

Attest,.... ......Examining Committee

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 35)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 35)


[page 35]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Charley Lott

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kilborn [Kilbourne] O

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 22 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Charley Lortt

Attest,....B.F. Chandler Wm. Vining......Examining


Dated, Dec 31 1904.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... G.W. Webb

2. Where do you reside? ......... Centerburg

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Are you saloon keeper or gambler no

Signature of Petitioner, G.W. Webb

Attest,....Feb 25 1905 ......Examining Committee
B.F. Chandler

Dated, Feb 25 1905.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Wm. S. Clark

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury R.D. #3

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 21 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

are you saloon keeper a no
gambler or Bartender

Signature of Petitioner, Wm. S. Clark

Attest,....B.F. Chandler ......Examining Committee
L.E. Smith

Dated, March 18, 1905

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 36)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 36)


[page 36]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... James C. Clevenger

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 31 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

Are you Bartender Saloon Keeper
or gambler no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, James C. Clevenger

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, April 15 1905.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... I.A. Chandler

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 26 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

Are you a Bartender Saloon Keeper
or profesional gambler

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, I.A. Chandler

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee
Dated, Oct 28 1905.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... C.H. Chase

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury R.D. #2

3. What is your occupation? ........ teaching

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

Are you Saloon Keeper Bartender
or Gambler no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, C.H. Chase

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee
Fred Parthmore

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 37)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 37)


[page 37]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Chas E. Murray

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 20

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Are you Saloon Keeper Bartender or no

Signature of Petitioner, C.E. Murray

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee
Jacob Chase

Dated, July 21 1906.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.B. Force

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Engineer

4. How old are you? .......... 30 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.B. Force

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, July 27 1907.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Pearl Wigton

2. Where do you reside? ......... Merengo [Marengo]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Teaching

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

Are you Saloon Keeper Bar tender or Profecunel Gambler no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Pearl Wigton

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 9 1907.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 38)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 38)


[page 38]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... G.H. Chandler

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 24

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

Are you Saloon Keeper Bartender
or Gambler no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, G.H. Chandler

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 9 1907.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... W.F. Edwards

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 31

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

Are you Saloon Keeper Bartender
or Gambler no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, W.F. Edwards

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 9, 1907


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... A.C. Edminster [Edmister]

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Teaching

4. How old are you? .......... 21 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes no

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, A.C. Edmister

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 16 1907.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 39)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 39)


[page 39]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... John S. Edwards

2. Where do you reside? ......... Plain City

3. What is your occupation? ........ Teaching School

4. How old are you? .......... 27 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

Are you Saloon Keeper or Bartender or
Gambler no

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, John S. Edwards

Attest,....B.F. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 26 1907.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? .........

2. Where do you reside? .........

3. What is your occupation? ........

4. How old are you? ..........

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . .

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............

Are you Saloon Keeper or Bartender or
8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner,

Attest,..........Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Orral Wigton

2. Where do you reside? ......... Marengo O

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 21 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, Orral Wigton

Attest,.... ......Examining Committee


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 40)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 40)


[page 40]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Orr L. Carpetner

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 53 yr

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

Are you a Saloon Keeper Bartender
or Proffecnial [professional] Gambler

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . no [crossed out] yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Orr Carpenter

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, April 1 1911.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Harry Loot

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 23

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ no

Are you a Saloon Keeper

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

or Bartender or Gambler
Signature of Petitioner, F.E. Waldron

Attest,....Harry Lout......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... John Lee

2. Where do you reside? ......... Peerless

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 23

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

Are you a Saloon Keeper no

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes
a Bar Tender or Gambler

Signature of Petitioner, John Lee

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Oct 25 1913.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 41)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 41)


[page 41]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? .........

2. Where do you reside? .........

3. What is your occupation? ........

4. How old are you? ..........

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . .

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, Orr Carpenter [crossed out]

Attest,.... ......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... G.P. Overturf

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, G.P. Overturf

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.T. Ulery

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 22

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, J.T. Ulery

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 7 1914.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 42)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 42)


[page 42]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Dennis Ginn

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ track man

4. How old are you? .......... 23

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Dennis Ginn

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, June 20 1914.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Frank L. Swartwood

2. Where do you reside? ......... Olive Green, Del Co. O

3. What is your occupation? ........ Laborer

4. How old are you? .......... 20

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Frank Swartwood

Attest,....J.F. Parthemore and OH

[illegible]......Examining Committee

Dated, July 11th 1914.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... E.E. Bonnett

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 32

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, E.E. Bonnett

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Aug 8 1914
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 43)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 43)


[page 43]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... H.A. Willoughby

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 33

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, H.A. Willoughby

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Aug 8 1914.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... E.J. Rupert

2. Where do you reside? ......... Olive Green

3. What is your occupation? ........ Laber [Labor]

4. How old are you? .......... 27

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, E.J. Rupert

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Aug 22 1914.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Geo McCreary

2. Where do you reside? ......... Peerless

3. What is your occupation? ........ Laber

4. How old are you? .......... 28

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, George McCreary

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Aug 22 1914.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 44)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 44)


[page 44]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Lloyd Huddleston

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Day Laborer

4. How old are you? .......... 19 yr

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd D No
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ yes

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Lloyd Huddlestun

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 6 1915.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... W.F. Wigton

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Machinest

4. How old are you? .......... 23 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, W.F. Wigton

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 16 1915.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Geo W. Noble

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Merchant

4. How old are you? .......... 39

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Geo. W. Noble

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 20 1915.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 45)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 45)


[page 45]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Wello Crowl

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Drayman

4. How old are you? .......... 32

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Wello Crowl

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 15 1916


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... B.H. Dudley

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Cream Tester

4. How old are you? .......... 25 yr

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, B.H. Dudley

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, July 19 1916.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... M.L. Owen

2. Where do you reside? ......... E Liberty

3. What is your occupation? ........ Carpenter

4. How old are you? .......... 23

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, M.L. Owen

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, May 20 1916.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 46)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 46)


[page 46]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... P.M. North

2. Where do you reside? ......... Maringo [Marengo]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Minister

4. How old are you? .......... 42

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, P.M. North

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 2 1918.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... O.W. Sanders [Saunders]

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 20

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, O.W. Saunders

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, May 4 1918.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Verner Ulery

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Verner Ulery

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, May 18 1918.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 47)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 47)


[page 47]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... G.W. Bower [Bowers]

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 32

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, I.A. Chandler

Attest,....G.W. Bowers......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 1, 1919


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... E. [illegible]

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 38

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, E. [illegible]

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 1, 1919


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... F.A. Benton

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, F.A. Benton

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 1 1919.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 48)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 48)


[page 48]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... H.C. Ulery

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ......... no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, H.C. Ulery

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated,.............1819 [1919]


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... A. Dixon

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Laber [Labor]

4. How old are you? .......... 32

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, A. Dixon

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Mar 1 1819 [1919]


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... E.G. Ulery

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 25

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, E.G. Ulery

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Mar 1 1819 [1919]
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 49)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 49)


[page 49]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... C.J. Edwards

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 25

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, C.J. Edwards

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Mar 22 1919


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Fred Foulk

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Day Laborer

4. How old are you? .......... 34

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Fred Foulk

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Sept 20 1819 [1919]


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... B.M. Baldwin

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbry [Sunbury]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 25

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, B.M. Baldwin

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Oct 25 1819 [1919]

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 50)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 50)


[page 50]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Ernest Castner

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Carpenter

4. How old are you? .......... 39

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Ernest Castner

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Oct 25 1819 [1919]


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... O.W. Bonham

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Plower

4. How old are you? .......... 44

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, O.W. Bonham

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 13 1819 [1919]


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.C. Hines

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 44

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.C. Hines

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 17 1920

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 51)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 51)


[page 51]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Adolf Singenstrew

2. Where do you reside? ......... Marengo O

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 31

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Adolf Singenstrew

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 4 1920.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.J. Callahan

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 42

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.J. Callahan

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, July 25 1920.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... C.O. Debolt

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 28

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Carl O. DeBolt

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 20 1920.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 52)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 52)


[page 52]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... H.E. [illegible]

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 23

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, H.E. [illegible]

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 20 1920.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Loyd [Lloyd] Chase

2. Where do you reside? ......... Marengo O

3. What is your occupation? ........

4. How old are you? .......... 20

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Lloyd Chase

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Mar 5 1921.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.H. Rhinebolt

2. Where do you reside? ......... Marengo

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 20

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Henry Rhinebolt

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Mar 19 1921.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 53)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 53)


[page 53]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.W. Pittman

2. Where do you reside? ......... Lenerdsburg [Leonardsburg]

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 30

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.W. Pittman

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Apr 2 1921.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... C.D. Olmsted

2. Where do you reside? ......... Marengo rd 2

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 22

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, C.D. Olmsted

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Sept 3 1921.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Berna Titus

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Blacksmith

4. How old are you? .......... 37

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Berna Titus

Attest,....[illegible]......Examining Committee

Dated, Sept 10 1921.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 54)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 54)


[page 54]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.W. Huddlestun

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Laborer

4. How old are you? .......... 46

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.W. Huddlestun

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 1 1921


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... A.C. Metzger

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 35

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, A.C. Metzger

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 7 1922.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... A.G. McCafferty

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 20

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, A.G. McCafferty

Attest,....A Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 4 1922.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 55)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 55)


[page 55]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... B.H. Metzger

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 34

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, B.H. Metzger

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Apr 22 1922.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... G.G. Ulery

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Machinist

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, G.G. Ulery

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 8 1923.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... L.H. Howard

2. Where do you reside? ......... Marengo R.D. 2

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 48

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, L.H. Howard

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, July 12 1924
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 56)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 56)


[page 56]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Burr Edwards

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 38

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Burr Edwards

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 20 1924


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Orr Edwards

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 18

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Orr Edwards

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 20 1924


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... E.C. Pittman

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 29

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . no

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, E.C. Pittman

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 10 1925.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 57)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 57)


[page 57]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Frank House

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 18 yer

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Frank House

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 17, 1925


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... A.N. Crabtree

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Laborer

4. How old are you? .......... 20 yer

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, A.N. Crabtree

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Oct [illegible] 1925.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... F.D. Sparks

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Student

4. How old are you? .......... 18

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, F.D. Sparks

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Oct 17 1925
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 58)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 58)


[page 58]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... R.E. Piper

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Laborer

4. How old are you? .......... 20

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, R.E. Piper

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Oct 17, 1925


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ........ Everett Perfect [crossed out]

2. Where do you reside? ......... Illegible [crossed out]

3. What is your occupation? ........

4. How old are you? ..........

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . .

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner,

Attest,.... ......Examining Committee

Dated, Apr 13 1927


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Everett Perfect

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ [illegible]

4. How old are you? .......... 28

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . no

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Everett Perfect

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 13 1927.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 59)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 59)


[page 59]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... A.M. Culver

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ U.S.M. Carrier

4. How old are you? .......... 50

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . .

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, A.M. Culver

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, June 15 1929.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... B.P. Culver

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ V.S.M. Carrier

4. How old are you? .......... 20

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, B.P. Culver

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, June 15 1929.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? .........

2. Where do you reside? .........

3. What is your occupation? ........

4. How old are you? ..........

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . .

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner,

Attest,..........Examining Committee


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 60)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 60)


[page 60]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... F.M. Day

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 30

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, F.M. Day

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 20 1926.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... J.N. Laughery

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 19

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Nelson Laughery

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, June 5 1926


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... E.C. Owen

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 64

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no Deceased

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . no

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, E.C. Owen

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 6 1926.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 61)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 61)


[page 61]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... M.F. Garwin

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Painter

4. How old are you? .......... 66

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, M.F. Garwin

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 6 1926.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... H.L. Schoonover

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 38

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, H.L. Schoonover

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 20 1926.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... C.C. Clevenger

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ RR mark

4. How old are you? .......... 24

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, C.C. Clevenger

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 20 1926
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 62)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 62)


[page 62]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... C. Crowl

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Trucking

4. How old are you? .......... 19

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no [Withdrawal written in]

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, C. Crowl

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 8 1927


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... G.L. Crowl

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Teaching

4. How old are you? .......... 23

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, G.L. Crowl

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan [illegible]5 1927.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... W.S. Weiser

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Laber [Labor]

4. How old are you? .......... 20 yer

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Walter S. Weiser

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 26 1927.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 63)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 63)


[page 63]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... M.A. Perfect

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 59

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, M.A. Perfect

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 19, 1927


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... W.W. Wilcox

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury R.D. 2

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 50 yr

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Wellow W. Wilcox

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 26 1927


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... H.B. Page

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury R.D. 2

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 50

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, H.B. Page

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 31 1927
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 64)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 64)


[page 64]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Geo Mamier [Minniear]

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Laber [Labor]

4. How old are you? .......... 55

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Geo Minniear

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 20 1926.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... C. Feasel

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Labor

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Clarence Feasel

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Apr 16 1927.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... R.B. Paul

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Higway [highway] forman

4. How old are you? .......... 30

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No Reinstated

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, R.B. Paul

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, May 21 1927.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 65)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 65)


[page 65]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... P.L. Downing

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 22

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, P.L. Downing

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Mar 17 1928.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... R.J. Davis

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Bookkeeper

4. How old are you? .......... 26

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, R.J. Davis

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Apr 14 1928.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... H.O. Kempton

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Printer

4. How old are you? .......... 58

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, H.O. Kempton

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, May 5 1928
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 66)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 66)


[page 66]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... crossed out

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........

4. How old are you? ..........

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . .

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner,

Attest,.... ......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... T.B. Robinson

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Road forman

4. How old are you? .......... 52

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, T.B. Robinston

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, June 2 1928


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... H.C. Hicks

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Teaching

4. How old are you? .......... 25

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, H.C. Hicks

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Mar 2 1929
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 67)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 67)


[page 67]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... G.H. Stith

2. Where do you reside? ......... Marengo R.D. 2

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 34

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, G.H. Stith

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Mar 30 1929


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... A.A. Nuckles

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 53

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, A.A. Nuckles

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 30 1929


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Aaron C. Pittman

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 28

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Aaron C. Pittman

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 4 1930

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 68)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 68)


[page 68]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Claud [Claude] Cantrell

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 37

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Claud [Claude] Cantrell

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 1 1930


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Ersell Cantrell

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Labor

4. How old are you? .......... 21

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Ersell Cantrell

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... L.H. Howard

2. Where do you reside? ......... Marengo

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 20

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner L.H. Howard

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, ............18...

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 69)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 69)


[page 69]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Merrill Matthews

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 20 yr

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Merrill Matthews

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 3 1931


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Gail B. Moats

2. Where do you reside? ......... Condit

3. What is your occupation? ........ Mechanic

4. How old are you? .......... 23

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Gail B. Moats

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 9 1932


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Frank Hubbell

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 37

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Frank Hubbell

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 11 1833 [1933]

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 70)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 70)


[page 70]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Char Glenn

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 28

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No D

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Charley Glenn

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Sept 15 1834 [1934]


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... F.M. Hubbell

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 72

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No DC

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, F.M. Hubbell

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 9 1935


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... John D. Sheets

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 35 D

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, John D. Sheets

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Nov 30 1935
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 71)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 71)


[page 71]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Estill Cantrell

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Salesman

4. How old are you? .......... 24

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No D

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Estill Cantrell

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 2 1935


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Leroy Thomas

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 25

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No D

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Leroy Thomas

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Mar 29 1938


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Walter Owen

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 51

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Walter Owen

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Apr 5 1938
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 72)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 72)


[page 72]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... R.H. Clark

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ merchant

4. How old are you? .......... 36

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner,

Attest,....I.A. Chandler......Examining Committee

Dated, Oct 18 1938


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Ray Carter

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Labor

4. How old are you? .......... 35 yrs

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No D

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Ray Carter

Attest,....Leroy Thomas......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 6 1938


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Glenn O. [illegible]

2. Where do you reside? .........

3. What is your occupation? ........ Transfer

4. How old are you? ..........

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . .

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner,

Attest,..........Examining Committee

Dated, May 23 1939
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 73)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 73)


[page 73]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... R.F. Wilson

2. Where do you reside? .........

3. What is your occupation? ........

4. How old are you? ..........

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ Dropped

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . .

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner,

Attest,.........Examining Committee

Dated, May 3 [illegible] 1939


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Dale Knepper

2. Where do you reside? .........

3. What is your occupation? ........

4. How old are you? .......... D

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . .

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner,

Attest,.........Examining Committee

Dated, May 23 1939


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Dallas Metzger

2. Where do you reside? ......... Centerburg RD 1

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 20

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no Withdrawal

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Dallas Metzger

Attest,....E C Clark......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 13, 1840 [1940]
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 74)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 74)


[page 74]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Robert Bennington

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Meat Cutter

4. How old are you? .......... 44

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no X

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Robert Bennington

Attest,....E C Clark......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 13 1840 [1940]


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Osker [Oscar] Hunley

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston tp

3. What is your occupation? ........ farming

4. How old are you? .......... 53

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no X

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Oscar Henley

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, April 23rd 1940


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Leland Crowl

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Laborer

4. How old are you? .......... 35

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Leland Crowl

Attest,....Jay Overs......Examining Committee

Dated, October 22 1940
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 75)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 75)


[page 75]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... James Ora Cantrell

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ trucking

4. How old are you? .......... 32. D

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, James Ora Cantrell

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, Oct 29 1940


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Cletus Harding

2. Where do you reside? ......... Porter tp

3. What is your occupation? ........ farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 29

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Cletus Harding

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 21 1941


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Hoyt Whitney

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Salesman

4. How old are you? .......... 31

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Hoyt G. Whitney

Attest,....E.C. Clark......Examining Committee

Dated, 1/28 1941

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 76)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 76)


[page 76]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Kenneth Link

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Trucker

4. How old are you? .......... Twenty Seven

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Kenneth Link

Attest,....R.F. Wilson......Examining Committee

Dated, 2/18/41............18....


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Charles Main

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Trucker

4. How old are you? .......... Twenty five

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Charles Main

Attest,....R.F. Wilson......Examining Committee

Dated, 2/18/41............18....


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Vinal Link

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury

3. What is your occupation? ........ Trucker

4. How old are you? .......... Twenty six

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no Dropped

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Vinal Link

Attest,....R.F. Wilson......Examining Committee

Dated, 2/18/41............18....
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 77)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 77)


[page 77]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Cecil M. Townley

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury O

3. What is your occupation? ........ Salesman

4. How old are you? .......... 39

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Cecil M. Townley

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, 3/18/41............18....


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Hubert J. Lake

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury O

3. What is your occupation? ........ Cheesemaker & Barber

4. How old are you? .......... 38

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Hubert J. Lake

Attest,....J.J. Callahan ......Examining Committee

Dated, 3/18/41...........18....


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Fredrick Harrold

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury, Ohio

3. What is your occupation? ........ Minister

4. How old are you? .......... 38

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, Fredrick Harrold

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, May 13 1941
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 78)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 78)


[page 78]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Gerald Nuckles.

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury, Ohio

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer.

4. How old are you? .......... 26

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No. D

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes.

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes.

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes.

Signature of Petitioner, Gerald Nuckles

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, June 2 1942


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... A. C. Metzger Jr.

2. Where do you reside? ......... porter tp

3. What is your occupation? ........ farming

4. How old are you? .......... 30

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, A. C. Metzger, Jr.,

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, nov 27 1945.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... L. E. wilcox

2. Where do you reside? ......... porter tp

3. What is your occupation? ........ farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 74 D

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, L. E. Wilcox

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, Oct 14 1947.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 79)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 79)


[page 79]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Ralph Beaw

2. Where do you reside? ......... Mar #3

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 42

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ yes

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Ralph Beau

Attest,....Howard Hodges......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb. 10 1948.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? .........

2. Where do you reside? .........

3. What is your occupation? ........

4. How old are you? ..........

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . .

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner, Howard E. Morgan

Attest,..........Examining Committee

Dated, Feb. 15 1949.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Elzie Murray

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury O.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Nestle Employee

4. How old are you? ..........

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Elzie Murray

Attest,....W.J. Crowl......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb. 15 1949.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 80)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 80)


[page 80]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Arthur George Kenney

2. Where do you reside? ......... Marengo

3. What is your occupation? ........ FArmer

4. How old are you? .......... 25

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, Douglas Harden

Attest,..............Examining Committee

Dated, Feb 15 1949.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Arthur George Kenney

2. Where do you reside? ......... Marengo, Ohio RT #2

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 25

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no Withdrawn

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Arthur George Kenney

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, April [line] 1949


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... William H. Slack

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury, Ohio

3. What is your occupation? ........ Mortician

4. How old are you? .......... 30

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, William H. Slack

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 81)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 81)


[page 81]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Charles Brookens

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Twp.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 27

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, Charles Brookens

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb. 15 19'.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Rollin Comstock

2. Where do you reside? ......... Porter Twp.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 33

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No Dropped

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, Rollin Comstock

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee



Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Vinal S. Owen

2. Where do you reside? ......... Kingston Twp

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 64

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Vinal S. Owen

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb. 21, 1950
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 82)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 82)


[page 82]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Walter Philips

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury O RD

3. What is your occupation? ........ Miller

4. How old are you? .......... 31

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, Walter Phillips

Attest,..............Examining Committee

Dated, Dec. 29, 1950.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Geo Beckhold

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury R D

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 22

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, George Beckhold

Attest,..............Examining Committee

Dated, Dec 29 1950


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Eugene Lubeshkoff

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury R D

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 23

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No Dropped

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, Eugene Lubeshkoff

Attest,................Examining Committee

Dated, Dec. 29 1950.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 83)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 83)


[page 83]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Joe Beacom

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury R D

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 27

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No Dropped

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, Joe Beacom

Attest,....Joe......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec. 29 1950.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Alva George

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury R D

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 49

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, Alva George

Attest,.... ......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec. 29 1950.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? .........

2. Where do you reside? .........

3. What is your occupation? ........

4. How old are you? ..........

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . .

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner,

Attest,.... ......Examining Committee

Dated, 18
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 84)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 84)


[page 84]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Kenneth Crowl

2. Where do you reside? ......... Porter Township

3. What is your occupation? ........ Miller

4. How old are you? .......... 18

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, Kenneth Crowl

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb. 21, 1950


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Thomas W. Esselstein

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury O Route 2

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farming

4. How old are you? .......... 20

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No X

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, Thomas W. Esselstein

Transfeered [Transferred] Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, April 17, 1951


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Jerome Bird

2. Where do you reside? ......... Centerburg O, R. 1

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 57 yrs

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes Dropped as his request

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, Jerome Bird

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, April 17 1951.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 85)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 85)


[page 85]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... C. L. Geddis

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury, Ohio

3. What is your occupation? ........ Retired

4. How old are you? .......... 66

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No.

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ I do.

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes.

Signature of Petitioner, C. L. Geddis

Attest,....A. C. Metzger......Examining Committee

Dated, June 10th 1952.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... A. E. Dorn

2. Where do you reside? ......... Porter Tp.

3. What is your occupation? ........ Farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 57

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No.

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, A. E. Dorn

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, Dec. 2 1952.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Noah F. Miller

2. Where do you reside? ......... R D 3 Marengo Ohio

3. What is your occupation? ........ farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 53

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.J. Callahan

Attest,....Noah F Miller......Examining Committee

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 86)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 86)


[page 86]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Adam M. Mika Jr.

2. Where do you reside? ......... R #1 Sunbury O

3. What is your occupation? ........ E.A.

4. How old are you? .......... 32

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, Adam M Mika Jr

Attest,....J.J. Callahan......Examining Committee

Dated, Feb. 8 1955.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Tom Sheldon By Transfer

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury Ohio R #1

3. What is your occupation? ........ Stationary Engineer

4. How old are you? .......... 38 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes Dropped

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes as of his

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes Request.

Signature of Petitioner, Tom Sheldon

Attest,.... Dec. -1958......Examining Committee

Dated, April 12 195[illegible]


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Enos Holley

2. Where do you reside? ......... porter tp

3. What is your occupation? ........ farmer

4. How old are you? .......... 58

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ no

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ yes Dropped

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ yes

Signature of Petitioner, J.J. Callahan

Attest,....Enos Holley......Examining Committee

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 87)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 87)


[page 87]

Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Paul Hinkle

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury O. R.R #1

3. What is your occupation? ........ Carpenter

4. How old are you? .......... 36 years

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, Paul Hinkle

Attest,....Milo L Owen......Examining Committee

Dated, Jan 12 1957.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? ......... Raymond Compton

2. Where do you reside? ......... Sunbury O. R. D. #1

3. What is your occupation? ........ Ranco Employee

4. How old are you? .......... 19

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........ No

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . . Yes

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............ Yes

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........ Yes

Signature of Petitioner, Raymond J. Compton

Attest,....M Y Owen Ex Committee...Ex Committee

Dated, Jan 12 1957.


Questions Answers

1. What is your name? .........

2. Where do you reside? .........

3. What is your occupation? ........

4. How old are you? ..........

5. Do you hold membership in any other Order of Odd
Fellows, or are you suspended or expelled from
any Lodge of this Order? ........

6. Are you, so far as you know, in sound health? . .

7. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Intel-
ligent Being, the Creator and preserver of the
Universe? ............

8. Are you willing to subscribe to the truth of the
answers you have made? ........

Signature of Petitioner,

Attest,..........Examining Committe
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 88)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 88)


[page 88]

[corresponds to back cover]
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 89)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 89)


[page 89]

[corresponds to unnumbered document]

BLANK Gr Secty

Independent Order of Odd Fellows

To the Officers and Members of

Big Walnut Lodge, No.798

Working under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the State of Ohio.

The undersigned respectfully requests admission

into your honorable Lodge by Invitation

and, in consideration of such admission, I promise and agree to conform to the

Constitution and By-Laws of the Lodge and those of the Grand Lodge of the

State of Ohio; and that I will seek my remedy for all rights on account of

said membership or connection therewith, in the tribunals of the Order only,

without resorting for their enforcement, in any event or for any purpose, to the

civil Courts.

My age is 22 years; my occupation is

Labor and my residence

Sunbury, Ohio; I also declare that I am free from

infirmity and disease, and I know of no impediment to my becoming a member

of your honorable body.

I am not now and never have been a member of any Lodge of the

Independent Order of Odd Fellows

I am not a Saloon-Keeper, Bartender of Professional Gambler.

Signed Percy Downing

Recommended by J C Clevenger

Dated Mar 3 192[]

Inclosed find $5 on account of admission fee.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 90)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 90)


[page 90]

[corresponds to unnumbered document]


A C Metzger

M. Perfect

H L Schoen[] Lough[]


To the Officers and Members of

Big Walnut Lodge, No. 798

The undersigned Committee

of Investigation to whom was referred the application of

M Persy Downing

asking to become a Member of this Lodge by______

would respectfully report that they have made the necessary inquiries respect-

ing health, habits, moral character and standing, and would report______

favorably to admission as a member of this Lodge.

A.C. Metzger

H L Schoen[]

Dated 24 19__

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 91)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 91)


[page 91]

[corresponds to unnumbered document]



To the Officers and Members of Big Walnut Lodge No. 798

Working under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the State of Ohio:

I, the undersigned, respectfully request admission into your honorable Lodge by

Transfer, and, in consideration of such admission, I promise and agree to

conform to the Constitution and By-Laws of your Lodge and to those of the Grand Lodge of

the State of Ohio; and that I will seek my remedy for the enforcement of all rights on ac-

count of such membership, in the tribunals of the Order only, without resorting for their

enforcement, in any event, or for any purpose, to the civil courts. I also declare that, I

am of full white blood; that I am free from infirmity and disease and I know of no impedi-

ment to my becoming a member of your Honorable Body, and that I am not a professional

gambler or engaged in any immoral or unlawful occupation or profession.

My age is 64 years. Date of birth May 25, 1890. Place of

birth Pleasantville O. Occupation Farmer.

Signed Ira VanDyke

Recommended by Walter Owen

Dated Sept. 7, 1954. Enclosed find $.25 cts, on account of admission fee.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 92)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 92)


[page 92]

[corresponds to unnumbered document]


Charles Brookens

Mr. Dorn

W. J. Crowl


To the Officers and Members of Big Walnut Lodge, No.798:

The undersigned Committee of Investigation to whom was referred the application

of M Ira Van Dyke

asking to become a member of this Lodge by Transfer

would respectfully report that they have made the necessary inquiries respecting his

health, habits, morals character and standing, and would report him favorably to

admission as a member of this Lodge.

Charles Brookens

A. E. Dorn

W J Crowl

Dated Sept. 14, 1954 Committee

Degrees Conferred

Initiatory Feb. 15-1950

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 93)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 93)


[page 93]

[corresponds to unnumbered document]


for the




of DISTRICT 32 to the


Independent Order of Odd Fellows

for the two year term beginning

January 1, 1960

* * * * * * * *

Vote for one candidate only,

Make a cross mark (X) in front

of the name of the candidate for

whom you wish to vote or erase

the names of all candidates ex-

cept the one for whom you wish

to vote.

Election to be held the first reg-

ular prescribed meeting night in

December, 1959, and no other.

* * * * * * * *


of SL#798, Olive Green

* * * * * * * *

I certify that the above is a

true copy of the names of candi-

dates legally nominated for the

office of Representative of

District 32 in accordance with

Section 10 of the Grand Lodge

Constitution as amended at the

1957 Grand Lodge session.

Vernon []

Grand Secretary
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 94)


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory (p. 94)


[page 94]

[corresponds to back of page 93]

Dues 15.00

Rent 25.00

Dis - 45.70

Dec.- 15 Bal 259.22

Jan- 5 -1960

Dues. 8.00

Dublin Core


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory


Fraternal organizations--Directories
Independent Order of Odd Fellows--Ohio--Big Walnut Area--Directories
Odd Fellows Lodge 798--1891-1958
Olive Green--Ohio--Independent Order of Odd Fellows


This membership directory of the Big Walnut Lodge #798 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows contains the names of men who joined the lodge from 1891-1958. In addition to name, residence, occupation, and age, original signatures are on the lodge form.


Membership Petitioners of the Big Walnut Lodge #798 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows




Examining committee members of the Big Walnut Lodge #798 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows











Membership Petitioners of the Big Walnut Lodge #798 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, “Independent Order of Odd Fellows Big Walnut Lodge #798 Membership Directory,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 15, 2025,

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