Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 1)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 1)


[page 1]

[corresponds to outside red front cover of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 2)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 2)


[page 2]

[corresponds to inside red front cover of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 3)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 3)


[page 3]

[corresponds to page 1 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]


The State of Ohio

County of Delaware ss. Benjamin Powers being sworn

on his oath says that he is 82 years

of age and a resident of said county: that he was

present at the wedding of Isabella Webb and Charles

C. Chamberlain which took place at the Inn of

Delaware in the said County on the 18th day of February

A.D. 1834: that he saw Revd Henry Van Deman

unite in the holy bands of matrimony. the said

Isabella Webb and Charles C. Chamberlain

at said [illegible]: that the said parties lived together

ever since as man and wife until the death of the

said Charles C. Chamberlain & that he was personally ac-

quainted with all the parties above named

B. Powers

Sworn to and subscribed before me by Benjamin Powers

this 25th of March A.D.1883. as witness my hand seal officially

William A. Hall

Notary Public in open said County

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 4)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 4)


[page 4]

[corresponds to page 1 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

These marriage licenses are under the white piece of paper.

State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 20th day of March ss 1835 I solemnized the

marriage of Thomas C. Cole with Clarissa Heard

Henry VanDeman M. S.

Ret & Recorded May 22 ss 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

The State of Ohio Delaware County,

I certify that on the 23rd day of August PAD 1835 Sam

(illegible) v Sally Hills were legally joined in Marriage

by me. P. E. Buell J P

Rev. & Recorded Dec 1st 1835

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

The State of Ohio Delaware County: Ss

I certify that on the 6th day of October A.D. 1835 Isaac

Freese & Hester Grubb were legally joined in marriage

by me Isreal Carpenter J.P.

Ret. & Recorded Nov. 28th 1835

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

The State of Ohio Delaware County, Ss

I certify that on the 1st day of May 1837. Hiram A. Buck

& Jennett G. Cross were joined in marriage by me. Samuel Lynch

[illegible] & Recorded July 23 1838 Attest T Reynolds Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 5)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 5)


[page 5]

[corresponds to labeled page 2 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

The State of Ohio, Delaware County.Ss

I hereby certify. That on the 14th day of January A.D. 1835. James McCune

and Eliza Walling were joined in marriage by me.

Robert Lawrence J.P.

Returned & recorded May 16th A.D. 1835.

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

The State of Ohio, Delaware County. Ss

I hereby certify.That on the 6th day of February A.D. 1835. Bazaleel Culver &

Elizabeth Thomas were joined in marriage by me.

Festus Sprague J.P.

Returned & recorded May 23rd A.D. 1835.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County.Ss

I hereby certify that on the 19th day of February A.D. 1835. Charles Dodge &

Melissa Shaw were joined in marriage by me.

S.D. Wyatt

Returned & recorded April 21st. A.D. 1835.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk.

The State of Ohio. Delaware County. Ss

I hereby certify. That on the 19th day of February.A.D.1835. James Fridlington V

Barbary Brenizer were joined in marriage by me.


Returned & recorded April 21st. A.D.1835.

Attest. T.Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 6)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 6)


[page 6]
[corresponds to the Page 2-A of the piece of paper attached to page 1 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,SS

To any Ordained Minister of the Gospel, thoughout the States aforesaid, legally authorized to sol-

emnize MARRIAGES, or any LEGALLY acting Justice of the Peace, in and for said County, Greeting;

These are to License and permit you to unite in the holy bands of Matrimony; agreeably to the rites

and ceremonies of the sect to which you may belong. William Davis

and Imanda W. Blirsan, and for so doing this shall be your sufficient Voucher.

In testimony whereof, I, Thomas Reynolds, Clerk of the

Court of Common Pleas of said County, have hereunto set

my hand, and affixed my seal of office, this 18th day of

Feby 1835

T. Reynolds, Clerk

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,SS

To any Ordained Minister of the Gospel, thoughout the States aforesaid, legally authorized to sol-

emnize MARRIAGES, or any LEGALLY acting Justice of the Peace, in and for said County, Greeting;

These are to License and permit you to unite in the holy bands of Matrimony; agreeably to the rites

and ceremonies of the sect to which you may belong. Jerimiah Gilles

and Ererline Bradley, and for so doing this shall be your sufficient Voucher.

In testimony whereof, I, Thomas Reynolds, Clerk of the

Court of Common Pleas of said County, have hereunto set

my hand, and affixed my seal of office, this 21st day of

Feby 1835

T. Reynolds, Clerk

Middletown Feb 8th 1841

I do hereby certify that the marriage of Thomas

Allen & Sarah Waters was solemnized on the

31st of December last by me

Also the marriage of James Meaze &

Sarah G Allen on the 4th last by me

Geo Armstrong


6 SEP 17 1959

8 OCT 5 1959
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 7)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 7)


[page 7]

[corresponds to labeled page 3 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Marriage Record # 1

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,Ss.

I, hereby certify, that on the 7th day of March A.D. 1835. Isom M. Hayward &

Placy A. Jackson were joined in marriage by me.

Robert Lawrence J.P.

Returned & recorded May 16th 1835

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, Ss

I, hereby certify, that on the 8th day of March A.D. 1835. Harrison Dewit &

Mary M. Caulkins were joined in marriage by me.

Tho. S. Hoadly J.P.

Returned & recorded May 11th. 1835.

Attest. T.Reynolds Clerk.

The state of Ohio, Delaware County, Ss

I, hereby certify, that on the 12th day of March A.D. 1835. Joseph Skates &

Susan Ann Felkel were joined in marriage by me.

Tho. S. Hoadly J.P.

Returned & recorded May 11th 1835.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, Ss

I,hereby certify, that on the 18th day of March A.D. 1835, Daniel M. Sellers &

Sophia Patterson were joined in marriage by me.

Caleb Hall J.P.

Returned & recorded June 2nd 1835.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 8)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 8)


[page 8]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

The State of Ohio,Delaware County,Ss

I, hereby certify, that on the 26th day of March A.D. 1835. James Roff and

Hannah Tinkham were joined in marriage by me.

Caleb Hall J.P.

Returned & recored June 2nd 1835.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk.

Edward McLeod & Eliza Rose licenced April 14th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware, Ss

I hereby certify, that on the 15th day of April A.D. 1835. Edward McLeod &

Eliza Rose were joined in marriage by me.

Wm Gildersleeve

Returned & recored May 28th 1835.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk.

John Hood & Polly Warner licenced April 20th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County. Ss

I hereby certify, that on the 23th day of April A.D. 1835. John Hood and

Polly Warner were joined in marriage by me.

Wm. Gildersleeve

Returned & recorded May 28th 1835.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk

Lorenzo Churchill & Nancy M. Wright licenced April 21st 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, Ss

I hereby certify, that on the 22d, day of April A.D. 1835. Lorenzo Churchill &

Nancy M. Wright were joined in marriage by me.

Wm H. Ashley E.C.C.

Returned & recorded June 2, 1835.

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 9)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 9)


[page 9]

[corresponds to page 5 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John W. Arthur & Nancy Macomber licenced May 11th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,Ss

I certify, that on the 17th day of May 1835. John W. Authur & Nancy Macomber were

joined in marriage by me.

Joel Marsh J.P.

Ret. & recorded June 30th 1835.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk

Thomas Coleman & Drusilla Franceway licenced May 12th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,Ss

I certify, that on the 13th day of May 1835, Thomas Coleman &

Drusilla Franceway were joined in marriage by me.

Isael Carpenter J.P.

Ret. & recorded Nov. 28th 1835.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk.

William Benedict & Achsah Hoar licenced May 16th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, Ss

I hereby certify, that on the 28th day of May A.. 1835. William Benedict &

Achsah Hoar [Horr] were joined in marriage by me.

Joesph Harrison J.P.

Ret.& recorded June 8th 1835.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk.

Jabez Wood & Clementina Emery licenced May 23rd 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,Ss

I hereby certify, that on the 28th day of May 1835. Jabez Wood & Clementina

Emery were joined in marriage by me.

Emmons Wood J.P.

Ret. & recorded June 10th 1835.

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 10)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 10)


[page 10]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Trout & Priscilla Wilcox licenced May 25th, 1835,

The State of Ohio,Delaware County, Ss

I hereby certify, that on the 25th, day of May A.D. 1835. Joseph Trout and

Priscilla Wilcox were joined in marriage by me.

Abraham Weil M. G.

Ret. & recorded June 4th, 1835.

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk

John Cannady & Bethsheba Decker licenced May 26th, 1835,

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, Ss

I certify that on the 30th day of May A.D. 1835. John Cannady & Bethsheba

Decker were joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Hanifon J.P.

Returned & recorded June 8th 1835,

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk

Jacob Darst & Catharine Cramer Licenced May 27th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County. Ss

I hereby certify that on the 31st day of May A.D. 1835, Jacob Darst and

Catharine Cramer were joined in marriage by me.

James Davenport J.P.

Ret. & recorded June 5th 1835,
Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk

Joel Goodrich & Malinda Slayne licenced May 29th 1835.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 11)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 11)


[page 11]

[corresponds to page 7 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jonas Foust & Elizabeth Kister licenced June 2nd 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County. Ss

I hereby certify, that on the 28th day of June 1835, Jonas Foust and

Elizabeth Kester were joined in marriage by me.

John Porterfield J.P.

Ret. & recorded June 16th 1835,

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk.

Reason Luellen & Mary [Ann] Waimer [Wymer] licenced June 3, 1835.

The State of ohio, Delaware County. Ss

I, certify, that on the 7th day of June 1835, Reason Luellen & Mary

Waimer were joined in marriage by me.

Elijah Adams J.P.

Ret. & recorded August 21th 1835

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk.

Nathaniel Phipps & Mary Ann Plews licenced June 4th 1835.

The State of Ohio,Delaware County.Ss

I, certify, that on the 7th day of June 1835. Nathaniel Phipps & Mary Ann Plews

were joined in marriage by me.


Ret. & recorded June 30th 1835.

Attest. T.Reynolds Clerk.

Samuel Grauel & Barbara Stroub licenced June 10th 1835,

The State of Ohio, Delaware County.Ss

I,certify, that on the 14th day of June A.D. 1835, Samuel Grauel & Barbara Knoub

were joined in marriage by me.

Andrew Kinnear M.G.

Ret. & recorded June 22, 1835

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 12)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 12)


[page 12]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 8 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Ira Chase & Jane Wilcox licenced June 11th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County. Ss

I hereby certify, that on the 11th day of June 1835, Ira Chase & Jane Wilcox

were joined in marriage by me.

John C. Havens M.G.

Ret. & recorded 16th 1835,

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk.

Anson S. Wood & Kaziah [Kezia] Monroe licenced June 11th 1835,

The State of Ohio, Delaware County.Ss

I, certify, that on the 14th day of June 1835. Anson S. Wood & Kaziah Monroe were

joined in marriage by me.

Thomas Reid J.P.

Ret. & recorded June 19th 1835.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk

Orin Stanton & Susannah Poorman lic'd June 17th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,Ss

I, certify, that on the 21st day of June 1835. Orin Stanton & Susannah Poorman

were joined in marriage by me.

Anson Wood J.P.

Ret.& recorded June 24th 1835.

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk.

Robert R. M. Cutchan & Harriet Lindenberger lic'd June 17th 1835.

The State of Ohio,Delaware County,Ss

I, certify, that on the 17th day of June 1835, Robert R. McCutchan & Harriet Linden

berger were joined in marriage by me.

Jacob Rosecrans J.P.
Ret. & recorded July 9th 1835

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 13)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 13)


[page 13]

[corresponds to page 9 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Salmon Wells & Peggy Clayton lic. June 26th 1835.

Iva Benedict & Rosanna Dennis licenced July 1th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, Ss

I certify that on the 2. day of July A.D. 1835. Iva Benedict & Rosanna Dennis

were joined in marriage by me.
Anson Wood J.P.

Ret. & recorded, July 14th 1835.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk.

Elizur Pierce Minier & Eunice Sherman lic'd July 4th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,Ss

I certify, that on the 5th day of July A.D. 1835. Elizur Pierce Minier & Eunice

Sherman were joined in marriage by me.

B. Carpenter J.P.

Ret. & recorded July 10th. 1835.

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk.

Squire P.T. Cummins & Pamelia Williams lic'd July 9th. 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County.Ss

I certify, that on the 9th. day of July A.D. 1835. Squire P.T. Cummins &

Pamelia Williams were joined in marriage by me.

John Nettleton J.P.

Ret. & recorded July 16th. 1835.

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 14)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 14)


[page 14]

[corresponds to page 10 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jacob Weimer & Catharine Markel lic'd July 11th. 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,Ss

I certify, that on the 16th. day of July A.D. 1835. Jacob Weimer & Catharine

Markel were joined in marriage by me.

J.P.Brookins J.Peace.

Ret'd & recorded July 18th, 1835.

Attest. T.Reynolds Clerk.

Charles H. Hamlin & Mary Markel lic'd July 13th, 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,Ss

I certify, that on the 13th day of July A.D. 1835. Charles H. Hamlin &

Catherine Markel were joined in marriage by me.

Leonard H. Cowles J.P.

Ret'd & recorded, July 18th, 1835.

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk

Isaac Halley & Clarissa Sherman lic'd July 18th, 1835

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,Ss

I certify, that on the 23d. day of July 1835. Isaac Halley & Clarissa

Sherman were joined in marriage by me.

Benjamin Martin

Ret'd & recorded July 31th, 1835

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk.

William D.A. Clair & Laura A. Adams lic'd July 24th, 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, Ss

I certify, that on the 26th day of July 1835, William D.A. Clair &

Laura A. Adams were joined in marriage by me.

Truman Strong

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 25th 1835

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 15)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 15)


[page 15]

[corresponds to page 11 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Phillips & Nancy Phillians licenced April 21th, 1835

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 25 day of April A.D. 1835 I solemnized the marriage

of John Phillips with Nancy Phillians.

Henry Van Derman

Rec & Recorded Dec. 15 1852

D.L.Fuller Probate Judge

Thomas T. Jones & Eleaner O. Jones licenced April 21th, 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County. Ss

I certify, that on the 24th day of April 1835, Thomas T. Jones &

Eleaner O. Jones were joined in marriage by me.

David Cadwalader.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 10th, 1835.

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk

Adolphus Handley & Maria Noe licenced April 23.d 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County. Ss

I certify, that on the 30th day of April A.D. 1835. Adolphus Handley &

Maria Noe were joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Harrison J.P.

Returned & recorded May 18th, 1835.

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk.

John Maffit & Emily Foust licenced April 23.d 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County.Ss

I certify, that on the 30th day of April A. D. 1835, John Moffit and

Emily Howard were joined in marriage by me.

Ebenezer H. Wood J.P.

Returned & recorded May 2.d 1835.

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 16)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 16)


[page 16]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 12 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Thompson Roberts & Mary Powers licenced April 28th, 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County. Ss

I hereby certify, that on the 29th. day of April A.D. 1835. Thompson Roberts

& Mary Powers were joined in marriage by me.

Wm. Gildersleeve.

Returned & recorded May 28th, 1835.

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk

Samuel Willey & Eliza Pool licenced May 1st 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,Ss

I hereby certify, that on the 5th day of May A.D. 1835. Samuel Willey &

Eliza Pool were joined in marriage by me.
Abraham Weil M. of Gospel.

Returned & recorded May 11th, 1835

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk

Alvey Dixon & Letty Ann Witt licenced May 5th, 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County. Ss

I hereby certify,that on the 12th day of May A.D. 1835, Alvey Dixon and

Letty Ann Witt were joined in marriage by me.

Owen Owens D.D.M.

Ret'd & recorded June 1st, 1835.

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk

George W. M. Clary & Elizabeth Benedict licenced May 9th 1835 ~

The State of Ohio, Delaware County.Ss

I hereby certify, that on the 10th day of May A.D. 1835, George W.M.Clary &

Elizabeth Benedict were joined in marriage by me.

John Bunker J.P.

Ret'd & recorded June 2nd. 1835

Attest, T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 17)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 17)


[page 17]

[corresponds to page 13 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joshua Fritz & Rosanna Hall lic'd July 25th 1835 -

Aaron Shaw & Mary Ann Jenkins lic'd July 27th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 6th day of August 1835, Aaron Shaw & Mary Ann

Jenkins were joined in marriage by me -

Anson Wood J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 1st 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Walter Mitchell & Nancy Phipps lic'd August 6th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 6th day of August 1835, Walter Mitchell and

Nancy Phipps were joined in marriage by me.

Ebenezer H. Wood J. P.

Ret'd & recorded August 14th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Thos. H. Eldridge & Eliza Rose lic'd August 5th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on 6th day of August 1835, Thomas H. Eldridge &

Eliza Rose were joined in marriage by me -

Benj'n Carpenter J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 11th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 18)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 18)


[page 18]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 14 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Finckham & Elizabeth Sellers lic'd August 10th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 13th day of August 1835, Joseph Finckham &

Elizabeth Sellers were joined in marriage by me.

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & recorded August 10th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Coit Landon & Sally Ann Fisher lic'd August 10th 1835 -

Alson B. Crane & Mary Wilson lic'd August 20th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 22nd day of August A.D. 1835, Alanson B. Crane &

Mary Wilson were joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Harrison J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 6th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Elias J. Knapp & Margaret Downing lic'd August 206h 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 23rd day of August 1835, Elias J. Knapp &

Margaret Downing were joined in marriage by me -

Joseph Mc Gonigle J. P.

Ret'd & recorded August 29th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 19)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 19)


[page 19]

[corresponds to page 15 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Daniel Dunham & Polly Trifolett lic'd August 20th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify that on the 27th day of August 1835, Daniel Dunham &

Polly Trifolett were joined in marriage by me.

David Eaton J. P. -

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 27th 1835.

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James Finley & Martha Lindsey lic'd August 21st 1835.

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

On the 23rd day of August, I solemnized the Marriage of

James Finley with Martha Lindsey

H. Van Deman M. Cs

Ret'd & Recorded May 21 1852

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge

Robert Rogers & Philinda Durphy lic'd August 22nd 1835 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS.

On the 23rd day of August A.D. 1835, I solemnized the Marriage of

Robert Rogers with Philinda Durphy

H. Van Deman

Recd & Recorded May 21, 1852

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge

Raymond German & Catharine Witt lic'd August 24th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 25th day of August 1835, Raymond German &

Catharine Witt were joined in marriage by me.

Samuel I. Kline -

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 31st 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 20)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 20)


[page 20]

[corresponds to page 16 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Slough & Sarah Trouth lic'd August 24th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 25th day of AUgust 1835, Joseph Slough & Sarah

Trouth were joined in marriage by me.

Samuel S. Kline -

Returned & recorded Oct. 31st 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk =

Joseph Moon & Charlotte Chambers lic'd August 24th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that on the 3rd day of Sept. 1835, Joseph Moon & Charlotte

Chambers were joined in marriage by me.

Wm. H. Ashley E. C. C. -

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 17th 1835.

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk.

Sidney Durkee & Sabra D'Wolf lic'd August 28th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 30th day of August 1835, Sidney Durkee and

Sabra D'Wolf were joined in marriage by me.

Wm. Gildersleeve.

Ret'd & recorded Sept. 4th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Iromus Taylor & Eliza Smith lic'd August 31st 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 19th day of Sept. 1835, Iromus Taylor & Eliza Smith were

joined in marriage by me.

Eli Frey M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 12th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 21)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 21)


[page 21]

[corresponds to page 17 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Strother & Jane Highwarden lic'd Sept. 2nd 1835 -

On the 3rd day of Sept. A.D. 1835 I solemnized the

Marriage of James Strother with Jane Highwarden

Henry Van Deman M.

Rec.d & Rec.d June 18th A.D. 1812

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge

Thos. J. Maxwell & Jennett George lic'd Sept. 4th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 6th day of Sept. 1835, Thomas J. Maxwell & Jennett George

were joined in marriage by me -

Jeremiah Smith J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 14th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James Pliff & Nancy Housework lic'd Sept. 7th 1835 -

This day came Eliza B. Rheem

And produced to the court a Marriage certificate which she claims

certifies her marriage and which has the appearance of being genuine

And which certifies that on the sixth day of November in the year

of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Two David

N. Cruikshank aged 36 years and Eliza R. Eaton aged 17 years

were by me united in Marriage at Orange Tp. Delaware Co. Ohio according to

the Laws of the State of Ohio. Caleb Hall J.P.

Above was entered on record at the re-

quest of said Eliza B. Rheem formerly Eliza B. Cruikshank this 12th day of

November A.D. 1889 N F Overton Probate Judge

Gustavus Sherman & Ealenor Nickols lic'd Sept. 8th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delawre County, SS.

I certify that on the 10th day of Sept. 1835, Gustavus Sherman and

Eleanor Nickols were joined in marriage by me.

Benjamin Martin

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 3rd 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 22)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 22)


[page 22]

[corresponds to page 18 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Andrew Harter & Mary Sulden lic'd Sept 15th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 17th day of Sept. 1835, Andrew Harter & Mary

Sulden were joined in marriage by me.

Samuel I. Kline -

Returned & recorded Oct. 31st 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Elias Anderson & Hannah Place lic'd Sept. 18th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 20th day of Sept. 1835, Elias Anderson & Hannah Place were

joined in marriage by me.

James Profest J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Feb. 2nd 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William Chamberlain & Mary T. Gardner lic'd Sept. 21st 1835

On the 22nd day of Sept. A.D. 1835, I solemnized the Mariage

of William Chamberlain with Mary T. Gardener

Henry Van Deman M. Cs

Rec.d & Recor.d June 18th A.D. 1812

D.T. Fuller Probate Judge

William Noe & Albcinda [Albacinda] Crane lic'd Sept. 23rd 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 30th day of Sept. 1835, William Noe & Alcinda

Crane were joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Harrison J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 6th 1835.

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 23)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 23)


[page 23]

[corresponds to page 19 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Truman Day & Elizabeth Clayton lic'd Sept. 25th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 1st day of Oct. 1835, Truman Day & Elizabeth

Clayton were joined in marriage by me.

Levi Meridith J.P.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 29th 1835.

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Davis & Margaret Thomas lic'd Sept. 25th 1835 -

Moses Gardner & Mary Butters lic'd Sept. 28th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Moses Gardner & Mary Butters were on the 28th day

of Sept. 1835, joined in marriage by me.

C. N. Ransom -

Ret'd & recorded June 6th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Morgan Williams & Rachael Rogers lic'd Sept. 30th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 26th day of Oct. 1835, Morgan Williams &

Rachael Rogers were joined in marriage by me.

David Cadwalader -

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 10th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 24)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 24)


[page 24]

[corresponds to page 20 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Rodenuck & Susanna Tafe lic'd Oct. 1st 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 1st day of Oct. 1835, Joseph Rodenuck and

Susanna Tafe were joined in marriage by me -

John Alsop M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 29th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jobe Evans & Emily Wilson lic'd Oct. 2nd 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 4th day of Oct. 1835, Jobe Evans & Emily

Wilson were joined in marriage by me.

Hallett Barber M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 17th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Oct. Allen & Dosha Ann Sweetser lic'd Oct. 3rd 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 4th day of Oct. 1835, Oct Allen & Dosha Ann Sweetser

were joined in marriage by me.

Abraham Weils M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 13th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Sellars & Agnes Hiddleston lic'd Oct. 3rd 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 8th day of Oct. 1835, John Sellars & Agnes Hiddleston

were joined in marriage by me.

[Iapheth ?] West J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 13th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 25)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 25)


[page 25]

[corresponds to page 21 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Edward Jones & Edith Gallant lic'd Oct. 3rd 1835 -

Jesse Frey & Orril [Orsilla] R. Nettleton lic'd Oct. 3rd 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 8th day of Oct. 1835, Jesse Frey & Orril R.

Nettleton were joined in marriage by me.

Isaac Eaton -

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 17th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Joseph Potter & Margaret Taylor lic'd Oct. 12th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 15th day of Oct. 1835, Joseph Potter & Margaret

Taylor were joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks -

Ret'd & recorded Jan. 8th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James M. Jamison & Elizabeth High lic'd Oct. 12th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 13th day of Oct. 1835, James M. Jamison and

Elizabeth High were joined in marriage by me.

Samuel I. Kline -

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 31st 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 26)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 26)


[page 26]

[corresponds to page 22 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Cook & Sally Lott licensed Oct. 14th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 18th day of Oct. 1835, William Cook & Sally Lott were

joined in Marriage by me.

Jacob Rosecrans J. P. -

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 24th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Abijah Mann & Betsy A. Adams lic'd Oct. 14th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 15th day of Oct. 1835, Abijah Mann & Betsy A.

Adams were joined in marriage by me.

John W. Gilbert M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Jan. 15th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Smith Aldrich & Harriett Humiston lic'd Oct. 14th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 22nd day of Nov. 1835, Smith Aldrich & Harriet

Humiston were joined in marriage by me.

Levi Phelps M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 9th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Holmes Patrick [Patrick Holmes] & Polly Burger lic'd Oct. 15th 1835 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 18th day of Oct. 1835, Holmes Patrick & Polly Burger

were joined in marriage by me.

Levi Meridith J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 29th 1835.

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 27)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 27)


[page 27]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 23 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Kirby Benedict & Charlotte Curtiss lic'd Oct. 16th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 22nd day of Oct. 1835, Kirby Benedict and

Charlotte Curtiss were joined in marriage by me.

Erastus Burr.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 9th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

David Mosher & Phebe Buck lic'd Oct. 19th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 26th day of Nov. 1835, David Mosher & Phebe Buck

were joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Scott J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Jan'y 30th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James K. Williams & Lydia Martin lic'd Oct. 20th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 22nd day of Oct. 1835, James K. Williams and

Lydia Martin were joined in marriage by me.

Nehemiah Martin M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 29th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Aaron Huff & Nancy French lic'd Oct. 22nd 1835.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 28)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 28)


[page 28]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 24 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 l835-1845]

Israel Gill & Susannah Mingot lic'd Oct. 24th 1835.

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

On the 25th day of Oct. A.D. 1835, I solemnized the Marriage of

Israel Gill with Susannah Wingot.

Henry Van Deman M. C.

Rec.d & Recorded May 22nd A.D. 1832

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge

David F. McCullough & Eunice Ann Case lic'd Oct. 26th 1835.

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that David F. McCullough & Eunice Ann Case

were on the 25th day of October A.D. 1835, joined in marriage

by me. J. Labasce, M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 22nd, 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Nathan F. Randolph & Sarah Ann Kellam lic'd Oct. 29th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 3rd day of Nov. 1835, Nathan F. Randolph & Sarah

Ann Kellam were joined in marriage by me.

Zephaniah Bell M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Jan'y 30th, 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Nettleton & Louisa Dopson lic'd Oct. 29th 1835.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 29)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 29)


[page 29]

[corresponds to page 25 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rowland Lee & Aurelia Weaver lic'd Nov. 3rd 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 5th day of Nov. 1835, Rowland Lee & Aurelia

Weaver were joined in marriage by me.

John W. Gilbert M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Jan. 10th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Gardner Durfee & Mary Sweetser lic'd Nov. 7th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify, that on the 8th day of Nov. 1835, Gardner Durfee & Mary

Sweetser were joined in marriage by me.

James Boyd Austin

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 9th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Peter Zimmerman & Harriet Boardman lic'd Nov. 11th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 15th day of Nov. 1835, Peter Zimmerman &

Harriet Boardman were joined in marriage by me.

Shubael W. Knapp J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 28th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Peter Hoover & Amy Ann Miller lic'd Nov. 13th 1835
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 30)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 30)


[page 30]

[corresponds to page 26 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835 - 45]

Baziel Tracy & Frances Gillmore lic'd Nov. 14th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 19th day of Nov. 1835, Baziel Tracy & Frances

Gillmore were joined in marriage by me.

Levi Meridith J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 30th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Loveless & Susanna Said lic'd Nov. 17th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 19th day of Nov. 1835, John Loveless & Susanna

Said were joined in marriage by me.

Eli Frey =

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 28th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Abram N. Cook & Ann Davis lic'd Nov. 18th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 26th day of Nov. 1835, Abram N. Cook & Ann

Davis were joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Harrison J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 5th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Martin Jenkins & Polly Brown lic'd Nov. 21st 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, Ss.

I certify, that on the 26th day of Nov. 1835, Martin Jenkins and

Polly Brown were joined in marriage by me.

Thomas Reid J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 28th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 31)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 31)


[page 31]

[corresponds to page 27 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-1845]

James M. Arnold & Elvira Allen lic'd Nov. 23rd 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 25th day of Nov. 1835, James M. Arnold and

Elvira Allen were joined in marriage by me.

Erastus Burr -

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 7th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Isaac Linder & Lovina Weiser lic'd Nov. 24th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 24th day of Nov. 1835, Isaac Linder & Lovina

Weiser were joined in marriage by me.

Samuel I. Kline -

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 25th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Robert Walker & Sarah Wheaton lic'd Nov. 30th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 3rd day of Dec. 1835, Robert Walker & Sarah Wheaton

were joined in marriage by me.

Levi Meridith J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Jan 23rd 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Albert Munsell & Margaret Thompson lic'd Dec. 10th 1835.

On the l0th day of December A.D. 1835, I solemnized the Marriage

of Albert Munsell with Margaret Thompson.

H. Van Deman M. C.

Rec.d & Recorded June 18th A.D. 1852

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 32)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 32)


[page 32]

[corresponds to page 28 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Elijah Dunham & Nancy Berry lic'd Dec. 10th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 22nd day of Dec. 1835, Elijah Dunham &

Nancy Berry were joined in marriage by me.

James Boyd Austin -

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 28th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Henry Dearst & Nancy Downing lic'd Dec. 19th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 22nd day of Dec. 1835, Henry Dearst & Nancy

Downing were joined in marriage by me.

Hugh Cunningham J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 28th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Lauren M. Beach & Rebecca Van Auken lic'd Dec. 21st 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Lauren M. Beach & Rebecca Van Auken were on the

31st day of Dec. 1835 joined in marriage by me.

Wm. Gildersleeve

Ret'd & recorded May 19th 1835 -

Attest = T. Reynolds Clerk -

Richard Tyler & Lovina Barber lic'd Dec. 23rd 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 24th day of Dec. 1835, Richard Tyler & Lovina

Barber were joined in marriage by me.

Hallet Barber M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Jan. 18th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 33)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 33)


[page 33]

[corresponds to page 29 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John W. Houston & Elizabeth Rogers lic'd Dec, 25th 1835.

On the 26th day of Dec. A.D. 1835, I solemnized the Marriage of

John W. Houston with Elizabeth Rogers.

Henry Van Deman M. D.

Rec.d & Recorded June 26th A.D. 1852

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge

James H. Bell & Rebecca F. Shaw lic'd Dec. 26th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 27th day of Dec. 1835, James H. Bell and

Rebecca F. Shaw were joined in marriage by me.

James Boyd Austin -

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 28th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Mahiel Clark & Nancy Carpenter lic'd Dec. 28th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 31st day of Dec. 1835, Mahiel Clark & Nancy

Carpenter were joined in marriage by me.

David F. Finley J. P.

Ret'd & recorded March 12th 1836 -

Attest - T. Rreynolds Clerk -

Tompkins J. Stearns & Harriet Noe lic'd Dec. 29th 1835.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 29th day of Dec. 1835, Thompkins J. Stearns &

Harriet Noe were joined in marriage by me.

Z. Bell M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Jan'y 30th 1835 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 34)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 34)


[page 34]

[corresponds to page 30 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Bean & Sally Smart lic'd Jan. 2nd 1836

Simon Walker & Margaret Brine lic'd Jan. 2nd 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, S.S.

I certify, that on the 14th day of Jan'y 1836, Simon Walker & Margaret Brine

were joined in marriage by me.

Jeremiah Smith J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Feb. 1st 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Daniel Sinkey & Margaret Clayton lic'd Jan. 7th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 21st day of Jan'y 1836, Daniel Sinkey & Margaret Clayton

were joined in marriage by me.

Peter Cockrell J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Feb. 4th 1836.

Attest - R. Reynolds Clerk -

Andrew Linnabary & Sally Young lic'd Jan 9th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 10th day of Jan'y 1836, Andrew Linnabary & Sally Young

were joined in marriage by me.

Peter Cockrell J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Feb. 4th 1836.

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 35)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 35)


[page 35]

[corresponds to page 31 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Hambleton & Marilla Hamlin lic'd Jan. 13th 1836 -

Lewis Carter & Laura Carpenter lic'd Jan. 15th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 17th day of Jan'y 1836, Lewis Carter & Laura Carpenter

were joined in Marriage by me.

James B. Austin M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Jan'y 30th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Madison Messenger & Sally Oliver lic'd Jan. 15th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 23rd day of Jan'y 1836, Madison Messenger & Sally Oliver were

joined in marriage by me. Anson Wood J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Feb. 2nd 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jacob Phipps & Margaret Gotshall lic'd Jan. 16th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 21st day of Jan. 1836 Jacob Phipps & Margaret Gotshall

were joined in marriage by me.

Ebenezer H. Wood J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Feb. 2nd 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 36)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 36)


[page 36]

[corresponds to page 32 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Gibson & Rebecca Waggoner lic'd Jan. 18th 1836 -

Archibald Hance & Jane Westbrook lic'd Jan. 19th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 19th day of Jan. 1836, Archibald Hance & Jane

Westbrook were joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Harrison J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Jan. 22nd 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Samuel I. Furniss & Aurelia Fenton lic'd Jan'y 23rd 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 11th day of Feb'y 1836, Samuel I. Furniss &

Aurelia Fenton were joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks -

Ret'd & recorded April 8th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Hiram Carpenter & Sarah Longshore lic'd Jan'y 26th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 28th day of Jan'y 1836, Hiram Carpenter & Sarah Longshore

were joined in marriage by me. James Perfect J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Feb. 2nd 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 37)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 37)


[page 37]

[corresponds to page 33 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835 -45]

Bill Welch & Amelia Mason lic'd Jan'y 26th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 27th day of Jan. 1836, Bill Welch & Amelia Mason

were joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks -

Ret'd & recorded April 8th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Slack & Hannah Armstrong lic'd Jan'y 27th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that John Slack & Hannah Armstrong were on the 4th day

of Feb. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Wm. Gildersleeve

Ret'd & recorded May 19th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Mark B. Sweitland & Clarissa Wilson lic'd Jan'y 30th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 4th day of Feb. 1836, Mark B. Sweitland & Clarissa Wilson

were joined in marriage by me.

John Porterfield J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Feb. 9th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Daniel Brown & Martha Bidlac lic'd Jan'y 30th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Daniel Brown & Martha Bidlac were on the 2nd

day of Feb'y 1836 joined in Marriage by me

Levi Meridith

Ret'd & recorded May 13th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 38)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 38)


[page 38]

[corresponds to page 34 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William E. Page & Alvira Cornish lic'd Feb. 6th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 7th day of Feb'y 1836, William E. Page & Alvira

Cornish were joined in marriage by me.

Silas Ensign J. P.

Ret'd & recorded March 14th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Edwards & Elizabeth Cockrell lic'd Feb. 9th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Edwards & Elizabeth Cockrell were on the 11th

day of February 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Peter Cockrell J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 27th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Presley Said & Amelia Ligget lic'd Feb. 9th 1836

Joshua Hodge & Esther Emick lic'd Feb. 10th 1836
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 39)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 39)


[page 39]

[corresponds to page 35 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Cohoon & Palmyra Beard lic'd Feb. 12th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that James Cohoon & Palmyra Beard were on the 3rd day of

March 1836 joined in marriage by me.

Wm. H. Ashley E. C. C.

Ret'd & recorded May 14th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Thomas Evans & Mary Baker lic'd Feb. 15th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 18th day of Feb'y 1836, Thomas Evans &

Mary Baker were joined in marriage by me.

Thomas Stephens -

Ret'd & Recorded March 19th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Elom Taylor & Mary Ann Glaze lic'd Feb. 16th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware COunty, SS.

I certify, that on the 18th day of Feb'y 1836, Elom Taylor & Mary Ann

Glaze were joined in marriage by me -

S. D. Wyatt -

Ret'd & recorded March 14th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Hiram Tharp & Ann Young lic'd Feb. 16th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Hiram Tharp & Ann Young were on the 21st day

of Feb. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Wm. Gildersleeve -

Ret'd & recorded May 19th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 40)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 40)


[page 40]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 36 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Beauchamp & Nancy David lic'd Feb. 16th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 20th day of Feb'y 1836, William Beauchamp &

Nancy David were joined in marriage by me.

Thomas Stephens -

Ret'd & recorded March 19th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Samuel Parker & Susanna Furney lic'd Feb. 18th 1836

John Budd & Violante Goodspeed lic'd Feb. 22nd 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that John Budd & Violante Goodspeed were on the 25th day

of February 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Nathan Emery M. J.

Ret'd & recorded March 17th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James Walling & Mary McGee - lic'd Feb. 24th 1836

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of February A.D. 1836 I solemnized the Marriage of

James Walling with Mary McGee.

H. Van Deman M. C.

Rec.d & Recorded May A.D. 1851

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 41)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 41)


[page 41]

[corresponds to page 37 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Leiser & Paulina Grant lic'd Feb. 27th 1836.

Comodore R. Beard & Mahala Horr ilc.d Feb. 29th 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Comodore R. Beard & Mahala Horr were on the 1st day

of March 1836, joined in Marriage by me.

Joseph Harrison J. P.

Ret'd & recorded March 14th 1836 =

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William Neff & Mary Derickson lic'd Feb. 29th 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that William Neff & Mary Derickson were joined in mar-

riage by me, on the 1st day of March, 1836.

Jas Dodds J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 3rd 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Solomon Houseworth & Melinda Byxbe lic'd March 2nd 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Solomon Houseworth & Melinda Byxbe were on the 2nd day

of March 1836, joined in marriage by me.

David Eaton J. P.

Ret'd & recorded April 26th 1836.

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 42)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 42)


[page 42]

[corresponds to page 38 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Read & Caroline Kenedy lic'd March 4th 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that William Read & Caroline Kenedy, were on the 6th day of

March 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Harrison J. P.

Ret'd & recorded March 14th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Johnson Thompson & Mary Ann Osterhout lic'd March 5th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Johnson Thompson & Mary Ann Osterhout, were on

the 6th day of March 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Shubael W. Knapp J. P.

Ret'd & recorded April 5th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Murphy & Jane McClure lic'd March 7th 1836.

On the 8th day of March A.D. 1836, I solemnized the Marriage

of John Murphy with Jane McClure

Henry Van Deman M. C.

Rec.d & Recorded June 18th A.D. 1852

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge

Samuel E. Foust & Cynthia Cutler lic'd March 8th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Samuel E. Foust & Cynthia Cutler were on the 13th day

of March 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Thomas Reid J. P.

Ret'd & recorded March 19th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 43)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 43)


[page 43]

[corresponds to page 39 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Hults & Matilda Beakley lic'd March 9th 1836

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

On the 10th day of March 1836, I solemnized the Marriage

of John Hults with Matilda Beakley

Henry Van Deman M. C.

Rec.d and Recorded May 22nd 1852

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge

William Culver & Savanna Place lic'd March 9th 1836

George W. Pater & Clarissa G. Dixon lic'd March 10th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that George W. Pater & Clarissa G. Dixon were on the 10th day

of March 1836, joined in marriage by me.

I. Finch J. P.

Ret'd & recorded March 26th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Solomon Osborn & Mary Ann Highwarden lic'd March 10th 1836
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 44)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 44)


[page 44]

[corresponds to page 40 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Budd & Eliza Van Drowf lic'd March 11th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that James Budd & Eliza Van Drowf were on the 7th day

of April 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Elijah Clark J. P.

Ret'd & recorded June 13th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Elias McCloud & Rachael Coomer lic'd March 13th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Elias McCloud & Rachael Coomer were on the 13th day

of March 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Anson Wood J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 10th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jeremiah Nettleton & Susan Bockover lic'd March 13th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Jeremiah Nettleton & Susan Bockover were on

the day of March 1836, joined in marriage by me.

C. N. Ransom

Ret'd & recorded, June 6th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Moses Riley & Melissa Thurston lic'd March 19th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Moses Riley & Melissa Thurston were on the 24th day of

March 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Thomas Reid J. P.

Ret'd & recorded April 2nd 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 45)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 45)


[page 45]

[corresponds to page 41 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Robert Patten & Martha Hull lic'd March 23rd 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Robert Patten & Martha Hull, were joined in marriage

on the 31st day of March 1836 by me.

James B. Austin -

Ret'd & recorded April 1st 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Lemuel Herbert & Mary Pugh lic'd March 24th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 24th day of March 1836, Lemuel Herbert & Mary Pugh

were joined in marriage by me.

James B. Austin -

Ret'd & recorded March 26th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

David Atherton & Jane Max lic'd March 26th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that David Atherton & Jane Max were joined in marriage

by me on the 26th day of March 1836.

David F. Finley J. P.

Ret'd & recorded June 11th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Sidney Landon & Amy Carpenter lic'd March 28th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Sidney Landon & Amy Carpenter were on the

31st day of March 1836, joined in marriage by me.

James Perfect J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 25th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 46)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 46)


[page 46]

[corresponds to page 42 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Brown & Delilah Griffith lic'd March 28th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that James Brown & Delilah Griffith were joined in marriage

by me on the 31st day of March 1836.

E. H. Wood J. P.

Ret'd & recorded April 1st 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Erhart Nusz & Fanny Harman lic'd March 28th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Erhart Nusz & Fanny Harman were on the 28th day

of March 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Sam'l I. Kline -

Ret'd & recorded March 28th 1836

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Charles Armstrong & Elizabeth Slocum lic'd March 29th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 30th day of March 1836, Charles Armstrong &

Elizabeth Slocum were joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks -

Ret'd & recorded April 8th 1836

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

George W. Halley & Jane Sherman lic'd April 1st 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that George W. Halley & Jane Sherman were joined in marriage

on the 3rd day of April 1836 by me.

Benjamin Martin -

Ret'd & recorded April 7th 1836 =

Atttest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 47)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 47)


[page 47]

[corresponds to page 43 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Walter Vanhorn & Nancy Welch lic'd April 7th 1836

William C. Stone & Harriet Andrus lic'd April 7th 1836

William Crawforrd & Louisa Luellen lic'd April 7th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 10th day of April 1836, William Crawford & Louisa

Luellen were joined in marriage by me.

John Porterfield J. P.

Ret'd & recorded April 20th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Harvey A. Howard & Anna Smith lic'd April 11th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Harvey A. Howard & Anna Smith were on the 12th day

of April 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Sidney Moore J. P.

Ret'd & recorded April 15th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 48)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 48)


[page 48]

[corresponds to page 44 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Charles Searls & Esther Bockover lic'd April 13th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Charles Searls & Esther Bockover were on the 31st day

of April 1836, joined in marriage by me.

C. N. Ransom

Ret'd & recorded June 6th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Lee Hurlburt & Lefa Bennet lic'd April 19th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Lee Hurlburt & Lefa Bennet were on the 21st day

of April 1836, joined in marriage by me.

John Nettleton J. P.

Ret'd & recorded July 26th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Nathaniel Wyatt & Mary Luellen lic'd April 21st 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Nathaniel Wyatt & Mary Luellen were on the

24th day of April 1836, joined in marriage by me.

John Porterfield

Ret'd & recorded May 6th 1836 -

Atttest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William H. Sebring & Matilda Goodrich lic'd April 27th 1836
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 49)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 49)


[page 49]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 45 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Benedict & Harriet Warwick lic'd April 28th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that George Benedict & Harriet Warwick were joined in

marriage by me on the 28th day of April 1836

John Bunker J. P.

Ret'd & recorded June 16th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Samuel Shoemaker & Ann Jones lic'd April 28th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Samuel Shoemaker & Ann Jones, were on the

28th day of April 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Sidney Moore J. P.

Ret'd & recorded, Dec. 30th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Leonard Curtis & Mary Ann Hough lic'd May 2nd 1836

Stephen Weeks & Amanda Closson lic'd May 5th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Stephen Weeks & Amanda Closson were on the 8th

day of May 1836, joined in marriage by me.

A. Jeff M. J.

Ret'd & recorded July 19th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 50)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 50)


[page 50]

[corresponds to page 46 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Orr Carpenter & Desha Ann Vandorn lic'd May 7th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Orr Carpenter & Desha Ann Vandorn were

on the 21st day of May A.D. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks

Ret'd & recorded August 23rd 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jonathan Baker & Maria Wilcox lic'd May 9th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Jonathan Baker & Maria Wilcox were on the 15th

day of May 1836, joined in marriage by me.

James Boyd Justice -

Ret'd & recorded May 16th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Tallman Squire & Rachel Longshore lic'd May 9th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Tallman Squire & Rachel Longshore, were on the

15th day of May 1836, joined in marriage by me.

James Perfect J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 25th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Cadwalader & Mary Mundy lic'd May 9th 1836
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 51)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 51)


[page 51]

[corresponds to page 47 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Elliott & Mary Dix lic'd May 9th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that John Elliott & Mary Dix were joined in marriage

by me on the 9th day of May, 1836 -

I. Finch J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 30th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Abner Morehouse & Dynexy Royce lic'd May 14th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify, that Abner Morehouse & Dynexy Royce were on the 15th

day of May A.D. 1836, joined in marriage by me -

Zephaniah Bell M. J. -

Ret'd & recorded August 10th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Adam Faris & Sarah Irwin lic'd May 10th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Adam Faris & Sarah Irwin were on the 19th day of

May 1836, joined in marriage by me.

C. N. Ransom -

Ret'd & recorded June 6th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Abraham Devore & Sarah Crosby lic'd May 21st 1836 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Abraham Devore & Sarah Longshore were on the

22nd day of May 1836, joined in marriage by me.

James Perfect J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 25th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 52)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 52)


[page 52]

[corresponds to page 48 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Williamson & Catharine Bockover lic'd May 23rd 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that William Williams & Catharine Bockover were joined

in marriage, on the 25th day of May 1836, by me -

Jas' Perfect J. P.

Ret'd & recorded June 18th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Stephen B. Allen & Margaret Jones lic'd May 24th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Stephen B. Allen & Margaret White were on the 26th

day of May 1836, joined in marriage by me

James B. Austin

Ret'd & recorded May 27th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Russell Simmons & Abigail White lic'd May 26th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Russell Simmons & Abigail White were on the 25th

day of May 1836, joined in marriage by me -

Joseph Scott J. P.

Ret'd & recorded July 23rd 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Cancannon & Sarah Coberly lic'd May 27th 1836
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 53)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 53)


[page 53]

[corresponds to page 49 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Israel Bensley & Effa Quinby lic'd May 30th 1836

James Roff & Elizabeth Finkham lic'd June 7th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that James Roff & Elizabeth Finkham, were on the

30th day of June A.D. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

A. Goff M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 15th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Thomas Doughty & Jane Benedict lic'd June 9th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware COunty, SS

I certify, that Thomas Doughty & Jane Benedict were on the

23rd day of June 1836, joined in marriage by me

Joseph W. Doughty J. P.

Ret'd & recorded August 5th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Stephen G. Doty & Harriet Black lic'd June 18th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Stephen G. Doty & Harriet Black were on the

7th day of July 1836, joined in marriage by me

Calvin N. Ransom

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 24th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 54)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 54)


[page 54]

[corresponds to page 50 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Aldrich & Nancy White lic'd June 20th 1836 -

John Head & Evalina Smith lic'd June 22nd 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware COunty, SS.

I certify that John Head & Evalina Smith were on

the 30th day of June, A.D. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Hezekiah Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & recorded June 12th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Thomas H. Dunham & Elizabeth Cronkleton lic'd June 24th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Thomas H. Dunham & Elizabeth Cronkleton were

on the 26th day of July 1836, joined in marriage by me -

David Eaton J. P.

Ret'd & recorded July 27\6th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Daniel Downs & Mary E. Spong lic'd June 25th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

The 26th day of June A.D. 1836 I solemnized the Marriage

of Daniel Downs with Mary E. Spong

Henry Van Deman M. C.

Rec.d & Recorded June 24th A.D. 1852

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 55)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 55)


[page 55]

[corresponds to page 51 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Tippie & Mary Harrold lic'd June 25th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that Henry Tippie and Mary Harrold were

on the day of June A.D. 1836, joined in marriage by

me. Hezekiah Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 12th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Edmund Scott & Mary O. Clark lic'd June 27th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify, that Edmund Scott & Mary O. Clark, were on the 30th

day of June A.D. 1836, joined in marriage by me

Barton Whipple J. P.

Ret'd & recorded August 19th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Samuel Dearst & Issabella Campbell lic'd June 27th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS

I certify that Samuel Dearst & Issabella Campbell were on the 30th day

of June 1836, joined in marriage by me

James B. Austin

Ret'd & recorded July 2nd 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Kroninger & Lydia Seigfreed, lic'd July 4th 1836
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 56)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 56)


[page 56]

[corresponds to page 52 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel Moyer & Susan Jane Russell lic'd July 7th 1836

William Sharp & Mary Ann Scott lic'd July 9th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 10th day of July 1836, William Sharp &

Mary Ann Scott were joined in marriage by me.

Nathan Emory M. J.

Ret'd & recorded July 27th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Eli Platt & Clarissa Beach lic'd July 22nd 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that Eli Platt & Clarissa Beach were on the 22nd day

of July 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Scott J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Sept. 21st 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William Ross & Julia Idle, licensed August 2nd 1836 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 57)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 57)


[page 57]

[corresponds to page 53 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Julius C. Rugg & Phebe Doty, licensed August 3rd 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Julius C. Rugg & Phebe Doty, were on the 10th

day of AUgust 1836, joined in Marriage by me

Ahab Jinks

Ret'd & recorded August 23rd 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Isaac Ross & Eunice Hite lic'd August 11th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that Isaac Ross & Eunice Hite were on the 15th day of

AUgust 1836, joined in marriage by me

William Perfect

Justice of the Peace -

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 5th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Carpenter & Marietta Rutherford lic'd AUgust 18th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that John Carpenter & Marietta Rutherford, were on the 21st

day of August 1836, joined in Marriage by me

Elijah Clark J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Sept. 9th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William Gidley & Sarah Dow lic'd August 20th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify, that William Gidley & Sarah Dow, were on the 27th day

of Oct. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

John Bunker J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 9th 1836 -

-Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 58)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 58)


[page 58]

[corresponds to page 54 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Lewis Olney & Saraph Breck lic'd August 20th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Lewis Olney & Saraph Breck, were on the 23rd

day of AUgust 1836, joined in marriage by me.

James B. Austin -

Ret'd & recorded August 24th 1836

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William W. Sinkey & Eliza Bateman lic'd August 24th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify, that William W. Sinkey & Eliza Bateman, were on the

19th day of August 1836, joined in marriage by me

Peter Cockrell J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 6th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Banker & Deborah Park lic'd AUgust 24th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify that John Banker & Deborah Park were on the 24th

day of August 1836, joined in marriage by me

Sidney Moore J. P.

Returned & recorded, Dec. 30th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Robert Cunninigham & Issabella Kinkade lic'd August 31st 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that Robert Cunningham and Issabella Kinkade were

on the 1st day of September A.D. 1836, joined in marriage by

me. Ahab Jinks M. J.

Returned & recorded April 7th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 59)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 59)


[page 59]

[corresponds to page 55 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jonathan Bishop & Lucy Foust lic'd August 31st 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Jonathan Bishop & Lucy Foust were on the 1st

day of Sept. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Benjamin Martin M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Sept 7th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Watson & Maria Walker lic'd Sept. 3rd 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that John Watson & Maria Walker were on the 13th

day of October 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Benjamin Carpenter J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 9th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Charles Landon & Samantha R. Orcott lic'd Sept. 3rd 1836 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Charles Landon & Samantha R. Orcott, were

on the 29th day of Sept. 1836, joined in marriage by me

Jas' Perfect J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 12th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Timothy Aldrich & Celinda Durfey lic'd Sept. 8th 1836 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 60)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 60)


[page 60]

[corresponds to page 56 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Atkins & Sarah Hull lic'd Sept. 10th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 11th day of Sept. 1836, William Atkins &

Sarah Hull were joined in marriage by me.
David Cadwalader M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 21st 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jonathan O. Weaver & Betsy Ann Jones lic'd Sept. 10h 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Jonathan O. Weaver & Betsy Jones were on the

11th day of Sept. 1836 joined in marriage by me.

John Manvill J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 31st 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Samuel Walker & Mary Ann Waters lic'd Sept. 12th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Samuel Walker and Mary Ann Waters were

on the 15th day of Sept. a.d. 1836, joined in marriage by

me. Ahab Jinks M. J.

Returned & recorded April 7th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Anson W. Place & Nancy Jackson, lic'd Sept. 12th 1836 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that on the 15th day of Sept. 1836, Anson W. Place and

Nancy Jackson were joined in marriage by me.

Henry Patten J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 29th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 61)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 61)


[page 61]

[corresponds to page 57 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Richard Bonham & Mary Hanover, lic'd Sept. 13th 1836 -

Jacob Van Brimer & Almira Birge lic'd Sept, 14th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that Jacob Van Brimer & Almira Birge were on the

15th day of Sept. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Eben' H. Wood J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 26th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Francix Marlay & Sidney Foster, lic'd Sept. 17th 1836 -

Jacob Miller & Mary Saring, lic'd Sept. 17th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify, that Jacob Miller & Mary Saring were joined in

marriage on the 20th day of Sept. 1836, by me.

S. D. Wyatt M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 14th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 62)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 62)


[page 62]

[corresponds to page 58 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James McClain & Sally Pearce lic'd Sept. 21st 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that James McClain & Sally Pearce were on the 25th

day of Sept. A.D. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Scott J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 13th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James Shirden & Jane Needles, lic'd Sept. 23rd 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that James Shirden & Jane Needles, were on the

25th day of Sept. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Elijah Clark J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 19th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Burrell & Mary Stall lic'd Oct. 1st 1836 -

Henry Black & Anna Freese lic'd Oct. 1st 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Henry Black & Rachel Freese, were on the 2nd

day of Oct. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

James Dodds J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 4th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 63)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 63)


[page 63]

[corresponds to page 59 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jacob Fryman & Rachel Gallant lic'd Oct. 3rd 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that Jacob Fryman & Rachel Gallant were on the

10th day of Oct. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

J. P. Brookins J. P.

Ret'd & recorded, Jan. 175h 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Potter & Rebeckah Heaslet lic'd Oct. 10th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that John Potter and Rebeckah Heaslet were on

the 15th day of October A.D. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds, Clerk -

William Davis & Mary James lic'd Oct. 12th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that William Davis & Mary James, were on the 13th

day of October 1836, joined in marriage by me.

David Cadwalader M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 21st 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Joseph R. Page & Maria Wheeler lic'd Oct. 1wth 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Joseph R. Page & Maria Wheeler were on the

16th day of Oct. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Harrison J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 6th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 64)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 64)


[page 64]
[corresponds to page 60 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John M. Smiley & Elizabeth D. Bradford lic'd Oct. 13th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that John M.Smiley & Elizabeth D. Bradford, were

on the 20th day of Oct. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

David Cadwalader M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Oct. 21st 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Charles Plumb & Caroline Howell lic'd OOct. 14th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify, that Charles Plumb & Caroline Howell were on the

19th day of October 1836, joined in Marriage, by me

Erastus Burr -

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 5th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Peter Williamson & Jane Conner lic'd Oct. 18th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify, that Peter Williamson & Jane Conner were on the

20th day of October A.D. 1836, joined in marriage by me

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd and recorded April 7th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Ashable F. Denman & Harriet Witham lic'd Oct. 22nd 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Ashable F. Denman & Harriet Witham were

on the 30th day of Oct. 1836, joined in marriage by me

Joseph Harrison J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 6th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 65)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 65)


[page 65]

[corresponds to page 61 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Kahler & Nancy Creighton lic'd Oct. 24th 1836 -

David Forshwater & Maria E. Carpenter lic'd Oct. 25th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that David Forshwater & Maria E. Carpenter were on

the 27th day of Oct. 1836, joined in marriage by me

James Dodds J.P.

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 30th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William J. Pater & Elizabeth P. Kellam lic'd Oct. 28th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County; SS.

I certify, that William J. Pater & Elizabeth P. Kellam were on the 4th

day of Nov. 1836, joined in marriage by me

Elam Day M. J.

Ret'd & recorded, Jan. 21st 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James H. Noe & Caroline S. Page lic'd Oct. 25th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that James H. Noe & Caroline S. Page were on the 30th

day of Oct. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

William Page Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & recorded, Nov. 28th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 66)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 66)


[page 66]

[corresponds to page 62 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jeremiah Wilson & Elizabeth Long lic'd Oct. 29th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that Jeremiah Wilson & Elizabeth Long were on the

30th day of October 1836, joined in mariage by me.

B. Carpenter J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 9th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Daniel W. Closson & Margaret Williams lic'd Nov. 5th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware COunty: SS.

I certify, that Daniel W. Closson & Margaret Williams were on

the 10th day of Nov. 1836, joined in mariage by me.

William Morrow M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 12th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Thomas Havens & Jane Criges lic'd Nov. 7th 1836 -

David Eversole & Lucinda Marsh lic'd Nov. 11th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that David Eversole & Lucinda Marsh were on the 15th

day of Nov. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Joel Marsh J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 25th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 67)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 67)


[page 67]
[corresponds to page 63 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Thomas Lewis & Jane Barkoven lic'd Nov. 12th 1836

the State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that Thomas Lewis & Jane Barkoven were on the

23rd day of Nov. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Isaac Eaton M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 3rd 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Elisha I. Carpenter & Catharine Williams lic'd Nov. 15th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that on the 4th day of Jan'y 1837, Elisha I. Carpenter

Catharine Williams were joined in Marriage by me.

Nathan Emery M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Jan. 13th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John McKan Eagon & Mary I. Wise lic'd Nov. 16th 1836 -

Augustin Sackett & Mary E. George lic'd Nov. 22nd 1836 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that Augustin Sackett & Mary E. George were on the

30th day of Nov. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Calvin N. Ransom

Ret'd & recorded, Dec. 24th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 68)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 68)


[page 68]

[corresponds to page 64 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Watters & Catharine Davis lic'd Nov. 22nd 1836 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that William Waters & Catharine Davis, were on

the 24th day of Nov. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Orsamus D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & recorded, Nov. 8th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Jeremiah Roberts & Mary Carpenter lic'd Nov. 25th 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that Jeremiah Roberts & Mary Carpenter were on

the 28th day of Nov. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Orsamus D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 8th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William Ligget & Mehala Carr lic'd Nov. 23rd 1836 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that William Ligget & Mahala Carr, were on the 27th

day of Nov. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Eli Frey M. J.

Ret'd & recorded Nov. 28th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Nicholas Potter & Eliza Wheaton lic'd Nov. 30th 1836 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS

I certify, that Nicholas Potter & Eliza Wheaton, were on the 8th

day of Dec. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Calvin N. Ransom.

Ret'd & recorded, Dec. 24th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James Cratty & Jane E. Brown lic'd Dec. 1st 1836 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 69)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 69)


page 69]

[corresponds to page 65 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Dilsaver & Sarah Decker lic'd Nov. 30th 1836 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware COunty: SS.

I certify, that Henry Dilsaver & Sarah Decker were on the 1st

day of Dec. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

James Dodds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded, Dec. 16th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Henry Larkey & Susan Brooks lic'd Nov. 30th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify that Henry Larkey & Susan Brooks were on the 1st

day of Dec. 1836, joined in marriag by me.

Barton Whipple J. P.

Ret'd & recorded, Dec. 30th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

George Shoemaker & Margaret Fleming lic'd Dec. 1st 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that on the 8th day of Dec. 1836, George Shoemaker &

Margaret Fleming were joined in marriage by me.

Barton Whipple J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 30th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 70)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 70)


[Page 70]

[corresponds to page 66 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Edward Scrivner & Nancy Sebring lic'd Dec. 2nd 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that Edward Scrivner & Nancy Sebring were on

the 10th day of Dec. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

J. Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 27th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James Smith & Melinda Black lic'd Dec. 3rd 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

This is to certify that James Smith and Malinda

Black were lawfully married by me on the 15th day

of December A.D. 1836. Given under my hand

officially Benjamin Carpenter J. P.

Ret'd & recorded April 8th 1837

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Elijah Bennet & Jane Baker lic'd Dec. 7th 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that Elijah Bennet & Jane Baker were on the 8th

day of Dec. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 20th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William Y. Emmett & Rachael P. Converse lic'd Dec. 8th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that William Y. Emmett & Rachael P. Converse, were

on the 8th day of December 1836, joined in marriage by me.

A. A. Davis -

Ret'd & recorded, Dec. 9th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 71)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 71)


[page 71]

[corresponds to page 67 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David Plumb & Hannah Brisce lic'd Dec. 12th 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify that David Plumb & Hannah Brisce were on the

day of 183 joined in marriage by me.

Erastus Burr, Minister of the Gospel

Ret'd & recorded Jan. 20th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jonathan Maring & Sarah Bockover lic'd Dec. 19th 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Jonathan Maring & Sarah Bockover were on the

5th day of Jan. 1837, joined in marriage by me.

John C. Havens M. J.

Ret'd & recorded, Jan. 7th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James Spurgin & Nancy Bowden lic'd Dec. 22nd 1836

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that James Spurgin & Nancy Bowden were joined in

marriage by me this 25th day of Dec. 1836.

James Dodds J.P.

Ret'd & recorded, Feb. 20th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Parshall Smith & Sarah B. Turner lic'd Dec. 22nd 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Parshall Smith and Sarah B. Turner were

on the 23rd day of Dec. A.D. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

William Perfect J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 4th 1837

Attest - T. Reynolds, Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 72)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 72)


[page 72]

[corresponds to page 68 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William A. Watson & Huldah Pasco lic'd Dec. 24th 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William A. Watson & Huldah Pasco, were on the

29th day of Dec. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Titus Case Elder

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 31st 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Seneca Mosher & Nancy Buck lic'd Dec. 27th 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 31st day of Dec. 1836, Seneca Mosher &

Nancy Buck were joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Scott J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Feb. 16th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jonathan Sheets & Martha Woodcock lic'd Dec. 28th 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Jonathan Sheets & Martha Woodcock were on the

28th day of Dec. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Daniel Mc Maxwell J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Feb. 3rd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Smith Bennedict & Electa P. Knapp lic'd Dec. 28th 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that Smith W. Benedict & Electa P. Knapp were on the

4th day of Jan. 1837, joined in marriage by me.

Henry Pates J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Jan. 7th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds J. P. -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 73)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 73)


[page 73]

[corresponds to page 69 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Stephen Stone & Emily Moore lic'd Dec. 29th 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

On the day of December A.D. 1836, I solemnized the mar-

-riage of Stephen Stone with Emily Moore.

James McElroy

Elisha Tipton & Cynthia Stall lic'd Dec. 29th 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify that Elisha Tipton & Cynthia Stall were on the 29th

day of Dec. 1836, joined in marriage by me.

Sidney Moore J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Dec. 30th 1836 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James Anway Jr. & Caroline Odle lic'd Dec. 31st 1836.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify that James Anway Jr. and Caroline Odle were on

the 1st day of January A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by me.

Festus Sprague J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 31st 1837

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk.

Isaac Smart & Eliza Tyler lic'd Dec. 31st 1836.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 74)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 74)


[page 74]

[corresponds to page 70 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Philo Doolittle & Chloe Sabin lic'd Dec. 31st 1836 -

Isaac H. Spencer & Mary Clark lic'd Dec. 31st 1836 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that Isaac H. Spencer & Mary Clark were on the 1st

day of Jan. 1837, joined in marriage by me.

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & recorded March 3rd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

George Houseworth & Elizabeth Scribner lic'd Jan 6th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that George Houseworth and Elizabeth Scribner

were on the 8th day of January A.D. 1837 joined in marriage

by me.

Andrew Stroub J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 18th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Hardin Baker & Mary Ann Marlay lic'd Jan. 6th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that Hardin Baker & Mary Ann Marlay were on the

12th day of Jan. 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Joseph Harrison J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Jan. 14th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 75)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 75)


[page 75]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 71 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Alexander M. Brown & Maria Handley lic'd Jan. 6th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS -

I certify, that Alex. M. Brown & Maria Handley were on the 11th

day of Jan. 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Barton Whipple J. P. -

Ret'd & recorded Jan. 28th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William Penry & Nancy Owens lic'd Jan. 1th 1837 -

David Dix & Margaret A. Pool lic'd Jan. 14th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify, that David Dix & Margaret A. Pool were on the 19th day

of Jan. 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Benjamin Martin J. P.

Ret'd & recorded, Jan. 25th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Gideon Carr & Lucinda Smart lic'd Jan. 14th 1837 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 76)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 76)


[page 76]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 72 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Abraham Huff & Mary Ann Miller lic'd Jan. 17th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS. -

I certify, that Abraham Huff & Mary Ann Miller were on

the 18th day of Jan.y, 1837, joined in marriage by me -

A. A. Davis -

Ret'd & recorded March 6th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Charles Roberts & Maria Shaffer lic'd Jan. 18th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS -

I certify, that Charles Roberts and Maria Shaffer, were on

the 3rd day of February A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by

me - Hezekiah Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 12th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James Dillingham & Lucy House lic'd Jan. 19th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS -

I certify, that James Dillingham & Lucy House were on the 21st

day of Jany 1837, joined in Marriage by me -

John Bunker J. P.

Ret'd & recorded March 1st 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Lorenzo D. Clark & Maria Shaw lic'd Jan. 20th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS -

I certify, that Lorenzo D. Clark & Maria Shaw were on the 26th

day of Jan. 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Henry Pates J. P.

Ret'd & recorded, Jan. 28th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 77)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 77)


[page 77]

[corresponds to page 73 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Daniel Smart & Almira Cowles lic'd Jan. 24th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS -

I certify, that Daniel Smart & Almira Cole were on the 24th

day of Jan. 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Sidney Moore J. P. -

Ret'd & recorded Jan. 25th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Thomas Baker & Lucy Fancher lic'd Jan. 24th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS -

I certify, that Thomas Baker & Lucy Fancher were on the 26th day

of Jan.y 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Caleb Hall J. P. -

Ret'd & recorded March 3rd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Henry Snark & Phebe Ward lic'd Jan. 30th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS -

I certify, that Henry Snark & Phebe Ward, were on the 30th day

of Jan.y 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & recorded March 3rd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Simpson & Mary McCoy lic'd Jan. 30th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify, that John Simpson and Mary McCoy, were on the

2nd day of February A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by me -

William Perfect J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 4th 1837

Attest T. Reynolds - Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 78)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 78)


[page 78]

[corresponds to page 74 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Dearholt & Lucinda Aldrich lic'd Feb. 1st 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS -

I certify, that John Dearholt & Lucinda Aldrich were on

the 5th day of Feb. 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Henry Pates J. P.

Ret'd & recorded March 1st 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Hamilton & Adah Starkweather lic'd Feb. 1st 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS

I certify, that John Hamilton & Adah Starkweather, were

on the 3rd day of Feb. 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Joseph Scott J. P.

Ret'd & recorded Feb. 16th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Smart & Angelina Carr lic'd Feb. 4th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of Feby. A.D. 1837, I solemnized the Marriage of

John Smart with Angelina Carr

Henry Van Deman M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb. 5th 1837

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge

James Ralston & Roxanna White lic'd Feb. 11th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS -

I certify that James Ralston and Roxanna White

were on the 23rd day of Feby A.D. 1837, joined in mar-

-riage by me.

John Manville J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 29th 1837.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 79)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 79)


[page 79]

[corresponds to page 75 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Asa T. Beebe & Nancy Dillingham lic'd Feb. 13th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS -

I certify, that Asa T. Beebe and Nancy Dillingham

were on the 16th day of Feby A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me

John Bunker J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 12th 1837

Attest T. Reynolds, Clk.

Amos M. W. Harding Ema Roberts lic'd Feb. 13th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS -

I certify that Amos M. W. Harding and Ema Roberts

were on the 26th day of February A.D. 1837, joined in

marriage by me -

Hezekiah Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & recorded June 12th 1837.

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Randel & Jane Hoskins lic'd Feb. 14th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS -

I certify that John Randel & Jane Hoskins were on the 16th day

of Feb. 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Morgan Williams J. P.

Ret'd & recorded March 1st 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 80)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 80)


[page 80]

[corresponds to page 76 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Robert Pool & Laura Dagett lic'd Feb. 15th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify, that Robert Pool & Laura Dagette were on the 16th

day of Feby 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Benj. Martin J. J. -

Ret'd & recorded Feb. 17th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jackson Carr & Nancy Russell lic'd Feb. 15th 1837 -

William P. Eagon & Margaret A. Wise lic'd Feb. 15th 1837 -

Alva Macumber & Mary Green lic'd Feb. 18th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS -

I certify, that Alva Macumber and Mary Green

were on the 18th day of February A.D. 1837, joined in

marriage by me.

Joel Marsh J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 13th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 81)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 81)


[page 81]

[corresponds to page 77 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Alvy Amlin & Eliza S. McLeod lic'd Feb. 20th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify, that Alvy Amlin & Eliza S. McLeod were on the

23rd day of Feby. A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Owen Owens M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded May 29th 1837

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Nelson French & Joanna Sager lic'd Feb. 20th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify, that Nelson French & Joanna Sager were on the 2th day

of Feb. 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Jeremiah Smith J. P.

Ret'd & recorded March 2nd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Samuel Warner & Cecelia Rogers lic'd Feb. 21st 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS -

I certify, that on the 5th day of March 1837, Samuel Warner &

Cecelia Rogers were joined in Marriage by me -

John C. Havins J. J. -

Ret'd & recorded March 6th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Roberts 2d & Phebe Weeks lic'd Feb. 22nd 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS -

I certify, that on the 2nd day of March 1837, John Roberts 2d &

Phebe Weeks were joined in marriage by me -

John C. Havins J. J. -

Ret'd & recorded March 6th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 82)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 82)


[page 82]

[corresponds to page 78 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Caleb Howard & Elizabeth French lic'd Feb. 22nd 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

On the day of February A.D. 1837, I solemnized the

marriage of Caleb Howard & Elizabeth French

James McElroy

John L. Conway & Sarah A. Smith lic'd Feb. 22nd 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify, that on the 23rd day of Feb. 1837, John L. Conway &

Sarah A. Smith were joined in marriage by me -

John C. Havins M. J. -

Ret'd & recorded March 6th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Conrad Liggett & Louisa Beakley lic'd Feb. 25th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS -

I certify, that Conrad Liggett and Louisa Beakley, were

on the 28th day of February 1837, joined in marriage

by me -

James Dodds J. P.

Ret'd & recorded June 10th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Moses Clark & Elizabeth Fancher lic'd March 2nd 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS -

I certify that Moses Clark and Elizabeth Fancher, were

on the 7th day of March A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me -

David Fancher J. P.

Ret'd & recorded April 24th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 83)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 83)


[page 83]

[corresponds to page 79 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Cook & Louisa Nickolas lic'd March 2nd 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify, that John Cook & Louisa Nickols were on the 9th day

of March 1837, joined in marriage by me.

William Travis J. P.

Ret'd & recorded March 17th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Evan McCreary & Margaret Bishop lic'd March 4th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify, that Evan H. McCreary & Margaret Bishop, were on

the 9th day of March 1837, joined in marriage by me -

Henry Pater J. P. -

Ret'd & recorded March 15th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John M. Marlay & Abigail Dildine lic'd March 4th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that John M. Marley & Abigail Dildine were on

the 6th day of March A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me

Henry Van Deman M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 8th 1852

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge

Evy Adams & Catharine A. Vantassel lic'd March 11th 1837 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 84)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 84)


[page 84]

[corresponds to page 80 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Winterhalder & Rosen Walter lic'd March 13th 1837 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that Joseph Winterhalder & Rosen Walter were

on the 20th day of March 1837, joined in marriage by me

Adolph Allardt M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded June 8th 1839

Attest W D Herin Clerk

Seth Janes & Jerusha R. Fenton lic'd March 14th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that on the 15th day of March A.D. 1837, that Seth

Janes and Jerusha R. Fenton were joined in marriage by me -

Ahab Jenks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded, April 7th 1837

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Allen Jenkins & Sarah Williams lic'd March 14th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify that Allen Jenkins and Sarah Williams were

on the 15th day of March A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me - Hezekiah Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & recorded June 12th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Orrin Jones & Susan Gardner lic'd March 14th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify that on the 19th day of March A.D. 1837, that Orrin

Jones and Susan Gardner were joined in marriage by me -

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1837.

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 85)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 85)


[page 85]

[corresponds to page 81 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David Thrasher & Sarah Rose lic'd March 15th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS -

I certify, that David Thrasher and Sarah Rose were on

the 19th day of March A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by

me - Chas. Armstrong J. P. -

Ret'd & recorded May 5th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds - Clerk -

William Linnabary & Sally Edwards lic'd March 15th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS -

I certify that William Linnabery and Sally Edwards

were on the 16th day of March A.D. 1837, joined in

marriage by me -

Peter Cockrell J. P. -

Ret'd & recorded May 5th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

David Phillians & Sarah Smart lic'd March 20th 1837 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of March 1837 I solemnized the Marriage of

David Phillians with Sarah Smart

Henry Van Deman M. J.

Rec.d & Recorded May 21 1852

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge

Jonas Foust Jr. & Electa Birch licensed March 20th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify that on the 30th day of March A.D. 1837, that Jonas

Foust Jr. and Electa Birch were joined in marriage by me -

Henry Pater J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 5th 1837 -

Attest T. Reynolds Clk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 86)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 86)


[page 86]

[corresponds to page 82 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel Potter & Cyrenia Scofield licensed March 24th 1837 -

Ebenezer Williams & Mary Davis licensed March 27th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS:

I certify that on the 27th day of March A.D. 1837, that Ebenezer

Williams & Mary S Davis were joined in marriage by me

Sidney Moore J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 28th 1837

Attest T. Reynolds. Clerk.

David Kyle & Margaret Davis licensed March 28th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify that on the 30th day of March A.D. 1837 that

David Kyle & Margaret David were joined in marriage

by me -

Morgan Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 14th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Amos Van Loon & Anna Miller lic'd March 28th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County: SS.

I certify that Amos Van Loon and Anna Miller

were on the 29th day of May A.D. 1837, joined in mar-

-riage by me -

J. Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 8th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 87)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 87)


[page 87]

[corresponds to page 83 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William H. Brees & Zaba Baker lic'd April 3rd 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

On the day of April A.D. 1837 I solemnized the Marriage

of Wm. H. Breese & Zaba Baker

James McElroy

Andrew Dodds & Mary P. Winget lic'd April 3rd 1837 -

John Harter & Elizabeth Grearson lic'd April 5th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS -

I certify, that John Harter and Elizabeth Grearson were

on the 6th day of April A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me -

James Dodds J. P. -

Ret'd & recorded June 10th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds, Clerk -

John Bailey & Eliza Stanton lic'd April 5th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS -

I certify, that John Bailey and Eliza Stanton were on

the 6th day of April A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by

me - Charles Armstrong J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 5th 1837

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 88)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 88)


[page 88]

[corresponds to page 84 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Nathaniel Wells & Elizabeth Griste lic'd April 8th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS -

I certify, that Nathaniel Wells and Elizabeth Griste

were on the 13th day of April A.D. 1837, joined in mar-

-riage by me -

Wm. Perfect J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 15th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Joseph Keen & Deborah Ann Finch lic'd April 12th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify that Joseph Keen and Deborah Ann Finch

were on the 20th day of April A.D. 1837, joined in

marriage by me -

Joseph Scott J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 1st 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

David Lawrence & Sarah Baker lic'd April 13th 1837 -

Elijah Clark Jr. & Mary Brown lic'd April 19th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that Elijah Clark Jr. and Mary Brown were

on the 20th day of April A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me.

Levi Meredith J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 30th 1837.

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 89)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 89)


[page 89]

[corresponds to page 85 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jacob Stiffler & Elizabeth Gast licensed April 20th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS -

I certify that Jacob Stiffler and Elilzabeth Gast were

on the 23rd day of April A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me -

S. S. Klein M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded May 5th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jacob Garringer & Margaret Felkey lic'd April 21st 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that Jacob Garringer and Margaret Filkey

were on the 23rd day of April A.D. 1837, joined in

marriage by me -

Thos. G. Headly J. P.

Ret'd & recorded April 26th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Minard Taplin & Elizabeth Plant lic'd April 24th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware COunty, SS -

I certify that Minard Taplin and Elizabeth Plant

were on the 9th day of May A.D. 1837, joined in mar-

-riage by me -

Wm. Morrow M. J.

Ret'd & recorded May 27th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Joseph Brown & Lorinda Wigton lic'd April 26th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS -

I certify that Joseph Brown and Lorinda Wigton

were on the 26th day of April A.D. 1837, joined in

marriage by me -

Daniel Maxwell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 10th 1837.

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 90)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 90)


[page 90]

[corresponds to page 86 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Nicholas Handley & Mary Ann Twitchell lic'd April 28th 1837.

Christopher Kirchner & Mary Nuss lic'd April 28th 1837

George Woodcock & Lavinia Steward lic'd May 3rd 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that George Woodcock & Lavinia Steward

were on the 4th day of May A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me -

Daniel Maxwell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 10th 1837.

Attest - T. Reynolds, Clerk -

Enoch James & Elizabeth Korl lic'd May 3rd 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify that Enoch James and Elizabeth Korl were on

the 4th day of May A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by

me -

S. S. Klein M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded May 5th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 91)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 91)


[page 91]

[corresponds to page 87 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Daniel Weiser & Ann High licensed May 3rd 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Daniel Weiser and Ann High were on

the 4th day of May A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by

me -

S. S. Klein M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded May 5th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Leonard Case & Mary Ann Cooper lic'd May 4th 1837 -

George Shuster & Catherine Morgan lic'd May 4th 1837 -

William Kensler & Rachael Conklin lic'd May 10th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, Ss

I certify that William Kensler & Rachael Conklin were

on the 16th day of May A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by

me Isaac Eaton M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded June 17th 1837

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 92)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 92)


[page 92]

[corresponds to page 88 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David Thomas & Margaret Gallant lic'd May 15th 1837 -

William Denwoody & Sarah Murphy lic'd May 20th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify that on the 20th day of May A.D. 1837, William

Denwoody & Sarah Murphy were joined in marriage

by me -

Erastus Burr M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded July 4th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Henry Gardner & Elizabeth Mosher lic'd May 24th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Henry Gardner & Elizabeth Mosher were on

the 25th day of May A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me -

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded March 8th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Samuel Lowther & Sarah Sherman lic'd May 27th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify that Samuel Lowther and Sarah Sherman

were on the 9th day of June A.D. 1837, joined in marria-

-ge by me -

William Traviss J. P. -

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 8th 1837

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 93)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 93)


[page 93]

[corresponds to page 89 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Luman H. Ingham & Eliza Gregory licen'd May 29th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that Luman H. Ingham and Eliza Gregory were

on the 7th day of June A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by

me -

Ira Arnold J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug. 19th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds, Clerk -

John Rundall & Elizabeth Hall lic'd May 29th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify that on the 1st day of June A.D. 1837, John

Rundall and Elizabeth Hall were joined in marriage

by me -

Darius C. Allen M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded June 17th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds, Clerk -

Sylvester Wigton & Elmina Perry lic'd June 5th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify that Sylvester Wigton and Elmina Perry were

on the 11th day of June A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me -

Isaac Eaton M. J. -

Ret'd & Recorded June 17th 1837 -

Attest = Thos. Reynolds, Clerk -

Ebenezer Pike & Dorcas Moses licensed June 10th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that Ebenezer Pike and Dorcas Moses were on

the 15th day of June A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by

me -

P. E. Buell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 10th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds, Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 94)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 94)


[page 94]

[corresponds to page 90 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Thomas Patten & Mary Moyer licensed June 10th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 18th day of June A.D. 1837 Thom-

as Patton and Mary Moyer were joined in marriage

by me.

Ebenezer T. Webster M.J.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 23rd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Richard Marquiss & Content Tinckham lic'd June 12th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 22nd day of June A.D. 1837 Richard

Marquiss & Content Tinckham were joined in marriage

by me.

David Maltby M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 18th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Riley J. Lott & Catherine Vansickle lic'd June 13th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 15th day of June A.D. 1837, Riley

J. Lott & Catherine Vansickle were joined in marriage

by me.

Daniel Maxwell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 23rd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Joseph McManners & Sally Duet lic'd June 16th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Joseph McManners & Sally Duet

were on the 16th day of June A.D. 1837, were joined in

marriage by me.

John Doty J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug. 19th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 95)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 95)


[page 95]

[corresponds to page 91 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel Page & Polly Morehouse lic'd June 22nd 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Samuel Page and Polly Morehouse were

on the 22nd day of June A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by


Joseph Harrison J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug. 28th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Joel Cleveland & Mary Ann Wheatley lic'd June 27th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Joel Cleveland & Mary Ann Wheatley were on the

5th day of July, A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Mch. 8th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clk -

David Williams & Elizabeth Bennett lic'd June 28th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that David Williams & Elizabeth Bennett were on the

20th day of June A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

Hezekiah Roberts, J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William Crawford & Jane Rogers lic'd June 28th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 29th day of June A.D. 1837, William

Crawford and Jane Rogers were joined in marriage by


H. Moore, J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 7th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 96)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 96)


[page 96]

[corresponds to page 92 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Thomas Potter & Mary Ann Heaslett lic'd June 28th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Thomas Potter and Mary Ann Heaslett

were on the 29gh day of June A.D. 1837 joined in mar-

-riage by me.

Nathan Emory M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded July 17th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Stephen Fairchild & Hannah Hills lic'd July 1st 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Stephen Fairchild and Hannah Hills,

were on the 1st day of July A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me.

P. E. Buell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 13th 1837 -

Attest - R. Reynolds Clerk -

James Peters & Sophia Starkweather lic'd July 3rd 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that James Peters & Sophia Starkweather were

on the 4th day of July A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by


Sidney Moore J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 5th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Emery Daggett & Mary Pool lic'd July 5th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Emery Daggett and Mary Pool were on

the 6th day of July A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by


James Davenport J. P.

Retur'd & Recorded July 20th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 97)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 97)


[page 97]

[corresponds to page 93 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Amos Whitaker & Phebe Russell licensed July 10th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I Certify that Amos Whitaker and Phebe Russell were

on the 13th day of July A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by


Joseph Scott J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 2nd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk =

Alfred R. Benedict & Cynthia Aldrich lic'd July 11th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Alfred R. Benedict and Cynthia Aldrich

were on the 23rd day of July A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me.

Lester Bartlett J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 24th 1837 -

Attest = T. Reynolds Clerk -

Charles Conklin & Mary Rogers lic'd July 13th 1837 -

William W. Foote & Mary Gibson lic'd July 14th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William W. Foote and Mary Gibson were

on the 7th day of August A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me.

Ira Arnold J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug' 19th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 98)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 98)


[page 98]

[corresponds to page 94 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Ansom Coleman & Anna Closson lic'd July 19th 1837 -

Robert Rhodes & Mary Taylor lic'd July 29th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Robert Rhodes and Mary Taylor were

on the 3rd day of August A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me.

Jas Brundige J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug. 5th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Philip Dirst & Sarah Ann Glass lic'd August 5th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Philip Dirst & Sarah Ann Glass were on the

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch 8th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

24th day of Aug'st A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Wakeman Jennings & Charlotte Eliza Coberly lic'd Aug. 5th 1837
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 99)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 99)


[Page 99]

[corresponds to page 95 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Lyman M. Warren & Eveline Scribner lic'd Aug, 9th, 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Luman M. Warren and Eveline Scribner

were on the 17th da of Aug. A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me.

Jas Brundige J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug. 25th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Finley & Mary Waters lic'd Aug. 17th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Finley & Mary Waters were on the 24th

day of Aug. A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded March 8th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James R. Rose & Mary A. Hamilton lic'd Aug. 19th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that James R. Rose and Mary A. Hamilton.

were on the 20th day of Aug. A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me.

Joel Marsh J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug' 25th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Levi Buck & Rachael Crawford lic'd Aug. 21st 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Levi Buck and Rachael Crawford were

on the 24th day of Aug. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage

by me.

Isaac Eaton M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 23rd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 100)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 100)


[Page 100]

[corresponds to page 96 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James A. Holston & Lydia Ann Decker lic'd Aug. 25th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that James A. Holston & Lydia Ann Decker

were on the 5th day of September A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

Randall R. Arnold J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 23rd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Brundige & Harriet Taylor lic'd Aug. 29th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Brundige and Harriet Taylor

were on the 31st day of Aug' A.D. 1837, joined in mar-

-riage by me.

Jas Brundige J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 2nd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Henry Moore & Sarah Adams lic'd Sept. 1st 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Henry Moore and Sarah Adams were

on the 3rd day of Sept' A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me.

Isaac Eaton M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 23rd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

George D. Williams & Caroline Elizabeth Johnson lic'd Sept. 2nd 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that George D. Williams & Caroline Elizabeth

Johnson were on the 10th day of Sept. A.D. 1837

joined in marriage by me.

A. Goff M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 2nd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 101)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 101)


[page 101]

[corresponds to page 97 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Grove Howard & Ruth Smith lic'd Sept. 2nd 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Grove Howard and Ruth Smith were

on the 10th day of Sept. A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me.

Lester Bartlett J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 13th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John G. Kerwaker & Mary Heck lic'd Sept. 2nd 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John G. Kerwaker and Mary Heck

were on the 5th day of Sept. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage

by me.

S. S. Klein M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 6th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jacob Keysor & Elizabeth Ralston lic'd Sept. 2nd 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Jacob Keysor and Elizabeth Ralston were

on the 7th day of Sept. A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by


John Burns J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 12th, 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William Grover & Maria Warner lic'd Sept. 2nd 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William Grover and Maria Warner were

on the 3rd day of Sept. A.D. 1837, joined in marriage by


Caleb Morehouse J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 4th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds, Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 102)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 102)


[page 102]

[corresponds to page 98 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel D. Dean & Nancy W. Flanagan lic'd Sept. 4th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Samuel D. Dean & Nancy W.

Flanagan were on the 4th day of Sept. A.D. 1837

joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Labaree M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 16th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

David W. Bradley & Eunice Hawk lic'd Sept. 7th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that David W. Bradley and Eunice Hawk

were on the 7th day of September A.D. 1837, joined in mar-

-riage by me.

S. S. Klein M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 8th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Gilbert Hill & Lucinda Gelvin lic'd Sept. 8th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Gilbert Hill & Lucinda Gelvin were

on the 1st day of Jan'y A.D. 1838 joined in marriage

by me.

P. E. Buell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 11th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William Baker & Lucy S. Spencer lic'd Sept. 8th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William Baker and Lucy S. Spencer

were on the 10th day of September A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

David Fancher J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 11th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds, Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 103)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 103)


[page 103]

[corresponds to page 99 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Biggs & Susan Davis lic'd Sept. 9th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Biggs and Susan Davis were on

the 14th day of September A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me.

John Doty J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 11th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Gilbert Weeks & Emma Grist lic'd Sept. 9th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Gilbert Weeks and Emma Grist were

on the 3rd day of October A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me.

William Perfect J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 13th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Erastus Powers & Mary Wilson lic'd Sept. 11th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Erastus Powers and Mary Wilson were

on the 14th day of September A.D. 1837 joined in marriage

by me.

Shubael W. Knapp J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 28th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Thornton Wasson & Laura Smith lic'd Sept. 14th, 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Thornton Wasson & Laura Smith were

on the 17th day of Sept. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage

by me.

Josiah Fisher M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 29th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 104)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 104)


[page 104]

[corresponds to page 100 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Alexander & Sarah Myers lic'd Sept. 14th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Alexander and Sarah Myers were

on the 17th day of September A.D. 1837 joined in mar-

-riage by me.

Levi Meredith J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 30th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Sylvester Bennett & Elizabeth Butt lic'd Sept. 16th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Sylvester Bennett and Elizabeth Butt

were on the 21st day of September A.D. 1837, joined

in marriage by me.

David Fancher J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 11th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Timothy Aldrich & Sophia Russell lic'd Sept. 18th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Timothy Aldrich & Sophia Russell

were on the 20th day of Sept. 1837 joined in marriage

by me.

Lester Bartlett J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 21st 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James Houston & Jane Trotter lic'd Sept. 19th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that James Houston & Jane Trotter were

on the 19th day of Sept. A.D. 1837, joined in marriage

by me.

Sidney Moore J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 9th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 105)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 105)


[page 105]

[corresponds to page 101 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Charles C. Pinney & Hannah Barley lic'd Sept. 20th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Charles C. Pinney & Hannah Barley were on

the 20th day of Sept. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

J. Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 4th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Abraham Jackson & Maria Cox lic'd Sept. 25th 1837.

I certify that Abraham Jackson & Maria Cox were

on the 28th day of Sept. joined in marriage by me.

Festus Sprague J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 26th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

George Mead & Melissa Carpenter lic'd Sept. 25th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that George Mead & Melissa Carpenter

were on the 12th day of October A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

John Doty J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 30th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Edward Jones & Ann Downing lic'd Sept. 27th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Edward Jones & Ann Downing were on

the 28th day of September A.D. 1837 joined in marriage

by me.

Nehemiah Martin M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 9th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 106)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 106)


[page 106]

[corresponds to page 102 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Glass & Rebecca Smith lic'd Sept. 30th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that George Glass & Rebecca Smith were on the

5th day of Oct. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch 8th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William Perry & Rebecca E. Lavender lic'd Oct. 2nd 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William Perry and Rebecca E. Lavender

were on the 5th day of October A.D. 1837 joined in mar-

-riage by me.

James Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 18th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Daniel Hall & Nancy Adams lic'd Oct. 7th 1837

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Daniel Hall & Nancy Adams were

on the 26th day of October A.D. 1837 joined in marriage

by me.

Bartholomew Adams E B C

Ret'd & Rec'd Dec. 12th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William Kinney & Elizabeth Weeks lic'd Oct. 7th 1837

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William Kinney & Elizabeth Weeks

were on the 8th day of October A.D. 1837 joined in mar-

-riage by me.

David Fancher J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 11th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 107)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 107)


[page 107]

[corresponds to page 103 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Staunton & Eliza Abbott lic'd Oct. 9th 1837.

Josiah Lott & Catherine M. Potter lic'd Oct. 9th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Josiah Lott & Catherine M. Potter were on the

11th day of Oct. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded March 8th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Daniel Maxwell & Mary B. Heaslett lic'd Oct. 9th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Daniel Maxwell & Mary B. Heaslett were on

the 2nd day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded March 8th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Walter Lawrence & Charlotte Watkins lic'd Oct. 12th 1837.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 108)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 108)


[page 108]

[corresponds to page 104 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William S. Rider & Esther Garringer lic'd Oct. 17th 1837

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William S. Rider & Esther Garringer

were on the 25th day of Oct. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

Bartholomew Adams Eld. B. C.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 12th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Christian Martin & Phebe Ann McCoy lic'd Oct. 21st 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Christian Martin & Phebe Ann McCoy

were on the 21st day of Oct. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

Sidney Moore J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 9th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Samuel Guy & Rebecca Ramsey lic'd Oct. 24th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Samuel Guy & Rebecca Ramsey

were on the 24th day of Oct. A.D. 1837 joined

in marriage by me.

James Dodds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 10th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Nicholas Conklin & Jane Coykendall lic'd Oct. 25th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, Ss.

I certify that Nicholas Conklin & Jane Coykendall were

on the 26th day of Oct. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

William Steward J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 10th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 109)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 109)


[page 109]

[corresponds to page 105 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Byers & Elizabeth McClure lic'd Oct. 26th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Byers & Elizabeth McClure were

on the 27th day of Oct. A.D. 1837 joined in mar-

-riage by me.

Andrew Stroub J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 31st 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Philander K. Francis & Clarinda Armstrong lic'd Oct. 27th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Philander K. Francis & Clarinda Armstrong

were on the 29th day of Oct. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

James Brown J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 4th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Ira L. Whitehead & Mary S. Carpenter lic'd Oct. 28th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Ira L. Whitehead & Mary S. Carpenter

were on the 1st day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

Nathan Emory M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 1st 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Huston & Ormenda Benton lic'd Oct. 30th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Huston & Ormenda Benton were

on the 5th day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage

by me.

Warren Frazell M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan.y 15th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 110)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 110)


[page 110]

[corresponds to page 106 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Lott Search & Eleanor Plews lic'd Oct. 30th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Lott Search & Eleanor Plews were

on the 2nd day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

John Alexander Jr. M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan.y 25th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Morris Cowgill & Clarissa Judd lic'd Nov. 1st 1837 -

John G. Affleck & Mary Little lic'd Nov. 1st 1837 -

Samuel Vantassel & Martha Bennett lic'd Nov. 2nd 1837 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 111)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 111)


[page 111]

[corresponds to page 107 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Nelson Bockoven & Betsy S. Lewis lic'd Nov. 4th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Nelson Bockoven & Betsy S. Lewis were on the

16th day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

Henry Hodgden J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 23rd 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clk.

Herman Coomer & Joanna Roberts lic'd Nov. 9th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Herman Coomer & Joanna Roberts

were on the 16th day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

Jas. Brundige J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 29th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John B. Maring & Catherine Roberts lic'd Nov. 9th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John B. Maring & Catherine Roberts

were on the 9th day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

Sidney Moore

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 9th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Thompson Pierce & Elizabeth Powers lic'd Nov. 11th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Thompson Pierce & Elizabeth Powers

were on the 26th day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

Nathan Emory M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 14th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 112)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 112)


[page 112]

[corresponds to page 108 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Hardman & Anna Mann lic'd Nov. 14th 1837

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Hardman & Anna Mann

were on the 16th day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined

in marriage by me.

Lester Bartlett J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 29th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Samuel Norris & Sarah Ann Baker lic'd Nov. 14th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Samuel Norris & Sarah Ann Baker

were on the 16th day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

Jas. Brundige J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 29th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

George F. Sheef & Elizabeth Kortchall lic'd Nov. 14th 1837.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that George F. Sheef & Elizabeth Kortchall

were on the 16th day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

S. D. Wyatt M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 12th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Alexander Flowers & Sally Jane Brookins lic'd Nov. 15th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Alexander Flowers & Sally Jane Brookins

were on the 28th day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined

in marriage by me.

James Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 5th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 113)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 113)


[page 113]

[corresponds to page 109 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Trautman & Esther Biel lic'd Nov. 18th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

Ralph L. Slack & Mary Ann Fleming lic'd Nov. 21st 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify Ralph L. Slack & Mary Ann Fleming were

on the 23rd day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage

by me.

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 30th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Aaron F. Avery & Elizabeth Hoskins lic'd Nov. 21st 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Aaron F. Avery & Elizabeth Hoskins

were on the 3rd day of Dec. A.D. 1837 joined in mar-

-riage by me.

Roswell Field J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 5th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Adin Randel & Elmina Rennells lic'd Nov. 21st 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Adin Randel & Elmina Rennells were

on the 23rd day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage

by me.

Roswell Field J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 5th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 114)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 114)


[page 114]

[corresponds to page 110 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Thomas Pool & Elizabeth Weaver lic'd Nov. 24th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Thomas Pool & Elizabeth Weaver

were on the 16th day of Dec. A.D. 1837 joined

in marriage by me.

David Roberts Eld. -

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 12th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James Landon & Rebecca Cochran lic'd Nov. 14th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that James Landon & Rebecca Cochran

were on the 30th day of Nov. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

James Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 5th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Nelson Gardner & Mary Ann Howard lic'd Nov. 28th 1837

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Nelson Gardner & Mary Ann Howard

were on the 5th day of Dec. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

Samuel Lynch M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y. 13th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John H. Williams & Nancy T. Shearman lic'd Dec. 2nd 1837

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John H. Williams & Nancy T. Shearman

were on the 2nd day of Dec. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

Joseph Harrison J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Decm 4th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 115)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 115)


[page 115]

[corresponds to page 111 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Nathan Arnold & Mary Jane Reiley lic'd Dec. 2nd 1837 -

William Benton & Sophronia Potter lic'd Dec. 2nd 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William P. Benton & Sophronia Potter were on the

3rd day of Dec. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

Thomas W. Wigton S.T.P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 3rd 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Daniel M. Sellars & Mary Ann Proser lic'd Dec. 5th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Daniel M. Sellars & Mary Ann Proser

were on the 7th day of Dec. A.D. 1837 joined in

marriage by me.

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 20th 1837 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jesse Finch & Polly Gaston lic'd Dec. 6th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Jesse Finch & Polly Gaston were on the 14th

day of Dec. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded March 8th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 116)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 116)


[page 116]

[corresponds to page 112 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835=45]

John Henderson & Irene Page lic'd Dec. 3rd 1837 -

The state of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Henderson & Irene Page were on

the 9th day of Dec. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

William Page J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Richard D. Stiles Jr. & Welthy Martin lic'd Dec. 13th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Richard D. Stiles Jr. & Welthy Martin

were on the 20th day of Jan'y. A.D. 1838 joined in

marriage by me.

Lester Bartlett J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y. 26th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Henry Ashley & Sarah Davis lic'd Dec. 14th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Henry Ashley & Sarah Davis were on the

28th day of Dec. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

Harry Ashley

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 8th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Uriah Brundige & Adaline Olmstead lic'd Dec. 16th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Uriah Brundige & Adaline Olmstead were on

the 18th day of Dec. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

A. Stroub J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 22nd 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 117)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 117)


[page 117]

[corresponds to page 113 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Levi Hinton & Hannah L. Bogan lic'd Dec. 20th 1837 -

Alfred Ruggles & Eliza Barry lic'd Dec. 20th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Alfred Ruggles & Eliza Barry were on the 21st

day of Dec. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Henry Hodgden J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 23rd 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clk -

Francis Howes & Ruth Roberts lic'd Dec. 25th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Francis Howes & Ruth Roberts were on the

28th day of Dec. A.D. 1837 joined in marriage by me.

Wm. H. Ashley E. C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 8th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clk -

Robert Cronkleton & Harriet Ely lic'd Dec. 27th 1837 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 118)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 118)


[page 118]

[corresponds to page 114 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Abraham Wolford & Mary Carr lic'd Dec. 28th 1837 -

John S. Anderson & Malissa Hinton lic'd Dec. 29th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John S. Anderson & Malissa Hinton

were on the 31st day of Dec. A.D. joined in mar-

-riage by me.

S. D. Wyatt M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 12th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John T. Jones & Sarah Lewis lic'd Dec. 30th 1837 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John T. Jones & Sarah Lewis were on the

1st day of Jan'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Morgan Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 6th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Harvey Scott & Jemima Enlows lic'd Dec. 30th 1837 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 119)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 119)


[page 119]

[corresponds to page 115 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Nafus & Jane Erwin lic'd Jany. 1st 1838 -

David Edwards & Patty Sinkey lic'd Jany. 3rd 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that David Edwards & Patty Sinkey were on the

3rd day of Jany. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Chas. Armstrong J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 21st 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jonathan Ackerman & Elizabeth L. Bogan lic'd Jany. 4th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Jonathan Ackerman & Elizabeth L. Bogan

were on the 7th day of Jany. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by


H. D. Tuncker Cath. Clerg. -

Ret'd & Recorded May 16th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Gragor Piper & Mary Ann Beck lic'd Jany. 8th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Gragor Piper & Mary Ann Beck were on the

8thday of Jany. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

H. D. Tuncker

Cath. Clerg.

Ret'd & Recorded May 16th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 120)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 120)


[page 120]

[corresponds to page 116 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Reuben Metheny & Elizabeth Dopp lic'd Jany. 8th 1838.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Reuben Metheny & Elizabeth Dopp were on

the 11th day of Jany. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Levi Meredith J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 19th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James Mullen & Hannah Schoby lic'd Jany. 13th 1838.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that James Mullen & Hannah Schoby were on

the 15th day of Jan'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Hezekiah Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clk -

William Lyons & Mary Adams lic'd Jan'y. 17th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William Lyons & Mary Adams were on the

20th day of Jan'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Chas. Armstrong J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Charles Peet & Polly Ward lic'd Jan'y. 23rd 1838
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 121)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 121)


[page 121]

[corresponds to page 117 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

St. Clair Ross & Lucy Davison lic'd Jan'y. 24th 1838.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that St. Clair Ross & Lucy Davison were on the 25th

day of Jan'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Elijah Clark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y. 29th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Andrew Miller & Eliza Point lic'd Jan'y. 30th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Andrew Miller & Eliza Point were on the

1st day of Feb'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Festus Sprague J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 3rd 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

George Closson & Birthey Thornton lic'd Jan'y. 31st 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that George Closson & Birthey Thornton were on the

13th day of Feb'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Nathan Emory M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 22nd 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Seymour Barton & Elizabeth Hill lic'd Feb'y. 2nd 1838.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Seymour Barton & Elizabeth Hill were on the

7th day of Feb'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Roswell Field J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 26th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 122)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 122)


[page 122]

[corresponds to page 118 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David B. Oliver & Elizabeth Nicols lic'd Feb'y. 5th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that David B. Oliver & Elizabeth Nichols were on

the 8th day of Feb'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

James Dodds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 7th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Thomas Phillips & Margaret Maize lic'd Feb'y. 6th 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

On the 7th day of February 1838, I solemnized the Marriage

Of Thomas Phillips with Margaret Maize.

H. VanDeman M. C.

Rec'd & Recorded May 21st 1838

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Henry Penrod & Phebe Macomber lic'd Feb'y. 7th 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Henry Penrod & Phebe Macomber were on the

11th day of Feb'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

B. F. Kauffman M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded March 16th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Alva McCrary & Mary Benedict lic'd Feb'y. 10th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Alva McCrary & Mary Benedict were on

the 14th day of Feb'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Scott J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 28th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 123)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 123)


[page 123]

[corresponds to page 119 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William C. Wingett & Mary Hanagan lic'd Feb'y. 10th 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William C. Wngett & Mary Hanagan were

on the 10th day of Feb'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Joseph Labaree M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 16th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jacob Stiffler & Cynthia Anway lic'd Feb'y. 10th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Jacob Stiffler & Cynthia Anway were on the

18th day of Feb'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

William Page J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1838 -

Attest - T. Rreynolds Clerk -

William L. Wells & Charlotte Shout lic'd Feb'y. 12th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William L. Wells & Charlotte Shout were on

the 27th day of Feb'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

James Ross P. R.

Ret'd & Recorded March 5th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Decker & Nancy Tippy lic'd Feb'y. 16th 1838.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Decker & Nancy Tippy were on the 18th

day of Feb'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Hezekiah Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch. 20th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 124)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 124)


[page 124]

[corresponds to page 120 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Abraham Worline & Naomi W. Elliott lic'd Feb'y. 19th 1838.

James Porter & Opera Decker lic'd Feb'y. 21st 1838.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that James Porter & Opera Decker were on the

22nd day of Feb'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded March 8th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Isaac Kline & Nancy Housworth lic'd Feb'y. 22nd 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Isaac Kline & Nancy Housworth were on

the 22nd day of Feb'y. A.D 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Sabeers Main J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 24th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Andrew C. Sharp & Almyra Barley lic'd Feb'y. 26th 1838.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Andrew DC. Sharp & Almyra Barley were on

the 27th day of Feb'y. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Hezekiah Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch. 20th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 125)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 125)


[page 125]

[corresponds to page 121 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John F. Worth & Susan Hamilton lic'd March 10th 1838.

Charles Felty & Christina Anthoni lic'd March 12th 1838.

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Charles Felty & Christina Anthoni were on

the 15th day of March 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Adolph Allardt M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded June 8th 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk -

Evan H. Irvin & Cynthia Davis lic'd March 14th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Evan H. Irvin & Cynthia Davis were on the 22nd

day of March A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Wm. H. Ashley E. C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded May 14th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Thomas J. Cross & Lydia Wood lic'd March 175h 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Thomas J. Cross & Lydia Wood were on the 29th

day of March A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Samuel Lynch M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded April 23rd 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 126)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 126)


[page 126]

[corresponds to page 122 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Smith & Phebe Barber lic'd March 19th 1838.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Joseph Smith & Phebe Barber were on the

28th day of March A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Festus Sprague J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 3rd 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James McKisson & Eliza Havens lic'd March 20th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that James McKisson & Eliza Havens were on the

30th day of March A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Shubael W. Knapp J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 9th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Peter Worline & Catherine Reed lic'd March 20th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Peter Worline & Catherine Reed were on the

25th day of March A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Jas. Brundige J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 29th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Search Allen & Elizabeth Foust lic'd March 24th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Search Allen & Elizabeth Foust were on the

30th day of April A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Lester Bartlett J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 2nd 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 127)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 127)


[page 127]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 123 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Charles W. Page & Catherine Hance licd March 24th 1838

The State of Ohio Delaware County: ss

I certify that Charles W. Page & Catherine Hance were on

the 3rd day of April AD 1838 joined in marriage by me.

John Doty J.P.

Retd & Recorded June 4th 1838

Attest. T. Reynolds Clerk

Elijah Adams Jr. & Elizabeth Landon licd March 27th 1838

The State of Ohio Delaware County; ss

I certify that Elijah Adams Jr. & Elizabeth Landon were on the 29th

day of March AD 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Morgan William J.P.

Retd & Recorded may 11th 1838

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Thomas Humphreys & Mary Phillips licd March 28th 1838

The State of Ohio Delaware County, ss

I certify that Thomas Humphreys & Mary Phillips were on the

30th day of March AD 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Morgan Williams J.P.

Retd & Recorded May 11th 1838

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Saml Anderson & Ruth D. McCoy licd March 28th 1838

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 29th day of March AD 1838, I solemnized the marriage of

Saml Anderson with Ruth D. McCoy

Henry VanDeman M.G.

Retd & Recorded June 24th 1838

D.G. Fuller P.J.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 128)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 128)


[page 128]

[corresponds to page 124 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Daniel S. Drake & Clarissa Wilcox lic'd March 28th 1838.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Daniel S. Drake & Clarissa Wilcox were on the

29th day of March A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Nehemiah Martin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 30th 1838 -

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Henry Feaster & Mary Hager lic'd March 29th 1838.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Henry Feaster & Mary Hager were on the

29th day of March A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

David Fancher J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 5th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Wm. M. Flanigan & Sarah J. Rogers lic'd March 21st 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Wm. M. Flanigan & Sarah J. Rogers were on

the 5th day of April A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

W. D. Smith M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded June 4th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

William Loveless & Elizabeth Cramer lic'd April 2nd 1838 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 129)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 129)


[page 129]

[corresponds to page 125 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Utley & Elizabeth Thomas lic'd Ap'l. 3rd 1838

Wm. G. McFarland & Elizabeth Ross lic'd April 4th 1838 -

Amos Hall & Mary J. Morrison lic'd April 5th 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Amos Hall & Mary J. Morrison were on the

6th day of April A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 31st 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Lewis Glessner & Georgianna Cowles lic'd April 7th 1838 -

On the 8th day of April A.D. 1838 I solemnized the Marriage

of Lewis Glessner with Georgianna Cowles.

Henry Van Deman M. J.

Rec' & Recor' June 23rd A.D. 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 130)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 130)


[page 130]

[corresponds to page 126 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William B. Dunton & Harriet A. Humphrey lic'd Ap'l. 7th 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William B. Dunton & Harriet A. Humphrey

were on the 11th day of April A.D. 1838 joined in marriage

by me.

Erastus Burr M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded April 24th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Christopher Mattix & Anna Welshaunts lic'd Ap'l. 11th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Christopher Mattix & Anna Welshaunts were on

the 12th day of April A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

A. Stroub J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 22nd 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

George Grist & Mary Ann Carpenter lic'd Ap'l. 14th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that George Grist & Mary Ann Carpenter were on the

23rd day of April A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Ebenezer T. Webster M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded May 24th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

George McGee & Mary Smart lic'd April 16th 1838 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 131)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 131)


[page 131]

[corresponds to page 127 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Lepert & Elizabeth Jones lic'd April 18th 1838 -

Daniel Wyatt & Mary Edwards lic'd April 18th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Daniel Wyatt & Mary Edwards were on the

26th day of April A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

S. D. Wyatt M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded July 13th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

John Clifton & Sarah Miller lic'd April 19th 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Clifton & Sarah Miller were on the

19th day of April A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

E. S. Gavit M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded May 31st 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

James Vining & Philena Durphy lic'd April 20th 1838
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 132)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 132)


[page 132]

[corresponds to page 128 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Long & Harriet Arnold lic'd April 21st 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that James Long & Harriet Arnold were

on the 10th day of May 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks -

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch. 12th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Israel D. Atherton & Ann Angell lic'd April 21st 1838.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that Israel D. Atherton & Ann Angell were on the

16th day of Aug'st. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Cha. Armstrong J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 14th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Elijah Sackett & Phebe R. George lic'd April 24th 1838.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Elijah Sackett & Phebe R. George were on the

26th day of April A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

John Smith M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded April 28th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Jacob Richards & Mary Metz lic'd April 30th 1838.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 133)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 133)


[page 133]

[corresponds to page 129 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]]

Thomas A. Bensley & Rebecca Martin lic'd May 2nd 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Thomas A. Bensley & Rebecca Martin were on

the 6th day of May A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Levi Meredith J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 19th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Harrison Hanvill & Hannah Linnaberry lic'd May 2nd 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Harrison Hanville & Hannah Linnaberry were

on the 3rd day of May A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Chas. Armstrong J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 18th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

John Waterman & Susan Dixon lic'd May 3rd 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Waterman & Susan Dixon were on the

6th day of May A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Thos. L. Hoadly J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 19th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

John Smith & Nancy Hardy lic'd May 8th 1838 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 134)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 134)


[page 134]
[corresponds to page 130 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Edward Evans & Mahalah Jackson lic'd May 8th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Edward Evans & Mahalah Jackson were on

the 9th day of May A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me -

Morgan Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 11th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Alonzo Carpenter & Orell Hewell lic'd May 10th 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Alonzo Carpenter & Orell Hewell were on

the 24th day of May 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch. 12th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Munroe Harris & Fanny Page lic'd May 17th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Munroe Harris & Fanny Page were on the 27th

day of May A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

John Doty J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 4th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Prescott S. Campbell & Ann M. Barrows lic'd May 23rd 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Prescott S. Campbell & Ann M. Barrows

were on the 31st day of May 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks MCJ

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch. 12th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 135)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 135)


[page 135]

[corresponds to page 131 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Harmon Weaver & Sally Roberts lic'd May 25th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Harmon Weaver & Sally Roberts were on the

26th day of May A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Titus Case Eld. =

Ret'd & Recorded July 26th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Paul Crone & Mary A. Trout lic'd May 28th 1838 -

Wesley Dennan & Sarah J. Stephens lic'd May 28th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Wesley Dennan & Sarah J. Stephens were on the

21st day of May A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Ebenezer T. Webster M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded June 2nd 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

John Garvin & Ann Potter lic'd May 28th 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Garvin & Ann Potter were on the

31st day of May 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch. 12th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 136)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 136)


[page 136]

[corresponds to page 132 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Bazaleel Ruby & Isabella Highland lic'd May 29th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

On the 30th day of May A.D. 1838 I solemnized the Marriage of

Bazaleel Ruby with Isabella Highland

H. VanDeman M. G.

Rec' & Recorded May 21st 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Thomas O. Jones & Catherine Owens lic'd May 30th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Thomas O. Jones & Catherine Owens were

on the 31st day of May A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by

me. Morgan Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 31st 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Philander Parks & Amelia Searles lic'd June 2nd 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Philander Parks & Amelia Searles were on the

3rd day of June A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Peter Stephens M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded June 18th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Price Wigton & Margaret Harrison lic'd June 4th 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Price Wigton & Margaret Harrison

were on the 6th day of June A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by

me - Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch. 12th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 137)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 137)


[page 137]

[corresponds to page 133 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Waters & Rutilla Herd lic'd June 6th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Joseph Waters & Rutilla Herd were on the

10th day of June A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

James Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st. 1st 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Nathan Chester & Harriet Terry lic'd June 7th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Nathan Chester & Harriet Terry were on the

7th day of June A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.
Ebenezer T. Webster M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded July 10th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clk.

John Kester & Jane A. Chamberlain lic'd June 9th 1838.

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Kester & Jane A. Chamberlain were on the

17th day of June A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Lester Bartlett M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 18th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

James Baird & Easter Jamison lic'd June 14th 1838 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 138)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 138)


[page 138]

[corresponds to page 134 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Hiram Gould & Abigail Brundige lic'd June 14th 1938

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Hiram Gould & Abigail Brundige were on

the 17th day of June A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Jas. Brundige J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 20th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Andrew Anderson & Lucinda Smith lic'd June 20th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Andrew Anderson & Lucinda Smith

were on the 20th day of June A.D. 1838 joined in

marriage by me -

Henry Pater J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 10th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

George Blaney & Betsy Vansickle lic'd June 20th 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that George Blaney & Betsy Vansickle were

on the 26th day of June 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch. 12th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clk.

Robert Cratty & Jane Flanagan lic'd June 23rd 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Robert Cratty & Jane Flanagan were on the

29th day of June A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

W. D. Smith M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st. 7th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 139)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 139)


[page 139]

[corresponds to page 135 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jonathan Gardner & Delia E. Benton lic'd June 25th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Jonathan Gardner & Delia E. Benton were on

the 27th day of June A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Titus Case Eld. -

Ret'd & Recorded July 26th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Abraham Welt & Maria Seigfried lic'd June 27th 1838 -

John Pool & Barbara A. Bell lic'd June 27th 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Pool & Barbara A. Bell were on the 28th

day of June A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me -

Ebenezer T. Webster M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded July 10th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Benjamin Hudson & Minerva Wheeler lic'd June 28th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Benjamin Hudson & Minerva Wheeler were

on the 5th day of July A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Sheldon Clark M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 27th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 140)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 140)


[page 140]

[corresponds to page 136 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John J. Wachter & Fanny Shoub lic'd July 7th 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County. SS.

I certify that John J. Wachter & Fanny Shoub were

on the 8th day of July 1838 joined in marriage by

me -

Adolph Allardt M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded June 13th 1839 -

Attest - W. D. Heim Clerk

Ephraim Hubbell & Sarah Howard lic'd July 17th 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Ephraim Hubbell & Sarah Howard were on

the 18th day of July A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Sam'l. Lynch M. G. -

Ret'd & Recorded July 23rd 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Augustus A. Welch & Juliann Babcock lic'd July 19th 1838 -

On the 20th day of July A.D. 1838 I solemnized the Marriage

of Augustus A. Welch with Juliann Babcock

Henry VanDeman M. G.

Rec.d & Record June 18th A.D. 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Joshua D. Breyfogle & Mary Reynolds lic'd July 21st 1838 0

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

On the 22nd day of July A.D. 1838 I solemnized

the Marriage of Joshua D. Breyfogle with Mary Reynolds

H. VanDeman,

M. J.

Received & Recorded

February 11th 1869.

T. W. Powell Pro. Judge

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 141)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 141)


[page 141]

[corresponds to page 137 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Charles Garner & Maria Robbins lic'd July 27th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,


I certify that Charles Garner & Maria Robbins were on the

30th day of July A.D 1838 joined in marriage by me -

Elijah Clark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 20th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John J. Richards & Elizabeth Albright lic'd July 31st 1838 -

Joshua Traviss & Betsy A. Miller lic'd Aug't 4th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,


I certify that Joshua Traviss & Betsy A. Miller were on the

5th day of Aug'st A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me -

Lester Bartlett J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 6th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Peter Collum & Rhoda Wigton lic'd Aug'st 4th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County,


I certify that Peter Collum & Rhoda Wigton were on the

5th day of Aug'st A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me -

Tho's W. Wigton M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 11th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clk.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 142)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 142)


[page 142]

[corresponds to page 138 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Alfred Cronkright & Sarah Thompson lic'd Aug'st 6th 1838 -

Horace Whitney & Eliza Swallow lic'd Aug'st 10th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Horace Whitney & Eliza Swallow were on

the 19th day of Aug'st A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me -

Clerk Munson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 22nd 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Robert Walker & Ruth Brown lic'd Aug'st 13th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Robert Walker & Ruth Brown were on the

21st day of Aug'st A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me

John Burns J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 10th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Daniel Vantassel & Sarah McNutt lic'd Aug'st 14th 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Daniel Vantassel & Sarah McNutt were on

the 16th day of Aug'st A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me -

H. Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 3rd 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 143)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 143)


[page 143]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 139 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Isaac Goodin & Fanny Gardner lic'd Aug'st 20th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Isaac Goodin & Fanny Gardner were on the

26th day of Aug'st A.D 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Tho's W. Wigton M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 12th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Jacob Long & Mary A. Westbrook lic'd Aug'st 21st 1838 -

Wilson Martin & Dilla Pringle lic'd Aug'st 28th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Wilson Martin & Dilla Pringle were on the

2nd day of Sept. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me -

S. D. Wyatt M. J. -

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 7th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

John Cronkright & Elmyra Wilson lic'd Aug'st 29th 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Cronkright & Elmyra Wilson were on

the 2nd day of Sept. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me -

John Doty J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 13th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 144)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 144)


[page 144]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 140 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Nathan Peck & Margaret Elliott lic'd Aug'st 31st 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Nathan Peck & Margaret Elliott were on

the 12th day of Sept. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Eben'z T. Webster M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 15th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Elijah Bishop & Melinda Birch lic'd Sept. 1st 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Elijah Bishop & Melinda Birch were on

the 6th day of Oct. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

A. Patee J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 26th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Henry Fulton & Mary A. Vastine lic'd Sept. 3rd 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Henry Fulton & Mary A. Vastine were on the

6th day of Sept. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Eben'z T. Webster M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 15th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clk -

Joseph Roloson & Margaret Himrod lic'd Sept. 8th 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Joseph Roloson & Margaret Himrod

were on the 12th day of Sept. 1838 joined in marriage

by me - Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch 12th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 145)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 145)


[page 145]

[corresponds to page 141 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry H. Crouse & Clarissa Knowles lic'd Sept. 8th 1838 -

Henry Y. West & Harriet Cook lic'd Sept. 8th 1838 -

Robert D. Sackett & Flora Lewis lic'd Sept. 10th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Robert D. Sackett & Flora Lewis were on

the 10th day of Sept. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch 12th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Harlow Adams & Margaret Adams lic'd Sept. 10th 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Harlow Adams & Margaret Adams

were on the 12th day of Sept. 1838 joined in marriage by

me - Bartholomew Adams M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 10th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 146)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 146)


[page 146]

[corresponds to page 142 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George H. Denison & Sylvia Bunker lic'd Sept. 11th 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that George H. Denison & Sylvia Bunker were

on the 10th day of Oct. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Sam'l Lynch M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 6th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Alanson Sands & Margaret Allison lic'd Sept. 13th 1838 -

Stephen G. Burroughs & Catherine Slack lic'd Sept. 18th 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Stephen G. Burroughs & Catherine Slack were

on the 20th day of Sept. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Thomas Arnold J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 29th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clk -

David Ward & Elizabeth Chaven lic'd Sept. 19th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that David Ward & Elizabeth Chaven were on the

20th day of Sept. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me -

James Brown J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 29th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 147)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 147)


[page 147]

[corresponds to page 143 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel Wilson & Elizabeth Edwards lic'd Sept. 26th 1838

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that on the 26th day of September A.D. 1838, I

solemnized the marriage of Samuel Wilson with Elizabeth

Edwards -

Joseph Labaree M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch 2nd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk -

Anon Linnaberry & Louisa Croop lic'd Sept. 26th 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Anon Linnaberry & Louisa Croop were on the

27th day of Sept. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Peter Cockrell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 20th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Abner Doty & Harriet Havens lic'd Sept. 26th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Abner Doty & Harriet Havens were on the

27th day of Sept. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me -

S. W. Knapp J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 8th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Jefferson Edwards & Louisa Cockrell lic'd Sept. 29th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Jefferson Edwards & Louisa Cockrell were

on the 4th day of Oct. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Samuel Carver J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 28th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 148)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 148)


[page 148]

[corresponds to page 144 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Harvey Williams & Ann M. Griffiths lic'd Oct. 1st 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

On the 2nd day of Oct. 1838 I solemnized the Marriage of

Harvey Williams & Ann M. Griffiths

Henry VanDeman M. G.

Rec.d & Recorded May 21, 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Hodge McCutcheon & Mary B. Garvin lic'd Oct. 1st 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Hodge McCutcheon & Mary B. Garvin

were on the 2nd day of Oct. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch 12th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Samuel Newhouse & Sarah A. McGee lic'd Oct. 2nd 1838

Robert J. McGonigle & Almira Foust lic'd Oct. 3rd 1838 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 149)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 149)


[page 149]

[corresponds to page 145 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Peter Wells & Polly D. Page lic'd Oct. 6th 1838

George Longwell & Mary A. Sheets lic'd Oct. 6th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that George Longwell & Mary A. Sheets were on the

18th day of Oct. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

O. D. Hough, J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 24th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Joseph F. Bivens & Margaret Watkins lic'd Oct. 8th 1838

John Hare & Hannah Smith lic'd Oct. 13th 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Hare & Hannah Smith were on

the 14th day of Oct. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Adolph Allardt, M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded June 8th 1839

Attest - W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 150)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 150)


[page 150]

[corresponds to page 146 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jacob Smith & Christina Yager lic'd Oct. 13th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Jacob Smith & Christina Yager were

on the 15th day of Oct. 1838 joined in marriage by


Adolph Allardt M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded June 8th 1839

Attest - W. D. Heim Clerk -

John Mathias & Ann Graham lic'd Oct. 16th 1838 -

Lewis S. Felkner & Jane A. Carr lic'd Oct. 16th 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Lewis S. Felkner & Jane A. Carr were on the

18th day of Oct. 1838 joined in marriage by me

O. Owens M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 11th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Anderson Merrit & Harriet Gillet lic'd Oct. 22nd 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Anderson Merrit & Harriet Gillet were on the

22nd day of Oct. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me -

Jas Brundige J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 26th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 151)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 151)


[page 151]

[corresponds to page 147 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David Stephens & Rosanna Perry lic'd Oct. 23rd 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that David Stephens & Rosanna Perry were on

the 23rd day of Oct. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Wm. S. Morrow M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 7th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Jacob Dutcher & Elizabeth Galpin lic'd Oct. 24th 1838 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Jacob Dutcher & Elizabeth Galpin were on

the 2nd day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Wm. H. Ashley M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 11th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Stephen Curren & Clarissa Stratton lic'd Oct. 24th 1838 -

Julius Benson & Eliza Cowles lic'd Oct. 25th 1838 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Julius Benson & Eliza Cowles were on the 25th

day of Oct. A.D. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

A. Patee J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 26th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 152)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 152)


[page 152]

[corresponds to page 148 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel Welch & Angelina M. Himmon lic'd Oct. 25th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Samuel Welch & Angelina M. Himmon were

on the 25th day of Oct. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Chas Armstrong J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 11th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Daniel Wood & Lucy Jones lic'd Oct. 25th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Daniel Wood & Lucy Jones were on the

29th day of Oct. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Henry Hodgden J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch 7th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

George Morgan & Delihlia A. Sturgiss lic'd Oct. 29th 1838

I certify that on the 18th of Nov. 1837 M. Abraham

Cole & Miss Harriet Lusk were legally joined in

marriage by me, satisfactory evidence having been presented

that they were duly published according to law

Sidney Moore J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 24th 1837

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 153)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 153)


[page 153]

[corresponds to page 149 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Charles Woodruff & Jane Landon lic'd Nov. 1st 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Charles Woodruff & Jane Landon were

on the 4th day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Chas Armstrong J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 11th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

George Wells & Catherine Crane lic'd Nov. 5th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that George Wells & Catherine Crane were on

the 8th day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me

O. Owens M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 11th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Cle

Joseph Walker & Margaret Warren lic'd Nov. 5th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Joseph Walker & Margaret Warren were

on the 26th day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Jn W. White M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 3rd 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

William H. Kyrk & Rhoda McWilliams lic'd Nov. 7th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William H. Kyrk & Rhoda McWilliams

were on the 8th day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by

me - S. D. Wyatt M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 30th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 154)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 154)


[page 154]

[corresponds to page 150 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Cyrus Cook & Betsy Sinkey lic'd Nov. 9th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Cyrus Cook & Betsy Sinkey were on the 29th

day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Peter Cockrell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 20th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

John Howe & Murcy Cockrell lic'd Nov. 10th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Howe & Murcy Cockrell were on

the 11th day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Nathan Paul

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 16th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Solomon Stein & Eliza Trautman lic'd Nov. 10th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Solomon Stein & Eliza Trautman were

on the 11th day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Adolph Allardt M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded June 8th 1839

Attest - W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Alden & Orril Morrison lic'd Nov. 12th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Samuel Alden & Orril Morrison were on

the 15th day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me.

Samuel Carver J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 28th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 155)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 155)


[page 155]

[corresponds to page 151 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Hemon Smith & Mary Cochran lic'd Nov. 13th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Hemon Smith & Mary Cochran were on the

15th day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Samuel Carver J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 28th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Henry Bentz & Eliza J. Twitchell lic'd Nov. 16th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Henry Bentz & Eliza J. Twitchell were on

the 17th day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me

James Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 11th 1838

Atest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Joseph C. Cole & Elizabeth Trindle lic'd Nov. 17th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Joseph C. Cole & Elizabeth Trindle were on

the 22nd day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Jas Brundige J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 28th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Uri Lee & Eliza A. Ball lic'd Nov. 20th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Uri Lee & Eliza A. Ball were on the 20th

day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Shubael W. Knapp, J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 4th 1839

Attest - W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 156)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 156)


[page 156]

[corresponds to page 152 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Harrison G. Hodge & Elizabeth Vanloon lic'd Nov. 21st 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Harrison G. Hodge & Elizabeth Vanloon were

on the 21st day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Nathan Paul J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 20th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Charles Teets & Cornelia Morehouse lic'd Nov. 22nd 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Charles Teets & Cornelia Morehouse were

on the 1st day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Caleb Morehouse J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 12th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Harvey Walker & Frances Thurston lic'd Nov. 28th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Harvey Walker & Frances Thurston were

on the 29th day of Nov. 1838 joined in marriage by me

So. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 3rd 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

William B. Stenbeck & Rhoda B. Foster lic'd Nov. 29th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SSs

On the 30th day of Nov. 1838 I solemnized the Marriage of

William B. Stenbeck & Rhoda B. Foster

Henry VanDeman M. G.

Rec.d & Recorded May 26th A.D. 1852

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 157)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 157)


[page 157]

[corresponds to page 153 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Rosson & Lovina Stephens lic'd Nov. 29th 1838

Sam'l White & Ellen Goode (Cols) lic'd Nov 29th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Samuel White & Ellen Goode were on the

7th day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me

O. Ownes M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 11th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Asher A. Davis & Jane M. Cushing lic'd Dec. 3rd 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Asher A. Davis & Jane M. Cushing were on

the 4th day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Henry Patee J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 13th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk -

Horace J. Rice & Elizabeth L. Thrall lic'd Dec. 3rd 1838 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 158)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 158)


[page 158]

[corresponds to page 154 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Leman H. Barber & Almira Benedict lic'd Dec. 8th 1838

John Waters & Susan R. Jones lic'd Dec. 11th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Waters & Susan R. Jones were

on the 18th day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me

W. D. Smith M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Feby 25th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Joseph Moore & Amanda Hill lic'd Dec. 12th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Joseph Moore & Amanda Hill were on the

16th day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me

James Gilrath

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 15th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Ezra Riley & Louiza Potter lic'd Dec. 13th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Ezra Riley & Louiza Potter were on the

27th day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me -

Benj. Martin M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 24th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 159)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 159)


[page 159]

[corresponds to page 155 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Moses McIlvain & Mercy A. Walling lic'd Dec. 13th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware COunty, SS.

I certify that Moses McIlvain & Mercy Walling were on

the 20th day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me

James R. McKinnie J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 23rd 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

John Loofborough & Mary Plumb lic'd Dec. 14th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Loofborough & Mary Plumb were

in the month of December A.D. 1838 joined in Marriage by me

Albert Helfenstein Rector

of Grace Church in Berkshire

Ret. & Rcorded Jan'y 20th 1840

Attest - W. D. Heim Clerk.

Joseph Poter & Eliza Heaslett lic'd Dec. 15th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Joseph Potter & Eliza Heaslett were on the

27th day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Ahab Jinks M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch 12th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Elihu White & Clarissa Conklin lic'd Dec. 17th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Elihu White & Clarissa Conklin were on

the 1st day of Jan'y 1839 joined in marriage by me

Jn' W. White M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 3rd 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 160)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 160)


[page 160]

[corresponds to page 156 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Smith & Mary Thomas lic'd Dec. 19th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William Smith & Mary Thomas were on the

19th day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Wm. S. Morrow M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 9th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Joseph M. C. Bogan & Sarah Corps lic'd Dec. 20th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Joseph M. C. Bogan & Sarah Corps were on

the 20th day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me

G. Coberly J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 3rd 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Benjamin Sheets & Mary A. Hagerman lic'd Dec. 22nd 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Benjamin Sheets & Mary A. Hagerman were

on the 25th day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 25th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

John Darrough & Martha Moore lic'd Dec. 22nd 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Darrough & Martha Moore were on

the 25th day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Tho's W. Wigton S. T. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 7th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 161)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 161)


[page 161]

[corresponds to page 157 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Stephen Morehouse & Axsa Palmer lic'd Dec. 24th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Stephen Morehouse & Axsa Palmer were on

the 25th day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me

A. Patee J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 27th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Benjamin Loop & Elizabeth Finley lic'd Dec. 26th 1838

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Benjamin Loop & Elizabeth Finley were on the

28th day of Dec. 1838 joined in marriage by me

Sabeers Main J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 29th 1838

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

John P. Pratt & Polly Feaster lic'd Jan'y 5th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John P. Pratt & Polly Feaster were on the

6th day of Jan'y 1839 joined in marriage by me

Joel Marsh J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 9th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Frederick Houseworth & Ursla J. Scribner lic'd Jan'y 5th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Frederick Houseworth & Ursla J. Scribner were

on the 7th day of Jan'y 1839 joined in marriage by me

S. D. Wyatt

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 21st 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 162)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 162)


[page 162]

[corresponds to page 158 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45}

Jacob Bowersmith & Mary A. Lepest lic'd Jan'y 8th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Jacob Bowersmith & Mary A. Lepest were on the

8th day of Jan'y 1839 joined in marriage by me

Joel Z. Mendenhall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 10th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Ira W. Searles & Phebe Sebring lic'd Jan'y 10th 1839

William H. Ball & Aurilla Lee lic'd Jan'y 16th 1839

William H. Doughty & Hannah G. Cross lic'd Jan'y 19th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William H. Doughty & Hannah G. Cross

were, on the 20th day of January 1839, Joined in Marriage

by me Stephen G. Conard J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 14th 1839

Attest W.D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 163)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 163)


[page 163]

[corresponds to page 159 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Daniel Heffner & Mary Weiser lic'd Jan'y 22nd 1839 -

Ezekiel Longwell & Louisa Lott lic'd Jan'y 26th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Ezekiel Longwell & Louisa Lott were on the

31sst day of Jan'y A.D. 1839 joined in marriage by me -

Orsamus D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 14th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Samuel A. Griswold & Ethaline Kelly lic'd Jan'y 28th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Samuel A. Griswold & Ethaline Kelly were

on the 28th day of Jan'y A.D. 1839 joined in marriage by me

John W. White M.J.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 28th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

William R. Chapin & Zuba Lock lic'd Feb'y 2nd 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that William R. Chapin & Zuba Lock were on the

3rd day of February A.D 1839 joined in marriage by me

David Fancher J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 3rd 1839

Attest W.D. Heim - Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 164)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 164)


[page 164]

[corresponds to page 160 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Silas Drake & Sally Pike lic'd Feb'y 4th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Silas Drake & Sally Pike were on

the 5th day of February A.D 1839, joined in marriage

by me Joel Marsh J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 2nd 1839

Attest W.D. Heim Clerk

James M. McKibbin & Mary M. Butler lic'd Feb'y 7th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

On the 8th day of Feb'y A.D 1839 I solemnized the Marriage of

James M. McKibbin with Mary M. Butler

Henry VanDeman M. G.

Rec.d & Recorded May 22 A.D. 1852

D. T. Fuller, Probate Judge

Gassanay H. Selby & Margaret Bockover lic'd Feb'y 7th 1839

Marshall D. James & Lucinda Andrews lic'd Feb'y 8th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Marshall D. James & Lucinda Andrews

were on the 8th day of February A.D. 1839 joined in marriage

by me Ahab Jinks

Ret'd & Recorded March 12th 1839

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 165)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 165)


[page 165]

[corresponds to page 161 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joshua Stickel & Matilda Zeigler lic'd Feb'y 11th 1839 -

Moses Denman & Monna Smith lic'd Feb'y 16th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware COunty, SS.

I certify that Moses Denman & Monna Smith were on the

21st day of Feb'y A.D. 1839 joined in marriage by me.

Benjamin Martin M. J. -

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 25th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Edward B. Evans & Susannah Rhodes lic'd Feb'y 19th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Edward B. Evans & Susannah Rhodes were

on the 21st day of Feb'y A.D. 1839 joined in marriage by me.

Morgan Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 7th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Samuel Faulkenburgh & Hannah Whitney lic'd Feb'y 19th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Samuel Faulkenburgh & Hannah Whitney

were on the 20th day of February A.D. 1839 joined in marriage

by me - Peter Cockrell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 3rd 1839

Attest W.D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 166)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 166)


[page 166]

[corresponds to page 162 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Seneca Russell & Tobitha Rogers lic'd Feb'y 21st 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS -

I certify that Seneca Russell & Tobitha Rogers were on the

21st day of Feb'y A.D. 1839 joined in marriage by me.

Joel Z. Mendenhall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 25th 1839

Attest - T. Reynolds Clerk

Alfred J. Russell & Emily White lic'd Feb'y 22nd 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Alfred J. Russell & Emily White were

on the 17th day of March 1839, joined in marriage by me

Lester Bartlett J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 7th 1839

Attest W.D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Weaver & Anna Larcum lic'd Feb'y 23rd 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Samuel Weaver & Anna Larcum were on the

11th day of April A.D. 1839, joined in marriage by me

James Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 15th 1839 -

Attest W.D. Heim, Clerk

John Simpson & Lucretia Hull lic'd Feb'y 27th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Simpson & Lucretia Hull were

on the 28th day of February A.D. 1839 - joined in marriage

by me S. D. Wyatt

Ret'd & Recorded March 18th 1839

Attest W.D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 167)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 167)


[page 167]

[corresponds to page 163 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Edward D. Howard & Nancy L. Clark lic'd M'ch 5th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Edward D. Howard & Nancy L. Clark were

on the 19th day of March A.D. 1839 joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 30th 1839

Attest W.D. Heim Clerk

Henry Sheets & Margaret D. Downer lic'd M'ch 6th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

On the 7th day of March A.D. 1839 I solemnized the Marriage of

Henry Sheets with Margaret D. Downer
Henry VanDeman M. G.

Rec.d & Recorded May 29th A.D. 1852

D.J. Fuller Probate Judge

Samuel Coder & Mary Keck lic'd M'ch 11th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

On the 12th day of March A.D. 1839 I solemnized the Marriage of

Samuel Coder with Mary Keck

Henry VanDeman M. G.

Rec.d and Recorded May 22nd A.D. 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Seneca P. Wentz & Elizabeth A. Colflesh lic'd M'ch 11th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Seneca P. Wentz & Elizabeth A. Colflesh were

on the 21st day of March A.D. 1839 joined in marriage by

me -

Shubael W. Knapp J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 4th 1839

Attest W.D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 168)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 168)


[page 168]

[corresponds to page 164 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel R. Green & Maria From lic'd M'ch 14th 1839 -

Anson W. Place & Leah Miller lic'd M'ch 18th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Anson W. Place & Leah Miller were on the

21st day of March A.D. 1839 - joined in marriage by me

Henry Patee J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1839

Attest W.D. Heim Clerk

Joel Roloson & Elizabeth W. Terrill lic'd M'ch 21st 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Joel Roloson & Elizabeth W. Terrill were on

the 28th day of March A.D. 1839, joined in marriage by me

Ahab Jinks

Ret'd & Recorded March 30th 1839 -

Attest W.D. Heim Clerk

John Hannawalt & Charlotte Thurston lic'd M'ch 23rd 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John Hannawalt & Charlotte Thurston were

on the 9th day of April 1839, joined in marriage by me

J. M. Gasnell M. E. Church

Ret'd & Recorded June 15th 1839

Attest W.D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 169)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 169)


[page 169]

[corresponds to page 165 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Marquis Gardner & Lucy Hyde lic'd M'ch 25th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Marquis Gardner & Lucy Hyde were on

the 28th day of March 1839 - joined in marriage by me

Samuel Lynch M. M E Church

Ret'd & Recorded June 21st 1839 -

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Wm. Grisell & Priscilla Osborn lic'd M'ch 25th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that William Grisell & Priscilla Osborn were

on the 25th day of March A.D. 1839 joined in marriage by

me Barten Whipple J. P.

Ret.d & Recorded April 19th 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Lorenzo Patton & Jane Davis lic'd M'ch 26th 1839 -

Jesse M. Enry & Mary Klein lic'd M'ch 26th 1839 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 170)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 170)


[page 170]

[corresponds to page 166 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Neri Whitaker & Ruth Buck lic'd M'ch 30th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Neri Whitaker & Ruth Buck were on

the 30th day of March A.D. 1839, joined in marriage by me

Edmund Buck J. P.

Ret.d & Recorded May 25th 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Adam Miller & Lucy A. James lic'd M'ch 30th 1839 -

Freeman Stockwell & Betsy J. Gould lic'd Ap'l 1st 1839 -

John H. Thompson & Demaris Wilcox lic'd Ap'l 1st 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that John H. Thompson & Demaris Wilcox were on

the 1st day of April A.D 1839 - joined in marriage by me

Nicholas Jones J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 6th 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 171)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 171)


[page 171]

[corresponds to page 167 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Napoleon B. Arthur & Eliza Phillians lic'd Ap'l 2nd 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

On the 3rd day of April A.D. 1839 I solemnized the Marriage of

Napoleon B. Arthur with Eliza Phillians.

Henry VanDeman M. G.

Rec.d and Recorded May 24th A.D. 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Calvin C. Crawford & Elizabeth Moses lic'd Ap'l 3rd 1839 -

Peter Coonfare & Mary Hinton lic'd Ap'l 6th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Peter Coonfare & Mary Hinton were on the

6th day of April A.D. 1839, joined in marriage by me

Jas. Brundige J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 20th 1839 -

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thos D. J. Dixon & Sarah Hartman lic'd Ap'l 8th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Thomas J. Dixon & Sarah Hartman were on the

9th day of April A.D. 1839, joined in marriage by me.

John Burns J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 14th 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 172)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 172)


[page 172]

[corresponds to page 168 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Chauncy B. Linsley & Sarah Russell lic'd Ap'l 8th 1839 -

On the 9th day of April A.SD. 1839 I solemnized the Marriage

of Chauncey B. Linsley with Sarah Russell

Henry VanDeman M. G.

Rec.d & Recorded April 23 A.D. 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

John Harrison & Laura Richardson lic'd Ap'l 10th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that John Harrison & Laura Richardson were

on the 10th day of April A.D. 1839 joined in marriage by me

J. Labaree M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 22nd 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Eber Humphrey & Laura Gilson lic'd Ap'l 10th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Eber Humphrey & Laura Gilson were

on the 11th day of April A.D. 1839, joined in marriage by me

Uriah Heath M. G. M. E. C.

Rec.d & Recorded May 9th 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Silas C. Williams & Pyrena Pierson lic'd Ap'l 10th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Silas C. Williams & Pyrena Pierson were on

the 25th day of April A.D. 1839 - joined in marriage by me

Ahab Jinks

Ret'd & Recorded July 6th 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 173)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 173)


[page 173]

[corresponds to page 169 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David McIlvain & Harriet Trout lic'd Ap'l 10th 1839 -

Calvin Bennett & Drusilla Baker lic'd Ap'l 11th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Calvin Bennett & Drusilla Baker were on

the 11th day of April A.D. 1839 - Joined in marriage by me

David Fancher J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 3rd 1839

Attest W.D. Heim Clerk

Charles G. Scott & Zebiah Coswell lic'd Aprl 13th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Charles G. Scott & Zebeah Caswell were on the

14th day of April AD 1839 - joined in marriage by me

Jacob Drake, V.D.M

Ret.d & Recorded April 18th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Barnabas Randall & Roxanna Lusk lic'd Aprl 13th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Barnabas Randal & Roxanna Lusk were

on the 18th day of April AD 1839, joined in marriage by

me Morgan Williams, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Augt 7th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 174)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 174)


[page 174]

[corresponds to page 170 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Almon S. Wood & Sarah A. Thompson lic'd Aprl 18th 1839

State Of Ohio Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Almon S. Wood & Sarah A Thompson

were on the 21st day of April 1839, joined in marriage

by me Adam Haas, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 22nd 1839

Attest WD Heim, Clerk

John Eagleberger & Frances Spencer lic'd Aprl 20th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that John Eaglebarger & Frances Spencer were

on the 20th day of April AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

Henry Fancher, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 6th 1839

Attest WD Heim clerk

Chauncy D. Wolf & Elizabeth Rhodes lic'd Aprl 22th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Chauncy D. Wolf & Elizabeth Rhodes were

on the 25th day of April AD 1839 - joined in marriage by me

James Dodds, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 20th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Wesley Closson & Sally Fairchilds lic'd Aprl 25th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Wesley Closson & Sally Fairchilds were

on the 1st day of May AD 1839 - joined in marriage by me

H. Scovell, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 14th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 175)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 175)


[page 175]

[corresponds to page 171 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Calvin Griffith & Mary A. Wyatt lic'd Aprl 30th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Calvin Griffith & Mary A Wyatt were

on the 2d day of May AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

S.D. Wyatt

Ret'd & Recorded May 11th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

George Bowersmith & Catharine Freshwater licd May 4th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that George Bowersmith 7 Catharine Freshwater were

on the 12th day of May AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Daniel Long E.C.C.

Ret'd & Recorded May 15th 1839 -

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Newell Hills & Minerva Case lic'd Mary 6th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Newell Hills & Minerva Case were on the 7th

day of May AD 1839 - joined in marriage by me.

J. Labarer, O.D.V.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 22nd 1839 -

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Gideon Richmond & Lois Ames lic'd May 8th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Gideon Richmond & Lois Ames were on the 12th

day of May AD. 1839 - joined in marriage by me.

Jacob Drake, O.D.V

Ret'd & Recorded May 22nd 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 176)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 176)


[page 176]

[corresponds to page 172 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Daniel McNair & Phebe Simkins lic'd May 11th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Daniel McNair & Phebe Simkins were

on the 13th day of May AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

Wm H. Ashley, E.C.C

Ret'd & Recorded June 17th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Madison McClure & Rebecca French lic'd May 11th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Madison McClure & Rebecca French were on the

19th day of May AD 1839 - joined in marriage by me.

Adam Haas, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 29th 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Peter Hoffman & Christina Gerhausser lic'd May 13th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that Peter Hoffman & Christina Gerhausser

were on the 20th day of May AD 1839 joined in marriage

by me -

Adolph Allardt, M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 8th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

James Farris & Lavyra Bennett lic'd May 12th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that James Farris & Lavyra Bennett were on the 23rd

day of May Ad 1839, joined in marriage by me.

John Doty, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded may 30th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 177)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 177)


[page 177]

[corresponds to page 173 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Domigan & Polly Raymond lic'd May 15th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that John Domigan & Polly Raymond were on

the 20th day of May 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Oliver Stark, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 3rd 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Levi Sanders & Polly E. Carter lic'd May 22nd 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Levi Sanders & Polly E. Carter were on the 23rd

day of May AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

John Morrison, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 23 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Joel D. Butler & Nancy S. Wells lic'd May 23rd 1839 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of May AD 1839 I solemnized the marriage of

Joel D Butler with Nancy S Wells

Henry Van Deman M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 22 AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

David High & Angelina Seigfried lic'd May 24th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that David High & Angelina Siegfried were on

the 26th day of May AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

C. H. A. Allardt, M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 8th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 178)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 178)


[page 178]

[corresponds to page 174 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Dutcher & Maria Birch were lic'd May 25th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that, William Dutcher & Mariah Birch were

on the 26th day of May AD 1839 - joined in marriage by me

J.W. White

Ret'd & Recorded May 26th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

John Baker & Eliza Warren lic'd May 27th 1839-

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that John Baker & Eliza Warren, were on the 9th day

of June AD 1839, joined in marriage by me -

James Landon, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 20th 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Stephen Sharp & Hester A. Oldham lic'd May 28th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Stephen Sharp & Hester A Oldham

were on the 30th day of May 1839, joined in marriage by

me Nathan Emery, M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 11th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Alex'r M. G. Elliott & Margaret Williams lic'd May 30th 1839 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 179)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 179)


[page 179]

[corresponds to page 175 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Lewis Patterson & Eveline Poorman lic'd June 1st 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Lewis Patterson & Eveline Poorman, were on the

6th day of June AD 1839 joined in marriage by me

John Porterfield, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 19th 1839

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

Gordon Mann & Sally Morsman lic'd June 1st 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Gordon Mann & Sally J. Mossman, were on

the 13th day of June AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Uriah Heath, M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 18th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

Peter Hammond & Permelia Kimble lic'd June 6th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Peter Hammond & Permelia Kimble, were

on the 7th day of June AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

John Burns, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 4th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Jasper W. Clark & Elizabeth Russell lic'd June 8th 1839-

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Jasper W Clark & Elizabeth Russell, were on

the 11th day of July AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

Henry Patee, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 22nd 1839

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 180)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 180)


[page 180]

[corresponds to page 176 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Stephen P. Cohoon & Nancy Jones lic'd June 8th 1839 -

David Clark & Susannah Barrass lic'd June 13th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that David Clark & Susannah Barrass, were on

the 16th day of June AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

W.A. Chapman

Ret'd & Recorded June 27th 1839

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Sherman Farris & Jane Vanschoike lic'd June 15th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Sherman Faris & Jane Vanschoike were on

the 15th day of June Ad 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Joel Marsh, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 2nd 1839

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

Lumis Tinkham & Sally Wilson lic'd June 15th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that, Lumis Tinkham & Sally Wilson, were on

the 20th day of June Ad 1839, joined in marriage by me.

John Doty, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 17th 1839

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 181)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 181)


[page 181]

[corresponds to page 177 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Edward Erwin & Sally A. Vansickle lic'd June 17th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Edward Erwin & Sally A. Vansickle, were on the

25th day of June AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

John Morrison, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 27th 1839

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

Levi Bennett & Temperance Tooley lic'd June 25th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS

I certify that Levi Bennett & Temperance Tooley, were, on the

4th day of July Ad 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Henry Fancher, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 6th 1839.

Attest. WD Heim, Clerk

Oliver H. Merrick & Lavinia Scott lic'd June 29th 1839

Abraham Worline & Rebecca Seigfried lic'd June 29th 1839
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 182)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 182)


[page 182]

[corresponds to page 178 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Alpheus Aldrich & Almira Morehouse lic'd July 1st 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Alpheus Aldrich & Almira Morehouse, were,

on the 6th day of July AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

Caleb Morehouse, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 10th 1839.

Attest. WD Heim, Clerk.

William Wood & Martha Jane Thompson lic'd July 1st 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

on the 2nd day of July AD 1839 I solemnized the marriage of

William Wood with Martha Jane Thompson

Henry Van Deman M.G.

Rec'd & Recorded May 22 AD. 1852

D.T. Fuller Probate Judge

David Vansickle & Caroline Rodgers lic'd July 1st 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that David Vansickle & Caroline Rodgers were

on the 4th day of July AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Ahab Jinks

Ret'd & Recorded July 6th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

John Wheaton & Maria Tharp lic'd July 2nd 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that John Wheaton & Maria Tharp, were, on the

4th day of July AD 1839, joined in marriage by me -

B. Martin, M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 20th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 183)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 183)


[page 183]

[corresponds to page 179 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Vinal Thurston & Ann L. Plant lic'd July 2nd 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Vinal Thurston & Ann L. Plant, were on the

7th day of July AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

O.D. Hough, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 12th 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk.

Didymus Benson & Amy Foust lic'd July 3rd 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Didymus Benson & Amy Foust, were, on the

4th day of July AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

L. Bartlett J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Octr 2nd 1839

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

John Bloom & Mary Smith lic'd July 3rd 1839 -

David J. Tuttle & Anna Pierce lic'd July 6th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that David J Tuttle & Ann Pierce, were, on the 7th day

of July Ad 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Isaac Eaton M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded Augt 19th 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 184)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 184)


[page 184]

[corresponds to page 180 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Huber & Harriet A. Newell lic'd July 6th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that John Huber & Harriet A. Newell, were on

the 6th day of July AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

William S. Morrow, M.G.M.E.C.

Ret'd & Recorded July 15th 1839

Attest WD Heim, Clerk

David Highland & Elizabeth Holibert lic'd July 6th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that David Highland & Elizabeth Holibert

were on the 7th day of July 1839, joined in marriage by me

Peter Cockrell, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Decb 3rd 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Adam Walley & Nancy Marks lic'd July 13th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that Adam Walley & Nancy Marks, were, on the

18th day of June AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

Joel Marsh, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 2nd 1839

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

Benj McWilliams & Mary Carpenter lic'd July 15th 1839 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 185)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 185)


[page 185]

[corresponds to page 181 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Orrin P. Case & Susan F. Doude lic'd July 18th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Orrin P. Case & Susan F. Doude, were on the

18th day of July AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Thos L. Hoadly, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Augt 17th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

Cyril Belden & Mary Herman lic'd July 20th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify, that Cyril Belden & Mary Herman, were, on the

21st day of July AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Jas Brundige, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Augt 7th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

Daniel Bixler & Hannah Stram lic'd July 22nd 1839-

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Daniel Bixler & Hannah Stram were

on the 23rd day of July 1839, joined in marriage by me

Peter Cockrell, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec 3rd 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Henry Perry & Mary Elliott lic'd July 23rd 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Henry Perry & Mary Elliott, were on the 23rd day

of July AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

A. Picket, Jr, J.P.

Re't & Recorded Sept 9th 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 186)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 186)


[page 186]

[corresponds to page 182 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Edward Lafler & Louisa Payne lic'd July 24th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Edward Lafler & Louisa Payne, were on the

25th day of July AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Lyman Andrews, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Augt 20th 1839

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

James Whipple & Marcia Ann Slawson lic'd July 31st 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that James Whipple & Mary Ann Slawson were

on the 22nd day of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Sabeers Main, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 26th 1839.

Attest WD Main, Clerk.

Mabah D. Adams & Rachael Turney lic'd Augst 10th 1839

Daniel D. Shaw & Lodemia Dodge lic'd Augst 12th 1839.

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Daniel D. Shaw & Lodemia Dodge were on the

25th day of August AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Henry Patee J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Augt 28th 1839

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 187)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 187)


[page 187]

[corresponds to page 183 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Lewis Thrall & Rosanna Waterman lic'd Augst 14th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Lewis Thrall & Rosanna Watterman, were, on

the 14th day of August AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Chas Steinbeck, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Augt 17th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Saml N. Adams & Delia Lewis licd Augst 15th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Samuels N. Adams & Delia Lewis were on the

12th day of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Jacob Drake, O.D.C.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 12th 1839.

Attest, WD Heim, Clerk.

William Walker & Catherin Carpenter lic'd Augst 17th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that William Walker & Catharine Carpenter were on

the 22nd day of August AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

James Dodds, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 13th 1839 -

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Munson Hollister & Mary Headington lic'd Augst 17th 1839.

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that Munson Hollister & Mary Headington were on the

22nd day of August AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

John Morey Jr., M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded Augt 27th 1839

Attest WD Heim clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 189)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 189)


[page 189]

[corresponds to page 185 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Orrin Vansickle & Elizabeth F. Sherman lic'd Augst 27th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Orrin Vansickle & Elizabeth F. Sherman

were on the 1st day of September 1839, joined in marriage by me

Festus Sprague, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded November 29th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk

William A. Platt & Fanny A. Hays lic'd Septr 2d 1839 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of Sept AD 1839 I solemized the marriage of

William A Platt with Fanny A Hays

Henry Van Daman M.C.

Rec'd & Recorded June 24th AD. 1852

D.T. Fuller, Probate Judge

John Burge & Mary Meek lic'd Sept 2nd 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that John Burge & Marry Meek, were, on the 4th day

of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

John Morrison, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Septr 9th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk

Jacob R. Wicks & Margaret R. McLeod lic'd Septr 4th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County Ss

I certify that Jacob R. Wicks & Margaret R. McLeod were

on the 5th day of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Bartholomew Adams, B.M.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 13th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 190)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 190)


[page 190]

[corresponds to page 186 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Caleb Twist & Charity White lic'd Sept 5th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Caleb Twist & Charity White were on

the 23rd day of September 1839, joined in marriage by

me Festus Sprague, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded November 29th 1839

Attest WD Heim clerk

Peter V. Finch & Marilla Wort lic'd Sept 6th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Peter V. Finch & Marilla Wort were on the 12th

day of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

H.D. Mason, M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded, Octr 29th 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk

William Alldaffer & Sarah Welch lic'd Sept 9th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that William Alldaffer & Sarah Welch, were on the

12th day of September Ad 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Chas Steinbeck, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Octr 22nd 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

David G. Coomer & Phebe Clark lic'd Sept 9th 1839.

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that David G. Coomer & Phebe Clark were on

the 15th day of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

Joseph W. Elliott, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Septr 16th 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 191)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 191)


[page 191]

[corresponds to page 187 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Clayton Keisler & Sally Connet lic'd Sept 11th 1839 -

Wright Devore & Editha Wyatt lic'd Sept 11th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that Wright Devore & Editha Wyatt, were, on the 12th

day of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Matthew Baker, M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded Septr 18th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

Samuel Said & Susanna Liggett lic'd Sept 11th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Samuel Said & Susannah Liggett were on the

19th day of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

James Dodds, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 13th 1839 -

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Benjamin Emerson & Mary Allen lic'd Sept 12th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that Benjamin Emerson & Mary Allen were on the

15th day of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Wells A. Chapman.

Ret't & Recorded Octr 7th 1839.

Attest WE Heim, Clerk.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 192)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 192)


[page 192]

[corresponds to page 188 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Reuben Bunker & Lucretia White lic'd Sept 14th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Reuben Bunker & Lucretia White were on the

15th day of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Henry Patee, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Septr 17th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

Lewis G. Sturdivent & Henrietta J. Smith lic'd Septr 16th 1839

The State of Ohio, Delaware Co SS

On the 17th day of Septr AD 1839, I solemnized the marriage of

Lewis G. Sturdivent with Henrietta J. Smith

Henry Van Deman M.C.

Rec'd & Recor'd June 26th AD 1852

D.T. Fuller Probate Judge

Robert Carpenter & Philena Walker lic'd Septr 13th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that Robert Carpenter & Philena Walker were on the

19th day of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

H. Scovill, J.P

Ret'd & Recorded Septr 20th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk -

Bazzle Watters & Sarah Fry lic'd Sept 18th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Bazzle Watters & Sarah Fry were on the 19th

day of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me -

O.D. Hough, J.P

Ret'd & Recorded Septr 23rd 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 193)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 193)


[page 193]

[corresponds to page 189 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David Perkins & Sarah Hanners lic'd Septr 18th 1839 -

Almon Case & Julia Adams lic'd Sept 21st 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Almon Case & Julia Adams, were, on the 29th

day of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Eld Titus Case.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 18th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

David Johnson & Maria Wilson lic'd Sept 23rd 1839

Enoch Ayres & Mary Mifflin lic'd Sept 28th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Enoch Ayres & Mary Mifflin were on the

29th day of September AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

John Doty, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Octr 9th 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 194)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 194)


[page 194]

[corresponds to page 190 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Chauncy Adams & Maria Steward lic'd Sept 28th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that Cauncy Adams & Maria Steward, were on the

3rd day of October AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Bartholomew Adams, B.M.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 18th 1839 -

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Abraham Pike & Anna Jones lic'd Septr 30th 1839 -

Ebenezer H. Wood & Louiza M. Rowe lic'd Oct 2nd 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify, that Ebenezer H. Wood & Louiza M. Rowe, were on

the 8th day of october AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Benj Olds M.G.M.E.C.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 2nd 1839.

Attest. WD Heim, Clerk.

Harrison Kanay & Louiza D. Sweetser lic'd Octr 5th 1839 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of october AD 1839 I solemnized the marriage

of Harrison Kanay with Louiza D. Sweetser

John W. White M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 12th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 195)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 195)


[page 195]

[corresponds to page 191 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Case & Ellen E. Hodkins lic'd Oct 5th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify, that Henry Case & Ellen E. Hodkins were on the 6th day

of October AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Lyman Andrews, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Octr 14th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

Thomas Gossip & Ann Creager lic'd Oct 9th 1839 -

Jonathan Shaw Jr & Mary A Barry lic'd Oct 9th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Jonathan Shaw Jr & Mary A. Barry, were, on

the 7th day of November AD. 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Henry Patee, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 8th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

David N. Darlinton & Harriet H. Moody lic'd Octr 9th 1839.

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11 day of October AD. 1839 I solemnized the marriage of

David N. Darlinton with Harriet H. Moody

H Van Deman M.G.

Rec'd & Recorded May 21st 1852

D.T. Fuller Probate Judge

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 196)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 196)


[page 196]

[corresponds to page 192 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Augustus L. Case & Cynthia Tuller lic'd Oct 12th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Augustus L. Case & Cynthia Tuller were on

the 13th day of October, AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

Lyman Andrews, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Octr 14th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

Joshua Stiner & Rosanna Blakely lic'd Octr 15th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Joshua Stiner & Rosanna Blakely were on

the 16th day of october AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Edmund Buck J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 12th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

John S. Williams & Polly Budd lic'd Octr 15th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify, that John S. Williams & Polly Budd were on the

19th day of October AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Daniel Hunst, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 20th 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk.

John Elliott & Rachael Slack lic'd Octr 15th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that John Elliott & Rachael Slack were on the

17th day of october AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

John Blampied, M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded Octr 20th 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 197)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 197)


[page 197]

[corresponds to page 193 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Warren H. Allen & Sarah Keeler lic'd Octr 16th 1839 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify that Warren H. Allen & Sarah Keeler were on the

17th day of October AD 1839 joined in marriage by me

Ahab Jinks

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Levi Adams & Hannah Fowler lic'd Octr 19th 1839 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS.

I certify that Levi Adams & Hannah Fowler were on the

20 the day of October AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Bartholomew Adams, B.M.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 13th 1839

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Reuben A. Lamb & Emily G. Howard lic'd Octr 21st 1839

The State of Ohio Delaware Co. SS

On the day of Octr AD 1830 I solemnized the marriage of

Reuben A. Lamb & Emily G. Howard.

James McElroy

Jacob W. Crooks & Mary A. Giddings lic'd Octr 25th 1839 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 198)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 198)


[page 198]

[corresponds to page 194 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Pyatt & Betsy J. Fowler lic'd octr 26th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify, that William Pyatt & Betsy J. Fowler were on

the 3rd day of November AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

W.A. Chapman

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 5th 1839.

Attest, WD Heim, Clerk

John H. Coulbourn & Eliza Ann Ward lic'd Oct 29th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify, that John H. Coulbourn & Eliza Ann Ward, were

on the 31st day of October AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

W.A. Chapman.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 5th 1839

Attest. WD Heim, Clerk

David Ogden & Mary Jane Kelly lic'd octr 29th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that David Ogden & Mary Jane Kelly were on the

30th day of October AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

W.A. Chapman

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 5th 1839.

Attest. WD Heim, Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 199)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 199)


[page 199]

[corresponds to page 195 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Orson Barton & Polly Stockwell lic'd Novr 1st 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify, that Orson Barton & Polly Stockwell were on the 2nd

day of November AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

H. Scovell, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 7th 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Sanford D. Hopkins & Elizabeth Moore lic'd Novr 1st 1839 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify that Sanford D. Hopkins & Elizabeth Moore were on the

3rd day of November AD 1839 joined in marriage by me -

Eld. Solomon Dimick

Ret'd & Recorded Feby 8th 1840

Attest WD Heim, Clerk.

Zenas D. Parker & Laurinda Searles lic'd Novr 4th 1839 -

The State of Ohio Delaware Cunty SS

I certify that Zenas D. Parker & Laurinda Searles were on

the 11th day of November AD 1839 joined in marriage by me -

Ahab Jinks

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1840

Attest - WD Heim Clerk

Sylvester Luellen & Hannah M. Benson lic'd Novr 6th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

I certify that Sylvester Luellen & Hannah M. Benson, were

on the 7th day of November AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Benjamin Olds, M.G.M.E.C.

Ret'd & Recored Novr 8th 1839 -

Attest WD Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 200)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 200)


[page 200]

[corresponds to page 196 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jacob Irwin & Elizabeth Fairchild lic'd Novr 9th 1839

The State of Ohio Delaware County, SS

I certify that on the 14th day of November AD 1839 Jacob

Irwin & Elizabeth Fairchild were joined in marriage by me

Morgan Williams J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 9th 1840 -

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Ezekiel Mullen & Rachael Wilson lic'd Novr 9th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Ezekiel Mullen & Rachael Wilson were on the

16th day of November AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

H. Roberts, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 28th 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Frederick W. Koons & Mary Ann Brown lic'd Novr 9th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Frederick W. Koons & Mary Ann Brown, were

on the 19th day of November AD 18399, joined in marriage by me

Benj Martin M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 22nd 1839.

Attest, WD Heim Clerk.

Theodore W. Ross & Catherin Thompson lic'd Novr 11th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Theodore W. Ross & Catherine Thompson were

on the 24th day of November AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Adam Haas, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 28th 1839.

Attest WD Heim, Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 201)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 201)


[page 201]

[corresponds to page 197 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Byron Jinkins & Lucinda Adams lic'd Novr 11th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Byron Jinkins & Lucinda Adams were on the

10th day of November AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

H. Roberts, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 28th 1839.

Sidney Smith & Nancy F.W. Terrel lic'd Novr 13th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that Sidney Smith & Nancy F.W. Terrel were on the

14th day of November AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

Thos L. Hoadly, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Decr 31st 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk

William Sterns & Catherine Closson lic'd Novr 16th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that William Sterns & Catharin Closson, were

on the 21st day of November AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

Hurlbert Scovell J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Decr 2nd 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Daniel McDaniel & Ann Tharp lic'd Novr 18t 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Daniel McDaniel & Ann Tharp were on

the 21st day of November AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Benjm Martin, M.E.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 22nd 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 202)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 202)


[page 202]

[corresponds to page 198 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Levin L. Sands & Sarah Ann Downer lic'd Novr 19th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Levin L. Sands & Sarah Ann Downer, were,

on the 19th day of November AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

W.S. Morrow, M.G.M.E.C

Ret'd & Recorded Decr 24th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Leonard K. Tuttle & Emily F. Howe lic'd Novr 19th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County, SS.

On the 20th day of Nov 1839 I solemnize the marriage of

Leonard K. Tuttle & Emily F. Howe

H. Van Deman M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 21, 1852

D.T. Fuller Probate Judge

Alexander Wright & Elizabeth R. Sanders lic'd Novr 20th 1839

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify that Alexander Wright & Elizabeth R. Sanders were

on the 20th day of November AD 1839 joined in marriage by me

Eld O. Owens -

Ret'd & Recorded Feby 19th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Nathaniel Phipps & Mary E. J. Kelburner lic'd Novr 20th 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify, that Nathaniel Phipps & Mary E. J. Kelburner, were

on the 24th day of November AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Adam Haas, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Novr 28th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 203)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 203)


[page 203]

[corresponds to page 199 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Charles L. Sherwood & Elma Bockover lic'd Novr 27th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Charles L. Sherwood & Elma Bockover, were,

on the 28th day of November AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

W.S. Morrow, M.G.M.E.C

Ret'd & Recorded Decr 24th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Charles Waters & Hannah Adams lic'd Novr 27th 1839 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County, SS

On the 24th day of December AD 1839 I solemnized the marriage

of Charles Waters with Hannah Adams -

B. Adams M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Hugh Cole & Patience Main lic'd Novr 28th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify, that Hugh Cole & Patience Main were on the 1st day

of December AD 1839 - joined in marriage by me -

Sabeers Main J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Decr 3rd 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Paul Randall & Elizabeth Watkins lic'd Novr 30th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Paul Randall & Elizabeth Watkins, were, on

the 1st day of December AD 1839 joined in marriage by me

Wells A. Chapman

Ret'd & Recorded Dec 5th 1839.

Attest WD Main, Clerk.

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 204)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 204)


[page 204]

[corresponds to page 200 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Charles Brown & Sarah A. Dustin lic'd Decr 3rd 1839

The State of Ohio Delaware County, SS

On the 9th day of December AD 1839 I solemnized the

Marriage of Charles Brown with Sarah A. Dustin

Nathan Emery M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 26th 1840 -

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

Elijah Main & Martha Cole lic'd Decr 3rd 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Elijah Main & Martha Cole were on the 5th day

of December AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

Benjamin Martin, M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded Decr 24th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Charles Wotring & Sarah Zeigler lic'd Decr 5th 1839

Philip Wolf & Elizabeth Queen lic'd Decr 11th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Philip Wolf & Elizabeth Queen were on the

12th day of December 1839, joined in marriage by me

JW Elliott J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jany 25th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 205)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 205)


[page 205]

[corresponds to page 201 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Roloson & Celinda Durphy lic'd Decr 12th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that John Roloson & Celinda Durphy were on the

12th day of December AD 1839, joined in marriage by me

Joel J. Mendenhall J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Decr 14th 1839

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Robert Blakeley & Hannah Kingman lic'd Decr 14th 1839 -

William Glick & Rachael Cramer lic'd Decr 14th 1839.

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify that William Glick & Rachael Cramer were on the

15th day of December AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

James Ross -

Ret'd & Recorded Decr 24th 1839 -

Attest WD Heim Clerk

William Worline & Melinda Main lic'd Decr 14th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that William Worline & Melinda Main, were,

on the 19th day of December 1839, joined in marriage by me.

J. W. Elliott, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jany 25th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 206)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 206)


[page 206]

[corresponds to page 202 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Abraham Thomson & Delia Storm lic'd Decr 16th 1839

On the 17th day of Decr AD. 1839, I solemnized the marriage of

Abraham Thompson with Delia Storm

Henry Van Deman M.C.

Rec'd & Recorded June 23rd AD 1852

D.T. Fuller Probate Judge

William S. Place & Betsy Kinaston lic'd Decr 20th 1839

Calvin Clark & Charlotte Coykendall lic'd Decr 23rd 1839

State of Ohio, Delaware Conty SS

I certify, that Calvin Clark & Charlotte Coykendall, were

on the 25th day of December AD 1839, joined in marriage by me.

John Vandike J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Decr 27th 1839.

Attest WD Heim Clerk

James Budd & Susanna Adams lic'd Decr 24th 1839

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify that on the 25th day of December AD 1839 James

Budd & Susanna Adams were joined in marriage by me

Jesse Prior E.L.

Ret'd & Recorded March 10th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 207)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 207)


[page 207]

[corresponds to page 203 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Aaron Closson & Julia A. Boston lic'd Decr 27th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS.

I certify that Aaron Closson & Julia A Boston were on

the 29th day of December 1839, joined in marriage by me

W.S. Morrow M.E. M.E. church

Ret'd & Recorded Jany 4th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

James Brown & Eleanor Riley lic'd Decr 27th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certifty that James Brown & Elenor Riley were on the

2nd day of January AD 1840, joined in marriage by me.

Thomas W. Wigton, S.T.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jany 14th 1840 -

Attest WD Heim Clerk

George Oller & Mary Johnson lic'd Decr 30th 1839 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of George Oller with Mary Johnson -

Aaron Hageman J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Decr 6th 1841 -

Attest WD Heim Clerk -

Almon W. Palmer & Catherine Boss lic'd Decr 30th 1839 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify, that Almon W. Palmer & Cathrine Boss, were,

on the 1st day of Jany AD 1840, joined in marriage by me.

T.R. Crissy, P.B.C.

Ret'd & Recorded Jany 3rd 1840.

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 208)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 208)


[page 208]

[corresponds to page 204 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Sylvanus Eaton & Esther Rogers lic'd Jany 1st 1840

Charles Riley & Kazire A. Fleming lic'd Jany 3rd 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of January AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Charles Riley with Kazire A Fleming

Barton Whipple J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 9th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Austin Beddow & Sarah Van Sickle lic'd Jany 4th 1840

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that Austin Beddow & Sarah Van Sickle were

on the 5th day of Janaury AD 1840, joined in marriage by me

Thomas W. Wigotn, J.T.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jany 14th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Hiram P. Smith & Sophia H. Arnold lic'd Jany 4th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of January AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of Hiram P. Smith with Sophia H. Arnold -

Henry Hodgden J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feby 25th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 209)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 209)


[page 209]

George Granger & Mary Bishop lic'd Jany 10th 1840 -

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

I certify that George Granger & Mary Bishop were, on the

16th day of January AD 1840, joined in marriage by me -

Henry Patee, J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jany 20th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

William Alexander & Celinda Wood lic'd Jany 10th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County; SS

On the 24th day of January AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of William Alexander with Celinda Wood -

L. Bartlett J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 21st 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Daniel D. Hambleton & Martha Hamilton lic'd Jany 13th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of Janaury AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel D Hambleton with Martha Hamilton

Leander Stone J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Mch 7th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

James Abrahams & Barbara Woodcock lic'd Jany 13th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County: ss

On the 23rd day of January AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of James Abrahams with Barbara Woodcock -

Thos L. Hoadly J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 9th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 210)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 210)


[page 210]

[corresponds to page 206 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Holdamond Crary & Mary E. Byxbe lic'd Jany 15th 1840 -

Jacob Dilsaver & Louisa Ayres lic'd Jany 15th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County; SS

On the 22nd day of Janaury in the year 1840 I solemnized

the marriage of Jacob Dilsaver with Louisa Ayres -

Hugh T. Cunningham J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feby 18th 1840 -

Attest WD Heim Clerk -

George A. Russell & Eleanor Richardson lic'd Jany 18th 1840.

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify that on the 23rd day of January AD 1840 George A.

Russell & Eleanor Richardson were joined in marriage by me

James Landon J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 10th 1840

Attest. WD Heim clerk

Moses Gidley & Ruth Wood lic'd Jany 24th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify that on the 30th day of January AD 1840 Moses

Gidley & Ruth Wood were joined in marriage by me

Barton Whipple J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 9th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 211)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 211)


[page 211]

[corresponds to page 207 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Lightner & Eliza Green lic'd Jany 24th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County; SS

On the 26th day of January AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of George Lightner with Eliza Green -

James Dodds J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 20th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Samuel Lowry & Polly Slane lic'd Jany 28th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 30th day of January AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Samuel Lowry with Polly Slane -

S.W. Knapp J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 5th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk.

Isaac Howard & Laura Payne lic'd Jany 29th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

I certify that Isaac Howard & Laura Payne were on the

30th day of Jan6 AD 1840 joined in marriage by me

Lyman Andrews J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feby 8th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

James Alldrich & Elizabeth Humaston lic'd Feby 3rd 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 13th day of February 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of James Alldrich with Elizabeth Humaston -

Henry Patee J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feby 24th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 212)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 212)


[page 212]

[corresponds to page 208 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Milton B. Smith & Esther Riley lic'd February 3rd 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 6th day of February AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Milton B. Smith with Esther Riley

A. Patee J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feby 20th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Henry Freece & Rachael Freshwater lic'd Feby 4th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 6th day of February AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry Freece with Rachael Freshwater

Daniel Long

Ret'd & Recorded May 29th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Benjamin C. Pickle & Olive S. Benson lic'd Feby 4th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

I certify that Benjamin C. Pickle & Olive S. Benson were

on the 6th day of February AD 1840 joined in marriage by me

Henry Patee J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feby 8th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Harvey Hazlett & Abigail Potter lic'd Feby 7th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 11th day of February AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of Harvey Hazlett with Abigail Potter -

Wm S Morrow M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feby 25th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 213)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 213)


[page 213]

[corresponds to page 209 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel McWilliams & Rebecca Brown lic'd Feby 7th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 16th day of February AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of Samuel McWilliams with Rebecca Brown

Benjamin Martin M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feby 25th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

John T. Lenox & Rachael Hoskins lic'd Feby 8th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 12th day of February AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John T. Lenox with Rachael Hoskins

William Hamilton M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 16th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk.

John P. Elliott & Clarissa E. Cleveland lic'd Feby 8th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 5th day of March AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John P. Elliott with Clarissa E. Cleveland -

AD Chapman

Ret'd & Recorded April 28th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

Walter Potter & Eleanor Finley lic'd Feby 10th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of Feby AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage of

Walter Potter with Eleanor Finley

Henry Van Deman M.G.

Recd & Recorded May 22 AD 1852

DT Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 214)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 214)


[page 214]

[corresponds to page 210 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Carlton G. Scovell & Elizabeth Cook lic'd Feby 17th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County, SS

On the 20th day of February AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of Carlton G. Scovell with Elizabeth Cook -

Henry Hodgden J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feby 25th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

Lyman Tuttle & Lavina Huntly lic'd Feby 19th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 25th day of Feby 1840 I solemnized the marriage of

Lyman Tuttle with Lavina Huntly

H. Van Deman M.G.

Rec'd & Recorded May 21st 1852

D.T. Fuller Probate Judge

William Cockran & Jerusha Adams lic'd Feby 19th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of February AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of William Cockran with Jerusha Adams -

B. Adams M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1840 -

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

Benjamin Rhodes & Nancy Arthur lic'd Feby 20th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 20th day of February AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of Benjamin Rhodes with Nancy Arthur

Stephen Lillibridge M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded Mch 9th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 215)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 215)


[page 215]

[corresponds to page 211 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Manter & Sarah Still lic'd Feby 21st 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 25th day of February AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John Manter with Sarah Still -

Henry Hodgden J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 18th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

William Hodgdon & Olive Morea lic'd Feby 24th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 28th day of February AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of William Hodgdon with Olive Morea.

John Vandike J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 17th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Jethro B. Haskins & Clarissa M. Arnold lic'd Feby 24th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

I certify that Jethro B. Haskins & Clarissa M. Arnold were

on the 27th day of February AD 1840 joined in marriage by me

Ahab Jinks

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Marvin Adams & Mary Ann McCombs lic'd Feby 26th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 5th day of March AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Marvin Adams with Mary Ann McCombs -

B. Adams M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 216)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 216)


[page 216]

[corresponds to page 212 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Crawford Phelky & Lydia Houseworth lic'd March 2d 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 4th day of March AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of Crawford Phelky with Lydia Houseworth

Sabeers Main J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 18th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Thomas E. Thomas & Mary David lic'd March 4th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

I certify that on the 16th day of March AD 1840 Thomas

E. Thomas & Mary David were joined in marriage by me -

John D. Thomas M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 2nd 1840.

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Charles Longshore & Idah Tharp lic'd March 6th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 8th day of March AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Charles Longshore with Idah Tharp -

B. Adams M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

David W. Elliott & Mary Hull lic'd March 9th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 12th day of March AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of David W. Elliott with Mary Hull -

G. Bartlett J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 21st 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 217)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 217)


[page 217]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 213 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Thomas B. Warner & Hannah Tharp lic'd March 9th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 9th day of March AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas B. Warner with Hannah Tharp

Nicholas Jone J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 11th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Jeremiah Loring & Charity Montgomery lic'd March 9th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

I certify that on the 14th day of March AD 1840 Jeremiah

Loring & Charity Montgomery were joined in marriage by me -

Daniel Hunt J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 31, 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

John Gregory & Louiza Trindel lic'd March 9th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 26th day of March AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John Gregory with Louiza Trindle -

Henry Shedd M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 27th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Photion G. Weeks & Margaret E. Reese lic'd March 11th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

I certify that Photion G. Weeks & Margaret E. Reese were on

the 12th day of March AD 1840 joined in marriage by me -

Joel Marsh J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 8th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 218)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 218)


[page 218]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 214 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Downing & Catherine Coonfare lic'd March 11th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 12th day of March AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of William Downing with Catherin Coonfare -

James R. McKinnie J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 22nd 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Jacob Rise & Elizabeth Mastaller lic'd March 13th 1840 -

George H. Harvey & Julia Wilson lic'd March 14th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 19th day of March AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of George H. Harvey with Julia Wilson -

Barton Whipple J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 17th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Isaac Shaver & Anna Thomburgh lic'd March 18th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

I certify that on the 19th day of March AD 1840 Isaac

Shaver & Anna Thornburgh were joined in marriage by me

Benjamin Olds M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 219)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 219)


[page 219]

[corresponds to page 215 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Aaron Toland & Emiline Wells lic'd March 19th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 2nd day of April AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Aaron Toland with Emeline Wells -

Bartholomew Adams M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 9th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

William Van Wormer & Ann M. Richards lic'd March 21st 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 22nd day of march AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of William Van Wormer with Ann M. Richards

A Picket Jr. J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 15th 1840

Attest - WD Heim Clerk -

James Medford & Sarah A. Miller lic'd March 23rd 1840

Foster Wiser & Eleanor Coleman lic'd March 25th 1840 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 220)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 220)


[page 220]

[corresponds to page 216 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Philander Edmister & Sarah L. Winchel lic'd March 25ht 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 26th day of March AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Philander Edmister with Sarah L. Winchel -

Amos W. Condit J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 2nd 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk -

Robert Harris & Mary Banes lic'd March 30th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 5th day of April AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Robert Harris with Mary Banes -

D. Cadwallader M.G -

Ret'd & Recorded April 17th 1840

Attest - WD Heim Clerk

Eli Benton & Polly A. Thomas lic'd March 30th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 30th day of March AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of Eli Benton with Polly A Thomas -

James Dodds J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 20th 1840 -

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Thomas Estep & Maria Huff lic'd March 31st 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 4th day of April AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas Estep with Maria Huff.

George Coberly J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 20th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 221)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 221)


[page 221]

[corresponds to page 217 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Winsor & Sarah Sharp lic'd April 2nd 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 5th day of April Ad 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of James Winsor with Sarah Sharp -

J.W. Elliott J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 25th 1840

Attest - WD Heim Clerk -

George Bloom & Elizabeth Schrode lic'd April 2nd 1840 -

Joseph Saxton & Dorcas Green lic'd April 2nd 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

I certify, that on the 8th day of April Ad 1840 Joseph Saxton

and Dorcas Green were joined in marriage by me

Joel Z. Mendenhall J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 9th 1840

Atttest. WD Heim Clerk

Martin Benedict & Hannah Waters lic'd April 3rd 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 9th day of April AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Martin Benedict with Hannah Waters

Barton Whipple J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 17th 1840

Attest. Wd Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 222)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 222)


[page 222]

[corresponds to page 218 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Noble & Eliza Cochran lic'd April 7th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County, Ss

On the 12th day of April AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of George Noble with Eliza Cochran -

Jesse Prior C.F.

Ret'd & Recorded June 2nd 1840

Attest. Wd Heim Clerk

John M. French & Lydia Brundige lic'd April 8th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

I certify that on the 9th day of April AD 1840 John M.

French & Lydia Brundige were joined in marriage by me

Adam Haas J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 2nd 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

John Tharp & Mary Webster lic'd April 8th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 11th day of April AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John Tharp with Mary Webster

Benjamin Martin M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 16th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

Charles Myers & Elizabeth Zerung lic'd April 10th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 16th day of April Ad 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Charles Myers with Elizabeth Zerung -

L. Bartlett J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 21st 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 223)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 223)


[page 223]

[corresponds to page 219 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jacob Cosard & Elizabeth Cosard lic'd April 10th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 10th day of April Ad 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Jacob Cosard with Elizabeth Cosard -

Sabeers Main J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 10th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Blake W. Barrows & Charlotte Janes lic'd April 10th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 16th day of April AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Blake W. Barrows with Charlotte Janes.

Philander Kelsey, M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 15th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Kolbourn Beach & Margaret Evans lic'd April 16th 1840

John Lowry & Betsy Thomas lic'd April 18th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 18th day of April AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John Lowry with Betsy Thomas

J. Larabee MG.

Ret'd & Recorded March 15th 1841

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 224)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 224)


[page 224]

[corresponds to page 220 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Oliver Janes & Dina DeWitt lic'd April 18th 1840 Ss

The State of Ohio Delaware County

On the 3rd day of May AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage of Oliver Janes

with Dina DeWitt Thomas S. Hoadly JP

Ret'd & Recorded June 13th 1840

Attest WD. Heim Clerk

Isaac Frost and Mima Strong lic'd April 28th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

I certify that Isaac Frost and Mima Strong were on the 28th day of

April AD 1840 joined in marriage by me

Joel Z. Mendenhall J P

Ret'd & Recorded July 16th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Lewis Mulford & Amy A. Miller lic'd April 28th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 30th day of April AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage of

Lewis Mulford with Amy A. Miller

Ahab Jenkins MG

Ret'd & Recorded April 26th 1841

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Herman S. White & Ann Harvey lic'd April 28th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 30th day of April AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage of Herman

S. White with Ann Harvey

Festus Sprage JP

Ret'd & Recorded May 6th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 225)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 225)


[page 225]

[corresponds to page 221 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jacob I. Swartz & Sarah Sharp lic'd April 28th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 8th day of May AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage of Jacob I Swartz

with Sarah Sharp

Hugh T. Cunningham J P

Ret'd & Recorded June 13th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Ebenezer A. Slocum & Lucy Ann Chase lic'd April 28th 1840

Chester Williams & Ann E. Washburn lic'd May 2th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 3rd day of May AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Chester Williams with Ann E. Washburn

John Porterfield JP

Ret'd & Recorded May 26th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Vatchel M. Ford & Elizabeth Creager lic'd May 4th 1840
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 226)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 226)


[page 226]

[corresponds to page 222 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Ira Finch & Eleanor Morris lic'd May 5th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

I certify that Ira Finch & Eleanor Morris were on the

7th day of May AD 1840 joined in marriage by me -

Sheldon Clark M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded Augst 5th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

David Rogers & Sylvia Phelps lic'd May 7th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

I certify that David Rogers & Sylvia Phelps were on the

7th day of May AD 1840 joined, in marriage by me.

Joel Z. Mendenhall J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 11th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

William Matheny & Martha Spalding lic'd May 16th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 21st day of May AD 1840, I solemnized the marriage

of William Matheny with Martha Spalding

S.D. Wyatt

Ret'd & Recorded May 25th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

William Penry & Mary Evans lic'd May 16th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 18th day of May AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of William Penry with Mary Evans -

Morgan Williams J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 27th 1842

Attest - WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 227)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 227)


[page 227]

[corresponds to page 223 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Daniel Skinner & Margaret Ginn lic'd May 16th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 21st day of May AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel Skinner with Margaret Ginn.

William S. Morrow M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 2nd 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

William Oller & Eliza Jane Johnston lic'd May 16th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 17th day of May AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of William Oller with Eliza Jane Johnston.

Leander Stone J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 16th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

Aikens Marsh & Eliza Ann Vance, lic'd May 19th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 19th day of May AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage of

Aikins Marsh with Eliza Ann Vance.

Andrew Stroub J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 9th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

Wlliam Adams & Sarah Bennett lic'd May 19th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 21st day of May AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of William Adams with Sarah Bennett.

Uriah Heath M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 13th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 228)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 228)


[page 228]

[corresponds to page 224 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Heath & Minerva Edwards lic'd May 21st 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 21st day of May AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of James Heath with Minerva Edwards.

Peter Cockrell J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec 30 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Edward Law & Rosella Searles lic'd May 26th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 26th day of May AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Edward Law with Rosella Searles.

Picket Jr. JP.

Ret'd & Recorded June 12th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

William R. Vandavort & Ellen Jacobus lic'd June 1st 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 3rd day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of William R. Vandavort with Ellen Jacobus.

Ahab Jinks M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 26th 1841

Attest. WD Heim Clerk.

John Beakman & Lovina Carpenter lic'd June 2nd 1840 -

State of ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 4th day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John Beakman with Lovina Carpenter

Ahab Jinks M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 26th 1841

Attest. WD Heim Clerk.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 229)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 229)


[page 229]

[corresponds to page 225 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Nehemiah M. White & Sarah A. Fleming lic'd June 2nd 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 4th day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Nehemiah M. White with Sarah A Fleming

AD Chapman MG

Ret'd & Recorded May 1 1841

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Lorenzo Case & Ann J. Davenport lic'd June 2nd 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 3rd day of June Ad 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Lorenzo Case with Ann J. Davenport.

William S. Morrow M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 6th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

Isaac B. Travis & Margaret Morris lic'd June 4th 1840 -

State of ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 10th day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Isaac B. Travis with Margaret Morris.
William Voorhies J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 7th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Daniel S. Wiser & Dolly Yockey lic'd June 11th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 11th day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel S. Wiser with Dolly Yockey -

A. Picket Jr. JP.

Ret'd & Recorded June 12th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 230)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 230)


[page 230]

[corresponds to page 226 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George W. Switzer & Jane Traviss lic'd June 13th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 21st day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of George W. Switzer with Jane Wood.

A. Patee J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 30th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

John W. White & Ann C. Williams lic'd June 16th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 17th day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John W. White with Ann C. Williams.

William S. Morrow M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 22nd 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk -

Alpheus Bigelow & Jane Phillips lic'd June 18th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 18th day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Alpheus Bigelow with Jane Phillips.

William S. Morrow M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 22nd 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Eli Platt & Eliza Wood lic'd June 20th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 20th day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Eli Platt with Eliza Wood.

Barton Whipple JP

Ret'd & Recorded June 24th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 231)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 231)


[page 231]

[corresponds to page 227 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Calvin Edwards & Edorthy Fattenburgh lic'd June 20th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 21st day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Calvin Edwards with Edorthy Fattenburgh

Peter Cockrell JP.

Ret'd & Recorded Decr 30th 1840

Attest. Wd Heim Clerk -

Elias Layman & Eve Wolford lic'd June 22nd 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

I certify that Elias Layman & Eve Wolford were on the 23rd

day of June AD 1840 joined in marriage by me.

Joel Marsh JP

Ret'd & Recorded July 13th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Caleb F. Bowron & Jane Foster lic'd June 23rd 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 23rd day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Caleb F. Bowron with Jane Foster -

J. Lararie J.G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 2nd 1841

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

Jonas Waldren & Eliza Gregg lic'd June 23rd 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 25th day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Jonas Waldren with Eliza Gregg.

O.D. Hough J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 13th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 232)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 232)


[page 232]

[corresponds to page 228 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Rose & Ann Carpenter lic'd June 24th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 24th day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of William Rose with Ann Carpenter.

J. Drake C.D.M.

Ret'd & Recorded June 25th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

Stephen Cosbur & Leno Warner lic'd June 24th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 25th day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of Stephen Cosbur with Leno Warner.

John D. Thomas M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feby 19, 1841.

Attest. Wd Heim Clerk -

Christopher Cox & Rebecca Heddington lic'd June 25th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 28th day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Christopher Cox with Rebecca Heddington.

Festus Sprague JP

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 26th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

Isaac Leonard & Nancy Thurston lic'd June 29th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 29th day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Isaac Leonard with Nancy Thurston.

OD Hough J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Augst 13th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 233)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 233)


[page 233]

[corresponds to page 229 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Phillians & Elizabeth Murphy lic'd June 29th 1840.

Samuel Wise & Susan Campbell lic'd June 29th 1840.

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 30th day of June Ad 1840 I solemnized the marriage of

Samuel Wise with Susan Campbell.

D. Cadwallader M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 6th 1840

Attest. Wd Heim Clerk -

John Harris & Altha Holmes lic'd June 30th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 30th day of June AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John Harris with Altha Holmes.

Joel Z. Mendenhall J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 1st 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Reuben Jones & Lucy A Beddow lic'd July 1st 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 2nd day of July AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Reuben Jones and Lucy A Beddow.

Henry Hodgden J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 18th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 234)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 234)


[page 234]

[corresponds to page 230 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Smith & Nancy Holmes lic'd July 2nd 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 2nd day of July AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage of

John Smith with Nancy Holmes.

James Landon JP

Ret'd & Recorded Augst 1st 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk -

Fancher Brown & Catherine Huff lic'd July 3rd 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 3rd day of July AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Fancher Brown with Catherine Huff.

Samuel Carver J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Augst 13th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk

Joel Kenaston & Laury Raff lic'd July 4th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 17th day of July AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Joel Kenaston with Laury Raff.

Uriah Heath MG.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 3rd 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -

Bartlett Huff & Eveline Rowney lic'd July 15th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 16th day of July AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Bartlett Huff with Eveline Rowney.

Amos W. Condit J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded Octr 13th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 235)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 235)


[page 235]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 231 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Darst & Margaret Davis lic'd July 17th 1840 -

George Fetty & Elizabeth Leedy lic'd July 22nd 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 23rd day of July AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of George Felty with Elizabeth Leedy

Henry Van Deman M.G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 21st 1852

DG Fuller Probate Judge

Solomon Ashbrook & Deborah Feaster lic'd July 23rd 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 24th day of July AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Solomon Ashbrook with Deborah Feaster

Nicholas Jones J.P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 27th 1840

Attest. Wd Heim Clerk -

Alfred L. Stevens & Phebe C. Bennett lic'd July 25th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County Ss

On the 25th day of July Ad 1840 I solemnized the marriage of

Alfred L. Stevens with Phebe C. Bennett.

Wm H. Ashley E.C.C.

Ret'd & Recorded August 24th 1840

Attest. WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 236)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 236)


[page 236]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 232 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Hiram A Wakefield & Samantha Chadwick licd July 30th 1840.

The State of Ohio Delaware County: ss

On the 30th day of July AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage of

Hiram A Wakefield with Samantha Chadwick.

William S Morrow M.G.

Retd & Recorded Augst 3d 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk

Conrad Sult & Christina Cramer licd July 31st 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 3rd day of August AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Conrad Sult with Christian Cramer

Morgan Williams J.P

William G. Buchanan & Anna E Carter licd July 31st 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County, ss

I certify that on the 31st day of July AD 1840 William G.

Buchanan & Anna E Carter were joined in marriage by


James Dodds J.P.

Retd & Recorded Nov. 13 1840

Attest WD. Heim Clerk

Chauncy Finck & Mary Vansickle licd Augst 2d 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 6th day of August AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Chauncy Finck with Mary Vansickle

Oliver Stark J.P.

Retd & Recorded August 13th 1840

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 237)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 237)


[page 237]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 233 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph H. Crawford & Mary Loyd lic'd Aug'st 4th 1840 -

Daniel Carr & Maria Ackerman lic'd Aug'st 8th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of August AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel Carr with Maria Ackerman -

Ezekiel S. Gavit M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 24th 1840

Attest - W D Heim Clerk

Arza Thrall Mary G. Chandler lic'd Aug'st 8th 1840 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of August AD 1840 I solemnized the Marriage

of Arza Thrall with Mary G. Chandler

Henry Van Deman

Rec'd & Rec'd Dec 15th 1852

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge

Thomas Burrows & Fanny M. Brees lic'd Aug'st 8th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of August AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas Burrows with Fanny M. Brees

A Picket Jr. J. P.

Ret.d & Recorded Aug'st 28th 1840

Attest - W D Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 238)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 238)


[page 238]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 234 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Philo P Evarts & Phebe R Sackett lic'd Aug'st 13th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of August AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Philo P Evarts with Phebe R Sackett ~

B Adams Bap. M -

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 16th 1840

Attest - W D Heim Clerk -

Abraham Bechtel & Susan Hildebrand lic'd Aug'st 13th 1840

Jacob Arnold & Orilla Smith lic'd Aug'st 17th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of September AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Jacob Arnold with Orilla Smith -

Jon. Cable -

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 8th 1840 -

Attest - W D Heim Clerk -

William Chandler & Charlotte Leak lic'd Aug'st 20th 1840 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 239)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 239)


[page 239]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 235 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Thomas Gallant & Harriet Atwood lic'd Aug'st 21st 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of August AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas Gallant with Harriet Atwood -

James Landon J P S

Ret'd & Recorded Nov' 24th 1840 -

Attest W D Heim Clerk -

John Spindler & Cassandra Scoggin lic'd Aug'st 24th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of August AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John Spindler with Cassandra Scoggin -

John Maltzbough M G

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 1st 1840 -

Attest W D Heim Clerk -

Cyrus Larkum & Margaret Simpson lic'd Aug'st 27th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of August AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Cyrus Larkum with Margaret Simpson

Stephen Hodsden J P

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 1st 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Charles Dudley & Juliet Frost lic'd Aug'st 28th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of September AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Charles Dudley with Juliet Frost -

James Frey El. B. C.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 3rd 1840 -

Attest W D Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 240)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 240)


[page 240]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 236 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Simon Parrott & Mary Heddleson lic'd Aug'st 29th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of September AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Simon Parrott with Mary Heddleson -

Henry Shedd M. G -

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 17th 1840 -

Attest - W D Heim Clerk -

Andrew H Patterson & Lucy Byxbe lic'd Sept 1st 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of September AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Andrew H Patterson with Lucy Byxbe -

William S Morrow M G

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 26th 1840

Attest - W D Heim Clerk -

Levi Smith Jr & Mary Rose lic'd Sept 3rd 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of September AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of Lewis Smith Jr with Mary Rose -

B. Adams Bap. M.

Ret.d & Recorded Sept 16th 1840

Attest - W D Heim Clerk -

William Hull & Susan Hedrick lic'd Sept 4th 1840 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 241)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 241)


[page 241]

[corresponds to page 237 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John H Welshimer & Lucinda Knox lic'd Sept. 5th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of September AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John H Welshimer with Lucinda Knox -

Henry Carr, M G -

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 6th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Lanson S Scott Phebe Hall lic'd Sept. 9th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Lanson S Scott with Phebe Hall

Ahab Jenks M. G

Ret'd & Recorded April 26th 1841

Attest - W D Heim Clerk

Elias Tracy & Julia A Kyle lic'd Sept. 10th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify that on the 10th day of September AD 1840 Elias Tracy

& Julia A Kyle were joined in marriage by me

Samuel Carver J P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec 7th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Henry Ayres & Lydia Wood Lic'd Sept. 18th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of September AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry Ayres with Lydia Wood -

Shadrack Hubbell J P

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 5th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 242)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 242)


[page 242]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 238 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Alexander Thrall & Sarah Thrall lic'd Sept. 19th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of September AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Alexander Thrall with Sarah Thrall -

O D Hough J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 24th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk -

Edgar Westervelt & Jane Brown lic'd Sept. 21st 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of September AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Edgar Westervelt with Jane Brown -

William S Morrow M G -

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 21st 1840

Attest - W D Heim Clerk -

John Blanpied & Sophia Dolber lic'd Sept. 21st 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of September AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John Blanpied with Sophia Dolber -

William S Morrow M G

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 26th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk -

Robert Williams & Eleanor Roberts lic'd Sept. 21st 1840 -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 243)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 243)


[page 243]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 239 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Elizier P Minier & Millicent Lindenberger lic'd Sept. 25th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of September AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Elizier P Minier with Millicent Lindenberger

A Picket Jr. J P -

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 6th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Harvey P Lewis & Jane Searles lic'd Sept. 21st 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Harvey P Lewis with Jane Searles -

Henry Hodgden J P -

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 26th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk

James Legget & Sarah A Richardson lic'd Sept. 26th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On this 27th day of Sept. 1840 I solemnized the Marriage of

James Legget with Sarah A Richardson

Henry Van Deman M G

Rec'd & Recorded May 22, 1852

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge

Solomon Shoemaker & Mixinda Salmon lic'd Sept. 28th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of September AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Solomon Shoemaker with Mixinda Salmon -

E S Gavit M G -

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 24th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 244)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 244)


[page 244]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 240 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Perez M Dix & Lovina Wise lic'd Oct. 3rd 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of October AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Perez M Dix with Lovina Wise -

William S Morrow M G -

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 10th 1840

Attest - W D Heim Clerk -

George W Crane & Elizabeth Gray lic'd Oct. 5th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of October AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of George W Crane with Elizabeth Gray -

James Frey El B C

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 6th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Philip Cutshaw & Maria Barry lic'd Oct. 5th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of October AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Philip Cutshaw with Maria Barry -

Francis Clymer

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 5th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk -

Lorenzo D Weaver & Laura Moore lic'd Oct. 5th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of October AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Lorenzo D Weaver with Laura Moore

G B Sturgis M G

Ret'd & Recorded Dec' 16th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 245)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 245)


[page 245]

[corresponds to page 241 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Cagles & Eve M Yager lic'd Oct. 5th 1840 -

Anson W Courtwright & Mary A Roberts lic'd Oct. 6th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of Oct. AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Anson W Courtwright with Mary A Roberts -

James Frey El. B C

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 6, 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Guernsey Hanville & Luceva Linnabery lic'd Oct. 7th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify that on the 7th day of October AD 1840 Guernsey Hanville

& Luceva Linnabery were joined in marriage by me -

Samuel Carver J P -

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 7th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk -

William Clayton & Betsy Russell lic'd Oct. 9th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify that on the 10th day of October AD 1840 William Clayton

& Betsy Russell were joined in marriage by me

Samuel Carver J P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 7th 1840 -

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 246)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 246)


[page 246]

[corresponds to page 242 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Miller & Sarah A Hedrick lic'd Oct. 14th 1840 -

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of Oct. AD 1840 I solemnized the

Marriage of George Miller with Sarah A Hedrick

Henry Van Deman M G

Rec'd & Recorded Nov. 8th 1852

D T Fuller Probate Judge

Henry H Culbertson & Susan V Worel lic'd Oct. 19th 1840 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of October AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry H Culbertson with Susan V Worrell

Joseph Labaree M G

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch 2nd 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk -

Adam Hance & Mary A Morrison lic'd Oct. 20th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of October AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Adam Hance with Mary A Morrison

William Voorhies J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 11th 1840

Attest - W D Heim Clerk -

Lewis Whipple & Almira Brown lic'd Oct. 20th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of October AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Lewis Whipple with Almira Brown -

Barton Whipple J P

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 31st 1840

Attest - W D Heim Clerk -
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 247)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 247)


[page 247]

[corresponds to page 243 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jacob F Fox & Sarah A Sells lic'd Oct. 24th 1840 -

Edward Jenkins & Margaret Davis lic'd Oct. 24th 1840 -

Darton W Terrill & Catherine Roloson lic'd Oct. 27th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of October AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Darton W Terrill with Catherine Roloson -

Cha's Stenbeck J P

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 20th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk

William Manter & Susanna Stanton lic'd Oct. 27th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of October AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of William Manter with Susanna Stanton

Amos W Condit J P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec' 22nd 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 248)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 248)


[page 248]

[corresponds to page 244 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Greenbury D Kirk & Abigail Medford lic'd Oct. 31st 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Greenbury D Kirk with Abigail Medford

Sam'l Carpenter M G

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 22nd 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Ervin Case & Julia A Gardner lic'd Oct. 31st 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Ervin Case with Julia A Gardner -

Eld. Titus Case

Ret'd & Recorded Dec' 31st 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk -

Hugh Ford & Ann E Davis lic'd November 2nd 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify that on the 5th day of November AD 1840 Hugh Ford

& Ann E Davis were joined in marriage by me -

Samuel Carver J P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 7th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk -

Jacob L Felkner & Eleanor Carr lic'd November 2nd 1840
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 249)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 249)


[page 249]

[corresponds to page 245 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Lampman & Martha N Orcutt lic'd November 2nd 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of George Lampman with Martha N Orcutt

G B Sturges M G

Ret'd & Recorded Dec' 16th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Ira Arnold & Maria Birge lic'd November 3rd 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the mar-

riage of Ira Arnold with Maria Birge

G B Sturges M G

Ret'd & Recorded Dec 16th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk

David Landon & Sylvia Jones lic'd November 4th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify that on the 8th day of November AD 1840 David

Landon & Sylvia Jones were joined in marriage by me

Samuel Carver J P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 7th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Edmund Russell & Betsy Milligan lic'd November 5th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

I certify that Edmund Russell & Betsy Milligan were on

the 8th day of November AD 1840 joined in marriage by me -

James Landon J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 27th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 250)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 250)


[page 250]

[corresponds to page 246 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Stephen Weeks & Lucinda Lane lic'd November 5th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Stephen Weeks with Lucinda Lane -

Hurlbut Scovill J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 24th 1840 -

Attest - W D Heim Clerk -

John Hildebrand & Sarah Gast lic'd November 6th 1840 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John Hildebrand with Sarah Gast -

Morgan Williams J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 27th 1842

Attest - W D Heim Clerk

Ebenezer A Slocumb & Lucy Ann Chase lic'd November 7th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

n the 8th day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Ebenezer A Slocumb with Lucy Ann Chase -

William Voorhies J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 11th 1840

Attest - W D Heim Clerk

Turner McLeod & Lydia L Pierce lic'd November 10th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Turner McLeod with Lydia L Pierce

E W Clark M G

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 5th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 251)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 251)


[page 251]

[corresponds to page 247 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Elisha Barry & Sarah Campbell lic'd november 10th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On this 13th day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Elisha Barry with Sarah Campbell

L Bartlett J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 28th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk -

Daniel M. Janes & Charlotte A Himrod lic'd Nov. 10th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of Nov'r AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel M. Janes with Charlotte A Himrod

Philander Kelsey M G

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 19th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Philip P Roberts & Eliza Brakebill lic'd Nov'r 11th 1840 -

Anthony Jenkins & Samantha R Landon lic'd Nov. 12th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Anthony Jenkins with Samantha R Landon

Elisha B Turner M G

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 5th 1840

Attest Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 252)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 252)


[page 252]

[corresponds to page 248 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Roberts & Catherine Edwards lic'd Nov'r 13th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of George Roberts with Catherine Edwards

Adam Poe VDM

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 15th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Benjamin H Tuniss & Elizabeth Jones lic'd Nov'r 14th 1840

James Morris & Mary J Young lic'd Nov'r 14th 1840

Jonas Evans & Rachael Smith lic'd Nov'r 16th 1840
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 253)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 253)


[page 253]

[corresponds to page 249 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Smith & Lydia Condit lic'd November 16th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph Smith with Lydia Condit

Ahab Jenks M G

Ret'd & Recorded April 26th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

William Haskins & Martha W Eaton lic'd November 18th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of William Haskins with Martha W Eaton

J Drake V D M

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 4th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk

John Dickerson & Eliza Gibson lic'd November 19th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John Dickerson with Eliza Gibson

G B Sturges M G

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 16th 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Simion C Starr & Martha D Sweetser lic'd November 19th 1840

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the Marriage

of Simion C Starr with Martha D Sweetser

H Van Deman

Rec'd & Recor'd Dec'r. 18: 1852

D J Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 254)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 254)


[page 254]

[corresponds to page 250 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Benton & Julia Patrick lic'd November 23rd 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of November AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of George Benton with Julia Patrick

Oliver Stark J P

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 1 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

William E Satterlee & Ann Noble lic'd November 26th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of Nov'r AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Hollam E Satterlee with Ann Noble

D Cadwallader M G

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 12th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

John Carpenter & Lydia Davis lic'd November 26th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of John Carpenter with Lydia Davis

William Voorhies J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 27th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Alexander McClintick & Jane Hazlett lic'd November 27th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of Alexander McClintick with Jane Hazlett

W D Smith M G

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 16 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 255)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 255)


[page 255]

[corresponds to page 251 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jonathan Biggs & Betsy Warner lic'd December 1st 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of Dec'r AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Jonathan Biggs with Betsy Warner

John D Thomas M G

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 5th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk -

George Evans & Caroline Davis lic'd December 1st 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of George Evans with Caroline Davis

Wm H Ashley E C C

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 21 1840

Attest W D Heim Clerk

John Fairman & Harriet Meacham lic'd December 3rd 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware Cuonty SS

On the 10th day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John Fairman with Harriet Meacham

Samuel Carver J P

Ret'd & Recorded March 9th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Seal S Rogers & Lydia A Dwinnell lic'd Dec'r 5th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Seal S Rogers with Lydia A Dwinnell

O D Hough J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 13th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 256)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 256)


[page 256]

[corresponds to page 252 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Brown & Clarissa P Page lic'd Dec'r 5th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of William Brown wth Clarissa P Page

A D Chapman

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 14th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

John W Worth & Ann Heaverlo lic'd Dec'r 5th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of John W Worth with Ann Heaverlo

Thomas W Wigton S J P

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 16th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Watkin Watkins & Mary A Jones lic'd Dec'r 7th 1840

Henry H Oller & Sally A Eversole lic'd Dec'r 12th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of December AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry H Oller with Sally A Eversole

Jamese Dodds J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 3rd 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 257)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 257)


[page 257]

[corresponds to page 253 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Torrey and Martha McCullough lic'd Dec. 15th 1840

Return. The State of Ohio Delaware County. SS.

On the sixteenth day of December A.D. 1840 solemnized the

marriage of William Torry with Martha McCullough.

Adam Poe V D M

Record July 17th 1867

T W Powell Probate Judge.

Jason Spencer & Rachael Savidge lic'd Dec. 11th 1840

On the 30th day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Jason Spencer with Rachael Savidge

Samuel Carpenter M G

Ret'd & Recorded Jan 22nd 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

William Howard & Sarah Brown lic'd Dec 16th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County: SS

on the 16th day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of William Howard with Sarah Brown

Hurlburt Scovill J P

Ret'd & Recorded M'ch 19th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Archibald McPherson & Martha Johnson lic'd Dec. 19th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County: SS

On the 20th day of Dec. AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Archibald McPherson with Martha Johnson

Benjamin Martin MG

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 21 1841

Attest WD Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 258)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 258)


[page 258]

[corresponds to page 254 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Cratty & Francisco Castater lic'd Dec'r 21st 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the

Marriage of William Cratty with Francisco Castater

Elijah Adams J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 9th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

James Carson & Isabella Johnson lic'd Dec'r 21st 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of Dec'r AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of James Carson with Isabella Johnson

A Poe V D M

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 6th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Stephen Doty & Ay A Salsbury lic'd Dec'r 23rd 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of Stephen Doty with Amy A Salsbury

Elias George M G

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 16th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Michael Defany & Susan Shultz lic'd Dec'r 24th 1840

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 259)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 259)


[page 259]

[corresponds to page 255 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Cunningham & Oleva Evans lic'd Dec'r 26th 1840

The State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

On this 27th day of Dec'r AD 1840 I solemnized the Marriage

of John Cunningham with Oleva Evans

Henry Van Deman M C

Rec'd & Recor'd June 26th AD 1852

D J Fuller Probate Judge

David Freshwater & Anna McKittring lic'd Dec'r 26th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of David Freshwater with Anna McKittring

Leander Stone J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

George Foote & Almeda Bierce lic'd Dec'r 26th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the mar-

-riage of George Foote with Almeda Bierce

Geo. B Sturges M G

Ret'd & Recorded March 10th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Lewis Place & Christina Foust lic'd Dec'r 29th 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of Dec'r AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Lewis Place with Christina Foust

Lester Bartlett J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 5th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 260)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 260)


[page 260]

[corresponds to page 256 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Isaac Harrison & Esther Fry lic'd Dec'r 30th 1840

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of January AD 1841 I solemnized the Marriage of

Isaac Harrison with Esther Fry

Henry Van Deman M C

Rec'd & Recorded May 24th AD 1852

D J Fuller Probate Judge

Asa Cole & Lucy Doty lic'd Dec'r 30th 1840

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of December AD 1840 I solemnized the marriage

of Asa Cole with Lucy Doty

Shubael W Knapp J P

Ret'd & Recorded July 3rd 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Nicholas T Sherman & Margaret Pickeren lic'd Dec'r 30, 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of December Ad 1840 I solemnized the

marriage of Nicholas T Sherman with Margaret Pickeren

Stephen Stimson J P

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 2nd 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Andrew Harter & Laura P Buell lic'd Dec'r 31st 1840

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of January AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Andrew Harter with Laura P Buell

R S Kimber M G

Ret'd & Recorded March 10th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 261)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 261)


[page 261]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 257 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Wood & Anna Turner lic'd Jan'y 1st 1841 -

The State Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of Jan'y AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of William Wood with Anna Turner

A Patee J P

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 30th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Thomas Roberts & Hannah Brentnell lic'd Jan'y 2nd 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of January AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas Roberts with Hannah Brentnell

A Poe V D M

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 6th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Smith Sturges & Denersa Smith lic'd Jan'y 4th 1841 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of Jan'y AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Smith Sutrges with Denersa Smith

Ahab Jinks M G

Ret'd & Recorded April 26th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk -

Samuel Allen & Phebe Pugh lic'd Jan'y 4th 1841 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of January AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Samuel Allen with Phebe Pugh -

Adam Haas J P

Ret'd & Recorded June 15th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 262)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 262)


[page 262]

[corresponds to page 258 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Amos Benedict & Phila Pearce lic'd Jan'y 4th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of January AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Amos Benedict with Phila Pearce -

Silas Ensign M G -

Ret'd & Recorded March 23rd 1841

Attest - W D Heim Clerk

Nelson Collum & Jane Still lic'd Jan'y 6th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County, SS

On the 6th day of January AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Nelson Collum with Jane Still

B Adams B M

Ret'd & Recorded March 23rd 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

David W Gaylord & Jane Searle lic'd Jan'y 7th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of January AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of David W Gaylord with Jane Searle -

Geo. B Sturges M G

Ret'd & Recorded March 10th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Allen Adams & Lucretia Weaver lic'd Jan'y 8th 1841 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of January AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Allen Adams with Lucretia Weaver

Caleb Hall J P

Ret'd & Recorded March 11th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 263)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 263)


[page 263]

[corresponds to page 259 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Abner D Chapman & Alma E Wigton lic'd Jan'y 14th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of January AD 1841 I solemnized the Marriage

of Abner D Chapman with Alma E Wigton
Henry Van Deman M G

Rec'd & Recorded May 24th AD 1852

D. J. Fuller Probate Judge

Eben Lewis & Machs McWilliams lic'd Jan'y 15th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of Jan'y AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Eben Lewis with Macha McWilliams

S D Wyatt M G

Ret'd & Recorded April 13th 1841

Attest - W D Heim Clerk

William Johnson & Margaret Noe lic'd Jan'y 19th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of January AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of William Johnson with Margaret Noe

William Voorhies J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 27th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

John Beakley & Caroline Barbour lic'd Jan'y 19th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of Jan'y AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of John Beakley with Caroline Barbour

James Dodds J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 3rd 1841

Atest W D Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 264)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 264)


[page 264]

[corresponds to page 260 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Michael Mealey & Harriet Bell lic'd Jan'y 19th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of January AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Michael Mealey with Harriet Bell

Adam Poe V D M

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 2nd 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Christopher Harris & Cynthia Hodgden lic'd Jan'y 20th 1841

Reason Wood & Jane Gooden lic'd Jan'y 21st 1841 -

The State of Ohio Delaware County, SS

On the 24th day of January AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Reason Wood with Jane Gooden

Christian Kaufman M G

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Hugh Livingston & Nancy Davidson lic'd Jan'y 21st 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of Jan'y AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Hugh Livingston with Nancy Davidson

A D Chapman M G

Ret'd & Recorded May 1st 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 265)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 265)


[page 265]

[corresponds to page 261 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John R Speer & Emily Monsell lic'd Jan'y 25th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County, SS

On the 25th day of Jan'y AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of John R Speer with Emily Monsell

Amos W Condit J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 19th 1841

Attest ~ W D Heim Clerk

Thomas J Jones & Sarah Freshwater lic'd Jan'y 26th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of Jan'y AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage of

Thomas J Jones with Sarah Freshwater

Morgan Williams J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 27th 1842

Attest ~ W D Heim Clerk

Thomas Pettibone & Sarah Downer lic'd Jan'y 27th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of January AD 1841 I solemnized the Marriage

of Thomas Pettibone with Sarah Downer

H Van Deman M G

Rec'd & Recorded May 21 AD 1852

D J Fuller Probate Judge

Isaac B Page & Perris Herrick lic'd Feb'y 1st 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Isaac B Page with Perris Herrick

Stephen Stimson J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 15th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 266)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 266)


[page 266]

[corresponds to page 262 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Aaron Heller & Harriet Zeigler lic'd Feb'y 1st 1841

Francis S Stratton & Susannah Cole lic'd Feb'y 1st 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On this 2nd day of February 1841 I solemnized the Marriage

of Francis S Stratton with Susannah Cole

Henry Van Deman M G
Rec'd & Recorded May 21, 1852

D J Fuller Probate Judge

William H White & Adaline Morton lic'd Feb'y 2nd 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of William H White with Adaline Morton

J Chase M G
Ret'd & Recorded March 9th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

George Clay & Eliza Cratty lic'd Feb'y 3rd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of George Clay with Eliza Cratty -

Elijah Adams J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 9th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 267)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 267)


[page 267]

[corresponds to page 263 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jesse Curren & Melinda Stratton lic'd Feb'y 8th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Jesse Curren with Melinda Stratton

Benjamin Olds J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 15th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Richard Freeman & Sarah M Watson lic'd Feb'y 8th 1841

John W Thompson & Isabella J Warren lic'd Feb'y 9th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of John W Thompson with Isabella J Warren

A Poe V D M

Ret'd & Recorded March 9th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Daniel Spade & Mary Jones lic'd Feb'y 9th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of Feb'y AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel Spade with Mary Jones

D Cadwallader M G

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 12th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 268)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 268)


[page 268]

[corresponds to page 264 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Nathaniel S Spencer & Rebecca Westlake lic'd Feb'y 11th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of February Ad 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Nathaniel S Spencer with Rebecca Westlake

Samuel Carver J P

Ret'd & Recorded March 9th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Mitchell Scoby & Elizabeth Williams lic'd Feb'y 12th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Mitchell Scoby with Elizabeth Williams

G S Salsbury J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 22nd 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

John M Williams & Annis Holcomb lic'd Feb'y 12th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of John M Williams with Annis Holcomb

G S Salsbury J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 22nd 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

George Feaster & Rachael Ann Stout lic'd Fb'y 13th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of George Feaster with Rachael Ann Stout

J W Elliott J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 14th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 269)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 269)


[page 269]

[corresponds to page 265 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Van Deman & Elizabeth S Case lic'd Feb'y 13th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph Van Deman with Elizabeth S Case

Joseph Larabee M G

Ret'd & Recorded March 2nd 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

William A Perry & Mary Main lic'd Feb'y 15th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of William A Perry with Mary Main

Benjamin Martin M G
Ret'd & Recorded March 9th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

Loren Lord & Mary Ann Kelly lic'd Feb'y 16th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County, SS

On the 17th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Loren Lord with Mary Ann Kelly

Daniel Long E C C

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 20th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk

David Leonard & Mary S Dustin lic'd Feb'y 17th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of march AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of David Leonard with Mary S Dustin

James H Fraes

Ret'd & Recorded March 4th 1841

Attest W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 270)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 270)


[page 270]

[corresponds to page 266 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William M. Dingman & Margaret Lloyd lic'd Feb'y 17th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 18th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of William M. Dingman with Margaret Lloyd

Adam Poe VDM

Ret'd & Recorded March 9th 1841

Attest: W. D. Heim Clerk

Asa L. Parker & Minerva Black lic'd Feb'y. 18th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 18th day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Asa L. Parker with Minerva Black

Ahab Jenks M G

Ret'd & Recorded April 26th 1861

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Trop & Aby Gallant lic'd Feb'y 19th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 25th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Henry Trop with Aby Gallant

H. T. Cunningham J P

Ret'd & Recorded March 9th 1841

Attest: W. D. Heim Clerk

Chauncy Sturdivent & Lucinda Cahoon lic'd Feb'y 21st 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 25th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Chauncy Sturdivent with Lucinda Cahoon

Oliver Stark J P

Ret'd & Rcorded Feb'y 26th 1841

Attest: W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 271)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 271)


[page 271]

[corresponds to page 267 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David Fix & Elizabeth Hiler lic'd Feb'y 24th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 25th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of David Fix with Elizabeth Hiler

Daniel Hunt J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 21 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Allen McIntosh & Permelia Youel lic'd Feb'y 26th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County ss

On the 4th day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Allen McIntosh with Permelia Youel

Timothy Stearns M G

Ret'd & Recorded April 9th 1841

Attest - W. D. Heim Clerk

Solomon Weaver & Mary Ann Harman lic'd March 4th 1841

Joshua Barry & Sarah Kenslar lic'd March 4th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Joshua Barry with Sarah Kenslar

O. D. Hough M G

Ret'd & Recorded March 27th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 272)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 272)


[page 272]

[corresponds to page 268 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David J Van Houten & Elizabeth Thrasher lic'd March 11th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of David J. Van Houten with Elizabeth Thrasher

Ahab Jenks M G

Ret'd & Recorded April 26th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Williams & Jane Evans lic'd March 12th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of William Williams with Jane Evans

Elias George M G

Ret'd & Recorded May 3rd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Daniel Robinson & Nancy Phillips lic'd March 13th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of March AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel Robinson with Nancy Phillips

Morgan Williams J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 27 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Eli Budd & Mary A Clark lic'd March 13th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Eli Budd with Mary A. Clark

Daniel Hunt J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 21 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 273)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 273)


[page 273]

[corresponds to page 269 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Charles A. Gillson & Sarah Cutler lic'd March 15th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Charles A Gillson & Sarah Cutler

Francis Clymer M G

Ret'd & Recorded June 15th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James B. Alden & Samantha Jones lic'd March 15th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of James B Alden with Samantha Jones

Oliver Stark J P

Ret'd & Recorded June 7th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Stephen Baker & Lucinda Vining lic'd March 16th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of March 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Stephen Baker with Lucinda Vining

William Voorhies J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 20th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Harmon Burch & Alvira Benedict lic'd March 16th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Hermon Burch with Alvira Benedict

Henry Patee J P

Ret'd & Recorded March 22nd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 274)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 274)


[page 274]

[corresponds to page 270 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Isaac M. Shaw & Margaret Ashwell lic'd March 16th 1841

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Isaac M. Shaw with Margaret Ashwell

Francis Clymer M G

Ret'd & Recorded March 23rd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Benjamin Roby & Hannah Irish lic'd March 16th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Benjamin Roby with Hannah Irish

Edmund Irish J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 15th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Seth Slack & Sarah J Dodd lic'd March 17th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Seth Slack with Sarah J. Dodd

E. S. Gavit M G
Ret'd & Recorded April 24th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Amos T. Selby & Melissa M. Bockover lic'd March 18th 1841
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 275)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 275)


[page 275]

[corresponds to page 271 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Daniel Cramer & Matilda M. Lukenbill lic'd M'ch 20th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel Cramer with Matilda M. Lukenbill

Joel Marsh J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 21st 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David Bowerman & Mary Eastrip lic'd March 22nd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of David Bowerman with Mary Eastrip

James Dodds J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 3rd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel D. Chapman & Sarah Flanagan lic'd March 23rd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Samuel D. Chapman with Sarah Flanagan

A. D. Chapman

Ret'd & Recorded May 1, 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Levi Wood & Caroline Whipple lic'd March 23rd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of March AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Levi Wood with Caroline Whipple

Barton Whipple J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 27th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 276)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 276)


[page 276]

[corresponds to page 272 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Chauncy Dunham & Mary A. Weaver lic'd March 24th 1841

Aaron W. Cook & Louisa Liggett lic'd March 26th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Aaron W Cook with Louisa Liggett

Leander Stone J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Orvin White & Rebecca White lic'd March 26th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Orvin White with Rebecca White

Elias George M G

Ret'd & Recorded May 3rd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Jones & Emily McMillen lic'd M'ch 26th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of James Jones with Emily McMillen

Hurlbert Scovell J P

Ret'd & Recorded May 12th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 277)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 277)


[page 277]

[corresponds to page 273 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Hoover Jr. & Arlette Rutherford lic'd March 31st 1841

Elias Fosnaucht & Sally Baumgardner lic'd March 31 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Elias Fosnaucht with Sally Baumgardner

James Landon J P

Ret'd & Recorded May 1 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Miner T Vining & Phebe Ann Canine lic'd April 7th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Miner T. Vining with Phebe Ann Canine

Caleb Hall J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 21st 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Weiser & Nancy House lic'd April 8th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of John Weiser with Nancy House

Benjamin Martin M G

Ret'd & Recorded April 12th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 278)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 278)


[page 278]

[corresponds to page 274 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Grandstaff & Elizabeth Day lic'd April 9th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of William Grandstaff with Elizabeth Day

John McInturf M G

Ret'd & Recorded May 26th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Horace H. Gibbs & Percilla Eatherton lic'd April 13th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Horace H. Gibbs with Percilla Eatherton

William S. Morrow M G

Ret'd & Recorded April 16th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Gustavus Sherman & Matilda Gross lic'd April 14th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Gustavus Sherman with Matilda Gross

Benjamin Martin M G
Ret'd & Recorded May 12th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James A. Crow & Elizabeth S. Elliott lic'd April 14th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of James A. Crow with Elizabeth S. Elliott

L. Bartlett J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 30th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 279)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 279)


[page 279]

[corresponds to page 275 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Biggs & Margaret George lic'd April 14th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph Biggs with Margaret George

Elias George M G

Ret'd & Recorded May 3rd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Levi Platt & Elizabeth Chase lic'd April 15th AD 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Levi Platt with Elizabeth Chase

William Voorhies J P

Ret'd & Recorded May 1st 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Milo W Meacham & Clarinda Learned lic'd April 17th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Milo W Meacham with Clarinda Learned

James H. Frees M G
Ret'd & Recorded April 21st 1841

Attest w. D. Heim Clerk

John Thomas & Drusilla Oller lic'd April 17th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of John Thomas with Drusilla Oller

William M. Warren J P

Ret'd & Recorded May 1st 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 280)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 280)


[page 280]

[corresponds to page 276 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Reuben Durphey & Maria Vining lic'd April 19th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Reuben Durphey with Maria Vining

A Poe V D M

Ret'd & Recorded May 13th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Sellars & Elizabeth Sayre lic'd April 19th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of APril AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph Sellars with Elizabeth Sayre

John D. Thomas M G

Ret'd & Recorded April 24th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas Hadley & Hannah Gittins lic'd April 20th 1841

William Miller & Elizabeth Jones Lic'd April 24th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the mariage

of William Miller with Elizabeth Jones

E. S. Gavit M G

Ret'd & Recorded June 24th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 281)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 281)


[page 281]

[corresponds to page 277 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Daniel E. Finch & Eliza J. Doty lic'd April 26th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel E. Finch with Eliza J. Doty

Crandell Wilcox J P

Ret'd & Recorded May 4th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Horatio J. C. Thrasher & Mary A Money lic'd April 27th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Horatio J. C. Thrasher with Mary A Money

James Landon J P

Ret'd & Recorded May 1 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Ansel H. Hunniston & Samantha Harris lic'd April 20th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of April AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Ansel H. Hunniston with Samantha Harris

A. D. Chapman M G

Ret'd & Recorded May 1st 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Daniel Warner & Betsy Grandy lic'd April 24th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of May AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel Warner with Betsy Grandy

Arthur W. Sanford M G

Ret'd & Recorded July 20th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 282)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 282)


[page 282]

[corresponds to page 278 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Taylor & Mary C. Randolph lic'd April 28th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of May D 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of George Taylor with Mary C. Randolph

O. D. Hough J P

Ret'd & Recorded June 21st 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Reuben Cowell & Diadema Miller lic'd April 30th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of May AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Reuben Cowell with Diadema Miller

Daniel Hunt JP

Ret'd & Recorded June 4th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Lyman Dyer & Sophronia Anway lic'd May 1st 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of May AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage of

Lyman Dyer with Sophronia Anway

Crandell Wilcox J P

Ret'd & Recorded May 5th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John S. Riley & Matilda A. Buck lic'd May 3rd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of May AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of John S. Riley with Matilda A. Buck

Edmund Buck J P

Ret'd & Recorded June 2nd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 283)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 283)


[page 283]

[corresponds to page 279 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David Baughman & Lucy H. Buck lic'd May 3rd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of May AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of David Baughman with Lucy H. Buck

Edmund Buck J P

Ret'd & Recorded June 2nd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob Darner & Eliza Hull lic'd May 4th 1841

Frederick Constance & Catherine Anthoni lic'd May 5th 1841

Thomas Jones & Catherine Umble lic'd May 8th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of May AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas Jones with Catherine Umble

Aaron Hagerman J P

Ret'd & Recorded June 28th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 284)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 284)


[page 284]

[corresponds to page 280 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Cellars & Elizabeth Ray lic'd May 11th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of May AD 1841 I solemnized the Marriage

of James Cellars with Elizabeth Ray

Henry Van Deman M G

Rec'd and Recorded May 22nd 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

James Burt & Emily Tucker lic'd May 11th 1841

Isaac Bockover & Mary Miller lic'd May 11th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of May AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Isaac Bockover with Mary Miller

A Poe V D M

Ret'd & Recorded May 13th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Israel Potter & Phebe G. Whipple lic'd May 12th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of May AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Israel Potter with Phebe G. Whipple

O. D. Hough J P

Ret'd & Recorded June 21 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 285)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 285)


[page 285]

[corresponds to page 281 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Cox & Rebecca Salisbury lic'd May 20th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of May AD 1841 I solemnized the mariage

of James Cox with Rebecca Salisbury

Elias George M G

Ret'd & Recorded July 12th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles P. Ward & Jane Jacobus lic'd May 20th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of May AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage of

Charles P. Ward with Jane Jacobus

Ahab Jenks M G

Ret'd & Recorded June 16th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Thomas & Elizabeth E Oller lic'd May 22nd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of August AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of James Thomas with Elizabeth E Oller -

Wm M Warren J P

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 24, 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 286)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 286)


[page 286]

[corresponds to page 282 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Alexander M Rodgers & Martha Flanagan lic'd May 24th 1841

Jobe Davenport & Ann Lawhead lic'd May 26th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of June AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Jobe Davenport with Ann Lawhead

Francis Clymer M G
Ret'd & Recorded June 15th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Noble Landon & Hannah Plant lic'd May 28th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of June 1841 I solemnized the marriage of

Noble Landon with Hannah Plant -

Henry Hodgden J P

Ret'd & Recorded June 7th 1841

Attest - W. D. Heim Clerk

George Brown & Melissa Reynolds lic'd June 1st 1841 -

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of June AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of George Brown with Melissa Reynolds

A Picket Jr. J P

Ret'd & Recorded July 20th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 287)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 287)


[page 287]

[corresponds to page 283 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Hugh Mc K. Lindsey & Margaret J. Graham lic'd June 1st 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of June AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Hugh Mc K Lindsey with Margaret J. Graham

A. Picket Jr. J P

Ret'd & Recorded July 20th 1841

Attest - W. D. Heim Clerk

Major Manter & Lydia McCutcheon lic'd June 5th 1841

Chester Beard & Abigail Wilson lic'd June 7th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of June AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Chester Beard and Abigail Wilson

Festus Sprague J P

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 8, 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Robert J. McMasters & Mary B. Worline lic'd June 10th 1841
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 288)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 288)


[page 288]

[corresponds to page 284 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Bennett & Elizabeth Smothers lic'd June 9th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of June AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry Bennett with Elizabeth Smothers

Elam Blain Jr. J P

Ret'd & Recorded June 14th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas A Jones & Jane James lic'd June 11th 1841

Daniel T. Reed & Almeda Slocum lic'd June 15th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of June AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel T. Reed with Almeda Slocum

Robert Chase M. J.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 16 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Stanford & Elizabeth McIlvain lic'd June 15th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of June AD 1841 I solemnized the Marriage of

John Stanford with Elizabeth McIlvain

Henry VanDeman M G

Recorded May 27th 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 289)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 289)


[page 289]

[corresponds to page 285 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Simeon Cummings & Esther Nortrip lic'd June 19th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of June AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Simeon Cummings with Esther Nortrip

Levi Dort J P

Ret'd & Recorded July 23rd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David F. Houtz & Melinda Mangans lic'd June 26th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of June AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of David F. Houtz with Melinda Mangans

Jacob Moorman M G
Ret'd & Recorded July 17th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Bidlack & Sarah Davis lic'd June 28th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of June AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of James Bidlack with Sarah Davis

Samuel Carver J P

Ret'd & Recorded July 12th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rutherford Moody & Eunice P. Kilbourn lic'd June 29th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On this 30th day of June AD 1841 I solemnized the Marriage of

Rutherford Moody with Eunice P. Kilburn

H. VanDeman M G

Rec'd & Recorded May 21st 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 290)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 290)


[page 290]

[corresponds to page 286 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Franklin Brees & Lucy A. Osborn lic'd June 30th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of July AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Franklin Brees with Lucy A. Osborn

A. Poe V D M

Ret'd & Recorded July 29th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Honetter & Mary A. Bean lic'd July 2nd 1841

On the 3rd day of July AD 1841 I solemnized the

Marriage of William Honetter with Mary A. Bean

Henry VanDeman M G

Rec'd & Record'd June 18th 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Thomas P. McKeloy & Barbara Dowell lic'd July 3rd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of July AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas P. McKeloy with Barbara Dowell

James Frey M G

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 20th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Ellis R Powers & Sally Shoemaker lic'd July 3rd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of July AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Ellis R. Powers with Sally Shoemaker

E. S. Gavit M G

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 21 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 291)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 291)


[page 291]

[corresponds to page 287 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Nathan Spurgeon & Elizabeth Green lic'd July 3rd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of July AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Nathan Spurgeon with Elizabeth Green

Benj'n Rodgers J P

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 3rd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Ingels McLeod & Hetty Roberts lic'd July 3rd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of July AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Ingels McLeod with Hetty Roberts

Ezra W Clark M G
Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 21 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas N. Slocum & Elizabeth Dart lic'd July 6th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of July AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas N. Slocum with Elizbeth Dart

Robert Chase M G
Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 19 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Albert Hard & Rayney Main lic'd July 6th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of July AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Albert Hard with Rayney Main

Benjamin Martin M G

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 6 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 292)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 292)


[page 292]

[corresponds to page 288 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Graham & Sarah Milligan lic'd July 10th 1841

Phillip Lawrence & Mary Smith lic'd July 24th 1841

George Hall & Cassandra Baker lic'd July 24th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of July AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of George Hall with Cassandra Baker

William Williams J P

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 14th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Houck & Elizabeth Graham lic'd July 24th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of July AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of James Houck with Elizabeth Graham

Crandell Willcox J P

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 14 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 293)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 293)


[page 293]

[corresponds to page 289 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Fisher & Julia E. Speer lic'd July 28th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of July AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry Fisher with Julia E. Speer

Elisha B. Turner M G

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 23rd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Barber & Phebe Benedict lic'd July 28th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of July AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of William Barber with Phebe Benedict

Barton Whipple J P

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 10th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles Boots & Sarah Hildebrand lic'd July 29th 1841

Luke Lavender & Mary Maplesden lic'd July 29th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of July AD 1841 I solemnized the Marriage of

Luke Lavender with Mary Maplesden

Henry VanDeman M G

Rec & Recorded May 22 AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 294)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 294)


[page 294]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 290 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Isaac Bowen & Ann Jones lic'd July 30th 1841

John W. Brown & Mary E. Lindenberger lic'd July 30th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of August AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of John W. Brown with Mary E. Lindenberger

Joel Z. Mendenhall J P

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 14 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Norton Thurston & Rebecca Jones lic'd Aug'st 2nd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of August AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Norton Thurston with Rebecca Jones

E. S. Gavit M G
Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 21 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Houseworth & Sophronia Felky lic'd Aug'st 4th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of August AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of William Houseworth with Sophronia Felky

George Landon J P

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 14 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 295)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 295)


[page 295]

[corresponds to page 291 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Ebenezer Ingols & Rachael Golladay lic'd Aug'st 4 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of August AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Ebenezer Ingols with Rachael Golladay

George Landon J P

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 14 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Slome Ames & Mabel W. Lewis lic'd Aug'st 7 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of August AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Slome Ames & Mabel W. Lewis

Henry Hodgden J P

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 31 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Aaron Caton & Sarah Gardner lic'd Aug'st 7 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of August AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Aaron Caton with Sarah Gardner

Titus Case M G
Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 15th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Edward Penry & Elizabeth Phillips lic'd Aug'st 14th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of August AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Edward Penry with Elizabeth Phillips

Elias George M G

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 3rd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 296)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 296)


[page 296]

[corresponds to page 292 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Spotton & Susannah Cockrell lic'd Aug'st 16th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of August Ad 1841 I solemnized the marraige

of John Spotton with Susannah Cockrell

Elam Blain J P

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 24 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Stephen Hill & Lucinda Vansickle lic'd Aug'st 24th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of August AD 1841 I solemnized the marraige

of Stephen Hill with Lucinda Vansickle

Festus Sprague J P

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 29 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Hugh K. Waters & Elizabeth Finley lic'd Sept. 1, 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Hugh K. Waters with Elizabeth Finley

William Williams J P

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 13th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Hira Wilcox & Martha Jones lic'd Sept. 4th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Hira Wilcox with Martha Jones

Sabers Main J P

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 11th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 297)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 297)


[page 297]

[corresponds to page 293 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Sebring & Susan Delano lic'd Sept. 4th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of George Sebring with Susan Delano

G. L. Salsbury J P

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 14 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Moses Fowler & Emily Hall lic'd Sept. 4th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Moses Fowler with Emily Hall

E. S. Gavit M G

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 16th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William H. Felkner & Celinda Smart lic'ed Sept. 6th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of Sept. AD 1841 I solemnized the Marriage of

William H. Felkner with Celinda Smart

Henry VanDeman M G

Rec'd & Recorded May 22 AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

William Birney & Sally M. Roloson lic'd Sept. 11th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of William Birney with Sally M. Roloson

Tho's L. Hoadly J P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec 1 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 298)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 298)


[page 298]

[corresponds to page 294 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James M. Noble & Harriet Collins lic'd Sept. 13 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of James M. Noble with Harriet Collins

Caleb Hall J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 12th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Evan Jones & Eleanor Jones lic'd Sept. 13th 1841

William W. Kester & Susan R. Washburn lic'd Sept 13 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of William W. Kester with Susan R. Washburn

L. Bartlett J P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 8th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas Lee /Col'd Man/ & Rhoda Jones /Col'd woman/ lic'd Sept. 14th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Thomas Lee with Rhoda Jones

Joel Z. Mendenhall J P

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 19th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 299)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 299)


[page 299]

[corresponds to page 295 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Thomas J. Kerr & Angelina Benton lic'd Sept. 14th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Thomas J. Kerr with Angelina Benton

Henry Hodgden J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 9th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Absalom Doherty & Emeline Harris lic'd Sept. 14th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Absalom Doherty with Emeline Harris

Stephen Stimpson J P

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 25th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Nash & Sarah Ann Rose lic'd Sept. 15th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of John Nash with Sarah Ann Rose

Ezra M. Clark M G

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 4th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Nathan Chaney & Ann Williams lic'd Sept. 16th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of September
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 300)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 300)


[page 300]

[corresponds to page 296 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel Satterlee & Elizabeth Bethards lic'd Sept. 17th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Samuel Satterlee with Elizabeth Bethards

Ebenezer Mather M G
Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 16th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Homer Carpenter & Rebecca Pike lic'd Sept. 17th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Homer Carpenter with Rebecca Pike

Henry Hodgden J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 9th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jeremiah Dunham & Amanda Blodget lic'd Sept. 16th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Jeremiah Dunham with Amanda Blodget

Nathan Emery M G

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 25th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Peter Keen & Donsilla Fleming lic'd Sept. 18th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Peter Keen with Donsilla Fleming

William Williams J P

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 13th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 301)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 301)


[page 301]

[corresponds to page 297 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Nathan Chase & Sylvana Edwards lic'd Sept. 18th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of September AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Nathan Chase with Sylvana Edwards

Stephen Stimson J P

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 25th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Lorenzo Bentz & Mary A. Twitchell lic'd Sept. 22nd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of September Ad 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Lorenzo Bentz with Mary A. Twitchell

S. G. Gassaway M G
Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 2nd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Isaac Wood & Rebecca Jones lic'd Sept. 24th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of Sept. AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Isaac Wood with Rebecca Jones

Henry Hodgden J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 9th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry B. Ketcham & Sabrina Shumway lic'd Sept. 24 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of Sept. AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry B. Ketcham with Sabrina Shumway

Philander Kelsey M G

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 22nd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 302)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 302)


[page 302]

[corresponds to page 298 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Sanford Keen & Caroline Vansickle lic'd Sept. 24 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Sanford Keen with Caroline Vansickle

Barton Whipple J P

Adam Shoup & Jane Kimball lic'd Sept. 29th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Adam Shoup with Jane Kimball

Edmund Buck J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 3rd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Walter H. P. Bogan & Mary Ann Gillet lic'd Oct. 2nd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Walter H. P. Bogan with Mary Ann Gillett

Wm. M. Warren J P

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 5th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William E. Page & Elizabeth Olmstead lic'd Oct. 2nd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of William E. Page with Elizabeth Olmstead

Ira Chase M G
Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 6th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 303)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 303)


[page 303]

[corresponds to page 299 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Rhoads & Louisa Swain lic'd Oct. 11th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Joseph Rhoads with Louisa Swain

John Gardner J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 27th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Adam Dilsaver & Mary A. Thrasher lic'd Oct. 12th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of Oct AD 1841 I solemnized the Marriage of

Adam Dilsaver with Mary A. Thrasher

Henry VanDeman M G

Rec'd & Recorded May 22nd AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

James Marsh Jr. & Betsy Coley lic'd Oct. 13th 1842 [1841]

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of James Marsh Jr. with Betsy Coley

William Voorhies J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 12th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Havens & Mary M Scott lic'd Oct. 13th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of George Havens with Mary M Scott

Henry Hodsden J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 9th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 304)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 304)


[page 304]

[corresponds to page 300 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Hiram Payne & Lydia A. Goodrich lic'd Oct. 13th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of Oct. AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Hiram Payne with Lydia A. Goodrich

A. Patee J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 10th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Sebring & Katy Ann Coe lic'd Oct. 15th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of Oct. AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of John Sebring with Katy Ann Coe

Hurlbut Scovell J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 30th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Hornbeck & Sarah Pike lic'd Oct. 15th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Joseph Hornbeck with Sarah Pike

Henry Hodgden J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 9th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Salmon Lott & Jane Brown lic'd Oct. 16th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Salmon Lott with Jane Brown

William Williams J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 8th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 305)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 305)


[page 305]

[corresponds to page 301 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Nathaniel Vanater & Mahala Pameter lic'd Oct. 19th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Nathaniel Vanater with Mahala Pameter

John Burns J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 2nd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Job Liggett & Rebecca Salsbury lic'd Oct. 21st 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Job Liggett with Rebecca Salsbury

Aaron Hagerman J P

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 30th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joel S. Stephens & Sophronia Rosecrans lic'd Oct. 23rd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Joel S. Stephens with Sophronia Rosecrans

Oliver Stark J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 16th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Peleg Bunker & Rachael Hills lic'd Oct. 25th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of October AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Peleg Bunker with Rachael Hills

S. G. Gassaway M G

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 2nd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 306)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 306)


[page 306]

[corresponds to page 302 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Mc K Stewart & Louisa Stone lic'd Oct. 27th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of James Mc K. Stewart with Louisa Stone

James Perovell M G

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 6th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George C. Freshwater & Sarah Black lic'd Oct. 28th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of George C. Freshwater with Sarah Black

Daniel Long M G
Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 1, 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Virgil D. Moore & Marilla H. Hough lic'd Oct. 30th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Virgil D. Moore with Marilla H. Hough

E. Washburn V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 6th 1841

William H. Cornell & Sarah C. Hough lic'd Oct. 30th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the

marraige of William H. Cornell with Sarah C. Hough

E. Washburn V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 6th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 307)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 307)


[page 307]

[corresponds to page 303 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Calvin Vance & Jane Rosecrans lic'd Nov. 1, 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of Nov. AD 1841 I joined in marriage

Calvin Vance with Jane Rosecrans

Oliver Stark JP

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 4th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David Ogden & Harriet Dunham lic'd Nov. 1, 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of Nov. AD 1841, I solemnized the Marriage of

David Ogden with Harriet Dunham

Henry Van Deman M G
Rec'd & Recorded May 24th AD. 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Edward Rowland & Elizabeth Avery lic'd Nov. 2nd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Edward Rowland with Elizabeth Avery

Ahab Jenks M G

Ret'd & Recorded June 16th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Edwin Westervelt & Minerva Goodspeed lic'd Nov. 5th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Edwin Westervelt with Minerva Goodspeed

Nathan Emery M G
Rec'd & Recorded Nov. 29th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 308)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 308)


[page 308]

[corresponds to page 304 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George N. Andrews & Phebe A. Brady lic'd Nov. 6th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of George N. Andrews with Phebe A. Brady

Barton Whipple J P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 7th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Andrews & Effa Welch lic'd Nov. 9th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of William Andrews with Effa Welch

Aaron Hagerman J P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 6 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Bentz & Amanda S. Twitchell lic'd Nov. 9th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Henry Bentz with Amanda Twitchell

Sam'l. Landon J P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 3rd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Smith & Ann E. Babcock lic'd Nov. 12th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of Nov. AD 1841, I solemnized the marriage

of James Smith with Ann E. Babcock

Hiram Westbrook E. C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 7th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 309)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 309)


[page 309]

[corresponds to page 305 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Ransom Keeler & Mary Curtiss lic'd Nov. 13th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Ransom Keeler with Mary Curtiss

Ahab Jenks M G

Ret'd & Recorded June 16th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Lewis Ketchum & Dorcas Condit lic'd Nov. 13th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Lewis Ketchum with Dorcas Condit

Ahab Jenks M G

Ret'd & Recorded June 16 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Gallant & Susan L. Magalia lic'd Nov. 18th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of James Gallant with Susan L. Magalia

Elias George M G

RFet'd & Recorded Nov. 20th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Eldridge J. Dyer & Sarah Edwards lic'd Nov. 20th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Eldridge J. Dyer with Sarah Edwards

Morgan Williams J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 27th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 310)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 310)


[page 310]

[corresponds to page 306 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Bartley Cummins & Maria Jennings lic'd Nov. 20th 1841

On the 21st day of Nov. AD 1841, I solemnized the Marriage

of Bartley Cummins with Maria Jennings

Henry Van Deman M G

Rec'd & Recor'd June 24th AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Andrew Main & Rachael Main lic'd Nov. 22nd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Andrew Main with Rachael Main

Benjamin Martin M G

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 10th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Harvey E. Evarts & Maria Adams lic'd Nov. 24th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of Nov. AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Harvey E. Evarts with Maria Adams

Elam Day M G

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 22nd 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Benjamin D. Lyon & Emeline Potter lic'd Nov. 24th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of November AD 1841 I solemnized the

mariage of Benjamin D. Lyon with Emeline Potter

Joel Z. Mendenhall J P

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 27th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 311)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 311)


[page 311]

[corresponds to page 307 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Levi Eaton & Eliza Evans lic'd Nov. 29th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of December AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Levi Eaton with Eliza Evans

Caleb Hall J P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 29th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Daniel Vandermarks & Sophronia Gregory lic'd Nov. 29th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of December AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Daniel Vandermarks with Sophronia Gregory

Henry Hodgden J P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 7th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George McLeod & Emily Williams lic'd Dec. 2nd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of December AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of George McLeod with Emily Williams

James T. Donahoe M. M. E. C.

Ret'd & Recorded May 31st 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Hursey & Melinda Fox lic'd Dec. 6th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of December AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of William Hursey with Melinda Fox

Daniel Hunt J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 21 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 312)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 312)


[page 312]

[corresponds to page 308 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Amos C. Wilson & Mary A. Graves lic'd Dec. 13th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of December AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Amos C. Wilson with Mary Graves

Benjamin Olds J P

Ret.d & Recorded Jan'y 29th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Coleman & Sarah Shutts lic'd Dec. 14th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of december AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Henry Coleman with Sarah Shutts

L. G. Gassaway M G

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 14th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Cronk & Sally Page lic'd Dec. 18th 1841

Lyman Scofield & Amarat Smith lic'd Dec. 20th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of December AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Lyman Scofield with Amarat Smith

Benjamin Olds J P

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 29th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 313)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 313)


[page 313]

[corresponds to page 309 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Elias Tippy & Celestia Lane lic'd Dec. 21 1841

Stephen F. Randolph & Charity Brown lic'd Dec. 22nd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of Dec. AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Stephen F. Randolph with Charity Brown

Shadrack Hubbell J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 28th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Morris Williams & Betsy Coonfare lic'd Dec. 22nd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of December AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Morris Williams with Betsy Coonfare

Morgan Williams J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 27th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Z. Mills & Cynthia S. Lamb lic'd Dec. 22nd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of December AD 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of Henry Z. Mills with Cynthia S. Lamb

S. G. Gassaway M G

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 30th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 314)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 314)


[page 314]

[corresponds to page 310 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Ackley & Phoebe Sickles lic'd Dec. 22nd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of December Ad 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of James Ackley with Phoebe Sickles

Styles Jackson J P

Ret'd & Recorded March 4th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John H. Tinkham & Adazillah Vining lic'd Dec. 23rd 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of January AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John H. Tinkham with Adazillah Vining

W. E. Clark M G

Ret'd & Recorded April 28 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Benjamin F. Loofborrow & Martha Longwell lic'd Dec. 25th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of December Ad 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Benjamin F. Loofbourrow with Martha E. Longwell

William Williams J P

Ret'd & Recorded March 12 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Herendeen & Elizabeth Kirk lic'd Dec. 27th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of December AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph Herendeen with Elizabeth Kirk

Edmund Buck J P

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 13th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 315)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 315)


[page 315]

[corresponds to page 311 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1


David Ackerman & Hannah B. Taylor lic'd Dec. 28th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of December Ad 1841 I solemnized the

marriage of David Ackerman with Hannah B. Taylor

Levi Dort J P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 31st 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Andrew Heaverlo & Elizabeth Pettijohn lic'd Dec. 29th 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of December Ad 1841 I solemnized the mar-

-riage of Andrew Heaverlo with Elizabeth Pettijohn

O. D. H ough J P

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 11th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Conner & Nancy Reed lic'd Dec. 29th 1841

Silas B. Cutler & Jane McLeod lic'd Dec. 31 1841

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of Jan'y AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Silas B. Cutler with Jane McLeod

Adam Wolfe J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 23rd 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 316)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 316)


[page 316]

[corresponds to page 312 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1


John S. Welch & Cynthia Welch lic'd Jan'y 1st 1842

State of Ohio, Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of January AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John S. Welch with Cynthia Welch

S. W. Knapp J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 15th 1842

Attest w. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas P. Myers & Anna L. Armstrong lic'd Jan'y 1st 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of Jan'y AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas P. Myers with Anna L. Armstrong

Ahab Jenks M G

Ret'd & Recorded June 16th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Thompson & Malinda Karnes lic'd Jan'y 5th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of Jan'y AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Samuel Thompson with Malinda Karnes

Hiram Westbrook M G

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 25th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Marsh & Phebe Gardner lic'd Jan'y 6th 1841
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 317)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 317)


[page 317]

[corresponds to page 313 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1


Frebourn Webster & Elizabeth Shaffer lic'd Jan'y 11th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of Jan'y AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Frebourn Webster with Elizabeth Shaffer

Aaron Hagerman J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 24th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Frederick Keiser & Betsy Cronkleton lic'd Jan'y 11th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of January AD 1842 I solemnized the marraige

of Frederick Keizer with Betsy Cronkleton

Barton Whipple J P

Ret'd & Recorded March 7 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Jackson & Elizabeth McFarland lic'd Jan'y 14th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of Jan'y AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry Jackson with Elizabeth McFarland

Aaron Hagerman J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 24th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Eli Peters & Harriet Bush lic'd Jan'y 17th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware COunty SS

On the 10th day of February Ad 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Eli Peters with Harriet Bush

Mahlon Peters M G

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 19th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 318)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 318)


[page 318]

[corresponds to page 314 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Stephen Morehouse & Philena Prounton lic'd Jan'y 18th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of January AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Stephen Morehouse with Philena Prounton

W. E. Clark M G

Ret'd & Recorded April 28th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Coleman & Tabitha Wornstaff lic'd Jan'y 19th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of Jan'y AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph Coleman with Tabitha Wornstaff

Benjamin Olds J P

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 29th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David Robertson & Margaret Cronkleton lic'd Jan'y 19th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of January AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of David Robertson with Margaret Cronkleton

Joseph Labaree M G

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 22nd 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William E. Butler & Sarah Ann Brees lic'd Jan'y 19th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of Jan'y AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of William E. Butler with Sarah Ann Brees

H. Pilcher V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded June 6th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 319)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 319)


[page 319]

[corresponds to page 315 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Thomas & Elizabeth Stephens lic'd Jan'y 24th 1842

Silas G. Nafus & Eliza Lewis lic'd Jan'y 25th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Silas G. Nafus with Eliza Lewis

Henry Hodgden J P

Ret'd & Recorded May 11th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Edward Mason Jr. & Caroline C. Curtiss lic'd Jan'y 27th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Edward Mason Jr. with Caroline C. Curtiss

Stephen Stinson J P

Ret'd & Recorded April 8th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Boren & Margaret Eatherton lic'd Jan'y 26th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of January AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of John Boren with Margaret Eatherton

H. E. Pilcher V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded June 6 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 320)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 320)


[page 320]

[corresponds to page 316 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Houghton W. Brown & Lydia Davisson lic'd Jan'y 28th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of January AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Houghton W. Brown with Lydia Davisson

Daniel Hunt J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 21 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob Parker & Mary Ann Noll lic'd Jan'y 31st 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of Jan'y AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Jacob Parker with Mary Ann Noll

Aaron Hagerman J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 24th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Moore & Elizabeth Shadwick lic'd Feb'y 3rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of Feb'y AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of James Moore with Elizabeth Shadwick

O. D. Hough J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 24th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Reynolds Cross & Lovica Filey lic'd Feb'y 4th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Reynolds Cross with Lovica Filey

Barton Whipple J P

Ret'd & Recorded March 7th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 321)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 321)


[page 321]

[corresponds to page 317 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Aaron Maning & Mary Ann Jones lic'd Feb'y 10th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Aaron Maning with Mary Ann Jones

Wm. H. Ashley M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 8th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Freshwater & Mary Black lic'd Feb'y 10th 1842

State of Ohio Delawware County SS

On the 13th day of February AD 1849 I solemnized the marriage

of John Freshwater with Mary Black

David Long E. C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded April 9th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Christian Gast & Mary Cratty lic'd Feb'y 12th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Christian Gast with Mary Cratty

Elijah Adams J P

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 21st 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jesse Bunnell with Julia Stratton lic'd Feb'y 16th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Jesse Bunnell with Julia Stratton

Benjamin Olds J P

Ret'd & Recorded 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 322)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 322)


[page 322]

[corresponds to page 318 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Richard Snyder & Mary Peterson lic'd Feb'y 16th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Richard Snyder with Mary Peterson

H. E. Pilcher V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded June 6th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Blain & Elizabeth Cross lic'd Feb'y 17th 1842

State of Ohio Delawware County SS

On the 20th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of James Blain with Elizabeth Cross

Elam Blain Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 31st 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Bensley & Elizabeth Benson lic'd Feb'y 18th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John Bensley with Elizabeth Benson

A. Patee J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 8 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 323)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 323)


[page 323]

[corresponds to page 319 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Stewart & Hannah Wheeler lic'd Feb'y 18th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of James Stewart with Hannah Wheeler

James Parcels M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 30th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John L. Trop & Elizabeth Graham lic'd Feb'y 18th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John L. Trop with Elizabeth Graham

James Landon J P

Ret'd & Recorded March 15th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Downing & Martha Adams lic'd Feb'y 19th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of March AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of James Downing with Martha Adams

M. Phillips M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 5th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Sellars & Mary George lic'd Feb'y 21st 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John Sellars with Mary George

Elias George M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 8th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 324)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 324)


[page 324]

[corresponds to page 320 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Reuben Owen & Melissa Kingman lic'd Feb'y 21st 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of March AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Reuben Owen with Melissa Kingman

Henry Shedd M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 2nd 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Hugh McGee & Polly McIlvain lic'd Feb'y 22nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Hugh McGee with Polly McIlvain

R. S. Kimber M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 19th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Robert L. Rockey & Sarah Thomas lic'd Feb'y 22nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Robert L. Rockey with Sarah Thomas

Wm. M. Warren J P

Ret'd & Recorded March 8th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Lorin L. Hills & Susanna Morris lic'd Feb'y 24th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of February AD 1841 I solemnized the marriage

of Lorin L. Hills with Susanna Morris

Titus Case Eld.

Ret'd & Recorded May 14 1842

Attest w. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 325)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 325)


[page 325]

[corresponds to page 321 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Peter J. Brown & Elizabeth Anderson lic'd Feb'y 24th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Peter J. Brown with Elizabeth Anderson

J. W. Elliott J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 8th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Japheth Hull & Betsy Luck lic'd March 3rd 1842

Samuel Faulkner & Martha A. Armstrong lic'd March 5th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of March AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Samuel Faulkner with Martha A. Armstrong

Philandeer Kelsey M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 27th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jabez Cowles & Jane Lancaster lic'd March 7th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of March AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Jabez Cowles with Jane Lancaster

Benjamin Martin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 21 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 326)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 326)


[page 326]

[corresponds to page 322 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Reese Price & Elizabeth Price lic'd March 7th 1842

Absalom Trop & Betsy A. Hill lic'd March 7th 1842

William S. Crumb & Philanda Case lic'd March 7th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of March AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of William S. Crumb with Philanda Case

Caleb Hale J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 7th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob Wolford & Elizabeth Pryor lic'd March 12th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of March AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Jacob Wolford with Elizabeth Pryor

Aaron Hagerman J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 5th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Blain & Elizabeth Cross lic'd Feb'y 17th 1842

State of Ohio Delawware County SS

On the 20th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of James Blain with Elizabeth Cross

Elam Blain Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 31st 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Bensley & Elizabeth Benson lic'd Feb'y 18th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of February AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John Bensley with Elizabeth Benson

A. Patee J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 8 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 327)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 327)


[page 327]

[corresponds to page 323 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Dilsaver & Sarah Lock lic'd March 15th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of March AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of George Dilsaver with Sarah Lock

Styles Jackson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 16th 1842

Attest w. D. Heim Clerk

Jeremiah Tippy & Alvira Harris lic'd March 19th 1842

George Conklin & Laura Wells lic'd March 19th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of George Conklin with Laura Wells

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 5th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Josiah Gardner & Hannah Luckinbill lic'd March 19th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of March AD 1842 I solemniZed the marriage

of Josiah Gardner with Hannah Luckinbill

John Gardner J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 5th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 328)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 328)


[page 328]

[corresponds to page 324 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Norman Ellis & Harriet Watkins lic'd March 19th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of March AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Norman Ellis with Harriet Watkins

Morgan Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 27th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Baker & Harriet Wells lic'd March 22nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John Baker with Harriet Wells

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 5th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas E. Williams & Barbara South lic'd March 26th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of March AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas E. Williams with Barbara South

Aaron Hagerman J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 5th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Noble & Mary A. Wilson lic'd March 28th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Samuel Noble with Mary A. Wilson

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 1 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 329)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 329)


[page 329]

[corresponds to page 325 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jonathan Bishop & Almira Barber lic'd March 29th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of March AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Jonathan Bishop with Almira Barber

A. Patee J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 5th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Lewis Sykes & Sally Smith lic'd March 29th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of March AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Lewis Sykes with Sally Smith

James R. McKinnie J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 21, 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Eagleburger & Nancy Spencer lic'd April 1st 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the first day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Samuel Eagleburger with Nancy Spencer

James Patterson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 30th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Maloney & Sarah S. Rickarts lic'd April 2nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph Maloney with Sarah S. Rickarts

Edmund Buck J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 4th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 330)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 330)


[page 330]

[corresponds to page 326 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Christopher C. Joy & Eunice C. Davis lic'd April 5th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Christopher C. Joy with Eunice C. Davis

Benjamin Olds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 11th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Hursey & Lucinda Fancher lic'd April 6th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of George Hursey with Lucinda Fancher

Daniel Hunt J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 11th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Dennis Morgan & Cordelia Skinner lic'd April 6th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Dennis Morgan with Cordelia Skinner

Aaron Hagerman J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 8th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Solomon Breyfogle & Margaret Hagerman lic'd April 6th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage of

Solomon Breyfogle with Margaret Hagerman

Adam Poe V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded May 5th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 331)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 331)


[page 331]

[corresponds to page 327 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Thomington L. James & Jane Russell lic'd April 7th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage of

Thomington L. James with Jane Russell

W. C. Clark M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 28th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Hiram T. Wright & Laura T. Frost lic'd April 11th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Hiram T. Wright with Laura T. Frost

John McEnterf M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 11th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Heddings & Catherine Carpenter lic'd April 16th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John Heddings with Catherine Carpenter

Robert Wilson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 22nd 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Frost & Phebe McNear lic'd April 16th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry Frost with Phebe McNear

William H. Ashley E. C. C.
Ret'd & Recorded May 20th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 332)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 332)


[page 332]

[corresponds to page 328 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Lorenzo W. Condit & Maria Wheaton lic'd April 18th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Lorenzo W. Condit with Maria Wheaton

Ahab Jenks M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 16th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Wright & Nancy M. Sharp lic'd April 18th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph Wright with Nancy M. Sharp

Ahab Jenks M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 16th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Plant & Ann Abrahams lic'd April 19th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of James Plant with Ann Abrahams

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 3rd 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Runey Palmer & Mary Pugh lic'd April 19, 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Runey Palmer with Mary Pugh

Elijah Adams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 20th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 333)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 333)


[page 333]

[corresponds to page 329 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Miller & Sarah Williams lic'd April 22nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of James Miller with Sarah Williams

Chas. Stenbeck J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 26 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Mattice & Mary McCrary lic'd April 23rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of William Mattice with Mary McCrary

N. Powers J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 26 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Chester Bartholomew & Sarah Claypool lic'd April 23rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Chester Bartholomew with Sarah Claypool

N. Powers J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 26th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Melvin Wigton & Jane Slack lic'd April 25th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Melvin Wigton with jane Slack

W. D. Chapman

Ret'd & Recorded March 14th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 334)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 334)


[page 334]

[corresponds to page 330 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Silas Parks & Mary A. Vincent lic'd April 25th 1842

` State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage of

Silas Parks with Mary A. Vincent

Ahab Jenks M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 16th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Daniel Sheets & Melinda Lake lic'd April 26th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of April AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel Sheets with Melinda Lake

Shubael W. Knapp J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 11th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Alexander & Jane Banning lic'd April 30th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of James Alexander with Jane Banning

Levi Meredith J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 13th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George R. Thornton & Mary Roberts lic'd May 2nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of George R. Thornton with Mary Roberts

J. Martin G. M.

Ret'd & Recorded May 27th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 335)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 335)


[page 335]

[corresponds to page 331 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Barrett Allen & Jane M. Lindsey lic'd May 4th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Barrett Allen with Jane M. Lindsey

H. E. Pilcher V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded June 6th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Flavel Moses & Elizabeth A. Dunton lic'd May 7th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage of

Flavel Moses with Elizabeth A. Dunton

A. Morrow

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 9th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Rooney & Elizabeth Patrick lic'd May 9th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John Rooney with Elizabeth Patrick

George Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 1 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Benjamin Thomas & Adelia Coberly lic'd May 11th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Benjamin Thomas with Adelia Coberly

Aaron Hagerman J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 20th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 336)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 336)


[page 336]

[corresponds to page 332 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Ephraim Biggs & Sarah George lic'd May 16th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Ephraim Biggs with Sarah George

Elias George M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 24th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William R. Galphin & Eliza Williamson lic'd May 17th 1842

Richardson Sheeks & Margaret Downer lic'd May 18th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of May 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Richardson Sheeks with Margaret Downer

Levi Meredith J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 13th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William W. Backus & Sarah P. Fuller lic'd May 18th 1842

State of hio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of William W. Backus with Sarah P. Fuller

S. G. Gassaway M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 19th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 337)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 337)


[page 337]

[corresponds to page 333 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Daniel Roberts & Amadilla Rose lic'd May 23rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel Roberts with Amadilla Rose

Elisha B. Turner M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 11th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Silas Adams & Rhoda Van Druff lic'd May 24th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Silas Adams with Rhoda Van Druff

Nathan Emery M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 27th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Lumb & Mary McKinnie lic'd May 26th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John Lumb with Mary McKinnie

John Pittkin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 26th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas Burk & Abagail Barnard lic'd May 27th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas Burk with Abagail Barnard

Shadrack Hubbell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 1 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 338)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 338)


[page 338]

[corresponds to page 334 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Daniel Finch & Elizabeth Palmer lic'd May 28th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel Finch with Elizabeth Palmer

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 6th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John W. Hall & Fanny Rundall lic'd May 28th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of May AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John W. Hall with Fanny Rundall

Philander Kelsey M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 7th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Ellis Ayres & Mary D. Parrish lic'd May 31st 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the first day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Ellis Ayres with Mary D. Parrish

S. G. Gassaway M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 2nd 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Lewis Hyde & Anna Benedict lic'd June 1st 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Lewis Hyde with Anna Benedict

Edmund Buck J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 13th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 339)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 339)


[page 339]

[corresponds to page 335 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Clark Goodrich & Hila A. Bradley lic'd June 1st 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Clark Goodrich with Hila A. Bradley

Joseph Labares M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 1st 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry R. Carpenter & Rebecca A. Overturf lic'd June 1st 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry R. Carpenter with Rebecca A. Overturf

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 6th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David Longshore & Elizabeth Benton lic'd June 2nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of David Longshore with Elizabeth Benton

Nathan Emery M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 27th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Harper & Elizabeth Poland lic'd June 6th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of William Harper with Elizabeth Poland

H. E. Pilcher V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded June 9th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 340)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 340)


[page 340]

[corresponds to page 336 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Nathan P. Wilson & Emily Russell lic'd June 6th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Nathan P. Wilson with Emily Russell

Benjamin Oldsd J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 30th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Edward Jacobus & Mary Condit lic'd June 7th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Edward Jacobus with Mary Condit

Joel Z. Mendenhall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 9th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Francis C. Stanton & Margaret J. Wooden lic'd June 8th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage of

Francis C. Stanton with Margaret J. Wooden

John McInturf M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 19th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Jamison & Cordelia Scovell lic'd June 9th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of James Jamison with Cordelia Scovell

E. C. Gant M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 29th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 341)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 341)


[page 341]

[corresponds to page 337 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Isaiah Showers & Catherine Scott lic'd June 9th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Isaiah Showers with Catherine Scott

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 27 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Skurman Travis & Nancy Anderson lic'd June 11th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Skurman Travis with Nancy Anderson

Morgan Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 28th 1842

Attest W. D. heim Clerk

Silas W. Condit & Julia Ann Parker lic'd June 15th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage of

Silas W. Condit with Julia Ann Parker

Ahab Jenks M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 16th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David Barnard & Thuressa Allen lic'd June 15th 1842

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 342)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 342)


[page 342]

[corresponds to page 338 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Milton Gardner & Mary A. Russell lic'd June 19th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Milton Gardner with Mary A. Russell

Shadrach Hubbell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 1 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George E. Thrall & Jane M. Pratt lic'd June 20th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of George E. Thrall with Jane M. Pratt

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 4th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Owen Morris & Diana Shreve lic'd June 21st 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Owen Morris with Diana Shreve

Owen Owens M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 5th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Augustus Curtiss & Jane Wheatly lic'd June 21st 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Augustus Curtiss with Jane Wheatly

Ahab Jenks M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 27th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 343)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 343)


[page 343]

[corresponds to page 339 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Edward Larkum & Sally Weaver lic'd June 22nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Edward Larkum with Sally Weaver

Morgan Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 28th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Frederick Freyman & Mary Braden lic'd June 23rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of June 1842 I solemnized the marriage of

Frederick Freyman with Mary Braden

James Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 6th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Edward Terry & Rosetta Higley lic'd June 25th 1842

Isaac Worline & Eliza Collins lic'd June 25th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Isaac Worline & Eliza Collins

J. W. Elliot J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 15 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 344)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 344)


[page 344]

[corresponds to page 340 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Alexander Marsh & Catherine Evans lic'd June 27th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of June AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Alexander Marsh with Catherine Evans

John Gardner J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 20 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Jaycox & Roslinda Hagar lic'd July 1st 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of July AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage of

John Jaycox with Roslinda Hagar

Elder Reuben Bates

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 1 1842

Attest w. D. Heim Clerk

Theodore Vanduzer & Nancy Lancaster lic'd July 12th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of July AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Theodore Vanduzer with Nancy Lancaster

Shadrach Hubbell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 1 1842

Attest w. D. Heim Clerk

Ira Pierce & Electa Allen lic'd July 14th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

on the 15th day of Oct AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Ira Pierce with Electa Allen

W. C. Clark

Ret'd & Recorded March 6th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 345)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 345)


[page 345]

[corresponds to page 341 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William W. Bridge & Rachael Landon lic'd July 14th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of July AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of William W. Bridge with Rachael Landon

Morgan Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 17 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Benjamin C. Stimson & Martha A. Curtiss lic'd July 19th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2th day of July AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage of

Benjamin C. Stimson with Martha A. Curtiss

Stephen Stimson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 13 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Moses Granger & Irena Loomis lic'd July 20th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of July AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage of

Moses Granger with Irena Loomis

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 7th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Abraham Hall & Catherine Gorsuch ic'd July 23rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of July AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Abraham Hall with Catherine Gorsuch

Tho's. L. Hoadly J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 27 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 346)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 346)


[page 346]

[corresponds to page 342 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Decker & Mary Johnson lic'd July 28th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of July AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph Decker with Mary Johnson

James R. McKinnie J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug. 1 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Phillip Cole & Hannah Adams lic'd July 28th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of July AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Phillip Cole with Hannah Adams

Jas. T. Donahoo M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 7 1842

Attest w. D. Heim Clerk

William Bensley & Fanny Bruce lic'd August 1 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of August AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of William Bensley with Fanny Bruce

H. Warner J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 26th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob D. Crist & Irena Arnold lic'd August 2nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of August AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Jacob D. Crist with Irena Arnold

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 27th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 347)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 347)


[page 347]

[corresponds to page 343 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Bennett & Hannah Boyd lic'd Aug'st 5th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of August AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John Bennett with Hannah Boyd

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 7 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Perry & Martha Lavender lic'd Aug'st 9th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of August AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry Perry with Martha Lavender

R. S. Kimber M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 5th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Mitchell S. & Charlotte Philbrook lic'd Aug'st 10th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of August AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Mitchell S. Mitchell with Charlotte Philbrook

E. W. Clark M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 30 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob Wolford & Sarah Ward lic'd Aug'st 12 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of August AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Jacob Wolford with Sarah Ward

Levi Dort J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 17 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 348)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 348)


[page 348]

[corresponds to page 344 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Abrams & Nancy Potter lic'd Aug'st 12th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of August AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John Abrams with Nancy Potter

John Petkin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug 19 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jonathan Zeigler & Juliann Evart lic'd Aug'st 13th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of August AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Jonathan Zeigler with Juliann Evart

L. L. Klein M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 19 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Nelson Talley & Elizabeth Edleman lic'd Aug'st 13th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of August AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Nelson Talley with Elizabeth Edleman

L. L. Klein M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 19 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Eumenus Weeks & Hannah Closson lic'd Aug'st 16th 1842

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 349)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 349)


[page 349]

[corresponds to page 345 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Lyman Daily & Lorancy Royce lic'd Aug'st 24th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of october AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Lyman Daily with Lorancy Royce

William Voorhies J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 14 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Trees & Jane Cratty lic'd Sept. 1 1842

Benjamin Bickford & Ruth Decker lic'd Sept. 2nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Benjamin Bickford with Ruth Decker

Hiram Westbrook M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 17 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Absolem Johnson & Elizabeth Hedrick lic'd Sept. 3rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Absolem Johnson with Elizabeth Hedrick

Henry Hodgden J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 22nd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 350)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 350)


[page 350]

[corresponds to page 346 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1


William James & Jane Heaverlo lic'd Sept. 3rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of William James with Jane Heaverlo

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 5th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John M. Leak & Elizabeth Morgan lic'd Sept. 3rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the mariage

of John M. Leak with Elizabeth Morgan

Eld. D. Adams

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 10 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Abraham Springer & Lucy M. Allen lic'd Sept. 3rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Abraham Springer with Lucy M. Allen

S. G. Gassaway M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 5 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David Sampson & Ruth Bishop lic'd Sept. 3rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of David Sampson with Ruth Bishop

Benj. Martin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 10 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 351)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 351)


[page 351]

[corresponds to page 347 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1


Adolphus Schoonhover & Eliza A. Beardsley lic'd Sept. 5th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Adolphus Schoonhover with Eliza A. Beardsley

Philander Kelsey M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 12th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Weeks Copeland & Sally Crane lic'd Sept. 7th 1842

This is to certify that I joined together in the

Holy state of Matrimony Weeks Copeland & Sally

Crane on the 10th day of September 1842

H. Roberts J. P.

Certified & Recorded Aug't 7th 1861

I. Ranney Pro Judge

John W. Welker & Amelia Taylor lic'd Sept. 7th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John W. Welker with Amelia Taylor

A. Stroub J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 6th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Daniel Coleman & Lydia L. Lutz lic'd Sept. 8 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the mar-

-riage of Daniel Coleman with Lydia L. Lutz

A. Stroub J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 6th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 352)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 352)


[page 352]

[corresponds to page 348 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Eliphas Bigelow & Elizabeth Young lic'd Sept. 10th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of Sept. AD 1843. I solemnized the marriage

of Eliphas Bigelow & Elizabeth Young

Henry Hodgden J. P.

Ret'd & Rec'd March 22nd 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George T. Sherman & Lucinda A. Carney lic'd Sept. 10th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of George T. Sherman with Lucinda A. Carney

Geo. B. Sturges M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 30th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Isaac Welch & Calista E. May lic'd Sept. 12th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of Sept AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Isaac Welch with Calista E. May

Shubael W. Knapp J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 5 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William McDowell & Hannah Waters lic'd Sept. 12th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage of

William McDowell with Hannah Waters

John Petkin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 21 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 353)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 353)


[page 353]

[corresponds to page 349 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1


Samuel Hurlocker & Mary A. Johnson lic'd Sept. 13th 1842

Emaniel Hite & Elizabeth Dilsaver lic'd Sept. 13 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Emaniel Hite with Elizabeth Dilsaver

A. Picket Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 4 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Winslow Bierce & Margaret Hadley lic'd Sept. 14th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of Sept AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Winslow Bierce & Margaret Hadley

Henry Hodgden J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 22nd 1842

Attetst W. D. Heim Clerk

Lewis Olney & Ann E. Bill lic'd Sept. 14th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of September Ad 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Lewis Olney with Ann E. Bill

S. G. Gassaway M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 30th 1842
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 354)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 354)


[page 354]

[corresponds to page 350 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1


Pyons Johnson & Catherine Anderson lic'd Sept. 17th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Pyons Johnson with Catherine Anderson

John Gardner J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 7 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob Williams & Mary Fairchild lic'd Sept. 17th 1842

George B. Terry & Adeline E. Higly lic'd Sept. 17th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of George B. Terry with Adeline E. Higly

A. Patee J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 5 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Amasa Sanford & Elizabeth Heckathorn lic'd Sept. 17th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Amasa Sanford with Elizabeth Heckathorn

A. Stroub J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 6 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 355)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 355)


[page 355]

[corresponds to page 351 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1


Edward Pedicord & Elizabeth Johnson lic'd Sept. 23rd 1842

State of Ohhio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of September AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Edward Pedicord with Elizabeth Johnson

Morgan Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 1 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Andrew J. Smith & Mary Glass lic'd Sept. 26th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of Sept AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Andrew J. Smith with Mary Glass

Ahab Jenks M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 29th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Erastus Foss & Jane E. Goodin lic'd Sept. 27th 1842

James McCullough & Rosina M. Hanes lic'd Sept. 27th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of September Ad 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of James McCullough with Rosina M. Hance

F. Putnam M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec 13 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 356)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 356)


[page 356]

[corresponds to page 352 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1


Charles Clark & Mahala Doty lic'd Sept. 29th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of October AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Charles Clark with Mahala Doty

Shubael W. Knapp J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec 5 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James N. Nutt & Sarah G. Sellars lic'd Sept. 30th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of October AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of James N. Nutt with Sarah G. Sellars

Philander Kelsey M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 12 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Seth Gardner & Mary E. Deaver lic'd October 6th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of October AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Seth Gardner with Mary E. Deaver

William Voorhies J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 14 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Benjamin Hull & Nancy Meeks lic'd October 8th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of October AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Benjamin Hull with Nancy Meeks

Stiles Jackson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec' 13 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 357)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 357)


[page 357]

[corresponds to page 353 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1


William Wallace & Margaret Evans lic'd Oct. 11th 1842

Ebenezer C. Noe & Phebe Perry lic'd Oct. 12th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of October AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Ebenezer C. Noe with Phebe Perry

A. D. Chapman

Ret'd & Recorded March 14th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Richard W. Reynolds & Harriet A. Byxbe lic'd Oct. 12th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of October AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage of

Richard W. Reynolds with Harriet A. Byxbe

J. C. Robinson M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 21 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Smith & Mary McWilliams lic'd Oct. 13th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of October AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Samuel Smith with Mary McWilliams

Benjamin Olds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec' 2nd 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 358)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 358)


[page 358]

[corresponds to page 354 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1


Corrodon Winslow & Sarah A. Wheaton lic'd Oct. 13th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of October AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Corrodon Winslow with Sarah A. Wheaton

L. Meredith J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 15th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Isaac McIlvain & Frances S. McKinnie lic'd Oct. 25th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of Oct. AD 1842 I solemnized the Marriage

of Isaac McIlvain with Francis S. McKinnie

Henry VanDeman M. G.

Rec'd & Recorded May 22nd AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Isaac Thurston & Eliza Meeker lic'd Oct. 27th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of Nov' 1842 I solemnized the Marriage of

Isaac Thurston with Eliza Meeker

Wm. Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded 4th Nov' 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Daniel Long & Mary A. Williams lic'd Oct. 29th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the mariage

of Daniel Long with Mary A. Williams

John Dirst J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 3rd 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 359)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 359)


[page 359]

[corresponds to page 355 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1


Marseilles Edgell & Sally A. Keiser lic'd Nov. 1. 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of Nov. AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Marseilles Edgell & Sally A. Keiser

Eld. O. Owens

Ret'd & Recorded 27th March 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Felkner & Merinda Ferris lic'd Nov. 1 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of Nov. AD 1842 I solemnized the Marriage of

Henry Felkner with Merinda Ferris

Henry VanDeman M. G.

Rec'd & Recorded May 22nd 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

George Hill Jr. & Charlotte R. Evans lic'd Nov. 2nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of George Hill Jr. with Charlotte R. Evans

John Gardner J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 17th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Sellars & Fanny Palmer lic'd Nov'r 2nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of William Sellars with Fanny Palmer

Philander Kelsey M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 12 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 360)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 360)


[page 360]

[corresponds to page 356 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Harter & Catherine E. B. McCutchen lic'd Nov'r 3rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of Nov'r AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry Harter with Catherine E. B. McCutchen

J. Labares M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 17 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Perry Babcock & Juliann Chambers lic'd Nov'r 3rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Perry Babcock with Juliann Chambers

Wm. Marvin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 5th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Richard Thomas & Elizabeth Rollands lic'd Nov'r 3rd 1842

Thomas C. Jones & Harriet A. Williams lic'd Nov'r 5th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Thomas C. Jones with Harriet A. Williams

S. G. Gassaway M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 6 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 361)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 361)


[page 361]

[corresponds to page 357 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Francis A Benton & Elizabeth A. Ketcham lic'd Nov'r 8th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Francis A. Benton with Elizabeth A. Ketcham

Geo. B. Sturges M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 30 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Barzilla Willis & Mary Warren lic'd Nov'r 8th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Barzilla Willis with Mary Warren

R. S. Kimber M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 18 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Sidney Richards & Betsy A. Cole lic'd Nov'r 8th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Sidney Richards with Betsy A. Cole.

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 21st 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Matthew B. Cook & Sarah A. Graham lic'd Nov'r 9th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Matthew B. Cook with Sarah A. Graham

David Warnock M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 23 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 362)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 362)


[page 362]

[corresponds to page 358 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Finley & Sarah A. Highland lic'd Nov'r 9th 1842

Daniel Cutshall & Elizabeth Decker lic'd Nov'r 11th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Daniel Cutshall with Elizabeth Decker

Hiram Westbrook E. C. Ch.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 1 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Gardner & Frances Coffman lic'd Nov'r 12th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of James Gardner with Frances Coffman

Christian Kaufman

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 29 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Pugh & Jane Thomas lic'd Nov'r 14th 1842
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 363)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 363)


[page 363]

[corresponds to page 359 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Selah Smith & Esther Foust lic'd Nov'r 15th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Selah Smith with Esther Foust

L. Bartlett J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 12th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Daniel M. Russell & Sarah Lavender lic'd Nov'r 18th 1842

John Lloyd & Lucy Roff lic'd Nov'r 19th 1842

Nathaniel W. Sprague & Martha Walling lic'd Nov'r 21 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Nathaniel W. Sprague with Martha Walling

Wm. M. Warren J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 5th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 364)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 364)


[page 364]

[corresponds to page 360 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Dunham & Sally A. Flint lic'd Nov'r 22nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Henry Dunham with Sally A. Flint

Wm. M. Warren J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 5th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob H. Shaffer & Hester A. Cupp lic'd Nov'r 22nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Jacob H. Shaffer with Hester A. Cupp

A. Stroub J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 6 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William B. Waters & Jerusha E. Barrows lic'd Nov'r 23rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of December AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of William B. Waters with Jerusha E. Burrows

Philander Kelsey M. G.

Returned & Rec'd Feb'y 1st 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Matthias Shaner & Harriet England lic'd Nov'r 24th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of November AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Matthias Shaner with Harriet England

Sanford C. Parker M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 1 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 365)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 365)


[page 365]

[corresponds to page 361 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Welshaunts & Emily Truex lic'd Nov'r 25th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of November AD 1842 I solemniZed the marriage

of George Welshaunts with Emily Truex

A. Picket Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 1 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Rowand & Almeda Daily lic'd Nov'r 26th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of December AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of William Rowand with Almeda Daily

A. Stroub J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 6th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Alexander & Abigail Doty lic'd Nov'r 26th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of December Ad 1842 I solemnized the mar-

-riage of Samuel Alexander with Abigail Doty

Shadrack Hubbell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 1 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel L. Emery & Caroline L. Powers lic'd Nov'r 28th 1842

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 366)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 366)


[page 366]

[corresponds to page 362 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Charles Heller & Nancy Cowgill lic'd Nov'r 30th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of Dec'r AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Charles Heller with Nancy Cowgill

David Warnock M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 17th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Elkanah Watson & Margaret R. Lenox lic'd Dec'r 1 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of December AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Elkanah Watson with Margaret R. Lenon

William Hamilton

M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 27th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Washington Sebring & Sarah A. Baldwin lic'd Dec'r 3rd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of December AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Washington Sebring with Sarah A. Baldwin

Tho's L. Hoadly J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 20 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas A. Elliott & Sarah Waters lic'd Dec'r 5th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of Dec'r AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas A. Elliott with Sarah Waters

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 4th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 367)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 367)


[page 367]

[corresponds to page 363 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Evans & Melissa P. Collins lic'd Dec'r 7th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of December Ad 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John Evans with Melissa P. Collins

F. Putnam M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 13th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William McIlvain & Catherine Oller lic'd Dec'r 7th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of December AD 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of William McIlvain with Catherine Oller

Wm. M. Warren J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 5th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Andrews & Lucinda Case lic'd Dec'r 12th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of William Andrews & Lucinda Case

Eld. Titus Case

Ret'd & Recorded March 31st 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Robert Lumbert & Sarah A. Herbert lic'd Dec'r 13th 1842

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of Dec'r AD 1842 I solemnized the Marriage of

Robert Lumbert with Sarah A. Herbert

Henry VanDeman M. G.

Rec'd & Recor'd June 24 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 368)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 368)


[page 368]

[corresponds to page 364 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Luther Shaw & Elizabeth Ashwell lic'd Dec'r 13th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of December AD 1843 I solemnized the

marriage of Luther Shaw with Elizabeth Ashwell

Francis Clymer M. G.

Returned & recorded March 10th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George E. Shaner & Susan Hanover lic'd Dec'r 19th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of April AD 1843 I solemnized the Marriage of

George E. Shaver & Susan Hanover

Daniel Hunt J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 29 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Keisler & Mary Palmer lic'd Dec'r 19th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of December AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John Keisler & Mary Palmer

Daniel Hunt J. P.

Ret'd & recorded 24th March 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George D. Williams & Hannah Savage lic'd Dec'r 22nd 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of George D. Williams with Hannah Savage

Daniel Lewis M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 19 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 369)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 369)


[page 369]

[corresponds to page 365 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William G Vroonan & Lydia Thurston lic'd Dec'r 23rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of William G. Vroonan with Lydia Thurston

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 4th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Miller & Angelina Brougher lic'd Dec'r 24th 1842

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of Dec'r 1842 I solemnized the Marriage of

Henry Miller with Angelina Brougher

H. VanDeman M. G.

Rec'd & Recorded May 21 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Ebenezer C. Daniels & Elizabeth Morris lic'd Dec'r 26th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Ebenezer C. Daniels with Elizabeth Morris

Edmund Buck J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 10th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Erastus Baldwin & Susan Larkey lic'd Dec'r 26th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of December Ad 1842 I solemnized the

marriage of Erastus Baldwin with Susan Larkey

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 10th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 370)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 370)


[page 370]

[corresponds to page 366 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Spencer C. W. Benedict & Elizabeth Chamberlain lic'd Dec'r 26th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of February AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Spencer C. W. Benedict with Elizabeth Chamberlain

James Terry

Ret'd & Recorded April 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Risher & Sarah A. McPherson lic'd Dec'r 27th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of December AD 1842 I solemnized the marriage

of John Risher with Sarah A. McPherson

Sanford C. Parker M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 1 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Milton S. Case & Catherine Dennison lic'd Dec'r 29th 1842

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Milton S. Case with Catherine Dennison

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 10th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David Rowland & Betsy Kinney lic'd Dec'r 31 1842

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 371)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 371)


[page 371]

[corresponds to page 367 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Hurlbut Carpenter & Mary A. Woodruff lic'd Jan'y 6, 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Hurlbut Carpenter with Mary A. Woodruff

Sanford C. Parker M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y. 1. 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Horace P. McMaster & Rebecca Main lic'd Jan'y 9th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of Jan'y AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Horace P. McMaster with Rebecca Main

Benjamin Martin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 20. 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Isaiah Haynes & Marinda Bennett lic'd Jan'y 9th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of Jan'y 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Isaiah Haynes with Marinda Bennett

E. W. Clarke

Ret'd & Rec'd May 18 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Urias Alexander & Elizabeth Anderson lic'd Jan'y 10th 1843

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 372)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 372)


[page 372]

[corresponds to page 368 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Bennett Thompson & Susanna Kerns lic'd Jan'y 11th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Bennett Thompson with Susanna Kerns

Edmund Buck J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 1 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Dennis Weaver & Eliza Roberts lic'd Jan'y 11th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of Jan'y Ad 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Dennis Weaver with Eliza Roberts

Wm H. Ashley M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 16th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Conrad Carr & Mary A. Taylor lic'd Jan'y 12th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Conrad Carr with Mary A. Taylor

William M. Warren J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 15th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas Crawford & Matilda Crayden lic'd Jan'y 13th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas Crawford with Matilda Crayden

Sidney Moore J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 25th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 373)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 373)


[page 373]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 369 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jacob Freeman & Polly Brundige lic'd Jan'y 14th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Jacob Freeman with Polly Brundige

Crandell Wilcox J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 30th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Reuben Cowell & Eleanor Linnaberry lic'd Jan'y 14th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the Marriage of

Reuben Cowell with Eleanor Linaberry

Elam Blain J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 22nd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Peter Manassmith & Julia A. Denman lic'd Jan'y 17th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Peter Manassmith with Julia A. Denman

Joseph Mason M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Benjamin Shultz & Melinda Freshwater lic'd Jan'y 17th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Benjamin Shultz with Melinda Freshwater

Daniel Long

Ret'd & Recorded April 9th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 374)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 374)


[page 374]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 370 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joseph Trout & Esther Northrup lic'd Jan'y 17th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph Trout with Esther Northrup

Joel Z. Mendenhall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Warren Linnaberry & Susannah Fritz lic'd Jan'y 17th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Warren Linaberry with Susanna Fritz

Elam Blain Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 22nd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Hugh Waters & Elizabeth Miller lic'd Jan'y 19th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Hugh Waters with Elizabeth Miller

Joel Z. Mendenhall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Wickiser & Elizabeth J. Kersey lic'd Jan'y 20th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of William Wickiser with Elizabeth J. Kersey

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 22nd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 375)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 375)


[page 375]

[corresponds to page 371 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Calamus C. Clark & Adeliza C. Westbrook lic'd Jan'y 24th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of Jan'y AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Calamus C. Clark with Adeliza C. Westbrook

Sanford C. Parker M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 1 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Core & Mary A. Rogers lic'd Jan'y 26th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of William Core with Mary A. Rogers

Lester Bartlet J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded 15th March 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John G. Wallis & Margaret A. Brentnall lic'd Jan'y 27th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of January AD 1843 I solemnized the

mmarriage of John G. Wallis with Margaret A. Brentnall

L. G. Gassaway M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 3rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Hinton & Kitty E. Ingle lic'd Feb'y 3rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of William Hinton with Kitty E. Ingle

J. W. Elliot J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 15th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 376)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 376)


[page 376]

[corresponds to page 372 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Nathaniel Richards & Dorcas Stark lic'd Feb'y 4th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12tgh day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Nathaniel Richards with Dorcas Stark

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 21 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Lewis Lake & Hannah Herd lic'd Feb'y 4th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Lewis Lake with Hannah Hurd

Samuel Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 7th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Kingman & Elizabeth Wattermire lic'd Feb'y 4th 1843

Hiram E. Baker & Margaret J. Wilson lic'd Feb'y 4th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Hiram E. Baker with Margaret J. Wilson

A. Patee J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded 25th Feb'y 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 377)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 377)


[page 377]

[corresponds to page 373 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Matthias McPherson & Rachel J. Sturgis lic'd Feb'y 6th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Matthias McPherson with Rachel J. Sturgis

H. Warner J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 1st 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Mullen & Susan Smothers lic'd Feb'y 8th 1843

George W. Bowers & Maria S. Dutton lic'd Feb'y 8th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of George W. Bowers with Mariah S. Dutton

H. Warner J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 1st 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles H. Boardman & Eliza Clark lic'd Feb'y 9th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Charles H. Boardman with Eliza Clark

Thomas L. Hoadly J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 21st 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 378)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 378)


[page 378]

[corresponds to page 374 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Bratton & Mary Mosier lic'd Feb'y 9th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of Feb'y AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of John Bratton with Mary Mosier

Benjammin Rodgers J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 11th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Bryands & Rebecca A. Lewis lic'd Feb'y 14th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of George Bryands with Rebecca A. Lewis

Nicholas Jones J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 23rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Robert David & Mary Evans lic'd Feb'y 14th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of Feb'y AD 1843 I solemnized the Marriage of

Robert Davis with Mary Evans

Henry VanDeman M. G.

Rec'd & Recoded May 22 AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

William Worthing & Joanna Jones lic'd Feb'y 15th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of William Worthing with Joanna Jones

A. D. Chapman

Ret'd & Recorded March AD 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 379)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 379)


[page 379]

[corresponds to page 375 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William P. Thomas & Ann James lic'd Feb'y 15th 1843

Joseph Ornburgh & Irena White lic'd Feb'y 17th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph Ornburgh with Irena White

Francis Clymer M. G.

Returned & recorded March 10th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Stone & Abigail Biggs lic'd Feb'y 20th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry Stone with Abigail Biggs

Edmund Buck J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 2nd 1843

Atest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas Arnold & Margaret J. Miller lic'd Feb'y 23rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas Arnold with Margaret J. Miller

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 27th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 380)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 380)


[page 380]

[corresponds to page 376 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel R. Childs & Susan A. Smith lic'd Feb'y 23rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of February AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Samuel R. Childs with Susan A. Smith

Benj' Rogers J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 29th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Nelson Benedict & Rebecca Blackman lic'd Feb'y 25th 1843

Elijah Gano & Chloe D. Stephens lic'd Feb'y 27th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Elijah Gano with Chloe D. Stephens

S. Hubbell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 3rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Bishop D. Gravis & Elizabeth Curren lic'd Feb'y 28th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Bishop D. Gravis with Elizabeth Curren

Benjamin Olds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded 1st May 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 381)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 381)


[page 381]

[corresponds to page 377 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David T. Jones & June Pendry lic'd Feb'y 28th 1843

William Gardner & Ruth H. James lic'd Feb'y 28th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

on the 14th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of William Gardner with Ruth H. James

James H. Frees

Ret'd & Recorded 22nd April 1843

Attest W. D. Heim

Albert G. Goodspeed & Abigal Crane lic'd March 1st 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Albert G. Goodspeed with Abigail Crane

Daniel Hunt J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 21st 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel P. Mccay & Mary Wyman lic'd March 1st 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

on the 3rd day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Samuel P. Mccay with Mary Wyman

William Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 31st 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 382)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 382)


[page 382]

[corresponds to page 378 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Michael A. Copper & Emily Hennis lic'd March 2nd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Michael A. Copper with Emily Hennis

Rev. Daniel Bennett

Ret'd & Recorded March 7th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Cramer & Mary Hardester lic'd March 3rd 1843

Chauncy Kilpatrick & Jane Williamson lic'd March 4th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Chauncy Kilpatrick with Jane Williamson

James Patterson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 9th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Nelson Jones & Sarah Warren lic'd March 9th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County

On the 10th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the Marriage of

Nelson Jones with Sarah Warren

Henry VanDeman M. G.

Rec'd & Recorded May 22 AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 383)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 383)


[page 383]

[corresponds to page 379 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James W Phinney & Adaline Kenyon lic'd March 9th 1843

David Curren & Elizabeth Coleman lic'd March 10th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of David Curren with Elizabeth Coleman

J. W. Elliot J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John H. Sellars & Julia A. Wells lic'd March 10th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of John H. Sellars with Julia A. Wells

Philander Kelsey M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 25th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Haines & Catherine Webb lic'd March 11th 1843
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 384)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 384)


[page 384]

[corresponds to page 380 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Horace Newberry & Christina Welchaunts lic'd March 13th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Horace Newberry & Christina Welchaunts

A. Stroub J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded 29th April 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Adams & Mary Wolfley lic'd March 13th 1843

Cyrus Andrews & Elizabeth Harris lic'd March 14th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

on the 14th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Cyrus Andrews with Elizabeth Harris

David Warnock M. E. C.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Sylvester Andrews & Lorinda Marks lic'd March 15th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of March Ad 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Sylvester Andrews with Lorinda Marks

J. Labares M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 3rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 385)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 385)


[page 385]

[corresponds to page 381 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Simeon L. Scott & Jane Conkwright lic'd March 16th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Simeon L. Scott with Jane Conkwright

G. L. Salsburg J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 21st 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Ira Vansickle & Ruth Steward lic'd March 21st 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Ira Vansickle with Ruth Steward

Ira Chase M. E. C.

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marcus Vansickle & Charlotte Steward lic'd March 21st 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Marcus Vansickle with Charlotte Steward

Ira Chase M. E. C.

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Allender & Lucy Dunham lic'd March 22nd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Samuel Allender with Lucy Dunham

Chas' Steinbeck J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 386)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 386)


[page 386]

[corresponds to page 382 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Robert Closson & Gratia Bennet lic'd March 23rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Robert Closson with Gratia Bennet

John Dirst J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 24th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Robert H. Harrison & Charlotte S. Harrison lic'd March 25th 1843

John Worline 2nd & Margaret A. Elliot lic'd March 25th 1843

Daniel G. Edwards & Sina Morgan Lic'd March 28th 1843
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 387)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 387)


[page 387]

[corresponds to page 383 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel Moore & Christina Williamson lic'd March 28th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the mar-

=riage of Samuel Moore with Christina Williamson

John McInturf M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded 5th May 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Elisha Mateny & Thebe Berry lic'd March 28th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of March AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Elisha Matney with Thebe Berry

T. B. Cashman M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 17th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Davis & Mary A. Slack lic'd March 29th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of April AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

John Davis with Mary A. Slack

Wm. Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 30th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim

Denning Carpenter & Esther Woodruff lic'd March 30th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of April AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Denning Carpenter with Esther Woodruff

I. C. Parker M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 10th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 388)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 388)


[page 388]

[corresponds to page 384 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Evans & Sally W. Pool lic'd April 11th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of April AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of William Evans with Sally W. Pool

Shubael W. Knapp J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 5th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William E. Linsley & Hannah S. Kilby lic'd 5th April 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of April Ad 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of William E. Linsley with Hannah S. Kilby

David Warnoch M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 14th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Elijah Young & Huldah Vananken lic'd April 6th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of April AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Elijah Young with Huldah Vananken

H. Hodgden J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded August 4th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Lyman Vangildan & Mary A. Anway lic'd April 8th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of April AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Lyman Vangildan with Mary A. Anway

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 10th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 389)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 389)


[page 389]

[corresponds to page 385 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Charles Foyley & Mary Dorwurt lic'd April 11th 1843

Levi Goodman & Sarah Wolfe lic'd April 12th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of April AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Levi Goodman with Sarah Wolf

Benjamin Pope

Ret'd & Recorded April 25th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Shaver & Juliete Hodsden lic'd April 15th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of April AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of William Shaver with Juliette Hoddgen

John McInturf M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 5th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Money & Lucy Hoskins lic'd April 18th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of April AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

William Money with Lucy Hoskins

Samuel Lundon J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 6th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 390)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 390)


[page 390]

[corresponds to page 386 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Colflesh & Betsey Case lic'd April 11th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of April AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of James Colflesh with Betsy Case

Titus Case Eld

Ret'd & recorded May 6th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Amos J. Thompson & Susan Hiddleson lic'd April 20th 1843

George Feuster & Mary M. Stout lic'd April 20th 1843

Benjamin Southard & June Collins lic'd April 21st 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of April Ad 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Benjamin Southard & June Collins

H. Hodgden J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded August 23rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 391)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 391)


[page 391]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 387 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George R. Lane & Permelia Gould lic'd April 21st 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of April AD 1843 I solemnized the Marriage of

George R. Lane with Permelia Gould

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 10th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles Pike & Eunice Sherman lic'd April 22nd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of April 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Charles Pike with Eunice Sherman

Samuel Landon J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 6th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Robert W. Oldham & Mary Irwin lic'd April 26th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of May AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Robert W. Oldham & Mary Irvin

Morgan Willilliams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 16th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David Martin & Eliza McPherson lic'd April 29th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of May AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

David Martin with Eliza McPherson

Benj' Martin

Ret'd & Recorded May 17th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 392)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 392)


[page 392]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 388 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Lewis R. Jones & Anna Gates lic'd May 2nd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of May AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Lewis R. Jones with Anna Gates

Levi Darst J. P.

Ret'd & recorded May 6th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Davis & Susanna Davis lic'd May 4th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of May AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

James Davis with Susanna Davis

Elder Owen Owens

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 16th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Robert Gibson & Althea Harris lic'd May 6th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of May AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Robert Gibson with Althea Harris

Elam Blain Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 12th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Ranson Adams & Cornelia K. Terrill lic'd May 9th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of May AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Ranson Adams with Cornelia K. Terrill

Wm. Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 30th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 393)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 393)


[page 393]

[corresponds to page 389 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Amos Trout & Elizabeth Frederick lic'd May 9th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Amos Trout & Elizabeth Frederick

A. Picket Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 24th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Crawford & Sarah A. Hill lic'd May 10th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of May AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

John Crawford with Sarah A. Hill

Levi Dort J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 19th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William S. Recones & Patsy Said lic'd May 12th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of May AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

William I. Recones with Patsy Said

E. B. Turner M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 7th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Daniel Norris & Rosanna Mann lic'd May 12th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of May AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Daniel Norris with Rosanna Mann

H. Warner J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 5th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 394)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 394)


[page 394]

[corresponds to page 390 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Wesley Carpenter & Rebecca J. Carpenter lic'd May 12th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of June AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Wesley Carpenter with Rebecca J. Carpenter

Ahab Jenks M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 29th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John R. Terrell & Julia Myers lic'd May 15th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of May AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

John R. Terrill with Julia Myers

Wm. Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 30th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Levi Hinton & Parmelia C. E. Watson lic'd May 16th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of May AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Levi Hinton & Parmelia C. E. Watson

Daniel Long E. C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded July 1st 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Rogers & Anna Peak lic'd May 16th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of May in the year 1843 I solemnized the

marriage of John Rogers & Anna Peak

Benj' Olds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 7th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 395)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 395)


[page 395]

[corresponds to page 391 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William W Livingston & Barbara T. Thurston lic'd May 17th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of May AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

William W. Livingston with Barbara T. Thurston

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 8th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William McGee & Jane Williams lic'd May 13th 1843

William Pechell & Mary Diedrick lic'd May 27th 1843

Robert Jackson & Nancy Cox lic'd May 30th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Robert Jackson & Nancy Cox

Cranshall Wilcox J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded August 26th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 396)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 396)


[page 396]

[corresponds to page 392 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Grover Lampman & Hannah Rouse lic'd May 30th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Grover Lampman with Hannah Rouse

Crandall Wilcox J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded August 26th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Robert R. Dean & Phebe Winget lic'd May 31st 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day June AD 1843 I solemnized the mariage of

Robert R. Dean & Phebe Winget

Henry Shedd M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 1st 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Robert Gipson & Eliza Waggoner lic'd June 1st 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Robert Gipson with Eliza Waggoner

Wm. M. Warren J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 10th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Ogden & Matilda Condit lic'd June 2nd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

John Ogden with Matilda Condit

John Whitehouse Minister

Ret'd & Recorded June 27 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 397)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 397)


[page 397]

[corresponds to page 393 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Ezekial Rogers & Elizabeth Flannagan lic'd June 5th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of June Ad 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Ezekial Rogers & Elizabeth Flanagan

Henry Shedd M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 1st 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jonathan Granstaff & Elizabeth Tracy lic'd June 12th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Jonathan Granstaff with Elizabeth Tracy

Jesse Bowers M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 9 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Rogers & Harriet Brown lic'd June 12th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

John Rogers & Harriet Brown

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 10th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Andrew Cole & Rhoda Ball lic'd June 14th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of June

1843 I solemnized the marriage of Andrew Cole with

Rhoda Ball H. Van Deman M. G.

Rec'd May 21 1852
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 398)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 398)


[page 398]

[corresponds to page 394 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Squire T P Cummins & Mary Ward lic'd June 10th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Squire T. P. Cummins & Mary Ward

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 26th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Wolf & Sally McLaughlin lic'd June 12th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Henry Wolf & Sally McLaughlin

Nicholas Jones J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 14th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Harvey Hoffman & Adeline Boardman lic'd June 16th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Harvey Hoffman & Adeline Boadman

S. W. Knapp J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 6th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas Parmer & Rachael Dilley lic'd June 17th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Thomas Parmer & Rachel Dilley

Tho's L. Hoadly J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug' 19th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 399)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 399)


[page 399]

[corresponds to page 395 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David Gidley & Eliza Ann Deaver lic'd June 20th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

David Gidley with Elizann Deaver

Barton Whipple J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 27th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Lewis Wornstaff & Sally Ann Bartholomew lic'd June 22nd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Lewis Wornstaff with Sally Ann Bartholomew

A. Pattes J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 26th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Harman & Ellen Gallant lic'd June 22nd 1843

Neil McKenzie & Sarah Jane Christ lic'd June 26th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Neil McKenzie with Sarah Jane Christ

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 8th AD 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 400)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 400)


[page 400]

[corresponds to page 396 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Robert Moore & Mary M. Carter lic'd June 29th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of June AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Robert Moore & Mary M. Carter

David Warnock M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 27th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jethero [Jethro] B. Haskins & Mary A. Cronkleton lic'd July 1st 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of August AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Jethero B. Haskins & Mary A. Cronkleton

T. B. Cushman M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded August 23rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Philip Freeman & Margaret Cochran lic'd July 1st 1843

Samuel Decker & Sarah Campbell lic'd July 1st 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of July AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Samuel Decker with Sarah Campbell

James Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded August 9th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 401)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 401)


[page 401]

[corresponds to page 397 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David Cowgill & Lydia High lic'd July 3d 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of July AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

David Cowgill & Lydia High

Benjamin Pope M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 10th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Absalom Darrah with Nancy Newhouse lic'd July 3rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of July AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Absalom Darrah with Nancy Newhouse

I. Prior Min.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 29 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Abraham Worline & Susanna Worline lic'd July 3rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of July AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Abraham Worline with Susanna Worline

Benjamin Pope M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 10th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James News & Marian Daugherty lic'd July 4th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of July AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

James News with Marian Daugherty

Stephen Stinson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 25th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 402)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 402)


[page 402]

[corresponds to page 398 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David Smith & Elizabeth Carroll lic'd July 3rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of July AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of David Smith with Elizabeth Carroll

E. B. Turner M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 7th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William S. Thompson & Olive Wilson lic'd July 11th 1843

Jacob H. Smith & Eliza Ramsey lic'd July 22nd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of July AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Jacob H. Smith with Eliza Ramsey

E. B. Turner M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 5th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Allen J. Atherton & Emma Benton lic'd July 22nd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of July AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Allen J. Atherton with Emma Benton

John McInturf M. G.

Ret'd & recorded Sept' 22nd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 403)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 403)


[page 403]

[corresponds to page 399 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Shoemaker & Mary A. McGonigle lic'd July 29th 1843

Amos Ward & Emily R. Calahan lic'd July 31st 1843

Benj' Leiby & Susan Soult lic'd July 31st 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of August AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Benj' Leiby & Susan Soult

Benjamin Pope

Ret'd & Recorded August 3rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David M. Weiser & Sarah Troutman lic'd [July crossed out] August 3rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of August AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

David M. Weiser with Sarah Troutman

Benjamin Pope

Ret'd & Recorded August 7th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 404)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 404)


[page 404]

[corresponds to page 400 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Nathan Cartright & Nancy Ann Odel lic'd August 10th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of August AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Nathan Cartright & Nancy Ann Odel

Stephen Stinson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 25th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Isaac Linder & Elizabeth Reed lic'd August 14th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of August Ad 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Isaac Linder with Elizabeth Reed

Oliver P. Stephens M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded August 26th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Bennett Carr & Eliza Sebring lic'd August 18th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of August AD 1843 I solemnized the marraige of

Bennett Carr & Eliza Sebring

Wm. Gildersleeve M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 27 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Bowen Hubbell & Ann Westbrook lic'd Aug' 19th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of August AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Bowell Hubbell with Ann Westbrook

Edmund Buck J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 2nd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 405)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 405)


[page 405]

[corresponds to page 401 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Beattie & Lematta VanDorn lic'd August 19th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of August AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

John Beattie & Lematta VanDorn

John McCutcheon

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 13th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Dennis & Nancy Ann Dodd li c'd August 22nd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of August AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

John Dennis with Nancy Ann Dodd

E. L. Gavit

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 13th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Stillman T. Powell & Emily E. Gardner lic'd August 23rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of August AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Stillman T. Powell with Emily E. Gardner

Edmund Buck J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 2nd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Darrah & Sarah L. McIntire lic'd August 23rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of August AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Samuel Darrah with Sarah L. McIntyre

David Howell M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 2nd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 406)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 406)


[page 406]

[corresponds to page 402 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Edward B Evans & Barbara Ann Rodes lic'd August 29th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of Sept. 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Edward B. Evans with Barbara Ann Rodes

Wm. W. Warren J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 9th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Ephraim Jaycox & Mary Hurlbut lic'd August 30th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of Sept. 1843 i solemnized the marriage of

Ephraim Jaycox with Mary Hulbut

James Patterson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov' 13 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Zehring & Elizabeth Stroop lic'd Sept' 6th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of Sept' AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

George Zehring with Elizabeth Stroop

Francis Clymer M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov' 25th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob G. Cole & Phoebe M. Ball lic'd Sept' 7th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of September AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Jacob G. Cole & Phoebe M. Ball

Chas' Steinbach J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 19th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 407)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 407)


[page 407]

[corresponds to page 403 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David Russell & Polly Martin lic'd Sept' 8th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of September AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of David Russell with Polly Martin

Edmund Buck J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 12th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Burk & Minerva Ligget lic'd Sept' 11th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of Sept' AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of George

Burk with Minerva Ligget

Benjamin Olds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec' 16th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Michael Cramer & Nancy Welch lic'd September 12th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of September AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Michael Cramer with Nancy Welch

Shubael W. Knapp J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov' 16th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Levi T. Nichols & Lydia Patch lic'd September 12th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of September AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Levi T. Nichols with Lydia Patch

Sidney Moon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 12th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 408)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 408)


[page 408]

[corresponds to page 404 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jackson Finch & Harriet Cortright lic'd September 13th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of September AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Jackson Finch & Harriet Cortright

Stephan Stinson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 25th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Darr & Mary Ann Tharp lic'd September 16th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of Sept' AD 1843 I solemnized the marraige of

William Darr with Mary Ann Tharp

Sanford C. Parker M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct' 13th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Alfred McCallister & Martha Smart lic'd Sept' 19th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of September AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Alfred McCallister with Martha Smart

Styles Jackson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov' 29th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Chauncey Manvill & Pricilla Marvin lic'd Sept' 20th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of October AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Chauncey Manvill with Pricilla Marvin

Wm. N. Aplaley E. C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded March 9th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 409)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 409)


[page 409]

[corresponds to page 405 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joel Rutan & Keziah Wise lic'd Sept. 21st 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of Sept'r AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Joel Rutan & Keziah wise

N. Jones J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept'r 30th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel B. Connelly & Sarah Morris lic'd September 22nd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of September AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Samuel B. Connelly with Sarah Morris

Sanford C. Parker M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 13th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Monroe & Delilah Davenport lic'd September 25th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of October AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

James Monroe & Delilah Davenport

James Terry J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 26 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John F [Fayer ?] & Cynthia Stiffler lic'd September 26th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of Sept'r AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

John F [Fayar ?] with Cynthia Steffler

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 6th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 410)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 410)


[page 410]

[corresponds to page 406 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Ludlow W James & Martha A. Joy lic'd Sept'r 28th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of Sept AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Ludlow W. James & Martha A Joy

Adam Poe V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 3rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David W. Odgen [Ogden] & Mary A Nimmons lic'd Oct. 6th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of October AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of David

W. Odgen [Ogden] with Mary A. Nimmons

George B. Sturgis M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 9 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles W. Rosette & Mary Milligan lic'd Oct. 9th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of October AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Charles W. Rosette with Mary Milligan

James Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 13th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Frederick Burlet & Margaret Vergen lic'd Oct. 9th 1843
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 411)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 411)


[page 411]

[corresponds to page 407 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Bethwell French & Sarah Sinkey Oct'r 11th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of October AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Bettwell French & Sarah Sinkey

Daniel Hunt J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 16th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Davis & Sarah Wilson lic'd Oct. 20th 1843

Warren Rose & Hannah Miner lic'd Oct. 20th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of October AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Warren Rose with Hannah Miner

James Sargent M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 13 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph L. Nafus & Mary A. Ports lic'd Oct. 23rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of November AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph S. Nafus with Mary A. Ports

A. C. Grover Eld

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 8th 1843 [1844]

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 412)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 412)


[page 412]

[corresponds to page 408 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Reuben Weiser & Harriet Foust lic'd Oct. 24th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of October AD 1843 I solemniZed the marriage of

Reuben Weiser with Harriet Foust

H. Warner J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 8th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim

Valentine Coleman & Mary Worline lic'd Oct. 25th 1843

Joseph Coleman & Martha Wornstaff lic'd Oct. 26th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of October 1843 I solemnized the marriage of Joseph

Coleman with Martha Wonstaff

A. Picket Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 1st 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel B. Hovey & Dorinda Pierce lic'd Oct. 28th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of October AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of Samuel

B. Hovey with Dorinda Pierce

William Williams J. P.

Filed Jan'y 30th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 413)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 413)


[page 413]

[corresponds to page 409 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Abyram [Abram] N Wigton & Hariet R. Smith lic'd Oct. 30th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of October AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Abyram N. Wigton with Harriet R. Smith

John Scores M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 3rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Andrew Frye & Eliza White lic'd Oct. 30th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of November AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Andrew Frey with Eliza White

Wm. Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 3rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Gallant & Hannah J. DeGotice lic'd Nov'r 4th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of Nov'r AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Joseph Gallant with Hannah J. DeGotice

James Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 23rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jonathan Burroughs & Jane Phillians lic'd Nov'r 6th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of nov'r I solemnized the marriage of Jonathan

Burroughs & Jane Phillians

Alex Wright

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 11 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 414)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 414)


[page 414]

[corresponds to page 410 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Carpenter & Hannah Jamison lic'd Nov'r 8th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of Nov'r 1843 I solemnized the Marriage of

James Carpenter with Hannah Jamison

H. Van Deman M. G.

Rec'd & Recorded May 21st A.D. 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Lorenzo D. Blackman & Ann E. Benedict lic'd Nov'r 10th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of November AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Lorenzo D Blackman with Ann E Benedict

Edmund Buck J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 4 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Harrison Conklin & Mariah Daniels lic'd Nov'r 11th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of November AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Harrison Conklin with Mariah Daniels

Wm. Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 30th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John M. Taggart & Aimee Myers lic'd Nov'r 13th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of November AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

John M. Taggart & Amiee [Aimee] Myers

James Sargent M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 13th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 415)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 415)


[page 415]

[corresponds to page 411 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John McMillen & Phebe A. Pace lic'd Nov'r 13th 1843

John Dunnigan & Matilda Patrick lic'd Nov'r 14th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of Nov'r AD 1844 [1843] I solemnized the marriage of John

Dunnigan with Matilda Patrick

J. McInturf M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 25th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Richard Slough & Hannah Heller lic'd Nov'r 18th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of Nov'r AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Richard Slough & Hannan [Hannah] Heller

Benjamin Pope

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 20th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jedediah T. Hoyt & Mary J. Cronkleton lic'd Nov'r 20th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of Nov'r 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Jedediah T. Hoyt with Mary J. Cronkleton

Joseph Labaree M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 23rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 416)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 416)


[page 416]

[corresponds to page 412 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William E Buck & Nancy M Taylor lic'd Nov'r 23 1843

Abram Danforth & Charlotte Philbrick lic'd Nov'r 23rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of Nov'r AD 1844 [1843] I solemnized the marriage of

Abram Danforth with Charlotte Philfreck [Philbrick]

A. C. Grover Eld

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 3rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Martin & Elizabeth Thomas lic'd Nov'r 25th 1843

Abial R. Gould & Mary D. Moses lic'd Nov'r 25th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of November AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Abial R. Gould & Mary D. Moses

Adam Poe V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 27 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 417)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 417)


[page 417]

[corresponds to page 413 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Thomas H Burroughs & Hannah Cole lic'd Nov'r 28th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of November AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas H. Burroughs with Hannah Cole

Adam Poe V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 6th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clk

Levi Pond & Nancy Gardner lic'd Nov'r 28th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of Nov'r AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Levi Pond with Nancy Gardner

Eld Titus Case

Ret'd & Recorded April 4th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Kinsler & Louisa Fleming lic'd Nov'r 29th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of December AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

John Kinsler with Louisa Fleming

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 27th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Smith & Eliza Hartman lic'd Nov'r 29th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of Dec'r AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Joseph Smith with Eliza Hartman

E. V. Bing [illegible]

Ret'd & Recorded March 4 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 418)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 418)


[page 418]

[corresponds to page 414 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Robert McKinnie & Margaret A. Dunlap lic'd Nov'r 30th 1843

On the 30th day of Nov'r AD 1843 I solemnized the Marriage

of Robert McKinnie with Margaret A. Dunlap

Henry Van Deman M. G.

Rec'd & Recor'd June 28 AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

George W. Crawford & Mary Jones lic'd Dec'r 6th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of December AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of George W. Crawford with Mary Jones

Sidney Moon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 12th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Cornelius Lowe & Ann Watson lic'd Dec'r 6th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of December AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Cornelius Lowe with Ann Watson

J Labaree M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 7 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Francis Jones & Mary Pierce lic'd Dec'r 9 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of Dec'r AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Francis Jones with Mary Pierce

Eld Titus Case

Ret'd & Recorded April 4th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 419)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 419)


[page 419]

[corresponds to page 415 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joel Dunham & Mary Adams lic'd Dec'r 9 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of Dec'r 1843 I solemnized the marriage of Joel

Dunham with Mary Adams

Charles Shubael J. P.

Ret & Recorded Jan'y 3rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Nathan Sterns & Mary Franklin lic'd Dec'r 9 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of Dec'r 1843 I solemnized the marriage of Nathan Sterns

with Mary Franklin

David Baumgardner J. P.

Ret & Recorded Jan'y 29 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John M. Doty & Charity Wilson licensed Dec'r 12th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of December AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of John M. Doty with Charity Wilson

William Voorhies J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 21st 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Nehemiah Taylor & Lucy M. Hakes lic'd Dec'r 15th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of Dec'r AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Nehemiah Taylor & Lucy M. Hakes

A. Pattes J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 5th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 420)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 420)


[page 420]

[corresponds to page 416 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Bumgarner & Catherine Gast lic'd Dec'r 15 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of Dec'r AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry Bumgarner & Catherine Gast

Samuel Landers J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 9th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Philamon F. Perry & Elizabeth Main lic'd Dec'r 18th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of December AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Philemon F. Perry with Elizabeth Main

Wm. Williams J. P.

Rt'd & Recorded Jan'y 3rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Nelson H. Olmstead & Eunice P. Davis lic'd Dec'r 16th 1843

William F. Dutton & Louisa Case lic'd Dec'r - 18th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of Dec'r AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

William F. Dutton with Louisa Case

Nicholas Jones J. P. Troy P

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 22nd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 421)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 421)


[page 421]

[corresponds to page 417 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Andrew J Sherman & Margaret L. Utter lic'd Dec 19th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of December AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Andrew J. Sherman with Margaret L. Utter

A Pattes J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 5th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Willey & Jane Roberts lic'd Dec'r 21st 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of December I solemnized the marriage of George Willey

and Jane Roberts

Pierson Mills Preacher

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 3rrd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rulif Jacobus & Laura Jane Shellhouse lic'd Dec'r 23rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of Dec'r Ad 1843 I solemnized the marriage of Rulif

Jacobus & Laura Jane Shellhouse

Daniel Bennett M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 4th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Benjamin Fleming & Hannah A. Worth lic'd Dec'r 23rd 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of December AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

Benjamin Fleming & Hannah A. Worth

E S Gavit

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 422)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 422)


[page 422]

[corresponds to page 418 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rufus S Perry & Eliza Jane Thornburg lic'd Dec'r 27th 1843

William B. Thornburgh & Ursula Ann Hamman lic'd Dec 27 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of January AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of William

B. Thornburgh with Ursula Ann Hammond

Adam Wolf J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Stiffler & Abigail Gast lic'd Dec'r 27 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of December AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry Stiffler with Abigail Gast

Benjamin Pope

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 1st 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Lock & Pricilla Rose lic'd Dec'r 28th 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of January AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

John Lock with Pricilla Rose

James Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 423)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 423)


[page 423]

[corresponds to page 419 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William E Sergeant & Eliza Jane Thornburg lic'd Dec'r 30 1843

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of December AD 1843 I solemnized the marriage of

William E. Sergeant with Eliza Jane Thornburg

Benjamin Olds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 10th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Andrew Ingle & Rachel Rush lic'd Jan'y 2nd 1844

David Hollister & Sophronia Bennett lic'd Jan'y 3rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of January AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

David Hollister & Sophronia Bennett

Cornelius Sharp M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 6th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James B. Davis & Nancy Ann Hiland lic'd Jan'y 8th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of Jan'y AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of James B

Davis & Nancy Ann Hiland

Adam Poe V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 25 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 424)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 424)


[page 424]

[corresponds to page 420 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Ishmael Payne & Francina Day lic'd Jan'y 9th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of January AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Ishmael Payne & Francina Day

John McInturf M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 26th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David Brown & Fanny B. Page lic'd Jan'y 10th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of January AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

David Brown with Fanny B. Page

A. D. Chapman

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Abraham Welch & Emeline May lic'd Jan'y 13th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of January AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Abraham Welch with Emeline May

Shubael W. Knapp J. P.

Ret & Recorded March 1st 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Davis & Mary Ann Vining lic'd Jan'y 15th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of January AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

James Davis with Mary Ann Vining

John Scobes M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 24th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 425)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 425)


[page 425]

[corresponds to page 421 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George T Noe & Sarah Jane Doty lic'd Jan'y 16th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of January AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

George T. Noe with Sarah Jane Doty

A. D. Chapman

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Andrew Lowry & Elizabeth Cunningham lic'd Jan'y 16th 1844

George Mead & Cornelia M. Dedrick lic'd Jan'y 16th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of Jan'y 1844 I solemnized the marriage of George

Mead with Cornelia M. Dedrick

John McInturf M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 26 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Reuben Hardin & Elizabeth Hannah lic'd Jan'y 16th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of January AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Reuben Hardin & Elizabeth Hannah

Shuburt W. Knapp J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 1st 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 426)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 426)


[page 426]

[corresponds to page 422 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Stone & Dana McNear lic'd Jan'y 18th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of January AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of William Stone with Dana McNear

William Voorhies J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 28 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Stimmel & Matilda Steckel lic'd Jan'y 20th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of Jan'y AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of John

John Stimmel with Matilda Steckel

Benjamin Pope

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 27 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Abraham Wolf & Mary Simpkins lic'd Jan'y 20th 1844

Simeon Holmes & Lydia A. Porter lic'd Jan'y 22nd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of Jan'y 1844 I solemnized the marriage of Simeon Holmes

with Lydia A. Porter

Nicholas Jones J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 2nd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 427)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 427)


[page 427]

[corresponds to page 423 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Robert Outram & Mary Hubard lic'd Jan'y. 30th 1844

Hiram Tharp & Amy Shicks lic'd Jan'y 30th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of February AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Hiram Tharp with Amy Shicks

James Sargent M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 13th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Williams & Lydia Coonfare lic'd Feb'y. 3rd 1844

Archibald Freshwater & Lydia Fuller lic'd Feb'y 1st 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of Feb'y AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Archibald Freshwater with Lydia Fuller

Eld Titus Case

Ret'd & Recorded April 4th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 428)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 428)


[page 428]

[corresponds to page 424 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John M Standish & Martha S. Fuller lic'd Feb'y. 7th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of Feb'y AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

John M. Standish with Martha S. Fuller

Eld Titus Case

Ret'd & Recorded April 4 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Abram K. Moorhouse & Adeline Baldwin lic'd Feb'y 8th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of February AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Abram K. Moorhouse with Adaline Baldwin

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret & Recorded March 27 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jonathan Pike & Elmira Humble lic'd February 8th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of February AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Jonathan Pike with Elmira Humble

John Morrison J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David C. Carpenter & Mary Ann Bolton lic'd Feb'y 8th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of February AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

David C. Carpenter with Mary Ann Bolton

Elam Blain J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 19 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 429)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 429)


[page 429]

[corresponds to page 425 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Marion James & Ann Barnard lic'd Feb'y 8th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of February AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Marion James with Ann Bernard

Edmund Buck J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 1st 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Richard Wood & Almira J. James lic'd Feb'y 8th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of April 1844 I solemnized the marriage of Richard

Wood with Almira J. James

S. M. Allen M. E. C.

Ret'd & Recorded April 8th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Jacobus & Harriet Miller lic'd Feb'y 17th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of February AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

George Jacobus with Harriet Miller

James Sargent M. G.

Ret & Recorded May 13th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Benjamin Durphey & Sophia Vincent lic'd Feb'y 20 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of February AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Benjamin Durphey with Sophia Vincent

Charles Steinback

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 26th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 430)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 430)


[page 430]

[corresponds to page 426 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Wilson Halley & Elizabeth Dunham lic'd Feb'y 22nd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of February AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Wilson Halley & Elizabeth Dunham

Thomas L. Housely J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 3rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Noe Bockover & Alma Lewis lic'd Feb'y 22nd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of March AD 1844 I solemnized the mariage of

Noe Bockover & Alma Lewis

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 15th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Peter Poland & Polly Newcomer lic'd Feb'y 22nd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of February AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Peter Poland with Polly Newcomer

Saburr Main J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 26th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Robinson & Mary Bull lic'd Feb'y 23rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of Feb'y AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

John Robinson with Mary Bull

Henry Hodgden J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 18th 1844

Attest W. D. heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 431)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 431)


[page 431]

[corresponds to page 427 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James M Abrams & Nancy Longwell lic'd Feb'y 24 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of February AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

James M. Abrams with Nancy Longwell

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 13th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Albert Pierson & Lucy Jane Linscott lic'd March 6 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of March AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Albert Pierson with Lucy Jane Linscott

Hiram Westbrook M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 2nd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John J. McClintick & Lydia M. Cornish March 9th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of March AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

John J. Mcclintick with Lydia M. Cornish

John Pitkin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 7th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Andrew E. Downer & Elizabeth B. Train lic'd March 12th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of March AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Andrew E. Downer & Elizabeth B. Train

George Somden J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 6 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 432)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 432)


[page 432]

[corresponds to page 428 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Solomon Lusk & Margaret Peterson lic'd March 13th 1844

Nehemiah Gill & Mahalah Bishop lic'd March 18th 1844

Thomas Brooker & Lucinda Miller lic'd March 19th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of March AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas Brooker with Lucinda Miller

H. Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 6 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Davidson & Phebe A Lake lic'd March 23rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of March AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

James Davidson with Phebe A Lake

A. Pickel Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 1 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 433)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 433)


[page 433]

[corresponds to page 429 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John L Dunham & Fanny M. Smith lic'd March 23rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of March AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

John L. Dunham with Fanny M. Smith

P. Kelsey M. G.

Ret & Recorded June 17 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Elias Hinsdale & Mary Williams lic'd March 26th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of March AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Elias Hinsdale with Mary Williams

John Scoles M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 21st 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Stockwell & Pamelia Rosecrans lic'd March 28th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of March Ad 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

James Stockwell with Pamelia Rosecrans

W. S. Morrow M. G. M. E. Church

Ret'd & Recorded April 2nd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Gorsuch & Lydia Anway lic'd April 2nd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of April AD 1844 I solemnized the mariage of

William Gorsuch with Lydia Anway

Aaron Clymer E. D. C.

Ret'd & Recorded August 3rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 434)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 434)


[page 434]

[corresponds to page 430 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Marmaduke P Rosecrans & Lucy A. Green lic'd April 2nd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the fourth day of April AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Marmaduke P. Rosecrans with Lucy A. Green

Simeon Horry

Ret & Recorded May 19th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Perry & Jane Randall lic'd April 6th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of April AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Henry Perry with Jane Randall

Pierson Mills M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 13th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Burroughs & Rachel Evans lic'd April 8th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of April AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

George Burroughs with Rachel Evans

John Morrison J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 31st 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Edward Watkins & June Williams lic'd April 8th 1844

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 435)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 435)


[page 435]

[corresponds to page 431 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Abraham Sleeper & Susanna Gardner lic'd April 10th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of April AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Abraham Sleeper with Susanna Gardner

Benjamin Pope M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 17th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Abraham Budd & Eliza Coon lic'd April 12th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of April AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of Abraham

Budd with Eliza Coon

Elam Blain J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 19th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Ballyet & Harriet Linkty lic'd April 16th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of April AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Henry Ballyet with Harriet Linkty

Benjamin Pope M. G.
Ret & Recorded April 19 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles Sherman & Roxana Thrall lic'd April 17th 1844

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 436)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 436)


[page 436]

[corresponds to page 432 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jefferson P Maynard & Sidelia Thrall lic'd April 17 1844

Lewis Cutler & Abigail Parker lic'd April 20th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of April AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Lewis Cutler with Abigail Parker

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 2nd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Gehring & Catherine Shoop lic'd April 20th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of April AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Samuel Gehring with Catherine Shoop

Fr. Clymer M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June21st 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Hector H. Pettibone & Mary J. Hunter lic'd April 27 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of April AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Hector H. Pettibone with Mary J. Hunter

Solomon Howard M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 30th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 437)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 437)


[page 437]

[corresponds to page 433 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Main & Malinda Rossman lic'd April 29 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of April AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

John Main with Malinda Rossman

Benjamin Martin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 2nd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

(Sumner) (This correction made by Sarah L. Furniss daughter of Sumner Harris Nov 12th 1898, & this claim

(written down side of page: entered by Probate Judge B. F. Freshwater)

Samuel Harris & Orril I. Barrows lic'd April 29th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of May AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Sumner Harris with Orril I. Barrows

P. T. Kelsy M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 17th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles McLeod & Nancy Smith lic'd April 30th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of May AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Charles McLeod & Nancy Smith

Wm. Gildersleeve

Ret'd & Recorded August 17th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George W. T. Bartlett & Lydia Counterman lic'd May 3rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of May AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

George W. T. Bartlett with Lydia Counterman

A. Stroud J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 438)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 438)


[page 438]

[corresponds to page 434 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Theater Wilcox & Minerva Hawes lic'd May 3rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of May AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Theater Wilcox with Minerva Hawes

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 13th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Horace Allen & Jane Riley lic'd May 6 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of May AD 1844 I solemnized the marRiage

of Horace Allen with Jane Riley

Alex F Dobb

Ret & Recorded July 20th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Almon Huff & Mary Jane Ginn lic'd May 6 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of May AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Almon Huff with mary Jane Ginn

James Sargent M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 18th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John P. Crain & Margaret Winget lic'd May 8th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of May AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

John P. Crain with Margaret Winget

Henry Shedd

Ret'd & Recorded May 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 439)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 439)


[page 439]

[corresponds to page 435 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Joshua Berry & Esther Searls lic'd May 8th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of May AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of Joshua

Berry with Esther Searls

Arthur T. Robinson M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 11th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Elijah Roads & Mary Ellen Taylor lic'd May 11th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of May AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Elijah Roads with Mary Ellen Taylor

Joel Marsh J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 17th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David Pence & Mariah Jane Havens lic'd May 13th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of May AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

David Pence with Mariah Jane Havens

Thomas C. Gillis J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 18th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Daniel Smith & Grace Martin lic'd May 18th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of May AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Daniel Smith with Grace Martin

Nehemiah Martin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 22nd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 440)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 440)


[page 440]

[corresponds to page 436 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Peter Woodley & Angelina Smith lic'd May 18th 1844

Richard Keys & Hannah Gould lic'd May 20th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of May AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Richard Keys with Hannah Gould

Edward Mason J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 1st 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Caleb M. Quimby & Lydia Markwith lic'd May 20th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of May AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Caleb M. Quimby with Lydia Markwith

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Michael C. Bean & Annis S. Wood lic'd May 27 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of June AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Michael C. Bean with Annis S. Wood

E. B. Turner M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 29th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 441)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 441)


[page 441]

[corresponds to page 437 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Theadore Beckley & Eliza Manvill lic'd May 31st 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of June AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Theadore Beckley with Eliza Manvill

Robert Chase E. C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded August 22nd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Lake Ihrie & Philena Pattee lic'd June 1 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of June AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of Lake

Ihrie with Philena Pattee

Adam Wolfe J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 12th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James B. Clark & Catherine Worline lic'd June 3rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of June AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

James B. Clark with Catherine Worline

William Benton J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George A. Jackson & Lucinda Rich lic'd June 3rd 1844

On the 4th day of June D 1844 I solemnized the Marriage of

George A. Jackson with Lucinda Rich

H. Van Deman M. G.

Rec'd & Recorded June 24th AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 442)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 442)


[page 442]

[corresponds to page 438 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Hall & Fanny T. Hawes lic'd June 4th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of June AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of John Hall with Fanny T. Hawes

James Patterson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 10th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Hannis & Mary A. Cole lic'd June 8 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of June AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

William Haines with Mary A. Cole

Thomas G. Gillis J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded August 20th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Riley Mitchell & Elizabeth Crist lic'd June 13th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of June AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Riley Meacham with Elizabeth Crist

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret & Recorded June 17 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Francis Cole & Hannah Huntley lic'd June 15th 1844

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of June AD 1844 I solemnized the Marriage

of Francis Cole with Hannah Huntley

H. Van Deman M. G.

Rec'd & Recorded June 24th 1852

D. T. Fuller P. J.
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 443)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 443)


[page 443]

[corresponds to page 439 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Otis Cutter & Lydia Black lic'd June 15th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of June AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of Otis

Cutter with Lydia Black

John Scotes M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 6th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Diebert & Nancy Whitzel lic'd June 19th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of June AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

George Diebert with Nancy Whitzel

A. Stroub J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David B. Cronkleton & Orpha Peet lic'd June 22nd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of June AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of David

B. Cronkleton with Orpha Peet

John Scotes M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 6th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Porter Green & Nancy Kreager lic'd June 29th 1844

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 444)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 444)


[page 444]

[corresponds to page 440 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George W Helt & Lura Wilcox lic'd July 15th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of July AD 1844 I solemnized the mariage of

John W. Helt with Lura Wilcox

Nicholas Jones J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded August 3rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Alexander C. Martin & Lucy M. Walker lic'd July 16th 1844

William Harper & Catherine Primer lic'd July 17th 1844

Edward Atherton & Catherine Hedrick lic'd July 17th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of July AD 1844 I solemnized the Marriage of

Edward Atherton with Catherine Hedrick

Henry Van Deman M. G.

Rec'd & Recorded May 24th AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 445)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 445)


[page 445]

[corresponds to page 441 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Isaac Stratton & Mary M. Drake lic'd July 18th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of July AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Isaac Stratton with Mary M. Drake

Benj Olds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded August 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Dirst & Susan Roush lic'd July 18th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of July AD 1844 I solemnized the mariage of

Samuel Dirst with Susan Roush

H. Hodgden J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 26 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Edward Jaycox & Margaret Hurlbut lic'd July 20th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of July AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Edward Jaycox with Margaret Hurlbut

Israel Patterson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 10th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Aaron Archer & Sarah Ann Ackerman lic'd July 20th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of July AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Aaron Archer with Sarah Ann Ackerman

Israel Lucas J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded August 26th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 446)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 446)


[page 446]

[corresponds to page 442 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Cook & Mariah Patterson lic'd July 22nd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

James Cook with Mariah Patterson

Nathan Emery M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 8 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Wilson & Mary Butts lic'd July 27th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of July in the year 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph Wilson with Mary Butts

Samuel Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug't 21st 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Smith & Julia W. Sawyer lic'd July 27th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of July AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

John Smith with Julia Sawyer

Israel Lucas M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug't 26 1844

Attest w. D. Heim Clerk

John Miller and Sally Patterson lic'd July 31st 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of August AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of John Miller and Sally Patterson

Benj Olds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 10th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 447)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 447)


[page 447]

[corresponds to page 443 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Ezekiel Brown & Harriet Hance lic'd August 5th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of August AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Ezekiel Brown with Harriet Hance

John Scotes M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded August 17th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Richard Potter & Matilda Francis lic'd August 8th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of August AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Richard Potter with Matilda Francis

Christian Kaufman M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 8 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Reuben Miller & Sarah Woodcock lic'd Aug't 9th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of August I solemnized the marriage of

Reuben Miller with Sarah Woodcock

Edward Mason J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded August 19th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William E. Marks & Phebe Ann Deidrick lic'd August 9th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of August AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

William E. Marks with Phebe Ann Deidrick

Eld. Titus Case

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 4 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clk.

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 448)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 448)


[page 448]

[corresponds to page 444 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Levi Bishop & Susanna Cowles lic'd August 10th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of August AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Levi Bishop with Susanna Cowles

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 4 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James L. Hatfield & Olive Mallory lic'd August 10th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of August AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

James L. Hatfield with Olive Mallory

John McInturf M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept'r 2nd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Robert J. Elliot & Catherine Jones lic'd Aug' 13th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Robert J. Elliot with Catherine Jones

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 4 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob Roloson & Jane Gregg lic'd August 14th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of August AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Jacob Roloson with Jane Gregg

Henry Hodgden J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 26 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 449)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 449)


[page 449]

[corresponds to page 445 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Burgess Morgan & Eunice Sherman lic'd Aug't 14th 1844

On the 15th day of August 1844

I solemnized the marriage of Burgess Morgan & Eunice Sherman

Morgan William J. P.

Rec'd & Recorded April 7th 1847

Attest G. W. Stark Clerk

George Rosevelt & Sally Ann Shoemaker lic'd Aug't 17th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of August AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

George Rosevelt with Sally Ann Shoemaker

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 4th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Benjamin Jones & Margaret Jones lic'd Aug's 17th 1844

On the 17th day of August 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Benjamin Jones & Margaret Jones

Morgan WIlliams J. P.

Rec'd & Recorded April 7th 1847

Attest G. W. Stark Clerk

Charles P. Smith & Ellen Baker lic'd Aug't 19th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of August AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Charles P. Smith with Ellen Baker

Solomon Howard M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 30th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 450)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 450)


[page 450]

[corresponds to page 446 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John S. Sherwood & Drusilla A. Scott lic'd Aug't 20th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of August AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

John S. Sherwood with Drusilla A. Scott

Henry Hodgden J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 26 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob C. Thrasher & Isabella Bidleman lic'd Aug't 24th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of August AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Jacob C. Thrasher with Isabella Bidleman

Adam Poe V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded August 26th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jesse Shaw & Phebe Prindle lic'd August 26th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of August AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Jesse Shaw with Phebe Prindle

Frances Clymer G. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 4th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

David Griffiths Jr. & Ann Rollins lic'd August 28th 1844

On the 30th day of AUgust 1844

I solemnized the marriage of David Griffiths &

Rollins Morgan Williams J. P.

Rec'd & Recorded April 7th 1847

Attest G. W. Stark Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 451)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 451)


[page 451]

[corresponds to page 447 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jacob Perry & Elizabeth Jane Vastine lic'd August 30th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of Sep'r AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Jacob Perry with Elizabeth Jane Vastine

D. Cadwallader M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sep'er 13th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Nathan Marsh & Fanny Davis lic'd August 31st 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of Sept'r AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Nathan Marsh with Fanny Davis

James Frist J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept'r 19 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Ralph Smith & Julia A. Carter lic'd Sept' 3rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Ralph Smith with Julia A. Carter

A. P. Avery M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 6 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Moses Bangs & Laura Howard lic'd Sept'r 3rd 1844

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 452)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 452)


[page 452]

[corresponds to page 448 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jeremiah M Decker & Elizabeth Felky lic'd Sept' 3rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of Sept' AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Jeremiah M. Decker & Elizabeth Felky

Sabeers Main J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 10th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Harlow Lock & Almeda Bennett lic'd Sept' 5th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of November AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Harlow Lock with Almeda Bennett

Cornelius Sharp M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec' 11 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Andrew Knaus & Elizabeth Williams lic'd Sept' 5th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of Sept' AD 1844 solemnized the marriage of

Andrew Knaus with Elizabeth Williams

John Dirst J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 30th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George W. Merrick & Florinda Waller lic'd Sept' 9th 1844
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 453)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 453)


[page 453]

[corresponds to page 449 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Sidney Cole & Louiza Cook lic'd Sept' 10th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Sidney Cole with Louiza Cook

John Scoles M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct' 8th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Levi Vansickle & Sarah Carr lic'd Sept' 10th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Levi Vansickle with Sarah Carr

D. Bumgardner J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 11th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Anson Sprague Jr. & Sarah Labares lic'd Sept' 10th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Anson Sprague Jr. with Sarah Labares

Joseph Labares M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct' 7 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Smiley Jr. & Mary Havens lic'd Sept' 10th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

James Smiley Jr. with Mary Havens

John Scoles M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 8 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 454)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 454)


[page 454]

[corresponds to page 450 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Green & Amanda Spaulding lic'd Sept' 10th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of November AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Henry Green with Amanda Spaulding

James Frey Eld B. C.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec' 6 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles Fogelgeshang & Caroline Dulen lic'd Sept' 14th 1844

James Torrence & Abigail Dike lic'd Sept' 17th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Jamees Torrence with Abigail Dike

John Petkin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept' 20th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob Lewis & Rachel Morgan lic'd Sept' 17th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Jacob Lewis with Rachel Morgan

Thomas C. Gillis J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 11th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 455)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 455)


[page 455]

[corresponds to page 451 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Orville B Barrows & Mary A. Wadsworth lic'd Sep' 19th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Orville B. Barrows with Mary A. Wadsworth

Thos S. Hoadly J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 23 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles P. Rosecrans & Mary E. Carney lic'd Sept' 19th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Charles P. Rosecrans with Mary E. Carney

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 2 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles Teets & Mary A. Mattise lic'd Sept' 19th 1844

Sharrad Hubbel & Mary Abrahams lic'd Sept 19th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Sharrad Hubbel with Mary Abrahams

O. D. Hough J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 9 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 456)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 456)


[page 456]

[corresponds to page 452 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Baker & Wealthy A. Callahan lic'd Sept' 20th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of William Baker with Wealthy A. Callahan

Joel Marsh J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 12 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Myers & Mary M. Spalding lic'd Sept' 21st 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of William Myers with Mary M. Spalding

Francis Clymer G. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec' 11th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Edmund M. Morton & Rosalinda Wells lic'd Sept' 21st 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Edmund M. Morton with Rosalinda Wells

Jas. W Marvin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 2nd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Dexter Stockwell & Barbara Smith lic'd Sept' 21st 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Dexter Stockwell with Barbara Smith

Benjamin Pope

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 9th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 457)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 457)


[page 457]

[corresponds to page 453 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John J Kennady & Catherine Trop lic'd Sept' 21st 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

John J. Kennady with Catherine Trop

James Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 2nd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Shuah Mann Jr. & Lucy Adams lic'd Sept' 21st 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Shuah Mann Jr. with Lucy Adams

Nathan Emery M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 8 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William M. Bower & Elizabeth Smith lic'd Sept' 27th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

William M. Bower with Elizabeth Smith

Nehemiah Martin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 11th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Doran & Catherine Stokes lic'd Oct' 1st 1844
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 458)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 458)


[page 458]

[corresponds to page 454 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rufus S Perry & Elizabeth Miller lic'd Oct. 5th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Rufus S. Perry with Elizabeth Miller

Adam Wolfe J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 9 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Sackett & Leah White lic'd Oct. 14th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of Oct'r AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

James Sackett with Leah White

Henry Van Deman M. G.

Rec'd & Recorded May 24 AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

George Dunham & Nancy Messenger lic'd Oct. 16 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

George Dunham with Nancy Messenger

Selah Vansickle

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 26 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Sandy G. Beddow & Sarah A. Smith lic'd Oct. 16th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of Jan'y AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Sandy G. Beddow with Sarah A. Smith

Tho's L. Hoadly J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 13th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 459)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 459)


[page 459]

[corresponds to page 455 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John W Mathews & Mary A. Harris lic'd Oct'r 17th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

John W. Mathews with Mary A. Harris

John McInturf

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 18 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jefferson Jones & Lorena Beebe lic'd Oct. 19 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Jefferson Jones with Lorena Beebe

Nathan Emery M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 8th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Vining & Lucy Coley lic'd Oct. 19th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Samuel Vining with Lucy Coley

William Voorhies J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 19 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Janes & Susanna Foot lic'd Oct. 21st 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

John Janes with Susanna Foot

Eld. Titus Case

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 4 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 460)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 460)


[page 460]

[corresponds to page 456 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Chester Wells & Mary Armstrong lic'd Oct. 21 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Chester Wells with Mary Armstrong

W. L. Harris M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 21 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Ephraim Hubbell & Rachel McLeod lic'd Oct. 21 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Ephraim Hubbell with Rachel McLeod

S. Hubbell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 20 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Sylvester Aldrich & Amanda Warner lic'd Oct. 21 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Sylvester Aldrich with Amanda Warner

Gideon H. Man M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 4 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George W. Cheever & Mary Baldwin lic'd Oct. 22nd 1844

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 461)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 461)


[page 461]

[corresponds to page 457 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Brown & Mahalia Evans lic'd Oct. 24th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

William Brown with Mahalia Evans

H. Warner J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 17th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Hemsted & Mary J. Ovets lic'd Oct'r 25 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

George Hemsted with Mary J. Ovett

Leon'd H. Cowles J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 30th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William P. Cratty & Elizabeth Carr lic'd Oct. 29th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of October AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

William P. Cratty with Elizabeth Carr

Henry Shedd M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 3 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Cook & Electa Richardson lic'd Nov'r 2nd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of November AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of William Cook with Electa Richardson

Benjamin Olds M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 4 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 462)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 462)


[page 462]

[corresponds to page 458 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Detwiller & Mary Ely lic'd Nov'r 6th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of November AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of John Detwiller with Mary Ely

Benjamin Pope

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 8 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Elisha Rogers & Josiner I. Linnaberry lic'd Nov'r 9th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of November AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Elisha Rogers with Josiner I. Linnaberry

Clem Blain Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 11 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Hill & Mary A. Corbin lic'd Nov'r 9th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of November AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Joseph Hill with Mary A. Corbin

Joel Marsh J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov 15 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Abram Lefever & Matilda Martin lic'd Nov'r 11th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of November AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Abram Lefever with Matilda Martin

Caleb Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 12 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 463)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 463)


[page 463]

[corresponds to page 459 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Davis & Lorna Vining lic'd Nov'r 11th 1844

Harvey Hitchcock & Harriet Case lic'd Nov'r 13th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Harvey Hitchcock with Harriet Case

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 24 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John McKissick & Mary A. Kline lic'd Nov'r 13th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of November AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

John McKissick with Mary A. Kline

Wm. Brown J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 28 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Holdbrook & Sarah Taver lic'd Nov'r 14th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of November AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

William Holdbrook with Sarah Taver

Barton Whipple J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 7 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 464)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 464)


[page 464]

[corresponds to page 460 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George Clapham & Mellvina Coe lic'd Nov'r 18 1844

James Chonner & Anna Clayton lic'd Nov'r 21 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of James Chonner with Anna Clayton

John McInturf M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 8 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Nicholas Fatzinger & Hannah Weiser lic'd Nov'r 23rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of November AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Nicholas Fatzinger with Hannah Weiser

Benjamin Pope M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov'r 26 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Oller & Catherine McIlvain lic'd Nov'r 23rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of November AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of George Oller with Catherine McIlvain

Jacob Newman G. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 11th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 465)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 465)


[page 465]

[corresponds to page 461 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Gibson & Eliza A. Morrison lic'd Nov'r 25th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of November AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of James Gibson with Eliza A. Morrison

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 27th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas Ford & Sarah Hanover lic'd Nov'r 26 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of November AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Thomas Ford with Sarah Hanover

A. W. Taylor M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 13 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Riley Doughty & Mary A. Gardner lic'd Nov'r 27 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Riley Doughty with Mary A. Gardner

Ezra Riley J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 13 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Aden Mullen & Melissa Smothers lic'd Dec'r 3rd 1844
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 466)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 466)


[page 466]

[corresponds to page 462 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William M Bill & Susan Rowland lic'd Dec'r 7th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

William M. Bill with Susan Rowland

W. L. Harris M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 25 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Elijah Evans & Mary Long lic'd Dec'r 7th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Elijah Evans with Mary Long

Wm. Marvin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 18 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Smith & Amanda Linnaberry lic'd Dec'r 9th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

William Smith with Amanda Linnaberry

Daniel Hunt J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Artz & Caroline Dolan lic'd Dec'r 9th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Samuel Artz with Caroline Dolan

C. B. Warrington M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 4 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 467)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 467)


[page 467]

[corresponds to page 463 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Cosard & Polly E McNutt lic'd Dec'r 14th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage of

Henry Cosard with Polly E. McNutt

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 14 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Israel Hoover & Mary W. Bailey lic'd Dec'r 17th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Israel Hoover with Mary W. Bailey

John Scoles M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb. 21 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jonah B. Leonard & Electa Vining lic'd Dec'r 18 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Jonah B. Leonard with Electa Vining

Wm. Marvin E. C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 3rd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Harvey C. Holdbrook & Mary L. Gooding lic'd Dec'r 24 1844

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 468)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 468)


[page 468]

[corresponds to page 464 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Luke & Sarah Bishop lic'd Aug'st 23rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Henry Luke with Sarah Bishop

Thomas C. Gilles J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 11 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Larkey & Mary A. Mattice lic'd Sept'r 19th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of September AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of George Larkey with Mary A. Mattice

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 4 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Sipe & Celia A. Wilson lic'd Dec'r 21st AD 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of George Sipe with Celia A. Wilson

I. Ranney J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles Field & Minerva A. Lusk lic'd Dec'r 23rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 26th day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Charles Field with Minerva A. Lusk

John Fleming J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 23rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 469)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 469)


[page 469]

[corresponds to page 465 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Hosea Watters & Hannah Heverlow lic'd Dec'r 23rd 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Hosea Watters with Hannah Heverlow

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 24th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William McMillen & Emeline R. Powell lic'd Dec'r 28th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of Jan'y AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

William H. McMillen with Emeline R. Powell

Wm. Brown J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 3rd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim CLerk

Thomas Hults & Catherine Warner lic'd Dec'r 28th 1844

Syene Hale & Hannah Philbrick lic'd Dec'r 28th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of December AD 1844 I solemnized the marriage

of Syene Hale with Hannah Philbrick

Jesse Bowers M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 8 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 470)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 470)


[page 470]

[corresponds to page 466 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Horace Lathrop & Catherine Jacobus lic'd Dec'r 30th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Horace Lathrop with Catherine Jacobus

Ahab Jenks M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 30 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Oller & Mary Freese lic'd Dec'r 30th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Henry Oller with Mary Freese

Israel Lucas M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 20th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Prince & Mary Sprague lic'd Dec'r 30th 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Joseph Prince with Mary Sprague

E. H. Canfield M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 3rd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Chauncy Rogers & Nancy M. Pike lic'd Dec'r 31st 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Chauncy Rogers with Nancy M. Pike

Robert Ferguson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb. 25th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 471)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 471)


[page 471]

[corresponds to page 467 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Huff & Lydia Vanfleet lic'd Dec'r 31 1844

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of January 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

John Huff with Lydia Vanfleet

S Carver JP.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James A. Murphy & Cynthia Parmenter lic'd Jan'y 1st 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

James A. Murphy with Cynthia Parmenter

Joel Marsh J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 29 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John W. Hall & Susan Dwinnell lic'd Jan'y 1st 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of John W. Hall with Susan Dwinnell

William Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 28 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William C. Richmond & Harriet N. Doty lic'd Jan'y 1st 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of William C. Richmond with Harriet Doty

John Scoles M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb. 21. 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 472)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 472)


[page 472]

[corresponds to page 468 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Lyman Abbott & Permelia Niswaner lic'd Jan'y 4th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Lyman Abbott with Permelia Niswaner

Elam Blain Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 10 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob Hildebrand & Mary Easterlay lic'd Jan'y 4th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Jacob Hildebrand with Mary Easterly

Benjamin Pope M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb. 21. 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Orrin M. Payne & Amanda Stone lic'd Jan'y 4th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Orrin M. Payne with Amanda Stone

C. B. Warrington M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 5 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Thomas & Elizabeth Evans lic'd Jan'y 4th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of James Thomas with Elizabeth Evans

Leonard H. Cowles J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 6 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 473)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 473)


[page 473]

[corresponds to page 469 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Abraham Foust & Allmira Alldridge lic'd Jan'y 9th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Abraham Foust & Allmira Alldridge

James Terry J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 25th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Lewis Evans & Sarah Halls lic'd Jan'y 11th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Lewis Evans with Sarah Halls

B. Adams B. M.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Rosecrans & Mary Landon lic'd Jan'y 13th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

John Rosecrans with Mary Landon

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John W. Foreman & Lydia L. Payne lic'd Jan'y 14th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of Jan'y AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

John W. Foreman with Lydia L. Payne

Titus Case Eld.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 8 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 474)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 474)


[page 474]

[corresponds to page 470 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Simeon Cummings & Elizabeth Cherry lic'd Jan'y 14th 1845

Robert Evans & Mary Davis lic'd Jan'y 15th 1845

Cyrus Chambers & Margaret Hedrick lic'd Jan'y 16th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Cyrus Chambers with Margaret Hedrick

James Armstrong M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 5th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Enos Chambers & Rachel Page lic'd Jan'y 18th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Enos Chambers with Rachel Page

William Marvin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 3rd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 475)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 475)


[page 475]

[corresponds to page 471 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel Barkus & Julia Walker lic'd Jan'y 20th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Samuel Barker with Julia Walker

Robt. W. Wilson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Cyrus Rodgers & Philetta Peck lic'd Jan'y 20th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of Feb'y AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Cyrus Rodgers with Philetta Peck

Thos G. Lamb M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 9th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James H. Dunlap & Sarah M. Cowles lic'd Jan'y 21 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of James H. Dunlap with Sarah M. Cowles

Israel Lucas J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Decker & Rachel Richards lic'd Jan'y 21st 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

William Decker with Rachel Richards

Israel Lucas J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 476)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 476)


[page 476]

[corresponds to page 472 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Eber Baker & Susan Wilson lic'd Jan'y 21st 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Eber Baker with Susan Wilson

E. H. Canfield M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 20 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Boyd & Mary A. Johnson lic'd Jan'y 23rd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of John Boyd with Mary A. Johnson

A. S. Robinson M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 23rd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John F. Rice & Susan Rosecrans lic'd Jan'y 27th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of John F. Rice with Susan Rosecrans

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Apl 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Deforris T. Collins & Rebecca Dildine lic'd Jan'y 28th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Deforris T. Collins with Rebecca Dildine

Henry Van Deman M. G.

Rec'd & Recorded May 22 AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 477)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 477)


[page 477]

[corresponds to page 473 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Reuben Stephens & Martha Herring lic'd Jan'y 29th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Reuben Stephens with Martha Herring

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Michael Shicks & Rachel Place lic'd Jan'y 30th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of Feb'y AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Michael Shicks with Rachel Place

L. Meredith J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Hyram Tyler & Nancy Tyler lic'd Jan'y 30th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of January AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Hyram Tyler with Nancy Tyler

Pierson Mills M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 25th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Pearce Jones & Harriet Watrous lic'd Feb'y 1 1845

` State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of February AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Pearce Jones & Harriet Watrous

William Voorhies J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 478)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 478)


[page 478]

[corresponds to page 474 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Charles Chase & Melicent Bennett lic'd Feb'y 10th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of Feb'y AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of Charles

Chase with Melicent Bennett

William Voorhies J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Gideon Richmond & Cynthia W. Doty lic'd Feb'y 12th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Gideon Richmond with Cynthia W. Doty

John Scoles Minister

Ret'd & Recorded March 21st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Lewis Roberts & Elizabeth Gillet lic'd Feb'y 19th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of Feb'y AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of Lewis

Roberts with Elizabeth Gillet

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Y. Earle & Emily Russell lic'd Feb'y 20th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of Feb'y AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of William

Y. Earle with Emily Russell

Selah Vansickle

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 26th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 479)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 479)


[page 479]

[corresponds to page 475 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel Mitchel & Susanna Zehring lic'd Feb'y 22nd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of Feb'y AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Samuel Mitchel with Susanna Zehring

Francis Clymer

Ret'd & Recorded May 24th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas Rowlands & Mary Jones lic'd Feb'y 24th 1845

Harvey Brown & Nancy Riley lic'd Feb'y 26th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of February AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Harvey Brown with Nancy Riley

William Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas B. Berry & Maria Patten lic'd Feb'y 26th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of March 1845 I solemnized the marriage of Thomas

B. Berry with Maria Patten

Piersen Mills J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 480)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 480)


[page 480]

[corresponds to page 476 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Hugh Booker & Lucinda Smith lic'd Feb'y 27th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of February AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Hugh Booker with Lucinda Smith

Nelson Wheeler J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John F. P. Williams & Sarah Weight lic'd March 1 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

John F. P. Williams with Sarah Weight

James Terry J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 26th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Miner Tone & Maria O. Goodrich lic'd March 1st 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the first day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of Miner

Tone with Maria O. Goodrich

Joseph L. Labaree

Ret'd & Recorded May 9 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Nifong & Lorinda Watson lic'd March 1st 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

John Nifong & Lorinda Watson

Benj Pope

Ret'd & Recorded March 5th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 481)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 481)


[page 481]

[corresponds to page 477 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William H Ferguson & Sarah Main lic'd March 3rd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of March 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

William H. Ferguson with Sarah Main

Benj'n Martin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 6th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob B. Cline & Adaline Phinney lic'd March 6th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Jacob B. Cline with Adaline Phinney

James Armstrong M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 15 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rodney Young & Malinda Bidlack lic'd March 6th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Rodney Young with Malinda Bidlack

S. Carver J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Freeman R. Wilson & Lydia Gardner lic'd March 7th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Freeman R. Wilson with Lydia Gardner

Joel Marsh J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 15th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 482)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 482)


[page 482]

[corresponds to page 478 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Isaac N. Butler & Elizabeth Brees lic'd March 10th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of March Ad 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Isaac N. Butler with Elizabeth Brees

H. Van Deman

Ret'd & Recorded June 2nd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles Dean & Minerva Pelton lic'd March 11th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of March 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Charles Dean with Minerva Pelton

E. Washburn V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded May 5th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Michael Hinkle & Lydia Rhoads lic'd March 12th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Michael Hinkle with Lydia Rhoads

Benj Olds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 18th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Owens & Mary Hughes lic'd March 12th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of John

Owens with Mary Hughes

D. Cadwallader M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 17th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 483)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 483)


[page 483]

[corresponds to page 479 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Miller Davis & Phebe J. Fleming lic'd March 14th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Miller Davis with Phebe J. Fleming

Barton Whipple J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 21st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Enoch Jackson & Susan Gross lic'd March 17th 1845

John Hughes & Locinda Pugh lic'd March 18th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

John Hughes and Locinda Pugh

D Cadwallader

Ret'd & Recorded March 20th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Andrew Young & Mary Williams lic'd March 19th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Andrew Young & Mary Williams

Aaron C. Groves Eld. Ch. Church

Ret'd & Recorded April 3rd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 484)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 484)


[page 484]

[corresponds to page 480 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Ira Stephens & Rosanna S. Hodgden lic'd March 20th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Ira Stephens with Rosanna S. Hodgden

Wheeler Whiting J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 8th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Alexander & Catherine Place lic'd March 22nd 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Samuel Alexander & Catherine Place

Edward Mason J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 9th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Edwin J. Hall & Mary Gardner lic'd March 25th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Edwin J. Hall with Mary Gardner

Titus Case Elder C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded June 6th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Francis Bolling & Amanda Moore lic'd March 25th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of April 1845 I solemnized the marriage of Francis

Bolling with Amanda Moore

David Warnock M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 22nd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 485)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 485)


[page 485]

[corresponds to page 481 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Spencer Green & Rebecca Kreger lic'd March 27th 1845

William McAbraham & Nancy Sanders lic'd March 28th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

William McAbraham & Nancy Sanders

Isaac N. Langhead

Ret'd & Recorded May 13th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Benjamin Herbert & Sarah S. Woods lic'd March 29th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of March AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Benjamin Herbert with Sarah Woods

W. L. Harris

Ret'd & Recorded April 7th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James B. Fleming & Maryette B. Russell lic'd March 31 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of April Ad 1845 I solemnized the marriage of James

B. Fleming and Maryette B. Russell

Wm. M. Warren J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 22nd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 486)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 486)


[page 486]

[corresponds to page 482 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Philander Smith & Lucy Lord lic'd April 4th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Philander Smith with Lucy Lord

James Terry J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 27 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Sullivan Smith & Mable M. Chamberlain lic'd April 4th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Sullivan Smith with Mable M. Chamberlain

James Terry J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 27 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Russell B. Hyde & Anna Daniels lic'd April 8th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of Russell

B. Hyde with Anna Daniels

Caleb Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 8th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Patrick & Mary Ferrier lic'd April 8th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of John

Patrick with Mary Ferrier

John Scoles M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded April 18th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 487)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 487)


[page 487]

[corresponds to page 483 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Brice & Abalin Smith lic'd April 8th 1845

William Graham & Elizabeth Shoup lic'd April 8 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of William

Graham & Elizabeth Shoup

John Fleming J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 19th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Daniel Darst & Margaret J. Arnold lic'd April 11th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Daniel Darst with Margaret J. Arnold

William Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 8 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John T. Clark & Mary Black lic'd April 12th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

John Clark with Mary Black

David Cadwallader

Ret'd & Recorded April 17th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 488)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 488)


[page 488]

[corresponds to page 484 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jotham M Condit & Sarah A. Leak lic'd April 12th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Jotham M. Condit with Sarah A. Leak

E. G. Johnson

M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 24th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Ezra Ketcham & Phebe Condit lic'd April 12th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of Ezra

Ketcham & Phebe Condit

E. G. Johnson

M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 24th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Edward Blain & Margaret Bennett lic'd April 15th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Edward Blain with Margaret Bennett

Elem Blain Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 25 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Farver & Kelista Place lic'd April 16th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of John

Farver with Kelista Place

L. Meredith J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 20th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 489)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 489)


[page 489]

[corresponds to page 485 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John J Davis & Catherine Owens lic'd April 21st 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of John

J. Davis with Catherine Owens

Reed Powell

Ret'd & Recorded May 16th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob Hoffman & Katarina Oesterle lic'd April 22nd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of Jacob

Hoffman & Katarina Oesterle

John Ewer Pastor C. C.

James Norris & Sarah Johnson lic'd April 22nd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of James

Norris with Sarah Johnson

Sabeers Main J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 12th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Selby K. Thompson & Eliza A. Frost lic'd April 28th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of Selby

K. Thompson with Eliza Frost

Wm. Marvin E. C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded May 22nd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 490)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 490)


[page 490]

[corresponds to page 486 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel R Canan & Harriet L. Kelly lic'd April 29th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Samuel R. Canan with Harriet L. Kelly

J. Prior M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 29 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James D. Kelly & Mary A. Crane lic'd April 29th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of James D. Kelly with Mary A. Crane

Jesse Prior M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 29 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Pendry & Cynthia Nicholds lic'd April 30th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of William

Pendry with Cynthia Nichols

I. Ranney J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded April 30th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Blackman & Sally Fisher lic'd April 30th 1845

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 491)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 491)


[page 491]

[corresponds to page 487 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jacob Claypool & Martha McGonigle lic'd May 3rd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Jacob Claypool with Martha McGonigle

Benj'n Olds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 9th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Eddy & Martha Garvin lic'd May 3rd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Samuel Eddy with Martha Garvin

Ahab Jinks M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 16th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Gaston & Sarah E. McAllister lic'd May 10th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of William Gaston with Sarah E. McAllister


Ret'd & Recorded Aug 13 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Alexander Slain & Lorilla A. Hodkins lic'd May 10th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Alexander Slain with Lorilla A. Hodkins

Titus Case Elder C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded June 6th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 492)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 492)


[page 492]

[corresponds to page 488 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Salmon Noble & Harriet Scovill lic'd May 12th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Salmon Noble with Harriet Scovill

Nathan Emery M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 26th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Matthias Slough & Lydia Hollenbaugh lic'd May 12th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Matthias Slough with Lydia Hollenbaugh

Benjamin Pope M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 21 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William R. Gordon & Sarah A Jones lic'd May 14th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

William R. Gordon & Sarah A. Jones

Joel Marsh J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded May 27th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Benjamin Gardner & Sophronia Joy lic'd May 14th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Benjamin Gardner with Sophronia Joy

W. L. Harris

Ret'd & Recorded May 15th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 493)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 493)


[page 493]

[corresponds to page 489 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Dudley W Rhodes & Marcia M Parrish lic'd May 14th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Dudley W Rhodes & Marcia M Parrish

E. H. Canfield M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 16th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Lee & Maria L Brown lic'd May 14th 1845

John G. Taylor & Rebecca J. Livingston lic'd May 17th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

John G. Taylor & Rebecca J. Livingston

H. Van Deman

Ret'd & Recorded June 2nd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas J. Pierce & Fidelia Watrous lic'd May 19th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Thomas J. Pierce with Fidelia Watrous

Robert Chase E. C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded July 28 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 494)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 494)


[page 494]

[corresponds to page 490 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James Phillians & Eliza Warren lic'd May 20th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of James

Phillians with Eliza Warren

H. Van Deman

Ret'd & Recorded June 2nd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Perry Selby & Mary A. Biggs lic'd May 20th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Perry Selby with Mary A. Biggs

Christian Kaufman M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug 22 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Martin J. Roush & Zenith Beymer lic'd May 22nd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Martin J. Roush with Zenith Beymer

Edward Williams M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 30th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Erastus Field & Hannah Bean lic'd May 26th 1845

On the 27th day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage

Erastus Field with Hannah Bean

Henry Van Deman M. G.

Rec'd & Recor'd June 24th AD 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 495)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 495)


[page 495]

[corresponds to page 491 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

James H Crum & Martha Faulkner lic'd May 26th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of May AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of James H. Crum with Martha Faulkner

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug'st 24 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles Abbott & Phebe Farver lic'd May 27th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of June AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Charles Abbott with Phebe Farver

Elem Blain Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 25 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Taylor & Susan Smothers lic'd June 2nd 1845

Nelson Place & Matilda C. Clark lic'd June 3rd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of June AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Nelson Place with Matilda C. Clark

Cornelius Sharp

Ret'd & Recorded June 14th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 496)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 496)


[page 496]

[corresponds to page 492 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Henry Roloson & Mary Cox lic'd June 4th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of June AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Henry Roloson with Mary Cox

Ira Chase M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded June 17 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John S Gordin & Sarah Ann Gage lic'd June 6th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of June AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of John S Gordin with Sarah Ann Gage

N. D. Chapman

Rec'd & Recorded September 10th 1847

Attest G. W. Stark Clk

Thomas W Wigton and Diana Starks lic'd June 7th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of June AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Thomas W. Wigton with Diana Starks

James Frey E. C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded July 19 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Stephen L. Eaton & Mary W. Williams lic'd June 7th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of January AD 1846 I solemnized the marriage

of Stephen L. Eaton with Mary W. Williams

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 31 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 497)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 497)


[page 497]

[corresponds to page 493 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Michael Dennis & Mary Jenkins lic'd June 14th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of June AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Michael Dennis with Mary Jenkins

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 26 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Stephen Ulrey & Catherine Snyder lic'd June 16th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of June AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Stephen Ulrey with Catherine Snyder

Wm. Martin E. C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug 15 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Naaman Thompson & Ann R. Rusk lic'd June 17th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of June AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Naaman Thompson with Ann R. Rusk

El'd Owen Owens

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 3 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Starr Dudley Elizabeth McFarland lic'd June 17th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of July AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Starr Dudley with Elizabeth McFarland

Wheeler Whitney J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 12 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 498)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 498)


[page 498]

[corresponds to page 494 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Roberson & Betsy G. Spencer lic'd June 21 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 22nd day of June AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of William Roberson with Betsy G. Spencer

Elem Blain Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 25 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Gilles & Margaret Pool lic'd June 21st 1845

James Ranney & Elizabeth Goodspeed lic'd June 23rd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of June AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of James Ranney with Elizabeth Goodspeed

Henry S. Stump M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 7 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Gage & Mary J. Price lic'd June 23rd 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of July AD 1847 I solemnized the marriage of

Wm. Gage with Mary J. Price

A. D. Chapman

Rec'd & Recorded September 10th 1847

Attest G. W. Stark Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 499)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 499)


[page 499]

[corresponds to page 495 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Hinkle & Matilda Rodes lic'd July 2nd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of July AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

William Hinkle with Matilda Rodes

Thomas C. Gilles J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 30 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Sikes & Clarissa Covill lic'd JUly 2nd 1845

Peter J. Schauf & Elizabeth Wagner lic'd July 3rd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of July AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Peter J. Schauf with Elizabeth Wagner

Benj'n Pope M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 2nd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Selby & Hannah Clayton lic'd July 4th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of July AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of John Selby with Hannah Clayton

L. Meredith J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 22nd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 500)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 500)


[page 500]

[corresponds to page 496 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Madison P Shippey & Samantha A. Hindman lic'd July 5th 1845

Orman Kingman & Mary C. Cunard lic'd July 8th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of July AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Orman Kingman with Mary C. Cunard

S. M. Allen M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 19 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Nathan Nettleton & Rebecca Fancher lic'd July 15th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of July AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Nathan Nettleton with Rebecca Fancher

David Warnock M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug 4 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Shaw & Mary M. Robinson lic'd July 15th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 15th day of July AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of William Shaw with Mary M. Robinson

I. Ranney J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 16th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 501)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 501)


[page 501]

[corresponds to page 497 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Abraham Lloyd & Ann Williams lic'd July 19th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 20th day of July AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Abraham Lloyd with Ann Williams

W. L. Harris M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 21 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Biggs & Elizabeth Smith lic'd July 21 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of July AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

James Biggs with Elizabeth Smith

Elem Blain Jr. J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded July 25 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Solomon Weiser & Hester A. Worline lic'd July 23rd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of July AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Solomon Weiser with Hester A. Worline

Benjamin Pope

Ret'd & Recorded July 25th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Francis Wright & Mary A. Ayres lic'd July 24th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County Town. of Waldo; SS

On the 25th day of July AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Francis Wright with Mary A. Ayres both of said Town

J. A. Beebe Mayor of said Town

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 10 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 502)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 502)


[page 502]

[corresponds to page 498 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Griffith & Eliza Fulton lic'd July 25th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the day of AD 184 I solemnized

the marriage of

Gabriel Rander & Mary Zeigler lic'd Aug'st 1st 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of August AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Gabriel Rander with Mary Zeigler

Benj Pope M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 17 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Jorden & Hannah Williams lic'd Aug'st 4th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 5th day of August AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

James Jordan with Hannah Williams

I. Ranney J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug 6 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Richard Hillyard & Mary J. Priest lic'd Aug'st 7th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9 day of August AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Richard Hillyard with Mary J Priest

Daniel Hunt J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 30, 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 503)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 503)


[page 503]

[corresponds to page 499 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Amos H. H. Perkins & Sarah Freeman lic'd Aug'st 9 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of August AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Amos H. H. Perkins with Sarah G. Freeman

Joseph Nuenscher M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Aug 12 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James W. Caylor & Ann R Stewart lic'd Aug'st 16th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of August AD 1845 I solemnized the

marriage of James W. Caylor & Ann R Stewart

Returned & Recorded April 25th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Josiah T. Davis & Catherine Gast lic'd Aug'st 22nd 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 3rd day of September AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Josiah Davis with Catherine Gast

Benj. Pope M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 2 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Coberly & Joanna Salisbury lic'd Aug'st 23rd 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28 day August AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

George Coberly with Joanna Salisbury

Israel Lucas J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 12th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 504)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 504)


[page 504]

[corresponds to page 500 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Cook & Maranda H. Stricklin lic'd Aug'st 27th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of August AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of William Cook with Maranda H. Stricklin

Nathan Emery M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 9 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Phineas Poorman & Effa Welch lic'd Aug'st 28th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of August AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Phineas Poorman with Effa Welch

Francis Clymer M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 29th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Herman Martin Jr. & Avis J. White lic'd Aug'st 28th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of Aug'st AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Herman Martin Jr. with Avis J. White

S. Hubbell J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 1 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Frederick & Jane Cline lic'd Aug'st 29th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 29th day of Aug'st AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

William Frederick with Jane Cline

I. Ranney J. P.

Rc'd & Recorded Aug'st 30 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 505)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 505)


[page 505]

[corresponds to page 501 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Perry Green & Jane A Waters lic'd Aug'st 29th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of Sept. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Perry Green with Jane A Waters

A. L. Robinson M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 16th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Hiram Aldrich & Celinda Tucker lic'd Aug'st 30th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of September AD 1845 I Solemnized the Marriage of

Hiram Aldrich with Celinda Tucker

Gideon H. Moore M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 23rd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John F. Randolph & Elizabeth Rosevelt lic'd Sept 1 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of Sept. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

John F. Randolph with Elizabeth Rosevelt

E. L. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 10th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Davis & Mary M. Van Dorn lic'd Sept. 2nd 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of September AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of John Davis with Mary M. Van Dorn

John Hunt E. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 19 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 506)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 506)


[page 506]

[corresponds to page 502 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Edbert Payne & Mary Knowles lic'd Sept 2nd 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of Sept AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Edbert Payne with Mary Knowles

Francis Clymer M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 29th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Jones & Catherine Rowland lic'd Sept. 6th 1845

Francis Wise & Elizabeth Soenline lic'd Sept 6th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of October AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Francis Weis with Elizabeth Sohnlein

W. Schonat M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 6th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clk

John Gregg & Lanna Duemel lic'd Sept 6th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of October AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of John Gregg with Susanna Duemel

W. Schonat M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded May 6th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 507)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 507)


[page 507]

[corresponds to page 503 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Isaac T Twiss & Phebe Hance lic'd Sept 5th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of Sept. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of Isaac

T. Twiss with Phebe Hance

William Voorhies J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 15th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Abner Sherman & Abby A. Morris lic'd Sept. 8th 1845

`` The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of Sept. AD 1845 I solemnized the Mariage of

Abner Sherman with Abby A. Morris

William Voorhies J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 15th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Bloomfield Martin & Mary Hanna lic'd Sept. 8 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of Sept. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Bloomfield Martin with Mary Hanna

Francis Clymer M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 29th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James E. Taylor & Susan Mossler lic'd Sept. 10th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County Town of Waldo SS

On the 11th day of September AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of James

E. Taylor with Susan Mossler

J. A. Bebe Mayor of said Town

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 12th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 508)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 508)


[page 508]

[corresponds to page 504 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Silas Piersol & Fanny Evans lic'd Sept. 10th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of September AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Silas Piersol with Fanny Evans

Joseph L. Robinson M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept. 25th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Landon & Harriet Coe lic'd Sept. 13th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of Sept. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Joseph Landon with Harriet Coe

Henry S. Stump M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 7th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Stephen Lyon & Angelina Barber lic'd Sept. 15th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of September AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Stephen Lyons with Angelina Barber

A. L. Robinson M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 16th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Worline & Mary M. Parks lic'd Sept. 16th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of September AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Henry Worline with Mary M. Parks

John Orr M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 3rd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 509)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 509)


[page 509]

[corresponds to page 505 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Lewis V. Morton & Sally J. Manville lic'd Sept. 17th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of September AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Lewis V. Morton with Sally J. Manville

A. S. Robinson M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 16th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Nathan Gardner & Catherine Bovee lic'd Sept. 24th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of Sept. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Nathan Gardner with Catherine Bovee

Aaron C. Grover Eld. Ch Ch

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 22nd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Richardson & Susan Northrup lic'd Sept. 24th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 25th day of September AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

William Richardson with Susan Northrup

Caleb Roberts J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 7th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 510)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 510)


[page 510]

[corresponds to page 506 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Philo Thomas & Ann Lowry lic'd April 4th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 10th day of April AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Philo Thomas with Ann Lowry

Thomas C. Gilles J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded June 17 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

This license not issued. Supposed to be published

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of August AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of James R. Weaver with Elizabeth Roberts

Wheeler Whitney J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Sept 12 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Sylvester Lions & Loretta Platt lic'd Sept. 25th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of September AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Sylvester Lions with Loretta Platt

William Voorhies J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct 15th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Chester Barrows & Olive E. Thrasher lic'd Sept. 25th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of Sept. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Chester Barrows with Olive E. Thrasher

Samuel Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 13th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 511)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 511)


[page 511]

[corresponds to page 507 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William Vanderwort & Sarah Jacobus lic'd Sept. 26th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of Sept. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

William Vanderwort with Sarah Jacobus

E. G. Johnson M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 8th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel J. Spangle & Lucy A. Haskins lic'd Sept. 26th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 14th day of Oct. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Samuel J. Spangle with Lucy A. Haskins

H. Warner J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded January 2nd 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John B. Waters & Louisa Chambers lic'd Oct. 2nd 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of oct. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

John B. Waters with Louisa Chambers

Philender Kelsey M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 26th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Moses Clark & Martha A. Smith lic'd Oct. 6th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of Oct. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Moses Clark with Martha A. Smith

Benjamin Olds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded January 1st 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 512)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 512)


[page 512]

[corresponds to page 508 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Converse & Sophronia Moore lic'd Oct. 7th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of Oct. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

John Converse with Sophronia Moore

W. L. Harris M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded January 6th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George S. Baker & Eliza A. Cockrell lic'd Oct. 7th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the ninth day of Oct. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

George L. Baker with Eliza A. Cockrell

Caleb Hall J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 17th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Obadiah R. May & Mary E. Vining lic'd Oct. 8th 1845

Cornelius Closson & Sarah A. Wooden lic'd Oct. 8th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of Oct. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Cornelius Closson with Sarah A. Wooden

Samuel Carver J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 21st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 513)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 513)


[page 513]

[corresponds to page 509 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Robert Dolbay & Elizabeth Thomas lic'd Oct. 9th 1845

Charles Hill & Lydia Robinson lic'd Oct. 9th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of Oct. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Charles Hills with Lydia Robinson

John Flemming J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Oct. 23rd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Chester Rosecrans & Julia A. Carpenter lic'd Oct. 17th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of October AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage

of Chester Rosecrans with Julia A. Carpenter

Daniel Lambert M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 17th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Engel & Susan Olney lic'd Oct. 18th 1845

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 514)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 514)


[page 514]

[corresponds to page 510 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

William B. Smallwood & Mary Curren lic'd Oct. 27th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of Oct. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

William B. Smallwood with Mary Curren

Benjamin Olds J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded January 1st 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jackson Barton & Rosetta Nedrow lic'd Oct. 28th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 28th day of Oct. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Jackson Barton with Rosetta Nedrow

Oliver Stark J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 9th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Nathan Ely & Susan Gardner lic'd Oct. 28th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of Oct. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Nathan Ely with Susan Gardner

H. E. Pilcher V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 27th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Levi Buck & Elizabeth Burns lic'd Oct. 31 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Levi Buck with Elizabeth Burns

Ezra Riley J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 5th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 515)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 515)


[page 515]

[corresponds to page 511 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Charles Wotring & Mary A. Rotch lic'd Nov'r 1 1845

the State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of November AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Charles Wotring with Mary A. Rotch

Benjamin Pope M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 4th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Persey & Martha Adams lic'd Nov'r 1 1845

the State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of Joseph

Pearcy with Martha Adams

Wm. Hall Justice of Peace

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 22nd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Morris M. Coomer & Sarah Clark lic'd Nov. 1. 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Morris M. Coomer with Sarah Clark

E. L. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Ira Smalley & Eleanor Gray lic'd November 1 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of November AD 1845 I solemnized the

marriage of Ira Smalley with Eleanor Gray

James Frey El. V. C.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 15th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 516)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 516)


[page 516]

[corresponds to page 512 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Samuel Finley & Eliza Jones lic'd November 1st 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Samuel Finley with Eliza Jones

E. L. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Ira Jones & Lucy A. Tucker lic'd November 1st 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Ira Jones with Lucy A. Tucker

John McInturf E. C. C.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 24th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Ashwell & Esther Cain lic'd November 3rd 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

James Ashwell with Esther Cain

Benjamin Martin M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 24th 1845

Mathias Gerhard & Harriet A. Campbell lic'd November 4th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Mathias Gerhard with Harriet A. Campbell

E. H. Canfield M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 5th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 517)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 517)


[page 517]

[corresponds to page 513 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John S. Gast & Margaretta Moyer lic'd Nov'r 5th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

John Gast with Margaretta Moyer

Samuel Landon J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 11th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Gideon Kauffman & Margaret Wattermire lic'd Nov. 5th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 9th day of Dec. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Gideon Kauffman with Margaret Wattermire

Peter Powell M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 19th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Leonard B. Johnson & Permelia R. Nettleton lic'd Nov. 5th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Leonard B. Johnson with Permelia R. Nettleton

H. E. Pilcher V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 27th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George A. Peck & Louiza North lic'd Nov. 6th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of Nov. 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

George A. Peck with Louiza North

T. R. Cressy M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 15th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 518)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 518)


[page 518]

[corresponds to page 514 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Lyman Potter & Cordelia P. Gregory lic'd Nov'r 8th 1845

Isaac Ranney & S. Ellen Smith lic'd Nov'r 12th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 12th day of November AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Isaac Ranney with Sarah Ellen Smith

E. H. Canfield M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 13th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Charles A. Harper & Sarah P. Backus lic'd Nov'r 12th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 13th day of November AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Charles A. Harper with Sarah P. Backus

E. H. Canfield M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 13th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John F. Lone & Julia A. Andrews lic'd Nov'r 13th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

John F. Lone with Julia A. Andrews

A. Nelson M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 27th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 519)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 519)


[page 519]

[corresponds to page 515 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Perfect & Celinda Leonard lic'd Nov'r 15th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of November AD 1845 I solemnized the

Marriage of John Perfect with Cerrulia Leonard

David Lambert M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded July 17th AD 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Harvey Gillet & Elizabeth Baker lic'd Nov'r 15th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 17th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Henry Gillet with Elizabeth Baker

H. E. Pilcher V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 27th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Chappell & Matilda Benedict lic'd Nov'r 17th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 19th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Henry Chappell with Matilda Benedict

Ezra Riley J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Michael Brown & Mary Beetle lic'd Nov'r 18th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Michael Brown with Mary Beetle

H. E. Pilcher V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 27th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 520)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 520)


[page 520]

[corresponds to page 516 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Amos Blanchard & Rebecca Evans lic'd Nov'r 20th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of December AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Amos Blanchard with Rebecca Evans

Moses E. Messenger J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 4th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas Silverwood & Sarah A. Taner lic'd Nov. 22nd 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 23rd day of Nov'r AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Thomas Silverwood with Sarah A. Taner

Moses E. Messinger J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Nov. 24th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas McCrary & Mary S. Roloson lic'd Nov'r 24th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Thomas McCrary with Mary S. Roloson

William Voorhies J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 10th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

James Hultz & Lydia Philips lic'd Nov'r 24th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 24th day of November AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

James Hultz with Lydia Phillips

Philander Kelsey M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 26th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 521)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 521)


[page 521]

[corresponds to page 517 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Lorenzo M. Morton & Sally M. White lic'd Nov'r 24th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Lorenzo M. Morton with Sally M. White

William Voorhies J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 10th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Henry Richards & Harriet E. Rice lic'd Nov'r 25th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 27th day of Nov. AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Henry Richards with Harriet E. Rice

Robert Furguson J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec. 27th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

John Witham & Harriet L. Frost lic'd Nov'r 25th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of Dec'r AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

John Witham with Harriet L. Frost

Jeremiah Phillips M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 10th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Luther Gabriel & Maria B. Lawrence lic'd Nov'r 29th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of December AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Luther Gabriel with Maria Lawrence

James Smith M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded March 2nd 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 522)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 522)


[page 522]

[corresponds to page 518 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

David C. Oller & Caroline Conard lic'd Nov'r 29th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of December AD 1845 I solemnized the

marriage of David C. Oller with Caroline Conard

Israel Lucas J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 27th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Ephraim Smith & Betsy Wheeler lic'd Dec'r 1 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 2nd day of December AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Ephraim Smith with Betsy Wheeler

Nelson Wheeler J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 2nd 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jacob Garhisser & Barbara Rentz lic'd Dec'r 1 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of December AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Jacob Garhisser with Barbara Rentz

Benjamin Pope M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec 24th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Thomas Sherman & Susan Johnson lic'd Dec'r 2nd 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of Dec'r AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Thomas Sherman with Susan Johnson

William Voorhies J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 10th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 523)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 523)


[page 523]

[corresponds to page 519 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Marcus A. Bennett & Agnes L. McAllister lic'd Dec'r 3rd 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of December Ad 1845 I solemnized

the marriage of Marcus A. Bennett with Agnes L. McAllister

Ahab Jinks

Filed Oct. 22nd 1846

Geo W. Stark Clk

George Philips & Rosanna Silverwood lic'd Dec'r 3rd 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 8th day of Dec'r AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

George Phillips with Rosanna Silverwood

Moses E. Messenger J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 12th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph Hughs & Eliza A. Selby lic'd Dec'r 4th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 4th day of December Ad 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph Hughs with Eliza A. Selby

Israel Lucas J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 27th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William R. McMaster & Margaret Eaton lic'd Dec'r 5th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 7th day of December AD 1845 I solemnized the

marriage of William R. McMaster with Margaret A. Eaton

William Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 12th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 524)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 524)


[page 524]

[corresponds to page 520 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Ralph Perry & Charlotte Lewis lic'd Dec'r 6th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of Jan'y D 1846 I solemnized the marriage

of Ralph Perry with Charlotte Lewis

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 12 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Owen Jones & Elizabeth Morehouse lic'd Dec'r 6th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of Dec'r AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Owen Jones with Elizabeth Morehouse

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 23rd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Israel Goodman & Elizabeth Finley lic'd Dec'r 9th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of Dec'r AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Israel Goodman with Elizabeth Finley

Rufus D. Axtill V. D. M.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 14th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Edward Helea & Hannah Biggs lic'd Dec'r 9th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of December AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Edward Helea with Hannah Biggs

Peter Powell

Ret'd & Recorded March 10th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 525)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 525)


[page 525]

[corresponds to page 521 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

John Decker & Rebecca Ervin lic'd Dec'r 10th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 6th day of Dec'r AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

John Decker with Rebecca Ervin

David Cadwalader M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 20th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

William Waters & Clarissa Satterly lic'd Dec'r 10th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 11th day of December AD 1846 I solemnized the marriage

of William Waters with Clarissa Satterly

William Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 12 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Jonathan Grubaugh & Catherine Worline lic'd Dec'r 13th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of December AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage

of Jonathan Grubaugh with Catherine Worline

A. Stroub J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded March 2nd 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Samuel Hestwood & Rebecca Jones lic'd Dec'r 13th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 16th day of Dec'r AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Samuel Hestwood with Rebecca Jones

E. S. Gavit M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 23rd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 526)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 526)


[page 526]

[corresponds to page 522 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Edward Thomas & Elizabeth Hamilton lic'd Dec'r 15th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 21st day of Dec'r AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Edward Thomas with Elizabeth Hamilton

Wm. M. Warren J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Dec'r 30th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Absolem Poland & Jane Poland lic'd Dec'r 17th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 18th day of Dec'r AD 1845 I solemnized the Marriage of

Absolem Poland with Jane Poland

Jeremiah Phillips M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded January 3rd 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Morgan Johnson & Eliza Potter lic'd Dec'r 25th 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the first day of January AD 1846 I solemnized the marriage of Morgan

Johnson and Eliza Potter

Ahab Jinks

Filed Oct. 22nd 1846

Geo. W. Stark Clerk

Nathan Gorsuch & Harriet Barr lic'd Dec'r 29th 1845
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 527)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 527)


[page 527]

[corresponds to page 523 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Abraham C Pierce & Rachel A. Lyons lic'd Dec'r 30th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 30th day of December AD 1846 I solemnized the

marriage of Abraham C. Pierce with Rachel A. Lyons

William Williams J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 12 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

George Bockover & Elizabeth Johnson lic'd Dec'r 30th 1845

George W. Cowgill & Phebe J. Randolph lic'd Dec'r 30th 1845

State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of January AD 1846 I solemnized the Marriage

of George W. Cowgill with Phebe J. Randolph

H. Van Deman M. G.

Rec'd & Recorded May 21 AD 1852

Attest D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Homer Gillet & Elizabeth Thomas lic'd Dec'r 31st 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 31st day of Dec'r AD 1845 I solemnized the marriage of

Homer Gillet with Elizabeth Thomas

Nicholas Jones J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded January 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 528)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 528)


[page 528]

[corresponds to page 524 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

George W. Gould & Olive Cornish lic'd Dec'r 31st 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of January AD 1846 I solemnized the marriage

of George W. Gould with Olive Cornish

Ira Chase M. G.

Ret'd & Recorded Feb'y 5th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Joseph P. Webster & Mary Shaffer lic'd Dec'r 31 1845

The State of Ohio Delaware County SS

On the 1st day of January AD 1846 I solemnized the marriage

of Joseph P. Webster with Mary Shaffer

Israel Lucas J. P.

Ret'd & Recorded Jan'y 27th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Returned & Recorded March 12th 1853

D. T. Fuller Prob. Judge

Reverend Zachariah Thomas is a regularly ordained

minister of the denomination community called

regular Baptist - authorized to solemnized a Marriage

in the State of Ohio

License issued in Morrow County

Returned & Recorded May 11th 1853

D. T. Fuller Prob. Judge

Reverend Andrew B. Lee a regularly ordained

minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church

authorized to solemnize Marriages in the State of Ohio

License issued in Fairfield County

Returned & Recorded March 12th 1853

D. T. Fuller Prob. Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 529)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 529)


[page 529]

[corresponds to unlabeled page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Revd. Joseph A. Bruner a Minister of the Gospel of

denomination called "Methodist Episcopal" authorized

to solemnize marriages with the State of Ohio

License issued in Licking County

Ret and Recorded in Delaware County Oct. 5th 1852

D. T. Fuller Prob. Judge

Revd. Nicholas Nupper a minister of the Gospel

of the denomination called Methodist Episcopal

authorized to solemnize Marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Marion County

Ret & Recorded Nov. 10th 1852

D. T. Fuller Prob. Judge

Revd. Andrew Williams a Minister of the Christian

Church: authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued Franklin County

Ret'd & Recorded in Delaware County Dec. 30th 1852

D. T. Fuller Prob. Judge

Revd. John C. Bright a minister of the "Church of the

United Brethren in Christ, authorized to solemnize mar-

riages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Rec'd & Recorded Dec. 22 1852

D. T. Fuller Prob. Judge

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 530)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 530)


[page 530]

[corresponds to page 525 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Reverend Job Lisetor a minister of the Gospel in the

Disciples Church, authorized to solemnize marriages

in the State of Ohio

License issued in Harrison County

Ret'd & Recorded January 15th 1853

D. T. Fuller Prob. Judge

Reverend William W. Lewis a minister of the

Gospel of the denomination commonly called

United Brethren, authorized to solemnize ma=

-rriages in the State of Ohio

License issued in Highland County

Ret'd & Recorded April 2nd 1853

D. T. Fuller Prob. Judge

Rev. John S. Galloway a minister of the

Gospel of the denomination commonly

called "Presbyterian", authorized to solemnize

marriages in the State of Ohio

License issued in Clark County

Ret'd & Recorded April 5th 1853

D. T. Fuller Prob. Judge

Rev. Samuel C. Ricker a Minister of the Gospel

of the denomination commonly called "Methoidst

Episcopal" authorized to solemnize Marriages

in the State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Ret'd & Recorded April 25th 1853

D. T. Fuller Prob. Judge

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 531)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 531)


[page 531]

[corresponds to page 526 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Revd George G Nickey a Minister of the Gospel of

the denomination called "United Brethren in Christ"

Authorized to solemnize Marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Richland County

Ret'd & Recorded in Delaware County Feb'y 27th /52

D. W. Rhodes Clerk

Rev John Quigley a Minister of the Gospel of the

denomination called the "Methodist Epscopal Church"

Authorized to solemnize Marriages within the State of


License issued in Medina County Ohio

Ret'd & Recorded April 26th 1852 in Delaware County

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Rev. William Guyer a Minister of the Gospel of

the denomination called the Methodist Episcopal

Church. Authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued in Seneca County Ohio

Rec'd & Recorded this 23rd day of Aug. A. D. 1852

D. T. Fuller Probate Judge

Rev. Wm. H. Brinkerhoof a minister of the Gospel

of the denomination called the "Presbyterian"

authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Crawford County Ohio

Rec'd & Recorded this 22 day of October 1852

D. T. Fuller Prob. Judge
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 532)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 532)


[page 532]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Revd William Knapp A Minister of the Gospel

of the denomination usually called "Methodist Episcopal

duly authorized to solemnize Marriages within the State of


License issued in Richland County

Ret'd & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 5th 1852

D. W. Rhodes Clerk

Rev'd. Silas W. Camps a Minister of the Gospel of the

Gospel of the denomination usually called Methodist

Episcopal" duly authorized to solemnize Marriages

within the State of Ohio

License issued in Marion County

Ret'd & Rec'd in Delaware County Jan'y 15h /52

D. W. Rhodes Clerk

Rev'd Benjamin Green a Minister of the Gospel of the

denomination usually called Methodist Episcopal

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Licking County

Ret'd & Rec'd in Delaware County Jan'y 27th /52

D. W. Rhodes Clerk

Rev'd James T. Bail a Minister of the Gospel of

the Gospel of the denomination usually called Methodist

Episcopal duly authorized to solemnize Marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Ret'd & Recorded in Delaware County Feb'y 26th 1852

D. W. Rhodes Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 533)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 533)


[page 533]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Revd Otho Borgess a Minister of the Gospel of the denomination

called "The German Roman Catholic Church" duly authorized

to solemnize Marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Muskingum County August 5th 1847

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 24th 1857

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'd. John C. Winter a Minister of the Gospel of the

denomination called "United Brethren in Christ" duly

authorized to solemnize Marriages within the State of


License issued in Pike County O. Feb'y 27th 1846

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Feb'y 11th 1851

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'd Josiah S. Brown a Minister of the Gospel of the

denomination usually called " Methodist Episcopal" duly

authorized to solemnize Marriages in the State of Ohio

License issued in Coshocton County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County March 26th 1857

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev. Wm. Manville a Minister of the Gospel of the

denomination called Christians duly authorized to solemn

ize marriages in the state of Ohio

License issued in Marion County

Presented & Rrecorded in Delaware County May 30th 1857

G. W. Stark Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 534)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 534)


[page 534]

[corresponds to page 527 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Revd James Goodrich a Minister of the Gospel called

Baptist assby authorized to solemnize marriages in the state of Ohio

License Issued Cuyahoga County

Recorded in Delaware County June 1st 1857

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'd Henry Davy a Minister of the Gospel of the denomination

usually called German Baptist legally authorized to

solemnize Marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Knox County

Rec'd & Recorded in Delaware County June 21st AD 1857

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'd Richard Doughty a Minister of the Gospel of the

denomination usually called Methodist Episcopal Church duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Licking County Ohio

Ret'd & Recorded in Delaware County August 28th 1857

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'd Gideon Dana a Minister of the Gospel of the

denomination usually called "Congregational" duly authorized to

solemnize Marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Washington County

Ret'd & Recorded in Delaware County October 7th 1857

G. W. Stark Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 535)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 535)


[page 535]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Revd. Jacob Lenny a minister of the Gospel of the denomination

usually called "Methodist Episcopal" duly authorized to solemnize

Marriages in this State

License granted in Hamilton County

Entered for record in Delaware County August 12th 1850

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'd Francis Green of the Gospel of the Baptist Church duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within state

License granted in Cuyahoga County Oct. 15th 1857

Entered for record in Delaware County Sept. 5th 1850

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'd John Mitchell a minister of the Gospel of the denomination

commonally called Methodist Episcopal duly authorized to solemnize

marriage in this state

License granted in County of Medina Sept. 20th 1839

Entered of Record in Delaware County Sept 16th 1850

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'd Abraham W. Ludy a Minister of the Gospel of the denomination

commonly called "German Baptist" duly authorized to solemnize

marriages in this State

License granted in Knox County April 28th 1849

Presented & recorded in Delaware County Apr'l 22nd 1850

G. W. Stark Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 536)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 536)


[page 536]

[corresponds to page 528 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Revd. Thomas D Crow a Minister of the Gospel of the denomina=

=tion usually called Methodist Episcopal duly authorized to solemnize

Marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Athens County

Recorded in Delaware County October 2nd 1850

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'd Jeremiah Jack a Minister of the Gospel of the denomination

usually called Methodist Protestant duly authorized to solemnize

marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Sandusky County Ohio

April 20th 1844

Recorded in Delaware County Ohio November 14th 1850

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'nd Austin N Hamelin Minister of the Gospel of

the denomination usually called Weslion Methodist duly

authorized to solemnize Marriages within the state of


License issued in Morgan County Ohio

Nov 27th 1844

Pres' & Recorded in Delaware County

December 21st 1880

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'd Lorenzo Warner a Minister of the Gospel of the

denomination usually called Methodist duly authorized to

solemnize Marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Lorain County Sept'r. 16th 1845

Rec'd & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 1st 1857

G. W. Stark Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 537)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 537)


[page 537]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev Aman T. Reese Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Lic Belmont Co. O. Septr 7th 1837

Rec'd & Recorded mch 12 1850

Geo W. Stark Clerk

Rev. William E. French

Protestant Episcopalian Church

Duly authorized to solemnize marriages. License issued from the Court of

Common Pleas of Licking County Ohio March 24th AD 1846

Entered of Record in Delaware County April 9th 1850

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev. B. K. Pierson

United Brethren Denomination

Duly authorized to solemnize marriages. License Issued

from the County of Morgan Ohio March Term 1849

Entered of Record in Delaware County April 13th 1852

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev. John Williams

Minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church. Duly authorized to solemnize Marriages

License Issued Fairfield County Dated Oct. 2nd 1843

Entered in Delaware County April 13th 1850

G. W. Stark Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 538)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 538)


[page 538]

[corresponds to page 529 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd T. R. Dennis a Minister of the Gospel of the

denomination Commonly called German reform Church

Duly authorized to solemnize marriages in this State

License granted in Perry County

Entered for record in Delaware County April 17th 1850

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'd John Biggs a Minister of the Gospel of the

denomination commonly called "Predestinarion Baptist"

duly authorized to solemnize marriages in this State

License granted in Morrow County

Entered for record in Delaware County May 21st 1850

G. w. Stark Clerk

Rev'd James McFarland a Minister of the Gospel of the

denomination usually called "Presbyterian" duly authorized to

solemnize marriages in this state

License granted in Knox County December 5th 1849

Entered for record in Delaware County June 5th 1850

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'd James Bigs a Minister of the Gospel of the

denomination commonly called Prebyterian Baptist

duly authorized to solemnize Marriages in this State

License granted in Licking County Ohio

October 10th 1849

Entered for record in Delaware County June 13th 1850

G. W. Stark Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 539)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 539)


[page 539]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev Amos Vansickle Protest't Church

September Term 1847 Licking Common Pleas License

Recorded April 22nd 1849

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev H. L. Bradley M E Church

Lic'd Wood County 1842

Rec'd Sept 15 / 49

Rev Peter F. Holtzinger Minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License granted in Preble County October Term 1845

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Ohio

Oct. 5th 1849 G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev Thomas Potter Minister of Protestant Methodist Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages in the State of Ohio

License granted in Fairfield County March 8th 1844

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Ohio

Oct 9th 1849 G. W. Stark Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 540)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 540)


[page 540]

[corresponds to page 530 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev William L Godman Minister of the Methodist

Episcopal Church

Duly authorized to solemnize

marriages herein in Morrow County

on the 27th day of Sept 1849

Entered of Record in Delaware County

Oct. 31st 1849 G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev Henry Jones

United Bretheren Church

Licensed Pickaway County Mch 1843

Rec'd & Recorded Nov. 5/49

Rev. William Davis Elder of the Church of

United Brethren in Christ

Duly authorized to solemnize


License issued from the Court of Montgomery County

Ohio April term 1849

Entered of Record in Delaware County Ohio

January 21st 1850 G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev. James B. Morrison Minister of the Methodist

Episcopal Church

duly authorized to solemnize

marriages License Issued in Fairfield County Ohio

at the March Term of said Court 1849

Rec'd & entered of Record in Delaware County Ohio

Febry 26th 1851 G. W. Stark Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 541)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 541)


[page 541]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Isaac Bowersmith a minister of the Gospel

of the Christian Church authorized to solemnize marriages

Franklin County Ohio October 23rd 1847

Pres & recorded Aug 10th 1848

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev Henry L. Richards Protestant Episcopal Church

Licensed Columbus Franklin Com Pleas

May Term 1842

Presented & Recorded Sept. 13 1848

Geo W. Stark Clerk

Rev Cyrus Brooks A minister of the Gospel of the

Methodist Episcopal Church is licensed to solemnize

marriages Wood County Ohio October 12th 1848

Recorded in Delaware County Sep. 18th 1848

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev. Hiram M. Shaffer is licensed to solemnize Marriages

in this State at Wayne County Ohio on the 20th

day of October 1834

Rec'd and Recorded Oct. 10th 1848

G. W. Stark Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 542)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 542)


[page 542]

[corresponds to page 531 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev Elmore Yocum M E Church

Oct Tm Richland Com Pleas 1881 Licensed

Rec'd & Recorded Oct 17 / 48

Geo. W. Stark Clerk

Rev. Lorin A. Brunner German Reform Chch

Licensed Decr 17 / 46 Montgomery Com Pleas

Presented & Recorded Nov. 10th 48

Geo W. Stark Clerk

Rev. Wm. Porter M E Church

License to solemnized Marriages Oct. Term 1848

Licking County Ohio

Presented & Recorded December 28th 1848 in Delaware County

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev. Rodolphus P. Nash Protestant Episcopal Church

License to solemnize marriages Franklin County

Feb. Term 1848

Presented & Recorded January 18th 1849 in Delaware County

G. W. Stark Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 543)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 543)


[page 543]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Jno C Havens esqr Minister of the Gospel

of the Denomination of Methodist

License granted to Solemnize marriages in Hocking

County O May 19th 1845

Presented for Record & Recorded Decr. 1st 1849

Geo. W. Stark Clerk

Rev. Jos. Wolf Minister of the Gospel Evangelical Lutheran


License to Solemnize marriage May Term 1843

Licking Com Pleas

Presented Decr. 3rd 1847

Rev Charles Thomas Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church

Licensed to Solemnize Marriages Medina County Com Pleas

October Term 1847

Presented Decr. 3rd 1847

Rev. Peter Flack Minister of United Brethren Church

license to solemnize marriages Seneca County Nov. Term 1844

Presented March 21st 1848

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 544)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 544)


[page 544]

[corresponds to page 532 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev. Oscar E Baker a Minister of the Gospel

of Freewill Baptist authorized to solemnize marriages

Marion County Ohio July Term 1845

Presented of Record March 21st 1848

Rev. Cadwallader & Owen a minister

of the Gospel of the Methodist E Church

licensed Sept Term 1848 Mercer Com Pleas

Presented same for record Apl. 22nd 1848

Geo. W. Stark Clk

Rev. Horace M. Parmalee a Minister of the Gospel

License October 4th 1842 to solemnize marriages

License in Geauga County Ohio

Rec'd in Delaware County May 30th 1848

G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev. Jesse M. Bride - M E Church Lic'd

by Harrison Common Pleas April 29th 1847

Recorded June 5th 1848

Geo. W. Stark Clk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 545)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 545)


[page 545]

[corresponds to unlabeled page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

G W Thompson lic'd to solemnize marriages as a

Presbyterian Minister of Gospel

Lic'd Franklin Co July Term Com Pleas


July 29 - 1847

Geo. W. Stark

Rev. James Campbell licensed November Term 1842

Trumbull Court of Common pleas towit Nov 4 - 1842

License Presented for Record August 23rd 1847

Geo W Johnes Dep't Clk

Rev Sherlock A. Bronfon lic'd March 7 1836

Fairfield Court of Common Pleas. lic'd dated

March 24 1836

Presented for Rec'd & Recorded August 23rd 1847

Geo W Johnes Deputy Clk

D M Glancy Elder in United Bretherans in

Christ's Church Authorized to solemnize Marriages

Licking County May term 1844 Comm Pleas

Presented & entered September 30 1847 George W. Stark

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 546)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 546)


[page 546]

[corresponds to page 533 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Perry G Watson, Minister of the Gospel

Licensed to Solemnize Marriages at the Sep-

tember term of Licking Com Pleas.

license date Sep' 17th 1847

Rec'd & Recorded Oct 15 / 47 Attest Geo W Stark Clk

per George W Johnes

George H. Landon Minister of the Gospel Methodist Chch

Licensed Franklin Co Sept 5 1843

License dated Oct 2nd AD 1843

Oct 3 of '47 George W. Stark Clk

Rev. Cyrus Sawyers Minister Methodist Episcopal Church

license - Oct 2nd 1839 Wayne Common Pleas

Presented Nov 1 / 1847 George W. Stark Clk

Rev. Jno N. Whipple Minister M E Chch

lic'd Knox Co Oct 18th 1841

Presented & Recorded Nov 9 / '47

Geo W Stark Clk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 547)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 547)


[page 547]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd William Hatfield a minister of the Gospel of the Protestant Methodist

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Morgan County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County November 30th 1846

Attest G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'd Asaph Boutelle a minister of the Gospel of the Presbyterian

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Miami County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County De'mber 12th 1846

Attest G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev'nd Ebenezer P. Chase a minister of the Gospel of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Richland County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'mber 17th 1846

Attest G. W. Stark Clerk

Rev. Oliver Burgess Methodist Episcopal Ch' lic'd in

Lucas County March Term 1840

Presented & Recorded Decr' 28th 1846

Geo W. Johnes Dept Clk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 548)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 548)


[page 548]

[corresponds to page 534 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev Lafayette Ward presented License

to marry as a Methodist Episcopal

Minister - Granted license Aug't 19

1846 August Term Ashland Com

Pleas Jan'y 1st '47

Geo W. Johnes

Dept Clk D C P

Rev. George G. West a minister of the Gospel duly authorized to

solemnize marriages in the State of Ohio

License issued in Licking County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County January 2st 1847

G. W. Stark Clk

Rev. Joshua W Goswell a minister of the Gospel duly

authorized to solemnize marriages in the State of Ohio

License issued in Licking County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County January 21st 1847

G. W. Stark Clk

Rev. Jacob Klinfetter a minister of the Gospel duly

authorized to solemnize marriages in the State of Ohio

License issued in Marian County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County April 27th 1847

Geo Stark Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 549)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 549)


[page 549]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd George A Breunig a Minister of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages

in the State of Ohio

License granted in Scioto County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County May 11th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd William M. Spafford a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Logan County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County June 2nd 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd John Baker a minister of the Methodist Protestant

Church duly authorized to solemnise marriages within the

State of Ohio

License granted in Coshocton County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County June 12th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Daniel Lambert a minister of the Episcopal Methodist

Church duly authorized to solemise marriages within the

State of Ohio

License granted in Richland County

presented & Recorded in Delaware County July 17th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 550)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 550)


[page 550]

[corresponds to page 535 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Frederick Merrick a Minister of the Gospel of the

Methodist Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize

marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Washington County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County August 10th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Samuel B. Guiberson a Minister of the Gospel of

the Methodist Episcopal Church duly authorized to

solemnise marriages in the State of Ohio

License issued in Cuyahoga County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County August 24th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Simeon H. Alderman a minister of the Gospel of the

Methodist Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize

marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Lucas County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Sept 24th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev Lorenzo Dow McCabe a minister of Gospel of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State

of Ohio

License issued from Court of Common Pleas

of Athens County Ohio May Term 1844

Presented for Record Oct 10 1846

Attest Geo W Stark Clk

per Geo W Johnes

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 551)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 551)


[page 551]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Henry Hess a minister of the Gospel in the German Reformed

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of


License issued in Columbiana County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 8 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Abraham K. Earl a minister of the Gospel in the Methodist

Protestant Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued in Ashtabula County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Feb. 25th 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd James W. Miller a Minister of the Gospel in the Baptist Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Licking County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County March 9 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Lyman Ensminger a Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist

Protestant Church, duly authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued in Highland County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County April 3rd 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 552)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 552)


[page 552]

[corresponds to page 536 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd D. W. Robertson a minister of the Gospel of the Baptist Church

duly authorized to solemnise marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Ashtabula County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County April 15th AD 1846


Rev'd James Gurley a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church

duly authorized to solemnise marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Athens County

Presented & recorded in Delaware County April 21st AD 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd John Hunt a minister of the Gospel in the Presbyterian Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License granted in Morgan County

Presented & recorded in Delaware County April 21st AD 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd William Schonat an ordained Priest of the Roman Catholic Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License granted in Hamilton County

Presented & recorded in Delaware County April 23rd 1846

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 553)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 553)


[page 553]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Solomon Howard a Minister of the Gospel of the

Methodist Episcopal Church duly authorized to Solemnize

marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Greene County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County July 25 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd John M. Ferris a Minister of the Gospel of the Presbyterian

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Washington County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Aug 1st 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Thomas Cooper a Minister of the Gospel of the

Methodist Episcopal Church, duly authorized to solemnize

marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Cuyahoga County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Nov'r 25th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Alexander Nelson a Minister of the Gospel of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages

within the State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Nov. 25th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 554)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 554)


[page 554]

[corresponds to page 537 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd James Smith a Minister of the Presbyterian Church duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Harrison County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 2nd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd John Orr a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Crawford County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 3rd 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Jeremiah Phillips a Minister of the Gospel in the Wesleyan

Methodist Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Cuyahoga County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 11th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Rufus D. Axtell a Minister of the Gospel in the Presbyterian

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of

Ohio -

License issued in Knox County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 14th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 555)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 555)


[page 555]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Charles B. Warrington a minister of the Gospel in the

Methodist Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize

marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Madison County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 12 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd James Armstrong a minister of the Gospel in the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Lawrence County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 19th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Henry S. Strump a minister of the Gospel in the Church called United

Brethren in Christ, duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County February 14th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd E. G. Johnson a minister of the Gospel in the Presbyterian

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Licking County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County March 25th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 556)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 556)


[page 556]

[corresponds to page 538 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Benjamin Sheets a Minister of the Gospel of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued in Richland County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County April 12th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Isaac Langhead a Minister of the Gospel of the Associate

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Union County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County May 13th 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Albert McWright a minister of the Gospel of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued in Richland County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County June 25 1845

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Edward Williams a Minister of the Gospel of the

Methodist Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize

marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Greene County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County June 30 1845

Attest W. D. Heim CLerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 557)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 557)


[page 557]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Simeon Mowry a minister of the Universalist Church duly author-

=ized to solemnize Marriages in the State of Ohio

License issued in Knox County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County April 3rd 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Robert Stuart Elder a minister of the Protestant Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County April 17 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Arthur J. Robinson a minister of Methodist Episcopal Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Muskingum County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County May 8th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd William L. Harris a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Richland County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County October 21 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 558)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 558)


[page 558]

[corresponds to page 539 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Gideon H. Moore a Minister of the Freewill Baptist Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Marion County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Oct. 26th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Abraham S. Avery a minister of the Congregational Church duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Ashtabula County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County October 26th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Jacob Newman a minister of the denomination called

United Brethren duly authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued in Richland County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Nov'r. 25th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Anthony W. Taylor a minister of the denomination called

Baptist duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 13. 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 559)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 559)


[page 559]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd David Howell a minister in the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio -

License issued in Sandusky County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Aug'st 23rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Isaac W. Walters a minister in the Christian Church duly

authorized to solemnize marriages in this the State of Ohio

License issued in Clark County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County August 31 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Alexander Wright a minister in Baptist Church duly author-

-ized to solemnize Marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Marion County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Oct 23rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd John Scoles a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church

duly authorized to solemnize Marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Knox County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Nov'r 3rd 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 560)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 560)


[page 560]

[corresponds to page 540 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd James H Webster a Minister of the Methodist Protestant

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages in the State of Ohio

License issued in Clark County

Presented & recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 12th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Henry L. Hilchevck a minister of the Presbyterian Church duly

authorized to solemnize marriages in the State of Ohio

License issued in Ashtabula County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 18th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Elijah V. Bing a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages in the State of Ohio

License issued in Licking County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County March 4th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd James Sargent a minister of the Baptist Church duly authorized

to solemnize marriages in the State of Ohio

License issued in Clermont County

Presented & entered of record in Delaware County March 25th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 561)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 561)


[page 561]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd David Warnock a minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Champaign County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Nov'r 8th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Hiram Allen a minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Marion County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Nov'r 26th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Oliver P. Stephens a minister of the Methodist Protestant

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State

of Ohio

License issued in Marion County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Nov'r 28th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Franklin Putnam a Minister of the Gospel

of the Presbyterian Church duly authorized to solemnize

marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Clark County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 13th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 562)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 562)


[page 562]

[corresponds to page 541 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Joseph Mason a Minister of the Regular Baptist

Church duly authorized to solemnize Marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Marion County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County January 25th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Sanford C. Parker a minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Wayne County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Feb'y 1. 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Jesse Bowers a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Knox County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County June 12th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Benjamin Pope a minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Fairfield County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County July 10th 1843

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 563)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 563)


[page 563]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd John P. Akin a minister of the Presbyterian Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State

of Ohio

License issued in Washington County -

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County May 26th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd James T. Denohos a Minister of the Methodist Epis-

-copal Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages

within the State of Ohio

License issued in Madison County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware Co. May 31st 1842

W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Wesley C. Clark a minister of the Methodist Epis-

=copal Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages

within the State of Ohio

License issued in Tuscarawas County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County May 31st 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Matthias Philips a minister of the Baptist Church

duly authorized to solemnize Marriages within the State of


License issued in Trumbull County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County June 21st AD 1842

W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 564)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 564)


[page 564]

[corresponds to page 542 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd John McCutchan a Minister of the Presbyterian

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Seneca County

Presented & Rec'd in Delaware County July 9th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Alexander Morrow a minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church, duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Champaign County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Aug'st 9th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd David Adams a Minister of the Baptist Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Presented & Rec'd in Delaware County Oct 11th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd John C. Robinson a minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State

of Ohio

License issued in Madison County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Oct 20 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 565)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 565)


[page 565]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Robert Chase a minister of the denomination usually

called Christians, duly authorized to solemnize marriages

within the State of Ohio

License issued in Knox County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Aug'st 16th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Elnathan C. Gavit a minister of the Gospel of the denomi-

nation called Methodist Episcopal, duly authorized to solemnize

marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Knox County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Oct'r 5th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Hiram Westbrook a Minister of the Gospel of the

denomination called Church of Christ, duly authorized to

solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Knox County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 2nd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Ebenezer Mathis a Minister of the Gospel of the denomina-

tion called Methodist Episcopal duly authorized to solemnize

marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Union County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 16th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 566)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 566)


[page 566]

[corresponds to page 543 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd James Parcels a Minister of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize Mar-

=riages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Jackson County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 6th 1844

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Henry E. Pilcher a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize Marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Adams County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 20th AD 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Mahlon Peters a minister of the Baptist Church duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Fairfield County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Feb'y. 19th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Jacob Martin a minister of the Church of Christ, duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County May 2nd 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 567)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 567)


[page 567]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Samuel Carpenter a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued in Licking County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 22nd 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd George Armstrong, a Minister of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages

within the State of Ohio

License issued in Mercer County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Feb'y 13th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd James H. Freese a minister of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages

within the State of Ohio

License issued in Williams County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County March 4th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Ira Chase a Minister of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages

within the State of Ohio

License issued in Marion County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County March 9th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 568)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 568)


[page 568]

[corresponds to page 544 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Robert S. Kricher a Minister of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages

within the State of Ohio

License issued in Knox County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County March 9th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Timothy Stearns a Minister of the Presbyterian

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued in Union County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County April 9th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd John McInturf a Minister of the Christian Church

duly authorized to solemnize Marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Licking County

Presented & Rec'd in Delaware County May 4th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Jacob Moorman a minister of the German Baptist Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Logan County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County June 26 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 569)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 569)


[page 569]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd John Blamfried a minister of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize mar-

riages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Richland County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Oct'r. 26 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd William Hamilton a minister of the Associate Methodist

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Muskingum County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Feb'y 11th 1840

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Owen Omen a minister of the Baptist Church duly

authorized to solemnnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Licking County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Feb'y 19th 1840

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Jesse Prior a minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Miami County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County M'ch 10th 1840

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 570)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 570)


[page 570]

[corresponds to page 545 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd John Malsbaugh a minister of the Baptist

Church duly authorized to solemnize Marriages

within the State of Ohio

License issued in Knox County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Aug. 24th 1841

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Jonathan Cable a minister of the Presbyterian Church

duly authorized to solemnize Marriages within the State

of Ohio

License issued in Licking County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Sept 8th 1840

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Henry Carr a minister of the Baptist Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued in Licking County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Sept. 12th 1840

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Adam Poe a Minister of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize

marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Wayne County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 18th 1840

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Church duly authorized to solemnize Marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Adams County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 20th AD 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Mahlon Peters a minister of the Baptist Church duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Fairfield County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Feb'y. 19th 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Jacob Martin a minister of the Church of Christ, duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County May 2nd 1842

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 571)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 571)


[page 571]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Sheldon Clark a minister of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorised to solemnize mar-

riages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Knox County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Sept. 27th 1838

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd John W. White a minister of the Methodist Epis=

-copal Church duly authorized to solemnize Marriages

within the State of Ohio

License issued in Pickaway County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 3rd 1838

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd Uriah Heath a minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Richland County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County May 9th 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Stephen Lillybridge a minister of the United Brethren in

Christ duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Wood County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Aug'st 17th 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 572)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 572)


[page 572]

[corresponds to page 546 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd John Morey Jr. a minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Medina County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Aug'st 27th 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Matthew Baker a Minister of the Freewill Baptist Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of


License issued in Licking County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Sept. 11th 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Harvey D. Mason a minister of the Baptist Church duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Medina County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Sept. 12th 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk

Rev'd Abner D. Chapman a minister of the Presbyterian Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of


License issued in Union County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Sept. 24th 1839

Attest W. D. Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 573)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 573)


[page 573]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Henry D. Tuncker a Priest of the Catholic Church

duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Hamilton County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 8th 1838

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd Sam'l Lynch a minister of the Episcopal Methodist

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Richland County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 13th 1838

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd John Alexander a minister of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorized to solemnize mar-

-riages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Greene County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 25th 1838

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd Benj'n F. Kaufman a minister of the Gospel duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State

of Ohio

License issued in Marion County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Feb'y 10th 1838

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 574)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 574)


[page 574]

[corresponds to page 547 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Joseph Labaree a minister of the Presbyterian

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages with

in the State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Feb'y 16th 1838

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd Charles H. A. Allardt a minister of the German

Evangelical Church duly authorized to solemnize

marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Columbiana County

Prest'd & Recorded in Delaware County M'ch 7th 1838

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd Ezekiel S. Gavit a minister of the Methodist

Episcopal Church duly authorised to solemnize mar-

-riages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Licking County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Ap'l 19th 1838

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd John Davis, a minister of the United Brethren in

Christ duly authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued in Crawford County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Aug'st 6th 1838

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 575)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 575)


[page 575]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Elam Day a minister of the Gospel duly authorized

to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Seneca County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 21st 1837

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd Darius C. Allen, a minister of the Gospel, duly auth-

-orized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Union County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County May 30th 1837

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd John Smith, a minister of the Baptist Church duly auth-

=orized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Ross County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County June 22nd 1837

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd Simeon Woodruff, a minister of the Presbyterian Church duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Aug'st 1st 1837

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 576)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 576)


[page 576]

[corresponds to page 548 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd David Maltby a minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Sept'r 18th 1837

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd George W. Baker a minister of the Free Will Baptist

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued in Marion County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Oct'r 17th 1837

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd Ebenezer T. Webster a minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within the

State of Ohio

License issued in Meigs County Aug'st 3rd 1827

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Oct'r 23rd 1837

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Warren Frazell a Deacon of the Methodist Episcopal

Church duly authorized to solemnize marriages within

the State of Ohio

License issued in Madison County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Oct'r 30th 1837

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 577)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 577)


[page 577]

[corresponds to unnumbered page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd Nehemiah Martin a minister of the Gospel, duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of


License issued in Marion County -

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Nov'r 24th 1835

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd John W. Gilbert, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal

Church, duly authorized to solemnize marriages, within the State

of Ohio -

License issued in Meigs County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 15th 1836

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd Zephamiah Bell, a minister of the Gospel, duly author=

-ized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Richland County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 30th 1836

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd Silas Ensign, a minister of the Gospel, duly authorized

to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio -

License issued in Richland County -

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County March 4th 1836

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 578)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 578)


[page 578]

[corresponds to page 549 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd William Morrow, a minister of the Gospel, duly auth-

-orized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio -

License issued in Pickaway County -

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Nov'r 9th 1836

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd Asher A. Davis, a minister of the Gospel, duly authori-

-zed to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Richland County -

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 8th 1836

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk -

Rev'd Freeman Strong, a minister of the Abrahamic faith, duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Knox County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 13th 1836 =

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk -

Rev'd David Hinman, a minister of the Gospel, duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Knox County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Jan'y 21st 1837

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 579)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 579)


[page 579]

[corresponds to page 550 of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Rev'd James B. Austin a minister of the Gospel, duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State

of Ohio

License issued in Williams County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Oct'r 2nd 1835

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd Eli Frey, a minister of the Gospel, duly authorized

to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Muskingum County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Oct'r 12th 1835

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd Samuel S. Klein, a minister of the Gospel, duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Franklin County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Oct'r 31st 1837

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Rev'd John P. Bausman Jr., a minister of the Gospel, duly

authorized to solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio

License issued in Ross County

Presented & Recorded in Delaware County Dec'r 1st 1835

Attest T. Reynolds Clerk

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 580)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 580)


[page 580]

[corresponds to loose page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Ostrander Ohio Dec. 25th 1880

F. B. Sprague

Probate Judge of

Delaware Co.

Sir, I hereby give

my consent to the marriage

of my Daughter Leanna M. Roberts

& Samuel W. Winget. I am very

Respectfully yours

J. V. Roberts

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 581)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 581)


[page 581]

The State of Ohio
County of Delaware } ss Henry W. Chamberlain of said County being

duly swarn says that he's a brother of the

within named Charles C. Chamberlin & was

present at saim the marriage of said Charles C. Chamberlin

& the within named Isabelle B. Webb on the 18th of

Feb. A.D. 1834 at the present residence of said

Isabelle B. now the widow of said Charles C. in the

city of Delaware Ohio - Rev. Henry Van Dewier her

officiating minister, & nephew to make return of

said Marriage & hence this affidavit.

Henry W. Chamberlin

Swarn to & subscribe before me this Mch. 24 188_
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 582)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 582)


[page 582]

[corresponds to front of loose page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

The State of Ohio Delaware County, ss.

To any ordained Minister of the Gospel, throughout the State aforesaid, legally authorized to sol-

emnize MARRIAGES; or any LEGALLY acting Justice of the Peace, in and for said

or any legally acting Justice of the Peace, in and for said County, Greeting:

These are to Licence and permit you to unite in the holy bands of Matrimony; agreeably to the rites

and ceremonies of the sec to which you may belong, Charles C. Chamberlain

and Isabella B. Webb and for so doing this shall be your sufficient Voucher

In testimony whereof, I, Thomas Reynolds, Clerk of the

Court of CommonPleas of said County, have hereunto set

my hand, and affixed my seal of office, this 18th day of

February 1834

T Reynolds, CLERK

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 583)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 583)


[page 583]

[corresponds to loose page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

December 28th 1882

To the Probate Judge of Delaware

County Ohio

B. Lucinda Feirel

the Mother of Belaree Johnsen do

hereby consent to the marriage

of my daughter to James L. Moffett

and hereby authorize the Probate

Judge to issue license for their


Lucinda ford

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 584)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 584)


[page 584]

[corresponds to loose page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Dear Children I take

My pen in hand to let

you know that We Are

All well And Hope you

Are the Same And have

plenty to dew if you

were here you could get

plenty to dew lizzie I

Am glad that you Are

going to get married &

Am Willing for you to

get married So you get A

home And A good man

All i Ask is for you too

get Married And take

jacob So he has A home

once too

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 585)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 585)


[Page 585]

State of Ohio Delaware

20th day of May AD 1848 I solemnized the

marriage of Robert Brown & Tami Dersy

H. Vansema AC

May 20th 1852 Donbete Judge

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 586)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 586)


[Page 586]

To any ORDAINED Minister of the Gospel, throughout the State aforesaid, legally

authorized to solemize MARRIAGES;

of any LEGALLY acting Jusice of the Peace, in and for said county, Greeting:

These are to LICENSE and PERMIT you to unite in the holy bonds of Matrimony,

agreeably to the rites and ceremonies

of the sect to which you belong, Andrew Cole V Ronda Ball

and for so doing this shall be your sufficient voucher.

In testimony whereof, I, William D. Heim, Clerk of the Court of

Common Pleas of said county, have hereunto set my hand, and af-

fixed my seal of office, this 14th day of June 1843

W D Heim Clerk
Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 587)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 587)


[page 587]

[corresponds to back of loose page of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

State of Ohio Delaware

On the 15th day of June 1843

I solemnized the marriage of

Andrew Cole with Rhoda Ball

H. VanDeman M. G.

Rec'd. May 21 1852

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 588)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 588)


[page 588]

[corresponds to back inside cover of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 589)


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 (p. 589)


[page 589]

[corresponds to back cover of Delaware County Marriage Records Book 1 1835-45]

Dublin Core


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845


Delaware County--Ohio--Vital Records
Marriage Records--Delaware County--1835-1845


Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845 contains the names of couples married in Delaware County between 1835 and 1845. Brides, grooms, the person licensed to perform the ceremony, and the clerks recording the information are named.


Brides; Delaware County, Ohio; Grooms; Delaware County, Ohio




Clerk W.D.Heim; Clerk T. Reynolds; Clerk G.W. Stark; Justices of the Peace; Delaware County Court











Brides; Delaware County, Ohio; Grooms; Delaware County, Ohio, “Marriage Records Vol.1 1835-1845,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 10, 2025,

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