Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 1)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 1)


[page 1]

[corresponds to front cover of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 2)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 2)


[page 2]

[corresponds to inside front cover of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

925 Thomas Road

Ky. [illegible] Water
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 3)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 3)


[page 3]

[corresponds to blank page of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 4)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 4)


[page 4]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 1 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

January 1931

Beautiful month, most-

ly sunshine , no rain

and very mild all the time.


Feb 1. Beautiful day, Mrs

Shafer buried today. I

have a slight cold and

did not go to church.

Christine called a little

while. Maggie also called,

Hazel Weaveendt children made

an auto call, Lily & Rose spent

the evening

Feb 2. Monday

Beautiful day, Festus


Feb 3 Tuesday

Beautiful day, I have a cold

Mert Smythe called Mrs

M.J. Welbreiroson died

Feb 4. Wed.

Beautiful day. Jane Chafman called this

morning, Hettie & I entertained the

Mission Circle at her house. I was

at Roses' & Lily's, called at the Chap-

man Store and visited. Mr Grandstaff

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 5)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 5)


[page 5]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 2 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Feb 5 Thurs.

Beautiful Day, Mrs Foster

called also Ms Corner

Mrs Williamson buried

I got my pink dress

I was at Guhardts in evening

Feb 6 Fri

Beautiful day, Mr Haller

died, cold better. Jane

Chapman called a while

also Abbie Kimball in the evening

Feb 7 Sat

Rained a little last night

and this morning.

Afternoon beautiful sun-

shine, got rug, pink & gray

Was at Hetties this evening.

Feb 8, Sunday

Nice day, partly cloudy,

Jane Chapman called

this morning, Alice and

Jack in the afternoon.

Hosea gone all day

Feb 9. Monday

Light-snow last night

today melting and partly cloudy

made my flowered dress longer

I went to Lilys in the evening

Feb. 10 Tuesday

Two inch snow last
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 6)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 6)


[page 6]

[corresponds to labeled page 3 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

night - Hose & I went to Col-

umbus this morning.

Snowed terribly hand down

them, got my corset fit.

Mert Smythe called, I

was at Fastons this evening

beautiful afternoon

Feb 11.

Beauiful day, Bess was

here for dinner & supper

We went to P.T.A. meeting

tonight, Bess, Lily & Rosa

It snowed while we were gone

Feb 12,

snowed this morning turning

to rain, cloudy and damp

all day, Hose & Jack went to Mt Gilead

Feb 13

Rained all night and all

day to day. Colder this evening

Hose took Jesse Spice to Centerburg

Feb 14

Clear cold day. Irene, Wm, & Le-

Land were here for dinner

I was at Hetties in the

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 7)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 7)


[page 7]

[corresponds to labeled page 4 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sunday Feb 15,

Beautiful day, cold wind

Hose & I called on Mr & Mrs

E.A. Strong in Marysville

Strosnider called a few

minutes. Lily & Rosa call-

ed and we went to church,

Feb 16,

Warmer & cloudy all day

Hose & Strosy called at Clevenger

sent my clock to L.

I was at Maggies in the evening

Feb 17,

Cloudy & drizzly all day

Hose gone all day, Mrs

Foster called also Lesten Grove

I was at Lilys' in the evening

Feb 18,

Rained all night - last night

today cloudy colder

Mert Smythe, Carrie Chapman

& Mrs Gelston called.

Hose gone all day

Feb 19

Soft snow last night

Today melting, Joe Webster

buried. Festus called

I am going up to see K of P

drill. drizzling again
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 8)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 8)


[page 8]
[corresponds to labeled page 5 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Feb 20

Light snow last night

cloudy and cold today

Mrs Gelston called a few

minutes. I was at Maggies

then went to the Baptist Aid

Society, was at Mrs. Fosters

this evening, snowing

lightly again this evening

Feb 21

A little colder & cloudy

Hose & I went to Columbus this

forenoon, got georgette & crepe

dresses. also got my hat fixed

over, was at Lilys' in the evening

Sunday Feb 22

Beautiful spring like day

Hose & I went Mt Gilead then

through Cardington, Ashley &

Delaware home. Ed & Mary

Strolum called also Lily & Rosa

and we went to church.

Feb 23,

Light snow last night, cloudy

and rain today. Mrs. Foster

called did not go to Pyatian

Beaufil party, hemmed my

new dress over.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 9)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 9)


[page 9]
[corresponds to labeled page 6 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

February 24.

Beautiful day, like spring

I was up at Hetties, Maggie

and Mrs Gelston called

Feb 25

Beautiful day but cool. Hose

gone all day. I was at

Gelstons in the evening

Feb 26

Nice day partly cloudy.

I was Irenes' all day

and called at Lily's in the

evening. 4 over night

Feb 27

Beautiful day, Mrs Foster

gave us some cabbage

Mert & Lo spent the afternoon

Feb 28

Beautiful day, like spring

I was Hetties in the evening

Sunday Mar 1

Quite a little colder

we took a ride out to

Condit and up the 3 C's

Mr Barnhardt called

I went to church in evening

Mar 2

Nice day, but cool, partly

cleaned Otto's room, was

at Fosters in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 10)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 10)


[page 10]

[corresponds to labeled page 7 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Mar 3

cloudy & cold, spit snow a

little, cut my dining room

curtains out, spent evening at Maggies

Mar 4

Sugar snow last night, still

snowing off and on all day.

I went to club at Maggies

Mar 5

cloudy, little cool, Jane

Chapman called also

Maggie and we went

up street to call

Mar 6. Irene's birthday

clear nice day, cool Hose

and I went to Delaware to see

French. I was at Lilys in

the evening.

Mar 7. snow last night rain

almost all day. I was at Hetties

a little while in the evening

Mar 8 Sunday

rained last night turning

to snow, some colder

We took ride to Worthington

then Delaware home I

went to church to hear

Rev. Schneider preach with

Nine Surrell died (Lily & Rosa

We stopped at Brown fruit farm and

got apples.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 11)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 11)


[page 11]

[corresponds with labeled page 8 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Mon 9

snowed last night. today

blizzardy, much march,

Hose helped Abe with Frank Gorsuch

Tues 10,

cold, snowed last night

Mrs Foster called, I

spent the evening at

Abbie Kimballs

Wed. Mar 11.

still cold, Hose and I went

to Columbus this mor-

ning. Ethel H. was by

and measured crash

for covers. Jane Chapman

called, Lily, Rosa, and

I went to P.T.A. meeting

Thurs Mar 12

Beautiful cool day. Frank

Gorsuch was buried, Festus

Sherbourne called

Fri Mar 13

Nice day partly cloudy. We

loop wired the north room

upstairs. I am preparing

my club paper. Was at Rosas

& Lilys' in the evening

Sat. Mar 14,

Very nice day, a little rain in the

evening, Bess & Jane Chapman called

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 12)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 12)


[page 12]
[corresponds with labeled page 9 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

I was at Hetties in the evening

Sun. Mar 15

Fine day, Hose has gone to

double funeral at Fargo. I did

not go to church this evening

snowed and melted this evening

Mon. Mar 16

snowing & melting, Hose and

I went to Columbus and got electric

globe for north room upstairs

called to see Clem & Ada.

Mrs. Foster called, I was

at Maggies in the evening

Tues. Mar 17

cloudy, cool, I finished my

dining room curtains &

washed some towels, We

loop put globe on electric light

in the north room. I

finished my club paper

Wed. Mar 18

cloudy & cool. I went to Col-

to a missionary association

with Maggie & others. It was

held in Hilcrest church.

raining this evening.

Thurs, Mar 19

Snowed hard this morn

ing, Mrs Perry swept upstairs.

cool & cloudy this afternoon

I was Lily & Rosa this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 13)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 13)


[page 13]

[corresponds with labeled page 10 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Fri Mar 20

Beautiful day. I went to

Aid Society in the after-

noon. In the evening went

to Miushet Show, but could

not stay as Hose had to go [illegible]

Sat Mar 21

Beautiful day, I did the usual

Saturdays work. Was at Mrs

Sedywiks and Gorsuch in the evening

Sun Mar 22

Beautiful spring day. alone

all day, Hose very busy. I

went to church in the evening

Mon Mar 23

Lovely day, we cleaned the

north room down stairs and

the west room. Jane Chapman

called. I sent the pam-

phlets back to the State Library

Did not go to card party

I was at Mrs. Fosters this evening

Tues, Mar 24

Rained hard most of forenoon

Jane Chapman came over and

we went to Mrs Van Houtuis fun-

eral, cooler this evening

Hose and Jack went to Mt

Vernon, raining and snowing
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 14)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 14)


[page 14]
[page corresponds with labeled page 11 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Wed, Mar 25

cold cloudy and damp partly

raining. I was at Lily's in

the evening

Thurs, Mar 26

some what cool & cloudy

washed and ironed 2 pair curtains

cleaned register room.

Festus and Mrs Gelston called

also Ethel Brobst of Lindon.

Fri, Mar 27

cloudy & threatening. I went

to Faith Condits to Progress

Club with Gertrude Stone. We

got new machine from junk.

raining this evening.

Sat, Mar 28

Rained most of last night

cooler today and windy

Jane Chapman called I was

at Maggies in the evening

Sun, Mar 29

Spitting snow & cold and

some windy, Rosa, Lily

Hose went to Delaware, Mt. Gilead,

Mt. Vernon and home for a

ride, then Rosa, Lily and

I went to church.

Monday, Mar 30

Nice day, Mrs Foster called I

was at Hetties in the evening
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 15)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 15)


[page 15]
[page corresponds with labeled page 12 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Tues, Mar 31

Nice bright day, Hose and

I went to Columbus. They

brought auto home. Jane

Chapman called. I

went to M.E. Church with

club in a body.

Wed, April 1

rained last night & today, I

washed some slip covers

rained turned to soft-snow all

day. Jack and Hose went to Mt. Ver-

non in the evening.

Thurs, April 2

Very nice day, cool, snow most-

ly gone, Jane Chapman called

a little while, snow all gone

Dunham's moved today. I was at

(Lily & Rosas)

Fri, Apr 3

rained all day, I had a

tooth pulled. Jane Chapman

called. Dunhams are mov-

ing. I was Mrs Fosters this evening

Sat, Apr 4

Beautiful day. I did the

usual Saturday's work.

Sun, Apr 5

Beautiful Easter Day, we took ride

to Newark, Somerset, Lancaster
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 16)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 16)


[page 16]
[page corresponds with labeled page 13 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Columbus, and home

Irene, Wm & Leland called

I went to church with Rosa

and Lily.

Monday, Apr 6

planted petunia seed

Beautiful day, cool, We

cleaned the bath room

Frank Bell painted a little

in the north room. I was

at Chapmans twice to call

Tues, April 7, Maggie's birthday

Beautiful day, Bill finished

painting, we washed wood

work in halls. I was at Hetties

in the evening, Maggie was

here in the evening. Abbie

Kimball called, I was not at home,

Wed, Apr 8

Beautiful day, we cleaned north

room upstairs. Made some

garden, White planted potatoes

I was Rosa's in the evening

Thurs, April 9

Beautiful day, a little windy

cleaned front hall, very warm

80° Three over night.

Fri, Apr 10

Light showers all day. Bess and

Elliott called. Hose & Jack went to

Ford talkies this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 17)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 17)


[page 17]
[page corresponds with labeled page 14 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sat, Apr 11

Beautiful day. I washed some

curtains, Mrs Foster called

also Abbie Kimball

Sun, Apr 12

Lovely day. We went to Mt

Gilead by way of Wood-

berry, Mrs Lawson called

also Alice, Jack & Mary Alice

I did not go to church.

Monday, Apr 13

Beautiful day

Did the usual work around

the house.

Tues, Apr 14

Beautiful day

We cleaned Jack's room. I

took my dress & coat to

Zella Knowders. I was at

Lily's in the evening.

Wed, Apr 15

Beautiful day. We cleaned

our north room and brot

cot down stairs. We went

to Columbus and I got my

hat. Also to Commerce Bldg.

I did not go to guest meeting

at Baptist Church.

Thurs, Apr 6

Beautiful day. We cleaned
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 18)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 18)


[page 18]
[page corresponds with labeled page 15 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

the dining room.

Jane Chapman called. I

went up to the M.E. Cluend

liquor trial in the evening

and stopped at Mrs. Gelstons

Friday, Apr 17

A little rain this morning

clearing & a little cooler

later, I washed woodwork

and windows in sitting room

Mrs Foster called. I did not

go to invitation at Lodge.

Sat, Apr 18

Beautiful day. I washed

windows & wookwork in

sitting room. Was at Hetties

in the evening. got my

coat with new collar from

Zella Knowders. took dress

over for new sleeves.

Sunday, Apr 19

Beautiful day. Rosa, Lily

Hose and I went to Newark

and Hanover then to

church in the evening

Monday, Apr 20

cloudy this morning. We washed

a little, Hose spaded the gar-

den, and we sowed the

first seeds, Mrs Foster called.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 19)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 19)


[page 19]
[page corresponds with labeled page 16 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

It is raining hard this

morning, for which we

are thankful.

Tues, Apr 21

I washed and ironed

some curtains this mor-

ning, Mert Smythe called

I was at Rosas and Lilys in

the evening. [illegible] ]

to rain again 3'o clock

and rained steadily all

P.M. & all night. Mr. & Mrs

E.A. Strong stayed all night

Wednesday, Apr 22

raining this morning

turning to snow. I went

up to see Billy at Maggies

then went to prayer meeting

E.A. Strong & wife stayed a-

gain all night.

Thursday, Apr 23

damp and cold this mor-

ning. I spent the day at Mrs.

Larsons, Hose came after me

went to Lodge in the evening

Fri, Apr 24

cloudy & cool this morning

little frost this morning
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 20)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 20)


[page 20]
[page corresponds with labeled page 17 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

I went to Delaware Lodge with

Maggie, Irene, Mrs. Pulse,

Sat, Apr 25

cool and cloudy,

Mrs. Foster called, rained

this evening. I was at

Hetties tonight

Sunday, Apr 26

Rained hard all last night

and this forenoon, had

early dinner, then took

long ride to Dam, north

Columbus, and back home

saw hundreds of ducks on

the river, quite a wind

storm with rain & snow

did not go to church

Monday, Apr 27

cloudy & cold. Hose & I took

Maggie with us to Col. I got

new shoes & voil dress. also

tomato plants. Mrs Gelston

called. Went to Clubat Neilsons

Tues, Apr. 28

Hard frost last night today

cold and windy. Bess and

Elliott called awhile, I took

my voile dress over to Zella K,

and got my silk dress with

the new sleeves home

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 21)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 21)


[page 21]

[page corresponds with labeled page 18 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

A man from Utica died

on the street today, warm-

er this evening, but windy

I was at Fosters awhile

Wed, Apr 29

Beautiful bright day, cool.

Hose & Jack went to Columbus

Jane Chapman called

I was Rosas & Lily's in evening

Thurs, Apr 30

Beautiful day, cool I washed

a little & set out 7 tomato

plants. I was at chapmans

in the evening. Mert & Lo

Smythe called this evening

Fri, May 1

Nice bright day, warmer

Mert Smythe called for me

to go to Delaware, could not go

I went to Inspection in

Westerville this evening,

Hose came after me.

Saturday, May 2

Nice day, warm, rained

a nice shower this P.M.

Christine was here a few

minutes. I went to church

meeting this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 22)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 22)


[page 22]

[page corresponds with labeled page 19 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sunday, May 3

Beautiful day, Rosa, Lily

Hose and I went to Bucyrus

Mon, May 4

Beautiful day

I washed & ironed sitting

room curtains. Mrs Foster

called. I was at Hetties in

the evening.

Tues, May 5

Beautiful day

We cleaned sitting room

Henry Huff plowed big

garden. I set out 24

glad bulbs. Maggie was

here this evening

Wed, May 6

cloudy and threatening

rain. I spent the day

at Lelands & Irene, Leland

is sick. I was at Mas-

orie entertainment this


Thur, May 7

rained all night last

night and some today

colder this evening and still rain-

ing. Jane Chapman & Mrs Foster called

I was at Hetties this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 23)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 23)


[page 23]

[page corresponds with labeled page 20 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

tried on my 2 dresses at

Zella Knowders this morning

Fri, May 8

Nice day. Hose and I went

to Columbus, I got a hat

made at Lazarus, set out

the glad bulbs Irene gave. I

got a dozen more bulbs and

marigold. I went to Raleighs

play in the evening

Sat, May 9

Raining today, cleared a

little in afternoon, got my

made hat by mail. Mrs. Irwin

and Daisy Wheaton called

I was at Lilies in the evening

also Mrs Fosters

Sunday, May 10

Partly cloudy & showery all

day. We went to Smythes in

the last afternoon, they were

not at home. Lily & Rosa call

ed and we went to church

Mildred & mother called a

little while, Lambert girl buried

Mon, May 11

cloudy & showery, I did the

usual work, Hose and Jack

in Col all day. I was at

Mrs Kimballs in the eve

ning, Mr. Rush back.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 24)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 24)


[page 24]
[page corresponds with labeled page 21 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Tues, May 12

cool cloudy & showery. I set

last (crossed out) bulbs I got at Livingstons

washed green spread and towels

Mr Rush was here last night

I was at Chapmans this evening

Wed, May 13

rained all forenoon. I

spent the day with Bess

she gave me some glad bulbs

I was at Daisy Wheatons in evening

Thurs, May 14

Beautiful bright day. cool

I set out Lily & Bess bulbs

Mrs Foster called Jane

Chapman gave me 3 tulips

I was at Hetties in evening

Fri, May 15

nice day, partly cloudy, I

got 1 1/2 doz tomatoes of Erus-

bergers and set them out

also planted Jimmie & Mari-

gold seed that I bought.

I went to grades school play

Sat, May 16

windy, Hose planted Zinnia and

Marigold seed. It is raining

this evening. Mr. & Mrs Thrasber

here over night.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 25)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 25)


[page 25]

[page corresponds with labeled page 22 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sun, May 17

Rained hard most of the

night, cloudy this A.M. cleared

and beautiful this P.M.

Hose and called on Mrs Kirk-

Patrick at Powell and on

Cleve & Ada Boyd in Columbus

Fosters called this P.M.

Monday, May 18

Beautiful day, warm, Hose

and I went to Delaware and

got 1 doz glad bulbs & 1 doz

tomato plants, we set them

out. Jane Chapman called

I was at Maggies in the


Tues, May 19

nice day, a little windy

Hose and I went to Columbus

I got my flowers and we fixed

porch boxes. Mildred was in

a minute. I was Lily's in

the evening also at Chapmans

Wed, May 20

Rained hard last night

and some today. not much

doing today I was at Hetties

this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 26)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 26)


[page 26]

[page corresponds with labeled page 23 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Thur, May 21

nice day. Mrs Foster called. I

washed some. I went to Lodge

in evening

Fri, May 22

cloudy & misty. Swept big

north bed room, rained most

of the day. Mrs Teter took

Rosa, Lily and I up to Senior

class play.

Sat, May 23 (Christine called

cloudy & much colder, I was

at Fosters this evening

also at Gelstons a little while.

Sun, May 24

nice bright forenoon, frost last

night, & poured and rained

this evening

We went to airport & Granville

called at Armstrongs (rained very hard)

and Strolins they were

not at home. Jane Chapman

took me for a ride there

to baccalureate sermon.

Monday, May 25

cloudy & little windy, washed and

ironed. Mrs Foster called also

Jane Chapman. I did not go to com-

mencement, Hose was away
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 27)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 27)


[page 27]

[page corresponds with labeled page 24 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Tues, May 26

Beautiful day, cool, Mrs Perry

swept upstairs. I was at Zellas

Knowders & tried on dresses

Had a letter from Mary. Was

at Lily's in the evening

Wed, May 27

Beautiful day, warm

cleaned kitchen some

Went to Caroline Robinson

funeral, called at Maggies

went to prayer meeting

Mrs. Parson & Pickhan called

Thurs, May 28

nice day, very warm, Hoses

mother came for over Decora-

tion, Jane Chapman called.

We set our tables & cleaned the

house for our party on Saturday.

Fri, May 29

Very warm day, threatening

rain. Mr Clouse buried

I was at Hetties this morning

Sat, May 30

Decoration Day

I am having our annual din-

ner. cloudy & rained a little

Calvins family came

from Cleveland. quite warm
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 28)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 28)


[page 28]

[page corresponds with labeled page 25 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sun, May 31

nice day, quite a little cooler

Calvin & family called awhile

this morning. Hose, I and his

mother went to Central College

to see tornado's work, Jane

Chapman called

Mon, June 1

nice day, I washed a little

Jane Chapman & Mrs Foster called

I went to Pythian work put

on by Kilbourne but had to go

home as Hose had to go away.

Tues, June 2

fine day, Jane Chapman

called. I was at Lily's in evening

Wed, June 3

cloudy & rained a little, I

helped entertain the Mission

Circle at the church. Festus

& Mrs Foster called. I called

on Carrie Chapman in evening

Thurs, June 4

cloudy, rained hard this P.M.

Jane Chapman called. I

washed some towels, I was

at Hetties this evening.

Fri, June 5

Nice day, Hose and I went to

Columbus, we got porch vallances
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 29)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 29)


[page 29]

[page corresponds with labeled page 26 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

and I another new hat

Mother Hopkins went home,

Jane Chapman called. I

was at Fosters in evening.

Sat, June 6, my birthday

warm, raining this

evening. Bess & Elliott

called and brot my a prous

I called on Mrs Ramsey,

Sun, June 7

windy, clearing & raining

all day. Hose and I took

lunch and went to Jane

Cavemis. I did not go to church

Monday, June 8

nice day. quite cool. I washed

a little. I went to Salvation

Army meeting on the park.

Jane & Lily called a while

Abbie Kimball spent the

evening. Hose went to

Elyria. Mrs Argo died

Tues, June 9

Beautiful day, quite cool,

I helped on Dec. committee

for our A.E. Banquet. Electric-

ity put in little front room,

I went to banquet in evening

Hose busy all day.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 30)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 30)


[page 30]

[page corresponds with labeled page 27 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Wed, June 11

nice day, cool. Ed Gibson put

up our porch vallance.

Jane Chapman called. I

was at Hetties this evening

Thurs, June 12

nice day

Maggie was here in the

evening also Abbie Kimball [crossed out]

Fri, June 13

nice day, cloudy, we went

to Chilicothe, Adelphice, Rock House & Logan called on

Parsons. I was at Daisy W. in evening

Sat, June 14

partly cloudy. not much

doing. Mrs Foster called.

I was at Lilys in the evening

Mrs. Lawson also called.

threatened rain

Sunday, June 14

Partly cloudy & cooler rain-

ed a little. We called on Smythe

Sisters a little while Jane Chapman

called. I went to Children's Day

at Baptist Church

Monday, June 15

nice cool day, Did not do much

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 31)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 31)


[page 31]

[page corresponds with labeled page 28 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Tues, June 16

Nice day but quite cool. I wash-

ed a little. I called on Carrie

chapman a while. Listened

to Harding Memorial program

Wed, June 17 nice day

Bob brot bricks back

I was at Hetties in evening

Thurs, June 18

very fine day, warmer

Hose and I went to Columbus

and got electric fixtures

for register & west room

also got 3 new windows

for north room.

Mrs. Foster & Merle Williams

called, finished getting

porch vallance. got rug

home that I got of Christine

Fri, June 19

beautiful day, quite warm

Ed Ginn put new windows in

the north room. Jane Chapman

called. I did not go to mock trial

Sat, June 20

Nice day, very warm, hard shower

in late afternoon. We looked

at electric refrigerators at C & I
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 32)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 32)


[page 32]

[page corresponds with labeled page 29 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sunday, June 21

very warm day, Hose gone almost

all day, I did not go to church.

fine shower in the evening

Monday, June 22

very warm day

We got electric refrigerator

I washed a little, Mrs Foster

and Daisy Wheaton called

Tuesday, June 23

warm & cloudy. We set out

some iris that Daisy W.

gave me. Mr. Loop wired the

register room and west

room for electricity. I

made 4 qts strawberry jam.

We got 10 quarts of cherries from Leland.

I was at Lilys & Mrs Hammonds

Wed, June 24

very warm I canned cherries

& made 2 glasses of jelly. Mrs

Foster & Ada Fravel called. I did

not go to Pythian card party.

Thurs, June 25

very warm

Charley, Mary & Frost from Johnstown

called. I was at Hetties in the

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 33)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 33)


[page 33]

[page corresponds with labeled page 30 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Fri, June 26

very warm. fine shower in

the afternoon, I did not do

much today. very much cooler

this evening

Sat, June 27

nice day, a little cooler, just

the Saturday's work. We re-

newed subscription for Gazette

Mrs Kimball & Mrs Irwin called

in the evening

Sun, June 28

very warm. We went to

Mr. Vernon, Newark & home.

Mr Barnhardt called,

sprinkled this evening

Mon, June 29

fine rain last night but

very warm today, cherry

canning is the order of

the day. I washed some

Tues, June 30

very warm, finished can-

ning cherries, Mrs. Foster call-

ed, 5 over night

Wed, July 1

very warm.

Dowell came over to fix toilet,

Mrs Foster called. I was at

Hetties in evening
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 34)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 34)


[page 34]

[page corresponds with labeled page 31 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Thurs, July 2,

very very warm, cooler in the

evening. I was at Lily's in

the evening, cherries gone.

Fri, July 3

warm, but quite a breeze

Mr & Mrs Wheaton and Jane

Chapman called this forenoon

prepared my 4th of July dinner

quite a little today.

much cooler this evening

Sat, July 4

Not quite so warm, I made

peach ice cream for the first

time in the electric.

NOrthing doing in this

town today. I was a Hetties

In the evening also Gelstons

Sun, July 5

Quite warm, but breezy

rained a little shower

HOse and I went to Delaware,

Mt. Gilead then home.

Florence Knoske and fam-

ily called also Mr. & Mrs Irwin

Monday, July 6

much cooler

We washed a little. Mert and

Lo took me a ride up to Blue
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 35)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 35)


[page 35]

[page corresponds with labeled page 32 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

church corners Mrs Foster

called a little while. Rented

Festus Room to Mr Roberts

Tuesday, July 7

cool, cloudy, threatening

rain this A.M. I ironed a

little. Jane Chapman and

Mrs Foster and Maggie

called. I got letter with

pictures from Mary. I was

at Chapmans a little while

Wed, July 8

beautiful summer day

cool & clear. Did not do much

I was at Lily's in evening

Thurs, July 9

fine day, cool in house

Hose mowed some weeds.

Mrs Mueller & Rolland

and Mrs Strosnider called

Jane C. was here a few minutes

Fri, July 10

Lovely day, quite cool, Hose

and I went to Col. I got a

panama hat. Mrs Irwin, Mrs

Sedgwick, Bessie Perfict and I

went to Delaware to hear Billy

Sunday, cold last night
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 36)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 36)


[page 36]

[page corresponds with labeled page 33 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sat, July 11

quite cool this morning, Hose

got a chicken from Nellie

is helping Strosnider

I was at Hetties this evening

Sun, July 12

cool and cloudy, but getting

warmer, Hose gone most all

day to Lackeys Rosa Borcus

called in afternoon

Chapmans guests called a

few minutes

Mon, July 13

cool this morning but

getting much warmer. I

washed a little. Did not do

much else, Hosa busy most

all day.

Tues, July 4

very warm

We went to Delaware to pay

taxes, not quite so high. I

was at Lily's in evening.

Mrs Ramsey called this eve

Wed, July 15

cloudy and much cooler

this A.M. I was at Maggies in evening

getting awful warm
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 37)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 37)


[page 37]

[page corresponds with labeled page 34 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Thus, July 16

Terribly warm 98°

Mrs Lawson spent the day

here. Jane Chapman called

did not work much 6 over night

Fri, July 17

cooler rained some last

night and a terrible electrical

storm we got up. We took

our dining room clock to

Oberboltzer at Centerburg to

get it cleaned. Lovely

rain this afternoon and

some cooler

Sat, July 18

cooler, lots of rain. We

did not do much work. I

was at Daisy Wheatons this eve

Sunday, July 19

very warm

Hosea, Rosa, Lily and I

went to Sugar Grove Lake

Mon, July 20

cooler, rained in the

morning. I did not wash,

I was at Hetties in the evening

Thus, July 21

Poured rain all this

forenoon. I was at Bess all

day, set out delphinums she gave me
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 38)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 38)


[page 38]

[page corresponds with labeled page 35 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Wed, July 22.

Cooler I washed a little first

electric bill came. surprised

Thurs, July 23

A little cooler Harvey & Snow

came down to see after ref-

Hettie & Mrs Foster called

Bess sent me a qt of blackberries

Hose and Jack went to Mt Vernon

I was at Clapmans this evening

Fri, July 24

cool in the house, partly

cloudy. Mrs Foster called

and gave me some beans.

got chicken from Ike Sharman

canned 1 qt of berries.

Sat, July 25

Cool last night

beautiful summer day

a housefull last night,

made pies and dressed a chicken

Leland Wm Irene and Mrs

Irwin called in the evening

I took my shoes to shoe man and

called at Hetties

Sunday, July 26

Beautiful day. We took our din-

ner and went to see old Fort

near Glenford. Jane Madden called
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 39)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 39)


[page 39]

[page corresponds with labeled page 36 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Monday, July 27

Very warm. I washed some

Maggie was here in the evening

Tues, July 28

Very very warm. Did not do

much. I was at Borcus in

the evening, Ironed

11 sheets and 13 towels

Wed, July 29

Very warm. I took out

insurance today, got

3 qts berries. Mert Smythe

took me to Centerburg

Mrs Madden called this


Thurs, July 30

Very warm day. I canned

2 1/2 qt blackberries. Carrie

Chapman called. Hose and

Jack went to Mt Vernon

3 over night. Threatened rain

Fri, July 31

Very warm, I made lots

of blackberry jelly, Mrs. Mum

& Daisy Wheaton were here

in the evening.

Fri, Aug 1.

Very warm, did my usual

work. Was at Maggie's this

evening, Hose & Abe went to Col in Abes
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 40)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 40)


[page 40]

[page corresponds with labeled page 37 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sunday, Aug 3

Warm but breezy. We had an

early dinner, then went Mt Gilead

Marion, Prospect, Magnetic

Delaware and home

Mon, Aug 4

Cool breeze this morning, we

washed a little. Went to Cen-

terburg this A.M. for our clock

Hose and Jack went to Columbus

Mrs. Foster called this P.M.

I was at Hetties this evening

Tues, Aug 5

Very warm, canned 4 pts of to-

matoes, Festus called. I was

at Lily's in the evening

Wed, Aug 5

Very foggy this morning

The Mission Circle went to

Jersey to Rev Hustons, covered

dish dinner. We had a

big rain today.

Thursday, Aug 6

very warm, I canned 4 pts

tomatoes today, Mr Monroe was

here overnight.

Fri, Aug 7

Very warm. Did not do much

on from Chautauqua N.Y

came back

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 41)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 41)


[page 41]

[page corresponds with labeled page 38 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sat, Aug 8

Very warm all day. I was

at Lelands for dinner.

Daisy Wheaton called

this evening and after

words I was at Carrie Chapman

Sunday, Aug 9

warm, we took ride to

Westerville, Worthington

Plain City, Hilliards

up river road home.

rained hard on trip

Monday, Aug 10, Christines birthday

Daisy Cox and husband called

Rained very hard last

night, washed and ironed

Mrs Foster called

fine and cool this evening

Tues, Aug 11

Nice and cool. I canned

1 pt of tomatoes, and did quite

a little upstairs work

Hose & Jack went to Col.

Wed, Aug 12

rained last night and

quite cool I went to our

reunion at Irene's Daisy Cox went

with me. We had a fine time

I was at Fosters in the

evening. Midlred G. called

for news for paper,
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 42)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 42)


[page 42]

[page corresponds with labeled page 39 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Thus, Aug 13

rained hard all last night

cold today. Did not do much.

Hose not at all busy.

I was at Lily's in the evening

Fri, Aug 14

warmer today, usual amount

of work done. Had some

Maggie called

Michigan people overnight.

the little boy is sick.

Sat, Aug 15

Still getting warmer

little boy still sick called

Dr. Gerhasdt & Dr Gassucle

Mrs Barker & Jack called

Sunday, Aug 16

Much warmer, the little boy

still sick, gas man from

Gallion called a while

Monday, Aug 17,

very warm, I washed

some. Took the little boy

to Detroit Hospital.

Mrs Gelston called also

Jane Chapman

Tues, Aug 18,

very warm, partly cloudy

we cleaned morth front bed

room, Elliott was here for dinner
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 43)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 43)


[page 43]

[page corresponds with labeled page 40 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

I canned 6 pts of tomatoes

Jane Chapman called this

evening. I was at Hetties this


Wed, Aug. 19

Not quite so warm, Hose & Jack

went to Columbus. Mrs Foster

called, I was at Daisy Wheatons

in the evening

Thurs, Aug 20,

Poured and rained in the

night, Hose and I went to

Columbus. I got new thin dress

& 2 new spreads. Hose went

back with Abe at 4.o'clock.

Fri, Aug 21

very nice and cool, beautiful

day. I washed green spread

and some towels. Was at Hetties

for some peaches this evening

Sat, Aug 22

still cool, canned 2 pts to

matoes. I was at Lilys a

little while this evening

Mrs Lawson called a few mts.

Sun, Aug 23

beautiful cool day, we took our

dinner and went to Col, Lancaster

Logan, called on Parsons,
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 44)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 44)


[page 44]

[page corresponds with labeled page 41 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Nelsonville, New Straitsville

New Lexington, Newark and home

Carrie C. called a little while,

Monday Aug 24

Still cool, did not do much was

too tired. Called at Chapmans

a little while this evening

Tues, Aug 25

Still cool, Did not do much to

day, pain in my side.

Mrs Foster called, several

over night tonight.

Wed, Aug 26

Still cool rained hard

most of the day, washed

but did not hang them up.

Hose went to Magnetic S.

I was at Maggie's this evening

Thurs, Aug 27

Nice and cool, beautiful day

did not do much, Mrs. Perry

Swept up stairs. I was at

Mrs. Ramsey's this evening

Fri, Aug 28

cool and cloudy, rained

early this morning, Mrs.

Foster called this P.M.

Nellie Loar died. I went to

club at Community Hall

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 45)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 45)


[page 45]

[page corresponds with labeled page 42 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sat, Aug. 29

very cool. We took big clock

to Centerburg to have it cleaned

I was at Hetties this evening

she gave me some corn

and apples

Sun, Aug 30

still cool, rained some

showers today, Mert Smythe

called. Nellie Loar was

buried, Harts were here


Monday, Aug 31 I was at Lily this evening

cool. Did not do much

Mrs Sedgwicks brother

called on Hose.

Tues, Sept 1

lovely cool day. Hose and I

went to the fair. It blew

and rained terribly this


Wed, Sept 2

rained hard all day

canned some peaches and

tomatoes. House nearly

full tonight.

Thurs, Sept 3.

Beautiful day, we washed

a little, Hose made a trip

to Columbus. Several tonight
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 46)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 46)


[page 46]

[page corresponds with labeled page 43 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Fri, Sept 4.

rained some of the day.

Monroes were here all day, Mildred

Gelston called. I was at Mrs Fosters

this evening

Sat, Sept 5

Leland called this evening

lovely day, worked very

hard, so many over night

I was at Hetties this evening

Sun, Sept 6.

Beautiful day, cool we took

our lunch and went to

Carey, O, Lily & Rosa here

this evening

Monday, Sept 7

Beautiful day we washed

9 sheets & some towels, Miss

Bond still here. House very


Tues, Sept 8.

Awful hot, we washed some

more today, not much doing


Wed, Sept 9

Awful hot, did the house

work. was at Carries in the evening

Thurs, Sept 10. got club material

still hot, I ironed today.

Will and Ina at Daisy W today

House nearly full tonight
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 47)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 47)


[page 47]

[page corresponds with labeled page 44 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Fri, Sept 11

very warm. Irene and

I went out to Elliotts to

can peaches. Stella

Hannon was there for


Sat, Sept 12.

very warm. I canned 3 qts

of peaches, I was at Hetties

this evening.

Sun, Sept 13.

very warm, busy this mor-

ning with the rooms.

Miss Bond left, Had a nice

chicken dinner, after that

we took a ride up 61. I was

at Chapmans this evening

Mon, Sept 14.

very warm, I canned 8 qts

of peaches, was at Lily's

in the evening. Jane

Chapman called a few minutes

Tues, Sept 15,

very warm, sprinkled a

little this A.M. I spent

the day at Percie Lawson,

got peaches ready this evening

for peach butter Jane C.

called a few minutes
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 48)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 48)


[page 48]

[page corresponds with labeled page 45 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Wed, Sept 16,

very warm, we made peach

butter. We went to Centerburg and

got our big clock.

Thus, Sept 17.

very warm, rained a

little this P.M. started

my club paper this even-

ing. I was at Maggies

this evening.

Fri, Sept 18.

much cooler after the rain

we made grape butter today

I went to Baptist aid this

afternoon and to Abbie Kim-

balls this evening. Dr. G.

came this evening and

got some grapes. Still

working on club paper.

Sat, Sept 19.

lovely cool day. washed a

little. Jane C. called, I was

at Chapmans, Was at Hetties

this evening 3 over night

Sun, Sept 20,

quite warm. We went Urbana

Mechanicsburg, Plain City

and home for a ride

Awful tired when I came

back. Jane C. called a few minutes
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 49)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 49)


[page 49]

[page corresponds with labeled page 46 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Monday, Sept 21

very warm. Did not do much

Hose dug some potatoes. Bess

and Elliott called this evening

rained a little

Tues, Sept 22.

very warm, Hose and I

went to Columbus, got

slip cover material and

rubber matting. I was at

Lily's this evening.

Wed, Sept 23.

Much cooler, nice rain

this forenoon. Hose busy

Irene, Wm & Leland called

this evening

Thurs, Sept 24,

Nice and cool, canned

a pint of tomatoes. Went

out to Ethels to get her to

make chair covers, found

her sick in bed. Mrs

Foster was here this P.M.

I was at Mrs Burrens this


Fri, Sept 24

still cool, rained hard

this P.M. I did not get to

go to club at Irene's as Hose

had to go away.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 50)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 50)


[page 50]

[page corresponds with labeled page 47 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sat, Sept 26

very cool, dressed a chicken

for tomorrow dinner. Hose

is quite busy. Sent my

club material back to state

library. Hetties birthday

I am going up this evening

and take her a bouquet.

Sun, Sept 27,

cool day. Hose gone most of

the day, I went to church in

the evening

Mon, Sept 28.

cool. washed north room

curtains and all front win-

dows. Harringtons came

I was Borcuk this evening.

Tues, Sept 29

beautiful day. Dr. Harrington

was married and left

I washed Jacks spread and

curtains was at Fosters

in the evening

Wed, Sept 30,

Beautiful day, went to Col-

and got curtains for double

northroom, new hat, and one

made over also sheet. opportu-

nity day
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 51)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 51)


[page 51]

[page corresponds with labled page 48 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Thurs, Oct 1.

Nice day, some what cloudy

I washed and ironed west

room curtains. Took a hat

to Mrs Foster, Maggie and

Pearl Whitney called this eve

Mrs Perry swept upstairs

Lo Smythe called after meeting

Fri, Oct 2.

Beautiful day like summer

I washed 4 sheets then

went out to Bess' for the day.

finished putting up my new

curtains in north room.

Sat, Oct 3.

Beautiful warm day. Did

not do much, Mr & Mrs Parsons

called a little while, I was

at Hetties this evening.

Sun, Oct 4.

Beautiful warm day, we

did not take a ride as

rommers stayed in room

all day. I went to church

in the evening. Substitute

Preacher stayed all night

also 4 others

Monday, Oct 5

Rained last night and

a little today. We washed
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 52)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 52)


[page 52]

[page corresponds with labeled page 49 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

a few things, I was down

to see Pheobe today. Miss Bond

called this evening. drizzling again.

Tues, Oct 6

Fine day, I washed 2

spreads. I was at Lily's in

the evening.

Wed, Oct 7

Rained early this morning.

washed 5 pr of curtains. Hose

has been painting new

windows that we got also

a door that we got Oct 1st

3 railroad men over night

Thurs, Oct 8.

rained last night and

most of the day. we put up

new blinds, washed 1 pr of

curtains, was at Maggies a

little while this evening.

Fri, Oct 9,

beautiful day. we washed

and ironed front room

curtains, I was at Hetties

in the evening

Sat, Oct 10

beautiful day. Maggie call-

ed, washed hall curtains,

was at Mrs Fosters a little while
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 53)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 53)


[page 53]

[page corresponds with labeled page 50 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sun, Oct. 11

cloudy this A.M. we went

to St Mary's lake took our lunch

drizzled most of the after-

noon, we brot Jack T. back

I went to church this evening

Mon, Oct 12,

fine day, cooler we wash-

ed dining room cur-

tains and took up rug.

I was at Mrs Sedgwicks

and Sada's in the evening

Tues, Oct. 13 (at Lily's this evening

cloudy this A.M. rain-

ed this afternoon. finish-

ed washing and ironing

curtains, Hose finished

digging potatoes, nice ones.

Wed, Oct 14

rained hard last night

and hard today off and on

all day. Dr, Maggie, Dell

Sneddecker, Mrs Davidson

and I went to church as-

sociation at Linden, all day

and evening.

Thurs, Oct 15.

cooler today. made 5 glasses

of jelly. nothing doing

was at Hetties a little while
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 54)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 54)


[page 54]

[page corresponds with labeled page 51 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Fri, Oct 16

cooler did not do much, raining

a little this afternoon and evening,

I was at Daisy Wheaton's this evening

Sat, Oct 17.

cold, beautiful day, quite

windy, obnoxious people

stayed last night. Bess and

Irene each gave us a chicken

today. Irene was here tonight

I did not see her and I was a Mrs F.

Sun, Oct 18.

Heavy frost last night beau-

tiful day today. We stayed home.

I was a Chapmans

this evening

Mon, Oct 19.

Hard frost last night but

beautiful day today. Did not do

much, Mrs Foster called. I was

at Maggies in the evening.

Tues, Oct. 20.

Beautiful day not quite so cold,

We washed a little, Maggie and

Bessie P. brought missionary

apron to me. I was at Lily's

and Chapmans awhile.

Wed, Oct. 21.

Beautiful day, we washed 7 sheets

Mrs Fivoz was in a few minutes. I went to

prayer meeting.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 55)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 55)


[page 55]

[page corresponds with labeled page 52 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Thurs, Oct 22

Beautiful day, hazy like

indian summer. I canned

5 qts of beets. Hose cleaned up

our room. Will Weaver and

Hose's mother called a while

started refrigerator again

Tues, pretty warm. I was

at Lily's this evening

Fri, Oct 23

Beautiful day. did not do

much, went to club at

Daisy Wheatons Don Miller billed

Sat, Oct 24

raining this morning

misty and colder. I was

at Hetties a little while this


Sun, Oct, 25.

Beautiful fall day. We took

Rosa & Lily and went to Mt

Vernon, Walhonding, Cochocton,

Newark and back home

lovely drive. Lily, Rosa and

I went to see slides at Bap-

tist church in the evening.

Will and Alice Pryor called.

Mon, Oct 26.

Beautiful day, we washed a

little, Ed Gilder put Jack's
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 56)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 56)


[page 56]

[page corresponds with labeled page 53 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

new windows in. I was at

cooks a little while. Mrs. Fos-

ter called.

Wed, Oct 28

Beautiful day. Hose went

out to Elliotts and got fork.

Jane C. called a little

while, I was at prayer

meeting this evening

Thurs, Oct 29

Nice day, partly cloudy. we

went to Zanesville, McConnels-

ville, Duncan Falls, New Lex.

and home. Harry Reece took

measurements for hall windows,

Maggie and I went to the

new restaurant opening

then called on Mrs Burren

Fri, Oct 30.

cold, cloudy, a little misty, Did

not do much, Hose took Elliotts fork

home and got some apples for pies.

Mrs Frye in and waited until auto was fixed

Lily. Rosa & I went to Halloween party on park.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 57)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 57)


[page 57]

[page corresponds with labeled page 54 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sat, Oct 31 drizzling a little and

cold. Helen Fivoz got hurt last

night, Mrs Foster called a

little while rained hard

most of the afternoon, Leland

brot us some pears today. Did

not go any place tonight

Sun, Nov 1.

cold and cloudy, Mr Jones

burried today. cleaned off

this afternoon. We went to

N. Columbus and Oshaunessy

Dam, back by Bellpoint, Mag-

gie called a little while. I

went to church this evening,

Mon, Nov 2

cloudy and cold. Hose and

I went to Col, about 11 o clock

I got a corset at Kathryn Bells

Jane Chapman called. Hose

out with Abe on 2 funeral calls

I was Hetties this evening

Tues, Nov 3.

Beautiful day. Ed Frim is

hanging bathroom & hall

doors. Hose and I went over

and voted Mrs. Irwin and

Mrs Wheaton called this P.M.

I was at Fosters this evening
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 58)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 58)


[page 58]

[page corresponds labeled page 55 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Wed, Nov 4.

Beautiful day. I made quince

[illegible] & quince honey, E. A. Strong

called. Hose was busy. In

the evening I was at Maggies,

Hetties and Chapmans

Thurs, Nov 5

clear and windy, Hose

gone almost all day. Mag-

gie called a few minutes

on her way to Fivoz: Abbie

Kimball called awhile.

Fri, Nov. 6.

Nice day. Hose busy. Jane C.

called a few minutes. Monroe

family are here. House full


Sat, Nov. 7.

Cloudy and cold. Home game

in Columbus. I washed a few towels. Hose took man

to ball game in Columbus

rained, sleeted & snowed a

little today.

Sun, Nov. 8.

Beautiful sunshiny day,

was quite busy this fore-

noon. This P.M. we took Mert

& Lo Smythe and went to the

Pastor horse show.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 59)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 59)


[page 59]

[page corresponds with labeled page 56 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Mon, Nov 9.

Beautiful day. I washed a

little Ed Gim put in new

hall windows. Mrs. Foster

called. I was at Borcus'

a little while. Mrs. Ramsey


Tues, Nov. 10.

fine day, I have a billious

attack. Hose gone all day.

Ethel Hagaman called.

did not do anything today

Wed, Nov 11.

Armistice day, rained a

little last night and this

morning. Last night we

hunted window prepers

at Gelstons. Bess spent the

day here, Hose was called

to Weavers, his mother fell

down, He took on Gorsuch up

I went up to Maggies but had

to come home.

Thur, Nov 12.

Hose's mother broke her hip

in two places, was taken

to the Hospital this A.M.

Mrs. Gelston, Carrie & Jane

Chapman, Mrs. Foster and

Mert Smythe called today.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 60)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 60)


[page 60]

[page corresponds with labeled page 57 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

I did not go to Pearl Whibuty

party this evening. Rained

most of the day. Frank Bell

painted front door casings

Fri, Nov. 13

Beautiful day. Mr Reardon

died. We went to Col to

see Hose's mother. found

her fairly comfortable.

I was Borcus this evening

Mrs. Snyder & Bertha Huddlestein


Sat, Nov. 14

Beautiful day. I fixed my

black dress sleeves. Jane C.

called a few minutes. Le-

land called. I was at Het-

ties this evening.

Sun, Nov 15.

Beautiful warm day, too warm

Jane C. called twice, Mr. Turley

and Abbie Kimball also called

Lily and Rosa came and

we went to church, Hose gone

most of the day, took ride up 61.

Mon, Nov 16.

Beautiful day, we went to hospital to see

Hose' mother found her about the

same. I got 2 rugs for the
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 61)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 61)


[page 61]

[page corresponds with labeled page 58 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

bathroom. I was at Foster's

this evening. very foggy this morning

Tue, Nov 17.

clear and warm getting cloudy

I washed 6 sheets, Mr. Look

put light on back porch.

I started making covers

for living room suite

today. I was over to say good-

bye to Daisy W, and Mrs. Masser

Irene & Leland called today.

Wed, Nov 18.

fine day, cloudy in the morning, rained hard last

night. We went to hospital to

see Hose's mother. fairly

comfortable. I was at Hettie's

last night. Hubert & Mabel

called a minute.

Thurs, Nov 18.

Beautiful day. quite warm

Jane Chapman called

Hose went to hospital to see

his mother found her about

the same. Hose got a turkey

up at Boyds and engaged

our for Thankgiving. I am

working on furniture covers

Jane Chapman called twice
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 62)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 62)


[page 62]

[page corresponds with labeled page 59 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

I was at Lilys a little while

Maggie was here part of the evening

Fri, Nov 20.

Lovely warm day.

We dressed a turkey. Mrs.

Foster called. Harvey Allen

worked on radio again

Lily, Rosa & I went to

Baptist Church play.

Sat, Nov 21.

Rained hard last night

and this morning. we are

having turkey new. I am still

on my suite covers. I was Lily's

in the evening. Florence Beum

us visiting there. Akron man

called to see us on way home from game

Bess was here a few minutes today

Sun, Nov 22.

Beautiful warm day.

Still have turkey. We went to

Bellpoint down the river to

hospital, found Hose's mother

comfortable. Came back through

Sheppard. I went to church this eve.

Mon, Nov 23.

Beautiful day. Still working on

my covers. Mrs. Beum called also

Strosnider. I was at Maggies this

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 63)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 63)


[page 63]

[page corresponds with labeled page 60 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Tues, Nov 24

Nice day until this eveving

raining some. Hose went to

Col to see his mother, found

her much inproved. Also or-

dered license plate for next yr.

Still working on covers (slip).

Wed, Nov 25,

Beautiful day. Much colder

30 colder. Our other turkey

came today. Jane Chapman

called twice. I was at

prayer meeting this evening

Hose has been busy most

of the day.

Thurs, Nov 26,

Nice day but cold. We ate

Thanksgiving dinner at

Maggies. I was at Borcus

in the evening.

Fri, Nov 27,

Got up this A.M. ground

covered with snow

Fishers were here for

a turkey dinner. Jane C.

called also Fosters Sherbow

Hose down to see his mother

found her about the same.

I went to P.C. banquet tonight

took Billy as my guest
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 64)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 64)


[page 64]

[page corresponds with labeled page 61 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sat, Nov 28,

Cold and cloudy, snow melted

some today.

Hose over at Reardons apprais-

ing. Jane Chapman and will

Weaver called I was at

Fosters and Chapmans this

evening. it is beginning

to rain a little.

Sun, Nov 29,

Warmer, cloudy and a

little drizzly. we took a ride

to Fulton, Ashley, Delaware

and home, Will Weaver

called. Hose went down

to the Hospital to see his

mother, she is not quite

so well, John Furry went

with him, Jane & Carrie C

were here with me

Mon, Nov 30,

gloomy day cold & raw

Hose went to Hospital to be with

his mother. Mrs. Gelston called,

also Mert Smythe & Jane Chapman

Hose found his mother resting


Tues, Dec 1

Beautiful day. Hose gone all day to see

his mother, found her not good.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 65)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 65)


[page 65]

[page corresponds with labeled page 62 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Jane Chapman and Mrs

Foster called.

Wed, Dec 2,

Beautiful bright day. I

washed a little. Hose gone

all day to see his mother.

Thurs, Dec 3,

Beautiful day like spring

we went to Hospital to see

Hose's mother, found her

suffering greatly. I was

at Mrs Kimballs in the evening.

Fri, Dec 3

rained hard this mor-

ning, got colder and wind

blew a little. Jane C. will

Weaver & Troy called Hose

was down to see his

mother. found her a little

more comfortable.

Sat, Dec 6,

Cloudy all day, Jane C.

& Mrs Irwin called. I was

at Mrs Fosters in the evening

We are eating green onions

out of the garden. Hose

down to see his Mother

She is not very good.

Sun, Dec 6

Cold and cloudy, alone all

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 66)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 66)


[page 66]

[corresponds to labeled page 63]

day, Hose helping Abe. John

Trimmer called on his way

from the Hospital, found Hose

mother getting weaker.

Mon, Dec 7.

Beautiful day, a little windy

and cold. Hose helped Abe

in Westerville then went

on to see his mother

found her more comfort-

able. I was at Hetties this

evening. Wrote to Alice Musser.

Tues, Dec 8.

Partly cloudy & cold about

freezing. Hose gone most

of the day, Mrs. Foster called.

I was at Barcus in the

evening. Wrote to Phillipps

Wed, Dec 9.

Sleeted, rained & froze last

night. raining this mor-

ning. Hose went to Hospital

to see his mother. found

her not very good. a little

weaker. Maggie went to Col-

umbus with him. Mert

Smythe called. I did not go

to Pythian entertainment

tonight but sent sandwiches.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 67)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 67)


[page 67]

[corresponds to labeled page 64]

Thurs, Dec 10

Cloudy, a little cool.

We went to Hospital to see

Hose's mother, found her

weaker. Mert & Lo Smythe

called a little while

Fri, Dec 11

Rained very hard early this

morning and some of the day,

not cold. Hose gone all day.

Did not do much. We got out

of bed at 11 o'clock this evening

and took two men to London.

Great pockets of fog in road.

Sat, Dec 12

Beautiful warm day until

4 o'clock, then cloudy

Hose down to see his moth-

er. found her very weak.

Sun, Dec 13

rained hard early this

morning. Hose busy in fore

noon, We went to Hospital

in afternoon to see his

mother. She passed away

at 6.20, Chapmans, Ger-

hardts & Strongs here in

the evening.

Mon, Dec 14

Cold, windy and cloudy,
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 68)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 68)


[page 68]

[corresponds to labeled page 65]

Put Mother Hopkins in

casket & brot her home

Lots of callers. Windy tonite

Tues, Dec 15

Beautiful bright day. not so

cold. Lots of callers at the

house to see Mrs. Hopkins.

Wed, Dec 16

Beautiful bright day but

cold. Mother Hopkins buried

funeral at Baptist church.

Beautiful day.

Thurs, Dec 17

Beautiful bright day and

warmer. Mrs Foster called

Mrs Gerhardt & Jane Chap-

man spent the evening

Fri, Dec 18

Beautiful day, not much

doing, I was at Barcus

in the evening. It is


Sat, Dec 19

Cloudy, foggy and damp.

Everett Perfect was killed

in auto accident last

night. I went over to

Welelis and got Christmas

cards. then went to Mrs.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 69)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 69)


[page 69]

[corresponds to labeled page 66]

Fosters a little while, It

is rainy & foggy this evening.

Sun, Dec 20

Colder and cloudy all

day. Hose gone most of the

day, Mrs. Gelston in a few

minutes, also Carrie Chap-


Mon, Dec 21

Cloudy & drizzly all day.

Jane Chapman called

We went to Columbus this

afternoon, so crowded

we could not shop much.

Mr Stewart paid Hosea

for appraising property,

I was at Gerhardts this


Tues, Dec 22

Cold and drizzly all forenoon

Clearing & bright about 4 P.M.

I took card of thanks to News

Office. Took my brown suade

shoes to shoeman. Was at

Hetties a while

Wed, Dec 23

Cloudy most of the day,

warm. I went up to Christmas

exercises but had to come home.

I spent the evening at Chapmans
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 70)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 70)


[page 70]

[corresponds to labeled page 67]

Thurs, Dec 24

Rainy thunder & lightning

this morning, clearing and

sunny about 4 P.M. some

colder. Jane Chapman called

Hose took Jack home. I was

at Lily's this evening

Maggie was down and gave

us two paper butterflies.

Fri, Dec 25

colder and cloudy. We were

out home for dinner. Jane C.

called in the evening.

Sat, Dec 26

Beautiful clear day, a little

cold, Ed Ginn put weather strips

on three doors. Mrs. Foster called.

Vet Doctor came today to room.

Sun, Dec 27

Beautiful day, much warmer

We went to Delaware, down new

road to Worthington, under

new Subway home. I went

to church tonight. Kids had

a little part in program. Good.

Mon, Dec 28

Fine day, Vet Doctor came

for a while. Jane Chapman

& Leland Fisher called.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 71)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 71)


[page 71]

[corresponds to labeled page 68 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Wm Fisher stayed with

Hosea while we went to club

at Mrs Cornells. Hose gone

all day.

Tues. Dec. 29.

cloudy & cooler, Jane C.

called, I was Hetties

this evening.

Wed. Dec. 30.

fine day. cooler, Fred Dres-

bach buried, Leland called.

cloudy threatening storm,

I was at Mrs Fosters this evening.

Thurs. Dec. 31.

Windy, cloudy & warmer this

forenoon, rained and

drizzled this afternoon.

Percie Lawson was here all

day. Had a good visit. I was

at Lilys this evening. rain

ing tonight.

Jan. 1. 1932.

Rained all last night. Cloudy

this forenoon & rainy this

afternoon and evening. Rosa

and I went to Baptist dinner

then Hose and I took ride to

Fulton, Woodbury and home.

Mr & Mrs Gelston & Jane C. called

I played bridge a little
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 72)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 72)


[page 72]

[corresponds to labeled page 69 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

while at Chapmans.

Sat. Jan. 2.

rained all night cloudy and

colder today. Mrs Sedgwick

called, rained this

evening turning to snow

Sun. Jan. 3.

Elliotts birthday, very little

snow on not yet freezing

Hose has gone on an amb-

trip with Abe. We took ride

to [illegible] farm to Linworth

Worthington and home. snow

gone, Mert Smythe called awhile.

Mon. Jan. 4.

Beautiful bright spring

like day. I washed a few

towels, Joe & Dale Hopkins

were up here to get started in

settling up expenses. Mrs Fos-

ter called a few minutes.

I was at Lily's in the evening.

Tues. Jan. 5.

Cloudy in forenoon, rained

in afternoon & all evening

We took dining room clock

back to Centerburg.

Wed. Jan. 6. Nice day. colder. Ada

Boyd spent the day and

stayed over night. Jane C.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 73)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 73)


[page 73]

[corresponds to page 70 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

called, Ada and I called

at Lou Lotts and Jno Furrys,

Thurs. Jan. 7.

Beautiful day like spring

a little cooler, Clem Boyd

called and took Ada home

We went to Delaware and

paid taxes. Abe paid and

Hose paid for turkeys. I

was at Maggies this evening

Fri. Jan. 8.

clear beautiful day. Did

not do much, Mrs Foster

called. I was at Hetties

this evening.

Sat. Jan. 9.

Beautiful Bright day until

4 o'clock then cloudy. Harvy

Allen put in radio until ours

is fixed. Leland brot some

spare ribs for dinner tomor-

row. I was at Fosters a little while

Sun. Jan. 10.

Beautiful day, quite a little

colder. Did not take a ride as

Hosea was busy. Jane Chapman


Mon. Jan. 11.

Beautiful day, a little cold.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 74)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 74)


[page 74]

[corresponds to labeled page 71 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

we washed quite a few

towels. Went to Centerburg and

got our clock. Jane Chapman

called a little while. I was at

Rosa's and Lily's

Tues. Jan. 12.

Warmer and cloudy this

A.M. quite rainy this P.M.

and evening. Ethel Hagaman

buried today. I did not do

much work. Leland Fisher

called a few minutes.

Mrs Gelston also called this evening

Wed. Jan. 13.

Rained hard in the night

last night and blew terribly,

Hose and Abe went in the

night to Springfield. Today

beautiful spring sunshine,

a little windy, Miss Chapman

called. Mrs Foster called

Hettie and I were at

Chapman's playing bridge

Thurs. Jan. 14.

Beautiful spring day temper-

ature 62 degrees. Elliott and Bess

called, I baked an apple

sauce cake. Had a time

with an intruder.

Fri. Jan. 15.

Rained hard off or on all

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 75)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 75)


[page 75]

[corrresponds to labeled page 72 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

night, terribly all night.

Irene & Leland here for

dinner. Libbie & Will Com-

stock called here, had a

fine visit with them.

I was at Hetties this


Sat. Jan. 16.

cloudy in forenoon

rainy afternoon and

evening, Made apple sauce

cake. Jane Chapman called

Sun. Jan. 17.

Wms birthday. rained hard

all day. We went to Granville,

Reynoldsburg "The Pines"

through Bexley home.

Mr & Mrs Irwin called this


Mon. Jan. 18.

Beautiful bright day but win-

dy. I washed a few towels

much cooler. Hose went up to

see Dr. Gorsuch who is sick. He

took up some onions. I was

at Fosters this evenng

Tues. Jan. 19.

Beautiful bright day. hazy

this morning. Harvey Allen
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 76)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 76)


[page 76]

[corresponds to labeled page 73 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

took our radio back to Columbus

and brot it back seemingly

repaired. Hose gone most of

the day. busy. Maggie and I

went to the Methodist Church

in the evening

Wed. Jan. 20.

Cloudy. We went to Col-

umbus, sleeted a little

coming home. We got a

radio lamp. It is driz-

zling a little this afternoon

and evening. I went up

to Maggies and we went to

the Apron Social at B. church.

Thurs. Jan. 21.

Drizzled and rained hard

all day & night. I was at

Lily's in the evening.

Fri. Jan. 22.

cloudy, foggy and rainy

this forenoon. Dr. Gorsuch

is not much better of quinsy.

Hose has been to see him

several times. rainy all day.

Jane chapman called. I went

to Hoovers in the evening

with Rose B. to Club

Sat. Jan. 23.

Rained most of the night.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 77)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 77)


[page 77]

[corresponds to labeled page 74 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

and all day until 5 o clock.

Colder this evening. Vet Dr

is leaving. I was at Het-

ties this evening. Dr. G.

is no better has quinsy.

Sun. Jan. 24.

clearing & colder last night

quite a little colder today.

Rosa & Lily Barcus called

on way to cemetery. Janie

Chapman also called. We

made a call on Smythe Sisters

I went to church this evening

Mon. Jan. 25.

18 degrees above last night coldest

yet. Today beautiful sun-

shine. I was at Gelstons

a few minutes. Rose Yeomans

called awhile. Chapmans

put their machine in the

garage for a few days

Maggie and I went to M.E. Church

Tues. Jan. 26.

very rainy all day. I spent

the day at Leland Fishers

Mrs. Foster brought us 1 pt of

mincemeat. Chapmans are

tearing down their old

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 78)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 78)


[page 78]

[corresponds to labeled page 75 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Wed. Jan. 27.

cloudy and colder, nothing

doing. Lily, Rosa and I went

to Minstrel show at Auditorium

Hose took us up in machine

Thurs. Jan. 28.

Beautiful sunshiny day.

I was at Mrs Fosters this evening.

Fri. Jan. 29.

Drizzly this forenoon, sun-

shine this afternoon, a little

colder. rained awful hard

this evening. and it is


Sat. Jan. 30.

Much colder last night

froze ice cold and windy

today, but sun is shining

Hose has a "crick" in his

back, had to go to the Dr. We

bought lard for 6 cents a lb to

day. I am working on new

sleeves for my black dress.

I was Hetties a little while this eve.

Sun. Jan. 31.

9 degrees above zero last night

still very cold but beautiful

sunshine. Lily & Rosa stopped

and I went to M.E. Church with


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 79)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 79)


[page 79]

[corresponds to labeled page 76 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Mon. Feb. 1.

Getting warmer. Hosea

went down to Joe's on a

business trip today. I wash-

ed a few towels today and

went to revival meeting at

the Baptist church.

Tues. Feb. 2.

Ground hog day. snowed

a little last night turning

to rain this morning

drizzly, cloudy & foggy all

day. I was at Gelstons this

afternoon, and at Barcus

and Chapmans this evening.

Jane Chapman called.

Wed. Feb. 3.

Very foggy this morning

Hose took me out to Elliotts

to spend the day, had a

fine visit. I went to church

this evening. It rained

so hard Hose came after me.

Thurs. Feb. 4.

Rained quite a little in the

night, very foggy this morning.

Hose went to Col to transact

some business, this afternoon

rain turning to snow, much

colder. Did not go to church, slippery

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 80)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 80)


[page 80]

[corresponds to labeled page 77 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Fri. Feb. 5.

Beautiful bright day, a little

windy. I fixed my mattress

protector in the north room.

Mrs Foster called a little

while. I went to church this


Sat. Feb. 6.

Warmer and cloudy this fore-

noon, clearing this P.M. Four

people over night. Maggie

came down this evening

then later I went to Abbie Kimballs

Sun. Feb. 7.

Warmer, partly sunshine

very nice. We went to Dela-

ware, Marion, Mt Gilead and

home for a ride. Lily and

Rosa called and we went

to the Baptist church. It

rained a little about 10 P.M.

Mon. Feb. 8.

Beautiful day. Colder. I washed

some towels, worked on my

new sleeves for black dress. Jane

Chapman called. I took puzzles

up to Hetties then went to church

Tues. Feb. 9.

Nice day, partly sunshiny. We started to clean

big bedroom. I went to church this evening

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 81)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 81)


[page 81]

[corresponds to labeled page 78 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Wed. Feb. 10.

cloudy and warm. I went to

church this evening. It rain-

ed a little about 9.P.M.

Thurs, Feb. 11.

cloudy, warm and very

windy. We went to Columbus

and I got glasses fitted will

get then next week. Hose

went to see party and had

bill cut down greatly.

A terrible wind and rain

storm about 3 P.M. Hose took

me up to Gerhardts at 6 P.M

then afterwords I went to church.

Fri. Feb 12.

Beautiful day, a little cooler

Mrs Foster called. Plane

man here overnight. I

went to church this eve.

Sat. Feb. 13.

Beautiful day much cool-

er, paper bursted off of hall

ceiling. Elliott called a

few minutes. I called at

Chapman grocery. I was at

Lily's this evening.

Sun. Feb. 14.

Valentines day. Very nice
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 82)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 82)


[page 82]

[corresponds to labeled page 79 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

day, partly cloudy. We had

an early dinner then went

to Mt. Gilead, Gallion, Mansfield

called at the Whittier house.

Lily & Rose called and we

went to church. meetings

closed. one conversion

Mon. Feb. 15.

Beautiful day.

Frank Bell and Hosea are

taking paper and white wash

off of front hall, getting

ready to have the walls painted.

It is still cool. Maggie was

here this afternoon.

Tues. Feb. 16.

Nice day.

An east wind. Frank Bell

put on first coat of paint on hall

wall. I was Mrs Fosters this

evening. It is raining this

evening. Jane C. was in a minute today

Wed. Feb. 17.

Nice day

Frank Bell finished the

hall, it looks fine. Jane C


Thurs. Feb. 18.

Beautiful day, much colder

we went to Columbus and
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 83)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 83)


[page 83]

[corresponds to labeled page 80 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

got my glasses. Maggie and

I went up to see Mrs Burrer.

Fri. Feb. 19.

Nice bright day but cold

wind. I went to Baptist Aid

Society in the afternoon

and to Hopi Indian enter-

tainment in the evening.

Sat. Feb. 20.

Beautiful day, getting warm-

er. I did the usual work.

Was at Lilys a while in the

evening. At Jane C. this P.M.

Glenn Willison bought our

blue blanket and visited

until 11.30.

Sun. Feb. 21.

Cloudy threatening rain

did sprinkle some. We took

a long ride to Delaware

Columbus to London then

back to Plain City, Worthing

ton and home. Irene, Wm

and Leland called.

Mon. Feb. 22.

Beautiful bright day. We went

to Johnstown to Armstrong's

golden wedding reception.

Chapman's took machine

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 84)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 84)


[page 84]

[corresponds to labeled page 81 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

home. They are building their


Tues. Feb. 23.

Bright beautiful cold day

Spit snow and sun shining

I spent the day Percie Lawkins

Hose took & brot me home.

Wed. Feb. 24.

Cold and cloudy, spit snow

a little this P.M. Mrs. Foster

and Festus Sherbourne called.

Maggie and I went up to see

Mrs Fisher in her casket.

Thurs. Feb. 25.

Beautiful bright day like spring

I washed some towels & handker-

chiefs. Did not go to Mrs Meads to

Kings Daughters. Took my shoes

up to shoe man, not in, Got some

heart medicine on my way back.

Fri. Feb. 26.

Beautiful bright day like

spring. Mrs Fisher was bur-

ied. Ella Furry called. I went

with Gerhardts to Johnston Inspection

Sat. Feb. 27.

Beautiful day. rained a little this

morning. I took my blue georgette dress

over to Zella to have it fixed over.

Jane C. Called. I was at Lily's Abbie Kimball called.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 85)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 85)


[page 85]

[corresponds to labeled page 82 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sun. Feb. 28.

Nice day, cooler. we went to

Mt Vernon, Walhondring Cochocton

Newark and home. Lily, Rosa

and I went to church in the evening.

Mon. Feb. 29.

Nice bright day, Frank Bell

is painting the bathroom

I did not get to go to the Club

this evening. Wm stayed with

while his folks went to Club

and Lodge. Irene visited a

while. 6 over night

Tues. Mar. 1.

came in like a lamb. it

is cloudy. I washed a few

things. Frank Bell finish-

ed the bathroom.

Wed. Mar. 2.

Cloudy most of the day. Hose

busy. Mrs Perry swept upstairs

Mrs Foster called. rained a

little this morning. I was at

Lily's awhile this evening

Thurs. Mar. 3.

Partly cloudy and warmer. Mrs

Foster, Jane & Carrie Chapman

called also Mrs Irwin. Hose

gone all day.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 86)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 86)


[page 86]

[corresponds to labeled page 83 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Fri. Mar. 4.

Nice day. some cooler. Did

not do much. Hose a little busy

I was at Chapmans a little while

this evening.

Sat. Mar. 5.

very nice day. I did Saturdays

work. I was at Mrs Fosters this


Sun. Mar. 6.

cold rain last night turn

ing to snow. This morning

18 above zero and light snow

on. cold and windy all day.

Hose busy. 5 overnight last night

Mon. Mar. 7.

very cold 8 degrees above zero. Did not

do much too cold. Called at

Chapmans grocery a little while.

Jane quite poorly.

Tues. Mar. 8.

Still very cold, almost zero

all day. Hettie made quite a

call. Libbie Comstock spent the evening

Wed. Mar. 9.

Zero last night, cold today.

Did not do much. Hose made trip

to Columbus. Two overnight

Thurs. Mar. 10.

Slightly warmer. Maggie called

I was at Barcus.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 87)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 87)


[page 87]

[corresponds to labeled page 84 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Fri, Mar. 11.

Quite a little warmer. Did

not do much.

Sat. Mar. 12.

Much warmer. We went to

Columbus. Hose got top coat

and new hat. I got wall

paper and north room electric

concern. Mrs Foster called

this afternoon. I visited

at Chapmans store a few

minutes with Jane.

Sun. Mar. 13.

Pretty cold again. We took a

ride to Mt Gilead, Carding

ton, Ashley, Delaware and home.

Spit snow. Mr Sodon started

meetings in the Town Hall

this evening. I went to

the Baptist Church this

evening. It snowed quite

hard while I was gone.

Mon. Mar. 14.

snowed a little in the

night. This morning cold

Beautiful bright day. cold


Tues. Mar. 16.

very nice day. much warmer
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 88)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 88)


[page 88]

[corresponds to labeled page 85 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Elliott and Bess were here

for dinner. We ordered reuphol

stering done on furniture today.

Wed. Mar. 16.

Nice day, partly cloudy,

and still warmer. Hose and

I went to Delaware and paid

our personal tax. Jane Chap-

man called.

Thurs. Mar. 17.

Very nice day. We got big north

room ready to paper. I was at

Maggies in the evening

Fri. Mar. 18.

Beautiful day, like spring

Mrs DeWitt is papering the big

north room, (our room) got

done. I was down at Fosters

this evening.

Sat. Mar. 19.

rained a little in the night

today cooler and very windy.

Raining this evening and

colder. I was at Lily's this

evening. Loop wired big north room

Beautiful day, a little cooler.

Hose and I went to Newark, He-

bron, Reynoldsburg, Port Columbus

and home. I went to church.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 89)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 89)


[page 89]

[corresponds to labeled page 86 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Mon. Mar. 21.

Rained last night & froze on trees.

Rained hard today and thundered.

Ann DeWitt painted big north room

first coat. Jane Chapman was

in a little while.

Tues. Mar. 22.

Rained, sleeted thundered

& lightened & wind blew hard

last night. Today cold,

windy and snow flurries.

Hose has a "crick" in his back.

terrible cyclones last night.

Wed. Mar. 23.

Nice day. Hose very busy. Mert

& Lo Smythe made a long call

in the afternoon. Carrie

Chapman called in the evening.

I am still working in the north


Thurs. Mar. 24.

Beautiful spring day. I

washed a few pieces. Mrs

Foster called. I was at Lilys

a little while this evening

Fri. Mar. 25.

Beautiful day. Hose very busy. Mag-

gie called in the afternoon and Leland

in the evening. I helped entertain

the Progress Club at Hetties. Mrs. Gelston

called a little while

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 90)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 90)


[page 90]

[corresponds to labeled page 87 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sat. Mar. 26.

Rained a little this morning.

Nice day later, got a little cooler.

Hose very busy. I was at Hetties

this evening.

Sun. Mar. 27.

Easter Sunday, partly cloudy

and cold wind, Hose and

I, Lily & Rose went to Johnstown

Utica, Newark and home,

Rose, Lily & I went to church

this evening

Mon. Mar. 28.

very nice day. Hose and I went

to Columbus. I got a new hat

and hose. I was at Mrs Fosters

awhile this evening. Hose cleaned

north room rug.

Tues. Mar. 29.

Beautiful day, warmer. I

washed some towels and

we put rug down on north room

Carrie & Jane Chapman called.

I was at Lily's in the evening.

Wed. Mar. 29.

Threatening and quite

windy. I washed Jack's

curtains, Hose and I clean-

ed the stairs down, Mrs Fos-

ter called.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 91)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 91)


[page 91]

[corresponds to labeled page 88 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Thurs. Mar. 30.

Rained all last night and

today rained and snowed

most of the day. Mrs Perry

and I cleaned Jack's room.

I spent the evening at Chapmans.

Fri. April 1.

April fools day, cloudy

cold and a little windy.

We changed beds in double

room and little front room,

and cleaned little front room,

washed and ironed curtains.

Joe and Dale made a bus-

iness call this afternoon.

Hose went up to Stanton-

town this evening with

E.A. Strong.

Sat. Apr. 2.

Mr Loop changed door bell

Nice day, warm and very windy

we changed dressers in the

rooms. The usual work done.

Sun. Apr. 3.

very nice day, cool. Hose busy

in the morning. We took ride

to the Dam then down near

Col and back through Worthington

home. Mert Smythe called. Lily

and Rosa called and we

went to the Baptist Church

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 92)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 92)


[page 92]

[corresponds to labeled page 89 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Mon. April 4.

very nice day, cool. I cleaned

the front north room and

washed some towels. Hose

and Abe went to Columbus. Hose

and I went to Johnstown in the

afternoon. I called on Mary Arm-

strong. Jane Chapman called.

Tues. Apr. 5.

Beautiful day, warmer. I

washed green room curtains

and partly cleaned room.

Hose is busy. I was at commu-

nity Hall to church in the evening.

Wed. Apr. 6.

fine day, We washed west

room curtains, its blankets

and green spread, cleaned

west room. Mrs Irwin and

Mrs Foster called. I was at

Missionary Guest meeting

in the evening at Baptist C.

Thurs. Apr. 7.

very nice day. I washed a

little. We cleaned double north

room. Jane and I went over

to Community Hall church.

It rained when we came

home. Maggie's birthday.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 93)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 93)


[page 93]

[corresponds to labeled page 90 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Fri. Apr. 8.

Rained all day, clearing

and colder in evening.

I did not go to church or Lodge

as Hose had to go away, Billy

Fisher stayed with me.

Sat. Apr. 9.

Rained all day and cold

Mrs Foster called, finished

cleaning upstairs.

I went to community Hall to

church, still raining

Sun. Apr. 10.

Cold and cloudy rained

some, We took a ride to Dam

back up west side Olentangy

through Westerville home.

I went to Community Hall church.

Mon. Apr. 11.

Rainy and cold. I did not

do much. Jane Chapman

called. I was at Foster and

Barcus' in the evening.

Tues. Apr. 12.

Windy, cold and snow flur-

ries all day. I spent the

day at Irene's. Leland brot me

home. I spent the evening

at Chapman's store. Frances

Adams married today.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 94)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 94)


[page 94]

[corresponds to labeled page 91 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Wed. Apr. 13.

Nice day, cool. We went to Col-

umbus this forenoon. I got

new blue chiffon dress. Also

Kreuschen S. started to take them

Hose got another new hat. I

went to church at Community Hall.

Thurs. Apr. 14.

Beautiful bright day, but cool.

I washed some & washed

hall door & windows. Took

my new dress over to Zella K

to shorten. Jane C. came

over and we went to commun-

ity Hall to church. Hose & I

took Geo. Christman to Center-

burg and around at 10.35 P.M.

Fri. Apr. 15.

Beautiful bright day, a little

warmer. We washed wood work

in front hall. Libbie Bale called

for a short while. Kid brot my

dress back this evening.

Sat. Apr. 16.

very nice day, warmer.

Jane Chapman & Mrs Gelston cal-

led. Maggie, Irene & William

spent the evening. I did

not go to church.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 95)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 95)


[page 95]

[corresponds to labeled page 92 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sun. Apr. 17.

Beautiful day. I was alone

all day. Hose took Mr & Mrs Tag-

gart to Sidney. Some people

from [illegible] in an accident

were here awhile. Lily & Rosa

came up and we went to Baptist Church

Mon. Apr. 18.

Beautiful day. Mrs Perry

helped wash woodwork in

dining room and sitting

room. Jane, Carrie, Mrs

Gelston and Mrs Foster called.

I went to Pythian Inspection

in the evening. Hose and Jack

went to Mt Gilead in afternoon

Tues. Apr. 19.

Beautiful day, did not

do much as I have a cold.

Jane Chapman called

I went to Community Hall

to church

Wed. Apr. 20.

Beautiful day. Jane C. &

Carrie, Mrs Gelston

called. Lily and Rosa

called and we went to

Junior Play at Auditorium

2 xtra over night

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 96)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 96)


[page 96]

[corresponds to labeled page 93 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Thurs. Apr. 21.

Beautiful day. Hose and

Jack went to Mt Gilead.

Jane Chapman and Mrs Gelston

called. I was at Hetties

in the evening. Two ex

tra over night. Joe Clark died.

Upholsterer took my big

rocker away to recover it.

Fri. Apr. 22.

Beautiful day.

Margaret Gerhardt & Mrs Foster

called in the afternoon

Hose went to Delaware in the

morning to have some welding done.

Leland Fisher took Hettie, Maggie

Irene and I to Mrs Barkers to

Progress Club.

Sat. Apr. 23.

very nice day partly cloudy.

I washed a few towels, Hose

helped Abe. Jane C. Called.

Upholsterer brought our

chair back. It looks very nice.

I was at Lily's this evening.

Sun. Apr. 24.

Rained a little all day. Hose busy

all day. I was at Chapmans this

evening. We did not go any where

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 97)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 97)


[page 97]

[corresponds to labeled page 94 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Mon. Apr. 25.

Thunderstorm about 4.30 this

morning, cloudy most of the

day. We washed and ironed

sitting room curtains

and windows. I was at

Maggies this evening.

Tues. Apr. 26.

Cloudy and cold all day.

Hose and Jack went to

Columbus. I was at Mrs

Fosters this evening. Nice

old gentleman from south

stayed all night.

Wed. Apr. 27.

Nice bright day but cool and

windy Hose and Abe S. have

gone to Columbus. Mrs Lawson

spent the day here.

Thurs. Apr. 28.

Beautiful bright day. We

went to Columbus. Upholsterer

brought our other chair

to home. Lily Barcus called a

little while. I was at Mrs.

Kimball's this evening

Fri. Apr. 29. Arbor day

very nice day. Hose washed the

front porch up and down,

and cleaned sitting room

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 98)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 98)


[page 98]

[corresponds to labeled page 95 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

rug, Jane Chapman call-

ed twice. Mr. Leonard here

tonight. I was at Barcus

this evening.

Sat. Apr. 30.

Rained hard in the night

and this forenoon, clearing

this afternoon. Mrs Foster

called this P.M. I was at

Chapmans this evening. Hose

with Abe

Sun. May 1.

This forenoon beautiful after-

noon cloudy, windy and cold.

Hose helped Abe this morning

then we took ride to Delaware

Marion, Mt Gilead and home.

Rev. and Mrs. Barnhardt called.

Mon. May 2.

Beautiful day. We washed

some towels, Hose busy with Abe.

Joe and James Hopkins made

a business call this P.M. Jane

C. & Maggie called this P.M.

I was Hetties a while this evening

Dr. Haringtons came to stay

a while.

Tues. May 3.

Cold and cloudy. we went

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 99)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 99)


[page 99]

[corresponds to labeled page 96 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

up to Ernsbergers and got

garden seeds. Mary & Charles

Armstrong called this

afternoon. I was at Fosters

this evening. then visited

Jane Chapman.

Wed. May 4.

Rained hard this morning

clearing and warm this

afternoon. I spent the day

at Bess & Elliotts. Jim Foster

called. I was at Gelstons

this evening.

Thurs. May 5.

very nice day. Wayne Crawford

trimmed two trees and put

up swing in the back yard.

I took my chiffon dress

over to Zella to have it made

longer. Upholsterer is fixing

our davenport in garage.

I was at Lilys & Chapmans

this evening. Five Jews

over night.

Fri. May 6.

Pored and rained & thundered

very early this morning. Upholsterer

came to fix our davenport, also

Frank Bell is painting the

front porch. Ben Overturf plowed

both gardens.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 100)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 100)


[page 100]

[corresponds to labeled page 97 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sat. May 7.

Partly cloudy and windy. Up-

holster finished davenport.

Bell finished painting. Ed

Gill fixed glass in door up

stairs. Elliott & Bess called

a little while. Hose and Abe are

busy. Mr & Mrs Irwin called

this evening. Started Frigidaire.

Sun. May 8.

Partly cloudy in forenoon.

Hose busy all day. Joe Hopkins

had a stroke of paralysis.

Hose went down to see him

after he came home. Jane

and Carrie Chapman called.

I went to Baptist church in the


Monday, May 9.

Rained this morning. We made

our little garden. Then we

went down to see Joe H. We

put up our vallance. Also got

a beauty rest mattress. Mrs

Foster called, Mert & Lo took

me to the green house, then

to Condit for a ride. I was

at Maggies in the evening.

Tues. May 10.

Election day, Cloudy and cool
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 101)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 101)


[page 101]

[corresponds to labeled page 98 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

We went over and voted then

went to Col. and got porch furni-

ture, also green dress. Hettie cal-

led a little while. then Hose

and I went up to Ernsbergers

and got 2 doz tomato plants

I set out 10 of them this evening.

I was at Lily's a little while.

Wed. May 11.

Today cold, cloudy and some

rainy. We washed a little

and put out Tomato plants

and some glad bulbs. Got my

chiffon dress from Zellas

and took green dress over.

I was at Fosters in the evening.

Thurs. May 12.

Cool & cloudy, Hose planted

glads, Marigolds & Zinnias.

He and Abe are busy, I went to a

tea at Jane C. Hospital. Had a

nice time. I took my light shoes

to shoeman and stopped at Hetties

The Lindy Baby was found dead today.

Fri. May 13.

very nice day, a little warmer

Ann DeWitt papered the kitch-

en this afternoon. We put our

porch furniture on the front

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 102)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 102)


[page 102]

[corresponds to labeled page 99 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

porch. Lily, Rose and I went

to the Operetta, it was very good.

Sat. May 14.

very nice day, getting warm-

er. I did the usual work.

Dr. Harringtons left today. Hose

went down to see Joe and

found him a little im-

proved. Mrs Alma Boyd died

suddenly this evening.

Sun. May 15.

Lovely warm day. Hose busy.

Jane, Carrie, Mrs. Stark and

Leland called today. I

did not go to church on ac-

count of Hose being busy.

Rev. Huston buried today.

Mon. May 16.

very windy this forenoon. We

washed and finished plant-

ing most of our flower seeds.

Rained hard this afternoon.

Jane Chapman called this evening.

Tues. May 17.

Beautiful day, cool. I washed

an old comfort. Hose has been busy

for seven days. I was at Chap-

mans and Barcus this evening.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 103)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 103)


[page 103]

[corresponds to labled page 100 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Wed. May 18.

Beautiful day but cool.

Hose very busy. Jane,

Olive Strong & Mrs Foster

called. I was at Daisy W.

a short time and was called home

Thurs. May 19.

Beautiful bright day, cool

Hose took Dr Gorsuch to Mt Car-

mel Hospital. Jane and Maggie

called. We fixed our porch

boxes today also covered new


Fri. May 20.

Beautiful day, like summer.

We went to Columbus, did

not get started until 11.30

came home by way of

Joe Hopkins. He is better

I got a wrist watch and

awning cloth for the

swing. Mrs Foster called. I

was at Hetties in the evening.

Sat. May 21.

Beautiful day. Made swing cushion

Jane and Carrie called.

3 people overnight.

Sun. May 22.

Beautiful day but quite cool

and very dry. Lily, Rosa

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 104)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 104)


[page 104]

[corresponds to labeled page 101 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Hose and I went over to River

road to see beautiful rock

gardens. Lily Rosa and I went

to church this evening

Mon. May 23.

Beautiful day, a little warmer

I washed some this forenoon.

Hose busy most of the day

Jane C. called a little while. I was

at Gelstons a while

Tues. May 24.

Beautiful day I went over

to Zellas and tried on my

green dress. Mrs Perry swept

upstairs. I was at Chapmans

this afternoon. Mert, Lo,

Maggie and Mrs Kimball


Wed. May 25.

Beautiful day, quite warm

and windy. Elmer Prosser

killed himself today. I was

at Gelstons a minute and at

Lily's this evening.

Thurs. May 26.

Warm and windy, rained a

little shower. I got my green

dress home from Zellas. I was

at Maggies this evening.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 105)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 105)


[page 105]

[corresponds to labeled page 102 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Fri. May 27.

Beautiful day, cool. We had

our club picnic at Lo

Perfects, then Lily, Rosa

and Jane and I went

to senior play.

Sat. May 28.

Cloudy and very cool. Elmer

Prosser buried today. Bill

Prossers and Swickards called

today. Also Mrs Parsons and

Elliott and Bess. I was at Fos-

ters this evening.

Sun. May 29.

Beautiful day but very dry.

Overnight people did not go

until 2 o'clock this afternoon,

then we took ride to Ashley

Mt Gilead and home. I

went to hear Baccalaureate

sermon this evening.

Mon. May 30.

Beautiful Memorial Day. We

took flowers to cemetery. We

had our annual dinner.

Christine came this year.

Bess, Irene and I went over

on the square to the exercises

Moors and Boyds made us a
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 106)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 106)


[page 106]

[corresponds to labeled page 103 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

morning call. Hose took man

to Gahanna in the evening.

Lily and Rosa came up and we

went to commencement.

Joe Hopkins called.

Tues. May 31.

A little windy and threatening

rain. We washed a little

Jane C. called a few minutes.

I was at Chapmans also at

Hetties this evening.

Wed. June 1.

rained about noon and

this evening. Jane called

Hose Jane and I went out to

see Lucile Gutridge. I wash-

ed a blanket today.

Thurs. June 2.

Very nice day a little showery

helped the drouth a little.

Jane and Mrs Foster called.

I was at Lily's this evening

Fri. June 3.

very nice day, warm. Jane

C. called. I went to Chapter

in the evening.

Sat. June 4.

very warm. I did usual

Saturdays work and called

at Daisy Wheaton's in the

evening. Christine called
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 107)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 107)


[page 107]

[corresponds to labeled page 104 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sun. June 4.

very warm day. We took

our dinner and went to

the two castles and Bell

fountain, Jane C. called

Hose went to Marion this eve.

Mon. June 6.

My Birthday, very warm

Hose and I were in Col

this morning. I got white

silk shanting dress to

be made. Jane C. called.

I was at Hetties a few minutes

and quite a while at Maggies.

Tues. June 7.

Threatening rain, very

dry, Hose very busy. Mrs

Foster called. I went to

Chapter anniversary in the

evening. getting cool

Wed. June 8.

Very dry and cool. I wash-

ed some. Hose gone most of

the day. I was at Lilys

this evening

Thurs. June 9.

Beautiful day, cool. Hose busy.

Jane Chapman called and

went over on park to vaudeville

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 108)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 108)


[page 108]

[corrresponds to labeled page 105 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Fri. June 10.

Still cool and dry. I am alone

all day. Hose very busy. I was

at Chapmans a few minutes

this afternoon. Mary and Ed

Strohm spent the evening.

Sat. June 11.

Nice day very dry. I took

my silk shantuny over to

Zella this noon. Harringtons came

Sun. June 12.

Nice day. Lily Rose Hosea

and I went to Westerville

Reynoldsburg to Buckeye Lake

Home by Hebron & Newark

Rose, Lily and I went to Bap-

tist church to Childrens Day.

Mon. June 13.

We washed a little Josephine

Whittier, husband and girl

called in the forenoon.

Maggie and I went to Dr.

Gorsuch, Ryant & Burrers

to see the sick. Jane C. Called

Tues. June 14.

Flag Day. rained a little

this evening. I was at

Chapmans a little while

Mrs Foster left called Dr Harringtons

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 109)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 109)


[page 109]

[corrresponds to labeled page 106 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Wed. June 15.

Showered some this fore-

noon. Cool, not much doing

I was at Fosters this evening

Thurs. June 16.

Cloudy and cool. Hose

gone all day. Mrs Foster

called for rhubarb. I

was at Chapman's this

afternoon and at Lily's

this evening. Drizzled

a little this evening.

Fri. June 17.

Quite warm. I was out at

Bess and spent the day

and got some plants.

Mrs Gelston called a few minutes

Sat. June 18.

Partly cloudy rained a little

this afternoon. very dry

I set out 4 delphiniums and

a hibiscus. I was at Chapmans

this evening.

Sun. June 19.

I was at Chapmans

very nice day, a little warm,

we went to Mt Vernon, Loudenville

Dover, New Phili, Choshocton

and home. Took our dinner

Mon. June 20.

Quite warm, cloudy. Hosea

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 110)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 110)


[page 110]

[corresponds to labeled page 107 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

took Dr Gorsuch to Col to see

Dr. getting along slowly

Jennie & Gene's wife called

a few minutes. I was at

Maggies this evening

Tues. June 21.

Quite windy but no rain

very dry, rain all around

but here. I was out to

Zella's and tried on white

dress. Mrs Gelston, Mildred

Mr & Mrs Irwin called.

I was over to Chapman's

a while. Jane and Bob

have gone to Buckeye Lake.

Wed. June 22.

very dry and windy, Frank

Stelzer cleaned north yard of

weeds, Otto settled up prepar

atory to leaving. Robert Gelston


Thurs. June 23.

Cool and windy. Otto did not

go and will stay longer. Mrs

Foster called this afternoon.

I was at Hetties this evening.

Fri. June 24.

Beautiful bright day. cool. Hose

has not been out, Stomach

out of order. I have done very
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 111)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 111)


[page 111]

[corresponds to labeled page 108 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

little today. In the evening

Maggie came down and we

went to Daisy Wheatons

Sat. June 25.

Warm and very windy all

day. Hose and I went out

to Nellies and got our first

spring chicken. Knoder

girl brot my white dress

home. I was at Lily's this evening.

Sun. June 26.

very warm partly cloudy.

rained a very little shower

this P.M. We took a ride

up route 61 about 6 miles.

rained another nice little shower

this evening. 4 people over night

Mon. June 27.

Drouth broken rained last

night and most of today. Hose

and I went to Columbus. I

got a white felt hat. Otto Y.

went to the Hospital to be

operated on. Tommy brot his

auto in to put in garage

I was at Chapman's a while.

we washed this afternoon.

Tues. June 28.

Beautiful day. I hung up clothes

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 112)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 112)


[page 112]

[corresponds to labeled page 109 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

ironed and did other work.

Daisy Wheaton called a while

I was at Mrs Fosters this eve.

Hose not busy.

Wed. June 29.

Mrs Gelston & Jane called

very nice day, cool. I spent

the day at Lawsons in West-

erville, and at Lilys in the evening

Thurs. June 30.

Quite warm today. I washed

mattress protector Ots comfort

Cousin Mary & Charley Armstrong

made us a call also Jane C.

I was at Mrs Kimballs this evening

Fri. July 1st.

Warm & very windy, good shower

about noon. We went to Delaware

and paid our taxes this after-

noon, much cooler this evening.

Lily & Rosa came up and we lis-

tened to Democratic convention news

Sat. July 2.

Quite cool and windy. Did

the usual Saturdays work.

I was at Hetties this evening.

Sun. July 3.

Cool today. Rose, Lily Hosea & I

went to Columbus to see Ot

at the Hospital. Lily Rosa and I

went to Baptist Church this evening.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 113)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 113)


[page 113]

[corresponds to labeled page 110 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Mon. July 4.

Rained very hard in

the night, cooler today. A very

nice Forth but very quiet here

I washed some. Mrs Gelston

called in the evening

Tues. July 5.

cloudy and rained this

morning. I washed Ot's cur

tains, Hose took Dr Gorsuch

to Col. to see Dr Hamilton. Mrs

Foster called this afternoon. I was

at Lily's this evening.

Wed. July 6.

Partly cloudy, Hose and Abe

very busy. Jane Chapman

and Maggie called. Jane

Rosa, Maggie and I went

up to call at Burrers. Mrs

Burrer died this morning.

Thurs. July 7.

very windy all morning.

Mrs Perry and I cleaned

Ott's room. very hard rain

this afternoon. Hose and I

went out to Myrtle Perfects to see

Mrs Perfect in her casket.

I was at Chapmans this evening.

Two overnight so far.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 114)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 114)


[page 114]

[corrresponds to labeled page 111 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Fri. July 8.

very nice day. cool, I did not go

to Mrs Burrer's funeral. Mert and

Lo called awhile also Mrs

Foster. Maggie and I went up

to the cemetery this evening

then to Hetties a little while

Sat. July 9.

very nice day, cool. I finished

ot's room. We took our clock

back to Centerburg to have it

fixed. Hose not busy today

Sun. July 10.

Windy, rainy off and on all day.

We went to Mt Vernon, Mansfield

Gallion, Mt Gilead and home

Mon. July 11.

very nice day, a little windy, cool

Hose and I went to Col in the

forenoon, he got a new suit of

clothes. Joe, Mary, Jim & Sam

Hopkins were here when we got

home, Hose and Sam got a lunch

at the restaurant and Hose

took him to Delaware. I was

at Maggies this evening

Tues. July 12.

Nice day a little warmer. Still

windy, Abbie Kimball was

here this forenoon. I was at

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 115)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 115)


[page 115]

[corresponds to labeled page 112 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Gelstons a little while.

Louise Sheets called on the

porch a few minutes. I was

at Lily's this evening.

Ot came home this evening.

Wed. July 13.

very warm, a little breeze.

nothing much doing.

I was at Maggies to miss-

ionary meeting in the eve-


Thurs. July 14.

very warm. 98 degrees washed a little

nothing much doing, I was

at Hetties this evening

Fri. July 15.

very warm, Did not do much

this forenoon. This afternoon

a fine rain and much cool-

er. I was at Carries and

Gelstons to call.

Sat. July 16.

A little cooler. We went to

Centerburg this A.M. and got

the clock. Mrs. Ramsey

called this evening

Sun. July 17.

Warm day but nice breeze. We

took our lunch and went

to Carey on a trip. In

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 116)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 116)


[page 116]

[corresponds to labeled page 113 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

the evening I went up to hear

Henry Davis preach.

Mon. July 18.

very fine day not so warm

We washed some. Mert Smythe

and Ada Fravel called.

I was at Fosters this evening

Tues. July 19.

very warm did not do much.

I was at Barcus in the


Wed. July 20.

very warm. not doing much.

I was at Daisy Wheaton's

this evening. Hose took a

boy to Marengo.

Thurs. July 21.

fine shower this early

morning, quite warm through

the day and a nice shower

this evening. Jane Chapman

called a few minutes today

I was at Hetties this evening.

Fri. July 22.

canned 3 1/2 qts blackberries

Hard rain most all last

night, some cooler this

morning. I spent the day

at Irene's, and called at

Chapmans this evening. Mrs.

Kimball called this evening.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 117)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 117)


[page 117]

[corrersponds to page 114 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sat. July 23.

Beautiful cool day. Did not

do much. was at Lily's in

the evening

Sun. July 24.

Beautiful day, cool

Hose, Lily Rosa and I

went to Shawnee Hills swim-

ming pool a while, then

home at 2 P.M. church in the eve

Mon. July 25.

Lovely day, still cool.

Earl Forman made me a

bed for delphiniums in

the back yard. I was at

Mrs Ramsey's this evening

Tues. July 26.

Cool, showers off and on

all day. Bess spent the

day here. I canned 1 qt

blackberries, was at Jane

Chapmans a while, also at Hetties

Wed. July 27.

rained quite hard early

this morning. We washed

a little, very nice day, we

transplanted lily bulbs,

in new flower bed. Hose

helped Abe clean the

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 118)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 118)


[page 118]

[corresponds to labeled page 115 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Thurs. July 28.

very nice day, cool breeze. We

went to Delaware this morning.

I got larkspur seed and Hose

got some things. Mrs Foster

called this afternoon and

Maggie this evening.

Hard wind and rain this evening

Fri. July 30.

Lovely day very cool. I ironed

11 sheets and some towels. Hose

got a chicken for Sunday.

Jack went home this afternoon

to stay until Monday. I was

at Lily's this evening.

Sat. July 30.

very nice day, some warmer.

I dressed a chicken made two

pies and canned 3 qts blackberries

Hose took device to [illegible]

for Marengo man to use.

Sun. July 31.

very beautiful day, not too warm

We went, took our lunch, to

Del, Allendale, to see about trees,

Worthington, Plain City, Dublin

Mechanicsburg, Urbana, Belfountain

Richwood, Del and home by

2 P.M. Percil L. called a few minutes

Mr Barnhardt also called.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 119)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 119)


[page 119]

[corresponds to labeled page 116 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

I went to church in the even-

ing and called at Maggies a few


Mon. Aug. 1.

very nice day, warmer a little

breeze. Hose spaded flower bed

and we reset and planted


Tues. Aug. 2.

Cloudy and cool, drizzled a

little about noon. We went

to Col this forenoon and

got roof paint and tended

to other business. I was at

Chapmans awhile and at

Lily's later.

Wed. Aug. 3.

very nice day. warm but breezy

washed a little and went

to a missionary tea at

Daisy Burrers this afternoon

I was at Hetties this evening

Thurs. Aug. 4.

Nice day quite warm. I

washed my green and white

dresses also ironed them.

Jane Chapman and Mrs

Ramsey called also Maggie

spent the evening to listen

to the Band concert on the

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 120)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 120)


[page 120]

[corresponds to labeled page 117 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

square. Hose busy most of

the day. Mrs Gelston called a few minutes

Fri. Aug. 5.

Quite a warm day, not much

breeze. Mrs Lawson spent the

day here, Mrs Foster called

late this afternoon.

Sat. Aug. 6.

very warm day, Zella Knoder

made my green dress longer.

Bess called a few minutes

and brot me a qt of apple butter

I was at Barcus and Chap-

mans this evening.

Sun. Aug. 7.

very nice day, cloudy, drizzled

a little this morning. Hose

took Barcus out to reunion.

We took ride to O'Shaunessy.

Shawnee pool, and Olentangy

Pool, got home 2 P.M. called at

Smythes, they not at home.

I went to Baptist Church tonight

Jews over night, cooler

Mon. Aug. 8.

Nice day, cool. Hose made my

flower bed larger and we planted

larkspurs. Hose went down to see

Joe after dinner, found him about

the same.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 121)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 121)


[page 121]

[corresponds to labeled page 118 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Tues. Aug 9.

Lovely, day, I washed some

towels. Billy Fisher called a few

minutes also Mrs Kimball.

I was to see Mrs Man then

spent the evening at Maggies

Wed. Aug 10

Very nice day, a little warm

Our reunion today, at Elliott full

time. Hose and I went,

rained a little shower this

afternoon. I was at Tetties

this evening

Thurs. Aug 11.

Very nice day, partly cloudy

We went to Columbus, got

my watch from repair shop

and tended to other business,

Jane C. called a few minutes.

I was at Lily's this evening.

concert tonight on square.

Fri Aug. 12.

fine day, quite cool. I was

at Fosters this evening but had

to come as Smythes called.

Sat. Aug. 13

Fine day, cool, did the us-

ual Sat work. Elliott called

also Mrs. Irwin. A small

blaze at the creamery Robins

boy killed up near Lake.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 122)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 122)


[page 122]

[corresponds to labeled page 119 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sun. Aug. 14.

Warm today 100 degrees in the sun.

Leightner boy killed by

train this morning. Hose

very busy all day. Carrie

and Jane called a few minutes

Mon. Aug. 15.

very warm day. We washed

7 sheets & other things. Bill

Hixenbaugh called this evening.

I was at Hetties, got some

peaches and apples, Maggie

gave us some tomatoes.

Helen F married

They commenced widening

the street in front of

our house this morning.

Tues. Aug. 16.

very warm day. I ironed some

this morning and canned 7 pts

of tomatoes. Hose very busy.

Jane C. and Mrs Foster called.

Wed. Aug. 17.

very warm but breezy. I canned

5 pts of tomatoes. Hose quite busy.

Mrs Foster called a while. I

was at Chapmans this evening.

It is raining hard tonight

between ten & eleven o clock.

Thurs. Aug. 18.

Hard rain last night, de-
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 123)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 123)


[page 123]

[corresponds to labeled page 120 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

lightfully cool today. Irene

Mac & Leland were here for

dinner. Irene and I went

to Nannie Lytle's funeral.

Tonight kid band is

playing on the square.

Fri. Aug. 19.

very cool. Did not do much

was at Fosters this evening

Sat. Aug. 20.

Getting warmer, beautiful day.

Big crowds going by to con-

vention. I canned 8 pts of

tomatoes, dressed a chicken

and other work. Mr Parsons

called this evening

Sun. Aug. 21.

Nice day a little warmer.

We had a nice chicken

dinner, then Rosa, Lily

Hose and I went to Mt Gilead

Marion, Larue, Richwood

Del. and home

Mon. Aug. 22.

Getting warmer. We wash-

ed a little. I was at Hetties

Hetties this evening.

Tues. Aug. 23.

A warm day. I paid my

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 124)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 124)


[page 124]

[corresponds to labeled page 121 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Progress Club dues today.

I spent the day at Bess

and Elliotts. Mrs Perry called

this evening also. Irene

Mac & Leland. Hose busy

this afternoon.

Wed. Aug. 24.

very warm but breezy. Hose

and I set out 3 peony bulbs.

Bess gave them to me. Mrs

Perry cleaned upstairs. I

made over criss cross cur-

tains in west room. The

B. & L. was robbed today of $266.

I was at Barcus' this evening.

Thurs. Aug. 25.

Warm, partly cloudy. I wash-

ed some towels. Hose busy.

entertainment on square this evening

Fri. Aug. 26.

Nice day, cloudy. I washed

and ironed west room cur-

tains. Mrs Foster and Jane C.

called. much cooler this

evening. rained in Col. today.

Sat. Aug. 27.

Nice day, not so warm, Road men

are working hard on sewer re-

pair to open the street for fair

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 125)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 125)


[page 125]

[corresponds to labeled page 122 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

I dressed a chick this morning.

I was at Chapmans a while

this evening.

Sun. Aug. 28.

Nice day cool & cloudy, fine

shower about noon. We

went down to Smythes a few min-

utes to invite them to go to the fair

with us, they were not at home.

Mon. Aug. 29.

Nice and cool this morning

Lo, Mert Hosea & I went to the

Fair terribly hot this afternoon

got home at 5 P.M.

Daisy Wheaton called this

evening. House most full tonight

Tues. Aug. 30.

Terribly warm. I ironed a

lot of sheets this morning.

Maggie came down this evening

and got our thermos bottles.

Then she and I went up to

Hetties and got peaches.

Wed. Aug. 31.

very warm, several over

night last night. Eclipse

of sun today. I was at

Lily's this evening.

Thurs. Sept. 1.

very warm. Hosea busy. Did

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 126)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 126)


[page 126]

[corresponds to labeled page 123 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

not do much today. Dr Har-

ringtons came tonight for a

few days. Awful storm in

Columbus, light out on

Fairgrounds, also here, drizz-

led a little here

Fri. Sept. 2.

Warm day. I washed some.

We took 2 bu of wheat to Dela-

ware and got 3 sacks of

flour & 1/4 sack. Harringtons

gone. Hose got a [illegible]

from Maggie, we set

it in the north yard.

Got a chicken of Bess

Sat. Sept. 3.

Cloudy this morning. I

dressed a chicken and iron-

ed some. Rained like the

dickens this afternoon.

Republican meeting at

Chapmans rather damp.

Sun. Sept. 4.

Drizzled quite a little last

night, this morning cooler.

House almost full last night.

Rosa, Lily Hosea and I went

to Utica, Newark & home. got

1/2 bu muskmelons. Rained

shower after we got home

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 127)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 127)


[page 127]

[corresponds to labeled page 124 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Mon. Sept. 5.

Beautiful Labor day. I

washed a little this mor-

ning then Hose and I went

down to Joe's for a while.

I was at Maggies but

had to come home as

Hose went away. Jane C.

called a few minutes to

ask me to hear a welfare

speaker at her house. I

did not go. Wrote to M.A.

Musser a birthday letter.

Shut off refrigerator

Tues. Sept. 6.

Lovely cool day. We went

to Columbus. I got black and

white wiggly dress. Mrs Whit

ney called also Mrs Irwin

today. Three rooms full

tonight. Got 18 new glasses.

Wed. Sept. 7.

Fine cool day. The men are

filling cement on the street.

I was at Mrs Fivaz to a mis-

sionary meeting this after

noon. At Hetties a little while

this evening.

Thurs. Sept. 8.

Quite cool. I washed 6

sheets. Mrs Foster called

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 128)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 128)


[page 128]

[corresponds to labeled page 125 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

I was at Lily's this evening

Fri. Sept. 9.

Still cool but getting warmer

not much doing. Jane C. called

a few minutes. Clara & Calvin came

Sat. Sept. 10.

Fine day, warmer. Calvin and

Clara went to Columbus for the day

I took tumblers up to Hettie.

Gotchall's barn burned this


Sun. Sept. 11.

Lovely day. Hose busy in the

morning. Calvin & Clara called

a few minutes then we all

took our dinners and went

out to Elliotts, and had din-

ner together. I wore my new

dress. I went to Baptist Church this evening

Mon. Sept. 12.

Getting warmer, threatening

rain, Hose busy, Miss Bond

came last night for a week.

house fairly busy. Vic B. was

here last night. I was at Fos-

ters a little while this evening.

Tues. Sept. 13.

Nice day. Did not do much,

called a minute at Janes. I was

at Lilys this evening.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 129)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 129)


[page 129]

[corresponds to labeled page 126 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Wed, Nice day, partly cloudy.

Sept. 14. Mrs Foster called and gave

us 4 nice tomatoes. Mrs Kimball

and Maggie called. I was a

Carries a little while. Bob start-

ed to school in Tenn. today.

Thurs. Sept. 15.

nice day not very warm. Daisy

Wheaton gave me some shrubs

to set out. I was at Hetties

this evening. Karl Conaway

called to see Hosea.

Fri. Sept. 16.

Fine day, cooler. I went to

Welch's and got cotton Batt, then

went to Baptist Aid society.

Lily Barcus, Maude Reichel-

derfer & Mrs Ramsy called

this evening. I was over on

the square to Democratic

Speeches a little while

Sat. Sept. 17.

Quite cool today, Miss Bond

left. I did the usual work.

We went down to Conklin & Irwin

and got a new bed springs

and mattress. I was at

Lily's this evening. Fire in

stove tonight. Little frost last night.
Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 130)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 130)


[page 130]

[corresponds to page 127 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

Sun. Sept. 18.

very fine day. a little warmer

we took our dinners and went

to Millersburg today. had an

enjoyable ride. 3 overnight

tonight. I went up to church.

Mon. Sept. 19.

very warm day. we washed a

little. Conklin & Irwin brought

our new bed over. We gave Ott

a different one also changed

mattress in front room upstairs.

Bess spent the afternoon

here. I was at Chapmans a

while this evening.

Tues. Sept. 20.

Drizzled a little last night

and some today, some

cooler, Has been very dry all

summer and fall.

Wed. Sept. 21.

Drizzly all forenoon. Hose and

I went to Columbus. I got a hat

and other things. Henry Martin

Wife and Rie, also Mrs Bale

and Hartmans called. I was

at Hetties this evening.

Thurs. Sept. 22.

Drizzled some and cooler.

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 131)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 131)


[page 131]

[corresponds to labeled page 128 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

nothing much doing.

Fri. Sept. 23.

Much cooler today. Progress

Club met at Faith Condits

had a fine time. I

was at Barcus this evening

Sat. Sept. 24.

cool day, Maggie called in the

afternoon, I took some corn

to Fosters in the evening

Sun. Sept. 25.

Beautiful cool day. We went

to near Utica and got melons

and two big tomatoes. I

was at church in the evening.

Mon. Sept. 26.

Rained most of the day.

Hose busy all day, I washed

a little in the morning.

Tues. Sept. 27. Mrs Fivaz called I signed

to help pay for church furnace.

rained this forenoon. I

got my orchid cotton blank-

ets from Welch's. Maggie and

Billy called a little while

this evening. Took my shoes

up to shoe man to have plates

put on them.

Wed. Sept. 28.

Nice cool day, clear. I spent

Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 132)


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933 (p. 132)


[page 132]

[corresponds to labeled page 129 of Roberta Hopkins Diary 1931-1933]

the day at Irene's. Had a fine

time. 3 over night

Thurs. Sept. 29.

Beautiful day, cool, we wash-

ed some. I was at Maggies

in the evening.

Fri. Sept. 30.

Beautiful day, much warmer

I washed 2 spreads and other

things. Mrs Perry swept up

stairs. Hose and I kept David

Monroe while his wife and he

went to Columbus in the

afternoon. Mrs Foster called

and gave us a bottle of


Sat. Oct. 1.

Beautiful day, Monroes left

Made my first pumpkin pies

for the season. I was at Lilys

in the evening. Got chicken of Luella Boston

Sun. Oct. 2.

Beautiful day. Hose busy, we

did not take a ride. Ott is

working for awhile in Col-

but still rooms here, Percie

Lawson made me a nice call.

I went to church this evening.

Mon. Oct. 3.

Beautiful day but windy

Dublin Core


Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933


Hopkins House--Ohio--Sunbury
Hopkins, Roberta B--1871-1945--Journal
Myers Inn--Ohio--Sunbury


This book is the journal of Roberta Hopkins. Entries date from January 1931-July 1933.


Roberta B. Hopkins; Sunbury, Ohio














Roberta B. Hopkins; Sunbury, Ohio, “Roberta Hopkins' Journal, 1931-1933,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 9, 2025,

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