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  • Collection: Daisy Wheaton Stereographs

Mrs Hatchard joined us

in Phoenix about Jan.

14 - (1926) Soon after she

came we joined Mr and Mrs

Will Perry and family, his

father, "Stace" Perry, of Croton, O

and his aunt Mrs Rice, of Mich,

and drove across the…

Arizonas State house.

Taken as we were leaving

for California, the

morning of February [crossed out] January 26,


Mrs Hatchard had come over

from Los Angeles about two

weeks previous to our

departure and was…

Daisy and Charles Wheaton
Mrs. Wheaton did not describe the content or location of this stereograph, but it is likely that the two people featured are Daisy and Charles Wheaton. If you have more information about this stereograph, email history


Taken Mch 11 - '23

at N.W. corner of porch

on our 566 S.W 1st St

Miami home.

Mrs. Lillian Keenan

our landlady.

Beautiful crotous

back of us and


Scene at Long Beach,

on the midway, or whatever

it is called. Taken about Jan 4,

'24 our anniversary. (30th)

On the Front

Long Beach Cal

The Colorado River at

Yuma, Arizona - Nov. 29,


Overnite in a lovely camp

at the Eastern edge of

Yuma. An old adobe

(maybe stone Fort is just

across the street from this

scene. Just ahead of

this are the highway and…

Taken in Los Turas Park,

fifty-one miles north of


Left side, Wm Hatchards grandson

Mr. McCamant, (Thoreau, N.M)

Mr Wheaton standing, Mrs McCamant,

Mrs Hatchard Mrs Porter peeking over

-bends, Mrs Wheaton - Mr…

Chas., Mrs Hatchard and

two Perry children near

some of the adobe buildings

in Fort McDowell Reservation.

(around Dec. 18 - 1926)

Near here we had our

picnic dinner to which

all of us did ample

justice, after the shake


Roosevelt Dam Trip

Quite a number of Apache

Indians live around Miami, Arizona.

The Apaches are very

nomadic, consequently their

homes are among the very

most primitive ^ones you find in


I believe this type is…

Looking toward Camel Back

Mountain, with O'Brien

Camp pretty well up-grade.

At this point we met an

Indian-like woman who

greeted us pleasantly. We

found she lived in one of

the cottages which attracted

us to this vicinty and…
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