Harlem Township Enumeration of Youth Sub-District 6, July 20, 1897
Harlem Township Enumeration of Youth Sub-District 6, July 20, 1897 (p. 1)
[page 1]
[corresponds to cover]
C. B. McElwee
[corresponds to cover]
C. B. McElwee
Harlem Township Enumeration of Youth Sub-District 6, July 20, 1897 (p. 2)
[page 2]
[corresponds to inside cover and page titled BARRETT'S FORM]
Published by E. L. Barrett & Son.
(*0-5) 7-3-12.
[corresponds to inside cover and page titled BARRETT'S FORM]
Published by E. L. Barrett & Son.
(*0-5) 7-3-12.
Harlem Township Enumeration of Youth Sub-District 6, July 20, 1897 (p. 3)
[page 3]
[corresponds to pages titled OATH and Enumeration of Youth]
I, C. B. McElwee do
solemnly swear that I will support the Constitu-
tion of the United States, and the Constitution of
the State of Ohio, and that I will take the Enumer-
ation of Youth in ________________ Sub-District
No. 6 in Harlem Township
and Delaware County, as
required by law, accurately and truly, to the best
of my skill and ability.
[signature] C. B. McElwee
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 21st
day of June, 1897.
Frank F. Cole
Tp. Clerk.
Enumeration of Youth
In Sub-District No. 6.
Harlem Township,
Delaware County, Ohio.
Taken ___________________, 189_____
1. The first column shows the whole Number enumerated.
In the second column enter the names of ALL persons enumerated.
In using the third column headed "Ages," enter the age of each
person enumerated opposite such name, and UNDER THE PROPER
HEADING of Male and Female, as required under the new law.
In the next columns make a mark opposite the names of all
such persons as are between 6 and 8; 8 and 14; 14 and 16; and 16
and 21 years of age. The next column will be used in the case of
a Joint Sub-District.
2. As the law requires (see Section 4030) that the enumera-
tion shall not only give names, ages, and sex, as above stated (and
as shown in the ruled and printed columns on the next page,) but
also to designate several other conditions named, additional
columns are ruled on each right hand page, which are to be used to
report the number of youth enumerated (if any) residing in the
Western Reserve, the Virginia Military District, the U. S. Military
District, and in any original surveyed Township or fractional
Township to which belongs section sixteen, or other land in lieu
thereof, or any other lands for the use of schools, or any interest in
the proceeds of such lands. Each class should be properly de-
signated at the head of such column. If yours is a joint Sub-
District, enumerate all the youth who reside in an adjoining Town-
ship, designating them in the proper column. A joint Sub-District
belongs to the Township in which the school house is situated.
Read also the law respecting enumeration of youth on
the last page of this book.
[corresponds to pages titled OATH and Enumeration of Youth]
I, C. B. McElwee do
solemnly swear that I will support the Constitu-
tion of the United States, and the Constitution of
the State of Ohio, and that I will take the Enumer-
ation of Youth in ________________ Sub-District
No. 6 in Harlem Township
and Delaware County, as
required by law, accurately and truly, to the best
of my skill and ability.
[signature] C. B. McElwee
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 21st
day of June, 1897.
Frank F. Cole
Tp. Clerk.
Enumeration of Youth
In Sub-District No. 6.
Harlem Township,
Delaware County, Ohio.
Taken ___________________, 189_____
1. The first column shows the whole Number enumerated.
In the second column enter the names of ALL persons enumerated.
In using the third column headed "Ages," enter the age of each
person enumerated opposite such name, and UNDER THE PROPER
HEADING of Male and Female, as required under the new law.
In the next columns make a mark opposite the names of all
such persons as are between 6 and 8; 8 and 14; 14 and 16; and 16
and 21 years of age. The next column will be used in the case of
a Joint Sub-District.
2. As the law requires (see Section 4030) that the enumera-
tion shall not only give names, ages, and sex, as above stated (and
as shown in the ruled and printed columns on the next page,) but
also to designate several other conditions named, additional
columns are ruled on each right hand page, which are to be used to
report the number of youth enumerated (if any) residing in the
Western Reserve, the Virginia Military District, the U. S. Military
District, and in any original surveyed Township or fractional
Township to which belongs section sixteen, or other land in lieu
thereof, or any other lands for the use of schools, or any interest in
the proceeds of such lands. Each class should be properly de-
signated at the head of such column. If yours is a joint Sub-
District, enumerate all the youth who reside in an adjoining Town-
ship, designating them in the proper column. A joint Sub-District
belongs to the Township in which the school house is situated.
Read also the law respecting enumeration of youth on
the last page of this book.
Harlem Township Enumeration of Youth Sub-District 6, July 20, 1897 (p. 4)
[page 4]
[corresponds to page titled Enumeration of Unmarried Youth between
the ages of Six and Twenty-one Years]
Enumeration of Unmarried Youth between the ages of Six and Twenty-one Years
Taken _________________________ 189____.
{The extra columns to be used for youth (if any) residing the the Western Re-
serve, the Virginia Military District, &c., &c., (see law). Each class should be
properly designated at the head of such column.
Of all unmarried Youth between Enter the age
the ages of 6 and 21 years. of each in the
proper column
1 Blaine Paul M Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
2 Budd Willard M Youth between 14 and 16 years of age
3 Budd Freddie M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
4 Baldwin Ray M Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
5 Blaine Grace F Youth between 14 and 16 years of age
6 Budd Dora F Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
7 Budd Matilda F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
8 Crown Lawrence M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
9 Crabill Della F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
10 Crabill Carrie F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
11 Crabill Vesta F Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
12 Ferrand Wm. M Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
13 Fravel Florence F Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
14 Ferrand Minnie F Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
15 Ford Lucy F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
16 Ford Bertha F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
17 Groves Russell M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
18 Haycook Ray M Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
19 Haycook Garold M Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
20 Haycook Earl M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
[corresponds to page titled Enumeration of Unmarried Youth between
the ages of Six and Twenty-one Years]
Enumeration of Unmarried Youth between the ages of Six and Twenty-one Years
Taken _________________________ 189____.
{The extra columns to be used for youth (if any) residing the the Western Re-
serve, the Virginia Military District, &c., &c., (see law). Each class should be
properly designated at the head of such column.
Of all unmarried Youth between Enter the age
the ages of 6 and 21 years. of each in the
proper column
1 Blaine Paul M Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
2 Budd Willard M Youth between 14 and 16 years of age
3 Budd Freddie M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
4 Baldwin Ray M Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
5 Blaine Grace F Youth between 14 and 16 years of age
6 Budd Dora F Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
7 Budd Matilda F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
8 Crown Lawrence M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
9 Crabill Della F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
10 Crabill Carrie F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
11 Crabill Vesta F Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
12 Ferrand Wm. M Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
13 Fravel Florence F Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
14 Ferrand Minnie F Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
15 Ford Lucy F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
16 Ford Bertha F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
17 Groves Russell M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
18 Haycook Ray M Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
19 Haycook Garold M Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
20 Haycook Earl M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
Harlem Township Enumeration of Youth Sub-District 6, July 20, 1897 (p. 5)
[page 5]
[corresponds to page titled Enumeration of Unmarried Youth between
the ages of Six and Twenty-one Years]
Enumeration of Unmarried Youth between the ages of Six and Twenty-one Years
Taken _________________________ 189____
{The extra columns to be used for youth (if any) residing the the Western Re-
serve, the Virginia Military District, &c., &c., (see law). Each class should be
properly designated at the head of such column.
Of all unmarried Youth between Enter the age
the ages of 6 and 21 years. of each in the
proper column
21 Heill Florence F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
22 Heill Iva F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
23 Haycook Mary F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
24 Hartrum Mary F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
25 Lawrence Etna M Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
26 Laymon Austin M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
27 Laymon Aril M Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
28 McElwee Harry M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
29 McElwee Willie M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
30 McElwee Francis M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
31 McElwee Ross M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
32 McElwee Jimmy M Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
33 Mann Alma F Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
34 Mann Minnie F Youth between 14 and 16 years of age
35 McElwee Jessie F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
36 McElwee Ethel F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
37 McElwee Oral F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
38 Mann Ivand F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
39 Mann Letta F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
40 McElwee Laura F Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
[corresponds to page titled Enumeration of Unmarried Youth between
the ages of Six and Twenty-one Years]
Enumeration of Unmarried Youth between the ages of Six and Twenty-one Years
Taken _________________________ 189____
{The extra columns to be used for youth (if any) residing the the Western Re-
serve, the Virginia Military District, &c., &c., (see law). Each class should be
properly designated at the head of such column.
Of all unmarried Youth between Enter the age
the ages of 6 and 21 years. of each in the
proper column
21 Heill Florence F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
22 Heill Iva F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
23 Haycook Mary F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
24 Hartrum Mary F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
25 Lawrence Etna M Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
26 Laymon Austin M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
27 Laymon Aril M Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
28 McElwee Harry M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
29 McElwee Willie M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
30 McElwee Francis M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
31 McElwee Ross M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
32 McElwee Jimmy M Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
33 Mann Alma F Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
34 Mann Minnie F Youth between 14 and 16 years of age
35 McElwee Jessie F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
36 McElwee Ethel F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
37 McElwee Oral F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
38 Mann Ivand F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
39 Mann Letta F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
40 McElwee Laura F Youth between 16 and 21 years of age
Harlem Township Enumeration of Youth Sub-District 6, July 20, 1897 (p. 6)
[page 6]
[corresponds to page titled Enumeration of Unmarried Youth between the ages of
Six and
Twenty-one Years]
Enumeration of Unmarried Youth between the ages of Six and Twenty-one Years
Taken _________________________ 189____
{The extra columns to be used for youth (if any) residing the the Western Re-
serve, the Virginia Military District, &c., &c., (see law). Each class should be
properly designated at the head of such column.
Of all unmarried Youth between Enter the age
the ages of 6 and 21 years. of each in the
proper column
41 Orndorff Cecil M Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
42 Orndorff Claudie M Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
43 Paul Freddie M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
44 Sebring Elmer M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
45 Sebring George M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
46 Sebring Nellie F Youth between 14 and 16 years of age
47 Trigg Zella F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
48 Works Clara F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
49 Works Lucy F Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
[corresponds to page titled Enumeration of Unmarried Youth between the ages of
Six and
Twenty-one Years]
Enumeration of Unmarried Youth between the ages of Six and Twenty-one Years
Taken _________________________ 189____
{The extra columns to be used for youth (if any) residing the the Western Re-
serve, the Virginia Military District, &c., &c., (see law). Each class should be
properly designated at the head of such column.
Of all unmarried Youth between Enter the age
the ages of 6 and 21 years. of each in the
proper column
41 Orndorff Cecil M Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
42 Orndorff Claudie M Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
43 Paul Freddie M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
44 Sebring Elmer M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
45 Sebring George M Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
46 Sebring Nellie F Youth between 14 and 16 years of age
47 Trigg Zella F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
48 Works Clara F Youth between 8 and 14 years of age
49 Works Lucy F Youth between 6 and 8 years of age
Harlem Township Enumeration of Youth Sub-District 6, July 20, 1897 (p. 7)
[page 7]
[corresponds to pages titled Recapitulation. and AFFIDAVIT.]
No. of Youth: Male 23; Female 26; Total 49
Total number of Youth between 6 and 8 years of age 9
Total number of Youth between 8 and 14 years of age 27
Total number of youth between 14 and 16 years of age 4
Total number of Youth between 16 and 21 years of age 9
*{ The aggregate number of Youth in the Dist., resi-
{dent of _______________., is _____
{The aggregate No. of Youth in the Dist., resident
{of the adjoining Tp. of_______________ is_______
+{The number residing in the______________ is_______
{The number residing in the______________ is_______
I hereby certify the foregoing to be a correct list of the
unmarried Youth in Sub-District No. Six
Harlem Township Delaware
County, Ohio, taken between July 20,
and 24 1897
Cary B. McElwee
Director of Sub-District No. six.
July 29 1897
*These two lines are not to be used except in Joint Sub-Districts.
+In these lines put the number of youth (if any) residing in the Western Re-
serve, the Virginia Military District, etc, etc.
Del. County.
C. B. McElwee having been first
duly sworn, states that he has, according to law,
taken and returned the Enumeration of Youth in
_______________Sub-District No. 6 in
Harlem Township,
and Del County, accurately
and truly, to the best of his knowledge and belief,
and that the list accompanying this return con-
tains the names of all the Youth so Enumerated,
and none other.
(Signed) C. B. McElwee
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 16th,
day of Aug, 1897.
F. F. Cole,
Tp. Clerk
[corresponds to pages titled Recapitulation. and AFFIDAVIT.]
No. of Youth: Male 23; Female 26; Total 49
Total number of Youth between 6 and 8 years of age 9
Total number of Youth between 8 and 14 years of age 27
Total number of youth between 14 and 16 years of age 4
Total number of Youth between 16 and 21 years of age 9
*{ The aggregate number of Youth in the Dist., resi-
{dent of _______________., is _____
{The aggregate No. of Youth in the Dist., resident
{of the adjoining Tp. of_______________ is_______
+{The number residing in the______________ is_______
{The number residing in the______________ is_______
I hereby certify the foregoing to be a correct list of the
unmarried Youth in Sub-District No. Six
Harlem Township Delaware
County, Ohio, taken between July 20,
and 24 1897
Cary B. McElwee
Director of Sub-District No. six.
July 29 1897
*These two lines are not to be used except in Joint Sub-Districts.
+In these lines put the number of youth (if any) residing in the Western Re-
serve, the Virginia Military District, etc, etc.
Del. County.
C. B. McElwee having been first
duly sworn, states that he has, according to law,
taken and returned the Enumeration of Youth in
_______________Sub-District No. 6 in
Harlem Township,
and Del County, accurately
and truly, to the best of his knowledge and belief,
and that the list accompanying this return con-
tains the names of all the Youth so Enumerated,
and none other.
(Signed) C. B. McElwee
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 16th,
day of Aug, 1897.
F. F. Cole,
Tp. Clerk
Harlem Township Enumeration of Youth Sub-District 6, July 20, 1897 (p. 8)
[page 8]
[corresponds to page titled Laws of Ohio Regarding the Enumeration of Youth.]
Laws of Ohio Regarding the Enumeration of Youth.
SEC. 4030. (As amended March 20, 1890.) There shall be taken
in each district, annually, during the two weeks ending on the fourth
Saturday in July, an enumeration of all unmarried youth, noting
sex, between six and twenty-one years of age, resident within the
district and not temporarily there, designating also the number be-
tween six and eight years of age, the number between eight and
fourteen years of age, the number between fourteen and sixteen
years of age, the number between sixteen and twenty-one years of
age, and the number residing in the Western Reserve, the Virginia
military district, the United States military district, and in any
originally surveyed township or fractional township to which be-
longs section sixteen, or other land in lieu thereof, or any other
lands for the use of public schools, or any interest in the proceeds
of such lands.
SEC. 4031. (As amended April 19, 1893.) Each person required or
employed under this chapter to take such enumeration shall take
an oath or affirmation to take the same accurately and truly to the
best of his skill and ability. When making return thereof to the
proper officers, he shall accompany the same with a list of the
names of all the youth so enumerated, noting the age of each, and
with his affidavit duly certified that he has taken and returned the
enumeration accurately and truly to the best of his knowledge and
belief, and that such list contains the names of all the youth so
enumerated and none others. The officers to whom such return is
required to be made, may administer such oath or affirmation and
take and certify such affidavit, and shall keep in his office for the
period of five years such report and list of names, and each person
so taking and returning the enumeration shall be allowed by the
proper board of education reasonable compensation for his services,
which in sub-districts shall not exceed two dollars for each person
authorized, required or appointed to perform the service.
SEC. 4032. The director of each sub-district shall take the enu-
meration of his sub-district and return the same to the clerk of the
board of education in the manner prescribed in this chapter.
SEC. 4034. The enumeration of a joint sub-district shall be taken
by the director of the joint sub-district in which the school-house
of the sub-district is situate. He shall designate in his report to
the clerk the number of youth residing in the respective fractions
of townships of which the sub-district is composed; and the clerk,
if such sub-district is composed of parts of two or more counties,
shall transmit a certified copy thereof to the auditor of each county
having territory within the sub-district.
[corresponds to page titled Laws of Ohio Regarding the Enumeration of Youth.]
Laws of Ohio Regarding the Enumeration of Youth.
SEC. 4030. (As amended March 20, 1890.) There shall be taken
in each district, annually, during the two weeks ending on the fourth
Saturday in July, an enumeration of all unmarried youth, noting
sex, between six and twenty-one years of age, resident within the
district and not temporarily there, designating also the number be-
tween six and eight years of age, the number between eight and
fourteen years of age, the number between fourteen and sixteen
years of age, the number between sixteen and twenty-one years of
age, and the number residing in the Western Reserve, the Virginia
military district, the United States military district, and in any
originally surveyed township or fractional township to which be-
longs section sixteen, or other land in lieu thereof, or any other
lands for the use of public schools, or any interest in the proceeds
of such lands.
SEC. 4031. (As amended April 19, 1893.) Each person required or
employed under this chapter to take such enumeration shall take
an oath or affirmation to take the same accurately and truly to the
best of his skill and ability. When making return thereof to the
proper officers, he shall accompany the same with a list of the
names of all the youth so enumerated, noting the age of each, and
with his affidavit duly certified that he has taken and returned the
enumeration accurately and truly to the best of his knowledge and
belief, and that such list contains the names of all the youth so
enumerated and none others. The officers to whom such return is
required to be made, may administer such oath or affirmation and
take and certify such affidavit, and shall keep in his office for the
period of five years such report and list of names, and each person
so taking and returning the enumeration shall be allowed by the
proper board of education reasonable compensation for his services,
which in sub-districts shall not exceed two dollars for each person
authorized, required or appointed to perform the service.
SEC. 4032. The director of each sub-district shall take the enu-
meration of his sub-district and return the same to the clerk of the
board of education in the manner prescribed in this chapter.
SEC. 4034. The enumeration of a joint sub-district shall be taken
by the director of the joint sub-district in which the school-house
of the sub-district is situate. He shall designate in his report to
the clerk the number of youth residing in the respective fractions
of townships of which the sub-district is composed; and the clerk,
if such sub-district is composed of parts of two or more counties,
shall transmit a certified copy thereof to the auditor of each county
having territory within the sub-district.
Dublin Core
Harlem Township Enumeration of Youth Sub-District 6, July 20, 1897
Enumerations--Schools--Harlem Township--Ohio--1897
Harlem Township--Delaware County--Ohio
Harlem Township--Delaware County--Ohio
This book lists the names and ages of students attending school in Sub-District 6 of Harlem Township in 1897. Teacher and township clerk names for each year enumerated are also included.
C. B. McElwee
Published by E. L. Barrett & Son, Springfield, OH
July 20, 1897
Township Clerk: Frank F. Cole
C. B. McElwee, “Harlem Township Enumeration of Youth Sub-District 6, July 20, 1897,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 12, 2025,